2024 Staff Bios - Camp Ramah Wisconsin (2024)

Adir Abaiev Mishlachat – Sports
From Mazkeret Batya, Israel, Adir is spending his first summer at Camp Ramah in Wisconsin and recently served two and a half years in the IDF.

Dr. Andy Abeles Doctor
A veteran camper and staff member, Andy is now an anesthesiologist based in Columbus, Ohio. He earned his MD from the University of Missouri-Columbia school of medicine.

Tair Adani Hacohen Mishlachat – Studio Arts
Tair joins us from Israel for her first summer on staff. She currently works in an elementary school as robotics teacher, but art has always been her great passion. She will be starting her academic studies at Betzalel Academy of Art And Design soon, and she can’t wait to start camp!

Malka Aderman-Alcorn Junior Counselor – Cabin
Malka is from New York City and recently graduated from the Heschel School. This is her tenth summer at camp, and first summer on staff and she is so excited to be back at camp!

Rachel Sabina Aliev Mishlachat – Shiluv
Rachel joins us from Israel for her second year on staff. During her IDF service she tutored soldiers who were on the autism spectrum.

Alex Alperin Junior Counselor – Studio Arts
Alex is from Chicago, Illinois and has been going to Camp Ramah in Wisconsin for seven summers. This is his first summer as a staff member, and he is very excited to be back. His favorite place in camp is the Sifriyah (library) porch.

David Alperin Rosh Anaf (Activity Head) – Tech
This is David’s fourth summer on staff and 12th summer overall. David is originally from the city of Chicago, and spends the year at the University of Pittsburgh (in Pittsburgh), studying Quechua and linguistics.

Rabbi Jaymee Alpert Shavua Bogrim
Jaymee is a Conservative rabbi who has served congregations on both coasts. She is also a fitness trainer, a life coach, and founder of NBS (Neshama Body and Soul) which combines exercise, prayer, and Torah reflections. Jaymee is excited to bring her passion for the body-mind-spirit connection to Shavua Bogrim. She is also excited to be at Camp Ramah in Wisconsin for the first time.

Shir Avia Amar Mishlachat – Sports
Shir joins us from Israel for her first year on staff. She recently finished her service in the Cyber Crime Unit of the Israel Police. She loves sports, including tennis and swimming and she also likes to play the piano and play video games. Shir is very excited for the first year at camp!

Tav Amit Mishlachat – Dance
Tav lives in Israel. She recently finished her military service at the Israeli Ministry of Defense spokesperson department and this is her first summer at Camp Ramah.

Eric Anderson Facilities
A new addition to our year-round facilities team,

Charles Appel Rosh Eidah (Division Head) – Machon (10th grade)
Chuck Appel is back for the seventh summer on staff, and his first as Rosh Machon. He attended Michigan State University as a food science major, and has been working in a deli for the past year.

Molly Appel Rosh Eidah (Division Head) – Halutzim (6th grade)
Molly is excited to be back at camp for her 12th summer, and as Rosh Halutzim. She is from Buffalo Grove, IL. She graduated with her undergraduate degree from Michigan State University in May 2023, majoring in accounting and with a minor in Jewish Studies. This past year, she has been pursuing her Master’s of Science in Accounting from Michigan State, and she graduated this spring. Last summer she was Rosh Solelim, along with 3 years of experience as a chevrati (cabin) counselor in the summers before, and 6 summers as a camper. She will be starting full-time at Deloitte in Chicago as an Audit and Assurance Associate in the fall of 2024. Molly is looking forward to a fun summer!

Dotan Appelbaum Artist-in-Residence
Dotan grew up at Camp Ramah, attending for seven summers. During his time as a camper, he discovered a love for woodworking and art. He studied wood craft at the Center for Furniture Craftsmanship for 9 months before completing his degree in sociology and studio art at Wesleyan University. He joins us for his eighth summer on staff and is working toward an MFA in Furniture Design at the Rhode Island School of Design.

Amichai Argentar Junior Counselor – Cabin
Ami is from Northbrook Illinois. In the fall he plans to attend university to major in something in the realm of biology/pre-medicine. He’s been going to Ramah Wisconsin since he was 8 and this will be his eighth summer.

Brandi Argentar Professional in Residence – Shavua Bogrim
Brandi was a camper for 5 summers and a counselor for 3 summers, and has spent six years running her escape rooms at camp. Her oldest son will be on staff, her middle son will be in Machon, and her youngest son will be in Ruach Ramah this summer. Brandi is a science teacher and an instructional technology coach at Stevenson High School, located in a northwest suburb of Chicago.

Tamir Armoza Senior Counselor – Cabin

Tal Ashkenazi Mishlachat – Waterfront
From Karmiel, Israel, this is Tal’s first summer on staff. He studied at Ktziy Yam Akko naval boarding school and currently works at Lego as a builder and shift manager.

Ahava Atar Senior Counselor – Songleading
Ahava is originally from Skokie, Illinois and currently lives in Iowa City while attending the University of Iowa to study Nursing and American Sign Language. Her family now lives in Pocatello, Idaho. She previously attended Ramah Day Camp and Ramah Wisconsin for a total of 11 years. This will be her second year on staff.

Dr. Steven Attermann Doctor
Steven Attermann was born and raised in northern New Jersey and moved to Florida in 1990. Steven is a practicing physician in Internal Medicine. All four of Steven’s children went to Ramah Darom.

Rotem Azar Rosh Anaf (Activity Head) – Omanut (Studio Arts)
Rotem Azar is from Rishon LeZion, and this will be her fourth summer on staff – her first as Rosh Omanut. She graduated with a bachelor’s degree in education and art from Beit Berl College in Israel and worked as an art teacher in a primary school.

Dr. Loren Bach Doctor
Loren Bach is from Minneapolis, Minnesota and graduated from the University of Minnesota Medical School in 2013, surgery residency in 2019. He has worked at camp in the past on the waterfront and now returns as camp doctor.

Rabbi Ezra Balser Spiritual Advisor
Rabbi Balser is a rabbi in the Fulton Market neighborhood in Chicago. He went to York University for undergraduate studies, was ordained at Hebrew College Rabbinical School in 2017, and is currently a candidate for a Masters in Israel Education at George Washington University. He was a camper at Ramah Wisconsin from 1996-2001, went on Seminar in 2002, and was on staff 2003-2006; 2008-2009. He also served on staff at Camp Ramah in New England from 2010-2013; 2015-2016. He is married to Laura Elkayam (Nivo 2001) and they have two daughters, Sima and Raaya.

Neta Bar-Nes Mishlachat – Pre-Camper Program
Neta is from Modiin, she served in the IDF as an enemy simulator for 2 years and currently works as a book seller.

Eitan Barash Senior Counselor – Shiluv
Eitan grew up in inner city Philadelphia playing all types of sports with his older brother. He attended SDSU for two years then transferred to Stony Brook University where he currently studies a combination of South East Asian Studies and Cognitive Science. He has a long family history at Camp Ramah going back to his grandparents… His parents met there!

Benjamin Barrish Senior Counselor – Cabin
Benjamin is a rising sophom*ore at Northwestern University from Deerfield, Illinois, and he is pursuing a major in psychology. In his free time, Benjamin likes to run, play basketball, try new foods, listen to music, and explore new parts of Chicago with friends. He’s super excited to be back in Conover for the summer!

Harel Bartuv Senior Counselor – Cabin
Harel joins us from Hoshaya, Israel for his first summer. In his military service he served as a commander in a combat unit. Before the camp he studied music production.

Dr. Adam Baruch Doctor
Dr. Adam Baruch is an OBGYN at the University of Michigan. He attended Ramah Canada and his wife Tali (Ribnick) Baruch spent many summers at Ramah Wisconsin. They will be joined by their kids, Matan (5), Lev (2) and Shira (1).

Mia Bearman Junior Counselor – Music
Mia is from Chicago and has been going to Ramah Wisconsin since she was six months old. This year she will be starting college at Bradley University in their Academic Exploration program.

Caleb Becker-Schwartz Senior Counselor – Waterfront
Caleb Becker-Schwartz is from Denver, Colorado and is currently at the University of Maryland for aerospace engineering and astronomy. He’s spent seven years as a camper at Ramah and is excited to return for his second summer on tzevet agam (waterfront staff)!

Kate Behrman Senior Counselor – Cabin
Kate Behrman is a Los Angeles native. She will be entering her second year at Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut, in the fall, studying Film, English, and Religious Studies. She cannot wait for her second summer at Ramah!

Dr. Adina Beiner Assistant Director
An alumna of Camp Ramah Darom, where she spent summers as a camper, counselor, and division head (Rosh Eidah), Adina has spent additional summers at Darom and Ramah Sports Academy in senior administrative roles. She also worked as a middle school humanities teacher and school-wide events coordinator at Beit Rabban Day School in New York. Adina is a graduate of the University of Georgia with a B.S. and M.Ed. in Middle School Education. She recently earned her Ed.D from Northeastern University, where her research focused on staff retention in camps like ours!

Renatya Ben Ezra Mishlachat – Rosh Anaf (Activity Head) – Sports
Originally from New Jersey, Renatya now lives in Modiin Israel. In the Army she served as a commander in the Tactical Simulation Unit. Additionally, she is a black belt in Judo and will be Rosh Sport this summer.

Ayal Shachar Ben Or Inclusion Specialist
Ayal Ben Or is a dedicated professional with a diverse background in special needs settings and sign language interpretation. A graduate of Bar Ilan University’s Sign Language Translator Course, Ayal is currently pursuing a BA in Psychology at Open University Israel. With 8 years of experience working with neurodiverse children and those living with chronic illnesses, Ayal has also served as an inclusion specialist at Camp Ramah Darom. In his current role as a cantorial soloist at the United Jewish Congregation of Hong Kong, Ayal is known for his passion for education and community engagement, serving as a tutor for B’nei Mitzvot and leading various educational activities.

Amit Ben Praz Mishlachat – Outdoor Education

Noam Ben-Gideon Junior Counselor – Pre-Camper Program
Noam Grew Up at Camp Ramah, attending for seven summers. Noam Lives in Roslyn, New York, and attended the Schechter School of Long Island.

Tamar Benson Mishlachat – Israel Education
Tamar is 21 years old from Beer Sheva. She graduated high school from Amit High School in 2020. After graduating she started a gap year in a pre army program called Mechinat Aderet. After the army she did a service in the IDF as a Mashakit Hasbara in the education unit from 2021-2023. After the service she moved to Tel Aviv and worked in an administrative position in the ministry of Communications. Now Tamar works as a co*cktail waitress in a bar in Tel Aviv.

Adrienne Berman Program Director
Adrienne Berman joined Camp Ramah in Wisconsin as Rosh Rishonim in 2018, continued that role in 2019 and 2021, and started as Program Director in 2022. She brings to the role her formal education from Concordia and McGill Universities and experience as an educator, preschool administrator and mom. She and her husband, Efrem, are originally from Montreal, Canada and currently live in Minneapolis, MN with their Ramah-nik children Cassie (Machon), Zach (Shoafim) and Tessa (Garinim). Adrienne’s parenting and teaching philosophy is rooted in love and consistency and empowers children through self-direction and praise.

Rose Bicas-Dolgen Senior Counselor – Cabin
Rose Bicas-Dolgen is excited to be back on staff this summer. She has been a camper at Ramah since her Kochavim summer ten years ago, and came back as Ruach Ramah staff last summer. Rose grew up in Los Angeles before moving to Idaho, and she is now a student at Northwestern University in Chicago studying Theatre and Environmental Policy & Culture.

Natalie Blitt Mercaz
Natalie Blitt is the Director of Academic Programs and Special Projects at The iCenter, the national hub for building, shaping, and supporting the field of Israel Education. The author of five middle-grade and young adult novels, she is also an embroiderer who focuses on embellishing and bringing old photographs to life. Natalie graduated from McGill University and has a master’s in journalism from the University of King’s College and a master’s in education from The George Washington University. She lives in Skokie, Illinois with her husband, Rabbi Josh Feigelson, and their three children.

Le’Darrius Bonner Nurse
Le’Darrius Bonner was born and raised in Louisiana! He enjoys outdoor activities, reading, poetry and having philosophical discussions. Le’Darrius is currently a travel nurse who travels across the United States working in the healthcare profession. Outside of work, he spends his time home being a loving husband and the world’s best father! This summer will be his second summer working as a nurse here at Camp Ramah Wisconsin!

Gergely Borocz International Staff – Kitchen
Greg is from Budapest, Hungary. He is 22 years old. He studies at ELTE, he’s an English major. This is his first time in America and he is very excited!

Avishai Brandriss Senior Counselor – Cabin
Avishai was born in Israel, and lives Modiin. He just completed the Hevruta mechina program at the Hartman Institute, and will be enlisting to the IDF Navy this fall. This year will be his first year working at Ramah Wisconsin, and his second year as a camp counselor.

Lena Bromberg Senior Counselor – Cabin
Lena grew up in Skokie IL and currently attends Muhlenberg College, where she is double majoring in Psychology and Media & Communications. After five years as a camper and three summers on staff, this will be Lena’s ninth summer at camp.

Ilisa Brown Accounting Manager
Ilisa received a bachelor’s degree in accounting from Washington University in St. Louis. She has worked at a public accounting firm and as the controller of the International Academy of Merchandising and Design. Ilisa attended Camp Ramah in Wisconsin (Nivo ’81) for three summers as a camper and four summers on staff. All three of her children, Ari (Nivo ’12), Mason (Nivo ’16) and Sage (Nivo ’19), have attended Camp Ramah in Wisconsin and Ramah Day Camp.

Rabbi Jonathan Bubis Head Songleader

Jeremy Budin Senior Counselor – Cabin
This summer will be Jeremy’s second summer on staff at Camp Ramah following six summers as a camper. He spent this past year on the Hevruta Gap Year program at the Shalom Hartman Institute and will be attending Washington University in St. Louis in the fall studying Mathematics and Computer Science.

Audrey Burstin Communications Coordinator
Audrey was a camper at Ramah Wisconsin between 1992-1997 and worked on staff at Ramah Wisconsin and at the Ramah Day Camp for a number of summers between 1999-2010. She’s originally from Northwest Indiana with a degree in Education. Recently she left education and started a career in high ticket affiliate marketing, mentoring others how to create a profitable high ticket business online. She currently lives in Israel with her husband Netanel who she met at Ramah Wisconsin and their three kids.

Netanel Burstin Jewish Studies Teacher
Netanel has a degree in Archaeology and Land of Israel studies and teaches Torah and geography to middle school. He’s also a financial planning coach for families in Israel. He was on camping staff in 2007-08 and returned this summer with his wife Audrey and three kids, whom he lives with in Kiryat Tivon, Israel.

Miriam Buterman Junior Counselor – Cabin
Mimi is from Chicago, and plans to attend university next year. She plans to dual major in material science and foreign policy. She spent four years at Ramah as a camper, and this is her first year on staff.

Samuel Caplan Chief Development Officer
Sam joined the year-round team in January 2014. Previously, Sam had served for two terms on the Ramah Wisconsin Committee and had been co-chair of Development with Dan Blumenthal on the Ramah Wisconsin Executive Committee. Professionally Sam brings a wealth of development experience most recently serving as the Midwest Deputy Director for AIPAC where he managed an annual campaign of $14M across nine Midwest states. Sam spent four years at Ramah Wisconsin as a camper and seven on staff including several as a Rosh Eidah. Sam met his wife Sarah Ettinger (Nivo ‘98) at camp, and they now have four children.

Ella Chester Junior Counselor – Music
Ella is from Minneapolis, Minnesota. She was a camper for five years and is excited to be a counselor on music staff this year. She will be attending Wesleyan University in the fall. In her free time she likes to do theater, play cello, and dive.

Aviva Clauer Counselor – Cabin
Aviva Clauer is from Kansas City and is a 2023 graduate of Hyman Brand Hebrew Academy. This is her seventh official summer at camp and second year on staff. She currently attends the University of Southern California, where she will return in the fall.

Asif Cohen Mishlachat – Waterfront
From Haifa, Asif has served in the Israeli navy for almost five years. He is now preparing for college.

Ellen Cohen Volunteer
For the past 13 years, Ellen has been working with staff on taking the next step in their professional trajectories. She is the Deputy Director of Data for the Common Good (D4CG), University of Chicago, where she leads science, strategy, financial management, training and educational development initiatives. Prior to her current role, Ellen served in academic leadership at the university’s Harris School of Public Policies, in enrollment leadership at DePaul, Brandeis and Brown universities and the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, and in advertising account management at Doyle Dane Bernbach (DDB) and HBM Creamer. She earned a bachelor of arts degree in Economics from Brown University and a master of public policy (MPP), with honors, from the University of Chicago.

Evan Cohen Junior Counselor – Cabin
Evan joins us for his first summer on staff after seven as a camper. From Chicago, he is an upcoming freshman at the University of Miami.

Heath Cohen Sports Instructor-In-Residence
Previously, Heath was an airline pilot and airline Instructor. He has been a certified Tennis Pro since 1989, along with being a Certified Pickleball Pro. He started his love of tennis at Camp Ramah as a camper and enjoys sharing this passion with current campers.

Rabbi Joshua B. Cohen Field Worker
Rabbi Joshua B. Cohen was a camper, bunk counselor, Rosh Eidah, and the Assistant Director of Ramah Wisconsin over the course of 23 consecutive summers through 2006. Before returning to work on staff in 2021 and 2022, he worked for 2 summers as a Yoetz at Ramah Nyack. Originally from Skokie, Illinois, he holds BAs from List College and Columbia University, an MA in Jewish Education and Rabbinic Ordination from JTS. Joshua met his wife, Sarah Bierman, on the Kikar as campers, and they made Aliyah to Modiin in 2009 where they live with their 3 children, Sidney, Shenan, and Shoval. Joshua just stepped down after 10 years as a Program Officer for Legacy Heritage Fund where he was the co-director of the Nachshon Project.

Dr. Lisa Cohen Doctor
Dr Cohen grew up in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, where she also attended medical school (go Tar Heels!). She graduated from Yale University with a B.S. in Molecular Biology and obtained her M.D. from the University of North Carolina. She is currently a nephrologist (kidney doctor) at Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak, MI. Her two sons will be first-year campers this summer.

Naor Cohen Mishlachat – Waterfront
Naor Cohen from Rishon Lezion joins us for his first year at Camp Ramah. Naor served in the army as a commander in the Intelligence Corps for almost five and a half years. He loves to surf, travel, drive cars, and analyze the stock market! He will be attending Reichman University.

Yehuda Cohen Volunteer
Yehuda is a veteran camper and staff Ramahnik. He is an entrepreneur who has been involved in many industries including real estate, technology transfer and behavioral health software development and implementation. Yehuda received his BA from Brandeis University and his MBA from the University of Michigan. He is a Fellow of Brandeis University and chairperson of the University of Michigan Ross Club of Chicago. Yehuda learned to play tennis (and sail) at Ramah in the 1960’s and is an avid tennis player today!

Lilly Cope Junior Counselor – Cabin
Lilly Cope recently graduated from Rochelle Zell Jewish High School and is from Chicago, Illinois. She will be attending Vanderbilt University with a major in Education but first will be on the Young Judea Year Course gap year program in Israel. This is her first year at Camp Ramah in Wisconsin and she was a camper at CYJ Midwest for seven years.

Noemi Csilik International Staff – Pre-Camper Program
This is Noemi’s third summer at the camp. A Health Care student at the University of Miskolc, Noemi loves working with kids. She’s excited to join the Rishonim group again this year, just as she did last summer.

Amy Cytryn Office Staff
A longtime Ramahnik, parent and grandparent, Amy is excited to join us on staff this summer. Amy received her BA in Education from Simmons College and was a long time special education teacher. She and her husband Rabbi Eric Cytryn live in Israel.

Rabbi Eric Cytryn Jewish Studies Teacher
Eric is a Rabbi, living and studying in Jerusalem. He was Rosh Nivonim 1979-1980. He served congregations in New Orleans, St Louis and Harrisburg. He’s been married to Amy for 45 years and they have 6 grandchildren.

Jacob Cytryn Executive Director
Jacob is returning for his 32nd summer with Ramah – 25th on staff. In 2018 he became the Executive Director of Camp Ramah in Wisconsin and Ramah Day Camp after having been Director, Assistant Director and Program Director for several years. He earned an M.A. in Talmud and Rabbinics at JTS and is working on a Ph.D. in Jewish Studies and Education at Brandeis University. Jacob lives in Chicago with his wife Tamar and sons Sam, Micah and Hillel.

Gabriella DeKoven Senior Counselor – Cabin
Gabi DeKoven is excited to be returning for her 10th summer at camp! Hailing from Chicago, she is currently studying Anthropology with a minor in Jewish Studies at Wesleyan University in Connecticut. When she’s not at camp, Gabi enjoys biking around the city and has a deep interest in archival studies, further enriched by her transformative gap year in Israel last year.

Itay Deshet Mishlachat – Music
Itay lives in Ramat Gan City next to Tel-Aviv. He studied music and computer science in high school and is excited to begin the first year as a staff member at camp.

Dr. Ron Dolin Doctor
A longtime staff member, Dr. Dolin joins us from Del Mar, California where he works as a radiologist. He earned his undergraduate degree from Washington University in St. Louis and his MD from the University of Illinois-Chicago. He and his wife Nikki have three children.

Jeremy Drazner Inclusion Specialist
Jeremy Drazner is excited to be back at Camp Ramah in Wisconsin this summer. Jeremy teaches Middle School Special Education during the year and just completed his 10th year of teaching. He received his Bachelor’s Degree from Bradley University in Special Education and his Master’s Degree from Ball State University in Applied Behavior Analysis with an Emphasis in Autism.

Mollie Dubner Senior Counselor – Cabin
Mollie is so excited to be back on staff as a senior counselor this summer after eight summers as a camper! Mollie has spent this past year on the Shalom Hartman Institute’s Hevruta Gap Year in Jerusalem, and she cannot wait to share all her unique and meaningful experiences with camp this summer. Mollie is from Chicago, Illinois, and this fall she will be attending George Washington University with a major in Middle East Studies.

Hazzan Joanna Dulkin Visiting Clergy
Joanna serves as the Hazzan of Adath Jeshurun in Minnetonka, Minnesota. She received her Masters of Sacred Music and Investiture from the Jewish Theological Seminary in 2004, and completed the Institute for Jewish Spirituality’s Cantorial Leadership Program in 2007. She is an honors graduate of Stanford University, where she studied English, sang a cappella, and led community High Holiday Services. Her background as a songleader, musician and educator led her to the cantorate. Hazzan Dulkin has taught and performed internationally as a cantor, musician and scholar-in-residence and is also a published writer and an award-winning composer. She is an officer of the Cantors Assembly, and was on the editorial committee of Siddur Lev Shalem. Hazzan Dulkin and her husband, Rabbi Dr. Ryan Dulkin, are the proud parents of Zac and Jesse.

Rabbi Gesa Ederberg Jewish Studies
Rabbi Gesa joins us from Berlin, Germany.. She studied physics and Jewish studies in Tübingen, Bochum, Berlin, New York, and Jerusalem. After rabbinical studies at the Schechter Institute in Jerusalem she received her ordination in 2002. She works as a congregational rabbi of the Jewish Community of Berlin and is responsible for the Oranienburger Straße synagogue. She was recognised with the Louise Schroeder Medal for her commitment to democracy, peaceful cooperation, and the equality of women and men in all spheres, especially in religion and interreligious dialogue. She is married and has three children.

Noam Efergan Senior Counselor – Shiluv

Caleb Ellenberg Junior Counselor – Cabin
Caleb just graduated from West High School in Madison, Wisconsin where he was on the mock trial, science olympiad, cross country, and tennis teams. Next fall, he plans to major in math and psychology at Columbia University. He spent seven summers at Ramah in Wisconsin as a camper, and he’s super excited for his first full year on staff!

Riley Ellis Junior Counselor – Sports
Riley Is from Overland Park, Kansas. He will be attending Chapman University in the fall, to study sports management, and marketing. This will be his eighth year coming to camp, seven as a camper, and this is his first year as a staff member.

Rose Ellis Wasserman Junior Counselor – Ruach Ramah
Rose is from Kansas City, KS. This fall she plans to attend Florida Atlantic University for a business marketing degree, as well as attending Istituto Marangoni Miami part time for a degree in fashion design. Rose has spent 7 summers at Ramah Wisconsin as a camper, and is so excited to be back as a staff member. In Rose’s free time she enjoys dancing.

Nati Erlich Junior Counselor – Cabin
Nati is from Deerfield, Illinois. He recently graduated from Rochelle Zell Jewish High School and will be attending Indiana University next year majoring in economics. He was a camper at Camp Ramah in Wisconsin for five years.

Micah Feigelson Junior Counselor – Cabin
Micah is from Skokie Illinois, and will be attending the University of Illinois in 2025 after taking a gap year in Israel on the program Young Judea Year Course. This upcoming summer will be his 11th summer at camp.

Mia Feinberg Junior Counselor – Cabin
Mia Feinberg is from the Chicagoland area, and is planning on majoring in illustration in college. When she isn’t drawing, you can find her reading, playing saxophone, or listening to music. She has spent seven summers at Camp Ramah, and this is going to be her first summer on tzevet (staff).

Sadie Feldman Junior Counselor – Cabin
Sadie is from Minneapolis, Minnesota and this coming year will be a freshman at Boston University. She spent eight summers as a camper at Ramah Wisconsin and is excited for her first summer on staff!

Idan Fine Rosh Anaf (Activity Head) – Tarbut Yisrael (Israel Education)
From kibbutz Maagan Michael in Israel, Idan joins us for her fourth summer on staff. After high school she did a gap year volunteering with special needs people. In the army she served as a Hebrew teacher for olim hadashim and Arabic speaking soldiers. Since she finished the army she worked in various educational jobs, including at Alexander Muss High School. This will be her fourth summer working with Tarbut Yisrael and she is very excited to be back for the summer!

Rabbi Jeremy Fine Volunteer
Rabbi Jeremy Fine is the Rabbi at Congregation B’nai Tikvah in Deerfield, Illinois and formerly of Temple of Aaron in St. Paul, Minnesota. Rabbi Fine was a camper at Ramah including Nivo ’98, Seminar ’99, and served on staff in many roles including a Rosh Eidah and Rosh Sport. Rabbi Fine has a long standing Jewish sports blog TheGreatRabbino.com, a podcast called The Religion of Human Nature, and runs a professional wrestling company during his spare time. His daughters are both in camp this summer!

Dr. Yonah Fisch Rosh Anaf (Activity Head) – Chinuch BaShetach (Outdoor Education)
Yonah is excited to be back up at camp as Rosh Chinuch Ba’shetach/Machanaut for the 1st month+ this summer. Coming from Cincinnati, Ohio where he teaches high school science he looks forward to leading campers and staff on meaningful, engaging, and fun outdoor experiences from ropes to biking to camping and beyond! This will be Yonah’s 3rd year working in this role at camp.

Whitney Fisch Office Staff – Communications
Whitney Fisch holds a Master’s in Social Work and is currently a Wexner Field Fellow and the Executive Director of the Hillel at Miami University in Ohio. Whitney lives in Cincinnati with her husband, Yonah, and their three kids.

Aviva Fisher Junior Counselor – Cabin
From Minneapolis, Minnesota, Aviva plans to take a gap year on Young Judaea Yearcourse in Israel this year before attending the University of Minnesota Twin Cities School of Nursing. This is her first summer on staff.

Giovana Flores Tolama International Staff – Kitchen
From Mexico, this is Giovana’s first summer on staff. She is currently in her second year of psychology studies at BUAP (Meritorious Autonomous University of Puebla).

Adin Fox Mishlachat – Sports
Adin joins us from Efrat, Israel for his first year as a staff member. He recently finished his service in the IAF. Adin likes to laugh, play music on the guitar and play lots of sports.

Margalit Frank Junior Counselor – Cabin
After 8 years as a camper Margalit is excited to finally be on staff. Margalit is from Iowa City.

Valerie Freeman Rosh Anaf (Activity Head) – Mitbachon (Teaching Kitchen)
Valerie Freeman is from Lenexa, Kansas, working inthe mitbachon for her second summer! During the school year she works at Hyman Brand Hebrew Academy in the development department. She enjoys cooking as a hobby and spending time with the kids!

Kata Gabriel International Staff – Kitchen
Katie is from Hungary, and she is 20 years old. She goes to ELTE University as an English BA student. This is her first year as a staff member and she is very excited!

Daniella Gefen Educational Consultant
A native Israeli, Daniella was raised in an English-speaking house in Jerusalem. She served in the IDF and completed both her BA and MA at the Hebrew University, graduating as a clinical social worker and therapist. She worked for 11 years with kids and adolescents with different disabilities, mostly autism. She is also a licensed Israeli tour guide and a passionate teacher of all things Israeli. She has a wonderful partner and three great kids ages 9,12, and 14 who are joining her in camp for their first time ever.

Liron Gefen Mishlachat – Sports

Ashley Gendlin Junior Counselor – Cabin
Ashley Gendlin is from Minnetonka, Minnesota, and this is her first year on staff. Next year, she will be a freshman at American University in Washington, DC, majoring in Interdisciplinary Studies: Communications, Legal Institutions, Economics, and Government (CLEG). She is very excited to work for camp this summer.

Dr. Netali Ginsburg Doctor
Dr. Netali Ginsberg is a board certified Emergency Medicine physician. She was born and raised in Israel and immigrated to the Chicago suburbs in 2000 along with her parents and brother. Dr. Ginsberg attended Michigan State University and then Rush Medical College in Chicago, Illinois. This will be her first summer at Camp Ramah in Wisconsin.

Josh Gleicher Coach-in-Residence
This is Josh’s 12th summer at camp where he was previously Rosh Sport for two summers. He is a Chicago Public School PE and Health teacher and Department Chair at Disney II Magnet High School. Josh serves on the Illinois Association for Health Physical Education Recreation and Dance’s (IAHPERD) board and was named the 2022 Illinois High School PE Teacher of the Year and the 2023 SHAPE America Midwest District High School PE Teacher of the Year. Josh lives in Chicago with his partner and two children.

Josh Glen Senior Counselor – Cabin
Josh Glen hails from the city of Chicago. Josh has been going to camp for 12 years, nine years as camper, and three years as a staff member. Josh has recently transferred out of Butler University and is now enrolled to University of Kansas. Josh loves camp and says that camp has made him who he is as a person. Camp is life!

Eliora Glickman Junior Counselor – Cabin
Ellie Glickman is newly graduated from Hyman Brand Hebrew Academy in Kansas City. Next year, she plans on studying in Jerusalem at Midreshet Amudim before attending University of Massachusetts – Amherst. Ellie is so excited to get to know all of her amazing campers and make new memories at camp.

Isabelle Goldberg Junior Counselor – Cabin
Izzy is from Highland Park, Illinois, and this is her 10th year at Ramah. She loves swimming and Taylor Swift and will be attending the University of Pennsylvania in the fall.

Nami Goldenberg Volunteer

Elana Goldsmith Nurse
Elana Goldsmith is a psychiatric nurse practitioner living in Minneapolis, Minnesota, originally from St. Louis, Missouri and Deerfield, Illinois. She was a camper at Ramah Wisconsin for six years (Nivo 2001), attended Ramah Poland/Israel Seminar (2002), and returned to camp on staff for four years. This is her second summer working in the Marp (health center).

Andre Goldstein Studio Arts

Elijah Golob Junior Counselor – Drama
Elijah is from Bloomington Minnesota. This fall, he will begin his freshman year at the University of Minnesota, Majoring in special education. He was a camper at Ramah for three years, his first full year being in Shoafim.

Paulina Salatiel Gomez Rios International Staff – Kitchen
Paulina joins us from Mexico for her second summer at camp. She is from Mexico City, where she studies International Relations at the National Autonomous University of Mexico.

Preston Gordman Junior Counselor – Cabin
Preston is from Omaha, Nebraska. He is currently majoring in finance as part of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Business Honors Academy. He went to camp every summer as part of Nivo ‘22 and even went on Ramah Seminar.

Mitchell Gottlieb Junior Counselor – Cabin
Mitchell Gottlieb recently graduated from Rochelle Zell Jewish High School and is returning to camp for his ninth summer. After camp he will be attending Vanderbilt University where he will be majoring in Political Science and Economics on the pre-law track. Last summer he was a counselor for Ruach Ramah and is excited to come back on staff.

Shalev Green Mishlachat – Outdoor Education
Shalev is from Gedera, Israel. She recently finished her army service, loves surfing and traveling. She is looking forward to join the camp staff for the first time

Steve Greenbaum Photographer
Steve Greenbaum is the founder and owner of Senior Housing Group LLC, a company that focuses on the preservation and improvement of affordable housing for limited income seniors across the country. In his free time, he serves as an officer and member of the Board of Directors of the Jewish United Fund and Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago. For the second consecutive summer, Steve will serve as a volunteer photographer for one week. Steve and his wife, Sheri, live in Highland Park, Illinois with their daughter Jordyn (Shoafim – 3rd summer at Ramah) and Jake (Halutzim – 3rd summer at Ramah).

Rabbi Judy Greenberg Rabbi-in-Residence
Judy Greenberg is Rabbi and Senior Jewish Educator at Hillel at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Previously, she taught Jewish studies at Rochelle Zell Jewish High School in the Chicago suburbs. Judy was ordained at the Jewish Theological Seminary, where she also received a Master’s degree in Midrash. Originally from the Philadelphia suburbs, she moved to Madison with her family 6 years ago. This summer, her kids are in Rishonim, Kochavim, and Halutzim. Judy loves reading and baking, but you can most often find her knitting.

Maya Gurevich Mishlachat – Waterfront
Maya is from Meitar, a small town in southern Israel. Maya was a swimmer for eight years. Last summer she finished her military service and has been on reserve duty during the war. This is Maya’s first summer at camp and she is looking forward to this summertime experience with Tzevet Agam (waterfront staff)!

Aleksandra Guzik International Staff – Pre-Camper Program
Aleksandra is from Nowy Targ, a small town surrounded by Polish mountains. She graduated from the Pedagogical University of Krakow, majoring in Pre-school and Primary School Education. Currently, she works as a Math and English tutor, as well as a translator. She enjoys the outdoors and educating in less formal settings than traditional education. This will be her second summer working on Rishonim staff.

Eliana Halivni Senior Counselor – Cabin
Eliana Halivni blesses us with her presence from Chicago but she is currently attending the greatest school in the world: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She’s majoring in history with a concentration in American studies and minoring in Jewish Studies. She has Ramah Wisconsin in her veins and is excited to be back for her 10th (count ‘em!) summer in the magical northwoods!

Lavi Hammel Senior Counselor – Cabin
Lavi currently attends Santa Clara University as a bioengineering major. He was a camper for eight years, and this is his second year as a counselor.

Dr. Corrine Hamvas Doctor
Originally from St. Louis, Missouri, Corrine now lives in Buffalo Grove, Illinois with her husband and three children. She earned her master’s degree in public health from Boston University in 2005 and received her medical degree from Ben-Gurion University Medical School in association with Columbia University in 2011. This is her third summer on staff.

Alon Hankin Mishlachat – Rosh Tzevet (Staff)
Alon joins us from Kibbutz Gezer for his third summer on staff. He served three years in the Israeli army. He loves sports, landscaping and hiking.

Carmit Camona Hanya Mishlachat – Noam Counselor
Carmit joins us from Israel for her first summer on staff.

Itamar Harel Michlachat – Outdoor Education
Itamar joins us from Matan (a small town near Tel Aviv) for his first summer on staff. In school, he studied computers and biology, and then did a year of service, during which he worked with children with mental illness. After his service, he joined a special unit in the military where he was a professional commander and commended soldier. He still serves and helps the military from time to time. He enjoys basketball, piano, guitar and chess. When he returns to Israel he plans to study medicine to become a psychiatrist for children.

Mark Harris Rosh Anaf (Activity Head) – Agam (Waterfront)
A former Ramahnik (Nivonim 1969), veteran staff member, Ramah parent, volunteer and member of the board, Mark was Rosh Agam in the 1970s and is excited to be back on the waterfront this summer. Mark is the president of Harris Development Group, specializing in employee training and organizational development.

Nina Harris Yoetzet (Camper Care Team)
Nina Gelfand Harris M.A., LCSW is a clinical social worker. She was a camper for 4 years (Nivo 1979), went on Seminar, was a junior counselor, senior counselor and Tikvah counselor. She has been a yoetzet since 1999 and her own children literally grew up on the kikar. She is excited to be working with many of the yoetzim who she knew as campers and staff. During the year she has a private practice in Highland Park and is the social worker at Chicago Jewish Day School (Go Rams!). She also is the lead clinician for the Israel Now program, which is a Chicago Jewish Federation community program that takes 8th graders to Israel. Nina has a M.A. from the University of Chicago, and is a graduate of the Wexner Heritage program. She is originally from Minneapolis but currently lives in Highland Park with her husband.

Halel Hazan Mishlachat – Israel Education
Hillel lives in Sensana in southern Israel. She was recently released from military service in the Education Corps. This is her first year at camp.

Yaron Heiligman Ruach Ramah Counselor
Yaron Heiligman was born and raised in Overland Park, Kansas. He recently completed his junior year at Blue Valley Northwest and plans to join the IDF after he graduates. He has attended camp since 2011. This will be his first year as a staff member at camp.

Matias Hernandez Cardona International Staff – Photographer
Matias is a Colombian student of Film and TV at Universidad Nacional de Colombia. This is his first summer at camp.

Miriam Herstein Senior Counselor – Cabin
Miriam is so excited to be returning to camp for her fifteenth summer! She is originally from the Twin Cities, but moved to Los Angeles when she was six years old. She has been going to Ramah since she was in Rishonim, and is passionate about spreading her love for camp to others. She is currently going into her sophom*ore year at Brandeis University where she is studying International and Global Studies and Near Eastern Judaic Studies. She can’t wait for another fantastic summer!

Olivia Herstein Volunteer
Olivia Herstein is a journalist by training, and she works as an editor and writer at California State University, Northridge (CSUN) in Los Angeles. Previously, she served as Senior Editor at Mpls.St.Paul Magazine and Communications Director/Webmaster for the Jewish Federations in the Twin Cities. Her experience includes online and social media writing and editing, magazine editing, and custom publishing. She also worked as a daily beat reporter — covering politics, the environment, science, arts and education — for the Orange County Register, Jerusalem Post, Chicago Tribune and Twin Cities Jewish Life. A Bay Area native, Olivia received her bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University. She also studied at the Pardes Institute in Jerusalem. Her husband, Sean, is a lifelong Ramahnik, and they have two daughters: Miriam (senior counselor) and Nava (Nivo). Olivia’s favorite camp things are the island swim and Kabbalat Shabbat on the lower kikar.

Sean Herstein Rosh Yahadut (Jewish Studies)
Originally from Minnesota, Sean has been a part of the Camp Ramah in Wisconsin community since 1991, including three summers as a camper, four as a counselor, and two as a Rosh Eidah. He has been teaching and/or Rosh Yahadut almost every summer since 2002. During the school year he is a member of the Jewish Studies faculty at Milken Community School in Los Angeles, California. Sean holds a BA from Indiana University, an MA from Hebrew University, and a certificate of advanced Jewish Studies from the Pardes Institute.

Dr. Michael Hobbs Doctor
Dr. Hobbs has lived in Minnesota since 1998. He is a graduate of the University of Minnesota, and received his MD from Rush University in Chicago. He currently practices pediatrics in St. Louis Park, MN.

Dr. Sara Hoffenberg Yoetzet (Camper Care Team)
Dr. Sara Hoffenberg is a child psychologist at the Atlanta Children’s Center with expertise in child development, developmental/learning concerns, behavioral difficulties, anxiety, and depression. Prior to co-founding the Atlanta Children’s Center, Sara spent 11 years at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta and was an Assistant Professor at Emory University School of Medicine. Dr. Hoffenberg is certified through the American Board of Professional Psychology. In addition, she is also on the executive board of Camp Ramah in Wisconsin. Sara lives in Atlanta, Georgia with her husband, Jon, who she met at Camp Ramah, and her three children who will be in Nivonim, Shoafim, and Garinim this summer.

Talia Hoffenberg Senior Counselor – Cabin
Talia Hoffenberg has spent many years as a camper at both Camp Ramah in Wisconsin and Ramah Day Camp. This is her second year on staff and she is so beyond excited! When Talia is not at camp, she is earning a degree in Forensic Psychology and Jewish Studies from Trinity College in Hartford, CT!

Henry Hoffman Senior Counselor – Shiluv
For the past year Henry has been working in the Jewish community both as a Physical Education teacher at Hillel Torah Jewish Day School, and as a basketball coachl.

Jon Hoffman Head Chef
Jon Hoffman is a professional chef from St. Louis, Missouri. He owns and operates Papa Mark Catering. Jon spent six summers as a camper at Ramah Wisconsin from 1993-1998, and went on Ramah Seminar in 1999. This summer will be his sixth summer on staff at camp. Jon earned a bachelor’s degree at Indiana University, Bloomington, as well as an associates degree in culinary arts and hospitality management from St. Louis Community College.

Leo Holcomb Ruach Ramah Counselor
Leo is from Minneapolis, Minnesota.They will be attending Xavier University this fall, majoring in cell & molecular biology. This is their first year at Ramah, and they are super excited!

Hailey hom*onoff Junior Counselor – Waterfront
Hailey hom*onoff lives in Des Moines, Iowa. She will attend Northeastern University in the Fall to major in Pharmaceutical Sciences. She was a camper for eight summers and this is her first year on staff.

Beth Hope Yoetzet (Camper Care Team)
Beth is the Senior Director of Clinical Consultation at Compass Health Center, a behavioral health organization based in Illinois. She has been a therapist and clinical administrator for almost 20 years and prior to joining Compass Health Center, was the Executive Director of Child Welfare Programs with The Heartland Alliance. Beth was a camper at Ramah Wisconsin from 1994-1996 and then attended the Ramah Israel Seminar & Poland program in 1997 followed by 2 years on staff at Ramah Wisconsin. Beth attended the University of Michigan and New York University where she earned a BA in Psychology and a Masters in Social work, respectively. She is originally from Edina, Minnesota and now lives with her husband and two daughters in Northbrook, Illinois.

Henriett Horvath International Staff – Kitchen
Henriett joins us from Budapest, Hungary for her third summer on staff. She studied finance and accounting at Corvinus University of Budapest. She is currently working as a courier and loves cats, She’s interested in astronomy and a healthy lifestyle.

Fanni Jakus International Staff – Kitchen
Fanni is from Hungary where she attends Eotvos Lorand University studying communication. This is her first summer as a staff member and she can’t wait to get to know new people.

Shawn Jones Nurse
Shawn joins us from central Louisiana for his first summer on staff. He has been a nurse for over 10 years and is excited to experience a little bit of camp life and enjoy the summer. Exploring and learning new things are his hobbies, along with fitness.

Jael Juarez Ramirez International Staff – Kitchen
From Mexico City, Jael joins us for his second summer on staff.

Adi Kaikov Mishlachat – Waterfront
Adi is from Israel and this is his second summer on staff. He completed his army service in January 2023. At school his majors were physics and seamanship so he has a skipper license!!! He was a camper in his kibbutz for a few years and was also a staff member for two years.

Dr. Audra Kaplan Director of Camp Wellness and Inclusion
Dr. Audra Kaplan is a proud alum (Nivo 1983) and an expert in the field of Jewish camping, with decades of experience creating inclusive and supportive camp environments. Audra has previously served as Keshet’s Chief Program Officer, Associate Director of Camp Ramah Darom, Director of Camp Firefly, an overnight camp program for children diagnosed on the Autism Spectrum, and as a psychologist at Jewish Child and Family Services. She was also the founding director of Ramah Darom’s nationally recognized Tikvah Support Program. She currently has a private practice in Clinical Psychology. Audra recently received a Master of Arts in Jewish Professional Studies at Spertus Institute for Jewish Learning and Leadership.

Ayelet Kaplan Junior Counselor – Shiluv
Ayelet Kaplan is from Huntington Woods, Michigan. She spent seven years as a Ramah camper, five at Ramah Canada and two at Ramah Wisconsin. After an incredible summer on Ramah Seminar in Israel, Ayelet is on staff as a chevrati (cabin counselor). Ayelet will be matriculating this fall as a freshman at Georgetown University.

Benjamin Kaufman Senior Counselor – Cabin
Benji Kaufman is from Deerfield, Illinois, and is a rising junior at the University of Maryland, College Park studying journalism. This will be his third summer on staff after eight summers as a camper.

Eliana Kaufman Office Staff/Rosh Ruach Ramah
Eliana is from Chicago and earned a BA in English from Tulane University as well as an AA in ASL Interpreting. She works as a sign language interpreter in New Orleans and this will be her 13th summer at Ramah.

Nadav Kaufman Mishlachat – Sports
Nadav Kaufman is 22 years old and from Kiryat Ono, Israel. He completed secondary school at Ben Zvi High School and is currently working in after-school programs in Ganey Tikva. In his previous job, he worked in informal education at Kibbutz Lotan.

Sophia Kaufman Rosh Eidah (Division Head) – Garinim (4th grade)
This is Sophie’s 11th summer at camp! It is also her second summer as a rosh eidah. She just graduated from George Washington University with a major in Psychology and a minor in Criminal Justice. After camp, she is moving back to Washington, D.C. Sophie’s happy place to be is camp, and she is so excited to be able to spend another kayitz (summer) here.

Mark Kelln Rosh Anaf (Activity Head) – Chinuch BaShetach (Outdoor Education)
After 22 years in public education, 11 of those as an elementary school principal, Mark is now the Education Director at Beth El Synagogue in Omaha. He grew up in Wisconsin and attended the University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse where he received a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education. He received a Masters degree in Education Administration from the University of Nebraska and an endorsem*nt in Early Childhood Education from Creighton University. This will be his second year on staff at Camp Ramah.

Orya Keren Gil Yoetzet (Camper Care Team)
Orya is a holistic therapist from Beit-Zayit, Israel. She is trained in traditional Chinese medicine, shiatsu, yoga and meditation, integrative voice and movement therapy, watsu aquatic therapy and water dance, and as a birth coach (doula). She has been working in healing processes for the past 20 years. She was a camper at Ramah Wisconsin for 7 summers as her parents were shlichim (Israeli staff members) at camp and she returned to camp as a counselor for two summers after her army service. She was also a rosh (division head) for Ramah Israel Seminar.

Kincso Kernya International Staff – Kitchen
Kincso is from Hungary and this is her first summer on staff. She attends the University of Pécs where she is majoring in commerce and marketing.

Ruth Klein International Staff – Shiluv

Bence Kleiner International Staff – Kitchen
Bence is from Gardony in Hungary, which is a town at Lake Velence. He attends the University of Dunaújváros where he is studying Business Information Technology.

Yuval Koplovich Mishlachat – Outdoor Education
Yuval lives in Samaria in the West Bank in Israel,in a small place called Yakir. Yuval is a survivor of the 10/7 attack and this is his first summer on staff.

Yarden Korazim Junior Counselor – Dance

Liam Korol Senior Counselor – Cabin
Liam, from Northbrook IL, just finished a Gap Year in Israel on Young Judaea Yearcourse. This is his second year on staff and he was a camper for eight years. This summer he is a chevrati counselor. After camp, Liam will be studying computer science at Duke University.

Yael Kula Mishlachat – Studio Arts
Yael is from Tel Aviv. She recently completed her service in the Israeli army. This is her first summer on staff.

Alex Kwait Yoetzet (Camper Care Team)
Alex is from the Chicago area and currently lives in Highland Park with her husband Jared and three daughters Grey, Ella and Romi. Alex is a social worker who attended Indiana University for her bachelors and Loyola University for her Masters. Alex is a long time Ramahnik who attended Camp Ramah as a camper and then as a counselor for many summers.

Sophia Lamin Junior Counselor – Waterfront

Jordy Lara Lopez International Staff – Kitchen
Jordy is from Colombia. This is his first summer at Camp Ramah and fourth in the U.S. He is currently studying modern languages in the University of Cauca in Colombia.

Ayelet Lazar Junior Counselor – Waterfront
Ayelet Lazar is from Chicago, Illinois. She plans on attending Marquette University in the coming year with a major in Bioinformatics. She has worked as a madricha for 4 years at Anshe Emet synagogue and has been a camper at Ramah Wisconsin for nine years. She also attended the day camp six years prior.

Joshua Lazar Senior Counselor – Cabin
Josh is from Chicago, Illinois, and attends the University of Minnesota where he is studying Sociology and Political Science. This will be Josh’s 12th summer at camp.

Angel Leal Millan International Staff – Kitchen
Angel joins us from Puebla, Mexico for his first summer on staff. He attend BUAP (Meritorious Autonomous University of Puebla) where he is studying finance.

Moria Lehman Rosh Anaf (Activity Head) – Omanuyot HaBama (Performing Arts)
Moria joined camp in summer 2021, while she was living in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, as a Shlicha of the Jewish agency. After four years of teaching Hebrew and Jewish Studies at Milwaukee Jewish Day School, Moria and her family moved back to Jerusalem. Moria teaches drama and literature at Inbar high school. Moria is happy to be back at camp with her three children, Nadav (Machon), Ronnie (Solelim) and Yuval (Garinim).

Stav Lenga Mishlachat – Cabin
Stav made aliyah in 2014 and and currently lives in Jerusalem. She just finished her gap year program in Hevruta and is drafting to the IDF this coming fall.

Noah Leventhal Junior Counselor – Cabin
Noah Leventhal is entering freshman year at the University of Minnesota for engineering. He graduated last year from St. Louis Park High School and has been going to camp for four years.

Tamar Levi Mishlachat – Mitbachon (Teaching Kitchen)
Tamar is nineteen years old and is currently a national service volunteer. Llast year she worked with at-risk teenagers and this year she is working with children with behavioral problems. This is Tamar’s first year at Camp Ramah and she is really excited for the summer.

Joel Levinson Artist-in-Residence
Joel plays guitar and piano (and ukulele and some mandolin) and is the Head of Content for an education technology company. He and his wife have two kids (Hubie and Morty) and live in Portugal most of the time. He has won all-expense paid trips to all 7 continents from online video contests, has lost on both Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy, and he once made a feature film but it totally flopped.

Dr. Arielle Levitan Doctor
Arielle Levitan, MD, is a board-certified internal medicine physician and the co-founder of Vous Vitamin, LLC. She is the co-author of the award-winning book The Vitamin Solution: Two Doctors Clear Confusion About Vitamins and Your Health. She attended Stanford University and Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine, and has served as chief medical resident for the Northwestern University McGaw Medical Center’s Evanston Hospital Program and as a clinical instructor for its medical school. Dr. Levitan currently practices general internal medicine on the North Shore of Chicago where she teaches medical students on-site. She enjoys cooking, cardio tennis, running, being a soccer mom (sometimes), and spending time with her three kids and husband, also a doctor of internal medicine.

Jane Levitan Senior Counselor – Cabin
Janie Levitan is from Highland Park, Illinois. She’s been going to camp since she was 10 years old. Janie is a student at the University of Texas at Austin, and spent a gap year in Israel.

Simon Levitan Junior Counselor – Cabin

Dr. Victor Levitan Doctor
Dr. Levitan is a primary care physician in Highland Park, Illinois. He is board-certified in internal medicine. He received his medical degree from the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine and completed a residency in Internal Medicine at McGaw Medical Center of Northwestern University. Dr. Levitan is a native of Highland Park where he continues to live with his wife, Arielle, also a practicing physician, and their three children. In his free time, he competes on various sports teams and enjoys spending time in nature.

Elena Levitt Jewish Studies
Elena Levitt is from Minneapolis, MN. She graduated from the American Jewish University with an MA in Jewish Education, and she also has degrees in Journalism and Political Science. Elena has taught at Heilicher Minneapolis Jewish Day School for sixteen years. This is her third year on the Yahadut staff at camp, but she also helped out in the kitchen in the summer of 2021! Elena’s two daughters are also excited to be back at camp again.

Jessica Levitt Rosh Eidah (Division Head) – Nivonim (11th grade)
Jess just graduated from the Ohio State University in December 2023 with a degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering. She will be moving to Chicago, Illinois in the fall to pursue a career in engineering. Jess has been spending her summers at Camp Ramah since 2011, and this is her second summer as a rosh eidah.

Hemdat Gila Lichterman Mishlachat – Israel Education
Hemdat is from Rehovot, Israel. She did her national service as a trip leader in the national park Neot kdomim. This is her first year at camp and she is so excited!!

Meira Lieberman Junior Counselor – Cabin
Meira lives in Deerfield, Illinois where she attended Rochelle Zell Jewish High School for the past four years of high school. In the fall, she will be attending Tulane University in New Orleans where she plans to major in Psychology with interest in criminology. Meira has attended Camp Ramah in Wisconsin for around nine years as a camper and additional years as a Rishonim camper.

Laeh Litin Infirmary Administrator
Laeh is a veteran staff member who has worked in numerous areas of camp over the years. Aside from her 46 years at camp (6 as a camper), Laeh has lived in Chicago her entire life. She earned degrees in Dietetics, Sociology, and Athletic Training from UIC. After 25 years at Gordon Tech High School, she moved to her current job at Rochelle Zell Jewish High School in the fall of 2019 as the Athletic Trainer, and is now also the Head Track Coach and Assistant Cross Country Coach. In her spare time, she plays hockey, bowls, and is the Daily Minyan Torah reader at Mah Tovu (aka Ner Tamid Egalitarian Minyan) in Chicago.

Jason Litwack Guest Chef
Originally from St. Louis, Missouri, Jason has been a part of the Camp Ramah in Wisconsin community since 1992, including numerous summers as a camper and counselor as well as three summers working in the kitchen. Jason currently lives in Chicago, Illinois with his wife (Nivo ’97) and three children (9, 7 and 5). Jason is a member of the Camp Ramah Board of Directors.

Julia Lugosi International Staff – Pre-Camper Program
Julia joins us from Budapest, Hungary for her fourth year on staff. She studied English and American studies at university. During the year she works in a family resort in Austria.

Brandi Luttrell Nurse
Brandi is a native of the Northwoods, living in Eagle River, Wisconsin. She is the granddaughter of George and Mary Merkel. She lives with her husband Shaun, son Buck and daughter Amber and two dogs. She is finishing her associates degree for nursing (RN) in fall of 2024 at Nicolet Area Technical College. Brandi obtained her Practical Nursing degree in April 2023.

Jack Lutzker Ruach Ramah Counselor

Alexandra Mackay Infirmary Aide
Alex Mackay, originally from the greater Boston area, graduated from the University of Maine in 2022 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science, alongside minors in Leadership and Legal Studies. Since graduating, she has been working in education. Excited for her first year at Camp Ramah, Alex is committed to fostering a supportive and enriching environment for campers, drawing upon her background in education and her love for working with children.

Noa Maeir Senior Counselor – Cabin
Noa is from Deerfield, Illinois and will be a junior this fall at the University of Vermont where she studies nursing. This is Noa’s 11th summer at camp, and she is excited for another amazing summer!

Mark Mangold International Staff – Kitchen
Mark`s first summer nine years ago started as a brief summer work and travel program but turned into years long fun at camp since then. In Hungary he works for Camp Leaders making thousands of Hungarians` dreams to visit the United States come true.

Hector Marmolejo Lizama International Staff – Kitchen
Hector is from Merida, Mexico and is currently an architecture student. He works in professional mockups creating buildings and real estate developments. He loved working at camp last summer and is excited to be back for a second year as on kitchen staff.

Ezra Matthews-Needelman Junior Counselor – Cabin
This is Ezra Matthews-Needleman’s first summer as a counselor at Ramah Wisconsin, after being a camper for seven summers. He is from Madison, Wisconsin and plans to attend the University of Wisconsin.

Ester Sara Mazo Mishlachat – Outdoor Education
Ester joins us from Israel for her first summer at camp.

Dr. Rachel McDowell Doctor
A former camper and staff member (six years as a camper, and three years as a counselor), Rachel is proud to serve as the Medical Director of Camp Ramah in Wisconsin and Ramah Day Camp. She received her MD from Ben Gurion University/Columbia University in Beersheva (MSIH) and is board-certified in Emergency Medicine. During the year, she works at Condell Hospital in Libertyville, Illinois as an attending physician in the ER and department vice chair. From Riverwoods, Illinois, she is the mother of 6 former and current Ramah campers.

Abby Mehr Senior Counselor – Cabin
This is Abby’s twelfth summer at camp and fourth year on staff. After spending the last three summers on tzevet drama (drama staff), she is now a madricha chevratit (cabin counselor) for Nivonim! She is from Niles, Illinois and attends The Ohio State University as a STEM Education major with a physics specialization. Abby is so excited to be at camp this kayitz (summer)!!

Molly Mehr Junior Counselor – Drama
Molly Mehr is so excited to spend her 11th summer at Camp Ramah this year! She is from Chicago and will begin studying Special Education at The Ohio State University next year. She can’t wait to be a junior counselor on Drama staff for kayitz (summer) 2024!

Abby Meisler Junior Counselor – Cabin
Abby is a first year counselor from Minneapolis. She has been at camp since she was 3 years old as a Rishonim camper. She is going to be a freshman at Indiana University and will be majoring in journalism.

Rabbi Aaron Melman Machon Trip Leader
Rabbi Aaron Melman is the Senior Rabbi at Congregation Beth Shalom in Northbrook, Illinois where he has served for 22 years. He love spending time at camp and does anything to help. He is excited to lead the Machon trip for the third year in a row. Rabbi Melman has a son, Jordan, on staff, and a daughter, Hannah, in Nivo this summer. Rabbi Melman also serves as a Chaplain in the Illinois Army National Guard.

Jordan Melman Senior Counselor – Shiluv
Jordan Melman is from Northbrook, Illinois. He is going into his sophom*ore year at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign studying Social Work.

Eli Melnick Junior Counselor – Cabin
Eli is from Chicago and has lived there his entire life. He started going to the Ramah Day Camp in 1st grade and has gone ever since. Last summer he went to Israel and Poland on Ramah Seminar, and next year he will be studying mechanical engineering at the University of Alabama.

Silvia Meneses Perez International Staff – Housekeeping
Silvia joins us from Veracruz in Mexico. She recently graduated from university studying business administration. This is her second summer at Ramah, and third year working at a summer camp.

Abby Merkel Head of Housekeeping
Abby is from Eagle River, Wisconsin and is joining us for her 12th summer working at Camp Ramah.

Michael Merkel Facilities
Mike is a longtime member of the Camp Ramah in Wisconsin facilities team. For over 20 years, he has worked in the construction business doing general contracting work in the Eagle River area.

Tom Merkel Facilities Director
Tom supervises the year-round maintenance staff at camp and has been part of the team for 20 years. He has worked in the construction business for over 20 years as a general contractor in the Eagle River area.

Sam Milbank Senior Counselor – Cabin

Leehe Milligan Mercaz
Leehe lives in Northbrook with her husband, Sam and her two children, Noah and Maya. She attended the joint program between Columbia University and the Jewish Theological Seminary and graduated with a degree in Visual Arts and Art History, and Bible Studies. She also holds a Masters Degree in Art Therapy from the School of Visual Arts. Leehe has spent years in the Jewish educational world, both in formal and informal settings and is passionate about experiential ed, Israel ed, curriculum building and helping others engage with the always changing modern classroom. She first came to camp in 1999 as a staff member and it has felt like home ever since.

Ezera Mojja Outdoor Education
Ezera joins us from the Abayudaya Jewish community of Uganda. He is currently at university pursuing a bachelor’s degree in tourism and hotel management at Metropolitan International University. He spent two summers at B’nai Brith Camp in Oregon, where he worked as cabin counselor and garden specialist/Teva specialist and this is his second summer at Camp Ramah.

Hannia Monroy International Staff – Housekeeping
Hannia is currently studying psychology at her state university, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP). This will be her second summer on staff.

Healy Mor Mishlachat – Cabin
Originally from California, Healy now lives in Herzliya, Israel. She recently finished her army service as a Hebrew teacher for olim hadashim (new immigrants). This is her first summer at camp, and she is looking forward to the summer!

Michal Morad Gandi Mishlachat – Israel Education
Michal lives in Rishon Lezion which is in the center of Israel. She served in the army for almost 5 years as a team leader for a group of programmers and as a programming course commander. Michal is very excited for her first summer at camp.

Daniela Moran Cumbalaza International Staff – Pre-Camper Program
Daniela is from Colombia. She currently works as an English teacher in a kindergarten. This will be her first summer at Camp Ramah.

Baya Hannah Moukouri Mishlachat – Outdoor Education
Hannah was born in Ann Arbor, Michigan and moved to Israel when she was 5. She is fluent in English, French, and Hebrew. She studied in the famous international boarding school Mikve Israel and majored in biology. After graduating she served as an instructor in the Israeli army for two years. In a few months she will start a degree in environmental and earth sciences at Ben Gurion University.

Roni Naim Mishlachat – Pre-Camper Program
Roni is from Kiryat Ono in Israel. During her army service she served as a commander for girls at risk. She plans to attend university to study education.

Miriam Nankwanga Outdoor Education
From Uganda, Miriam joins us for her second summer on staff. She attended Njeru primary college to study education and currently works as a teacher, planning on working toward an advanced degree in teaching.

Leah Nash Rosh Yahadut (Jewish Studies)
Originally from Lod, Israel, Leah has taught at Hyman Brand Hebrew Academy in Kansas City since 2005. She is certified in the Neta/Bishvil HaIvrit and the Tal Am programs for teaching Hebrew as a second language.She has taught Hebrew language and Jewish Studies in all grades, 1-12.She enjoys bringing to life the love and connection to Israel for all of her students through hands-on activities and immersive Hebrew.

Sam Nathanson Junior Counselor – Photography
Sam Nathanson is from St Louis, Missouri, and is planning to attend the University of Columbia, Missouri in the fall. Xear is going to be majoring in secondary education with a focus in chemistry. Sam went to camp at Ramah Wisconsin as a camper for two years, and went on Ramah Seminar the summer of 2023. This is xear’s first year working at Ramah. Sam is so happy to be back this summer.

Sydney Newman Senior Counselor – Shiluv
Sydney is from Arlington Heights, Illinois. She is currently a Junior at the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign studying Special Education. She was a camper at Camp Ramah for eight summers and this will be her 4th year on staff.

Tristan Newman Jewish Studies Teacher
Tristan Newman is from Omaha, Nebraska. He earned degrees from the University of Nebraska in History, Religious Studies and Spanish. This is his fourth summer on staff

Tamar Newman-Shapira Office Staff
Tamar Shapira earned a Bachelor of Arts in Jewish History from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Graphic Design from Columbia College in Chicago. She also spent her junior year at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and completed the Florence Melton Adult Mini-School program at Anshe Emet Synagogue. Prior to teaching art at Chicago Jewish Day School, she worked as a graphic designer in Chicago and as a preschool teacher at Beth Emet Synagogue in Evanston. In her spare time Tamar enjoys photography, yoga, cooking, baking and quality time with friends and family. She has three children: Avi (age 21), Jesse (age 18) and Eliana (age 15) and a mini goldendoodle named Jonny.

Oren Nochimowski Senior Counselor – Cabin
Oren Nochimowski, who is from Deerfield, Illinois, has spent six years at Camp Ramah in Wisconsin as a camper and one as a counselor. Oren is a freshman at the University of Michigan studying economics. He is excited to return for his second summer as a counselor at Ramah Wisconsin!

Daniella Ohayon Senior Counselor – Cabin
This is Daniella’s second summer on staff after six years as a camper. She is from Minneapolis, Minnesota, and attends Northeastern University where she is majoring in mathematics.

Evyatar Ohayon Ruach Ramah Counselor

Dr. Sarah Olitzky Yoetzet (Camper Care Team)
Sarah Olitzky, PhD, is a licensed clinical psychologist and nationally certified school psychologist. She works in her own private practice clinic and in schools to provide therapy and consultation in special needs programming and supports. She can’t wait to be at camp and help make sure that ALL children are supported to thrive and have fun at camp! Sarah is originally from Michigan, lived in NYC for 10 years and now loves Minneapolis life. Sarah has 4 children, all of whom will be campers this summer.

Dr. Daniel Olson Mercaz
Daniel Olson is the Director of Strategic Initiatives and Research for National Ramah. He completed his PhD in education and Jewish studies at NYU in 2020. He received the Harold Wechsler award for emerging scholars from the Network for Research in Jewish Education and is a Wexner Graduate Fellow/Davidson Scholar. He attended Ramah Wisconsin as a camper and worked for many summers in Tikvah.

Fanni Omray International Staff – Pre-Camper Program
Fanni is from Hungary and this will be her first summer at camp. She studies tourism at the University of Pécs. She is really excited about spending this summer at Camp Ramah.

Jose Ortiz Flores International Staff – Kitchen
Alberto is from Aguascalientes, Mexico and he is studying at university. This is his first summer at camp. He loves sports, especially soccer and baseball.

Shalom Orzach Mercaz
Shalom is a senior educator with The iCenter, and serves on faculty for the Foundation for Jewish Camp. Prior, he served as the AVI CHAI Project Director for the training of staff returning to summer camps in North America, and Director of Education in the Shlichut and Israel Fellows unit for the Jewish Agency. He is a member of the International Education Committee of Taglit-Birthright, has served as a consultant for the Jim Joseph Foundation, JUF Ta’am Yisrael and the Jewish Peoplehood Committee and teaches a course in experiential education at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Shalom was the Central Shaliach for USY from 1992 -1995. He was also a scholar on the prestigious Jerusalem Fellows Program, following which he was the Executive Director for Jewish Renewal at the UJIA in England. Shalom is an acclaimed public speaker on contemporary Israel who brings extensive knowledge, humor and passion.

Dr. Sarah Palestrant Doctor

Danielle Pearl Nurse
Danielle was born in San Diego, California and spent every summer in Ojai at Ramah California. She attended Indiana University followed by Arizona State University where she received a Masters in Speech-Langauge Pathology. After years of practicing speech-language pathology in and around Chicago she decided to make a change and pursued a Masters in Nursing from DePaul University. Danielle lives in the suburbs of Chicago with her husband Jonathan and their three kids Mia, Eli and Noa who all attend CRW.

Jennifer Pehr Program Coordinator
Jen, originally from the heat of Texas’s Gulf Region, is excited to be back in the Northwoods for the 2024 summer. She graduated from Barnard College and has dual masters’ degrees from the ever in the news Columbia University in Urban Planning and Public Health. Jen works as an urban planner and lives in NYC with her better half (JAR) and their 3.5 year Rishonimer, Jamie.

Shira Pellegrino Senior Counselor – Waterfront
Shira Pellegrino is from Overland Park, Kansas. This summer is her second year on agam (waterfront) staff. Previously, she was a camper for six years, including Ramah Poland/Israel Seminar. This fall she will be a sophom*ore at University of Kansas, majoring in Graphic Design.

Rachel Pellis Rosh Anaf (Activity Head) – Rikud (Dance)
Rachel is excited to be returning to camp this summer for her second time as Rosh Rikud! Originally from Mt. Kisco, NY, Rachel recently graduated from the University of Maine with a degree in Anthropology and minors in Judaic Studies and Dance. Rachel has spent this year honing her dance and choreography skills in hopes of bringing campers the best dance experience possible this summer. After camp she will be starting work as an education fellow at UMass Amherst Hillel.

Mollie Penn Senior Counselor – Outdoor Education
After spending a gap year in Idaho, Mollie is excited to return to Camp Ramah. This will be her seventh summer at camp and 1st summer on staff. Mollie is from Glenview, Illinois and plans to attend Brandeis University where she is currently undecided on her intended major. Mollie plays the oboe and guitar, and loves spending time outdoors. Mollie participated in Ramah Israel Seminar in 2022.

Joe Pennington Food Service Director
Joe joins us from Louisville, Kentucky for his 14th year on staff. He received a BA in English at the University of Louisville and studied culinary arts at Sullivan University. Joe and his wife Christina have three children.

Anita Phelps Welcome Center
Anita Phelps has been on staff for 12 seasons, most of which have been in our Welcome Center. She lives in Eagle River with her husband, Don, and has four adult children, three of whom worked at camp for several years. During the off-season, Anita is a paraprofessional for the Three Lakes School District and enjoys her hobbies of crocheting, quilting, and reading.

Don Phelps Office Staff
Don is a retired special education teacher who lives in Eagle River. He has worked at Camp Ramah for 24 years. He and his wife Anita have four children and six grandchildren. Three of their kids have worked at camp over the years. His son Andy met his wife Olya while working at camp. Don spends his free time going on yitziahs (outings) with his grandchildren.

Micah Plofsky Rosh Eidah (Division Head) – Solelim (7th Grade)
From Deerfield, Illinois, Micah just graduated from Indiana University with a Bachelors of Science in Education. This will be his 3rd summer on staff.

Shayna Podhoretz Senior Counselor – Cabin
Shayna Podhoretz is so excited for her third year on staff! She hails from New York City, but spends most of her time in rural northwest Massachusetts at Williams College, where she is majoring in history, art history, and Jewish studies. This will be her seventh summer at camp, but her reputation as the girl who fell off the Beit Am stage in 2019 is still going strong. Her favorite colors are purple and blue.

Rebecca Portnoe Nurse
Becky joins us for her 32nd summer on staff. She was a camper for five summers and participated in Ramah Seminar in Israel in 1975. She is from St. Louis Park, Minnesota and has a BS in biology and a BS in nursing from the University of Minnesota. She works at Children’s Hospital and Clinics of Minnesota. She is also proud to be the eema (mom) and doda (aunt) for many current and former campers and staff members.

Jocelyn Ramirez Cruz International Staff – Housekeeping
From Mexico, Jocelyn is really excited for her first summer at camp! She is studying Design and Visual Communication at UNAM (National Autonomous University).

Joseph Raphael Junior Counselor – Cabin
Joseph Raphael lives in Netanya and is preparing to join the Israeli Army as a Krav Maga instructor after the summer. Joseph is graduating from high school before camp starts, and previously worked as a camp counselor at Camp Young Judea Sprout Lake in upstate New York. This is his second year at a sleepaway camp, and he’s excited to spend the summer at Camp Ramah in Wisconsin.

Sarah Rappaport Junior Counselor – Cabin
Sarah Rappaport is from St. Louis Park, Minnesota and after eight years as a camper this is her first year on staff. This coming year she will be a freshman at the University of Kansas.

Alexander Rich Junior Counselor – Cabin
From Omaha, Nebraska, Alex attended Camp Ramah for six summers. He has spent the last 2 years playing Jr. Hockey in Raleigh, North Carolina. Next year he will either be playing club hockey for the University of Nebraska-Omaha while studying Professional Flight, or becoming a Full-Time hockey coach.

Sinai Richter Senior Counselor – Cabin
Sinai was born and raised in Israel and lives in Jerusalem. She will begin her service in the IDF this September. Sinai was an Israeli participant on Ramah Israel Seminar in the summer of 2022. This summer will be her second as a member of the tzevet (staff) at Ramah Wisconsin.

Emily Rodgers International Staff – Pre-Camper Program
Emily is from Newcastle Upon Tyne (a city in North East England). She has a degree in childhood studies from The University of Sunderland. This is her first year at camp, and first time as a camp staff! So she is super excited for the opportunity and experience that camp brings, and can’t wait to meet everyone! Emily volunteers as a brownie leader with Girlguiding UK. In her spare time, she enjoys listening to music, and loves going to concerts!

Aneth Rodriguez Lopez International Staff – Housekeeping
Aneth joins us from Mexico for her second summer on staff.

Omer Roi Mishlachat – Outdoor Education
Omer lives in Mitzpe Netofa, which is a small village in the north of Israel. She has 5 siblings. She attended Kol Ami Kiryat Anavim gap year, run by the Jewish Agency, that includes Israelis and Jews from the diaspora. She served in the Intelligence force in the north and in the west bank for 2 years and 8 months. She finished her army service in January 2024 and since then she serves in reserves in the Intelligence force of the north region. She will be attending camp for the first time this summer.

Elliot Roman Pianist
Elliot is thrilled to be joining the Camp Ramah in Wisconsin staff this summer! A NYC-area native, Elliot recently graduated from the Manhattan School of Music with his master’s in classical composition. He is the pianist for many NYC based Jewish organizations such as the JTS H.L. Miller Cantorial School, the Zamir Choral Foundation, and The Reform Temple of Rockland and conducts the Bergen County NJ chapter of HaZamir.

Ellior Rose Senior Counselor – Sports
Ellior Rose is from Cleveland, Ohio and attends Case Western Reserve University. She is a rising junior studying nutrition and is a member of the varsity women’s tennis team. This will be her 10th year at camp and third year on staff.

Levi Rose Senior Counselor – Woodworking
Levi is a student at Washington University in St. Louis who will be completing the BS/MS program in Computer Science this upcoming year. He is originally from St. Louis and attended camp every summer as a camper until his Nivo summer in 2018. He has worked 2 previous summers in Nagarut and will continue this summer. He is excited to return to camp this kayitz (summer)!

Zakai Rose Jewish Studies Teacher/Mercaz

Allie Rosen Inclusion Consultant

Ann Lesley Rosen Communications and Development Manager
Ann Lesley was a camper for two summers, participated in Ramah Israel Seminar in 1997, and is now in her 23rd summer on staff. She joined the year-round staff team in 2010. She earned a BA in music and English from Lake Forest College and an MFA in creative writing and poetry from the University of Missouri in St. Louis. Originally from St. Louis, she and her husband Scott now live in Buffalo Grove, Illinois with their four children and two dogs.

Ilex Rosen Junior Counselor – Cabin
Ilex (ae/aer pronouns) has been going to camp for most of aer life! Ae is originally from St. Louis, Missouri but has lived in the suburbs of Chicago for over half of aer life. Ilex will be attending University of Wisconsin – La Crosse, majoring in theatre arts with an emphasis in stage management, as well as physics.

Scott Rosen Summer Operations Manager
This will be Scott’s 24th summer on staff after being a camper for two summers. Inside and outside of camp, Scott has dedicated his work to youth with special needs. He currently is a teacher at Rondout Elementary School north of Chicago. Scott met his wife Ann Lesley when they were both in Nivonim and he proposed to her on the shore of Lake Buckatabon.

Sheri Rosen Rosh Anaf (Activity Head) – Mitbachon (Teaching Kitchen)
Sheri is excited to be back for her second summer at Ramah Wisconsin! She lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota with her husband Jeremie and two current Ramah campers, Corban (Shoafim) and Dara (Garinim). Sheri grew up in Grand Rapids, Michigan and attended the University of Michigan, earning a BS in Computer Science. Sheri was a camper and staff at Camp Tamarack in Michigan for eight years.

Zach Rosen Coach-in-Residence

Dr. Ari Rosenberg Doctor
Dr. Ari Rosenberg is an internal medicine physician in Chicago. He received his medical degree from Tel Aviv University American Student Program followed by residency at the University of Illinois at Chicago. This is his third year as a physician at Camp Ramah in Wisconsin.

Stephen Rosenberg Senior Counselof – Woodworking
Stephen is a senior Counselor working in Nagarut at Camp Ramah. He is from St. Louis Missouri and has attended camp every year since Kochavim. Stephen is currently studying Mechanical and Aerospace engineering at the University of Florida.

Emma Rosenthal Junior Counselor – Waterfront
Emma Rosenthal is from Leawood, Kansas. She attended Hyman Brand Hebrew Academy, and will be attending Ithaca College in the Fall. She has worked with kids in different settings. Some of those include Hebrew school, at special ed soccer programs, and babysitting.

Jonathan Ross Rosh Hanhallah
Jon Adam Ross (JAR) started out as a camper in 1992 and never left. Outside of camp, JAR is the executive director of the Inheritance Theater Project, a national non-profit arts organization that bridges societal divisions. A PBS documentary about JAR’s work recently won an Emmy Award. This summer JAR will be supporting the Roshei Eidah and the administrative and program teams.

Elisa Rotman Yoetzet (Camper Care Team)
Elisa grew up in Massachusetts and attended Camp Ramah in New England as a camper and counselor. This is Elisa’s 9th summer working at camp as a yoetzet. Elisa previously worked as a school social worker at the Solomon Schechter Day School in Northbrook, Illinois and is currently in private practice. Elisa has two children, Jordan and Hannah who have loved their time at Camp Ramah in Wisconsin. Elisa is married to Rabbi Aaron Melman who loves being at Camp Ramah the most!

Dr. Ari Rubenfeld Doctor
Dr. Rubenfeld lives in Chicago, but originated from Upstate New York. He has been doctoring at Camp since 2011 and currently works at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

Robin Rubenstein Family Engagement Director
Robin is originally from suburban Chicago. She graduated from the Joint Program of the Jewish Theological Seminary and Columbia University in 1996 with degrees in Talmud and political science. Robin currently lives in West Bloomfield, Michigan with her husband Steven and their children, Ari (Nivonim 2017) and Tali (Nivonim 2020).

Tali Rubenstein Ruach Ramah Counselor
Tali Rubenstein is from West Bloomfield, Michigan. She currently is a junior at Indiana University studying Tourism, Hospitality, and Event Management and Sports Marketing & Management. She was a camper at camp for 7 years and this summer will be her third summer on staff.

Henry Salita Junior Counselor – Cabin
Henry is from Minnetonka Minnesota, and plans on studying Biomedical Engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The past few summers he has been a lifeguard, and he is very excited to come back for his ninth summer at Ramah Wisconsin (camper and staff).

German Sanchez Manzano International Staff – Kitchen
German comes from Puebla, Mexico. He is currently studying Clinical Nutrition at the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP), which has taught him how to treat patients who are suffering from an illness. He has previously dedicated himself to working at a Mexican food stand in the kitchen, but also as a waiter. He is in his first year as a camp staff in the kitchen area.

Hazzan Jacob Sandler Volunteer

Liran Sasson Mishlachat – Outdoor Education
Liran is from Rishon LeZion in Israel, and this is his first summer on staff. He was a guide in the Mashatzim youth group in Israel and instructed navigation and hiking courses. In October, he will start his university studies at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. He loves to go camping with his family and to hike on the Shvil Israel.

Nadav Savaya Senior Educator
Nadav was born and raised in Israel and first had his eyes opened to all the potential of Judaism and learning from and with Diaspora Jewry when he attended a summer camp in Arizona as a shaliach, fresh out of his military service. He has since been a shaliach on campus at Stanford University, and a Senior shaliach in New York. Nadav currently works for the Jewish Agency, directing a project that brings gap year students and their Israeli counterparts together. He is married to Rachel and they have three girls.

Rachel Savaya Educational Consultant
Rachel was born and raised in London, England and made aliyah almost 20 years ago. As a qualified teacher, licensed tour guide for Israel and accomplished experiential educator, Rachel has worked with groups of all ages and in five continents on Jewish and Israel education. She currently works at Adam Teva V’Din (Israel’s environmental watchdog) as the Director of International Partnerships. Rachel is excited to be joining Camp Ramah in Wisconsin this summer.

Sima Sayag Artist-in-Residence
Sima is from Jerusalem. She loves, thinks, dreams and creates art since as long as she can remember. The Israel Museum is one of her favorite places in the world. She studied education and graphic design and loves combining them in her current position as a producer of content and cultural events for employees in a government office.

Randy Schelper Facilities
Randy has spent over 40 seasons on staff. In his year-round work for camp, Randy specializes in building and maintenance projects. Randy is from Conover, Wisconsin.

Elisheva Scheuer Ruach Ramah Counselor
Elisheva joins us from Milwaukee, Wisconsin for her second summer on staff. She currently attends the University of Minnesota where she is pursuing a BFA in acting and a minor in marketing.

Rachel Schmidt Nurse
Rachel grew up in Duluth, Minnesota and received her nursing degree from the University of Minnesota. She is currently working on her pediatric nurse practitioner degree, also at the UofM, and currently works as an RN for the Saint Paul Public Schools. Rachel is also a licensed K-12 educator and has taught in the public schools for over ten years. Rachel traveled to Israel for the first time in 2015 and since then has returned many times including as a birthright trip leader for ages 22-26. She had never been to camp before and is thrilled to join Ramah for her first Jewish camp experience alongside her 2 children.

Carl Schrag Israel Educator-in-Residence
Carl is a senior educator at The iCenter for Israel Education, and he teaches about Israel and Jewish affairs in many settings. He and his wife, Lilach, met in Israel and live in Highland Park, IL. During his first career in journalism, Carl served as the editor of The Jerusalem Post. He continues to bring an obsession with current events to all that he does.

Lilach Schrag Artist-in-Residence
An exhibiting artist with a teaching degree from Hamidrasha Art School in Israel and a MAJPS from Spertus institute in Chicago, Lilach has a special passion for leading collaborative art installations. For ten years she was Rosh Omanut at Ramah Day Camp, and currently teaches Art at RZJHS in Deerfield, Illinois.

Hadas Schroeder Rahamim Yoetzet (Camper Care Team)
Hadas is a Clinical and Educational Psychologist and supervisor. She is a graduate of Bar Ilan University and The Hebrew University, and has extensive post graduate training, most recently graduating from the Middle East Bi-National School of Psychotherapy. Over the past twenty years Hadas has worked as a psychologist in diverse settings in Israel, from home-based interventions with families, groups, schools, shelters, hospitals and clinics. Today she is the clinical director of Merhav L’Noar, a Jerusalem based clinic for teens and young adults that offers free goal oriented therapy. She also leads a team of therapists in preschools for children with ASD, and has a private practice. Hadas spent many of her summers as a kid in the Jerusalem Ramah day camps, and is very excited to join the Ramah Wisconsin family. Three of her four kids will be joining her, Roni as a counselor and Shani and Noam as campers. Her daughter Oriya was a Madrichat Shetach last year and is now serving in the IDF.

Ari Schwab Ruach Ramah Counselor
Ari Schwab currently attends Rochelle Zell Jewish High School in Deerfield, Illinois. This is Ari’s seventh year at Ramah Wisconsin and first year on staff. At home, he works as a coach at his mixed martial arts gym.

Erica Schwab Shiluv Yoetzet (Camper Care Team)
Erica Schwab earned her M.Ed. in special education and behavior analysis from Rutgers University. Erica has worked with our Tikvah and Atzmayim programs for many summers and was previously on staff at Ramah in the Poconos for six summers. Erica is currently a behavior consultant and early childhood educator. Originally from Philadelphia, Erica lives with her husband and four children in Highland Park, Illinois.

Margalit Segal Enrollment and Operations Associate
Margalit received a bachelor’s degree from Brandeis. She has worked as an investment analyst, as well as a legal and executive recruiter. Margalit and her husband have three children, two at the overnight camp and one at Ramah Day Camp in Chicago.

Avi Shapira Senior Counselor – Atzmayim
Avi Shapira is from Evanston, Illinois and currently lives in Ann Arbor where he recently completed his junior year at the University of Michigan. Avi is majoring in Cognitive Science with a minor in Judaic Studies. This will be his 12th summer at camp and fourth summer on staff. Avi dearly loves his golden-doodle named Jonny.

Jesse Shapira Junior Counselor – Cabin
Jesse Shapira recently graduated from Rochelle Zell Jewish High School. He’s from Evanston, Illinois and this is his 11th summer at Camp Ramah in Wisconsin and first year as a staff member. He plans on taking a gap year in Israel next fall with the Young Judea Yearcourse program and is still deciding where he will be attending college.

Jacob Shapiro Consultant – Nagarut (Woodworking)
Jacob lives in Skevanston, Illinois with his wife Miranda and sons Sidney and Asa. Jacob has a BA in Architecture from Princeton University and is the owner of Vero Design + Build. Jacob has been coming to camp for a very long time.

Gabriel Shapps Senior Counselor – Cabin
Gabe is from Chicago, Illinois. He will be entering his sophom*ore year this fall at the University of Denver studying history. Gabe was a camper at camp for seven years and this summer will be his second summer on staff.

Ethan Sharp Rosh Eidah (Division Head) – Bogrim (9th grade)
Ethan is coming back on staff for his fourth summer at Ramah Wisconsin. He is originally from La Crescenta, California, and had spent many summers as a camper and counselor at Ramah California. He graduated from University of Wisconsin – Madison and is now a math teacher at La Follette High School in Madison, WI.

Mishel Sherman Mishlachat – Cabin
From Herzeliya, Israel, this will be Mishel’s 3rd summer on staff. During her army service she worked as a behavior analyst, and will attend university next year, majoring in psychology.

Yahav Rachel Shuster Mishlachat – Outdoor Education
Yahav lives in Shoham, Israel, she is 22 years old. She is engaged in informal education and recently finished instructing in a pre-military leadership academy. She has experience and contact with the Diaspora Jewish communities and is excited for camp!

Andrew Silberman Outdoor Education
Andrew grew up in Buffalo Grove, Illinois. After moving to Israel in 2021, he served for 2 years as a Paratrooper in the IDF. After being released last summer, Andrew planned to begin studies at Reichman University in Herzliya; however, since October 7th he has been serving as a reservist on the border with Lebanon and in Gaza. He hopes to begin studies this October.

Aaron Silver Professional Papercutting Artist in Residence, Shavua Bogrim
Aaron lives in Minneapolis but is from the New York City area, where he also attended Columbia and lived for a decade after college. He’s been making art for over three decades, working mostly in paper and clay (and sometimes metal). He also runs his own freelance business as a website developer, boards dogs in his home, and has two children (ages 13 and 16).

Meira Silverstein Musical Director-in-Residence
Meira Silverstein is a professional violinist who performs regularly with the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra and Minnesota Orchestra. A graduate of Yale (MM ’04) and Mannes College of Music (BM ’01), she counts as one of her more formative experiences her gap year in Israel (’01-’02) where she split her time between studies at the Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem and lessons with Chaim Taub, former Concertmaster of the Israel Philharmonic in Tel-Aviv. This will be her ninth year on staff. Her two children, Dani and Adinah, consider Ramah Wisconsin their summer home and plan to continue yearly for the rest of their lives.

Rita Simon International Staff – Kitchen
Rita joins us from Hungary for her sixth summer on staff. She studied history at the University of Pecs, Hungary. She then worked in a few hotels as a front desk receptionist before starting her current position at Aldi Hungary.

Heidi Simons Yoetzet (Camper Care Team)
Heidi Simons hails from Lexington, Kentucky, where she is a 5th grade teacher. Heidi spent six summers at Camp Ramah in Wisconsin as a camper and this will be her tenth summer on staff, having been a counselor, rosh eidah (unit head), planned various trips, helped run Ruach Ramah, and served as a yoetzet. She is excited to be back at camp with her children Adina (age 6) and Ezra (age 3).

Anthony Sisler-Newman Shavua Bogrim

Haley Sisler-Newman Shavua Bogrim

Galia Slonim-Levi Ruach Ramah Counselor
Galia is excited to return to Camp Ramah for her first summer on staff after two years as a camper. Galia lives in Skokie, Illinois and is entering her senior year at Rochelle Zell Jewish High School.

Luz Sosa Xoxotla International Staff – Kitchen

Samuel Speed International Staff – Pre-Camper Program
Samuel is a versatile British actor, director and drama teacher with extensive training in his field. He completed his acting studies at East 15 Acting School in London and later received a First-Class Honours bachelor’s degree in Community Theatre from the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire. With over nine years of experience, he has honed his skills as both a theatre director and acting coach, working with children of all ages. For the past five years, Samuel has been living in Hong Kong, where he has shared his passion for performance in various local and international educational settings.

Sarah Spellman Assistant Director of Development and Alumni Relations

Phoebe Spinnell Junior Counselor – Cabin
Phoebe comes to camp from northern NJ!! She has been part of the Ramah Wisconsin community for the past three years and is greatly looking forward to the upcoming summer,

Mandy Spiwak Nurse
Mandy is so excited to return to camp for her second summer as the camp nurse! She lives in Deerfield, Illinois with her husband, two daughters (both Ramah campers), and goldendoodle. While not at camp, she works for Endeavor Health. She is looking forward to a great summer!

Avi Stein Yoetz (Camper Care Team)
Avi is originally from Columbus, Ohio and currently lives in Madison, Wisconsin with his wife, Carly, and puppy Lando. He attended The Ohio State University for his undergraduate studies, and received his Masters Degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Xavier University. Avi is a psychotherapist and owns a private practice. He has spent many summers at Camp Ramah as a lifer. He also spent four summers as a counselor, including one as Rosh Sport.

Seth Stein Senior Counselor – Cabin
Seth will be attending Indiana University in Bloomington this fall. He has interests in sports and business. Seth has been a camper here at Ramah Wisconsin for eight summers and participated in Ramah Seminar and the Poland extension in 2022. This is his second summer on staff.

Shira Steinberg Head Baker
Shira has been a camper, counselor and Rosh Eidah at Camp Ramah in Wisconsin. In recent summers she has been the Director of Elementary Education, and while helping in the kitchen during the post-Covid summer of ‘21 she discovered her love of baking Shabbat desserts for 700+. During the year she teaches at the University of Nebraska – Omaha in their Teacher Education program, and decorates cakes at a local bakery. She lives in Omaha, Nebraska with her two kids, Naama and Leor!

Ittai Straschnov Rosh Eidah (Division Head) – Shoafim (8th Grade)
Ittai is 23 years old, he lives In Jerusalem and has three younger sisters. Ittai is going to start school at Hebrew U this fall studying Cognitive Science and Humanities. He just finished his army service in the COGAT unit (Coordination of government activities in the territories). Ittai went to camp for three summers as a camper and this will be his third summer on staff.

Dr. Daniel Stromberg Doctor
Daniel Stromberg is a board-certified pediatrician, pediatric cardiologist, and pediatric cardiac critical care intensivist and serves as the Director of Pediatric Cardiac Critical Care for the Texas Center for Pediatric and Congenital Heart Disease. He and his family join us from Austin, Texas, and this will be his third year on staff.

Ethan Sugar Junior Counselor – Cabin
Ethan Sugar is a junior counselor at Ramah Wisconsin from Evanston, Illinois. He attended Ramah as a camper for nine years, as well as Ramah Day Camp for another six. In the fall, Ethan will attend the University of Maryland.

Attila Sule International Staff – Kitchen
Attila joins us from Budapest, Hungary for his fifth summer on staff. He attends Károli Gáspár University where he is studying law.

Micah Swatez Rosh Anaf (Activity Head) – Nagarut (Woodworking)
Micah is from Skokie, Illinois and recently graduated from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign with a degree in Engineering Mechanics. This is his tenth summer at camp, seven as a camper and three on staff.

Verdit Szmulewitz Junior Counselor – Studio Arts
From Chicago, Verdict will attend Pitzer college in fall 2024. She was a camper for seven years and is excited to be on staff for the first time this year.

Ariella Tabick Inclusion Specialist
Ariella is a special education teacher from New York. She earned an MA in Autism and Intellectual Disabilities from Teachers College, Columbia University, and has been teaching for 12 years. This is her first summer on staff.

Dr. Jeremy Tabick Scholar-in-Residence
During the year, Jeremy works at Hadar and recently finished his PhD in Talmud at JTS. Originally from London, Jeremy studied Physics at the University of Manchester before moving to NYC. Talk to him about the Talmud, egalitarianism, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, and/or Magic: The Gathering. This is his first US camp experience, so be nice! Jeremy lives in Riverdale, NY with his wife, Ariella, and three children: Shaya, Gavi, and Yael.

Hadas Marsel Talmon Mishlachat – Cabin

Mika Tayeb Mishlachat – Cabin
Mika was born to a Mizrahi family and lives in Ramla, a mixed city in Israel. She has volunteered in various positions, such as running a show on the city radio, and working as a madricha in Krembo, a youth movement integrating kids with special needs. In high school, she participated in the Bronfman Fellowship Program, learning about American-Jewish culture, which she continued to do in the Hevruta gap year program of the Shalom Hartman Institute.

Ben Tilley IT/Tech
Ben joins us from Eagle River, Wisconsin for his 7th summer on staff. At the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee, he studies film. He streams on Twitch. You can watch him at https://www.twitch.tv/MrOT5

Marco Tolama Solis International Staff – Kitchen
From the state of Puebla in Mexico, Marco joins us for his second summer on staff. He attends the Meritorious Autonomous University of Puebla where he is studying business administration. He is excited to be at camp to live with and learn from people from all over the world.

Mark Topal International Staff Liaison/Rosh Foam/Office Staff
Mark hails from Rockaway Beach, NY to join us for his 4th summer on staff. Known as “Uncle Mark,” he has the ability to make people smile within seconds. He is our “jack of all trades.” Mark worked for 38 years as a video editor and now spends his days during the year as a children’s educator at the JCC in Harlem.

Sarah Topal Rosh Anaf (Activity Head) – Rishonim (Pre-Camper Program)
Sarah Topal is the Director of Youth & Family Engagement at North Suburban Synagogue Beth El in Highland Park where she works with families and children of all ages. Sarah received a master’s degree in Elementary Education from the University of Florida and a master’s degree in Jewish Education from the William Davidson School at JTS. She lives in Highland Park with her husband and two sons and loves exploring the neighborhood.

Scott Topal Director of Operations
Prior to joining the Ramah Wisconsin team in 2018, Scott worked for seven-and-a-half years with Accenture as a management consulting manager. He has led teams and advised global financial, pharmaceutical and government clients to leverage new technology, launch new internal departments and improve operational efficiency. Scott is a native New Yorker and lifelong summer camp enthusiast. He graduated from Northwestern University where he studied learning & organizational change and business institutions by day and served as president of Hillel by night. He has a longtime connection to Ramah, having spent five summers at Camp Ramah in Nyack as a counselor, s’gan (assistant) rosh eidah, assistant director of communications and program director.

Miles Ury Music Consultant
Miles grew up in Deerfield, Illinois and was a camper for six years (Nivo ’15). He was on Tzevet Muzikah (music staff) for three years, and most recently he was Rosh Muzika (Activity Head-Music) in 2022. He earned a BA in Anthropology and a BS in Statistics from the University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana. He currently works for JCFS as a Quality Improvement Associate, helping people understand and measure their impact on the greater Chicagoland community.

Amitai Vales Rosh Anaf (Activity Head) – Drama
Amitai is tingled to be at camp for his fourth summer on staff, after being a camper since Kochavim! He is currently studying drama at NYU Tisch School of the Arts and is from Deerfield, Illinois.

Natan Vales Studio Arts
Natan Vales currently lives in Chicago Illinois, and recently graduated from School of the Art Institute of Chicago with a Bachelors in Fine Arts. Natan was a camper at Ramah Wisconsin for seven summers, and this will be his fourth summer on staff.

Jordan Vandersluis Rosh Eidah (Division Head) – Ruach Ramah (3rd Grade)
Jordan Vandersluis is from Dayton, Ohio and is currently studying at The Ohio State University. She is majoring in Speech and Hearing Sciences in hopes to become a speech language pathologist. Jordan was a camper at Ramah Wisconsin for eight years and this will be her third year as a counselor!

Yesica Vargas Noguera International Staff – Housekeeping
Yesica joins us from Colombia for her second summer as a staff member. She is currently studying Modern Languages at the Universidad del Cauca in Popayán.

Jose Vazquez Flores International Staff – Kitchen
Jose joins us from Mexico for his second summer on staff.

Diego Vazquez Villa International Staff – Kitchen
From Puebla, Mexico, this is Diego’s first summer on staff. He is currently studying Psychology at BUAP (Meritorious Autonomous University of Puebla) in Mexico.

Dr. Janna Villano Doctor
Originally from St. Louis, Missouri, Dr. Villano now lives in San Diego, California. She went to Camp Ramah as a camper from 1994-1999 and on staff from 2001-2003. She is currently an Emergency Physician in San Diego.

Daniel Warshawksy Yoetz (Camper Care Team)
Daniel Warshawsky is a Clinical Psychology doctoral student at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology. Before beginning his studies, he served as the Engagement Director for the Midwest regions of United Synagogue Youth (USY). He earned his MA in Clinical Psychology at the Chicago School and holds dual Bachelor of Arts degrees in Communications and Jewish Studies from Indiana University. Daniel is a lifelong Ramahnik — as a camper, counselor, and Rosh Eidah — and is excited to be returning to camp for his 15th summer at Camp Ramah in Wisconsin! He is passionate about LGBTQ+ issues and advocating for reducing the stigma associated with mental health conditions. He has received certifications in Youth and Adult Mental Health First Aid, Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST), Suicide Prevention from the QPR Institute, and has facilitated support groups for teens around the country. He is thrilled to be returning to camp for his second summer as a member of the Camper Care team.

Rabbi Josh Warshawsky Spiritual Advisor
This is Rabbi Josh Warshawsky’s 23rd summer at Camp Ramah in Wisconsin! He was ordained in 2019 at the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies in Los Angeles and serves as the rabbi of Congregation Agudas Achim in Columbus, Ohio. He met his wife (former assistant director) Adina Allen at camp and they have two children, Jona and Ziv, who can’t wait to be campers!

Zoe Watch Drama

Julia Weill Senior Counselor – Cabin
Julia is from Omaha, Nebraska, and just finished her first year of college at the University of Denver where she is majoring in environmental science, sustainability, and writing. This is her third summer on staff at Ramah and was a camper here for seven summers. Outside of camp, she works at Eden’s Reserve, an eco-friendly beauty and health store.

Sam Weiner Atzmayim Coordinator
Sam Weiner joins us for his tenth summer at camp and seventh with the Atzmayim program. Sam attended the University of Wisconsin-Madison where he obtained a B.S. in Communication Sciences and Disorders. Sam is thrilled to be back at camp to run a few more laps around the Garbage Trail.

Alana Weiser Senior Counselor – Cabin
Alana has been attending Camp Ramah for 10 years. She is from Minnesota. This past year she was on a gap year in Israel and after camp she will be attending Miami University where she will be studying elementary education.

Meredith Weprin Director of Atzmayim
Meredith was a camper at Ramah New England and was a staff member there for five summers. This is her tenth summer on staff at Ramah Wisconsin. She attended Ramah Israel Seminar in 2000. She lives in Columbus, Ohio and earned her MA in speech-language pathology from New York University. She is in private practice as a pediatric speech-language pathologist.

Moira Wilson Elementary Education Specialist
Moira grew up in Madison, Wisconsin and this will be her ninth summer at camp. She just graduated from the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities with her Masters in Elementary Education and plans on teaching in New York City in the fall.

Julian Witkowski Senior Counselor – Cabin
Julian comes from Omaha, Nebraska. He attends University of Nebraska for Mechanical and Electrical Engineering.

Em Wolff Junior Counselor – Studio Arts
Em is from Columbus, Ohio, born and raised. They plan on taking a gap year in Israel and then going to Columbus State and Ohio State University! They attended camp as a camper for four years and this is their first year as a staff member!

Gavri Yares Musician-in-Residence
Gavri Yares is a musician and music educator who has toured, performed, and taught around the world. He is a multi-instrumentalist and can be seen performing on double bass, guitar, voice, banjo, ukulele, oud, and a variety of percussion instruments. Gavri is a certified public school music teacher in Michigan’s East Lansing Public Schools district. In his classroom, he encourages his students to dive into the vast world of music as a performer, creator, thinker, and active listener. This is Gavri and his family’s first summer at Ramah Wisconsin, but Gavri has worked on tzevet musika (music staff) and performed at Ramah Poconos, Ramah Day Camp Philly, Ramah Palmer, and Ramah Berkshires.

Dr. Laura Yares Scholar-in-Residence
Laura Yares spends most of the year in East Lansing, Michigan, where she is a Professor of Religious Studies at Michigan State University. She researches and teaches about Jewish history, Jewish education, and Jewish life in America. She is originally from Birmingham, England, and yes, she still has the accent. She is excited to be coming to camp with her husband Gavri (music) and her sons Nadav and Jonah (Rishonim).

Inbal Yeshayahu Mishlachat – Shiluv
Inbal lives in Bnei Darom, a Moshav in the south of Israel, near the beach, with her four siblings, and her dog Esty. She recently finished her army service as an emergency counselor in schools. This will be her first summer at Camp Ramah.

Liel Mirit Yosef Mishlachat – Shiluv
Liel comes from Be’er Sheva, Israel. She recently finished two years of national service, first as a guide in the Western Wall tunnels, and second as an elementary school guide. She is currently working as a substitute teacher in an elementary school. This is her first summer at Camp Ramah.

Rabbi Jeremy Yoskowitz Volunteer
Rabbi Jeremy Yoskowitz is a Staff Chaplain and Clinical Ethicist for Corewell Health in Royal Oak, MI who is delighted to be returning to Ramah Wisconsin this Summer. Rabbi Yoskowitz was ordained at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, where he also earned a Master’s Degree in Jewish Education. He is a graduate of Washington University in St. Louis, where he earned degrees in Psychology and Jewish and Near Eastern Studies. Rabbi Yoskowitz has been honored to serve as a chaplain in the US Navy, a campus rabbi in Dallas, TX, and Durham, NC, and as a chaplain, ethicist, and educator since returning to Michigan 9 years ago.

Orit Zaafrany Omanut (Studio Arts)

Yosef Zaafrany Coach-in-Residence

Rachael Zacks Senior Counselor – Sports

Yuval Zahavi Mishlachat – Cabin
Yuval is from Nahariya, Israel. She has been a modern dancer for the past 18 years and a dance teacher for the past five years. She works as a team leader for teenagers. This is her second summer at camp.

Ana Zaldivar Sanchez International Staff – Housekeeping
Ana joins us from Mexico for her second summer on staff. She has been studying International Business at the Autonomous University of Tlaxcala. She has previously worked in a stationery store, and is now doing her professional internship in an industrial company in the area of purchases and sales.

Noa Zerbib Mishlachat – Cabin
Noa Zerbib is from a Yishuv in southern Israel called Eliav. She spent the past year as a Shinshinit in Chicago, where she worked with many different public high school Hebrew students, bringing Israel culture and Hebrew language. This is her first summer at Ramah Wisconsin and she can’t wait for all the amazing experiences!

Ophir Zetouni Junior Counselor – Cabin
Ophir Zetouni lives in Deerfield, Illinois and is a recent graduate from Rochelle Zell Jewish High School. He will be attending Reichman University in Israel next year and will major in both business and economics. This will be Ophir’s seventh year at camp and first year on staff.

Dr. Gilat Zisman Emsallem Doctor
Dr. Emsallem currently lives in Columbus, Ohio, which is also where she grew up after moving to the States from Israel at the age of 10. She hasalso lived in Boston, Washington DC (medical school), Buffalo (residency), Toronto, and Chicago. She is an anesthesiologist and this is her third year as a camp doc.

2024 Staff Bios - Camp Ramah Wisconsin (2024)
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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

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Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.