Fundamentals of Investments Valuation and Management by Bradford D. Jordan Thomas W. Miller Steven D. Dolvin - PDFCOFFEE.COM (2024)

Fundamentals of Investments VA L UAT I O N



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Eighth Edition

Fundamentals of Investments VA L UAT I O N



Bradford D. Jordan

Thomas W. Miller Jr.

University of Kentucky

Mississippi State University

Steven D. Dolvin, CFA Butler University

FUNDAMENTALS OF INVESTMENTS: VALUATION AND MANAGEMENT, EIGHTH EDITION Published by McGraw-Hill Education, 2 Penn Plaza, New York, NY 10121. Copyright © 2018by McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Previous editions © 2015, 2012, and 2009. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education, including, but not limited to, in any network or other electronic storage or transmission, or broadcast for distance learning. Some ancillaries, including electronic and print components, may not be available to customers outside the United States. This book is printed on acid-free paper. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 LWI 21 20 19 18 17 ISBN 978-1-259-72069-7 MHID 1-259-72069-1 Senior Vice President, Products & Markets: Scott Virkler Vice President, General Manager, Products & Markets: Marty Lange Vice President, Content Production & Technology Services: Betsy Whalen Managing Director: Tim Vertovec Director, Finance, Operations, and Decision Sciences: Chuck Synovec Lead Product Developer: Michele Janicek Director, Product Development: Rose Koos Senior Product Developer: Jennifer Upton Digital Development Editor: Tobi Philips Director, Marketing: Natalie King Marketing Manager: Trina Maurer Director, Content Design & Delivery: Linda Avenarius Program Manager, Content Production: Mark Christianson Content Project Manager: Harvey Yep (Core) /Bruce Gin (Assessment) Buyer: Susan K. Culbertson Content Licensing Specialists: Melissa Homer (Image) / Beth Thole (Text) Design: Matt Diamond Cover Image: tbd Typeface: 10/12 STIXMthjaxMain Compositor: SPiGlobal Printer: LSC Communications – Willard All credits appearing on page or at the end of the book are considered to be an extension of the copyright page.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Jordan, Bradford D., author. | Miller, Thomas W., author. | Dolvin, Steven D., author. Title: Fundamentals of investments : valuation and management / Bradford D. Jordan, University of Kentucky, Thomas W. Miller Jr., Mississippi State University, Steven D. Dolvin, CFA, Butler University. Description: Eighth Edition. | Dubuque : McGraw-Hill Education, [2017] | Revised edition of the authors’ Fundamentals of investments, [2015] Identifiers: LCCN 2016059710 | ISBN 9781259720697 (alk. paper) Subjects: LCSH: Investments. Classification: LCC HG4521 .C66 2017 | DDC 332.6—dc23 LC record available at https://lccn.loc. gov/2016059710 The Internet addresses listed in the text were accurate at the time of publication. The inclusion of a website does not indicate an endorsem*nt by the authors or McGraw-Hill Education, and McGraw-Hill Education does not guarantee the accuracy of the information presented at these sites.

To my late father, S. Kelly Jordan Sr., a great stock picker. BDJ To my parents, Tom and Kathy Miller; my wife Carolyn; and #21 —Thomas W. Miller III. TWM Jr. To my wife, Kourtney, and the “three L’s”—my greatest investment in this life. SDD

About the Authors Bradford D. Jordan Gatton College of Business and Economics, University of Kentucky

Bradford D. Jordan is Professor of Finance and holder of the Richard W. and Janis H. Furst Endowed Chair in Finance at the University of Kentucky. He has a long-standing interest in both applied and theoretical issues in investments, and he has extensive experience teaching all levels of investments. Professor Jordan has published numerous research articles on issues such as valuation of fixed-income securities, tax effects in investments analysis, the behavior of security prices, IPO valuation, and pricing of exotic options. He is co-author of Fundamentals of Corporate Finance and Essentials of Corporate Finance,two of the most widely used finance textbooks in the world.

Thomas W. Miller Jr. College of Business, Mississippi State University

Tom Miller is Professor of Finance and holder of the Jack R. Lee Chair in Financial and Consumer Finance at Mississippi State University. He has a long-standing interest in derivative securities and investments and has published numerous articles on various topics in these areas. His latest research interest is the workings and regulation of small-dollar loan markets. Professor Miller has been honored with many research and teaching awards. He is a co-author (with David Dubofsky) of Derivatives: Valuation and Risk Management (Oxford University Press). Professor Miller’s interests include golfing, skiing, raising ­American saddle-bred horses, and playing tenor saxophone.

Steven D. Dolvin, CFA College of Business, Butler University

Dr. Steven D. Dolvin, CFA, is Professor of Finance and holder of the Eugene Ratliff Endowed Chair in Finance at Butler University. He teaches primarily in the area of investments, but he also oversees student-run portfolios in both public and private equity. He has received multiple teaching awards and has also published numerous articles in both academic and practitioner outlets. His principal areas of interest are IPOs, venture capital, financial education, retirement investing, and behavioral finance. His prior experience includes work in both corporate finance and investments, and he currently provides investment consulting for both individuals and businesses. Professor Dolvin is also a CFA Charterholder and is involved in his local CFA society.


Preface So why did we write this book? As we toiled away, we asked ourselves this question many times, and the answer was always the same: Our students made us. Traditionally, investments textbooks tend to fall into one of two camps. The first type has a greater focus on portfolio management and covers a significant amount of portfolio theory. The second type is more concerned with security analysis and generally contains fairly detailed coverage of fundamental analysis as a tool for equity valuation. Today, most texts try to cover all the bases by including some chapters drawn from one camp and some from another. The result of trying to cover everything is either a very long book or one that forces the instructor to bounce back and forth between chapters. This frequently leads to a noticeable lack of consistency in treatment. Different chapters have completely different approaches: Some are computational, some are theoretical, and some are descriptive. Some do macroeconomic forecasting, some do mean-variance portfolio theory and beta estimation, and some do financial statements analysis. Options and futures are often essentially tacked on the back to round out this disconnected assortment. The goal of these books is different from the goal of our students. Our students told us they come into an investments course wanting to learn how to make investment decisions. As time went by, we found ourselves supplying more and more supplemental materials to the texts we were using and constantly varying chapter sequences while chasing this elusive goal. We finally came to realize that the financial world had changed tremendously, and investments textbooks had fallen far behind in content and relevance. What we really wanted, and what our students really needed, was a book that would do several key things: ∙ Focus on the students as investment managers by giving them information they can act on instead of concentrating on theories and research without the proper context. ∙ Offer strong, consistent pedagogy, including a balanced, unified treatment of the main types of financial investments as mirrored in the investment world. ∙ Organize topics in a way that would make them easy to apply—whether to a portfolio simulation or to real life—and support these topics with hands-on activities. We made these three goals the guiding principles in writing this book. The next several sections explain our approach to each and why we think they are so important.

Who Is This Book For? This book is aimed at introductory investments classes with students who have relatively little familiarity with investments. A typical student may have taken a principles of finance class and had some exposure to stocks and bonds, but not much beyond the basics. The introductory investments class is often a required course for finance majors, but students from other areas often take it as an elective. One fact of which we are acutely aware is that this may be the only investments class many students will ever take. We intentionally wrote this book in a relaxed, informal style that engages the student and treats him or her as an active participant rather than a passive information absorber. We think the world of investments is exciting and fascinating, and we hope to share our considerable enthusiasm for investing with the student. We appeal to intuition and basic principles


whenever possible because we have found that this approach effectively promotes understanding. We also make extensive use of examples throughout, drawing on material from the world around us and using familiar companies wherever appropriate. By design, the text is not encyclopedic. As the table of contents indicates, we have a total of 20 chapters. Chapter length is about 30 to 40 pages, so the text is aimed at a single-term course; most of the book can be covered in a typical quarter or semester. Aiming the book at a one-semester course necessarily means some picking and choosing, with regard to both topics and depth of coverage. Throughout, we strike a balance by introducing and covering the essentials while leaving some of the details to follow-up courses in security analysis, portfolio management, and options and futures.

How Does the Eighth Edition of This Book Expand upon the Goals Described Above? Based on user feedback, we have made numerous improvements and refinements in the eighth edition of Fundamentals of Investments: Valuation and Management. We updated an appendix containing useful formulas. We updated every chapter to reflect current market practices and conditions, and we significantly expanded and improved the end-of-chapter material, particularly online. Also, our chapters devoted to market efficiency and to behavioral finance continue to rate highly among readers. To give some examples of our additional new content: ∙ Chapter 1 contains updates on historical returns for small-company stocks, largecompany stocks, long-term government bonds, Treasury bills, as well as U.S. inflation rates. ∙ Chapter 2 contains additional information on advisor/broker disclosures, an updated risk tolerance questionnaire that better reflects the impact of time horizon, and a new discussion on the percentage of float for short sales. ∙ Chapter 3 incorporates added discussion on flight to quality and the resulting impact on money market prices (including possibility of negative yield). We have also updated FINRA bond references and online citations, including updated quotes for figures and examples. ∙ Chapter 4 contains a new section on transacting in mutual funds, including a discussion of end-of-day pricing and fractional shares. We have also added a section that addresses the significant impact of fees on portfolio ending values. ∙ Chapter 5 contains updated material on the acquisition of NYSE Euronext by Intercontinental Exchange (ICE), as well as new information on the NYSE’s elimination of stop orders. ∙ Chapter 6 contains a detailed new example showing how to value the E. I. du Pont Company using the models presented in the chapter. We have also replaced source data for this example using cites that are freely available to the investing public, thereby making it of more practical use for most students. ∙ Chapter 10 contains a new section on using a financial calculator to find bond prices and yields. ∙ Chapter 12 contains new discussion on adjustments to beta (e.g., reversion to the mean) applied by data reporting services. ∙ Chapter 14 contains new information on the acquisition of the NYMEX by the CME Group. ∙ Chapter 15 contains a new discussion on the trade-offs of hedging with options versus futures. ∙ Chapter 17 contains an updated valuation for Starbucks Corporation. ∙ Chapter 18 contains new material on corporate yield spreads and an updated graph of convertible bond price attributes. viii Preface

For the eighth edition, we significantly expanded and improved the online end-of-­chapter material. We added new problems throughout, and we have significantly increased the CFA™ content. In particular, we have expanded our partnership with Kaplan Schweser, a leader in CFA exam preparation. This includes online practice exams and problems. Additionally, our What’s on the Web? questions give students assignments to perform based on information they retrieve from various websites. Finally, in selected chapters, we have included spreadsheet assignments, which ask students to create certain types of spreadsheets to solve problems. We continue to emphasize the use of the web in investments analysis, and we integrate web-based content in several ways. First, wherever appropriate, we provide a commented link in the margin. These links send readers to selected, particularly relevant websites. ­Second, our Work the Web feature, expanded and completely updated for this edition, appears in most chapters. These boxed readings use screen shots to show students how to access, use, and interpret various types of key financial and market data. Finally, as previously noted, new end-of-chapter problems rely on data retrieved from the web. We continue to provide Spreadsheet Analysis exhibits, which we have enhanced for this edition. These exhibits illustrate directly how to use spreadsheets to do certain types of important problems, including such computationally intensive tasks as calculating Macaulay duration, finding Black-Scholes option prices, and determining optimal portfolios based on Sharpe ratios. We also continue to provide, where relevant, readings from The Wall Street Journal, which have been thoroughly updated for this edition.

CFA™ Mapping Consider this description provided by the CFA Institute: “First awarded in 1963, the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) charter has become known as the gold standard of professional credentials within the global investment community. Investors recognize the CFA designation as the definitive standard for measuring competence and integrity in the fields of portfolio management and investment analysis.” The importance and growing significance of the CFA charter are compelling reasons to integrate CFA curriculum material into our eighth edition. Among the requirements to earn the CFA charter, candidates must pass three sequential levels of comprehensive exams. Each exam asks questions on a wide array of subject areas concerning the investment process. To help candidates study for the exams, the exams at each level are divided into so-called study sessions. Each of these study sessions has a core set of readings designed to help prepare the candidate for the exams. We carefully examined the content of each reading (updated for the 2016 exams), as well as the stated learning outcomes, to determine which areas we covered in the seventh edition. Importantly, we also considered which areas might be added to the eighth edition. In total, our textbook contains material that touches over 75 percent of the readings from Level 1 of the CFA exam. Topics that we do not address from Level 1, such as basic statistics, accounting, and economics, are likely addressed in prerequisite courses taken before the investments course. In addition, we present some higher-level material: We touch on about 35 percent and 50 percent of the readings from the Level 2 and 3 exams, respectively. Of course, we make no claim that our textbook is a substitute for the CFA exam readings. Nonetheless, we believe that our eighth edition provides a terrific framework and introduction for students looking to pursue a career in investments—particularly for those interested in eventually holding the CFA charter. To provide a sense of studying for the CFA, the eighth edition continues to include an end-of-chapter case review. Kaplan Schweser, a leading purveyor of CFA exam preparation packages, graciously provided extensive material from which we chose these case reviews. In addition, we have added additional Kaplan Schweser practice exams and questions to our online learning system, Connect. We provide a mapping between the textbook and the CFA curriculum as follows: Each chapter opens with a CFA Exam box citing references to specific readings from the CFA curriculum that are covered within the chapter. The topic is identified and we indicate which level and study session the reading comes from. We label these topics CFA1, CFA2, CFA3,


and so on, for easy reference. End-of-chapter problems in the book and in Connect are also labeled with these tags. Over 95 percent of our end-of-chapter material is related to the CFA exam. We believe that this integration adds tremendous value to the eighth edition.

Assurance-of-Learning Ready Many educational institutions today are focused on the notion of assurance of learning, an important element of some accreditation standards. This edition is designed specifically to support your assurance-of-learning initiatives with a simple, yet powerful, solution. Listed below are the learning objectives for each chapter. Each test bank question for this book maps to a specific chapter learning objective listed in the text. You can use the test bank software to easily query for learning outcomes and objectives that directly relate to the learning objectives for your course. You can then use the reporting features of the software to aggregate student results in similar fashion, making the collection and presentation of assurance-of-learning data simple and easy.

Chapter Learning Objectives Chapter 1: A Brief History of Risk and Return To become a wise investor (maybe even one with too much money), you need to know: 1. 2. 3. 4.

How to calculate the return on an investment using different methods. The historical returns on various important types of investments. The historical risks on various important types of investments. The relationship between risk and return.

Chapter 2: The Investment Process Don’t sell yourself short. Instead, learn about these key investment subjects: 1. 2. 3. 4.

The importance of an investment policy statement. The various types of securities brokers and brokerage accounts. How to trade on margin, including calculating the initial and maintenance margins. The workings of short sales.

Chapter 3: Overview of Security Types Price quotes for all types of investments are easy to find, but what do they mean? Learn the answers for: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Various types of interest-bearing assets. Equity securities. Futures contracts. Option contracts.

Chapter 4: Mutual Funds and Other Investment Companies You’re probably going to be a mutual fund investor very soon, so you should definitely know the following: 1. 2. 3. 4.

The different types of mutual funds. How mutual funds operate. How to find information about mutual fund performance. The workings of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and hedge funds.

Chapter 5: The Stock Market Take stock in yourself. Make sure you have a good understanding of: 1. The differences between private and public equity and between primary and secondary stock markets. 2. The workings of the New York Stock Exchange. x Preface

3. How NASDAQ operates. 4. How to calculate index returns. Chapter 6: Common Stock Valuation Separate yourself from the commoners by having a good understanding of these security valuation methods: 1. 2. 3. 4.

The basic dividend discount model. The two-stage dividend growth model. The residual income and free cash flow models. Price ratio analysis.

Chapter 7: Stock Price Behavior and Market Efficiency You should strive to have your investment knowledge fully reflect: 1. 2. 3. 4.

The foundations of market efficiency. The implications of the forms of market efficiency. Market efficiency and the performance of professional money managers. What stock market anomalies, bubbles, and crashes mean for market efficiency.

Chapter 8: Behavioral Finance and the Psychology of Investing Psych yourself up and get a good understanding of: 1. Prospect theory. 2. The implications of investor overconfidence and misperceptions of randomness. 3. Sentiment-based risk and limits to arbitrage. 4. The wide array of technical analysis methods used by investors. Chapter 9: Interest Rates It will be worth your time to increase your rate of interest in these topics: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Money market prices and rates. Rates and yields on fixed-income securities. Treasury STRIPS and the term structure of interest rates. Nominal versus real interest rates.

Chapter 10: Bond Prices and Yields Bonds can be an important part of portfolios. You will learn: 1. 2. 3. 4.

How to calculate bond prices and yields. The importance of yield to maturity. Interest rate risk and Malkiel’s theorems. How to measure the impact of interest rate changes on bond prices.

Chapter 11: Diversification and Risky Asset Allocation To get the most out of this chapter, diversify your study time across: 1. 2. 3. 4.

How to calculate expected returns and variances for a security. How to calculate expected returns and variances for a portfolio. The importance of portfolio diversification. The efficient frontier and the importance of asset allocation.

Chapter 12: Return, Risk, and the Security Market Line Studying some topics will yield an expected reward. For example, make sure you know: 1. The difference between expected and unexpected returns. 2. The difference between systematic risk and unsystematic risk.


3. The security market line and the capital asset pricing model. 4. The importance of beta. Chapter 13: Performance Evaluation and Risk Management To get a high evaluation of your investments’ performance, make sure you know: 1. 2. 3. 4.

How to calculate the best-known portfolio evaluation measures. The strengths and weaknesses of these portfolio evaluation measures. How to calculate a Sharpe-optimal portfolio. How to calculate and interpret Value-at-Risk.

Chapter 14: Futures Contracts You will derive many future benefits if you have a good understanding of: 1. 2. 3. 4.

The basics of futures markets and how to obtain price quotes for futures contracts. The risks involved in futures market speculation. How cash prices and futures prices are linked. How futures contracts can be used to transfer price risk.

Chapter 15: Stock Options Give yourself some in-the-money academic and professional options by understanding: 1. 2. 3. 4.

The basics of option contracts and how to obtain price quotes. The difference between option payoffs and option profits. The workings of some basic option trading strategies. The logic behind the put-call parity condition.

Chapter 16: Option Valuation Make sure the price is right by making sure that you have a good understanding of: 1. 2. 3. 4.

How to price options using the one-period and two-period binomial models. How to price options using the Black-Scholes model. How to hedge a stock portfolio using options. The workings of employee stock options.

Chapter 17: Projecting Cash Flow and Earnings Help yourself grow as a stock analyst by knowing: 1. 2. 3. 4.

How to obtain financial information about companies. How to read basic financial statements. How to use performance and price ratios. How to use the percentage of sales method in financial forecasting.

Chapter 18: Corporate and Government Bonds Conform to your fixed-income knowledge covenants by learning: 1. 2. 3. 4.

The basic types of corporate bonds. How callable and convertible bonds function. The different types of government bonds. The basics of bond ratings.

Chapter 19: Global Economic Activity and Industry Analysis If you want the supply of your investment services to be in high demand, you should: 1. 2. 3. 4. xii Preface

Understand the process of top-down analysis. Be able to measure the level of economic activity globally and domestically. Understand the relation of monetary and fiscal policies to economic activity. Be able to identify industry sensitivity to business cycles.

Chapter 20 (Connect only): Mortgage-Backed Securities Before you mortgage your future, you should know: 1. 2. 3. 4.

The workings of a fixed-rate mortgage. The government’s role in the secondary market for home mortgages. The impact of mortgage prepayments. How collateralized mortgage obligations are created and divided.

How Is This Book Relevant to the Student? Fundamental changes in the investments universe drive our attention to relevance. The first major change is that individuals are being asked to make investment decisions for their own portfolios more often than ever before. There is, thankfully, a growing recognition that traditional “savings account” approaches to investing are decidedly inferior. At the same time, the use of employer-sponsored “investment accounts” has expanded enormously. The second major change is that the investments universe has exploded with an ever-increasing number of investment vehicles available to individual investors. As a result, investors must choose from an array of products, many of which are very complex, and they must strive to choose wisely. Beyond this, students are more interested in subjects that affect them directly (as are we all). By taking the point of view of the student as an investor, we are better able to illustrate and emphasize the relevance and importance of the material. Our approach is evident in the table of contents. Our first chapter is motivational; we have found that this material effectively “hooks” students and even motivates a semester-long discourse on risk and return. Our second chapter answers the student’s next natural question: “How do I get started investing and how do I buy and sell securities?” The third chapter surveys the different types of investments available. After only three chapters, very early in the term, students have learned something about the risks and rewards from investing, how to get started investing, and what investment choices are available. We close the first part of the text with a detailed examination of mutual funds. Without a doubt, mutual funds have become the most popular investment vehicles for individual investors. There are now more mutual funds than there are stocks on the NYSE! Given the size and enormous growth in the mutual fund industry, this material is important for investors. Even so, investments texts typically cover mutual funds in a cursory way, often banishing the material to a back chapter under the obscure (and obsolete) heading of “investment companies.” Our early placement lets students quickly explore a topic they have heard a lot about and are typically interested in learning more about.

How Does This Book Allow Students to Apply the Investments Knowledge They Learn? After studying this text, students will have the basic knowledge needed to move forward and actually act on what they have learned. We have developed two features to encourage students in making decisions as an investment manager. Learning to make good investment decisions comes with experience, while experience (regrettably) comes from making bad investment decisions. As much as possible, we press our students to get those bad decisions out of their systems before they start managing real money! Not surprisingly, most students don’t know how to get started in buying and selling securities. We have learned that providing some structure, especially with a portfolio simulation, greatly enhances the experience. Therefore, we have a series of Getting Down to Business boxes. These boxes (at the end of each chapter) usually describe actual trades for students to explore. The intention is to show students how to gain real experience with the principles and instruments covered in the chapter. The second feature is a series of Stock-Trak exercises that take students through specific trading situations using Stock-Trak Portfolio Simulations,which can be found within the book’s companion site in Connect.


Because we feel that portfolio simulations are so valuable, we have taken steps to assist instructors who, like us, plan to integrate portfolio simulations into their courses. Beyond the features mentioned above, we have organized the text so that the essential material needed before participating in a simulation is covered at the front of the book. Most notably, with every book, we have included a free subscription to Stock-Trak Portfolio Simulations. StockTrak is the leading provider of investment simulation services to the academic community; providing Stock-Trak free represents a significant cost savings to students. To our knowledge, ours is the first (and only) investments text to directly offer a full-featured online brokerage account simulation with the book at no incremental cost.

How Does This Book Maintain a Consistent, Unified Treatment? In most investments texts, depth of treatment and presentation vary dramatically from instrument to instrument, which leaves the student without an overall framework for understanding the many types of investments. We stress early on that there are essentially only four basic types of financial investments—stocks, bonds, options, and futures. In Parts 2 through 6, our simple goal is to take a closer look at each of these instruments. We take a unified approach to each by answering these basic questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

What are the essential features of the instrument? What are the possible rewards? What are the risks? What are the basic determinants of investment value? For whom is the investment appropriate and under what circ*mstances? How is the instrument bought and sold, and how does the market for the instrument operate?

By covering investment instruments in this way, we teach the students what questions to ask when looking at any potential investment. Unlike other introductory investments texts, we devote several chapters beyond the basics to the different types of fixed-income investments. Students are often surprised to learn that the fixed-income markets are so much bigger than the equity markets and that money management opportunities are much more common in the fixed-income arena. Possibly the best way to see this is to look at recent CFA exams and materials and note the extensive coverage of fixed-income topics. We have placed these chapters toward the back of the text because we recognize not everyone will want to cover all this material. We have also separated the subject into several shorter chapters to make it more digestible for students and to allow instructors more control over what is covered.

Acknowledgments We have received extensive feedback from reviewers at each step along the way, and we are very grateful to the following dedicated scholars and teachers for their time and expertise: Aaron Phillips, California State University–Bakersfield Adam Schwartz, Washington and Lee University Alan Wong, Indiana University Southeast Allan O’Bryan, Rochester Community & Technical College Allan Zebedee, San Diego State University Ann Hackert, Idaho State University Benito Sanchez, Kean University Bruce Grace, Morehead State University Carl R. Chen, University of Dayton xiv Preface

Carla Rich, Pensacola Junior College Caroline Fulmer, University of Alabama Charles Appeadu, University of Wisconsin–Madison Cheryl Frohlich, University of North Florida Christos Giannikos, Bernard M. Baruch College Crystal Ayers, College of Southern Idaho David Dubofsky, University of Louisville David Hunter, University of Hawaii–Manoa David Louton, Bryant College David Loy, Illinois State University David Peterson, Florida State University David Stewart, Winston–Salem State University Deborah Murphy, University of Tennessee–Knoxville Dina Layish, Binghamton University Donald Wort, California State University–East Bay Donald Lennard, Park University Dwight Giles, Jefferson State Community College Edward Miller, University of New Orleans Felix Ayadi, Fayetteville State University Gary Engle, University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee Gay B. Hatfield, University of Mississippi George Jouganatos, California State University–Sacramento Gioia Bales, Hofstra University Haigang Zhou, Cleveland State University Howard Van Auken, Iowa State University Howard W. Bohnen, St. Cloud State University Imad Elhaj, University of Louisville It-Keong Chew, University of Kentucky James Forjan, York College of Pennsylvania Jeff Brookman, Idaho State University Jeff Edwards, Portland Community College Jeff Manzi, Ohio University Jennifer Morton, Ivy Technical Community College of Indiana Ji Chen, University of Colorado Jim Tipton, Baylor University Joan Anderssen, Arapahoe Community College Joe Brocato, Tarleton State University Joe Walker, University of Alabama–Birmingham John Bockino, Suffolk County Community College John Clinebell, University of Northern Colorado John Finnigan, Marist College John Ledgerwood, Bethune–Cookman College John Paul Broussard, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey John Romps, St. Anselm College John Stocker, University of Delaware


John Wingender, Creighton University Johnny Chan, University of Dayton Jorge Omar R. Brusa, University of Arkansas Karen Bonding, University of Virginia Keith Fevurly, Metropolitan State College of Denver Kerri McMillan, Clemson University Ladd Kochman, Kennesaw State University Lalatendu Misra, University of Texas at San Antonio Lawrence Blose, Grand Valley State University Linda Martin, Arizona State University Lisa Schwartz, Wingate University M. J. Murray, Winona State University Majid R. Muhtaseb, California State Polytechnic University Marc LeFebvre, Creighton University Margo Kraft, Heidelberg College Marie Kratochvil, Nassau Community College Matthew Fung, Saint Peter’s College Michael C. Ehrhardt, University of Tennessee–Knoxville Michael Gordinier, Washington University Michael Milligan, California State University–Northridge Michael Nugent, SUNY–Stony Brook Mukesh Chaudhry, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Naresh Bansal, Saint Louis University Nolan Lickey, Utah Valley State College Nozar Hashemzadeh, Radford University Patricia Clarke, Simmons College Paul Bolster, Northeastern University Percy S. Poon, University of Nevada, Las Vegas Ping Hsao, San Francisco State University Praveen K. Das, University of Louisiana–Lafayette Rahul Verma, University of Houston Randall Wade, Rogue Community College Richard Followill, University of Northern Iowa Richard Lee Kitchen, Tallahassee Community College Richard Proctor, Siena College Richard W. Taylor, Arkansas State University Robert Friederichs, Alexandria Technical College Robert Kao, Park University Robert Kozub, University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee Robert L. Losey, University of Louisville Ronald Christner, Loyola University–New Orleans Samira Hussein, Johnson County Community College Sammie Root, Texas State University–San Marcos Samuel H. Penkar, University of Houston Scott Barnhart, Clemson University xvi Preface

Scott Beyer, University of Wisconsin–Oshkosh Scott Gruner, Trine University Stephen Chambers, Johnson County Community College Steven Lifland, High Point University Stuart Michelson, University of Central Florida Thomas M. Krueger, University of Wisconsin–La Crosse Thomas Willey, Grand Valley State University Tim Samolis, Pittsburgh Technical Institute Vernon Stauble, San Bernardino Valley College Ward Hooker, Orangeburg–Calhoun Technical College William Compton, University of North Carolina–Wilmington William Elliott, Oklahoma State University William Lepley, University of Wisconsin–Green Bay Yvette Harman, Miami University of Ohio Zekeriah Eser, Eastern Kentucky University We thank Lynn Kugele for developing the Test Bank. We thank R. Douglas Van Eaton, CFA, for providing access to Schweser’s preparation material for the CFA exam. We would especially like to acknowledge the careful reading and helpful suggestions made by professors John Walker and Frederick Schadler. Special thanks to Carolyn Moore Miller and Kameron Killian for their efforts. Steve Hailey did outstanding work on this text. To him fell the unenviable task of technical proofreading and, in particular, carefully checking each calculation throughout the supplements. We are deeply grateful to the select group of professionals who served as our development team on this edition: Chuck Synovec, Director; Jennifer Upton, Product Developer; Trina Maurer, Marketing Manager; Matt Diamond, Designer; Mark Christianson, Program Manager; and Harvey Yep and Bruce Gin, Content Project Managers. Bradford D. Jordan Thomas W. Miller Jr. Steven D. Dolvin, CFA


Coverage This book was designed and developed explicitly for a first course in investments taken either by finance majors or nonfinance majors. In terms of background or prerequisites, the book is nearly self-contained, but some familiarity with basic algebra and accounting is assumed. The organization of the text has been designed to give instructors the flexibility they need to teach a quarter-long or semester-long course. To present an idea of the breadth of coverage in the eighth edition of Fundamentals of Investments, the following grid is presented chapter by chapter. This grid contains some of the most significant new features and a few selected chapter highlights. Of course, for each chapter, features like opening vignettes, Work the Web, Spreadsheet Analysis, Getting Down to Business, Investment Updates, tables, figures, examples, and end-of-chapter material have been thoroughly reviewed and updated. Chapters

Selected Topics of Interest

Learning Outcome/Comment

Dollar returns and percentage returns.

Average returns differ by asset class.

Return variability and calculating variance and standard deviation. New material: the best and worst days for the DJIA.

Return variability also differs by asset class.

Arithmetic versus geometric returns.

Geometric average tells you what you actually earned per year, compounded annually. Arithmetic returns tell you what you earned in a typical year. Dollar-weighted average returns adjust for investment inflows and outflows.

The risk-return trade-off. Updated material: world stock market capitalization.

Historically, higher returns are associated with higher risk. Estimates of future equity risk premiums involve assumptions about the risk environment and investor risk aversion.

The investment policy statement (IPS).

By knowing their objectives and constraints, investors can capture risk and safety trade-offs in an investment policy statement (IPS).

Investor objectives, constraints, and strategies. New material: updated risk tolerance questionnaire.

Presentation of issues like risk and return, resource constraints, market timing, and asset allocation.

Investment professionals and types of brokerage accounts. New material: coverage of broker disclosures.

Discussion of the different types of financial advisors and brokerage accounts available to an individual investor.

Retirement accounts.

Readers will know the workings of companysponsored plans, such as a 401(k), traditional individual retirement accounts (IRAs), and Roth IRAs.

Short sales. New material: impact of percentage of float on short sales.

Description of the process of short selling stock and short-selling constraints imposed by regulations and market conditions.

Forming an investment portfolio.

An investment portfolio must account for an investor’s risk tolerance, objectives, constraints, and strategies.

PART ONE  Introduction Chapter 1 A Brief History of Risk and Return

Chapter 2 The Investment Process



Selected Topics of Interest

Learning Outcome/Comment

Classifying securities.

Interest-bearing, equity, and derivative securities.

NASD’s new TRACE system and transparency in the corporate bond market. New material: flight to quality and negative yields.

Up-to-date discussion of new developments in fixed income with respect to price, volume, and transactions reporting.

Equity securities.

Obtaining price quotes for equity securities.

Derivative securities: Obtaining futures contract and option contract price quotes using the Internet.

Defining the types of derivative securities, interpreting their price quotes, and calculating gains and losses from these securities.

Advantages and drawbacks of investing in mutual funds.

Advantages include diversification, professional management, and minimum initial investment. Drawbacks include risk, costs, and taxes.

Investment companies and types of funds.

Covers concepts like open-end versus closed-end funds and net asset value.

Mutual fund organization, creation, costs, and fees. New section: transacting in mutual funds.

Presents types of expenses and fees like front-end loads, 12b-1 fees, management fees, and turnover.

Short-term funds, long-term funds, and fund performance. New section: impact of fees on portfolio values.

Discussion of money market mutual funds versus the variety of available stock and bond funds and how to find their performance.

Special funds like closed-end funds, exchange-traded funds, and hedge funds.

The closed-end fund discount mystery and discussion of exchange-traded funds (ETFs), exchange-traded notes (ETNs), hedge fund investment styles, and the perils of leveraged ETFs.

Chapter 3 Overview of Security Types

Chapter 4 Mutual Funds and Other Investment Companies

PART TWO  Stock Markets Chapter 5 The Stock Market

Private vs. public equity and primary vs. secondary markets.

The workings of an initial public offering (IPO), a seasoned equity offering (SEO), the role of investment bankers, and the role of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

NYSE and NASDAQ.New material: acquisition of NYSE Euronext by Intercontinental Exchange, as well as the elimination of stop orders by the NYSE.

The role of dealers and brokers, the workings of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), and NASDAQ market operations.

Stock indexes, including the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) and the Standard and Poor’s 500 Index (S&P 500).

The components of the DJIA and their dividend yields. The difference between price-weighted indexes and value-weighted indexes.

The basic dividend discount model (DDM) and several of its variants, like the twostage dividend growth model.

Valuation using constant growth rates and nonconstant growth rates.

The residual income model and the free cash flow model.

Valuation of non-dividend-paying stocks. Valuation of stocks with negative earnings.

Price ratio analysis.

Valuation using price-earnings, price-cash flow, and price-sales. Also, valuation of a firm using the enterprise value ratio.

New material: valuing E. I. du Pont, a detailed example.

Using publicly available information to value a stock using methods presented earlier in the chapter.

Chapter 6 Common Stock Valuation



Selected Topics of Interest

Learning Outcome/Comment

Forms of market efficiency.

The effects of information on stock prices with respect to market efficiency.

Event studies using actual events surrounding Advanced Medical Optics.

Explains how new information gets into stock prices and how researchers measure it.

Informed traders, insider trading, and illegal insider trading.

Example: Martha Stewart and ImClone.

Updated material: market efficiency and the performance of professional money managers.

Discusses the performance of professional money managers versus static benchmarks.

Updated material: anomalies.

Presentation of the day-of-the-week effect, the amazing January effect, the turn-of-the-year effect, and the turn-of-the-month effect.

Bubbles and crashes. New material: individual stock circuit breakers.

Shows the extent of famous events like the Crash of 1929, the Crash of October 1987, the Asian market crash, the “dot-com” bubble, and the Crash of 2008.

Introduction to behavioral finance.

The influence of reasoning errors on investor decisions.

Prospect theory.

How investors tend to behave differently when faced with prospective gains and losses.

Overconfidence, misperceiving randomness, and overreacting to chance events. New material: momentum in security prices.

Examines the consequences of these serious errors in judgment.

More on behavioral finance.

Heuristics, herding, and overcoming bias.

Sentiment-based risk and limits to arbitrage.

3Com/Palm mispricing, the Royal Dutch/Shell price ratio.

Technical analysis.New material: golden and death crosses.

Advance/decline line indicators, market diary, relative strength charts, and technical analysis data for Microsoft Corp.

Chapter 7 Stock Price Behavior and Market Efficiency

Chapter 8 Behavioral Finance and the Psychology of Investing

PART THREE  Interest Rates and Bond Valuation Chapter 9 Interest Rates

Interest rate history and a quick review of the time value of money.

A graphical presentation of the long-term history of interest rates.

Money market rates and their prices.

Important money market concepts including pricing U.S. Treasury bills, bank discount yields versus bond equivalent yields, annual percentage rates, and effective annual returns.

Rates and yields on fixed-income securities.

The Treasury yield curve, the term structure of interest rates, Treasury STRIPS, and inflation-indexed Treasury securities (TIPS).

Nominal versus real interest rates.

The Fisher hypothesis.

Determinants of nominal interest rates.

Modern term structure theory and problems with traditional term structure theories.

Straight bond prices and yield to maturity (YTM). New section: using a financial calculator to find prices and yields.

Calculate straight bond prices; calculate yield to maturity.

The concept of duration and bond risk measures based on duration.

Calculate and interpret a bond’s duration. The dollar value of an “01” and the yield value of a 32nd.

Dedicated portfolios and reinvestment risk.

Learn how to create a dedicated portfolio and show its exposure to reinvestment risk.


Minimize the uncertainty concerning the value of a bond portfolio at its target date.

Chapter 10 Bond Prices and Yields



Selected Topics of Interest

Learning Outcome/Comment

PART FOUR  Portfolio Management Chapter 11 Diversification and Risky Asset Allocation

Expected returns and variances.

Calculating expected returns and variances using equal and unequal probabilities.

Portfolios and the effect of diversification on portfolio risk. Updated section: the fallacy of time diversification.

Compute portfolio weights, expected returns, variances, and why diversification works.

The importance of asset allocation.

The effect of correlation on the risk-return trade-off.

The Markowitz efficient frontier and illustrating the importance of asset allocation using three securities.

Compute risk-return combinations using various portfolio weights for three assets.

Diversification, systematic and unsystematic risk.

Total risk comprises unsystematic and systematic risk; only unsystematic risk can be reduced through diversification.

The security market line and the reward-torisk ratio.

The security market line describes how the market rewards risk. All assets will have the same reward-to-risk ratio in a competitive financial market.

Measuring systematic risk with beta. Calculating beta using regression. New discussion: adjusting beta for reversion to the mean.

The average beta is 1.00. Assets with a beta greater than 1.00 have more than average systematic risk.

The capital asset pricing model (CAPM).

Expected return depends on the amount and reward for bearing systematic risk as well as the pure time value of money.

Extending CAPM.

One of the most important extensions of the CAPM is the Fama-French three-factor model.

Performance evaluation measures.

Calculate and interpret the Sharpe ratio, the Sortino ratio, the Treynor ratio, and Jensen’s alpha. Also, calculate alpha using regression, calculate an information ratio, and calculate a portfolio’s R-squared.

Sharpe-optimal portfolios.

The portfolio with the highest possible Sharpe ratio given the assets comprising the portfolio is Sharpe optimal.

Value-at-Risk (VaR).

VaR is the evaluation of the probability of a significant loss.

Example showing how to calculate a Sharpe-optimal portfolio.

Combines the concepts of a Sharpe ratio, a Sharpeoptimal portfolio, and VaR.

Chapter 12 Return, Risk, and the Security Market Line

Chapter 13 Performance Evaluation and Risk Management

PART FIVE  Futures and Options Chapter 14 Futures Contracts

The basics of futures contracts and using them to hedge price risk. Detailed example: hedging an inventory using futures markets.

Futures quotes from the Internet and financial press, short and long hedging, futures accounts.

Spot-futures parity.

Basis, cash markets, and cash-futures arbitrage.

Stock index futures.

Index arbitrage, speculating with stock index futures, and hedging stock market risk with stock index futures.

Hedging interest rate risk with futures.

We show how to use portfolio duration when deciding how many futures contracts to use to hedge a bond portfolio.



Selected Topics of Interest

Learning Outcome/Comment

Option basics and option price quotes.

The difference between call and put options, European and American options, online option price quotes, and option chains.

Option intrinsic value.

Know how to calculate this important aspect of option prices.

Option payoffs and profits.

Diagram long and short option payoffs and profits for calls and puts.

Using options to manage risk and option trading strategies. New material: hedging with options versus futures.

Protective puts, covered calls, and straddles.

Option pricing bounds and put-call parity.

Upper and lower pricing bounds for call and put options. Showing how a call option price equals a put option price, the price of an underlying share of stock, and appropriate borrowing.

Chapter 15 Stock Options

PART SIX  Topics in Investments Chapter 16 Option Valuation

The one-period and two-period binomial option pricing models.

How to compute option prices using these option pricing models—by hand and by using an online option calculator.

The Black-Scholes option pricing model.

How to compute option prices using this famous option pricing model—by hand and by using an online option calculator.

Measuring the impact of changes in option inputs.

Computing call and put option deltas.

Hedging stock with stock options.

Using option deltas to decide how many option contracts are needed to protect a stock’s price from feared declines in value.

Employee stock options (ESOs) and their valuation.

Features of ESOs, repricing ESOs, and ESO valuation.

The basics of financial statements.

Income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement, performance, and price ratios.

Financial statement forecasting using the percentage of sales approach.

Preparing pro forma income statements and balance sheets to examine the potential amount of external financing needed.

Updated material: a detailed case study valuing Starbucks Corporation.

Using actual financial data to prepare pro forma income statements and balance sheets using different sales growth scenarios.

Corporate bond basics, types of corporate bonds, and corporate bond indentures.

Become familiar with the basics of the various types of corporate bonds and their obligations.

Callable bonds, putable bonds, convertible bonds, and protective covenants. Updated material: expanded graph for convertible bond price attributes.

Bond seniority provisions, call provisions, makewhole call provisions, put provisions, conversion provisions, and protective covenants.

Government bonds basics emphasizing U.S. government debt, federal government agency securities, and municipal bonds.

Details of U.S. Treasury bills, notes, bonds, STRIPS, agency bonds, and features of various types of municipal bonds.

Bond credit ratings and junk bonds. New material: graph of historical corporate yield spreads.

Assessing the credit quality of a bond issue.

Chapter 17 Projecting Cash Flow and Earnings

Chapter 18 Corporate and Government Bonds



Selected Topics of Interest

Learning Outcome/Comment

The process of top-down analysis.

Be able to funnel the choices of thousands of individual stocks through macroeconomic and industry filters.

Measure the level of economic activity globally and domestically.

Understand GDP, real GDP, business cycles, economic indicators, and the effects of exchange rates on international investments.

Understand the relation of monetary and fiscal policies to economic activity.

The role of the Federal Reserve, money supply, and government policies on taxation.

Identify industry sensitivity to business cycles.

Identify the S&P sectors, compare companies within sectors, use Porter’s five forces.

Fixed-rate mortgages and prepayment.

Presents home mortgage principal and interest calculations.

Secondary mortgage markets and reverse mortgages.

The function of GNMA and its clones, and the PSA mortgage prepayment model.

Collateralized mortgage obligations, CMOs.

Describes how cash flows from mortgage pools are carved up and distributed to investors.

Chapter 19 Global Economic Activity and Industry Analysis

Chapter 20 (online) Mortgage-Backed Securities


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Features Pedagogical Features From your feedback, we have included many pedagogical features in this text that will be valuable learning tools for your students. This walkthrough highlights some of the most important elements.

Confirming Pages

Chapter Openers PART 1

These one-paragraph introductions for each chapter present scenarios and common misconceptions that may surprise you. An explanation is more fully developed in the chapter.


Mutual Funds and Other Investment Companies +

Learning Objectives You’re probably going to be a mutual fund investor very soon, so you should definitely know the following:

1. The different types of mutual funds. 2. How mutual funds operate. 3. How to find information about mutual fund performance. 4. The workings of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and hedge funds.

CFA™ Exam Map

“Take calculated risks. That is quite different from being rash.” –George S. Patton

With only $2,000 to invest, you can easily own shares in Microsoft, GM, McDonald’s, IBM, co*ke, and many more stocks through a mutual fund. Or you can invest in a portfolio of government bonds or other investments. Indeed, many thousands of different mutual funds are available to investors. In fact, there are about as many, if not more, mutual funds as there are different stocks traded on the NASDAQ and the New York Stock Exchange combined. There are funds for aggressive investors, conservative investors, short-term investors, and long-term investors. There are bond funds, stock funds, international funds, and you-name-it funds. Is there a right fund for you? This chapter will help you find out.

As we discussed in an earlier chapter, if you do not wish to actively buy and sell individual securities on your own, you can invest in stocks, bonds, or other financial assets through a mutual fund. Mutual funds are simply a means of combining or pooling the funds of a large group of investors. The buy and sell decisions for the resulting pool are then made by a fund manager, who is compensated for the service provided. Mutual funds are a particular type of investment company. Because mutual funds provide indirect access to financial markets for individual investors, they are a form of financial intermediary. In fact, mutual funds are now the largest

CFA™ Exam Topics in This Chapter: 1. Guidance for standards I–VII (L1, S1) 2. Discounted cash flow applications (L1, S2)

This feature maps topics within each chapter to

3. Introduction to alternative investments (L1, S18) 4. Alternative investments portfolio management (L3, S13)

readings from the CFA™ curriculum.

Go to Connect for a guide that aligns your textbook with CFA readings.

jor20691_ch04_100-141.indd 100



01/25/17 03:52 PM

Check This

The obvious way to calculate average returns on the different investments in Figures 1.3 to 1.5 is to simply add up the yearly returns and divide by 90. The result is the∙historical Distributions (dividends and capital gains) made by the mutual fund. average of the individual values. For example, if you add the returns for large-company ∙ Profits common stocks for the 90 years, you will get about 1,067 percent. The average annual return you make when you sell mutual fund shares. is thus 1,067/90 = 11.9. You can interpret this 11.9 percent just like any other average. There are some exceptions. A notable one is the receipt of distributions in tax-deferred If you picked a year at random from the 90-year history and you had to guess the return in retirement accounts such as individual retirement accounts (IRAs). that year, the best guess is 11.9 percent.


1.2 shows the average returns for the investments we have discussed. Because Every major section inTable each chapter ends 4.1a these What are some advantages of investing in mutual funds? CHECK averages do not reflect the impact of inflation, we include an average inflation rate. Notice

4.1bwhile What that over thisfeature 90-year period, the average inflation rate was 3.0 percent per year the are some drawbacks of investing in mutual funds? with questions for review. This helps THIS average return on U.S. Treasury bills was 3.6 percent per year. Thus, the average return on

students test their understanding of thethemaTreasury bills exceeded average rate of inflation by only 0.6 percent per year. At the

Confirming Pages

other extreme, the return on small-company common stocks exceeded the rate of inflation by

terial before moving onabout to 17.5% the next section. − 3.0%=14.5%. The real return of the large-company common stocks averaged 11.9% − 3.0%=8.9% per year.

4.2 Investment Companies and Fund Types



risk-free rate The rate of return on a riskless investment.

risk premium The extra return on a risky asset over the risk-free rate; the reward for bearing risk.

Now that we have computed some average returns, it seems logical to see how theyAt compare with basic level, a company that pools funds obtained from individual investors and the most each other. Based on our discussion above, one such comparison involves government-issued invests them is called an investment company. In other words, an investment company is investment company securities. These are free of much of the variability we see in, for example, the stock market. A business that inNbonds business The government borrows money by issuing debt, that These B is, Uspecializes Fbonds. FETT O TAaXcome E S inAdifNthat D Tspecializes R A D I N G in managing financial assets for individual investors. All mutual poolingbills. fundsTreasury from individual are, in fact, investment companies. As we will see, however, not all investment comferent forms. The ones we focus on are Treasury bills have thefunds shortest time my favorite comic strip,always “Li’l mutual Abner,” I funds. got a chance investors andThrough investing them. accumulated $22,370. Indeed, had he kept on both getting panies are to maturity of the different types of government debt. Because the government can during my youth to see the benefits of delayed taxes, though his annual and paying a 35% tax onofeach, he would raise taxes or print money to pay its expenses, Treasury bills are virtually free of any default In Making the sections thatfeel follow, will be doubles discussing various aspects mutual funds and I missed the lesson at the time. his readers supe- wehave needed 7½ years more to reach the $1 million required risk. Thus, we will call the rate of return on such debt rior, the risk-free andhappily, we willbut use it related entities. Figure 4.1 is overview of some of the different types of funds Li’l Abner rate, bungled moronically, through lifea big-picture to win Appassionatta. as a kind of investing benchmark. in Dogpatch. At one pointand he became infatuated with a NewIt will But how they are classified. serve as ifa Abner guidehad forinstead the next We will what putseveral his dollarsections. in a single A particularly interesting comparison involves the virtually risk-freeAppassionatta return on T-bills York temptress, Climax, butterms despaired investment and held it until it doubled the same 27½ times? defineVan theand various thatofappear as we go along. marrying hertwo because he can had be only a single silver dollar and the risky return on common stocks. The difference between these returns interIn that case, he would have realized about $200 million Key Abner terms are indicated in bold and defined wasasset interested solely in the millionaires. preted as a measure of the excess return on the averageshe risky (assuming that stock D Dejected, pre-tax or, after paying a $70 million tax in the final year, OPEN VERSUS -EN D FUNDS took his Old Man Mose,-EN the font of all knowledgeC LOSED about $130 million after-tax. For that, Appassionatta would of a large U.S. corporation has about average risk compared toproblem all riskytoassets). in 20 the margin. The running glossary incompanies:open-end the in Dogpatch. Said theby sage: Double yourshows, money times have crawled to Dogpatch. Of course, with 27½ years As Figure 4.1 there are two fundamental types of investment We call this the “excess” return because it is the additional return we earn moving from and Appassionatta will be yours (1, 2, 4, 8, . . . , 1,048,576). having passed,ishow Appassionatta would have looked to a in a funds and closed-end funds. The difference very important. Whenever a virtually risk-free investment to a risky one. Because this excess return can be interpreted margin quickly review theyou invest My last memory of the strip is Abner entering a road-helps million is another question. fellowstudents sitting on $130 as a reward for bearing risk, we will call it a risk premium. mutual you doand so by buying shares in the fund. However, how shares are bought and house, dropping his dollar into afund, slot machine, hitting

Key Terms

What this little tale tells us is that tax-paying investors basic for the chapter. a jackpot that spilled money over the on floor. Meticulously soldalldepends which typeterminology of fund you are considering.

will realize a far, far greater sum from a single investment THE U.S. EQUITY RISK PREMIUM: HISTORICAL AND INTERNATIONAL following Mose’s advice, Abner picked up two dollars thatit*elf compounds at a to given rate wishing than from With an open-end fund,and the fund will sellinternally new shares anyone to abuy and PERSPECTIVES So far, in this chapter we have studied in U.S. and bond went returns off to find his stock next double. Whereupon I dumped succession of investments compounding same rate. from anyone wishing to sell. Whenatantheinvestor wishes to fundthe markets in the period 1926–2015. As we open-end have discussed, historical U.S. will stock market (i.e., buy back) sharesBut Abner and began reading Benredeem Graham. I suspect many Berkshire shareholders figured that An investment company that buythe open-end fund shares, the fund issues them and then invests the money received. Mose clearly overrated as a guru: Besides failing risk premium has been substantial. Of course, whenever we use the past was to predict future, outsimply long ago. stands readytoof toanticipate buy and Abner’s slavish to wishes instructions, he open-end fund shares, the fund sells some of its assets and When someone to sell there is a danger that the past period isn’t representative what thesell future will hold.obedience Perhaps forgot about taxes. Had beento subject, say,the to the shares at anyalso time. usesAbner the cash redeem shares. As a result, with an open-end fund, the number of shares 35% federal tax rate that Berkshire pays, and had he manSource: “Buffett on Taxes and Trading,” Change Alley: Global Finance and fluctuates through aged one double annually,outstanding he would after 20 years only have time. Intelligent Investing,, accessed May 1, 2012.

Chapter 1

Web Addresses


jor20691_ch01_001-040.indd 15 Websites are called out in the margin, along

A Brief History of Risk and Return

Part 1


In addition, the way in which an investment is held can dramatically affect its tax For more risk tolerance quizzes, visit status. The tax laws and other rules are in a constant state of flux, so we will stick to,, broad principles. The general idea is that certain types of accounts, particularly retirement and 01/25/17savings 03:50 PM accounts, receive preferential tax treatment. The tax break can be enormous, and,

as a result, the amount you can invest each year in these accounts is strictly limited. There are also rules regarding when you can withdraw the money, and it is important to pay careful attention to them. 01/25/17 Taxes impact almost every step of the investment process, from the type of account you choose to the nature and length of the investments themselves. So we will discuss taxes throughout the remainder of the book, and throughout the rest of this chapter in particular. For now, though, consider the Investment Updates box above that provides some insight on the impact of taxes from one of the most famous and successful investors—Warren Buffett.

with a notation of how they relate to the chapter material.


jor20691_ch04_100-141.indd 102

UNIQUE CIRc*msTANCES Almost everyone will have some special or unique requirements or opportunities. For example, many companies will match certain types of investments made by employees on a dollar-for-dollar basis (typically up to some maximum per year). In other words, you double your money immediately with complete certainty. Confirming Pages It is difficult to envision any other investment with such a favorable payoff. Therefore, investors should probably seize this opportunity even though there could be some undesirable liquidity, tax, or horizon considerations. A list of possible special circ*mstances is essentially endless. So, consider just a few examples. The number of dependents and their needs will vary from investor to investor. Therefore, the need to provide for dependents will be an important constraint for some investors. Some investors want to invest only in companies whose products and activities These reprinted fromwantvarious they consider to be boxed socially orreadings, politically suitable. Some investors to invest primarily in their own community or state. Other investors, such as corporate insiders, face regulatory sources, provide additional and legalbusiness restrictions onpress their investing. Elected officials may have to avoid (or at least ethically should avoid) some types of investments out of conflict-of-interest concerns.

INVESTMENT UPDATES B U F F E T T O N TA X E S A N D T R A D I N G Through my favorite comic strip, “Li’l Abner,” I got a chance during my youth to see the benefits of delayed taxes, though I missed the lesson at the time. Making his readers feel superior, Li’l Abner bungled happily, but moronically, through life in Dogpatch. At one point he became infatuated with a New York temptress, Appassionatta Van Climax, but despaired of marrying her because he had only a single silver dollar and she was interested solely in millionaires. Dejected, Abner took his problem to Old Man Mose, the font of all knowledge in Dogpatch. Said the sage: Double your money 20 times and Appassionatta will be yours (1, 2, 4, 8, . . . , 1,048,576). My last memory of the strip is Abner entering a roadhouse, dropping his dollar into a slot machine, and hitting a jackpot that spilled money all over the floor. Meticulously following Mose’s advice, Abner picked up two dollars and went off to find his next double. Whereupon I dumped Abner and began reading Ben Graham. Mose clearly was overrated as a guru: Besides failing to anticipate Abner’s slavish obedience to instructions, he also forgot about taxes. Had Abner been subject, say, to the 35% federal tax rate that Berkshire pays, and had he managed one double annually, he would after 20 years only have

accumulated $22,370. Indeed, had he kept on both getting his annual doubles and paying a 35% tax on each, he would have needed 7½ years more to reach the $1 million required 44 Part 1 Introduction to win Appassionatta. But what if Abner had instead put his dollar in a single investment and held it until it doubled the same 27½ times? In that case, he would have realized about $200 million pre-tax or, after paying a $70 million tax in the final year, about $130 million after-tax. For that, Appassionatta would have crawled to Dogpatch. Of course, with 27½ years jor20691_ch02_041-074.indd 44 looked to a having passed, how Appassionatta would have fellow sitting on $130 million is another question. What this little tale tells us is that tax-paying investors will realize a far, far greater sum from a single investment that compounds internally at a given rate than from a succession of investments compounding at the same rate. But I suspect many Berkshire shareholders figured that out long ago.

Investment Updates

real-world events and examples to illustrate the material in the chapter. Some articles

from the past two years highlight very recent events, and others present events of more historical significance. 01/25/17 03:51 PM

Source: “Buffett on Taxes and Trading,” Change Alley: Global Finance and Intelligent Investing,, accessed May 1, 2012.

In addition, the way in which an investment is held can dramatically affect its tax status. The tax laws and other rules are in a constant state of flux, so we will stick to broad principles. The general idea is that certain types of accounts, particularly retirement savings accounts, receive preferential tax treatment. The tax break can be enormous, and, as a result, the amount you can invest each year in these accounts is strictly limited. xxvii There are also rules regarding when you can withdraw the money, and it is important to pay careful attention to them. Taxes impact almost every step of the investment process, from the type of account you choose to the nature and length of the investments themselves. So we will discuss taxes throughout the remainder of the book, and throughout the rest of this chapter in particular. For now, though, consider the Investment Updates box above that provides some insight on the impact of taxes from one of the most famous and successful investors—Warren Buffett. For more risk tolerance quizzes, visit,, and

03:52 PM

Confirming Pages

Work the Web


Various screenshots appear throughout the text. These exercises illustrate how to access specific features of selected websites in order to expand students’ knowledge of current investment topics.

You can find the short interest for the current month in many financial publications. But what if you want a longer history of the shares sold short for a particular company? At, you can find the short interest for companies listed on the NASDAQ for the previous 11 months. We went to the site and looked up Tesla (TSLA), and here is what we found: As you can see, the short interest in Tesla rose from about 24 million shares in June 2015 to about 26 million shares in September 2015. Why would you want a history of short

sales? Some investors use short sales as a technical indicator, which we discuss in a later chapter. Here’s a question for you: What do you think “Days to Cover” means? It is the ratio of short interest to average daily share volume. Thus, “Days to Cover” measures how many days of normal trading would be necessary to completely cover all outstanding short interest. Another commonly used measure of short interest is the percentage of float. This metric measures the percentage of a firm’s outstanding shares that are currently being shorted.

Confirming Pages Source: Yahoo! Finance. Reprinted with permission.

short interest The amount of common stock held in short positions.


Using a Spreadsheet to Calculate Average Returns and Volatilities Here is an Excel spreadsheet summarizing the formulas and analysis needed to calculate average returns and standard deviations using the 1990s as an example: A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22






GNYSE uptick H rule

Rule for short sales requiring

that before a short sale can be Using a spreadsheet to calculate average returns and standard deviations

executed, the last price change must be an uptick.

Looking back in the chapter, the data suggest that the 1990s were one of the best decades for stock market investors. We will find out just how good by calculating the average returns and standard deviations for this period. Here are the year-by-year returns on the large-company stocks: Year 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994

Return (%) 3.10 30.46 7.62 10.08 1.32

Average return (%): Standard deviation (%):

Year 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999

Return (%) 37.58 22.96 33.36 28.58 21.04

Spreadsheet Analysis

many investors refer to short interest, which is simply the amount of common stock held in short positions. The Work the Web box above shows how to find short interest for a particular company.

SH O RT- SA L E C O N ST R A I N T S Self-contained spreadsheet examples show students how Although short selling stock is relatively easy, you do need to be aware of some constraints

thisspreadsheets type of position. For example, all sell orders marked as shortvital sales used to beof torelated set toup to solve problems—a part subject to the NYSE uptick rule. According to the NYSE uptick rule, a short sale can be executed only if the laststudent’s price change was an uptick. For example, suppose the last two trades every business education. were executed at 55.50 and then 55.63. The last price change was an uptick of 0.13, so a short sale can be executed at a price of 55.63 or higher. Alternatively, suppose the last two trades Confirming Pages were executed at 55.50 and 55.25, where the last price change was a downtick of 0.25. In this case, a short sale can be executed only at a price higher than 55.25. Chapter 2

CHECK THIS jor20691_ch02_041-074.indd

18.99 14.16

The Investment Process


Besides risk tolerance, what are some other constraints, strategies, and policies that investors use in forming an investment portfolio?

2.5b 61

Why could two investors of the same age wind up with different investment portfolios?


What is the difference between strategic and tactical asset allocation?

01/25/17 03:51 PM

The formulas we used to do the calculations are just =AVERAGE(C10:C14;E10:E14) and =STDEV(C10:C14;E10:E14). Notice that the average return in the 1990s was 18.99 percent per year, which is larger than the long-run average of 11.9 percent. At the same time, the standard deviation, 14.16 percent, was smaller than the 20.0 percent long-run value.

Summary and Conclusions

1.5 More on Average Returns

2.6 Summary and Conclusions In this chapter, we cover many aspects of the investing process—which we summarize by the chapter’s important concepts. 1. The importance of an investment policy statement.

Each chapter ends with a summary that highThus far in this chapter, we have looked closely at simple average returns. But The investment policy statement (IPS) identifies the objectives (risk and return) of an another way of computing an average return. The fact that average returns are calculated investor, as well as the constraints the investor faces in achieving these objectives. lights the important points of the chapter. This two different ways leads to some confusion, so our goal in this section is to explain the two

B. The IPS provides an investing “road map” and will influence the strategies, type of

approaches and also explain the circ*mstances under which each is appropriate. In addition,

material provideswe ainclude handy for forstua measurechecklist of return that accounts investor decisions to add funds to or remove account, and holdings an investor chooses. funds from an investment.

2. The various types of securities brokers and brokerage accounts. A. Opening a brokerage account is straightforward and really much like opening a bank Let’s start with a simple example. Suppose you buy a particular stock for $100. Unfortunately, account. You supply information and sign agreements with your broker. Then you the first year you own it, it falls to $50. The second year you own the stock, its price increases write a check and provide instructions on how you want your money invested.

dents when they review the chapter.


to $100, leaving you where you started (no dividends were paid). B. Brokers are traditionally divided into three groups: full-service brokers, discount broWhat was your average return on this investment? Common sense seems to say that kers, and deep-discount brokers. What distinguishes the three groups is the level of your average return must be exactly zero since you started with $100 and ended with $100. But if we calculate the returns year-by-year, we see that you lost 50 percent the first year service they provide and the resulting commissions they charge. In recent years, the (you lost half of your money). The second year, you made 100 percent (you doubled your boundaries among the groups have blurred. money). Your average return over the two years was thus (−50% + 100%)/2 = 25%! C. So Your broker does not have a duty to provide you with guaranteed purchase and sale which is correct, 0 percent or 25 percent? recommendations. However, your broker does have a duty to exercise reasonable care 24

Part 1


xxviii jor20691_ch01_001-040.indd 24


in formulating recommendations. Your broker has a legal duty to act in your best interest. However, your broker relies on commissions generated from your account. Therefore, on rare occasions, a broker is accused of “churning” an account (i.e., promoting excessive trading). When you open your brokerage account, you generally agree that disputes will be resolved by binding arbitration. 3. How to trade on margin, including calculating the initial and maintenance margins. A. If you have a “cash account,” you can purchase securities only to the extent that you 01/25/17 03:50 PM can pay for them in full. If you want to buy more stock, you must deposit more cash into your account. B. If you have a “margin account,” you can purchase securities on credit using money


likely to decline in value, you can engage in a short sale. In a short sale, you actually sell a security that you do not own. This is referred to as shorting the stock. After the short sale, the investor is said to have a short position in the security. An investor with a short position makes money only if the shares decrease in value. C. In this chapter we describe in detail the short-sale process for shares of stock. We also stress the potentially unlimited losses that can arise from a short position.

This chapter covered the essentials of mutual funds. How should you, as an investor or investment manager, put this information to work? The first thing to do is to start looking at mutual fund prospectuses. These are written to be accessible to novice investors (or, at least, they are supposed to be written that way). The best way to begin exploring is to visit websites. Almost any large mutual fund company will have extensive online information available. Links to some of the better known families are available at our web page. It is important to look at different funds within a given family and also to look across families. Compare growth funds to growth funds, for example. This adventure will give you some of the real-life background you For instructors tofunds givemost their students need to selectlooking the types of suitable for you orasomeone else. Once you have examined prospectuses on different funds, it’s time to invest. Beginning taste of what it means to be an investment manwith your simulated account, pick a few funds, invest, and observe the outcomes. Openend mutual funds probably place chapter) most of youacts will begin investing real dollars. An ager, this feature (atare the end oftheeach initial purchase can be made with a relatively small amount, perhaps $250, and subseinformation quentstep purchases can be made into amounts of as little $50 or less. Foronthethelatest as a first by explaining students howas to real world of Most important of all, the majority of employers now provide employees investments, with retirement visit us at For the latest information apply the they learned. The Getting plans.material The way these workjust is that, typically, your employer will make a contribution to a mutual on the real world of fund you select (often from a fairly limited set). Your employer may even match, or more than investments, visit us at Down match, to Business boxes encourage students— a contribution you make. Such plans may be the only retirement benefit offered, but they can be an extraordinary opportunity for those who take full advantage of them by getting whether for practice in a trading simulation or the largest possible match and then investing in a suitable fund. It’s an important choice, so the more knowledge you have regarding mutualdecisions, funds, the better your outcome is likely to be. with real money—to make investment

Getting Down to Business

+ + + + + GETTING DOWN TO BUSINESS This chapter covered the basics of policy statements, brokerage accounts, some important trade types, and, finally, some big-picture issues regarding investment strategies. How should you, as an investor or investment manager, put this information to work? The answer is that you need to open a brokerage account! Investing is like many activities: The best way to learn is by making mistakes. Unfortunately, making mistakes with real money is an expensive way to learn, so we don’t recommend trying things like short sales with real money, at least not at first. Instead, to learn about how to trade and gain some experience with making (and losing) money, you should open a Stock-Trak account (or a similar simulated brokerage account). Take it seriously. Try various trade types and strategies and see how they turn out. The important thing to do is to follow your trades and try to understand why you made or lost money and also why you made or lost the amount you did. In a similar vein, you should carefully review your account statements to make sure you understand exactly what each item means and how your account equity is calculated. After you have gained some experience trading “on paper,” you should open a real account as soon as you can pull together enough money. Try visiting some online brokers to find out the minimum amount you need to open an account. The amount has been declining. In fact, in 2015, you could open a TDAmeritrade account with no minimum, although you would need $2,000 to open a margin account. Looking back at Chapter 1, you know that it’s important to get started early. Once you have a real account, however, it’s still a good idea to keep a separate “play money” account to test trading ideas to make sure you really understand them before committing your precious real money.

and they also give some helpful tips to keep in mind. These boxes include a link to a handy webblog written by the authors.

Key Terms

investment company 102 money market mutual fund 111 net asset value 103 open-end fund 102 turnover 107

12b-1 fees 107 CDSC 107 closed-end fund 103 front-end load 106 hedge fund 130

Key Terms

Chapter Review Problems and Self-Test

Chapter Review Problems and Self-Test 1. Front-End Loads (LO2, CFA3) The Madura HiGro Fund has a net asset value of $50 per share. It charges a 3 percent load. How much will you pay for 100 shares?

Confirming Pages

Students are providedChapter with to three 2 one The Investment Processpractice 67

2. Turnover (LO2, CFA3) The Starks Income Fund’s average daily total assets were $100million for the year just completed. Its stock purchases for the year were $20 million, whileits sales were $12.5 million. What was its turnover?

problems per chapter with worked-out solutions to Calculate return variances by dividing the sums of squared deviations by four, which is the number of returns less one.

test their abilities in solving key problems related

Answers to Self-Test Problems jor20691_ch02_041-074.indd

market timing 45 NYSE uptick rule 61 REIT 65 Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC) 49 security selection 46 short interest 61 short sale 57 street name 55

asset allocation 45 call money rate 51 cash account 50 hypothecation 55 initial margin 51 maintenance margin 52 margin 51 margin account 51 margin call 52

Michele:384of / 4=96 Janicek:1,478 / 4=369.5 to the content the chapter.


1. You will pay 100 times the offering price. Since the load is computed as a percentage of the offering price, we can compute the offering price as follows:

01/25/17 03:51 PM

Standard deviations are then calculated as the square root of the variance. ___

Michele:√96 =9.8%

Net asset value = (1 − Front-end load) × Offering price In other words, the NAV is 97 percent of the offering price. Since the NAV is $50, the offering price is $50/0.97 = $51.55. You will pay $5,155 in all, of which $155 is a load.


Janicek:√369.5 =19.22%

Geometric returns are then calculated as Michele: [(1+0.12)(1−0.04)(1 +0.00)(1 +0.20)(1 +0.02)]1/5−1=5.65%

Janicek: [(1+0.05)(1−0.15)(1+0.10)(1+0.38)(1+0.17)]1/5−1=9.65% 2. Turnover is the lesser of purchases or sales divided by average daily assets. In this case, sales are 3. To find the best forecast, we apply Blume’s formula as follows: smaller at $12.5, so turnover is $12.5/$100 = 0.125 time.

Chapter 4

Mutual Funds and Other Investment Companies

5−1 ×10.7% + ______ 30−5 R(5)=(_____ ) ( 29 ×12.8%)=12.51% 29


10−1 ×10.7% + _______ 30−10 R(10)=(______ ) ( 29 ×12.8%)=12.15% 29 20−1 ×10.7% + _______ 30−20 R(20)=(______ ) ( 29 ×12.8%)=11.42% 29



Test Your Investment Quotient An average of 15 multiple-choice questions are

01/25/17 03:52 PM


Test Your Investment Quotient 1. Prices and Returns (LO1, CFA1) You plan to buy a common stock and hold it for one year. You expect to receive both $1.50 from dividends and $26 from the sale of the stock at the end of the year. If you wanted to earn a 15 percent rate of return, what is the maximum price you would pay for the stock today?

included for each chapter, many of which are

a. b. c. d.

taken from past CFA exams. This text is unique in that it presents CFA questions in multiple-choice

$22.61 $23.91 $24.50 $27.50

2. Returns (LO1, CFA1) A portfolio of non-dividend-paying stocks earned a geometric mean return of 5 percent between January 1, 2010, and December 31, 2016. The arithmetic mean return for the same period was 6 percent. If the market value of the portfolio at the beginning of 2010 was $100,000, the market value of the portfolio at the end of 2016 was closest to

format—which is how they appear on the actual exam. Answers to these questions appear in

a. b. c. d.

Appendix A.

$135,000 $140,710 $142,000 $150,363

3. Standard Deviation (LO4, CFA2) tion is true? Standard deviation a. b. c. d.

Which of the following statements about standard devia-

Is the square of the variance. Can be a positive or negative number. Is denominated in the same units as the original data. Is the arithmetic mean of the squared deviations from the mean.

4. Normal Distribution (LO4, CFA3) An investment strategy has an expected return of 12 percent and a standard deviation of 10 percent. If the investment returns are normally distributed, the probability of earning a return less than 2 percent is closest to a. b. c. d.

10 percent 16 percent 32 percent 34 percent

xxix 34

Part 1


CFA Exam Review by Schweser

CFA Exam Review by Kaplan Schweser [CFA1, CFA7, CFA10, CFA11] Barbara Analee, a registered nurse and businesswoman, recently retired at age 50 to pursue a life as a blues singer. She had been running a successful cosmetics and aesthetics business. She is married to Tom, a retired scientist (age 55). They have saved $3 million in their portfolio and now they want to travel the world. Their three children are all grown and out of college and have begun their own families. Barbara now has two grandchildren. Barbara and Tom feel that they have achieved a comfortable portfolio level to support their family’s needs for the foreseeable future. To meet their basic living expenses, Tom and Barbara feel they need $75,000 per year in today’s dollars (before taxes) to live comfortably. As a trained professional, Barbara likes to be actively involved in intensively researching investment opportunities. Barbara and Tom want to be able to provide $10,000 per year (pretax) indexed for inflation to each of their grandchildren over the next 10 years for their college education. They also want to set aside $15,000 each year (pretax) indexed for inflation for traveling for her musical performances around the United States. They have no debt. Most of their portfolio is currently in large-cap U.S. stocks and Treasury notes. They have approached Pamela Jaycoo, CFA, for guidance on how to best achieve their financial goals. Inflation is expected to increase at an annual rate of 3 percent into the foreseeable future.

Unique to this text! These reviews are excerpted from Schweser, a leader in CFA exam preparation. Each review addresses chapter content but in a way that is consistent with the format of the actual CFA exam.

1. What is the Analees’ return objective? a. 6.67 percent b. 6.17 percent c. 3.83 percent

Confirming Pages

2. What is their tolerance for risk? a. Average b. Below average c. Above average

Confirming Pages

3. What are Barbara’s willingness and ability to assume risk? Willingness a. Above average b. Below average c. Above average

Ability Average Average Above average

What’s on the Web?

4. Based on the information in the case, which one of the following portfolios should the Analees

What’s on the Web?



3. 4.

What’s on the Web?

1. Risk Tolerance As we discussed in the chapter, risk tolerance is based on an individual’s choose? personality and investment goals. There are numerous risk tolerance Allocation questionnaires on the web. One, provided by Merrill Lynch, is located at Go to the website, locate the Expected Return Portfolio A Portfolio Portfolio C questionnaire, and take the quiz. How conservative or aggressive are you? B These end-of-chapter activities show students how to Risk Tolerance As we discussed in the chapter, risk tolerance is based on an individual’s U.S. large 9% of short sales 20%on a particular stock 5% 10% 2. Short Interest You stocks can find the number at personality and investment goals. There are numerous risk tolerance questionnaires on com. the web. and from of(XOM) financial stocks 10 of 20 vast 15 10 Go to U.S. the small siteuse and find the learn number sharesthe short sold foramount ExxonMobil under thereOne, provided by Merrill Lynch, is located at Go to the website, locate “Keythe Statistics” link. How many shares What about Foreign stocks 12 are sold short 15 in the current month? 15 10 the sources available on the Internet. 0 questionnaire, and take the quiz. How conservative or aggressive are you? previous month? What do the “Percent Corp. bonds 5 of Float” and15“Short Ratio” mean? 35 Short Interest You can find the number of short sales on a particular stock at bonds Rate What is the 3 current broker 10call money rate?0To find out, go 25 3. Broker CallGov. Money to com. Go to the site and find the number of shares short sold for ExxonMobil (XOM) under the and look up the 11 call money rate. 5 Venture capital 30 0 “Key Statistics” link. How many shares are sold short in the current month? What about the REITs 15 a margin account 10 with TDAmeritrade. 30 0 4. Margin Purchases Suppose you have You purchase previous month? What do the “Percent of Float” and “Short Ratio” mean? 1 5 10 1,000 sharesCash of IBM stock on 50 percent margin at today’s price. Go to5 Broker Call Money Rate What is the current broker call money rate? To find out, go to to find yourPretax purchase how much will11.6% you borrow? Next, returnprice. Ignoring transaction costs, 8.8% 5.7% and look up the call money rate. go to money rate. Finally, After-tax return to find the current broker call 5.6% 7.4% go to www.3.6% Margin Purchases Suppose you have a margin account with TDAmeritrade. You purchase to find out how much above the current broker call1.9% money rate you2.8% will After-tax yield 1.9% 1,000 shares of IBM stock on 50 percent margin at today’s price. Go to pay. If you keep your investment for one year, how much will you pay in interest assuming the a. Portfolio A to find your purchase price. Ignoring transaction costs, how much will you borrow? Next, margin rate stays the same? What does the stock price have to be in one year for you to break b. Portfolio B go to to find the current broker call money rate. Finally, go to www. even on your investment? c. Portfolio C to find out how much above the current broker call money rate you will pay. If you keep your investment for one year, how much will you pay in interest assuming the margin rate stays the same? What does the stock price have to be in one year for you to break even on your investment?

Stock-Trak Exercises

Stock-Trak Exercises

Unique to this text! This text is the only book that

Chapter 2

The Investment Process


incorporates Stock-Trak Portfolio Simulations® exer-

Stock-Trak Exercises

cises. Stock-Trak is one of the most successful trading simulations with over 30,000 college students hav-

jor20691_ch02_041-074.indd 73

ing trading accounts each semester (see Supplements for more information). Go to the next level in teaching

your students about investments by enTo access the Stock-Trak Exercise for this chapter,management please visit the resource library site in Connect and choose the corresponding chapter.

couraging your students to use this product. Chapters with Stock-Trak Exercises have the logo. Also visit the library resource site in Connect. The actual exercise and questions related to the chapter are presented in both the Student and Instructor portions of the website. Instructors and students must be registered for Stock-Trak in order to make trades (see the Supplement section of the Preface or the insert card for more information).

xxx 74


Part 1


01/25/17 03:51 PM

To access the Stock-Trak Exercise for this chapter, please visit the resource library site in Connect and choose the corresponding chapter.

Resources Teaching and Learning Supplements We have developed a number of supplements for both teaching and learning to accompany this text. Each product has been significantly revised for the eighth edition.

Digital Solutions Student Support within Connect Student-Narrated PowerPoints Students all learn differently and these chapter PowerPoints were created with that rationale in mind. The interactive presentations provide detailed examples demonstrating how to solve key problems from the text. The slides are accompanied by an audio narration. They can be purchased as part of the premium content package available for $10 and then viewed online. Excel Templates Corresponding to most end-of-chapter problems, each template allows the student to work through the problem using Excel, reinforcing each concept. Each end-of-chapter problem with a template is indicated by an Excel icon in the margin beside it. Instructor Support within Connect PowerPoint Presentation, prepared by Thomas W. Miller Jr., Mississippi State University This product, created by one of the authors, contains over 300 slides with lecture outlines, examples, and images and tables from the text. Instructor’s Manual, prepared by Steven D. Dolvin, CFA, Butler University Developed by one of the authors, the goals of this product are to outline chapter material clearly and provide extra teaching support. The first section of the Instructor’s Manual includes an annotated outline of each chapter with suggested websites, references to PowerPoint slides, teaching tips, additional examples, and current events references. Solutions Manual, prepared by Steven D. Dolvin, CFA, Butler University The Solutions Manual contains the complete worked-out solutions for the end-ofchapter questions and problems. Test Bank, prepared by Lynn Kugele, University of Mississippi With almost 1,500 questions, this Test Bank, in Microsoft Word, provides a variety of question formats (true-false, multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, and problems) and levels of difficulty to meet any instructor’s testing needs. Computerized Test Bank (Windows) TestGen is a complete, state-of-the-art test generator and editing application software that allows instructors to quickly and easily select test items from McGraw Hill’s test bank content. The instructors can then organize, edit, and customize questions and answers to rapidly generate tests for paper or online administration. Questions can include stylized text, symbols, graphics, and equations that are inserted directly into questions using built-in mathematical templates. TestGen’s random generator provides the option


to display different text or calculated number values each time questions are used. With both quick-and-simple test creation and flexible and robust editing tools, TestGen is a complete test generator system for today’s educators.

Additional Resources Packaged with Your New Text Stock-Trak Portfolio Simulation Give your students investment management experience! McGraw-Hill/Irwin has partnered with Stock-Trak and is providing a free subscription to the Stock-Trak Portfolio Simulation for one semester with the purchase of every new copy of Fundamentals of Investments: Valuation and Management, Eighth Edition by Jordan, Miller, and Dolvin. Stock-Trak gives students $500,000 and allows them to trade stocks, options, futures, bonds, mutual funds, and international stocks—no other simulation offers all these types of securities! More than 600 professors have used this service, and around 30,000 college students each semester participate. All trades are done on the web at See this site for more information or use the Stock-Trak card bound into this text. Stock-Trak exercises are available in Connect.

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Brief Contents PART ONE 1. 2. 3. 4.

A Brief History of Risk and Return  1 The Investment Process  41 Overview of Security Types  75 Mutual Funds and Other Investment Companies 100

PART TWO 5. 6. 7. 8.

Stock Markets 142

The Stock Market  142 Common Stock Valuation  177 Stock Price Behavior and Market Efficiency 220 Behavioral Finance and the Psychology of Investing  254


Introduction 1

Interest Rates and Bond Valuation 295

Interest Rates  295 Bond Prices and Yields  332


PART FIVE 14. 15.

16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

11. 12.

Portfolio Management 368

Diversification and Risky Asset Allocation 368 Return, Risk, and the Security Market Line 401

Futures and Options 460

Futures Contracts  460 Stock Options  491


Topics in Investments 529

Option Valuation  529 Projecting Cash Flow and Earnings  565 Corporate and Government Bonds  599 Global Economic Activity and Industry Analysis 640 Mortgage-Backed Securities  663



Performance Evaluation and Risk Management 435


Answers to Test Your Investment Quotient Questions 693 Answers to Selected Questions and Problems  697 Key Equations  699 Name Index  703 Equations Index  705 Subject Index  708


Contents PART ONE 1.


Introduction 1

A Brief History of Risk and Return  1 1.1 Returns  2 Dollar Returns  2 Percentage Returns  4 A Note on Annualizing Returns  5 1.2 The Historical Record  7 A First Look  7 A Longer Range Look  8 A Closer Look  9 2008: The Bear Growled and Investors Howled 12 1.3 Average Returns: The First Lesson  14 Calculating Average Returns  15 Average Returns: The Historical Record 15 Risk Premiums  15 The First Lesson  16 1.4 Return Variability: The Second Lesson  17 Frequency Distributions and Variability  17 The Historical Variance and Standard Deviation 18 The Historical Record  20 Normal Distribution  20 The Second Lesson  22 1.5 More on Average Returns  24 Arithmetic Versus Geometric Averages 24 Calculating Geometric Average Returns 25 Arithmetic Average Return or Geometric Average Return?  27 Dollar-Weighted Average Returns  28 1.6 Risk and Return  30 The Risk-Return Trade-Off  30 A Look Ahead  31



1.7 Summary and Conclusions  31 The Investment Process  41 2.1 The Investment Policy Statement  42 Objectives: Risk and Return  42 Investor Constraints  42 Strategies and Policies  45 2.2 Investment Professionals  47 Choosing a Broker/Advisor  47 Online Brokers  48 Investor Protection  48 Broker–Customer Relations  49 2.3 Types of Accounts  50 Cash Accounts  50 Margin Accounts  50 Annualizing Returns on a Margin Purchase 54 Hypothecation and Street Name Registration 55 Retirement Accounts  56 2.4 Types of Positions  57 Basics of a Short Sale  57 Short Sales: Some Details  58 Short-Sale Constraints  61 2.5 Forming an Investment Portfolio  63 Some Risk Tolerance Scores  63 Risk and Return  63 Investor Constraints  64 Strategies and Policies  64 More on Asset Allocation  65 Reits 65 2.6 Summary and Conclusions  66 Overview of Security Types  75 3.1 Classifying Securities  76 3.2 Interest-Bearing Assets  76 Money Market Instruments  76 Fixed-Income Securities  78


3.3 Equities 80 Common Stock  80 Preferred Stock  81 Common Stock Price Quotes  82 3.4 Derivatives 85 Futures Contracts  85 Futures Price Quotes  86 Gains and Losses On Futures Contracts  88 3.5 Option Contracts  88 Option Terminology  88 Options Versus Futures  89 Option Price Quotes  89 Gains and Losses on Option Contracts 90 Investing In Stocks Versus Options  91 3.6 Summary and Conclusions  92 Mutual Funds and Other Investment Companies 100 4.1 Advantages and Drawbacks of Mutual Fund Investing  101 Advantages 101 Drawbacks 102 4.2 Investment Companies and Fund Types 102 Open-End Versus Closed-End Funds  102 Net Asset Value  103 4.3 Mutual Fund Operations  104 Mutual Fund Organization and Creation 104 Taxation of Investment Companies  105 The Fund Prospectus and Annual Report 105 Mutual Fund Transactions  105 4.4 Mutual Fund Costs and Fees  106 Types of Expenses And Fees  106 Expense Reporting  108 Why Pay Loads and Fees?  110 The Impact of Fees on Portfolio Values 110 4.5 Short-Term Funds  111 Money Market Mutual Funds  111 Money Market Deposit Accounts  113 4.6 Long-Term Funds  113 Stock Funds  113 Taxable and Municipal Bond Funds  115 Stock and Bond Funds  117

Mutual Fund Objectives: Recent Developments 118 4.7 Mutual Fund Performance  121 Mutual Fund Performance Information 121 How Useful Are Fund Performance Ratings? 121 4.8 Closed-End Funds, Exchange-Traded Funds, and Hedge Funds  124 Closed-End Funds Performance Information 124 The Closed-End Fund Discount Mystery 125 Exchange-Traded Funds  125 Hedge Funds  130 4.9 Summary and Conclusions  133


Stock Markets 142

The Stock Market  142 5.1 Private Equity versus Selling Securities to the Public  143 Private Equity  143 The Structure of Private Equity Funds  143 Types of Private Equity Funds  144 Selling Securities to The Public  145 The Primary Market for Common Stock 145 The Secondary Market for Common Stock 148 Dealers and Brokers  148 5.2 The New York Stock Exchange  151 NYSE Membership History  151 Designated Market Makers  151 Other NYSE Participants  152 The NYSE Hybrid Market  152 NYSE-Listed Stocks  153 5.3 Operation of the New York Stock Exchange 153 NYSE Floor Activity  154 Special Order Types  155 5.4 NASDAQ 158 Nasdaq Operations  159 Nasdaq Participants  159 5.5 NYSE and NASDAQ Competitors  160 5.6 Stock Market Information  160 The Dow Jones Industrial Average  160

Contents  xxxv



Stock Market Indexes  162 More on Price-Weighted Indexes  166 The Dow Jones Divisors  167 More on Index Formation: Base-Year Values 167 5.7 Summary and Conclusions  168 Common Stock Valuation  177 6.1 Security Analysis: Be Careful Out There 178 6.2 The Dividend Discount Model  178 Constant Perpetual Growth  179 Historical Growth Rates  181 The Sustainable Growth Rate  183 Analyzing Roe  184 6.3 The Two-Stage Dividend Growth Model 186 Nonconstant Growth in the First Stage  188 The H-Model  190 Discount Rates for Dividend Discount Models 190 Observations on Dividend Discount Models 191 6.4 The Residual Income Model  191 Residual Income  192 The Rim versus the Constant Growth Ddm 192 6.5 The Free Cash Flow Model  194 Free Cash Flow  194 The FCF Model versus the Constant Growth Ddm  195 6.6 Price Ratio Analysis  197 Price-Earnings Ratios  197 Price-Cash Flow Ratios  198 Price-Sales Ratios  198 Price-Book Ratios  198 Applications of Price Ratio Analysis  199 Enterprise Value Ratios  200 6.7 An Analysis of the E. I. du Pont Company 201 Using the Dividend Discount Model  202 Using the Residual Income Model  204 Using the Free Cash Flow Model  204 Using Price Ratio Analysis  206 6.8 Summary and Conclusions  208 Stock Price Behavior and Market Efficiency 220 7.1 Introduction to Market Efficiency  221

xxxvi  Contents

7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6

What Does “Beat the Market” Mean?  221 Foundations of Market Efficiency  221 Forms of Market Efficiency  222 Why Would a Market Be Efficient?  223 Some Implications of Market Efficiency 224 Does Old Information Help Predict Future Stock Prices?  224 Random Walks and Stock Prices  224 How Does New Information Get Into Stock Prices? 225 Event Studies  225 7.7 Informed Traders and Insider Trading 228 Informed Trading  228 Insider Trading  228 7.8 How Efficient Are Markets?  230 Are Financial Markets Efficient?  230 Some Implications of Market Efficiency 231


7.9 Market Efficiency and the Performance of Professional Money Managers  232 7.10 Anomalies 235 The Day-of-the-Week Effect  235 The Amazing January Effect  235 Turn-of-the-Year Effect  238 Turn-of-the-Month Effect  238 The Earnings Announcement Puzzle  239 The Price-Earnings (P/E) Puzzle  239 7.11 Bubbles and Crashes  239 The Crash of 1929  239 The Crash of October 1987  241 The Asian Crash  243 The “Dot-Com” Bubble and Crash  243 The Crash of October 2008  244 7.12 Summary and Conclusions  246 Behavioral Finance and the Psychology of Investing  254 8.1 Introduction to Behavioral Finance  255 8.2 Prospect Theory  255 Frame Dependence  256 Loss Aversion  257 Mental Accounting and House Money 258 8.3 Overconfidence 259 Overconfidence and Trading Frequency 259






Overtrading and Gender: “It’s (Basically) a Guy Thing”  260 What Is a Diversified Portfolio to the Everyday Investor?  260 Illusion of Knowledge  260 Snakebite Effect  261 Misperceiving Randomness and Overreacting to Chance Events  262 The “Hot-Hand” Fallacy  264 The Gambler’s Fallacy  265 More on Behavioral Finance  266 Heuristics 266 Herding 266 How Do We Overcome Bias?  267 Sentiment-Based Risk and Limits to Arbitrage 268 Limits to Arbitrage  268 The 3Com/Palm Mispricing  268 The Royal Dutch/Shell Price Ratio  269 Technical Analysis  270 Why Does Technical Analysis Continue to Thrive?  270 Dow Theory  271 Elliott Waves  272 Support and Resistance Levels  272 Technical Indicators  273 Relative Strength Charts  275 Charting 276 Fibonacci Numbers  281 Other Technical Indicators  282 Summary and Conclusions  283


Interest Rates and Bond Valuation 295

Interest Rates  295 9.1 Interest Rate History and Money Market Rates 296 Interest Rate History  296 Money Market Rates  298 9.2 Money Market Prices and Rates  301 Bank Discount Rate Quotes  302 Treasury Bill Quotes  303 Bank Discount Yields versus Bond Equivalent Yields  304 Bond Equivalent Yields, APRs, and EARs 306


9.3 Rates and Yields on Fixed-Income Securities 308 The Treasury Yield Curve  308 Rates on Other Fixed-Income Investments 309 9.4 The Term Structure of Interest Rates  312 Treasury Strips  312 Yields For U.S. Treasury Strips  314 9.5 Nominal versus Real Interest Rates  315 Real Interest Rates  315 The Fisher Hypothesis  315 Inflation-Indexed Treasury Securities  316 9.6 Traditional Theories of the Term Structure 317 Expectations Theory  317 Maturity Preference Theory  320 Market Segmentation Theory  320 9.7 Determinants of Nominal Interest Rates: A Modern Perspective  321 Problems with Traditional Theories  321 Modern Term Structure Theory  321 Liquidity and Default Risk  323 9.8 Summary and Conclusions  323 Bond Prices and Yields  332 10.1 Bond Basics  333 Straight Bonds  333 Coupon Rate and Current Yield  333 10.2 Straight Bond Prices and Yield to Maturity 334 Straight Bond Prices  334 Premium and Discount Bonds  336 Relationships among Yield Measures 338 A Note on Bond Price Quotes  338 10.3 More on Yields  340 Calculating Yields  340 Yield to Call  341 Using a Financial Calculator  343 10.4 Interest Rate Risk and Malkiel’s Theorems 345 Promised Yield And Realized Yield  345 Interest Rate Risk and Maturity  345 Malkiel’s Theorems  346 10.5 Duration 348 Macaulay Duration  348 Modified Duration  348

Contents  xxxvii

Calculating Macaulay Duration  349 Properties of Duration  351 10.6 Bond Risk Measures Based on Duration 352 Dollar Value of An 01  352 Yield Value of A 32nd  352 10.7 Dedicated Portfolios and Reinvestment Risk 353 Dedicated Portfolios  353 Reinvestment Risk  354 10.8 Immunization 356 Price Risk versus Reinvestment Rate Risk 356 Immunization by Duration Matching  356 Dynamic Immunization  357 10.9 Summary and Conclusions  358


Portfolio Management 368

Diversification and Risky Asset Allocation 368 11.1 Expected Returns and Variances  369 Expected Returns  369 Calculating the Variance of Expected Returns 371 11.2 Portfolios  372 Portfolio Weights  372 Portfolio Expected Returns  373 Portfolio Variance of Expected Returns 374 11.3 Diversification and Portfolio Risk  375 The Effect of Diversification: Another Lesson From Market History  375 The Principle of Diversification  377 The Fallacy of Time Diversification  377 11.4 Correlation and Diversification  380 Why Diversification Works  380 Calculating Portfolio Risk  381 The Importance of Asset Allocation, Part 1  383 More On Correlation and the Risk-Return Trade-Off 385 11.5 The Markowitz Efficient Frontier  387 The Importance of Asset Allocation, Part 2  387 11.6 Summary and Conclusions  390

xxxviii  Contents



Return, Risk, and the Security Market Line 401 12.1 Announcements, Surprises, and Expected Returns 402 Expected and Unexpected Returns  402 Announcements and News  402 12.2 Risk: Systematic and Unsystematic  404 Systematic and Unsystematic Risk  404 Systematic and Unsystematic Components Of Return  405 12.3 Diversification, Systematic Risk, and Unsystematic Risk  406 Diversification and Unsystematic Risk 406 Diversification and Systematic Risk  406 12.4 Systematic Risk and Beta  407 The Systematic Risk Principle  407 Measuring Systematic Risk  407 Portfolio Betas  409 12.5 The Security Market Line  410 Beta And The Risk Premium  410 The Reward-To-Risk Ratio  411 The Basic Argument  411 The Fundamental Result  413 The Security Market Line  415 12.6 More on Beta  417 A Closer Look At Beta  418 Where Do Betas Come From?  419 Another Way to Calculate Beta  421 Why Do Betas Differ?  423 12.7 Extending CAPM  424 A (Very) Brief History of Testing CAPM 424 The Fama-French Three-Factor Model 425 12.8 Summary and Conclusions  426 Performance Evaluation and Risk Management 435 13.1 Performance Evaluation  436 Performance Evaluation Measures  436 The Sharpe Ratio  437 The Treynor Ratio  438 Jensen’s Alpha  438 Another Method to Calculate Alpha  439 Information Ratio  442 R-Squared 442

15.5 Option Intrinsic Value and “Moneyness” 499 Intrinsic Value for Call Options  499 Intrinsic Value for Put Options  500 Time Value  500 Three Lessons About Intrinsic Value  501 Show Me The Money  501 15.6 Option Payoffs and Profits  502 Option Writing  502 Option Payoffs  503 Option Payoff Diagrams  503 Option Profit Diagrams  504 15.7 Using Options to Manage Risk  506 The Protective Put Strategy  506 Credit Default Swaps  507 The Protective Put Strategy and Corporate Risk Management  508 Using Call Options in Corporate Risk Management 508 15.8 Option Trading Strategies  509 The Covered Call Strategy  509 Spreads 510 Combinations 511 15.9 Arbitrage and Option Pricing Bounds  512 The Upper Bound for Call Option Prices 512 The Upper Bound for Put Option Prices 512 The Lower Bounds for Call and Put Option Prices 513 15.10 Put-Call Parity  515 Put-Call Parity with Dividends  517 What Can We Do with Put-Call Parity? 517 15.11 Summary and Conclusions  519

13.2 Comparing Performance Measures  443 Global Investment Performance Standards 445 Sharpe-Optimal Portfolios  446 13.3 Investment Risk Management  448 Value-at-Risk 449 13.4 More on Computing Value-at-Risk  450 13.5 Summary and Conclusions  452



Futures and Options 460

Futures Contracts  460 14.1 Futures Contracts Basics  461 Modern History of Futures Trading 461 Futures Contract Features  462 Futures Prices  463 14.2 Why Futures?  466 Speculating with Futures  466 Hedging with Futures  467 14.3 Futures Trading Accounts  471 14.4 Cash Prices versus Futures Prices  473 Cash Prices  473 Cash-Futures Arbitrage  473 Spot-Futures Parity  475 More on Spot-Futures Parity  476 14.5 Stock Index Futures  477 Basics of Stock Index Futures  477 Index Arbitrage  478 Hedging Stock Market Risk With Futures 479 Hedging Interest Rate Risk With Futures 480 Futures Contract Delivery Options  481 14.6 Summary and Conclusions  482 Stock Options  491 15.1 Options on Common Stocks  492 Option Basics  492 Option Price Quotes  493 15.2 The Options Clearing Corporation  495 15.3 Why Options?  496 15.4 Stock Index Options  497 Index Options: Features and Settlement 498 Index Option Price Quotes  498


Topics in Investments 529

Option Valuation  529 16.1 A Simple Model to Value Options before Expiration 530 16.2 The One-Period Binomial Option Pricing Model 531 The One-Period Binomial Option Pricing Model—The Assumptions  531 The One-Period Binomial Option Pricing Model—The Setup  531

Contents  xxxix

The One-Period Binomial Option Pricing Model—The Formula  532 What Is Delta?  534 16.3 The Two-Period Binomial Option Pricing Model 534 Step 1: Build a Price Tree for Stock Prices Through Time  535 Step 2: Use the Intrinsic Value Formula to Calculate the Possible Option Prices at Expiration 535 Step 3: Calculate The Fractional Share Needed to Form Each Risk-Free Portfolio at the Next-to-Last Date  536 Step 4: Calculate All Possible Option Prices at the Next-to-Last Date  537 Step 5: Repeat This Process by Working Back to Today  537 16.4 The Binomial Option Pricing Model with Many Periods  538 16.5 The Black-Scholes Option Pricing Model 540 16.6 Varying the Option Price Input Values  542 Varying the Underlying Stock Price  543 Varying the Option’s Strike Price  543 Varying the Time Remaining Until Option Expiration 543 Varying the Volatility of the Stock Price 544 Varying the Interest Rate  544 16.7 Measuring the Impact of Stock Price Changes on Option Prices  545 Interpreting Option Deltas  546 16.8 Hedging Stock with Stock Options  547 Hedging Using Call Options—The Prediction 548 Hedging Using Call Options—The Results 548 Hedging Using Put Options—The Prediction 548 Hedging Using Put Options—The Results 549 16.9 Hedging a Stock Portfolio with Stock Index Options  549 16.10 Implied Standard Deviations  551 CBOE Implied Volatilities for Stock Indexes 552 16.11 Employee Stock Options  553 ESO Features  553

xl Contents



ESO Repricing  553 ESOs at the Gap, Inc.  554 Valuing Employee Stock Options  554 16.12 Summary and Conclusions  555 Projecting Cash Flow and Earnings  565 17.1 Sources of Financial Information  566 17.2 Financial Statements  566 The Balance Sheet  567 The Income Statement  569 The Cash Flow Statement  570 Performance Ratios and Price Ratios  571 17.3 Financial Statement Forecasting  573 The Percentage of Sales Approach  573 The Pro Forma Income Statement  573 The Pro Forma Balance Sheet  574 Scenario One  576 Scenario Two  576 Projected Profitability and Price Ratios 579 17.4 Starbucks Corporation Case Study  579 Pro Forma Income Statement  581 Pro Forma Balance Sheet  582 Valuing Starbucks Using Ratio Analysis 585 Valuing Starbucks Using a Two-Stage DividendGrowth Model  586 Valuing Starbucks: What Does the Market Say? 587 17.5 Summary and Conclusions  587 Corporate and Government Bonds  599 18.1 Corporate Bond Basics  600 18.2 Corporate Bond Indentures  601 Bond Seniority Provisions  602 Call Provisions  602 Put Provisions  605 Bond-to-Stock Conversion Provisions  605 Graphical Analysis of Convertible Bond Prices 607 Bond Maturity and Principal Payment Provisions 608 Sinking Fund Provisions  609 Coupon Payment Provisions  609 Protective Covenants  610 Adjustable-Rate Bonds  610 18.3 Government Bond Basics  611



18.4 U.S. Treasury Bills, Notes, Bonds, and STRIPS  612 Treasury Bond and Note Prices  615 Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities 617 18.5 U.S. Treasury Auctions  619 18.6 Federal Government Agency Securities 619 18.7 Municipal Bonds  621 Municipal Bond Features  622 Types of Municipal Bonds  622 Municipal Bond Insurance  624 Equivalent Taxable Yield  624 Taxable Municipal Bonds  625 18.8 Bond Credit Ratings  625 Why Bond Ratings Are Important  627 An Alternative to Bond Ratings  627 Junk Bonds  628 18.9 Summary and Conclusions  630 Global Economic Activity and Industry Analysis 640 19.1 Top-Down Analysis  641 19.2 Global Macroeconomic Activity  642 Real GDP 642 Business Cycles  643 Economic Indicators  645 The Global Economy and Stock Return Correlations 645 The Effects of Exchange Rates on Global Investments 646 19.3 Monitoring Jobs and the Price Level  647 Labor Market Indicators  647 The Consumer Price Index  648 19.4 Monetary and Fiscal Policy  649 Monetary Policy  649 Fiscal Policy  651 19.5 Industry Analysis  652


20.4 20.5


20.7 20.8

Fixed-Rate Mortgage Prepayment and Refinancing  667 Government National Mortgage Association 671 GNMA Clones  671 Public Securities Association Mortgage Prepayment Model  672 Cash Flow Analysis of GNMA Fully Modified Mortgage Pools  674 Macaulay Durations for GNMA Mortgage-Backed Bonds  675 Collateralized Mortgage Obligations  677 Interest-Only and Principal-Only Mortgage Strips 678 Sequential Collateralized Mortgage Obligations 680 Protected Amortization Class Bonds  682 Yields for Mortgage-Backed Securities and Collateralized Mortgage Obligations  684 Summary and Conclusions  685


Answers to Test Your Investment Quotient Questions 693 Answers to Selected Questions and Problems 697 Key Equations  699 Name Index  703 Equations Index  705 Subject Index  708

Identifying Sectors  652 Porter’s Five Forces  655 19.6 Summary and Conclusions  656 Mortgage-Backed Securities  663 20.1 A Brief History of Mortgage-Backed Securities 664 20.2 Fixed-Rate Mortgages  664 Fixed-Rate Mortgage Amortization  665



A Brief History of Risk and Return +

Learning Objectives



“All I ask is for the chance to prove that money can’t make me happy.” –Spike Milligan

To become a wise investor (maybe even one with too much money), you need to know:

Who wants to be a millionaire? Actually, anyone can retire as a millionaire. How?

1. How to calculate the return on an investment using different methods.

How much will you have? The answer might surprise you. If you earn 10 percent

2. The historical returns on various important types of investments.

stocks has actually yielded about 12 percent per year.

  3. The historical risks on various important types of investments.   4. The relationship between risk and return.

Consider this: Suppose you, on your 25th birthday, invest $3,000. You have the discipline to invest $3,000 on each of your next 39 birthdays until you retire on your 65th birthday. per year, you will have about $1.46 million. Are these numbers realistic? Based on the history of financial markets, the answer appears to be yes. For example, over the last 90 or so years, the widely followed Standard & Poor’s Index of large-company common

The study of investments could begin in many places. After thinking it over, we decided that a brief history lesson is in order, so we start our discussion of risk and return by looking back at what has happened to investors in U.S. financial markets since 1925. In 1931, for example, the stock market lost 43 percent of its value. Just two years later, the market reversed itself and gained 54 percent. In more recent times, the stock market lost about 25 percent of its value on October 19, 1987, alone, and it gained almost 40 percent in 1995. From 2003 through 2007, the market gained about 80 percent. In 2008, the market fell almost 40 percent. In 2009, the market reversed course again, and through 2015 the market

CFA™ Exam Topics in this Chapter: 1. Discounted cash flow applications (L1, S2) 2. Statistical concepts and market returns (L1, S2)  3. Common probability distributions (L1, S3)   4. Sampling and estimation (L1, S3)  5. Dividend and share repurchases: Analysis (L2, S8)  6. Evaluating portfolio performance (L3, S17)

Go to Connect for a guide that aligns your textbook with CFA readings.

recovered from its large losses (and more), as the return over this seven-year period was over 150 percent. So what should you, as a stock market investor, expect when you invest your own money? In this chapter, we study more than eight decades of market history to find out. In this chapter, we present the historical relation between risk and return. As you will see, this chapter has a lot of very practical information for anyone thinking of investing in financial assets such as stocks and bonds. For example, suppose you were to start investing in stocks today. Do you think your money would grow at an average rate of 5 percent per year? Or 10 percent? Or 20 percent? This chapter gives you an idea of what to expect (the answer may surprise you). The chapter also shows how risky certain investments can be, and it gives you the tools to think about risk in an objective way. Our primary goal in this chapter is to see what financial market history can tell us about risk and return. Specifically, we want to give you a perspective on the numbers. What is a high return? What is a low return? More generally, what returns should we expect from financial assets such as stocks and bonds, and what are the risks from such investments? Beyond this, we hope that by studying what did happen in the past, we will at least gain some insight into what can happen in the future. The history of risk and return is made day by day in global financial markets. The Internet is an excellent source of information on financial markets. Visit our website within Connect for suggestions on where to find information on recent financial market events. We will suggest other sites later in the chapter. Not everyone agrees on the value of studying history. On the one hand, there is philosopher George Santayana’s famous comment, “Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” On the other hand, there is industrialist Henry Ford’s equally famous comment, “History is more or less bunk.” These extremes aside, perhaps everyone would agree with Mark Twain, who observed, with remarkable foresight (and poor grammar), that “October. This is one of the peculiarly dangerous months to speculate in stocks in. The others are July, January, September, April, November, May, March, June, December, August, and February.” Two key observations emerge from a study of financial market history. First, there is a reward for bearing risk, and at least on average, that reward has been substantial. That’s the good news. The bad news is that greater rewards are accompanied by greater risks. The fact that risk and return go together is probably the single most important fact to understand about investments, and it is a point to which we will return many times.

1.1 Returns We wish to discuss historical returns on different types of financial assets. First, we need to know how to compute the return from an investment. We will consider buying shares of stock in this section, but the basic calculations are the same for any investment.

DOLLAR R E TUR N S If you buy an asset of any type, your gain (or loss) from that investment is called the return on your investment. This return will usually have two components. First, you may receive some cash directly while you own the investment. Second, the value of the asset you purchase may change. In this case, you have a capital gain or capital loss on your investment.1 To illustrate, suppose you purchased 200 shares of stock in Harley-Davidson (ticker symbol: HOG) on January 1. At that time, Harley was selling for $50 per share, so your 200 shares cost you $10,000. At the end of the year, you want to see how you did with your investment. As a practical matter, what is and what is not a capital gain (or loss) is determined by the Internal Revenue Service. Even so, as is commonly done, we use these terms to refer to a change in value. 1


Part 1 


The first thing to consider is that over the year, a company may pay cash dividends to its shareholders. As a stockholder in Harley, you are a part owner of the company, and you are entitled to a portion of any money distributed. So if Harley chooses to pay a dividend, you will receive some cash for every share you own. In addition to the dividend, the other part of your return is the capital gain or loss on the stock. This part arises from changes in the value of your investment. For example, consider these two cases: Case 1

Case 2

$ 55.60

$   39.80

January 1 value



December 31 value







Ending Stock Price

Dividend income Capital gain or loss

At the beginning of the year, on January 1, the stock was selling for $50 per share. As we calculated above, your total outlay for 200 shares is $10,000. Over the year, Harley paid dividends of $0.40 per share. By the end of the year, then, you received dividend income of Dividend income=$0.40×200=$80 In Case 1, suppose that as of December 31, a HOG share was selling for $55.60, meaning that the value of your stock increased by $5.60 per share. Your 200 shares would be worth $11,120, so you have a capital gain of Capitalgain=($55.60−$50)×200=$1,120 On the other hand, if the price had dropped to, say, $39.80 (Case 2), you would have a capital loss of Capitalloss=($39.80−$50)×200=−$2,040 total dollar return The return on an investment measured in dollars that accounts for all cash flows and capital gains or losses.

Notice that a capital loss is the same thing as a negative capital gain. The total dollar return on your investment is the sum of the dividend income and the capital gain (or loss): Totaldollarreturn=Dividendincome+Capitalgain(orloss) In Case 1, the total dollar return is thus given by Total dollar return=$80+$1,120=$1,200 Overall, between the dividends you received and the increase in the price of the stock, the value of your investment increased from $10,000 to $10,000+$1,200=$11,200. A common misconception often arises in this context. Suppose you hold on to your Harley-Davidson stock and don’t sell it at the end of the year. Should you still consider the capital gain as part of your return? Isn’t this only a “paper” gain and not really a cash gain if you don’t sell it? The answer to the first question is a strong yes, and the answer to the second is an equally strong no. The capital gain is every bit as much a part of your return as the dividend, and you should certainly count it as part of your return. The fact that you decide to keep the stock and don’t sell (you don’t “realize” the gain) is irrelevant because you could have converted it to cash if you had wanted to. Whether you choose to do so is up to you. After all, if you insist on converting your gain to cash, you could always sell the stock and immediately reinvest by buying the stock back. There is no difference between doing

Chapter 1 

  A Brief History of Risk and Return3

this and just not selling (assuming, of course, that there are no transaction costs or tax consequences from selling the stock). Again, the point is that whether you actually cash out and buy pizzas (or whatever) or continue to hold the investment doesn’t affect the return you actually earn.

P ERCEN TAGE R E TUR N S It is usually more convenient to summarize information about returns in percentage terms than in dollar terms because that way your return doesn’t depend on how much you actually invested. With percentage returns the question we want to answer is: How much do we get for each dollar we invest? To answer this question, let Pt be the price of the stock at the beginning of the year. Let Dt + 1 be the dividend paid on the stock during the year. The following cash flows are the same as those shown earlier, except that we have now expressed everything on a per-share basis:

January 1 stock price, Pt December 31 stock price, Pt + 1

Our favorite investments website is Yahoo! Finance at Visit this site and look around!

dividend yield The annual stock dividend as a percentage of the initial stock price. capital gains yield The change in stock price as a percentage of the initial stock price.

total percent return The return on an investment measured as a percentage that accounts for all cash flows and capital gains or losses.

Case 1

Case 2





Dividend income, Dt + 1



Capital gain or loss



In our example, the price at the beginning of the year was $50 per share and the dividend paid during the year on each share was $0.40. If we divide the dividend by the beginning stock price, the result is the dividend yield: Dividend yield = Dt + 1  /Pt(1.1) = $0.40 / $50 = 0.0080 = 0.80%

This calculation says that for each dollar we invested, we received 0.80 cents in dividends. The second component of our percentage return is the capital gains yield. This yield is calculated as the change in the price during the year (the capital gain) divided by the beginning price. With the Case 1 ending price, we get: Capital gains yield = (Pt + 1 − Pt ) /Pt(1.2) = ($55.60 − $50.00) / $50.00

= $5.60 / $50 = 0.1120 = 11.20%

This 11.20 percent yield means that for each dollar invested, we got about 11 cents in capital gains (HOG heaven). Putting it all together, per dollar invested, we get 0.80 cents in dividends and 11.20 cents in capital gains for a total of 12.00 cents. Our total percent return is 12 cents on the dollar, or 12.00 percent. When a return is expressed on a percentage basis, we often refer to it as the rate of return, or just “return,” on the investment. Notice that if we combine the formulas for the dividend yield and capital gains yield, we get a single formula for the total percentage return: Percentage return = Dividend yield + Capital gains yield(1.3) = Dt + 1 /Pt + (Pt + 1 − Pt ) /Pt = (Dt + 1 + Pt + 1 − Pt ) /Pt

To check our calculations, notice that we invested $10,000 and ended up with $11,200. By what percentage did our $10,000 increase? As we saw, our gain was $11,200 − $10,000=$1,200. This is an increase of $1,200/$10,000, or 12.00 percent.


Part 1 


+ WORK THE WEB To look up information on common stocks using the Web, you need to know the “ticker” symbol for the stocks in which you are interested. You can look up ticker symbols in many places, including one of our favorite sites, Here we have looked up (using the “Symbol Lookup” link) and entered ticker symbols for some well-known “tech” stocks: Apple, Google, Intel, and Microsoft. This is what we got:


As you can see, we get the price for each stock, along with information about the change in price and volume (number of shares traded). You will find a lot of links to hit and learn more, so have at it!

Calculating Percentage Returns Suppose you buy some stock in Concannon Plastics for $35 per share. After one year, the price is $49 per share. During the year, you received a $1.40 dividend per share. What is the dividend yield? The capital gains yield? The percentage return? If your total investment was $1,400, how much do you have at the end of the year? Your $1.40 dividend per share works out to a dividend yield of Dividend yield = Dt + 1 /pt

= $1.40 / $35

= 4%

The per-share capital gain is $14, so the capital gains yield is Capital gains yield = (Pt + 1 − Pt ) /Pt

= ($49 − $35) / $35 = $14 / $35 = 40%

The total percentage return is thus 4% + 40% = 44%. If you had invested $ 1,400, you would have $ 2,016 at the end of the year. To check this, note that your $1,400 would have bought you $1,400/$35 = 40 shares. Your 40 shares would then have paid you a total of 40 × $1.40 = $56 in cash dividends. Your $14 per share gain would give you a total capital gain of $14 × 40 = $560. Add these together and you get $616, which is a 44 percent total return on your $1,400 investment.

A NOTE ON A N N UA L I ZI N G R E TU R N S So far, we have only considered annual returns. Of course, the actual length of time you own an investment will almost never be exactly a year. To compare investments, however, we will usually need to express returns on a per-year or “annualized” basis, so we need to do a little bit more work. For example, suppose you bought 200 shares of Cisco Systems (CSCO) at a price of $30 per share. In three months, you sell your stock for $31.50. You didn’t receive any dividends. What is your return for the three months? What is your annualized return?

Chapter 1 

  A Brief History of Risk and Return5

In this case, we say that your holding period, which is the length of time you own the stock, is three months. With a zero dividend, you know that the percentage return can be calculated as: Percentagereturn=(Pt+ 1−Pt ) /Pt=($31.50−$30) / $30=0.0500=5.00%

effective annual return (EAR) The return on an investment expressed on a per-year, or “annualized,” basis.

This 5.00 percent is your return for the three-month holding period, but what does this return amount to on a per-year basis? To find out, we need to convert this to an annualized return, meaning a return expressed on a per-year basis. Such a return is often called an effective annual return, or EAR for short. The general formula is this: 1 + EAR = (1 + holding period percentage return)m(1.4)

where m is the number of holding periods in a year. In our example, the holding period percentage return is 5.00 percent, or 0.0500. The holding period is three months, so there are four (12 months/3 months) periods in a year. We calculate the annualized return, or EAR, as follows: 1+EAR=(1+holdingperiodpercentagereturn)m =(1+0.0500)4 =1.2155 So, your annualized return is 21.55 percent.


A “QWEST” for Returns Suppose you buy some stock in Qwest (no, that’s not a typo; that’s how the company spells it) at a price of $28 per share. Four months later, you sell for $29.40 per share. No dividend is paid. What is your annualized return on this investment? For the four-month holding period, your return is: Percentage return = (Pt + 1 − Pt ) /Pt = ($29.40 − $28) / $28 = 0.05 = 5%

There are three four-month periods in a year, so the annualized return is: 1 + EAR = (1 + holding period percentage return)m = (1 + 0.05)3 = 1.1576

Subtracting the one, we get an annualized return of 0.1576, or 15.76 percent.


More Annualized Returns Suppose you buy some stock in Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) at a price of $60 per share. Three years later, you sell it for $64.50. No dividends were paid. What is your annualized return on this investment? The situation here is a bit different because your holding period is now longer than a year, but the calculation is basically the same. For the three-year holding period, your return is: Percentage return = (Pt + 1 − Pt ) /Pt = ($64.50 − $60) / $60 = 0.075 = 7.5%

How many three-year holding periods are there in a single year? The answer is one-third, so m in this case is 1/3. The annualized return is: 1 + EAR = (1 + holding period percentage return)m = (1 + 0.075)1/3 = 1.0244

Subtracting the one, we get an annualized return of 0.0244, or 2.44 percent.


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Now that you know how to calculate returns on a hypothetical stock, you should calculate returns for real stocks. The nearby Work the Web box using describes how to begin. Meanwhile, in the next several sections, we will take a look at the returns that some common types of investments have earned over the last 90 years.



What are the two parts of total return?


What is the difference between a dollar return and a percentage return? Why are percentage returns usually more convenient?


What is an effective annual return (EAR)?

1.2 The Historical Record We now examine year-to-year historical rates of return on five important categories of financial investments. These returns can be interpreted as what you would have earned if you had invested in portfolios of the following asset categories: Annual historical financial market data can be downloaded (but not for free) at

1. Large-company stocks. The large-company stock portfolio is based on the Standard & Poor’s (S&P’s) 500 Index, which contains 500 of the largest companies (in terms of total market value of outstanding stock) in the United States. 2. Small-company stocks. This is a portfolio composed of stock of smaller companies, where “small” corresponds to the smallest 20 percent of the companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange, again as measured by market value of outstanding stock. 3. Long-term corporate bonds. This is a portfolio of high-quality bonds with 20 years to maturity. 4. Long-term U.S. government bonds. This is a portfolio of U.S. government bonds with 20 years to maturity. 5. U.S. Treasury bills. This is a portfolio of Treasury bills (T-bills for short) with a three-month maturity. If you are not entirely certain what these investments are, don’t be overly concerned. We will have much more to say about each in later chapters. For now, just accept that these are some important investment categories. In addition to the year-to-year returns on these financial instruments, the year-to-year percentage changes in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) are also computed. The CPI is a standard measure of consumer goods price inflation. We discuss the CPI in more detail in a later chapter. Here is a bit of market jargon for you. A company’s total market capitalization (or market “cap” for short) is equal to its stock price multiplied by the number of shares of stock. In other words, it’s the total value of the company’s stock. Large companies are often called “large-cap” stocks, and small companies are called “small-cap” stocks. We’ll use these terms frequently.

A FIR ST LOOK Before examining the different portfolio returns, we first take a look at the “big picture.” Figure 1.1 shows what happened to $1 invested in these different portfolios at the beginning of 1926 and held over the 90-year period ending in 2015 (for clarity, the long-term corporate bonds are omitted). To fit all the information on a single graph, some modification in scaling is used. As is commonly done with financial time series, the vertical axis is scaled so that equal distances measure equal percentage (as opposed to dollar) changes in value. Thus, the distance between $10 and $100 is the same as that between $100 and $1,000 because both distances represent the same 900 percent increases. Looking at Figure 1.1, we see that the small-company investment did the best overall. Every dollar invested grew to a remarkable $24,113.43 over the 90 years. The larger common stock portfolio did less well; a dollar invested in it grew to $4,954.81.

Chapter 1 

  A Brief History of Risk and Return7

A $1 Investment in Different Types of Portfolios: 1926–2015 (Year-end 1925 = $1)

FIGURE 1.1 100,000

$24,113.43 Small-company stocks


Value of a $1 investment


1,000 Large-company stocks $120.90

100 Treasury bills

Long-term government bonds

$22.42 $13.21

10 Inflation


0.10 1926




1966 1976 Year-end





Source: Global Financial Data ( and Professor Kenneth R. French, Dartmouth College.

At the other end, the T-bill portfolio grew to only $22.42. This is even less impressive when we consider the inflation over this period. As illustrated, the increase in the price level was such that $13.21 is needed just to replace the original $1. Given the historical record, why would anybody buy anything other than small-company stocks? If you look closely at Figure 1.1, you will probably see the answer—risk. The T-bill portfolio and the long-term government bond portfolio grew more slowly than did the stock portfolios, but they also grew much more steadily. The small stocks ended up on top, but, as you can see, they grew quite erratically at times. For example, the small stocks were the worst performers for about the first 10 years and had a smaller return than long-term government bonds for almost 15 years.

A LONGE R R AN G E LOOK The data available on the stock returns before 1925 are not comprehensive, but it is nonetheless possible to trace reasonably accurate returns in U.S. financial markets as far back as 1801. Figure 1.2 shows the values, at the end of 2015, of $1 invested since 1801 in stocks, long-term bonds, short-term bills, and gold. The CPI is also included for reference.


Part 1 



Financial Market History

Total return indexes (1801–2015) $100,000,000 $21.9 mil



Value of a $1 Investment

$1,000,000 $100,000 Bonds


$39,134 $5,380


$1,000 $100


$54.71 $19.72



$1 $0






1916 Year






Sources: Jeremy J. Siegel, Stocks for the Long Run, 3rd ed. (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2003); update through 2009 provided by Jeremy J. Siegel; update through 2015 from Global Financial Data (; and Professor Kenneth R. French, Dartmouth College.

Inspecting Figure 1.2, we see that $1 invested in stocks grew to an astounding $21.9 million over this 215-year period. During this time, the returns from investing in stocks dwarf those earned on other investments. Notice also in Figure 1.2 that, after 170 years, gold has managed to outpace inflation beginning in the 1970s. What we see thus far is that there has been a powerful financial incentive for long-term investing. The real moral of the story is this: Get an early start!

A CLOSE R LOOK To illustrate the variability of the different investments and inflation, Figures 1.3 through 1.6 plot the year-to-year percentage returns in the form of vertical bars drawn from the horizontal axis. The height of a bar tells us the return for the particular year. For example, looking at the long-term government bonds (Figure 1.5), we see that the largest historical return (47.14 percent) occurred in 1982. This year was a good year for bonds. In comparing these charts, notice the differences in the vertical axis scales. With these differences in mind, you can see how predictably the Treasury bills (bottom of Figure 1.5) behaved compared to the small-company stocks (Figure 1.4). The returns shown in these bar graphs are sometimes very large. Looking at the graphs, we see, for example, that the largest single-year return was a remarkable 153 percent for

Chapter 1 

  A Brief History of Risk and Return9

Year-to-Year Total Returns on Large-Company Stocks: 1926–2015

FIGURE 1.3 Large-company stocks

Total annual returns (in percent)




-20 -40 -60 1926




1966 1976 Year-end





Source: Professor Kenneth R. French, Dartmouth College.

Year-to-Year Total Returns on Small-Company Stocks: 1926–2015

FIGURE 1.4 Small-company stocks

Total annual returns (in percent)





-50 -100 1926



Source: Professor Kenneth R. French, Dartmouth College.


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1966 1976 Year-end





Year-to-Year Total Returns on Bonds and Bills: 1926–2015


Long-term U.S. government bonds 60

Total annual returns (in percent)

50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 1926




1966 1976 Year-end









U.S. Treasury bills 16

Total annual returns (in percent)

14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 1926




1966 1976 Year-end

Source: Global Financial Data (

the small-company stocks in 1933. In the same year, the large-company stocks returned “only” 53 percent. In contrast, the largest Treasury bill return was 14.6 percent, in 1981. The Treasury bill return was near zero through 2015. For future reference, the actual yearto-year returns for the S&P 500, long-term U.S. government bonds, U.S. Treasury bills, and the CPI are shown in Table 1.1.

Chapter 1 

  A Brief History of Risk and Return11

Year-to-Year Inflation: 1926–2015

FIGURE 1.6 Inflation

Cumulative index and rates of change 20

Annual inflation (in percent)

15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 1926




1966 1976 Year-end





Source: Global Financial Data (

2008: THE B E A R G ROWL E D A N D I N V E STOR S HOWLE D As we mentioned in our chapter introduction, 2008 entered the record books as one of the worst years for stock market investors in U.S. history. Over the extended period beginning in October 2007 (when the decline began) through March 2009, the S&P 500 Index declined from 1,576 to 677, a drop of about 57 percent. Stock investors fared much better during the rest of 2009. The S&P 500 stood at 1,115 at year’s end—a rebound of 65 percent from the March low. Figure 1.7 shows the month-by-month performance of the S&P 500 during 2008. As indicated, returns were negative in 8 of the 12 months. Most of the damage occurred in the fall, with investors losing almost 17 percent in October alone. Small stocks fared no better. They fell 37 percent for the year (with a 21 percent drop in October), their worst performance since losing 58 percent in 1937. As Figure 1.7 suggests, stock prices were highly volatile during 2008. Oddly, the S&P had 126 up days and 126 down days (remember the markets are closed weekends and holidays). Of course, the down days were much worse on average. To see how extraordinary volatility was in 2008, consider that there were 18 days during which the value of the S&P changed by more than 5 percent. There were only 17 such moves between 1956 and 2007! The drop in stock prices in 2008 was a global phenomenon, and many of the world’s major markets were off by much more than the S&P. China, India, and Russia, for example, all experienced declines of more than 50 percent. Tiny Iceland saw share prices drop by more than 90 percent for the year. Trading on the Icelandic exchange was temporarily suspended on October 9. In what has to be a modern record for a single day, stocks fell by 76 percent when trading resumed on October 14. Did U.S. investors encounter any bright spots? The answer is yes: As stocks plummeted, bonds soared, particularly U.S. Treasury bonds. In fact, long-term Treasuries gained over 40 percent in 2008, while shorter term Treasury bonds were up 13 percent. Long-term corporate bonds did not fare as well but still managed to finish in positive territory, up 9 percent. 12

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Chapter 1 

  A Brief History of Risk and Return13

11.14% 37.13% 43.31% −8.91% −25.26% −43.86% −8.85% 52.88% −2.34% 47.22% 32.80% −35.26% 33.20% −0.91% −10.08% −11.77% 21.07% 25.76% 19.69% 36.46% −8.18% 5.24% 5.10% 18.06% 30.58% 24.55% 18.50% −1.10% 52.40% 31.43% 6.63% −10.85% 43.34% 11.90% 0.48% 26.81% −8.78% 22.69% 16.36% 12.36% −10.10% 23.94% 11.00% −8.47% 3.94%


1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970

8.26% 11.15% −1.90% 5.41% 6.08% −9.26% 15.37% −0.04% 14.16% 6.24% 9.05% −0.69% 6.96% 6.34% 11.88% −10.51% 2.70% 2.50% 2.94% 5.69% 4.41% −1.77% 2.03% 7.91% −2.12% −4.64% 1.69% −1.54% 8.77% −1.63% −4.04% 5.44% −7.80% −1.81% 8.04% 2.94% 4.67% 1.14% 4.45% 1.15% −2.01% −7.02% 5.36% −0.67% 12.24%

LONG-TERM U.S. GOVERNMENT BONDS 3.30% 3.15% 4.05% 4.47% 2.27% 1.15% 0.88% 0.52% 0.27% 0.17% 0.17% 0.27% 0.06% 0.04% 0.04% 0.14% 0.34% 0.38% 0.38% 0.38% 0.38% 0.62% 1.06% 1.12% 1.22% 1.56% 1.75% 1.87% 0.93% 1.80% 2.66% 3.28% 1.71% 3.48% 2.81% 2.40% 2.82% 3.23% 3.62% 4.06% 4.94% 4.39% 5.49% 6.90% 6.50%

U.S. TREASURY BILLS YEAR 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

CONSUMER PRICE INDEX −1.12% −2.26% −1.16% 0.58% −6.40% −9.32% −10.27% 0.76% 1.52% 2.99% 1.45% 2.86% −2.78% 0.00% 0.71% 9.93% 9.03% 2.96% 2.30% 2.25% 18.13% 8.84% 2.99% −2.07% 5.93% 6.00% 0.75% 0.75% −0.74% 0.37% 2.99% 2.90% 1.76% 1.73% 1.36% 0.67% 1.33% 1.64% 0.97% 1.92% 3.46% 3.04% 4.72% 6.20% 5.57%

Year-to-Year Total Returns: 1926–2015

14.30% 18.99% −14.69% −26.47% 37.23% 23.93% −7.16% 6.57% 18.61% 32.50% −4.92% 21.55% 22.56% 6.27% 31.73% 18.67% 5.25% 16.61% 31.69% −3.10% 30.47% 7.62% 10.08% 1.32% 37.58% 22.96% 33.36% 28.58% 21.04% −9.10% −11.89% −22.10% 28.68% 10.88% 4.91% 15.80% 5.49% −37.00% 26.46% 15.06% 2.11% 16.00% 32.39% 13.69% 1.38%

LARGE-COMPANY STOCKS 12.67% 9.15% −12.66% −3.05% 4.86% 17.86% 2.57% −1.61% −2.08% −4.96% 0.69% 47.14% −1.14% 16.29% 36.59% 30.93% −7.14% 8.75% 21.30% 5.66% 19.47% 8.08% 21.53% −10.64% 35.66% −2.54% 17.70% 19.22% −12.76% 22.16% 5.32% 14.23% 1.51% 10.53% 10.56% 0.11% 11.07% 41.78% −25.61% 7.73% 35.75% 1.80% −14.69% 29.76% −2.61%


Source: Author calculations based on data obtained from Global Financial Data ( and Professor Kenneth R. French, Dartmouth College.



4.36% 4.23% 7.29% 7.99% 5.87% 5.07% 5.45% 7.64% 10.56% 12.10% 14.60% 10.94% 8.99% 9.90% 7.71% 6.09% 5.88% 6.94% 8.44% 7.69% 5.43% 3.48% 3.03% 4.39% 5.61% 5.14% 5.19% 4.86% 4.80% 5.98% 3.33% 1.61% 1.03% 1.43% 3.30% 4.97% 4.52% 1.24% 0.15% 0.14% 0.06% 0.08% 0.05% 0.03% 0.06%


3.27% 3.41% 8.71% 12.34% 6.94% 4.86% 6.70% 9.02% 13.29% 12.52% 8.92% 3.83% 3.79% 3.95% 3.80% 1.10% 4.43% 4.42% 4.65% 6.11% 3.06% 2.90% 2.75% 2.67% 2.54% 3.32% 1.70% 1.61% 2.68% 3.39% 1.55% 2.38% 1.88% 3.26% 3.42% 2.54% 4.08% 0.09% 2.72% 1.50% 2.96% 1.74% 1.50% 0.76% 0.73%


S&P 500 Monthly Returns: 2008

FIGURE 1.7 10%




1.30% 0% -5%




-3.25% -6.00% -8.43%




-15% -16.80% -20%













Source: Author calculations.

These returns were especially impressive considering that the rate of inflation, as measured by the CPI, was essentially zero. What lessons should investors take away from this very recent bit of capital market history? First, and most obviously, stocks have significant risk! But note a second, equally important lesson: Depending on the mix, a diversified portfolio of stocks and bonds probably would have suffered in 2008, but the losses would have been much smaller than those experienced by an all-stock portfolio. In other words, diversification matters, a point we will examine in detail in our next chapter.



With 20-20 hindsight, which investment category performed best for the period 1926–35?


Why doesn’t everyone just buy small-company stocks as investments?


What was the smallest return observed over the 90 years for each category of investments? Approximately when did it occur?


About how many times did large-company stocks (common stocks) return more than 30 percent? How many times did they return less than −20 percent?


What was the longest “winning streak” (years without a negative return) for large-company stocks? For long-term government bonds?


How often did the T-bill portfolio have a negative return?

1.3 Average Returns: The First Lesson As you’ve probably begun to notice, the history of financial market returns in an undigested form is complicated. What we need are simple measures to accurately summarize and describe all these numbers. Accordingly, we discuss how to go about condensing detailed numerical data. We start by calculating average returns. 14

Part 1 



Average Annual Returns: 1926 –2015 Investment

Average Return

Large-company stocks


Small-company stocks


Long-term corporate bonds


Long-term government bonds


U.S. Treasury bills




Source: Author calculations using data from Global Financial Data ( and Professor Kenneth R. French, Dartmouth College.

CALC U L ATI N G AV E R AG E R E TU R N S The obvious way to calculate average returns on the different investments in Figures 1.3 to 1.5 is to simply add up the yearly returns and divide by 90. The result is the historical average of the individual values. For example, if you add the returns for large-company common stocks for the 90 years, you will get about 1,067 percent. The average annual return is thus 1,067/90 = 11.9. You can interpret this 11.9 percent just like any other average. If you picked a year at random from the 90-year history and you had to guess the return in that year, the best guess is 11.9 percent.

AVER AGE R E TUR N S: THE HI STOR I CA L R E C OR D Table 1.2 shows the average returns for the investments we have discussed. Because these averages do not reflect the impact of inflation, we include an average inflation rate. Notice that over this 90-year period, the average inflation rate was 3.0 percent per year while the average return on U.S. Treasury bills was 3.6 percent per year. Thus, the average return on Treasury bills exceeded the average rate of inflation by only 0.6 percent per year. At the other extreme, the return on small-company common stocks exceeded the rate of inflation by about 17.5% − 3.0%=14.5%. The real return of the large-company common stocks averaged 11.9% − 3.0%=8.9% per year.


risk-free rate The rate of return on a riskless investment.

risk premium The extra return on a risky asset over the risk-free rate; the reward for bearing risk.

Now that we have computed some average returns, it seems logical to see how they compare with each other. Based on our discussion above, one such comparison involves government-issued securities. These are free of much of the variability we see in, for example, the stock market. The government borrows money by issuing debt, that is, bonds. These bonds come in different forms. The ones we focus on are Treasury bills. Treasury bills have the shortest time to maturity of the different types of government debt. Because the government can always raise taxes or print money to pay its expenses, Treasury bills are virtually free of any default risk. Thus, we will call the rate of return on such debt the risk-free rate, and we will use it as a kind of investing benchmark. A particularly interesting comparison involves the virtually risk-free return on T-bills and the risky return on common stocks. The difference between these two returns can be interpreted as a measure of the excess return on the average risky asset (assuming that the stock of a large U.S. corporation has about average risk compared to all risky assets). We call this the “excess” return because it is the additional return we earn by moving from a virtually risk-free investment to a risky one. Because this excess return can be interpreted as a reward for bearing risk, we will call it a risk premium. THE U.S. EQUITY RISK PREMIUM: HISTORICAL AND INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES  So far, in this chapter we have studied returns in U.S. stock and bond markets in the period 1926–2015. As we have discussed, the historical U.S. stock market risk premium has been substantial. Of course, whenever we use the past to predict the future, there is a danger that the past period isn’t representative of what the future will hold. Perhaps Chapter 1 

  A Brief History of Risk and Return15


World Stock Market Capitalization 2015 and 2014 2015 Region/Country United States


Amount (in trillions)


Amount (in trillions)











Americas, excluding U.S. and Canada














United Kingdom














Asia-Pacific, excluding Japan

Europe, Africa, Middle East, excluding United Kingdom and Germany Total



Source: World Federation of Exchanges Database, monthly-reports.

U.S. investors got lucky over this period and earned particularly large returns. Data from earlier years are available, although not of the same quality. With that caveat in mind, researchers have tracked returns back to 1802. The U.S. equity risk premium in the pre-1926 era was smaller than it was in the post-1926 era. Using the U.S. return data from 1802 to 2006, the historical equity risk premium was 5.4 percent. We have not looked at stock returns in other major countries. Actually, more than half of the value of tradable stock is not in the United States. From Table 1.3, we can see that while the total world stock market capitalization was $67.1 trillion in 2015, only about 37.4 percent was in the United States. Thanks to Professors Elroy Dimson, Paul Marsh, and Michael Staunton, data from earlier periods and other countries are now available to help us take a closer look at equity risk premiums. The U.S. historical equity risk premium is the eighth highest at 7.4 percent (which differs from our estimate below because of the different time periods examined). The overall world average risk premium is 7.1 percent. It seems clear that U.S. investors did well, but not exceptionally so relative to many other countries. The top performing countries were the United States, Australia, and France; the worst performers were Denmark and Norway. Germany, Japan, and Italy might make an interesting case study because they have the highest stock returns over this period (despite World Wars I and II), but also the highest risk. What is a good estimate of the U.S. equity risk premium going forward? Unfortunately, nobody can know for sure what investors expect in the future. If history is a guide, the expected U.S. equity risk premium could be 7.4 percent based upon estimates from 1900–2005. We should also be mindful that the average world equity risk premium was 7.1 percent over this same period. On the other hand, the relatively more recent period (1926–2015) suggests higher estimates of the U.S. equity risk premium, and the earlier period (1802– 1925) suggests lower estimates. Taking a slightly different approach, Professor Ivo Welch asked the opinions of 226 financial economists regarding the future U.S. equity risk premium. The median response was 7 percent. Estimates of the future U.S. equity risk premium that are somewhat higher or lower could be reasonable, especially if we have good reason to believe the past is not representative of the future. The bottom line is that any estimate of the future equity risk premium will involve assumptions about the future risk environment as well as the amount of risk aversion of future investors.

T H E FIRST L E SSON From the data in Table 1.2, we can calculate risk premiums for the five different categories of investments. The results are shown in Table 1.4. Notice that the risk premium on T-bills is shown as zero in the table because they are our riskless benchmark. Looking at Table 1.4, 16

Part 1 


Average Annual Returns and Risk Premiums: 1926 –2015



Average Return

Risk Premium

Large-company stocks


Small-company stocks




Long-term corporate bonds



Long-term government bonds



U.S. Treasury bills



Source: Author calculations using data from Global Financial Data ( and Professor Kenneth R. French, Dartmouth College.

we see that the average risk premium earned by the large-company common stock portfolio is 11.9% − 3.6%=8.3%. This difference is a significant reward. The fact that it exists historically is an important observation, and it is the basis for our first lesson: Risky assets, on average, earn a risk premium. Put another way, there is a reward, on average, for bearing risk. Why is this so? Why, for example, is the risk premium for small stocks so much larger than the risk premium for large stocks? More generally, what determines the relative sizes of the risk premiums for the different assets? These questions are at the heart of the modern theory of investments. We will discuss the issues involved many times in the chapters ahead. For now, part of the answer can be found by looking at the historical variability of the returns of these different investments. So, to get started, we now turn our attention to measuring variability in returns.



What do we mean by excess return and risk premium?


What is the historical risk premium on small-company stocks? On U.S. Treasury bonds?


What is the first lesson from financial market history?

1.4 Return Variability: The Second Lesson We have already seen that the year-to-year returns on common stocks tend to be more volatile than returns on, say, long-term government bonds. We now discuss measuring this variability so we can begin examining the subject of risk.


variance A common measure of volatility. standard deviation The square root of the variance.

To get started, we can draw a frequency distribution for large-company stock returns like the one in Figure 1.8. What we have done here is to count the number of times that an annual return on the large-company stock portfolio falls within each 10 percent range. For example, in Figure 1.8, the height of 18 for the bar within the interval 10 percent to 20 percent means that 18 of the 90 annual returns are in that range. Notice also that most of the returns are in the −10 to 40 percent range. What we need to do now is to measure the spread in these returns. We know, for example, that the return on large-company stocks in a typical year was 11.9 percent. We now want to know by how much the actual return differs from this average in a typical year. In other words, we need a measure of the volatility of returns. The variance and its square root, the standard deviation, are the most commonly used measures of volatility. We describe how to calculate them next. If you’ve already studied basic statistics, you should notice that we are simply calculating an ordinary sample variance and standard deviation, just as you may have done many times before. Chapter 1 

  A Brief History of Risk and Return17


Frequency Distribution of Returns on Large-Company Common Stocks: 1926–2015

2001 1973 2002 1966 2008 1974 1957 1931 1937 1930 1941

2000 1990 1981 1977 1969 1962 1953 1946 1940 1939 1934 1932 1929

-80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10

2014 2012 2010 2015 2006 2011 2004 2007 1988 2005 1986 1994 1979 1993 1972 1992 1971 1987 1968 1984 1965 1978 1964 1970 1959 1960 1952 1956 1949 1948 1944 1947 1926


2009 2013 2003 1997 1995 1991 1989 1985 1980 1975 1955 1950 1945 1938 1958 1936 1935 1954 1927 1928 1933

1999 1998 1996 1983 1982 1976 1967 1963 1961 1951 1943 1942









Percent Source: Professor Kenneth R. French, Dartmouth College.

T H E H ISTOR ICA L VA R I A N C E A N D STA N DA R D D E V I AT I O N For an easy-to-read review of basic statistics, see


Part 1 


The variance essentially measures the average squared difference between the actual returns and the average return. The bigger this number is, the more the actual returns tend to differ from the average return. Also, the larger the variance or standard deviation is, the more spread out the returns will be. The way we calculate the variance and standard deviation depends on the specific situation. In this chapter, we are looking at historical returns. Therefore, the procedure we describe here is the correct one for calculating the historical variance and standard deviation. If we were examining projected future returns, then the procedure would be different. We describe this procedure in a later chapter. To illustrate how we calculate the historical variance, suppose a particular investment had returns of 10 percent, 12 percent, 3 percent, and −9 percent over the last four years. The average return is (0.10+0.12+0.03 − 0.09)/4=0.04, or 4 percent. Notice that the return is never actually equal to 0.04, or 4 percent. Instead, the first return deviates from the average by 0.10 − 0.04=0.06, the second return deviates from the average by 0.12 − 0.04=0.08, and so on. To compute the variance, we square each of these deviations, add them up, and divide the result by the number of returns less 1, or 3 in this case. These calculations are summarized in the following table: Year

(1) Actual Return

(2) Average Return

(3) Deviation (1) – (2)

(4) Squared Deviation

























In the first column, we write down the four actual returns. In the third column, we calculate the difference between the actual returns and the average by subtracting out 4 percent. Finally, in the fourth column, we square the numbers in column 3 to get the squared deviations from the average. The variance can now be calculated by dividing 0.0270, the sum of the squared deviations, by the number of returns less 1. Let Var(R) or σ2 (read this as “sigma squared”) stand for the variance of the return: Var(R)=σ2=0.027/ (4−1)=0.009 The standard deviation is the square root of the variance. So, if SD(R) or σ stands for the standard deviation of the return: ______

SD(R)=σ=​√ 0.009 ​  =0.09487 The square root of the variance is used because the variance is measured in “squared” percentages and thus is hard to interpret. The standard deviation is an ordinary percentage, so the answer here could be written as 9.487 percent. In the table above, notice that the sum of the deviations is equal to zero. This will always be the case, and it provides a good way to check your work. In general, if we have N historical returns, where N is some number, we can write the historical variance as: 1   ​​  ¯ )2+...+(R −​​  R ​​ ¯ )2] Var(R)=​​ _____ [(R1−​​  R ​​ N N−1 This formula tells us to do just what we did above: Take each of the N individual returns ¯ ; square the results and add up all these (R1, R2,..., RN) and subtract the average return, ​​ R ​​ squares; and, finally, divide this total by the number of returns minus 1 (i.e., N − 1).2 The standard deviation is the square root of Var(R). In many areas, including finance, standard deviations are used to measure variability.


Calculating the Variance and Standard Deviation From Table 1.1, we see that the large-company stocks and long-term government bonds had these returns for the past four years:


Large-Company Stocks

Long-Term Government Bonds













What are the average returns? The variances? The standard deviations? To calculate the average returns, we add up the returns and divide by four. The results are: ¯  = 0.6346 / 4 = 0.1587 Large-company stocks, average return = ​​  R ​​ ¯  = 0.1425 / 4 = 0.0356 Long-term government bonds, average return = ​​  R ​​


The reason for dividing by N − 1 rather than simply N is based on statistical sampling theory, which is beyond the scope of this book. Just remember that to calculate a variance about a sample average, you need to divide the sum of squared deviations from the average by N − 1. 2

Chapter 1 

  A Brief History of Risk and Return19

To calculate the variance for large-company stocks, we can summarize the relevant calculations (with rounding) as follows:


(1) Actual Return

(2) Average Return

(3) Deviation (1) – (2)

(4) Squared Deviation

























Because there are four years of returns, we calculate the variance by dividing 0.0488 by (4 − 1) = 3: Large-Company Stocks Variance (σ2) Standard deviation (σ)

0.0488/3 = 0.01625 ________

​√ 0.01625   ​= 0.12749​

Long-Term Government Bonds 0.1061/3 = 0.03536 ________

√ ​  0.03536   ​= 0.18802​

For practice, verify that you get the same answers that we do for long-term government bonds. Notice that the standard deviation for long-term government bonds, 18.80 percent, is actually higher than the standard deviation for large-company stocks, 12.75 percent, over this short period. Why is this relationship unusual?

T H E H ISTOR ICA L R E C OR D Figure 1.9 summarizes much of our discussion of capital market history so far. It displays average returns, standard deviations, and frequency distributions of annual returns on a common scale. In Figure 1.9, notice, for example, that the standard deviation for the small-stock portfolio (36.3 percent per year) is more than 10 times larger than the T-bill portfolio’s standard deviation (3.2 percent per year). We will return to discuss these facts momentarily.

NORMAL DISTR I B U TI ON normal distribution A symmetric, bell-shaped frequency distribution that is completely defined by its average and standard deviation.


Part 1 


For many different random events in nature, a particular frequency distribution, the normal distribution (or bell curve) is useful for describing the probability of ending up in a given range. For example, the idea behind “grading on a curve” is based on the fact that exam scores often resemble a bell curve. Figure 1.10 illustrates a normal distribution and its distinctive bell shape. As you can see, this distribution has a much cleaner appearance than the actual return distributions illustrated in Figure 1.8. Even so, like the normal distribution, the actual distributions do appear to be at least roughly mound shaped and symmetric. When this shape is observed, the normal distribution is often a very good approximation. Also, keep in mind that the distributions in Figure 1.9 are based on only 90 yearly observations, while Figure 1.10 is, in principle, based on an infinite number. So, if we had been able to observe returns for, say, 1,000 years, we might have filled in a lot of the irregularities and ended up with a much smoother picture. For our purposes, it is enough to observe that the returns are at least roughly normally distributed. The usefulness of the normal distribution stems from the fact that it is completely described by the average and the standard deviation. If you have these two numbers, then there is nothing else you need to know. For example, with a normal distribution, the probability


Historical Returns, Standard Deviations, and Frequency Distributions: 1926–2015 Average Return

Standard Deviation

Large-company stocks



Small-company stocks*



Long-term corporate bonds



Long-term U.S. government bonds



Intermediate-term U.S. government bonds



U.S. Treasury bills











*The 1933 small-company stocks total return was 153.2 percent. Source: Author calculations using data from Global Financial Data ( and Professor Kenneth R. French, Dartmouth College.


The Normal Distribution: Illustrated Returns Based on the Historical Return and Standard Deviation for a Portfolio of Large-Company Common Stocks Probability


95% >99% -3σ -2σ -1σ -48.1% -28.1% -8.1%

0 +1σ 11.9% 31.9%

Chapter 1 

+2σ +3σ 51.9% 71.9%

Return on large-company common stocks

  A Brief History of Risk and Return21

that we end up within one standard deviation of the average is 68 percent, or about 2/3. The probability that we end up within two standard deviations is about 95 percent. Finally, the probability of being more than three standard deviations away from the average is less than 1 percent. These ranges and the probabilities are illustrated in Figure 1.10. To see why this range is useful, recall from Figure 1.9 that the standard deviation of returns on the large-company common stocks is 20.0 percent. The average return is 11.9 percent. So, assuming that the frequency distribution is at least approximately normal, the probability that the return in a given year is in the range of −8.1 percent to 31.9 percent (11.9 percent plus or minus one standard deviation, 20.0 percent) is about 2/3. This range is illustrated in Figure 1.10. In other words, there is about one chance in three that the return will be outside this range. Therefore, if you buy stocks in large companies, you should expect to be outside this range in one year out of every three. This reinforces our earlier observations about stock market volatility. However, there is only a 5 percent chance (approximately) that we would end up outside the range of −28.1 percent to 51.9 percent (11.9 percent plus or minus 2 × 20.0%). These points are also shown in Figure 1.10.

T H E S ECOND L E SSON Our observations concerning the year-to-year variability in returns are the basis for our second lesson from capital market history. On average, bearing risk is handsomely rewarded, but, in a given year, there is a significant chance of a dramatic change in value. Thus, our second lesson is this: The greater the potential reward is, the greater the risk is. Thus far in this chapter, we have emphasized the year-to-year variability in returns. We should note that even day-to-day movements can exhibit considerable volatility. For example, on September 29, 2008, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) plummeted 777.68 points, or 6.98 percent. By historical standards, it was one of the worst days ever for the 30 stocks that comprise the DJIA (as well as for a majority of stocks in the market). Still, while the drop was the largest one-day decrease in the DJIA ever in terms of points, it was not in the top 10 largest one-day percentage decreases in history, as shownin Table 1.5. This discussion highlights the importance of looking at returns in terms of percentages rather than dollar amounts or index points. For example, before 2008, the biggest one-day loss in terms of points was on September 17, 2001, when the DJIA declined by about 685 points. The second worst was the 618-point drop of April 14, 2000. By contrast, the 5.79point drop in the DJIA on August 12, 1932, marked the eighth worst percentage drop in the history of the index (for practice, verify that the previous day’s level of the DJIA was 68.90). A 5.79-point loss in the DJIA in today’s market, however, would hardly be noticed. This is precisely why we relied on percentage returns when we examined market history in this chapter.3 Now that you know how to calculate and, more important, interpret average returns and standard deviations, the nearby Spreadsheet Analysis box shows how to do the calculations using Excel, which can really speed up things when we have a lot of data.


Investing in Growth Stocks The term growth stock is frequently a euphemism for small-company stock. Are such investments suitable for “widows and orphans”? Before answering, you should consider the historical volatility. For example, from the historical record, what is the approximate probability that you will actually lose 16 percent or more of your money in a single year if you buy a portfolio of such companies? (continued)

By the way, as you may have noticed, what’s kind of weird is that 6 of the 12 worst days in the history of the DJIA occurred in October, including the top 3. We have no clue as to why. Furthermore, looking back at the Mark Twain quote near the beginning of the chapter, how do you suppose he knew? Sounds like a case for CSI: Wall Street. 3


Part 1 


Good Times, Bad Times (You Know I’ve Had My Share): The Best and Worst Days for the DJIA: May 1896 to March 2016


Panel A. The Best Days Index Level

Point Increase










































































Index Level

Percentage Increase

Panel B. The Worst Days Date

Index Level

Point Decrease









































































Index Level

Percentage Decrease

Source: Author calculations and FRED, the database maintained by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.

Looking back at Figure 1.9, we see that the average return on small stocks is 17.5 percent and the standard deviation is 36.3 percent. Assuming that the returns are approximately normal, there is about a 1/3 probability that you will experience a return outside the range of −18.8 percent to 53.8 percent (17.5% ± 36.3%). Because the normal distribution is symmetric, the odds of being above or below this range are equal. There is thus a 1/6 chance (half of 1/3) that you will lose more than 18.8 percent. So, you should expect this to happen once in every six years, on average. Such investments can thus be very volatile, and they are not well suited for those who cannot afford the risk.



In words, how do we calculate a variance? A standard deviation?


What is the second lesson from financial market history?

Chapter 1 

  A Brief History of Risk and Return23

SPREADSHEET ANALYSIS Using a Spreadsheet to Calculate Average Returns and Volatilities Here is an Excel spreadsheet summarizing the formulas and analysis needed to calculate average returns and standard deviations using the 1990s as an example: A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22








Using a spreadsheet to calculate average returns and standard deviations Looking back in the chapter, the data suggest that the 1990s were one of the best decades for stock market investors. We will find out just how good by calculating the average returns and standard deviations for this period. Here are the year-by-year returns on the large-company stocks: Year 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994

Return (%) 3.10 30.46 7.62 10.08 1.32

Average return (%): Standard deviation (%):

Year 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999

Return (%) 37.58 22.96 33.36 28.58 21.04

18.99 14.16

The formulas we used to do the calculations are just =AVERAGE(C10:C14;E10:E14) and =STDEV(C10:C14;E10:E14). Notice that the average return in the 1990s was 18.99 percent per year, which is larger than the long-run average of 11.9 percent. At the same time, the standard deviation, 14.16 percent, was smaller than the 20.0 percent long-run value.

1.5 More on Average Returns Thus far in this chapter, we have looked closely at simple average returns. But there is another way of computing an average return. The fact that average returns are calculated two different ways leads to some confusion, so our goal in this section is to explain the two approaches and also explain the circ*mstances under which each is appropriate. In addition, we include a measure of return that accounts for investor decisions to add funds to or remove funds from an investment.

ARIT HME TIC V E R SU S G E OME TR I C AV E R AG E S Let’s start with a simple example. Suppose you buy a particular stock for $100. Unfortunately, the first year you own it, it falls to $50. The second year you own the stock, its price increases to $100, leaving you where you started (no dividends were paid). What was your average return on this investment? Common sense seems to say that your average return must be exactly zero since you started with $100 and ended with $100. But if we calculate the returns year-by-year, we see that you lost 50 percent the first year (you lost half of your money). The second year, you made 100 percent (you doubled your money). Your average return over the two years was thus (−50% + 100%)/2 = 25%! So which is correct, 0 percent or 25 percent? 24

Part 1 


INVESTMENT UPDATES I N V E S T M E N T R E T U R N S : C R U E L M AT H ? If your portfolio experiences a 20 percent loss, what return is necessary to bring your portfolio back to “even”? Many investors might simply say 20 percent, but they would be very much incorrect. In fact, you would need to earn 25 percent just to overcome the 20 percent loss and break even. This is the reality (or cruelty) of math, and it is a function of the key principle of finance: compounding. This issue became particularly relevant in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis. For example, as Table 1.1 reports, large-cap U.S. stocks lost 37 percent in 2008. In 2009 and 2010, the market recovered, earning 26.46 percent and 15.06 percent, respectively. While these two returns add to 41.52 percent, thereby “exceeding” the loss of 2008, investor portfolios where still under water. In fact, for every $1 held at the beginning of 2008, it would only be worth $0.92 at the end of 2010. This example clearly illustrates that to offset losses, you need an even bigger gain to get back to where you started. And, as the table below illustrates, this effect is more pronounced for higher levels of loss. A growing

geometric average return The average compound return earned per year over a multiyear period. arithmetic average return The return earned in an average year over a multiyear period.

recognition of this fact, and the reality of 2008, has led to an increase in the popularity of so-called lowvolatility funds. Loss

Gain Needed to Break Even





















The answer is that both are correct; they just answer different questions. The 0 percent is called the geometric average return. The geometric average return answers the question “What was your average compound return per year over a particular period?” The 25 percent is called the arithmetic average return. The arithmetic average return answers the question “What was your return in an average year over a particular period?” Notice that, in previous sections, the average returns we calculated were all arithmetic averages, so you already know how to calculate them. What we need to do now is (1) learn how to calculate geometric averages and (2) learn the circ*mstances under which one average is more meaningful than the other. Finally, the order and size of losses and gains matter to your portfolio. The nearby Investment Updates box provides an important example.

CALC U L ATI N G G E OME TR I C AV E R AG E R E TUR N S If we have N years of returns, the geometric average return over these N years is calculated using this formula: Geometric average return = [(1 + R1 ) × (1 + R2) × . . . × (1 + RN )]1/N − 11.5

This formula tells us that four steps are required: 1. Take each of the N annual returns R1, R2,..., RN and add a 1 to each (after converting them to decimals!). 2. Multiply all the numbers from step 1 together. 3. Take the result from step 2 and raise it to the power of 1/N. 4. Finally, subtract 1 from the result of step 3. The result is the geometric average return. To illustrate how we calculate a geometric average return, suppose a particular investment had annual returns of 10 percent, 12 percent, 3 percent, and −9 percent over the last four

Chapter 1 

  A Brief History of Risk and Return25


Geometric versus Arithmetic Average Returns: 1926–2015 Series

Geometric Mean

Arithmetic Mean

Standard Deviation



20.0% 36.3

Large-company stocks Small-company stocks



Long-term corporate bonds




Long-term government bonds




Intermediate-term government bonds




U.S. Treasury bills








years. The geometric average return over this four-year period is calculated as (1.10×1.12× 1.03×0.91)1/4 − 1=3.66%. In contrast, the average arithmetic return is (0.10+0.12+0.03 − 0.09)/4=4.0%. One thing you may have noticed in our examples thus far is that the geometric average returns seem to be smaller. It turns out that this will always be true (as long as the returns are not all identical, in which case the two “averages” would be the same). To illustrate, Table1.6 shows the arithmetic averages and standard deviations from Figure 1.9, along with the geometric average returns. As shown in Table 1.6, the geometric averages are all smaller, but the magnitude of the difference varies quite a bit. The reason is that the difference is greater for more volatile investments. In fact, there is a useful approximation. Assuming all the numbers are expressed in decimals (as opposed to percentages), the geometric average return is approximately equal to the arithmetic average return minus half the variance. For example, looking at the large-company stocks, the arithmetic average is 0.119 and the standard deviation is 0.200, implying that the variance is 0.0400. The approximate geometric average is thus 0.119 − 0.0400/2=0.0990, which is extremely close to the actual value.


Calculating the Geometric Average Return Calculate the geometric average return for the large-company stocks for the last four years in Table 1.1, 2012–2015. First, convert percentages to decimal returns, add one, and then calculate their product. Year

Large-Company Stocks







× 1.3239



× 1.1369



× 1.0138 1.7701

Notice that the number 1.7701 is what our investment is worth after five years if we started with a one-dollar investment. The geometric average return is then calculated as ​Geometric average return = ​1.7701​​ ​ ⁄ ​​− 1 = 0.1534, or 15.34%​ 1




Part 1 


Thus, the geometric average return is about 15.34 percent in this example. In contrast, in Example 1.4, the average arithmetic return was calculated as 15.87 percent. Here is a tip: If you are using a financial calculator, you can put $1 in as the present value, $1.7701 as the future value, and 4 as the number of periods. Then, solve for the unknown rate. You should get the same answer for the geometric average as we did here.


More Geometric Averages Take a look back at Figure 1.1. There, we showed the value of a $1 investment after 90 years. Use the value for the small-company stock investment to check the geometric average in Table 1.6. In Figure 1.1, the small-company investment grew to $24,113.43 over 90 years. The geometric average return is thus ​Geometric average return = ​24,113.43​​ 1/90​− 1 = 0.1186, or about 11.9%​

This 11.9% is the value shown in Table 1.6.

ARIT HME TI C AV E R AG E R E TU R N OR GEOME TR I C AV E R AG E R E TUR N ? When we look at historical returns, the difference between the geometric and arithmetic average returns isn’t too hard to understand. To put it slightly differently, the geometric average tells you what you actually earned per year on average, compounded annually. The arithmetic average tells you what you earned in a typical year. You should use whichever one answers the question you want answered. A somewhat trickier question concerns forecasting the future, and there is a lot of confusion about this point among analysts and financial planners. The problem is the following. If we have estimates of both the arithmetic and geometric average returns, then the arithmetic average is probably too high for longer periods and the geometric average is probably too low for shorter periods. The good news is that there is a simple way of combining the two averages, which we will call Blume’s formula.4 Suppose we calculated geometric and arithmetic return averages from N years of data and we wish to use these averages to form a T-year average return forecast, R(T), where T is less than N. Here’s how we do it: R(T)=​​(_____ ​  T−1   ​  ×Geometric average)​​+​​(_____ ​  N−T ​  ×Arithmeticaverage)​​ N−1 N−1 For example, suppose that, from 25 years of annual returns data, we calculate an arithmetic average return of 12 percent and a geometric average return of 9 percent. From these averages, we wish to make 1-year, 5-year, and 10-year average return forecasts. These three average return forecasts are calculated as follows: 25−1  ______ R(1)=​​(_____ ​  1−1  ​×9%       )​​=12% )​​+​​(​  24 ​×12% 24

25−5  ______ R(5)=​​(_____ ​  5−1  ​×9%       )​​+​​(​  24 ​×12% )​​=11.5% 24

25−10  _______ R(10)=​​(______ ​  10−1  ​×9%       )​​=10.875% )​​+​​(​  24 ​×12% 24 Thus, we see that 1-year, 5-year, and 10-year forecasts are 12 percent, 11.5 percent, and 10.875 percent, respectively. This elegant result is due to Marshall Blume. (“Unbiased Estimates of Long-Run Expected Rates of Return,” Journal of the American Statistical Association, September 1974, pp. 634–638.) 4

Chapter 1 

  A Brief History of Risk and Return27

This concludes our discussion of geometric versus arithmetic averages. One last note: In the future, when we say “average return,” we mean arithmetic average unless we explicitly say otherwise.


Forecasting Average Returns Over the 90-year period 1926–2015, the geometric average return for large-company stocks was 9.9 percent and the arithmetic average return was 11.9 percent. Calculate average return forecasts for 1, 5, 10, and 25 years into the future. In this case, we would use Blume’s formula with values of T = 1, 5, 10, and 25 and N = 90: 90 − T  T − 1  R (T ) = ( ​​ _____ ​  89 ​   × 9.9%)​​ + ( ​​ _______ ​  89 ​    × 11.9%)​​ T

R (T  )











Notice that short-term forecasts are closer to the arithmetic average return and long-term forecasts are closer to the geometric average return.


dollar-weighted average return Average compound rate of return earned per year over a multiyear period accounting for investment inflows and outflows.


Part 1 


Suppose an investment had returns of 10 percent and −5 percent over the last two years. You know how to compute the arithmetic average (2.50 percent) and the geometric average (2.23 percent). You might not know that these average returns are accurate only if the investor made a single deposit at the start of the two-year period. Many investors, however, make deposits or withdrawals through time. For example, some people add money to their investments over time as they save for retirement. Some people might be forced to withdraw funds to meet unexpected needs. Other investors attempt to “time the market” by adding funds because they believe their investments will soon increase in value. These “market timers” also sell part (or all) of their investments before an anticipated decline. Whether investors can be successful at market timing is a topic of much debate, and one that we address in later chapters. Still, it is important to know how to calculate the return of an investment when an investor makes deposits and withdrawals. The relevant return measure in this case is called the dollar-weighted average return. As an example, assume that you invest $1,000. After earning 10 percent the first year, you decide to invest another $4,000 (perhaps hoping the investment repeats its performance). Unfortunately for you, the return in year 2 was −5 percent. What was your net return? To begin to answer this question, you need to know the ending value of your investment. At the end of the first year, your account had a value of $1,100, which is the initial investment plus the 10 percent return. You then deposited another $4,000, bringing the account value to $5,100 at the beginning of year 2. After losing 5 percent in year 2, your final value is $4,845. Before we set out to calculate your exact return, you know that your return is negative. After all, you deposited $5,000 out of your own pocket, but at the end of two years the

SPREADSHEET ANALYSIS A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19








Calculating dollar-weighted average returns To find a rate of return that equates a series of uneven cash flows, we must identify when the cash flows were made and we must know their size. Then, we can use the built-in IRR function in Excel to calculate the dollar-weighted average return. Time 0 1 2

Cash Flow -$1,000 -$4,000 $4,845 -2.6% =IRR(C9:C11)

Note, time 0 is the beginning of year 1, while time 1 is the end of year 1. Using the IRR function, we calculate a dollar-weighted average return of -2.6%.

investment is worth only $4,845. So, the arithmetic and geometric averages, which were both positive, do not account for this case. To calculate the dollar-weighted average return, we need to find the average rate of return that equates our cash outflows to our cash inflows. In other words, what is the rate that makes the net present value of the investment equal zero? Here is a summary of your cash flows for this investment: Time: Cash flow:






In this summary, the negative cash flows are the deposits you made. The positive cash flow is the amount you have in the investment at the end of year 2. In a corporate finance class, this calculation is known as the internal rate of return, or IRR. Finding the IRR requires trial and error, unless you use the help of a financial calculator or spreadsheet. To see how to do this in Excel, you can look at the nearby Spreadsheet Analysis box. The dollar-weighted rate of return for this investment is −2.6 percent. This makes sense because you had the greatest amount invested during the period when the return was the lowest, and you had the least amount invested when the return was the highest. You know that the geometric average is always less than or equal to the arithmetic average. How about the relationship between the geometric average and the dollar-weighted average return? As you might guess, the relationship depends on when deposits and withdrawals were made. The geometric average return could be greater than, less than, or equal to the dollar-weighted average return. In fact, the geometric average is really just a special case of the dollar-weighted return, where the additional inflows and outflows happen to be zero.

Chapter 1 

  A Brief History of Risk and Return29



Over a five-year period, an investment in a broad market index yielded annual returns of 10, 16, −5, −8, and 7 percent. What were the arithmetic and geometric average annual returns for this index?


Over a 25-year period, an investment in a broad market index yielded an arithmetic average return of 4 percent and a geometric average return of 3.6 percent. Using Blume’s formula, what would be the 5-year and 10-year average return forecasts?


Why is it important to control for the flow of funds into and out of an investment when calculating returns?

1.6 Risk and Return In previous sections, we explored financial market history to see what we could learn about risk and return. In this section, we summarize our findings and then conclude our discussion by looking ahead at the subjects we will be examining in later chapters.

T H E RISK-R E TUR N TR A D E - OFF Figure 1.11 shows our findings on risk and return from Figure 1.9. What Figure 1.11 shows is that there is a risk-return trade-off. At one extreme, if we are unwilling to bear any risk at all, but we are willing to forgo the use of our money for a while, then we can earn the riskfree rate. Because the risk-free rate represents compensation for just waiting, it is often called the time value of money. If we are willing to bear risk, then we can expect to earn a risk premium, at least on average. Further, the more risk we are willing to bear, the greater is the risk premium. Investment advisors like to say that an investment has a “wait” component and a “worry” component. In our figure, the time value of money is the compensation for waiting and the risk premium is the compensation for worrying. There are two important caveats to this discussion. First, risky investments do not always pay more than risk-free investments. Indeed, that is precisely what makes them risky. In other words, there is a risk premium on average, but over any particular time interval, there is no guarantee. Second, we have intentionally been a little imprecise about

Risk-Return Trade-Off

FIGURE 1.11 20

Small-company stocks

Average annual return (%)

18 16 14 12

Large-company stocks

10 8 6


4 T-bills

2 0


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15 25 20 Annual return standard deviation (%)




what we mean exactly by risk. As we will discuss in the chapters ahead, investors are not compensated for all risks. Some risks are cheaply and easily avoidable, and no reward is expected for bearing them. It is only those risks that cannot be easily avoided that are compensated (on average).

A LOOK AHE A D In the remainder of this text, we focus almost exclusively on financial assets. An advantage of this approach is that it is limited to four major types: stocks, bonds, futures, and options, in the order that we cover them. This means that we will not be discussing collectibles such as classic automobiles, baseball cards, coins, fine art, or stamps. Also, we will not be discussing real estate or precious metals in great detail. It’s not that these are unimportant; rather, they are very specialized. So, instead of treating them superficially, we leave a discussion of them for another day (and another book). As we’ve indicated, to understand the potential reward from an investment, it is critical to first understand the risk involved. There is an old saying that goes like this: It’s easy to make a small fortune investing in _____ (put your favorite investment here)—just start with a large fortune! The moral is that the key to successful investing is to make informed, intelligent decisions about risk. For this reason, we are going to pay particular attention to the factors that determine the value of the different assets we discuss and the nature of the associated risks. One common characteristic that these assets have is that they are bought and sold around the clock and around the world in vast quantities. The way they are traded can be very different, however. We think it is important and interesting to understand exactly what happens when you buy or sell one of these assets, so we will be discussing the different trading mechanisms and the way the different markets function. We will also describe actual buying and selling at various points along the way to show you the steps involved and the results of placing buy and sell orders and having them executed.

1.7 Summary and Conclusions This chapter presents some important concepts for investors, including the following items— grouped by the chapter’s important concepts. 1. How to calculate the return on an investment using different methods. A. We show how to calculate dollar returns and percentage returns over a time period. Returns have two parts: a capital gain (or loss) and dividend income. We also show how to convert returns over a period different from a year into annualized returns. B. We demonstrate the two ways to calculate average returns over time: the arithmetic method and the geometric method. The arithmetic average return answers the question “What was your return in an average year over a particular period?” The geometric average return answers the question “What was your average compound return per year over a particular period?” Generally, when investors say “average return,” they are referring to arithmetic average unless they explicitly say otherwise. C. We also examine the effect of fund flows into and out of an investment. This case calls for calculating the dollar-weighted average return. 2. The historical returns on various important types of investments. A. In order of their historical return from highest to lowest, we discuss returns on some important portfolios, including ∙ Small-company stocks. This is a portfolio composed of the smallest (in terms of total market value of outstanding stock) of the companies listed on major U.S. exchanges. ∙ Large-company stocks. This portfolio is based on the Standard & Poor’s 500 index. This index contains 500 of the largest companies (in terms of total market value of outstanding stock) in the United States.

Chapter 1 

  A Brief History of Risk and Return31

∙ Long-term U.S. government bonds. This is a portfolio of U.S. government bonds with 20 years to maturity. ∙ U.S. Treasury bills. This is a portfolio of Treasury bills (T-bills for short) with a three-month maturity. B. One important historical return fact is that U.S. T-bill returns have barely outpaced inflation. Therefore, an investor must invest in stocks or bonds to earn a return higher than the inflation rate. 3. The historical risks on various important types of investments. A. Historically, the risk (as measured by standard deviation of returns) of the portfolios described above is highest for small-company stocks. The next highest risk is for large-company stocks, followed by long-term government bonds and Treasury bills. B. We draw two key lessons from historical risk: ∙ Risky assets, on average, earn a risk premium. That is, there is a reward for bearing risk. However, this expected reward is not realized each year. ∙ The greater the potential reward from a risky investment is, the greater the risk is. 4. The relationship between risk and return. A. When we put these two key lessons together, we concluded that there is a risk-return trade-off. B. The only way to earn a higher return is to take on greater risk.

+ + + + + GETTING DOWN TO BUSINESS For the latest information on the real world of investments, visit us at

This chapter took you through some basic, but important, investment-related calculations. We then walked through the modern history of risk and return. How should you, as an investor or investment manager, put this information to work? The answer is that you now have a rational, objective basis for thinking about what you stand to make from investing in some important broad asset classes. For the stock market as a whole, as measured by the performance of large-company stocks, you know that you might realistically expect to make about 12 percent or so per year on average. Equally important, you know that you won’t make 12 percent in any one year; instead, you’ll make more or less. You know that the standard deviation is about 20 percent per year, and you should know what that means in terms of risk. In particular, you need to understand that in one year out of every six, you should expect to lose more than 8 percent (12 percent minus one standard deviation), so this will be a relatively common event. The good news is that in one year out of six, you can realistically expect to earn more than 32 percent (12 percent plus one standard deviation). The other important, practical thing to understand from this chapter is that a strategy of investing in very-low-risk assets (such as T-bills) has historically barely kept up with inflation. This might be sufficient for some investors, but if your goal is to do better than that, then you will have to bear some amount of risk to achieve it.

Key Terms arithmetic average return  25 capital gains yield  4 dividend yield  4 dollar-weighted average return  28 effective annual return (EAR)  6 geometric average return  25 normal distribution  20 32

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risk-free rate  15 risk premium  15 standard deviation  17 total dollar return  3 total percent return  4 variance 17

Chapter Review Problems and Self-Test 1. Calculating Returns (CFA1)  You bought 400 shares of Metallica Heavy Metal, Inc., at $30 per share. Over the year, you received $0.75 per share in dividends. If the stock sold for $33 at the end of the year, what was your dollar return? Your percentage return? 2. Calculating Returns and Variability (CFA2)  Using the following returns, calculate the arithmetic average returns, the variances, the standard deviations, and the geometric returns for the following stocks: Year

Michele, Inc.

Janicek Co.















3. Forecasting Returns  Over a 30-year period, an asset had an arithmetic return of 12.8 percent and a geometric return of 10.7 percent. Using Blume’s formula, what is your best estimate of the future annual returns over the next 5 years? 10 years? 20 years?

Answers to Self-Test Problems 1. Your dollar return is just your gain or loss in dollars. Here, we receive $0.75 in dividends on each of our 400 shares, for a total of $300. In addition, each share rose from $30 to $33, so we make $3 × 400 shares=$1,200. Our total dollar return is thus $300+$1,200=$1,500. Our percentage return (or just “return” for short) is equal to the $1,500 we made divided by our initial outlay of $30 × 400 shares=$12,000; so $1,500/12,000=0.125=12.5%. Equivalently, we could have just noted that each share paid a $0.75 dividend and each share gained $3, so the total dollar gain per share was $3.75. As a percentage of the cost of one share ($30), we get $3.75/30=0.125=12.5%. 2. First, calculate arithmetic averages as follows: Michele, Inc. 12%

Janicek Co. 5%










Average return: 30/5 = 6%

55/5 = 11%

Using the arithmetic averages above, calculate the squared deviations from the arithmetic average returns and sum the squared deviations as follows: Michele, Inc.

Janicek Co.

(12 − 6)2 = 36

(5 − 11)2 =

(−4 − 6)2 = 100 (0 − 6)2 = 36


(−15 − 11)2 = 676 (10 − 11)2 =



(20 − 6) = 196

(38 − 11) = 729

(2 − 6)2 =  16

(17 − 11)2 =     36




Chapter 1 

  A Brief History of Risk and Return33

Calculate return variances by dividing the sums of squared deviations by four, which is the number of returns less one. Michele:384 / 4=96  Janicek:1,478 / 4=369.5 Standard deviations are then calculated as the square root of the variance. ___


Michele:​​√ 96 ​​ =9.8%  Janicek:​​√ 369.5 ​​  =19.22% Geometric returns are then calculated as Michele: [(1+0.12)(1−0.04)(1 +0.00)(1 +0.20)(1 +0.02)]1/5−1=5.65% Janicek: [(1+0.05)(1−0.15)(1+0.10)(1+0.38)(1+0.17)]1/5−1=9.65% 3. To find the best forecast, we apply Blume’s formula as follows: 30−5  ______ R(5)=​​(_____ ​  5−1  ​×10.7%       )​​+​​(​  29 ​×12.8% )​​=12.51% 29 30−10  _______ R(10)=​​(______ ​  10−1  ​×10.7%       )​​+​​(​  29 ​×12.8% )​​=12.15% 29 30−20  _______ R(20)=​​(______ ​  20−1  ​×10.7%       )​​+​​(​  29 ​×12.8% )​​=11.42% 29

Test Your Investment Quotient


1. Prices and Returns (LO1, CFA1)  You plan to buy a common stock and hold it for one year. You expect to receive both $1.50 from dividends and $26 from the sale of the stock at the end of the year. If you wanted to earn a 15 percent rate of return, what is the maximum price you would pay for the stock today? a. $22.61 b. $23.91 c. $24.50 d. $27.50 2. Returns (LO1, CFA1)  A portfolio of non-dividend-paying stocks earned a geometric mean return of 5 percent between January 1, 2010, and December 31, 2016. The arithmetic mean return for the same period was 6 percent. If the market value of the portfolio at the beginning of 2010 was $100,000, the market value of the portfolio at the end of 2016 was closest to a. $135,000 b. $140,710 c. $142,000 d. $150,363 3. Standard Deviation (LO4, CFA2)  Which of the following statements about standard deviation is true? Standard deviation a. Is the square of the variance. b. Can be a positive or negative number. c. Is denominated in the same units as the original data. d. Is the arithmetic mean of the squared deviations from the mean. 4. Normal Distribution (LO4, CFA3)  An investment strategy has an expected return of 12 percent and a standard deviation of 10 percent. If the investment returns are normally distributed, the probability of earning a return less than 2 percent is closest to a. 10 percent b. 16 percent c. 32 percent d. 34 percent


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5. Normal Distribution (LO4, CFA3)  What are the mean and standard deviation of a standard normal distribution?


Standard Deviation

a.   0 b.   0 c.   1 d.   1

0 1 0 1

6. Normal Distribution (LO4, CFA3)  Given a data series that is normally distributed with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 10, about 95 percent of the numbers in the series will fall within which of the following ranges? a. 60 to 140 b. 70 to 130 c. 80 to 120 d. 90 to 110 7. Asset Types (LO3)  Stocks, bonds, options, and futures are the four major types of a. Debt b. Real assets c. Equity d. Financial assets 8. Investment Returns (LO1, CFA1)  Suppose the value of an investment doubles in a oneyear period. In this case, the rate of return on this investment over that one-year period is what amount? a. 100 percent even if the gain is not actually realized. b. 200 percent even if the gain is not actually realized. c. 100 percent only if the gain is actually realized. d. 200 percent only if the gain is actually realized. 9. Historical Returns (LO2)  Which of the following asset categories has an annual returns history most closely linked to historical annual rates of inflation? a. U.S. Treasury bills b. Corporate bonds c. Large-company stocks d. Small-company stocks 10. Historical Returns (LO2)  Based on the annual returns history since 1926, which asset category, on average, has yielded the highest risk premium? a. U.S. government bonds b. Corporate bonds c. Large-company stocks d. Small-company stocks 11. Stat 101 (LO1, CFA1)  Over a four-year period, an investment in Outa’synch common stock yields returns of −10, 40, 0, and 20. What is the arithmetic return over this period? a. 5 percent b. 7.5 percent c. 10 percent d. 12.5 percent 12. Stat 101 (LO4, CFA3)  You calculate an average historical return of 20 percent and a standard deviation of return of 10 percent for an investment in Stonehenge Construction Co. You believe these values well represent the future distribution of returns. Assuming that returns are normally distributed, what is the probability that Stonehenge Construction will yield a negative return? a. 17 percent b. 33 percent c. 5 percent d. 2.5 percent

Chapter 1 

  A Brief History of Risk and Return35

13. Stat 101 (LO4, CFA3)  Which of the following statements about a normal distribution is incorrect? a. A normal distribution is symmetrically centered on its mean. b. The probability of being within one standard deviation from the mean is about 68 percent. c. The probability of being within two standard deviations from the mean is about 95percent. d. The probability of a negative value is always one-half. 14. Normal Distribution (LO4, CFA3)  Based on a normal distribution with a mean of 500 and a standard deviation of 150, the z-value for an observation of 200 is closest to a. −2.00 b. −1.75 c. 1.75 d. 2.00 15. Normal Distribution (LO4, CFA2)  A normal distribution would least likely be described as a. Asymptotic. b. A discrete probability distribution. c. A symmetrical or bell-shaped distribution. d. A curve that theoretically extends from negative infinity to positive infinity.

Concept Questions 1. Risk versus Return (LO3, CFA2) Based on the historical record, rank the following investments in increasing order of risk. Rank the investments in increasing order of average returns. What do you conclude about the relationship between the risk of an investment and the return you expect to earn on it? a. Large stocks b. Treasury bills c. Long-term government bonds d. Small stocks 2. Return Calculations (LO1, CFA1) A particular stock had a return last year of 4 percent. However, you look at the stock price and notice that it actually didn’t change at all last year. How is this possible? 3. Returns Distributions (LO4, CFA2) What is the probability that the return on small stocks will be less than −100 percent in a single year (think about it)? What are the implications for the distribution of returns? 4. Arithmetic versus Geometric Returns (LO1, CFA1) What is the difference between arithmetic and geometric returns? Suppose you have invested in a stock for the last 10 years. Which number is more important to you, the arithmetic or geometric return? 5. Blume’s Formula (LO1) What is Blume’s formula? When would you want to use it in practice? 6. Inflation and Returns (LO1, CFA2) Look at Table 1.1 and Figures 1.5 and 1.6. When were T-bill rates at their highest? Why do you think they were so high during this period? 7. Inflation and Returns (LO1, CFA2) The returns we have examined are not adjusted for inflation. What do you suppose would happen to our estimated risk premiums if we did account for inflation? 8. Taxes and Returns (LO1) The returns we have examined are not adjusted for taxes. What do you suppose would happen to our estimated returns and risk premiums if we did account for taxes? What would happen to our volatility measures? 9. Taxes and Treasury Bills (LO1) As a practical matter, most of the return you earn from investing in Treasury bills is taxed right away as ordinary income. Thus, if you are in a 40 percent tax bracket and you earn 5 percent on a Treasury bill, your after-tax return is only 0.05 × (1 − 0.40)=0.03, or 3 percent. In other words, 40 percent of your return goes to pay taxes,


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leaving you with just 3 percent. Once you consider inflation and taxes, how does the long-term return from Treasury bills look? 10. The Long Run (LO4, CFA2) Given your answer to the last question and the discussion in the chapter, why would any rational person do anything other than load up on 100 percent small stocks?

Questions and Problems Core Questions

1. Calculating Returns (LO1, CFA1)  Suppose you bought 100 shares of stock at an initial price of $37 per share. The stock paid a dividend of $0.28 per share during the following year, and the share price at the end of the year was $41. Compute your total dollar return on this investment. Does your answer change if you keep the stock instead of selling it? Why or why not? 2. Calculating Yields (LO1, CFA1)  In Problem 1, what is the capital gains yield? The dividend yield? What is the total rate of return on the investment? 3. Calculating Returns (LO1, CFA1)  Rework Problems 1 and 2 assuming that you buy 500 shares of the stock and the ending share price is $34. 4. Historical Returns (LO3)  What is the historical rate of return on each of the following investments? What is the historical risk premium on these investments? a. Long-term government bonds b. Treasury bills c. Large stocks d. Small stocks 5. Calculating Average Returns (LO1, CFA1)  The rates of return on Cherry Jalopies, Inc., stock over the last five years were 17 percent, 11 percent, −2 percent, 3 percent, and 14 percent. Over the same period, the returns on Straw Construction Company’s stock were 16 percent, 18 percent, −6 percent, 1 percent, and 22 percent. What was the arithmetic average return on each stock over this period? 6. Calculating Variability (LO4, CFA2)  Using the information from Problem 5, calculate the variances and the standard deviations for Cherry and Straw. 7. Return Calculations (LO1, CFA1)  A particular stock has a dividend yield of 1.2 percent. Last year, the stock price fell from $65 to $59. What was the return for the year? 8. Geometric Returns (LO1, CFA1)  Using the information from Problem 5, what is the geometric return for Cherry Jalopies, Inc.?

Intermediate Questions

9. Arithmetic and Geometric Returns (LO1, CFA1)  A stock has had returns of 21 percent, 12 percent, 7 percent, −13 percent, −4 percent, and 26 percent over the last six years. What are the arithmetic and geometric returns for the stock? 10. Returns and the Bell Curve (LO4, CFA3)  An investment has an expected return of 11 percent per year with a standard deviation of 24 percent. Assuming that the returns on this investment are at least roughly normally distributed, how frequently do you expect to earn between −13 percent and 35 percent? How often do you expect to earn less than −13 percent? 11. Returns and the Bell Curve (LO4, CFA3)  An investment has an expected return of 12 percent per year with a standard deviation of 6 percent. Assuming that the returns on this investment are at least roughly normally distributed, how frequently do you expect to lose money? 12. Using Returns Distributions (LO4, CFA2)  Based on the historical record, if you invest in long-term U.S. Treasury bonds, what is the approximate probability that your return will be below −6.3 percent in a given year? What range of returns would you expect to see 95 percent of the time? 99 percent of the time? 13. Using Returns Distributions (LO2, CFA2)  Based on the historical record, what is the approximate probability that an investment in small stocks will double in value in a single year? How about triple in a single year?

Chapter 1 

  A Brief History of Risk and Return37

14. Risk Premiums (LO2)  Refer to Table 1.1 for large-company stock and T-bill returns for the period 1973–1977: a. Calculate the observed risk premium in each year for the common stocks. b. Calculate the average returns and the average risk premium over this period. c. Calculate the standard deviation of returns and the standard deviation of the risk premium. d. Is it possible that the observed risk premium can be negative? Explain how this can happen and what it means. 15. Geometric Return (LO1, CFA1)  Your grandfather invested $1,000 in a stock 50 years ago. Currently the value of his account is $324,000. What is his geometric return over this period? 16. Forecasting Returns (LO1)  You have found an asset with a 12.60 percent arithmetic average return and a 10.24 percent geometric return. Your observation period is 40 years. What is your best estimate of the return of the asset over the next 5 years? 10 years? 20 years? 17. Geometric Averages (LO2)  Look back to Figure 1.1 and find the value of $1 invested in each asset class over this 90-year period. Calculate the geometric return for small-company stocks, large-company stocks, long-term government bonds, Treasury bills, and inflation. 18. Arithmetic and Geometric Returns (LO1, CFA1)  A stock has returns of −9 percent, 17 percent, 9 percent, 14 percent, and −4 percent. What are the arithmetic and geometric returns? 19. Arithmetic and Geometric Returns (LO1, CFA1)  A stock has had the following year-end prices and dividends: Year



















What are the arithmetic and geometric returns for the stock? 20. Arithmetic versus Geometric Returns (LO1, CFA1) You are given the returns for the following three stocks:

Spreadsheet Problems


Stock A

Stock B




















Stock C −24%

Calculate the arithmetic return, geometric return, and standard deviation for each stock. Do you notice anything about the relationship between an asset’s arithmetic return, standard deviation, and geometric return? Do you think this relationship will always hold? 21. Return and Standard Deviation (LO4, CFA2) The 1980s were a good decade for investors in S&P 500 stocks. To find out how good, construct a spreadsheet that calculates the arithmetic average return, variance, and standard deviation for the S&P 500 returns during the 1980s using spreadsheet functions. 22. Dollar-Weighted Average Return (LO3, CFA6) Suppose that an investor opens an account by investing $1,000. At the beginning of each of the next four years, he deposits an additional $1,000 each year, and he then liquidates the account at the end of the total five-year period.


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Suppose that the yearly returns in this account, beginning in year 1, are as follows: −9 percent, 17 percent, 9 percent, 14 percent, and −4 percent. Calculate the arithmetic and geometric average returns for this investment, and determine what the investor’s actual dollar-weighted average return was for this five-year period. Why is the dollar-weighted average return higher or lower than the geometric average return?

CFA Exam Review by Kaplan Schweser [CFA1, CFA6] Mega Marketing, an advertising firm specializing in the financial services industry, has just hired Kinara Yamisaka. Ms. Yamisaka was a finance major in college and is a candidate for the CFA program. She was hired to provide the firm with more depth in the area of investment performance analysis. Mega is preparing advertising information for Vega Funds Limited. Vega has provided the following five-year annual return data, where year 5 is the most recent period: Vega Funds Limited Year












To assess her understanding of returns, Ms. Yamisaka’s supervisor asks her to calculate a number of different returns, including arithmetic, geometric, annualized, and money- (or dollar-) weighted returns. He also asks her to determine the impact of the following cash flow scenarios on Vega’s returns: Cash Flows Beginning market value

Scenario 1

Scenario 2

Scenario 3







End of year 2 deposit (withdrawal)

1. What is Vega’s geometric average return over the five-year period? a. 7.85 percent b. 9.00 percent c. 15.14 percent 2. What are Vega’s money- (or dollar-) weighted average returns over the five-year period for Scenarios 2 and 3?

Scenario 2

a.   7.78% b.   7.96% c.   9.00%

Scenario 3

7.96% 7.78% 7.85%

3. Ms. Yamisaka has determined that the average monthly return of another Mega client was 1.63 percent during the past year. What is the annualized rate of return? a. 5.13 percent b. 19.56 percent c. 21.41 percent

Chapter 1 

  A Brief History of Risk and Return39

4. The return calculation method most appropriate for evaluating the performance of a portfolio manager is a. Holding period b. Geometric c. Money-weighted (or dollar-weighted)

What’s on the Web? 1. Ticker Symbols  Go to and look up the ticker symbols for the following companies: 3M Company, International Business Machines, Dell Computer, Advanced Micro Devices, American Standard Company, and Bed Bath & Beyond. 2. Average Return and Standard Deviation  Go to and enter the ticker symbol for your favorite stock. Now, look for the historical prices and find the monthly closing stock price for the last six years. Calculate the annual arithmetic average return, the standard deviation, and the geometric return for this period.

Stock-Trak Exercises

To access the Stock-Trak Exercise for this chapter, please visit the resource library site in Connect and choose the corresponding chapter.


Part 1 



The Investment Process



“Don’t gamble! Take all your savings and buy some good stock and hold it till it goes up. If it don’t go up, don’t buy it.”


–Will Rogers

Learning Objectives Don’t sell yourself short. Instead, learn about these key investment subjects:

 1. The importance of an investment policy statement.   2. The various types of securities brokers and brokerage accounts.  3. How to trade on margin, including calculating the initial and maintenance margins.  4. The workings of short sales.

Are you planning to take a road trip on your upcoming fall or spring break? If so, you might do quite a few things to prepare for this adventure. Among them, you will probably consult an online road map to determine the best route to get you to your destination. You might also check for any expected construction delays. If you find any, you might look for ways to change your route. While road-trip planning might seem unrelated to investing, this process is similar to the approach that you should take with your investment portfolio. For example, investors need to understand their current financial position, as well as where they want to be in the future—like at retirement. To help you along your way, in this chapter we discuss the general investment process. We begin with the investment policy statement, which serves as the investor’s “road map.” We then discuss how you go about buying and selling stocks and bonds.

CFA™ Exam Topics in this Chapter: 1. Discounted cash flow applications (L1, S2) 2. Portfolio management: An overview (L1, S12) 3. Basics of portfolio planning and construction (L1, S12) 4. Market organization and structure (L1, S13) 5. Security market indexes (L1, S13) 6. Market efficiency (L1, S13) 7. The portfolio management process and the investment policy statement (L2, S18) 8. Managing individual investor portfolios (L3, S4) 9. Taxes and private wealth management in a global context (L3, S4) 10. Asset allocation (L3, S8) 11. Execution of portfolio decisions (L3, S16)

Go to Connect for a guide that aligns your textbook with CFA readings.

2.1 The Investment Policy Statement Different investors will have very different investment objectives and strategies. For example, some will be very active, buying and selling frequently; others will be relatively inactive, buying and holding for long periods of time. Some will be willing to bear substantial risk in seeking out returns; for others, safety is a primary concern. In this section, we describe the investment policy statement, which is designed to reflect these choices. The investment policy statement, or IPS, is typically divided into two sections: objectives and constraints. In thinking about investor objectives, the most fundamental question is: Why invest at all? For the most part, the only sensible answer is that we invest today to have more tomorrow. In other words, investment is simply deferred consumption; instead of spending today, we choose to wait because we wish to have (or need to have) more to spend later. Given that we invest now to have more later, the particular objectives identified will depend on, among other things, the time horizon, liquidity needs, and taxes. We discuss these and other issues next.

OBJECT IVE S: R I SK A N D R E TUR N How else can you build a portfolio? Go to and check out the resources for new investors

Probably the most fundamental decision that an investor must make concerns the amount of risk to take. Most investors are risk-averse, meaning that, all else equal, they dislike risk and want to expose themselves to the minimum risk level possible. However, as our previous chapter indicated, larger returns are generally associated with larger risks, so there is a trade-off. In formulating investment objectives, the individual must therefore balance return objectives with risk tolerance. An individual’s tolerance to risk is affected by not only the person’s ability to take on risk, but also his or her willingness to take risk. First, some investors are simply able to take on more risk, possibly due to a larger beginning portfolio or a longer time horizon. Second, although some investors are well-suited to take on risk, they simply are not willing to do so. Thus, risk tolerance is impacted by both an investor’s ability and willingness to take on risk. Attitudes toward risk are strictly personal preferences, and individuals with very similar economic circ*mstances can have very different degrees of risk aversion. For this reason, the first thing that must be assessed in evaluating the suitability of an investment strategy is risk tolerance. Unfortunately, this is not an easy thing to do. Most individuals have a difficult time articulating in any precise way their attitude toward risk (what’s yours?). One reason is that risk is not a simple concept; it is not easily defined or measured. Nevertheless, the Investment Updates box on the next page contains a short quiz that might help you assess your attitude toward risk. When you take the quiz, remember there are no right or wrong answers. Afterwards, score your risk tolerance as shown at the end of the survey.

INVES TOR C ON STR A I N TS In addition to attitude toward risk, an investor’s investment strategy will be affected by various constraints. We discuss five of the most common and important constraints next. RESOURCES  Probably the most obvious constraint, and the one to which many students can most easily relate, is resources. Obviously, if you have no money, you cannot invest at all. Beyond that, certain types of investments and investment strategies generally have minimum requirements. What is the minimum resource level needed? The answer to this question depends on the investment strategy, so there is no precise answer. Through mutual funds, initial investments in the stock market can be made for as little as $250, with subsequent investments as small as $50 or less. However, because minimum commission levels, account fees, and other costs are frequently associated with buying and selling securities, an investor interested in actively trading on her own would probably need an account in the $5,000 to $50,000 range. HORIZON  The investment horizon refers to the planned life of the investment. For example, individuals frequently save for retirement, where the investment horizon, depending on your age, can be very long. On the other hand, you might be saving to buy a house in the near future, implying a relatively short horizon. 42

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INVESTMENT UPDATES I N V E S TO R P R O F I L E Q U E S T I O N N A I R E On their website, Charles Schwab provides a publicly available risk tolerance survey, or questionnaire. The survey helps investors determine two important investment-related items: time horizon and risk tolerance. While time horizon is likely related to a person’s age, it is more a factor of when money will be needed and at what rate. The longer the time horizon, the more risk an investor is able to take. Risk tolerance, on the other hand, addresses the level of risk an investor is willing to take. Understanding these two elements allows an investor to craft an appropriate asset allocation plan.

Taking the Test To get a better perspective of your ability and willingness to take on risk, you should take the survey that Charles Schwab provides (see source below). Using calculated time horizon and risk tolerance scores, investors can use the chart below to determine their overall “Investor Profile,” which ranges from conservative to aggressive. With this result, investors can then select assets (and portfolios) that match the appropriate investment strategy.

Source:, accessed October 20, 2015.

The reason that horizon is important is evident in our previous chapter. It is true that stocks outperformed the other investments in the long run, but there were short periods over which they did much worse. This fact means that, if you have to pay tuition in 30 days, stocks are probably not the best investment for that money. Thus, in thinking about the riskiness of an investment, one important consideration is when the money will be needed. LIQUIDITY  Some investors might have to sell an asset quickly. In such cases, the asset’s liquidity is particularly important. An asset with a high degree of liquidity is one that can be sold quickly without a significant price concession. Such an asset is said to be liquid. Liquidity has two related parts. One part of liquidity is the ease with which an asset can be sold. The other part is how much you have to lower the price to sell the asset quickly. Liquidity is difficult to measure precisely, but some assets are clearly much more liquid than others. A good way to think about liquidity is to imagine buying an asset and then immediately reselling it. The less you would lose on this “round-trip” transaction, the more liquid is the asset. TAXES  Different types of investments are taxed very differently. When we talk about the return on an investment, what is really relevant is the after-tax return. As a result, taxes are a vital consideration. Higher tax bracket investors will naturally seek investment strategies with favorable tax treatments, while lower tax bracket (or tax-exempt) investors will focus more on pretax returns.

Chapter 2 

  The Investment Process43

INVESTMENT UPDATES B U F F E T T O N TA X E S A N D T R A D I N G Through my favorite comic strip, “Li’l Abner,” I got a chance during my youth to see the benefits of delayed taxes, though I missed the lesson at the time. Making his readers feel superior, Li’l Abner bungled happily, but moronically, through life in Dogpatch. At one point he became infatuated with a New York temptress, Appassionatta Van Climax, but despaired of marrying her because he had only a single silver dollar and she was interested solely in millionaires. Dejected, Abner took his problem to Old Man Mose, the font of all knowledge in Dogpatch. Said the sage: Double your money 20 times and Appassionatta will be yours (1, 2, 4, 8, . . . , 1,048,576). My last memory of the strip is Abner entering a roadhouse, dropping his dollar into a slot machine, and hitting a jackpot that spilled money all over the floor. Meticulously following Mose’s advice, Abner picked up two dollars and went off to find his next double. Whereupon I dumped Abner and began reading Ben Graham. Mose clearly was overrated as a guru: Besides failing to anticipate Abner’s slavish obedience to instructions, he also forgot about taxes. Had Abner been subject, say, to the 35% federal tax rate that Berkshire pays, and had he managed one double annually, he would after 20 years only have

For more risk tolerance quizzes, visit,, and

accumulated $22,370. Indeed, had he kept on both getting his annual doubles and paying a 35% tax on each, he would have needed 7½ years more to reach the $1 million required to win Appassionatta. But what if Abner had instead put his dollar in a single investment and held it until it doubled the same 27½ times? In that case, he would have realized about $200 million pre-tax or, after paying a $70 million tax in the final year, about $130 million after-tax. For that, Appassionatta would have crawled to Dogpatch. Of course, with 27½ years having passed, how Appassionatta would have looked to a fellow sitting on $130 million is another question. What this little tale tells us is that tax-paying investors will realize a far, far greater sum from a single investment that compounds internally at a given rate than from a succession of investments compounding at the same rate. But I suspect many Berkshire shareholders figured that out long ago.

Source: Buffett, Warren, “Buffett on Taxes and Trading”, Change Alley: Global Finance and Intelligent Investing, 06 January, 2009. Copyright © 2009 by Warren Buffet. All rights reserved. Used with permission.

In addition, the way in which an investment is held can dramatically affect its tax status. The tax laws and other rules are in a constant state of flux, so we will stick to broad principles. The general idea is that certain types of accounts, particularly retirement savings accounts, receive preferential tax treatment. The tax break can be enormous, and, as a result, the amount you can invest each year in these accounts is strictly limited. There are also rules regarding when you can withdraw the money, and it is important to pay careful attention to them. Taxes impact almost every step of the investment process, from the type of account you choose to the nature and length of the investments themselves. So we will discuss taxes throughout the remainder of the book, and throughout the rest of this chapter in particular. For now, though, consider the Investment Updates box above that provides some insight on the impact of taxes from one of the most famous and successful investors—Warren Buffett. UNIQUE CIRc*msTANCES  Almost everyone will have some special or unique requirements or opportunities. For example, many companies will match certain types of investments made by employees on a dollar-for-dollar basis (typically up to some maximum per year). In other words, you double your money immediately with complete certainty. It is difficult to envision any other investment with such a favorable payoff. Therefore, investors should probably seize this opportunity even though there could be some undesirable liquidity, tax, or horizon considerations. A list of possible special circ*mstances is essentially endless. So, consider just a few examples. The number of dependents and their needs will vary from investor to investor. Therefore, the need to provide for dependents will be an important constraint for some investors. Some investors want to invest only in companies whose products and activities they consider to be socially or politically suitable. Some investors want to invest primarily in their own community or state. Other investors, such as corporate insiders, face regulatory and legal restrictions on their investing. Elected officials may have to avoid (or at least ethically should avoid) some types of investments out of conflict-of-interest concerns.


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ST RATE GIE S A N D P OL I C I E S Once the IPS is in place, the investor must determine the appropriate strategies to achieve the stated objectives. Investors need to address four key areas when they devise their investment strategy. These key areas are investment management, market timing, asset allocation, and security selection. We discuss each of these next. Want to have a career in financial advice? See and

market timing Buying and selling in anticipation of the overall direction of a market.

asset allocation How an investor spreads portfolio dollars among broad asset classes.

INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT  A basic decision that all investors make is who manages their investments. At one extreme, investors make all of the buy and sell decisions themselves. At the other extreme, investors make no buy and sell decisions. Instead, the investor hires someone to manage his or her investments. Often investors make some investment decisions and hire professional managers to make other investment decisions. For example, suppose you divide your money among four different mutual funds. In this case, you have hired four different money managers. However, you decided what types of mutual funds to buy. Also, you chose the particular funds within each type. Finally, you decided how to divide your money among the funds. At first blush, managing your money yourself might seem to be the cheapest way to go because you do not pay management fees. Upon reflection, this is not a cheap decision. First, you must consider the value of your time. For some investors, researching investments and making investment decisions is something of a hobby. For most investors, however, it is too time-consuming. The value of your time is a powerful incentive to hire professional money managers. Also, for some strategies, the costs of doing it yourself can exceed those of hiring someone even after considering fees. This higher cost is simply due to the higher level of commissions and other fees that individual investors generally have to pay. For example, it might not be a bad idea for some of your investment to be in real estate, but a small investor will find it very difficult to directly acquire a sound real estate investment at reasonable cost. An interesting question regarding professional money managers concerns their performance. It certainly seems logical to argue that by hiring a professional investor to manage your money, you would earn more, at least on average. Surely the pros make better investment decisions than the amateurs! Surprisingly, this is not necessarily true. We will return to this subject in a later chapter. For now, we simply note that the possibility of a superior return might not be a compelling reason to prefer professional management. MARKET TIMING  A second basic investment decision you must make is whether you will try to buy and sell in anticipation of the future direction of the overall market. For example, you might move money into the stock market when you think stock prices will rise. Or you might move money out of the stock market when you think stock prices will fall. This trading activity is called market timing. Some investors actively move money around to try to time short-term market movements. Other investors are much less active, but they still try to time long-term market movements. At the extreme, a fully passive strategy is one in which you make no attempt to time the market. Market timing certainly seems like a reasonable thing to do. After all, why leave money in an investment if you expect it to decrease in value? You might be surprised that a common recommendation is that investors avoid trying to time the market. Why? As we discuss in more detail in a later chapter, the simple reason is that successful market timing is, to put it mildly, extremely difficult. To outperform a completely passive strategy, you must be able to accurately predict the future. If you make even a small number of bad calls, you will likely never catch up. ASSET ALLOCATION  Another fundamental decision that you must make concerns the distribution of your investment across different types of assets. We saw in Chapter 1 that different asset types—small stocks, large stocks, bonds—have distinct risk and return characteristics. In formulating your investment strategy, you must decide what percentage of your money will be placed in each of these broad categories. This decision is called asset allocation. An important asset allocation decision for many investors is how much to invest in common stocks and how much to invest in bonds. There are some basic rules of thumb for this decision, one of the simplest being to split the portfolio into 60 percent stocks and 40 percent bonds. Chapter 2 

  The Investment Process45

A slightly more sophisticated rule of thumb is that your equity percentage should be equal to your age subtracted from 100 (or, sometimes, 120). Under this rule, a 22-year-old college student should have 100 − 22 = 78 percent (or 120 − 22 = 98 percent) of her portfolio in stocks. This approach gradually reduces your exposure to stocks as you get older. Most of the major investment firms and many websites maintain recommended asset allocation schemes, which can be custom-tailored for individuals depending on their risk tolerance, wealth, and retirement goals.

security selection Selection of specific securities within a particular class.

SECURITY SELECTION  Finally, after deciding who will manage your investment, whether you will try to time the market, and the various asset classes you wish to hold, you must decide which specific securities to buy within each class. This is termed security selection. For example, you might decide that you want 30 percent of your money in small stocks. This is an asset allocation decision. Next, however, you must decide which small stocks to buy. Here again you must choose an active strategy or a passive strategy. With an active strategy, you would try to identify those small stocks that you think will perform best in the future. In other words, you are trying to pick “winners.” Investigating particular securities within a broad class in an attempt to identify superior performers is often called security analysis. With a passive security selection strategy, you might just acquire a diverse group of small stocks, perhaps by buying a mutual fund that holds shares in hundreds of small companies (such funds are discussed in detail in a later chapter). A useful way to distinguish asset allocation from security selection is to note that asset allocation is a macro-level activity. That is, the focus is on whole markets or classes of assets. Security selection is a much more micro-level activity. The focus of security selection is on individual securities. If we consider the active versus passive aspects of asset allocation and security selection simultaneously, four distinct investment strategies emerge. These strategies appear in the following two-by-two table: Security Selection Asset Allocation









With strategy I, we actively move money between asset classes based on our beliefs and expectations about future performance. In addition, we try to pick the best performers in each class. This is a fully active strategy. At the other extreme, strategy IV is a fully passive strategy. In this strategy, we seldom change asset allocations or attempt to choose the likely best performers from a set of individual securities. With strategy II, we actively vary our holdings by class, but we do not try to choose particular securities within each class. With this strategy, we might move back and forth between short-term government bonds and small stocks in an attempt to time the market. Finally, with strategy III, we do not vary our asset allocations, but we do select individual securities. A diehard stock picker would fall into this category. Such an investor holds 100 percent stocks and concentrates solely on buying and selling individual companies. Between asset allocation and security selection, which one do you think is most important to the success of a portfolio? Because the news media tend to concentrate on the success and failure of individual stocks, you might be inclined to think security selection is the most important element of a successful investing strategy. Research shows, however, that asset allocation is the most important determinant of portfolio returns. In fact, many experts suggest that about 90 percent of the performance of a portfolio is determined by asset allocation, while only 10 percent is from security selection. How is this result possible? Well, consider the crash of 2008. If at the beginning of 2008 you had allocated all your money to bonds (as opposed to stocks), you would have done much better than an investor who had heavily allocated to stocks. This outcome could happen even if the stock investor was excellent at selecting stocks. The idea is that equities tend to move together, so even good stocks can do poorly if all equities are doing poorly. 46

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What does the term “risk-averse” mean?


What are some of the constraints investors face in making investment decisions?


What is asset allocation?

2.2 Investment Professionals Suppose you have created your IPS, detailing your objectives and constraints. So, what comes next? One way to get started is to open an account with a securities broker, such as Edward Jones, E*TRADE, or Merrill Lynch. Such accounts are often called brokerage or trading accounts. Opening a trading account is straightforward and really much like opening a bank account. You will be asked to supply some basic information about yourself and to sign an agreement (often simply called a customer’s agreement) that spells out your rights and obligations and those of your broker. You then give your broker a check and instructions on how you want the money invested. To illustrate, suppose that instead of going to Disneyland, you would rather own part of it. You therefore open an account with $15,000. You instruct your broker to purchase 100 shares of Walt Disney stock and to retain any remaining funds in your account. Your broker will locate a seller and purchase the stock on your behalf. Say shares of stock in Walt Disney Corporation are selling for about $105 per share, so your 100 shares will cost $10,500. In addition, for providing this service, your broker will generally charge you a commission. How much depends on a number of things, including the type of broker and the size of your order, but on this order, $50 wouldn’t be an unusual commission charge. After paying for the stock and paying the commission, you would have $4,450 left in your account. Your broker will hold your stock for you. At a later date, you can sell your stock by instructing your broker to do so. You would receive the proceeds from the sale, less another commission charge. You can always add money to your account and purchase additional securities, and you can withdraw money from your account or even close it altogether. In broad terms, this basic explanation is really all there is to it. As we begin to discuss in the next section, however, a range of services are available to you, and there are important considerations that you need to take into account before you actually begin investing.

CH OOSING A B ROKE R /A DV I SOR The first step in opening an account is choosing a broker. Brokers are traditionally divided into three groups: full-service brokers, discount brokers, and deep-discount brokers. What distinguishes the three groups is the level of service they provide and the resulting commissions they charge. With a deep-discount broker, essentially the only services provided are account maintenance and order execution—that is, buying and selling. You generally deal with a deep-­ discount broker over the telephone or, increasingly, using a web browser (see the next section, “Online Brokers”). At the other extreme, a full-service broker will provide investment advice regarding the types of securities and investment strategies that might be appropriate for you to consider (or avoid). The larger brokerage firms do extensive research on individual companies and securities and maintain lists of recommended (and not recommended) securities. They maintain offices throughout the country, so, depending on where you live, you can actually stop in and speak to the person assigned to your account. A full-service broker will even manage your account for you if you wish. In this case, the broker is said to have discretion over the account. Today, many full-service brokers are trying to specialize in wealth management. That is, these brokers manage many aspects of financial planning for high-net-worth investors. These high-net-worth accounts are exactly what you think they are—accounts with a lot of money

Chapter 2 

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in them. Particularly on the full-service side, many brokers have moved toward an advisorybased relationship with their clients. So, rather than charging commissions on every transaction, the investment advisor charges an annual fee, say 1–2 percent, based on the balance in the account. This fee covers all services associated with advice and trading. An advisorybased relationship brings potential benefits to the client and advisor. For example, without commissions, the advisor has little incentive to trade an account actively. As a result, the interests of the client and the advisor are more closely aligned. Discount brokers fall somewhere between the two cases we have discussed so far, offering more investment counseling than the deep-discounters and lower commissions or fees than the full-service brokers. Which type of broker should you choose? It depends on how much advice and service you need or want. If you are the do-it-yourself type, then you may seek out the lower commissions. If you are not, then a full-service advisor might be more suitable. Often, investors begin with a full-service broker, and then, as they gain experience and confidence, move on to a discount broker or a deep-discount broker. We should note that the brokerage industry is very competitive, and differences between broker types seem to be blurring. Full-service brokers frequently discount commissions or fees to attract new customers (particularly those with large accounts), and you should not hesitate to ask about commission rates. Similarly, discount brokers have begun to offer securities research and extensive account management services. Basic brokerage services have become almost commoditylike, and, more and more, brokerage firms are competing by offering financial services such as retirement planning, credit cards, and check-writing privileges, to name a few.

ONLINE B ROKE R S The most important recent change in the brokerage industry is the rapid growth of online brokers, also known as e-brokers or cyberbrokers. With an online broker, you place buy and sell orders over the Internet using a web browser or even an app on your smartphone. Before 1995, online accounts essentially did not exist. By 2016, many millions of investors were buying and selling securities online. Online investing has fundamentally changed the discount and deep-discount brokerage industry by slashing costs dramatically. In a typical online trade, no human intervention is needed by the broker as the entire process is handled electronically, so operating costs are held to a minimum. As costs have fallen, so have commissions. Even for relatively large trades, online brokers typically charge less than $20 (or even $10) per trade. For budget-minded investors and active stock traders, the attraction is clear. Competition among online brokers is fierce. Some take a no-frills approach, offering only basic services and very low commission rates. Others, particularly the larger ones, charge a little more but offer a variety of services, including research and various banking services such as check-writing privileges, credit cards, debit cards, and even mortgages. As technology continues to improve and investors become more comfortable using it, online brokerages will almost surely become the dominant form because of their enormous convenience—and the low commission rates.

INVES TOR P ROTE CTI ON THE FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION  You probably know that a U.S. government agency called the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, or FDIC, protects money deposited into bank accounts. In fact, the FDIC currently insures deposits up to $250,000 per account in nearly every bank and thrift in the United States. However, savers have not always had deposit insurance. In the 1920s and early 1930s, many banks failed. When these banks failed, the money held in bank accounts vanished. To help restore faith in the banking system, the U.S. Congress created the FDIC in 1933. So far, so good. Since the start of FDIC insurance on January 1, 1934, no depositor has lost a single cent of insured funds as a result of a bank failure. However, the FDIC insures only bank deposits. That is, the FDIC does not insure stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or other investments offered by banks, thrift institutions, and brokerage firms—even those calling themselves investment banks. 48

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INVESTMENT FRAUD  Suppose someone swindles you by selling you shares in a fictitious company. Or suppose someone sells you shares in a real company but does not transfer ownership to you. These two situations are examples of investment fraud. Experts estimate that losses from investment fraud in the United States range from $10 billion to $40 billion a year. You should know that “insurance” for investment fraud does not exist in the United States, but state and federal securities agencies were established to help investors deal with cases of investment fraud. Of course, investors can help protect themselves against fraud simply by dealing with reputable brokerage firms.

Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC) Insurance fund covering investors’ brokerage accounts with member firms.

If you want to learn more about the SIPC, go to

THE SECURITIES INVESTOR PROTECTION CORPORATION  Even reputable brokerage firms can go bankrupt or suffer financial difficulties. Fortunately for investors, all reputable brokerage firms belong to the Securities Investor Protection Corporation, or SIPC. In fact, almost all brokerage firms operating in the United States are required to be members of the SIPC. The SIPC insures your brokerage account for up to $500,000 in cash and securities, with a $250,000 cash maximum. Congress chartered the SIPC in 1970, but the SIPC is not a government agency; it is a private insurance fund supported by the securities industry. The SIPC has a narrow, but important, focus: restore funds to investors who have securities in the hands of bankrupt or financially troubled brokerage firms. When a brokerage firm is closed as a result of financial difficulties, sometimes customer assets are missing. In this case, the SIPC works to return customers’ cash, bonds, stock, and other eligible securities. Without the SIPC, investors at financially troubled brokerage firms might lose their securities or money forever. Not every loss is protected by the SIPC. For example, the SIPC does not guarantee the value of securities held in an SIPC-covered brokerage account. In other words, you can still lose everything in an SIPC-covered account if the value of your securities falls to zero. The SIPC gained the national spotlight with the Bernard “Bernie” Madoff scandal in 2009. Mr. Madoff ran a hedge fund that was really just a “Ponzi” scheme. In this system, Mr. Madoff would take deposits from investors. Rather than investing the money, however, he would simply create fictitious reports to detail investors’ alleged holdings. If an investor wanted to withdraw funds, Mr. Madoff would use deposits by subsequent investors to fund the payout. The Madoff case is one of the largest investment fraud cases in Wall Street history, topping $65 billion.


To learn more about dispute resolution, visit

There are several other important things to keep in mind when dealing with a broker or advisor. First, any advice you receive is not guaranteed. Far from it—buy and sell recommendations carry the explicit warning that you rely on them at your own risk. As an example of some common disclosures, check out the Investment Updates box on the next page. Your broker does have a duty to exercise reasonable care in formulating recommendations and not recommend anything grossly unsuitable, but that is essentially the extent of it. Second, your broker or advisor works as your agent and has a legal duty to act in your best interest; however, brokerage firms are in the business of generating brokerage commissions. This fact will probably be spelled out in the account agreement that you sign. There is, therefore, the potential for a conflict of interest. On rare occasions, a broker is accused of “churning” an account, which refers to excessive trading for the sole purpose of generating commissions. In general, you are responsible for checking your account statements and notifying your broker in the event of any problems, and you should certainly do so. With an advisory relationship, churning is less likely. Finally, in the unlikely event of a significant problem, your account agreement will probably specify very clearly that you must waive your right to sue and/or seek a jury trial. Instead, you agree that any disputes will be settled by arbitration and that arbitration is final and binding. Arbitration is not a legal proceeding, and the rules are much less formal. In essence, a panel is appointed by a self-regulatory body of the securities industry to review the case. The panel will be composed of a small number of individuals who are Chapter 2 

  The Investment Process49

INVESTMENT UPDATES SOME EXAMPLE DISCLOSURES 1. REGARDING COMMUNICATING AND SENDING TRADES TO YOUR BROKER VIA E-MAIL “Raymond James does not accept private client orders or account instructions by e-mail. This e-mail (a) is not an official transaction confirmation or account statement; (b) is not an offer, solicitation, or recommendation to transact in any security; (c) is intended only for the addressee; and (d) may not be retransmitted to, or used by, any other party. This e-mail may contain confidential or privileged information; please delete immediately if you are not the intended recipient. Raymond James monitors e-mails and may be required by law or regulation to disclose e-mails to third parties.”

2. REGARDING STOCK ANALYST REPORTS “This material provides general information only. Neither the information nor any views expressed constitute an offer, or an invitation to make an offer, to buy or sell any securities or other investment or any options, futures, or derivatives

related to such securities or investments. It is not intended to provide personal investment advice and it does not take into account the specific investment objectives, the financial situation, and the particular needs of any specific person who may receive this material. Investors should seek financial advice regarding the appropriateness of investing in any securities, other investment, or investment strategies discussed in this report and should understand that statements regarding future prospects may not be realized. Investors should note that income from securities or other investments, if any, may fluctuate and that price or value of such securities and investments may rise or fall. Accordingly, investors may receive back less than originally invested. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance. Any information relating to the tax status of financial instruments discussed herein is not intended to provide tax advice or to be used by anyone to provide tax advice. Investors are urged to seek tax advice based on their particular circ*mstances from an independent tax professional.”

knowledgeable about the securities industry, but a majority of them will not be associated with the industry. The panel makes a finding, and absent extraordinary circ*mstances, its findings cannot be appealed. The panel does not have to disclose factual findings or legal reasoning.



What are the differences between full-service and deep-discount brokers?


What is the SIPC? How does SIPC coverage differ from FDIC coverage?

2.3 Types of Accounts The account agreement that you sign has a number of important provisions and details specifying the types of trades that can be made and who can make them. Another important concern is whether the broker will extend credit and, if so, the terms under which credit will be extended. We discuss these, and other, issues next. cash account A brokerage account in which all transactions are made on a strictly cash basis. margin account A brokerage account in which, subject to limits, securities can be bought and sold on credit. call money rate The interest rate brokers pay to borrow bank funds for lending to customer margin accounts. 50

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CASH AC C OUN TS A cash account is the simplest arrangement. Securities can be purchased to the extent that sufficient cash is available in the account. If additional purchases are desired, then the needed funds must be promptly supplied.

MARGIN AC C OUN TS With a margin account, you can, subject to limits, purchase securities on credit using money loaned to you by your broker. Such a purchase is called a margin purchase. The interest rate you pay on the money you borrow is based on the broker’s call money rate, which is, loosely, the rate the broker pays to borrow the money. You pay some amount over the call money rate, called the spread; the exact spread depends on your broker and the size of the loan, as well as your own history with the broker.

margin The portion of the value of an investment that is not borrowed.

Suppose the call money rate has been hovering around 4 percent. If a brokerage firm charges a 2.5 percent spread above this rate on loan amounts under $10,000, then you would pay a total of about 6.5 percent. However, this is usually reduced for larger loan amounts. For example, the spread may decline to 0.75 percent for amounts over $100,000. Several important concepts and rules are involved in a margin purchase. For concreteness, we focus on stocks in our discussion. The specific margin rules for other investments can be quite different, but the principles and terminology are usually similar. In general, when you purchase securities on credit, some of the money is yours and the rest is borrowed. The amount that is yours is called the margin. Margin is usually expressed as a percentage. For example, if you take $7,000 of your own money and borrow an additional $3,000 from your broker, your total investment will be $10,000. Of this $10,000, $7,000 is yours, so the margin is $7,000/$10,000 = 0.70, or 70 percent. It is useful to create an account balance sheet when thinking about margin purchases (and some other issues we’ll get to in just a moment). To illustrate, suppose you open a margin account with $5,000. You tell your broker to buy 100 shares of American Express (AXP). Shares in American Express are selling for $80 per share, so the total cost will be $8,000. Because you have only $5,000 in the account, you borrow the remaining $3,000. Immediately following the purchase, your account balance sheet would look like this: Assets

Liabilities and Account Equity

100 shares of AXP Total


Margin loan


Account equity





On the left-hand side of this balance sheet, we list the account assets, which, in this case, consist of the $8,000 in AXP stock you purchased. On the right-hand side, we first list the $3,000 loan you took out to help you pay for the stock. This amount is a liability because, at some point, the loan must be repaid. The difference between the value of the assets held in the account and the loan amount is $5,000. This amount is your account equity, that is, the net value of your investment. Notice that your margin is equal to the account equity divided by the value of the stock owned and held in the account: $5,000/$8,000 = 0.625, or 62.5 percent.


The Account Balance Sheet You want to buy 1,000 shares of General Electric (GE) at a price of $24 per share. You put up $18,000 and borrow the rest. What does your account balance sheet look like? What is your margin? The 1,000 shares of GE cost $24,000. You supply $18,000, so you must borrow $6,000. The account balance sheet looks like this: Assets

Liabilities and Account Equity

1,000 shares of GE Total

$24,000 $24,000

Margin loan

$ 6,000

Account equity




Your margin is the account equity divided by the value of the stock owned: Margin = $18,000 / $24,000 = 0.75, or 75 percent

initial margin The minimum margin that must be supplied on a securities purchase.

INITIAL MARGIN  When you first purchase securities on credit, there is a minimum margin that you must supply. This percentage is called the initial margin. The minimum percentage (for stock purchases) is set by the Federal Reserve (the “Fed”). However, the exchanges and individual brokerage firms may require higher initial margin amounts. Chapter 2 

  The Investment Process51

The Fed’s power to set initial margin requirements was established in the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. In subsequent years, initial margin requirements ranged from a low of 45 percent to a high of 100 percent. Since 1974, the minimum has been 50 percent (for stock purchases). In other words, if you have $10,000 of your own cash, you can borrow up to an additional $10,000, but no more. We emphasize that these initial margin requirements apply to stocks. In contrast, for the most part, there is little initial margin requirement for government bonds. On the other hand, margin is not allowed at all on certain other types of securities.


Calculating Initial Margin Suppose you have $3,000 in cash in a trading account with a 50 percent initial margin requirement. What is the largest order you can place (ignoring commissions)? If the initial margin were 60 percent, how would your answer change? When the initial margin is 50 percent, you must supply half of the total (and you borrow the other half). So, $6,000 is the largest order you could place. When the initial margin is 60 percent, your $3,000 must equal 60 percent of the total. In other words, it must be the case that

$3,000 = 0.60 × Total order Total order = $3,000 / 0.60 = $5,000 As this example illustrates, the higher the initial margin required, the less you can borrow. When the margin is 50 percent, you can borrow $3,000. When the margin is 60 percent, you can borrow only $2,000.

maintenance margin The minimum margin that must be present at all times in a margin account.

margin call A demand for more funds that occurs when the margin in an account drops below the maintenance margin.

MAINTENANCE MARGIN  In addition to the initial margin requirement set by the Fed, brokerage firms and exchanges generally have a maintenance margin requirement. For example, the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) requires a minimum of 25 percent maintenance margin. This amount is the minimum margin required at all times after the purchase. The maintenance margin set by your broker is sometimes called the “house” margin requirement. The level is established by your broker, who may vary it depending on what you are buying. For low-priced and very volatile stocks, the house margin can be as high as 100 percent, meaning no margin at all. A typical maintenance margin would be 30 percent. If your margin falls below 30 percent, then you may be subject to a margin call, which is a demand by your broker to add funds to your account, pay off part of the loan, or sell enough securities to bring your margin back up to an acceptable level. In some cases, you will be asked to restore your account to the initial margin level. In other cases, you will be asked to restore your account to the maintenance margin level. If you do not or cannot comply, your securities may be sold. The loan will be repaid out of the proceeds, and any remaining amounts will be credited to your account. To illustrate, suppose your account has a 50 percent initial margin requirement and a 30 percent maintenance margin. Suppose stock in Vandelay Industries is selling for $50 per share. You have $20,000, and you want to buy as much of this stock as you possibly can. With a 50 percent initial margin, you can buy up to $40,000 worth, or 800 shares. The account balance sheet looks like this: Assets 800 shares @ $50/share Total

Liabilities and Account Equity $40,000

Margin loan


Account equity





Unfortunately, right after your purchase, Vandelay Industries reveals that it has been artificially inflating earnings for the last three years (this is not good). Share prices plummet 52

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to $35 per share. What does the account balance sheet look like when this happens? Are you subject to a margin call? To create the new account balance sheet, we recalculate the total value of the stock. The margin loan stays the same, so the account equity is adjusted as needed: Assets 800 shares @ $35/share Total

Liabilities and Account Equity $28,000

Margin loan

Account equity



$20,000   8,000 $28,000

As shown, the total value of your “position” (i.e., the stock you hold) falls to $28,000, a $12,000 loss. You still owe $20,000 to your broker, so your account equity is $28,000 − $20,000 = $8,000. Your margin is therefore $8,000/$28,000 = 0.286, or 28.6 percent. You are below the 30 percent minimum, so you are subject to a margin call. THE EFFECTS OF MARGIN  Margin is a form of financial leverage. Any time you borrow money to make an investment, the impact is to magnify both your gains and losses, hence the use of the term “leverage.” The easiest way to see this is through an example. Imagine that you have $30,000 in an account with a 60 percent initial margin. You now know that you can borrow up to an additional $20,000 and buy $50,000 worth of stock (why?). The call money rate is 5.50 percent; you must pay this rate plus a 0.50 percent spread. Suppose you buy 1,000 shares of Verizon (VZ) at $50 per share. One year later, shares in Verizon are selling for $60 per share. Assuming the call money rate does not change and ignoring dividends, what is your return on this investment? At the end of the year, your 1,000 shares are worth $60,000. You owe 6 percent interest on the $20,000 you borrowed, or $1,200. If you pay off the loan with interest, you will have $60,000 − $21,200 = $38,800. You started with $30,000 and ended with $38,800, so your net gain is $8,800. In percentage terms, your return was $8,800/$30,000 = 0.2933, or 29.33 percent. How would you have done without the financial leverage created from the margin purchase? In this case, you would have invested just $30,000. At $50 per share, you would have purchased 600 shares. At the end of the year, your 600 shares would be worth $60 apiece, or $36,000 total. Your dollar profit is $6,000, so your percentage return would be $6,000/$30,000 = 0.20, or 20 percent. If we compare this to the 29.33 percent that you made above, it’s clear that you did substantially better by leveraging. The downside is that you would do much worse if Verizon’s stock price fell (or didn’t rise very much). For example, if Verizon shares had fallen to $40 a share, you would have lost (check these calculations for practice) $11,200, or 37.33 percent, on your margin investment, compared to $6,000, or 20 percent, on the unmargined investment. This example illustrates how leveraging an investment through a margin account can cut both ways.


A Marginal Investment? A year ago, you bought 300 shares of Coca-Cola, Inc. (KO), at $55 per share. You put up the 60 percent initial margin. The call money rate plus the spread you paid was 8 percent. What is your return if the price today is $50? Compare this to the return you would have earned if you had not invested on margin. Your total investment was 300 shares at $55 per share, or $16,500. You supplied 60 percent, or $9,900, and you borrowed the remaining $6,600. At the end of the year, you owe $6,600 plus 8 percent interest, or $7,128. If the stock sells for $50, then your position is worth 300 × $50 = $15,000. Deducting the $7,128 leaves $7,872 for you. Since you originally invested $9,900, your dollar loss is $9,900 − $7,872 = $2,028. Your percentage return is −$2,028/$9,900 = −20.48 percent. If you had not leveraged your investment, you would have purchased $9,900/$55 = 180 shares. These would have been worth 180 × $50 = $9,000. You therefore would have lost $900; your percentage return would have been −$900/$9,900 = −9.09 percent, compared to the −20.48 percent that you lost on your leveraged position.

Chapter 2 

  The Investment Process53


How Low Can It Go? In our previous example (Example 2.3), suppose the maintenance margin was 40 percent. At what price per share would you have been subject to a margin call? To answer, let P * be the critical price. You own 300 shares, so, at that price, your stock is worth 300 × P *. You borrowed $6,600, so your account equity is equal to the value of your stock less the $6,600 you owe, or (300 × P *) − $6,600. We can summarize this information as follows: Amount borrowed = $6,600 Value of stock = 300 × P * Account equity = (300 × P *) − $6,600

From our preceding discussion, your percentage margin is your dollar margin (or account equity) divided by the value of the stock: Account equity Margin = _____________    ​​     ​​ Value of stock (300 × P *) − $6,600 = ___________________    ​​      ​​ 300 × P *

To find the critical price, we will set this margin equal to the maintenance margin and solve for P *: (Number of shares × P *) − Amount borrowed Maintenance margin = ______________________________________      ​​       ​​ Number of shares × P *

Solving for P * yields Amount borrowed / Number of shares P * = _______________________________      ​​       ​​ 1 − Maintenance margin

Finally, setting the maintenance margin equal to 40 percent, we obtain this critical price, P *:

$6,600 / 300 P * = ___________    ​​  1 − 0.40 ​​  $22  ​​  = $36.67 = _____ ​​  0.60 At any price below $36.67, your margin will be less than 40 percent and you will be subject to a margin call. So, $36.67 is the lowest possible price that could be reached before you are subject to a margin call.

As Example 2.4 shows, you can calculate the critical price (the lowest price before you get a margin call) as follows: Amount borrowed / Number of shares P * = _______________________________      ​​       ​​ 1 − Maintenance margin


For example, suppose you had a margin loan of $40,000, which you used to purchase, in part, 1,000 shares. The maintenance margin is 37.5 percent. What’s the critical stock price, and how do you interpret it? See if you don’t agree that the critical stock price, P*, is $40/0.625 = $64. The interpretation is straightforward: If the stock price falls below $64, you are subject to a margin call.

ANNUAL IZING R E TUR N S ON A MA RG I N P URC HA SE Things get a little more complicated when we consider holding periods different from a year on a margin purchase. For example, suppose the call money rate is 9 percent and you pay a spread of 2 percent over that. You buy 1,000 shares of Walmart (WMT) at $60 per share, but you put up only half the money. In three months, Walmart is selling for $63 per share and you sell your shares. What is your annualized return assuming no dividends are paid? 54

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In this case, you invested $60,000, half of which ($30,000) is borrowed. How much do you have to repay in three months? Here we have to adjust for the fact that the interest rate is 11 percent per year, but you only borrowed the money for three months. In this case, the amount you repay is equal to: Amount repaid = Amount borrowed × (1 + interest rate per year)t where t is the fraction of a year. In our case, t would be 3 months/12 months, or 0.25. So, plugging in our numbers, we get: Amount repaid = Amount borrowed × (1 + interest rate per year)t = $30,000 × (1 + 0.11)0.25 = $30,000 × 1.02643 = $30,792.90 So, when you sell your stock, you get $63,000, of which $30,792.90 is used to pay off the loan, leaving you with $32,207.10. You invested $30,000, so your dollar gain is $2,207.10, and your percentage return for your three-month holding period is $2,207.10/$30,000 = 0.0736, or 7.36 percent. Finally, we have to convert this 7.36 percent to an annualized return. There are four three-month periods in a year, so 1 + EAR = (1 + holding period percentage return)m = 1 + 0.07364 = 1.3285 So, your annualized return is 32.85 percent.

H YP OTHE CATI ON A N D STR E E T N A ME R E G I STR AT I O N As part of your margin account agreement, you must agree to various conditions. We discuss two of the most important next.

hypothecation Pledging securities as collateral against a loan.

street name An arrangement under which a broker is the registered owner of a security.

HYPOTHECATION  Any securities you purchase in your margin account will be held by your broker as collateral against the loan made to you. This practice protects the broker because the securities can be sold by the broker if the customer is unwilling or unable to meet a margin call. Putting securities up as collateral against a loan is called hypothecation. In fact, a margin agreement is sometimes called a hypothecation agreement. In addition, to borrow the money that it loans to you, your broker will often re-hypothecate your securities, meaning that your broker will pledge them as collateral with its lender, normally a bank. STREET NAME REGISTRATION Securities in a margin account are normally held in street name. This means that the brokerage firm is actually the registered owner. If this were not the case, the brokerage firm could not legally sell the securities should a customer refuse to meet a margin call or otherwise fail to live up to the terms of the margin agreement. With this arrangement, the brokerage firm is the “owner of record,” but the account holder is the “beneficial owner.” When a security is held in street name, anything mailed to the security owner, such as an annual report or a dividend check, goes to the brokerage firm. The brokerage firm then passes these on to the account holder. Street name ownership is actually a great convenience to the owner. In fact, because it is usually a free service, even customers with cash accounts generally choose street name ownership. Some of the benefits are 1. Because the broker holds the security, there is no danger of theft or other loss of the security. This is important because a stolen or lost security cannot be easily or cheaply replaced. 2. Any dividends or interest payments are automatically credited, and they are often credited more quickly (and conveniently) than they would be if the owner received the check in the mail.

Chapter 2 

  The Investment Process55

3. The broker provides regular account statements showing the value of securities held in the account and any payments received. Also, for tax purposes, the broker will provide all the needed information on a single form at the end of the year, greatly reducing the owner’s record-keeping requirements.


To see how good your potential employer’s 401(k) is, visit

COMPANY-SPONSORED PLANS If you are employed by a company, particularly a medium to large company, you will probably have access to a company-sponsored retirement plan such as a 401(k). In a typical plan, you (as the employee) can decide how much money you contribute to the plan by making deductions from your paychecks. In many cases, your employer also makes contributions to the plan. For example, your company could make dollar-for-dollar matching contributions up to a certain percentage of your salary. Even after your contributions hit the maximum amount your employer will match, you can still contribute additional funds. The amount of your total contribution is limited by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). As of 2015, the contribution limit is $18,000 for workers under the age of 50 and $24,500 for those 50 and above. These limits are adjusted for inflation annually. You decide how your 401(k) contributions are invested. Although some companies have retirement plans that allow employees to choose almost any security, most plans use a “menu” format. That is, the company provides a set, or a menu, of investment choices for its employees. Most likely, these choices are mutual funds. Mutual funds have become so important that we devote an entire chapter to them (Chapter 4). The general investing approach described earlier in this chapter applies to your retirement plan. You decide your percentage allocations to asset classes (like stocks, bonds, and T-bills) and then choose particular assets (e.g., mutual funds) in each asset class. For example, you might decide that you want 75 percent of your retirement funds invested in stocks. Then, you have to make the decision whether you want to invest in U.S. stocks, stocks in other regions of the world, stocks in specific countries, large-company stocks, small-company stocks, or a combination of these categories. The primary benefit of company-sponsored plans is that they are considered “qualified” accounts for tax purposes. In a qualified account, any money that you deposit into the account is deducted from your taxable income. As a result, your yearly tax bill will be lower, and your net out-of-pocket cost of your deposit is lower. For example, if you are in the 25 percent tax bracket and decide to deposit $12,000 next year, your net out-of-pocket cost is only $9,000. Why? You will pay $3,000 (0.25 × $12,000) less in taxes than you would if you had not made this deposit. Of course, nothing is free. You must pay taxes on the withdrawals you make during retirement. INDIVIDUAL RETIREMENT ACCOUNTS (IRAS) People who do not have access to a company-sponsored plan, or those who simply want another retirement account, can use individual retirement accounts (IRAs). Because an IRA is set up directly with a broker or a bank, these accounts can contain a wide range of assets. In 2015, the maximum contribution to an IRA was $5,500 for those under the age of 50 and $6,500 for those 50 and above. Annoyingly, the amount you can contribute falls as your income rises above certain levels. As a result, IRA accounts are not available for every investor. In terms of tax treatment, there are basically two types of IRAs. With the first type, you pay taxes today on money you earn. If you then invest these after-tax dollars in a retirement savings account, you pay no taxes at all when you take the money out later. This means that dividends, interest, and capital gains are not taxed, which is a big break. Currently, this type of account is called a Roth individual retirement account (Roth IRA). With the second type of account, you do not pay taxes on the money you earn today if you invest it. Such accounts are “tax-deferred” and are the way most employer-sponsored retirement accounts (such as 401(k) plans) are set up. Later, when you retire, you owe income taxes on whatever you take out of the account. The two types of accounts really come down to this: You either pay taxes today and do not pay taxes later, or vice versa. It would be great if you could invest pretax dollars and never


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pay taxes. Alas, this is tax avoidance—which is illegal. Therefore, investors must decide whether to pay taxes now or pay taxes later. Some circ*mstances make a Roth IRA preferable to a more traditional tax-deferred IRA. For example, younger investors who are currently in a low tax bracket might be well-suited for a Roth IRA. The reason is that the benefit of tax-free investment growth outweighs the cost of making contributions with income left after taxes. From a behavioral standpoint, a Roth might also be preferred. When determining the amount to contribute, an investor is prone to pick a dollar amount, say, the maximum $5,500. With the Roth IRA, however, investors are actually “investing” more because they are also paying the tax on that portion up front. In any case, whether you choose a Roth or a traditional IRA will depend on personal characteristics like your age and your tax bracket.



What is the difference between a cash and a margin account?


What is the effect of a margin purchase on gains and losses?


What is a margin call?

2.4 Types of Positions

short sale A sale in which the seller does not actually own the security that is sold.

Once you have created your investment policy statement and decided which type of investment professional you will employ, your next step is to determine the types of positions you will hold in your account. The two basic positions are long and short. An investor who buys and owns shares of stock is said to be long in the stock or to have a long position. An investor with a long position will make money if the price of the stock increases and, conversely, lose money if it goes down. In other words, a long investor hopes that the price will increase. Now consider a different situation. Suppose you thought, for some reason, that the stock in a particular company was likely to decrease in value. You obviously wouldn’t want to buy any of it. If you already owned some, you might choose to sell it. Beyond this, you might decide to engage in a short sale. In a short sale, you actually sell a security that you do not own. This is referred to as shorting the stock. After the short sale, the investor is said to have a short position in the security. Financial assets of all kinds are sold short, not just shares of stock, and the terms “long” and “short” are universal. However, the mechanics of a short sale differ quite a bit across security types. Even so, regardless of how the short sale is executed, the essence is the same. An investor with a long position benefits from price increases, and as we will see, an investor with a short position benefits from price decreases. For the sake of illustration, we focus here on shorting shares of stock. Procedures for shorting other types of securities are discussed in later chapters.

BAS IC S OF A SHORT SA L E How can you sell stock you don’t own? It is easier than you might think: You borrow the shares of stock from your broker and then you sell them. At some future date, you will buy the same number of shares that you originally borrowed and return them, thereby eliminating the short position. Eliminating the short position is often called covering the position or, less commonly, curing the short. You might wonder where your broker will get the stock to loan you. Normally, it will simply come from other margin accounts. Often, when you open a margin account, you are asked to sign a loan-consent agreement, which gives your broker the right to loan shares held in the account. If shares you own are loaned out, you still receive any dividends or other distributions, and you can sell the stock any time if you wish. In other words, the fact that some of your stock may have been loaned out is of little or no consequence as far as you are concerned.

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An investor with a short position will profit if the security declines in value. For example, assume that you short 2,000 shares of Xerox Corp. (XRX) at a price of $10 per share. You receive $20,000 from the sale (more on this in a moment). A month later, the stock is selling for $8 per share. You buy 2,000 shares for $16,000, and this “round-trip” closes (or covers) your short position. Because you received $20,000 from the sale and it cost you only $16,000 to cover, you made $4,000. Conventional Wall Street wisdom states that the way to make money is to “buy low, sell high.” With a short sale, we hope to do exactly that, just in the opposite order—“sell high, buy low.” If a short sale strikes you as a little confusing, it might help to think about the everyday use of the terms. Whenever we say that we are “running short” on something, we mean we don’t have enough of it. Similarly, when someone says, “don’t sell me short,” they mean don’t bet on them not to succeed.


The Long and Short of It Suppose you short 2,000 shares of Alcoa, Inc. (AA), at $15 per share. Six months later you cover your short. If Alcoa is selling for $10 per share at that time, did you make money or lose money? How much? What if you covered at $20? If you shorted at $15 per share and covered at $10, you originally sold 2,000 shares at $15 and later bought them back at $10, so you made $5 per share, or $10,000. If you covered at $20, you lost $10,000.

SHORT SAL E S: SOME D E TA I L S There are many sites devoted to the fine art of short selling. Try

When you short a stock, you must borrow it from your broker, so you must fulfill various requirements. First, there are an initial margin and a maintenance margin. Second, after you sell the borrowed stock, the proceeds from the sale are credited to your account, but you cannot use them. They are, in effect, frozen until you return the stock. Finally, if any dividends are paid on the stock while you have a short position, you must pay them. To illustrate, we will again create an account balance sheet. Suppose you want to short 100 shares of AT&T (T) when the price is $30 per share. This short sale means you will borrow shares of stock worth a total of $30 × 100 = $3,000. Your broker has a 50 percent initial margin and a 40 percent maintenance margin on short sales. An important thing to keep in mind with a margin purchase of securities is that margin is calculated as the value of your account equity relative to the value of the securities purchased. With a short sale, margin is calculated as the value of your account equity relative to the value of the securities sold short. Thus, in both cases, margin is equal to equity value divided by security value. In our AT&T example, the initial value of the securities sold short is $3,000 and the initial margin is 50 percent, so you must deposit at least half of $3,000, or $1,500, in your account. With this in mind, after the short sale, your account balance sheet is as follows: Assets

Liabilities and Account Equity

Proceeds from sale


Short position


Initial margin deposit


Account equity






As shown, four items appear on the account balance sheet: 1. Proceeds from sale. This is the $3,000 you received when you sold the stock. This amount will remain in your account until you cover your position. Note that you will not earn interest on this amount—it will just sit there as far as you are concerned. 2. Margin deposit. This is the 50 percent margin that you had to post. This amount will not change unless there is a margin call. Depending on the circ*mstances and your particular account agreement, you may earn interest on the initial margin deposit. 58

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3. Short position. Because you must eventually buy back the stock and return it, you have a liability. The current cost of eliminating that liability is $3,000. 4. Account equity. As always, the account equity is the difference between the total account value ($4,500) and the total liabilities ($3,000). We now examine two scenarios: (1) the stock price falls to $20 per share and (2) the stock price rises to $40 per share. If the stock price falls to $20 per share, then you are still liable for 100 shares, but the cost of those shares is now just $2,000. Your account balance sheet becomes: Assets

Liabilities and Account Equity

Proceeds from sale


Short position


Initial margin deposit


Account equity






Notice that the left-hand side doesn’t change. The same $3,000 you originally received is still held, and the $1,500 margin you deposited is still there also. On the right-hand side, the short position is now a $2,000 liability, down from $3,000. Finally, the good news is that the account equity rises by $1,000, so this is your gain. Your margin is equal to account equity divided by the security value (the value of the short position), $2,500/$2,000 = 1.25, or 125 percent. However, if the stock price rises to $40, things are not so rosy. Now, the 100 shares for which you are liable are worth $4,000: Assets

Liabilities and Account Equity

Proceeds from sale


Short position


Initial margin deposit


Account equity

$ 500





Again, the left-hand side doesn’t change. The short liability rises by $1,000, and, unfortunately for you, the account equity declines by $1,000, the amount of your loss. To make matters worse, when the stock price rises to $40, you are severely undermargined. The account equity is $500, but the value of the stock sold short is $4,000. Your margin is $500/$4,000 = 12.5 percent. Since this is well below the 40 percent maintenance margin, you are subject to a margin call. You have two options: (1) buy back some or all of the stock and return it or (2) add funds to your account.


A Case of the Shorts You shorted 5,000 shares of Collerado Industries at a price of $30 per share. The initial margin is 50 percent, and the maintenance margin is 40 percent. What does your account balance sheet look like following the short? Following the short, your account becomes: Assets Proceeds from sale Initial margin deposit Total

Liabilities and Account Equity $150,000

Short position


Account equity



$150,000   75,000 $225,000

Notice that you shorted $150,000 worth of stock, so, with a 50 percent margin requirement, you deposited $75,000.

Chapter 2 

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Margin Calls In our previous example (Example 2.6), at what price per share would you be subject to a margin call? To answer this one, let P * be the critical price. The short liability then is 5,000 shares at a price of P *, or 5,000P *. The total account value is $225,000, so the account equity is $225,000 − 5,000P *. We can summarize this information as follows: Short position = 5,000 × P * Account equity = $225,000 − 5,000 × P *

Notice that the total account value, $225,000, is the sum of your initial margin deposit plus the proceeds from the sale, and this amount does not change. Your margin is the account equity relative to the short liability: Account equity Margin = _____________    ​​     ​​ Value of stock Initial margin deposit + Short proceeds − Number of shares × P * = _______________________________________________________        ​​        ​​ Number of shares × P * 75,000 − 5,000 × P * $150,000 +    = ______________________________      ​​   ​​ 5,000 × P *

To find the critical price, we will set this margin equal to the maintenance margin and solve for P *: Initial margin deposit + Short proceeds − Number of shares × P * Maintenance margin = _______________________________________________________        ​​        ​​ Number of shares × P *

Solving for P * yields: (Initial margin deposit + Short proceeds) / Number of shares P * = __________________________________________________        ​​        ​​ 1 + Maintenance margin

Finally, setting the maintenance margin equal to 40 percent, we obtain this critical price, P *:  5,000 $225,000 / ​​ P * = ________________    ​​    = $32.14 1.40

At any price above $32.14, your margin will be less than 40 percent, so you will be subject to a margin call. So $32.14 is the highest possible price that could be reached before you are subject to a margin call.

As Example 2.7 shows, you can calculate the critical price on a short sale (the highest price before you get a margin call) as follows: (Initial margin deposit + Short proceeds) / Number of shares ________________________________________________ P* =       ​​        ​​ 1 + Maintenance margin For example, suppose you shorted 1,000 shares at $50. The initial margin is 50 percent and the maintenance margin is 40 percent. What’s the critical stock price, and how do you interpret it? Noting that the initial margin deposit is $25,000 (50 percent of the short proceeds), see if you don’t agree that the critical stock price, P*, is $75/1.40 = $53.57. So, if the stock price rises above $53.57, you’re subject to a margin call. At this point, you might wonder whether short selling is a common practice among investors. Actually, it is quite common, and a substantial volume of stock sales are initiated by short-sellers. In fact, the amount of stock held short for some companies can be several tens of millions of shares, and the total number of shares held short across all companies can be several billion shares. To measure the extent of short selling in a particular stock, 60

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+ WORK THE WEB You can find the short interest for the current month in many financial publications. But what if you want a longer history of the shares sold short for a particular company? At, you can find the short interest for companies listed on the NASDAQ for the previous 11 months. We went to the site and looked up Tesla (TSLA), and here is what we found: As you can see, the short interest in Tesla rose from about 24 million shares in June 2015 to about 26 million shares in September 2015. Why would you want a history of short

sales? Some investors use short sales as a technical indicator, which we discuss in a later chapter. Here’s a question for you: What do you think “Days to Cover” means? It is the ratio of short interest to average daily share volume. Thus, “Days to Cover” measures how many days of normal trading would be necessary to completely cover all outstanding short interest. Another commonly used measure of short interest is the percentage of float. This metric measures the percentage of a firm’s outstanding shares that are currently being shorted.

Source: Yahoo! Finance.

short interest The amount of common stock held in short positions.

many investors refer to short interest, which is simply the amount of common stock held in short positions. The Work the Web box above shows how to find short interest for a particular company.

SHORT-SA L E C ON STR A I N TS NYSE uptick rule Rule for short sales requiring that before a short sale can be executed, the last price change must be an uptick.

Although short selling stock is relatively easy, you do need to be aware of some constraints related to this type of position. For example, all sell orders marked as short sales used to be subject to the NYSE uptick rule. According to the NYSE uptick rule, a short sale can be executed only if the last price change was an uptick. For example, suppose the last two trades were executed at 55.50 and then 55.63. The last price change was an uptick of 0.13, so a short sale can be executed at a price of 55.63 or higher. Alternatively, suppose the last two trades were executed at 55.50 and 55.25, where the last price change was a downtick of 0.25. In this case, a short sale can be executed only at a price higher than 55.25. Chapter 2 

  The Investment Process61

INVESTMENT UPDATES SHACKLING SHORT SELLERS: THE 2008 SHORTING BAN This recent paper by Ekkehart Boehmer, Charles Jones, and Xiaoyan Zhang examines the short selling ban imposed by the Securities and Exchange Commission in 2008. Here is the major conclusion the authors draw:

these stocks consistently underperform during the whole period the ban is in effect. This suggests that the shorting ban did not provide much of an artificial boost in prices.

Stocks subject to the ban suffered a severe degradation in market quality, as measured by spreads, price impacts, and intraday volatility. Price effects are a bit harder to assign to the ban, as there is substantial confounding news about TARP and other government programs to assist the financial sector on the day that the ban is announced and implemented. When we look at firms that are added later to the ban list (and which are generally much less affected by the news about TARP, for example), we do not find a price bump at all. In fact,

Essentially, market liquidity suffered, which increased both trading costs and volatility. In fact, after controlling for other market forces, the researchers found that the ban had no positive impact on prices, which was a primary goal of the imposed ban. So, it doesn’t appear that the ban really worked. Source: E. Boehmer, C. Jones, and X. Zhang, “Shackling Short Sellers: The 2008 Shorting Ban,” Review of Financial Studies 26, no. 6 (2013), pp. 1363-–400.

The NYSE originally enacted the uptick rule to make it more difficult for speculators to drive down a stock’s price by repeated short sales, often called a “bear raid.” While the uptick rule originated on the NYSE, the NASDAQ also adopted a similar rule in 1994. In 2004, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) decided to test whether the uptick rule was still necessary. In particular, the SEC believed that increased market liquidity made this type of speculative trading less feasible. So, the SEC repealed the uptick rule in June 2007—just in time for one of the worst market crashes in history. Without an uptick rule in place, the SEC resorted to a complete ban on short selling in an original set of 799 financial companies. The SEC’s goal was to limit the downward slide in the market, which the SEC perceived to be strongly related to excessive short selling. Even after the ban, however, financial stocks continued to slide. Combined with other negative effects, many insiders question how effective this ban actually was. Check out our Investment Updates box above for some additional insight on the shortselling ban. After the markets began to recover in 2009, the SEC reconsidered its decision to eliminate the uptick rule. After much public discussion and comment, the SEC decided to adopt a modified uptick rule. The new rule, which was approved in 2010, does not apply any short-sale constraints until a stock declines by 10 percent in a single day. If this decline occurs, then any subsequent short sale is subject to the uptick rule. Besides government intervention, short-sellers face other constraints. For example, not enough shares might be available to short, whether from your particular broker or simply across the entire market. Without shares available to borrow, the short sale cannot take place. This constraint can create effects similar to those of the outright ban instituted by the SEC: reduced liquidity, increased volatility, and inefficient pricing. We conclude our discussion of short sales with a very important observation. With a long position, the most you can ever lose is your total investment. In other words, if you buy $10,000 worth of stock, $10,000 is the most you can lose because the worst that can happen is the stock price drops to zero. However, if you short $10,000 in stock, you can lose much more than $10,000 because the stock price can keep rising without any particular limit. In fact, as our previous chapter showed, stock prices do tend to rise, at least on average. With this in mind, potential short-sellers should remember the following classic bit of Wall Street wisdom: “He that sells what isn’t his’n, must buy it back or go to prison!”1 1


Part 1 


Of course, the same is true for “she that sells what isn’t hers’n”; it just doesn’t rhyme as well.



What is a short sale?


Why might an investor choose to short a stock?


What is the maximum possible loss on a short sale? Explain.

2.5 Forming an Investment Portfolio Let’s review the investment process so far. We began by crafting our investment policy statement, detailing our objectives and constraints. Next, we discussed the type of investment professional that might best fit our situation. Then, once the account was opened, we considered whether we wanted a traditional cash account or if we were interested in increasing financial leverage (i.e., risk) using margin. Last, we had to decide whether we wanted to include long or short positions (or both) in our portfolio. With this basic structure in place, we can now consider actual examples of how we would put this process into practice. Do you remember the risk tolerance survey that you took earlier in the chapter? What were your time horizon and risk tolerance scores? In this section, we will give you an example of how to take these scores, and other investor characteristics, and form an actual portfolio. Of course, many approaches are possible, and we can touch on only a few.

SOME R ISK TOL E R A N C E SC OR E S To start, we gave the risk tolerance quiz to ten students, staff, and faculty at a well-known university. Their ages and risk tolerance scores, as well as some other information, appear in Table 2.1 (their names are changed, but no one is innocent). As you can see, the risk tolerance scores have a wide range: from 13 to 40. If you look closely, you will see that the average score for the males and females in this very small set of quiz takers is about the same. The average score for those investors with little or no investment experience, however, is 24. Those with at least some investment experience have an average score of 31. What do you think these scores mean?

RIS K AND R E TU R N In addition to time horizon, risk tolerance is the first thing to assess in evaluating the suitability of an investment strategy. Let’s look at the test results for Marie and Imelda. Marie and Imelda each has a sufficient cash reserve. That is, both Marie and Imelda have at least six months’ living expenses readily available in a money market account. Of course, these amounts are not the same, largely because of housing and transportation


Risk Tolerance Test Results Name



Investment Experience




Little or none





Little or none





Little or none





Little or none





Little or none





Little or none





Less than average















More than average


Chapter 2 


  The Investment Process63

cost differences. Having a sufficient cash reserve means that Marie and Imelda can safely proceed with building an investment portfolio. MARIE  Marie is a 21-year-old accounting student with more than average investment experience. According to the Investment Updates quiz, her long time horizon and score of 40 mean Marie should take an aggressive investment approach, which means a heavy allocation to stocks. Okay, but how much of her portfolio should she devote to stocks? To help determine Marie’s percentage stock allocation, we will use a general rule of thumb called the “100-age rule.” That is, an investor’s percentage allocation to stock should be equal to his or her age subtracted from 100. For Marie, this is 100 − 21 = 79 percent (let’s call it 80 percent). Given Marie’s aggressive nature, she may even want to consider subtracting her age from 110 or even 120, which would result in a higher allocation to equity. Marie has 30+ years to retirement, so she does not have to worry about short-term market volatility. In addition, she is studying diligently so that she can begin her auditing career and earn a steady and relatively high income. Therefore, for now, having at least 80 percent of her investments devoted to stock seems appropriate. IMELDA  Imelda is about 59 years old. She is a college professor with many advanced degrees. Combined with her short time horizon until retirement, Imelda’s score of 18 means that she should take a conservative or, at the most, moderately conservative approach. For Imelda, the rule of thumb shows that she should consider having a portfolio with 100 − 59 = 41 percent in stocks (let’s call it 40 percent). Imelda has 5+ years to retirement, but many years left to enjoy life. Therefore, Imelda has to worry about market volatility in the short term. Her worry stems from the fact that her lofty income will not be available to her when she retires. As a result, Imelda will really have to think long and hard about whether 40 is the appropriate percentage to have invested in stock. Further, using margin would be inappropriate because the added risk would not be consistent with her risk tolerance.

INVES TOR C ON STR A I N TS In our example, both Marie and Imelda have sufficient resources2 to set up the brokerage accounts that they will use for their investment portfolio, but they have different investment horizons. For simplicity, we will assume that both investors prefer highly liquid investments. With respect to taxes, Marie is currently in a low tax bracket. Therefore, she is likely to elect to pay taxes now and invest in a Roth IRA. Imelda will most likely defer taxes because she is currently in a high tax bracket. So Imelda will most likely try to invest as many pretax dollars as she can. Marie and Imelda will both have to factor in special circ*mstances. For example, Marie might very well have some dependents to support beginning in the next five years or so. Imelda has adult children, but her grandchildren will certainly appreciate her financial support in the years ahead.

S T RAT EG IE S A N D P OL I C I E S Learn more about investing as an individual at

With respect to investment management, both Marie and Imelda want to avoid the time-­ consuming activities associated with managing their own investment portfolios. However, each will monitor her portfolio on a monthly basis. Marie and Imelda are convinced that attempts at market timing will result in investment underperformance. In addition, both think that security selection is a dangerous trap for the unwary. As a result, they both decide to invest in some passively managed mutual funds (but they have not told us which ones). Both investors have yet to decide on their asset allocation. The asset allocation strategy should provide the highest rate of return given the acceptable level of risk and after accounting for portfolio constraints. Based on their financial resources, financial goals, time horizon, tax status, and risk tolerance, our investors could select their initial asset allocations from those provided in Table 2.2. In addition, you can see that our investors have set holding limits on each asset class. That is, they want to make sure that they do not overinvest in any particular asset class. This can happen if an asset class performs well in relation to the rest. 2


Part 1 


All investor constraints, strategies, and policies appear in italics.


AAII Asset Allocation Models Suggested Allocation Breakdowns by Investor Profile

Aggressive Investor •  Age 18–35 •  30+ Years Investment Horizon

Moderate Investor •  Age 35–55 •  20+ Years Investment Horizon

Conservative Investor •  Age 55+ •  10+ Years Investment Horizon

20% Large-cap stocks

20% Large-cap stocks

25% Large-cap stocks

20% Midcap stocks

20% Midcap stocks

10% Midcap stocks

20% Small-cap stocks

10% Small-cap stocks

10% Small-cap stocks

20% International stocks

15% International stocks

5% International stocks

10% Emerging markets stockss

5% Emerging markets stocks

0% Emerging markets stocks

10% Intermediate bonds

30% Intermediate bonds

40% Intermediate bonds

0% Short-term bonds

0% Short-term bonds

10% Short-term bonds

Aggressive Portfolio Return

Moderate Portfolio Return

Conservative Portfolio Return

1 yr: −3.7%

1 yr: −1.6%

1 yr: 0.6%

5 yrs: 11.1

5 yrs: 9.7

5 yrs: 8.5

10 yrs: 6.4

10 yrs: 6.1

10 yrs: 5.7

Standard Dev. 9.4%

Standard Dev. 7.3%

Standard Dev. 5.2%

Source:, accessed February 2016.

MOR E ON A SSE T A L LOCATI ON ALLOCATION BY INVESTOR PROFILE Earlier in this chapter, you learned that asset allocation is more important than security selection. Many factors affect asset allocation decisions. Not all investors will choose the same asset allocation. Consider the asset allocation guidelines given for three types of investors in Table 2.2. How would you classify Marie and Imelda? Which investor profile fits you? STRATEGIC VERSUS TACTICAL ALLOCATION As objectives or constraints change, investors will modify their asset allocation. Generally, these changes are infrequent. In other words, a properly selected asset allocation will be relatively stable. This targeted allocation is referred to as the strategic allocation. Over time, because asset classes have relatively higher or lower returns, the portfolio will be rebalanced to the targeted strategic allocation. What if you were actively following the financial markets and you thought that stocks were overvalued relative to bonds? Or suppose you thought that international stocks will perform better than U.S. stocks? In cases like these, you might use a tactical asset allocation. With a tactical asset allocation, you attempt to make smaller, short-term changes to your strategic allocation. The purpose? You are trying to capture added return. After a period of time, you would shift your allocation back to the longer-term strategic allocation. Note well, however, that this tactical asset allocation approach is similar to market timing. You should be aware that considerable debate exists on whether tactical allocation is truly beneficial.

REIT S REIT A company that owns income-producing real estate.

To learn more about REITS, go to

Some investment advisors suggest that investors consider REITs. REIT is an acronym for real estate investment trust. You might be unfamiliar with REITs. Briefly, a REIT is a company that owns income-producing real estate such as apartments, shopping centers, offices, hotels, and warehouses. The shares of many REITs trade on major stock exchanges. Therefore, REITs provide a way to make a diversified investment in professionally managed incomeproducing real estate without having to deal directly with tenants. REITs are risky assets because cash flows from the properties are not guaranteed. However, the portfolio of properties varies from REIT to REIT. Therefore, not all REITs have the same risk. Chapter 2 

  The Investment Process65



Besides risk tolerance, what are some other constraints, strategies, and policies that investors use in forming an investment portfolio?


Why could two investors of the same age wind up with different investment portfolios?


What is the difference between strategic and tactical asset allocation?

2.6 Summary and Conclusions In this chapter, we cover many aspects of the investing process—which we summarize by the chapter’s important concepts. 1. The importance of an investment policy statement. A. The investment policy statement (IPS) identifies the objectives (risk and return) of an investor, as well as the constraints the investor faces in achieving these objectives. B. The IPS provides an investing “road map” and will influence the strategies, type of account, and holdings an investor chooses. 2. The various types of securities brokers and brokerage accounts. A. Opening a brokerage account is straightforward and really much like opening a bank account. You supply information and sign agreements with your broker. Then you write a check and provide instructions on how you want your money invested. B. Brokers are traditionally divided into three groups: full-service brokers, discount brokers, and deep-discount brokers. What distinguishes the three groups is the level of service they provide and the resulting commissions they charge. In recent years, the boundaries among the groups have blurred. C. Your broker does not have a duty to provide you with guaranteed purchase and sale recommendations. However, your broker does have a duty to exercise reasonable care in formulating recommendations. Your broker has a legal duty to act in your best interest. However, your broker relies on commissions generated from your account. Therefore, on rare occasions, a broker is accused of “churning” an account (i.e., promoting excessive trading). When you open your brokerage account, you generally agree that disputes will be resolved by binding arbitration. 3. How to trade on margin, including calculating the initial and maintenance margins. A. If you have a “cash account,” you can purchase securities only to the extent that you can pay for them in full. If you want to buy more stock, you must deposit more cash into your account. B. If you have a “margin account,” you can purchase securities on credit using money loaned to you by your broker. Generally, you can borrow only half the amount needed to buy the securities. C. When you first purchase securities on credit, you must supply a specified minimum amount of money. This minimum amount of money is called the initial margin. D. After you have purchased securities on margin, the securities can decline in value. If they do, you must follow established rules concerning the amount of money you must keep in your account. This minimum is called the maintenance margin. If your account balance falls below the maintenance margin level, you will receive a margin call. In this chapter, we show you how to calculate initial and maintenance margin levels and their effects on your returns. 4. The workings of short sales. 66

Part 1 


A. An investor who buys and owns shares of stock is said to be long in the stock, or to have a long position. An investor with a long position makes money only if the price of the stock increases. B. If you think, for whatever reason, that shares of stock in a particular company are likely to decline in value, you can engage in a short sale. In a short sale, you actually sell a security that you do not own. This is referred to as shorting the stock. After the short sale, the investor is said to have a short position in the security. An investor with a short position makes money only if the shares decrease in value. C. In this chapter we describe in detail the short-sale process for shares of stock. We also stress the potentially unlimited losses that can arise from a short position.


For the latest information on the real world of investments, visit us at

This chapter covered the basics of policy statements, brokerage accounts, some important trade types, and, finally, some big-picture issues regarding investment strategies. How should you, as an investor or investment manager, put this information to work? The answer is that you need to open a brokerage account! Investing is like many activities: The best way to learn is by making mistakes. Unfortunately, making mistakes with real money is an expensive way to learn, so we don’t recommend trying things like short sales with real money, at least not at first. Instead, to learn about how to trade and gain some experience with making (and losing) money, you should open a Stock-Trak account (or a similar simulated brokerage account). Take it seriously. Try various trade types and strategies and see how they turn out. The important thing to do is to follow your trades and try to understand why you made or lost money and also why you made or lost the amount you did. In a similar vein, you should carefully review your account statements to make sure you understand exactly what each item means and how your account equity is calculated. After you have gained some experience trading “on paper,” you should open a real account as soon as you can pull together enough money. Try visiting some online brokers to find out the minimum amount you need to open an account. The amount has been declining. In fact, in 2015, you could open a TDAmeritrade account with no minimum, although you would need $2,000 to open a margin account. Looking back at Chapter 1, you know that it’s important to get started early. Once you have a real account, however, it’s still a good idea to keep a separate “play money” account to test trading ideas to make sure you really understand them before committing your precious real money.

Key Terms asset allocation  45 call money rate  51 cash account  50 hypothecation 55 initial margin  51 maintenance margin  52 margin 51 margin account  51 margin call  52

market timing  45 NYSE uptick rule  61 REIT 65 Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC)  49 security selection  46 short interest  61 short sale  57 street name  55 Chapter 2 

  The Investment Process67

Chapter Review Problems and Self-Test 1. The Account Balance Sheet (LO2, CFA4)  Suppose you want to buy 10,000 shares of Intel Corporation at a price of $30 per share. You put up $200,000 and borrow the rest. What does your account balance sheet look like? What is your margin? 2. Short Sales (LO4, CFA5)  Suppose that in the previous problem you shorted 10,000 shares instead of buying. The initial margin is 60 percent. What does the account balance sheet look like following the short? 3. Margin Calls (LO3, CFA4)  You purchased 500 shares of stock at a price of $56 per share on 50 percent margin. If the maintenance margin is 30 percent, what is the critical stock price?

Answers to Self-Test Problems 1. The 10,000 shares of Intel cost $300,000. You supply $200,000, so you must borrow $100,000. The account balance sheet looks like this: Assets 10,000 shares of Intel

Liabilities and Account Equity $300,000

Margin loan Account equity




$100,000 200,000 $300,000

Your margin is the account equity divided by the value of the stock owned: Margin = $200,000 / $300,000 = 0.666 . . . = 67% 2. Following the short, your account is as follows: Assets Proceeds from sale Initial margin deposit Total

Liabilities and Account Equity $300,000 180,000 $480,000

Margin loan Account equity Total

$300,000 180,000 $480,000

Notice that you shorted $300,000 worth of stock, so, with a 60 percent margin requirement, you deposited $180,000. 3. The lowest price the stock can drop before you receive a margin call is: borrowed / Number of shares ______________________________ P* =     ​​  Amount      ​​ 1 − Maintenance margin You borrowed 500 × $56 × 0.50 = $14,000. Therefore: 14,000 | 500 P* = __________ ​​   ​​    = $40.00 1 − 0.30 You will receive a margin call if the stock drops below $40.00.

Test Your Investment Quotient

IQ 68

Part 1 

1. Investment Objectives (LO1, CFA8)  An individual investor’s investment objectives should be expressed in terms of: a. Risk and return. b. Capital market expectations. c. Liquidity needs and time horizon. d. Tax factors and legal and regulatory constraints.


2. Asset Allocation (LO1, CFA2)  Which of the following best reflects the importance of the asset allocation decision to the investment process? The asset allocation decision: a. Helps the investor decide on realistic investment goals. b. Identifies the specific securities to include in a portfolio. c. Determines most of the portfolio’s returns and volatility over time. d. Creates a standard by which to establish an appropriate investment horizon. 3. Leverage (LO3, CFA4)  You deposit $100,000 cash in a brokerage account and purchase $200,000 of stocks on margin by borrowing $100,000 from your broker. Later, the value of your stock holdings falls to $150,000, whereupon you get nervous and close your account. What is the percentage return on your investment (ignore interest paid)? a. 0 percent b. −25 percent c. −50 percent d. −75 percent 4. Leverage (LO4, CFA5)  You deposit $100,000 cash in a brokerage account and short sell $200,000 of stocks. Later, the value of the stocks held short rises to $250,000, whereupon you get nervous and close your account. What is the percentage return on your investment? a. 0 percent b. −25 percent c. −50 percent d. −75 percent 5. Account Margin (LO3, CFA4)  You deposit $100,000 cash in a brokerage account and purchase $200,000 of stocks on margin by borrowing $100,000 from your broker. Later, the value of your stock holdings falls to $175,000. What is your account margin in dollars? a. $50,000 b. $75,000 c. $100,000 d. $150,000 6. Account Margin (LO3, CFA4)  You deposit $100,000 cash in a brokerage account and purchase $200,000 of stocks on margin by borrowing $100,000 from your broker. Later, the value of your stock holdings falls to $150,000. What is your account margin in percent? a. 25 percent b. 33 percent c. 50 percent d. 75 percent 7. Account Margin (LO4, CFA5)  You deposit $100,000 cash in a brokerage account and short sell $200,000 of stocks on margin. Later, the value of the stocks held short rises to $225,000. What is your account margin in dollars? a. $50,000 b. $75,000 c. $100,000 d. $150,000 8. Account Margin (LO4, CFA5)  You deposit $100,000 cash in a brokerage account and short sell $200,000 of stocks on margin. Later, the value of the stocks held short rises to $250,000. What is your account margin in percent? a. 20 percent b. 25 percent c. 33 percent d. 50 percent 9. Margin Calls (LO3, CFA4)  You deposit $100,000 cash in a brokerage account and purchase $200,000 of stocks on margin by borrowing $100,000 from your broker, who requires a maintenance margin of 30 percent. Which of the following is the largest value for your stock holdings for which you will still receive a margin call? a. $200,000 b. $160,000 c. $140,000 d. $120,000

Chapter 2 

  The Investment Process69

10. Margin Calls (LO4, CFA5)  You deposit $100,000 cash in a brokerage account and short sell $200,000 of stocks. Your broker requires a maintenance margin of 30 percent. Which of the following is the lowest value for the stocks you are holding short for which you will still receive a margin call? a. $260,000 b. $240,000 c. $220,000 d. $200,000 11. Investment Decisions (LO1, CFA7)  Which of the following investment factors, strategies, or tactics is the least relevant to a passive investment policy? a. Market timing b. Asset allocation c. Political environment d. Tax status 12. Investment Decisions (LO1, CFA2)  Which of the following investment factors, strategies, or tactics is most associated with an active investment policy? a. Market timing b. Asset allocation c. Security selection d. Tax status 13. Investment Decisions (LO1, CFA8)  Which of the following investment strategies or tactics will likely consume the greatest amount of resources, time, effort, and so on, when implementing an active investment policy? a. Market timing b. Asset allocation c. Security selection d. Tax strategy 14. Investment Decisions (LO1, CFA2)  Which of the following investment strategies or tactics is likely the most relevant in the decision to short sell a particular stock? a. Market timing b. Asset allocation c. Security selection d. Tax strategy 15. Investment Constraints (LO1, CFA5)  Which of the following investment constraints is expected to have the most fundamental impact on the investment decision process for a typical investor? a. Investor’s tax status b. Investor’s time horizon c. Investor’s need for liquidity d. Investor’s attitude toward risk

Concept Questions 1. Margin (LO3, CFA4)  What does it mean to purchase a security on margin? Why might youdo it? 2. Short Sales (LO4, CFA5)  What does it mean to sell a security short? Why might you do it? 3. Margin Requirements (LO3, CFA4)  What is the reason margin requirements exist? 4. Allocation versus Selection (LO1, CFA2)  What is the difference between asset allocation and security selection? 5. Allocation versus Timing (LO1, CFA10)  Are market timing and tactical asset allocation similar? Why or why not? 6. Brokers versus Advisors (LO2, CFA11)  To an investor, what is the difference between using an advisor and using a broker? 70

Part 1 


7. Broker–Customer Relations (LO2, CFA11)  Suppose your broker tips you on a hot stock. You invest heavily, but, to your considerable dismay, the stock plummets in value. What recourse do you have against your broker? 8. Long Profits (LO4, CFA5)  An important difference between a long position in stock and a short position concerns the potential gains and losses. Suppose a stock sells for $18 per share and you buy 500 shares. What are your potential gains and losses? 9. Liquidity (LO4, CFA5)  The liquidity of an asset directly affects the risk of buying or selling that asset during adverse market conditions. Describe the liquidity risk you face with a short stock position during a market rally and a long stock position during a market decline. 10. Taxes (LO4, CFA9)  How will personal tax rates impact the choice of a traditional versus a Roth IRA?

Questions and Problems Core Questions

1. Calculating Margin (LO3, CFA4)  Carson Corporation stock sells for $17 per share, and you’ve decided to purchase as many shares as you possibly can. You have $31,000 available to invest. What is the maximum number of shares you can buy if the initial margin is 60 percent? 2. Margin (LO3, CFA4)  You purchase 275 shares of 2nd Chance Co. stock on margin at a priceof $53. Your broker requires you to deposit $8,000. What is your margin loan amount? What is the initial margin requirement? 3. Margin Return (LO3, CFA4)  In Problem 2, suppose you sell the stock at a price of $62. What is your return? What would your return have been had you purchased the stock without margin? What if the stock price is $46 when you sell the stock? 4. Margin (LO3, CFA4)  Repeat Problems 2 and 3 assuming the initial margin requirement is 70 percent. Does this suggest a relationship between the initial margin and returns? 5. Margin Purchases (LO3, CFA4)  You have $22,000 and decide to invest on margin. If the initial margin requirement is 55 percent, what is the maximum dollar purchase you can make? 6. Margin Calls (LO3, CFA4)  You buy 500 shares of stock at a price of $38 and an initial margin of 60 percent. If the maintenance margin is 30 percent, at what price will you receive a margin call? 7. Margin Calls (LO3, CFA5)  You decide to buy 1,200 shares of stock at a price of $34 and an initial margin of 55 percent. What is the maximum percentage decline in the stock before you will receive a margin call if the maintenance margin is 35 percent? 8. Margin Calls on Short Sales (LO4, CFA5)  The stock of Flop Industries is trading at $48. You feel the stock price will decline, so you short 1,000 shares at an initial margin of 60 percent. If the maintenance margin is 30 percent, at what share price will you receive a margin call? 9. Margin Calls on Short Sales (LO4, CFA5)  You short sold 1,000 shares of stock at a price of $36 and an initial margin of 55 percent. If the maintenance margin is 35 percent, at what share price will you receive a margin call? What is your account equity at this stock price?

Intermediate Questions

10. Taxes and Returns (LO1, CFA9)  You purchased a stock at the end of the prior year at a price of $73. At the end of this year, the stock pays a dividend of $1.20 and you sell the stock for $78. What is your return for the year? Now suppose that dividends are taxed at 15 percent and long-term capital gains (over 11 months) are taxed at 30 percent. What is your after-tax return for the year? 11. Calculating Margin (LO3, CFA4)  Using the information in Problem 1, construct your equity account balance sheet at the time of your purchase. What does your balance sheet look like if the share price rises to $24? What if it falls to $14 per share? What is your margin in both cases? Round the number of shares down to the nearest number of whole shares. 12. Calculating Margin (LO3, CFA4)  You’ve just opened a margin account with $20,000 at your local brokerage firm. You instruct your broker to purchase 500 shares of Landon Golf stock, which currently sells for $60 per share. What is your initial margin? Construct the equity account balance sheet for this position.

Chapter 2 

  The Investment Process71

13. Margin Call (LO3, CFA4) Suppose you purchase 500 shares of stock at $48 per share with an initial cash investment of $8,000. If your broker requires a 30 percent maintenance margin, at what share price will you be subject to a margin call? If you want to keep your position open despite the stock price plunge, what alternatives do you have? 14. Margin and Leverage (LO3, CFA4) In Problem 13, suppose the call money rate is 5 percent and you are charged a 1.5 percent premium over this rate. Calculate your return on investment for each of the following share prices one year later. Ignore dividends. a. $56 b. $48 c. $32 Suppose instead you had simply purchased $8,000 of stock with no margin. What would your rate of return have been now? 15. Margin and Leverage (LO3, CFA4) Suppose the call money rate is 5.6 percent, and you pay a spread of 1.2 percent over that. You buy 1,000 shares at $40 per share with an initial margin of 50 percent. One year later, the stock is selling for $45 per share and you close out your position. What is your return assuming no dividends are paid? 16. Margin and Leverage (LO3, CFA4) Suppose the call money rate is 4.5 percent, and you pay a spread of 2.5 percent over that. You buy 800 shares of stock at $34 per share. You put up $15,000. One year later, the stock is selling for $48 per share and you close out your position. What is your return assuming a dividend of $0.64 per share is paid? 17. Margin Interest (LO3, CFA4) Suppose you take out a margin loan for $50,000. The rate you pay is an 8.4 percent effective rate. If you repay the loan in six months, how much interest will you pay? 18. Margin Interest (LO3, CFA4) Suppose you take out a margin loan for $75,000. You pay a6.4 percent effective rate. If you repay the loan in two months, how much interest will youpay? 19. Annualized Returns (CFA1) Suppose you hold a particular investment for seven months. You calculate that your holding period return is 14 percent. What is your annualized return? 20. Annualized Returns (CFA1) In Problem 19, suppose your holding period was five months instead of seven. What is your annualized return? What do you conclude in general about the length of your holding period and your annualized return? 21. Annualized Returns (CFA1) Suppose you buy stock at a price of $57 per share. Five months later, you sell it for $61. You also received a dividend of $0.60 per share. What is your annualized return on this investment? 22. Calculating Returns (CFA1) Looking back at Problem 12, suppose the call money rate is 5 percent and your broker charges you a spread of 1.25 percent over this rate. You hold the stock for six months and sell at a price of $65 per share. The company paid a dividend of $0.25 per share the day before you sold your stock. What is your total dollar return from this investment? What is your effective annual rate of return? 23. Short Sales (LO4, CFA5) You believe that Rose, Inc., stock is going to fall and you’ve decided to sell 800 shares short. If the current share price is $47, construct the equity account balance sheet for this trade. Assume the initial margin is 100 percent. 24. Short Sales (LO4, CFA5) Repeat Problem 23 assuming you short the 800 shares on 60 percent margin. 25. Calculating Short Sale Returns (LO4, CFA5) You just sold short 750 shares of Wetscope, Inc., a fledgling software firm, at $96 per share. You cover your short when the price hits $86.50 per share one year later. If the company paid $0.75 per share in dividends over this period, what is your rate of return on the investment? Assume an initial margin of 60 percent. 26. Short Sales (LO4, CFA5) You believe the stock in Freeze Frame Co. is going to fall, so you short 600 shares at a price of $72. The initial margin is 50 percent. Construct the equity balance sheet for the original trade. Now construct equity balance sheets for a stock price of $63 and a stock price of $77. What is your margin at each of these stock prices? What is your effective annual return if you cover your short position at each of these prices in five months?


Part 1 


CFA Exam Review by Kaplan Schweser [CFA1, CFA7, CFA10, CFA11] Barbara Analee, a registered nurse and businesswoman, recently retired at age 50 to pursue a life as a blues singer. She had been running a successful cosmetics and aesthetics business. She is married to Tom, a retired scientist (age 55). They have saved $3 million in their portfolio and now they want to travel the world. Their three children are all grown and out of college and have begun their own families. Barbara now has two grandchildren. Barbara and Tom feel that they have achieved a comfortable portfolio level to support their family’s needs for the foreseeable future. To meet their basic living expenses, Tom and Barbara feel they need $75,000 per year in today’s ­dollars (before taxes) to live comfortably. As a trained professional, Barbara likes to be actively involved in intensively researching investment opportunities. Barbara and Tom want to be able to provide $10,000 per year (pretax) indexed for inflation to each of their grandchildren over the next 10 years for their college education. They also want to set aside $15,000 each year (pretax) indexed for inflation for traveling for her musical performances around the United States. They have no debt. Most of their portfolio is currently in large-cap U.S. stocks and Treasury notes. They have approached Pamela Jaycoo, CFA, for guidance on how to best achieve their financial goals. Inflation is expected to increase at an annual rate of 3 percent into the foreseeable future. 1. What is the Analees’ return objective? a. 6.67 percent b. 6.17 percent c. 3.83 percent 2. What is their tolerance for risk? a. Average b. Below average c. Above average 3. What are Barbara’s willingness and ability to assume risk? Willingness Ability   a. Above average Average b. Below average Average c. Above average Above average 4. Based on the information in the case, which one of the following portfolios should the Analees choose? Expected Return U.S. large stocks


Allocation Portfolio A 20%

Portfolio B 5%

Portfolio C 10%

U.S. small stocks





Foreign stocks





Corp. bonds




Gov. bonds




Venture capital













Pretax return




After-tax return




After-tax yield




a. Portfolio A b. Portfolio B c. Portfolio C

Chapter 2 

  The Investment Process73

What’s on the Web? 1. Risk Tolerance As we discussed in the chapter, risk tolerance is based on an individual’s personality and investment goals. There are numerous risk tolerance questionnaires on the web. One, provided by Merrill Lynch, is located at Go to the website, locate the questionnaire, and take the quiz. How conservative or aggressive are you? 2. Short Interest You can find the number of short sales on a particular stock at com. Go to the site and find the number of shares short sold for ExxonMobil (XOM) under the “Key Statistics” link. How many shares are sold short in the current month? What about the previous month? What do the “Percent of Float” and “Short Ratio” mean? 3. Broker Call Money Rate What is the current broker call money rate? To find out, go to and look up the call money rate. 4. Margin Purchases Suppose you have a margin account with TDAmeritrade. You purchase 1,000 shares of IBM stock on 50 percent margin at today’s price. Go to to find your purchase price. Ignoring transaction costs, how much will you borrow? Next, go to to find the current broker call money rate. Finally, go to www. to find out how much above the current broker call money rate you will pay. If you keep your investment for one year, how much will you pay in interest assuming the margin rate stays the same? What does the stock price have to be in one year for you to break even on your investment?

Stock-Trak Exercises

To access the Stock-Trak Exercise for this chapter, please visit the resource library site in Connect and choose the corresponding chapter.


Part 1 



Overview of Security Types



“An investment operation is one which upon thorough analysis promises safety of principal and an adequate return. Operations not meeting these requirements are speculative.”


Learning Objectives Price quotes for all types of investments are easy to find, but what do they mean? Learn the answers for:

1. Various types of interest-bearing assets.

–Benjamin Graham

You invest $5,000 in Yahoo! common stock and just months later sell the shares for $7,500, realizing a 50 percent return. Not bad! At the same time, your neighbor invests $5,000 in Yahoo! stock options, which are worth $25,000 at expiration—a 400 percent return. Yahoo! Alternatively, your Yahoo! shares fall in value to $2,500, and you realize a 50 percent loss. Too bad! But at the same time your neighbor’s Yahoo! stock options are now worthless. Clearly, there is a big difference between stock shares and stock options. Security type matters.

 2. Equity securities.   3. Futures contracts.   4. Option contracts.

CFA™ Exam Topics in this Chapter: 1. Discounted cash flow applications (L1, S2) 2. Fixed income securities: Defining elements (L1, S15)  3. Overview of equity securities (L1, S14)   4. Derivative markets and instruments (L1, S17)

Go to Connect for a guide that aligns your textbook with CFA readings.

Our goal in this chapter is to introduce you to some of the different types of securities that are routinely bought and sold in financial markets around the world. As we mentioned in Chapter 1, we will be focusing on financial assets such as bonds, stocks, futures, and options in this book, so these are the securities we briefly describe here. The securities we discuss are covered in much greater detail in the chapters ahead, so we touch on only some of their most essential features in this chapter. For each of the securities we examine, we ask three questions. First, what is its basic nature and what are its distinguishing characteristics? Second, what are the potential gains and losses from owning it? Third, how is its price quoted in the financial press?

3.1 Classifying Securities To begin our overview of security types, we first develop a classification scheme for the different securities. As shown in Table 3.1, financial assets can be grouped into three broad categories, and each of these categories can be further subdivided into a few major subtypes. This classification is not exhaustive, but it covers the major types of financial assets. In the sections that follow, we describe these assets in the order they appear in Table 3.1. When we examine some of these security types in more detail, we will see that the distinctions can become a little blurred, particularly with some recently created financial instruments; as a result, some financial assets are hard to classify. The primary reason is that some instruments are hybrids, meaning that they are combinations of the basic types. As you may have noticed in our discussion, financial assets, such as bonds and stocks, are often called securities. They are often called financial “instruments” as well. In certain contexts, there are distinctions between these terms, but they are used more or less interchangeably in everyday discussion, so we will stick with common usage.

Classification of Financial Assets


Basic Types

Major Subtypes


Money market instruments Fixed-income securities


Common stock Preferred stock


Futures Options



What are the three basic types of financial assets?


Why are some financial assets hard to classify?

3.2 Interest-Bearing Assets Broadly speaking, interest-bearing assets (as the name suggests) pay interest. Some pay interest implicitly and some pay it explicitly, but the common denominator is that the value of these assets depends, at least for the most part, on interest rates. The reason that these assets pay interest is that they all begin life as a loan of some sort, so they are all debt obligations of some issuer, most likely a corporation or government. There are many types of interest-bearing assets. They range from the relatively simple to the astoundingly complex. We discuss some basic types and their features next. The more complex types are discussed in later chapters.

MONEY MAR KE T I N STRU ME N TS money market instruments Debt obligations of large corporations and governments with an original maturity of one year or less.


Part 1 


For the most part, money market instruments are the simplest form of interest-bearing asset. Money market instruments generally have the following two properties: 1 . They are essentially IOUs sold by large corporations or governments to borrow money. 2. They mature in less than one year from the time they are sold, meaning that the loan must be repaid within one year.

INVESTMENT UPDATES EUROPE: WHEN LOSING MONEY MAKES SENSE There is a remarkable trend developing in European bond markets, where investors are increasingly willing to lend money to certain governments in exchange for next to nothing. In the most extreme example, yields on 2-year German bonds turned negative this week, falling to a record –0.5%. That means, in theory at least, investors could end up losing money if they hold the bonds to maturity. Germany is the eurozone’s largest economy, and its bonds are considered among the safest assets available for investors who are expecting the worst. But the flight to safety is becoming more widespread as investors hunt for a marginally better return. This week, 2-year yields briefly turned negative for France, while Denmark and Switzerland are more firmly

below zero. Short-term yields for AAA-rated Finland and the Netherlands fell to record lows. The trend reflects a heightened aversion to risk as Spain and Italy struggle to avoid falling victim to the crisis that dragged down Greece, Portugal and Ireland. Yields on bonds issued by Italy and Spain rose this week as investors demand higher premiums to hold debt that is considered risky. “The analogy I use is that it’s like putting money under the mattress,” said Schwab fixed-income strategist Kathy Jones. “Investors trust the core countries and non-euro countries to return their money, even if it costs them something.” Source: Rooney, Ben, “Europe: When losing money makes sense”, CNN Money, 16 July, 2012. Copyright © 2012 by CNN Money. All rights reserved. Used with permission.

Most money market instruments trade in very large denominations, and most, but not all, are quite liquid. The most familiar example of a money market instrument is a Treasury bill, or T-bill for short. Every week, the U.S. Treasury borrows billions of dollars by selling T-bills to the public. Like many (but not all) money market instruments, T-bills are sold on a discount basis. This simply means that T-bills are sold at a price that is less than their stated face value. In other words, an investor buys a T-bill at one price and later, when the bill matures, receives the full face value. The difference is the interest earned. U.S. Treasury bills are the most liquid type of money market instrument—that is, the type with the largest and most active market. Other types of money market instruments traded in active markets include bank certificates of deposit (or CDs) and corporate and municipal money market instruments. The potential gain from buying a money market instrument is fixed because the owner is promised a fixed future payment. The most important risk is the risk of default, which is the possibility that the borrower will not repay the loan as promised. With a T-bill, there is (in theory) no possibility of default, so, as we saw in Chapter 1, T-bills are essentially risk-free. In fact, most money market instruments have relatively low risk, but there are exceptions, and a few spectacular defaults have occurred in the past. Would an investor ever pay more than face value? For a money market instrument, such as a T-bill, that pays a lump sum at maturity, the answer is generally no. There are, however, extreme circ*mstances when investors might be willing to pay more than face value. Why would investors do so knowing that they are essentially guaranteeing that they will lose money? The answer lies in a situation called a “flight to quality.” During the Financial Crisis of 2008, many investors feared the financial system could collapse. Paying more than face value means that investors were effectively willing to pay the government to “babysit” their money for a period of time. See the nearby Investment Updates box for another recent example of investors purposely “losing money” in this way. Prices for different money market instruments are quoted in the financial press in different ways. In fact, usually interest rates are quoted, not prices, so some calculation is necessary to convert rates to prices. The procedures are not complicated, but they involve a fair amount of detail, so we save them for another chapter.

Chapter 3 

  Overview of Security Types77

FIXED-INC OME SE C UR I TI E S fixed-income securities Longer-term debt obligations, often of corporations and governments, that promise to make fixed payments according to a preset schedule.

Check out bond basics at


Fixed-income securities are exactly what the name suggests: securities that promise to make fixed payments according to some preset schedule. The other key characteristic of a fixed-income security is that, like a money market instrument, it begins life as a loan of some sort. Fixed-income securities are therefore debt obligations. They are typically issued by corporations and governments. Unlike money market instruments, fixed-income securities have lives that exceed 12 months at the time they are issued. The words “note” and “bond” are generic terms for fixed-income securities, but “fixed income” is more accurate. This term is being used more frequently as securities are increasingly being created that don’t fit within traditional note or bond frameworks but are none the less fixed-income securities. EXAMPLES OF FIXED-INCOME SECURITIES To give one particularly simple example of a fixed-income security, near the end of every month, the U.S. Treasury sells over $25 billion of two-year notes to the public. If you buy a two-year note when it is issued, you will receive a check every six months for two years for a fixed amount, called the bond’s coupon, and in two years you will receive the face amount on the note. Suppose you buy $1 million in face amount of a 4 percent, two-year note. The 4 percent is called the coupon rate, and it tells you that you will receive 4 percent of the $1 million face value each year, or $40,000, in two $20,000 semiannual “coupon” payments. In two years, in addition to your final $20,000 coupon payment, you will receive the $1 million face value. The price you would pay for this note depends on market conditions. U.S. government security prices are discussed in detail in a later chapter.

A “Note-Worthy” Investment? Suppose you buy $100,000 in face amount of a just-issued five-year U.S. Treasury note. If the coupon rate is 5 percent, what will you receive over the next five years if you hold on to your investment? You will receive 5 percent of $100,000, or $5,000, per year, paid in two semiannual coupons of $2,500. In five years, in addition to the final $2,500 coupon payment, you will receive the $100,000 face amount.

current yield A bond’s annual coupon divided by its market price. To learn more about TRACE, visit

You must be careful not to confuse the coupon rate with current yield. The current yield is the annual coupon divided by the current bond price. For most bonds, the coupon rate never changes, but the current yield fluctuates with the price of the bond. To give a slightly different example, suppose you take out a 48-month car loan. Under the terms of the loan, you promise to make 48 payments of $400 per month. It may not look like it to you, but in taking out this loan, you have issued a fixed-income security to your bank. In fact, your bank may turn around and sell your car loan (perhaps bundled with a large number of other loans) to an investor. Actually, car loans are not sold all that often, but there is a very active market in student loans, which are routinely bought and sold in huge quantities. FIXED-INCOME PRICE QUOTES  Corporate bond dealers now report trade information through what is known as the Trade Reporting and Compliance Engine (TRACE). This system is monitored by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, or FINRA for short. As this is written, daily transaction prices are reported on thousands of bonds. A nearby Work the Web box shows you how to get data from TRACE through FINRA’s website. As shown in Figure 3.1, FINRA provides an online daily snapshot of the data from TRACE by reporting information on the most active investment-grade bonds. Information for the most active high-yield bonds and convertible bonds is available, too. Most of the information is self-explanatory.


Part 1 


+ WORK THE WEB Corporate bond quotes have become more available with the rise of the Internet. One site where you can find current corporate bond prices is https://finra-markets.morningstar. com/BondCenter. We went there and searched for bonds issued by 3M Co. (MMM), long known as Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company. Here is a look at some of these bonds:

We will focus on the last bond in the list. The bond has a coupon rate of 1.375 percent and matures on August 7, 2018. The last sale price of this bond was 100.876, which gives a yield to maturity of 1.060 percent. By clicking on the link for this bond, you can obtain more detailed information such as theissue size and historical prices and yields.

Source: FINRA. FINRA is a registered trademark of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc.


Corporate Bond Trading

Source:, October 19, 2015. FINRA. FINRA is a registered trademark of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc.

Chapter 3 

  Overview of Security Types79


Corporate Bond Quotes In Figure 3.1, which bond has the longest maturity? Assuming a face value of $1,000 each, how much would you have to pay for 100 of these bonds? The bond with the longest maturity is the Goldman Sachs (Medium Term NTS) bond with a 4.80 percent coupon. It matures in July 2044. Based on the reported last price, the price you would pay is $100.332 percent of face value per bond. Assuming a $1,000 face value, this amount is $1,003.32 per bond, or $100,332 for 100 bonds.

The potential gains from owning a fixed-income security come in two forms. First, there are the fixed payments promised and the final payment at maturity. In addition, the prices of most fixed-income securities rise when interest rates fall, so there is the possibility of a gain from a favorable movement in rates. An unfavorable change in interest rates will produce a loss. Another significant risk for many fixed-income securities is the possibility that the issuer will not make the promised payments. This risk depends on the issuer. It doesn’t exist for U.S. government bonds, but for many other issuers the possibility is very real. Finally, unlike most money market instruments, fixed-income securities are often quite illiquid, again depending on the issuer and the specific type.



What are the two basic types of interest-bearing assets?


What are the two basic features of a fixed-income security?

3.3 Equities Equities are probably the most familiar type of security. They come in two forms: common stock and preferred stock. Of these, common stock is much more important to most investors, so we discuss it first.

COMMON STOC K Are you a Foolish investor? Go to and find the 13 steps under “Get Started Investing.”


Part 1 


Common stock represents ownership in a corporation. If you own 1,000 shares of IBM, for example, then you own about 0.000102 percent of IBM (IBM has roughly 980 million shares outstanding). It’s really that simple. As a part owner, you are entitled to your pro rata share of anything paid out by IBM. If IBM were to be sold or liquidated, you would receive your share of whatever was left over after all of IBM’s debts and other obligations (such as wages) were paid. As an owner, you also have the right to vote on important matters regarding IBM. Unfortunately, your 0.000102 percent ownership probably isn’t going to carry much weight in any votes. To make matters worse, some companies adopt a dual-class share system. Under this approach, companies issue two (or more) types of shares. The special voting class stock, which is usually retained by the founding owners, carries additional votes relative to the common shares owned by typical investors. This system allows the founders of the firm to maintain control without having a majority ownership of the shares. Table 3.2 provides some examples of well-known companies that have recently chosen this share structure, along with the number of extra votes that the special share class carries. For example, for every share of the special voting stock that Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s founder, owns, he receives 10 votes.


Companies with Dual-Class Shares Company Groupon

Voting Rights 150











The potential benefits from owning common stock come primarily in two forms. First, many companies (but not all) pay cash dividends to their shareholders. However, neither the timing nor the amount of any dividend is guaranteed. At any time, it can be increased, decreased, or omitted altogether. Dividends are paid strictly at the discretion of a company’s board of directors, which is elected by the shareholders. The second potential benefit from owning stock is that the value of your stock may rise because share values overall increase or because the future prospects for your particular company improve (or both). The downside is just the reverse: your shares may lose value if either the economy or your particular company falters. As we saw back in Chapter 1, both the potential rewards and the risks from owning common stock have been substantial, particularly shares of stock in smaller companies.

P REFE R R E D STOC K The other type of equity security, preferred stock, differs from common stock in several important ways. First, the dividend on a preferred share is usually fixed at some amount and never changed. Further, in the event of liquidation, preferred shares have a particular face value. The reason that preferred stock (or preference stock, as it is sometimes termed) is called “preferred” is that a company must pay the fixed dividend on its preferred stock before any dividends can be paid to common shareholders. In other words, preferred shareholders must be paid first. The dividend on a preferred stock can be omitted at the discretion of the board of directors, so, unlike a debt obligation, there is no legal requirement that the dividend be paid (as long as the common dividend is also skipped). However, some preferred stock is cumulative, meaning that any and all skipped dividends must be paid in full (although without interest) before common shareholders can receive a dividend. Potential gains from owning preferred stock consist of the promised dividend plus any gains from price increases. The potential losses are just the reverse: the dividend may be skipped and the value of your preferred shares may decline from either marketwide decreases in value or diminished prospects for your particular company’s future business (or both). Preferred stock issues are not rare, but they are much less frequently encountered than common stock issues. Most preferred stock is issued by large companies, particularly banks and public utilities. In many ways, preferred stock resembles a fixed-income security; in fact, it is sometimes classified that way. In particular, preferred stocks usually have a fixed payment and a fixed liquidation value (but no fixed maturity date). The main difference is that preferred stock is not a debt obligation. Also, for accounting and tax purposes, preferred stock is treated as equity. Preferred stock is a good example of why it is sometimes difficult to neatly and precisely classify every security type. To further complicate matters, some preferred stock issues have dividends that are not fixed. So it seems clear that these securities are not fixed-income securities. However, some bond issues make no fixed payments and allow the issuer to skip payments under certain circ*mstances. As we mentioned earlier, these are examples of hybrid securities.

Chapter 3 

  Overview of Security Types81


Closing Prices: Most Widely Held

Source:, October 19, 2015. The Wall Street Journal, 2015. Dow Jones & Company Inc.

To give a more difficult example, consider a convertible bond. Such a bond is an ordinary bond in every way except that it can be exchanged for a fixed number of shares of stock at the bondholder’s discretion. Whether this is really a debt or equity instrument is difficult (or even impossible) to say.

COMMON STOC K P R I C E Q UOTE S Unlike fixed-income securities, the price quotes on common and preferred stock are fairly uniform. Part of the common stock page found at can be seen in Figure 3.2. Locate the entry for Twitter (TWTR). The “Issue” column contains the company name and its ticker symbol. The next column, “Volume,” is the actual number of shares traded for the day: 18,378,855 (as of 2:02 P.M.). Because investors usually trade stock in multiples of 100 shares, called “round lots,” sometimes you will see volume figures reported in multiples of hundreds. For example, if you wanted to report Twitter’s volume in round lots, you would report volume as 183,789. The next three columns contain Twitter’s current share price, the share price change (“Chg”) measured in dollars, and the percent change from the previous day’s closing price (“% Chg”). You can see that Twitter shares are trading at $30.69, which is $0.46 lower than the previous day. In percent change terms, you can verify that the price is 1.48 percent lower than the previous closing price. At the end of the day, the closing price is the last price at which a trade occurred before regular trading hours ended at 4:00 P.M. EST. You can also get preferred stock quotes at They appear in a separate section with a relatively simple format. Of course, the information contained in The Wall Street Journal and at can be obtained online in many other places, too. The nearbyWork the Web box describes one way. To interpret this information, you will need to know the company’s ticker symbol. The ticker symbol is a unique combination of letters assigned to each company. Nordstrom’s ticker symbol, for example, is JWN. Stock price information is also available all day long on television and on the web. Our nearby Investment Updates box explains how to interpret a common sight on television, 82

Part 1 


+ WORK THE WEB Throughout this chapter, we have looked at information available online at websites such as One problem is that prices reported are sometimes from the previous day. Before you trade, you’ll want more up-to-date prices, particularly in fast-moving markets. Using an Internet site, such as Yahoo! Finance, let’s get some intraday prices for Nordstrom, Inc., ticker JWN. Most of the information here is self-explanatory. The abbreviation “Market Cap” is short for “market capitalization,” which

is the total value of all outstanding shares. Notice, on this particular day, JWN was up 1.25 percent, compared to the $67.27 (“Prev Close”) that you would see in the print version of The Wall Street Journal. We’ll discuss other unfamiliar terms, such as “Bid” and “Ask,” a little later in the book. For now, a good exercise is to select a detailed quote yourself and find out what information is in the links below the stock quote.

Source: Yahoo! Finance.

the on-air ticker. As explained there, once you understand the display, you can actually create your own ticker to track the investments that interest you the most. Some investors want a list of companies that pay dividends. A sample of such a list from appears in Figure 3.3. Notice that much of the information is similar to the information in Figure 3.2. You can find some additional information, however, on dividends, dividend yields, and price-earnings ratios. You can see that this list is for a group of stocks in the “Real Estate Sector.” Locate the entry for Five Oaks Investment (OAKS). The first two columns in Figure 3.3 are the dividend amount and dividend yield, $1.20 and 17.32 percent, respectively, for Five Oaks. You should be thinking that the dividend yield seems quite high. Unlike most companies that pay a fairly consistent quarterly dividend, real estate companies, due to legal requirements, often pay out a set percentage of their profits. Thus, in good years the payouts are high, and in bad years they will be low. Most dividend-paying companies pay their dividends quarterly. Five Oaks, however, like many other real estate firms, pays dividends every month. So, the dividend number reported here, $1.20, is actually twelve times the most recent monthly dividend. For more traditional firms, the number reported would be four times the most recent quarterly dividend. The dividend yield is the annualized dividend amount divided by the closing price. The last column contains the price-earnings ratio, or “P/E ratio.” This ratio, as the name suggests, is equal to the price per share divided by earnings per share. Earnings per share is calculated as the sum of earnings per share over the last four quarters. We will discuss dividends, dividend yields, and price-earnings ratios in detail in a later chapter.

Chapter 3 

  Overview of Security Types83

INVESTMENT UPDATES T H E TA L E O F T H E TA P E The on-air “ticker tape” is a familiar sight on television, particularly on financially oriented shows and networks. The most widely watched such channel is CNBC. All day long, at the bottom of the screen, two rolls of information scroll by. On CNBC, the upper band shows trading on the New York Stock Exchange and the lower band shows trading on the NASDAQ Stock Market. A lot of other information (too much, in fact, for us to cover here) will also scroll by. To learn more, go to and install “The NASDAQ Stock Ticker” toolbar (or desktop). Follow the installation instructions and you will be able to create your own ticker that you can display on your computer screen. A personalized ticker allows you to track just the stocks that interest you the most. We created our own ticker:

If you click on “configure,” you can add your own list of stock symbols. You can make this ticker run forward or backward, and you can even pause it. If you see an interesting news headline flash by, you can click on it and read the pop-up window. Many other free stock tickers are available online. (We googled “free stock ticker” and got about 7.4 million results.) The display is called a “ticker” because, at one time, it was printed on a thin strip of “ticker tape” (paper) by a “ticker” machine (so named because of the sound it made while printing). In fact, the reason for ticker symbols in the first place was to make information quicker and easier to print. Perhaps you have seen old film footage of a “ticker tape parade” in New York. The paper raining down on the celebrities and dignitaries is ticker tape. Ticker machines date to an era before television (if you can imagine such a time). The first one was introduced in 1867 and was later improved upon by none other than Thomas Edison. To learn more, visit the website


Top-Yielding Stocks, Real Estate Sector

Stock Scan: Dividend Stocks TOP-YIELDING STOCKS GO TO: WAYS TO INVEST FOR DIVIDENDS: ETFs | Stocks With Fastest Dividend Growth | High-Yielding Mutual Funds Monday, October 19, 2015 - 2:03 pm ET


Find Historical Data

Stocks with the highest dividend yields in the day’s best performing U.S. sectors, ranked by dividend yield.

Div amt

Div % yld

DAILY Index/Core stock

… … Real Estate Western Asset $2.40 20.21 Mortgage Armour Residential 3.96 18.60 REIT Five Oaks 1.20 17.32 Investment Orchid Island 1.68 17.16 Capital New York Mortgage 0.96 16.85 Tr Javelin Mortgage 1.08 16.67 Invt Arlington Asset Inv 2.50 16.35 CIA AG Mortgage Inv 2.40 15.09 Trust Apollo Residential 1.92 14.52 Mtg Altisource 2.20 14.52 Residential

Symbol …

Mkt cap†



… 2813.36 17.10

52-WEEK RANGE % Chg 0.61

Low 2541.49

Part 1 



% Chg

P/E ratio


$15.81 −17.8




32.56 −33.0



11.27 −37.8



14.99 −32.7




8.20 −25.1




12.88 −49.1


−0.04 −0.26 −42.5


28.19 −41.9



−0.07 −0.44



19.97 −15.6




−0.07 −0.53



16.71 −19.0




−0.16 −1.01



24.75 −38.4











−0.08 −1.14




−0.01 −0.10













−0.15 −1.21 0.02

−1.9 −19.2

Source:, October 19, 2015. The Wall Street Journal, 2015. Dow Jones & Company Inc.


Last ( )




YTD % chg




What are the two types of equity securities?


Why is preferred stock sometimes classified as a fixed-income security?

3.4 Derivatives primary asset Security originally sold by a business or government to raise money. derivative asset A financial asset that is derived from an existing traded asset rather than issued by a business or government to raise capital. More generally, any financial asset that is not a primary asset.

There is a clear distinction between real assets, which are essentially tangible items, and financial assets, which are pieces of paper describing legal claims. Financial assets can be further subdivided into primary and derivative assets. A primary asset (sometimes called a primitive asset) is a security that was originally sold by a business or government to raise money; it represents a claim on the assets of the issuer. Thus, stocks and bonds are primary financial assets. In contrast, as the name suggests, a derivative asset is a financial asset that is derived from an existing primary asset rather than issued by a business or government to raise capital. As we will see, derivative assets usually represent claims either on other financial assets, such as shares of stock or even other derivative assets, or on the future price of a real asset such as gold. Beyond this, it is difficult to give a general definition of the term “derivative asset” because there are so many different types, and new ones are created almost every day. On the most basic level, however, any financial asset that is not a primary asset is a derivative asset. To give a simple example of a derivative asset, imagine that you and a friend buy 1,000 shares of a dividend-paying stock, perhaps the Twitter stock we discussed. You each put up half the money, and you agree to sell your stock in one year. Furthermore, the two of you agree that you will get all the dividends paid while your friend gets all the gains or absorbs all the losses on the 1,000 shares. This simple arrangement takes a primary asset, shares of Twitter stock, and creates two derivative assets, the dividend-only shares that you hold and the no-dividend shares held by your friend. Derivative assets such as these actually exist, and there are many variations on this basic theme. Two types of derivative assets, futures and options, are particularly important. Many other types exist, but they can usually be built up from these two basic types, possibly by combining them with other primary assets. Futures are the simpler of the two, so we discuss them first.

FUT UR E S C ON TR ACTS futures contract An agreement made today regarding the terms of a trade that will take place later.

In many ways, a futures contract is the simplest of all financial assets. A futures contract is just an agreement made today regarding the terms of a trade that will take place later. Futures contracts are traded at futures exchanges, which are regulated markets that match buyers and sellers. For example, suppose you know that you will want to buy 100 ounces of gold in six months. One thing you could do is to strike a deal today with a seller in which you promise to pay, say, $1,200 per ounce in six months for the 100 ounces of gold. In other words, you and the seller, through a futures exchange, agree that six months from now, you will exchange $120,000 for 100 ounces of gold. The agreement that you have created in this way is a futures contract. With your futures contract, you have locked in the price of gold six months from now. Suppose that gold is actually selling for $1,350 per ounce in six months. You benefit from having entered into the futures contract because you have to pay only $1,200 per ounce. However, if gold is selling for $1,100, you lose because you are forced to pay $1,200 per ounce. Thus, a futures contract is risky because the price of gold in the future can differ from the futures contract price today. Notice that with your futures contract, no money changes hands today. Chapter 3 

  Overview of Security Types85

You can download lots of basic futures information from the Education link at

After entering into the futures contract, what happens if you change your mind in, say, four months and you want out of the contract? The answer is that you can sell your contract to someone else. You would generally have a gain or a loss when you sell. The contract still has two months to run. If market participants generally believe that gold will be worth more than $1,200 when the contract matures in two months, then your contract is valuable and you would have a gain if you sold it. If, on the other hand, market participants think gold will not be worth $1,200, then you would have a loss on the contract if you sold it because you would have to pay someone else to take it off your hands. Futures contracts are traded all over the world on many types of assets and can be traced back to ancient civilizations. As we discuss in detail in a later chapter, there are two broad categories of futures contracts: financial futures and commodity futures. The difference is that, with financial futures, the underlying asset is intangible, usually stocks, bonds, currencies, or money market instruments. With commodity futures, the underlying asset is a real asset, typically either an agricultural product (such as cattle or wheat) or a natural resource product (such as gold or oil).

FUT URES P R IC E Q UOTE S An important feature of exchange-traded futures contracts is that they are standardized, meaning that one contract calls for the purchase of a specific quantity of the underlying asset. Further, the contract specifies in detail what the underlying asset is and where it is to be delivered. For example, with a wheat contract, one contract specifies that 5,000 bushels of a particular type of wheat will be delivered at one of a few approved locations on a particular date in exchange for the agreed-upon futures contract price. In Figure 3.4, futures price quotations for U.S. Treasury bonds (or “T-bonds” for short) are seen as they appear online at A nearby Work the Web contains links for futures price quotes. Looking at Figure 3.4, we see these are quotes for delivery of T-bonds with a total par, or face, value of $100,000. The letters “CBOT” indicate to us where this contract is traded; in this case, it is the Chicago Board of Trade (part of the CME Group). This is also identified in the “Exchange” column as CBT. The “Month” column in Figure 3.4 tells us the delivery date for the bond specified by the contract. For example, “Mar ’16” indicates that the second contract listed is for T-bond delivery in March 2016. Following the delivery month, we have a series of prices. In order, we have the current (or last) price, the change from the prior close, the open price, the high price, and the low price. The open price is the price at the start of the trading day; the high and low are the highest and lowest prices for the day. The “Open Int” tells us how many contracts are currently outstanding. To get a better idea of how T-bond futures contracts work, suppose you buy one Mar ’16 contract at the settle price. What you have done is agreed to buy T-bonds with a total par value of $100,000 in March at a price of 128’17.5 per $100 of par value, where the “17.5”


Futures Trading

Source:, October 19, 2015. The Wall Street Journal, 2015. Dow Jones & Company, Inc.


Part 1 


+ WORK THE WEB Futures price quotes have also become more available with the rise of the Internet. The primary site for finding futures price quotes is At the CME Group, futures contracts for agricultural products (e.g., corn, wheat, soybeans), energy (oil, natural gas), interest rates (U.S. Treasury notes and bonds, German bonds), foreign currency (yen, euro), metals (gold, silver), and indexes (Dow Jones, S&P 500) are listed. A complete list of all the contracts traded can be found on the website. Each futures contract has some unique aspects. For example, here is a sample soybean futures screen from the CME Group’s website.

Locate the line that starts with MAR 2016. This futures contract calls for March 2016 delivery of 5,000 bushels of soybeans. By convention, soybean prices are still quoted in cents and eighths of a cent even though the minimum price change is one-fourth cent, or two-eighths of a cent. In the “Last” column, you can see an entry of 898’4, which is 898 and 4/8 cents, 4 or $8.98​​ __ 8  ​​. The daily low was 898’0, which is 898 and 0/8 cents, or $8.98. The volume of 18,155 says that there have been 18,155 futures contracts traded. This volume represents 18,155 × 5,000 = 90,775,000 bushels. Understanding futures markets, their use, and their quoting conventions takes a great deal of study. Your school might even offer a course where you can study futures markets in depth.

represents ​​17.5 ⁄ 32​​. Thus, 128’17.5 can also be written as 128​​17.5 ⁄ 32​​, which represents a price of $128,546.88 per $100,000 face value. No money changes hands today. If you take no further action, however, when March rolls around, your T-bonds will be delivered and you must pay for them at that time. Actually, most futures contracts do not result in delivery. Most buyers and sellers close out their contracts before the delivery date. To close out a contract, you take the opposite side. For example, suppose that with your one T-bond contract, you later decide you no longer wish to be obligated. To get out, you simply sell one contract, thereby canceling your position.

Chapter 3 

  Overview of Security Types87

GAINS AND LOSSE S ON FU TUR E S C ON TR ACTS Futures contracts have the potential for enormous gains and losses. To see why, let’s consider again buying T-bond contracts based on the settle prices in Figure 3.4. To make matters somewhat more interesting, suppose you buy 15 March contracts at the last price of 128’17.5 per $100 of par value. One month later, perhaps because of falling inflation, the futures price of T-bonds for March delivery rises five dollars to 133’17.5. This may not seem like a huge increase, but it generates a substantial profit for you. You have locked in a price of 128’17.5 per $100par value. The price has risen to 133’17.5, so you make a profit of $5 per $100 of par value, or $5,000 per $100,000 face value. With 15 contracts, each of which calls for delivery of $100,000 in face value of T-bonds, you make a tidy profit of 15 × $5,000 = $75,000. Of course, if the price had decreased by five dollars, you would have lost $75,000 on your 15-contract position.


Future Shock It is July. Suppose you purchase five September T-bond contracts at a settle price of 135’22. How much will you pay today? Suppose in one month you close your position and the September futures price at that time is 130’21. Did you make or lose money? How much? When you purchase the five contracts, you pay nothing today because the transaction is for September. However, you have agreed to pay 135’22 per $100 par value. If, when you close your position in a month, the futures price is 130’21, you have a loss of 135’22− 130’21 = 5​​1 ⁄3  2​​ per $100 par value, or 5​​1 ⁄3  2​​ × 1,000 = $5,031.25 per contract. Your total loss is thus $5,031.25 × 5 contracts, or $25,156.25 in all (ouch!).



What is a futures contract?


What are the general types of futures contracts?


Explain how you make or lose money on a futures contract.

3.5 Option Contracts option contract An agreement that gives the owner the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell a specific asset at a specified price for a set period of time. call option Grants the holder the right, but not the obligation, to buy the underlying asset at a given strike price. put option Grants the holder the right, but not the obligation, to sell the underlying asset at a given strike price. 88

Part 1 


An option contract is an agreement that gives the owner the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell (depending on the type of option) a specific asset at a specific price for a specific period of time. The most familiar options are stock options. These are options to buy or sell shares of stock, and they are the focus of our discussion here. Options are a very flexible investment tool, and a great deal is known about them. We present some of the most important concepts here; our detailed coverage begins in a later chapter.

OPT ION TE R MI N OLOGY Options come in two flavors, calls and puts. The owner of a call option has the right, but not the obligation, to buy an underlying asset at a fixed price for a specified time. The owner of a put option has the right, but not the obligation, to sell an underlying asset at a fixed price for a specified time. Options occur frequently in everyday life. Suppose, for example, that you are interested in buying a used car. You and the seller agree that the price will be $8,000. You give the seller $200 to hold the car for one week, meaning that you have one week to come up with the $8,000 purchase price, or else you lose your $200.

option premium The price you pay to buy an option. strike price Price specified in an option contract that the holder pays to buy shares (in the case of call options) or receives to sell shares (in the case of put options) if the option is exercised. Also called the exercise price.

This agreement is a call option. You paid the seller $200 for the right, but not the obligation, to buy the car for $8,000. If you change your mind because, for example, you find a better deal elsewhere, you can just walk away. You’ll lose your $200, but that is the price you paid for the right, but not the obligation, to buy. The price you pay to purchase an option, the $200 in this example, is called the option premium. A few other definitions will be useful. First, the specified price at which the underlying asset can be bought or sold with an option contract is called the strike price, the striking price, or the exercise price. Using an option to buy or sell an asset is called exercising the option. The last trading day for all monthly stock options in the United States is the third Friday of the option’s expiration month (except when Friday falls on a holiday, in which case the last trading day is the third Thursday). The expiration day for stock options is the Saturday immediately following the last trading day. The expiration day is the last day (in the case of American-style options) or the only day (in the case of European-style options) on which an option may be exercised. More recently, weekly options have become popular. As the name suggests, these options expire at the end of the current week, with the last trading day being either Thursday or Friday, depending on the contract.

OPT IONS V E R SUS FUTUR E S Our discussion thus far illustrates the two crucial differences between an option contract and a futures contract. The first is that the purchaser of a futures contract is obligated to buy the underlying asset at the specified price (and the seller of a futures contract is obligated tosell). The owner of a call option has the right, but not the obligation, to buy. The second important difference is that when you buy a futures contract, you pay no money at the time of purchase (and you receive none if you sell). However, if you buy an option contract, you pay the premium at the time of the purchase; if you sell an option contract, you receive the premium at the time of the sale.

OPT ION P R I C E Q U OTE S To learn more about options, visit and select Education.

Like futures contracts, most option contracts are standardized. One call option contract, for example, gives the owner the right to buy 100 shares (one round lot) of stock. Similarly, one put option contract gives the owner the right to sell 100 shares. Figure 3.5 presents intraday quotes for call and put options on Nike common stock. The data are from To obtain these option quotes, enter a ticker symbol (here: NKE); then find and click the option link. At the time these quotes were obtained, Nike stock was trading at $133.11. The first column in Figure 3.5 lists strike prices for options with November expiration. Specifically, these are the monthly options expiring November 20, 2015. Option data for other expiration weeks and months can be obtained by clicking the drop-down box. The second column is the unique symbol for each option. Column three lists last sale prices. Current bid and ask prices appear in the next two columns. The bid price is the price you will receive if you want to sell an option at the prevailing market price; the ask price is the price you will pay if you want to buy an option at the prevailing market price. The sixth column lists changes from the previous closing prices. Volume and open interest numbers appear in the next two columns. Volume is the number of contracts traded that day. Open interest is the number of contracts outstanding. Referring to the Nike 125 call options, we see that 164 call option contracts have been traded so far in this trading day, and the last transaction price for this option was $8.95 per share. Because each listed option contract actually involves 100 shares, the price per contract was $8.95 × 100 = $895. The bid and ask prices reflect current market conditions, not the market conditions that prevailed at the time of the last transaction price. Based on the bid and ask prices, what price would you pay now for one of these call options? Remember, the ask price is the price you pay, so you would pay $9.30 per share, or $930 for the contract. If you were selling, you would sell at the bid price of $8.95 per share, or $895 for the contract. Chapter 3 

  Overview of Security Types89


Options Trading

Source:, October 19, 2015.

Suppose you wanted the right to buy 500 shares of Nike for $140 sometime before November 20, 2015. What would you buy? Based on the information in Figure 3.5, how much would you have to pay? You want the right to buy, so you want to purchase call options. Because each contract is for 100 shares, and you want the right to buy 500 shares, you need five contracts. The contract you want would be described as the Nike 140 call option. From Figure 3.5, the quoted option premium to buy the contract with a $140 strike is $0.67, so one contract would cost $0.67 × 100 = $67. The cost for five contracts would therefore be 5 × $67 = $335.

GAINS AND LOSSE S ON OP TI ON C ON TR ACTS As with futures contracts, option contracts have the potential for large gains and losses. Let’s consider our previous example in which you paid $335 for five Nike 140 call contracts. Suppose you hold on to your contracts until November 20, 2015, rolls around, and they are just about to expire. What are your gains (or losses) if Nike is selling for $150 per share? $120 per share? If Nike is selling for $150 per share, you will profit handsomely. You have the right to buy 500 shares at a price of $140 per share. Because the stock is worth $150, your options are worth $10 per share, or $5,000 in all. So you invested $335 and ended up with more than 10 times that. Not bad. 90

Part 1 



Put Options Suppose you want the right to sell 200 shares of Nike sometime before November 20, 2015, at a price of $120. In light of the information in Figure 3.5, what contract should you buy? How much will it cost you? You want the right to sell stock at a fixed price, so you want to buy put options. Specifically, you want to buy two 120 put contracts. In Figure 3.5, the ask premium for this contract is given as $0.44. Recalling that this is the premium per share, one contract will cost you $44, so two contracts would cost $88. Because each option contract is for 100 shares, we must multiply the quoted option price by 100.

If the stock ends up at $120 per share, however, the result is not so pretty. You have the right to buy the stock for $140 when it is selling for $120, so your call options expire worthless. You lose the entire $335 you originally invested. In fact, if the stock price is anything less than $140, you lose the entire $335 premium.


More on Puts In Example 3.4, you bought two Nike 120 put contracts for $88. Suppose that the expiration date arrives and Nike is selling for $100 per share. How did you do? What’s the break-even stock price, that is, the stock price at which you just make enough to cover your $88 cost? Your put contracts give you the right to sell 200 shares of Nike at a price of $120 per share. If the stock is worth only $100 per share, your put options are worth $20 per share, or $4,000 in all. To determine the break-even stock price, notice that you paid $0.44 per share for the option. The break-even stock price is thus $120 − $0.44 = $119.56.

INVE STING I N STOC KS V E R SU S OP TI ON S To get a better idea of the potential gains and losses from investing in stocks compared to investing in options, let’s suppose you have $15,000 to invest. You’re looking at Monster Beverage Corporation (MNST), which is currently selling for $150 per share. You also notice that a call option with a $150 strike price and three months to maturity is available. The premium is $10. Monster pays no dividends. You’re considering investing all $15,000 either in the stock or in the call options. What is your return from these two investments, if, in three months, Monster is selling for $165 per share? What about $135 per share? First, if you buy the stock, your $15,000 will purchase one round lot, meaning 100 shares. A call contract costs $1,000 (why?), so you can buy 15 of them. Notice that your 15 contracts give you the right to buy 1,500 shares at $150 per share. If, in three months, Monster is selling for $165, your stock will be worth 100 shares × $165 = $16,500. Your dollar gain will be $16,500 less the $15,000 you invested, or $1,500. Because you invested $15,000, your return for the three-month period is $1,500/$15,000 = 10%. If Monster is selling for $135 per share, then you lose $1,500 and your return is −10 percent. If Monster is selling for $165, your call options are worth $165 − $150 = $15 each, but now you control 1,500 shares, so your options are worth 1,500 shares × $15 = $22,500 total. You invested $15,000, so your dollar return is $22,500 − $15,000 = $7,500 and your percentage return is $7,500/$15,000 = 50%, compared to 10 percent on the stock investment. If Monster is selling for $135 when your options mature, however, then you lose everything, and your return is −100 percent.

Chapter 3 

  Overview of Security Types91


Put Returns In our example for Monster Beverage Corporation, suppose a put option is also available with a premium of $ 7.50. Calculate your percentage return for the threemonth holding period if the stock price declines to $ 141 per share. What is your annualized return? One put contract costs $750, so you can buy 20 of them. Notice that your 20 contracts give you the right to sell 2,000 shares at $150 per share. If, in three months, Monster is selling for $141, your put options are worth $150 − $141 = $9 each. You control 2,000 shares, so your options are worth 2,000 shares × $9 = $18,000 total. You invested $15,000, so your dollar return is $18,000 − $15,000 = $3,000, and your percentage return is $3,000/$15,000 = 20%. To annualize your return, we need to compute the effective annual return, recognizing that there are four three-month periods in a year: 1+EAR=1.204 1+EAR=2.0736 EAR=1.0736=107.36%

Your annualized return is thus about 107 percent.



What is a call option? A put option?


If you buy a call option, what do you hope will happen to the underlying stock? What if you buy a put option?


What are the two key differences between a futures contract and an option contract?

3.6 Summary and Conclusions In this chapter we examine the basic types of financial assets. We discuss three broad classes: interest-bearing assets, equity securities, and derivative assets (futures and options). For each of the broad classes, we ask three questions. First, what is its basic nature and what are its distinguishing characteristics? Second, what are the potential gains and losses from owning it? Third, how are its prices quoted online and in the financial press? We cover many aspects of these investments. We provide a brief description of these investments broken down by the chapter’s important concepts. 1. Various types of interest-bearing assets. A. Each of these major groups can be further subdivided. Interest-bearing assets include money market instruments and fixed-income securities. B. Money market instruments generally have the following two properties: (1) they are essentially IOUs sold by large corporations or governments to borrow money and (2) they mature in less than one year from the time they are sold, meaning that the loan must be repaid within one year. C. Fixed-income securities are securities that promise to make fixed payments according to some preset schedule. Another key characteristic of a fixed-income security is that it begins life as a loan of some sort. That is, fixed-income securities are debt obligations. Corporations and governments issue fixed-income securities. Unlike money market instruments, fixed-income securities have lives that exceed 12 months at the time they are issued. 92

Part 1 


2. Equity securities. A. The two major equity types are common stock and preferred stock. Common stock represents ownership in a corporation. If you own 1,000 shares of General Electric, then you own a very small percentage of GE’s outstanding shares. Nonetheless, you are a part-owner of GE. As a part-owner, you are entitled to your pro rata share of anything paid out by GE, and you have the right to vote on important matters regarding the company. B. Preferred stock differs from common stock in several important ways. First, the dividend on a preferred share is usually fixed at some amount and never changed. Second, if the company liquidates, preferred shares have a particular face value. The reason preferred stock is called “preferred” is that a company must pay the fixed dividend on its preferred stock before any dividends can be paid to common shareholders. In other words, preferred shareholders must be paid first. 3. Futures contracts. A. In many ways, a futures contract is the simplest of all financial assets. A futures contract is just an agreement made today regarding the terms of a trade that will take place later. B. As an example of a futures contract, suppose you know that you will want to buy 100 ounces of gold in six months. One thing you could do is to strike a deal today with a seller in which you promise to pay, say, $1,200 per ounce in six months for the 100 ounces of gold. In other words, you and the seller agree that six months from now, you will exchange $120,000 for 100 ounces of gold. The agreement that you have created is a futures contract. 4. Option contracts. A. An option contract is an agreement that gives the owner the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell (depending on the type of option) a specific asset at a specific price for a specific period of time. B. The most familiar options are stock options. These are options to buy or sell shares of stock, and they are the focus of our discussion here. Options are a very flexible investment tool and a great deal is known about them. We present some of the most important option concepts in this chapter.

+ + + + + GETTING DOWN TO BUSINESS For the latest information on the real world of investments, visit us at

This chapter covered the basics of the four main types of financial assets: stocks, bonds, futures, and options. In addition to discussing basic features, we alerted you to some of the risks associated with these instruments. We particularly stressed the large potential gains and losses possible with derivative assets. How should you, as an investor or investment manager, put this information to work? Following up on our previous chapter, you need to execute each of the possible transaction types suggested by this chapter in a simulated brokerage account. Your goal is to experience some of the large gains (and losses) to understand them on a personal level. Try to do at least the following: 1. Buy a corporate or government bond. 2. Buy agriculture, natural resource, and financial futures contracts. 3. Sell agriculture, natural resource, and financial futures contracts. 4. Buy put and call option contracts. 5. Sell put and call option contracts

Chapter 3 

  Overview of Security Types93

In each case, once you have created the position, be sure to monitor it regularly by checking prices, trading activity, and relevant news using The Wall Street Journal or an online information service to understand why it changes in value. One thing you will discover if you execute these trades is that some of these investments carry relatively low risk and some carry relatively high risk. Which are which? Under what circ*mstances is each of these investments appropriate? We will have more to say about these investments later, but you’ll get a lot more out of our discussion (and have some fun stories to tell) if you already have some personal experience. As always, it’s better to become educated about these things with play money before you commit real money.

Key Terms call option 88 current yield 78 derivative asset 85 fixed-income securities 78 futures contract 85 money market instruments 76

option contract 88 option premium 89 primary asset 85 put option 88 strike price 89

Chapter Review Problems and Self-Test 1. Corporate Bond Quotes (LO1, CFA2)  In Figure 3.1, locate the Lockheed Martin bond that matures in the year 2019. What is the coupon rate on this issue? Suppose you purchase $100,000 in face value. How much will this cost? Assuming semiannual payments, what will you receive in coupon payments? 2. Call Options (LO4, CFA4)  In Figure 3.5, locate the Nike November 130 call option. If you buy 10 contracts, how much will you pay? Suppose that just as the option is about to expire, Nike is selling for $140 per share. What are your options worth? What is your profit/loss?

Answers to Self-Test Problems 1. Based on Figure 3.1, the Lockheed Martin bond that matures in 2019 has a 4.25 percent coupon rate. The last price, as a percentage of face value, is 108.749, or 108.749 percent. If you buy $100,000 in face value, you would thus pay $108,749. You will receive 4.25 percent of $100,000, or $4,250, in coupon payments every year, paid in two $2,125 semiannual installments. 2. From Figure 3.5, the November 130 call ask premium is 5.25, or $5.25. Because one contract involves 100 shares, the cost of a contract is $525, and 10 contracts would cost $5,250. At expiration, if Nike is selling for $140, then you have the right to buy 10 contracts × 100 shares = 1,000 shares at $130. Your contracts are thus worth $140 − $130 = $10 per share, or $10,000 total. Because they cost you $5,250, your gain is $4,750, which is a return of 90.48%.


Part 1 


Test Your Investment Quotient


1. Money Market Securities (LO1, CFA1)  Which of the following is not a common characteristic of money market securities? a. Sold on a discount basis. b. Mature in less than one year. c. Most important risk is default risk. d. All of the above are characteristics. 2. Money Market Securities (LO1, CFA1)  Which of the following money market securities is the most liquid? a. U.S. Treasury bills. b. Bank certificates of deposit. c. Corporate money market debt. d. Municipality money market debt. 3. Options (LO4, CFA4)  A European option can be exercised a. Only after American options. b. Any time up to and including the expiration date. c. Only on the day before the expiration date. d. Only on a European exchange. 4. Fixed-Income Securities (LO1, CFA2)  Your friend told you she just received her semiannual coupon payment on a U.S. Treasury note with a $100,000 face value that pays a 6 percent annual coupon. How much money did she receive from this coupon payment? a. $3,000 b. $6,000 c. $30,000 d. $60,000 5. Common Stock (LO2, CFA3)  A corporation with common stock issued to the public pays dividends a. At the discretion of management, who are elected by the shareholders. b. At the discretion of shareholders, since they own the corporation. c. At the discretion of the company’s board of directors, who are elected by shareholders. d. At the discretion of the company’s board of directors, who are appointed by management. 6. Futures Contracts (LO3, CFA4)  You buy (go long) five copper futures contracts at 100 cents per pound, where the contract size is 25,000 pounds. At contract maturity, copper is selling for 102 cents per pound. What is your profit (+) or loss (−) on the transaction? a. −$2,500 b. +$2,500 c. −$25,000 d. +$25,000 7. Futures Contracts (LO3, CFA4)  You sell (go short) 10 gold futures contracts at $400 per ounce, where the contract size is 100 ounces. At contract maturity, gold is selling for $410 per ounce. What is your profit (+) or loss (−) on the transaction? a. −$1,000 b. +$1,000 c. −$10,000 d. +$10,000 8. Option Contracts (LO4, CFA4)  You buy 100 CJC call option contracts with a strike price of 95 at a quoted price of $1. At option expiration, CJC sells for $97. What is your net profit on the transaction? a. $2,000 b. $5,000 c. $10,000 d. $20,000

Chapter 3 

  Overview of Security Types95

9. Option Contracts (LO4, CFA4)  You buy 100 CJC put option contracts with a strike price of 92 at a quoted price of $8. At option expiration, CJC sells for $83.80. What is your net profit on the transaction? a. $200 b. $1,000 c. $2,000 d. $10,000 10. Short Sales (LO4, CFA4)  Which of the following statements about short selling is true? a. A short position may be hedged by writing call options. b. A short position may be hedged by purchasing put options. c. Short-sellers may be subject to margin calls if the stock price increases. d. Stocks that pay large dividends should be sold short before the ex-dividend date and bought afterward to take advantage of the large price declines in a short time period.

Concept Questions 1. Money Market Instruments (LO1, CFA1)  What are the distinguishing features of a money market instrument? 2. Preferred Stock (LO2, CFA3)  Why is preferred stock “preferred”? 3. WSJ Stock Quotes (LO2, CFA3)  What is the P/E ratio reported for stocks in The Wall Street Journal? In particular, how is it computed? 4. Yields (LO1, CFA2)  The current yield on a bond is the coupon rate divided by the price. Thus, it is very similar to what number reported for common and preferred stocks? 5. Volume Quotations (LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4)  Explain how volume is quoted for stocks, corporate bonds, futures, and options. 6. Futures Contracts (LO3, CFA4)  Changes in what price lead to gains and/or losses in futures contracts? 7. Futures Contracts (LO3, CFA4)  What is the open interest on a futures contract? What do you think will usually happen to open interest as maturity approaches? 8. Futures versus Options (LO3, CFA4)  What is the difference between a futures contract and an option contract? Do the buyer of a futures contract and the buyer of an option contract have the same rights? What about the seller? 9. Asset Types (LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4)  What is the distinction between a real asset and a financial asset? What are the two basic types of financial assets, and what does each represent? 10. Puts versus Calls (LO4, CFA4)  Suppose a share of stock is selling for $100. A put and a call are offered, both with $100 strike prices and nine months to maturity. Intuitively, which do you think is more valuable?

Questions and Problems Core Questions

1. Stock Quotations (LO2, CFA3)  You found the following stock quote for DRK Enterprises, Inc., at your favorite website. You also found that the stock paid an annual dividend of $0.75, which resulted in a dividend yield of 1.30 percent. What was the closing price for this stock yesterday? How many round lots of stock were traded yesterday? Company DRK Enterprises


Part 1 























2. Stock Quotations (LO2, CFA3)  In Problem 1, assume the company has 100 million shares of stock outstanding and a P/E ratio of 15. What was net income for the most recent four quarters? 3. Dividend Yields (LO2, CFA3)  You find a stock selling for $74.20 that has a dividend yield of 3.4 percent. What was the last quarterly dividend paid? 4. Earnings per Share (LO2)  In Problem 3, if the company has a P/E ratio of 21.5, what is the earnings per share (EPS) for the company? 5. Bonds (LO1, CFA2)  You purchase 3,000 bonds with a par value of $1,000 for $980 each. The bonds have a coupon rate of 7.2 percent paid semiannually and mature in 10 years. How much will you receive on the next coupon date? How much will you receive when the bonds mature? 6. Futures Profits (LO3, CFA4)  The contract size for platinum futures is 50 troy ounces. Suppose you need 300 troy ounces of platinum and the current futures price is $2,025 per ounce. How many contracts do you need to purchase? How much will you pay for your platinum? What is your dollar profit if platinum sells for $2,075 a troy ounce when the futures contract expires? What if the price is $1,975 at expiration? 7. Option Profits (LO4, CFA4)  You purchase 10 call option contracts with a strike price of $75 and a premium of $3.85. If the stock price at expiration is $82, what is your dollar profit? What if the stock price is $72? 8. Stock Quotations (LO2, CFA3)  You found the following stock quote for Gigantus Corporation in today’s newspaper. What was the stock selling for on January 1?
























Use the following bond quote for Problems 9 and 10:

Company Symbol Coupon Maturity Int’l Systems

Moody’s/ S&P/Fitch Rating




Change Yield%

ISU.GO 6.850% May 2032 Baa2/BBB/BB– 102.817 91.865 93.231 1.650


9. Bond Quotations (LO1, CFA2)  What is the yield to maturity of the bond? What is the current yield of the bond?

Intermediate Questions

10. Bond Quotations (LO1, CFA2)  If you currently own 15 of the bonds, how much will you receive on the next coupon date? Use the following corn futures quotes for Problems 11–13: Corn 5,000 bushels Contract Month






Open Int





























11. Futures Quotations (LO3, CFA4)  How many of the March contracts are currently open? How many of these contracts should you sell if you wish to deliver 225,000 bushels of corn in March? If you actually make delivery, how much will you receive? Assume you locked in the settle price.

Chapter 3 

  Overview of Security Types97

12. Futures Quotations (LO3, CFA4)  Suppose you sell 25 of the May corn futures at the high price of the day. You close your position later when the price is 465.375. Ignoring commission, what is your dollar profit on this transaction? 13. Using Futures Quotations (LO3, CFA4)  Suppose you buy 15 of the September corn futures contracts at the last price of the day. One month from now, the futures price of this contract is 462.125, and you close out your position. Calculate your dollar profit on this investment. Use the following quotes for JCPenney stock options for Problems 14–16:

Source: Yahoo! Finance.

14. Options Quotations (LO4, CFA4)  If you wanted to purchase the right to sell 2,000 shares of JCPenney stock in November 2015 at a strike price of $9 per share, how much would this cost you? 15. Options Quotations (LO4, CFA4)  Which put contract sells for the lowest price? Which one sells for the highest price? Explain why these respective options trade at such extreme prices. 16. Using Options Quotations (LO4, CFA4)  In Problem 14, suppose JCPenney stock sells for $8 per share immediately before your options’ expiration. What is the rate of return on your investment? What is your rate of return if the stock sells for $10 per share (think about it)? Assume your holding period for this investment is exactly three months. 17. Options (LO4, CFA4)  You’ve located the following option quote for Eric-Cartman, Inc.(ECI):



ECI Stock Price




































Two of the premiums shown can’t possibly be correct. Which two? Why? 18. Annualized Returns (LO2, CFA1)  Suppose you have $28,000 to invest. You’re considering Miller-Moore Equine Enterprises (MMEE), which is currently selling for $40 per share. You also notice that a call option with a $40 strike price and six months to maturity is available. The premium is $4.00. MMEE pays no dividends. What is your annualized return from these two investments if, in six months, MMEE is selling for $48 per share? What about $36 per share? 98

Part 1 


19. Annualized Returns (LO2, CFA1)  In Problem 18, suppose a dividend of $0.80 per share is paid. Comment on how the returns would be affected. 20. Option Returns (LO4, CFA4) In Problem 18, suppose a put option with a $40 strike is also available with a premium of $2.80. Calculate your percentage return for the six-month holding period if the stock price declines to $36 per share.

What’s on the Web? 1. Option Prices  You want to find the option prices for ConAgra Foods (CAG). Go to, get a stock quote, and follow the “Options” link. What are the option premium and strike price for the highest and lowest strike price options that are nearest to expiring? What are the option premium and strike price for the highest and lowest strike price options expiring next month? 2. Futures Quotes  Go to and find the contract specifications for corn futures. What is the size of the corn futures contract? On the website, find the settle price for the corn futures contract that will expire the soonest. If you go long 10 contracts, how much will the corn cost at the current price? 3. LEAPS  Go to, highlight the “Products” tab, then select “Stock Index Options (SPX-RUT-MSCI-FTSE)” and “S&P 500® Index Options,” and then follow the “SPX LEAPS” link. What are LEAPS? What are the two types of LEAPS? What are the benefits of equity LEAPS? What are the benefits of index LEAPS? 4. FLEX Options  Go to, highlight the “Institutional” tab, and then follow the “FLEX Options/CFLEX” link. What is a FLEX option? When do FLEX options expire? What is the minimum size of a FLEX option?

Stock-Trak Exercises

To access the Stock-Trak Exercise for this chapter, please visit the resource library site in Connectand choose the corresponding chapter.

Chapter 3 

  Overview of Security Types99

PART 1 chapter

Mutual Funds and Other Investment Companies +

Learning Objectives You’re probably going to be a mutual fund investor very soon, so you should definitely know the following:

1. The different types of mutual funds. 2. How mutual funds operate. 3. How to find information about mutual fund performance. 4. The workings of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and hedge funds.


“Take calculated risks. That is quite different from being rash.” –George S. Patton

With only $2,000 to invest, you can easily own shares in Microsoft, GM, McDonald’s, IBM, co*ke, and many more stocks through a mutual fund. Or you can invest in a portfolio of government bonds or other investments. Indeed, many thousands of different mutual funds are available to investors. In fact, there are about as many, if not more, mutual funds as there are different stocks traded on the NASDAQ and the New York Stock Exchange combined. There are funds for aggressive investors, conservative investors, short-term investors, and long-term investors. There are bond funds, stock funds, international funds, and you-name-it funds. Is there a right fund for you? This chapter will help you find out.

As we discussed in an earlier chapter, if you do not wish to actively buy and sell individual securities on your own, you can invest in stocks, bonds, or other financial assets through a mutual fund. Mutual funds are simply a means of combining or pooling the funds of a large group of investors. The buy and sell decisions for the resulting pool are then made by a fund manager, who is compensated for the service provided. Mutual funds are a particular type of investment company. Because mutual funds provide indirect access to financial markets for individual investors, they are a form of financial intermediary. In fact, mutual funds are now the largest

CFA™ Exam Topics in This Chapter: 1. Guidance for standards I–VII (L1, S1) 2. Discounted cash flow applications (L1, S2) 3 . Introduction to alternative investments (L1, S18) 4. Alternative investments portfolio management (L3, S13)

Go to Connect for a guide that aligns your textbook with CFA readings.

For mutual fund facts and figures, visit

type of intermediary in the United States, followed by commercial banks and life insurance companies. Mutual funds have become so important that we devote this entire chapter to them and other investment companies. The number of funds and the different fund types available have grown tremendously in recent years. As of January 2016, an estimated 93 million Americans in 54.9 million households owned mutual funds, up from just 5 million households in 1980. Investors redeemed just over $100 billion from mutual funds in 2015, but, by the end of 2015, mutual fund assets still totaled over $15trillion. One of the reasons for the proliferation of mutual funds and fund types is that mutual funds have become, on a very basic level, consumer products. They are created and marketed to the public in ways that are intended to promote buyer appeal. As every business student knows, product differentiation is a basic marketing tactic, and in recent years mutual funds have become increasingly adept at practicing this common marketing technique. In fact, if you are not already a mutual fund investor, you very likely will be in the near future. The reason has to do with a fundamental change in the way businesses of all types provide retirement benefits for employees. It used to be that most large employers offered socalled defined benefit pensions. With such a plan, when you retire, your employer pays you a pension, typically based on years of service and salary. The key is that the pension benefit you receive is based on a predefined formula, hence the name. Defined benefit plans are rapidly being replaced by “defined contribution” plans. Defined contribution plans are essentially the same as 401(k) plans discussed elsewhere in the book. With a defined contribution plan, your employer will contribute money each pay period to a retirement account on your behalf, but you have to select where the funds go. With this arrangement, the benefit you ultimately receive depends entirely on how your investments do; your employer only makes contributions. Most commonly, you must choose from a group of mutual funds for your investments, so it is very important that you understand the different types of mutual funds, as well as their risk and return characteristics.

4.1 Advantages and Drawbacks of Mutual Fund Investing ADVANTAG E S Investing in mutual funds offers many advantages. Three of these are diversification, professional management, and the size of the initial investment. DIVERSIFICATION  When you invest in a mutual fund, you are investing in a portfolio, or basket, of securities. As you will learn in detail in later chapters, holding a diversified portfolio helps you reduce risk. How? A mutual fund might invest in hundreds (or thousands) of securities. If the value of one of them falls to zero, this decline will have a small impact on the mutual fund value. Diversification helps you reduce risk, but diversification does not eliminate risk. It is still possible for you to lose money when you invest in a mutual fund. Also note that not all mutual funds are diversified. For example, some intentionally specialize in specific industries or countries. PROFESSIONAL MANAGEMENT  Professional money managers make investment decisions for mutual funds. That is, the mutual fund manager makes the decision of when to add or remove particular securities from the mutual fund. This means that you, as the investor holding the mutual fund, do not have to make these crucial decisions. MINIMUM INITIAL INVESTMENT  Most mutual funds have a minimum initial purchase of $2,500, but some are as low as $1,000 or even $250 in some cases. After your initial purchase, subsequent purchases are sometimes as low as $50. Of course, these amounts vary from fund to fund.

Chapter 4 

  Mutual Funds and Other Investment Companies101

DRAWBAC KS As with any type of investment, some drawbacks are associated with mutual funds. In particular, three of them are risk, costs, and taxes. RISK Let us start with a point that should be obvious. The value of your mutual fund investment, unlike a bank deposit, could fall and be worth less than your initial investment. You should also realize that no government or private agency guarantees the value of a mutual fund. A not-so-obvious point is that some investors think that there is a cost to diversification. Diversification greatly reduces the risk of loss from holding one (or a few) securities. However, by spreading your investments over many securities, you limit your chances for large returns if one of these securities increases dramatically in value. We happen to think that this is a cost worth bearing. COSTS  Investing in mutual funds entails fees and expenses that do not usually accrue when purchasing individual securities directly. We detail most of these costs later in the chapter. TAXES  When you invest in a mutual fund, you will pay federal income tax (and state and local taxes, if applicable) on ∙ Distributions (dividends and capital gains) made by the mutual fund. ∙ Profits you make when you sell mutual fund shares. There are some exceptions. A notable one is the receipt of distributions in tax-deferred retirement accounts such as individual retirement accounts (IRAs).



What are some advantages of investing in mutual funds?


What are some drawbacks of investing in mutual funds?

4.2 Investment Companies and Fund Types investment company A business that specializes in pooling funds from individual investors and investing them.

At the most basic level, a company that pools funds obtained from individual investors and invests them is called an investment company. In other words, an investment company is a business that specializes in managing financial assets for individual investors. All mutual funds are, in fact, investment companies. As we will see, however, not all investment companies are mutual funds. In the sections that follow, we will be discussing various aspects of mutual funds and related entities. Figure 4.1 is a big-picture overview of some of the different types of funds and how they are classified. It will serve as a guide for the next several sections. We will define the various terms that appear as we go along.


open-end fund An investment company that stands ready to buy and sell shares at any time.

102 Part 1 


As Figure 4.1 shows, there are two fundamental types of investment companies:open-end funds and closed-end funds. The difference is very important. Whenever you invest in a mutual fund, you do so by buying shares in the fund. However, how shares are bought and sold depends on which type of fund you are considering. With an open-end fund, the fund itself will sell new shares to anyone wishing to buy and will redeem (i.e., buy back) shares from anyone wishing to sell. When an investor wishes to buy open-end fund shares, the fund simply issues them and then invests the money received. When someone wishes to sell open-end fund shares, the fund sells some of its assets and uses the cash to redeem the shares. As a result, with an open-end fund, the number of shares outstanding fluctuates through time.

Fund Types


Investment companies

Open-end funds

Money market funds

Long-term funds

Stock funds

closed-end fund An investment company with a fixed number of shares that are bought and sold only in the open stock market.

Closed-end funds

Bond funds

Blended funds

With a closed-end fund, the number of shares is fixed and never changes. If you want to buy shares, you must buy them from another investor. Similarly, if you wish to sell shares that you own, you must sell them to another investor. Thus, the key difference between an open-end fund and a closed-end fund is that, with a closed-end fund, the fund itself does not buy or sell shares. In fact, as we discuss below, shares in closed-end funds are listed on stock exchanges just like ordinary shares of stock, where their shares are bought and sold in the same way. Open-end funds are more popular among individual investors than closed-end funds. The distinction between open-end funds and closed-end funds is not always as clear-cut as one would think. For example, some open-end funds “close their doors” to new investors. The typical reason for this decision is fund size. If the fund gets too large, exercising effective control over the fund’s investments will be difficult for the fund managers. When an open-end fund no longer accepts new investors, existing investors generally can continue to add money to the fund. Of course, existing investors can withdraw money from the fund. Strictly speaking, the term “mutual fund” actually refers only to an open-end investment company. Thus, the phrase “closed-end fund” is a bit of an oxymoron, kind of like jumbo shrimp, and the phrase “open-end mutual fund” is a redundancy, an unnecessary repetition, or restatement. Nonetheless, particularly in recent years, the term “investment company” has all but disappeared from common use, and investment companies are now generically called mutual funds. We will stick with this common terminology to avoid confusion.

NET ASSE T VA L U E net asset value The value of assets less liabilities held by a mutual fund, divided by the number of shares outstanding. Abbreviated NAV.

A mutual fund’s net asset value is an important consideration. Net asset value is calculated by taking the total value of the assets held by the fund less any liabilities and then dividing by the number of outstanding shares. For example, suppose a mutual fund has $105 million in assets and $5 million in liabilities based on current market values and a total of 5 million shares outstanding. Based on the value of net assets held by the fund, $100 million, each share has a value of $100 million/5 million = $20. This $20 is the fund’s net asset value, often abbreviated as NAV. With one important exception, the net asset value of a mutual fund will change essentially every day simply because the value of the assets held by the fund fluctuates. The one exception concerns money market mutual funds, which we discuss in a later section. Chapter 4 

  Mutual Funds and Other Investment Companies103


Net Asset Value As of late 2015, the PIMCO Total Return fund had about $95.5 billion in invested assets, making it one of the largest funds in the world. If the fund had 9.07 billion shares outstanding, what is its net asset value? The net asset value is simply the asset value per share, or $95.5 billion/9.07 billion= $10.53.

As we noted, an open-end fund will generally redeem or buy back shares at any time. The price you will receive for shares you sell is the net asset value. Thus, in our example above, you could sell your shares back to the fund and receive $10.53 each. Because the fund stands ready to redeem shares at any time, shares in an open-end fund are always worth their net asset value. In contrast, because the shares of closed-end funds are bought and sold in the stock markets, their share prices at any point in time may or may not be equal to their net asset values. We examine this issue in more detail in a later section.



What is an investment company?


What is the difference between an open-end fund and a closed-end fund?

4.3 Mutual Fund Operations In this section, we discuss some essentials of mutual fund operations. We focus on how mutual funds are created, marketed, regulated, and taxed. Our discussion here deals primarily with open-end funds, but much of it applies to closed-end funds as well. Further details on closed-end funds are provided in a later section.

MUT UAL FU ND ORG A N I ZATI ON A N D C R E ATI ON A mutual fund is simply a corporation. Like a corporation, a mutual fund is owned by its shareholders. The shareholders elect a board of directors; the board of directors is responsible for hiring a manager to oversee the fund’s operations. Although mutual funds often belong to a larger “family” of funds, every fund is a separate company owned by its shareholders. Most mutual funds are created by investment advisory firms, which are businesses that specialize in managing mutual funds. Investment advisory firms are also called mutual fund companies. Increasingly, such firms have additional operations such as discount brokerages and other financial services. There are hundreds of investment advisory firms in the United States. The largest, and probably best known, is Vanguard, with more than 150 mutual funds, about $2.7 trillion in assets under management, and more than 20 million investors. Dreyfus, American Funds, and Fidelity Investments are some other well-known examples. Many brokerage firms, such as Merrill Lynch and Charles Schwab, also have large investment advisory operations. Investment advisory firms create mutual funds simply because they wish to manage them to earn fees. A typical management fee might be 0.5 percent of the total assets in the fund per year. A fund with $200 million in assets would not be especially large, but could nonetheless generate management fees of about $1 million per year. Thus, there is a significant economic incentive to create funds and attract investors to them. For example, a company like Fidelity might one day decide that there is a demand for a fund that buys stock in companies that grow and process citrus fruits. Fidelity could form a mutual fund that specializes in such companies and call it something like the Fidelity 104 Part 1 


All the major fund families have websites. For example, try

Lemon Fund.1 A fund manager would be appointed, and shares in the fund would be offered to the public. As shares were sold, the money received would be invested. If the fund were a success, a large amount of money would be attracted and Fidelity would benefit from the fees it earns. If the fund was not a success, the board could vote to liquidate it and return shareholders’ money or merge it with another fund. As our hypothetical example illustrates, an investment advisory firm such as Fidelity can (and often will) create new funds from time to time. Through time, this process leads to a family of funds all managed by the same advisory firm. Each fund in the family will have its own fund manager, but the advisory firm will generally handle the record keeping, marketing, and much of the research that underlies the fund’s investment decisions. In principle, the directors of a mutual fund in a particular family, acting on behalf of the fund shareholders, could vote to fire the investment advisory firm and hire a different one. As a practical matter, this rarely, if ever, occurs. At least part of the reason is that the directors are originally appointed by the fund’s founder, and they are routinely reelected. Unhappy shareholders generally “vote with their feet”—that is, sell their shares and invest elsewhere.

TAXATION OF I N V E STME N T C OMPA N I E S As long as an investment company meets certain rules set by the Internal Revenue Service, it is treated as a “regulated investment company” for tax purposes. This is important because a regulated investment company does not pay taxes on its investment income. Instead, the fund passes through all realized investment income to fund shareholders, who then pay taxes on these distributions as though they owned the securities directly. Essentially, the fund simply acts as a conduit, funneling gains and losses to fund owners. To qualify as a regulated investment company, the fund must follow three basic rules: The first rule is that it must in fact be an investment company holding almost all of its assets as investments in stocks, bonds, and other securities. The second rule limits the fund to using no more than 5 percent of its assets when acquiring a particular security. This is a diversification rule. The third rule is that the fund must pass through all realized investment income to fund shareholders.

T H E FUND P ROSP E CTU S A N D A N N UA L R E P ORT Mutual funds are required by law to produce a document known as a prospectus. The prospectus must be supplied to any investor wishing to purchase shares. Mutual funds must also provide an annual report to their shareholders. The annual report and the prospectus, which are sometimes combined, contain financial statements along with specific information concerning the fund’s expenses, gains and losses, holdings, objectives, and management. We discuss many of these items in the next few sections.

MUTUAL FU N D TR A N SACTI ON S Fund companies have thousands of individual investors. For closed-end funds, this fact is of little consequence because investor transactions take place in the secondary market. For an open-end fund, however, on any given day, the fund company could receive hundreds of buy and sell orders for each of its mutual funds. To reduce the cost and complexity of dealing with so many transactions, fund companies accrue all transactions until the end of the day. That way, they can net out fund inflows and outflows and thereby reduce the number of transactions they have to make in the market on a given day. That is why orders that are entered by an investor at, say, 10:30 (A.M.). are still open at the end of the trading day. This clearing process is one reason why mutual funds are not attractive for active investors such as day traders. As we discuss in a later section, this is also one reason why exchange traded funds (ETFs) have grown in popularity. Another unique feature of mutual fund investing is how an investor would specify the amount he or she wishes to purchase. When you buy and sell stocks, you generally enter the number of shares you wish to purchase, which in turn determines the amount you will pay 1

Fidelity would probably come up with a better name.

Chapter 4 

  Mutual Funds and Other Investment Companies105

or receive. With mutual funds, however, investors enter the dollar amount that they wish to purchase. Based on the NAV at the time, this in turn determines the number of shares the investor will receive. Because investor amounts and fund NAVs are not always nice round numbers, investors often end up holding fractional shares.



How do mutual funds usually get started?


How are mutual funds taxed?


How does mutual fund trading differ from stock trading?

4.4 Mutual Fund Costs and Fees All mutual funds have various expenses that are paid by the fund’s shareholders. These expenses can vary considerably from fund to fund, however, and one of the most important considerations in evaluating a fund is its expense structure. All else the same, lower expenses are preferred, of course, but, as we discuss, matters are not quite that cut-and-dried.

T YPES OF E XP E N SE S A N D FE E S Basically, there are four types of expenses or fees associated with buying and owning mutual fund shares: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Sales charges or “loads.” 12b-1 fees. Management fees. Trading costs.

We discuss each of these in turn. front-end load A sales charge levied on purchases of shares in some mutual funds.


SALES CHARGES  Many mutual funds charge a fee whenever shares are purchased. These fees are generally called front-end loads. Funds that charge loads are called load funds. Funds that have no such charges are called no-load funds. When you purchase shares in a load fund, you pay a price in excess of the net asset value, called the offering price. The difference between the offering price and the net asset value is the load. Shares in no-load funds are sold at net asset value. Front-end loads can range as high as 8.5 percent, but 5 percent or so would be more typical. Some funds, with front-end loads in the 2 percent to 3 percent range, are described as low-load funds. Front-end loads are expressed as a percentage of the offering price, not the net asset value. For example, suppose a load fund has an offering price of $100 and a net asset value of $98. The front-end load is $2, which, as a percentage of the $100 offering price, is $2/$100 = 2­percent. The way front-end loads are calculated understates the load slightly. In our example here, you are paying $100 for something worth only $98, so the load is really $2/$98 = 2.04 percent.

Front-End Loads On a particular day, the Common Sense Growth fund had a net asset value of $13.91. The offering price was $15.20. Is this a load fund? What is the front-end load? Because the offering price, which is the price you must pay to purchase shares, exceeds the net asset value, this is definitely a load fund. The load can be calculated by taking the difference between the offering price and the net asset value, $1.29, and dividing by the $15.20 offering price. The result is a hefty front-end load of 8.5 percent.

106 Part 1 


CDSC A sales charge levied when investors redeem shares (also called a “back-end” load).

12b-1 fees Named for SEC Rule 12b-1, which allows funds to spend up to 1 percent of fund assets annually to cover distribution and shareholder service costs.

Some funds have “back-end” loads, which are charges levied on redemptions. These loads are often called contingent deferred sales charges and abbreviated CDSC. The CDSC usually declines through time. It might start out at 6 percent for shares held less than one year, then drop to 3 percent for shares held for two years, and disappear altogether on shares held for three or more years. Some funds offer “level” loads. That is, investors pay an added fee, typically 1 percent, every year they are in the fund. Different loads are typically designated with letters. For example, front-end loads are often known as A-shares. Back-end loads are designated B-shares, and level loads are called C-shares. You might think that B-shares would be preferred to A-shares because the backend load would decline over time. You must look at all the fees involved, however. With the back-end and level loads, the fund companies often increase other fees associated with the fund (such as the 12b-1 fee, discussed next). So, two factors that influence your preference for share type are their relative expense structures and your anticipated holding period. But the best choice might be a fund that does not have any load. 12B-1 FEES So-called 12b-1 fees are named after the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) rule that permits them. Mutual funds are allowed to use a portion of the fund’s assets to cover distribution and shareholder service costs. Funds that market directly to the public may use 12b-1 fees to pay for advertising and direct mailing costs. Funds that rely on brokers and other sales force personnel often use 12b-1 fees to provide compensation for their services. The total amount of these fees could be 0 percent to 1 percent of the fund’s assets per year. For funds that charge a 12b-1 fee, 0.25 percent is most common. Frequently, 12b-1 fees are used in conjunction with a CDSC. Such funds will often have no front-end load, but they effectively make it up through these other costs. Such funds may look like no-load funds, but they are really disguised load funds. Mutual funds with no frontend or back-end loads and no or minimal 12b-1 fees are often called “pure” no-load funds to distinguish them from the “not-so-pure” funds that may have no loads but still charge hefty 12b-1 fees. MANAGEMENT FEES  As compensation for managing a fund, the fund company receives a management fee. The management fee is generally charged as a percentage of assets held. Management fees generally range from 0.25 percent to 1.5 percent of total fund assets every year.Often, however, an incentive provision increases the fee if the fund outperforms some benchmark, like the S&P 500 Index. Rather than reporting all the fees separately, fund companies often report their expense ratio. The expense ratio is an all-inclusive fee percent that includes both 12b-1 fees and management fees, as well as any other administrative or operating costs. For passively managed funds, management fees can be quite low. For example, the current expense ratio for the Vanguard 500 Index fund (VFINX) is 0.17 percent. Because VFINX does not have a 12b-1 fee, the expense ratio would primarily reflect its management fee. In contrast, actively managed funds, particularly small cap or international funds, generally have higher management fees. For example, the American Funds EuroPacific Growth Fund (AEPGX) has an expense ratio of 0.83 percent, and it also charges a load of 5.75 percent. Obviously, funds have quite different approachesincharging fees.

turnover A measure of how much trading a fund does, calculated as the lesser of total purchases or sales during a year divided by average daily assets.

TRADING COSTS  Mutual funds have brokerage expenses from trading just like individuals do. As a result, mutual funds that do a lot of trading will have relatively high trading costs. Trading costs can be difficult to get a handle on because they are not reported directly. However, in the prospectus, funds are required to report something known as turnover. A fund’s turnover is a measure of how much trading a fund does. It is calculated as the lesser of a fund’s total purchases or sales during a year, divided by average daily assets.2

Purchases and sales for a fund are usually different because of purchases and redemptions of fund shares by shareholders. For example, if a fund is growing, purchases will exceed sales.


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Turnover Suppose a fund had average daily assets of $50 million during a particular year. It bought $80 million worth of stock and sold $70 million during the year. What is its turnover? The lesser of purchases or sales is $70 million, and average daily assets are $50­million. Turnover is thus $70/$50 = 1.4 times.

A fund with a turnover of 1.0 has, in effect, sold off its entire portfolio and replaced it once during the year. Similarly, a turnover of 0.50 indicates that, loosely speaking, the fund replaced half of its holdings during the year. All else the same, a higher turnover indicates more frequent trading and higher trading costs. You can estimate the average holding period of fund investments using the inverse of the turnover. That is, divide the number one by turnover. For example, if a fund has a turnover of 0.50, we estimate the fund is holding its investments an average of 2 (1/0.50) years. Because gains and losses are passed through to investors, these average holding periods can have implications for an investor’s tax liability. While increased trading obviously adds to the amount of commissions paid, it also has some related costs. For example, increased trading will result in gains (and potentially losses) being recognized in the fund. As these gains occur, capital gains will be passed through to the underlying investors. Potentially, these capital gains will increase taxes for the investors. Another aspect of increased trading relates to the commissions themselves. Typically, an investment manager will have either an in-house or third-party broker who fulfills the trades. This relationship, however, is not always determined by who is the lowest cost provider. In fact, some fund managers purposefully choose higher cost providers. Why? The higher cost might provide added research or other materials that the fund manager considers beneficial in managing the fund. This added commission is referred to as soft dollars. Other trading costs result from investor decisions. In particular, mutual funds might charge a redemption fee on shares held for less than some minimum time period. When an investor decides to sell shares, the fund manager must come up with enough cash to buy them (assuming this fund is an open-end fund). If the fund manager does not have enough cash, actual stock shares might have to be sold, and the manager might not want to do that. The redemption fee is designed to encourage investors to remain invested in the mutual fund. Redemption fees are common in small-cap and international funds, where the market in shares of the underlying investments is less liquid. We consider a redemption fee a type of trading cost and not a sales charge, or load. It is possible, therefore, for a “no-load” fund to still have a redemption fee.

EXP ENS E R E P ORTI N G Mutual funds are required to report expenses in a fairly standardized way in the prospectus. The exact format varies, but the information reported is generally the same. There are three parts to an expense statement. Figure 4.2 shows this information as it was reported for the Fidelity Low-Priced Stock Fund. The first part of the statement shows shareholder transaction expenses, which are generally loads, deferred sales charges, and redemption fees, if any. As indicated, for this fund, there is no front-end load on shares purchased or on dividends received that are reinvested in the fund (mutual fund shareholders frequently reinvest any dividends received from the fund). The next two items show that there is no CDSC, but there is a significant redemption fee on shares held less than 90 days. The second part of the statement, “Annual operating expenses,” includes the management and 12b-1 fees. This fund’s management fee was 0.63 percent of assets. There was no 12b-1 fee. The other expenses include things like legal, accounting, and reporting costs along with director fees. At 0.16 percent of assets, these costs are not trivial. The sum of these three items is the fund’s total operating expense expressed as a percentage of assets, 0.79 percent in this case. To put the fees in perspective, this fund has about $40.6 billion in assets, so operating costs were about $321 million, of which about $256 million was paid to the fund manager. 108 Part 1 



Mutual Fund Expenses

Prospectuses are increasingly available online. Visit to see some examples.

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  Mutual Funds and Other Investment Companies109

The third part of the expense report gives a hypothetical example showing the total expense you would incur over time per $10,000 invested. The example is strictly hypothetical, however, and is only a rough guide. As shown in Figure 4.2, your costs would amount to $978 after 10 years per $10,000 invested, assuming a return of 5 percent per year. This third part of the expense statement is not all that useful, really. What matters for this fund is that expenses appear to run about 0.79 percent per year, so that is what you pay (in addition to loads, if applicable). One thing to watch out for is that funds may have 12b-1 fees but may choose not to incur any distribution or shareholder service costs. Similarly, the fund manager can choose to rebate some of the management fee in a particular year (especially if the fund has done poorly). These actions create a low expense figure for a given year, but this does not mean that expenses won’t be higher in the future.

WH Y PAY LOAD S A N D FE E S? Because pure no-load funds exist, you might wonder why anyone would buy load funds or funds with substantial CDSC or 12b-1 fees. Finding a good answer to this question is becoming increasingly difficult. At one time, there simply weren’t many no-load funds, and those that existed weren’t widely known. Today, there are many good no-load funds, and competition among funds is forcing many funds to lower or do away with loads and other fees. Having said this, there are basically two reasons that you might want to consider a load fund or a fund with above-average fees. First, you may simply want a fund run by a particular manager. A good example of this is the Fidelity Magellan Fund. For many years, it was run by Peter Lynch, who is widely regarded as one of the most successful managers in the history of the business. The Magellan Fund was a load fund, leaving you no choice but to pay the load to obtain Lynch’s expertise. As we discuss in a later chapter, however, the historical performance of managers might not be a good reason to select a fund. The other reason to consider paying a load is that you want a specialized type of fund. For example, you might be interested in investing in a fund that invests only in a particular foreign country, such as Brazil. We’ll discuss such specialty funds in a later section, but for now we note that there is less (but increasing) competition among specialty funds. As a result, loads and fees tend to be higher.

T H E IMPACT OF FE E S ON P ORTFOL I O VA L U E S To this point, we have discussed the various fees that investors pay to fund managers in exchange for the service they provide. In most cases, the percentages seem quite small. For example, it doesn’t seem like paying a 1 percent fee would have much of an impact on our long-term performance. Remember, however, that this fee is paid every year, so the compounded effect can be quite large. As an example, take a look at Table 4.1. In this table, we assume that you, a new investor, start saving for retirement right out of college. Assume that you invest $400 each month into a mutual fund for the 40 years that you are in the workforce. Your ending portfolio value obviously depends on the return that you earn over this period. Assume that you take a moderately aggressive approach that nets you an average return consistent with large cap stocks. From Chapter 1, we know that the average geometric (compounded) return on this type of investment has been in the range of 10%. If this is what you actually earn, then your portfolio would have an ending balance at retirement in the range of $2.5 million—not bad! This return, however, does not account for any fees that you may have had to pay. So, we also consider what your ending portfolio value would look like if you had to pay an average


The Impact of Fees Annual Fee Paid


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$400 monthly investment




40 years, 10% annual return




fee of 1 (or 2) percent each year. If you pay an average of 1 percent in fees, your final portfolio value drops by over 25 percent, to $1.9 million. What do we learn? Fees matter! Fees are one reason why passive funds often outperform active funds. Active managers might be able to provide a higher return than passive managers. They might not, however, be able to generate a return high enough to cover the added fees they charge. Wise investors pay attention to the fees that they are being charged!



What is the difference between a load fund and a no-load fund?


What are 12b-1 fees?

4.5 Short-Term Funds Mutual funds are usually divided into two major groups: short-term funds and long-term funds. Short-term funds are collectively known as money market mutual funds. Long-term funds essentially include everything that is not a money market fund. We discuss long-term funds in our next section; here we focus on money market funds.

MONE Y MA R KE T MU TUA L FU N D S money market mutual fund A mutual fund specializing in money market instruments.

As the name suggests, money market mutual funds, or MMMFs, specialize in money market instruments. As we describe elsewhere, these are short-term debt obligations issued by governments and corporations. Money market funds were introduced in the early 1970s and have grown tremendously. As of 2015, money market funds had almost $2.7 trillion in assets. All money market funds are open-end funds. Most money market funds invest in high-quality, low-risk instruments with maturities of less than 90 days. As a result, they have relatively little risk. However, some buy riskier assets or have longer maturities than others, so they do not all carry equally low risk, as the nearby Investment Updates box illustrates. For example, some buy only very-short-term U.S. government securities and are therefore essentially risk-free. Others buy mostly securities issued by corporations, which entail some risk. We discuss the different types of money market instruments and their relative risks elsewhere in the book. MONEY MARKET FUND ACCOUNTING  A unique feature of money market funds is that their net asset values are always $1 per share. This is purely an accounting gimmick, however. A money market fund simply sets the number of shares equal to the fund’s assets. In other words, if the fund has $100 million in assets, then it has 100 million shares. As the fund earns interest on its investments, the fund owners are simply given more shares. The reason money market mutual funds always maintain a $1 net asset value is to make them resemble bank accounts. As long as a money market fund invests in very safe, interestbearing, short-maturity assets, its net asset value will not drop below $1 per share. There is no guarantee, however, that the NAV will stay above $1, as the Investment Updates box suggests. The term “breaking the buck” is used to describe a drop below $1 in net asset value. Breaking the buck is a very rare occurrence. Following the crash of 2008, a few money market funds, beginning with the Reserve Primary Fund, experienced substantial losses in their underlying holdings, causing them to break the buck. Further, some funds were unable to maintain the $1 mark because returns on short-term securities fell to the point where they were insufficient to cover fund costs. Rather than breaking the buck, many of these money market funds simply shut down. TAXES AND MONEY MARKET FUNDS  Money market funds are either taxable or taxexempt. Taxable funds are more common; of the $2.7 trillion in total money market fund assets as of 2015, taxable funds accounted for almost 90 percent. As the name suggests, the

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INVESTMENT UPDATES S H O U L D YO U W O R R Y A B O U T YO U R M O N E Y M A R K E T F U N D ? The $2.7 trillion money market fund industry is in dire need of new regulations to keep it from collapsing and is vulnerable to a massive run on assets similar to what occurred in 2008, according to a government oversight panel. The Financial Stability Oversight Council wants new regulations to limit the risk to investors of money market funds it says is inherent in the current system. Also calling for reforms are the heads of all 12 central banks of the Federal Reserve who sent a letter to the FSOC this week, saying there’s a need to ensure the safety of money market funds. At the center of the issue is the $1 per share value— the net asset value or NAV—associated with money market funds, as well as the amount funds should have in reserve. Investors can almost always buy and sell money market shares at the $1 value while fund managers invest the money in low-risk securities like government and corporate bonds as well as for lending between banks—reasons why money market funds are considered safe investments and almost like savings accounts. But money market funds can go below the $1 mark—or break the buck—as they did in 2008 during the financial

Visit for info on thousands of funds, including MMMFs.


crisis when the now-defunct Reserve Primary Fund incurred losses on debt it held from a bankrupt Lehman Brothers. That caused a run out of money market funds to the tune of $134 billion. That exodus put pressure on short-term credit markets and all kinds of borrowers. While a great deal of that money has returned to money market accounts, regulators fear it could happen again. To stop a future run or collapse, the FSOC proposes to let the share price for money market funds “float” in value, like stock and bond mutual funds, rather than stay fixed at the dollar mark. Funds would also hold a total of three percent capital cushion to cover losses, as well as apply incentives to keep investors from pulling out their money during a market crisis. But fund giants like Fidelity and Vanguard argue the industry has enough safeguards and are pushing back on any more reforms saying the cost of compliance would be too much.

Source: Koba, Mark, “Should You Worry about Your Money Market Fund?,” CNBC, 14 February, 2013. Copyright © 2013 by CNBC. All rights reserved. Used with permission.

difference in the two fund types lies in their tax treatment. As a general rule, interest earned on state and local government (or “municipal”) securities is exempt from federal income tax. Nontaxable money market funds therefore buy only these types of tax-exempt securities. Some tax-exempt funds go even further. Interest paid by one state is often subject to state taxes in another. Some tax-exempt funds therefore buy only securities issued by a single state. For residents of that state, the interest earned is free of both federal and state taxes. For beleaguered New York City residents, there are even “triple-tax-free” funds that invest only in New York City obligations, thereby allowing residents to escape federal, state, and local income taxes on the interest received. Because of their favorable tax treatment, tax-exempt money market instruments have much lower interest rates, or yields.3Which type you choose depends on your individual tax bracket. For example, consider a taxable money market fund that offers a 1.2 percent interest rate versus a similar tax-exempt fund offering only 0.80 percent interest. If you’re in a 40 percent tax bracket, then the taxable fund is paying only 1.2 × (1 − 0.40) = 0.72 percent on an after-tax basis, so you are slightly better off with the tax-exempt fund.

Taxes and Money Market Fund Yields In our discussion just above, suppose you were in a 20 percent tax bracket. Which type of fund is more attractive? On an after-tax basis, the taxable fund is offering 1.2 × (1 − 0.20) = 0.96 percent, so the taxable fund is more attractive.



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We discuss how yields on money market instruments are calculated in another chapter.

MONE Y MA R KE T D E P OSI T AC C OUN TS Most banks offer what are called “money market” deposit accounts, or MMDAs, which are much like money market mutual funds. For example, both money market funds and money market deposit accounts generally have limited check-writing privileges. There is a very important distinction between such a bank-offered money market account and a money market fund, however. A bank money market account is a bank deposit and offers FDIC protection, whereas a money market fund does not. A money market fund will generally offer SIPC protection, but this is not a perfect substitute. Confusingly, some banks offer both money market accounts and, through a separate, affiliated entity, money market funds.



What is a money market mutual fund? What are the two types?


How do money market mutual funds maintain a constant net asset value?

4.6 Long-Term Funds There are many different types of long-term funds. Historically, mutual funds were classified as stock, bond, or balanced funds. As a part of the rapid growth in mutual funds, however, placing all funds into these three categories is becoming increasingly difficult. Also, providers of mutual fund information do not use the same classification schemes. Mutual funds have different goals, and a fund’s objective is the major determinant of the fund type. All mutual funds must state the fund’s objective in the prospectus. For example, the Fidelity Independence Fund states: The investment seeks capital appreciation. The fund invests primarily in common stocks. It invests in domestic and foreign issuers. The fund invests in either “growth” stocks or “value” stocks or both. It uses fundamental analysis of factors such as each issuer’s financial condition and industry position, as well as market and economic conditions to select investments.

One of the best mutual fund sites is

Thus, this fund invests in different types of stocks with the goal of capital appreciation. This fund is clearly a stock fund, and it might further be classified as a “capital appreciation” fund or “aggressive growth” fund, depending on whose classification scheme is used. Mutual fund objectives are an important consideration; unfortunately, the truth is they frequently are too vague to provide useful information. For example, a very common objective reads like this: “The Big Bucks Fund seeks capital appreciation, income, and capital preservation.” Translation: The fund seeks to (1) increase the value of its shares, (2) generate income for its shareholders, and (3) not lose money. Well, don’t we all! More to the point, funds with very similar-sounding objectives can have very different portfolios and, consequently, very different risks. As a result, it is a mistake to look only at a fund’s stated objective: Actual portfolio holdings speak louder than prospectus promises.

STOC K FUN D S Stock funds exist in great variety. We consider nine separate general types and some subtypes. We also consider some new varieties that don’t fit in any category. CAPITAL APPRECIATION VERSUS INCOME  The first four types of stock funds trade off capital appreciation and dividend income. 1. Capital appreciation. As in our example just above, these funds seek maximum capital appreciation. They generally invest in companies that have, in the opinion of the fund manager, the best prospects for share price appreciation without regard to dividends, company size, or, for some funds, country. Often this means investing in unproven companies or companies perceived to be out of favor.

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2. Growth. These funds also seek capital appreciation, but they tend to invest in larger, more established companies. Such funds may be somewhat less volatile as a result. Dividends are not an important consideration. 3. Growth and income. Capital appreciation is still the main goal, but at least part of the focus is on dividend-paying companies. 4. Equity income. These funds focus almost exclusively on stocks with relatively high dividend yields, thereby maximizing the current income of the portfolio. Among these four fund types, the greater the emphasis on growth, the greater the risk, at least as a general matter. Again, however, these are only rough classifications. Equity income funds, for example, frequently invest heavily in public utility stocks; such stocks had heavy losses in the first part of the 1990s. COMPANY SIZE–BASED FUNDS  These next three fund types focus on companies in a particular size range. 1. Small company. As the name suggests, these funds focus on stocks in small companies, where “small” refers to the total market value of the stock. Such funds are often called “small-cap” funds, where “cap” is short for total market value or capitalization. In Chapter 1, we saw that small stocks have traditionally performed very well, at least over the long run, hence the demand for funds that specialize in such stocks. With small-company mutual funds, what constitutes small is variable, ranging from perhaps $10 million up to $1 billion or so in total market value, and some funds specialize in smaller companies than others. Since most small companies don’t pay dividends, these funds necessarily emphasize capital appreciation. 2. Midcap. These funds usually specialize in stocks that are too small to be in the S&P 500 Index but too large to be considered small-cap stocks. 3. Large company. Large-capitalization, or “large-cap,” funds invest in companies with large market values. Most large-cap firms have a market value in excess of $10billion. INTERNATIONAL FUNDS  Research has shown that diversifying internationally can significantly improve the risk-return trade-off for investors. The number of international funds grew rapidly during the 1980s and early 1990s. However, that growth slowed sharply in the late 1990s. Their numbers shrank in the early 2000s, but their numbers have increased since 2005. The two fund groups that invest outside the United States are 1. Global. These funds have substantial international holdings but also maintain significant investments in U.S. stocks. 2. International. These funds are like global funds, except they focus on non-U.S. equities. Among international funds, some specialize in specific regions of the world, such as Europe, the Pacific Rim, or South America. Others specialize in individual countries. Today, there is at least one mutual fund specializing in essentially every country in the world that has a stock market, however small. International funds that specialize in countries with small or recently established stock markets are often called emerging markets funds. Almost all single-country funds, and especially emerging markets funds, are not well-diversified and have historically been extremely volatile. Many funds that are not classified as international funds may actually have substantial overseas investments, so this is one thing to watch out for. It is not unusual for a fund to call itself a “growth” fund and actually invest heavily outside the United States. SECTOR FUNDS Sector funds specialize in specific sectors of the economy and often focus on particular industries or particular commodities. There are far too many different types to list here. There are funds that only buy software companies, and funds that only buy hardware companies. There are funds that specialize in natural gas producers, oil producers, and precious metals producers. In fact, essentially every major industry in the U.S. economy is covered by at least one fund. 114

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One thing to notice about sector funds is that, like single-country funds, they are obviously not well-diversified. Every year, many of the best-performing mutual funds (in terms of total return) are sector funds simply because whatever sector of the economy is hottest will generally have the largest stock price increases. Funds specializing in that sector will do well. In the same vein, and for the same reason, the worst-performing funds are also almost always some type of sector fund. When it comes to mutual funds, past performance is almost always an unreliable guide to future performance; nowhere is this more true than with sector funds. OTHER FUND TYPES AND ISSUES  Three other types of stock funds that don’t fit easily into one of the above categories bear discussing: index funds, so-called social conscience funds, and tax-managed funds.

To learn more about “social conscience” funds, visit and

Is vice nice? Visit to find out about the Barrier Fund (previously called the Vice Fund).

1. Index funds. Index funds simply hold the stocks that make up a particular index in the same relative proportions as the index. The most important index funds are S&P 500 funds, which are intended to track the performance of the S&P 500, the large stock index we discussed in Chapter 1. By their nature, index funds are passively managed, meaning that the fund manager trades only as necessary to match the index. Such funds are appealing in part because they are generally characterized by low turnover and low operating expenses. Another reason index funds have grown rapidly is that there is considerable debate over whether mutual fund managers can consistently beat the averages. If they can’t, the argument runs, why pay loads and management fees when it’s cheaper just to buy the averages by indexing? To put the importance of index funds into perspective, as of 2015, the largest stock index mutual fund in the United States was the Vanguard 500 Index Fund, with over $200 billion in assets. This fund, as the name suggests, is an S&P 500 Index fund. 2. Social conscience funds. These funds are a relatively new creation. They invest only in companies whose products, policies, or politics are viewed as socially desirable. The specific social objectives range from environmental issues to personnel policies. The Parnassus Fund is a well-known example, avoiding the alcoholic beverage, tobacco, gambling, weapons, and nuclear power industries. Of course, consensus on what is socially desirable or responsible is hard to find. In fact, there are so-called sin funds (and sector funds) that specialize in these very industries! See the nearby Investment Updates box for some information on other unique funds. 3. Tax-managed funds. Taxable mutual funds are generally managed without regard for the tax liabilities of fund owners. Fund managers focus on (and are frequently rewarded based on) total pretax returns. However, recent research has shown that some fairly simple strategies can greatly improve the after-tax returns to shareholders and that focusing just on pretax returns is not a good idea for taxable investors. Tax-managed funds try to hold down turnover to minimize realized capital gains, and they try to match realized gains with realized losses. Such strategies work particularly well for index funds. For example, the Schwab 1000 Fund is a fund that tracks the Russell 1000 Index, a widely followed 1,000-stock index. However, the fund will deviate from strictly following the index to a certain extent to avoid realizing taxable gains, and, as a result, the fund holds turnover to a minimum. Fund shareholders have largely escaped taxes as a result. We predict that funds promoting such strategies will become increasingly common as investors become more aware of the tax consequences of fund ownership.

TAXAB L E A N D MUN I C I PA L B ON D FU N D S Most bond funds invest in domestic corporate and government securities, although some invest in foreign government and non-U.S. corporate bonds as well. As we will see, there are a relatively small number of bond fund types. Basically, five characteristics distinguish bond funds: 1. Maturity range. Different funds hold bonds of different maturities, ranging from quite short (2 years) to quite long (25–30 years). 2. Credit quality. Some bonds are much safer than others in terms of the possibility of default. U.S. government bonds have no default risk, while so-called junk bonds have significant default risk.

Chapter 4 

  Mutual Funds and Other Investment Companies115

INVESTMENT UPDATES THE 10 STRANGEST MUTUAL FUNDS When mutual funds step off the beaten path, there’s no telling what will happen. In the past, for example, oddball funds have fought the war on terror (the Ancora Homeland Security Fund), tried to prop up the sky (the Chicken Little Growth Fund), and fantasized about swinging a presidential election (the Blue Fund). And although those three particular funds failed, others have stepped in to carry the torch and preserve a long and proud tradition of eccentric investing styles. Here are the 10 quirkiest funds we could find: The Congressional Effect Fund (CEFFX)  This fund exists to answer the question posed in enormous letters at the top of its website: “How much investment wealth does Congress destroy?” As the question suggests, the fund has a rather cynical view of the country’s political leaders. In fact, its manager sees politicians’ disruptive influences as so far-reaching that when Congress is in session, he pulls completely out of the stock market and moves the entire portfolio into treasuries, cash, and money market funds. The StockCar Stocks Index Fund (SCARX)  At first glance, this fund, which tracks an index of companies that support NASCAR’s Sprint Cup Series, is a dream come true for racing fans. But a more careful look reveals a different story—most of its holdings are only tangentially related to NASCAR. Investors might be surprised to see that aside from car-related names, the fund’s top holdings include Disney, Target, Coca-Cola, and Sony. The Blue Chip Winery Fund  Jokingly called the best “liquid” investments on the market, wine funds once enjoyed some popularity. But unlike a good glass of wine—or investment, for that matter—these funds have usually not gotten better with age, and most of the ones that were around several years ago have since crashed and burned. Instead of buying actual bottles of wine, it will invest exclusively in real estate holdings like wineries and storage facilities. The Herzfeld Caribbean Basin Fund (NASDAQCM: CUBA)  While most managers talk about investing with long time horizons, few are willing to stake large chunks of their fortunes on an event that may never happen in the lifetime of their funds. But for the past 15 years, fund manager Thomas Herzfeld has been doing just that as he patiently waits for the Cuba embargo to come crashing down. The Marketocracy Masters 100 Fund (MOFQX)  If you’re a mutual fund investor, chances are there has been a time when you’ve loudly ranted about how you can do a better job than your fund manager. With this fund, you get the opportunity to be your own manager—at least kind of, and only if you beat out thousands of other investors. On, investors create hypothetical online


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portfolios; currently, there are roughly 30,000 active users. Of the portfolios they produce, Marketocracy takes its favorites—up to 100 at a time—and uses them to select the Masters 100’s actual holdings. The Vice Fund (VICEX) As its name suggests, this fund invests in “sin stocks,” and its list of top holdings is littered with companies that conscientious investors love to hate: Lorillard, British American Tobacco, and Altria. Mixed in with these big names in tobacco are defense and weapons giants like Lockheed Martin and Raytheon, beer companies such as Carlsberg A/S and Molson Coors, and some gambling picks. The Monetta Young Investor Fund (MYIFX) Ever wonder what would happen if you put your third-grade child in charge of a mutual fund? Chances are it would include plenty of Disney and McDonald’s shares. It’s no coincidence that those companies are among this fund’s top holdings. And while Monetta doesn’t literally have an army of elementary school students serving as its stock pickers, one of its stated purposes is to act as if it did. The Timothy Plan Aggressive Growth Fund (TAAGX)  Have you ever wanted a complimentary moral audit? On this fund’s website, that’s only one of several services offered to potential clients who are interested in investing in accordance with Christian values. There’s also a “Hall of Shame,” which lists companies the fund avoids, and a section to help parents identify potentially offensive video games. Like the other Timothy Plan funds, the Aggressive Growth Fund stays away from companies that are connected to alcohol, tobacco, gambling, and p*rnography. The Adaptive Allocation Fund (AAXCX)  Since the fund’s advisor is a company called Critical Math, it unsurprisingly takes a rather formulaic approach to investing. In fact, the fund, which launched in 2006, uses upwards of 80 “fundamental” models—in addition to a number of “technical” models—to decide where to invest. With these models, the fund’s managers take the jack-of-all-trades approach to a new level, giving themselves the ability to invest any portion of the portfolio in essentially any type of security for as long of a time period as they see fit. The Women’s Leadership Fund  Swiss company Naissance Capital launched this fund in 2009 with the goal of promoting gender-conscious investing. When the fund opened its doors, it focused on companies that have significant female representation in their leadership teams. Source: Silverblatt, Rob, “The 10 Strangest Mutual Funds”, U.S. News & World Report, 02 December, 2009. Copyright © 2009 by U.S. News & World Report. All rights reserved. Used with permission.

3. Taxability. Municipal bond funds buy only bonds that are free from federal income tax. Taxable funds buy only taxable issues. 4. Type of bond. Some funds specialize in particular types of fixed-income instruments such as mortgages. 5. Country. Most bond funds buy only domestic issues, but some buy foreign company and government issues. SHORT-TERM AND INTERMEDIATE-TERM FUNDS As the names suggest, these two fund types focus on bonds in a specific maturity range. Short-term maturities are generally considered to be less than five years. Intermediate-term would be less than 7–10 years. There are both taxable and municipal bond funds with these maturity targets. One thing to be careful of with these types of funds is that the credit quality of the issues can vary from fund to fund. One fund could hold very risky intermediate-term bonds, while another might hold only U.S. government issues with similar maturities. GENERAL FUNDS  For both taxable and municipal bonds, this fund category is kind of a catch-all. Funds in this category simply don’t specialize in any particular way. Our warning just above concerning varied credit quality applies here. Maturities can differ substantially as well. HIGH-YIELD FUNDS High-yield municipal and taxable funds specialize in low-creditquality issues. Such issues have higher yields because of their greater risks. As a result, high-yield bond funds can be quite volatile. MORTGAGE FUNDS  A number of funds specialize in so-called mortgage-backed securities such as GNMA (Government National Mortgage Association, referred to as “Ginnie Mae”) issues. We discuss this important type of security in detail in a later chapter. There are no municipal mortgage-backed securities (yet), so these are all taxable bond funds. WORLD FUNDS  A relatively limited number of taxable funds invest worldwide. Some specialize in only government issues; others buy a variety of non-U.S. issues. These are all taxable funds. INSURED FUNDS  This is a type of municipal bond fund. Municipal bond issuers frequently purchase insurance that guarantees the bond’s payments will be made. Such bonds have very little possibility of default, so some funds specialize in them. SINGLE-STATE MUNICIPAL FUNDS  Earlier we discussed how some money market funds specialize in issues from a single state. The same is true for some bond funds. Such funds are especially important in large states such as California and other high-tax states. Confusingly, this classification refers only to long-term funds. Short-term and intermediate single-state funds are classified with other maturity-based municipal funds.

STOC K AN D B ON D FUN D S This last major fund group includes a variety of funds. The only common feature is that these funds don’t invest exclusively in either stocks or bonds. For this reason, they are often called “blended” or “hybrid” funds. We discuss a few of the main types. BALANCED FUNDS  Balanced funds maintain a relatively fixed split between stocks and bonds. They emphasize relatively safe, high-quality investments. Such funds provide a kind of “one-stop” shopping for fund investors, particularly smaller investors, because they diversify into both stocks and bonds. ASSET ALLOCATION FUNDS  Two types of funds carry this label. The first is an extended version of a balanced fund. Such a fund holds relatively fixed proportional investments in stocks, bonds, money market instruments, and perhaps real estate or some other investment class. The target proportions may be updated or modified periodically. The other type of asset allocation fund is often called a flexible portfolio fund. Here, the fund manager may hold up to 100 percent in stocks, bonds, or money market instruments, depending on the fund manager’s views about the likely performance of these investments.

Chapter 4 

  Mutual Funds and Other Investment Companies117

These funds essentially try to time the market, guessing which general type of investment will do well (or least poorly) over the months ahead. CONVERTIBLE FUNDS  Some bonds are convertible, meaning they can be swapped for a fixed number of shares of stock at the option of the bondholder. Some mutual funds specialize in these bonds. INCOME FUNDS  An income fund emphasizes generating dividend and coupon income on its investments, so it would hold a variety of dividend-paying common stocks, as well as preferred stocks and bonds of various maturities. TARGET DATE FUNDS  Also known as life-cycle funds, the asset allocation chosen by target date funds is based on the anticipated retirement date of the investors holding the fund. For example, if a fund company offers a Target Date 2040 fund, the fund is for people planning to retire in or around the year 2040. Because of its long-term investment horizon, this fund will probably hold a portfolio that is heavily allocated to stocks—both domestic and international. As the years pass, the fund manager will increase the asset allocation to fixed income and decrease the equity holdings of the portfolio. This approach is like the equity allocation guideline we discuss elsewhere. Using this guideline, your percentage equity allocation should be 100 minus your age (or 120 if you are more aggressive). Target date funds appeal to investors who want a “hands-off” approach to investing. A potential downside to target date funds is that they sometimes add a layer of management fees—but these extra fees have become less common in recent years.

MUT UAL FU ND OB J E CTI V E S: R E C E N T D E V E LOP ME N T S As we mentioned earlier, a mutual fund’s stated objective may not be all that informative. In recent years, there has been a trend toward classifying a mutual fund’s objective based on its actual holdings. For example, Figure 4.3 illustrates the classifications used by The Wall Street Journal. A key thing to notice in Figure 4.3 is that most general-purpose funds (as opposed to specialized types such as sector funds) are classified based on the market “cap” of the stocks they hold (small, midsize, or large) and also on whether the fund tends to invest in either “growth” or “value” stocks (or both). We will discuss growth versus value stocks in a later chapter; for now, it is enough to know that “growth” stocks are those considered more likely to grow rapidly. “Value” stocks are those that look to be relatively undervalued and thus may be attractive for that reason. Notice that, in this scheme, all stocks are “growth,” “value,” or a blend of the two, a classic example of the Lake Wobegon effect.4 The mutual fund “style” box is an increasingly common sight. A style box is a way of visually representing a fund’s investment focus by placing the fund into one of nine boxes like this: Style Value




Large Medium Small

As shown, this particular fund focuses on large-cap, value stocks. These newer mutual fund objectives are also useful for screening mutual funds. As our nearby Work the Web box shows, many websites have mutual fund selectors that allow you to find funds with particular characteristics. In case you aren’t familiar, Lake Wobegon is Garrison Keillor’s creation from A Prairie Home Companion, a little town where every child is (famously) above average. Visit for more.



Part 1 



Mutual Fund Objectives


Categories compiled by The Wall Street Journal, based on classifications by Lipper Inc. STOCK FUNDS Emerging Markets (EM): Funds investing in emerging-market equity securities, where the “emerging market” is defined by a country’s GNP per capita and other economic measures. Equity income (EI): Funds seeking high current income and growth of income by investing in equities. European Region (EU): Funds investing in markets or operations concentrated in the European region. Global Stock (GL): Funds investing in securities traded outside of the U.S. and may own U.S. securities as well. Gold Oriented (AU): Funds investing in gold mines, gold-mining finance houses, gold coins or bullion. Health/Biotech (HB): Funds investing in companies related to health care, medicine and biotechnology. International Stock (IL): (non-U.S.): Canadian; International; International Small Cap. Latin American (LT): Funds investing in markets or operations concentrated in Lain American region. Large-Cap Growth (LG): Funds investing in large companies with long-term earnings that are ex-pected to grow significantly faster than the earnings of stocks in major indexes. Funds normally have above-average price-to-earnings ratios, price-to-book ratios and three-year earnings growth. Large-Cap Core (LC): Funds investing in large companies, with wide latitude in the type of shares they buy. On average, the price-to-earnings ratios, price-tobook ratios, and three-year earnings growth are in line with those of the U.S. diversified large-cap fund’s universe average. Large-Cap (LV): Funds investing in large companies that are considered undervalued relative to major stock indexes based on price-to-earnings ratios, price-to-book ratios or other factors. Midcap Growth (MG): Funds investing in midsize companies with long-term earnings that are ex-pected to grow significantly faster than the earnings of stocks in major indexes. Funds normally have above-average price-to-earnings ratios, price-to-book ratios and three-year earnings growth. Midcap Core (MC): Funds investing in midsize companies, with wide latitude in the type of shates they but. On average, the price-to-earnings ratios, price-tobook ratios, and three-year earnings growth are in line with those of the U.S. diversified midcap funds’ universe average. Midcap Value(MV): Funds investing in midsize companies that are considered undervalued relative to major stock indexes based on price-to-earnings ratios, price-to-book ratios or other factors. Multicap Growth (XG): Funds investing in companies of various sizes, with long-term earnings ex-pected to grow significantly faster than the earnings of stocks in major indexes. Funds normally have above-average price-to-earnings ratios, price-to-book ratios, and three-year earnings growth. Multicap Core (XC): Funds investing in companies of various sizes with average price-to-earnings ratios, price-to-book ratios and earning growth. Multicap Value (XV): Funds investing in companies of various size, normally those that are consid-ered undervalued relative to major stock indexes based on price-to-earnings ratios, price-to-book ratios or other factors. Natural Resources (NR): Funds investig in science and technology stocks. Pacific Region (PR): Funds that invest in China Region; Japan; Pacific Ex-Japan: Pacific Region. Science & Technology (TK): Funds investing in science and technology stocks, Includes telecommunication funds. Sector (SE): Funds investing in financial services, real estate; specialty & miscellaneous. S&P 500 Index (SP): Funds that are passively managed and are designed

to replicate the performance of the Standard & Poor’s 500-stock Index on a reinvested basis. Small-Cap Growth (SG): Funds investing in small companies with long-term earnings that are expected to grow significantly faster than the earnings of stocks in major indexes. Funds normally have above-average price-to-earning ratios, price-to-book ratios, and three-year earnings growth. Small-Cap Core (SC): Funds investing in small companies, with wide latitude in the type of shares they buy. On average, the price-to-earnings ratios, price-tobook ratios, and three-year earnings growth are in line with those of the U.S diversified small-cal fund’s universe average. Small-Cap Value (SV): Funds investing in small companies that are considerd undervalued relative to major stock indexes based on price-to-earnings ratios, price-to-book ratios or other factors. Specialty Equity (SQ): Funds investing in all market-capitalization ranges, with no restrictions for any one range. May have strategies that are distinctly different from other diversified stock funds. Utility (UT): Funds investing in utility stocks.

TAXABLE-BOND FUNDS Short-Term Bond (SB): Ultra-short Obligation; Short Investment Grade Debt; Short-Intermediate Investment Grade Debt. Short-Term U.S. (SU): Short U.S. Treasury; Short U.S. Government; ShortIntermediate U.S. Government debt. Intermediate Bond (IB): Funds investing in investment-grade debt issues (rated in the top four grades) with dollar-weighted average maturities of five to 10 years. Intermediate U.S. (IG): Intermediate U.S. Government; Intermedia U.S. Treasury. Long-Term Bond (AB): Funds investing in corporate and government debt issues in the top grades. Long-Term U.S (LU): General U.S. Government; General U.S. Treasury; Target Maturity. General U.S. Taxable (GT): Funds investing in general bonds. High-Yield Taxable (HC): Funds aiming for high current yields form fixedincome securities and tend to invest in lower-grade debt. Mortgage (MT): Adjustable Rate Mortgage; GNMA; U.S. Mortgage. World Bond (WB): Emerging Markets Debt; Global Income; International Income; Short World MultiMarket Income.

MUNICIPAL-DEBT FUNDS Short-Term Muni (SM): Californnia Short-Intermediate Muni Debt; Other States Short-Intermediate Muni Debt; Short-Intermediate Muni Debt; Short Muni Debt. Intermediate Muni (IM): Intermediate -term Muni Debt including single states. General Muni (GM): Funds investing in muni-debt issues in the top-four credit ratings. Single-State Municipal (SS): Funds investing in debt of individual states. High-Yield Municipal (HM): Funds investing in lower-rated muni debt. Insured Muni (NM): California insured Muni Debt; Florida Insured Muni Debt; Insured Muni Debt; New York Insured Muni Debt.

STOCK & BOND FUNDS Balanced (BL): Primary objective is to conserve principal, by maintaining a balanced portfolio of both stocks and bonds. Stock/Bond Blend (MP): Multipurpose funds such as Balanced Target Maturity; Convertible Securities; Flexible Income; Flexible Portfolio; Global Flexible and Income funds, that invest in both stocks and bonds.

Source: The Wall Street Journal, 2012, Dow Jones & Company, Inc.



What are the three major types of long-term funds? Give several examples of each and describe their investment policies.


What do single-state municipal funds, single-country stock funds, and sector stock funds have in common?


What are the distinguishing characteristics of a bond fund?

Chapter 4 

  Mutual Funds and Other Investment Companies119

+ WORK THE WEB As we have discussed in this chapter, there are many thousands of mutual funds. So how do you pick one? One answer is to visit one of the many mutual fund sites on the web and use a fund selector. Here is an example of how they are used. We went to and clicked on the “Fund Screener.” Note that you might have to register for a free account to have access to this feature. There are many other fund selectors on the web. For example, offers one for subscribers to The Wall Street Journal. Using the Morningstar fund screener, we indicated that we were interested in a domestic stock fund that invests in small-cap growth stocks with relatively low expenses, no loads, and several other features. Out of a database of more than 15,000 funds, here is what was returned:

Source: Morningstar, 2015.

This search narrowed things down in a hurry! Now we have a list of 26 funds, the first 25 of which are shown here in alphabetical order. Clicking on the name of the fund takes you to the Morningstar website on the fund, where you can learn more about the fund.

120 Part 1 


4.7 Mutual Fund Performance We close our discussion of open-end mutual funds by looking at some of the performance information reported in the financial press. We then discuss the usefulness of such information for selecting mutual funds.

MUTUAL FU N D P E R FOR MA N C E I N FOR MATI ON Mutual fund performance is very closely tracked by a number of organizations. Financial publications of all types periodically provide mutual fund data, and many provide lists of recommended funds. We examine TheWall Street Journal information in this section, but by no means is this the only source or the most comprehensive.5 However, The Wall Street Journal (and its online version) is a particularly timely source because it reports mutual fund year-to-date returns on a daily basis, and it provides a summary of average investment performance by fund category on a regular basis. The information we consider here applies only to open-end funds. Figure 4.4 reproduces “Mutual Fund Yardsticks,” a feature appearing online at www.wsj .com. This table compares the recent investment performance of the major fund categories, ranked by performance. Figure 4.4 includes yardsticks for many categories of equity funds, bond funds, and balanced stock and bond funds. Figure 4.5 is a small section of the mutual fund price quotations regularly reported by The Wall Street Journal online. All of the funds listed in Figure 4.5 belong to the large family of funds managed by Fidelity Investments. We highlighted the Blue Chip Growth Fund (abbreviated BluCh). As its name suggests, the Blue Chip Fund has a large-cap focus.6 The first piece of information given is the fund’s symbol, FBGRX. Following the symbol is the latest net asset value, NAV, for the fund. Following the NAV are three performance measures. The first number is the daily change in the fund’s NAV. In this case, the NAV of the Blue Chip Growth Fund fell $0.62 from the previous day’s level. Next we have the year-to-date (YTD) return, 3.6 percent. The last column is the three-year annualized return for this fund, 19.0 percent. An “NS” in this column just means that the fund did not exist at the start of the period. If you click on “BluCh,” a screen will appear with more detailed performance measures.

H OW U SE FU L A R E FUN D P E R FOR MA N C E R ATI N GS? If you look at performance ratings, you might wonder why anyone would buy a fund in a category other than those with the highest returns. Well, the lessons learned in Chapter 1 suggest the answer is these historical returns do not consider the riskiness of the various fund categories. For example, if the market has done well, the best-ranked funds may simply be the riskiest funds since the riskiest funds normally perform the best in a rising market. In a market downturn, however, these best-ranked funds are most likely to become the worstranked funds because the riskiest funds normally perform the worst in a falling market. These problems with performance measures deal with the evaluation of historical performance. However, there is an even more fundamental criterion. Ultimately, we don’t care about historical performance; we care about future performance. Whether historical performance is useful in predicting future performance is the subject of ongoing debate. One thing we can say, however, is that some of the poorest-performing funds are those with very high costs. These costs act as a constant drag on performance, and such funds tend to have persistently poorer returns than otherwise similar funds. In a later chapter, we present more detailed performance measurements.

For more detailed information, publications from companies such as Morningstar, Weisenberger, and Value Line are often available in the library or online. Of course, a mutual fund’s prospectus and annual report contain a great deal of information as well. 6 A blue chip stock is a well-established, profitable, very well regarded company. A good example might be IBM. The term “blue chip” refers to the game of poker, in which chips are used for betting. Traditionally, the blue chips are the most valuable. 5

Chapter 4 

  Mutual Funds and Other Investment Companies121


Mutual Fund Yardsticks Mutual Fund Yardsticks Tuesday, October 20, 2015 Mutual-fund categories and their benchmarks ranked by one-year total return. Yardsticks are bassed on categories complied by The Wall Street Journal, based on Lipper, Inc. fund investment objectives. Performance for Yardsticks is based on an arithmetic average of all the mutual funds in the category. DAILY

TOTAL RETURN (%) Annualized

Health & Biotechnology

Chg −125

%Chg −2.21

Science & Technology





Large-Cap Growth Funds





Multi-Cap Growth Funds





Small-Cap Growth Funds




S & P 500 Daily Reinv




Investment Objective

4-wk −10.66

YTD 1.95


3-yr 23.75

5-yr 20.68

































Vanguard Small Co. index








Large-Cap Core Funds








European Region








Mid-Cap Value Funds








Multi-Cap Core Funds








Mid-Cap Core Funds








Small-Cap Core Funds








Multi-Cap Value Funds








Large-Cap Value Funds








Small-Cap Value Funds








Global Funds








Equity Income
































Single State Municipal Debt








General Municipal Debt








Stock & Bond Funds








Long Term US Treasury/Govt Bond








Lipper L-T Govt Bond Index








Intermediate Term Municipal Debt








Intmdt Investment Grade Corporate Bond








Short Term Investment Grade Corp Bond








Long Term Investment Grade Corporate Bond
















General Taxable Bond






















Mid-Cap Growth Funds Dow Jones Ind Dly Reive

High Yield Taxable Bond Intermediate Term US Treasury/Govt Bond Source: Lipper

Source:, October 21, 2015. The Wall Street Journal, Dow Jones & Company, Inc.


122 Part 1 



Which mutual fund in Figure 4.5 had the best year-to-date return? The worst?


What are some of the problems with comparing historical performance numbers?


Mutual Funds: Closing Quotes Mutual Funds: Closing Quotes F GO TO: A B C D E G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X YZ Wednesday, October 21, 2015 Alphabetical listing by fund family. Family/ Fund




YTD % return

3-yr % chg

Fidelity Invest 100Index




































AdvGoldT r
































































































































Source:, October 21, 2015. The Wall Street Journal, Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

Chapter 4 

  Mutual Funds and Other Investment Companies123

4.8 Closed-End Funds, Exchange-Traded Funds, and Hedge Funds It is probably fitting that we close our mutual fund chapter with a discussion of closedend funds, exchange-traded funds, and hedge funds. As we will see, such funds have some unusual aspects.

CLOS ED-E ND FUN D S P E R FOR MA N C E I N FOR MATI ON As we described earlier, the major difference between a closed-end fund and an openend fund is that closed-end funds don’t buy and sell shares. Instead, there are a fixed number of shares in the fund, and these shares are bought and sold on the open market. Almost 600 closed-end funds have their shares traded on U.S. stock exchanges, which is far fewer than the roughly 8,000 long-term, open-end mutual funds available to investors. Figure 4.6 shows some quotes for a particular type of closed-end fund, “Global Income” funds. As the name suggests, these funds generally invest outside the United States, and they are a relatively common type (single-state municipal funds are the most common). The entry for the Templeton Global Income Fund is highlighted. Examining the entry for the Templeton Global Income Fund, the first entry after the name is the ticker symbol. Next, we have the NAV, the market price per share, and the fund’s premium or discount. This information is provided on a weekly and daily basis. The final column is the one-year return based on the fund’s NAV. An important thing to notice is that the fund’s NAV as of October 20, 2015, $7.36, does not equal its market price, $6.55. The percentage difference is ($6.55 − $7.36)/$7.36 = –0.1101, or –11.01 percent, which is the number shown in the fourth column. We will say more about this discount in a moment, but notice that (1) essentially all the closed-end funds have either premiums or discounts, (2) the premiums and discounts can be relatively large, and (3) the premiums and discounts fluctuate.


Closed-End Funds

Source:, October 21, 2015. The Wall Street Journal, Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

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T H E C LOSE D - E N D FUN D D I SC OUN T MYSTE RY Wall Street has many unsolved puzzles, and one of the most famous and enduring has to do with prices of shares in closed-end funds. As we noted earlier, shares in closed-end funds trade in the marketplace. Furthermore, as the Templeton Global Income Fund shows, share prices can differ from net asset values. In fact, many closed-end funds sell at a discount or premium relative to their net asset values, and this difference is sometimes substantial. For example, suppose a closed-end fund owns $100 million worth of stock. It has 10 ­million shares outstanding, so the NAV is clearly $10. It would not be at all unusual, however, for the share price to be only $9, indicating a 10 percent discount. What is puzzling about this discount is that you can apparently buy $10 worth of stock for only $9! To make matters even more perplexing, as we have noted, the typical discount fluctuates over time. Sometimes, the discount is very wide; at other times, it almost disappears. Despite a great deal of research, the closed-end fund discount phenomenon remains largely unexplained. Because of the discount available on closed-end funds, it is often argued that funds with the largest discounts are attractive investments. The problem with this argument is that it assumes that the discount will narrow or disappear. Unfortunately, this may or may not happen; the discount might get even wider. Sometimes, certain closed-end funds sell at a premium, implying that investors are willing to pay more than the NAV for shares. This case is not quite as perplexing; after all, investors in load funds do the same thing. The reasons for paying loads that we discussed earlier might also apply to these cases. Premiums, however, can become quite exaggerated. For example, when well-known bond investor Bill Gross managed the PIMCO High Income Fund, investors were often willing to pay a premium of over 40 percent. He may be a good manager, but a 40percent premium is both excessive and risky. We close our discussion with a cautionary note. When a closed-end fund is first created, its shares are offered for sale to the public. For example, a closed-end fund might raise $50million by selling 5 million shares to the public at $10 per share (the original offer price is almost always $10), which is the fund’s NAV. Fine. But here’s the rub. If you pay $10, then you are likely to discover two unpleasant facts quite soon. First, the fund promoter will be paid, say, 7 percent of the proceeds right off the top, or about $3.5­million (this will be disclosed in the prospectus). This fee will come out of the fund, leaving a total value of $46.5 million and a NAV of $9.30. Further, as we have seen, the shares could trade at a discount relative to NAV in the market, so you would lose another piece of your investment almost immediately. In short, newly offered closed-end funds are generally very poor investments.

EXC HANG E -TR A D E D FU N D S Exchange-traded funds, or ETFs, are a relatively recent innovation. Although they have been around since 1993, they really began to grow in the late 1990s. As of 2015, more than 1,400 ETFs were being traded. Over 1,000 ETFs have been created since 2007, and more are in the works. An ETF is basically an index fund that seeks to achieve the same return as a particular market index. Therefore, when you buy an ETF, it is as if you are buying the basket of stocks that make up the index. The most popular ETFs represent well-known indexes like the S&P 500, the NASDAQ 100, and the Dow Jones Industrial Average. The best known ETF is a “Standard & Poor’s Depositary Receipt,” or SPDR (pronounced “spider”). This ETF (ticker symbol SPY) is simply the S&P 500 Index. The other two ETFs have catchy nicknames, too. The “Cubes” (QQQ) is the NASDAQ 100 Index. “Diamonds” (DIA) is the ETF that tracks the Dow Jones Industrial Average. If you decide to invest in these three ETFs, you will have plenty of trading partners. In 2015, average daily trading volume for Diamonds was about 8 million shares. For the Cubes, traders exchange more than 40 million shares on a daily basis. However, daily trading volume in Spiders routinely tops 150 million shares (that’s a lot of spiders). Because there are so many ETFs, there is quite a bit of overlap. For example, there are multiple S&P 500 ETFs, but the two most popular are the “spider” (SPY) and the iShares S&P 500 Index (IVV). So, one might wonder if there is really any difference between them.

Chapter 4 

  Mutual Funds and Other Investment Companies125

For more on ETFs, visit

Investigate other ETFs at or

When comparing ETFs, the key difference to keep in mind is the fee structure. Just like mutual funds, ETFs charge a management fee. Because most ETFs are passively managed, there is little management savvy required. Thus, all else equal, the lower the fee, the better. SPY and IVV are both low-cost funds, charging 0.09 and 0.07 percent management fees, respectively. There are other, small differences between these two ETFs. For example, SPY and IVV have slightly different legal structures. SPY is technically a unit investment trust. While this structure generally has little implication for investors, it does prevent the fund from reinvesting dividends. As a result, there will be a slight performance difference between SPY and IVV. SPY will outperform IVV in down markets; IVV will outperform SPY in up markets. More specialized ETFs also exist. For example, suppose, for some reason, you hold mostly large-cap stocks. You can get a small piece of many small-cap stocks with the Vanguard Small Cap ETF (VB). Maven of the Medici? If so, the Italy Index (EWI) might be for you. Have you played enough Monopoly to convince yourself that “The Donald” better duck? Then perhaps you will land on the Vanguard REIT ETF (VNQ). You just cannot decide whether to invest in Europe, Australasia, or the Far East? Why decide when you can have a portfolio of over 20 country indexes by purchasing shares of the EAFE Index (EFA)? Many other ETFs are available. CREATING AN ETF  How are ETFs created? The process begins when a potential ETF sponsor files a plan with the SEC to create an ETF. Normally, the sponsors are investment companies, like Fidelity Investments or the Vanguard Group, that control billions of shares in a wide variety of securities. To get the shares necessary to create an ETF, the sponsor arranges to set aside the shares representing the basket of securities that forms the ETF index. These few million (or so) shares are placed into a trust. To complete the process, “creation units” are formed. Creation units are simply claims (like a claim check) on the bundles of shares held in the trust. Because these creation units are legal claims backed by the shares in the trust, traders will gladly trade these creation units. Creation units are generally for 50,000 shares of the ETF. Therefore, the creation units are split up into the individual ETF shares that are traded on the market. The ability of investors to redeem these units keeps the ETF from trading at a significant premium or discount to NAV. ETFS AND INDEX FUNDS  Earlier, we said that an ETF was basically an index fund. But an ETF is not exactly like an index fund. What makes an ETF different from an index fund is that, as the name suggests, an ETF actually trades like a closed-end fund. ETFs can be bought and sold during the day, they can be sold short, and you can buy options on them. ETFs generally have very low expenses, lower even than index funds, but you must pay a commission when you buy and sell shares. The nearby Investment Updates box details these differences. Figure 4.7 on the next page reproduces an end-of-trading-day listing of ETFs by gainers, decliners, and most actives. When you surf over to this list, you can click on any ETF and get a detailed description. LEVERAGED ETFS  The recent growth in the number of types of ETFs has been explosive. A particularly interesting, but potentially dangerous, ETF growth area is in leveraged ETFs. The fund managers of a leveraged ETF create a portfolio designed to provide a return that tracks the underlying index. But by also using derivative contracts, the managers can magnify, or leverage, the return on the underlying index. Direxion Investments, for example, offers many of these leveraged funds. A couple examples would be the Daily S&P 500 Bull 3X Shares (symbol SPXL) and the Daily S&P 500 Bear 3X Shares (symbol SPXS). The first fund (SPXL) is designed to provide three times the return of the S&P 500. In other words, if the S&P 500 return on a given day is 1 percent, the SPXL should provide a return of 3 percent. Terrific! What’s the danger? Well, leverage works both ways. Losses are also magnified by a factor of 3. The second fund (SPXS) is designed to move in three times the direction opposite the return of the S&P 500 Index. If the

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Exchange-Traded Funds

Source:, October 21, 2015. The Wall Street Journal, Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

S&P 500 gains 1 percent, then SPXS should lose 3 percent. You can see that SPXS provides a way for investors to go (triple) short on the S&P 500. These leveraged ETFs seem to track their underlying indexes on a short-term basis, that is, day by day. Over longer periods of time, however, their performance is probably not what you would expect. The Direxion Bull fund, for example, began trading in November 2008. Over the next two years, the S&P 500 gained about 33 percent. Given its objective, the SPXL fund should have gained 99 percent, which is three times the return of the S&P 500. Over this two-year period, however, the long fund (SPXL) gained only 50 percent. How is this possible?

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INVESTMENT UPDATES MUTUAL FUNDS VS. ETFS Across a crowded room, index funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are pretty good lookers. Both have low costs, diversification, and approval from Mom and Dad. But it’s what’s on the inside that counts. So let’s take a deeper look at these two worthy contenders for our investment dollars.

How They Work Mutual Funds Traditional, actively managed mutual funds usually begin with a load of cash and a fund management team. Investors send their C-notes to the fund, are issued shares, and the Porsche piloting team of investment managers figures out what to buy. Some of these stock pickers are very good at this. The other 80% of them, not so much. Index mutual funds work similarly to traditional ones except that the managers ride the bus and eat sack lunches. (Actually, there are rarely human managers. Most index funds are computer-driven.) More importantly, index mutual funds put money into stocks that as a whole track a chosen benchmark. Because there’s less “research” to pay for—like trips to California to visit that refinery’s headquarters (and a little wine tasting . . . I mean, we’re in the neighborhood . . .)— index mutual funds generally have lower expenses. If the fund is popular or its salesmen make it so (yes, funds often have a sales force), it attracts gobs of money. The more money that comes in, the more shares must be created, and the more stocks investment managers (or Hal, the index robot) must go out and buy for the fund.

ETFs ETFs work almost in reverse. They begin with an idea— tracking an index—and are born of stocks instead of money. What does that mean? Major investing institutions like Fidelity Investments or the Vanguard Group already control billions of shares. To create an ETF, they simply peel a few million shares off the top of the pile, putting together a basket of stocks to represent the appropriate index, say, the NASDAQ composite or the TBOPP index we made up. They deposit the shares with a holder and receive a number of creation units in return. (In effect they’re trading stocks for creation units, or buying their way into the fund using equities instead of money.) A creation unit is a large block, perhaps 50,000 shares, of the ETF. These creation units are then split up by the recipients into the individual shares that are traded on the market. More creation units (and more market shares) can be made if institutional investors deposit more shares into the underlying hopper. Similarly, the pool of outstanding ETF shares can be dried up if one of the fat cats swaps back creation units for underlying shares in the basket. The variation in the fund structures means subtle but important differences at the end of the chain for individual investors.

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The Business of Buying That’s the birds and the bees of ETFs and mutual funds. Now let’s take ‘em for a spin and see how they handle our money.

Timing Trades With traditional mutual funds, you order your shares and buy them for the NAV (net asset value) at the end of the day. Period. (Unless you’re a favored client engaged in illegal, after-hours trading, but that’s another story. . . .) Since ETFs trade like stocks, you can buy and sell them all day long. Though doing that, like any day trading, will likely land you in the gutter searching for loose change, it does have some advantage for the Foolish investor. Limit orders are one. You can tell your broker (or the computerized lackey) to purchase your ETF shares only at a certain price. If the market jumps 3% with excitement over some major world event—like a peace pact between Britney and Christina—you can use a limit order to make sure you don’t pick up your shares at the top of the soon-to-be-crashing wave of misguided enthusiasm. Shorting is another possibility. Yes, you black-turtleneckwearing, world-weary pessimists out there can bet against the index with ETFs, and profit if and when it falls in value.

Making the Minimum If you’ve ever visited our table of no-load index funds, you might have sprinted away from the computer shrieking. Under the column titled “account minimum,” you see numbers as high as $50,000. That’s the price of entry for some index mutual funds. Got less than that? Take your money elsewhere. Or rifle the couch cushions for loose change. Or open an IRA, where minimums are generally much lower. ETFs, on the other hand, have no minimums. You can purchase as few shares as you like. Want one lonely little share? You can get it. Just make sure that you choose your broker wisely so that you don’t shell out too much in commissions for your purchases.

Averaging, Joe? A few years back, it might not have made sense to dollar cost-average into ETFs. If you were trying to buy a few hundred dollars’ worth of a fund once a month, the brokerage fees would have taken a big bite of your nest egg and made a no-load index mutual fund a much better bet because mutual funds do not generally charge transaction fees. But with the advent of ultra low-cost, or even no-cost brokerages, it’s now cost-efficient to make small, frequent purchases of ETF shares. Of course, you’ll have to put in the buy orders yourself, as you would to purchase a regular stock.

Options for Experts Though we don’t recommend them for beginning Fools, ETFs offer advanced trading possibilities. Options are one.

(continued) These complex little investments give you the right to “call” or “put” (buy or sell) shares of the ETF at some point in the future for some specific price. There’s no calling and putting when it comes to mutual funds.

Dividend Differences Most mutual fund investors take advantage of their fund’s automatic dividend reinvestment feature. That saves them the hassle of deciding what to do with the cash that comes their way periodically. If and when the mutual fund pays out a cash dividend, your cut of the dough is automatically reinvested in shares, or partial shares of the fund. With dividend-paying ETFs, that moolah winds up in your brokerage account instead, just like the dividend on a regular stock. If you want to reinvest that cash, you have to make another purchase—and you’ll get smacked with your usual trading fee unless your broker allows you to reinvest dividends for no extra cost. Many do.

Tax Tales You hear a lot about tax advantages with ETFs. Treat it like barroom gossip: exciting to hear, but probably an exaggeration. Inevitable, like death:  Don’t be fooled by vague talk of ETFs’ freedom from Uncle Sam. You still need to pay taxes on your own capital gains—should you be fortunate enough to buy low and sell high—as well as any dividends you receive. Of course, if your funds are in an IRA or employer-sponsored retirement plan, your gains are tax free until you start collecting. (If they’re in a muy Foolish Roth IRA, everything is tax-free.)

Uncle Sam and the Fund: Beginning investors often do not realize that funds themselves incur capital gains taxes, the cost of which is borne (big shocker) by you, the fund holder, even if you don’t sell a single share. The topic is complex and boring enough to spawn entire books, so here are the Cliffs Notes: • In general, the structure of ETFs tends to avoid the kind of outright selling that would trigger undistributed capital gains and other IRS nightmares. To understand why, think back to the ETF structure. For every ETF seller, there’s a buyer. • On the other hand, if a flood of investors decide to dump a mutual fund, the fund may need to sell the underlying holdings in order to raise the cash to pay out, and that would bring Uncle Sam with hat in hand. ETFs may also have to drop a few schillings into the taxman’s cap, for instance, when the underlying index is changed. • Keep in mind that the traditional fund industry and the ETF industry disagree on the extent of the ETF’s advantage. Of course, they’re competing for your investment dollar, so you should expect squabbles. Still, according to published reports, the Barclays iShares S&P 500 ETF made capital gains distributions while the Vanguard 500 mutual fund did not. There you have it: Funds v. ETFs. Which one are you going to put in your little black book? If you think ETFs could put a kick in your portfolio, read on for some investing strategies. Source: The Motley Fool, 21 October, 2015. Copyright © 2015 by The Motley Fool. All rights reserved. Used with permission.

The answer does not lie with Direxion Investments. Instead, the answer depends on arithmetic versus geometric averages that we discuss elsewhere. Recall that geometric (or compounded) returns are lower than arithmetic returns, with volatility fueling the difference. In the Direxion example, the leveraged fund adds extra volatility to the series of S&P 500 Index returns. As a result, returns from any leveraged funds will be less than expected. As an example, consider a week during which the S&P 500 earns the following daily returns: 1, −2, 2, 1, and 3 percent, respectively. You can check that the arithmetic average is 1 percent, while the geometric average is just slightly less, 0.986 percent. This difference seems trivial. Consider the returns for a twice-leveraged fund. The arithmetic average is exactly double, 2 percent. The geometric average, however, is only [(1.02)(0.96)(1.04)(1.02) (1.06)](1/5) − 1 = 0.0194, or 1.94 percent. What is the lesson? The longer we hold these investments and/or the more volatile the underlying index, the less accurate a leveraged fund will be in tracking its stated objective. In fact, in periods of high volatility, it is possible for a leveraged ETF to have negative return even when the index it is tracking is positive. With this in mind, should you use leveraged ETFs? This question is difficult to answer, but the nearby Investment Updates box provides some insight. EXCHANGE-TRADED NOTES In mid-2006, Barclays Bank introduced exchangetraded notes (ETNs). To investors, exchange-traded notes (ETNs) look very similar to

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INVESTMENT UPDATES L E V E R AG E D E T F S : B U Y E R B E WA R E ! Leveraged ETFs have gotten a lot of attention lately. Although the fund companies that produced them have thrived from their popularity, that party may soon be over. Unfortunately, many investors don’t fully understand how these vehicles work. Leveraged ETFs are designed to deliver some multiple of the daily performance of whatever underlying index the ETF tracks. But over time, daily movements in the underlying index can create losses for those who hold shares over longer periods of time—even if the index rises on the whole. For instance, say you pay $1,000 for a leveraged ETF when the underlying index is at 1,000. The index drops 10 points every day for 10 days, and then rises 10 points every day for the next 10. With a standard index ETF, you’d be back to break-even. But with a leveraged 2x ETF, you would actually have a small loss. And even more strangely, an inverse leveraged 2x ETF would have exactly the same loss. So far in 2009, that effect has pushed many pairs of leveraged funds, such as the Direxion Daily Financial Bull 3x ETF (NYSE: FAS) and the Direxion Daily Financial Bear 3x ETF (NYSE: FAZ), down in tandem.

Even Wall Street Is Taking a Step Back Regulators recently voiced concern over the sustainability of these investment vehicles as long-term investments. The independent regulatory organization FINRA warned about the risks

Extensive information about hedge funds is available on the Internet. Try CNBC at

hedge fund An investment company not accessible by the general public. 130 Part 1 


of inverse and leveraged ETFs this spring, stating that they are “unsuitable for retail investors who plan to hold them for longer than one trading session, particularly in volatile markets.” In response, many of the big cats on Wall Street have either stopped selling leveraged ETFs or placed restrictions on sales. Fidelity and Schwab (NASDAQ: SCHW) have warned investors about using them, while UBS (NYSE: UBS) and the Morgan Stanley Smith Barney joint venture of Morgan Stanley (NYSE: MS) and Citigroup (NYSE: C) have simply stopped selling them for the moment.

Are They Bad? I believe there are cases in which leveraged ETFs can give short-term investors a powerful way to seek profits. They can be effective if you understand them, and if you use them the way they’re supposed to be used. But they’re simply not structured for the average individual investor with a long-term horizon. Whether leveraged ETFs will survive depends on whether there’s a real market for risky short-term investments. If you want to make a long-term investment, though, you’ll almost certainly do better just steering clear of them. Source: Schonberger, Jennifer, The Motley Fool, 05 August, 2009. Copyright © 2009 by The Motley Fool. All rights reserved. Used with permission.

exchange-traded funds. Like most ETFs, ETNs are designed to allow investors to achieve the same return as a particular index. Also like ETFs, investors can go long or short on an ETN. Originally, ETNs were created to provide investors with exposure to the risks and returns of commodities, a traditionally volatile arena. However, ETNs now exist for currencies and for at least one emerging market—India. As of 2015, one of the largest ETNs is the JPMorgan Alerian MLP ETN (AMJ), with net assets of almost $4 billion. This ETN tracks the performance of midstream energy Master Limited Partnerships, which are companies that primarily transport oil and related products. Want different exposure to oil? The iPath S&P GSCI Crude Oil Total Return ETN (OIL), sponsored by Barclays, provides investors with 100 percent exposure to returns on crude oil futures contracts. ETNs are actually debt securities issued by the respective sponsors—JPMorgan and Barclays in our above examples. Essentially, these ETNs promise to pay investors the return on a commodity index, less a management fee. Deutsche Bank and Goldman Sachs also have ETNs. Other banks will surely follow. There is an important difference between ETFs and ETNs. Essentially, the holder of an ETF holds a fractional ownership of the shares placed in trust to create the ETF. With ETNs, however, this is not the case. ETNs are unsecured debt securities. Holders of ETNs are relying on the solvency of the issuing bank when they hold ETNs. Therefore, ETN holders face the risk that the issuing bank might default on the promised payments of the ETN. In addition, ETNs are taxed differently, which complicates matters.

H EDGE F U NDS Hedge funds are a special type of investment company. They are like mutual funds in that a fund manager invests a pool of money obtained from investors. Hedge funds are generally free to pursue almost any investment style they wish. In contrast, as we have discussed, mutual

funds are relatively limited in their permitted investment strategies. For example, mutual funds are usually not allowed to do things like sell short or use large degrees of leverage. When you hear the words “hedge fund,” you might think that these funds are low-risk investments (as in saying “hedging your bets”). Some hedge funds do try to exploit arbitrage opportunities on a low-risk basis. Most hedge funds, however, undertake aggressive, riskenhancing strategies. We discuss hedge fund investment styles below. First, we compare hedge funds and mutual funds. Hedge funds are generally not subject to the same disclosure requirements as mutual funds. Further, hedge funds are not required to maintain any particular degree of diversification or liquidity. Unlike mutual funds, for example, hedge funds do not redeem shares on demand. Instead, hedge funds typically designate particular liquidation dates, possibly only once every quarter. Even then, investors need to provide advance notice that they plan to withdraw funds. One reason for such a policy is that the fund might have investments in illiquid assets. As a result, quick redemptions by some investors could damage the investment value for the other investors. Obviously, investing in hedge funds is not suitable for all investors. To prevent unsophisticated investors from getting involved, hedge funds accept only “qualified” (or accredited) investors. To be considered an accredited investor (as an individual), you must be an institution or an individual investor with a net worth of about $1 million or a recurring annual income of more than $200,000 (i.e., you need to be “rich”). Accepting only qualified investors is one factor that allows hedge funds to avoid many of the restrictions and regulations placed on mutual funds. Two other factors are (1) hedge funds do not offer their securities for sale to the public and (2) hedge funds can limit the number of investors in any particular fund to no more than 100 institutions or individuals. HEDGE FUND REGULATION Traditionally, hedge funds were only lightly regulated. Despite protests from the hedge fund industry, the SEC recently initiated some regulations. As of February 2006, the SEC has required hedge funds to register as investment advisors. However, many hedge fund managers registered with the SEC before this new requirement. Hedge fund managers do not have to register each of their hedge funds. Instead, they must provide some basic information to the SEC and must have a person on staff whose duties include helping the hedge fund comply with SEC rules. Registered hedge fund managers can be inspected at random by the SEC. As with many rules, there are exceptions. For example, hedge funds that manage less than $25 million do not have to register. Also, hedge funds that “lock up” their investors’ money for two or more years do not have to register (by “lock up” we mean that investors cannot withdraw their money). Following the Crash of 2008, hedge funds became a target of lawmakers for their perceived role in the crisis. As a result, the Dodd-Frank Act increased registration requirements for hedge funds and their affiliates. Much of this act was set to take effect in 2012, but, as you might expect, there were many legal challenges to these changes. HEDGE FUND FEES  Hedge funds typically have a special fee structure, where, in addition to a general management fee of 1 to 2 percent of fund assets, the manager is paid a special performance fee. This special performance fee is often in the range of 20 to 40 percent of profits realized by the fund’s investment strategy. The most common fee structure is 2/20, which is a short way to say that the manager charges an annual 2 percent management fee and also retains 20 percent of the profit earned in the fund. More structures are possible and some are quite elaborate. One positive aspect of the performance fee is that the hedge fund manager has an incentive to earn as much profit as possible. There are, however, some potentially negative consequences, too. Suppose, for example, the performance bonus is awarded each year. What might the hedge fund manager do if the fund appeared to be certain to lose money this year? One possible strategy is for the manager to have the fund absorb as much loss as possible this year. As a result, the manager would be in a better position to make a large percentage profit for the fund next year (and a healthy performance fee for the manager). Hedge fund investors are savvy. To prevent the fund from being manipulated by its managers, many fee structures also include constraints (or hurdles) for the manager to meet. A common example is called a high-water mark. When a hedge fund fee structure includes a

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high-water mark, the manager will receive performance fees only when the fund value is higher than its previous highest value. Suppose a manager makes the fund absorb large losses this year. Under this fee structure, the annual 2 percent management fee is still paid. To receive performance fees, however, the manager must bring the hedge fund value to a level above the previous high-water mark. Then, the manager receives a 20 percent bonus of these “new” profits. Why do hedge fund investors willingly pay high fees? The obvious answer is that the returns earned are high enough to be considered reasonable. Significant debate exists about the issue of hedge fund fees. Many experts opine that when fees are subtracted from hedge fund returns, hedge fund investors are not much better off than investors holding a portfolio that represents the overall stock market. If these experts are correct, why would anyone invest in a hedge fund instead of a market index fund? The answer relates to the principle of diversification. As you will read elsewhere in this book, investments that appear to have a high level of risk, or those that offer only a nominal return, might turn out to be good additions to a portfolio. In other words, these investments might bring significant diversification benefits to an investment portfolio. HEDGE FUND STYLES  Worldwide there are thousands of hedge funds, and the number keeps growing. Big hedge funds may require a minimum investment of $1 million or more. Small hedge funds may require a minimum investment of only $50,000 or less. Whether large or small, each fund develops its own investment style or niche. For example, a hedge fund may focus on a particular sector, like technology, or a particular global region, like Asia or eastern Europe. Alternatively, a hedge fund may pursue a particular investment strategy. We highlight some common investment styles just below. At the end of each investment style description, we identify its level of expected return volatility. 1. Market neutral. The goal of this strategy is to offset risk by holding opposite positions in pairs of securities. These hedge funds are also called long-short funds. The managers of these funds take long positions in a set of securities that the managers believe are underpriced. Then, the manager matches these investments with corresponding short positions in overpriced, or even fairly priced, securities. Properly constructed, the resulting portfolio makes money regardless of how the overall market performs. Hence the name “market neutral.” Be aware that some funds offset all long positions, whereas other funds match only a portion. Expected volatility: Low. 2. Arbitrage. The goal of the managers of these funds is to identify a mispricing in relationships between securities that theoretically should not exist. Arbitrage fund managers look at pricing relationships for securities offered by the same company, or for investments across time or countries. For example, a hedge fund manager might buy convertible bonds of a company and short sell the common stock of the same company. Expected volatility: Low. 3. Distressed securities. The managers of these hedge funds concentrate their investments in securities that are being offered at deep discounts resulting from companyspecific or sectorwide distress. For example, a manager of a distressed securities fund might buy securities of firms facing bankruptcy. Expected volatility: Low to moderate. 4. Macro. These hedge fund managers attempt to profit from changes in global economies brought about by governmental policies that affect interest rates, currencies, or commodity prices. Macro fund managers often use leverage and derivative securities to increase the impact of market moves. Expected volatility: High. 5. Short selling. In contrast to a long-short fund, a manager of a pure short hedge fund only short sells. In addition, these managers use leverage through the use of margin. Expected volatility: High. 6. Market timing. Managers of these hedge funds attempt to identify trends in particular sectors or overall global markets. These managers often take concentrated positions and generally use leverage to increase the fund’s exposure to predicted movements. Expected volatility: High. 132 Part 1 


Information about starting your own hedge fund is available at Turn Key Hedge Funds,

As you can see from this list, many approaches are possible, and each has its own risk level. What is the lesson? Even after you make your millions and become a qualified investor, you still have your work cut out trying to identify the best hedge fund for your portfolio. Suppose you just cannot decide? Well, you might want to use a “fund of funds,” which we discuss in the next section. FUNDS OF FUNDS A significant portion of the money invested in hedge funds is funneled through “funds of funds.” A fund of funds is just what the name suggests: an investment company that invests in hedge funds. For an investor, a fund of funds has the advantage that the fund manager may have expertise in selecting hedge funds; moreover, having multiple hedge funds offers a diversification benefit. However, a fund of funds charges fees of its own, on top of the already hefty hedge fund fees, so these advantages come with a cost. STARTING YOUR OWN HEDGE FUND  Ever dream about becoming an investment portfolio manager? You can by starting your own hedge fund. It may be easier than you think. A hedge fund is typically structured as a limited partnership in which the manager is a general partner and the investors are limited partners. Rather than stumble through the legal details, we simply advise that you will need the services of a lawyer familiar with investment companies, but the bottom line is that it’s not difficult to do. Actually, the hardest part about setting up your own hedge fund is finding willing investors. Essentially, you need to find well-to-do individuals who have faith in your investment ideas. Bear in mind that you will have to register your hedge fund if you have more than 15 investors. Make sure you know all the regulatory requirements that might be imposed on your hedge fund.



What is a closed-end fund and how does it differ from a mutual fund?


What is meant by the net asset value (NAV) of a closed-end fund?


What is a hedge fund? What are the important differences between a hedge fund and a mutual fund?


What is a market-neutral investment strategy? Why is this strategy available to hedge funds but not to mutual funds?

4.9 Summary and Conclusions We covered many aspects of mutual fund investing in this chapter. We saw that there are thousands of mutual funds and dozens of types. We summarize a few of the more important distinctions grouped by the chapter’s important concepts. 1. The different types of mutual funds. A. At the most basic level, a company that pools funds obtained from individual investors and invests them is called an investment company. In other words, an investment company is a business that specializes in managing financial assets for individual investors. All mutual funds are, in fact, investment companies. B. There are two fundamental types of investment companies: open-end funds and closed-end funds. When an investor wishes to buy open-end fund shares, the fund simply issues them and then invests the money received. In a closed-end fund, the number of shares is fixed and never changes. If you want to buy shares, you must buy them from another investor.

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C. Mutual funds have different investment horizons. Money market mutual funds are an example of funds with a short-term investment horizon. Examples of funds with longer term investment horizons include ∙ Stock funds that may specialize in capital appreciation, income, company size, international stocks, sector-specific stocks, or indexes. ∙ Bond funds that may specialize in short-term bonds, intermediate-term bonds, high-yield bonds, mortgages, or international bonds. ∙ Stock and bond funds that may keep a fixed balance among stocks, bonds, and cash or try to outguess the market by moving portfolio weights among stocks, bonds, and cash balances. 2 . How mutual funds operate. A. Mutual funds are corporations. Like other corporations, a mutual fund is owned by its shareholders. The shareholders elect a board of directors; the board of directors is responsible for hiring a manager to oversee the fund’s operations. B. Although mutual funds often belong to a larger “family” of funds, every fund is a separate company owned by its shareholders. Most mutual funds are created by investment advisory firms, which are businesses that specialize in managing mutual funds. Investment advisory firms are also called mutual fund companies. Increasingly, such firms have additional operations such as discount brokerages and other financial services. C. There are hundreds of investment advisory firms in the United States. The largest, and probably best known, is Vanguard, with more than 150 mutual funds, about $2.7trillion in assets under management, and more than 20 million customers. Dreyfus, Franklin, and Fidelity are some other well-known examples. Many brokerage firms, such as Merrill Lynch and Charles Schwab, also have large investment advisory operations. D. Investment advisory firms create mutual funds simply because they wish to manage them to earn fees. A typical management fee might be 0.5 percent of the total assets in the fund per year. A fund with $200 million in assets would not be especially large but could nonetheless generate management fees of about $1 million per year. 3. How to find information about mutual fund performance. A. Funds have very different objectives and, as a result, very different risk and return potentials. Furthermore, funds with similar-sounding objectives can, in fact, be quite different. It is important to consider a fund’s actual holdings and investment policies, not just read its stated objective. B. Mutual fund information is widely available, but performance information should be used with caution. The best-performing funds are often those with the greatest risks or those that just happened to be in the right investment at the right time. 4. The workings of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and hedge funds. A. An ETF is basically an index fund that seeks to achieve the same return as a particular market index. Therefore, when you buy an ETF, it is as if you are buying the basket of stocks that make up the index. B. The most popular ETFs represent well-known indexes like the S&P 500, the NASDAQ 100, or the Dow Jones Industrial Average. C. Many more specialized ETFs exist. For example, with an ETF, you can get a small piece of many small-cap stocks or midcap stocks, or you can invest in country-­ specific funds or in real estate. D. Hedge funds are also investment companies, but they face fewer regulations than a typical mutual fund because they take only a limited number of qualified investors. E. Hedge fund strategies vary from low risk (e.g., market neutral, arbitrage) to high risk (e.g., short selling, market timing). No matter the approach, though, the fee structure tends to be similar, with about a 2 percent management fee and a 20 percent share ofprofits. 134 Part 1 



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This chapter covered the essentials of mutual funds. How should you, as an investor or investment manager, put this information to work? The first thing to do is to start looking at mutual fund prospectuses. These are written to be accessible to novice investors (or, at least, they are supposed to be written that way). The best way to begin exploring is to visit websites. Almost any large mutual fund company will have extensive online information available. Links to some of the better known families are available at our web page. It is important to look at different funds within a given family and also to look across families. Compare growth funds to growth funds, for example. This adventure will give you some of the real-life background you need to select the types of funds most suitable for you or someone else. Once you have examined prospectuses on different funds, it’s time to invest. Beginning with your simulated account, pick a few funds, invest, and observe the outcomes. Openend mutual funds are probably the place most of you will begin investing real dollars. An initial purchase can be made with a relatively small amount, perhaps $250, and subsequent purchases can be made in amounts of as little as $50 or less. Most important of all, the majority of employers now provide employees with retirement plans. The way these work is that, typically, your employer will make a contribution to a mutual fund you select (often from a fairly limited set). Your employer may even match, or more than match, a contribution you make. Such plans may be the only retirement benefit offered, but they can be an extraordinary opportunity for those who take full advantage of them by getting the largest possible match and then investing in a suitable fund. It’s an important choice, so the more knowledge you have regarding mutual funds, the better your outcome is likely to be.

Key Terms 12b-1 fees  107 CDSC 107 closed-end fund  103 front-end load  106 hedge fund  130

investment company  102 money market mutual fund  111 net asset value  103 open-end fund  102 turnover 107

Chapter Review Problems and Self-Test 1. Front-End Loads (LO2, CFA3)  The Madura HiGro Fund has a net asset value of $50 per share. It charges a 3 percent load. How much will you pay for 100 shares? 2. Turnover (LO2, CFA3)  The Starks Income Fund’s average daily total assets were $100­million for the year just completed. Its stock purchases for the year were $20 million, whileits sales were $12.5 million. What was its turnover?

Answers to Self-Test Problems 1. You will pay 100 times the offering price. Since the load is computed as a percentage of the offering price, we can compute the offering price as follows: ​Net asset value = (1 − Front-end load) × Offering price​ In other words, the NAV is 97 percent of the offering price. Since the NAV is $50, the offering price is $50/0.97 = $51.55. You will pay $5,155 in all, of which $155 is a load. 2. Turnover is the lesser of purchases or sales divided by average daily assets. In this case, sales are smaller at $12.5, so turnover is $12.5/$100 = 0.125 time.

Chapter 4 

  Mutual Funds and Other Investment Companies135

Test Your Investment Quotient


1. Investment Companies (LO2, CFA3)  Which of the following statements typically does not characterize the structure of an investment company? a. An investment company adopts a corporate form of organization. b. An investment company invests a pool of funds belonging to many investors in a portfolio of individual investments. c. An investment company receives an annual management fee ranging from 3 to 5 percent of the total value of the fund. d. The board of directors of an investment company hires a separate investment management company to manage the portfolio of securities and handle other administrative duties. 2. Expense Statement (LO3)  Which of the following is not part of the expense statement? a. b. c. d.

Shareholder transactions expenses Shareholder demographic profile Annual operating expenses A hypothetical example of expenses

3. Mutual Fund Investing (LO2, CFA3)  Which of the following is the least likely advantage of mutual fund investing? a. b. c. d.

Diversification Professional management Convenience Mutual fund returns are normally higher than market average returns

4. Open-End Funds (LO2, CFA3)  An open-end mutual fund is owned by which of the following? a. b. c. d.

An investment company An investment advisory firm A “family of funds” mutual fund company Its shareholders

5. Closed-End Funds (LO2, CFA3)  Which of the following is most true of a closed-end investment company? a. b. c. d.

The fund’s share price is usually greater than net asset value. The fund’s share price is set equal to net asset value. Fund shares outstanding vary with purchases and redemptions by shareholders. Fund shares outstanding are fixed at the issue date.

6. Closed-End Funds (LO2, CFA3)  A closed-end fund is owned by which of the following? a. b. c. d.

An investment company An investment advisory firm A “family of funds” mutual fund company Its shareholders

7. Exchange-Traded Funds (LO4, CFA2)  Which of the following statements regarding ETFs is false? a. b. c. d.

ETFs are funds that can be traded on a stock market. ETF investors own shares of the underlying fund sponsor. ETF shares can be sold short. ETF shares can be bought on margin.

8. Closed-End Funds (LO1, CFA3)  Closed-end funds and ETFs have which of the following characteristics in common? a. Shares of both closed-end funds and ETFs trade in the secondary market. b. Both closed-end funds and ETFs stand ready to redeem shares. c. The structures of closed-end funds and ETFs prevent shares from trading at a significant premium or discount to NAV. d. Neither ETF nor closed-end fund managers receive a management fee.

136 Part 1 


9. Mutual Fund Investing (LO1, CFA3)  Growth, value, large-cap, and small-cap investing are all examples of: a. b. c. d.

Style investment strategies Sector investment strategies Index investment strategies Lifestyle investment strategies

10. Mutual Fund Investing (LO1, CFA4)  One of the main advantages to investing in a fund of funds (FOF) is that FOFs provide: a. b. c. d.

Improved diversification of assets Higher expected returns Lower management fees Higher volatility of returns

11. Fund Types (LO1, CFA3)  Which mutual fund type will most likely incur the smallest tax liability for its investors? a. b. c. d.

Index fund Municipal bond fund Income fund Growth fund

12. Fund Types (LO1)  Which mutual fund type will most likely incur the greatest overall risk levels for its investors? a. b. c. d.

Large-cap index fund Insured municipal bond fund Money market mutual fund Small-cap growth fund

13. Mutual Fund Fees (LO2, CFA3)  Which of the following mutual fund fees is assessed on an annual basis? a. b. c. d.

12b-1 fees Front-end load Back-end load Contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC)

14. Mutual Fund Fees (LO2, CFA3)  Which of the following mutual fund fees will most likely be the biggest expense for a long-term fund investor? a. b. c. d.

12b-1 fees Front-end load Back-end load Contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC)

15. Mutual Fund Fees (LO2, CFA3)  Which of the following mutual fund fees and expenses is the most difficult for investors to assess? a. b. c. d.

Sales charges or “loads” 12b-1 fees Management fees Trading costs

Concept Questions 1. Fund Ownership (LO2)  Who actually owns a mutual fund? Who runs it? 2. Loads (LO2)  Given that no-load funds are widely available, why would a rational investor pay a front-end load? More generally, why don’t fund investors always seek out funds with the lowest loads, management fees, and other fees? 3. Money Market Funds (LO2, CFA2)  Is it true that the NAV of a money market mutual fund never changes? How is this possible? 4. Money Market Deposit Accounts (LO2, CFA2)  What is the difference between a money market deposit account and a money market mutual fund? Which is riskier?

Chapter 4 

  Mutual Funds and Other Investment Companies137

5. ETFs versus Index Mutual Funds (LO4, CFA3)  ETFs and index mutual funds hold similar underlying assets. Why might an investor prefer one over the other? 6. Open-End versus Closed-End Funds (LO2, CFA3)  An open-end mutual fund typically keeps a percentage, often around 5 percent, of its assets in cash or liquid money market assets. How does this affect the fund’s return in a year in which the market increases in value? How about during a bad year? Closed-end funds do not typically hold cash. What is it about the structure of open-end and closed-end funds that would influence this difference? 7. 12b-1 Fees (LO2, CFA3)  What are 12b-1 fees? What expenses are 12b-1 fees intended to cover? Many closed-end mutual funds charge a 12b-1 fee. Does this make sense to you? Why or why not? 8. Open-End versus Closed-End Funds (LO2, CFA3)  If you were concerned about the liquidity of mutual fund shares that you held, would you rather hold shares in a closed-end fund or an open-end fund? Why? 9. Mutual Fund Performance (LO3)  Refer to Figure 4.5. Look at the three-year performance for the funds listed. Why do you suppose there are so few poor performers? Hint: Think about the hit TV show Survivor. 10. Hedge Fund Fees (LO4, CFA4)  How does a high-water mark constrain hedge fund managers from earning excess performance management fees?

Questions and Problems Core Questions

1. Net Asset Value (LO2, CFA3)  The World Income Appreciation Fund has current assets with a market value of $8.5 billion and has 410 million shares outstanding. What is the net asset value (NAV) for this mutual fund? 2. Front-End Loads (LO2)  Suppose the mutual fund in Problem 1 has a current market price quotation of $21.89. Is this a load fund? If so, calculate the front-end load. 3. Calculating NAV (LO2, CFA3)  The Emerging Growth and Equity Fund is a “low-load” fund. The current offer price quotation for this mutual fund is $15.95, and the front-end load is 2.0percent. What is the NAV? If there are 19.2 million shares outstanding, what is the current market value of assets owned by the fund? 4. Money Market Funds (LO2, CFA2)  The Aqua Liquid Assets Money Market Mutual Fund has a NAV of $1 per share. During the year, the assets held by this fund appreciated by 1.7­percent. If you had invested $25,000 in this fund at the start of the year, how many shares would you own at the end of the year? What will the NAV of this fund be at the end of the year? Why? 5. NAV (LO2, CFA3)  An open-end mutual fund has the following stocks: Stock


Stock Price













If there are 50,000 shares of the mutual fund, what is the NAV? 6. NAV (LO2, CFA3)  Suppose the fund in Problem 5 has liabilities of $110,000. What is the NAV of the fund now? 7. Front-End Load (LO2)  In Problem 6, assume the fund is sold with a 6.25 percent front-end load. What is the offering price of the fund? 8. Turnover (LO2, CFA1)  A mutual fund sold $36 million of assets during the year and purchased $32 million in assets. If the average daily assets of the fund were $96 million, what was the fund turnover? 9. Closed-End Funds (LO2, CFA3)  A closed-end fund has total assets of $240 million and liabilities of $110,000. Currently, 11 million shares are outstanding. What is the NAV of the fund? If the shares currently sell for $19.25, what is the premium or discount on the fund? 138 Part 1 


Intermediate Questions

10. Mutual Fund Returns (LO2, CFA2)  You invested $10,000 in a mutual fund at the beginning of the year when the NAV was $32.24. At the end of the year, the fund paid $0.24 in short-term distributions and $0.41 in long-term distributions. If the NAV of the fund at the end of the year was $35.23, what was your return for the year? 11. Calculating Turnover (LO2, CFA1)  A sector fund specializing in commercial bank stocks had average daily assets of $3.4 billion during the year. This fund sold $1.25 billion worth of stock during the year, and its turnover ratio was 0.42. How much stock did this mutual fund purchase during the year? What other costs are associated with higher turnover? 12. Calculating Fees (LO2)  In Problem 11, suppose the annual operating expense ratio for the mutual fund is 0.75 percent and the management fee is 0.45 percent. How much money did the fund’s management earn during the year? If the fund doesn’t charge any 12b-1 fees, how much were miscellaneous and administrative expenses during the year? 13. Calculating Fees (LO2, CFA2)  You purchased 2,000 shares in the New Pacific Growth Fund on January 2, 2016, at an offering price of $47.10 per share. The front-end load for this fund is 5 percent, and the back-end load for redemptions within one year is 2 percent. The underlying assets in this mutual fund appreciate (including reinvested dividends) by 8 percent during 2016, and you sell back your shares at the end of the year. If the operating expense ratio for the New Pacific Growth Fund is 1.95 percent, what is your total return from this investment? (Assume that the operating expense is netted against the fund’s return.)What do you conclude about the impact of fees in evaluating mutual fund performance? 14. Hedge Funds (LO4, CFA4)  You invested $1,250,000 with a market-neutral hedge fund manager. The fee structure is 2/20, and the fund has a high-water-mark provision. Suppose the first year the fund manager loses 10 percent and the second year she gains 20 percent. What are the management and performance fees paid each year? Assume management fees are paid at the beginning of each year and performance fees are taken at the end of each year. 15. ETFs versus Mutual Funds (LO4, CFA3)  Suppose you just inherited $25,000 from your Aunt Louise. You have decided to invest in an S&P Index fund, but you haven’t decided yet whether to use an ETF or a mutual fund. Suppose the ETF has an annual expense ratio of 0.09 percent, while the mutual fund charges 0.21 percent. The mutual fund has no load, but the ETF purchase would carry a $25 commission. Assuming this is a long-term holding and you are not concerned about being able to margin or short sell, which is the better approach? 16. Expenses and Returns (LO2, CFA2)  The Bruin Stock Fund sells Class A shares that have a front-end load of 5.75 percent, a 12b-1 fee of 0.23 percent, and other fees of 0.73 percent. There are also Class B shares with a 5 percent CDSC that declines 1 percent per year, a 12b-1 fee of 1.00 percent, and other fees of 0.73 percent. If the portfolio return is 10 percent per year and you plan to sell after the third year, should you invest in Class A or Class B shares? What if your investment horizon is 20 years? 17. Expenses and Returns (LO2, CFA2) You are going to invest in a stock mutual fund with a 6percent front-end load and a 1.75 percent expense ratio. You also can invest in a money market mutual fund with a 3.30 percent return and an expense ratio of 0.10 percent. If you plan to keep your investment for two years, what annual return must the stock mutual fund earn to exceed an investment in the money market fund? What if your investment horizon is 10 years? 18. Taxes and MMMFs (LO2, CFA2)  Suppose you’re evaluating three alternative MMMF investments. The first fund buys a diversified portfolio of municipal securities from across the country and yields 3.2 percent. The second fund buys only taxable, short-term commercial paper and yields 4.9 percent. The third fund specializes in the municipal debt from the state of New Jersey and yields 3.0 percent. If you are a New Jersey resident, your federal tax bracket is 35 percent, and your state tax bracket is 8 percent, which of these three MMMFs offers you the highest after-tax yield? 19. Taxes and MMMFs (LO2, CFA2)  In Problem 18, which MMMF offers you the highest yield if you are a resident of Texas, which has no state income tax? 20. Closed-End Funds (LO2, CFA3)  The Argentina Fund has $560 million in assets and sells at a 6.9 percent discount to NAV. If the quoted share price for this closed-end fund is $14.29, how many shares are outstanding? If you purchase 1,000 shares of this fund, what will the total shares outstanding be now? 21. Closed-End Fund Discounts (LO2, CFA3)  Suppose you purchase 5,000 shares of a closed-end mutual fund at its initial public offering; the offer price is $10 per share. The offering prospectus discloses that the fund promoter gets an 8 percent fee from the offering. If this fund sells at a 7 ­percent discount to NAV the day after the initial public offering, what is the value of your investment?

Chapter 4 

  Mutual Funds and Other Investment Companies139

CFA Exam Review by Kaplan Schweser [CFA3, CFA4] Suzanne Harlan has a large, well-diversified stock and bond portfolio. She wants to try some alternative investments, such as hedge funds, and has contacted Lawrence Phillips, CFA, to help assemble a new portfolio. Before agreeing to make recommendations for Ms. Harlan, Mr. Phillips wants to determine if she is a good candidate for alternative investments. He gives her a standard questionnaire. Here are some of her comments:

∙ I’m interested in high returns. I’m not afraid of risk, and I’m investing money for the benefit of my heirs.

∙ I pay a lot of attention to expense and return data from my investments and track their performance closely.

∙ Investors have told me that assessing the quality of hedge funds is difficult, so I’m interested in purchasing a fund of funds where I can diversify my risk while potentially sharing in some outsized returns.

∙ I pay several million dollars in taxes every year, and I want any additional investments to be tax-friendly.

∙ My neighbors founded Kelly Tool and Die 20 years ago. They are declaring bankruptcy, and I am interested in obtaining a partial interest in the business.

Ms. Harlan then tells Mr. Phillips that it is imperative that the returns of any investments he recommends must be in some way comparable to a benchmark. Mr. Phillips is not excited about the business idea or the fund of funds. However, he does know of several managers of individual hedge funds. He talks her out of a fund of funds and suggests she put her money in the Stillman Fund, which concentrates on spinoffs, generally buying the spun-off company and shorting the parent company. 1. In an attempt to talk Ms. Harlan out of investing in a fund of funds, Mr. Phillips addressed the advantages of investing in individual funds. Which of the following would be his most compelling argument?

a. The lower expenses of individual funds b. The likelihood of style drift in a fund of funds c. The lack of benchmark for a fund of funds

2. What is Ms. Harlan’s tolerance for risk? a. Distressed security b. Arbitrage c. Market neutral 3. Which of Ms. Harlan’s responses is most likely to make Mr. Phillips consider her a bad candidate for investing in hedge funds? a. I pay a lot of attention to expense and return data from my investments and track their performance closely. b. I pay several million dollars in taxes every year, and I want any additional investments to be tax-friendly. c. I’m interested in high returns. I’m not afraid of risk, and I’m investing money for the benefit of my heirs. 4. If Ms. Harlan is truly concerned about benchmarks, she should avoid which of her suggested investments? a. None of them b. Kelly Tool and Die c. Hedge funds

140 Part 1 


What’s on the Web? 1. Bond Funds  One of the best Internet sites for information on mutual funds is www.morningstar. com. Go to the website and find the ticker symbol for the Harbor Bond Fund. Find all of the following information on the website for this fund: loads, expense ratio, top five holdings, bond quality ratings, the fund’s rank in its category for the last seven years, and the Morningstar rating. Next, find out how the Morningstar star ranking system works. 2. Stock Funds  Go to and find the ticker symbol for a domestic stock fund. Enter the ticker symbol and find the following information for the fund: manager and manager start date, year-to-date return, three-year return, five-year return, front-end or back-end loads, actual and maximum 12b-l fees, management fees, expense ratio, the top 25 holdings, and the fund address and phone number. 3. Morningstar Fund Selector  Find the mutual fund screener on the Morningstar website. Howmany funds fit the following criteria: domestic stock fund, minimum initial purchase equal to or less than $500, expense ratio less than or equal to category average, and turnover less than 75percent?

Stock-Trak Exercises

To access the Stock-Trak Exercise for this chapter, please visit the library resource site in Connect and choose the corresponding chapter.

Chapter 4 

  Mutual Funds and Other Investment Companies141

PART 2 chapter

The Stock Market +

Learning Objectives Take stock in yourself. Make sure you have a good understanding of:

1. The differences between private and public equity, and primary and secondary stock markets. 2. The workings of the New York Stock Exchange. 3. How NASDAQ operates. 4. How to calculate index returns.


“One of the funny things about the stock market is that every time one man buys, another sells, and both think they are astute.” –William Feather

“If you don’t know who you are, the stock market is an expensive place to findout.” –Adam Smith (pseud. for George J. W. Goodman)

On May 17, 1792, a group of commodity brokers met and signed the now famous Buttonwood Tree Agreement, thereby establishing the forerunner of what soon became the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). While the NYSE structure was relatively stable for decades, there have been many recent changes. In 2007, the NYSE and Euronext completed a merger, forming the NYSE Euronext, which operated large and liquid stock exchanges in Amsterdam, Brussels, Paris, New York, and other world cities. Then, in 2013, NYSE Euronext was acquired by the Intercontinental Exchange (or ICE), which was only 12 years old at the time. This industry is changing rapidly. Nonetheless, the NYSE is still the world’s best-known stock exchange. It’s big, too. In 2015, daily trading volume at the NYSE easily topped 1.5 billion shares on most days. Established in 1971, and now famous as an arena for “tech” stock investing, daily trading volume at the NASDAQ regularly reached 2 billion shares in 2015. Even though the NASDAQ trades more shares, the NYSE is still about twice the size of the NASDAQ in terms of underlying market capitalization. Together, the NYSE and NASDAQ account for the vast majority of stock trading in the United States.

CFA™ Exam Topics in This Chapter: 1. Market organization and structure (L1, S13) 2. Security market indices (L1, S13) 3. Introduction to alternative investments (L1, S18) 4. Private company valuation (L2, S12) 5. Alternate investments portfolio management (L3, S13) 6. Execution of portfolio decisions (L3, S16)

Go to Connect for a guide that aligns your textbook with CFA readings.

With this chapter, we begin in earnest our study of stock markets. This chapter presents a “big picture” overview of how a stock market works and how to read and understand stock market information reported in the financial press.

5.1 Private Equity versus Selling Securities to the Public P RIVATE E Q UI TY

venture capital (VC) Financing for new, often highrisk ventures.

The broad term private equity is often used to label the financing for nonpublic companies. For example, one day, you and a friend have a great idea for a new computer software product that helps users communicate using the next-generation Meganet. Filled with entrepreneurial zeal, you christen the product MegaComm and set about bringing it to market. Working nights and weekends, you are able to create a prototype of your product. It doesn’t actually work, but at least you can show it around to illustrate your idea. To develop a working product, you need to hire programmers, buy computers, rent office space, and so on. Unfortunately, because you are both college students, your combined assets are not sufficient to fund a pizza party, much less a start-up company. You need what is often referred to as OPM—other people’s money. Your first thought might be to approach a bank for a loan. You would probably discover, however, that banks are generally not interested in making loans to start-up companies with no assets (other than an idea) run by fledgling entrepreneurs with no track record. Instead, your search for capital would very likely lead you to the venture capital (VC) market, an important part of the private equity market. Firms other than start-ups might need financing. Thus, in addition to venture capital, other areas of private equity include middle-market firms and large leveraged buyouts. We discuss each of these below, but before we do, we provide a general overview of a typical private equity fund. A private equity fund raises money from investors and invests in private companies.

T HE STRUCTUR E OF P R I VATE E Q U I TY FU N D S Although they have differences, private equity funds and hedge funds share some characteristics. For example, both private equity funds and hedge funds are investment companies set up as limited partnerships that pool money from investors and then invest the money on behalf of these investors. Of course, investors pay private equity funds a management fee to make investment decisions and, in most cases, the investors also pay a performance fee. Similar to hedge funds, private equity funds typically use a 2/20 fee structure (i.e., a 2 percent annual management fee and 20 percent of profits). Similar to hedge funds, private equity funds also have built-in constraints to prevent the fund managers from taking excessive compensation. Specifically, private equity funds generally have a high-water-mark provision, as well as a “clawback” provision. The aim of a clawback provision is to make sure that the manager receives only the agreed-upon performance fee. Here is how a clawback works. Suppose the private equity fund is set up to have a twoyear life. In its first year of operation, the private equity fund earns a 25 percent return. For every $1,000 in the fund, the managers of this private equity fund “receive” a hefty performance fee of $50 (20 percent of the $250 profit). In its second year, the private equity fund investors suffer a 10 percent loss. Under the terms of a typical clawback provision, the managers have to “give back” the first year’s performance fee when the fund is liquidated at the end of year 2. At liquidation, the managers earn a fee of $25 for every $1,000 in the fund (20percent of the accumulated two-year profit of $125). Because the fund managers generally do not take any performance fees until the fund is liquidated, the performance fee for private equity firms is known as “carried interest.”

Chapter 5 

  The Stock Market143

Like hedge funds, the fees paid to the private equity managers significantly reduce the net return of the fund. The benefit of such investments is frequently debated. Right now, the general thinking is that the average net return to investors in private equity funds is about equal to the return of small-cap stocks. So, is there any benefit to adding this type of investment to a portfolio? The answer depends on whether private equity funds provide significant diversification benefits to investors. Even if private equity funds do provide diversification benefits, they might not be a reasonable choice for most investors. First, an investor in private equity funds must be an accredited investor—that is, “rich.” Second, the funds are really illiquid, possibly even more illiquid than hedge funds. A typical private equity fund is started by raising money from investors. After the money is raised, the managers invest in private companies, with the intention of improving them and subsequently exiting, preferably through an initial public offering (IPO). This process obviously can take some time. As a result, a typical fund will have a stated life of 7–10 years—which makes for an illiquid investment.


The Internet is a tremendous source of venture capital information, for both suppliers and demanders of capital. For example, see

VENTURE CAPITAL The term venture capital does not have a precise meaning, but it generally refers to financing for new, often high-risk ventures. For example, before it went public, Internet auctioneer eBay was venture capital financed. Individual venture capitalists invest their own money, whereas venture capital firms specialize in pooling funds from various sources and investing them. Venture capitalists and venture capital firms recognize that many or even most new ventures will not fly, but the occasional one will. The potential profits are enormous in such cases. To limit their risk, venture capitalists generally provide financing in stages. At each stage, enough money is invested to reach the next milestone or planning stage. For example, the first-stage (or first “round”) financing might be enough to get a prototype built and a manufacturing plan completed. Based on the results, the second-stage financing might be a major investment needed to actually begin manufacturing, marketing, and distribution. There might be many such stages, each of which represents a key step in the process of growing the company. Venture capital firms often specialize in different stages. Some specialize in very early “seed money,” or ground floor, financing. In contrast, financing in the later stages might come from venture capitalists specializing in so-called mezzanine-level financing, where mezzanine level refers to the level just above the ground floor. This mezzanine-level financing could come in the form of either debt or equity. In either case, it will likely be structured to limit downside risk and retain upside profit potential. Examples of such securities include preferred stock that is convertible into common stock, or a bond that has some attached call options. The fact that financing is available in stages and is contingent on specified goals being met is a powerful motivating force for the firm’s founders. Often, the founders receive relatively little in the way of salary and have substantial portions of their personal assets tied up in the business. At each stage of financing, the value of the founder’s stake grows and the probability of success rises. If goals are not met, the venture capitalist will withhold further financing, thereby limiting future losses. In addition to providing financing, venture capitalists generally will actively participate in running the firm, providing the benefit of experience with previous start-ups as well as general business expertise. This is especially true when the firm’s founders have little or no hands-on experience in running a company. If a start-up succeeds, the big payoff frequently comes when the company is sold to another company or goes public. Either way, investment bankers are often involved in the process. MIDDLE MARKET  When you hear the term venture capital, you probably are thinking about investment into start-up companies. There are, however, many examples of private equity investments other than start-up companies. For example, many small, regional private equity funds concentrate their investments in “middle-market” companies. These companies are ongoing concerns (i.e., not start-ups) with a known performance history. Typically, these companies are small, and many are family owned and operated.

144 Part 2 

  Stock Markets

Why would an established, middle-market company even be in the market for more c­ apital? Many times, these companies need capital if they wish to expand beyond their existing region. Other times, the founders of the firm want to retire from the business. In the latter case, the private equity fund might be interested in purchasing a portion or all of the business so that others can take over running the company.

primary market The market in which new securities are originally sold to investors. secondary market The market in which previously issued securities trade among investors. Want to buy shares of companies yet to go public? Check out

initial public offering (IPO) A company’s first-time offer of stock for sale to the public. seasoned equity offering (SEO) The sale of additional shares of stock by a company whose shares are already publicly traded. general cash offer An issue of securities offered for sale to the general public on a cash basis. rights offer A public issue of securities in which securities are first offered to existing shareholders (also called a rights offering). For more on IPOs, check out IPO Central at

LEVERAGED BUYOUTS  You might be familiar with the term going public, a process (that we discuss below) where a privately owned company sells ownership shares to the public market. What if, however, the opposite happens? What if the company (or someone else) purchases all the shares held by the public at large? This process is called taking the company private. Because most publicly traded companies have a large market capitalization, the cost of going private is high. So a manager or investor who wants to take a company private probably needs to borrow a significant amount of money. Taking a company private using borrowed money is called a leveraged buyout (LBO). With its need for borrowed money, the activity level in the LBO market depends on credit market conditions. How big is the “typical” LBO? Unfortunately, there is no “typical” LBO. We can give you an idea, however, of the potential size of such deals. For example, during the height of the LBO boom just mentioned, the private equity firm Cerberus bought Chrysler for $25 billion; Apollo and TPG funds bought Harrah’s Entertainment for $31 billion; and a group led by Goldman Sachs bought the energy firm TXU for $45 billion. No matter the situation—venture capital, middle market, or LBO—the process and securities used will generally follow the structure we identified in the previous sections. The main difference among the types of private equity funds is really just the types of firms in which the funds are investing.

SELL ING SE C U R I TI E S TO THE P UB L I C The goal of the private equity funds we just discussed is to invest in a private company, improve its performance, and then exit the business with a profit. Exiting the firm could be accomplished by selling to another investor. Typically, however, the preferred route is to sell the firm to the general public. What about private companies that do not have private equity investors? Well, the managers of these companies might decide to raise additional capital by selling shares directly to the general investing public. In either case, shares of stock in the firm would then be listed on a stock exchange. When we talk about the stock market, we are talking about securities that have been sold to the public. The stock market consists of a primary market and a secondary market. In the primary, or new-issue, market, shares of stock are first brought to the market and sold to investors. In the secondary market, existing shares are traded among investors. In the primary market, companies issue new securities to raise money. In the secondary market, investors are constantly appraising the values of companies by buying and selling shares previously issued by these companies. We next discuss the operation of the primary market for common stocks, and then we turn our attention to the secondary market for stocks.

T H E P R IMA RY MA R KE T FOR C OMMON STOC K The primary market for common stock is how new securities are first brought to market. It is best known as the market for initial public offerings (IPOs). An IPO occurs when a company offers stock for sale to the public for the first time. Typically, the company is small and growing, and it needs to raise capital for further expansion. An IPO is sometimes called an unseasoned equity offering because shares are not available to the public before the IPO. If a company already has shares owned by the public, it can raise equity with a seasoned equity offering (SEO). The terms secondary and followon offering also refer to a SEO. A seasoned equity offering of common stock can be made using a general cash offer or a rights offer. In a general cash offer, securities are offered to the general public on a “first-come, first served” basis. With a rights offer, securities are initially offered only to existing owners. Rights offerings are rare in the United States but common in other countries. Chapter 5 

  The Stock Market145

investment banking firm A firm specializing in arranging financing for companies.

underwrite To assume the risk of buying newly issued securities from a company and reselling them to investors.

underwriter spread Compensation to the underwriter, determined by the difference between the underwriter’s buying price and offering price. syndicate A group of underwriters formed to share the risk and to help sell an issue.

firm commitment underwriting The type of underwriting in which the underwriter buys the entire issue, assuming full financial responsibility for any unsold shares.

best efforts underwriting The type of underwriting in which the underwriter sells as much of the issue as possible but can return any unsold shares to the issuer without financial responsibility. 146 Part 2 

  Stock Markets

Obviously, all initial public offerings are cash offers. To illustrate how an IPO occurs, let’s look in on the software company that you started several years ago. Suppose your company was initially set up as a privately held corporation with 100,000 shares of stock, all sold for one dollar per share. The reason your company is privately held is that shares were not offered for sale to the general public. Instead, you bought 50,000 shares for yourself and sold the remaining 50,000 shares to a few supportive friends and relatives (who were taking the role of venture capitalists). Fortunately, your company has prospered beyond all expectations. However, company growth is now hampered by a lack of capital. At an informal stockholders’ meeting, it is agreed to take the company public. Not really knowing how to do this, you consult your accountant, who recommends an investment banking firm. An investment banking firm, among other things, specializes in arranging financing for companies by finding investors to buy newly issued securities. After lengthy negotiations, including an examination of your company’s current financial condition and plans for future growth, your investment banker suggests an issue of 4 million shares of common stock. Two million shares will be distributed to the original stockholders (you and your original investors) in exchange for their old shares. These 2 million shares distributed to the original stockholders ensure that effective control of the corporation will remain in their hands. After much haggling, your investment banker agrees to underwrite the stock issue by purchasing the other 2 million shares from your company for $10 per share. The net effect of this transaction is that you have sold half the company to the underwriter for $20 million. The proceeds from the sale will allow your company to construct its own headquarters building and to double its staff of programmers and sales consultants. Your investment banker will not keep the 2 million shares but instead will resell them in the primary market. She thinks the stock can probably be sold for $11 per share in an IPO. The difference between the $11 the underwriter sells the stock for and the $10 per share you received is called the underwriter spread, or discount. It is the basic compensation received by the underwriter. The typical underwriter spread is in the range of 7 to 10 percent, depending on the size of the offering. Sometimes the underwriter will also get noncash compensation in the form of warrants and stock in addition to the spread. Underwriters combine to form an underwriting group called a syndicate to share the risk and to help sell the issue. In a syndicate, one or more managers arrange the offering. One manager is designated as the lead manager, or principal manager. The lead manager typically has the responsibility of pricing the securities. The other underwriters in the syndicate serve primarily to distribute the issue. Two basic types of underwriting are typically involved in a cash offer: firm commitment and best efforts. A third, and less common, type of underwriting is Dutch auction underwriting. FIRM COMMITMENT UNDERWRITING In firm commitment underwriting, the issuer sells the entire issue to the underwriters, who then attempt to resell it. This is the most prevalent type of underwriting in the United States. This is really just a purchase-resale arrangement, and the underwriter’s fee is the spread. For a new issue of seasoned equity, the underwriters can look at the market price to determine what the issue should sell for, and 95percent of all such new issues are firm commitments. If the underwriter cannot sell all of the issue at the agreed-upon offering price, it may have to lower the price on the unsold shares. Nonetheless, with firm commitment underwriting, the issuer receives the agreed-upon amount, and all the risk associated with selling the issue is transferred to the underwriter. Because the offering price usually isn’t set until the underwriters have investigated how receptive the market is to the issue, this risk is usually minimal. Also, because the offering price usually is not set until just before selling commences, the issuer doesn’t know precisely what its net proceeds will be until that time. BEST EFFORTS UNDERWRITING In best efforts underwriting, the underwriter is legally bound to use “best efforts” to sell the securities at the agreed-upon offering price. Beyond this, the underwriter does not guarantee any particular amount of money to the

issuer. This form of underwriting has become very uncommon in recent years; firm commitments are now the dominant form. Dutch auction underwriting The type of underwriting in which the offer price is set based on competitive bidding by investors. Also known as a uniform price auction.

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Federal regulatory agency charged with enforcing U.S. securities laws and regulations. prospectus Document prepared as part of a security offering detailing information about a company’s financial position, its operations, and its investment plans.

DUTCH AUCTION UNDERWRITING With Dutch auction underwriting, the underwriter does not set a fixed price for the shares to be sold. Instead, the underwriter conducts an auction in which investors bid for shares. The offer price is determined based on the submitted bids. A Dutch auction is also known by the more descriptive name uniform price auction. This approach to selling securities to the public is relatively new in the IPO market and has not been widely used there, but it is very common in the bond markets. For example, it is the sole procedure used by the U.S. Treasury to sell enormous quantities of notes, bonds, and bills to the public. Dutch auction underwriting was much in the news in 2004 because web search company Google elected to use this approach. The best way to understand a Dutch or uniform price auction is to consider a simple example. Suppose The Roserita Company wants to sell 400 shares to the public. The company receives five bids as follows: Bidder


















Thus, bidder A is willing to buy 100 shares at $16 each, bidder B is willing to buy 100 shares at $14, and so on. The Roserita Company examines the bids to determine the highest price that will result in all 400 shares being sold. So, for example, at $14, A and B would buy only 200 shares, so that price is too high. Working our way down, all 400 shares won’t be sold until we hit a price of $12, so $12 will be the offer price in the IPO. Bidders A through D will receive shares; bidder E will not. There are two additional important points to observe in our example: First, all the winning bidders will pay $12, even bidders A and B, who actually bid a higher price. The fact that all successful bidders pay the same price is the reason for the name “uniform price auction.” The idea in such an auction is to encourage bidders to bid aggressively by providing some protection against bidding a price that is too high. Second, notice that at the $12 offer price, there are actually bids for 500 shares, which exceeds the 400 shares Roserita wants to sell. Thus, there has to be some sort of allocation. How this is done varies a bit, but in the IPO market, the approach has been to simply compute the ratio of shares offered to shares bid at the offer price or better, which, in our example, is 400/500 = 0.8, and allocate bidders that percentage of their bids. In other words, bidders A through D would each receive 80 percent of the shares they bid, and each would pay a price of $12 per share. As is common with an IPO, some restrictions are imposed on you as part of the underwriting contract. Most important, you and the other original stockholders agree not to sell any of your personal stockholdings for six months after the underwriting (this is called the “lockup” period). This ties most of your wealth to the company’s success and makes selling the stock to investors a more credible undertaking by the underwriter. Essentially, investors are assured that you will be working hard to expand the company and increase its earnings. After the underwriting terms are decided, much of your time will be devoted to the mechanics of the offering. In particular, before shares can be sold to the public, the issue must obtain an approved registration with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The SEC is the federal regulatory agency charged with regulating U.S. securities markets. SEC regulations governing IPOs are especially strict. To gain SEC approval, you must prepare a prospectus, normally with the help of outside accounting, auditing, and legal experts. The prospectus contains a detailed account of your company’s financial position, its operations, and its investment plans for the future. Once the prospectus is prepared, it is Chapter 5 

  The Stock Market147

red herring A preliminary prospectus not yet approved by the SEC.

submitted to the SEC for approval. The SEC makes no judgment about the quality of your company or the value of your stock. Instead, it only checks to make sure that various rules regarding full disclosure and other issues have been satisfied. While awaiting SEC approval, your investment banker will circulate a preliminary prospectus among investors to generate interest in the stock offering. This document is commonly called a red herring because the cover page is stamped in red ink, indicating that final approval for the stock issue has not yet been obtained. The preliminary prospectus is essentially complete except for the final offering price and a few other pieces of information. These are not set because market conditions might change while SEC approval is being sought. Upon obtaining SEC approval, the prospectus will be updated and completed, and your underwriter can begin selling your company’s shares to investors. To publicize an offering, the underwriter will usually place announcements in newspapers and other outlets. Because of their appearance, these announcements are known as tombstones, and they are a familiar sight in the financial press. A sample tombstone as it appeared in The Wall Street Journal is shown in Figure 5.1. As Figure 5.1 shows, a typical tombstone states the name of the company, some information about the stock issue being sold, and the underwriters for the issue. All but very small issues generally involve more than one underwriter, and the names of the participating underwriters are usually listed at the bottom of the tombstone. Those listed first are the “lead” underwriters, who are primarily responsible for managing the issue process. Initial public stock offerings vary in size a great deal. The 2 million share issue for your hypothetical software company discussed above is a fairly small issue. One of the largest public offerings in the United States was Facebook, which went public in May 2012. The new shares were offered at $38 per share, raised over $16 billion, and created a company market value of over $100 billion. For additional information on the largest IPOs of all-time, check out the Investment Updates box on page 150.

T HE S ECONDA RY MA R KE T FOR C OMMON STOC K In the secondary market for common stock, investors buy and sell shares with other investors. If you think of the primary market as the new-car showroom at an automotive dealer, where cars are first sold to the public, then the secondary market is just the used-car lot. Secondary market stock trading among investors is directed through three channels. An investor may trade 1. Directly with other investors. 2. Indirectly through a broker who arranges transactions for others. 3. Directly with a dealer who buys and sells securities from inventory. dealer A trader who buys and sells securities from inventory. broker An intermediary who arranges security transactions among investors. bid price The price a dealer is willing to pay. ask price The price at which a dealer is willing to sell. Also called the offer or offering price. spread The difference between the bid and ask prices. 148 Part 2 

  Stock Markets

As we discussed in Chapter 2, for individual investors, almost all common stock transactions are made through a broker. However, large institutional investors, such as pension funds and mutual funds, trade through both brokers and dealers, and they also trade directly with other institutional investors.

DEALER S AND B ROKE R S Because most securities transactions involve dealers and brokers, it is important that you understand exactly what these terms mean. A dealer maintains an inventory and stands ready to buy and sell at any time. By contrast, a broker brings buyers and sellers together but does not maintain an inventory. Thus, when we speak of used-car dealers and real estate brokers, we recognize that the used-car dealer maintains an inventory, whereas the real estate broker normally does not. In the securities markets, a dealer stands ready to buy securities from investors wishing to sell them and to sell securities to investors wishing to buy them. An important part of the dealer function involves maintaining an inventory to accommodate temporary buy and sell order imbalances. The price a dealer is willing to pay is called the bid price. The price at which a dealer will sell is called the ask price (sometimes called the offer or offering price). The difference between the bid and ask prices is called the spread.


IPO Tombstone This announcement is neither an offer to sell nor a solicitation of an offer to buy any of these securities. The offering is made only by the Prospectus.

New Issue


World Wrestling Federation Entertainment, Inc. Class A Common Stock Price $17.00 Per Share Copies of the Prospectus may be obtained in any State in which this announcement is circulated from only such of the Underwriters, including the undersigned, as may lawfully offer these securities in such State.

U.S. Offering

9,200,000 Shares This portion of the underwriting is being offered in the United States and Canada.

Bear, Stearns & Co. Inc. Credit Suisse First Boston Merrill Lynch & Co. Wit Capital Corporation Allen & Company

Banc of America Securities LLC


Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette Prudential Securities

A.G. Edwards & Sons, Inc. SG Cowen

Axiom Capital Management, Inc. Joseph Charles & Assoc., Inc. Gaines, Berland Inc.

Deutsche Banc Alex. Brown Hambrecht & Quist

Wassertein Perella Securities, Inc. Blackford Securities Corp.

Raymond James & Associates, Inc.

Advest, Inc. J.C. Bradford & Co.

Chatsworth Securities LLC

Jefferies & Company, Inc.

ING Barings

Gabelli & Company, Inc.

Josephthal & Co. Inc.

Neuberger Berman, LLC

Sanders Morris Mundy

Tucker Anthony Cleary Gull

Wachovia Securities, Inc.

International Offering

2,300,000 Shares This portion of the underwriting is being offered outside of the United States and Canada.

Bear, Stearns International Limited Credit Suisse First Boston Merrill Lynch International

Chapter 5 

  The Stock Market149

INVESTMENT UPDATES T E N L A R G E S T G LO BA L I P O S I N H I S TO RY Alibaba Group’s initial public offering of $25 billion shattered records and jumped to the top of the list of biggest global IPOs in history. How does the Alibaba number compare to other huge IPOs? The list may surprise you. Only one U.S.based company made the top five (it wasn’t Facebook). Chinese companies dominate the top of the list, holding three of the top five spots. 1. Alibaba Holdings Group (NYSE:BABA), a diversified online ecommerce company based in China, went public on September 18, 2014, at $21.8 billion. Four days later, underwriters exercised an option to sell more shares, bringing the total IPO to $25 billion. Although technology companies traditionally list on NASDAQ, Alibaba chose the New York Stock Exchange for its debut. Underwriting was handled primarily by Credit Suisse. 2. ABC Bank, also known as the Agricultural Bank of China (listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange), is one of China’s largest banks. ABC Bank went public on July 7, 2010, at an initial offering raising $19.228 billion. The follow-on greenshoe offerings from underwriter Goldman Sachs Asia brought the total to more than $22 billion. 3. ICBC Bank, or Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange), went public on October 20, 2006, at $19.092 billion. At the time of the IPO, ICBC Bank was the largest mainland Chinese bank and the third large Chinese bank to go public. 4. NTT Mobile (NYSE:DCM), a Tokyo-based telecommunications company, went public on October 22, 1998, at $18.099 billion. Underwritten by Goldman

Sachs Asia, this IPO launched NTT to the third largest market cap for a Japanese company. 5. Visa Inc. (NYSE:V) is the sole American company to make the top five on this list. This debit and credit card processing company entered the public market on March 18, 2008, and raised $17.864 billion— this during a global financial crisis! 6. AIA (OTC:AAIGF), a Hong Kong–based investment and insurance company, went public on October 21, 2010. It raised $17.816 billion and became the third Hong Kong–based financial company on this list. 7. Enel S.p.A. (OTC:ENLAY) is an Italian gas and electric company that operates in North and South America and Europe. Enel S.p.A listed on the New York Stock Exchange on November 1, 1999, after it raised $16.452 billion. It is the only utility company on this IPO list. 8. Facebook (NASDAQ:FB) went public on May 1, 2012, raising $16.007 billion. This social media technology company’s high-profile launch was riddled with trading issues and accusations of inappropriate information-sharing. In spite of these issues, Facebook remains the largest technology IPO in U.S. history. 9. General Motors (NYSE:GM) , the U.S.-based car manufacturer, went public November 17, 2010, after emerging from a bankruptcy filing one year earlier. It raised $15.774 billion in its initial public offering. 10. Nippon Tel (NYSE:NTT) is a Tokyo-based telecommunication company. This is the oldest IPO on this list, predating the nearest entrant by more than 10years On its debut to the market, February 9, 1987, the company raised $15.301. Source: Zucchi, Kristina, Investopedia, January 12, 2015.

A dealer attempts to profit by selling securities at a price higher than the average price paid for them. Of course, this is a goal for all investors, but the distinguishing characteristic of securities dealers is that they hold securities in inventory only until the first opportunity to resell them. Essentially, trading from inventory is their business. Dealers exist in all areas of the economy, of course, not just in the stock markets. For example, your local university bookstore is both a primary and secondary market textbook dealer. If you buy a new book, then this is a primary market transaction. If you buy a used book, this is a secondary market transaction, and you pay the store’s ask price. If you sell the book back, you receive the store’s bid price, often half the ask price. The bookstore’s spread is the difference between the bid and ask prices. In contrast, a securities broker arranges transactions between investors, matching investors wishing to buy securities with investors wishing to sell securities. Brokers may match investors with other investors, investors with dealers, and sometimes even dealers with dealers. The distinctive characteristic of securities brokers is that they do not buy or sell securities for their own account. Facilitating trades by others is their business. 150 Part 2 

  Stock Markets

Want to trade movies or actors? Check out this unique stock exchange,


Most common stock trading is directed through an organized stock exchange or a trading network. Whether on a stock exchange or through a trading network, the goal is to match investors wishing to buy stocks with investors wishing to sell stocks. The largest, most active organized stock exchange in the United States is the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). Other well-known stock exchanges include the Chicago Stock Exchange (CHX), the Boston Stock Exchange (BSE), the National Stock Exchange (NSX), and the Philadelphia Stock Exchange (PHLX). The major competitor to the organized stock exchanges is the vast trading network known as NASDAQ. We next discuss the workings of the NYSE, and then we turn to a discussion of NASDAQ. 5.1a

Is an IPO a primary or a secondary market transaction?


Which is bigger, the bid price or the ask price? Why?


What is the difference between a securities broker and a securities dealer?

5.2 The New York Stock Exchange The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE, pronounced “ny-see”), popularly known as the Big Board, celebrated its bicentennial in 1992. It has occupied its current building on Wall Street since the turn of the twentieth century. For more than 200 years, the NYSE operated as a not-forprofit corporation. However, on March 8, 2006, the NYSE went public (ticker NYX) and became a for-profit corporation. On April 4, 2007, NYSE Holdings merged with Euronext N.V. and launched NYSE Euronext. NYSE Euronext became the world’s largest exchange. Then, in 2013, NYSE Euronext was acquired by the Intercontinental Exchange (or ICE). ICE was only 12 years old at the time, but it rose to prominence by offering an advanced platform for derivatives trading. Our subsequent discussion in this chapter concerning the NYSE reflects the structure of the exchange as it exists at the time of this writing. How this structure will evolve over time will depend on the numerous changes that are being initiated in the global financial markets. For example, before its acquisition by ICE, the European Union rejected a proposal to merge the NYSE Euronext and the Deutsche Boerse. Had this merger been approved, the discussion in this chapter would have been much different!

NYSE ME MB E R SHI P HI STORY NYSE exchange member Before 2006, the NYSE exchange members were the owners of the exchange. NYSE license holder Having a license entitles the holder to buy and sell securities on the floor of the exchange. For up-to-date info on the NYSE, surf to

specialists Formerly, sole dealers in a small number of securities on the floor of the NYSE; often called market makers.

Historically, the NYSE had 1,366 exchange members. Before 2006, the exchange members were said to own “seats” on the exchange, and, collectively, the members of the exchange were also the owners. For this and other reasons, seats were valuable and were bought and sold fairly regularly. Seat prices reached a record $4 million in December 2005. In 2006, all of this changed when the NYSE became a publicly owned corporation called NYSE Group, Inc. Naturally, its stock was listed on the NYSE. Now, instead of purchasing seats, exchange members must purchase trading licenses, the number of which is limited to 1,366. In 2015, a license would set you back a cool $50,000—per year. Being a NYSE license holder entitles you to buy and sell securities on the floor of the exchange. Different members play different roles in this regard. Before the NYSE went public, NYSE members collectively owned the exchange. Today, Intercontinental Exchange shareholders own the exchange. At the end of October 2015, ICE had about 110 million shares outstanding.

DES IGNATE D MA R KE T MA KE R S During much of the history of the NYSE, nearly all securities listed for trading were divided among specialists. A specialist acted as the exclusive dealer, or intermediary, for a set of securities. Specialists posted bid prices and ask prices for each security assigned to them and were obligated to make and maintain a fair, orderly market for those securities. Specialists made a market by standing ready to buy at bid prices and sell at ask prices when a temporary disparity arose Chapter 5 

  The Stock Market151

display book A chronological record of all limit, stop, and short-sale orders that had been placed with a specialist; also contained an inventory of the specialist’s holdings. designated market maker (DMM) A new class of market maker at the NYSE; replaced the role of specialists on the exchange floor. supplemental liquidity provider (SLP) A new class of market maker at the NYSE; located off the floor of the exchange.

between the flow of buy orders and the flow of sell orders for a security. In this capacity, they acted as dealers for their own accounts. The specialists had an exclusive, advance look at incoming orders that flowed to the display book. Because of this advance look, specialists had an information advantage when they were making quotes and matching orders. Under this system, specialists, however, could “work” orders, that is, try to improve trading prices for customers. Because of competition from other exchanges and other trading technologies, the market share of the NYSE has eroded. As one of several strategies aimed at staying competitive, in 2009 the NYSE replaced the role of specialists with two classes of market makers, called designated market maker (DMM) and supplemental liquidity provider (SLP). What were specialists are now the DMMs. The DMMs are assigned a set of securities by the exchange and are obligated to maintain a fair and orderly market in these stocks, as specialists had been. There are some differences, however, between the two roles. The DMMs do not face the restrictions on trading that specialists had and are also given some other rights. For example, they can now compete against other exchange members for trades, rather than stand at the back of the line for trades. Specialists had to step back from a trade if a floor broker order (or SuperDOT order when it was active) had the same price. A DMM, however, has equal standing among traders and does not have to step back from orders. Unlike the specialist system, DMMs do not receive an advance look at incoming orders. Under the multidealer structure, DMMs do not have an exclusive right to make markets in their assigned securities. A newly created class of market maker, called the SLP, can trade the same stocks as the DMMs. SLPs can trade only from offices outside the exchange. DMMs are located on the floor of the exchange. DMMs must quote bid prices and ask prices for at least 5 percent of the trading day. SLPs, however, are required to quote bid prices or ask prices for at least 5 percent of the day. As an incentive to provide liquidity to the market, the exchange pays DMMs when they make a trade. The fee is based on the type of transaction. Because they face lower quoting requirements, the SLPs receive a lower fee on their transactions. Floor brokers, described below, have no quoting requirements, but the exchange encourages their trading activity by paying them a modest (but smaller) fee per transaction.

OT HER NYSE PA RTI C I PA N TS floor brokers Firms that execute customer orders to buy and sell stock transmitted to the exchange floor. Super Display Book system (SDBK) The new server-based electronic trading system at the NYSE. SuperDOT system The NYSE’s well-known, now defunct, electronic trading system. Arca All-electronic securities exchange listing stocks, options, and ETFs.

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The business of a floor broker is to execute customer orders to buy and sell stocks. A floor broker’s primary responsibility to customers is to get the best possible prices for their orders. A substitute for floor brokers is the efficient NYSE Super Display Book system (SDBK), which recently replaced the well-known SuperDOT system (the DOT stands for designated order turnaround). Based on the NYSE’s electronic trading engine, Arca, the NYSE SDBK is a server-based system. The NYSE Arca is a fully electronic exchange for growth-oriented companies. This all-electronic exchange lists stocks, options, and exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Trading via the SDBK is remarkably fast. NYSE customers can have their trades executed within 5 milliseconds (down from a relatively sluggish 350 milliseconds in 2007). How fast is this trading? For comparison, when Danica Patrick is running her Number 10 Nature’s Bakery Chevrolet at 200 miles per hour, she races only about 1.5 feet in 5 milliseconds.

T H E NYS E HYB R I D MA R KE T To keep pace with technology advances and innovations in global financial markets, the NYSE has been increasingly building an automated trading platform structure. The NYSE rolled out a faster automated execution system called the Hybrid platform beginning in late 2006. The pace of these developments has quickened with the acquisition of the NYSE by Intercontinental Exchange. Hybrid trading combines the exchange’s automated technology with the advantages of an auction market. In the Hybrid market, DMMs and floor brokers interact with the market electronically as well as in person. This design allows the Hybrid market to offer more choice in how investor orders are executed on the exchange. The Hybrid trading system has evolved because human judgment provided by living market makers is valuable (1) in less liquid stocks, (2) during the opening and closing of trading sessions, and (3) during times of market duress. In normal times for the average stock, however, the automated platform is an efficient option.

NYSE -L ISTE D STOC KS A company is said to be “listed” on the NYSE Euronext if its stock is traded there. At the end of 2015, some 2,800 companies listed on the NYSE represented nearly 30 percent of the world’s equity trading. This total includes many large companies so well known that we easily recognize them by their initials—for example, IBM, MMM, and CAT. This total also includes many companies that are not so readily recognized. For example, relatively few investors would instantly recognize AEP as American Electric Power, but many would recognize AXP as American Express. U.S. companies that wish to have their stock listed for trading on the “Big Board” must apply for the privilege. They even have to pay an application fee of $25,000—a little more than your college application fee! If the application is approved, the company must pay an initial listing fee. In 2015, this fee was $50,000, plus a per-share listing fee of $0.0032, or $3,200 per million shares. Once listed, if a firm lists additional shares of a class of previously listed securities, it pays the following listing fees. For the first 75 million shares, the fee is $4,800 per million shares. For the next 225 million shares, it is $3,750 per million shares. For each million shares above 300 million, the fee is $1,900. The minimum initial listing fee is $125,000 and the maximum listing fee is $250,000. In addition to an initial listing fee, the NYSE assesses an annual listing fee. In 2016, the annual listing fee for common shares was raised to $1,025 per million shares (subject to a $52,500 minimum fee). The NYSE has minimum requirements for companies wishing to apply for listing. Although the requirements might change from time to time, examples of minimum requirements in effect in 2016 for U.S. domestic stocks included 1. The company must have at least 2,200 shareholders (400 round lots for IPOs), and average monthly trading volume for the most recent six months must be at least 100,000 shares. 2. At least 1.1 million stock shares must be held in public hands. 3. Publicly held shares must have at least $100 million in market value ($40 million for IPOs). 4. The company must have aggregate earnings of $10 million before taxes in the previous three years and $2 million pretax earnings in each of the preceding two years. In practice, most companies with stock listed on the NYSE easily exceed these minimum listing requirements. You can read copious details and minutiae about listing at the NYSE if you surf over to



What are the types of license holders at the New York Stock Exchange?


What are the two types of market makers at the NYSE? What do they do?


What is the SDBK?

5.3 Operation of the New York Stock Exchange Now that we have a basic idea of how the NYSE is organized and who the major players are, we turn to the question of how trading actually takes place. Fundamentally, the business of the NYSE is to attract and process order flow—the flow of customer orders to buy and sell stocks. Customers of the NYSE are the millions of individual investors and tens of thousands of institutional investors who place their orders to buy and sell NYSE-listed stock shares with member-firm brokers. Historically, the NYSE has been quite successful in attracting order flow. For example, in 2007, the average stock trading volume on the NYSE was well over 2 billion shares per day. In recent years, however, volume at the primary NYSE has decreased in proportion to the ­volume at the NASDAQ and Electronic Communication Networks (ECNs). About one-third of

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all NYSE stock trading volume is attributable to individual investors, and almost half (or more) is derived from institutional investors and so-called high-frequency traders. The remainder represents NYSE member trading, which is largely attributed to DMMs acting as market makers.


DMM’s post Fixed place on the exchange floor where the DMM operates.

market order A customer order to buy or sell securities marked for immediate execution at the current market price.

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Quite likely you have seen film footage of the NYSE trading floor on television, or you may have visited the NYSE and viewed exchange floor activity from the gallery (when it was open). Either way, you saw a big room, about the size of a small basketball gym. This big room is aptly called “the big room.” There are several other, smaller rooms that you normally do not see. Another is called “the garage” because that is what it was before it was taken over for securities trading. Two others were called the “blue room” because, well, the room is painted blue and the “extended blue room.” In November 2007, the NYSE closed the blue room and the extended blue room. On the floor of the exchange are a number of stations, each with a roughly figure-eight shape. These stations have multiple counters with numerous computer terminal screens above and on the sides. People operate behind and in front of the counters in relatively stationary positions. Other people move around on the exchange floor, frequently returning to the many telephone booths positioned along the exchange walls. In all, you may have been reminded of worker ants moving around an ant colony. It is natural to wonder: What are all those people doing down there (and why are so many wearing funny-looking coats)? As an overview of exchange floor activity, here is a quick look at what goes on. Each of the counters at the figure-eight-shaped stations is a DMM’s post. DMMs normally operate in front of their posts to monitor and manage trading in the stocks assigned to them. Clerical employees working for the DMMs operate behind the counters. Moving from the many telephone booths out to the exchange floor and back again are swarms of floor brokers, receiving relayed customer orders, walking out to the posts where the orders can be executed, and returning to confirm order executions and receive new customer orders. To better understand activity on the NYSE trading floor, imagine yourself as a floor broker. Your phone clerk has just handed you an order to sell 20,000 shares of KO (the ticker symbol for Coca-Cola common stock) for a customer of the brokerage company that employs you. The order is a market order, meaning that the customer wants to sell the stock at the best possible price as soon as possible. You immediately walk (running violates exchange rules) to the post where KO stock is traded. Upon approaching the post where KO is traded, you check the terminal screen for information on the current market price for KO stock. The screen reveals that the last executed trade for KO was at 40.63 and that the current bid is 40.55 per share. You could immediately sell at 40.50, but that would be too easy. Instead, as the customer’s representative, you are obligated to get the best possible price. It is your job to “work” the order, and your job depends on providing satisfactory order execution service. So you look around for another broker who represents a customer who wants to buy KO stock. Luckily, you quickly find another broker at the post with a market order to buy 20,000 shares of KO. Noticing that the posted asking price is 40.71 per share, you both agree to execute your orders with each other at a price of 40.63. This price, halfway between the posted bid and ask prices, saves each of your customers approximately $0.08 × 20,000 = $1,600 compared to the posted prices. In a trade of this type, in which one floor broker buys from another, the DMM acts only as a broker assisting in matching buy orders and sell orders. On an actively traded stock, many floor brokers can be buying and selling. In such cases, trading is said to occur “in the crowd.” Thus, the DMM functions as a broker as long as buyers and sellers are available. The DMM steps in as a dealer when necessary to fill an order that would otherwise go unfilled. In reality, not all orders are executed so easily. For example, suppose you are unable to find another broker quickly with an order to buy 20,000 shares of KO. Because you have a market order, you may have no choice but to sell at the posted bid price of 40.55. In this case, the need to execute an order quickly takes priority, and the DMM provides the necessary liquidity to allow immediate order execution.

Note an important caveat concerning this discussion of NYSE floor operations. If you think about it, there’s no way that the NYSE could trade more than a billion shares a day just using humans. It’s just not physically possible. What actually happens is that over 99 percent of orders are processed electronically. Based on the volume of orders submitted, however, that number drops to about 75 percent. The implication is that larger orders are handled by floor brokers, but smaller orders are not. In fact, much of the trading in liquid stocks during normal times happens completely electronically.

SP E C IAL OR D E R TY P E S limit order Customer order to buy or sell securities with a specified “limit” price. The order can be executed only at the limit price or better. stop order Customer order to buy or sell securities when a preset “stop” price is reached.

TABLE 5.1 Order Type

Many orders are transmitted to the NYSE floor as limit orders. A limit order is an order to buy or sell stock, where the customer specifies a maximum price he is willing to pay in the case of a buy order, or a minimum price he will accept in the case of a sell order. For example, suppose that as a NYSE floor broker, you receive a limit order to sell 20,000 shares of KO stock at 40.75. This means that the customer is not willing to accept any price below 40.75 per share, even if it means missing the trade. A stop order may appear similar to a limit order, but there is an important difference. With a stop order, the customer specifies a “stop” price. This stop price serves as a trigger point. No trade can occur until the stock price reaches this stop price. When the stock price reaches the stop price, the stop order is immediately converted into a market order. Because the order is now a market order, the customer may get a price that is better or worse than the stop price. Thus, the stop price only serves as a trigger point for conversion into a market order. Unlike a limit price, the stop price places no limit on the price at which a trade can occur. Once converted to a market order, the trade is executed just like any other market order. The most common type of stop order is a stop-sell order, which is an order to sell shares if the stock price falls to a specified stop price below the current stock price. This type of order is generally called a stop-loss because it is usually intended to limit losses on a long position. The other type is a stop-buy order, which is an order to buy shares if the price rises to a specified stop price above the current stock price. Stop-buy orders are often placed in conjunction with short sales, again as a means of limiting losses. Placing stop-loss orders is frequently touted as a smart trading strategy, but there are a couple of issues we should mention. For example, suppose you buy 1,000 shares of GoGo Corp. at $20. You simultaneously place a stop-sell order at $15. Thus you seem to have limited your potential loss to $5 per share. Unfortunately, after the market closes, a rumor circulates that GoGo has uncovered a significant accounting fraud. The next morning, the stock opens at $8, meaning the first trade occurs at $8 per share. Because this price is below your $15 stop price, a market order to sell your stock will be placed and executed, and you’ll lose much more than $5 per share. What you discover is that your stop-loss guarantees only that a market order to sell will be placed as soon as the stock trades at $15 or below. Adding insult to injury, after your stock is sold, a credible announcement is made indicating that the rumor is false. GoGo shares promptly bounce back to $20, but you were sold out at a big loss. Thus, a second danger in blindly using stop-loss orders is that volatile conditions can lead to an unfavorable stop sale. Table 5.1 summarizes the characteristics of limit and stop orders.

Stock Market Order Types Buy


Market order

Buy at best price available for immediate execution.

Sell at best price available for immediate execution.

Limit order

Buy at best price available, but not more than the preset limit price. Forgo purchase if limit is not met.

Sell at best price available, but not less than the preset limit price. Forgo sale if limit is not met.

Stop order

Convert to a market order to buy when the stock price crosses the stop price from below.

Convert to a market order to sell when the stock price crosses the stop price from above. Also known as a “stop-loss.”

Stop-limit order

Convert to a limit order to buy when the stock price crosses the stop price from below.

Convert to a limit order to sell when the stock price crosses the stop price from above.

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NEW YORK (—A large investor using an automated trading software to sell futures contracts sparked the brief-but-historic stock market “flash crash” on May 6, according to a report by federal regulators released Friday. In the 104-page report, staff members at Securities and Exchange Commission and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission said an unnamed investor used a trading algorithm to sell orders for futures contracts called E-Minis, which traders use to bet on the future performance of stocks in the S&P 500 index. The contracts were sold quickly and in large numbers, according to the report, on a day when the market was already under stress due to concerns about the European debt crisis. The selling was initially absorbed by “high frequency traders” and other buyers, the report said. But the algorithm

circuit breakers All the methods used by stock exchanges during large sell-offs.

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responded to a rise in trading volume by increasing the number of E-Mini sell orders it was feeding into the market. “What happened next is best described in terms of two liquidity crises—one at the broad index level in the E-Mini, the other with respect to individual stocks,” the report said. In other words, the lack of buyers and the rapid selling of E-Mini futures contracts began to affect the underlying stocks and the broader stock indexes. As a result, the Dow Jones industrial average plunged nearly 1,000 points, briefly erasing $1 trillion in market value, before regaining much of the lost ground to close lower. It was the largest one-day drop on record. Source: Rooney, Ben, “Trading program sparked May ‘flash crash’”, CNN Money, 01 October, 2010. Copyright © 2010 by CNN Money. All rights reserved. Used with permission.

This exact situation happened at the entire market level on May 6, 2010. During the so-called Flash Crash, the Dow Jones Industrial Average suffered its largest and fastest decline ever. Many stocks momentarily lost half their values. The nearby Investment Updates box provides some additional detail on this day. In response to the Flash Crash, regulators updated their approach to circuit breakers. At the market level, circuit breakers were designed to calm the market in the event of a steep decline, with the initial levels kicking in with a loss of 10 percent in a given day. Unfortunately, although there were many stocks with significant losses, the market as a whole never tripped the existing circuit breakers. As a result, regulators lowered the marketwide circuit breaker level to 7 percent and also implemented individual stock circuit breakers. We discuss this issue in more detail in a later chapter. On August 24, 2015, a similar event occurred, as many stocks saw their prices swing wildly. For example, bellwether stocks such as GE and JPMorgan fell by more than 20­percent, but they quickly recovered. Not only would stop-lossorders have been ineffective at preventing losses, but some managers actually blame these order types for much of the

INVESTMENT UPDATES N Y S E K I L L S “ L A N D M I N E ” O R D E R T Y P E S O M E B L A M E F O R A U G U S T M AY H E M The New York Stock Exchange is eliminating an order type that investors including BlackRock Inc. blame for exacerbat‑ ing extreme share-price swings on Aug. 24. Stop orders—or instructions to immediately trade once a stock hits a certain price, even if the price is far worse than the one on the order—will no longer be available starting on Feb. 26, NYSE said this week. Hundreds of securities posted unusual moves on Aug. 24, including bellwethers likeGeneral Electric Co. andJPMorgan Chase & Co. that plunged as much as 21 percent only to quickly recover. BlackRock, the world’s biggest asset man‑ ager, analyzed the events of that day and concluded that stop orders—among other factors—contributed to losses. “Stop orders are like land mines,” said James Angel, a financial markets professor at Georgetown University. “They blow up in ways that are unanticipated by the people who plant them.” Stop orders work like this: A customer requests that 1,000 shares of Company X get sold once the price falls

to $20. But $20 isn’t guaranteed. If the stock plunges from $30 to $10, without hitting any intermediate prices first, the stop order might get executed at $10. According to BlackRock, that’s a surprise to some small investors. In the past six months,fewer than 0.3 percent of orders on NYSE were stop orders. NYSE is also discontinuing a type of order called “good-till-canceled” that remain active until an investor decides to cancel it or the trade has been executed, the exchange said in its notification this week. Brokerage firms can still program their systems to carry out orders that achieve the same results as a stop order for their clients, by entering a market order on the client’s behalf after a stock price reaches a specified threshold. Nonetheless, Cunningham said, the exchange wants “to raise the profile of the risks associated with this order type.” Source: Massa, Annie, “NYSE Kills ‘Land Mine’ Order Type Some Blame for August Mayhem”, Bloomberg, November 19, 2015. Copyright © 2015 by Bloomberg. All rights reserved. Used with permission.

volatility. Inresponse, as the nearby Investment Updatesbox illustrates, the NYSE is eliminating some of these order types. Nonetheless, given their popularity and usefulness, brokers will likely continue to offer these special order types. While these new regulations may help to prevent unforeseen losses on stop orders, investors have the ability to add their own level of control. A limit price can be attached to a stop order to create a stop-limit order. This is different from a simple stop order in that once the stock price reaches the preset stop price, the order is converted into a limit order. By contrast, a simple stop order is converted into a market order. At this point, the limit order is just like any other limit order. Notice that with a stop-limit order you must specify two prices, the stop and the limit. The two prices can be the same, or they can be different. In our GoGo Corp. example, you could place a stop-limit sell order at $15 stop, $12 limit. This order converts to a limit order to sell at $12 or better if the price ever hits $15 or below. Thus, you will never sell below $12. Of course, you may never sell at all unless your limit price is reached! Our nearby Work the Web box shows how these orders are entered in an actual online brokerage account. Another type of order that requires special attention is the short-sale order. As explained elsewhere, a short sale involves borrowing stock shares and then selling the borrowed shares in the hope of buying them back later at a lower price. Short-sale loans are normally arranged through the customer’s broker. New York Stock Exchange rules require that when shares are sold as part of a short-sale transaction, the order must be marked as a short-sale transaction when it is transmitted to the NYSE floor.



What are the four main types of orders to buy and sell common stocks?


What do DMMs do?


What is a limit order? How do limit and stop orders differ?

Chapter 5 

  The Stock Market157

+WORK THE WEB To illustrate the importance of getting order types straight, we captured the actual trading screen from one of the largest online brokers, eTrade. On the screen below, the ticker symbol entered is JWN, a purveyor of fine apparel, Nordstrom Inc. The order is a limit order to buy 200 shares at $54.95. That is, we want to purchase these shares for a price of $54.95 or lower. The limit order is good for the day only.

Source: E*

Clicking on the “Preview Order” button allows you to double-check your order before you submit it for transaction. Here is our preview screen:

Source: E*

After checking to make sure we have entered everything correctly, we just hit the “Place Order” button to submit our order.

5.4 NASDAQ In terms of market cap, the largest stock market in the United States is the NYSE. In terms of companies listed and, on most days, number of shares traded, NASDAQ (say “Naz-dak”) is bigger than the NYSE. 158 Part 2 

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The somewhat odd name is derived from the acronym NASDAQ, which stands for National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations system. But NASDAQ is now a proper name in its own right. NASDAQ’swebsite is Click on “Our Company.”

NASDAQ OP E R ATI ON S Introduced in 1971, the NASDAQ market is a computer network of securities dealers who disseminate timely security price quotes to NASDAQ subscribers. These dealers act as market makers for securities listed on NASDAQ. As market makers, NASDAQ dealers post bid and ask prices at which they accept sell and buy orders, respectively. With each price quote, they also post the number of stock shares that they obligate themselves to trade at their quoted prices. Like NYSE DMMs, NASDAQ market makers trade on an inventory basis, using their inventory as a buffer to absorb buy and sell order imbalances. Unlike the NYSE DMM system, NASDAQ features multiple market makers for actively traded stocks. Thus, there are two basic differences between the NYSE and NASDAQ: 1. NASDAQ is a computer network and has no physical location where trading takes place. 2. NASDAQ has a multiple market maker system rather than the DMM/SLP system.

over-the-counter (OTC) market Securities market in which trading is almost exclusively done through dealers who buy and sell for their own inventories.

Traditionally, a securities market largely characterized by dealers who buy and sell securities for their own inventories is called an over-the-counter (OTC) market. Consequently, NASDAQ is often referred to as an OTC market. In their efforts to promote a distinct image, NASDAQ officials prefer that the term OTC not be used when referring to the NASDAQ market. Nevertheless, old habits die hard, and many people still refer to NASDAQ as an OTC market. The NASDAQ is actually made up of three separate markets: the NASDAQ Global Select Market, the NASDAQ Global Market, and the NASDAQ Capital Market. As the market for NASDAQ’s larger and more actively traded securities, the NASDAQ Global Select Market listed about 1,600 securities (as of 2015), including some very well-known companies. The Global Market companies are somewhat smaller in size. NASDAQ lists about 700 of these companies. Finally, the smallest companies listed on NASDAQ are in the NASDAQ Capital Market. About 800 companies are listed in this market. As you might guess, an important difference among the markets is that the Global Select Market has the most stringent listing requirements. Of course, as Capital Market companies become more established, they may move up to the Global Market or the Global Select Market. The success of the NASDAQ Global Select Market as a competitor to NYSE and other organized exchanges can be judged by its ability to attract stock listings by companies that traditionally might have chosen to be listed on the NYSE. Some of the best-known companies in the world such as Microsoft, Apple Computer, Intel, Yahoo!, Starbucks, and, of course, Google list their securities on NASDAQ.


electronic communications network (ECN) A website that allows investors to trade directly with each other.

As we mentioned previously, the NASDAQ has historically been a dealer market, characterized by competing market makers. In early 2016, just over 3,000 companies were listed on the NASDAQ system. More than 500 NASDAQ member firms act as market makers. In an important development, in the late 1990s, the NASDAQ system was opened to so-called electronic communications networks (ECNs). ECNs are basically websites that allow investors to trade directly with one another. Investor buy and sell orders placed on ECNs are transmitted to the NASDAQ and displayed along with market maker bid and ask prices. As a result, the ECNs open up the NASDAQ by essentially allowing individual investors to enter orders through their brokers, not just market makers. As a result, the ECNs act to increase liquidity and competition. If you check prices on the web for both NASDAQ- and NYSE-listed stocks, you’ll notice an interesting difference. For NASDAQ stocks, you can actually see the bid and ask prices as well as recent transactions information. The bid and ask prices for the NASDAQ listings you Chapter 5 

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inside quotes The highest bid quotes and the lowest ask quotes offered by dealers for a security.


see represent inside quotes, that is, the highest bid and the lowest ask prices. For a relatively small fee (or possibly even free from your broker), you can even have access to “Level II” quotes, which show all of the posted bid and ask prices and, frequently, the identity of the market maker. “Level III” quotes provide even more detail and features, and their access is restricted to registered market makers only. Of course, NYSE DMMs post bid and ask prices as well; they are just not disclosed to the general public.


How does NASDAQ differ from the NYSE?


What are the different levels of access to the NASDAQ network?

5.5 NYSE and NASDAQ Competitors third market Off-exchange market for securities listed on an organized exchange. fourth market Market for exchange-listed securities in which investors trade directly with other investors, usually through a computer network.


The NYSE and NASDAQ face strong competition in the market for order execution services from securities trading firms operating in the third market. The phrase “third market” refers to trading in exchange-listed securities that occurs off the exchange on which the security is listed. For example, a substantial volume of NYSE-listed stock trading is executed through independent securities trading firms. NASDAQ and NYSE also face substantial competition from the fourth market. The term “fourth market” refers to direct trading of exchange-listed securities among investors. A good example of a company engaged in fourth-market trading activity is Instinet, one of the pioneers in ECNs. As we discussed in our previous section, however, these fourth-market ECNs are increasingly becoming integrated into the NASDAQ system or being acquired by other platforms such as BATS Global Markets. The third and fourth markets are not the only NYSE and NASDAQ competitors. Regional exchanges also attract substantial trading volume away from NYSE and NASDAQ. For example, thousands of stocks are dually listed on NYSE and either on NASDAQ or on at least one regional exchange. Some companies do not meet the listing requirements of the NYSE or NASDAQ. Even if they do meet these requirements, the company’s management might decide to list shares elsewhere. A nearby Work the Web box describes two choices. 5.5a

What is the third market for securities?


What is the fourth market for securities?

5.6 Stock Market Information Many newspapers publish current price information for a selection of stocks. In the United States, the newspaper best known for reporting stock price information is The Wall Street Journal and its online version, Investors interested in an overview of stock market activity refer to daily summaries. Among other things, these summaries contain information regarding several stock market indexes. Immediately below, we describe the most important stock market indexes.

T H E DOW J ON E S I N D U STR I A L AV E R AG E The most widely followed barometer of day-to-day stock market activity is the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), often called the “Dow” for short. The DJIA is an index of the stock prices of 30 large companies representative of American industry. There are other 160 Part 2 

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+WORK THE WEB Where do companies trade when they can’t (or don’t want to) meet the listing requirements of the larger stock markets? Mostly, they trade on the OTCQX®, OTCQB®, and OTC Pink® marketplaces operated by OTC Markets Group. The OTCQX® marketplace includes qualitative and quantitative standards, and the OTCQB® marketplace imposes some requirements as well, though these requirements are less restrictive than those enforced by the larger stock markets. OTC Pink® is called the “Open Marketplace” because there are no filing or financial requirements. A small portion of companies also continue to trade on the Over-the-Counter Bulletin Board, or OTCBB, operated by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, known as FINRA. The OTCBB began as an electronic bulletin board that was created to facilitate OTC trading in nonlisted stocks. It has, however, been effectively replaced by OTC Markets Group’s OTCQB® marketplace as the primary marketplace for these types of companies. Like the OTCQX® and OTCQB®, the OTCBB imposes some requirements, though they are not as restrictive as those of the larger markets. For example, OTCBB only requires that listed firms file financial statements with the SEC (or other relevant agency). Trading at any of the OTC Markets Group marketplaces, as well as the OTCBB, is conducted under a dealer-driven

framework. So, aside from the minimal requirements for inclu‑ sion on these marketplaces, all that is necessary for a par‑ ticular security to begin trading is a registered broker-dealer willing (and being approved) to quote and make a market in the security. Investors can trade OTCQX®, OTCQB®, and OTC Pink® securities in a manner similar to the trading of an exchange-listed stock. Given the ease of trading, these market‑ places (OTCQX®, in particular) are attractive to foreign firms that file with regulators in their home countries but do not have interest in filing with U.S. regulators. These markets are also an option for companies that have been delisted from the larger markets either by choice or for failure to maintain their listing requirements. Stocks traded on these markets often have very low prices and are frequently referred to as “penny stocks,” “microcaps,” or even “nanocaps.” Relatively few brokers do research on these companies, so information is often spread through word of mouth or the Internet, probably not the most reliable of sources. To get a feel for what trading looks like, we captured the main “dashboard” at First, let’s look at the returns. Balda AG (BALOF) had a return to this point in the day of 33.68 percent! That’s not something you see very often.

Source: OTC Markets Group, 2015.

Total trading volume for the stocks at the OTCBB and OTC Markets Group is usually quite brisk. At the end of a “typical” day in 2015, total dollar trading volume at the OTC Markets Group surpassed $600 million. By contrast, average daily vol‑ ume for Microsoft Corp. (MSFT) is about 36 million shares at the NASDAQ. With a stock price of about $50 per share, this means that total dollar trading volume for Microsoft is about $1.8 billion, or about 3 times more than the entire OTC Markets Group markets for just this one NASDAQ stock.

All in all, the OTCBB and OTC Markets Group can be pretty wild places to trade. Low stock prices allow huge percentage returns on small stock price movements. Be advised, however, that attempts at manipulation and fraud are possible. Also, many stocks on these markets are often very thinly traded, meaning there is little volume. It is not unusual for a stock listed on any of these markets to have zero trades on a given day. Even two or three days in a row without a trade in a par‑ ticular stock is not uncommon.

Chapter 5 

  The Stock Market161


Dow Jones Industrial Average

Source: Accessed October 28, 2015.

What are the Russell indexes? Visit to find out.

more specialized Dow Jones averages such as a utilities average and a transportation average. We will focus on the industrial average. Figure 5.2provides a price chart of the DJIA. Figure 5.2 shows closing prices and moving averages for the DJIA from October 2014 through early October 2015. We can see that, based on closing prices, the Dow reached a high of about 18,300 during this period compared to a low of about 15,700. Figure 5.3 contains a list of the 30 well-known companies in the DJIA and their prices onOctober29,2015. Although the Dow is the most familiar stock market index, a number of other indexes are widely followed. In fact, as we begin to discuss next, the Dow is not the most representative index by any means, and the way it is computed presents various problems that can make it difficult to interpret.

STOCK MAR KE T I N D E XE S For more on the Dow, visit

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The Dow Jones Industrial Average web page is informative, but market watchers might be interested in more detail regarding recent stock market activity. A more comprehensive view of stock market trading is contained in Figure 5.4, which is also published daily at The web page we examine here, “Stock Indexes,” reports information about a variety of stock market indexes in addition to the Dow Jones averages. Of the non–Dow Jones indexes shown, by far the best known and most widely followed is the Standard & Poor’s Index of 500 stocks, commonly abbreviated as the S&P 500, or often just the S&P. We have seen this index before. In Chapter 1, we used it as a benchmark to track the performance of largecompany common stocks for the last eight decades. If you were to scrutinize the various indexes in Figure 5.4, you would quickly find essentially four differences between them: (1) the market covered; (2) the types of stocks included; (3) how many stocks are included; and (4) how the index is calculated. The first three of these differences are straightforward. Some indexes listed in Figure 5.4, such as the Dow Jones Utilities, focus on specific industries. Others, such as the NASDAQ


The Dow Jones Industrial Average Component Stocks

Source: CNN Money, 2015.

price-weighted index Stock market index in which stocks are held in proportion to their share price. value-weighted index Stock market index in which stocks are held in proportion to the aggregate market value of the companies in the index.

Composite, focus on particular markets. Some have a small number of stocks, like the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Others, like the New York Stock Exchange Composite, have a large number. How stock market indexes are computed is not quite so straightforward, but it is important to understand. There are two major types of stock market index: price-weighted and valueweighted. With a price-weighted index, stocks are held in the index in proportion to their share prices. With a value-weighted index, stocks are held in proportion to the aggregate market value of the companies in the index. The best way to understand the difference between price and value weighting is to consider an example. To keep things relatively simple, we suppose that there are only two companies Chapter 5 

  The Stock Market163

Stock Market Major Indexes


Stock Indexes: Closing Data Bank Tuesday, October 27, 2016

Find Historical Data DAILY


52 WEEK % Chg

3-yr % chg*















































































































































500 Index











100 Index





















SmallCap 600











SuperComp 1500






























Health Care

















% Chg












Utility Average





65 Composite





Total Stock Market





Broad Stock Market





Large-Cap Growth TSM






Large-Cap Value TSM





Mid-Cap Growth TSM





Mid-Cap Value TSM





Small-Cap Growth TSM





Small-Cap Value TSM









Select REIT










Barron’s 400










Nasdaq 100




























YTD % chg








Dow Jones Industrial Average Transportation Average

Micro-Cap TSM

−0.24 −2.64 −0.26 −0.93

0.14 −0.30 −1.03

Nasdaq Stock Market



−0.09 0.18 −0.17 2.99


Standard & Poor’s

MidCap 400


New York Stock Exchange Composite Financial

Arca Biotech





Arca Tech 100





MKT Composite





Morgan Stanley High Tech





Arca Pharma

Source: The Wall Street Journal, 2015, Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

164 Part 2 

  Stock Markets

0.89 −1.38 3.48 0.95 unch. −1.23 −0.33



































in the entire market. We have the following information about their shares outstanding, share prices, and total market values:

Take a look at the “value” and “growth” indexes at


Shares Outstanding

Beginning of Year

Price per Share End of Year

Beginning of Year

Total Market Value End of Year

Company A

50 million



$500 million

$700 million

Company B

1 million



50 million

40 million

As shown, Company A has a lower share price but many more shares outstanding. Ignoring dividends, notice that Company A’s stock price rose by 40 percent ($10 to $14) while Company B’s stock price fell by 20 percent ($50 to $40). The question we want to answer here is simply: How did the market do for the year? There are several ways we could answer this question. We could first focus on what happened to the average share price. The average share price was ($10 + $50)/2 = $30 at the beginning of the year and ($14 + $40)/2 = $27 at the end, so the average share price fell. If we take the average share price as our index, then our index fell from 30 to 27, for a change of −3 points. Because the index began at 30, this is −3/30 = −0.10, or a 10% decrease. In this case, investors say that the market was “off” by 10 percent. This is an example of a price-weighted index. Because Company B’s stock price is five times bigger than Company A’s, it carries five times as much weight in the index. This explains why the index was down even though Company A’s stock gained 40 percent whereas Company B’s stock only lost 20 percent. The Dow Jones indexes are price weighted. Alternatively, instead of focusing on the price of a typical share, we could look at what happened to the total value of a typical company. Here we notice that the average total value, in millions, rose from ($500 + $50)/2 = $275 to ($700 + $40)/2 = $370. If we take average total company value as our index, then our index rose from 275 to 370, a 35 percent increase. This is an example of a value-weighted index. The influence a company has in this case depends on its overall change in total market value, not just its stock price change. Because Company A has a much larger total value, it carries a much larger weight in the index. With the exception of the Dow Jones indexes, most of the other indexes in Figure 5.4, including the Standard & Poor’s, are value weighted. Now we have a problem. One index tells us the market was down by 10 percent, while the other tells us it was up by 35 percent. Which one is correct? The answer seems fairly obvious. The total value of the market as a whole grew from $550 million to $740 million, so the market as a whole increased in value. Put differently, investors as a whole owned stock worth $550­million at the beginning of the year and $740 million at the end of the year. So, on the whole, stock market investors earned 35 percent, even though the average share price went down. This example shows that a price-weighted index can be misleading as an indicator of total market value. The basic flaw in a price-weighted index is that the effect a company has on the index depends on the price of a single share. However, the price of a single share is only part of the story. Unless the number of shares is also considered, the true impact on the overall market isn’t known, and a distorted picture can emerge.

Caution: Indexes under Construction Suppose there are only two stocks in the market and the following information is given:

Price per Share

Shares Outstanding

Beginning of Year

End of Year

Betty Co.

10 million



Gray Bull, Inc.

20 million




Chapter 5 

  The Stock Market165

Construct price- and value-weighted indexes and calculate the percentage changes in each. The average share price rose from $15 to $18, or $3, so the price-weighted index would be up by 3/15 = 20 percent. Average total market value, in millions, rose from $250 to $305, so the value-weighted index rose by 55/250 = 22 percent.

MORE ON P R IC E -WE I G HTE D I N D E XE S Earlier we indicated that the Dow Jones averages are price weighted. Given this, you may wonder why the Dow Jones Industrial Average has such a high value when the stock prices used to calculate the average are much smaller. To answer this question, we must explain one last detail about price-weighted indexes. The extra detail concerns the effects of stock splits on price-weighted indexes. For example, in a 2-for-1 stock split, all current shareholders receive two new shares in exchange for each old share that they own. However, the total value of the company does not change because it is still the same company after the stock split. There are just twice as many shares, each worth half as much. A stock split has no effect on a value-weighted index since the total value of the company does not change. But it can have a dramatic effect on a price-weighted index. To see this, consider what happens to the price-weighted and value-weighted indexes we created above when Company B enacts a 2-for-1 stock split. Based on beginning prices, with a 2-for-1 split, Company B’s shares fall to $25. The price-weighted index falls to (10 + 25)/2 = 17.50 from 30, even though nothing really happened. For a price-weighted index, the problem of stock splits can be addressed by adjusting the divisor each time a split occurs. Once again, an example is the best way to illustrate. In the case stated just above, suppose we wanted the index value to stay at 30 even though B’s price per share fell to $25 as a result of the split. The only way to accomplish this is to add together the new stock prices and divide by something less than 2. This new number is called the index divisor, and it is adjusted as needed to remove the effect of stock splits. To find the new divisor in our case, the stock prices are $25 and $10, and we want the index to equal 30. We solve for the new divisor, d, as follows: Sumofstockprices _________________ Indexlevel =    ​       ​ Divisor ​​​

   ​    ​ 30​  =​  ______ ​ 25 + 10       d d = ___ ​ 35 ​ = 1.16666 . . . 30

The new divisor is thus approximately 1.17. Adjusting the divisor takes care of the problem in one sense, but it creates another problem. Because we are no longer dividing the sum of the share prices by the number of companies in the index, we can no longer interpret the change in the index as the change in price of an average share.


Adjusting the Divisor Take a look back at Example 5.1. Suppose that Gray Bull splits 5-for-1. Based on beginning information, what is the new divisor? Following a 5-for-1 split, Gray Bull’s share price will fall from $20 to $4. With no adjustment to the divisor, the price-weighted index would drop from 15 to (10 + 4)/2 = 7. To keep the index at its old level of 15, we need to solve for a new divisor such that (10 + 4)/d = 15. In this case, the new divisor would be 14/15 = 0.93333. This example shows how the divisor can drop below 1.0.

166 Part 2 

  Stock Markets

T H E DOW J ON E S D I V I SOR S The method we described of adjusting the divisor on a price-weighted index for stock splits is the method used to adjust the Dow Jones averages. Through time, with repeated adjustments for stock splits, the divisor becomes smaller and smaller. As of December 22, 2016, the DJIA divisor was a nice, round 0.14602128058. Because there are 30 stocks in the index, the divisor on the DJIA would be 30 if it were never adjusted, so it has declined substantially. Divisors for the other Dow Jones averages have similarly odd values. Given its shortcomings, you might wonder why the financial press continues to report the Dow Jones averages. The reason is tradition. The Dow Jones averages have been around for more than 100 years, and each new generation of investors becomes accustomed to its quirks.

MOR E ON I N D E X FOR MATI ON : BA SE -Y E A R VA L UE S We next discuss one or two more details about indexes. First, to ease interpretation, the starting value of an index is usually set equal to some simple base number, like 100 or 1,000. For example, if you were to create a value-weighted index for the NYSE, the actual value of the index would be very large and cumbersome, so adjusting it makes sense. To illustrate, suppose we have a value-weighted index with a starting value of 1.4 million. If we want the starting value to be 100, we just divide the starting value, and every subsequent value, by 1.4 million and then multiply by 100. So, if the next value of the index is 1.6 million, the “reindexed” value would be 1.6 million/1.4 million × 100 = 114.29, which is easily interpreted as a 14.29 percent increase over a base of 100.


Reindexing You’ve calculated values for an index over a four-year period as follows: Year 1: Year 2: Year 3: Year 4:

1,687 million 1,789 million 1,800 million 1,700 million

Suppose you wanted the index to start at 1,000. What would the reindexed values be? To reindex these numbers, we need to (1) divide each of them by the starting value, 1,687 million, and then (2) multiply each by 1,000. Thus, we have: Year 1: Year 2: Year 3: Year 4:

index staleness Condition that occurs when an index does not reflect all current price information because some of the stocks in the index have not traded recently.

1,687 million/1,687 million × 1,000 = 1,000.00 1,789 million/1,687 million × 1,000 = 1,060.46 1,800 million/1,687 million × 1,000 = 1,066.98 1,700 million/1,687 million × 1,000 = 1,007.71

Finally, an important consideration in looking at indexes is whether dividends are included. Most indexes don’t include them. As a result, the change in an index measures only the capital gain (or loss) component of your return. When you’re trying to evaluate how a particular type of stock market investment has done over time, dividends have to be included to get an accurate picture. So which index is the best? The most popular alternative to the DJIA is the valueweighted S&P 500. You might further wonder, however, why this popular index limits itself to 500 stocks. The answer is timeliness and accuracy. Almost all stocks in the S&P 500 index trade every day, and therefore accurate daily updates of market prices are available each day. Stocks that do not trade every day can cause index staleness. Index staleness occurs when an index does not reflect all current price information because some of the stocks in the index Chapter 5 

  The Stock Market167

have not traded recently. Also, as a practical matter, the largest 500 companies account for a large portion (about 75%) of the value of the overall stock market. While the value-weighted approach dominates, investors are always in search of the “better mousetrap.” So, we have recently seen a surge in the number and types of indexes available. Much of this follows a so-called fundamental indexing approach. The most popular are indexes created based on earnings or dividend yields, with those stocks having the highest yields receiving the largest weights. As with anything new, there is still ongoing debate about whether these approaches create a better index.



What is the difference between price and value weighting in the construction of stock market indexes? Give an example of a well-known index of each type.


Which is better, price or value weighting? Why?


Which stock market index is likely to contain the greater degree of index stale‑ ness, the DJIA or the NYSE Composite Index? Why?

5.7 Summary and Conclusions This chapter introduces you to stock markets. We discussed who owns stocks, how the stock exchanges operate, and how stock market indexes are constructed and interpreted. This ­chapter covers many important aspects of stock markets, including the following items— grouped by the chapter’s important concepts. 1. The differences between private and public equity, and primary and secondary stock markets. A. Private equity funds are investment companies that invest in private companies. These investments range from early stage financing (i.e., venture capital) to large leveraged buyouts of public companies (i.e., going private). B. The stock market is composed of a primary market, where stock shares are first sold, and a secondary market, where investors trade shares among themselves. In the primary market, companies raise money for investment projects. Investment bankers specialize in arranging financing for companies in the primary market. Investment bankers often act as underwriters, buying newly issued stock from the company and then reselling the stock to the public. The primary market is best known as the market for initial public offerings (IPOs). C. In the secondary market, investors trade securities with other investors. Secondary market transactions are directed through three channels: directly with other investors, indirectly through a broker, or directly with a dealer. We saw that a broker matches buyers and sellers; a dealer buys and sells out of inventory. 2. The workings of the New York Stock Exchange. A. Most common stock trading is directed through an organized stock exchange or through a trading network. The most well-known stock exchange in the United States is the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). Popularly known as the Big Board, NYSE was once owned by its members. Today, however, the NYSE itself is a publicly traded company (a subsidiary of its parent company Intercontinental Exchange)—so, it is owned by its shareholders. B. The three major types of NYSE license holders are commission brokers, DMMs, and floor traders. We discussed the role of each in the functioning of the exchange.

168 Part 2 

  Stock Markets

3. How NASDAQ operates. A. The NASDAQ market is a computer network of securities dealers who post timely security price quotes to NASDAQ subscribers. These dealers act as market makers for securities listed on the NASDAQ. B. Unlike the NYSE, the NASDAQ relies on multiple market makers instead of using a specialist system. Because it is a computer network, the NASDAQ has no physical location. C. The NASDAQ network operates with three levels of information access: ∙ Level I provides timely and accurate price quotes that are freely available on the Internet. ∙ Level II allows users to view price quotes from all NASDAQ market makers. This level allows access to inside quotes. Inside quotes are the highest bid and lowest ask quotes for a NASDAQ-listed security. ∙ Level III is for use by NASDAQ market makers only. With this access, market makers can change their quotes. 4. How to calculate index returns. A. Investors interested in an overview of stock market activity refer to the returns on several stock market indexes. B. The most widely followed barometer of day-to-day stock market activity is the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), often called the “Dow” for short. The DJIA is an index of the stock prices of 30 large companies representative of American industry. The DJIA is a price-weighted index. C. Another widely followed index is the Standard & Poor’s Index of 500 stocks, commonly abbreviated as the S&P 500, or often just the S&P. The S&P 500 Index is a value-weighted index. D. Many newspapers and websites publish current price information for indexes as well as stocks. In the United States, the newspaper best known for reporting stock price information is The Wall Street Journal—with its companion website,


For the latest information on the real world of investments, visit us at

This chapter covered the operations and organization of the major stock markets. It also covered some of the most important order types and the construction of stock market indexes. How should you, as an investor or investment manager, put this information to work? First, as in some previous chapters, you need to submit as many as possible of the different order types suggested by this chapter in a simulated brokerage account—like Stock-Trak (note that not all simulated brokerage accounts allow all trade types). Your goal is to gain experience with the different order types and what they mean and accomplish for you as an investor or investment manager. In each case, once you have placed the order, be sure to monitor the price of the stock in question to see if any of your orders should be executed. When an order is executed, compare the result to the stop or limit price to see how you did. The second thing to do is to start observing the different indexes and learning how they are computed, what’s in them, and what they are intended to cover. For example, the NASDAQ 100 is made up of the largest NASDAQ stocks. Is this index broadly representative of big stocks in general? Of NASDAQ stocks in general? Learn about other indexes, like the Russell 2000, at

Chapter 5 

  The Stock Market169

Key Terms Arca 152 ask price  148 best efforts underwriting  146 bid price  148 broker 148 circuit breakers  156 dealer 148 designated market maker (DMM)  152 display book  152 DMM’s post  154 Dutch auction underwriting  147 electronic communications networks (ECNs) 159 firm commitment underwriting  146 floor broker  152 fourth market  160 general cash offer  145 index staleness  167 initial public offerings (IPOs)  145 inside quotes  160 investment banking firm  146 limit orders  155 market order  154

NYSE exchange members  151 NYSE license holder  151 over-the-counter (OTC) market  159 price-weighted index  163 primary market  145 prospectus 147 red herring  148 rights offer  145 seasoned equity offering (SEO)  145 secondary market  145 Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)  147 specialists 151 spread 148 stop order  155 Super Display Book system (SDBK)  152 SuperDOT system  152 supplemental liquidity provider (SLP)  152 syndicate 146 third market  160 underwrite 146 underwriter spread  146 value-weighted index  163 venture capital (VC)  143

Chapter Review Problems and Self-Test 1. Index Construction (LO4, CFA2)  Suppose there are only two stocks in the market and the following information is given:

Shares Outstanding

Beginning of Year

Price per Share End of Year

Ally Co.

100 million

$ 60

$ 66

McBeal, Inc.

400 million



Construct price- and value-weighted indexes and calculate the percentage changes in each. 2. Stock Splits (LO4, CFA2)  In Problem 1, suppose that McBeal splits 3-for-1. Based on beginning information, what is the new divisor?

Answers to Self-Test Problems 1. The average share price at the beginning of the year is ($60 + 120)/2 = $90. At the end of the year, the average price is $83. Thus, the average price declined by $7 from $90, a percentage drop of −$7/$90 = −7.78%. Total market cap at the beginning of the year is ($60×100) + ($120 × 400) = $54 billion. It falls to $46.6 billion, a decline of $7.4 billion. The percentage decline is −$7.4 billion/$54 billion = −13.7%, or almost twice as much as the price-weighted index. 2. Following a 3-for-1 split, McBeal’s share price falls from $120 to $40. To keep the priceweighted index at its old level of 90, we need a new divisor such that (60 + 40)/d = 90. In this case, the new divisor would be 100/90 = 1.1111.

170 Part 2 

  Stock Markets

Test Your Investment Quotient


1. New York Stock Exchange (LO2, CFA1)  Which of the following is false? a. b. c. d.

DMMs can trade for their own accounts. DMMs earn income from providing liquidity. On the NYSE, all buy and sell orders are negotiated through a floor broker. DMMs stand ready to trade at quoted bid and ask prices.

2. Private Equity (LO1, CFA5)  Private equity funds that concentrate in early stage financing would likely be what type of fund? a. b. c. d.

Venture capital Middle market Leveraged buyouts Distressed assets

3. Private Equity (LO1, CFA4)  The compensation constraint that requires private equity fund managers to “give back” performance fees when subsequent losses occur is a _____ provision. a. b. c. d.

High-water-mark Clawback Zenith Index

4. Value-Weighted Index (LO4, CFA2)  An analyst gathered the following data about stocks J,K, and L, which together form a value-weighted index:

December 31, Year 1

December 31, Year 2



Shares Outstanding


Shares Outstanding
















*2-for-1 stock split.

The ending value-weighted index (base index = 100) is closest to a. b. c. d.

92.31 93.64 106.80 108.33

5. Dow Jones Index (LO4, CFA2)  The divisor for the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) is most likely to decrease when a stock in the DJIA a. b. c. d.

Has a stock split. Has a reverse split. Pays a cash dividend. Is removed and replaced.

6. New York Stock Exchange (LO2, CFA1)  Which of the following activities is not conducted by DMMs on the NYSE? a. b. c. d.

Acting as dealers for their own accounts. Monitoring compliance with margin requirements. Providing liquidity to the market. Posting bid and ask prices.

7. Stock Markets (LO1, CFA1)  What is a securities market characterized by dealers who buy and sell securities for their own inventories called? a. b. c. d.

A primary market. A secondary market. An over-the-counter market. An institutional market.

Chapter 5 

  The Stock Market171

8. Stock Markets (LO1, CFA1)  What is the over-the-counter market for exchange-listed securities called? a. b. c. d.

Third market Fourth market After-market Block market

9. Stock Indexes (LO4, CFA2)  If the market price of each of the 30 stocks in the Dow Jones Industrial Average changes by the same percentage amount during a given day, which stock will have the greatest impact on the DJIA? a. b. c. d.

The one whose stock trades at the highest dollar price per share. The one whose total equity has the highest market value. The one having the greatest amount of equity in its capital structure. The one having the lowest volatility.

10. Stock Indexes (LO4, CFA2)  In calculating the Standard & Poor’s stock price indexes, how are adjustments for stock splits made? a. b. c. d.

By adjusting the divisor. Automatically, due to the manner in which the index is calculated. By adjusting the numerator. Quarterly, on the last trading day of each quarter.

11. Stock Indexes (LO4, CFA2)  Which of the following indexes includes the largest number of actively traded stocks? a. b. c. d.

The NASDAQ Composite Index. The NYSE Composite Index. The Wilshire 5000 Index. The Value Line Composite Index.

12. Private Equity (LO1, CFA5)  Private equity funds that concentrate in smaller, family-owned companies with established cash flows are typically referred to as a. b. c. d.

Venture capital Middle market Leveraged buyouts Distressed assets

13. Private Equity (LO1, CFA4)  The compensation constraint that requires private equity fund managers to meet a particular return target before performance fees can be taken is a _____ provision. a. b. c. d.

High-water-mark Clawback Zenith Index

14. Private Equity (LO1, CFA4)  Private equity funds will often use convertible preferred stock or bonds with attached call options. These types of securities are used because they a. b. c. d.

Increase the risk of the transaction. Shorten the life of the investment. Allow upside potential associated with a successful venture. Meet SEC regulations for such investments.

15. Stock Indexes (LO4, CFA2)  Which one of the following statements regarding the Dow Jones Industrial Average is false? a. b. c. d.

172 Part 2 

  Stock Markets

The DJIA contains 30 well-known large-company stocks. The DJIA is affected equally by dollar changes in low- and high-priced stocks. The DJIA is affected equally by percentage changes in low- and high-priced stocks. The DJIA divisor must be adjusted for stock splits.

Concept Questions 1. Primary and Secondary Markets (LO1, CFA5)  In your local Chevrolet retailer, both a primary and a secondary market are in action. Explain. Is the Chevy retailer a dealer or a broker? 2. Brokers (LO1, CFA1)  Why would floor brokers be willing to pay $40,000 per year just for the right to trade on the NYSE? 3. Market and Limit Orders (LO1, CFA6)  What is the difference between a market order and a limit order? What is the potential downside to each type of order? 4. Stop That! (LO2, CFA6)  What is a stop-loss order? Why might it be used? Is it sure to stop aloss? 5. Order Types (LO2, CFA6)  Suppose Microsoft is currently trading at $50. You want to sell it if it reaches $55. What type of order should you submit? 6. Order Types (LO2, CFA6)  Suppose Tesla is currently trading at $200. You think that if it reaches $210, it will continue to climb, so you want to buy it if and when it gets there. Should you submit a limit order to buy at $210? 7. NASDAQ Quotes (LO3, CFA1)  With regard to the NASDAQ, what are inside quotes? 8. Index Composition (LO4, CFA2)  There are basically four factors that differentiate stock market indexes. What are they? Comment on each. 9. Index Composition (LO4, CFA2)  Is it necessarily true that, all else the same, an index with more stocks is better? What is the issue here? 10. Private Equity (LO1, CFA5)  Why would venture capitalists provide financing in stages?

Questions and Problems Core Questions

1. Price-Weighted Divisor (LO4, CFA2)  Able, Baker, and Charlie are the only three stocks in an index. The stocks sell for $93, $312, and $78, respectively. If Baker undergoes a 2-for-1 stock split, what is the new divisor for the price-weighted index? 2. Price-Weighted Divisor (LO4, CFA2)  In Problem 1, assume that Baker undergoes a 4-for-1 stock split. What is the new divisor now? 3. Order Books (LO2, CFA1)  You find the following order book on a particular stock. The last trade on the stock was at $70.54. Buy Orders

Sell Orders























a. If you place a market buy order for 100 shares, at what price will it be filled? b. If you place a market sell order for 200 shares, at what price will it be filled? c. Suppose you place a market order to buy 400 shares. At what price will it be filled? 4. Price-Weighted Index (LO4, CFA2)  You are given the following information concerning two stocks that make up an index. What is the price-weighted return for the index?

Shares Outstanding

Beginning of Year

Price per Share End of Year

Kirk, Inc.




Picard Co.




Chapter 5 

  The Stock Market173

5. Value-Weighted Index (LO4, CFA2)  Calculate the index return for the information in Problem 4 using a value-weighted index. 6. Reindexing (LO4, CFA2)  In Problem 5, assume that you want to reindex with the index value at the beginning of the year equal to 100. What is the index level at the end of the year? 7. Index Level (LO4, CFA2)  In Problem 5, assume the value-weighted index level was 408.16 at the beginning of the year. What is the index level at the end of the year? 8. Reindexing (LO4, CFA2)  Suppose you calculated the total market value of the stocks in an index over a five-year period: Year 1: 4,387 million Year 2: 4,671 million Year 3: 5,032 million Year 4: 4,820 million Year 5: 5,369 million

Intermediate Questions

Suppose you wanted the index to start at 1,000. What would the reindexed values be? 9. Price-Weighted Divisor (LO4, CFA2)  Look back at Problem 1. Assume that Able undergoes a 1-for-2 reverse stock split. What is the new divisor? 10. DJIA (LO4, CFA2)  On October 28, 2015, the DJIA opened at 17,581.43. The divisor at that time was 0.14967727343. Suppose on this day the prices for 29 of the stocks remained unchanged and one stock increased $5.00. What would the DJIA level be at the end of the day? 11. DJIA (LO4, CFA2)  In October 2015, Goldman Sachs was the highest priced stock in the DJIA and Cisco was the lowest. The closing price for Goldman Sachs on October 27, 2015, was $186.31, and the closing price for Cisco was $29.05. Suppose the next day the other 29 stock prices remained unchanged and Goldman Sachs increased 5 percent. What would the new DJIA level be? Now assume only Cisco increased by 5 percent. Find the new DJIA level. Use the information from Problem 10 to answer this question. 12. DJIA (LO4, CFA2)  Looking back at Problems 10 and 11, what would the new index level be if all stocks on the DJIA increased by $1.00 per share on the next day? 13. Price-Weighted Divisor (LO4, CFA2)  You construct a price-weighted index of 40 stocks. At the beginning of the day, the index is 8,465.52. During the day, 39 stock prices remain the same, and one stock price increases $5.00. At the end of the day, your index value is 8,503.21. What is the divisor on your index? 14. Price-Weighted Indexes (LO4, CFA2)  Suppose the following three defense stocks are to be combined into a stock index in January 2016 (perhaps a portfolio manager believes these stocks are an appropriate benchmark for his or her performance):

Shares (millions)

Price 1/1/16



Douglas McDonnell





Dynamics General





International Rockwell





a. Calculate the initial value of the index if a price-weighting scheme is used. b. What is the rate of return on this index for the year ending December 31, 2016? For the year ending December 31, 2017? 15. Price-Weighted Indexes (LO4, CFA2)  In Problem 14, suppose that Douglas McDonnell shareholders approve a 3-for-1 stock split on January 1, 2017. What is the new divisor for the index? Calculate the rate of return on the index for the year ending December 31, 2017, if Douglas McDonnell’s share price on January 1, 2018, is $39.33 per share. 16. Value-Weighted Indexes (LO4, CFA2)  Repeat Problem 14 if a value-weighted index is used. Assume the index is scaled by a factor of 10 million; that is, if the average firm’s market value is $5 billion, the index would be quoted as 500. 17. Value-Weighted Indexes (LO4, CFA2)  In Problem 16, will your answers change if the Douglas McDonnell stock splits? Why or why not? 174

Part 2 

  Stock Markets

18. Equally Weighted Indexes (LO4, CFA2)  In addition to price-weighted and value-weighted indexes, an equally weighted index is one in which the index value is computed from the average rate of return of the stocks comprising the index. Equally weighted indexes are frequently used by financial researchers to measure portfolio performance. a. Using the information in Problem 14, compute the rate of return on an equally weighted index of the three defense stocks for the year ending December 31, 2016. b. If the index value is set to 100 on January 1, 2016, what will the index value be on January 1, 2017? What is the rate of return on the index for 2017? 19. Dutch Auctions (LO1, CFA1)  Escambia Beach Systems is offering 1,000 shares in a Dutch auction IPO. The following bids have been received: Bidder















How much will Bidder A have to spend to purchase all of the shares that have been allocated to her? 20. Equally Weighted versus Value-Weighted Indexes (LO4, CFA2)  Historically there have been periods where a value-weighted index has a higher return than an equally weighted index and other periods where the opposite has occurred. Why do you suppose this would happen? Hint: Look back to Chapter 1. 21. Geometric Indexes (LO4)  Another type of index is the geometric index. The calculation of a geometric index is similar to the calculation of a geometric return: ​1 + ​R​ G​= ​[(1 + ​R​ 1​)(1 + ​R​ 2​)...(1 + ​R​ N​)]​ 1/N​ The difference in the geometric index construction is the returns used are the returns for the different stocks in the index for a particular period, such as a day or year. Construct the geometric index returns for Problem 14 over each of the two years. Assume the beginning index level is 100. 22. Interpreting Index Values (CFA2)  Suppose you want to replicate the performance of several stock indexes, some of which are price-weighted, others value-weighted, and still others equally weighted. Describe the investment strategy you need for each of the index types. Are any of the three strategies passive, in that no portfolio rebalancing need be performed to perfectly replicate the index (assuming no stock splits or cash distributions)? Which of the three strategies do you think is most often followed by small investors? Which strategy is the most difficult to implement?

CFA Exam Review by Kaplan Schweser [CFA6] George White, CFA, and Elizabeth Plain, CFA, manage an account for Briggs and Meyers Securities. In managing the account, White and Plain use a variety of strategies, and they trade in different markets. They use both market and limit orders to execute their trades, which are often based on algorithmic methods. Their supervisor has asked them to compose a summary of their trading records to see how various strategies have worked. Their supervisor also asks them to assess the costs and risks of the various types of trades. The supervisor specifically asks Mr. White and Ms. Plain to explain the difference in risks associated with market and limit orders. After Mr. White and Ms. Plain explain how limit orders can give a better price, the supervisor asks why they wouldn’t always use limit orders. As part of the discussion, Ms. Plain explains the issue of spread. She uses a recent example where the quoted bid and ask prices of GHT stock were $25.40 and $25.44, respectively. 1. Which of the following statements regarding market orders is most accurate? Market orders: a. Have price uncertainty, and limit orders have execution uncertainty. b. Have execution uncertainty, and limit orders have price uncertainty. c. And limit orders both have execution uncertainty and no price uncertainty.

Chapter 5 

  The Stock Market175

2. In the example given by Ms. Plain, what was the spread for the GHT stock just prior to execution? a. $0.06 b. $0.02 c. $0.04 3. Assume that when Mr. White and Ms. Plain entered their buy order for GHT, the price of the stock increased to $25.45. This is the price at which the trade was executed. Given this impact, the effective spread was _____ that in Question 2 above. a. Lower than b. Higher than c. The same as

What’s on the Web? 1. DJIA  As you have seen, in a price-weighted index, a stock with a higher price has a higher weight in the index return. To find out the weight of the stocks in the DJIA, go to www.­ Which stock in the DJIA has the highest weight? The lowest weight? 2. DJIA  You want to find the current divisor for the DJIA. Go to and look up the current divisor. 3. S&P 500  To find out the most recent changes in the S&P 500, go to www.standardandpoors. com. Once at the website, find the 10 most recent additions and deletions to the stocks in the index. 4. Nikkei 225  The Nikkei 225 Index is a highly followed index that measures the performance of the Japanese stock market. Go to find out if the Nikkei 225 is a price-weighted or value-weighted index. What is the divisor for this index? When was the latest reconstitution of the index? Which stocks were added? Which stocks were deleted? Hint: Look in the “More Details” section.

Stock-Trak Exercises

To access the Stock-Trak Exercise for this chapter, please visit the resource library site in Connect and choose the corresponding chapter.

176 Part 2 

  Stock Markets


Common Stock Valuation



“If a business is worth a dollar and I can buy it for 40 cents, something good may happen to me.”


–Warren Buffett

Learning Objectives Separate yourself from the commoners by having a good understanding of these security valuation methods:

1. The basic dividend discount model. 2. The two-stage dividend growth model.

“Prediction is difficult, especially about the future.” –Niels Bohr1

Common stock valuation is one of the most challenging tasks in financial analysis. A fundamental assertion of finance holds that the value of an asset is based on the present value of its future cash flows. Accordingly, common stock valuation attempts the difficult task of predicting the future. Consider that the dividend yield for a typical large-company stock might be about 2 percent. This implies that the present value of dividends to be paid over the next 10 years constitutes only a portion of the current stock price. Thus, much of the value of a typical stock is derived from dividends to be paid more than 10 years away!

3. The residual income and free cash flow models.

CFA™ Exam Topics in This Chapter:

4. Price ratio analysis.

1. Financial reporting quality (L1, S10) 2. Cost of capital (L1, S11) 3. Overview of equity securities (L1, S14) 4. Equity valuation: Concepts and basic tools (L1, S14) 5. Equity valuation: Applications and processes (L2, S10) 6. Discounted dividend valuation (L2, S11) 7. Free cash flow valuation (L2, S12) 8. Market-based valuation: Price and enterprise value multiples (L2, S12) 9. Residual income valuation (L2, S12)

Go to Connect for a guide that aligns your textbook with CFA readings.


This quote has also been attributed to Yogi Berra, Samuel Goldwyn, and Mark Twain.

In this chapter, we examine several methods commonly used by financial analysts to assess the economic value of common stocks. These methods are grouped into two categories: discount models and price ratio models. After studying these models, we provide an analysis of a real company to illustrate the use of the methods discussed in this chapter.

6.1 Security Analysis: Be Careful Out There

fundamental analysis Examination of a firm’s accounting statements and other financial and economic information to assess the economic value of a company’s stock.

Visit the New York Society of Security Analysts website at


It may seem odd that we start our discussion with an admonition to be careful, but in this case, we think it is a good idea. The methods we discuss in this chapter are examples of those used by many investors and security analysts to assist in making buy and sell decisions for individual stocks. The basic idea is to identify both “undervalued” or “cheap” stocks to buy and “overvalued” or “rich” stocks to sell. In practice, however, many stocks that look cheap may in fact be correctly priced for reasons not immediately apparent to the analyst. Indeed, the hallmark of a good analyst is a cautious attitude and a willingness to probe further and deeper before committing to a final investment recommendation. The type of security analysis we describe in this chapter falls under the heading of fundamental analysis. Numbers such as a company’s earnings per share, cash flow, book equity value, and sales are often called fundamentals because they describe, on a basic level, a specific firm’s operations and profits (or lack of profits). Fundamental analysis represents the examination of these and other accounting statementbased company data used to assess the value of a company’s stock. Information regarding such things as management quality, products, and product markets is often examined as well. We urge you to be cautious when you apply these techniques. Further, the simpler the technique, the more cautious you should be. As our later chapter on market efficiency explains, there is good reason to believe that simple techniques that rely on widely available information are not likely to yield systematically superior investment results. In fact, they could lead to unnecessarily risky investment decisions. This is especially true for ordinary investors (like most of us) who do not have timely access to the information that a professional security analyst working for a major securities firm would possess. As a result, our goal here is not to teach you how to “pick” stocks with a promise that you will become rich. Certainly, one chapter in an investments text is not likely to be sufficient to acquire that level of investment savvy. Still, an appreciation of the techniques in this chapter is important simply because buy and sell recommendations made by securities firms are frequently couched in the terms we introduce here. Much of the discussion of individual companies in the financial press relies on these concepts as well, so some background is necessary just to interpret commonly presented investment information. In essence, you must learn both the jargon and the concepts of security analysis. 6.1a

What is fundamental analysis?


What is a “rich” stock? What is a “cheap” stock?


Why does valuing a stock necessarily involve predicting the future?

6.2 The Dividend Discount Model dividend discount model (DDM) Method of estimating the value of a share of stock as the present value of all expected future dividend payments. 178 Part 2 

  Stock Markets

A fundamental principle of finance says that the value of a security equals the sum of its future cash flows, where the cash flows are adjusted for risk and the time value of money. A popular model used to value common stock is the dividend discount model, or DDM. The dividend discount model values a share of stock as the sum of all expected future dividend payments, where the dividends are adjusted for risk and the time value of money. For example, suppose a company pays a dividend at the end of each year. Let Dt denote a dividend to be paid t years from now and let P0 represent the present value of the future

dividend stream. Also, let k denote the appropriate risk-adjusted discount rate. Using the dividend discount model, the present value of a share of this company’s stock is measured as this sum of discounted future dividends: D3 D1 D2 DT + _______ + _______ + ⋯ + _______ P0 = ______ ​​     ​​  ​​   2 ​​  ​​   3 ​​  ​​     ​​  (6.1) (1 + k) (1 + k ) (1 + k ) (1 + k )T

Check out the American Association of Individual Investors website at

In equation (6.1), we assume that the last dividend is paid T years from now. The value of T depends on the time of the terminal, or last, dividend. Thus, if T = 3 years and D1 = D2 = D3 = $100, the present value, P0, is stated as $100 $100 $100 P0=​​ ______  ​​  + _______ ​​    ​​  + _______ ​​    ​​  (1 + k) (1 + k)2 (1 + k)3 If the discount rate is k = 10 percent, then a quick calculation yields P0 = $248.69. Thus, the stock price should be about $250 per share.


Using the Dividend Discount Model Suppose again that a stock pays three annual dividends of $100 per year and the discount rate is k = 15 percent. In this case, what is the price of the stock today? With a 15 percent discount rate, we have 100 + ______ 100 + ______ 100 P0 = _____ ​​  $1.15 ​​  ​​  $    ​​  ​​  $    ​​  (1.15)2 (1.15)3

Check that the answer is P0 = $228.32.


Using the Dividend Discount Model Again Suppose instead that the stock pays three annual dividends of $10, $20, and $30 in years 1, 2, and 3, respectively, and the discount rate is k = 10 percent. What is the price of the stock today? In this case, we have 10 + ______ 20 + ______ 30 P0 = _____ ​​  $   ​​  ​​  $   ​​  ​​  $   ​​  (1.10) (1.10)2 (1.10)3

Check that the answer is P0 = $48.16.

CONSTANT P E R P E TUA L G ROWTH constant perpetual growth model A version of the dividend discount model in which dividends grow forever at a constant rate, and the growth rate is strictly less than the discount rate. Try surfing to the CFA Institute website at

A particularly simple and useful form of the dividend discount model is called the constant perpetual growth model. In this case, we assume the firm will pay dividends that grow at the constant rate g forever. In the constant perpetual growth model, stock prices are calculated using this formula:

D0(1 + g  ) P0 = ​​  ________  ​​        ( g < k )(6.2) k−g

Because D0(1 + g) = D1, we can also write the constant perpetual growth model as

D1 P0 = ________ ​     ​      ( g < k )(6.3) k−g

Either way, we have a very simple, and very widely used, formula for the price of a share of stock based on its future dividend payments. Notice that the constant perpetual growth model requires that the growth rate be strictly less than the discount rate, that is, g < k. It looks as if the share value would be negative if this were not true. Actually, the formula is simply not valid in this case. The reason is that a perpetual dividend growth rate greater than the discount rate implies an infinite value because the present value of the dividends keeps getting bigger and bigger. Because no security can have infinite value, the requirement that g < k simply makes good economic sense. Chapter 6 

  Common Stock Valuation179

To illustrate the constant perpetual growth model, suppose that the growth rate is g = 4 percent, the discount rate is k = 9 percent, and the current dividend is D0 = $10. In this case, a simple calculation yields $10(1.04) P0 = __________ ​​     ​​  = $208 0.09 − 0.04


Using the Constant Perpetual Growth Model Suppose dividends for a particular company are projected to grow at 5 percent forever. If the discount rate is 15 percent and the current dividend is $10, what is the value of the stock?

$10(1.05)  = P0 = _________ ​​ 0.15    − 0.05 ​​ $105 With these inputs, the stock should sell for $105.

HOW DO WE GET THE FORMULA FOR CONSTANT PERPETUAL GROWTH?  Good question. Many people wonder how such a simple-looking formula, equation (6.3), emerges when we add up an infinite number of dividends. Recall that perpetual dividend growth means that dividends will grow forever. This means today’s stock price, P0, equals D1 D1(1 + g ) _________ D (1 + g )2 _________ D (1 + g )3 + ________ + 1 + ​​  1 + . . . P0 = ______ ​​    ​​  ​​     ​​    2 ​​ ​​  3 ​​  1+k (1 + k ) (1 + k ) (1 + k )4


Equation (6.4) says that the stock price today is equal to the sum of the discounted amounts of all future dividends. To get the formula for today’s stock price when assuming constant perpetual growth, we begin by multiplying both sides of equation (6.4) by the amount [(1 + g)/(1 + k)]. Equation (6.4) then becomes D1 _____ D1(1 + g ) _____ 1+g 1+g 1+g P0 [​​ _____ ​   ​ ​​ = _____ ​​    ​​  ​​ ​   ​ ​​ + ________ ​​   ​​  ​​ ​   ​ ​​ 1 + k] 1 + k [1 + k] (1 + k )2 [ 1 + k ]


D1(1 + g )2 _____ 1+g + _________ ​​   ​​    ​​ ​   ​ ​​ + . . . (1 + k )3 [ 1 + k ] D1(1 + g ) _________ D (1 + g )2 _________ D (1 + g )3 = ________ + 1 + ​​  1 +... ​​     ​​    2 ​​ ​​  3 ​​  (1 + k ) (1 + k ) (1 + k )4

Then, we simply subtract equation (6.5) from equation (6.4). If you look closely, you can see that when we do this, we can cancel a lot of terms. In fact, we can cancel all the terms on the right side of equation (6.5) and all but the first term on the right side of equation (6.4). Using a little bit of algebra, we show what happens when we subtract equation (6.5) from equation (6.4): D1 D1(1 + g ) D (1 + g ) 1+g 1 + ​​  ________ − ________ P0 − P0 [​​ _____ ​   ​  ​​ = _____ ​​    ​​   ​​  2 ​​ ​​  ] 1+k 1+k (1 + k) (1 + k)2 D1(1 + g )2 D (1 + g )2 1 + ​​  ________ − ​​  ________ +...    ​​    3 ​​  (1 + k) (1 + k)3 D1 1+g P0 [​​ 1 − _____ ​   ​  ​​ = _____ ​​    ​​  ] 1+k 1+k D1 1+g 1 + k − _____ P0 [​​ _____ ​   ​  ​   ​ ​​ = _____ ​​    ​​  1 + k 1 + k] 1 + k D0 k−g P0 [ ​​ _____ ​   ​  ​​ = _____ ​​    ​​  ] 1+k 1+k D1 1+k × _____ P0 = _____ ​​    ​​  ​​     ​​  1+k k−g D1 P0 = _____ ​​     ​​  k−g


There. Now you know how we get a formula for the price of a share of stock when we assume that dividends grow at a constant rate forever. We apply this formula in the following section. 180 Part 2 

  Stock Markets

Visit the AEP and DTE websites at and

APPLICATIONS OF THE CONSTANT PERPETUAL GROWTH MODEL  In practice, the constant perpetual growth model is the most popular dividend discount model because it is so simple to use. Certainly, the model satisfies Einstein’s famous dictum: “Simplify as much as possible, but no more.” However, experienced financial analysts are keenly aware that the constant perpetual growth model can be usefully applied only to companies with a history of relatively stable earnings and dividends that are expected to continue to grow into the distant future. A standard example of an industry for which the constant perpetual growth model can often be usefully applied is the electric utility industry. Consider American Electric Power, which is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol AEP. In late-2015, AEP was paying an annual dividend of $2.24; thus we set D0 = $2.24. To use the constant perpetual growth model, we also need a discount rate and a growth rate. An old quick-and-dirty rule of thumb for a risk-adjusted discount rate for electric utility companies is the yield to maturity on 20-year-maturity U.S. Treasury bonds, plus 2 percent. At the time this example was written, the yield on 20-year-maturity T-bonds was about 2.5 percent. Adding 2 percent, we get a discount rate of k = 4.5 percent. Over the past few years, AEP has increased its dividend by as much as 8 percent (in 2011) and by as little as 0 percent (in 2009). On average, though, AEP has increased its dividend by about 2 percent per year. This growth rate is consistent with the projected earnings growth rate for the overall electric utilities industry. A growth rate of 2 percent appears to be a sensible estimate of future growth for AEP. Putting it all together, we have k = 4.5 percent, g = 2 percent, and D0 = $2.24. Using these numbers, we obtain this estimate for the value of a share of AEP stock: $2.24(1.02) P0 = ___________ ​​     ​​  = $91.39 0.045 − 0.02 This estimate is well above the late-2015 AEP stock price of $56.21, possibly suggesting that AEP stock was undervalued. We emphasize the word “possibly” here because we made several assumptions in the process of coming up with this estimate. A change in any of these assumptions could easily lead us to a different conclusion. In particular, we made assumptions about the discount rate, the growth rate, and the steady nature of dividend growth. What happens when we change these assumptions? We will return to this point several times in future discussions.


Valuing DTE Energy Co. (formerly Detroit ED) In 2015, the utility company DTE Energy (DTE) paid a $2.84 dividend. Using D0 = $2.84, k = 4.5 percent, and an industry average growth rate of g = 2 percent, calculate a present value estimate for DTE. Compare this with the 2015 DTE stock price of $81.15. Plugging in the relevant numbers, we immediately have

$2.84 (1.02)  ​​ = $115.87 P0 = _____________       ​​  0.045 − 0.02 This estimate is much higher than the late-2015 DTE stock price of $81.15, possibly suggesting that DTE stock was undervalued.

geometric average dividend growth rate A dividend growth rate based on a geometric average of historical dividends. arithmetic average dividend growth rate A dividend growth rate based on an arithmetic average of historical dividends.

HISTOR ICA L G ROWTH R ATE S In the constant growth model, a company’s historical average dividend growth rate is frequently taken as an estimate of future dividend growth. Sometimes historical growth rates are provided in published information about the company. Other times it is necessary to calculate a historical growth rate yourself. There are two ways to do this: (1) using a geometric average dividend growth rate or (2) using an arithmetic average dividend growth rate. Both methods are relatively easy to implement, as we will now illustrate. Chapter 6 

  Common Stock Valuation181

To illustrate the difference between a geometric average and an arithmetic average of historical dividend growth, suppose that The Broadway Joe Company paid the following dividends at the end of each of the years indicated immediately below. 2016:












We begin with a geometric average growth rate because it is easier to calculate. Notice that five years elapsed between the $1.50 dividend paid at the end of 2011 and the $2.20 dividend paid at the end of 2016. A geometric average growth rate is equivalent to a constant rate of growth over the five-year period that would grow the dividend from $1.50 to $2.20. That is, it is the growth rate that solves this growth equation: $2.20 = $1.50(1 + g)5 $2.20 1​​  ⁄ 5​​ g = ​​(_____ ​   ​ ​​ − 1 = 0.08 $1.50 ) Thus, in this case, the five-year geometric average dividend growth rate is 8 percent. Notice that this calculation is similar to our calculation of the geometric average return in Chapter 1. In general, if D0 is the earliest dividend used and DN is the latest dividend used to calculate a geometric average dividend growth rate over N years, the general equation used is DN 1​​  ⁄ N​​ g = ​​ ___ ​   ​  ​​ − 1(6.7) [ D0 ]

In the above example, D0 = $1.50, DN = $2.20, and N = 5, which yields g = 8%. An arithmetic average growth rate takes a little more effort to calculate because it requires that we first calculate each year’s dividend growth rate separately and then calculate an ­arithmetic average of these annual growth rates. For our Broadway Joe example, the ­arithmetic average of five years of dividend growth is calculated as follows: Year


Yearly Growth Rate



10.00% = (2.20 − 2.00)/2.00



11.11% = (2.00 − 1.80)/1.80



2.86% = (1.80 − 1.75)/1.75



2.94% = (1.75 − 1.70)/1.70



13.33% = (1.70 − 1.50)/1.50



SUM/N = 40.24%/5 = 8.05%

The sum of the five yearly growth rates is 40.24%. Dividing by five yields an arithmetic average growth rate of 40.24%/5 = 8.05%. Notice that this arithmetic average growth rate is close to the geometric average growth rate of 8.0 percent. This is usually the case for dividend growth rates, but not always. A large difference between the two means that the dividend grew erratically, which calls into question the use of the constant growth formula.


Erratic Dividend Growth To illustrate how the geometric average and the arithmetic average of historical dividend growth can differ, consider the following dividends paid by the Joltin’ Joe Company: 2016:












(continued ) 182 Part 2 

  Stock Markets

For Joltin’ Joe, the arithmetic average of five years of dividend growth is calculated as follows: Year






11.11% = (2.00 − 1.80)/1.80



−10.00% = (1.80 − 2.00)/2.00



33.33% = (2.00 − 1.50)/1.50



0.00%= (1.50 − 1.50)/1.50



Yearly Growth Rate 10.00% = (2.20 − 2.00)/2.00

44.44%/5 = 8.89%

In this case, the sum of the five yearly growth rates is 44.44 percent. Dividing by five yields an arithmetic average growth rate of 44.44%/5 = 8.89%. Notice that this arithmetic average growth rate is somewhat larger than the geometric average growth rate of 8.0 percent, which you can verify using equation (6.7).

As the Joltin’ Joe example shows, sometimes the arithmetic and geometric growth rate averages can yield rather different results. In practice, most analysts prefer to use a geometric average when calculating an average historical dividend growth rate. In any case, a historical average growth rate may or may not be a reasonable estimate of future dividend growth. Many analysts adjust their estimates to reflect other information available to them; for example, whether the growth rate appears to be sustainable.


sustainable growth rate A dividend growth rate that can be sustained by a company’s earnings. retained earnings Earnings retained within the firm to finance growth. payout ratio Proportion of earnings paid out as dividends. retention ratio Proportion of earnings retained for reinvestment.

As we have seen, when using the constant perpetual growth model, it is necessary to come up with an estimate of g, the growth rate of dividends. In our previous discussions, we described how to do this using the company’s historical average growth rate. We now describe a second way, using the sustainable growth rate, which involves using a company’s earnings to estimate g. As we have discussed, a limitation of the constant perpetual growth model is that it should be applied only to companies with stable dividend and earnings growth. Essentially, a company’s earnings can be paid out as dividends to its stockholders or kept as retained earnings within the firm to finance future growth. The proportion of earnings paid to stockholders as dividends is called the payout ratio. The proportion of earnings retained for reinvestment is called the retention ratio. If we let D stand for dividends and EPS stand for earnings per share, then the payout ratio is simply D/EPS. Because anything not paid out is retained, the retention ratio is just 1 minus the payout ratio. For example, if a company’s current dividend is $4 per share and its earnings per share are currently $10, then the payout ratio is $4/$10 = 0.40, or 40 percent, and the retention ratio is 1 − 0.40 = 0.60, or 60 percent. A firm’s sustainable growth rate is equal to its return on equity (ROE) times its retention ratio:2 Sustainable growth rate = ROE × Retention ratio


= ROE × (1 − Payout ratio)

Return on equity is commonly computed using an accounting-based performance m ­ easure and is calculated as a firm’s net income divided by shareholders’ equity: Return on equity (ROE) = Net income/Equity


Strictly speaking, this formula is correct only if ROE is calculated using beginning-of-period shareholders’ equity. If ending figures are used, then the precise formula is ROE × Retention ratio/[1 – (ROE × Retention ratio)]. However, the error from not using the precise formula is usually small, so most analysts might not bother with it. 2

Chapter 6 

  Common Stock Valuation183


Calculating Sustainable Growth In 2015, American Electric Power (AEP) had a return on equity (ROE) of 10.25 percent, had earnings per share (EPS) of $3.61, and paid dividends of D0 = $2.24. What was AEP’s retention rate? Its sustainable growth rate? AEP’s dividend payout was $2.24/$3.61 = 0.620, or about 62.0 percent. Its retention ratio was thus 1 − 0.620 = 0.380, or 38.0 percent. Finally, AEP’s sustainable growth rate was 0.1025 × 0.380 = 0.03895, or 3.90 percent.


Valuing American Electric Power (AEP) Using AEP’s sustainable growth rate of 3.90 percent (see Example 6.6) as an estimate of perpetual dividend growth and its current dividend of $2.24, what is the value of AEP’s stock assuming a discount rate of 4.5 percent? Using the constant growth model, we obtain a value of $2.24(1.039)/(0.045 − 0.039) = $387.89. Clearly, something is wrong because the actual price was $56.21. Can you identify some reasons for this difference?


Valuing DTE Energy Co. (DTE) In 2015, DTE had an ROE of 11 percent, EPS of $5.29, and a per-share dividend of D0 = $2.84. Assuming a 4.5 percent discount rate, what is the value of DTE’s stock? DTE’s payout ratio was $2.84/$5.29 = 0.5368, or about 53.7 percent. Thus, DTE’s retention ratio was 1 − 0.537 = 0.463, or 46.3 percent. DTE’s sustainable growth rate is thus 11% × 0.463 = 5.1%. Well, we have a problem. Remember that the discount rate (k) must be greater than the growth rate (g). In this case, k = 4.5 percent and g = 5.1 percent. Thus, we cannot use the perpetual dividend growth model.

A common problem with sustainable growth rates is that they are sensitive to year-to-year fluctuations in earnings. As a result, security analysts routinely adjust sustainable growth rate estimates to smooth out the effects of earnings variations. Unfortunately, there is no universally standard method to adjust a sustainable growth rate, and analysts depend a great deal on personal experience and their own subjective judgment. Our Work the Web box on the next page contains more information on analyst-estimated growth rates.

ANALYZING ROE Two factors are needed to estimate a sustainable growth rate: the dividend payout ratio and ROE. For most firms, dividend policy is relatively stable. Thus, any major changes in the firm’s sustainable growth rate likely stem from changes in ROE. Therefore, an understanding of ROE is critical when you are analyzing a stock price. You might recall from other finance classes that ROE, net income divided by equity, can be broken down into three components. This “decomposition” is so important that it has a name: the DuPont formula. The DuPont formula is Net income × ______ Sales × ______ Assets ROE = __________ ​​   ​​   ​​     ​​   ​​   ​​  Assets Equity Sales


The DuPont formula shows that ROE has three parts. The first part is the firm’s net profit margin, which measures the amount of net income for each dollar of sales. The second 184 Part 2 

  Stock Markets

+ WORK THE WEB We discussed use of the sustainable growth formula to estimate a company’s growth rate; however, the formula is not foolproof. Changes in the variables of the model can have a dramatic effect on growth rates. One of the most important tasks of an equity analyst is estimating future growth rates. These estimates require a detailed analysis of the company. One place to find earnings and sales growth rates on the web is Yahoo! Finance at Here, we pulled up a quote for Coca-Cola (KO) and followed the “Analysts Estimates” link. Below you will see an abbreviated look at the results.

Source: Yahoo! Finance.

As shown, analysts expect revenue (sales) of $44.36 billion in 2015, growing to $45.24 billion in 2016, an increase of 1.4 percent. We also have the following table comparing Coca-Cola to some benchmarks:

Source: Yahoo! Finance.

As you can see, estimated earnings growth this year for KO is below the estimates for the industry and the S&P 500. What about next year? Here is an assignment for you: What is the PEG ratio? Locate a financial glossary on the web (there are lots of them) to find out.

part measures asset efficiency, and it is referred to as asset turnover. Asset efficiency measures how much sales income a firm gets from its assets. The third part is called the equity multiplier. The equity multiplier captures the amount of leverage (or debt) used by the firm. If the equity multiplier equals one, then the firm has no debt.

Chapter 6 

  Common Stock Valuation185

You can now see the ways that managers of a firm can increase the firm’s sustainable growth rate. They can pay out a smaller percentage of the earnings. A lower payout ratio will increase the growth rate. If managers find ways to increase profitability or increase asset efficiency, ROE increases. Finally, the managers can increase debt. The resulting increase in the equity multiplier means that ROE increases (assuming a positive profit margin). Looking at the sustainable growth rate formula, you can see that if ROE increases, so does the sustainable growth rate. After you graduate from college, suppose you get hired as a financial analyst. If you know how to analyze ROE, you can judge how strategies being used by management will impact the future growth rate of the firm. Then, you just might be able to estimate a potential stock price for this firm.



Compare the dividend discount model, the constant growth model, and the constant perpetual growth model. How are they alike? How do they differ?


What is a geometric average growth rate? How is it calculated?


What is a sustainable growth rate? How is it calculated?


What are the components of ROE?

6.3 The Two-Stage Dividend Growth Model

two-stage dividend growth model A dividend discount model that assumes a firm will temporarily grow at a rate different from its long-term growth rate.

In the previous section, the dividend discount model used one growth rate. You might have already thought that a single growth rate is often unrealistic. You might be thinking that companies experience temporary periods of unusually high or low growth, with growth eventually converging to an industry average or an economywide average. In these cases, financial analysts frequently use a two-stage dividend growth model. A two-stage dividend growth model assumes that a firm will initially grow at a rate g1 during a first stage of growth lasting T years and thereafter grow at a rate g2 during a perpetual second stage of growth. The formula for the two-stage dividend growth model is stated as follows: D0(1 + g1) D0(1 + g2) 1 + g1 T _________ 1+g T P0 = ________ ​​   ​​    ​​ 1 − ( ​ ____ ​   ​ ​ ​​ +​​ _____ ​   ​ ​​ ​​ ​   ​     ​​ k − g1 [ 1 + k ) ] ( 1 + k ) [ k − g2 ]


Equation (6.11) has two parts. The first term on the right-hand side measures the present value of the first T dividends. The second term then measures the present value of all subsequent dividends, assuming that the dividend growth rate changes from g1 to g2 at date T. Using the formula is mostly a matter of “plug and chug” with a calculator. For example, suppose a firm has a current dividend of $2 and dividends are expected to grow at the rate g1 = 20 percent for T = 5 years, and thereafter grow at the rate g2 = 5 percent. With a discount rate of k = 12 percent, the stock price today, P0, is calculated as 5 5 $2(1.20) $2(1.05) P0 = __________ ​​     ​​  ​​[1 − ​(____ ​  1.20 ​  ​ ]​​ + ​​(____ ​  1.20 ​  ​​ ​​ __________ ​     ​  ​​ ) ) 0.12 − 0.20 1.12 1.12 [ 0.12 − 0.05 ]

= $12.36 + $42.36 = $54.72 In this calculation, the total present value of $54.72 is the sum of a $12.36 present value for the first five dividends plus a $42.36 present value for all subsequent dividends. 186 Part 2 

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Using the Two-Stage Model Suppose a firm has a current dividend of D0 = $5, which is expected to “shrink” at the rate g1 = −10 percent for T = 5 years and thereafter grow at the rate g2 = 4 percent. With a discount rate of k = 10 percent, what is the value of the stock? Using the two-stage model, the stock price today, P0, is calculated as

$5(0.90)  ​​ ​​ 1 − ​ ____ $5(1.04)  0.90 5 + ____ 0.90 5 __________ P0 = __________       ​​  ​​ ​  1.10 ​)  ​​ [​​ ​ 0.10    (​  1.10 ​  )​ ]​​ ( − 0.04 ​]​​ 0.10 − (−0.10) [ = $14.25 + $31.78 = $46.03

The total present value of $46.03 is the sum of a $14.25 present value of the first five dividends plus a $31.78 present value of all subsequent dividends.

The two-stage growth formula requires that the second-stage growth rate be strictly less than the discount rate, that is, g2 < k. However, the first-stage growth rate g1 can be greater than, less than, or equal to the discount rate.


Valuing American Express (AXP) American Express trades on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol AXP. In 2015, AXP was paying a dividend of $1.16 and analysts forecasted five-year growth rates of 7.80 percent for AXP and 13.13 percent for the financial services industry. Assume the growth rate for the financial services industry will remain constant. Then, assuming AXP’s growth rate will revert to the industry average after five years, what value would we place on AXP, if we use a discount rate of 15 percent? 1.16 × 1.1313 1.078 5 +  ____ 1.078 5 __________ $1.16 × 1.078 ​​ ​​ 1 − ​ ____ P0 = __________    ​​ 0.15        ​​ [​​    ​  $ (​  1.15 ​ )​ ]​​ ​​(​  1.15 ​) − 0.078 [ 0.15 − 0.1313 ​]​​ = $17.37 × 0.2762 + 0.7238 × $70.18

= $4.80 + $50.79 = $55.59

This present value estimate is less than AXP’s late-2015 share price of $74.22. Is AXP overvalued? What other factors could explain the difference?


Pepsi! Pepsi! Pepsi! (PEP) Pepsi shares trade on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol PEP. In 2015, Pepsi was paying a dividend of $2.81 and analysts forecasted a five-year growth rate of 6.18 percent for Pepsi and a 12.07 percent growth rate for the soft-drink industry. Suppose Pepsi grows at 6.18 percent for five years and then at 12.07 percent thereafter. Assuming a 16 percent discount rate, what value would we place on PEP? Plugging this information into the two-stage dividend growth model, we get 2.81 × 1.0618 − ____ 2.81 × 1.1207 1.0618 5 + ____ 1.0618 5 __________ P0 = __________    ​​  $    ​ ​  1.16 ​    ​ ]​​ ( ​​ ​  1.16 ​    ​​ [​​    ​  $    ) ) 0.16 − 0.0618 ​​ [​​ 1 ( 0.16 − 0.1207 ​]​​ = $30.38 × 0.3574 + 0.6426 × $80.13 = $10.86 + $51.49 = $62.35

(continued )

Chapter 6 

  Common Stock Valuation187

This estimate is about 39 percent below PEP’s late-2015 share price of $102.80. Suppose we try a second-stage growth rate of 13.15 percent, which is the expected growth rate for the whole sector. In this case, we get 2.81 × 1.0618 − ____ 2.81 × 1.1315 1.0618 5 +  ____ 1.0618 5 __________ P0 = __________    ​​  $    ​ ​  1.16 ​    ​ ]​​ ​​(​  1.16 ​    ​​ [​​    ​  $    ) ) 0.16 − 0.0618 ​​ [​​ 1 ( 0.16 − 0.1315 ​]​​ = $30.38 × 0.3574 + 0.6426 × $111.56

= $10.86 + $71.69 = $82.55

This new estimate is closer to the actual price of PEP. This example illustrates how sensitive stock price estimates using dividend growth models can be to small changes in estimated growth rates. Suppose we make a small change in the discount rate. What happens? Let’s use a dividend of $2.81, a five-year growth rate of 6.18 percent, and a growth rate of 13.15 percent thereafter. If we use a discount rate of 15 percent (instead of 16 percent), our price estimate increases from $82.55 to $126.45, which is about 23 percent above the current market price of $102.80.

NONCON STAN T G ROWTH I N THE FI R ST STAG E Visit the AXP and PEP websites at and

The last case we consider is nonconstant growth in the first stage. As a simple example of nonconstant growth, consider the case of a company that is currently not paying dividends. You predict that, in five years, the company will pay a dividend for the first time. The dividend will be $0.50 per share. You expect that this dividend will then grow at a rate of 10 percent per year indefinitely. The required return on companies such as this one is 20 percent. What is the price of the stock today? To see what the stock is worth today, we first find out what it will be worth once dividends are paid. We can then calculate the present value of that future price to get today’s price. The first dividend will be paid in five years, and the dividend will grow steadily from then on. Using the dividend growth model, we can say that the price in four years will be P4 = D4 × (1 + g)/(k − g) = D5 /(k − g) = $0.50/(0.20 − 0.10) = $5 If the stock will be worth $5 in four years, then we can get the current value by discounting this price back four years at 20 percent: P0 = $5/1.204 = $5/2.0736 = $2.41 The stock is therefore worth $2.41 today. The problem of nonconstant growth is only slightly more complicated if the dividends are not zero for the first several years. For example, suppose that you have come up with the following dividend forecasts for the next three years: Year

Expected Dividend







After the third year, the dividend will grow at a constant rate of 5 percent per year. The required return is 10 percent. What is the value of the stock today? In dealing with nonconstant growth, a time line can be very helpful. Figure 6.1 illustrates one for this problem. The important thing to notice is when constant growth starts. As we’ve 188 Part 2 

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Time Line Nonconstant growth Time Dividends

Constant growth @ 5%









$2.50 × 1.05

$2.50 × 1.052

shown, for this problem, constant growth starts at time 3. This means that we can use our constant growth model to determine the stock price at time 3, P3. By far the most common mistake in this situation is to incorrectly identify the start of the constant growth phase and, as a result, calculate the future stock price at the wrong time. The value of the stock is the present value of all future dividends. To calculate this present value, we first have to compute the present value of the stock price three years down the road, just as we did before. We then have to add in the present value of the dividends that will be paid between now and then. So, the price in three years is P3 = D3 × 1 + g/(k − g) = $2.50 × 1.05/(0.10 − 0.05) = $52.50 We can now calculate the total value of the stock as the present value of the first three ­dividends plus the present value of the price at time 3, P3: D3 P3 D1 D2 P0 = ​​ _______   1 ​​  + _______ ​​    2 ​​  + ​​ _______   3 ​​  + _______ ​​     ​​  (1 + k) (1 + k) (1 + k) (1 + k)3 $1 $2 $2.50 ______ $52.50 = ____ ​​    ​​ + _____ ​​    ​​ + _____ ​​   ​​ + ​​   ​​  1.10 1.102 1.103 1.103 = $0.91 + $1.65 + $1.88 + $39.44 = $43.88 The value of the stock today is thus $43.88.


“Supernormal” Growth Chain Reaction, Inc., has been growing at a phenomenal rate of 30 percent per year because of its rapid expansion and explosive sales. You believe that this growth rate will last for three more years and that the rate will then drop to 10 percent per year. If the growth rate then remains at 10 percent indefinitely, what is the total value of the stock? Total dividends just paid were $5 million, and the required return is 20 percent. Chain Reaction’s situation is an example of supernormal growth. It is unlikely that a 30 percent growth rate can be sustained for any extended length of time. To value the equity in this company, we first need to calculate the total dividends over the supernormal growth period: Year

Total Dividends (in millions)


$5.00 × 1.3 = $ 6.500


6.50 × 1.3 = 8.450


8.45 × 1.3 = 10.985

(continued )

Chapter 6 

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The price at time 3 can be calculated as: P3 = D3 × (1 + g )/(k − g )

where g is the long-run growth rate. So we have P3 = $10.985 × 1.10/(0.20 − 0.10) = $120.835 million

To determine the value today, we need the present value of this amount plus the present value of the total dividends: D3 P3 D1 D2 + _______ + _______ + _______ P0 = _______ ​​     ​​  ​​     ​​  ​​     ​​  ​​     ​​  (1 + k )1 (1 + k )2 (1 + k )3 (1 + k )3 6.50 + _____ 8.45 + ________ 10.985 + _________ 120.835 = ______ ​​  $1.20 ​​    ​​  $  ​​  ​​  $  ​​    ​​  $  ​​    1.202 1.203 1.203 = $5.42 + $5.87 + $6.36 + $69.93 = $87.58

The total value of the stock today is thus $87.58 million. If there were, for example, 20 million shares, then the stock would be worth $87.58/20 = $4.38 per share.

T H E H -MODE L In Example 6.12, we assumed a supernormal growth rate of 30 percent per year for three years, and then growth at a perpetual 10 percent. For most firms, however, growth does not follow this disjointed path. The growth rate is more likely to start at a high level and then fall over time until reaching its perpetual level. There are many possibilities for how we assume the growth rate declines over time. One popular approach is the H-model, which assumes a linear decline in growth. To illustrate, let’s revisit our example. Suppose the growth rate begins at 30 percent and reaches 10 percent in year 4 and beyond. Using the H-model, we would assume that the company’s growth rate would decline by 20 percent from the end of year 1 to the beginning of year 4. If we assume a linear decline, then the growth rate would fall by 6.67 percent per year (20 percent/3 years). Using the H-model, our growth estimates would be 30, 23.33, 16.66, and 10 percent over years 1 through 4, respectively. With these growth estimates, you can repeat Example 6.12. You should find that the firm value is $75.93 million, with a per-share value of $3.80. As we would expect, this value is lower than our initial estimate because we are assuming lower growth rates in years 2 and 3 compared to the original example.

DISCOU NT R ATE S FOR D I V I D E N D D I SC OUN T MOD E LS You may wonder where the discount rates used in the preceding examples come from. The answer is that they come from the capital asset pricing model (CAPM). Although a detailed discussion of the CAPM is deferred to a later chapter, we can point out here that, based on the CAPM, the discount rate for a stock can be estimated using this formula: Discount rate = U.S. T-bill rate + (Stock beta × Stock market risk premium)(6.12)

The components of this formula, as we use it here, are defined as follows: U.S. T-bill rate: Stock beta: Stock market risk premium:

Return on 90-day U.S. T-bills Risk relative to an average stock Risk premium for an average stock

The basic intuition for this approach appears in Chapter 1. There we saw that the return we expect to earn on a risky asset had two parts, a “wait” component and a “worry” component. We labeled the wait component as the time value of money, and we noted that it can be measured as the return we earn from an essentially riskless investment. Here we use the return on a 90-day Treasury bill as the riskless return. 190 Part 2 

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beta Measure of a stock’s risk relative to the stock market average.

We called the worry component the risk premium, and we noted that the greater the risk, the greater the risk premium. Depending on the exact period studied, the risk premium for the U.S. market as a whole over the past 85 or so years has averaged about 8.5 percent. This 8.5 percent can be interpreted as the risk premium for bearing an average amount of stock market risk. Remember, though, the risk premium has been neither constant through time nor consistent across countries. Based on recent history and global metrics, we proposed that a risk premium around 7 percent might be more applicable over the coming years. Finally, when we look at a particular stock, we recognize that it may be more or less risky than an average stock. A stock’s beta is a measure of a single stock’s risk relative to an average stock, and we discuss beta at length in a later chapter. For now, it suffices to know that the market average beta is 1.0. A beta of 1.5 indicates that a stock has 50 percent more risk than the average stock, so its risk premium is 50 percent higher. A beta of 0.50 indicates that a stock is 50 percent less risky than average and has a smaller risk premium. Over time, T-bill rates have averaged about 4 percent. Taking the concept of stock beta as given for now, a stock beta of 0.8 yields an estimated discount rate of 4.0% + (0.8 × 7%) = 9.6%. Similarly, a stock beta of 1.2 yields the discount rate of 4.0% + (1.2 × 7%) = 12.4%. For the remainder of this chapter, we will use discount rates calculated according to this CAPM formula.

OBSE RVATI ON S ON D I V I D E N D D I SC OUN T MOD E LS We have examined three dividend discount models: the constant perpetual growth model, the two-stage dividend growth model, and the nonconstant growth model. Each model has advantages and disadvantages. Certainly, the main advantage of the constant perpetual growth model is that it is simple to compute. However, it has several disadvantages: (1) it is not usable for firms not paying dividends, (2) it is not usable when the growth rate is greater than the discount rate, (3) it is sensitive to the choice of growth rate and discount rate, (4) discount rates and growth rates may be difficult to estimate accurately, and (5) constant perpetual growth is often an unrealistic assumption. The two-stage dividend growth model offers several improvements: (1) it is more realistic since it accounts for low, high, or zero growth in the first stage, followed by constant long-term growth in the second stage, and (2) it is usable when the first-stage growth rate is greater than the discount rate. However, the two-stage model is also sensitive to the choice of discount rate and growth rates, and it is not useful for companies that don’t pay dividends. The nonconstant growth model is more flexible in this regard, but it still remains sensitive to the discount and growth rates assumed. Financial analysts readily acknowledge the limitations of dividend discount models. Consequently, they also turn to other valuation methods to expand their analyses. In the next few sections, we discuss some popular stock valuation methods based on residual income, free cash flow, and price ratios.



What are the three parts of a CAPM-determined discount rate?


Under what circ*mstances is a two-stage dividend discount model appropriate?

6.4 The Residual Income Model To this point, we have been valuing only firms that pay dividends. What about the many companies that don’t pay dividends? As it turns out, there is an elegant and simple model that we can use.

Chapter 6 

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RESIDUAL INC OME At the beginning of any period, we can think of the book, or the accounting, equity in a firm as representing the total amount of money that stockholders have tied up in the company. Let Bt−1 stand for the book equity per share at the beginning of a period that ends at time t. Over the period, the stockholders have a required return on that investment of k. Thus, the required return in dollars, or required earnings per share (REPS), during the period that ends at time t is REPSt = Bt−1 × k The difference between actual earnings, EPSt, and required earnings, REPSt, during a period is called the residual income, RI, and is given by RIt = EPSt − REPSt = EPSt − Bt−1 × k Economic Value Added (EVA) A financial performance measure based on the difference between a firm’s actual earnings and required earnings.

Residual income is sometimes called Economic Value Added, or EVA for short. It is also called “abnormal” earnings. Whatever it is called, it is the excess of actual earnings over required earnings. We can also think of it as the value created by a firm in period t. Next, we can write the value of a share of stock as the sum of two parts. The first part is the current book value of the firm (i.e., what is currently invested). The second part is the present value of all future residual earnings. That is, EPS1 − B0 × k ____________ EPS3 − B2 × k EPS2 − B1 × k _____________ + ​​    + ​​    + . . .(6.13) P0 = B0 + ____________ ​​     ​​   ​​   ​​  (1 + k )1 (1 + k )2 (1 + k )3

When we developed the constant perpetual growth model for dividend-paying stocks, we made the simplifying assumption that dividends grow at a constant rate of g. Here we make the similar assumption that earnings grow at a constant rate of g. With this assumption, we can simplify equation (6.13) to EPS0(1 + g) − B0 × k P0 = B0 + __________________ ​​        ​​ k−g

residual income model (RIM) A method for valuing stock in a company that does not pay dividends.


Equation (6.14) is known as the residual income model, or RIM. If we write both terms in equation (6.14) with a common denominator, we get another way to write the residual income model: EPS1 − B0 × g P0 = ____________ ​​     ​​  k−g


T H E RIM VE R SU S THE C ON STA N T G ROWTH D D M clean surplus relationship (CSR) An accounting relationship in which earnings minus dividends equals the change in book value per share.

The RIM is closely related to the constant perpetual growth dividend model. To see the connection, assume that the change in book value per share on a stock is equal to earnings per share minus dividends. This is known as the clean surplus relationship (CSR), written as EPS1 − D1 = B1 − B0  or  D1 = EPS1 + B0 − B1 Note that in practice the CSR does not exactly hold because various “dirty” surplus changes to book equity are allowed. But it is usually a good approximation, particularly over the long run. Assuming that earnings and dividends per share grow at rate g, the CSR shows that book value per share must also grow at rate g, so we can write D1 = EPS1 + B0 − B1 = EPS1 + B0 − B0(1 + g) = EPS1 − B0 × g


Plugging the expression for D1 from equation (6.16) into equation (6.15), we see right away that the residual income model is mathematically the same as the constant perpetual growth model: EPS1 − B0 × g _____ D ____________ P0 =    ​​   ​​  = ​​  1  ​​  k−g k−g So these two approaches are really the same, but the RIM is more flexible because we can apply it to any stock, not just dividend payers. 192 Part 2 

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Although we do not present them, there are other forms of the RIM. For example, a two-stage residual income model incorporates two different periods of growth. Also, the case of nonconstant growth for a number of years followed by constant growth can be handled by another form of the residual income model.


Just Ducky Shares of Duckwall–ALCO Stores, Inc., trade on the NASDAQ with the ticker symbol DUCK. This company operates as a regional broadline retailer in the central United States. Currently, DUCK pays no dividends, so we cannot use a dividend discount model. Suppose it is July 1, 2017, and DUCK shares are trading at $10.94. We have the following data: Share Information

July 1, 2017 (Time 0)





Book value per share, B0


Assume g = 9 percent and k = 13 percent. Using the residual income model, EPS0(1 + g ) − B0 × k P0 = B0 + __________________ ​​        ​​ k−g

− $5.886 × 0.13 $1.20(1.09) = $5.886 + _________________________     ​​     0.13 − 0.09 ​​ 1.308 − $0.7652 = $5.886 + ________________    ​​  $     ​​ 0.04 = $19.46

Verify this price using equation (6.15). Be careful to use g, not (1 + g ). Is the market price for DUCK shares too low? If you say yes, what are you assuming about the values for g and k?


The Growth of DUCK Using the relevant data in Example 6.13 and the residual income model, what growth rate g results in a price of $10.94? EPS0(1 + g ) − B0 × k P0 = B0 + __________________ ​​        ​​ k−g 1.20(1 + g) − 5.886 × 0.13

    ​​     $10.94 = 5.886 + ________________________ 0.13 − g ​​

$5.054 × (0.13 − g) = 1.20 + 1.20g − 0.7652 $0.6570 − 5.054g = 1.20g + 0.4348 0.2222 = 6.254g g = 0.0355, or 3.55%



What does the residual income model do that the perpetual constant growth model cannot do?


What is the critical assumption that makes the residual income model mathematically equal to the perpetual constant growth model?

Chapter 6 

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6.5 The Free Cash Flow Model The residual income model allows us to value companies that do not pay dividends. But when we used the residual income model, we assumed that the company had positive earnings. Some companies do not pay dividends and have negative earnings. How do we value them? You might think that such companies have little value. Remember that we calculate earnings based on accounting rules that use tax codes. Even though a company has negative earnings, it may have positive cash flows—and a positive value. The key to understanding how a company can have negative earnings and positive cash flows is how we handle depreciation—the writing down of assets. Depreciation reduces earnings, but it impacts cash flow positively because depreciation is counted as an expense. Higher expenses mean lower taxes paid, all else equal. To value companies when we account for depreciation, we turn to a model that examines “free cash flow.”

FREE CASH FLOW Free cash flow (FCF) converts reported earnings into cash flow by adjusting for items that impact earnings and cash flows differently. Formal models can be used to calculate free cash flow (you probably saw some of them in your corporate finance class). Most stock analysts, however, use a relatively simple formula to calculate firm FCF. Specifically, we define FCF as FCF = EBIT(1 − Tax rate) + Depreciation − Capital spending(6.17) − Change in net working capital

From this equation, you can see how it is possible for a company to have negative earnings (i.e., EBIT, earnings before interest and taxes) but have a positive (free) cash flow. Of course, if the company undertakes a large capital expenditure or has a large increase in net working capital, it can have positive earnings and a negative cash flow. Most analysts agree that in examining a company’s financial performance, cash flow can be more informative than net income. To see why, consider the hypothetical example of two identical companies: Twiddle-Dee Co. and Twiddle-Dum Co. Suppose that both companies have the same constant revenues and expenses in each year over a three-year period. Also, suppose each company has no debt (and therefore no interest expense), no capital expenditures (CAPEX), and no change in net working capital (NWC). These constant revenues and cash expenses (excluding depreciation) yield the same constant annual cash flows, and they are stated as follows: Twiddle-Dee





Cash expenses



Cash flow



Thus, both companies have the same $2,000 cash flow in each of the three years of this hypothetical example. Next, suppose that both companies incur total depreciation of $3,000 spread out over the three-year period. Standard accounting practices sometimes allow a manager to choose among several depreciation schedules. Twiddle-Dee Co. chooses straight-line depreciation, and Twiddle-Dum Co. chooses accelerated depreciation. These two depreciation schedules are shown below:



Year 1



Year 2



Year 3





Total 194 Part 2 

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Note that total depreciation over the three-year period is the same for both companies. However, Twiddle-Dee Co. has the same $1,000 depreciation in each year, while TwiddleDum Co. has accelerated depreciation of $1,500 in the first year, $1,000 in the second year, and $500 depreciation in the third year. Now, let’s look at the resulting annual cash flows and net income figures for the two companies, recalling that in each year Cash flow = Net income + Depreciation (when capital expenditures, interest expense, and change in NWC all = 0):



Cash Flow

Net Income

Cash Flow

Net Income

Year 1




$ 500

Year 2





Year 3 Total









Note that Twiddle-Dum Co.’s net income is lower in the first year and higher in the third year than Twiddle-Dee Co.’s net income. This is purely a result of Twiddle-Dum Co.’s accelerated depreciation schedule and has nothing to do with Twiddle-Dum Co.’s actual profitability. However, an inexperienced analyst observing Twiddle-Dum Co.’s rapidly rising annual earnings figures might incorrectly label Twiddle-Dum as a growth company. An experienced analyst would observe that there was no cash flow growth to support this naive conclusion.

T H E FC F MOD E L V E R SU S THE C ON STA N T G ROWT H D D M A basic finance principle is that the price of an asset should equal the present value of its expected future cash flows. The dividend discount model (DDM) assumed that dividends were the relevant cash flow for equity investors, which is a valid approach. What differs when we look at firm FCF? Well, as opposed to dividends, which are paid directly to stockholders, FCF could be used to pay off debt holders and stockholders. Thus, when we use the FCF approach, we are valuing the entire company, not just its equity. You should remember the basic accounting identity: Assets = Liabilities + Equity. With the DDM, we can value equity directly. With firm FCF, we are actually valuing the overall market value of the company’s assets. We can, however, use the FCF approach to value equity, too. The approach has two steps. First, we find the value of the company, and then we subtract the value of the company’s debt. We are left with our estimate of the equity value. VEquity = VFirm − VDebt(6.18)

There is another issue to consider. Specifically, when we estimate the required return for the DDM using the CAPM, we use the company’s equity beta. If we are valuing the entire company, however, we need to use the “asset” beta. A beta measures risk. In a later chapter we discuss betas at length, but for now all you need to know about betas is that they measure risk. Asset betas measure the risk of the industry to which the company belongs. Two firms in the same industry should have approximately the same asset betas. Their equity betas, however, could be quite different. Why? As we saw in an earlier chapter, investors can increase portfolio risk by using margin (i.e., borrowing money to buy stock). A business can do the same by using debt in its capital structure. So, when we value the company, we must “convert” reported equity betas into asset betas by adjusting for the amount of leverage being used. The following formula is one way to accomplish this conversion: Debt BEquity = BAsset × [​​ 1 + ______ ​     ​  (1 − t )]​​ Equity

Chapter 6 


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Note that when a company has no debt, its equity beta equals its asset beta. Also notice that a higher amount of debt increases the equity beta. This makes sense because stockholders face more risk when the company takes on more debt. All else equal, the cash flows to stockholders are more risky when the company has more debt. Note that we account for the tax rate, t. We do so because the interest cost on the debt is tax deductible. Because the company can deduct interest as an expense, the government effectively subsidizes part of the cost of debt. This subsidy creates a more stable cash flow associated with debt, thereby reducing risk for the equity holders, all else equal. In an extreme example, the government might return money to a company that has a negative taxable income. Once we have an estimate of FCF, the growth rate of FCF, and the proper discount rate, we can value the company using, for example, a “DDM” formula. We have “DDM” in quotes because we are using firm FCF, not dividends, in the formula. equation (6.20) summarizes this approach. FCF0(1 + g ) FCF1 __________ =    VFirm = _____ ​​     ​​  ​​   ​​  k−g k−g


In equation (6.20), FCF is the firm level free cash flow in equation (6.17). Warning! In equation (6.20), k and g do represent discount and growth rates, respectively. Note, however, that these two rates are not the same values as those in the formulas where we use dividends. In equation (6.20), k is the discount rate based on an asset beta and g is the estimate of the growth in FCF. Example 6.15 shows you how to value a company using this approach.


Free Cash Flow Valuation Landon Air is a new airline that flies only a circular route from Indianapolis to Lexington to Starkville to Indianapolis. It has EBIT of $45 million, interest expense of $6.54 million, no change in net working capital, depreciation expense of $10 million, and capital expenditures of $3 million. Landon Air has an expected constant growth rate in FCF of 3 percent and an average tax rate of 35 percent. Assume that it has a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.4 (with $100 million of debt); the current equity beta is 1.2; the risk-free rate is 4 percent; and the market risk premium is 7 percent. Landon Air pays no dividends. What is Landon Air’s current equity value? The first step is to calculate Landon Air’s asset beta. Using equation (6.19): 1.2 = BAsset × [1 + 0.4 × (1 − 0.35)] 1.2 = BAsset × 1.26 BAsset = 0.95

The next step is to use this beta to calculate Landon Air’s required return, which we can still do using the CAPM:3 k = 4.00 + 7(0.95) = 10.65%

Next, we need to know Landon Air’s free cash flow, which we can calculate using equation (6.17): FCF = $45(1 − 0.35) + 10 − 3 − 0 = $36.25 million

Now that we have these values, we can use the constant growth model to find the current value for Landon Air: × (1 + 0.03) $36.25 Firm value = __________________    ​​  0.1065    − 0.03 ​​ = $488.07 million

If Landon Air has $100 million in debt outstanding, then its equity value is $388.07 million. To get the per-share equity value, we would then divide this total equity value by the total number of shares outstanding.

The required return we get from the CAPM using the asset beta is equivalent to weighted average cost of capital, or WACC.


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How is it possible for a company to have negative earnings but still have positive free cash flow?


Why is a firm’s equity beta different from its asset beta? When would these two measures of risk be the same?

6.6 Price Ratio Analysis Price ratios are widely used by financial analysts, more so even than dividend discount models. Of course, all valuation methods try to accomplish the same thing, which is to appraise the economic value of a company’s stock. However, analysts readily agree that no single method can adequately handle this task on all occasions. In this section, we therefore examine several of the most popular price ratio methods and provide examples of their use in financial analysis.

P RICE -E AR N I N G S R ATI OS price-earnings (P/E) ratio Current stock price divided by annual earnings per share (EPS). earnings yield (E/P) Inverse of the P/E ratio: earnings per share divided by price per share.

growth stocks A term often used to describe high-P/E stocks.

Visit the Starbucks and GM websites at and

value stocks A term often used to describe low-P/E stocks.

The most popular price ratio used to assess the value of common stock is a company’s priceearnings ratio, abbreviated as P/E ratio. In fact, as we saw in Chapter 3, P/E ratios are reported in the financial press every day. As we discussed, a price-earnings ratio is calculated as the ratio of a firm’s current stock price divided by its annual earnings per share (EPS). The inverse of a P/E ratio is called an earnings yield, and it is measured as earnings per share divided by the current stock price (E/P). Clearly, an earnings yield and a priceearnings ratio are simply two ways to measure the same thing. In practice, earnings yields are less commonly stated and used than P/E ratios. Because most companies report earnings each quarter, annual earnings per share can be calculated either as the most recent quarterly earnings per share times four or as the sum of the last four quarterly earnings per share figures. Many analysts prefer the first method of multiplying the latest quarterly earnings per share value times four. However, some published data sources, including The Wall Street Journal, report annual earnings per share as the sum of the last four quarters’ figures. Unless a business is seasonal, the difference is usually small, but it can sometimes be a source of confusion. Financial analysts often refer to high-P/E stocks as growth stocks. To see why, notice that a P/E ratio is measured as the current stock price over current earnings per share. Now, consider two companies with the same current earnings per share, where one company is a high-growth company and the other is a low-growth company. Which company do you think should have a higher stock price, the high-growth company or the low-growth company? This question is a no-brainer. All else equal, we would be surprised if the high-growth company did not have a higher stock price, and therefore a higher P/E ratio. In general, companies with higher expected earnings growth will have higher P/E ratios, which is why high-P/E stocks are often referred to as growth stocks. To give an example, Starbucks Corporation is a specialty coffee retailer with a history of aggressive sales growth. Its stock trades on NASDAQ under the ticker symbol SBUX. In late-2015, SBUX stock traded at $62.63 with earnings per share (EPS) of $1.78, and so had a P/E ratio of $62.63/$1.78 = 35.19. This P/E ratio is well above the 2015 average P/E ratio of about 18 for the S&P 500 (of which SBUX is a member). SBUX only recently began paying a dividend. Instead, Starbucks reinvests most of its earnings. So far this strategy has been successful, as the firm has grown rapidly. The reason high-P/E stocks are called growth stocks seems obvious enough; however, in a seeming defiance of logic, low-P/E stocks are often referred to as value stocks. The reason is that low-P/E stocks are often viewed as “cheap” relative to current earnings. (Notice again the emphasis on “current.”) This suggests that these stocks may represent good investment values, and hence the term “value stocks.” In mid-2007, shares of the well-known S&P 500 auto company General Motors (GM) were trading at a price of $31.08. With EPS = $3.75, the P/E ratio was $31.08/$3.75 = 8.29. Chapter 6 

  Common Stock Valuation197

This was well below the S&P 500 average, and so General Motors might have been considered a value stock. Given its 2009 bankruptcy, it might not have been such a value after all. Having said all this, we want to emphasize that the terms “growth stock” and “value stock” are mostly just commonly used labels. Of course, only time will tell whether a highP/E stock actually turns out to be a high-growth stock, or whether a low-P/E stock is really a good value, as the GM example illustrates. Although P/E ratios seem quite “easy” to evaluate, you need to be aware that P/E ratios are not that stable. To illustrate, consider a company that has a one-time write-off that significantly reduces earnings. If the write-off is truly a one-time event, then the share price should not be impacted too severely. In this case, the price remains stable, but earnings are much lower—resulting in a faux increase in the P/E ratio. An unwary investor might even think that this company is a growth stock. The facts about the write-off, however, do not support this conclusion. What would happen if there was a one-time positive impact on earnings? The lesson: A high or low P/E ratio is not necessarily bad or good. Because it is difficult to compare companies that have different P/E ratios, investment managers often calculate the PEG ratio. The PEG ratio is calculated by dividing the P/E ratio by the expected earnings growth rate. Although not perfect, the PEG ratio provides investors with a better method to compare companies, particularly those with differing growth rates. For your next investment, would you prefer a low- or high-PEG ratio? All else equal, lower is better because it means that you are paying a small amount relative to the earnings growth you are expecting. Most investment sources label the PEG on a range from 1 (strong buy) to 5 (sell). While Starbucks has a high PE at 35.19, its PEG is quite low at 1.85. Thus, the market must expect that Starbucks is going to sell many espressos and cappuccinos.

P RICE-CASH FLOW R ATI OS price-cash flow (P/CF) ratio Current stock price divided by current cash flow per share. cash flow In the context of the price-cash flow ratio, usually taken to be net income plus depreciation.

Instead of P/E ratios, many analysts prefer to look at price-cash flow ratios. A price-cash flow (P/CF) ratio is measured as a company’s current stock price divided by its current annual cash flow per share. Like earnings, cash flow is normally reported quarterly and most analysts multiply the last quarterly cash flow figure by four to obtain annual cash flow. Again, like earnings, many published data sources report annual cash flow as a sum of the latest four quarterly cash flows. Financial analysts typically use both P/E ratios and P/CF ratios. They point out that when a company’s earnings per share is not significantly larger than its cash flow per share (CFPS), this is a signal, at least potentially, of good-quality earnings. The term “quality” means that the accounting earnings mostly reflect actual cash flow, not just accounting numbers. When earnings are bigger than cash flow, this may be a signal of poor-quality earnings. Going back to some of our earlier examples, Starbucks Corporation had CFPS = $1.31, yielding a P/CF ratio of $62.63/$1.31 = 47.81. Notice that cash flow per share was below its earnings per share of $1.78. This might suggest lower-quality earnings, or it might simply reflect a high amount of capital expenditures (i.e., new store locations). Investing these possibilities is a job for a good financial analyst.

P RICE-S AL E S R ATI OS price-sales (P/S) ratio Current stock price divided by annual sales per share.

An alternative view of a company’s performance is provided by its price-sales (P/S) ratio. A price-sales ratio is calculated as the current price of a company’s stock divided by its current annual sales revenue per share. A price-sales ratio focuses on a company’s ability to generate sales growth. Essentially, a high P/S ratio would suggest high sales growth, while a low P/S ratio might indicate sluggish sales growth. For example, Starbucks Corporation had sales per share of $12.29, to yield P/S = $62.63/$12.29 = 5.10. We should note that there can be a large variation in price-sales ratios for two companies, particularly if they are in very different kinds of businesses. Security analysts recognize that price-sales ratios cannot be compared in isolation from other important information.

price-book (P/B) ratio Market value of a company’s common stock divided by its book (or accounting) value of equity.


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A very basic price ratio for a company is its price-book (P/B) ratio, sometimes called the market-book ratio. A price-book ratio is measured as the market value of a company’s outstanding common stock divided by its book value of equity.


Price Ratio Analysis for Intel Corporation (INTC) Late-2015 Stock Price: $33.98 Earnings Five-year average price ratio Current value per share Growth rate Expected stock price

Cash Flow

14.60 (P/E)

7.24 (P/CF)

$ 2.23 (EPS)

$ 2.16 (CFPS)

Sales 2.70 (P/S) $11.60 (SPS)







Price-book ratios are appealing because book values represent, in principle, historical cost. The stock price is an indicator of current value, so a price-book ratio simply measures what the equity is worth today relative to what it cost. A ratio bigger than 1.0 indicates that the firm has been successful in creating value for its stockholders. A ratio smaller than 1.0 indicates that the company is actually worth less than it cost. This interpretation of the price-book ratio seems simple enough, but the truth is that because of varied and changing accounting standards, book values are difficult to interpret. For this and other reasons, price-book ratios may not have as much information value as they once did.


Check out the Intel website at

Price-earnings ratios, price-cash flow ratios, and price-sales ratios are commonly used to calculate estimates of expected future stock prices. This is done by multiplying a historical average price ratio by an expected future value for the price ratio denominator variable. For example, Table 6.1 summarizes such a price ratio analysis for Intel Corporation (INTC) based on late-2015 information. In Table 6.1, the five-year average ratio row contains five-year average P/E, P/CF, and P/S ratios. The current value row contains values for earnings per share, cash flow per share, and sales per share; and the growth rate row contains five-year projected growth rates for EPS, CFPS, and SPS. The expected stock price row contains expected stock prices one year hence. The basic idea is this: Because Intel had an average P/E ratio of 14.60, we will assume that Intel’s stock price will be 14.60 times its earnings per share one year from now. To estimate Intel’s earnings one year from now, we note that Intel’s earnings are projected to grow at a rate of 8.3 percent per year. If earnings continue to grow at this rate, next year’s earnings will be equal to this year’s earnings times 1.083. Putting it all together, we have Expectedprice = HistoricalP/Eratio × ProjectedEPS = HistoricalP/Eratio × CurrentEPS × (1 + Projected EPS growth rate) = 14.60 × $2.23 × 1.083 = $35.26 The same procedure is used to calculate an expected price based on cash flow per share: Expectedprice = HistoricalP/CFratio × ProjectedCFPS = HistoricalP/CFratio × CurrentCFPS ×(1 + ProjectedCFPSgrowthrate) = 7.24 × $2.16 × 1.101 = $17.22 Finally, an expected price based on sales per share is calculated as Expectedprice = HistoricalP/Sratio × ProjectedSPS = HistoricalP/Sratio × CurrentSPS ×(1 + ProjectedSPSgrowthrate) = 2.70 × $11.60 × 1.04 = $32.57

Chapter 6 

  Common Stock Valuation199


Price Ratio Analysis for The Walt Disney Company (DIS) Late-2015 Stock Price: $114.01 Earnings



Five-year average price ratio

18.2 (P/E)

13.6 (P/CF)

Current value per share

$ 4.80 (EPS)

$ 3.48 (CFPS)

Growth rate







Expected stock price

See Mickey’s website at

Cash Flow

2.6 (P/S) $29.87 (SPS)

Notice that in the case of Intel, the price ratio methods yield prices ranging from about $17 to about $35. However, when this analysis was made in late-2015, Intel’s stock price was around $33.98. This difference may be explained by the fact that price ratios for Intel have fallen sharply in recent years. For example, Intel’s P/CF ratio fell from a high of 12.5 in 2007 to just 8.6 in 2015. With such a large change, a historical average price ratio may be inaccurate.

Going to Disneyland Table 6.2 contains information about Walt Disney Corporation. Calculate expected share prices using each of the three price ratio approaches we have discussed. For example, using the P/E approach, we come up with the following estimates of the price of Walt Disney stock in one year: Expected price = Historical P/E ratio × Current EPS × (1 + Projected EPS growth)

= 18.2 × $4.80 × 1.139 = $99.50

ENT ERP R ISE VA L U E R ATI OS enterprise value (EV) The market value of the firm’s equity plus the market value of the firm’s debt minus cash.

The PE ratio is an equity ratio because the numerator is the price per share of stock and the denominator is the earnings per share of stock. Practitioners, however, often use ratios involving both debt and equity. Perhaps the most common one is the enterprise value (EV) to EBITDA ratio. Enterprise value is equal to the market value of the firm’s equity plus the market value of the firm’s debt minus cash. EBITDA stands for earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization. For example, imagine Kourtney’s Kayaks has equity worth $800 million, debt worth $300 million, and cash of $100 million. The enterprise value is $1 billion (= 800 + 300 − 100). Suppose Kourtney’s Kayaks’ income statement is Revenue

$700.0 million

− Cost of goods sold

−500.0 million


$200.0 million

− Depreciation and amortization

−100.0 million

− Interest Pretax income − Taxes (@30%) Net income

−24.0 million $ 76.0 million −22.8 million $ 53.2 million

The EV to EBITDA ratio is 5 (= $1 billion/$200 million). Note that all the items in the income statement below EBITDA are ignored when calculating this ratio. Analysts often assume that similar firms have similar EV/EBITDA ratios (and similar PE ratios and asset betas, too). For example, suppose the average EV/EBITDA ratio in the 200 Part 2 

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industry is 6. If Qwerty Corporation, a firm in the industry with EBITDA of $50 million, is judged to be similar to the rest of the industry, its enterprise value is estimated at $300 million (= 6 × $50 million). Now imagine that Qwerty has $75 million of debt and $25 million of cash. Given our estimate of Qwerty’s EV, our estimate of its stock value is $250 million (= $300 − $75 + $25). Four important questions arise concerning enterprise value ratios. 1. Does the EV ratio have any advantage over the P/E ratio? Yes. As we have seen in our discussion of asset betas, companies in the same industry may differ by leverage, that is, the ratio of debt to equity. While firms in the same industry may be otherwise comparable, the different degrees of leverage may create variability across firm P/E ratios. Because enterprise value includes equity and debt, the impact of leverage on the EV/EBITDA ratio is less than the impact on P/E ratios. 2. Why is EBITDA used in the denominator? The numerator and denominator of a ratio should be consistent. Because the numerator in the P/E ratio is the price of a share of stock, it makes sense that the denominator is earnings per share (EPS) of stock. That is, interest is specifically subtracted before EPS is calculated because stockholders are residual claimants. By contrast, because EV involves the sum of debt and equity, the denominator is unaffected by interest payments. That is also the case with EBITDA because, as its name implies, earnings are calculated before interest is subtracted. 3. Why does the denominator ignore depreciation and amortization? Many practitioners argue that, because depreciation and amortization are not cash flows, earnings should be calculated before subtracting depreciation and amortization. In other words, depreciation and amortization merely reflect the sunk cost of a previous purchase. Others, however, point out that depreciable assets will eventually be replaced and that depreciation reflects the cost of future replacement. 4. Why is cash omitted? Many firms seem to hold considerable amounts of cash. For example, Apple (as of 2015) holds around $35 billion in cash and short-term investments. Because an enterprise value ratio attempts to estimate the ability of productive assets to create earnings or cash flow, cash should be omitted. This view, however, is not without criticism because some cash is definitely necessary to run a business.



Why are high-P/E stocks sometimes called growth stocks?


Why might an analyst prefer a price-cash flow ratio to a price-earnings ratio?

6.7 An Analysis of the E. I. du Pont Company

Visit the E. I. du Pont Company website at

Stock market investors have access to many sources of information about the financial performance of companies with publicly traded stock shares. Indeed, the sheer volume of information available can often be overwhelming. For this reason, several sources publish reference summaries for individual companies. While many of these sources charge hefty fees for access, there are quite a few sources that are available for free. So, we focus on using these. Two of the most well-known, and easy to use, financial data sources available to all investors are Yahoo! Finance ( and Morningstar ( Both provide a mountain of information, much of which we can use for valuing a company’s stock. To illustrate the process of stock valuation, we are going to consider the E. I. du Pont Company, which trades on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) under the ticker symbol DD. Figure 6.2 provides a summary quote from Yahoo! Finance. Chapter 6 

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Summary Quote for E. I. du Pont (DD), October 30, 2015

US ING THE DI V I D E N D D I SC OUN T MOD E L Our first task is to estimate a discount rate for E. I. DuPont. From Figure 6.2, we can see that DuPont’s beta is 1.44. Using a normalized Treasury bill rate of 3.0 percent and a projected stock market risk premium of 7 percent, we obtain a CAPM discount rate estimate for DuPont of 3.0% +1.44 × 7% = 13.08%. Our next task is to calculate a sustainable growth rate. From Figure 6.2 we can see that DuPont’s most recent earnings per share (annualized) are $3.17, and they have annualized dividends per share of $1.52, implying a retention ratio of 1 − $1.52/$3.17 = 0.52. To finish our estimate of the sustainable growth rate, we need a value for ROE. In Figure 6.3, we provide a snapshot of financial highlights, which Yahoo! Finance reports in their section on Key Statistics. You will note that the ROE is 23.37 percent. Putting these together yields a sustainable growth rate of 0.52 × 23.37% = 12.15%.


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Key Statistics for DuPont

Finally, with a discount rate and sustainable growth rate, we can calculate a share value for DuPont. Using a constant dividend growth rate model with the 2015 dividend of D0 = $1.52, a discount rate of k = 13.08 percent, and a growth rate of g= 12.15 percent, we get $1.52(1.1215) P0 = ______________ ​​       ​​ = $183.30 0.1308 − 0.1215 which is not likely true. This extremely large price (relative to the current market price of $63.49) is due to the growth rate being very close to the discount rate. As a good analyst would, we’ll try something else. What if we have overestimated the growth rate? As illustrated in Figure 6.4, Yahoo! Finance provides estimates of analyst’s forecasted growth rates. For the upcoming few years, analysts are projecting DuPont to grow earnings at closer to 2 percent. So, what if this is a more reasonable estimate of DuPont’s ongoing dividend growth? If it is, we get $1.52(1.02) P0 = ____________ ​​        ​​ = $13.99 0.1308 − 0.02 which is now well under DuPont’s market price. So, maybe we should just consider what growth rate the market is implying by its current price. To find this value, we solve for the growth rate that gives us the current market price. $1.52(1 + g) $63.49 = ___________ ​​   ​​  0.1308 − g g = 10.43% Thus, market participants are pricing DuPont to grow dividends at 10.43 percent per year into perpetuity. If we believe the growth rate will be higher, then we should buy the stock. If we do not, then we should sell. We could stop here, but where is the fun in that? So let’s consider a two-stage discount model, where the growth rate stays at 12.15 percent for five years, then drops to a 6 percent growth rate thereafter. This 6 percent growth estimate also comes from Yahoo! Finance (see Figure 6.4), and it represents analyst forecast for the overall growth in earnings for S&P 500 companies, of which DuPont is a member. Using equation (6.11), we find a price of $29.25: 5 5 $1.52(1.1215) $1.52(1.06) P0 = ______________ ​​       ​​ ​​[1 − ​(______ ​  1.1215 ​  ​ ]​​ + ( ​​ ______ ​  1.1215 ​  ​​ ​​ ​ ____________       ​ ​​ ) ) 1.1308 1.1308 [ 0.1308 − 0.06 ] 0.1308 − 0.1215 = $7.41 + $21.84 = $29.25

Again, our estimate is well below the current market price. So, either the stock is over­ valued and we should sell, or the market’s higher implied growth rate is more accurate than our estimates. A good analyst is able to determine which is correct.


Growth Estimates for DuPont

Chapter 6 

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US ING THE R E SI D UA L I N C OME MOD E L To apply the residual income model, we need to collect the following data: current book value per share, current earnings per share, the discount rate, and the expected growth rate in dividends. We already know that earnings per share are $3.17. From our calculations above, we have estimates of the discount rate (k =13.08 percent) and the sustainable growth rate (g= 12.15 percent). Remember, though, we also saw an analyst earnings growth estimate of 2 percent. So, really, the only additional piece of information we need is the current book value per share. Again, we can find this under the Key Statistics section on Yahoo! Finance (see Figure 6.5). With the book value per share of $12.29, we can now apply the residual income model using equation (6.14). Below you will find two estimates. The first uses the sustainable growth rate of12.15 percent, while the other uses a growth estimate of 2 percent (analyst forecasts). 3.17(1.1215) − 12.29(0.1308) P0 = 12.29 + _________________________ ​​         ​​ = $221.71 0.1308 − 0.1215 3.17(1.02) − 12.29(0.1308) P0 = 12.29 + _______________________ ​​         ​​ = $26.96 0.1308 − 0.02 Again, we see that the growth estimate drives the valuation. And, as we saw above, it appears the market’s estimated growth rate is somewhere in between. Remember, under “clean surplus accounting,” the valuation from the residual income model should match the estimated value from the dividend growth model. But, in practice, as we see here, this rarely happens.

US ING THE FR E E CA SH FLOW MOD E L From equation (6.20), we know that we can value a firm on a cash flow basis if we know its free cash flows, as well as estimates of the discount rate and growth rate. While we have already estimated discount rates and growth rates, we can’t necessarily use these since we are focusing on cash flows and not dividends. Remember, free cash flow is available to all investors (both equity and debt holders), so when we use free cash flow, we are valuing the whole firm, not just the equity. Thus, we need a firm level discount rate, not just a discount rate for equity holders. Using equation (6.19), we can convert DuPont’s equity beta of 1.44 to an asset beta as follows: 1.44 = BAsset × [1 + 0.89 × (1 − 0.35)] 1.44 = BAsset × 1.58 BAsset = 0.91 The 0.89 used in the formula represents the debt to equity ratio, and it comes from Figure6.5. The tax rate of 0.35 is a the standard marginal tax rate for most large corporations, although we could navigate to DuPont’s income statement on Yahoo! Finance and use a more precise estimate based on the actual amount of taxes paid.


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Balance Sheet Key Statistics for DuPont


Historical Cash Flow Growth Rates for DuPont

Using the normalized Treasury bill rate of 3.0 percent and a projected stock market risk premium of 7 percent, we obtain a CAPM discount rate estimate for DuPont of 3.0% + 0.91 × 7% = 9.37%. This should be equivalent to the firm’s weighted average cost of capital (WACC) that you would have learned about in your corporate finance class. The most difficult part of using cash flow valuation is coming up with an estimate of cash flow growth. Unfortunately, the free sources don’t generally provide this. They do, however, provide historical growth rates, which you will find for DuPont in Figure 6.6. These values are found in the Key Ratios section at Morningstar. Notice that the yearly growth in free cash flow is quite variable. If we take the average over the last ten years, we get an estimate of 6.55 percent. We will use this as an estimate for future growth in free cash flow. Lastly, we need to know the most recent free cash flow for DuPont. You can find this in Figure 6.7, which comes from the Key Ratios section at Morningstar. So, this past year, DuPont had free cash flow per share of $3.96. You may also notice that the figure provides earnings per share, which is $2.44 for the most recent year and $2.56 for the recent TTM, or trailing twelve months. You may be thinking that this doesn’t match the earnings per share reported in Figure 6.2 ($3.17), and you would be correct. These differences may occur when using data from multiple sources. The discrepancies usually arise because the sources are looking at slightly different time periods. If we were to look at December 2015 fiscal year end numbers once they were available, it should be the same on both sites since it would be actual historical numbers for an exactly comparable point in time.


Key Ratios for DuPont

Chapter 6 

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Putting all the information together, we can estimate a firm value using free cash flows as follows: $3.96(1.0655) VF = ______________ ​​       ​​ = $149.62 0.0937 − 0.0655 Remember, this is the value of the wholefirm on a per share basis, but we want to know the per share equity value. So, we need to subtract out the value of the firm’s debt on a per share basis. From Figure 6.5, we find that DuPont has approximately $9.94 billion of outstanding debt. We can easily find that DuPont has 876.41 million shares outstanding. Thus, on a per share basis, DuPont has $9.94/0.87641 = $11.34 per share in outstanding debt. Putting all this together, we would estimate the per share equity value for DuPont as VE= $149.62 – $11.34 = $138.28. Still, this is quite a bit larger than the current share price.

US ING P R IC E R ATI O A N A LYSI S To value a stock using price ratios, we need three pieces of information: (1) the average historical price multiple (P/E, P/CF, and P/S); (2) the current value of the underlying metric (earnings per share, cash flow per share, and sales per share); and (3) the forecasted growth rate in earnings, cash flow, and sales. A quick way to find average historical price multiples is to access the Valuation tab on Morningstar. In Figure 6.8, you will find an excerpt of this page. The last column provides average price multiples over the most recent five-year period. For example, DuPont had an average P/E ratio of 16.9, a P/S ratio of 1.4, and a P/CF ratio of 14.0. The current per share values for earnings and free cash flows were used in previous calculations, as were the related forecasted growth rates. Sales per share is available on the Key Statistics tab at Yahoo! Finance (Figure 6.9), and an estimate of the growth rate in sales is available under the Analyst Estimate tab (Figure 6.10).


Valuation Multiples for DuPont


Income Statement Key Statistics for DuPont

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Revenue Estimates for DuPont

Price Ratio Analysis for E. I. du Pont Company (DD) October 2015 Stock Price: $63.49 Earnings

Cash Flow

Five-year average price ratio

16.9 (P/E)

14.0 (P/CF)

Current value per share, 2015

$ 3.17 (EPS)

$ 3.96 (CFPS)

Growth rate Expected share price





Sales 1.4 (P/S) $35.69 (SPS) –6.00% $46.96

Putting it all together, we would then estimate share price as Expected share price = P/E ratio × EPS × (1 + EPS growth rate) Expected share price = P/CF ratio × CFPS × (1 + CFPS growth rate) Expected share price = P/S ratio × SPS × (1 + SPS growth rate) The results of these calculations are found in Table 6.3. You should check these for practice. We can now summarize our analysis by listing the stock prices obtained by the different ways we have described in this chapter, along with the model used to derive them: DDM, with calculated sustainable growth rate: DDM, with analyst forecasted growth rate: DDM, two-stage model: RIM, with calculated sustainable growth rate: RIM, with analyst forecasted growth rate: FCF, with historical growth rate: Price-earnings model: Price-cash flow model: Price-sales model:

$183.30 $13.99 $29.25 $221.71 $26.96 $138.28 $60.08 $59.07 $46.96

Notice the wide range of share values we obtained by the various models. This is not uncommon in security analysis, and it suggests how daunting a task security analysis sometimes can be. In this case, the price ratios yield the closest values to the observed stock price of $63.49. The goal is not to find a model that yields a value closest to the current price. Rather, the goal is to find a model about which we are confident. For example, suppose you believe the DDM is the most appropriate model and that the inputs from the sustainable growth rate are the most accurate. If so, then you might conclude that DuPont’s shares are somewhat underpriced. In contrast, some of the other valuation methods provide the exact opposite conclusion. What we can say with some degree of certainty is that the market is pricing DuPont to achieve a growth rate somewhere between

Chapter 6 

  Common Stock Valuation207

the larger rate it has historically achieved (and can continue to sustain) and the lower rate that is generally being forecasted. So, what is the lesson? A fair amount of subjectivity is entailed in the valuation process, even though we can look at financial data objectively. This is why different analysts looking at the same financial information will provide conflicting value estimates. For example, under its premium Stock Analysis section, Morningstar provides a fair value estimate for DuPont of $59, but it provides a range of possible values of $35.40 to $91.45. Even the experts have a hard time determining an exact value! So, don’t give up.



Can you calculate the growth rate in earnings that would be necessary to provide a RIM valuation equivalent to the market’s current price?

6.8 Summary and Conclusions In this chapter, we examined several methods of fundamental analysis used by financial analysts to value common stocks. The methods we examined are the learning objectives for the chapter. We illustrated many of these methods with a detailed analysis of E. I. du Pont. 1. The basic dividend discount model. A. Dividend discount models value common stock as the sum of all expected future dividend payments, where the dividends are adjusted for risk and the time value of money. B. The dividend discount model is often simplified by assuming that dividends will grow at a constant growth rate. A particularly simple form of the dividend discount model is the case in which dividends grow at a constant perpetual growth rate. The simplicity of the constant perpetual growth model makes it the most popular dividend discount model. However, it should be applied only to companies with stable earnings and dividend growth. C. Dividend models require an estimate of future growth. We described the sustainable growth rate, which is measured as a firm’s return on equity times its retention ratio, and illustrated its use. 2. The two-stage dividend growth model. A. Companies often experience temporary periods of unusually high or low growth, where growth eventually converges to an industry average. In such cases, analysts frequently use a two-stage dividend growth model. B. The two-stage growth model can be used with two separate growth rates for two distinct time periods, or with growth rates that linearly converge toward the constant growth rate. This latter case is referred to as the H-model. C. The two-stage growth model can be used where there is a period with nonconstant dividend growth and a period of constant dividend growth. 3. The residual income and free cash flow models. A. The difference between actual and required earnings in any period is called residual income. Residual income is sometimes called Economic Value Added. B. The residual income model is a method that can be used to value a share of stock in a company that does not pay dividends. To derive the residual income model, a series of constant growth assumptions are made for EPS, assets, liabilities, and equity. Together, these growth assumptions result in a sustainable growth rate. 208 Part 2 

  Stock Markets

C. The clean surplus relationship is an accounting relationship that says earnings minus dividends equals the change in book value per share. The clean surplus relationship might not hold in actual practice. But if the clean surplus relationship is true, then the residual income model is mathematically equivalent to the constant perpetual growth model. D. The free cash flow (FCF) model values the entire firm by concentrating on firm FCF. E. Because the FCF model values the whole firm, we must use an asset beta, rather than an equity beta. We must also use the firm’s equity value, which we can get by subtracting the value of the firm’s debt from the value of the whole firm. 4. Price ratio analysis. A. Price ratios are widely used by financial analysts. The most popular price ratio is a company’s price-earnings ratio. A P/E ratio is calculated as the ratio of a firm’s stock price divided by its earnings per share (EPS). B. Financial analysts often refer to high-P/E stocks as growth stocks and low-P/E stocks as value stocks. In general, companies with high expected earnings growth will have high P/E ratios, which is why high-P/E stocks are referred to as growth stocks. Low-P/E stocks are referred to as value stocks because they are viewed as cheap relative to current earnings. C. Instead of price-earnings ratios, many analysts prefer to look at price-cash flow (P/CF) ratios. A price-cash flow ratio is measured as a company’s stock price divided by its cash flow per share. Most analysts agree that cash flow can provide more information than net income about a company’s financial performance. D. An alternative view of a company’s performance is provided by its price-sales (P/S) ratio. A price-sales ratio is calculated as the price of a company’s stock divided by its annual sales revenue per share. A price-sales ratio focuses on a company’s ability to generate sales growth. A high P/S ratio suggests high sales growth, while a low P/S ratio suggests low sales growth. E. A basic price ratio for a company is its price-book (P/B) ratio. A price-book ratio is measured as the market value of a company’s outstanding common stock divided by its book value of equity. A high P/B ratio suggests that a company is potentially expensive, while a low P/B value suggests that a company may be cheap. F. A common procedure using price-earnings ratios, price-cash flow ratios, and price-sales ratios is to calculate estimates of expected future stock prices. However, each price ratio method yields a different expected future stock price. Because each method uses different information, each makes a different prediction. G. An alternative to price ratios is the enterprise value (EV) to EBITDA ratio. Similar to the FCF approach, EV captures both debt and equity.

+ + + + + GETTING DOWN TO BUSINESS For the latest information on the real world of investments, visit us at

This chapter introduced you to some of the basics of common stock valuation and fundamental analysis. It focused on four important tools used by stock analysts in the real world to assess whether a particular stock is “rich” or “cheap”: dividend discount models, residual income models, free cash flow models, and price ratio analysis. How should you, as an investor or investment manager, put this information to use? The answer is that you need to pick some stocks and get to work! As we discussed in the chapter, experience and judgment are needed to use these models, and the only way to obtain these is through practice. Try to identify a few stocks that look cheap and buy them in a simulated brokerage account such as Stock-Trak. At the same time, find a few that look rich and short them. Start studying P/E ratios. Scan The Wall Street Journal (or a similar source of market information) and look at the range of P/Es.

Chapter 6 

  Common Stock Valuation209

What’s a low P/E? What’s a high one? Do they really correspond to what you would call growth and value stocks? The Internet is a copious source for information on valuing companies. Try, for example, Market Watch (, Hoovers Online (, and Zacks ( Don’t forget to check out the Motley Fool ( Several trade associations have informative websites that can be helpful. For individual investors there is the American Association of Individual Investors ( and for professional security analysts there is the New York Society of Security Analysts ( The CFA Institute ( provides a financial analyst’s certification (or charter) that is highly respected among security analysts.

Key Terms arithmetic average dividend growth rate  181 beta 191 cash flow  198 clean surplus relationship (CSR)  192 constant perpetual growth model  179 dividend discount model (DDM)  178 earnings yield (E/P)  197 Economic Value Added (EVA)  192 enterprise value (EV)  200 fundamental analysis  178 geometric average dividend growth rate  181 growth stocks  197

payout ratio  183 price-book (P/B) ratio  198 price-cash flow (P/CF) ratio  198 price-earnings (P/E) ratio  197 price-sales (P/S) ratio  198 residual income model (RIM)  192 retained earnings  183 retention ratio  183 sustainable growth rate  183 two-stage dividend growth model  186 value stocks  197

Chapter Review Problems and Self-Test 1. The Perpetual Growth Model (LO1, CFA1)  Suppose dividends for Layton’s Pizza Company are projected to grow at 6 percent forever. If the discount rate is 16 percent and the current dividend is $2, what is the value of the stock? 2. The Two-Stage Growth Model (LO2, CFA4)  Suppose the Titanic Ice Cube Co.’s dividend grows at a 20 percent rate for the next three years. Thereafter, it grows at a 12 percent rate. What value would we place on Titanic assuming a 15 percent discount rate? Titanic’s most recent dividend was $3. 3. Residual Income Model (LO3, CFA9)  Suppose Al’s Infrared Sandwich Company has a current book value of $10.85 per share. The most recent earnings per share were $2.96, and earnings are expected to grow at 6 percent forever. The appropriate discount rate is 8.2 percent. Assume the clean surplus relationship is true. Assuming the company maintains a constant retention ratio, what is the value of the company according to the residual income model if there are no dividends? 4. Price Ratio Analysis (LO4, CFA3)  The table below contains some information about the Jordan Air Co. Provide expected share prices using each of the three price ratio approaches we have discussed. Price Ratio Analysis for Jordan Air (Current Stock Price: $40) Earnings

210 Part 2 

  Stock Markets

Cash Flow


Five-year average price ratio

25 (P/E)

7 (P/CF)

1.5 (P/S)

Current value per share

$2.00 (EPS)

$6.00 (CFPS)

$30.00 (SPS)

Growth rate




Answers to Self-Test Problems 1. Plugging the relevant numbers into the constant perpetual growth formula results in $2(1.06) P0 = __________ ​​     ​​  = $21.20 0.16 − 0.06 As shown, the stock should sell for $21.20. 2. Plugging all the relevant numbers into the two-stage formula gets us 3 3 $3(1.20) $3(1.12) P0 = __________ ​​     ​​  ​​ 1 − ​(____ ​  1.20 ​  ​ ​​ + ​​ ____ ​  1.20 ​  ​​ __________ ​​     ​​  0.15 − 0.20 [ 1.15 ) ] ( 1.15 ) 0.15 − 0.12

= $9.81 + $127.25 = $137.06 Thus, the stock should sell for about $137. 3. Recall the formula for the residual income model when the clean surplus relationship is true: EPS0(1 + g) − B0 × k __________________ P0 = B0 +    ​​      ​​ k−g Next, make a table of all the information that you need to put into the formula: Al’s Infrared Sandwich Company

Time 0, i.e., Now

Beginning book value, B0


Earnings per share, EPS0

$ 2.96

Growth rate, g


Discount rate, k


We can now solve the problem. $2.96(1 + 0.06) − $10.85 × 0.082 ____________________________ P0 = $10.85 +     ​​      ​​ 0.082 − 0.06 P0 = $113.03 4. Using the P/E approach, we come up with the following estimate of the price of Jordan Air in one year: Estimatedprice = AverageP/E × CurrentEPS × (1 + Growthrate) = 25 × $2 × 1.10 = $55 Using the P/CF approach, we get Estimatedprice = AverageP/CF × CurrentCFPS × (1 + Growthrate) = 7 × $6 × 1.16 = $48.72 Finally, using the P/S approach, we get Estimatedprice = AverageP/S × CurrentSPS × (1 + Growthrate) = 1.5 × $30 × 1.14 = $51.30

Test Your Investment Quotient


1. Sustainable Growth (LO1, CFA6)  A company has a return on equity of ROE = 20 percent, and from earnings per share of $5, it pays a $2 dividend. What is the company’s sustainable growth rate? a. 8 percent b. 10 percent c. 12 percent d. 20 percent

Chapter 6 

  Common Stock Valuation211

2. Sustainable Growth (LO1, CFA6)  If the return on equity for a firm is 15 percent and the retention ratio is 40 percent, the sustainable growth rate of earnings and dividends is which of the following? a. 6 percent b. 9 percent c. 15 percent d. 40 percent 3. Dividend Discount Model (LO1, CFA4)  A common stock pays an annual dividend per share of $2.10. The risk-free rate is 7 percent and the risk premium for this stock is 4 percent. If the annual dividend is expected to remain at $2.10, the value of the stock is closest to: a. $19.09 b. $30.00 c. $52.50 d. $70.00 4. Dividend Discount Model (LO1, CFA4)  The constant growth dividend discount model will not produce a finite value if the dividend growth rate is which of the following? a. Above its historical average. b. Above the required rate of return. c. Below its historical average. d. Below the required rate of return. 5. Dividend Discount Model (LO1, CFA4)  In applying the constant growth dividend discount model, a stock’s intrinsic value will do which of the following when the required rate of return is lowered? a. Decrease. b. Increase. c. Remain unchanged. d. Decrease or increase, depending on other factors. 6. Dividend Discount Model (LO1, CFA4)  The constant growth dividend discount model would typically be most appropriate for valuing the stock of which of the following? a. New venture expected to retain all earnings for several years. b. Rapidly growing company. c. Moderate growth, mature company. d. Company with valuable assets not yet generating profits. 7. Dividend Discount Model (LO1, CFA6)  A stock has a required return of 15 percent, a constant growth rate of 10 percent, and a dividend payout ratio of 50 percent. What should the stock’s P/E ratio be? a. 3.0 b. 4.5 c. 9.0 d. 11.0 8. Dividend Discount Model (LO1, CFA6)  Which of the following assumptions does the constant growth dividend discount model require? I. Dividends grow at a constant rate. II. The dividend growth rate continues indefinitely. III. The required rate of return is less than the dividend growth rate. a. I only b. III only c. I and II only d. I, II, and III 9. Dividend Discount Model (LO2, CFA4)  A stock will not pay dividends until three years from now. The dividend then will be $2.00 per share, the dividend payout ratio will be 40 percent, and return on equity will be 15 percent. If the required rate of return is 12 percent, which of the following is closest to the value of the stock? a. $27 b. $33 c. $53 d. $67 212 Part 2 

  Stock Markets

10. Dividend Discount Model (LO1, CFA4)  Assume that at the end of the next year, Company A will pay a $2.00 dividend per share, an increase from the current dividend of $1.50 per share. After that, the dividend is expected to increase at a constant rate of 5 percent. If you require a 12 percent return on the stock, what is the value of the stock? a. $28.57 b. $28.79 c. $30.00 d. $31.78 11. Dividend Discount Model (LO1, CFA6)  A share of stock will pay a dividend of $1.00 one year from now, with dividend growth of 5 percent thereafter. In the context of a dividend discount model, the stock is correctly priced at $10 today. According to the constant dividend growth model, if the required return is 15 percent, what should the value of the stock be two years from now? a. $11.03 b. $12.10 c. $13.23 d. $14.40 12. Free Cash Flow (LO3, CFA7)  A firm has EBIT of $275 million, which is net of $52 million in depreciation. In addition, the firm had $42 million in capital expenditures and an increase in net working capital of $5 million. The firm’s tax rate is 35 percent. The firm’s FCF is closest (in millions) to: a. $280 b. $101 c. $231 d. $184 13. Free Cash Flow (LO3, CFA7)  A firm had a free cash flow (FCF) in the prior year of $125 million. The FCF is expected to grow at 3 percent per year into perpetuity. The appropriate discount rate is 12 percent. What is the firm’s current value (in millions) based on the FCF model? a. $1,042 b. $1,389 c. $1,555 d. $1,431 14. Price Ratios (LO4, CFA5)  Two similar companies acquire substantial new production facilities, which they both will depreciate over a 10-year period. However, Company A uses accelerated depreciation while Company B uses straight-line depreciation. In the first year that the assets are depreciated, which of the following is most likely to occur? a. A’s P/CF ratio will be higher than B’s. b. A’s P/CF ratio will be lower than B’s. c. A’s P/E ratio will be higher than B’s. d. A’s P/E ratio will be lower than B’s. 15. Price Ratios (LO4, CFA4)  An analyst estimates the earnings per share and price-to-earnings ratio for a stock market series to be $43.50 and 26 times, respectively. The dividend payout ratio for the series is 65 percent. The value of the stock market series is closest to: a. 396 b. 735 c. 1,131 d. 1,866 16. Enterprise Value Ratio (LO4, CFA8)  Which of the following is an advantage of the enterprise value ratio as compared to price ratios? a. The EV ratio excludes interest expense. b. The EV ratio adds the value of the firm’s cash holding. c. The EV ratio captures the value of both firm debt and equity. d. The EV ratio controls for the market risk premium while price ratios do not. 17. P/E Ratio (LO3, CFA5)  A company’s return on equity is greater than its required return on equity. The earnings multiplier (P/E) for that company’s stock is most likely to be positively related to the:

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  Common Stock Valuation213

a. Risk-free rate. b. Market risk premium. c. Earnings retention ratio. d. Stock’s capital asset pricing model beta. 18. Residual Income Model (LO4, CFA9)  The residual income model separates the value of the firm into two basic components. What are these two components? a. The current book value and the present value of future earnings. b. The value of earnings per share and the value of cash flow per share. c. The current value of the firm’s shares and the future value of its shares. d. The time value of money and the value of bearing risk. 19. Residual Income (LO4, CFA9)  Residual income is: a. The actual earnings less expected earnings. b. Any increase in the value of the firm. c. The value of profitable investment projects. d. The value added by economical use of assets. 20. Clean Surplus Relation (LO4, CFA9)  The clean surplus relation says that a. Assets minus liabilities minus shareholder’s equity equals the change in current assets plus debt payments. b. The difference between earnings and dividends equals the change in book value. c. Dividends minus earnings equals one minus the payout ratio. d. The difference between earnings and dividends equals the change in surplus inventory.

Concept Questions 1. Dividend Discount Model (LO1, CFA4) What is the basic principle behind dividend discount models? 2. P/E Ratios (LO4, CFA5) Why do growth stocks tend to have higher P/E ratios than value stocks? 3. Residual Income Model (LO3, CFA9) What happens in the residual income model when EPS is negative? 4. FCF Valuation (LO3, CFA7) Why do we need to convert the typical equity beta to value a firm using FCF? 5. Stock Valuation (LO1, CFA5) Why does the value of a share of stock depend on dividends? 6. Stock Valuation (LO3, CFA5) A substantial percentage of the companies listed on the NYSE and the NASDAQ don’t pay dividends, but investors are nonetheless willing to buy shares in them. How is this possible given your answer to Question 5? 7. Dividends (LO3, CFA6) Referring to Questions 5 and 6, under what circ*mstances might a company choose not to pay dividends? 8. Constant Perpetual Growth Model (LO1, CFA6) Under what two assumptions can we use the constant perpetual growth model presented in the chapter to determine the value of a share of stock? How reasonable are these assumptions? 9. Dividend Growth Models (LO1, CFA4) Based on the dividend growth models presented in the chapter, what are the two components of the total return of a share of stock? Which do you think is typically larger? 10. Stock Valuation (LO3, CFA5) If a firm has no dividends and has negative earnings, which valuation models are appropriate?

Questions and Problems Core Questions

214 Part 2 

  Stock Markets

1. Dividend Valuation (LO1, CFA6)  JJ Industries will pay a regular dividend of $2.40 per share for each of the next four years. At the end of the four years, the company will also pay out a $40 per share liquidating dividend, and the company will cease operations. If the discount rate is 10 percent, what is the current value of the company’s stock?

2. Dividend Valuation (LO1, CFA6)  In Problem 1, suppose the current share price is $60. If all other information remains the same, what must the liquidating dividend be? 3. Free Cash Flow Model (LO3, CFA7)  You are going to value Lauryn’s Doll Co. using the FCF model. After consulting various sources, you find that Lauryn’s has a reported equity beta of 1.4, a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.3, and a tax rate of 30 percent. Based on this information, what is the asset beta for Lauryn’s? 4. Free Cash Flow Model (LO3, CFA7)  Using your answer to Problem 3, calculate the appropriate discount rate assuming a risk-free rate of 4 percent and a market risk premium of 7 percent. 5. Free Cash Flow Model (LO3, CFA2)  Lauryn’s Doll Co. had EBIT last year of $40 million, which is net of a depreciation expense of $4 million. In addition, Lauryn’s made $5 million in capital expenditures and increased net working capital by $3 million. Using the information from Problem 3, what is Lauryn’s FCF for the year? 6. Free Cash Flow Model (LO3, CFA2)  Using your answers from Problems 3 through 5, value Lauryn’s Doll Co. assuming her FCF is expected to grow at a rate of 3 percent into perpetuity. Is this value the value of the equity? 7. Enterprise Value (LO4, CFA8)  If a firm has an EV of $750 million and EBITDA of $165 million, what is its EV ratio? 8. Perpetual Dividend Growth (LO1, CFA6)  Xytex Products just paid a dividend of $1.62 per share, and the stock currently sells for $28. If the discount rate is 10 percent, what is the dividend growth rate? 9. Perpetual Dividend Growth (LO1, CFA6)  Star Light & Power increases its dividend 3.8 percent per year every year. This utility is valued using a discount rate of 9 percent, and the stock currently sells for $38 per share. If you buy a share of stock today and hold on to it for at least three years, what do you expect the value of your dividend check to be three years from today? 10. Sustainable Growth (LO1, CFA6)  Johnson Products earned $2.80 per share last year and paid a $1.25 per share dividend. If ROE was 14 percent, what is the sustainable growth rate? 11. Sustainable Growth (LO4, CFA6)  Joker stock has a sustainable growth rate of 8 percent, ROE of 14 percent, and dividends per share of $1.65. If the P/E ratio is 19, what is the value of a share of stock? 12. Capital Asset Pricing Model (LO1, CFA2)  A certain stock has a beta of 1.3. If the risk-free rate of return is 3.2 percent and the market risk premium is 7.5 percent, what is the expected return of the stock? What is the expected return of a stock with a beta of 0.75? 13. Residual Income Model (LO3, CFA9)  Bill’s Bakery expects earnings per share of $2.56 next year. Current book value is $4.70 per share. The appropriate discount rate for Bill’s Bakery is 11 percent. Calculate the share price for Bill’s Bakery if earnings grow at 3 percent forever.

Intermediate Questions

14. Residual Income Model (LO3, CFA9)  For Bill’s Bakery described in Problem 13, suppose instead that current earnings per share are $2.56. Calculate the share price for Bill’s Bakery. 15. Two-Stage Dividend Growth Model (LO2, CFA5)  Could I Industries just paid a dividend of $1.10 per share. The dividends are expected to grow at a 20 percent rate for the next six years and then level off to a 4 percent growth rate indefinitely. If the required return is 12 percent, what is the value of the stock today? 16. H-Model (LO2, CFA6)  The dividend for Should I, Inc., is currently $1.25 per share. It is expected to grow at 20 percent next year and then decline linearly to a 5 percent perpetual rate beginning in four years. If you require a 15 percent return on the stock, what is the most you would pay per share? 17. Multiple Growth Rates (LO2, CFA6)  Netscrape Communications does not currently pay a dividend. You expect the company to begin paying a $4 per share dividend in 15 years, and you expect dividends to grow perpetually at 5.5 percent per year thereafter. If the discount rate is 15 percent, how much is the stock currently worth? 18. Enterprise Value Ratio (LO4, CFA8)  Jonah’s Fishery has EBITDA of $65 million. Jonah’s has market value of equity and debt of $420 million and $38 million, respectively. Jonah’s has cash on the balance sheet of $12 million. What is Jonah’s EV ratio? 19. Multiple Growth Rates (LO1, CFA6)  Leisure Lodge Corporation is expected to pay the following dividends over the next four years: $15.00, $10.00, $5.00, and $2.20. Afterwards, the company pledges to maintain a constant 4 percent growth rate in dividends forever. If the required return on the stock is 10 percent, what is the current share price?

Chapter 6 

  Common Stock Valuation215

20. Multiple Required Returns (LO1, CFA6)  Sea Side, Inc., just paid a dividend of $1.68 per share on its stock. The growth rate in dividends is expected to be a constant 5.5 percent per year indefinitely. Investors require an 18 percent return on the stock for the first three years, then a 13 percent return for the next three years, and then an 11 percent return thereafter. What is the current share price? 21. Price Ratio Analysis (LO4, CFA4)  Given the information below for Seger Corporation, compute the expected share price at the end of 2017 using price ratio analysis. Assume that the historical average growth rates will remain the same for 2017. Year



































22. Dividend Growth Analysis (LO1, CFA6)  In Problem 21, suppose the dividends per share over the same period were $1.00, $1.08, $1.17, $1.25, $1.35, and $1.40, respectively. Compute the expected share price at the end of 2017 using the perpetual growth method. Assume the market risk premium is 7.5 percent, Treasury bills yield 3 percent, and the projected beta of the firm is 1.10. 23. Price Ratio Analysis for Internet Companies (LO4, CFA8)  Given the information below for HooYah! Corporation, compute the expected share price at the end of 2017 using price ratio analysis. Assume that the historical average growth rates will remain the same for 2017. Year








$ 8.00



























24. Price Ratio Analysis for Internet Companies (LO4, CFA8)  Given the information below for StartUp.Com, compute the expected share price at the end of 2017 using price ratio analysis. Year







$ 68.12

$ 95.32

















25. Price Ratio Analysis (LO4, CFA8)  The current price of Parador Industries stock is $67 per share. Current earnings per share are $3.40, the earnings growth rate is 6 percent, and Parador does not pay a dividend. The expected return on Parador stock is 13 percent. What oneyear-ahead P/E ratio is consistent with Parador’s expected return and earnings growth rate? 26. Price Ratio Analysis (LO4, CFA8)  The current price of Parador Industries stock is $67 per share. Current sales per share are $18.75, the sales growth rate is 8 percent, and Parador does not pay a dividend. The expected return on Parador stock is 13 percent. What one-year-ahead P/S ratio is consistent with Parador’s expected return and sales growth rate? Use the following information to answer Problems 27–31. Beagle Beauties engages in the development, manufacture, and sale of a line of cosmetics designed to make your dog look glamorous. Below you will find selected information necessary to compute some

216 Part 2 

  Stock Markets

valuation estimates for the firm. Assume the values provided are from year-end 2015. Also assume that the firm’s equity beta is 1.40, the risk-free rate is 2.75 percent, and the market risk premium is 7 percent. Dividends per share

$ 2.04

Return on equity


Book value per share

$17.05 Earnings

Cash Flow

2015 value per share



Average price multiple


Forecasted growth rate


9.42 11.41%

Sales $25.65 2.36 7.34%

27. Constant Perpetual Growth Model (LO1, CFA6)  What are the sustainable growth rate and required return for Beagle Beauties? Using these values, estimate the current share price of Beagle Beauties stock according to the constant dividend growth model. 28. Price Ratios (LO4, CFA8)  Using the P/E, P/CF, and P/S ratios, estimate the 2016 share price for Beagle Beauties. 29. Residual Income Model (LO3, CFA9)  Assume the sustainable growth rate and required return you calculated in Problem 27 are valid. Use the clean surplus relationship to calculate the share price for Beagle Beauties with the residual income model. 30. Clean Surplus Dividend (LO3, CFA9)  Use the information from Problem 29 and calculate the stock price with the clean surplus dividend. Do you get the same stock price as in Problem 29? Why or why not? 31. Stock Valuation (LO1, LO3, LO4)  Given your answers in Problems 27–30, do you feel Beagle Beauties is overvalued or undervalued at its current price of around $82? At what price do you feel the stock should sell? 32. Residual Income Model and Nonconstant Growth (LO3, CFA9)  When a stock is going through a period of nonconstant growth for T periods, followed by constant growth forever, the residual income model can be modified as follows: T EPS + B − Bt _______ PT t t-1 _____________ P0 = ​​  ∑    ​​​ ​  ​​     ​​  + ​​     ​​  (1 + k )t (1 + k )T t=1

where EPST(1 + g) − BT × k __________________ PT = BT +    ​​      ​​ k−g Al’s Infrared Sandwich Company had a book value of $12.95 at the beginning of the year, and the earnings per share for the past year were $3.41. Molly Miller, a research analyst at Miller, Moore & Associates, estimates that the book value and earnings per share will grow at 12.5 and 11 percent per year for the next four years, respectively. After four years, the growth rate is expected to be 6 percent. Molly believes the required return for the company is 8.2 percent. What is the value per share for Al’s Infrared Sandwich Company?

CFA Exam Review by Kaplan Schweser [CFA2, CFA6, CFA7] Beachwood Builders merged with Country Point Homes on December 31, 1992. Both companies were builders of midscale and luxury homes in their respective markets. In 2010, because of tax considerations and the need to segment the business, Beachwood decided to spin off Country Point, its

Chapter 6 

  Common Stock Valuation217

luxury subsidiary, to its shareholders. Beachwood retained Bernheim Securities to value the spin-off of Country Point as of December 31, 2010. When the books closed on 2010, Beachwood had $140 million in debt outstanding due in 2019 at a coupon rate of 8 percent, which is a spread of 2 percent above the current risk-free rate. Beachwood also had 5 million common shares outstanding. It pays no dividends, has no preferred shareholders, and faces a tax rate of 30 percent. Bernheim is assuming a market risk premium of 11 percent. The common equity allocated to Country Point for the spin-off was $55.6 million as of December31, 2010. There was no long-term debt allocated from Beachwood. The managing directors in charge of Bernheim’s construction group, Denzel Johnson and Cara Nguyen, are prepping for the valuation presentation. Ms. Nguyen tells Mr. Johnson that Bernheim estimated Country Point’s net income at $10 million in 2010, growing $5 million per year through 2014. Based on Ms. Nguyen’s calculations, Country Point will be worth $223.7 million in 2014. Ms. Nguyen decided to use a cost of equity for Country Point in the valuation equal to its return on equity at the end of 2010 (rounded to the nearest percentage). Ms. Nguyen also gives Mr. Johnson the table she obtained from Beachwood projecting depreciation and capital expenditures ($ in millions):

Depreciation Capital expenditures









$ 6

$ 5






1. What is the estimate of Country Point’s free cash flow to the firm (FCFF) in 2012? a. 25 b. 16 c. 11 2. What is the cost of capital that Ms. Nguyen used for her valuation of Country Point? a. 18 percent b. 17 percent c. 15 percent 3. Given Ms. Nguyen’s estimate of Country Point’s terminal value in 2014, what is the growth assumption she must have used for free cash flow after 2014? a. 7 percent b. 9 percent c. 3 percent 4. The value of beta for Country Point is: a. 1.09 b. 1.27 c. 1.00 5. What is the estimated value of Country Point in a proposed spin-off? a. $144.5 million b. $162.6 million c. $178.3 million

What’s on the Web? 1. Sustainable Growth Rate You can find the home page for Caterpillar, Inc., at Go to this page and find the most recent annual report for Caterpillar. Calculate the sustainable growth rate for each of the past two years. Are these values the same? Why or why not?

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2. Sustainable Growth Rate Go to and find the analysts’ estimates for Procter & Gamble’s (PG) growth rate over the next five years. How does this compare to the industry, sector, and S&P 500 growth rates? Now find the EPS and dividends per share for PG and calculate the sustainable growth rate. How does your number compare to analysts’ estimates for the company? Why might these estimates differ? 3. Perpetual Dividend Growth Model Go to and find the following information: the beta, the most recent annual dividend, and analysts’ estimated growth rate for Johnson & Johnson (JNJ). Next, find the three-month Treasury bill yield on Assuming the market risk premium is 7 percent, what is the required return for JNJ? What is the value of JNJ stock using the perpetual dividend growth model? Does JNJ appear overpriced, underpriced, or correctly priced? Why might this analysis be inappropriate, or at least misleading?

Stock-Trak Exercises

To access the Stock-Trak Exercise for this chapter, please visit the library resource site in Connect and choose the corresponding chapter.

Chapter 6 

  Common Stock Valuation219

PART 2 chapter

Stock Price Behavior and Market Efficiency +

Learning Objectives You should strive to have your investment knowledge fully reflect:

1. The foundations of market efficiency. 2. The implications of the forms of market efficiency. 3. Market efficiency and the performance of professional money managers. 4. What stock market anomalies, bubbles, and crashes mean for market efficiency.


“A market is the combined behavior of thousands of people responding to information, misinformation, and whim.” –Kenneth Chang

“If you want to know what’s happening in the market, ask the market.” –Japanese Proverb

Controversial, intriguing, and baffling issues are at the heart of this chapter. Webegin by investigating a very basic question: Can you, as an investor, consistently “beat the market”? You may be surprised to learn that evidence strongly suggests that the answer to this question is probably not. We show that even professional money managers have trouble beating the market. At the end of the chapter, we describe some market phenomena that sound more like carnival side shows, such as the “amazing January effect.”

CFA™ Exam Topics in This Chapter: 1. Market efficiency (L1, S13) 2. Equity portfolio management (L3, S11)

Go to Connect for a guide that aligns your textbook with CFA readings.

7.1 Introduction to Market Efficiency efficient markets hypothesis (EMH) The hypothesis stating that, as a practical matter, investors cannot consistently “beat the market.” For more on market efficiency, go to


Market efficiency is probably the most controversial and intriguing issue in investments. The debate that has raged around market efficiency for decades shows few signs of abating. The central issue in the market efficiency debate is: Can you (or anyone else) consistently “beat the market”? If the answer to this question is no, then the market is said to be efficient. The efficient markets hypothesis (EMH) asserts that, as a practical matter, organized financial markets like the New York Stock Exchange are efficient. The controversy surrounding the EMH centers on this assertion. In the sections that follow, we discuss many issues surrounding the EMH. You will notice that we focus our discussion on stock markets. The reason is that the debate on the EMH and the associated research have largely centered on these markets. However, the same principles and arguments would also apply to any organized financial market, such as the markets for government bonds, corporate bonds, commodity futures, and options.


What is the central issue in the market efficiency debate?


How would you state the efficient markets hypothesis?

7.2 What Does “Beat the Market” Mean?

abnormal return A return in excess of that earned by other investments having the same risk.


Good question. As we discussed in Chapter 1 and elsewhere, there is a risk-return tradeoff. On average at least, we expect riskier investments to have larger returns than less-risky assets. So, the fact that an investment appears to have a high or low return doesn’t tell us much. We need to know if the return was high or low relative to the risk involved. Instead, to determine if an investment is superior to another, we need to compare ­abnormal returns. The abnormal return on an investment is the difference between what that investment earned and what other investments with the same risk earned. A positive abnormal return means that an investment has outperformed other investments of the same risk. Thus, consistently earning a positive abnormal return is what we mean by “beating the market.”


What is an abnormal return?


What does it mean to “beat the market”?

7.3 Foundations of Market Efficiency Three economic forces can lead to market efficiency: (1) investor rationality, (2) independent deviations from rationality, and (3) arbitrage. These conditions are so powerful that any one of them can result in market efficiency. We discuss aspects of these conditions in detail throughout this chapter. Given their importance, however, we briefly introduce each of them here. In our discussions, we use the term “rational” to mean only that investors do not systematically overvalue or undervalue financial assets in light of the information that they possess.

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If every investor always made perfectly rational investment decisions, earning an abnormal return would be difficult, if not impossible. The reason is simple: If everyone is fully rational, equivalent risk assets would all have the same expected returns. Put differently, no bargains would be there to be had because relative prices would all be correct. However, even if the investor rationality condition does not hold, the market could still be efficient. Suppose that many investors are irrational, and a company makes a relevant announcement about a new product. Some investors will be overly optimistic, some will be overly pessimistic, but the net effect might be that these investors cancel each other out. In a sense, the irrationality is just noise that is diversified away. As a result, the market could still be efficient (or nearly efficient). What is important here is that irrational investors don’t all (or mostly all) have similar beliefs. However, even under this condition, called “independent deviations from rationality,” the market still may be efficient. Let us now think of a market with many irrational traders and further suppose that their collective irrationality does not balance out. In this case, observed market prices can be too high or too low relative to their risk. Now suppose there are some well-capitalized, intelligent, and rational investors. This group of traders would see these high or low market prices as a profit opportunity and engage in arbitrage—buying relatively inexpensive stocks and selling relatively expensive stocks. If these rational arbitrage traders dominate irrational traders, the market will still be efficient. We sometimes hear the expression “Market efficiency doesn’t require that everybody be rational, just that somebody is.” In our next section, we look more closely at market efficiency and discuss several different forms.



What three economic conditions cause market efficiency?


How would well-capitalized, intelligent, and rational investors profit from ­market inefficiency?

7.4 Forms of Market Efficiency Now that we have a little more precise notion of what beating the market means, we can be a little more precise about market efficiency. A market is efficient with respect to some particular information if that information is not useful in earning a positive abnormal return. Notice the emphasis we place on “with respect to some particular information.” For example, it seems unlikely that knowledge of Dwight Howard’s free-throw-shooting percentage (low) would be of any use in beating the market. If so, we would say that the market is efficient with respect to the information in Dwight’s free-throw percentage. On the other hand, if you have prior knowledge concerning impending takeover offers, you could most definitely use that information to earn a positive abnormal return. Thus, the market is not efficient with regard to this information. We hasten to add that such information is probably “insider” information, and insider trading is generally, though not always, illegal (in the United States, at least). As we discuss later in the chapter, using insider information illegally might well earn you a stay in a jail cell and a stiff financial penalty. Thus, the question of whether a market is efficient is meaningful only relative to some type of information. Put differently, if you are asked whether a particular market is efficient, you should always reply, “With respect to what information?” Three general types of information are particularly interesting in this context, and it is traditional to define three forms of market efficiency: weak, semistrong, and strong. The particular sets of information used in the three forms of market efficiency are nested. That is, the information set in the strong form includes the information set in the semistrong form, which in turn includes the information set in the weak form. Figure 7.1 shows the relationships among the information sets. 222 Part 2 

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Information Sets for Market Efficiency Strong-form information set: all information of any kind, public or private. Semistrong-form information set: all publicly available information. Weak-form information set: past price and volume.

A weak-form efficient market is one in which the information reflected in past prices and volume figures is of no value in beating the market. As we discuss in our next chapter, one form of stock market analysis, called “technical analysis,” is based on using past prices and volume to predict future prices. If a market is weak-form efficient, however, then technical analysis is of no use whatsoever. You might as well read tea leaves as stock price charts if the market is weak-form efficient. In a semistrong-form efficient market, publicly available information of any and all kinds is of no use in beating the market. If a market is semistrong-form efficient, then the fundamental analysis techniques we described in a previous chapter are useless. Also, notice that past prices and volume data are publicly available information, so if a market is semistrongform efficient, it is also weak-form efficient. The implications of semistrong-form efficiency are, at a minimum, semistaggering. What it literally means is that nothing in the library, for example, is of any value in earning a positive abnormal return. How about a firm’s financial statement? Useless. How about information in the financial press? Worthless. This book? Sad to say, if the market is semistrong-form efficient, nothing in this book will be of any use in beating the market. You can imagine that this form of market efficiency is hotly disputed. Finally, in a strong-form efficient market, no information of any kind, public or private, is useful in beating the market. Notice that if a market is strong-form efficient, it is necessarily weak- and semistrong-form efficient as well. Ignoring the issue of legality, possession of nonpublic inside information of many types clearly would enable you to earn essentially unlimited returns, so this case is not particularly interesting. Instead, the market efficiency debate focuses on the first two forms.



What role does information play in determining whether markets are efficient?


What are the forms of market efficiency?

7.5 Why Would a Market Be Efficient? The driving force toward market efficiency is simply competition and the profit motive. Investors constantly try to identify superior-performing investments. Using the most advanced information-processing tools available, investors and security analysts constantly appraise stock values, buying those stocks that look even slightly undervalued and selling those that look even slightly overvalued. This constant appraisal and subsequent trading

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activity (as well as all the research behind these activities) act to ensure that prices never differ much from their efficient market price. To give you an idea of how strong the incentive is to identify superior investments, consider a large mutual fund such as the Fidelity Magellan Fund. Fidelity Magellan is one of the largest equity funds in the United States, with about $15 billion under management (as of 2015). Suppose Fidelity was able through its research to improve the performance of this fund by 20 basis points for one year only (recall that a basis point is 1 percent of 1 percent, i.e., 0.0001). How much would this one-time 20-basis-point improvement be worth? The answer is 0.0020 times $15 billion, or $30 million. Thus, Fidelity would be willing to spend up to $30 million to boost the performance of this one fund by as little as one-fifth of one percent for a single year only. As this example shows, even relatively small performance enhancements are worth tremendous amounts of money and thereby create the incentive to unearth relevant information and use it. Because of this incentive, the fundamental characteristic of an efficient market is that prices are correct in the sense that they fully reflect relevant information. If and when new information comes to light, prices may change, and they may change by a lot. It just depends on the nature of the new information. However, in an efficient market, right here, right now, price is a consensus opinion of value, where that consensus is based on the information and intellect of hundreds of thousands, or even millions, of investors around the world.



What is the driving force behind market efficiency?


Why does this driving force work?

7.6 Some Implications of Market Efficiency DOES OL D INFOR MATI ON HE L P P R E D I CT FUT URE STOC K P R I C E S? In its weakest form, the efficient markets hypothesis is the simple statement that stock prices fully reflect all past information. If this is true, this means that studying past price movements in the hopes of predicting future stock price movements is really a waste of time. In addition, a very subtle prediction is at work here. That is, no matter how often a particular stock price path has related to subsequent stock price changes in the past, there is no assurance that this relationship will occur again in the future. Researchers have used sophisticated statistical techniques to test whether past stock price movements are of any value in predicting future stock price movements. This turns out to be a surprisingly difficult question to answer clearly and without qualification. In short, although some researchers have been able to show that future returns are partly predictable by past returns, the predicted returns are not economically important, which means that predictability is not sufficient to earn an abnormal return. In addition, trading costs generally swamp attempts to build a profitable trading system on the basis of past returns. Researchers have been unable to provide evidence of a superior trading strategy that uses only past returns. That is, trading costs matter, and buy-and-hold strategies involving broad market indexes are extremely difficult to outperform. (If you know how to outperform a broad market index after accounting for trading costs, please share it with us.)

RANDOM WAL KS A N D STOC K P R I C E S If you were to ask people you know whether stock market prices are predictable, many of them would say yes. To their surprise, and perhaps yours, it is very difficult to predict stock market prices. In fact, considerable research has shown that stock prices change through time as if they are random. That is, stock price increases are about as likely as stock price decreases. When the path that a stock price follows shows no discernible pattern, then the 224 Part 2 

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Daily Price Change for Intel Common Stock, October 24, 2014, to October 23, 2015 8.00%

Price change, in percent

6.00% 4.00% 2.00% 0.00% -2.00% -4.00%



20 14 N ov 20 14 De c 20 14 Ja n 20 15 Fe b 20 15 M ar 20 15 Ap r2 01 5 M ay 20 15 Ju n 20 15 Ju l2 01 5 Au g 20 15 Se p 20 15 O ct 20 15



random walk No discernible pattern to the path that a stock price follows through time.

stock’s price behavior is largely consistent with the notion of a random walk. A random walk is related to the weak-form version of the efficient markets hypothesis because past knowledge of the stock price is not useful in predicting future stock prices. Figure 7.2 illustrates daily price changes for Intel stock from October 24, 2014, through October 23, 2015. To qualify as a true random walk, Intel stock price changes would have to be truly independent from day to day. In addition, the distribution of possible stock prices each day must be the same. Even so, the graph of daily price changes for Intel stock is essentially what a random walk looks like. It is certainly hard to see any pattern in the daily price changes of Intel.

HOW DOE S N E W I N FOR MATI ON G E T I N TO STOCK PRI C E S ? In its semistrong form, the efficient markets hypothesis is the simple statement that stock prices fully reflect publicly available information. Stock prices change when traders buy and sell shares based on their view of the future prospects for the stock. The future prospects for the stock are influenced by unexpected news announcements. Examples of unexpected news announcements might include an increase or decrease in the dividend paid by a stock, an increase or decrease in the forecast for future earnings, lawsuits over company practices, or changes in the leadership team. As shown in Figure 7.3, prices could adjust to a positive news announcement in three basic ways. ∙ Efficient market reaction. The price instantaneously adjusts to, and fully reflects, new information. There is no tendency for subsequent increases or decreases to occur. ∙ Delayed reaction. The price partially adjusts to the new information, but days elapse before the price completely reflects new information. ∙ Overreaction and correction. The price overadjusts to the new information; it overshoots the appropriate new price but eventually falls to the new price.

EVENT STUD I E S On Friday, May 25, 2007, executives of Advanced Medical Optics, Inc. (EYE), recalled a contact lens solution called Complete MoisturePlus Multi Purpose Solution. Advanced Medical Optics took this voluntary action after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found a link between the solution and a rare cornea infection. The medical name for this infection is acanthamoeba keratitis, or AK for short.

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Possible Market Price Reactions to a News Announcement 100 90


80 70 60


-3 0 3 Days relative to news announcement


Overreaction and correction Efficient market reaction Delayed reaction


The Price of Shares for Advanced Medical Optics, May 14, 2007, through June 15, 2007

Price, in dollars




30 May 7

May 14

May 21

May 28 Date

Jun 4

Jun 11

Jun 18

About two out of every million contact lens users in the United States each year are afflicted with AK. Although instances of AK are rare, AK is serious—this infection can lead to vision loss, and sometimes it can lead to the need for a cornea transplant. The CDC determined that the risk of developing AK is about seven times greater for consumers using the Complete MoisturePlus contact lens solution than for those consumers using other contact lens solutions. Executives at Advanced Medical Optics chose to recall their product even though they did not find evidence their manufacturing process introduced the parasite that can lead to AK. Further, company officials believed that the occurrences of AK were most likely the result of end users who failed to follow safe procedures when installing contact lenses. Nevertheless, the recall was announced following the market close on Friday, May 25, 2007. Following the long weekend, EYE shares opened on Tuesday, May 29, 2007, at $34.37, down $5.83 from the Friday close of $40.20. Figure 7.4 is a plot of the price per share of Advanced Medical Optics (EYE) in the days surrounding this news announcement. 226 Part 2 

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event study A research method designed to help study the effects of news on stock prices.

abnormal returns Returns in excess of those earned by other investments having the same risk.

Researchers use a technique known as an event study to test the effects of news announcements on stock prices. When researchers look for effects of news on stock prices, however, they must make sure that overall market news is accounted for in their analysis. The reason is simple. Suppose the whole market had fallen drastically on May 29, 2007. How would researchers be able to separate the overall market decline from the isolated news concerning Advanced Medical Optics? To answer this question, researchers calculate abnormal returns. The equation to calculate an abnormal return is simply: ​Abnormal return = Observed return − Expected return​


The expected return can be calculated using a market index (like the NASDAQ 100 Index or the S&P 500 Index) or by using a long-term average return on the stock. As we discussed earlier in the chapter, this expected return should be based on assets that have a similar expected level of risk. If we use market returns, we must adjust these returns to reflect any differences in risk relative to the asset being evaluated. Researchers then align the abnormal return on a stock to the days relative to the news announcement. Usually, researchers assign the value of zero to the day a news announcement is made. One day after the news announcement is assigned a value of +1, two days after the news announcement is assigned a value of +2, and so on. Similarly, one day before the news announcement is assigned a value of −1. According to the efficient markets hypothesis, the abnormal return today should relate only to information released on that day. Any previously released information should have no effect on abnormal returns because this information has been available to all traders. Also, the return today cannot be influenced by information that traders do not yet know. To evaluate abnormal returns, researchers usually accumulate them over some period. Figure 7.5 is a plot of the cumulative abnormal returns for Advanced Medical Optics beginning 40 days before the announcement. The first cumulative abnormal return, or CAR, is just equal to the abnormal return on day –40. The CAR on day –39 is the sum of the first two abnormal returns, the CAR on day –38 is the sum of the first three, and so on. By examining CARs, we can see if there was an over- or underreaction to an announcement. As you can see in Figure 7.5, Advanced Medical’s cumulative abnormal return hovered around zero before the announcement. After the news was released, there was a large, sharp downward movement in the CAR. The stock price gyrated as additional news was released,


Cumulative Abnormal Returns for Advanced Medical Optics, March 30, 2007, through July 25, 2007

Cumulative abnormal returns (%)

10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -40


-20 -10 0 10 20 Days relative to news announcement

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  Stock Price Behavior and Market Efficiency 227

but the overall pattern of cumulative abnormal returns is essentially what the efficient markets hypothesis would predict. That is, there is a band of cumulative abnormal returns, a sharp break in cumulative abnormal returns, and another band of cumulative abnormal returns.



How is a random walk affiliated with the efficient markets hypothesis?


What are the possible market price reactions to a news announcement?


How do researchers use event studies to examine the effects of news announcements on stock prices?

7.7 Informed Traders and Insider Trading Recall that if a market is strong-form efficient, no information of any kind, public or private, is useful in beating the market. However, inside information of many types clearly would enable you to earn essentially unlimited returns. This fact generates an interesting question: Should any of us be able to earn returns based on information that is not known to the public? In the United States (and in many other countries, though not all), making profits on nonpublic information is illegal. This ban is said to be necessary if investors are to have trust in U.S. stock markets. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is charged with enforcing laws concerning illegal trading activities. As a result, it is important for you to be able to distinguish between informed trading, insider trading, and legal insider trading.

INFORME D TR A D I N G informed trader An investor who makes a buy or sell decision based on public information and analysis.

When an investor makes a decision to buy or sell a stock based on publicly available information and analysis, this investor is said to be an informed trader. The information that an informed trader possesses might come from reading The Wall Street Journal, reading quarterly reports issued by a company, gathering financial information from the Internet, talking to other traders, or a host of other sources.

INSIDER TR AD I N G Some informed traders are also insider traders. When you hear the term insider trading, you most likely think that such activity is illegal. However, as you will see at the end of this section, not all insider trading is illegal. material nonpublic information Any information that could reasonably be expected to affect the price of a security.

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WHO IS AN INSIDER?  For the purposes of defining illegal insider trading, an insider is someone who has material nonpublic information. Such information both is not known to the public and, if it were known, would impact the stock price. A person can be charged with insider trading when he or she acts on such information in an attempt to make a profit. Frequently, when an illegal insider trade occurs, there is a tipper and a tippee. The tipper is the person who has, on purpose, divulged material nonpublic information. The tippee is the person who has knowingly used such information in an attempt to make a profit. For example, a tipper could be a CEO who spills some inside information to a friend who does not work for the company. If the friend then knowingly uses this inside information to make a trade, this tippee is guilty of insider trading. Proving that a trader is a tippee is difficult for the SEC because keeping track of insider information flows and subsequent trades is difficult. For example, suppose a person makes a trade based on the advice of a stockbroker. Even if the broker based this advice on material nonpublic information, the trader might not have been aware of the broker’s knowledge. The SEC must prove that the trader was, in fact, aware that the broker’s information was based on material nonpublic information. Sometimes, people accused of insider trading claim that they just “overheard” someone talking. Suppose, for example, you are at a restaurant and overhear a conversation between Bill Gates and his CFO concerning some potentially explosive news regarding Microsoft,Inc.

If you then go out and make a trade in an attempt to profit from what you overheard, you would be violating the law (even though the information was “innocently obtained”). When you take possession of material nonpublic information, you become an insider and are bound to obey insider trading laws. Note that in this case, Bill Gates and his CFO, although careless, are not necessarily in violation of insider trading laws. LEGAL INSIDER TRADING A company’s corporate insiders can make perfectly legal trades in the stock of their company. To do so, they must comply with the reporting rules made by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. When they make a trade and report it to the SEC, these trades are reported to the public. In addition, corporate insiders must declare that trades that they made were based on public information about the company, rather than “inside” information. Most public companies also have guidelines that must be followed. For example, companies commonly allow insiders to trade only during certain windows throughout the year, often sometime after earnings have been announced. IT’S NOT A GOOD THING: WHAT DID MARTHA DO?  Martha Stewart became one of America’s most successful entrepreneurs by telling people how to entertain, cook, and decorate their homes. She built her superhomemaker personality into a far-flung international enterprise. When her company went public in 1999, the initial public offering raised $873 million. Today, Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, Inc. (MSO), has a market capitalization of around $345 million. Ms. Stewart was in the legal news because the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission believed that Martha Stewart was told by her friend Sam Waksal, who founded a company called ImClone, that a cancer drug being developed by ImClone had been rejected by the Food and Drug Administration. This development was bad news for ImClone. Martha Stewart sold her 3,928 shares in ImClone on December 27, 2001. On that day, ImClone traded below $60 per share, a level that Ms. Stewart claimed triggered an existing stop-loss order. However, the SEC believed that Ms. Stewart illegally sold her shares because she had information concerning FDA rejection before it became public. The FDA rejection was announced after the market closed on Friday, December 28, 2001. This news was a huge blow to ImClone shares, which closed at about $46 per share on the following Monday (the first trading day after the information became public). Shares in ImClone subsequently fell to under $10 per share about six months later, in mid-2002. Ironically, shares of ImClone rallied to sell for more than $80 per share in mid-2004. In June 2003, Martha Stewart and her stockbroker, Peter Bacanovic, were indicted on nine federal counts. They both pleaded not guilty. Ms. Stewart’s trial began in January 2004. Just days before the jury began to deliberate, however, Judge Miriam Cedarbaum dismissed the most serious charge—securities fraud. Ms. Stewart, however, was convicted on all four counts of obstructing justice and lying to investigators. Judge Cedarbaum fined Martha Stewart $30,000 and sentenced her to five months in prison, two years of probation, and five months of home confinement after her release. The fine was the maximum allowed under federal rules; the sentence was the minimum the judge could impose. Peter Bacanovic, Martha Stewart’s broker at the time, was fined $4,000 and was sentenced to five months in prison and two years of probation. So, to summarize, Martha Stewart was accused, but not convicted, of insider trading. She was accused, and convicted, of obstructing justice and misleading investigators. Although her conviction bars her from taking on the duties of an executive officer, MSO still paid Martha about $5.5 million in 2011 (base pay plus perks).



What makes a stock trader an informed trader?


What traders are considered to be insiders?


What is the difference between legal insider trading and illegal insider trading?

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  Stock Price Behavior and Market Efficiency 229

7.8 How Efficient Are Markets? ARE FINANC IA L MA R KE TS E FFI C I E N T? Financial markets are one of the most extensively documented human endeavors. Colossal amounts of financial market data are collected and reported every day. These data, particularly stock market data, have been exhaustively analyzed to test market efficiency. You would think that with all this analysis going on, we would know whether markets are efficient, but really we don’t. Instead, what we seem to have, at least in the minds of many researchers, is a growing realization that beyond a point, we just can’t tell. For example, it is not difficult to program a computer to test trading strategies that are based solely on historic prices and volume figures. Many such strategies have been tested, and the bulk of the evidence indicates that such strategies are not useful. More generally, market efficiency is difficult to test for four basic reasons: 1. 2. 3. 4.

The risk-adjustment problem. The relevant information problem. The dumb luck problem. The data snooping problem.

We briefly discuss each in turn. The first issue, the risk-adjustment problem, is the easiest to understand. Earlier, we noted that beating the market means consistently earning a positive abnormal return. To determine whether an investment has a positive abnormal return, we have to adjust for its risk. As we discuss elsewhere in this book, the truth is that we are not even certain exactly what we mean by risk, much less how to measure it precisely and then adjust for it. Thus, what appears to be a positive abnormal return may just be the result of a faulty risk-adjustment procedure. The second issue, the relevant information problem, is even more troublesome. Remember that the concept of market efficiency is meaningful only relative to some particular information. As we look back in time and try to assess whether some particular market behavior was inefficient, we have to recognize that we cannot possibly know all the information that may have been underlying that market behavior. For example, suppose we see that 10 years ago the price of a stock shot up by 100­percent over a short period of time, and then subsequently collapsed. We dig through all the historical information we can find, but we can find no reason for this behavior. What can we conclude? Nothing, really. For all we know, an undocumented rumor existed of a takeover that never materialized, and relative to this information, the price behavior was perfectly efficient. In general, there is no way to tell whether we have all the relevant information. Without all the relevant information, we cannot tell if some observed price behavior is inefficient. Put differently, any price behavior, no matter how bizarre, might be efficient, and therefore explainable, with respect to some information. The third problem has to do with evaluating investors and money managers. One type of evidence frequently cited to prove that markets can be beaten is the enviable track record of certain legendary investors. A prime example is Warren Buffet, whose firm Berkshire Hathaway has compounded an annual return of over 20 percent per year since 1951. This compares to an approximate 10 percent return on the S&P 500 over the same period. The argument goes that the existence of a successful investor such as Warren Buffet proves market inefficiency.Is this correct? Maybe yes, maybe no. You may be familiar with the following expression: “If you put an immortal monkey in front of a typewriter, this monkey will eventually produce Hamlet.” In a similar manner, suppose we have thousands of monkeys who are tasked with picking stocks for a portfolio. We would find that some of these monkeys would appear to be amazingly talented and rack up extraordinary gains. As you surely recognize, however, this is just caused by random chance. Similarly, if we track the performance of thousands of money managers over some period of time, some managers will accumulate remarkable track records and a lot of publicity. 230 Part 2 

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Arethey good or are they lucky? If we could track them for many decades, we might be able to tell, but for the most part, money managers are not around long enough for us to accumulate sufficient data. We discuss the performance of money managers as a group later in the chapter. Our final problem has to do with what is known as “data snooping.” Instead of monkeys at typewriters, think of what can happen if thousands of finance researchers with thousands of computers are all studying the same data and are looking for inefficiencies. Apparent patterns, or anomalies, will surely be found. In fact, researchers have discovered extremely simple patterns that, at least historically, have been both highly successful and very hard to explain. We discuss some of these later in the chapter. These discoveries raise another problem: ghosts in the data. If we look long enough and hard enough at any data, we are bound to find some apparent patterns by sheer chance. But are these patterns real? Only time will tell. Notwithstanding the four problems we have discussed, based on the last 20 to 30 years of scientific research, three generalities about market efficiency seem in order. First, short-term stock price and market movements appear to be very difficult, or even impossible, to predict with any accuracy (at least with any objective method of which we are aware). Second, the market reacts quickly and sharply to new (i.e., unanticipated) information, and the vast majority of studies of the impact of new information find little or no evidence that the market underreacts or overreacts to new information in a way that can be profitably exploited. Third, if the stock market can be beaten, the way to do it is at least not obvious, so the implication is that the market is not grossly inefficient.

SOME IMP L I CATI ON S OF MA R KE T E FFI C I E N CY To the extent that you think a market is efficient, there are some important investment implications. Going back to Chapter 2, we saw that the investment process can be viewed as having two parts: asset allocation and security selection. Even if all markets are efficient, asset allocation is still important because the way you divide your money among the various types of investments will strongly influence your overall risk-return relation. However, if markets are efficient, then security selection is less important, and you do not have to worry too much about overpaying or underpaying for any particular security. In fact, if markets are efficient, you would probably be better off just buying a large basket of stocks and following a passive investment strategy. Your main goal would be to hold your costs to a minimum while maintaining a broadly diversified portfolio. We discussed index funds, which exist for just this purpose, in Chapter 4. In broader terms, if markets are efficient, then little role exists for professional money managers. You should not pay load fees to buy mutual fund shares, and you should shop for low management fees. You should not work with full-service brokers, and so on. If markets are efficient, there is one other thing that you should not do: You should not try to time the market. Recall that market timing amounts to moving money in and out of the market based on your expectations of future market direction. By trying to time the market, all you will accomplish is to guarantee that you will, on average, underperform the market. In fact, market efficiency aside, market timing is hard to recommend. Historically, most of the gains earned in the stock market have tended to occur over relatively short periods of time. If you miss even a single one of these short market runups, you will likely never catch up. Put differently, successful market timing requires phenomenal accuracy to be of any benefit, and anything less than that will, based on the historical record, result in underperforming the market.



What are the four basic reasons market efficiency is difficult to test?


What are the implications to investors if markets are efficient?

Chapter 7 

  Stock Price Behavior and Market Efficiency 231

7.9 Market Efficiency and the Performance of Professional Money Managers Let’s have a stock market investment contest in which you are going to take on professional money managers. Of course, the professional money managers have at their disposal their skill, banks of computers, and scores of analysts to help pick their stocks. Does this sound like an unfair match? Well, it is—you have a terrific advantage. It’s true. You can become an expert investor by using the following investment strategy: Hold a broad-based market index. One such index that you can easily buy is a mutual fund called the Vanguard 500 Index Fund (there are other market index mutual funds, too). This low-fee mutual fund is designed to produce investment results that correspond to the price and yield performance of the S&P 500 Index. The fund tracks the performance ofthe S&P 500 Index by investing its assets in the stocks that make up the S&P 500 Index. Bythe way, this fund is popular—as of January 2016, the Vanguard 500 Index Fund was one of the largest stock mutual funds in the United States, with over $200 billion in assets. As discussed in a previous chapter, a general equity mutual fund (GEF) is simply a pool of money invested in stocks that is overseen by a professional money manager. The number of GEFs has grown substantially during the past 20 years. Figure 7.6 shows the growth in the number of GEFs from 1986 through 2014. The solid blue line shows the total number of funds that have existed for at least one year, while the solid red line shows the number of funds that have existed for at least 10 years. From Figure 7.6, you can see that it is difficult for professional money managers to keep their funds in existence for 10 years (if it were easy, there would not be much difference between the solid blue line and the solid red line). Figure 7.6 also shows the number of these funds that beat the performance of the Vanguard 500 Index Fund. You can see that there is much more variation in the dashed blue line than in the dashed red line. What this means is that in any given year, it is hard to predict how many


The Growth of Actively Managed Equity Funds, 1986–2014 5,500 5,000 4,500 4,000 Number

3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500

Total funds Funds beating Vanguard 500 over past one year Funds existing for 10 years Funds beating Vanguard 500 over past 10 years Source: Author calculations.

232 Part 2 

  Stock Markets

12 20 14






























Percentage of Managed Equity Funds Beating the Vanguard 500 Index Fund, One-Year Returns 90% 80% 70%


60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10%


86 19 88 19 90 19 92 19 94 19 96 19 98 20 00 20 02 20 04 20 06 20 08 20 10 20 12 20 14

0% Year Source: Author calculations.


Percentage of Managed Equity Funds Beating the Vanguard 500 Index Fund, 10-Year Returns 90% 80% 70%


60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10%

14 20

12 20

10 20

08 20

06 20

04 20

02 20

00 20

98 19



0% Year Source: Author calculations.

professional money managers will beat the Vanguard 500 Index Fund. But the low level and low variation of the dashed red line mean that the percentage of professional money managers who can beat the Vanguard 500 Index Fund over a 10-year investment period is low and stable. Figures 7.7 and 7.8 are bar charts that show the percentage of managed equity funds that beat the Vanguard 500 Index Fund. Figure 7.7 uses return data for the previous year only, while Figure 7.8 uses return data for the previous 10 years. As you can see from Figure 7.7, in only 9 of the 29 years spanning 1986 through 2014 did more than half the professional money managers beat the Vanguard 500 Index Fund. The performance is almost as bad

Chapter 7 

  Stock Price Behavior and Market Efficiency 233

The Performance of Professional Money Managers versus the Vanguard 500 Index Fund

TABLE 7.1 Length of Each Investment Period (Years)


Number of Investment Periods

Number of Investment Periods Half the Funds Beat Vanguard


















Number of Investment Periods Three-Fourths of the Funds Beat Vanguard












Source: Author calculations.

when it comes to 10-year investment periods (1986–1995 through 2005–2014). As shown in Figure 7.8, in only 7 of these 20 investment periods did more than half the professional money managers beat the Vanguard 500 Index Fund. Table 7.1 presents more evidence concerning the performance of professional money managers. Using data from 1986 through 2014, we divide this time period into 1-year investment periods, rolling 3-year investment periods, rolling 5-year investment periods, and rolling 10-year investment periods. Then, after we calculate the number of investment periods, we ask two questions: (1) what percentage of the time did half the professionally managed funds beat the Vanguard 500 Index Fund? and (2) what percentage of the time did threefourths of the professionally managed funds beat the Vanguard 500 Index Fund? As you see in Table 7.1, the performance of professional money managers is generally quite poor relative to the Vanguard 500 Index Fund. The figures and table in this section raise some difficult and uncomfortable questions for security analysts and other investment professionals. If markets are inefficient, and tools like fundamental analysis are valuable, why don’t mutual fund managers do better? Why can’t mutual fund managers even beat a broad market index? The performance of professional money managers is especially troublesome when we consider the enormous resources at their disposal and the substantial survivorship bias that exists. The survivorship bias comes into being because managers and funds that do especially poorly disappear. If beating the market was possible, then this Darwinian process of elimination should lead to a situation in which the survivors, as a group, are capable of doing so. The fact that professional money managers seem to lack the ability to outperform a broad market index is consistent with the notion that, overall, the equity market is efficient. So if the market is this efficient, what is the role for portfolio managers? The role of a portfolio manager in an efficient market is to build a portfolio to meet the specific needs of individual investors. You have learned that a basic principle of investing is to hold a welldiversified portfolio. However, exactly which diversified portfolio is optimal varies by investor. Some factors that influence portfolio choice include the investor’s age, tax bracket, risk aversion, and even employer. Employer? Sure. Suppose you work for Starbucks and part of your compensation is stock options. Like many companies, Starbucks offers its employees the opportunity to purchase company stock at less than market value. Of course, you would take advantage of this opportunity. You can imagine that you could wind up with a lot of Starbucks stock in your portfolio, which means you are not holding a diversified portfolio. The role of your portfolio manager would be to help you add other assets to your portfolio so that it is once again well diversified.


234 Part 2 

  Stock Markets


How well do professional money managers perform, on average, against a broad market index?


What are the implications of this performance to investors?

7.10 Anomalies In this section, we discuss some aspects of stock price behavior that are both baffling and potentially hard to reconcile with market efficiency. Researchers call these market anomalies. Keep three facts in mind as you read about market anomalies. First, anomalies are generally “small,” in that they do not involve many dollars relative to the overall size of the stock market. Second, many anomalies are fleeting and tend to disappear when discovered. Finally, anomalies are not easily used as the basis for a trading strategy because transaction costs render many of them unprofitable.


day-of-the-week effect The tendency for Monday to have a negative average return.

In the stock market, which day of the week has, on average, the biggest return? The question might strike you as silly; after all, what would make one day different from any other on average? On further reflection, though, you might realize that one day is different: Monday. When we calculate a daily return for the stock market, we take the percentage change in closing prices from one trading day to the next. For every day except Monday, this is a 24-hour period. However, because the markets are closed on the weekends, the average return on Monday is based on the percentage change from Friday’s close to Monday’s close, a 72-hour period. Thus, the average Monday return would be computed over a three-day period, not just a one-day period. Therefore, because of this longer time period, we would predict that Monday should have the highest return; in fact Monday’s average return should be three times as large. Given this reasoning, it may come as a surprise to you to learn that Monday has the lowest average return. In fact, Monday is the only day with a negative average return. This is the day-of-the-week effect. Table 7.2 shows the average return by day of the week for the S&P 500 for the period January 1950 through December 2014. In the 65 years spanning 1950 to 2014, the negative return on Monday is significant, both in a statistical sense and in an economic sense. This day-of-the-week effect does not appear to be a fluke; it exists in other markets, such as the bond market, and it exists in stock markets outside the United States. It has defied explanation since it was first documented in the early 1980s. As you can see in Table 7.2, the effect is strong in the 1950–1980 time period. The effect is not apparent in the 1981–2014 time period. Still, critics of the efficient markets hypothesis point to this strange return behavior as evidence of market inefficiency. While this return behavior is odd, exploiting it presents a problem. That is, how this return behavior can be used to earn a positive abnormal return is not clear. This murkiness is especially true in the 1981–2014 time period (i.e., in the period following the time when the effect was first documented). So whether this strange return behavior points to inefficiency is hard to say.

T H E AMAZI N G JA N UA RY E FFE CT We saw in Chapter 1 that returns from small-cap common stocks have significantly outdistanced the returns from large-cap common stocks. Beginning in the early 1980s, researchers reported that the difference was too large even to be explained by differences in risk. In other words, small stocks appeared to earn positive abnormal returns.


Average Daily S&P 500 Returns, by Day of the Week (Dividends Included) Weekday Time Period
























Source: Author calculations.

Chapter 7 

  Stock Price Behavior and Market Efficiency 235

January effect Tendency for small stocks to have large returns in January.


Further research found that, in fact, a substantial percentage of the return on small stocks has historically occurred early in the month of January, particularly in the few days surrounding the turn of the year. Even closer research documents that this peculiar phenomenon is more pronounced for stocks that have experienced significant declines in value, or “losers.” Thus, we have the famous “small-stock-in-January-especially-around-the-turn-of-theyear-for-losers effect,” or SSIJEATTOTYFLE for short. For obvious reasons, this phenomenon is usually just dubbed the January effect. To give you an idea of how big this effect is, we first plotted average returns by month going back to 1926 for large stocks in Figure 7.9A. As shown, the average return per month has been just under 1 percent. In Figure 7.9A, there is nothing remarkable about January; the largest average monthly return for large stocks occurred in December (followed closely by July); and the lowest average monthly return occurred in September. From a statistical standpoint, there is nothing too exceptional about these large stock returns. After all, some month has to be the highest, and some month has to be the lowest. Figure 7.9B, however, shows average returns by month for small stocks (notice the difference in vertical axis scaling between Figures 7.9A and 7.9B). The month of January definitely jumps out. Over the 89 years covered, small stocks gained, on average, about 6.3percent in the month of January alone! Comparing Figures 7.9A and 7.9B, we see, outside the month of January, small stocks have not done especially well relative to large stocks. To a lesser extent, we see that small stocks have done better than large stocks in February, but large stocks have done better than small stocks by about the same amount in October. The January effect appears to exist in many major markets around the world, so it’s not unique to the United States (it’s actually more pronounced in some other markets). It also exists in some markets other than stock markets. Critics of market efficiency point to enormous gains to be had from simply investing in January and ask: How can an efficient market have such unusual behavior? Why don’t investors take advantage of this opportunity and thereby drive it out of existence? In Table 7.3, you can see that, on average, small stock returns were 5.09 percent higher than large stock returns in the 1926–2014 time period. The next-best month in this period (February) is essentially canceled out by the worst month (October). When we break the 1926–2014 time period into smaller time intervals, you can see that the January effect has diminished over time. In fact, in the 1985–2014 time period, the best monthly difference of 2.16 percent (January) is essentially canceled out by the worst monthly difference of –2.02percent (October).

Large Stocks’ Average Monthly Returns, 1926–2014, Dividends Included 2.0

Average return (%)

1.5 1.0 0.5 0 -0.5 -1.0 -1.5








Month Source: Author calculations.

236 Part 2 

  Stock Markets







Small Stocks’ Average Monthly Returns, 1926–2014, Dividends Included 7 6

Average return (%)

5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3













Month Source: Author calculations.


Monthly Returns of Small Stocks Minus Monthly Returns of Large Stocks, by Various Time Periods, 1926–2014

Best Difference

Next-Best Difference

Time Period













Worst Difference























Source: Author calculations.

Unlike the day-of-the-week effect, the January effect is at least partially understood. Two factors are thought to be important. The first is tax-loss selling. Investors have a strong tax incentive to sell stocks that have gone down in value to realize the loss for tax purposes. This trading leads to a pattern of selling in these stocks near the end of the year and buying after the turn of the year. In large stocks, this activity wouldn’t have much effect, but in the smaller stocks, it could. The tax-loss selling argument is plausible because researchers have looked to see whether the January effect existed in the United States before there was an income tax—and they found no January effect. However, the January effect has been found in other countries that didn’t (or don’t) have calendar tax years or didn’t (or don’t) have capital gains taxes. However, foreign investors in those markets (such as U.S. investors) did (or do). So, debate continues about the tax-loss selling explanation. The second factor has to do with institutional investors. The argument here has several pieces, but the gist of it is that these large investors compensate portfolio managers based on their performance over the calendar year. Portfolio managers therefore pile into small stocks at the beginning of the year because of their growth potential, bidding up prices. Over the course of the year, they shed the stocks that do poorly because they don’t want to be seen as having a bunch of “losers” in their portfolio (this is called “window dressing”). Also, because performance is typically measured relative to the S&P 500, portfolio managers who begin to lag because of losses in small stocks have an incentive to sell them and buy S&P 500 stocks to make sure they don’t end up too far behind the S&P 500. Managers who are well

Chapter 7 

  Stock Price Behavior and Market Efficiency 237

ahead late in the year also have an incentive to move into S&P 500 stocks to preserve their leads (this is called “bonus lock-in”). In evaluating the oddity that is known as the January effect, keep in mind that, unlike the day-of-the-week effect, the January effect does not even exist for the market as a whole, so, in big-picture terms, it is not all that important. Also, it doesn’t happen every year, so attempts to exploit it will occasionally result in substantial losses.

T URN-OF-THE -Y E A R E FFE CT Researchers have delved deeply into the January effect to see whether the effect is due to returns during the whole month of January or to returns bracketing the end of the year. Researchers look at returns over a specific three-week period and compare these returns to the returns for the rest of the year. In Table 7.4, we calculated daily market returns from 1962 through 2014. The specific three-week period we call “Turn-of-the-Year Days” is the last week of daily returns in a calendar year and the first two weeks of daily returns in the next calendar year. Any daily return that does not fall into this three-week period is put into the “Rest-of-the-Days” category. As you can see in Table 7.4, the returns in the “Turn-of-the-Year Days” category are higher than returns in the “Rest-of-the-Days” category. Further, the difference is also apparent in the more recent 1987–2014 period. The difference, however, was almost twice as large in the 1962–1986 period.

T URN-OF-THE -MON TH E FFE CT Financial market researchers have also investigated whether a turn-of-the-month effect exists. In Table 7.5, we took daily stock market returns and separated them into two categories. If the daily return is from the last day of any month or the following three days of the following month, it is put into the “Turn-of-the-Month Days” category. All other daily returns are put into the “Rest-of-the-Days” category. As you can see in Table 7.5, the returns in the “Turn-of-the-Month Days” category are higher than the returns in the “Rest-of-the-Days” category. As with the turn-of-the-year anomaly, the turn-of-the-month effect is apparent in each of the three time periods we report. Interestingly, the effect appears to be almost as strong in the 1987–2014 period as in the 1962–1986 period. Again, the fact that this effect exists is puzzling to proponents of the EMH. The day-of-the-week, turn-of-the-month, turn-of-the-year, and January effects are examples of calendar anomalies. There are noncalendar anomalies as well. Two well-known noncalendar anomalies have to do with earnings announcements and price-earnings ratios.


The Turn-of-the-Year Effect Time Period

Market Return on the: Turn-of-the-Year Days (%)

Rest of the Days (%)

Difference (%)













Source: Author calculations.


The Turn-of-the-Month Effect

Market Return on the:

Time Period

Turn-of-the-Month Days (%)

Rest of the Days (%)

Difference (%)













Source: Author calculations.

238 Part 2 

  Stock Markets

T H E E AR N I N G S A N N OU N C E ME N T P U ZZL E As you saw earlier in this chapter, unexpected news releases can have a dramatic impact on the price of a stock. One news item that is particularly important to investors is an earnings announcement. These announcements contain information about past earnings and future earnings potential. Researchers have shown that substantial price adjustments do occur in anticipation of the actual earnings. According to the EMH, stock prices should then respond very quickly to unanticipated news, or the earnings “surprise.” However, researchers have found that it takes days (or even longer) for the market price to adjust fully. In addition, some researchers have found that buying stocks after positive earnings surprises is a profitable investment strategy.

T H E P R IC E - E A R N I N G S ( P/ E ) P U ZZL E As we have discussed elsewhere, the P/E ratio is widely followed by investors and is used in stock valuation. Researchers have found that, on average, stocks with relatively low P/E ratios outperform stocks with relatively high P/E ratios, even after adjusting for other factors, like risk. Because a P/E ratio is publicly available information, according to the EMH, it should already be reflected in stock prices. However, purchasing stocks with relatively low P/E ratios appears to be a potentially profitable investment strategy. There are many other noncalendar anomalies. For example, the market appears to do worse on cloudy days than sunny days. But rather than continuing with a laundry list of anomalies—however much fun they might provide—we will instead turn to some spectacular events in market history.



What is the day-of-the-week effect?


What is the amazing January effect?


What is the turn-of-the-year effect?

7.11 Bubbles and Crashes bubble A situation where observed prices soar far higher than fundamentals and rational analysis would suggest. crash A situation where market prices collapse significantly and suddenly.

As a famous philosopher once said, “Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”1 Nowhere is this statement seemingly more appropriate in finance than in a discussion of bubbles and crashes. A bubble occurs when market prices soar far in excess of what normal and rational analysis would suggest. Investment bubbles eventually pop because they are not based on fundamental values. When a bubble does pop, investors find themselves holding assets with plummeting values. A crash is a significant and sudden drop in marketwide values. Crashes are generally associated with a bubble. Typically, a bubble lasts much longer than a crash. A bubble can form over weeks, months, or even years. Crashes, on the other hand, are sudden, generally lasting less than a week. However, the disastrous financial aftermath of a crash can last for years.

T H E C R ASH OF 1 9 2 9 During the Roaring Twenties, the stock market was supposed to be the place where everyone could get rich. The market was widely believed to be a no-risk situation. Many people invested their life savings without learning about the potential pitfalls of investing. At the time, investors could purchase stocks by putting up 10 percent of the purchase price and borrowing the remainder from a broker. This level of leverage was one factor that led to the sudden market downdraft in October 1929. 1

George Santayana is credited with this statement.

Chapter 7 

  Stock Price Behavior and Market Efficiency 239


Dow Jones Industrial Average, October 21, 1929, to October 31, 1929 340 320


300 280 260 240 220 Oct 21


Oct 22

Oct 23

Oct 24

Oct 25 Date

Oct 28

Oct 29

Oct 30

Oct 31

Dow Jones Industrial Average, October 1928 to October 1932 390 340

DJIA level

290 240 190 140 90


2 O




1 93 ct 1 O

Ap r1

1 93 Ap r1





93 0 Ap


29 19 ct O

r1 Ap





92 9



As you can see in Figure 7.10, on Friday, October 25, the Dow Jones Industrial Average closed up about a point, at 301.22. On Monday, October 28, it closed at 260.64, down 13.5percent. On Tuesday, October 29, the Dow closed at 230.07, with an interday low of 212.33, which is about 30 percent lower than the closing level on the previous Friday. On this day, known as “Black Tuesday,” NYSE volume of 16.4 million shares was more than four times normal levels. Although the Crash of 1929 was a large decline, it pales with respect to the ensuing bear market. As shown in Figure 7.11, the DJIA rebounded about 20 percent following the October 1929 crash. However, the DJIA then began a protracted fall, reaching the bottom at 40.56 on July 8, 1932. This level represents about a 90 percent decline from the record high level of 386.10 on September 3, 1929. By the way, the DJIA did not surpass its previous high level until November 24, 1954, more than 25 years later. 240 Part 2 

  Stock Markets

T H E C R ASH OF OCTOB E R 1 9 8 7 Once, when we spoke of The Crash, we meant October 29, 1929. That was until October 1987. The Crash of 1987 began on Friday, October 16. On huge volume (at the time) of about 338 million shares, the DJIA fell 108 points to close at 2,246.73. It was the first time in history that the DJIA fell by more than 100 points in one day. October 19, 1987, now wears the mantle of “Black Monday.” This day was indeed a dark and stormy one on Wall Street; the market lost about 22.6 percent of its value on a new record volume of about 600 million shares traded. The DJIA plummeted 508.32 points to close at 1,738.74. During the day on Tuesday, October 20, the DJIA continued to plunge in value, reaching an intraday low of 1,616.21. But the market rallied and closed at 1,841.01, up 102points. From the then–market high on August 25, 1987, of 2,746.65 to the intraday low on October20, 1987, the market had fallen over 40 percent. After the Crash of 1987, however, there was no protracted depression. In fact, as you can see in Figure 7.12, the DJIA took only two years to surpass its previous market high made in August 1987. What happened? It’s not exactly ancient history, but, here again, debate rages. One faction says that irrational investors had bid up stock prices to ridiculous levels until Black Monday, when the bubble burst, leading to panic selling as investors dumped their stocks. The other faction says that before Black Monday, markets were volatile, volume was heavy, and some ominous signs about the economy were filtering in. From the close on October 13 to the close on October 16, 1987, for example, the market fell by over 10 percent, the largest three-day drop since May 1940 (when German troops broke through French lines near the start of World WarII). To top it all off, market values had risen sharply because of a dramatic increase in takeover activity, but Congress was in session and was actively considering antitakeover legislation. Another factor is that beginning a few years before the Crash of 1987, large investors had developed techniques known as program trading designed for very rapid selling of enormous quantities of shares of stock following a market decline. These techniques were still largely untested because the market had been strong for years. However, following the huge sell-off on October 16, 1987, sell orders came pouring in on Monday at a pace never before seen. In fact, these program trades were (and are) blamed by some for much of what happened. One of the few things we know for certain about the Crash of 1987 is that the stock exchanges suffered a meltdown. The NYSE simply could not handle the volume. Posting of


Dow Jones Industrial Average, October 1986 to October 1990 3,000 2,750

DJIA level

2,500 2,250 2,000 1,750 1,500


19 ct O

r1 Ap

19 ct O




9 Ap

ct O

Chapter 7 





8 r1 Ap

19 ct O



7 98 r1 Ap






  Stock Price Behavior and Market Efficiency 241

INVESTMENT UPDATES H E R E ’ S A B R I E F R E V I E W O F T H E S TO C K C I R C U I T B R E A K E R S In 2012, the Securities and Exchange Commission revised the system-wide circuit breakers that would halt the broad market under times of severe stress. Under those rules, trading halts occur when the S&P 500 decreases 7 percent (Level 1), 13 percent (Level 2), and 20 percent (Level 3) from its previous close. A market decline that triggers a Level 1 or Level 2 circuit breaker before 3:25 P.M. EDT halts trading for 15 minutes. A similar decline after 3:25 P.M. will not halt trading. A market decline that triggers a Level 3 circuit breaker, at any time during the trading day, will halt market-wide trading for the remainder of the trading day. Individual stock circuit breakers: limit up, limit down. The exchanges and the SEC have also implemented uniform circuit breakers for individual stocks.

NYSE circuit breakers Rules that kick in to slow or stop trading when the DJIA declines by more than a preset amount in a trading session.

242 Part 2 

  Stock Markets

The rules vary depending on the stock price and when the declines occur. In general, trading on individual stocks with a price above $3 will be halted for five minutes when a price decline of more than 5 percent below the average price of the stock over the immediately preceding five-­ minute period occurs. The same holds for a corresponding rise in price. For the 15-minute period right after the open and before the close (9:30 A.M to 9:45 A.M and 3:45 P.M to 4 P.M.), a halt will only occur if a stock declines 10 percent or more. Source: Credit should be “Pisani, Bob, “Here’s a brief review of the stock circuit breakers”, CNBC, 24 August, 2015. Copyright © 2015 by CNBC. All rights reserved. Used with permission.”

prices was delayed by hours, so investors had no idea what their positions were worth. The specialists couldn’t handle the flow of orders, and some specialists actually began selling. NASDAQ went offline when it became impossible to get through to market makers. It has even been alleged that many stopped answering the phone. On the two days following the crash, prices rose by about 14 percent, one of the biggest short-term gains ever. Prices remained volatile for some time, but as antitakeover talk in Congress died down, the market recovered. The Crash of 1987 led to some significant infrastructure changes that make it possible for the NYSE to handle much heavier trading volume. One of the most interesting changes was the introduction of NYSE circuit breakers. Different circuit breakers are triggered if the S&P 500 index level drops by 7, 13, or 20 percent. Specifically, the Level 1 and Level 2 circuit breakers kick in if the S&P 500 Index falls 7% or 13% before 3:25 P.M. Trading halts in all stocks for 15 minutes when the decline triggers a Level 1 or Level 2 circuit breaker. If the S&P 500 index falls 20% at any time during the day, this decline triggers a Level 3 circuit breaker, which means trading is halted for the remainder of the day. Circuit breaker trigger limits were originally implemented in 1998, but were recently modified to the 7, 13, and 20 percent triggers in April 2013. Point drops that trigger the circuit breakers are recalculated each day based on the daily level of the S&P 500 Index. Because circuit breakers are designed to slow a market decline, they are often called “speed bumps.” Naturally, how well circuit breakers work is a matter of debate. In fact, in another chapter we discussed the “Flash Crash” that occurred on May 6, 2010. Even though many stocks and exchange-traded funds fell over 50 percent during the course of the day, the entire market never dropped far enough to trigger the circuit breakers. In response, regulators imposed individual stock circuit breakers to help control undue volatility in individual stocks. For more on individual stock circuit breakers, take a look at the nearby Investment Updates box. One of the most remarkable things about the Crash of 1987 is how little impact it seems to have had. If you look back at the data in Chapter 1, you will see that the market was actually up slightly in 1987. The postcrash period was one of the better times to be in the market, and the Crash of 1987 increasingly looks like a blip in one of the most spectacular market increases that U.S. investors have ever seen. One thing is clearly true: October is the cruelest month for market investors. Indeed, two years after the Crash of 1987, a minicrash occurred on October 13, 1989, as the DJIA fell 190 points in the afternoon (following the collapse of a proposed buyout of United Airlines).

T H E ASIAN C R A SH The crash of the Nikkei Index, which began in 1990, lengthened into a particularly long bear market. It is quite like the Crash of 1929 in that respect. The Asian crash started with a booming bull market in the 1980s. Japan and emerging Asian economies seemed to be forming a powerful economic force. The “Asian economy” became an investor outlet for those wary of the U.S. market after the Crash of 1987. To give you some idea of the bubble that was forming in Japan between 1955 and 1989, real estate prices in Japan increased by 70 times, and stock prices increased 100 times over. In 1989, price-earnings ratios of Japanese stocks climbed to unheard-of levels as the Nikkei Index soared past 39,000. In retrospect, there were numerous warning signals about the Japanese market. At the time, however, optimism about the continued growth in the Japanese market remained high. Crashes never seem to occur when the outlook is poor, so, as with other crashes, many people did not see the impending Nikkei crash. As you can see in Figure 7.13, in the three years from December 1986 to the peak in December 1989, the Nikkei 225 Index rose from about 15,000 to about 39,000. Over the next three years, the index fell to about the 15,000 level. In April 2003, the Nikkei Index stood at a level that was 80 percent off its peak in December 1989. Even 25 years later, in 2009, the Nikkei was at about the same level as it stood in 1984.


The growth of the World Wide Web is documented at internet/timeline


How many websites do you think existed at the end of 1994? Would you believe only about 10,000? By the end of 1999, the number of active websites stood at about 9,500,000 and at the end of 2012, there were over 200 million active websites. By the mid-1990s, the rise in Internet use and its international growth potential fueled widespread excitement over the “new economy.” Investors did not seem to care about solid business plans—only big ideas. Investor euphoria led to a surge in Internet IPOs, which were commonly referred to as “dot-coms” because so many of their names ended in “.com.” Of course, the lack of solid business models doomed many of the newly formed companies. Many of them suffered huge losses and some folded relatively shortly after their IPOs. The extent of the dot-com bubble and subsequent crash is presented in Table 7.6 and Figure 7.14, which compare the Amex Internet Index and the S&P 500 Index. As shown in Table 7.6, the Amex Internet Index soared from a level of 114.68 on October 1, 1998, to its peak of 688.52 in late March 2000, an increase of 500 percent. The Amex Internet Index then

Nikkei 225 Index, January 1984 to January 2010 45,000 40,000

Nikkei 225 Index

35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000

Chapter 7 


Ja n





20 0

n Ja

Ja n




20 0


Ja n




20 0

n Ja


19 9

n Ja


19 9

n Ja


19 9

n Ja

19 9

n Ja


19 9

n Ja


19 8



19 8

n Ja



19 8


  Stock Price Behavior and Market Efficiency 243

Values of the Amex Internet Index and the S&P 500 Index


Amex Internet Index Value


Gain to Peak from Oct. 1, 1998 (%)

Loss from Peak to Trough (%)

S&P 500 Index Value

October 1, 1998



Late March 2000 (peak)






Early October 2002 (trough)

Gain to Peak from Oct. 1, 1998 (%)

Loss from Peak to Trough (%)




Source: Author calculations.

Values of the Amex Internet Index and the S&P 500 Index, October 1995 through December 2012 800 700 Amex Internet Index



1,600 1,400

















10 ct


08 20

06 ct






04 O












98 19





ct O

S&P 500 Index


fell to a level of 58.59 in early October 2002, a drop of 91 percent. By contrast, the S&P 500 Index rallied about 31 percent in the same 1998–2000 time period and fell 40 percent during the 2000–2002 time period.

T H E CRASH OF OCTOB E R 2 008 Elsewhere, we detail the stock market crash of 2008, where many market indexes fell more than 40 percent. Given the recent nature of these events, debate as to the fundamental cause is ongoing. Much of the preceding bubble (and crash), however, appears to have been a function of “easy money.” Unqualified borrowers frequently received large, so-called subprime home loans at low “teaser” rates, which, after a certain amount of time, were reset at more reasonable levels, meaning that required monthly payments increased. If real estate prices were still rising, owners could easily refinance. When prices began to level off and fall, however, the number of bankruptcies increased significantly. These bankruptcies set off a downward spiral effect in securities related to real estate, which we discuss in more detail in another chapter. To get a clearer picture of the progression of 2008, take a close look at Figure 7.15. This figure details the monthly closing price of the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA). You can see that it declined steeply over almost the entire year. The months of October and November were particularly severe. Recall that this was the time during which investment banks such as Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns (which had taken highly leveraged positions in real estate) went under or were acquired. Figure 7.16 shows the daily values for the DJIA from October 3 through October 17, 2008. 244 Part 2 

  Stock Markets


Dow Jones Industrial Average, January 2008 through January 2013 14,000 13,000

DJIA level

12,000 11,000 10,000 9,000 8,000 7,000

20 11 Ju l2 01 1 Ja n 20 12 Ju l2 01 2 Ja n 20 13



l2 01 0


20 10 n


l2 00 9


20 09


l2 00 8





20 08




Dow Jones Industrial Average, October 3, 2008, to October 17, 2008 10,500

DJIA level

10,000 9,500 9,000 8,500 8,000

Oct 3

Oct 7

Oct 9

Oct 13

Oct 15

Oct 17




What is a stock market bubble? A stock market crash?


What are NYSE circuit breakers? What are they intended to do?


What is a major difference between the Crash of October 1929 and the Crash of October 1987?


Do you think the Crash of October 2008 resembles the Crash of October 1929 or the Crash of October 1987? Why?

Chapter 7 

  Stock Price Behavior and Market Efficiency 245

7.12 Summary and Conclusions In this chapter, we examined market price behavior and market efficiency. Market efficiency is probably the most controversial and intriguing issue in investments. We cover many aspects of market efficiency in this chapter—which we summarize by the chapter’s important concepts. 1. The foundations of market efficiency. A. The efficient markets hypothesis (EMH) asserts that, as a practical matter, organized financial markets like the New York Stock Exchange are efficient. B. Researchers who study efficient markets often ask whether it is possible to “beat the market.” We say that you beat the market if you can consistently earn returns above those earned by other investments having the same risk. We refer to this as an abnormal return. C. If a market is efficient, earning these abnormal returns is not possible, except by luck. The controversy surrounding the EMH centers on this assertion. 2 . The implications of the forms of market efficiency. A. The EMH states that the market is efficient with respect to some particular information if that information is not useful in earning a positive abnormal return. B. The forms of market efficiency and their information sets are ∙ Weak form: Past price and volume information. ∙ Semistrong form: All publicly available information. ∙ Strong form: All information of any kind, public or private. C. We discuss how information affects market prices by influencing traders to act on the arrival of information. We show you how to distinguish among informed trading, illegal insider trading, and legal insider trading. 3. Market efficiency and the performance of professional money managers. A. Testing market efficiency is difficult. We discussed four reasons for this: (1) the riskadjustment problem, (2) the relevant information problem, (3) the dumb luck problem, and (4) the data snooping problem. B. We then presented evidence concerning tests of market efficiency. One lesson we demonstrate is that professional money managers have been unable to beat the market consistently—despite their tremendous resources, experience, opportunities, and incentives. Also, this fact is true despite patterns and other oddities that have occurred historically in the stock market. C. The fact that professional money managers have been unable to beat the market supports the notion that markets are generally rather efficient. 4. What stock market anomalies, bubbles, and crashes mean for market efficiency. A. We discuss some aspects of stock price behavior that are both baffling and hard to reconcile with market efficiency. B. We discuss the day-of-the-week effect, the amazing January effect, the turn-of-theyear effect, the turn-of-the-month effect, the earnings announcement puzzle, and the price-earnings (P/E) puzzle. C. We present some market history concerning some famous bubbles and crashes, including the Crash of October 1929, the Crash of October 1987, the Asian crisis, the dot-com bubble and crash, and the Crash of 2008.

+ + + + + GETTING DOWN TO BUSINESS This chapter covered market efficiency. In it, we raised a significant question: Can you, or indeed anyone, consistently beat the market? In other words, is the market efficient? This is a question that every investor needs to think about because it has direct, practical implications for investing and portfolio management. 246 Part 2 

  Stock Markets

For the latest information on the real world of investments, visit us at

If you think the market is relatively efficient, then your investment strategy should focus on minimizing costs and taxes. Asset allocation is your primary concern, and you will still need to establish the risk level you are comfortable with. But beyond this, you should be a buy-and-hold investor, transacting only when absolutely necessary. Investments such as low-cost, low-turnover mutual funds make a lot of sense. Tools for analyzing the market are irrelevant at best. Thus, in some ways, the appropriate investment strategy is kind of boring, but it’s the one that will pay off over the long haul in an efficient market. In contrast, if you think the market is not particularly efficient, then you’ve got to be a security picker. You also have to decide what market analyzing tools will be the ones you use. This is also true if you are in the money management business; you have to decide which specific stocks or bonds to hold. In the end, the only way to find out if you’ve got what it takes to beat the market is to try, and the best way to try is with a simulated brokerage account such as Stock-Trak. Be honest with yourself: You think you can beat the market; most novice investors do. Some change their minds and some don’t. As to which tools to use, you will just have to find out which ones work (or don’t work) for you.

Key Terms abnormal return  221 abnormal returns 227 bubble 239 crash 239 day-of-the-week effect  235 efficient markets hypothesis (EMH)  221

event study  227 informed trader  228 January effect  236 material nonpublic information  228 NYSE circuit breakers  242 random walk  225

Chapter Review Problems and Self-Test 1. Market Research (LO3, CFA1)  Smolira Investment Trust (SIT) runs a retirement account for college professors, with a current market value of $2 billion. Alchemy, Inc., offers to conduct market research in an attempt to sift through the market data to find a way to increase the return to SIT’s portfolio by 30 basis points this year. Alchemy is offering to conduct the research for the sum of $9 million. Is this price too high or too low?

2. Picking a Money Manager (LO3, CFA1)  You are helping your very rich aunt Molly decide where to invest her portfolio. She is planning to take a 10-year world tour after she invests the bulk of her portfolio. She thinks that picking a money manager is unimportant because she believes any professional money manager must be able to beat the market. She’s just planning to pick a professional money manager at random. What do you tell her? Answers to Self-Test Problems 1. Assuming that Alchemy, Inc., actually can conduct research that allows Smolira Investment Trust (SIT) to increase its portfolio return by 30 basis points this year, SIT would be willing to pay up to $2,000,000,000 times 0.0030 = $6,000,000 for this research. So the price of $9­million is too high. 2. You could show her Figure 7.8. In this figure, it is clear that picking a professional manager at random gives her about a 25 to 30 percent chance of beating a market fund like the Vanguard 500 Index Fund. If she invests her sizable portfolio in the Vanguard 500 Index Fund, she has about a 70 to 75 percent chance of beating a professional money manager picked at random.

Chapter 7 

  Stock Price Behavior and Market Efficiency 247

Test Your Investment Quotient


1. Efficient Markets Hypothesis (LO4, CFA1)  A market anomaly refers to a. b. c. d.

An exogenous shock to the market that is sharp but not persistent. A price or volume event that is inconsistent with historical price or volume trends. A trading or pricing structure that interferes with efficient buying or selling of securities. Price behavior that differs from the behavior predicted by the efficient markets hypothesis.

2. Efficient Markets Hypothesis (LO1, CFA1)  Which of the following assumptions does not imply an informationally efficient market? a. Security prices adjust rapidly to reflect new information. b. The timing of one news announcement is independent of other news announcements. c. The risk-free rate exists, and investors can borrow and lend unlimited amounts at the riskfree rate. d. Many profit-maximizing participants, each acting independently of the others, analyze and value securities. 3. Efficient Markets Hypothesis (LO2, CFA1)  After lengthy trial and error, you discover a trading system that would have doubled the value of your investment every six months if applied over the last three years. Which of the following problems makes it difficult to conclude that this is an example of market inefficiency? a. b. c. d.

Risk-adjustment problem Relevant information problem Dumb luck problem Data snooping problem

4. Efficient Markets Hypothesis (LO2, CFA1)  In discussions of financial market efficiency, which of the following is not one of the stylized forms of market efficiency? a. b. c. d.

Strong form Semistrong form Weak form Economic form

5. Beating the Market (LO3, CFA2)  Which of the following is not considered a problem when evaluating the ability of a trading system to “beat the market”? a. b. c. d.

Risk-adjustment problem Relevant information problem Data measurement problem Data snooping problem

6. Calendar Anomalies (LO4, CFA2)  Which month of the year, on average, has had the highest stock market returns as measured by a small-stock portfolio? a. b. c. d.

January March June December

7. NYSE Circuit Breakers(LO4)  Which of the following intraday changes in the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) will trigger a Level 1 circuit breaker? a. b. c. d.

7 percent drop before 3:25P.M. 7 percent drop after 3:25 P.M. 7 percent rise before 3:25 P.M. 7 percent rise after 3:25 P.M.

8. Efficient Markets Hypothesis (LO2, CFA1)  The SEC has regulations that prohibit trading on inside information. If the market is _____ -form efficient, such regulation is not needed. a. b. c. d.

248 Part 2 

  Stock Markets

Weak Semistrong Technical Strong

9. The January Effect (LO4, CFA2)  Which of the following is a possible explanation of the January effect? I. Institutional window dressing II. Bonus demand III. Tax-loss selling a. b. c. d.

I only I and II only I and III only I, II, and III

10. NYSE Circuit Breakers(LO4)  Circuit breakers implemented by the NYSE were designed to a. b. c. d.

Reduce the January effect. Reduce the effect of technical trading. Eliminate program trading. Slow a market decline.

11. Market Efficiency Implications (LO2, CFA2)  Assume the market is semistrong-form efficient. The best investment strategy is to a. b. c. d.

Examine the past prices of a stock to determine the trend. Invest in an actively managed mutual fund whose manager searches for underpriced stocks. Invest in an index fund. Examine the financial statements for a company to find stocks that are not selling at intrinsic value.

12. Market Efficiency Implications (LO2, CFA2)  Assume the market is weak-form efficient. If this is true, technical analysts _____ earn abnormal returns and fundamental analysts _____ earn abnormal returns. a. b. c. d.

Could; could Could; could not Could not; could not Could not; could

13. Efficient Markets Hypothesis (LO1, CFA1)  Which of the following is not true concerning the efficient markets hypothesis? a. b. c. d.

Markets that are less organized are not as likely to be efficient. Markets with wide fluctuations in prices cannot be efficient. The efficient markets hypothesis deals only with the stock market. Prices in an efficient market are fair on average.

14. Efficient Markets Hypothesis (LO2, CFA1)  You purchase a stock that you expect to increase in value over the next year. One year later, after the discovery that the CEO embezzled funds and the company is close to bankruptcy, the stock has fallen in price. Which of the following statements is true? a. b. c. d.

This is a violation of weak-form efficiency. This is a violation of semistrong-form efficiency This is a violation of all forms of market efficiency. This is not a violation of market efficiency.

15. Efficient Markets Hypothesis (LO2, CFA1)  Which of the following statements concerning market efficiency is true? a. b. c. d.

If the market is weak-form efficient, it is also semistrong-form efficient. If the market is semistrong-form efficient, it is also strong-form efficient. If the market is weak-form efficient, it is also strong-form efficient. If the market is semistrong-form efficient, it is also weak-form efficient.

Concept Questions 1. Efficient Markets (LO2, CFA1)  A stock market analyst is able to identify mispriced stocks by comparing the average price for the last 10 days to the average price for the last 60 days. If this is true, what do you know about the market? 2. Efficient Markets (LO2, CFA1)  Critically evaluate the following statement: “Playing the stock market is like gambling. Such speculative investing has no social value, other than the pleasure people get from this form of gambling.”

Chapter 7 

  Stock Price Behavior and Market Efficiency 249

3. Misconceptions about Efficient Markets (LO3, CFA2)  Several celebrated investors and stock pickers have recorded huge returns on their investments over the past two decades. Is the success of these particular investors an invalidation of an efficient stock market? Explain. 4. Interpreting Efficient Markets (LO2, CFA2)  For each of the following scenarios, discuss whether profit opportunities exist from trading in the stock of the firm under the conditions that (1) the market is not weak-form efficient, (2) the market is weak-form but not semistrong-form efficient, (3) the market is semistrong-form but not strong-form efficient, and (4) the market is strong-form efficient. a. The stock price has risen steadily each day for the past 30 days. b. The financial statements for a company were released three days ago, and you believe you’ve uncovered some anomalies in the company’s inventory and cost control reporting techniques that are understating the firm’s true liquidity strength. c. You observe that the senior management of a company has been buying a lot of the company’s stock on the open market over the past week. d. Your next-door neighbor, who happens to be a computer analyst at the local steel plant, casually mentions that a German steel conglomerate hinted yesterday that it might try to acquire the local firm in a hostile takeover. 5. Performance of the Pros (LO3)  In the mid- to late-1990s, the performance of the pros was unusually poor—on the order of 90 percent of all equity mutual funds underperformed a passively managed index fund. How does this bear on the issue of market efficiency? 6. Efficient Markets (LO1, CFA1)  A hundred years ago or so, companies did not compile annual reports. Even if you owned stock in a particular company, you were unlikely to be allowed to see the balance sheet and income statement for the company. Assuming the market is semistrong-form efficient, what does this say about market efficiency then compared to now? 7. Efficient Markets Hypothesis (LO2, CFA1)  You invest $10,000 in the market at the beginning of the year, and by the end of the year your account is worth $15,000. During the year the market return was 10 percent. Does this mean that the market is inefficient? 8. Efficient Markets Hypothesis (LO1, CFA1)  Which of the following statements are true about the efficient markets hypothesis? a. b. c. d. e.

It implies perfect forecasting ability. It implies that prices reflect all available information. It implies an irrational market. It implies that prices do not fluctuate. It results from keen competition among investors.

9. Semistrong Efficiency (LO2, CFA2)  If a market is semistrong-form efficient, is it also weakform efficient? Explain. 10. Efficient Markets Hypothesis (LO2, CFA1)  What are the implications of the efficient markets hypothesis for investors who buy and sell stocks in an attempt to “beat the market”? 11. Efficient Markets Hypothesis (LO2, CFA1)  Aerotech, an aerospace technology research firm, announced this morning that it hired the world’s most knowledgeable and prolific space researchers. Before today, Aerotech’s stock had been selling for $100. Assume that no other information is received over the next week and the stock market as a whole does not move. a. What do you expect will happen to Aerotech’s stock? b. Consider the following scenarios: i. The stock price jumps to $118 on the day of the announcement. In subsequent days it floats up to $123, and then falls back to $116. ii. The stock price jumps to $116 and remains at that level. iii. The stock price gradually climbs to $116 over the next week. Which scenario(s) indicate market efficiency? Which do not? Why? 12. Efficient Markets Hypothesis (LO2, CFA1)  When the 56-year-old founder of Gulf & Western, Inc., died of a heart attack, the stock price immediately jumped from $18.00 a share to $20.25, a 12.5 percent increase. This is evidence of market inefficiency because an efficient stock market would have anticipated his death and adjusted the price beforehand. Assume that no other information is received and the stock market as a whole does not move. Is this statement about market efficiency true or false? Explain. 13. Efficient Markets Hypothesis (LO2, CFA1)  Today, the following announcement was made: “Early today the Justice Department reached a decision in the Universal Product Care (UPC) case. UPC has been found guilty of discriminatory practices in hiring. For the next five years, 250 Part 2 

  Stock Markets










UPC must pay $2 million each year to a fund representing victims of UPC’s policies.” Assuming the market is efficient, should investors not buy UPC stock after the announcement because the litigation will cause an abnormally low rate of return? Explain. Efficient Markets Hypothesis (LO2, CFA1)  Newtech Corp. is going to adopt a new chiptesting device that can greatly improve its production efficiency. Do you think the lead engineer can profit from purchasing the firm’s stock before the news release on the device? After reading the announcement in The Wall Street Journal, should you be able to earn an abnormal return from purchasing the stock if the market is efficient? Efficient Markets Hypothesis (LO2, CFA1)  TransTrust Corp. has changed how it accounts for inventory. Taxes are unaffected, although the resulting earnings report released this quarter is 20 percent higher than what it would have been under the old accounting system. There is no other surprise in the earnings report and the change in the accounting treatment was publicly announced. If the market is efficient, will the stock price be higher when the market learns that the reported earnings are higher? Efficient Markets Hypothesis (LO3, CFA1)  The Durkin Investing Agency has been the best stock picker in the country for the past two years. Before this rise to fame occurred, the Durkin newsletter had 200 subscribers. Those subscribers beat the market consistently, earning substantially higher returns after adjustment for risk and transaction costs. Subscriptions have skyrocketed to 10,000. Now, when the Durkin Investing Agency recommends a stock, the price instantly rises several points. The subscribers currently earn only a normal return when they buy recommended stock because the price rises before anybody can act on the information. Briefly explain this phenomenon. Is Durkin’s ability to pick stocks consistent with market efficiency? Efficient Markets Hypothesis (LO2, CFA1)  Your broker commented that well-managed firms are better investments than poorly managed firms. As evidence, your broker cited a recent study examining 100 small manufacturing firms that eight years earlier had been listed in an industry magazine as the best-managed small manufacturers in the country. In the ensuing eight years, the 100 firms listed have not earned more than the normal market return. Your broker continued to say that if the firms were well managed, they should have produced better-thanaverage returns. If the market is efficient, do you agree with your broker? Efficient Markets Hypothesis (LO2, CFA1)  A famous economist just announced in The Wall Street Journal his findings that the recession is over and the economy is again entering an expansion. Assume market efficiency. Can you profit from investing in the stock market after you read this announcement? Efficient Markets Hypothesis (LO2, CFA1)  Suppose the market is semistrong-form efficient. Can you expect to earn abnormal returns if you make trades based on a. Your broker’s information about record earnings for a stock? b. Rumors about a merger of a firm? c. Yesterday’s announcement of a successful new product test? Efficient Markets Hypothesis (LO2, CFA1)  The efficient markets hypothesis implies that all mutual funds should obtain the same expected risk-adjusted returns. Therefore, we can simply pick mutual funds at random. Is this statement true or false? Explain. Efficient Markets Hypothesis (LO2, CFA1)  Assume that markets are efficient. During a trading day, American Golf, Inc., announces that it has lost a contract for a large golfing project that, prior to the news, it was widely believed to have secured. If the market is efficient, how should the stock price react to this information if no additional information is released? Efficient Markets Hypothesis (LO2, CFA2)  Prospectors, Inc., is a publicly traded gold prospecting company in Alaska. Although the firm’s searches for gold usually fail, the prospectors occasionally find a rich vein of ore. What pattern would you expect to observe for Prospectors’ cumulative abnormal returns if the market is efficient?

Questions and Problems Core Questions

1. Cumulative Abnormal Returns (LO2, CFA2)  On November 14, Thorogood Enterprises announced that the public and acrimonious battle with its current CEO had been resolved. Under the terms of the deal, the CEO would step down from his position immediately. In exchange, he was given a generous severance package. Given the information below, calculate the cumulative abnormal return (CAR) around this announcement. Assume the company has Chapter 7 

  Stock Price Behavior and Market Efficiency 251

an expected return equal to the market return. Graph and interpret your results. Do your results support market efficiency? Market Return (%)

Date Nov 7

Company Return (%)



Nov 8



Nov 9



Nov 10



Nov 11



Nov 14



Nov 15



Nov 16



Nov 17



Nov 18



Nov 19



2. Cumulative Abnormal Returns (LO2, CFA2)  The following diagram shows the cumulative abnormal returns (CAR) for oil exploration companies announcing oil discoveries over a 30-year period. Month 0 in the diagram is the announcement month. Assume that no other information is received and the stock market as a whole does not move. Is the diagram consistent with market efficiency? Why or why not? 15%


10% 5% 0% -5% -6

2 4 6 8 -4 -2 0 Time in months relative to event month



3. Cumulative Abnormal Returns (LO2, CFA2)  The following figures present the results of four cumulative abnormal returns (CAR) studies. Indicate whether the results of each study support, reject, or are inconclusive about the semistrong form of the efficient markets hypothesis. Ineach figure, time 0 is the date of an event.








252 Part 2 

  Stock Markets








4. Cumulative Abnormal Returns (LO2, CFA2)  A study analyzed the behavior of the stock prices of firms that had lost antitrust cases. Included in the diagram are all firms that lost the initial court decision, even if the decision was later overturned on appeal. The event at time 0 is the initial, pre-appeal court decision. Assume no other information was released, aside from that disclosed in the initial trial. The stock prices all have a beta of 1. Is the diagram consistent with market efficiency? Why or why not? 10%


0% -10% -20% -30% -40% -12

Intermediate Question

-6 0 6 12 Time in months relative to event month

5. Cumulative Abnormal Returns (LO2, CFA2)  Ross Co., Westerfield, Inc., and Jordan Company announced a new agreement to market their respective products in China on July 18, February 12, and October 7, respectively. Given the information below, calculate the cumulative abnormal return (CAR) for these stocks as a group. Assume all companies have an expected return equal to the market return. Graph and interpret your results. Do your results support ­market efficiency? Ross Co. Company Return

July 12



July 13



July 16


July 17 July 18

Jordan Company

Market Return

Company Return


Market Return

Feb 8



Oct 1



Feb 9



Oct 2




Feb 10



Oct 3





Feb 11



Oct 6





Feb 12



Oct 7



July 19



Feb 15



Oct 8



July 20



Feb 16



Oct 9



July 23



Feb 17



Oct 10



July 24



Feb 18



Oct 13




Westerfield, Inc.

Market Return


Chapter 7 

Company Return

  Stock Price Behavior and Market Efficiency 253

PART 2 chapter

Behavioral Finance and the Psychology of Investing +

Learning Objectives Psych yourself up and get a good understanding of:

1. Prospect theory. 2. The implications of investor overconfidence and misperceptions of randomness. 3. Sentiment-based risk and limits to arbitrage. 4. The wide array of technical analysis methods used by investors.


“The investor’s chief problem, and even his worst enemy, is likely to be himself.” –Benjamin Graham

“There are three factors that influence the market: Fear, Greed, and Greed.” –Market folklore

Be honest: Do you think of yourself as a better-than-average driver? If you do, you are not alone. About 80 percent of the people who are asked this question will say yes. Evidently, we tend to overestimate our abilities behind the wheel. Does the same bias exist when it comes to making investment decisions?

CFA™ Exam Topics in This Chapter: 1. Technical analysis (L1, S3) 2. Market efficiency (L1, S13) 3. The behavioral finance perspective (L3, S3) 4. The behavioral biases of individuals (L3, S3) 5. Behavioral finance and the investment process (L3, S3) 6. Managing individual investor portfolios (L3, S4)

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You will probably not be surprised when we say that human beings sometimes make errors in judgment. How these errors, and other aspects of human behavior, affect investors and asset prices falls under the general heading of “behavioral finance.” In the first part of this chapter, our goal is to acquaint you with some common types of mistakes investors make and their financial implications. As you will see, researchers have identified a wide variety of potentially damaging behaviors. In the second part of the chapter, we describe a trading strategy known as “technical analysis.” Some investors use technical analysis as a tool to try to exploit patterns in prices. These patterns are thought to exist (by advocates of technical analysis) because of predictable behavior by investors.

8.1 Introduction to Behavioral Finance

behavioral finance The area of finance dealing with the implications of investor reasoning errors on investment decisions and market prices.


Sooner or later, you are going to make an investment decision that winds up costing you a lot of money. Why is this going to happen? You already know the answer. Sometimes you make sound decisions, but you just get unlucky when something happens that you could not have reasonably anticipated. At other times (and painful to admit), you just make a bad decision, one that could have (and should have) been avoided. The beginning of investment wisdom is to recognize the circ*mstances that lead to poor decisions and thereby cut down on the damage done by investment blunders. As we previously noted, the area of research known as behavioral finance attempts to understand and explain how reasoning errors influence investor decisions and market prices. Much of the research done in the area of behavioral finance stems from work in the area of cognitive psychology, which is the study of how people, including investors, think, reason, and make decisions. Errors in reasoning are often called cognitive errors. Some proponents of behavioral finance believe that cognitive errors by investors will cause market inefficiencies. Recall that in a previous chapter we identified three economic conditions that lead to market efficiency: (1) investor rationality, (2) independent deviations from rationality, and (3) arbitrage. For a market to be inefficient, all three of these conditions must be absent. That is, it must be the case that a substantial portion of investors make irrational investment decisions, and the collective irrationality of these investors then must lead to an overly optimistic or pessimistic market situation that cannot be corrected via arbitrage by rational, well-capitalized investors. Whether this actually occurs in financial markets is the subject of a raging debate, and we are not going to take sides. Instead, our goal is to introduce you to the ideas and issues.


What is behavioral finance?


What three conditions must be absent for a market to be inefficient?

8.2 Prospect Theory prospect theory An alternative theory to classical, rational economic decision making, which emphasizes, among other things, that investors tend to behave differently when they face prospective gains and losses.

Prospect theory, developed in the late 1970s, is a collection of ideas that provides an alternative to classical, rational economic decision making. The foundation of prospect theory rests on the idea that investors are much more distressed by prospective losses than they are happy about prospective gains. Researchers have found that a typical investor considers the pain of a $1 loss to be about twice as great as the pleasure received from the gain of $1. Also, researchers have found that investors respond in different ways to identical situations. The difference depends on whether the situation is presented in terms of losses or in terms of gains. Investors seem to be willing to take more risk to avoid the loss of a dollar than they are to make a dollar profit. Also, if an investor has the choice between a sure gain and a gamble that could increase or decrease the sure gain, the investor is likely to choose the sure gain. Choosing a sure gain over a gamble is called risk-averse behavior. If the same investor is faced with a sure loss and a gamble that could increase or decrease the sure loss, the investor is likely to take the gamble. Choosing the gamble over the sure loss is called risk-taking behavior. This focus on gains and losses and the tendency of investors to be risk-averse with regard to gains, but risk-taking when it comes to losses, is the essence of prospect theory. Chapter 8 

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In contrast, a fully rational investor (in an economic sense) is presumed to care only about his or her overall wealth, not the gains and losses associated with individual pieces of that wealth. To give a simple example, suppose you own just two stocks (which is, of course, a bad idea from a diversification standpoint). On a particular day, one stock goes up sharply, but the other goes down so that your total wealth is unchanged. On another day, neither stock changes price at all. In both cases, your total wealth was unaffected, but in the first case you would probably be upset that your big gain was canceled out. If you are, you are focusing on the individual pieces, not the big picture. As we will see in the next few subsections, this kind of thinking can lead to potentially damaging errors in judgment.

FRAME DE P E N D E N C E frame dependence The theory that simply how a problem is described–that is, framed–matters to people.

Another important aspect of prospect theory is the notion that people focus on changes in wealth versus levels of wealth. Frame dependence is a result of this phenomenon. If an investment problem is presented in two different (but really equivalent) ways, investors often make inconsistent choices. That is, how a problem is described, or framed, seems to matter to people. Some people believe that frames are transparent; that is, investors should be able to see through the way the question is asked. Do they? Do you? Try this: Jot down your answers in the following two scenarios. Scenario One. Suppose we give you $1,000. You have the following choices: a. You can receive another $500 for sure. b. You can flip a fair coin. If the coin flip comes up heads, you get another $1,000, but if it comes up tails, you get nothing. Scenario Two. Suppose we give you $2,000. You have the following choices: a. You can lose $500 for sure. b. You can flip a fair coin. If the coin flip comes up heads, you lose $1,000, but if it comes up tails, you lose nothing. What were your answers? Did you choose option A in the first scenario and option B in the second? If that’s what you did, you are guilty of just focusing on gains and losses, and not paying attention to what really matters, namely, the impact on your wealth. However, you are not alone. About 85 percent of the people who are presented with the first scenario choose option A, and about 70 percent of the people who are presented with the second scenario choose option B. If you look closely at the two scenarios, you will see that they are actually identical. You end up with $1,500 for sure if you pick option A, or else you end up with a 50-50 chance of either $1,000 or $2,000 if you pick option B. So you should pick the same option in both scenarios. Which option you prefer is up to you, but the point is that you should never pick option A in one scenario and option B in the other. But people do so because the phrasing, or framing, of the question leads people to answer the questions differently. This scenario is an example of frame dependence. Similar behavior has been documented among participants of company-sponsored retirement plans, such as 401(k) plans. Historically, participants were required to “opt into” the plans—meaning they were required to sign up to participate. Under this approach, less than half of all eligible employees chose to enroll. More recently, however, companies have been allowed to enroll employees automatically, while offering them the option to “opt out” of the plan. Although the choices are identical, the outcomes have been much different. After the “opt out” change, the percentage of workers who participated in the plans significantly increased. After framing the decision differently (opting in versus opting out), the behavior of participants changed. Our frame dependence examples offer several important investment lessons. First, an investor can always frame a decision problem in broad terms (like wealth) or in narrow terms

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(like gains and losses). Second, broad and narrow frames often lead the investor to make different choices. Although using a narrow frame (like gains and losses) is human nature, doing so can lead to irrational decisions. Therefore, using broad frames, like overall wealth, generally results in better investment decisions.


loss aversion A reluctance to sell investments after they have fallen in value. Also known as the breakeven or disposition effect. anchoring The tendency to fixate on a reference point.

When you add a new stock to your portfolio, it is human nature for you to associate the stock with its purchase price. As the price of the stock changes through time, you will have unrealized gains or losses when you compare the current price to the purchase price. Through time, you will mentally account for these gains and losses, and how you feel about the investment depends on whether you are ahead or behind. When you add stocks to your portfolio, you unknowingly create a personal relationship with each of your stocks. As a result, selling one of them becomes more difficult. It is as if you have to “break up” with this stock, or “fire” it from your portfolio. As with personal relationships, these “stock relationships” can be complicated and, believe it or not, make selling stocks difficult at times. This is often referred to as the status quo bias, or the endowment effect. In fact, you may have particular difficulty selling a stock at a price lower than your purchase price. If you sell a stock at a loss, you may have a hard time thinking that purchasing the stock in the first place was correct. You may feel this way even if the decision to buy was actually a very good decision. A further complication is that you will also think that if you can just somehow “get even,” you will be able to sell the stock without any hard feelings. This phenomenon is known as loss aversion, which is the reluctance to sell investments, such as shares of stock, after they have fallen in value. Loss aversion, often a function of anchoring, is also called the “break-even” or “disposition effect.” Those suffering from it are sometimes said to have “get-evenitis.” Legendary investor Warren Buffett offers the following advice: “The stock doesn’t know you own it. You have feelings about it, but it has no feelings about you. The stock doesn’t know what you paid. People shouldn’t get emotionally involved with their stocks.” To see if you are likely to suffer from loss aversion, consider the following two investments: Investment One.  A year ago, you bought shares in Fama Enterprises for $40 per share. Today, these shares are worth $20 each. Investment Two.   A year ago, you bought shares in French Company for $5 per share. Today, these shares are worth $20 each. What will you do? Will you (1) sell one of these stocks and hold the other, (2) sell both of these stocks, or (3) hold both of these stocks? Because you are reading about loss aversion, you will undoubtedly recognize that if you choose to keep the shares in Fama Enterprises, you might be suffering from loss aversion. Why do we say might? Well, consider this: Suppose you are considering a new investment in Fama Enterprises. Does your rational analysis say that it is reasonable to purchase shares at $20? If the rational answer is no, then you should sell. If the rational answer is yes, then you do not suffer from loss aversion. However, if you blindly argued to yourself that if shares in Fama Enterprises were a good buy at $40, then they must be a steal at $20, you might have a raging case of loss aversion. So, to summarize, there are two important lessons from this example: ∙ Lesson One.  The market says that shares in Fama Enterprises are worth $20. The market does not care that you paid $40 a year ago. ∙ Lesson Two.  You should not care about your purchase price of Fama Enterprises either. You must evaluate your shares at their current price. How about the shares in French Company? Do you sell them and take the profit? Once again, the lessons are the same. The market says that shares in French Company are worth

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$20 per share today. The fact that you paid $5 a year ago is not relevant. Note that selling either of these stocks has tax consequences. Your careful analysis should acknowledge the existence of taxes and transaction fees, as well as their impact on the net proceeds available to you after you sell a security. How destructive is loss aversion? Perhaps the most famous case of loss aversion, or “get-evenitis,” occurred in 1995, when 28-year-old Nicholas Leeson caused the collapse of his employer, the 233-year-old Barings Bank. At the end of 1992, Leeson had lost about £2 million, which he hid in a secret account. By the end of 1993, his losses were about £23 million, and they mushroomed to £208 million at the end of 1994. Instead of admitting to these losses, Leeson gambled more of the bank’s money in an attempt to “double-up and catch-up.” On February 23, 1995, Leeson’s losses were about £827 million ($1.3 billion) and his trading irregularities were uncovered. Although he attempted to flee from prosecution, he was caught, arrested, tried, convicted, and imprisoned. Also, his wife divorced him. It is unlikely that you will suffer from a case of loss aversion as severe as Nicholas Leeson’s, but loss aversion does affect everyday investors. For example, we know that ­individual investors sell “winners” more frequently than they sell “losers.” If a typical individual investor had 100 stocks with unrealized gains, the investor might sell 15 of them and keep 85. If the same investor had 100 stocks with unrealized losses, the investor would tend to sell 10 of them and keep 90. That is, individual investors are typically about 1.5times more likely to sell a stock that has gone up in price than they are to sell a stock that has fallen in price. This effect is worse when investors hold mutual funds. With mutual funds, when investors choose to sell, they are more than 2.5 times as likely to sell a winning fund than a losing fund. How about professional money managers who manage the mutual funds? They also suffer from loss aversion.

MENTAL AC C OUN TI N G A N D HOUSE MON E Y mental accounting The tendency to segment money into mental “buckets.”

When people engage in mental accounting, they tend to segment their money into mental “buckets.” Spending regular income differently from bonuses and investing prudently in one’s retirement account while taking wild risks with a separate stock account are two examples of mental accounting. Casinos in Las Vegas (and elsewhere) know all about a concept called “playing with house money.” The casinos have found that gamblers are far more likely to take big risks with money that they have won from the casino (i.e., the “house money”). Also, casinos have found that gamblers are not as upset about losing house money as they are about losing the money they brought with them to gamble. As you can see, the house money effect is a result of mental accounting. It may seem natural for you to feel that some money is precious because you earned it through hard work, sweat, and sacrifice, whereas other money is less precious because it came to you as a windfall. But these feelings are plainly irrational because any dollar you have buys the same amount of goods and services no matter how you obtained that dollar. The lessons are: ∙ Lesson One.  There are no “paper profits.” Your profits are yours. ∙ Lesson Two.  All your money is your money. That is, you should not separate your money into bundles labeled “house money” and “my money.” Let us return to the shares of Fama Enterprises and French Company. Suppose both were to decline to $15. You might feel very differently about the decline depending on which stock you looked at. With Fama Enterprises, the decline makes a bad situation even worse. Now you are down $25 per share on your investment. On the other hand, with French Company, you only “give back” some of your “paper profit.” You are still way ahead. This kind of thinking is playing with house money. Whether you lose from your original investment or from your investment gains is irrelevant.

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Frame dependence, mental accounting, and the house money effect are all consistent with the predictions of prospect theory. Many other types of judgment errors have been documented. Here are just a few examples: ∙ Myopic loss aversion.  This behavior is the tendency to focus on avoiding short-term losses, even at the expense of long-term gains. For example, you might fail to invest “retirement” money into stocks because you have a fear of loss in the near term. ∙ Regret aversion.  This aversion is the tendency to avoid making a decision because you fear that, in hindsight, the decision would have been less than optimal. Regret aversion relates to myopic loss aversion. ∙ Sunk cost fallacy.  This mistake is the tendency to “throw good money after bad.” An example is to keep buying a stock or mutual fund in the face of unfavorable developments. ∙ Endowment effect.  This effect is the tendency to consider something that you own to be worth more than it would be if you did not own it. Because of the endowment effect, people sometimes demand more money to give up something than they would be willing to pay to acquire it. ∙ Money illusion.  This illusion means that you are confused between real buying power and nominal buying power (i.e., you do not account for the effects of inflation).



What is the basic prediction of prospect theory?


What is frame dependence?


How does loss aversion affect investment decisions?

8.3 Overconfidence A serious error in judgment you can make as an investor is to be overconfident. We are all overconfident about our abilities in many areas (recall our question about your driving ability at the beginning of the chapter). Here is another example. Ask yourself: What grade will I receive in this course (in spite of the arbitrary and capricious nature of the professor)? In our experience, almost everyone will either say A or, at worst, B. Sadly, when we ask our students this question, we always feel confident (but not overconfident) that at least some of our students are going to be disappointed. Concerning investment behavior, overconfidence appears in several ways. The classic example is diversification, or the lack of it. Investors tend to invest too heavily in the company for which they work. When you think about it, this loyalty can be very bad financially. This is because both your earning power (your income) and your retirement nest egg depend on one company. Other examples of the lack of diversification include investing too heavily in the stocks of local companies. You might also do this because you read about them in the local news or you know someone who works there. That is, you might be unduly confident that you have a high degree of knowledge about local companies versus distant companies.

OVE RC ON FI D E N C E A N D TR A D I N G FR E Q UE N CY If you are overconfident about your investment skill, you are likely to trade too much. You should know that researchers have found that investors who make relatively more trades have lower returns than investors who trade less frequently. Based on brokerage account activity over a particular period, researchers found that the average household earned an

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annual return of 16.4 percent. However, those households that traded the most earned an annual return of only 11.4 percent. The moral is clear: Excessive trading is hazardous to your wealth.

OVERT R ADING A N D G E N D E R : “I T’ S ( BA SI CA L LY ) A GUY T HING” In a study published in 2001, Professors Brad Barber and Terrance Odean further examined the effects of overconfidence. As identified above, two possible effects of overconfidence are that it leads to more trading and more trading leads to lower returns. If investors could be divided into groups that differed in overconfidence, then these effects could be examined in greater detail. Barber and Odean use the fact that psychologists have found that men are more overconfident than women in the area of finance. So, do men trade more than women? Do portfolios of men underperform the portfolios of women? Barber and Odean show that the answer to both questions is yes. Barber and Odean examined the trading accounts of men and women and found that men trade about 50 percent more than women. They found that both men and women reduce their portfolio returns through excessive trading. However, men did so by 94 basis points more per year than women. The difference is even bigger between single men and single women. Single men traded 67 percent more than single women, and single men reduced their return by 144 basis points compared to single women. Using four risk measures, and accounting for the effects of marital status, age, and income, Barber and Odean also found that men invested in riskier positions than women. Young and single people held portfolios that displayed more return volatility and contained a higher percentage of stocks in small companies. Investors with higher incomes also accepted more market risk. These results are comforting because it seems to make sense that the relatively young and the relatively wealthy should be willing to take more investment risk, particularly if they do not have dependents.

WH AT IS A DIV E R SI FI E D P ORTFOL I O TO T H E E VE RY DAY I N V E STOR ? It is clear to researchers that most investors have a poor understanding of what constitutes a well-diversified portfolio. Researchers have discovered that the average number of stocks in a household portfolio is about four, and the median is about three. Ask yourself: What percentage of these households beat the market? If you are like most people, your answer is too low. Researchers have found, however, that even when accounting for trading costs, about 43 percent of the households outperformed the market. Surprised? The lack of diversification is the source of your surprise. Think about it like this. Suppose all investors held just one stock in their account. If there are many stocks, about half the individual stock returns outperform the market average. Therefore, about half the investors will beat the market. Quickly: Did you think that you would certainly be in that half that would beat the market? If you did, this should show you that you might be prone to overconfidence. To measure your level of overconfidence, see the nearby Work the Web box.

ILLUS ION OF KN OWL E D G E Overconfident investors tend to underestimate the risk of individual stocks and their overall portfolios. This aspect of overconfidence typically stems from a belief that information you hold is superior to information held by other investors. You believe, therefore, that you are able to make better judgments. This belief is referred to as the illusion of knowledge. A possible example of this behavior was observed in 2009 following the bankruptcy of General Motors. As part of the reorganization process, GM’s management announced that existing shares were worthless (i.e., had a value of $0 per share). Nonetheless, these existing shares continued to trade, albeit at low, but positive, value. If management stated the shares were worthless, why would anyone continue to buy them? No one knows for sure. A possible explanation, however, is that this “noise trading” was driven by investors with an illusion 260 Part 2 

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+ WORK THE WEB As we noted, overconfidence is a common behavioral characteristic. When we compare ourselves to others, we tend to consider ourselves better, whether it be as a driver, an investor, or a leader. While some people are more overconfident than others, it is safe to say that we have probably all exhibited this at some point. To see how overconfident you are, consider the following survey that comes from

Self-Test of Overconfidence For each of the following 10 items, provide a low and high guess such that you are 90 percent sure the correct answer falls between the two. Your challenge is to be neither too narrow (i.e., overconfident) nor too wide (i.e., underconfident). If you successfully meet this challenge, your result should be at least 8 correct (94% likelihood). You can be 99.9% sure of getting at least 6 correct.

Once you have completed the quiz, go to the website to see how you score. Are you average or above average when it comes to being overconfident? Source: Tim Richardson, from Accessed October 28, 2015.

of knowledge. These investors thought that they knew more about the prospects of GM’s common stock than did the managers of GM. A recent winner of the Spanish Lottery exhibited illusion of knowledge (and control). When asked why he chose the number 48, he replied, “Well, I dreamed of the number seven for seven nights in a row, and since seven times seven is 48 . . .” While this gentleman probably would not do very well in an investments class, his luck saved him.

SNAKE B ITE E FFE CT Are you an avid skateboarder? If not, maybe you never tried it, or maybe it simply has never appealed to you. Or you might have tried skateboarding but gave it up because of a bad experience (say, a broken leg, arm, both, or worse). If this category is yours, you could well have experienced the snakebite effect. As it relates to investing, the snakebite effect refers to the unwillingness of investors to take a risk following a loss. This effect is sometimes considered to have the opposite influence of overconfidence. The snakebite effect makes people less confident in the investment process following a loss. This particular phenomenon has been well documented in

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fund flows to mutual funds. More money tends to be liquidated from mutual funds following some significant market declines. In other market declines, less money than “normal” tends to flow toward mutual funds. Unfortunately, this action is the opposite of what rational investors do—that is, “buy low, sell high.”



How does overconfidence appear in investment behavior?


What are the effects of trading frequency on portfolio performance?


How does the snakebite effect impact investors?

8.4 Misperceiving Randomness and Overreacting to Chance Events representativeness heuristic Concluding that causal factors are at work behind random sequences.

Cognitive psychologists have discovered that the human mind is a pattern-seeking device. As a result, we can conclude that causal factors or patterns are at work behind sequences of events even when the events are truly random. In behavioral finance, this is known as the representativeness heuristic, which says that if something is random, it should look random. But what does random look like? Suppose we flip a coin 20 times and write down whether we get a head or a tail. Then we do it again. The results of our two sets of 20 flips are:   First 20:  T T T H T T T H T T H H H T H H T H H H Second 20:  T H T H H T T H T H T H T T H T H T H H Do these sequences of heads and tails both look random to you? Most people would say that the first 20 and the second 20 somehow look “different,” even though both are random sequences and both have 10 heads and 10 tails. Let’s look at this a bit differently by graphing the results. We’ll start at zero. If a head occurs, we will subtract one; if a tail occurs, we will add one. Table 8.1 lists the results. Suppose we graph the two sets of 20 flips in Figure 8.1. Do the two series look different to you? Do you think the line labeled First 20 has a pattern to it, but the line labeled Second 20 appears to be random? If you do, your mind saw a pattern in a random sequence of coin flips, even though both patterns are the result of random coin flips with 10 heads and 10 tails. The representativeness heuristic assumes that people tend to ignore base rates. In a well-known research study by Professors Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky, subjects were shown personality descriptions and asked to estimate the probability that the person described was a lawyer. One group was told that the description was drawn from a sample of 30 lawyers and 70 engineers. The second group was told that the description was drawn from a sample of 70 lawyers and 30 engineers. Both groups, however, produced a similar probability that the personality sketch was that of a lawyer. You might conclude that people often find what they are looking for in the data. Although making fun of lawyers is, for some, a happy pastime, representativeness has a major impact on investors. As an example, consider what you would do if someone asked you to choose between investing in Microsoft or Cal-Maine Foods. You might attempt to do some detailed research and choose the “better” company. Most investors, however, are prone to choose Microsoft simply because it is well-known. This example shows the common error of confusing a good company with a good investment.

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The Results of Two Sets of 20 Coin Flips

First 20 Flips

Flip Number



Second 20 Flips


Accumulated Sum



Accumulated Sum





































































































































Number of heads



Number of tails



The Pattern of Two Different Sets of 20 Coin Flips 7 6

Accumulated sum

5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2









9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Flip

First 20 Second 20

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Shooting Percentages and the History of Previous Attempts Shooting Percentage on Next Shot

History of Previous Attempts


Made 3 in a row


Made 2 in a row


Made 1


First shot of the game


Missed 1


Missed 2 in a row


Missed 3 in a row

T H E “HOT-HAN D” FA L L ACY Basketball fans generally believe that success breeds success. Suppose we look at the recent performance of two basketball players named LeBron and Shaquille. Both of these players make half of their shots. But LeBron just made two shots in a row, while Shaquille just missed two shots in a row. Researchers have found that if they ask 100 basketball fans which player has the better chance of making the next shot, 91 of them will say LeBron because he has a “hot hand.” Further, 84 of these fans believe that it is important for teammates to pass the ball to LeBron after he has made two or three shots in a row. But—and the sports fans among you will have a hard time with this—researchers have found that the hot hand might be an illusion. That is, players really do not deviate much from their long-run shooting averages, although fans, players, announcers, and coaches think they do. Cognitive psychologists actually studied the shooting percentage of one professional basketball team for a season. The findings are presented in Table 8.2. Detailed analysis of shooting data failed to show that players make or miss shots more or less frequently than what would be expected by chance. That is, statistically speaking, all the shooting percentages in Table 8.2 are the “same.” The shooting percentages in Table 8.2 may suggest that teams tried harder to defend a shooter who has made the last two or three shots. To take this possibility into account, researchers have also studied percentages for undefended shots—free throws. Researchers told fans that a certain player was a 70 percent free throw shooter and was about to shoot two foul shots. They asked fans to predict what would happen on the second shot if the player 1. Made the first free throw. 2. Missed the first free throw.

clustering illusion Human belief that random events that occur in clusters are not really random.

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Fans thought that this 70 percent free throw shooter would make 74 percent of the second free throws after making the first free throw but would only make 66 percent of the second free throws after missing the first free throw. Researchers studied free throw data from a professional basketball team over two seasons. They found that the result of the first free throw does not matter when it comes to making or missing the second free throw. On average, the shooting percentage on the second free throw was 75 percent when the player made the first free throw. On average, the shooting percentage on the second free throw was also 75 percent when the player missed the first free throw. It is true that basketball players shoot in streaks. But these streaks are within the bounds of long-run shooting percentages. So it is an illusion that players are either “hot” or “cold.” If you are a believer in the “hot hand,” however, you are likely to reject these facts because you “know better” from watching your favorite teams over the years. You are being fooled by randomness because randomness often appears in clusters. The clustering illusion is our human belief that random events that occur in clusters are not really random. For example, it strikes most people as very unusual if heads comes up four times in a row during a series of coin flips. However, if a fair coin is flipped 20 times, there is about a 50 percent chance of getting four heads in a row. Ask yourself, if you flip four heads in a row, do you think you have a “hot hand” at coin flipping?

Mutual fund investing is one area where investors seem to fall prey to the clustering illusion. Every year, funds that have had exceptionally good performance receive large inflows of investor money. Despite the universal disclaimer that “past performance is no guarantee of future results,” investors nonetheless clearly chase past returns.

T H E GAMB L E R’ S FA L L ACY Visit for many other terms and concepts of behavioral finance.

People commit the gambler’s fallacy when they assume that a departure from what occurs on average, or in the long run, will be corrected in the short run. Another way to think about the gambler’s fallacy is that because an event has not happened recently, it has become “overdue” and is more likely to occur. People sometimes refer (wrongly) to the “law of averages” in such cases. Roulette is a random gambling game where gamblers can make various bets on the spin of the wheel. There are 38 numbers on an American roulette table, 2 green ones, 18 red ones, and 18 black ones. One possible bet is to bet whether the spin will result in a red number or in a black number. Suppose a red number has appeared five times in a row. Gamblers will often become confident that the next spin will be black, when the true chance remains at about 50 percent (of course, it is exactly 18 in 38). The misconception arises from the human intuition that the overall odds of the wheel must be reflected in a small number of spins. That is, gamblers often become convinced that the wheel is “due” to hit a black number after a series of red numbers. Gamblers do know that the odds of a black number appearing are always unchanged: 18 in 38. But gamblers cannot help but feel that after a long series of red numbers, a black one must appear to restore the “balance” between red and black numbers over time. Thousands of betting systems exist that claim to be able to generate money by betting opposite to recent outcomes. One simple example in roulette is to wait until four red numbers in a row appear—then bet on black. Internet hucksters sell “guaranteed” betting systems that are basically based on the gambler’s fallacy. None of them work. Think about it. If these betting systems actually worked, why would they be for sale? The hot-hand fallacy and the gambler’s fallacy can be thought of as forecasting errors. Professors Kahneman and Tversky discovered that people place too much weight on recent experiences. Overweighting what recently happened can help explain both of these fallacies. The difference between them lies in the belief that future events will resemble past events (hot-hand fallacy) or that a turnaround is due (gambler’s fallacy). Of course, there are many other related investor errors and biases. Here is a partial list: ∙ Law of small numbers.  If you believe in the law of small numbers, you believe that a small sample of outcomes always resembles the long-run distribution of outcomes. If your investment guru has been right five out of seven times recently, you might believe that his long-run average of being correct is also five out of seven. The law of small numbers is related to recency bias and to the gambler’s fallacy. ∙ Recency bias.  Humans tend to give recent events more importance than less recent events. For example, during the great bull market that occurred from 1995 to 1999, many investors thought the market would continue its big gains for a long time— forgetting that bear markets also occur (which happened from 2000 to 2002 and again in 2008 to 2009). Recency bias is related to the law of small numbers. ∙ Self-attribution bias.  This bias occurs when you attribute good outcomes to your own skill but blame bad outcomes on luck. ∙ Wishful thinking bias.  You suffer from wishful thinking bias when you believe what you want to believe. Wishful thinking bias relates to self-attribution bias. ∙ False consensus.  This is the tendency to think that other people are thinking the same thing about a stock you own (or are going to buy). False consensus relates to overconfidence. ∙ Availability bias.  You suffer from availability bias when you put too much weight on information that is easily available and place too little weight on information that is hard to obtain. Your financial decisions will suffer if you consider only information that is easy to obtain.

Chapter 8 

  Behavioral Finance and the Psychology of Investing265



What is the representativeness heuristic?


What is the hot-hand fallacy? How could it affect investor decisions?


What is the gambler’s fallacy? How could it affect investor decisions?

8.5 More on Behavioral Finance HEURIS TIC S You have probably had to evaluate some stocks, and maybe even pick the ones you think are best. In doing so, you surely found that a large amount of information is available—stock reports, analyst estimates, financial statements, and the list goes on. How can you, or any investor, possibly evaluate all this information correctly? Sadly, the answer is, one cannot do so. So, how do most investors make decisions? Most likely, investment decisions are made by using rules of thumb, or heuristics (fancy name). A heuristic simplifies the decision-making process by identifying a defined set of criteria to evaluate. Unfortunately, investors often choose inappropriate criteria. For example, investors might choose criteria that identify good companies, but not necessarily good investments. Another example involves 401(k) plans. Researchers have found that most investors simply allocate among their investment choices equally. This choice presents some serious implications. For retirement plans that offer more bond funds than stock funds, participants will choose a conservative portfolio (i.e., more bonds than stocks). For retirement plans that offer more stock funds than bond funds, participants will choose a more aggressive portfolio (i.e., more stocks than bonds). This behavior is referred to as the “1/n phenomenon,” as investors simply allocate 1/n percent to each of the n funds available. This heuristic-based allocation simplifies the decision process, but it is definitely not optimal for many investors.

HERDING Have you ever watched a nature documentary that shows schools of fish? If you have, recall how the fish move if a danger is detected. Do the fish scatter? No. They tend to move together in a quick and pronounced manner. This behavior is known as herding. While we are well aware of such behavior among animals, this behavior is also common among investors. For example, many academic studies conclude that stock analysts tend to exhibit herding behavior in their earnings forecasts and stock ratings. Where one analyst goes, others follow—presumably from the fear of being left behind. This behavior might be a preservation behavior similar to that of the fish. For example, if an analyst rates a stock a strong buy, while everyone else is saying sell or hold, the lone analyst faces risk. If he is right, he will be considered a genius. If he is incorrect, however, he will probably lose his job. Does avoiding this “survival of the fittest” outcome motivate analysts to herd? Analysts would probably say no, but the evidence seems to point to herding. This behavior is also common among individual investors. Among many factors, one prominent trigger seems to be media interaction. After a stock is highlighted in an investment periodical or on a television show, volume tends to increase, as does stock price. Many of you are probably familiar with Jim Cramer, the host of the TV show Mad Money. When Mr. Cramer recommends a stock, it shows a significant uptick on the following day. Why is this? Maybe Mr. Cramer has added new information to the market, or maybe investors are simply herding by following his recommendation. Taken together with other biases, herding behavior might represent that most significant challenge to market efficiency. If herding occurs, then we would expect trends in the market to continue and strengthen, at least for a period of time. Thus, if we could identify a trend in prices, then we should be able to earn an abnormal return by trading on this information. Price trends are the focus of our upcoming section on technical analysis. 266 Part 2 

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INVESTMENT UPDATES M O S T C O M M O N I N V E S T M E N T M I S TA K E S A C C O R D I N G T O VA R I O U S F I N A N C I A L S O U R C E S A. According to Forbes (August 26, 2013)

4. Listening to emotion 5. Working with the wrong advisor

1. Making emotional decisions 2. Holding a loser until it breaks even 3. Impatience 4. Placing too much importance on past returns 5. Listening to “water-cooler” recommendations

C. According to Kiplinger’s Personal Finance (February 2015)

B. According to Business Insider (October 4, 2015) 1. Basing investments on whether the market will go up or down 2. Constantly trading stocks 3. Misunderstanding performance and financial information

1. Freaking out in market drops 2. Getting swept up in market euphoria 3. Trading too frequently 4. Putting all your eggs in one basket 5. Treating your home as an investment 6. Failing to rebalance your portfolio regularly 7. Borrowing against stocks

If the market is efficient, however, knowing these trends will not help investors predict future price changes. What do we find in practice? Well, many researchers have addressed this topic, with most of the evidence pointing in favor of a so-called momentum effect. How would an investor take advantage of a momentum effect? The investor looks at stock returns over the last six months. Then, the investor buys a set of stocks that had the highest returns over the last six months, and sells a set of stocks that had the lowest returns. If there is a momentum effect, the investor would, on average, earn a positive abnormal return by holding these positions over the next six months. If this strategy works, we might need to change the golden rule of investing from “Buy Low, Sell High” to “Buy High, Sell Higher.”

HOW DO WE OV E RC OME B I A S? Proponents of behavioral finance generally contend that most biases are coded in our DNA, meaning we are born with them. While this contention is debatable, we can generally agree on things we can do to help overcome, or at least reduce, the negative impact of these behaviors on our investment decisions. The most important thing is to know all potential biases. So, by reading this chapter, you are better prepared than most investors. Simply by understanding what errors you could make, you are less likely to make them (you are, aren’t you?). To help you even more, take a look at the nearby Investment Updatesbox, where we provide a few lists of the most common mistakes made by investors. Notice the overlap to the behavioral topics we have covered in this chapter. Other actions you can take to reduce bias include diversifying your portfolio, avoiding situations (or media) that you know will unduly influence you, and creating objective investment criteria. Although these actions are not guaranteed to completely eliminate biases, they should at least give you an advantage over other investors who have not taken such precautions.



What is the “1/n phenomenon”?


Explain herding behavior by investors.


What potential bias might affect how you invest?

Chapter 8 

  Behavioral Finance and the Psychology of Investing267

8.6 Sentiment-Based Risk and Limits to Arbitrage It is important to realize that the efficient markets hypothesis does not require every investor to be rational. As we have noted, all that is required for a market to be efficient is that at least some investors are smart and well-financed. These investors are prepared to buy and sell to take advantage of any mispricing in the marketplace. This activity is what keeps markets efficient. Sometimes, however, a problem arises in this context.

LIMIT S TO AR B I TR AG E limits to arbitrage The notion that the price of an asset may not equal its correct value because of barriers to arbitrage.

noise trader A trader whose trades are not based on information or meaningful financial analysis.

sentiment-based risk A source of risk to investors above and beyond firm-specific risk and overall market risk.

The term limits to arbitrage refers to the notion that under certain circ*mstances, rational, well-capitalized traders may be unable to correct a mispricing, at least not quickly. The reason is that strategies designed to eliminate mispricings are often risky, costly, or somehow restricted. Three important impediments are ∙ Firm-specific risk.  This issue is the most obvious risk facing a would-be arbitrageur. Suppose that you believe that the observed price on Ford stock is too low, so you purchase many, many shares. Then, some unanticipated negative news drives the price of Ford stock even lower. Of course, you could try to hedge some firm-specific risk by shorting shares in another stock, say, Honda. But there is no guarantee that the price of Honda will fall if some firm-specific event triggers a decline in the price of Ford. It might even rise, leaving you even worse off. Furthermore, in many, if not most, cases, there might not even be a stock that could be considered a close substitute. ∙ Noise trader risk. A noise trader is someone whose trades are not based on information or financially meaningful analysis. Noise traders could, in principle, act together to worsen a mispricing in the short run. Noise trader risk is important because the worsening of a mispricing could force the arbitrageur to liquidate early and sustain steep losses. As the economist John Maynard Keynes once famously observed, “Markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent.”1 Noise trader risk is also called sentiment-based risk, meaning the risk that an asset’s price is being influenced by sentiment (or irrational belief such as illusion of knowledge) rather than fact-based financial analysis. If sentiment-based risk exists, then it is another source of risk beyond the systematic and unsystematic risks we discussed in an earlier chapter. ∙ Implementation costs.  These costs include transaction costs such as bid-ask spreads, brokerage commissions, and margin interest. In addition, there might be some shortsale constraints. One short-sale constraint arises when there are not enough shares of the security to borrow so that the arbitrageur can take a large short position. Another short-sale constraint stems from legal restrictions. Many money managers, especially pension fund and mutual fund managers, are not allowed to sell short. When these or other risks and costs are present, a mispricing may persist because arbitrage is too risky or too costly. Collectively, these risks and costs create barriers or limits to arbitrage. How important these limits are is difficult to say, but we do know that mispricings occur, at least on occasion. To illustrate, we next consider two well-known examples.

T HE 3COM/PA L M MI SP R I C I N G On March 2, 2000, a profitable provider of computer networking products and services, 3Com, sold 5 percent of one of its subsidiaries to the public via an initial public offering (IPO). At the time, the subsidiary was known as Palm (now owned by Hewlett-Packard). 3Com planned to distribute the remaining Palm shares to 3Com shareholders at a later date. Under the plan, if you owned 1 share of 3Com, you would receive 1.5 shares of Palm. So, after 3Com sold part of Palm via the IPO, investors could buy Palm shares directly, or they could buy them indirectly by purchasing shares of 3Com. What makes this case interesting is what happened in the days that followed the Palm IPO. If you owned one 3Com share, you would be entitled, eventually, to 1.5 shares of Palm. Therefore, each 3Com share should be worth at least 1.5 times the value of each Palm share. 268 Part 2 

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We say “at least” because the other parts of 3Com were profitable. As a result, each 3Com share should have been worth much more than 1.5 times the value of one Palm share. But, as you might guess, things did not work out this way. The day before the Palm IPO, shares in 3Com sold for $104.13. After the first day of trading, Palm closed at $95.06 per share. Multiplying $95.06 by 1.5 results in $142.59, which is the minimum value one would expect to pay for 3Com. But the day Palm closed at $95.06, 3Com shares closed at $81.81, more than $60 lower than the price implied by Palm. It gets stranger. A 3Com price of $81.81 when Palm is selling for $95.06 implies that the market values the rest of 3Com’s businesses (per share) at $81.81 − $142.59 = −$60.78. Given the number of 3Com shares outstanding at the time, this means the market placed a negative value of about −$22 billion for the rest of 3Com’s businesses. Of course, a stock price cannot be negative. This means, then, that the price of Palm relative to 3Com was much too high. To profit from this mispricing, investors would purchase shares of 3Com and short shares of Palm. In a well-functioning market, this action would force the prices into alignment quite quickly. What happened? As you can see in Figure 8.2, the market valued 3Com and Palm shares in such a way that the non-Palm part of 3Com had a negative value for about two months, from March 2, 2000, until May 8, 2000. Even then, it took approval by the IRS for 3Com to proceed with the planned distribution of Palm shares before the non-Palm part of 3Com once again had a positive value.

T H E ROYA L D UTC H/SHE L L P R I C E R ATI O Another fairly well-known example of a mispricing involves two large oil companies. In 1907, Royal Dutch of the Netherlands and Shell of the United Kingdom agreed to merge their business enterprises and split profits on a 60-40 basis. So, whenever the stock prices of Royal Dutch and Shell are not in a 60-40 ratio, there is a potential opportunity to make an arbitrage profit. If, for example, the ratio were 50-50, you would buy Royal Dutch, and short sell Shell. Figure 8.3 plots the daily deviations from the 60-40 ratio of the Royal Dutch price to the Shell price. If the prices of Royal Dutch and Shell are in a 60-40 ratio, there is a zero percentage deviation. If the price of Royal Dutch is too high compared to the Shell price, there is a


The Percentage Difference between 1 Share of 3Com and 1.5 Shares of Palm, March 2, 2000, to July 27, 2000 40

Percentage deviation

30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40

27 7/

13 7/

29 6/

15 6/

1 6/

18 5/

4 5/

20 4/

6 4/

23 3/



-50 Date

Chapter 8 

  Behavioral Finance and the Psychology of Investing269

Royal Dutch and Shell 60-40 Price Ratio Deviations, 1962 to 2005 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50

19 62 19 65 19 68 19 71 19 74 19 77 19 80 19 83 19 86 19 89 19 92 19 95 19 98 20 01 20 04

Percentage deviation from a 60-40 ratio



positive deviation. If the price of Royal Dutch is too low compared to the price of Shell, there is a negative deviation. As you can see in Figure 8.3, there have been large and persistent deviations from the 60-40 ratio. In fact, the ratio was seldom at 60-40 for most of the time from 1962 through mid-2005 (when the companies merged).



What does the term “limits to arbitrage” mean?


If there were no limits to arbitrage, what would have been the relationship between 1 share of 3Com and 1.5 shares of Palm?


If there were no limits to arbitrage, what would have been the relationship between the prices of Royal Dutch and Shell?

8.7 Technical Analysis technical analysis Using past price data and other nonfinancial data to identify future trading opportunities.

Many investors try to predict future stock price movements based on investor sentiment, errors in judgment, and/or historical price movements. These investors are using technical analysis. Unlike fundamental analysis, technical analysis does not rely on traditional valuation techniques like those presented in our earlier chapters.

WH Y DOE S TE C HN I CA L A N A LYSI S C ON TI N U E TO T HRI VE ? Proponents of the efficient markets hypothesis do not believe that technical analysis can assist investors in predicting future stock price movements. If that is the case, why is technical analysis still used? In fact, in this Internet and computer age, technical analysis is actually thriving. Why? One possible reason that technical analysis still exists is that an investor can derive thousands of potentially successful technical analysis systems by using historical security prices. Past movements of security prices are easy to fit into a wide variety of technical analysis systems. As a result, proponents of technical analysis can continuously tinker with their systems and find methods that fit historical prices. This process is known as “backtesting.” Alas, successful investment is all about future prices.

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Another possible reason that technical analysis still exists is simply that it sometimes works. Again, given a large number of possible technical analysis systems, it is possible that many of them will work (or appear to work) in the short run. It is also possible that the market is not fully efficient and that technical analysis helps to identify these inefficiencies. One such example is the momentum effect we discussed earlier. You should know, however, that evidence of market inefficiency is hotly contested. To give an example of a technical analysis tool, or a technical “indicator,” consider trying to analyze market sentiment. The term “market sentiment” refers to the prevailing mood among investors about the future outlook of an individual security or the market. Market sentiment is generally classified as optimistic (bullish), neutral (undecided), or pessimistic (bearish). Market sentiment usually takes time to change. That is, it takes time for, say, 80 percent of the investors to become bullish if only 50 percent of the investors are currently bullish. Investors who rely on market sentiment often believe that once 80 percent of the investors are bullish or bearish, a consensus has been reached. Further, once a consensus is reached, investors take this as a sign of an impending turn in the direction of the market. One way to measure market sentiment is to ask investors whether they think the market is going up or down. Suppose you ask 50 investors whether they are “bullish” or “bearish” on the market over the next month. Twenty say that they are bearish. The market sentiment index (MSI) can then be calculated as Numberofbearishinvestors ________________________________________________ MSI =      ​​         ​​ Numberofbullishinvestors + Numberofbearishinvestors MSI = _______ ​​  20   ​  = 0.40​ 30 + 20

Dow theory A method for predicting market direction that relies on the Dow Industrial and the Dow Transportation averages. Learn more about Dow theory at and

The MSI has a maximum value of 1.00, which occurs when every investor you ask is bearish on the market. The MSI has a minimum value of 0.00, which occurs when every investor you ask is bullish on the market. Note that if you are constructing a sentiment index, you will have to decide how many investors to ask, the identity of these investors, and their investment time frame, that is, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or longer. You can construct a sentiment index for any financial asset for any investment time interval you choose. People who calculate and use sentiment indexes often view them as “contrarian indicators.” This means that if most other investors are bearish, perhaps the market is “oversold” and prices are due to rebound. Or if most other investors are bullish, perhaps the market is “overbought” and prices will be heading down. The following saying is useful when you are trying to remember how to interpret the MSI: “When the MSI is high, it is time to buy; when the MSI is low, it is time to go.” Note that there is no theory to guide investors as to what level of the MSI is “high” and what level is “low.” This lack of precise guidance is a common problem with a technical indicator like the MSI. Technical analysis techniques are centuries old, and their number is enormous. Many, many books on the subject have been written. For this reason, we only touch on the subject and introduce some of its key ideas in the next few sections. Although we focus on the use of technical analysis in the stock market, you should be aware that it is very widely used in commodity markets, and most comments herein apply to those markets as well. Recall that investors with a positive outlook on the market are often called “bulls,” and their outlook is characterized as “bullish.” A rising market is called a “bull market.” In contrast, pessimistic investors are called “bears,” and their dismal outlook is characterized as “bearish.” A falling market is called a “bear market.” Technical analysts essentially search for bullish or bearish signals, meaning positive or negative indicators about stock prices or market direction.

DOW THE ORY Dow theory is a method of analyzing and interpreting stock market movements that dates back to the turn of the twentieth century. The theory is named after Charles Dow, a cofounder of the Dow Jones Company and an editor of the Dow Jones–owned newspaperThe Wall Street Journal. The essence of Dow theory is that there are, at all times, three forces at work in the stock market: (1) a primary direction or trend, (2) a secondary reaction or trend, and (3) daily Chapter 8 

  Behavioral Finance and the Psychology of Investing271

fluctuations. According to the theory, the primary direction is either bullish (up) or bearish (down), and it reflects the long-run direction of the market. However, the market can, for limited periods of time, depart from its primary direction. These departures are called secondary reactions or trends and may last for several weeks or months. These are eliminated by corrections, which are reversions to the primary direction. Daily fluctuations are essentially noise and are of no real importance. The basic purpose of the Dow theory is to signal changes in the primary direction. To do this, two stock market averages, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) and the Dow Jones Transportation Average (DJTA), are monitored. If one of these departs from the primary trend, the movement is viewed as secondary. However, if a departure in one is followed by a departure in the other, then this is viewed as a confirmation that the primary trend has changed. The Dow theory was, at one time, very well known and widely followed. It is less popular today, but its basic principles underlie more contemporary approaches to technical analysis.

ELLIOT T WAVE S Elliott wave theory A method for predicting market direction that relies on a series of past market price swings (i.e., waves).

Learn more about the Elliott wave at

support level Price or level below which a stock or the market as a whole is unlikely to fall. resistance level Price or level above which a stock or the market as a whole is unlikely to rise.


In the early 1930s, an accountant named Ralph Nelson Elliott developed the Elliott wave theory. While recuperating from life-threatening anemia (as well as his disastrous losses in the Crash of October 1929), Elliott read a book on Dow theory and began to study patterns of market price movements. Elliott discovered what he believed to be a persistent and recurring pattern that operated between market tops and bottoms. His theory was that these patterns, which he called “waves,” collectively expressed investor sentiment. Through use of sophisticated measurements that he called “wave counting,” a wave theorist could forecast market turns with a high degree of accuracy. In 1935, Elliott published his theory in his book, called The Wave Principle. His main theory was that there was a repeating eight-wave sequence. The first five waves, which he called “impulsive,” were followed by a three-wave “corrective” sequence. Figure 8.4 shows the basic Elliott wave pattern. The impulse waves are labeled numerically, 1 through 5, while the corrective waves are labeled A, B, and C. The basic Elliott wave theory gets very complicated because, under the theory, each wave can subdivide into finer wave patterns that are classified into a multitude of structures. Notwithstanding the complex nature of the Elliott wave theory, it is still a widely followed indicator.

SUPPORT AND R E SI STA N C E L E V E L S A key concept in technical analysis is the identification of support and resistance levels. A support level is a price or level below which a stock or the market as a whole is unlikely to fall. A resistance level is a price or level above which a stock or the market as a whole is unlikely to rise. The idea behind these levels is straightforward. As a stock’s price (or the market as a whole) falls, it reaches a point where investors increasingly believe that it can fall no

Basic Elliott Wave Pattern C A 4

3 2 1

272 Part 2 

  Stock Markets



further—the point at which it “bottoms out.” Essentially, purchases by bargain-hungry investors (“bottom feeders”) pick up at that point, thereby “supporting” the price. A resistance level is formed by reverse logic. As a stock’s price (or the market as a whole) rises, it reaches a point where investors increasingly believe that it can go no higher—the point at which it “tops out.” Once it does, sales by profit-hungry investors (“profit takers”) pick up, thereby “resisting” further advances. Resistance and support areas are usually viewed as psychological barriers. As the DJIA approaches levels with three zeros, such as 15,000, increased talk of “psychologically important” prices appears in the financial press. A “breakout” occurs when a stock (or the market as a whole) closes below a support level or above a resistance level. A breakout is usually interpreted to mean that the price move will continue in that direction. As this discussion illustrates, much colorful language is used under the heading of technical analysis. We will see many more examples just ahead.

T EC HNICA L I N D I CATOR S Technical analysts rely on a variety of technical indicators to forecast the direction of the market. Every day, The Wall Street Journal publishes a variety of such indicators. An excerpt of the “Diaries” section (from appears in Figure 8.5. Much, but not all, of the information presented is self-explanatory. The first item listed in Figure 8.5 is the number of issues, i.e., stocks, traded. This number fluctuates because, on any given day, there may be zero trading volume in some stocks listed on the NYSE. In the rows that follow, we see the number of price advances, the number of price declines, and the number of unchanged prices. The number of stock prices reaching new highs and new lows as of that day is also listed. One popular technical indicator is called the advance/decline line. This indicator shows, for some given period, the cumulative difference between advancing stocks and declining stocks. For example, Table 8.3 contains advance and decline information for the NYSE for the October 12, 2015, to October 16, 2015, trading week. In Table 8.3, notice how we take the difference between the number of stocks advancing and declining on each day and then cumulate the difference through time. For example, on Monday, 1,401 more stocks declined than advanced. On Tuesday, 692 fewer stocks advanced than declined. Over the two days, the cumulative advance/decline is thus –1,401 − 692 = −2,093. This cumulative advance/decline number, once plotted, is the advance/decline line. A downward-sloping advance/decline line would be considered a bearish signal, whereas an upward-sloping advance/decline line is a bullish signal. The advance/decline line is often used to measure market “breadth.” If the market is going up, for example, then technical analysts view it as a good sign if there is market breadth. That is, the signal is more bullish if the advance is accompanied by a steeply upwardly sloping advance/decline line. The next few rows in Figure 8.5 deal with trading volume. These rows represent trading volume for advancing stocks, declining stocks, and unchanged stocks (which is calculated by subtracting advancing volume and declining volume from volume traded). For a technical analyst, heavy advancing volume is generally viewed as a bullish signal of buyer interest. This is particularly true if more stocks are up than down and if a lot of new highs appear as well.


Advance/Decline Line Calculation Weekday

Stocks Advancing

Stocks Declining


Cumulative Difference


























Chapter 8 

  Behavioral Finance and the Psychology of Investing273


Market Diaries Markets Diary: Closing Snapshot DIARIES GO TO: Volume by Market Breakdown of Volume Crossing Session Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Weekly Totals

Find Historical Data


Notice to readers: As of 3/3/11. Closing ARMS Index (TRIN) calculation is based on composite data. Click here for historical data prior to 3/3/11.


Latest close

Previous close

Week ago














New highs




New lows




Adv. volume*




Decl. volume*




Total volume*













Adv. volume




Decl. volume




Total volume




Issues traded Advances Declines

Closing tick

Closing Arms (TRIN) Block trades*


Latest close

Issues traded

Previous close

Week ago














New highs




New lows




Closing tick




Advances Declines

Closing Arms (TRIN) Block trades*






5,883 743,036,220



Decl. volume




Total volume




Adv. volume

Source: The Wall Street Journal, 2015. Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

The last three numbers in Figure 8.5 are also of interest to technicians. The first, labeled “Closing tick,” is the difference between the number of stocks that closed on an uptick and those that closed on a downtick. From our discussion of the NYSE short-sale rule in a previous chapter, you know that an uptick occurs when the last price change was positive; a downtick is just the reverse. The tick gives an indication of where the market was heading as it closed. The entry labeled “Closing Arms (TRIN)” is the ratio of average trading volume in declining stocks to average trading volume in advancing stocks. It is calculated as follows: Declining volume/Declining stocks Arms = ______________________________      ​​      ​​ Advancing volume/Advancing stocks


The ratio is named after its inventor, Richard Arms; it is often called the “TRIN,” which is an acronym for “TR(ading) IN(dex).” Notice that the numerator in this ratio is just the average volume for stocks that declined on that day. The denominator is the average volume for advancing stocks. Values greater than 1.00 are considered bearish because the indication 274 Part 2 

  Stock Markets

is that declining shares had heavier volume. Using the numbers from Figure 8.5, we can calculate the Arms value as follows: 2,903,774,308/2,337 1,242,522 _____________________ Arms =    ​​     ​​ = _________ ​​   ​​  = 0.87 1,430,941 1,180,526,274/825 which rounds to the value shown in Figure 8.5. A caveat: Some sources reverse the numerator and the denominator when they calculate this ratio. The final piece of information in Figure 8.5, “Block trades,” refers to trades in excess of 10,000 shares. At one time, these trades were taken to be indicators of buying or selling by large institutional investors. Today these trades are routine, and it is difficult to see how this information is particularly useful.

RELATIVE STR E N GTH C HA RTS relative strength A measure of the performance of one investment relative to another.


Relative strength charts illustrate the performance of one company, industry, or market relative to another. Very commonly, such plots are created to analyze how a stock has done relative to its industry or the market as a whole. To illustrate how such plots are constructed, suppose that on some particular day, we invest equal amounts, say $100, in both co*ke and Pepsi (the amount does not matter; what matters is that the original investment is the same for both). On every subsequent day, we take the ratio of the value of our co*ke investment to the value of our Pepsi investment, and we plot it. A ratio bigger than 1.0 indicates that, on a relative basis, co*ke has outperformed Pepsi, and vice versa. Thus, a value of 1.20 indicates that co*ke has done 20 percent better than Pepsi over the period studied. Notice that if both stocks are down, a ratio bigger than 1.0 indicates that co*ke is down by less than Pepsi.

Relative Strength Consider the following series of monthly stock prices for two hypothetical companies: Month

Susan, Inc.

Carolyn Co.




2 3 4 5 6

24 22 22 20 19

48 45 40 39 38

On a relative basis, how has Susan, Inc., done compared to Carolyn Co.? To answer, suppose we had purchased four shares of Susan, Inc., and two shares of Carolyn Co. for an investment of $100 in each. We can calculate the value of our investment in each month and then take the ratio of Susan, Inc., to Carolyn Co. as follows: Investment Value Month

Susan, Inc. (4 shares)

Carolyn Co. (2 shares)

Relative Strength





2 3 4 5 6

96 88 88 80 76

96 90 80 78 76

1.00 0.98 1.10 1.03 1.00

What we see is that over the first four months, both stocks were down, but Susan, Inc., outperformed Carolyn Co. by 10 percent. However, after six months the two had done equally well (or equally poorly).

Chapter 8 

  Behavioral Finance and the Psychology of Investing275


Candlestick Chart for Nike

Chart courtesy of

CH ART IN G Learn more about charting at Select “Chart School.”

Technical analysts rely heavily on charts showing recent market activity in terms of either prices or, less frequently, volume. In fact, technical analysis is sometimes called “charting,” and technical analysts are often called “chartists.” There are many types of charts, but the basic idea is that by studying charts of past market prices (or other information), the chartist identifies particular patterns that signal the direction of a stock or the market as a whole. We briefly describe some charting techniques next. OPEN-HIGH-LOW-CLOSE CHARTS (OHLC)  Perhaps the most popular charting method is the bar chart. The most basic bar chart uses the stock’s opening, high, low, and closing prices for the period covered by each bar. If the technician is constructing a daily bar chart, the technician will use the daily opening, high, low, and closing prices of the stock. The high and low prices are represented by the top and bottom of the vertical bar and the opening and closing prices are shown by short horizontal lines crossing the vertical bar. An extension of the open-high-low-close chart is the candlestick chart. This chart identifies, by color, whether the daily stock price closed up or down. To capture this movement, the chartist draws a box connecting the opening and closing prices. If the stock trades up on the day, the body of the candlestick is clear. If the price trades down on the day, the candlestick is darkened (red in this case). The example of a candlestick chart for Nike in Figure8.6is from PRICE CHANNEL  A price channel is a chart pattern using OHLC data that can slope upward, downward, or sideways. Price channels belong to the group of price patterns known as continuation patterns. A continuation pattern is a pattern where the price of the stock is expected to continue along its main direction. A price channel has two boundaries, an upper trendline and a lower trendline. The upper trendline marks resistance and the lower trendline marks support. If the overall price movement of the stock is downward, the upper trendline is called the main trendline, and the lower trendline is called the channel line. The example of a price channel for ChevronTexaco in Figure 8.7 is from the website HEAD AND SHOULDERS  A head and shoulders chart pattern belongs to a group of price charts known as reversal patterns. Reversal pattern charts also use OHLC data. These chart patterns signal that a reversal from the main trendline is possibly going to occur. Because it belongs to the reversal pattern group, a head and shoulders pattern is identified as either a head and shoulders top or a head and shoulders bottom. The example of a head and shoulders top for CNET Networks in Figure 8.8 is also from the website

276 Part 2 

  Stock Markets


Price Channel Chart for ChevronTexaco

Chart courtesy of


Head and Shoulders Chart for CNET Networks, Inc.

Chart courtesy of

For more technical analysis charts and explanations, visit

As you can see, the head and shoulders top formation has three components: the left shoulder, the head, and the right shoulder. To qualify as a head and shoulders top pattern, the shoulders must be lower than the head. Then, a neckline support is drawn between the valleys formed by the left and right shoulders. The reversal signal is generated when the neckline is pierced. In the case of CNET, once the stock price fell below $45, the stock plunged to $25. Of course, there are false piercings, which do not result in a sudden downdraft of the stock. Chapter 8 

  Behavioral Finance and the Psychology of Investing277

MOVING AVERAGES  Moving averages are used to generate price reversal signals. As the name implies, a moving average is simply the average closing price of a stock over a fixed length of time, say 20 days. Each day, the new closing price is added to the calculation, and the oldest closing price is dropped from the calculation. Moving averages are either simple or exponential. In a simple moving average, all days are given equal weighting. In an exponential moving average, more weight is given to the most recently observed price. Market technicians, like many investors, often believe that the latest price observed for a stock is the most important piece of information about the stock. In Example 8.2, we present data for a three-day simple moving average and data for a three-day exponential moving average, where two-thirds of the average weight is placed on the most recent price.


Three-Day Simple Moving Average and Three-Day Exponential Moving Average Day

Closing Price

Three-Day Simple Moving Average

Three-Day Exponential Moving Average






































To calculate the first three-day simple moving average, we need three closing prices. The first simple moving average entry is simply ($89.00 + $88.44 + $87.60)/3 = $88.35

The second simple moving average entry is ($88.44 + $87.60 + $86.20)/3 = $87.41

To calculate a three-day exponential moving average, we begin by averaging the first two days: ($89.00 + $88.44)/2 = $88.72

This number appears first in the exponential moving average column. To obtain the next one, you must decide how much weight is placed on the latest price. As noted above, we selected a 2/3, or 0.667, weight. To calculate the next exponential moving average entry, we multiply the latest closing price by 0.667 and the average of the first two days by 0.333: (0.667)($87.60) + (0.333)($88.72) = $87.97

The next exponential moving average entry is (0.667)($86.20) + (0.333)($87.97) = $86.79

You can see that the simple moving average and the exponential moving average generate different numbers. The exponential moving average responds more quickly to the latest price information than does the simple moving average.

278 Part 2 

  Stock Markets

+ WORK THE WEB Charts are easy to draw online. Two of the best sites are and Another really good site is We provide an example using its basic technical analysis, but the menu presents many technical analysis options. As illustrated, we have drawn a moving average chart for Home Depot. The jagged line tracks Home Depot’s daily stock price over the past year. The two smoother lines are the 50-day and 200-day moving averages. Notice the 50-day average crosses the 200-day average in early December from below. Such a crossing is sometimes interpreted as a signal to buy. In this case, the signal has been true so far. Notice that the stock price rose from about $37 to about $50 in about five months.

Source: Yahoo! Finance.

In practice, 50-day moving averages are frequently compared to 200-day moving averages. The 200-day moving average might be thought of as an indicator of the long-run trend, while the 50-day average might be thought of as a short-run trend. If the 200-day average was rising while the 50-day average was falling, the indication might be that price declines are expected in the short term, but the long-term outlook is favorable. Alternatively, the indication might be that there is a danger of a change in the long-term trend. Most technical analysts focus on points where the moving averages cross. If the shorter-term moving average crosses the longer-term moving average from below, this movement is referred to as a Golden Cross. Technicians regard the Golden Cross to be a strong bullish indicator. A Death Cross occurs when the shorter-term moving average crosses the longer-term average from above. Given its name, you can probably guess that this occurrence is a bearish indicator. Our nearby Work the Web box gives an additional example. PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER Quite often, a market technician will be using multiple chart indicators to help in making trading decisions. Let’s examine the collection of technical information available from the website We set the website controls starting with “Advanced Chart” to give us three months of daily data for Microsoft (MSFT). In addition, we asked the website to provide us with 9-day and

Chapter 8 

  Behavioral Finance and the Psychology of Investing279


Technical Analysis Data for Microsoft Corp.

Source: Yahoo! Finance.

18-day exponential moving averages, Bollinger bands, volume, MACD, and money flow. The results appear in Figure 8.9. BOLLINGER BANDS John Bollinger created Bollinger bands in the early 1980s. The purpose of Bollinger bands is to provide relative levels of high and low prices. Bollinger bands represent a 2-standard-deviation bound calculated from the moving average (this is why Bollinger bands do not remain constant). In Figure 8.9, the Bollinger bands surround a 20-day moving average. The Bollinger bands are the maroon bands that appear in the top chart. Bollinger bands have been interpreted in many ways by their users. For example, when the stock price is relatively quiet, the Bollinger bands are tight, which indicates a possible pent-up tension that must be released by a subsequent price movement. MACD  MACD stands for moving average convergence divergence. The MACD indicator shows the relationship between two moving averages of prices. The MACD is derived by dividing one moving average by another and then comparing this ratio to a third moving average, the signal line. In the MSFT example, the MACD uses a 12-day and a 26-day moving average and a 9-day signal line. The convergence/divergence of these three averages is represented by the solid black bars in the third chart of Figure 8.9. The basic MACD trading rule is to sell when the MACD falls below its signal line and to buy when the MACD rises above its signal line.

280 Part 2 

  Stock Markets


Calculating Money Flow

Up (+); Down (−); Unchanged (0)


Price × Volume

Money Flow (+)























Money Flow (−)

Net Money Flow


    At the end of the day:


MONEY FLOW  The idea behind money flow is to identify whether buyers are more eager to buy the stock than sellers are to sell it. In its purest form, money flow looks at each trade. To calculate the money flow indicator, the technician multiplies price and volume for the trades that occur at a price higher than the previous trade price. The technician then sums this money flow. From this sum, the technician subtracts another money flow: the accumulated total of price times volume for trades that occur at prices lower than the previous trade. Example 8.3 shows how to calculate money flow using hypothetical data. Traders using money flow look for a divergence between money flow and price. If price remains stable but money flow becomes highly positive, this is taken as an indicator that the stock price will soon increase. Similarly, if the stock price remains stable but the money flow becomes quite negative, this is taken as an indicator that the stock price will soon decrease. In Figure 8.9, the negative accumulation of money flow for Microsoft signals to followers of money flow that any further price gains for Microsoft may be limited.

FIBONAC C I N UMB E R S Traders using technical analysis are interested in timing their purchase or sale of a stock. As you know by now, these traders look for support or resistance stock price levels. As strange as it may seem, one source that traders use is known as the golden mean. The golden mean is sometimes abbreviated by the Greek letter __ phi (φ). The golden mean, φ, is approximately equal to 1.618 (it is precisely equal to ​(​√ 5 ​   + 1)/ 2​). The golden mean is mathematically interesting because, among other things, φ2 = φ + 1. The golden mean also results from a series of numbers known as Fibonacci numbers. The infinite Fibonacci series grows as follows: 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233,377,610,987... Note that the series begins with 1,1 and grows by adding the two previous numbers together (for example, 21 + 34 = 55). Let’s look at the ratio of some numbers to their predecessor in the series: 21/13 = 1.6154 34/21 = 1.6190 55/34 = 1.6176 89/55 = 1.6182

Chapter 8 

  Behavioral Finance and the Psychology of Investing281

The ratio converges to 1.618, or φ. Market technicians are interested in φ because (ϕ − 1)/ϕ = 0.618/1.618 = 0.382 1/ϕ = 1.000/1.618 = 0.618 = ϕ − 1 Market technicians use these numbers to predict support and resistance levels. For example, as a stock increases in value over time, it will occasionally pull back in value. Suppose a stock has increased from $40 to $60 and has recently begun to fall a bit in value. Using the (φ − 1)/φ ratio, market technicians would predict the primary support area would occur at $52.36 ($60 − $40 = $20; $20 × 0.382 = $7.64; $60 − $7.64 = $52.36). A similar calculation that uses the 1/φ ratio of 0.618 instead of 0.382 results in the secondary support area of $47.64. If the stock were to pierce this secondary support level and close below it, the rally would be declared over. Market technicians would then begin to look for opportunities to sell the stock short if it subsequently rallied. Nature provides many instances involving Fibonacci numbers. The number of petals on a flower is often a Fibonacci number. For example, black-eyed susans have 13 petals and ordinary daisies have 34. Also, pinecones and pineapples have spirals containing 8 or 13 scales. There are so many other examples that some observers classify Fibonacci numbers as a “law of nature.” Because of this, some market technicians believe that the Fibonacci numbers should also apply to market prices.

OT HER TE C HN I CA L I N D I CATOR S We close our discussion of technical analysis by describing a few additional technical indicators. The “odd-lot” indicator looks at whether odd-lot purchases (purchases of fewer than 100 shares) are up or down. One argument is that odd-lot purchases represent the activities of smaller, unsophisticated investors, so when they start buying, it’s time to sell. This is a good example of a “contrarian” indicator. In contrast, some argue that because short selling is a fairly sophisticated tactic, increases in short selling are a negative signal. Some indicators can seem a little silly. For example, there is the “hemline” indicator, which is also known as the “bull markets and bare knees” indicator. Through much of the nineteenth century, long skirts dominated women’s fashion and the stock market experienced many bear markets. In the 1920s, flappers revealed their knees and the stock market boomed. Even the stock market crash of October 1987 was predicted by hemlines. During the 1980s, miniskirts flourished, but by October 1987, a fashion shift had women wearing longer skirts. One of the more famous (or fatuous, depending on how you look at it) indicators is the Super Bowl indicator, which forecasts the direction of the market based on whether the National Football Conference or the American Football Conference wins. A Super Bowl win by a National Football Conference team or an American Football Conference team that used to be in the old National Football League (i.e., Pittsburgh Steelers, Baltimore Colts) is bullish. This probably strikes you as absurd, so you might be surprised to learn that through January 2016, the Super Bowl indicator forecast the direction of the stock market with more than 80 percent accuracy. The nearby Investment Updates box contains more details about this indicator. If you want a more recent indicator of stock market performance from the world of sports, consider horse racing’s Triple Crown. In 2015, American Pharoah won the Triple Crown, becoming the first horse to do so since Affirmed did it in 1978. Before American Pharoah, only 11 horses accomplished this feat. Why does this matter for the stock market? Well, in 8 of those 11 years, the Dow finished down for the year. So, does this feat make American Pharoah a good or bad “bet”? There are many other technical trading rules. How seriously should you take them? That’s up to you, but our advice is to keep in mind that life is full of odd coincidences. Just because a bizarre stock market predictor seems to have worked well in the past doesn’t mean that it is going to work in the future.

282 Part 2 

  Stock Markets

INVESTMENT UPDATES T H E S U P E R B OW L I N V E S TO R I hope everyone’s excited for Super Bowl 50 this Sunday! What’s that? You don’t like football? Well you better watch anyways, because the winner of the Super Bowl will determine if stocks are heading up or down in 2016. Are you a Carolina Panthers fan? You might want to start buying stocks. Denver Broncos fan? Better start selling. Okay, so the winner of the Super Bowl won’t really have any effect on stocks – but there is a very interesting phenomenon going on (even if it is random). It’s called the Super Bowl Indicator: • A win by an original National Football League team—from the days when there was an NFL and an American Football League, before the 1966 merger pact—means the market will be up for the year. • A win by a descendant of the AFL sends the market down. • Teams created since the merger count for their conference, National or American. This means that a win by Peyton Manning and the Broncos on Sunday would keep the stock market in negative territory for the rest of the year. However, if Cam Newton and the Panthers win their first Super Bowl, then the stock market will rise by the end of the year.


Incredibly, the Super Bowl Indicator has had an 82% success rate, correctly predicting the direction of the Dow Jones Industrial Average’s movement in 40 of 49 Super Bowl years. The Indicator currently has a 7 year streak going. The last time the Super Bowl Indicator failed was in 2008, when the New York Giants (NFC division) won the Super Bowl (which meant stocks should’ve gone up for the year). Of course, 2008 marked the start of the Great Recession, with the stock market suffering one of the largest downturns since the Great Depression. The Super Bowl Indicator was popularized by Wall Street analyst Robert H. Stovall, who credits the original idea for the indicator to a NY Times sportswriter, Leonard Koppett, who discovered the correlation back in 1978. Stovall, now 90, is the first to admit that “There is no intellectual backing for this sort of thing except that it works.” Obviously he’s right. The Super Bowl Indicator is actually a great example of correlation without causation, also known as a spurious relationship. Source: Szramiak, John, “THE SUPER BOWL INDICATOR”, Vintage Value Investing, 05 February, 2016. Copyright © 2016 by Vintage Value Investing. All rights reserved. Used with permission.


What is technical analysis?


What is the purpose of charting a stock’s past price?


What is the purpose of using technical indicators?

8.8 Summary and Conclusions The topic of this chapter is behavioral finance and technical analysis. In this chapter, we cover many aspects of this evolving area in finance. We summarize these aspects of the chapter’s important concepts. 1 . Prospect theory. A. Prospect theory is a collection of ideas that provides an alternative to classical, rational economic decision making. The foundation of prospect theory rests on the idea that investors are much more distressed by prospective losses than they are happy about prospective gains.

Chapter 8 

  Behavioral Finance and the Psychology of Investing283

B. Researchers have found that a typical investor considers the pain of a $1 loss to be about twice as great as the pleasure received from the gain of $1. Also, researchers have found that investors respond in different ways to identical situations. The difference depends on whether the situation is presented in terms of losses or in terms of gains. C. Researchers have identified other befuddling examples of investor behavior. Three of them are ∙ Frame dependence. If an investment problem is presented in two seemingly different (but actually equivalent) ways, investors often make inconsistent choices. That is, how a problem is described, or framed, seems to matter to people. ∙ Mental accounting. Through time, you will mentally account for gains and losses in your investments. How you feel about the investment depends on whether you are ahead or behind. This behavior is known as mental accounting. ∙ House money. Casinos in Las Vegas (and elsewhere) know all about a concept called “playing with house money.” The casinos have found that gamblers are far more likely to take big risks with money won from the casino (i.e., the “house money”) than with their “hard-earned cash.” Casinos also know that gamblers are not as upset about losing house money as they are about losing the money they brought with them to gamble. This is puzzling because all your money is your money. 2. The implications of investor overconfidence and misperceptions of randomness. A. One key to becoming a wise investor is to avoid certain types of behavior. By studying behavioral finance, you can see the potential damage to your (or your client’s) portfolio from overconfidence and psychologically induced errors. B. The evidence is relatively clear on one point: Investors probably make mistakes. A much more difficult question, and one where the evidence is not at all clear, is whether risks stemming from errors in judgment by investors can influence market prices and lead to market inefficiencies. An important point is that market efficiency does not require that all investors behave in a rational fashion. It just requires that some do. 3. Sentiment-based risk and limits to arbitrage. A. “Limits to arbitrage” is a term that refers to the notion that under certain circ*mstances, rational, well-capitalized traders may be unable to correct a mispricing, at least not quickly. The reason is that strategies designed to eliminate mispricings are often risky, costly, or somehow restricted. Three important such problems are firm-specific risk, noise trader risk, and implementation costs. B. When these or other risks and costs are present, a mispricing may persist because arbitrage is too risky or too costly. Collectively, these risks and costs create barriers or limits to arbitrage. How important these limits are is difficult to say, but we do know that mispricings occur, at least on occasion. Two well-known examples are 3Com/Palm and Royal Dutch/Shell. 4. The wide array of technical analysis methods used by investors. A. Many investors try to predict future stock price movements based on investor sentiment, errors in judgment, or historical price movements. Such investors rely on the tools of technical analysis, and we present numerous specific methods used by technical analysts. B. Whether these tools or methods work is much debated. We close this chapter by noting the possibility that market prices are influenced by factors like errors in judgment by investors, sentiment, emotion, and irrationality. If they are, however, we are unaware of any scientifically proven method investors such as you can use to profit from these influences.

284 Part 2 

  Stock Markets


For the latest information on the real world of investments, visit us at

This chapter deals with various aspects of behavioral finance. How do you go about incorporating these concepts into the management of your portfolio? First, recall that one of the major lessons from this chapter is that, at times, you may be your own worst enemy when you are investing. But suppose that you are able to harness your own psychological flaws that unduly influence your investment decisions. To profit from insights from behavioral finance, you might try to shift your portfolio to take advantage of situations where you perceive other market participants have incorrectly valued certain stocks, bonds, derivatives, market sectors, or even countries. Shifting portfolio weights to take advantage of these opportunities is called a “dynamic” trading strategy. Here is one example of using a dynamic trading strategy: Consider a typical value/ growth portfolio weight-shifting scheme. When there is a great deal of market overreaction, perhaps signaled by high market volatility, you would increase, or tilt, your relative portfolio weight toward value stocks. When there is a great deal of market underreaction, perhaps signaled by low market volatility, you would increase your relative weighting in growth stocks. The problem, of course, is knowing when and how to tilt your portfolio to take advantage of what you perceive to be market overreactions and underreactions. At times, you can do very well when you tilt your portfolio. Other times, to use an old commodity market saying, “you get your head handed to you.” A great amount of information is available on the Internet about behavioral finance and building portfolios. One interesting place to start is the research section at Make sure that the money that you are using to test any trading scheme is only a small portion of your investment portfolio.

Key Terms anchoring 257 behavioral finance  255 clustering illusion  264 Dow theory  271 Elliott wave theory  272 frame dependence  256 limits to arbitrage  268 loss aversion  257 mental accounting  258

noise trader  268 prospect theory  255 relative strength  275 representativeness heuristic  262 resistance level  272 sentiment-based risk  268 support level  272 technical analysis  270

Chapter Review Problems and Self-Test 1. It’s All Relative (LO4, CFA1)  Consider the following series of monthly stock prices for two companies:


Phat Co.

GRRL Power



















Chapter 8 

  Behavioral Finance and the Psychology of Investing285

On a relative basis, how has Phat done compared to GRRL Power? 2. Simple Moving Averages (LO4, CFA1)  Using the prices from Problem 1, calculate the three-month simple moving average prices for both companies.

Answers to Self-Test Problems 1. Suppose we had purchased eight shares of Phat and one share of GRRL Power. We can calculate the value of our investment in each month and then take the ratio of Phat to GRRL Power as follows: Investment Value Week

Phat Co. (8 shares)

GRRL Power (1 share)

Relative Strength


$  80























Phat Co. has significantly outperformed GRRL Power over much of this period; however, after six weeks, the margin has fallen to about 9 percent from as high as 60 percent. 2. The moving averages must be calculated relative to the share price; also note that results cannot be computed for the first two weeks because of insufficient data.


Phat Co.

Phat Co. Moving Average

GRRL Power

GRRL Power Moving Average



























Test Your Investment Quotient


1. Technical Analysis (LO4, CFA1)  Which of the following is a basic assumption of technical analysis in contrast to fundamental analysis? a. b. c. d.

Financial statements provide information crucial in valuing a stock. A stock’s market price will approach its intrinsic value over time. Aggregate supply and demand for goods and services are key determinants of stock value. Security prices move in patterns, which repeat over long periods.

2. Technical Analysis (LO4, CFA1)  Which of the following is least likely to be of interest to a technical analyst? a. b. c. d. 286 Part 2 

  Stock Markets

A 15-day moving average of trading volume. A relative strength analysis of stock price momentum. Company earnings and cash flow growth. A daily history of the ratio of advancing stocks over declining stocks.

3. Dow Theory (LO4, CFA1)  Dow theory asserts that three forces are at work in the stock market at any time. Which of the following is not one of these Dow theory forces? a. b. c. d.

Daily price fluctuations A secondary reaction or trend A primary direction or trend Reversals or overreactions

4. Technical Indicators (LO4, CFA1)  The advance/decline line is typically used to a. b. c. d.

Measure psychological barriers. Measure market breadth. Assess bull market sentiment. Assess bear market sentiment.

5. Technical Indicators (LO4, CFA1)  The closing Arms (TRIN) ratio is the ratio of a. b. c. d.

Average trading volume in declining stocks to advancing stocks. Average trading volume in NYSE stocks to NASDAQ stocks. The number of advancing stocks to the number of declining stocks. The number of declining stocks to the number of advancing stocks.

6. Technical Indicators (LO4, CFA1)  Resistance and support areas for a stock market index are viewed as technical indicators of a. b. c. d.

Economic barriers. Psychological barriers. Circuit breakers. Holding patterns.

7. Behavioral Finance Concepts (LO1, CFA5)  When companies changed the structure of 401(k) plans to allow employees to opt out rather than in, the participation rates significantly increased. This is an example of a. b. c. d.

Representativeness. The house money effect. Frame dependence. A heuristic.

8. Behavioral Finance Concepts (LO1, CFA4)  When someone who wins money is more willing to lose the gains, this is referred to as a. b. c. d.

Representativeness. The house money effect. Frame dependence. A heuristic.

9. Behavioral Finance Concepts (LO2, CFA2)  Investors are generally more likely to choose a well-known company when faced with a choice between two firms. This is an example of a. b. c. d.

Representativeness. The house money effect. Frame dependence. A heuristic.

10. Behavioral Finance Concepts (LO2, CFA4)  Many investors try to simplify the investment process by using rules of thumb to make decisions. This is an example of a. b. c. d.

Representativeness. The house money effect. Frame dependence. A heuristic.

11. Behavioral Finance Concepts (LO2, CFA6)  All of the following are ways to help reduce behavioral biases except a. b. c. d.

Learning about the biases. Diversifying your portfolio. Watching more financial news programs. Creating objective investment criteria.

12. Behavioral Finance Concepts (LO1, CFA2)  Which of the following topics related to behavioral finance deals with the idea that investors experience more pain from a loss than pleasure from a comparable gain?

Chapter 8 

  Behavioral Finance and the Psychology of Investing287

a. b. c. d.

Frame dependence Prospect theory Loss aversion Mental accounting

13. Limits to Arbitrage (LO3)  Which of the following is not a reason that rational, well-capitalized investors can correct a mispricing, at least not immediately? a. b. c. d.

Firm-specific risk Implementation costs Aversion risk Noise trader risk

14. Technical Indicators (LO4, CFA1)  Which of the following techniques deals with the breadth of the market? a. b. c. d.

Price channels Advance/decline lines Bollinger bands Support and resistance lines

15. Technical Indicators (LO4, CFA1)  Which of the following techniques does not assume there are psychologically important barriers in stock prices? a. b. c. d.

Price channels Advance/decline lines Bollinger bands Support and resistance lines

Concept Questions 1. Dow Theory (LO4, CFA1)  In the context of Dow theory, what are the three forces at work at all times? Which is the most important? 2. Technical Analysis (LO4, CFA1)  To a technical analyst, what are support and resistance areas? 3. Mental Accounting (LO1, CFA4)  Briefly explain mental accounting and identify the potential negative effect of this bias. 4. Heuristics (LO2, CFA2)  Why do 401(k) plans with more bond choices tend to have participants with portfolios more heavily allocated to fixed income? 5. Overconfidence (LO2, CFA5)  In the context of behavioral finance, why do men tend to underperform women with regard to the returns in their portfolios? 6. Overconfidence (LO2, CFA4)  What is the “illusion of knowledge” and how does it impact investment performance? 7. Dow Theory (LO4, CFA1)  Why do you think the industrial and transportation averages are the two that underlie Dow theory? 8. Limits to Arbitrage (LO3)  In the chapter, we discussed the 3Com/Palm and Royal Dutch/ Shell mispricings. Which of the limits to arbitrage would least likely be the main reason for these mispricings? Explain. 9. Contrarian Investing (LO4, CFA1)  What does it mean to be a contrarian investor? How would a contrarian investor use technical analysis? 10. Technical Analysis (LO4, CFA1)  A frequent argument against the usefulness of technical analysis is that trading on a pattern has the effect of destroying the pattern. Explain what this means. 11. Gaps (LO4, CFA1)  Gaps are another technical analysis tool used in conjunction with openhigh-low-close charts. A gap occurs when either the low price for a particular day is higher than the high price from the previous day, or the high price for a day is lower than the low price from the previous day. Do you think gaps are a bullish or bearish signal? Why? 12. Probabilities (LO2, CFA3)  Suppose you are flipping a fair coin in a coin-flipping contest and have flipped eight heads in a row. What is the probability of flipping a head on your next coin 288 Part 2 

  Stock Markets

flip? Suppose you flipped a head on your ninth toss. What is the probability of flipping a head on your tenth toss? 13. Prospect Theory (LO1, CFA2)  How do prospect theory and the concept of a rational investor differ? 14. Frame Dependence (LO1, CFA4)  How can frame dependence lead to irrational investment decisions? 15. Noise Trader Risk (LO3, CFA3)  What is noise trader risk? How can noise trader risk lead to market inefficiencies?

Questions and Problems Core Questions

1. Advance/Decline Lines (LO4, CFA1)  Use the data below to construct the advance/decline line for the stock market. Volume figures are in thousands of shares. Stocks Advancing

Advancing Volume

Stocks Declining

Declining Volume


























2. Calculating Arms Ratio (LO4, CFA1)  Using the data in Problem 1, construct the Arms ratio on each of the five trading days. 3. Simple Moving Averages (LO4, CFA1)  The table below shows the closing monthly stock prices for IBM and Amazon. Calculate the simple three-month moving average for each month for both companies. IBM


























4. Exponential Moving Averages (LO4, CFA1)  Using the stock prices in Problem 3, calculate the exponential three-month moving average for both stocks where two-thirds of the average weight is placed on the most recent price. 5. Exponential Moving Averages (LO4, CFA1)  Using the stock prices in Problem 3, calculate the exponential three-month moving average for IBM and Amazon. Place 50 percent of the

Chapter 8 

  Behavioral Finance and the Psychology of Investing289

average weight on the most recent price. How does this exponential moving average compare to your result from Problem 4? 6. Market Sentiment Index (LO4, CFA1)  A group of investors was polled each week for the last five weeks about whether they were bullish or bearish concerning the market. Construct the market sentiment index for each week based on these polls. Assuming the market sentiment index is being used as a contrarian indicator, which direction would you say the market is headed? Week


















7. Money Flow (LO4, CFA1)  You are given the following information concerning the trades made on a particular stock. Calculate the money flow for the stock based on these trades. Is the money flow a positive or negative signal in this case?
















8. Moving Averages (LO4, CFA1)  Suppose you are given the following information on the S&P 500: Date






















Calculate the simple three-day moving average for the S&P 500 and the exponential three-day moving average where two-thirds of the weight is placed on the most recent close. Why would you want to know the moving average for an index? If the close on October 14, 2015, was below the three-day moving average, would it be a buy or sell signal?

290 Part 2 

  Stock Markets

9. Support and Resistance Levels (LO4, CFA1)  Below you will see a stock price chart for Cisco Systems from Do you see any resistance or support levels? What do support and resistance levels mean for the stock price?

10. Advance/Decline Lines and Arms Ratio (LO4, CFA1)  Use the data below to construct the advance/decline line and Arms ratio for the market. Volume is in thousands of shares. Stocks Advancing

Advancing Volume












Stocks Declining

Declining Volume















11. Money Flow (LO4, CFA1)  A stock had the following trades during a particular period. What was the money flow for the stock? Is the money flow a positive or negative signal in this case? Week 1


Intermediate Questions

































12. Fibonacci Numbers (LO4, CFA1)  A stock recently increased in price from $32 to $45. Using φ, what are the primary and secondary support areas for the stock? 13. Simple Moving Averages (LO4, CFA1)  Below you will find the closing stock prices for eBay over a three-week period. Calculate the simple three-day and five-day moving averages for the

Chapter 8 

  Behavioral Finance and the Psychology of Investing291

stock and graph your results. Are there any technical indications of the future direction of the stock price? Week 1



































14. Exponential Moving Averages (LO4, CFA1)  Use the information from Problem 13 to calculate the three-day and five-day exponential moving averages for eBay and graph your results. Place two-thirds of the average weight on the most recent stock price. Are there any technical indications of the future direction of the stock price? 15. Put/Call Ratio (LO4, CFA1)  Another technical indicator is the put/call ratio. The put/call ratio is the number of put options traded divided by the number of call options traded. The put/ call ratio can be constructed on the market or an individual stock. Below you will find the number of puts and calls traded over a four-week period for all stocks: Week















How would you interpret the put/call ratio? Calculate the put/call ratio for each week. From this analysis, does it appear the market is expected to be upward trending or downward trending?

CFA Exam Review by Kaplan Schweser [CFA2, CFA3, CFA4, CFA5] Terry Shriver and Mary Trickett are portfolio managers for High End Investment Managers. As part of their annual review of their client portfolios, they consider the appropriateness of their client portfolios given their clients’ investment policy. Their boss, Jill Castillo, is concerned that Shriver and Trickett allow the clients’ behavioral biases to enter into the asset allocation decision, so she has asked them to review their notes from meetings with clients. The information below is excerpted from their notes regarding the clients named. Tom Higgins: “In the past five years, I have consistently outperformed the market averages in my stock portfolio. It really does not take a genius to beat a market average, but I am proud to say that I 292 Part 2 

  Stock Markets

have beaten the market averages by at least 2 percent each year and have not once lost money. I would continue managing my portfolio myself, but with a new baby and a promotion, I just don’t have time.” Joanne McHale: “The last three quarters were bad for my portfolio. I have lost about a third of my value, primarily because I invested heavily in two aggressive growth mutual funds that had bad quarters. I need to get back one-third of my portfolio’s value because I am only 15 years away from retirement and I don’t have a defined-benefit pension plan. Because of this, I am directing Mary Trickett to invest my savings in technology mutual funds. Their potential return is much higher, and I believe I can recover my losses with them.” Jack Sims: “I enjoy birdwatching and hiking. I am an avid environmental advocate and will only invest in firms that share my concern for the environment. My latest investment was in Washington Materials, which was recently featured in an environmental magazine for its outstanding dedication to environmental protection.” 1. Which of the following best describes Tom Higgins’s behavioral characteristic in investment decisions? a. Tom is overconfident. b. Tom uses frame dependence. c. Tom uses anchoring. 2. Which of the following best describes the potential problem with Mr. Higgins’s investment strategy? a. He will underestimate the risk of his portfolio and underestimate the impact of an event on stocks. b. He will overestimate the risk of his portfolio and overestimate the impact of an event on stocks. c. He will underestimate the risk of his portfolio and overestimate the impact of an event on stocks. 3. Which of the following best describes Joanne McHale’s behavioral characteristic in investment decisions? a. Joanne is loss averse. b. Joanne uses the ceteris paribus heuristic. c. Joanne is experiencing the snakebite effect. 4. Which of the following best describes Jack Sims’s behavioral characteristic in investment decisions? a. Jack is overconfident. b. Jack uses frame dependence. c. Jack uses representativeness. 5. Which of the following would Mr. Higgins, Ms. McHale, and Mr. Sims be least likely to use when making investment decisions? a. Heuristics b. Their personal experiences c. Fundamental analysis

What’s on the Web? 1. Bollinger Bands  You can learn more about Bollinger bands at What does the site say about using Bollinger bands in technical analysis? Now go to com, and enter your favorite stock. Find the technical analysis section and view the Bollinger bands for your stock. What does the chart tell you about this stock? 2. Relative Strength  Relative strength measures the performance of a stock against a “bogey,” which is either another stock or suitable index. Pick your favorite stock and go to the technical analysis area of Compare the relative strength of your stock against a close competitor and the S&P 500 Index. How is this stock performing relative to these bogeys?

Chapter 8 

  Behavioral Finance and the Psychology of Investing293

3. Triangles  Go back to school! Check out the "Chart School" link at How many different types of triangles are listed on the site? What does each type of triangle mean to a technical analyst? 4. Market Volume  An important tool for most technical traders is market volume. Go to www Look on the site to find the reasons market volume is considered important.

Stock-Trak Exercises

To access the Stock-Trak Exercise for this chapter, please visit the library resource site in Connect and choose the corresponding chapter.

294 Part 2 

  Stock Markets


Interest Rates +

Learning Objectives It will be worth your time to increase your rate of interest in these topics:



“We reckon hours and minutes to be dollars and cents.” –Thomas Chandler Haliburton (from The Clockmaker)

Benjamin Franklin stated a fundamental truth of commerce when he sagely advised young tradesmen to “remember that time is money.” In finance, we call this opportunity

1. Money market prices and rates.

cost, which is the foundation of the time value of money. But how much time corresponds

2. Rates and yields on fixed-income securities.

rate tells us how much money for how much time. But there are many interest rates, each

3. Treasury STRIPS and the term structure of interest rates. 4. Nominal versus real interest rates.

to how much money? Interest constitutes a rental payment for money, and an interest corresponding to a particular money market. Interest rates state money prices in each of these markets.

This chapter is the first dealing specifically with interest-bearing assets. As we discussed in a previous chapter, there are two basic types of interest-bearing assets: money market instruments and fixed-income securities. For both types of asset, interest rates are a key determinant of asset values. Furthermore, because trillions of dollars in interest-bearing assets are outstanding, interest rates play a pivotal role in financial markets and the economy. Because interest rates are one of the most closely watched financial market indicators, we devote this entire chapter to them. We first discuss the many different interest rates that

CFA™ Exam Topics in This Chapter: 1. The time value of money (L1, S2) 2. Discounted cash flow applications (L1, S2) 3. Aggregate output, prices, and economic growth (L1, S5) 4. Understanding business cycles (L1, S5) 5. Fixed-income securities: Defining elements (L1, S15) 6. Introduction to fixed-income valuation (L1, S15) 7. Understanding fixed-income risk and return (L1, S16) 8. Fundamentals of credit analysis (L1, S16) 9. The term structure and interest rate dynamics (L2, S14)

Go to Connect for a guide that aligns your textbook with CFA readings.

are commonly reported in the financial press, along with some of the different ways interest rates are calculated and quoted. We then go on to describe the basic determinants and separable components of interest rates.

9.1 Interest Rate History and Money Market Rates Recall from Chapter 3 that money market instruments are debt obligations that have a maturity of less than one year at the time they are originally issued. Each business day, The Wall Street Journal publishes a list of current interest rates for several categories of money market securities in its “Money Rates” report. We will discuss these interest rates and the securities they represent following a quick look at the history of interest rates.

INT ERES T R ATE HI STORY In Chapter 1, we saw how looking back at the history of returns on various types of investments gave us a useful perspective on rates of return. Similar insights are available from interest rate history. For example, in October 2015, interest rates on short-term government securities were about 0.10 percent and long-term rates were about 2.8 percent. We might ask, “Are these rates unusually high or low?” To find out, we examine Figure 9.1, which graphically illustrates 214 years of interest rates in the United States. Two interest rates are plotted in Figure 9.1, one for bills and one for bonds. Both rates are based on U.S. Treasury securities, or close substitutes. We discuss bills and bonds in detail in this chapter and the next chapter. For now, it is enough to know that bills are short term and bonds are long term, so what is plotted in Figure 9.1 are short- and long-term interest rates.

Interest Rate History (U.S. Interest Rates, 1800–2014)

FIGURE 9.1 16 14

Percent (%)

12 10 8 6 4 2

80 18 90 19 00 19 10 19 20 19 30 19 40 19 50 19 60 19 70 19 80 19 90 20 00 20 10 20 20


















0 Year Bills


Source: Adapted from Jeremy J. Siegel, Stocks for the Long Run, 3rd ed., © McGraw-Hill, 2002; and the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.

296 Part 3 

  Interest Rates and Bond Valuation


A Quick Review of the Time Value of Money Undoubtedly, your instincts tell you that $1,000 received in three years is not the same as $1,000 received today. But if you are going to receive $1,000 today, what is an equivalent amount of money received in three years? Fortunately, an equation tells us exactly what this is: ​ Future value = Present value × (1 + r​)​ N​​


In this equation, the r represents a periodic interest rate (expressed as a decimal) and the N represents the number of periods (expressed as an integer). Although the periods could be weeks, months, or years, the important thing to remember is that the interest rate must be expressed as an interest rate per period. Suppose you have $1,000 to invest and you can invest at an annual rate of 3.5 percent per year. In equation (9.1), the per-period interest rate enters as 0.035. If you invest for three years (N = 3), the amount you will have in three years is: ​$1,108.718 = $1,000 × (1 + ​0.035)​​ 3​

which would be rounded to $1,108.72. You can also use equation (9.1) to tell you how much a future amount is worth today. If we divide both sides of equation (9.1) by (1 + r)N and rearrange terms, we get: Futurevalue ​ Present value = ​  ___________     ​​  (1 + r​)​ N​


which, by the rules of exponents, can be written as: ​ Present value = Future value × ​(1 + r)​ −N​​


That is, (1 + r)−N is just another way to write 1/(1 + r)N. If you remember the relationship between equations (9.1) and (9.3), you will soon become very comfortable with compounding, which is equation (9.1), and discounting, which is equation (9.3). To continue with our numerical example, first note that (1 + 0.035)3 = 1.108718. Therefore, using equation (9.2), Future value Present value = ___________    ​   ​   (1 + r​)​ N​ ​​    ​  ​   ​​ ​ 1,081.718 $ ​   ​  $1,000 = __________ 1.081718

Suppose you invest $500 at 4 percent for six years. How much money will you have at the end of six years? Future value = Present value × (1 + r​​)​ N​ ​      ​  ​    ​ $632.66 = $500 × (1.04​)​​ 6​

Now suppose you will be getting $800 in four years. What is an equivalent amount today if you discount at 3.7 percent? Present value = Future value × (1 + r​​)​ −N​ ​      ​  ​    ​​ $691.79 = $800 × (1 + 0.037​)​​ −4​

Probably the most striking feature in Figure 9.1 is the fact that the highest interest rates in U.S. history occurred in the not-too-distant past. Rates began rising sharply in the 1970s and then peaked at extraordinary levels in the early 1980s. They have generally declined since then. The other striking aspect of U.S. interest rate history is the low short-term interest rate levels that prevailed from the 1930s to the 1960s, as well as in recent years. These rate levels have been the result, in large part, of deliberate actions by the Federal Reserve Board to keep

Chapter 9 

  Interest Rates297

INVESTMENT UPDATES T H E F L I G H T TO Q UA L I T Y Attentive bond investors may have noticed that bad news regarding current events, like the exit of Britain from the European Union or Russia invading Crimea, is almost always positive for U.S. Treasuries. They may also wonder why this is—wouldn’t it make sense for geopolitical instability to also be harmful to financial market performance? Sometimes, it is; stocks and other high-risk assets typically exhibit more volatility and declines when headlines are unfavorable. However, U.S. Treasuries, due to their status as one of the lowest-risk investments in the world (if held until maturity), actually benefit when the investment backdrop becomes unstable. This phenomenon is known as the “flight to quality” or “flight to safety.” This dynamic unfolds in the markets when investors are more concerned about protecting themselves from potential losses than they are with making gains. During turbulent times in the market, investors often move toward investments where they are not likely to experience a loss of principal. These “safe havens” typically include the government bonds of the largest industrialized countries, especially the United States. As Thomas Kenny at puts it, “At the simplest level, the flight to quality is an investor saying to himor herself, “Do I feel comfortable taking risk, or am I better keeping my money safe right now?” If enough people opt for the latter, the result is typically a rally in U.S. Treasuries.”

prime rate The basic interest rate on short-term loans that the largest commercial banks charge to their most creditworthy corporate customers. 298 Part 3 

The Flight to Quality in Action Back in mid-2011, the European debt crisis took center stage as the key driver of financial market performance. It seemed increasingly likely that Greece or one of the smaller members of the bloc might default, or even that the euro’s value might collapse. Investors were understandably worried. As a result, investors sold stocks, commodities, and high-risk bonds, moving cash out of the assets most ­ likely to suffer losses on account of the crisis situation. As this happened, U.S. Treasury prices surged and yields fell to record low levels. For example, one-year U.S. Treasuries spent much of the last six months of 2011 trading with a yield below 0.20%. This yield even fell as low as 0.09%. What does this tell us? This shows that investors were willing to hold a one-year investment that paid almost nothing—and was far below the rate of inflation—just for the privilege of keeping their principal investments safe from turmoil in the global economy. This is the flight to quality as it happens in practice. Source: “Kenny, Thomas, “What Is the Flight to Quality?”, the balance. Copyright © by About Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission.”

short-term rates low—a policy that ultimately proved unsustainable and even disastrous in the years following the 1960s. Much was learned by the experience, and now the Federal Reserve is generally more concerned with controlling inflation. With long-term rates around 3 percent as this chapter was written, many market observers have commented that these interest rate levels are extraordinarily low. Based on the history of interest rates illustrated in Figure 9.1, however, 3 percent may be low relative to the last 30 years, but it is not at all low compared to rates during the 170-year period from 1800 to 1970. Indeed, long-term rates would have to fall well below 3 percent to be considered low by historical standards. Example 9.1 shows how investors use interest rates. Why have interest rates been at such low levels over the last few years? We noted that the low rates can be attributable to the actions of the Federal Reserve, but other factors are at play as well. With the Crash of 2008, many investors undertook a “flight to quality,” implying selling risky assets and moving into safe ones. See our Investment Updates box above for more on this issue. This flight to quality increases the demand for Treasury securities, particularly short-term bills. Based on the formulas in Example 9.1, you will see that as prices rise due to increased demand, the interest rates will fall. So, the reduction in rates could really be primarily a result of the crash. After the crash, market participants increased their purchases of extremely safe assets like U.S. Treasury bills.

MONEY MAR KE T R ATE S Figure 9.2 reproduces a Wall Street Journal “Money Rates” report of interest rates for the most important money market instruments. A commonly quoted interest rate is the prime rate. The prime rate is a key short-term interest rate since it is the basis for interest rates that

  Interest Rates and Bond Valuation

Money Market Interest Rates



Money Rates Monday, November 02, 2016


Find Historical Data


Rates shown are effective 11/2/2015

30-year mortgage yields 52-WEEK

U.S. consumer price Index


% CHG FROM Aug. ‘15

Sept. Index level

Sept. ‘14

All items








INTERNATIONAL RATES GO TO: Inflation | U.S. Government rates | Secondary Market | Other short-term rates | Weekly Survey










OTHER SHORT-TREM RATES GO TO: Inflation | International Rates | U.S. Government rates | Secondary Market | Weekly Survey Call money [Effective Date: 12/16/2008] Latest

Wk ago













52-WEEK Wk ago























Low 2.00


Wk ago



Libor Overnight





Libor 1 Week





Libor 1 Month





Libor 2 Month





Libor 3 Month





Libor 6 Month





Libor 1 Year





52-WEEK Latest

Wk ago

High …


52-WEEK Low

Commercial paper (AA financial) 52-WEEK Latest

Wk ago


90 days



Low 0.30


Euro commercial paper 52-WEEK

Overnight repurchase

Latest 52-WEEK


Libor Rate (U$D)

Commercial paper

30 to 270 days

Euro zone

Wk ago



Policy rates








60 days

52-WEEK Latest

Wk ago

30 days

Prime rates [U.S. Effective Date: 12/16/2008]



Find Historical Data

Tuesday, November 03, 2016

Fannie Mae

GO TO: International Rates | U.S Government rates | Secondary Market | Other short-term rates | Weekly Survey


London Interbank Offered Rates

GO TO: Inflation | International Rates | U.S. Government rates | Other short-term rates | Weekly Survey

Wk ago



Wk ago



Euro Liber Rates


Euro Liber Overnight





Euro Liber 1 Week





Euro Liber 1 Month





Euro Liber 2 Month





Euro Liber 3 Month





Euro Liber 6 Month





Euro Liber 1 Year





Pound Liber Rates






Two month





Three month






Four month





Pound Liber Overnight





GO TO: Inflation | International Rates | Secondary Market | Other short-term rates | Weekly Survey

Five month





Pound Liber 1 Week





Six month





Pound Liber 1 Month





Pound Liber 2 Month





Pound Liber 3 Month





Pound Liber 6 Month





Pound Liber 1 Year





Latest U.S.

Wk ago




30 day Low



Discount [Effective Date: 2/19/2010]

DTCC GCF Repo index 52-WEEK


Wk ago




52-WEEK Low




Federal funds [Effective Date: 12/16/2008]

Value traded (billions)













52-WEEK Wk ago


52-WEEK Latest Effective rates

Wk ago







Target rate

























Treasury bill auction [Auction Date: 11/2/2015] 52-week Latest

Wk ago



4 weeks





13 weeks





26 weeks






DTCC GCF Repo index Futures Settie



Open interest

Implied Rate

Yen Libor Rates


Wk ago



Yen Libor SpotNext






Yen Libor 1 Week






Yen Libor 1 Month





Yen Libor 2 Month





Yen Libor 3 Month





Yen Libor 6 Month





Yen Libor 1 Year





Treasury Nov





Treasury Dec




Treasury Jan




Note on data: U.S. prime rate is effective December 16,2008. Discount rate is effective February 19, 2010. U.S. Prime rate is the base rate on corporate loans posted by at least 70% of the 10 larges: U.S. banks; Other prime rates aren’t directly comparable; lending practices vary widely by location; Discount rate is the charge on loans to depository institutions by the New York Federal Reserve Banks; Federal funds rate is on reserves traded among commercial banks for overnights use in amounts of $1 million or more; Call money rate is the charge on loans to brokers on stock-exchange collateral; Commercial Paper (AA financial) is from the Federal Reserve and is presented with a one-day lag. DTCC GCF Repo Index is Depository Trust & Clearing Corp.’s weighted average for overnight trades in applicable CUSIPs. Value traded is in billions of U.S. dollars Futures on the DTCC GCF Repo Index are traded on NYSE Little US. Source: Federal Reserve; Bureau of labor Statatics; DTCC; SIX Financial Information: General Electric Capital Corp; Tullet Presion Infromation, Ltd.

n.a.- not available Source: ICE Benchmark Administration Ltd. Via SIX Financial Infromation

Source: The Wall Street Journal, 2015. Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

bellwether rate Interest rate that serves as a leader or as a leading indicator of future trends, e.g., ­interest rates as a bellwether of inflation. Federal funds rate Interest rate that banks charge each other for overnight loans of $1 million or more. discount rate The interest rate the Fed charges its member banks on loans.

large commercial banks charge on short-term loans (rates are quoted as prime plus or minus a spread). The prime rate is well known as a bellwether rate of bank lending to business. Besides a prime rate for the United States, the “Money Rates” report also lists foreign prime rates for Canada, the European Central Bank, Japan, Switzerland, Great Britain, Australia, and Hong Kong. The Federal funds rate (or just “Fed funds”) is a fundamental interest rate for commercial bank activity. The Fed funds rate is the interest rate that banks charge each other for overnight loans of $1 million or more. This interbank rate is set by continuous bidding among banks, where banks wishing to lend funds quote “offer rates” (rates at which they are willing to lend), and banks wishing to borrow funds quote “bid rates” (rates they are willing to pay). The Federal Reserve’s discount rate is another pivotal interest rate for commercial banks. The discount rate is the interest rate that the Fed offers to commercial banks for overnight reserve loans. You might recall from your Money and Banking class that banks are required to maintain reserves equal to some fraction of their deposit liabilities. When a bank cannot Chapter 9 

  Interest Rates299

For the latest on money market rates, visit

call money rate The interest rate brokers pay to borrow bank funds for lending to customer margin accounts.

commercial paper Short-term, unsecured debt issued by large corporations. Visit General Electric Capital at

London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) Interest rate that international banks charge one another for overnight Eurodollar loans. For more on LIBOR, visit

Eurodollars U.S. dollar denominated deposits at foreign banks or foreign branches of U.S. banks. U.S. Treasury bill (T-bill) A short-term U.S. government debt instrument issued by the U.S. Treasury. 300 Part 3 

supply sufficient reserves from internal sources, it must borrow reserves from other banks through the Federal funds market. Therefore, the Fed discount rate and the Fed funds rate are usually closely linked. The Federal Reserve Bank is the central bank of the United States. As we discuss in more detail in a later chapter, the “Fed” has the responsibility to manage interest rates and the money supply to control inflation and promote stable economic growth. The discount rate is a basic tool of monetary policy for the Federal Reserve Bank. An announced change in the discount rate is often interpreted as a signal of the Federal Reserve’s intentions regarding future monetary policy. For example, by increasing the discount rate, the Federal Reserve may be signaling that it intends to pursue a tight-money policy, most likely to control budding inflationary pressures. Similarly, by decreasing the discount rate, the Federal Reserve may be signaling an intent to pursue a loose-money policy to stimulate economic activity. Of course, many times a discount rate change is simply a case of the Federal Reserve catching up to financial market conditions rather than leading them. Indeed, the Federal Reserve often acts like the lead goose, who, upon looking back and seeing the flock heading in another direction, quickly flies over to resume its position as “leader” of the flock. Another important interest rate reported is the call money rate, or simply the call rate. “Call money” refers to loans from banks to security brokerage firms, and the call rate is the interest rate that brokerage firms pay on call money loans. As we discussed in Chapter2, brokers use funds raised through call money loans to make margin loans to customers to finance leveraged stock and bond purchases. The call money rate is the basic rate that brokers use to set interest rates on customer call money loans. Brokers typically charge their customers the call money rate plus a premium (or spread), where the broker and the customer may negotiate the premium. For example, a broker may charge a customer the basic call money rate plus 1 percent for a margin loan to purchase common stock. Commercial paper is short-term, unsecured debt issued by large corporations. The commercial paper market is dominated by financial corporations, such as banks and insurance companies, or financial subsidiaries of large corporations. A leading commercial paper rate is the rate that General Electric Capital Corporation (the finance arm of General Electric) pays on short-term debt issues. This commercial paper rate is a benchmark for this market because General Electric Capital is one of the largest single issuers of commercial paper. Most other corporations issuing commercial paper will pay a slightly higher interest rate than this benchmark rate. Commercial paper is a popular investment vehicle for portfolio managers and corporate treasurers with excess funds on hand that they wish to invest on a short-term basis. Euro commercial paper refers to commercial paper denominated in euros rather than dollars. The London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) is the interest rate offered by London commercial banks for dollar deposits from other banks. The LIBOR rate is perhaps the most frequently cited rate used to represent the London money market. Bank lending rates are often stated as LIBOR plus a premium, where the premium is negotiated between the bank and its customer. For example, a corporation may be quoted a loan rate from a London bank at LIBOR plus 2 percent. Euro LIBOR refers to deposits denominated in euros—the common currency of 17 European Union countries. Like LIBOR, the Euro LIBOR rate is calculated by the British Bankers Association (BBA) from quotes provided by London banks. The EURIBOR is an interest rate that also refers to deposits denominated in euros. However, the EURIBOR is based largely on interest rates from banks in the European Union interbank market. Hibor is an interest rate based on Hong Kong dollars. Hibor is the interest rate between banks in the Hong Kong interbank market. Eurodollars are U.S. dollar–denominated deposits at foreign banks or foreign branches of U.S. banks. Eurodollar rates are interest rates paid for large-denomination eurodollar certificates of deposit. Eurodollar CDs are negotiable and are traded in a large, very active eurodollar money market. The “Money Rates” report lists eurodollar rates for various maturities obtained from transactions occurring late in the day. U.S. Treasury bills, or just T-bills, represent short-term U.S. government debt issued through the U.S. Treasury. The Treasury bill market is the world’s largest market for new debt

  Interest Rates and Bond Valuation

certificate of deposit (CD) Large-denomination deposits of $100,000 or more at commercial banks for a specified term.

banker’s acceptance A postdated check on which a bank has guaranteed payment; commonly used to finance international trade transactions.


securities with one year or less to maturity. As such, the Treasury bill market leads all other credit markets in determining the general level of short-term interest rates. “Money Rates” reports Treasury bill interest rates set during the most recent weekly Treasury bill auction. Interest rates determined at each Treasury bill auction are closely watched by professional money managers throughout the world. The overnight repurchase, or “repo,” rate is essentially the rate charged on overnight loans that are collateralized by U.S. Treasury securities. The Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC), commonly called “Freddie Mac,” and the Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA), commonly called “Fannie Mae,” are government-sponsored agencies that purchase large blocks of home mortgages and combine them into mortgage pools, where each pool may represent several tens of millions of dollars of home mortgages. The interest rates reported in “Money Rates” are an indicator of rates on newly created home mortgages. Because home mortgages are long-term obligations, these are not actually money market rates. However, with several trillion dollars of mortgages outstanding, the mortgage market has a considerable influence on money market activity. There are other important money rates that are not reported in Figure 9.2. One key rate is that which is paid oncertificates of deposit, or CDs. Certificates of deposit represent largedenomination deposits of $100,000 or more at commercial banks for a specified length of time. The interest rate paid on CDs usually varies according to the time length of the deposit. For example, a six-month CD might pay a higher interest rate than a three-month CD, which in turn might pay a higher interest rate than a one-month CD. Large-denomination certificates of deposit are generally negotiable instruments, meaning that they can be bought and sold among investors through a broker. This fact means that they are often called negotiable certificates of deposit, or negotiable CDs. The largedenomination CDs described here should not be confused with the small-denomination CDs that banks offer retail customers. These small-denomination CDs are simply bank time deposits. They normally pay a lower interest rate than large-denomination CDs and are not negotiable instruments. Another important rate is called abanker’s acceptance, which is essentially a postdated check upon which a commercial bank has guaranteed payment. Banker’s acceptances are normally used to finance international trade transactions. For example, as an importer, you wish to purchase computer components from a company in Singapore and pay for the goods three months after delivery. You write the exporter a postdated check. You and the exporter agree, however, that once the goods are shipped, your bank will guarantee payment on the date specified on the check. After your goods are shipped, the exporter presents the relevant documentation, and if all is in order, your bank stamps the word ACCEPTED on your check. At this point, your bank has created an acceptance, which means it has promised to pay the acceptance’s face value (the amount of the check) at maturity (the date on the check). The exporter can then keep the acceptance or sell it in the money market. The banker’s acceptance rate published in “Money Rates” is the interest rate for acceptances issued by the largest commercial banks.


Which money market interest rates are most important to commercial banks?


Which money market interest rates are most important to nonbank corporations?

9.2 Money Market Prices and Rates pure discount security An interest-bearing asset that makes a single payment of face value at maturity with no payments before maturity.

Money market securities typically make a single payment of face value at maturity and make no payments before maturity. Such securities are called pure discount securities because they sell at a discount relative to their face value. In this section, we discuss the relationship between the price of a money market instrument and the interest rate quoted on it. Chapter 9 

  Interest Rates301

basis point With regard to interest rates or bond yields, one basis point is 1 percent of 1 percent.

One of the things you will notice in this section is that market participants quote interest rates in several different ways. This inconsistent treatment presents a problem when we wish to compare rates on different investments. Therefore, we must put rates on a common footing before we can compare them. After going through the various interest rate conventions and conversions needed to compare them, you might wonder why everybody doesn’t just agree to compute interest rates and prices in some uniform way. Well, perhaps they should, but they definitely do not. As a result, we must review some of the various procedures actually used in money markets. We hope you come to recognize that the calculations are neither mysterious nor even especially difficult, although they are rooted in centuries-old procedures and may sometimes be tedious. However, given the billions of dollars of securities traded every day based on these numbers, it is important to understand them. One other thing to notice is that the word “yield” appears frequently. For now, you can take it as given that the yield on an interest-bearing asset is simply a measure of the interest rate being offered by the asset. We will discuss the topic of yields in greater detail in the next chapter. Bond yields and many interest rates are quoted as a percentage with two decimal places, such as 5.82 percent. With this quote, the smallest possible change would be 0.01 percent, or 0.0001. This amount, which is 1 percent of 1 percent, is called a basis point. So, if an interest rate of 5.82 percent rose to 5.94 percent, we would say this rate rose by 94 − 82 = 12 basis points. The quantity to the left of the decimal point (i.e., the “5”) is called the “handle.” Traders frequently omit the handle when quoting or discussing rates since, presumably, anyone actively trading would know it.

BANK DISC OU N T R ATE Q UOTE S bank discount basis A method for quoting interest rates on money market instruments.

Interest rates for some key money market securities, including Treasury bills and banker’s acceptances, are quoted on a bank discount basis, or simply discount basis. An interest rate quoted on a discount basis is often called a discount yield. If we are given an interest rate quoted on a bank discount basis for a particular money market instrument, then we calculate the price of that instrument as follows: Days to maturity ​Current price = Face value × ​ 1 − ​ ______________     ​  × Discount yield ​​ ( ) 360


The term “discount yield” here simply refers to the quoted interest rate. It should not be confused with the Federal Reserve’s discount rate discussed earlier. To give an example, suppose a banker’s acceptance has a face value of $1 million that will be paid in 90 days. If the interest rate, quoted on a discount basis, is 5 percent, what is the current price of the acceptance? As the following calculation shows, a discount yield of 5 percent and maturity of 90 days gives a current price of $987,500. ​$987,500 = $1,000,000 × ​(1 − ​____   90  ​  × 0.05)​ 360 The difference between the face value of $1 million and the price of $987,500 is $12,500 and is called the “discount.” This discount is the interest earned over the 90-day period until the acceptance matures. Notice that the formula used to calculate the acceptance price assumes a 360-day business year. This practice dates back to a time when calculations were performed manually. Assuming a 360-day business year, with exactly four 90-day quarters, rather than a true 365-day calendar year, made manual discount calculations simpler and less subject to error. Consequently, if $1 million is discounted over a full calendar year of 365 days using a bank discount yield of 5 percent and an assumed 360-day business year, the resulting price of $949,305.56 is calculated as follows: ​$949,305.56 = $1,000,000 × ​(1 − ​____  365  ​ × 0.05)​ 360 302 Part 3 

  Interest Rates and Bond Valuation


Money Market Prices The rate on a particular money market instrument, quoted on a discount basis, is 4 percent. The instrument has a face value of $100,000 and will mature in 71 days. What is its price? What if it had 51 days to maturity? Using the bank discount basis formula, we have: Days to maturity Current price = Face value × ​ 1 − ______________    ​   ​  × Discount yield ​ ( ) 360 ​​        ​  ​   ​​ ​ 71 ​ 1 − ____ ​    ​ × 0.04 ​ $99,211.11 = $100,000 × ( ) 360

Check for yourself that the price in the second case of a 51-day maturity is $99,433.33.

T RE ASURY B I L L Q U OTE S For price and yield data on U.S. Treasury securities, visit and select the “Bonds” link under the “Markets” tab.

In its online version, The Wall Street Journal reports current interest rates on U.S. Treasury bills each business day. Figure 9.3 reproduces a “Treasury bills” interest rate report. The maturity of each bill issue is stated in month-day-year format. The two columns following the maturity give the bid and ask discounts for each bill issue. The bid discount is used by Treasury bill dealers to state what they are willing to pay for a Treasury bill, and the ask discount is used to state what price a dealer will accept to sell a Treasury bill. The next column shows the change in the ask discount from the previous day. For example, consider the bill that matures on April 7, 2016, with a bid discount rate of 0.178 percent and an ask discount rate of 0.168 percent. This bill matures in 156 days. For a $1 million face value Treasury bill, the corresponding bid and ask prices can be calculated by using the discounts shown, along with our bank discount basis pricing formula. For example, the bid price would be ​Bidprice = $999,228.67 = $1,000,000 × ​(1 − ​____  156  ​ × 0.00178)​ 360 Check that the ask price would be $999,272.


T-Bill Prices Suppose you wanted to buy a T-bill with 85 days to maturity and a face value of $5,000,000. How much would you have to pay if the ask discount is 3.41 percent? Because you are buying, you must pay the ask price. To calculate the ask price, we use the ask discount in the bank discount basis formula: 85 ​Ask price = $4,959,743.06 = $5,000,000 × ​ 1 − ____ ​    ​ × 0.0341 ​​ ( ) 360

Calculate a bid price for this T-bill assuming a bid discount of 3.42 percent. Notice that the ask price is higher than the bid price even though the ask discount is lower than the bid discount. The reason is that a bigger discount produces a lower price. Treasury bill prices may be calculated using a built-in spreadsheet function. An example of how to use an Excel™ spreadsheet to calculate a Treasury bill price is shown in the nearby Spreadsheet Analysis box.

The last column in Figure 9.3 lists the ask yield for each Treasury bill issue. It is important to realize that the ask yield is not quoted on a discount basis. Instead, it is a “bond equivalent yield.” Unlike a discount rate, a bond equivalent yield assumes a 365-day calendar year. Bond equivalent yields are principally used to compare yields on Treasury bills with yields on other money market instruments as well as Treasury bonds and other bonds (we discuss these long-term yields in the next chapter).

Chapter 9 

  Interest Rates303


U.S. Treasury Bills TREASURY BILLS GO TO: Notes and Bonds Monday, November 02, 2015 Treasury bill bid and ask data are representative over-the-counter quotations as of 3pm Eastern time quoted as a discount to face value. Treasury bill yields are to maturity and based on the asked quote.





Asked yield

































































































































































Source: The Wall Street Journal, 2015. Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

BANK DISC OU N T Y I E L D S V E R SU S B ON D EQUIVALE NT Y I E L D S A bank discount yield is converted to a bond equivalent yield using the following formula: 365 × Discount yield ​Bond equivalent yield = ___________________________________ ​          ​​ 360 − Days to maturity × Discount yield 304 Part 3 

  Interest Rates and Bond Valuation










Treasury Bill Price and Yield Calculations

3 4 A Treasury bill traded on May 16, 2016, pays $100 on August 15, 2016. Assuming 5 a discount rate of 0.65 percent, what are its price and bond equivalent yield? 6 Hint: Use the Excel functions TBILLPRICE and TBILLEQ. 7 =TBILLPRICE("5/16/2016","8/15/2016",0.0065) $99.8357 8 9 0.660% =TBILLEQ("5/16/2016","8/15/2016",0.0065) 10 11 12 13 A credit card charges a nominal annual interest rate of 15 percent. With interest 14 charged monthly, what is the effective annual rate (EAR) on this credit card? 15 Hint: Use the Excel function EFFECT 16 16.075% =EFFECT(0.15,12) 17 18 Source: Microsoft.

This conversion formula is correct for maturities of six months or less. Calculation of bond equivalent yields for maturities greater than six months is a little more complicated, and we will not discuss it here, particularly because T-bills with maturities greater than six months are less common. For example, suppose the ask discount rate on a T-bill with 170 days to maturity is 3.22percent. What is the bond equivalent yield? Plugging into the conversion formula, a 3.22percent discount is converted into a bond equivalent yield as follows: 365 × 0.0322  ​ ________________ ​0.03315 =    ​    360 − 170 × 0.0322 The bond equivalent yield is thus 3.315 percent.


Bond Equivalent Yields Suppose a T-bill has 45 days to maturity and an ask discount of 5 percent. What is the bond equivalent yield? Using the bond equivalent yield conversion formula, we have: 365 × 0.05 ​0.05101 = ________________       ​   ​​ 360 − 45 × 0.05

The bond equivalent yield is thus 5.101 percent. Bond equivalent yields may be calculated using a built-in spreadsheet function. An example of how to use an Excel™ spreadsheet to calculate a bond equivalent yield is shown in the nearby Spreadsheet Analysis box.

One common cause of confusion about bond equivalent yield calculations is the way that leap years are handled. The rule is that we must use 366 days if February 29 occurs within the next 12 months. For example, 2016 is a leap year. So, beginning on March 1, 2015, we must use 366 days in the numerator of equation (9.6). Then, beginning on March 1, 2016, we must revert to using 365 days.

Chapter 9 

  Interest Rates305


Back to the Future: Leap Year Bond Equivalent Yields Calculate the ask yield (bond equivalent yield) for a T-bill price quoted in December 2015 with 119 days to maturity and an ask discount of 5.41 percent. Because the 12-month period following the date of the price quote includes February 29, we must use 366 days. Plugging this into the conversion formula, we get 366 × 0.0541 ​0.0560 = __________________       ​   ​​ 360 − 119 × 0.0541

Therefore, 5.60 percent is the ask yield stated as a bond equivalent yield.

We can calculate a Treasury bill ask price using the ask yield, which is a bond equivalent yield, as follows: Face value ​Bill price = __________________________________________ ​           ​​ 1 + Bond equivalent yield × Days to maturity/365


For example, we have calculated the 3.315 percent bond equivalent yield on a T-bill with 170 days to maturity and a 3.22 percent ask discount rate. If we calculate its price using this bond equivalent yield, we get $1,000,000 ​$984,795 = ___________________ ​       ​ 1 + 0.03315 × 170/365 Check that, ignoring a small rounding error, you get the same price using the bank discount formula.

BOND E Q UIVA L E N T Y I E L D S, A P R S, A N D E A R S Money market rates not quoted on a discount basis are generally quoted on a “simple” interest basis. Simple interest rates are calculated just like the annual percentage rate (APR) on a consumer loan. So, for the most part, money market rates are either bank discount rates or APRs. For example, CD rates are APRs. In fact, the bond equivalent yield on a T-bill with less than six months to maturity is also an APR. As a result, like any APR, it understates the true interest rate, which is usually called the effective annual rate, or EAR. In the context of the money market, EARs are sometimes referred to as effective annual yields, effective yields, or annualized yields. Whatever it is called, to find out what a T-bill, or any other money market instrument, is really going to pay you, yet another conversion is needed. We will get to the needed conversion in a moment. First, however, recall that an APR is equal to the interest rate per period multiplied by the number of periods in a year. For example, if the rate on a car loan is 1 percent per month, then the APR is 1% × 12 = 12%. In general, if we let m be the number of periods in a year, an APR is converted to an EAR as follows: APR ​1 + EAR = ​​ 1 + ​ ____  ​     ​​​  ​​ ( m ) m


For example, on our 12 percent APR car loan, the EAR can be determined by: 0.12 ​  ​​​  ​ 1 + EAR = ​​(1 + ​ ____ 12 ) 12


      ​ ​ =​ ​  ​1.01​​ 12​  ​ ​​​ ​ = 1.126825 EAR = 12.6825%

Thus, the rate on the car loan is really 12.6825 percent per year. 306 Part 3 

  Interest Rates and Bond Valuation


APRs and EARs A typical credit card may quote an APR of 18 percent. On closer inspection, you will find that the rate is actually 1.5 percent per month. What annual interest rate are you really paying on such a credit card? With 12 periods in a year, an APR of 18 percent is converted to an EAR as follows: 0.18 1 + EAR = ​​ 1 + ​ ____ ​     ​​​  ​ ( 12 ) 12


   ​ ​    ​​ ​ =​  ​1.015​​ 12​​  ​ = 1.1956 EAR = 19.56%

Thus, the rate on this credit card is really 19.56 percent per year. Effective annual rates may be calculated using a built-in spreadsheet function. An example of how to use an Excel™ spreadsheet to calculate an effective annual rate is shown in the previous Spreadsheet Analysis box.

Now, to see that the bond equivalent yield on a T-bill is just an APR, we can first calculate the price on the bill we considered earlier (3.22 percent ask discount, 170 days to maturity). Using the bank discount formula, the ask price, for $1 million in face value, is ​Ask price = $984,794 = $1,000,000 × ​(1 − ​____  170  ​ × 0.0322)​ 360 The discount is $15,206. Thus, on this 170-day investment, you earn $15,206 in interest on an investment of $984,794. On a percentage basis, you earned: $15,206 ​1.544% = ​________      ​  $984,794 In a 365-day year, there are 365/170 = 2.147 periods of 170-day length. So, if we multiply what you earned over the 170-day period by the number of 170-day periods in a year, we get ​3.315% = 2.147 × 1.544%​ This is the bond equivalent yield we calculated earlier. Finally, for this T-bill, we can calculate the EAR using this 3.315 percent: 0.03315 1 + EAR = ​​(1 + ​ _______  ​    ​​​  ​ 2.147 ) ​​    ​    ​   ​​ ​ ​ ​ = 1.03344 EAR = 3.344% 2.147

In the end, we have three different rates for this simple T-bill. The last one, the EAR, finally tells us what we really want to know: What rate are we actually going to earn on a compounded basis?


Discounts, APRs, and EARs A money market instrument with 60 days to maturity has a quoted ask price of 99, meaning $99 per $100 face value. What are the banker’s discount yield, the bond equivalent yield, and the effective annual return? First, to get the discount yield, we have to use the bank discount formula and solve for the discount yield: 60 ​$99 = $100 × ​ 1 − ____ ​    ​ × Discount yield ​​ ( ) 360

With a little algebra, we see that the discount yield is 6 percent. (continued)

Chapter 9 

  Interest Rates307

We convert this to a bond equivalent yield as follows: 365 × 0.06 ​6.145% = ________________       ​   ​​ 360 − 60 × 0.06

The bond equivalent yield is thus 6.145 percent. Finally, to get the EAR, note that there are 365/60 = 6.0833 sixty-day periods in a year, so 0.06145 1 + EAR = ​​ 1 + ​ ________ ​  ​​​  ​ ( 6.0833 ) ​​    ​     ​  ​  ​   ​​ ​ ​ ​ = 1.06305 EAR = 6.305% 6.0833

This example illustrates the general result that the discount rate is lower than the bond equivalent yield, which in turn is less than the EAR.



What are the three different types of interest rate quotes that are important for money market instruments?


How are T-bill rates quoted? How are CD rates quoted?


Of the three different types of interest rate quotes, which is the largest? Which is the smallest? Which is the most relevant?

9.3 Rates and Yields on Fixed-Income Securities

For more information on fixedincome securities, visit

For the latest U.S. Treasury rates, check

Thus far, we have focused on short-term interest rates, where “short term” means one year or less. Of course, these are not the only interest rates we are interested in, so we now begin to discuss longer-term rates by looking at fixed-income securities. To keep this discussion to a manageable length, we defer the details of how some longer-term rates are computed to another chapter. Fixed-income securities include long-term debt contracts from a wide variety of issuers. The largest single category of fixed-income securities is debt issued by the U.S. government. The second largest category of fixed-income securities is mortgage debt issued to finance real estate purchases. The two other large categories of fixed-income securities are debt issued by corporations and debt issued by municipal governments. Each of these categories represents several trillion dollars of outstanding debt. Corporate bonds and municipal government bonds are covered in a later chapter. Because of its sheer size, the leading world market for debt securities is the market for U.S. Treasury securities. Interest rates for U.S. Treasury debt are closely watched throughout the world, and daily reports can be found in most major newspapers.

T H E T REASURY Y I E L D C URV E Treasury yield curve A graph of Treasury yields plotted against maturities.

Check out the “living yield curve” at

308 Part 3 

The Treasury yield curve is a plot of Treasury yields against maturities. Yields are measured along the vertical axis, and maturities are measured along the horizontal axis. The Treasury yield curve is fundamental to bond market analysis because it represents the interest rates that financial markets are charging to the world’s largest debtor with the world’s highest credit rating—the U.S. government. In essence, the Treasury yield curve represents interest rates for default-free lending across the maturity spectrum. As such, almost all other domestic interest rates are determined with respect to U.S. Treasury interest rates. AWorkthe Web box in this section shows how to get yield curves online.

  Interest Rates and Bond Valuation

+WORK THE WEB What does the current Treasury yield curve look like? You can find the answer on the web in many different places. We went to, and here is what we found regarding the November 2, 2015, trading day. This yield curve would be

considered a normal, upward-sloping yield curve. The shortestterm rates are close to 0 percent, and the six-month rate is 0.27 percent. Here’s a question for you: What is the yield premium for the 10-year over the 5-year?


Interest Rate

2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0



6m 1y





Maturity Date 1 Mo 3Mo 6Mo 1Yr 2 Yr 3Yr 5Yr 7Yr 10Yr 20Yr 30Yr 11/02/15 0.01 0.08 0.27 0.37 0.77 1.08 1.57 1.93 2.20 2.60 2.95 Source:, accessed November 3, 2015.

The yield curve is also considered by some to have predictive power. In particular, if the yield curve is upward sloping, the expectation is that yields will be higher in the future. Ifthe yield curve is downward sloping, the expectation is that yields will be lower in the future. A downward-sloping yield curve is also called an inverted yield curve. Because lower interest rates are generally associated with recessionary conditions, some market watchers view an inverted curve as a negative signal. The nearby Investment Updates box provides some historical examples of various yield curve shapes.

RATE S ON OTHE R FI XE D - I N C OME I N V E STME N TS Figure 9.4 displays interest rates based on bond market indexes that are constructed by two securities firms, Barclays Capital and Merrill Lynch. Current interest rates and the highest and lowest interest rates over the previous 52-week period are reported for a number of bond indexes. These bond market “tracking benchmark” indexes provide yield information on many different types of bonds. Because we will be discussing these in much more detail in several subsequent chapters, we touch on them only briefly here. Two important indexes represent U.S. Treasury securities with 1- to 10-year maturities (“Intermediate”) and 10- to 30-year maturities (“Long-Term”). Another index represents U.S. government agency debt with 10- to 20-year maturities and debt with more than 20years to maturity. A variety of government agencies borrow money in financial markets. The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is an example of such an agency. In recent years, U.S. government agencies have issued debt with maturities as long as 50 years. U.S. government agency debt does not carry the same credit guarantee as U.S. Treasury debt, and therefore interest rates on agency debt reflect a premium over interest

Chapter 9 

  Interest Rates309

INVESTMENT UPDATES YIELD CURVES 101 Other Yield Curve Shapes Flat Yield Curve


Typical Yield Curve


3.0% 2.0

9% 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0




Steep Yield Curve 5

10 15 20 Years to Maturity


The yield curve illustrates the prevailing yields on Treasury securities across different maturities. The maturities span from shorter term debt in the range of 1 to 3 months, to longer term debt with a 30 year maturity. In a typical yield curve, longer term rates are higher than shorter term rates. This curve is associated with a generally optimistic view of the economy.

12% 11 10 9 8 0




15 20 5 10 Years to Maturity


A steep yield curve indicates that longer term yields are significantly higher than shorter term yields. This shape is often associated with a perceived recovery from a recession.

Inverted Yield

An inverted yield curve indicates that longer term yields are lower than shorter term yields. This unusual situation is viewed as a sign of a potential recession.

20% 19 18 17 16


5 10 15 20 Years to Maturity

A flat yield curve indicates that yields are about the same for bonds of all maturities. Some investors view this as a “goldilocks” scenario, while others see it as signifying uncertainty.


5 10 15 20 Years to Maturity


Source: Ben Levisohn, The Wall Street Journal, November 27, 2010. Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

Visit these mortgage security websites:,, and

310 Part 3 

rates on Treasury debt. Also, agency securities are often subject to state taxes, whereas Treasury securities are not. In the “U.S. Corporate Indexes” section, you can see rates on debt issued by domestic corporations according to their maturity. Notice that corporate debt with a low credit quality (“High Yield”) pays a higher interest rate than U.S. government agency debt. As you can see in Figure 9.4, medium credit quality corporate debt (“Triple-B-rated”) pays a higher interest rate than high credit quality corporate debt (“Double-A-rated”). “High Yield Bonds” refers to corporate bonds with above-average default risk. These bonds are usually avoided by conservative investors, but they may be attractive to investors who understand and are willing to accept the risks involved. Because of their much higher credit risk, the interest rates for these bonds are significantly higher than those for even medium-quality corporate bonds. “Yankee bonds” are issued by foreign corporations for sale in the United States. These bonds are denominated in U.S. dollars so investors do not have to worry that changing foreign exchange rates will affect debt values. As we discussed earlier in the chapter, the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC), or Freddie Mac, and the Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA), or Fannie Mae, are government-sponsored agencies that repackage home mortgages into mortgage pools, where each pool represents several tens of millions of dollars of home mortgages. A third agency, the Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA), better known as “Ginnie Mae,” is also an active mortgage repackager. The interest rates reported for these agencies correspond to indexes constructed from many mortgage pools. “Tax-exempts” are bonds issued by municipal governments. Coupon interest payments on most municipal bonds are exempt from federal income taxes, and they are often exempt from state income taxes as well. The interest rates reported in the “Tax-Exempt” table are based on indexes for high-quality municipal bonds corresponding to maturities of 7–12 years and 12–22 years for general obligation bonds (GOs) and 22-plus years for revenue bonds.

  Interest Rates and Bond Valuation

Tracking Bond Benchmarks

FIGURE 9.4 Tracking Bond Benchmarks Monday, November 02, 2016

Closing index values, return on investment and yields paid to investors compared with 52-week highs and lows for different types of bonds. Preliminary data and data shown as “n.a.” will update around 12p.m. the following business day. YELD (%), 52-WEEK RANGE Close

% Chg

U.S.Government Credit





Barclays Aggregate






YTD total return

52-wk % Chg
















































































Broad Market Barclays Capital

Hourly Treasury Indexes Barclays Capital Composite (Price Return)



Composite (Total Return)



Intermediate (Price Return)



Intermediate (Total Return)



Long-Term (Price Return)



Long-Term (Total Return)



1.38 3.94 2.70 4.57 −2.82 −0.15

U.S. Corporate Indexes Barclays Capital U.S. Corporate









Double-A-rated (AA)



Triple-B-rated (Baa)



0.15 1.65 −3.19 1.09 −0.72

High Yield Bonds Merrill Lynch High Yield Constrained



Triple-C-rated (CCC)



High Yield 100

0.31 −6.42 −0.46
















16.587 1283.00













Europe High Yield Constrained



Global High Yield Constrained












U.S. Agency Indexes Barclays Capital U.S. Agency











10-20 years











20-plus years











Mortgage-Backed Barclays Capital Mortgage-Backed











Ginnie Mae (GNMA)











Freddie Mae (FHLMC)











Fannie Mae (FNMA)











Ginnie Mae (GNMA)











Fannie Mae (FNMA)











Freddie Mae (FHLMC)











Mortgage-Backed Merrill Lynch

U.S. Corporate Debt Merrill Lynch 1-10 Year Maturities



10+ Year Maturities



Coporate Masser



High Yield



Yankee Bonds































































1.75 −3.22

U.S. Corporate Debt S&P Dow Jones Indices U.S. Issued High Yield



U.S. Issued Investment Grade






Tax-Exempt Merrill Lynch Munin Master


Source: The Wall Street Journal, 2015. Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

Chapter 9 

  Interest Rates311

General obligation bonds are secured by the general taxing power of the issuing municipality. Revenue bonds are secured by revenues generated from specific projects, such as toll roads, airports, or user fees for services. Because of their tax-exempt status, interest rates on high-quality municipal bonds are generally lower than interest rates on comparable U.S. Treasury securities.



What is the yield curve? Why is it important?


Why are corporate bond yields higher than Treasury bond yields?


Why are municipal bond yields lower than Treasury bond yields?


What are Yankee bonds?

9.4 The Term Structure of Interest Rates term structure of interest rates Relationship between time to maturity and interest rates for default-free, pure discount instruments.

The yield curve tells us the relationship between Treasury bond yields and time to maturity. The term structure of interest rates (or just “term structure”) is a similar, but not identical, relationship. Recall that a pure discount instrument has a single payment of face value at maturity with no other payments until then. Treasury bonds are not pure discount instruments because they pay coupons every six months. Pure discount instruments with more than a year to maturity are often called “zero coupon bonds,” or just “zeroes,” because they are, in effect, bonds with a zero coupon rate. The term structure of interest rates is the relationship between time to maturity and interest rates for default-free, pure discount instruments. So, the difference between the yield curve and the term structure is that the yield curve is based on coupon bonds, whereas the term structure is based on pure discount instruments. The term structure is sometimes called the “zero coupon yield curve” to distinguish it from the Treasury yield curve.


U.S. Treasury STRIPS Pure discount securities created by stripping coupons and principal payments of Treasury notes and bonds. Stands for Separate Trading of Registered Interest and Principal of Securities. Read more about STRIPS at by selecting “Financial Institutions.”

312 Part 3 

Until about 1987, the term structure of interest rates was not directly observable simply because default-free, pure discount instruments with maturities greater than one year did not exist or reliable data on them were not available. Today, however, the term structure of interest rates can be easily seen by examining yields on U.S. Treasury STRIPS. STRIPS are pure discount instruments created by “stripping” the coupons and principal payments of U.S. Treasury notes and bonds into separate parts and then selling the parts separately. The term STRIPS stands for Separate Trading of Registered Interest and Principal of Securities. For example, a Treasury note with 10 years to maturity will make 20 semiannual coupon payments during its life and will also make a principal payment at maturity. This note can therefore be separated, or stripped, into 21 separate parts, and each part can be bought and sold separately. The Treasury originally allowed notes and bonds with 10 years or more to maturity (at the time they are issued) to be stripped. Today, any note or bond is strippable. Figure 9.5 is a sample U.S. Treasury STRIPS daily report of individual STRIPS prices and yields from The Wall Street Journal’s website, STRIPS can be created from a coupon payment, a Treasury bond principal payment, or a Treasury note principal payment. Figure 9.5 shows some STRIPS from each of these possible sources. Of course, Figure 9.5 contains only a partial list of all available STRIPS. The first column of Figure 9.5 gives the maturity of each STRIPS listed. The next two columns contain bid and ask prices for each STRIPS. As always, the bid price is a quote of what dealers were willing to pay to buy the STRIPS, and the ask price is a quote of what dealers were willing to accept to sell the STRIPS. The next-to-the-last column in Figure 9.5 reports the change in the ask price quote from the previous day.

  Interest Rates and Bond Valuation


Treasury STRIPS U.S. Treasury Strips Tuesday, November 03, 2015 U.S. zero-coupon STRIPS allow investors to hold the interest and principal components of eligible Treasury notes and bonds as separate securities. STRIPS offer no interest payment; investors receive payment only at maturity. Quotes are as of 3 p.m Eastern time based on transactions of $1 million or more. Yiels calculated on the ask quote. Maturity




Asked yield

Treasury Bond, Stripped Principal 2015 Nov 15





2016 Feb 15





2016 May 15





2016 Aug 15





2016 Nov 15





2017 May 15





2017 May 15





2017 Aug 15





2018 May 15





2018 Nov 15





2019 Feb 15





2019 Aug 15





2020 Feb 15





2020 Feb 29





2020 May 15





Treasury Note, Stripped Principal 2015 Nov 15





2015 Nov 30





2015 Dec 15





2015 Dec 31





2016 Jan 15





2016 Jan 31





2016 Jan 31





2016 Feb 15





2016 Feb 29





2016 Mar 15





2016 Mar 31





2016 Apr 15





Stripped Coupon Interest 2015 Nov 15





2015 Dec 15





2015 Dec 31





2015 Jan 15





2016 Feb15





2016 Mar 15





2016 May 15





2016 Jun15





2016 Jun 30





Source: The Wall Street Journal, 2015. Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

Chapter 9 

  Interest Rates313

The last column in Figure 9.5 lists ask yields, which are yields on the STRIPS based on their ask price quotes. Notice that each maturity has a different ask yield, or interest rate. This shows us that interest rates determined in financial markets generally differ according to the maturity of a security. STRIPS prices are stated as a price per $100 of face value. In the very recent past, STRIPS prices were quoted in dollars and thirty-seconds of a dollar. That is, a quote of, say, 84:08 stood for 84 and 8/32 of a dollar, or $84.25. Today, however, STRIPS prices are quoted to three decimal points. For example, suppose a coupon interest STRIPS has an ask price quote of 93.668. This means that the price per $100 face value is $93.668. Thus, the skill of being able to divide by 32 is no longer highly valued, at least in STRIPS trading.

YIELDS FOR U.S. TR E A SURY STR I P S An ask yield for a U.S. Treasury STRIPS is an APR (APRs were discussed earlier in this chapter). It is calculated as two times the true semiannual rate. Calculation of the yield on a STRIPS is a standard time value of money calculation. The price today of the STRIPS is the present value; the face value received at maturity is the future value. As shown in Example9.1, the relationship between present value and future value is ​Presentvalue = ___________ ​ Futurevalue     ​  (1 + r​)​ N​ In this equation, r is the rate per period and N is the number of periods. Notice that a period is not necessarily one year long.1 For Treasury STRIPS, the number of periods is two times the number of years to maturity, here denoted by 2M, and the interest rate is the “yield to maturity” (YTM) divided by 2: Face value ​STRIPS price = ____________    ​     ​​ (1 + YTM/2​)​ 2M​


Consider a STRIPS with an ask price of 55.568, a reported yield of 4.40, and 13.5 years to maturity. The actual semiannual rate is 4.40%/2 = 2.20%. Also, 13.5 years to maturity converts to 2 × 13.5 = 27 semiannual periods. To check that the reported price is correct given the reported yield, we plug in future value, rate per period, and number of periods: $100 STRIPSprice = __________ ​     ​  ​ ​    ​  ​  ​(1 + 0.022   )​ 27​ ​ = 55.568 If we need to go the other way and calculate the ask yield on a STRIPS given its price, we can rearrange the basic present value equation to solve it for r: Futurevalue  ​r = ​​(___________ ​      ​ ​​​  ​ − 1​ Presentvalue ) 1/N

For STRIPS, N = 2M is the number of semiannual periods and r = YTM/2 is the semiannual interest rate, so the formula is Face value ​YTM = 2 × ​ ​​ ____________    ​    ​ ​​​  [(STRIPS price )



​ − 1 ​​


Consider a STRIPS maturing in six years with an ask price of 73.031. Its yield to maturity of 5.3072 percent as calculated immediately below would be reported as 5.31 percent. ​0.053072 = 2 × ​[​​(______ ​  100  ​  ​​​  ​ − 1]​​ 73.031 ) 1/12

Any financial calculator can perform these calculations, but we will work them the hard way so that you can learn how to do them with any calculator.


314 Part 3 

  Interest Rates and Bond Valuation

As another example, consider a STRIPS maturing in 20 years with an ask price of 26.188. As calculated immediately below, its yield to maturity of 6.8129 percent would be reported as 6.81 percent. ​0.068129 = 2 × ​[​​(______ ​  100  ​  ​​​  ​ − 1]​​ 26.188 ) 1/40



What is the yield to maturity (YTM) on a STRIPS maturing in five years if its ask price quote is 77.75?


What is the YTM of a STRIPS maturing in 15 years if its ask price quote is 36.813?


What is the YTM of a STRIPS maturing in 25 years if its ask price quote is 18.656?

9.5 Nominal versus Real Interest Rates nominal interest rates Interest rates as they are normally observed and quoted, with no adjustment for inflation.

There is a fundamental distinction between nominal and real interest rates. Nominal ­interest rates are interest rates as we ordinarily observe them; for example, as they are reported in The Wall Street Journal. Thus, all the money market rates we discussed earlier in this chapter and the STRIPS yields we discussed just above are nominal rates.

real interest rates Interest rates adjusted for the effect of inflation, calculated as the nominal rate less the rate of inflation.

Real interest rates are nominal rates adjusted for the effects of price inflation. To obtain a real interest rate, simply subtract an inflation rate from a nominal interest rate:


​Real interest rate = Nominal interest rate − Inflation rate​


The real interest rate is so-called because it measures the real change in the purchasing power of an investment. For example, if the nominal interest rate for a one-year certificate of deposit is 7 percent, then a one-year deposit of $100,000 will grow to $107,000. But if the inflation rate over the same year is 4 percent, you would need $104,000 after one year passes to buy what costs $100,000 today. Thus, the real increase in purchasing power for your investment is only $3,000, and, therefore, the real interest rate is only 3 percent. Figure 9.6 displays real interest rates based on annual rates of return on U.S. Treasury bills and inflation rates over the 64-year period 1950 through 2014. As shown in Figure9.6, following a negative spike at the beginning of the Korean War in 1950, real interest rates for Treasury bills were generally positive until the Organization of Petroleum-Exporting Countries’ (OPEC) oil embargo in 1973. After this, real rates were generally negative until the Federal Reserve Board initiated a tight-money policy to fight an inflationary spiral in the late 1970s. The tight-money policy caused the 1980s to begin with historically high real interest rates. Throughout the 1980s, real Treasury bill rates were falling as inflation subsided. Real rates most recently went negative following the Crash of 2008 and the “flight to quality” that followed. Real rates have, however, begun to recover somewhat. During this 64-year period, the average real Treasury bill interest rate was slightly less than 1 percent.

T HE FISHE R HY P OTHE SI S Fisher hypothesis Assertion that the general level of nominal interest rates follows the general level of inflation.

The relationship between nominal interest rates and the rate of inflation is often couched in terms of the Fisher hypothesis, which is named for the famous economist Irving Fisher, who formally proposed it in 1930. The Fisher hypothesis simply asserts that the general level of nominal interest rates follows the general level of inflation. According to the Fisher hypothesis, interest rates are on average higher than the rate of inflation. Therefore, it logically follows that short-term interest rates reflect current inflation, Chapter 9 

  Interest Rates315


Real T-Bill Rates, 1950 through 2014 6

Annual rate (%)

4 2 0 −2 −4

19 50 19 55 19 60 19 65 19 70 19 75 19 80 19 85 19 90 19 95 20 00 20 05 20 10 20 15


Year Source: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and author calculations.


Inflation Rates and T-Bill Rates, 1950 through 2014 16

Annual rate (%)

14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0






























Year T-bill rates

Inflation rates

Source: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.

while long-term interest rates reflect investor expectations of future inflation. Figure 9.7 graphs nominal interest rates and inflation rates used to create Figure 9.6. Notice that when inflation rates were high, Treasury bill returns tended to be high also, as predicted by the Fisher hypothesis.

INFLAT I ON-IND E XE D TR E A SURY SE C UR I TI E S In recent years, the U.S. Treasury has issued securities that guarantee a fixed rate of return in excess of realized inflation rates. These inflation-indexed Treasury securities (TIPS) pay a fixed coupon rate on their current principal and adjust their principal semiannually according to the most recent inflation rate. For investors wanting long-term protection against 316 Part 3 

  Interest Rates and Bond Valuation

inflation along with the safety of U.S. Treasury bonds, inflation-indexed Treasury securities are perhaps the perfect investment. For example, suppose an inflation-indexed note is issued with a coupon rate of 2­percent and an initial principal of $1,000. Six months later, the note will make a coupon payment based on the annual coupon rate of 2 percent. Before the coupon payment is determined, however, the principal is adjusted for inflation. Suppose the six-month inflation rate was 1.5­percent. To account for inflation, the note’s principal is increased to $1,000×1.015=$1,015. Thus,the coupon payment is $1,015 × 2%/2 = $10.15. Notice the inflation-adjusted coupon payment is $0.15 higher than the coupon payment without an inflation adjustment. This inflation-adjustment process continues throughout the note’s life. At maturity, the investor receives the final adjusted (or accrued) principal amount. Theinvestor, therefore, receives inflation-adjusted coupon payments throughout the life of the note and also receives an ­inflation-adjusted principal at maturity. Price and yield information for inflation-indexed Treasury securities is reported online at in the same section with other Treasury securities, as shown in Figure9.8. Locating the listing for inflation-indexed Treasury securities in Figure 9.8, we see that the first and second columns report the maturity and the fixed coupon rate, respectively. The third, fourth, and fifth columns report current bid prices and ask prices and the price change from the previous trading day. Prices for inflation-indexed securities are reported as a percentage of current accrued principal. The sixth and seventh columns list an inflation-adjusted yield to maturity and current accrued principal reflecting all cumulative inflation adjustments.



What is the difference between a nominal interest rate and a real interest rate?


What does the Fisher hypothesis assert?


What is the distinguishing feature of inflation-indexed Treasury securities?

9.6 Traditional Theories of the Term Structure Yield curves have been studied by financial economists for well over a century. During this period, a number of different theories have been proposed to explain why yield curves may be upward sloping at one point in time and then downward sloping or flat at another point in time. We discuss three of the most popular traditional theories of the term structure in this section. We then present a modern perspective on the term structure in the following section.

EXP E CTATI ON S THE ORY expectations theory The term structure of interest rates is a reflection of financial market beliefs regarding future interest rates.

According to the expectations theory of the term structure of interest rates, the shape of a yield curve expresses financial market expectations regarding future interest rates. Essentially, an upward-sloping yield curve predicts an increase in interest rates, and a ­downward-sloping yield curve predicts a decrease in interest rates. A flat yield curve expresses the sentiment that interest rates are not expected to change in the near future. EXPECTATIONS AND FORWARD RATES  The basic principles of the expectations theory can be explained with a two-period example. Let r1 stand for the current market interest rate on a one-year investment and let r2 be the current market interest rate on a two-year investment. Also, let r1,1 be the market interest rate on a one-year investment that will be available in one year. Of course, this rate is not known today. For a two-year investment, you have two strategies available. First, you can invest for two years at the rate r2. In this case, $1 invested today will become $(1 + r2)2 in two years. For example, if r2 = 10 percent, you would have $1 × (1.10)2 = $1.21 in two years for every dollar you invest.

Chapter 9 

  Interest Rates317


Inflation-Indexed Treasury Securities Treasury Inflation -Protected securities Tuesday, November 03, 2015

Find Historical Data


Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities, or TIPS, are securities whose principal is tied to the Consumer Price Index (CPI). The principal increases with inflation and decreases with deflation. When the security matures, the U.S. Treasury pays the original or adjusted principal, whichever is greater. TIPS pay interest every six months. Figures after periods in bid and ask quotes represent 32nds; 101.26 means 101 26/32, or 101.8125% of 100% face value; 99.01 means 99 1/32, or 99.03125% of face value. Maturity






Accrued principal

2016 Jan 15







2016 Apr 15







2016 Jul 15







2017 Jan 15







2017 Apr 15







2017 Jul 15







2018 Jan 15







2018 Apr 15







2018 Jul 15







2019 Jan 15







2019 Apr 15







2019 Jul 15







2020 Jan 15







2020 Apr 15







2020 Jul 15







2021 Jan 15







2021 Jul 15







2022 Jan 15







2022 Jul 15







2023 Jan 15







2023 Jul 15







2024 Jan 15







2024 Jul 15







2025 Jan 15







2025 Jan 15







2025 Jul 15







2026 Jan 15







2027 Jan 15







2028 Jan 15







2028 Apr 15







2029 Jan 15







2029 Apr 15







2032 Apr 15







2040 Feb 15







2041 Feb 15







2042 Feb 15







2043 Feb 15







Source: The Wall Street Journal, 2015. Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

318 Part 3 

  Interest Rates and Bond Valuation

forward rate An expected future interest rate implied by current interest rates.

Alternatively, you can invest for one year at the rate r1, and, at the end of one year, you can reinvest the proceeds at the rate r1,1. In this case, $1 invested today will become $(1+r1) (1+r1,1) in two years. For example, suppose r1 = 10 percent, and after a year passes, it turns out that r1,1 = 8 percent. Then you would end up with $1 × 1.10 × 1.08 = $1.19. Alternatively, suppose that after a year passes, it turns out that r1,1 = 12 percent; then you would have $1×1.10 × 1.12 = $1.23. Notice that this second strategy entails some uncertainty since the next year’s interest rate, r1,1, is not known when you originally select your investment strategy. The expectations theory of the term structure of interest rates asserts that, on average, the two-year investment proceeds, $(1 + r2)2 and $(1 + r1)(1 + r1,1), will be equal. In fact, we can obtain what is known as the implied forward rate, f1,1, by setting the two total proceeds equal to each other: ​(1 + ​r​ 2​)​ 2​= ​(1 + ​r​ 1​)​(1 + ​f​ 1,1​)​ Solving for the forward rate, f1,1, we see that (1 + ​r​ 2​)​ 2​ ​f​ 1,1​= ______ ​       ​ − 1​ 1 + ​r​ 1​ Notice that this forward interest rate is simply a future interest rate implied by current ­interest rates. According to expectations theory, the forward rate f1,1 is an accurate predictor of the rate r1,1 to be realized one year in the future. Thus, if r2 = 10 percent and r1 = 8 percent, then f1,1 = 12­percent, approximately. This forward rate predicts that the one-year interest rate one year from now will increase (from the current one-year rate of 8 percent to a higher one-year rate of 12­percent). Alternatively, if r2 = 10 percent and r1 = 12 percent, then f1,1 = 8 percent, approximately. This forward rate predicts that the one-year interest rate one year from now will decrease. In general, if r2 > r1, such that the term structure is upward sloping, then expectations theory predicts an interest rate increase. Similarly, if r2 < r1, indicating a downward-sloping term structure, then expectations theory predicts an interest rate decrease. Thus, the slope of the term structure points in the predicted direction of future interest rate changes.


Looking Forward Suppose the yield on a two-year STRIPS is 7 percent and the yield on a one-year STRIPS is 6 percent. Based on the expectations theory, what will the yield on a one-year STRIPS be one year from now? According to the expectations theory, the implied forward rate is an accurate predictor of what the interest rate will be. Thus, solving for the forward rate, we have (1 + ​r​ 2​​)​​  2​ = (1 + ​r​ 1​)(1 + ​f​ 1, 1​) ​​     ​  ​  ​ ​​ (1 + 0.07​)​​  2​ = (1 + 0.06)(1 + ​f​ 1, 1​)

and the forward rate is ​1.07​​ 2​ ​f​ 1, 1​= _____ ​   ​   − 1 = 8.00943%​ 1.06

Based on the expectations theory, the rate next year will be about 8 percent. Notice that this is higher than the current rate, as we would predict since the term structure is upward sloping.

EXPECTATIONS THEORY AND THE FISHER HYPOTHESIS  The expectations theory is closely related to the Fisher hypothesis we discussed earlier. The relationship between the expectations theory of interest rates and the Fisher hypothesis is stated as follows: If expected future inflation is higher than current inflation, then we are likely to see an upwardsloping term structure where long-term interest rates are higher than short-term interest

Chapter 9 

  Interest Rates319

rates. Similarly, if future inflation is expected to be lower than its current level, we would then be likely to see a downward-sloping term structure where long-term interest rates are lower than short-term interest rates. In other words, taken together, the expectations theory and the Fisher hypothesis assert that an upward-sloping term structure tells us that the market expects that nominal interest rates and inflation are likely to be higher in the future.


maturity preference theory Long-term interest rates contain a maturity premium necessary to induce lenders into making longer-term loans.

Another traditional theory of the term structure asserts that lenders prefer to lend short term to avoid tying up funds for long periods of time. In other words, they have a preference for shorter maturities. At the same time, borrowers prefer to borrow long term to lock in secure financing for long periods of time. According to the maturity preference theory, then, borrowers have to pay a higher rate to borrow long term rather than short term to essentially bribe lenders into loaning funds for longer maturities. The extra interest is called a maturity premium.2 The Fisher hypothesis, maturity preference theory, and expectations theory can coexist without problem. For example, suppose the shape of a yield curve is basically determined by expected future interest rates according to expectations theory. But where do expected future interest rates come from? According to the Fisher hypothesis, expectations regarding future interest rates are based on expected future rates of inflation. Thus, expectations theory and the Fisher hypothesis mesh quite nicely. Furthermore, a basic yield curve determined by inflationary expectations could also accommodate maturity preference theory. All we need to do is add a maturity premium to longer-term interest rates. In this view, long-term, default-free interest rates have three components: a real rate, an anticipated future inflation rate, and a maturity premium.

MARKET SE GME N TATI ON THE ORY market segmentation theory Debt markets are segmented by maturity, with the result that interest rates for various maturities are determined separately in each segment.


An alternative theory of the term structure of interest rates is the market segmentation theory, which asserts that debt markets are segmented according to the various maturities of debt instruments available for investment. By this theory, each maturity represents a separate, distinct market. For example, one group of lenders and borrowers may prefer to lend and borrow using securities with a maturity of 10 years, while another group may prefer to lend and borrow using securities with a maturity of 5 years. Segmentation theory simply states that interest rates corresponding to each maturity are determined separately by supply and demand conditions in each market segment. Another theory of the term structure, known as the preferred habitat theory, is essentially a compromise between market segmentation and maturity preference. In the preferred habitat theory, as in the market segmentation theory, different investors have different preferred maturities. The difference is that they can be induced to move to less preferred maturities by a higher interest rate. In the maturity preference theory, the preferred habitat is always toward shorter maturities rather than longer maturities. 9.6a

According to the expectations theory, what does an upward-sloping term structure indicate?


What basic assertion does maturity preference theory make about investor preferences? If this assertion is correct, how does it affect the term structure of interest rates?


What is a maturity premium?

Traditionally, maturity preference theory has been known as “liquidity” preference theory and the maturity premium was termed a “liquidity” premium. However, as we discussed in a previous chapter, the term “liquidity” is universally used to indicate the relative ease with which an asset can be sold. Also, the term “liquidity premium” now has a different meaning. To avoid confusion and to make this theory more consistent with modern views of liquidity, interest rates, and the term structure, we have adopted the more descriptive name of maturity premium. 2

320 Part 3 

  Interest Rates and Bond Valuation

9.7 Determinants of Nominal Interest Rates: A Modern Perspective Our understanding of the term structure of interest rates has increased significantly in the last few decades. Also, the evolution of fixed-income markets has shown us that, at least to some extent, traditional theories discussed in our previous section may be inadequate to explain the term structure. We discuss some problems with these theories next and then move on to a modern perspective.

P ROB L E MS WI TH TR A D I TI ON A L THE OR I E S To illustrate some problems with traditional theories, we could examine the behavior of the term structure in the last two decades. What we would find is that the term structure is almost always upward sloping. But contrary to the expectations hypothesis, interest rates have not always risen. Furthermore, as we saw with the STRIPS term structure, it is often the case that the term structure turns down at very long maturities. According to the expectations hypothesis, market participants apparently expect rates to rise for 20 or so years and then decline. This seems to be stretching things a bit. In terms of maturity preference, the world’s biggest borrower, the U.S. government, borrows much more heavily short term than long term. Furthermore, many of the biggest buyers of fixedincome securities, such as pension funds, have a strong preference for long maturities. It is hard to square these facts with the behavioral assumptions underlying the maturity preference theory. Finally, in terms of market segmentation, the U.S. government borrows at all maturities. Many institutional investors, such as mutual funds, are more than willing to move among maturities to obtain more favorable rates. At the same time, some bond trading operations do nothing other than buy and sell various maturity issues to exploit even very small perceived premiums. In short, in the modern fixed-income market, market segmentation does not seem to be a powerful force.

MODE R N TE R M STRUCTUR E THE ORY Going back to Chapter 1, we saw that long-term government bonds had higher returns, on average, than short-term T-bills. They had substantially more risk as well. In other words, there appears to be a risk-return trade-off for default-free bonds as well, and long-term bonds appear to have a risk premium. Notice that this risk premium doesn’t result from the possibility of default since the premium exists on default-free U.S. government debt. Instead, it exists because longer-term bond prices are more volatile than shorter-term prices. As we discuss in detail in the next chapter, the reason is that, for a given change in interest rates, long-term bond prices change more than short-term bonds. Put differently, long-term bond prices are much more sensitive to interest rate changes than short-term bonds. This is called interest rate risk, and the risk premium on longer-term bonds is called the interest rate risk premium. The interest rate risk premium carried by long-term bonds leads us to a modern reinterpretation of the maturity preference hypothesis. All else equal, investors do prefer short-term bonds to long-term bonds. The reason is simply that short-term bonds are less risky. As a result, long-term bonds have to offer higher yields to compensate investors for the extra interest rate risk. Putting it together, the modern view of the term structure suggests that nominal interest rates on default-free securities can be stated as follows: ​NI = R + IP + RP​


where: NI = Nominal interest rate RI = Real interest rate IP = Inflation premium RP = Interest rate risk premium

Chapter 9 

  Interest Rates321

The Term Structure of Interest Rates

Interest rate


Interest rate risk premium

Nominal interest rate

Inflation premium Real rate Time to maturity

Interest rate

(a) Upward-sloping term structure

Inflation premium

Interest rate risk premium

Nominal interest rate

Real rate Time to maturity (b) Downward-sloping term structure

In equation (9.11), the real rate of interest is assumed to be the same for all securities, and on average, the real interest rate (RI) is positive, as predicted by the Fisher hypothesis. As we discussed above, the inflation premium (IP) reflects investor expectations of future price inflation. The inflation premium may be different for securities with different maturities because expected inflation may be different over different future horizons. For example, the expected average rate of inflation over the next two years may be different from the expected average rate of inflation over the next five years. In addition to the real rate and the inflation premium, nominal rates reflect an interest rate risk premium (RP) that increases with the maturity of the security being considered. As a result, if interest rates are expected to remain constant through time, the term structure would have a positive slope. This is consistent with maturity preference theory. Indeed, for zero coupon bonds, the interest rate risk premium and the maturity premium are the same thing. The separate effects of the inflation premium and the interest rate risk premium are difficult to distinguish. For example, the yields for U.S. Treasury STRIPS in Figure 9.5 reveal a substantial yield premium for long-maturity STRIPS over short-term STRIPS. This yield premium for long-maturity STRIPS reflects the combined effects of the inflation premium and the risk premium. However, it is unclear how much of the total premium is caused by an inflation premium and how much is caused by a risk premium. Figure 9.9 shows how nominal interest rates can be separated into the real interest rate, the inflation premium, and the interest rate risk premium. 322 Part 3 

  Interest Rates and Bond Valuation

LIQUIDITY A N D D E FAU LT R I SK Thus far we have examined the components of interest rates on default-free, highly liquid securities such as Treasury STRIPS. We now expand our coverage to securities that are less liquid, not default-free, or both, to present a more detailed decomposition of nominal interest rates. When we are finished, what we will see is that nominal interest rates for individual securities can be decomposed into five basic components as follows: ​NI = RI + IP + RP + LP + DP​


where: NI = Nominal interest rate RI = Real interest rate IP = Inflation premium RP = Interest rate risk premium LP = Liquidity premium DP = Default premium We have already discussed the first three components of the nominal interest rate. We now consider the two new ones on our list, the default and liquidity premiums. The liquidity premium (LP) is a reflection of the fact that two otherwise identical securities may have very different degrees of liquidity. All else the same, the one with less liquidity would have to offer a higher yield as compensation. For Treasury securities, “on-the-run issues” are the most actively traded (i.e., liquid) bonds. The on-the-run issue is the most recently issued Treasury note or bond of a given maturity. The fifth, and final, component of a nominal interest rate is a default premium (DP). Investors demand a default premium to assume the risk of holding a security that might default on its promised payments. Naturally, the greater the risk of default for a particular bond issue, the larger the default premium required by investors. The topic of default risk is discussed in detail for corporate bonds and municipal bonds in later chapters. In addition to the five basic components we have discussed, another important determinant of nominal interest rates is tax status. As we briefly discussed in an earlier chapter, municipal bonds are not taxed at the federal level, but all other bonds are (including Treasury bonds). All else the same, taxable bonds must pay higher rates than nontaxable bonds. As a result, the rate on a high-quality municipal issue will normally be less than the rate on a Treasury issue, even though the Treasury is more liquid and has no default risk.

9.8 Summary and Conclusions The time value of money is arguably the most important principle of finance. Interest rates are a convenient way to measure and state the time value of money. Furthermore, understanding interest rates is essential for understanding money market and fixed-income securities. This chapter covers many topics relating to interest rates. They are grouped here by the learning objectives of the chapter. 1. Money market prices and rates. A. Money market is the name of the financial market for short-term borrowing and lending. In the money market, the borrowing and lending period is generally less than a year. B. Important short-term money market rates include the prime rate, the Federal funds rate, and the Federal Reserve’s discount rate. The prime rate is a bellwether of bank lending to business, while the Federal funds rate and the Federal Reserve’s discount rate are indicators of the availability of money and credit within the banking system. 2. Rates and yields on fixed-income securities. A. Fixed-income securities promise a regular payment during the life of the security. In addition, most fixed-income securities also promise a lump-sum payment at the end

Chapter 9 

  Interest Rates323

of the life of the security. Generally, when they are issued, fixed-income securities have a life ranging from 2 to 30 years. B. The Treasury yield curve plots the relationship between yields on U.S. Treasury securities and their maturities. The Treasury yield curve is fundamental to bond market analysis because it represents the interest rates that financial markets are charging to the world’s largest debtor with the world’s highest credit rating—the U.S. government. 3. Treasury STRIPS and the term structure of interest rates. A. The term structure of interest rates is the fundamental relationship between time to maturity and interest rates for default-free, pure discount instruments such as U.S.Treasury STRIPS. B. A number of different theories—including the expectations theory, the maturity preference theory, and the market segmentation theory—have been proposed to explain why the term structure of interest rates and yield curves may be upward sloping at one point in time and then downward sloping or flat at another time. In a modern view of the term structure, yields on default-free, pure discount bonds are determined by the real rate of interest, expectations of future inflation, and an interest rate risk premium. 4. Nominal versus real interest rates. A. Nominal interest rates are interest rates that we ordinarily observe. Nominal interest rates have five basic components: the real rate, an inflation premium, an interest rate risk premium, a liquidity premium, and a default premium. The real interest rate is the nominal interest rate adjusted for the effects of inflation. B. U.S. Treasury securities are free of default risk and are generally free from liquidity risk. For other debt issues, however, these two nominal interest rate components are very important. C. When nominal interest rates change, long-term bond prices change more than shortterm bonds. Put differently, long-term bond prices are much more sensitive to interest rate changes than are short-term bonds. This difference in price changes is called interest rate risk. D. The liquidity premium reflects the fact that two otherwise identical securities could have starkly different degrees of liquidity. All else the same, the one with less liquidity would have to offer a higher yield as compensation. The fifth component of a nominal interest rate, the default premium, reflects the extra yield that investors demand to assume the risk of holding a security that might default on its promised payments.


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324 Part 3 

This chapter covered the essentials of interest rates. How should you, as an investor or investment manager, put this information to work? The best thing to do is to buy, perhaps in a simulated brokerage account, a variety of instruments discussed in this chapter. STRIPS, in particular, are an important investment vehicle for both institutional and individual investors. To gain some practical experience with the risks and rewards from STRIPS investing, you should invest equal dollar amounts in several different STRIPS with different maturities. Pick short term (a few years), intermediate term (10 or so years), and long term (25 years or longer), for example. Once you make these investments, monitor their yields and prices. A good place to start with a study of interest rates is to visit some federal government websites. Try the U.S. Treasury (, the Bureau of the Fiscal Service (, the Federal Reserve Board of Governors (www.federalreserve .gov), and the New York ( and St. Louis ( Federal Reserve banks. For the latest money market rates, see Money Rates (, and, for bank lending rates, check out Banx ( or Bankrate ( Price and yield data for U.S. Treasury securities can be found at CNN (

  Interest Rates and Bond Valuation

Key Terms bank discount basis  302 banker’s acceptance  301 basis point  302 bellwether rate  299 call money rate  300 certificates of deposit (CD)  301 commercial paper  300 discount rate  299 eurodollars 300 expectations theory  317 Federal funds rate  299 Fisher hypothesis  315

forward rate  319 London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR)  300 market segmentation theory  320 maturity preference theory  320 nominal interest rates  315 prime rate  298 pure discount security  301 real interest rates  315 term structure of interest rates  312 Treasury yield curve  308 U.S. Treasury bill (T-bill)  300 U.S. Treasury STRIPS  312

Chapter Review Problems and Self-Test 1. Money Market Prices (LO1, CFA2)  The rate on a particular money market instrument, quoted on a discount basis, is 5 percent. The instrument has a face value of $100,000 and will mature in 40 days. What is its price? 2. Bond Equivalent Yields (LO1, CFA1)  Suppose a T-bill has 75 days to maturity and an ask discount of 4 percent. What is the bond equivalent yield?

Answers to Self-Test Problems 1. Using the bank discount basis formula, we have Daystomaturity ______________ Currentprice = Facevalue × ​(1 − ​       ​   × Discountyield)​ 360 ​        ​  ​    ​ $99,444.44 = $100,000 × ​(1 − ​____   40  ​  × 0.05)​ 360 You would pay $99,444.44. 2. Using the bond equivalent yield conversion formula, we have 365 × 0.04 ​4.09% = ​_____________          ​ 360 − 75 × 0.04 The bond equivalent yield is thus 4.09 percent.

Test Your Investment Quotient


1. Interest Rates (LO2, CFA2)  Which of the following interest rates is a bellwether (leading indicator) rate of bank lending to business? a. b. c. d.

Unsecured business loan rate. Prime rate. Commercial paper rate. Banker’s acceptance rate.

2. Interest Rates (LO2, CFA2)  Among the following interest rates, which is normally the ­highest rate? a. b. c. d.

Commercial paper rate. U.S. Treasury bill rate. Federal funds rate. Federal Reserve discount rate. Chapter 9 

  Interest Rates325

3. T-Bill Yields (LO1, CFA2)  A U.S. Treasury bill with 180 days to maturity has a discount yield of 5 percent and a face value of $100,000. What is its current price? a. b. c. d.

$97,500 $95,000 $92,500 $90,000

4. T-Bill Yields (LO1, CFA2)  A U.S. Treasury bill with 90 days to maturity has a price of $95,000. What is its discount yield? a. b. c. d.

5 percent 10 percent 15 percent 20 percent

5. T-Bill Yields (LO1, CFA2)  A 30-day U.S. Treasury bill is selling at a 12 percent yield on a discount basis. Which of the following is the approximate bond equivalent yield? a. b. c. d.

6.0 percent 11.7 percent 12.0 percent 12.3 percent

6. Effective Annual Rates (LO2, CFA1)  A credit card company states an annual percentage rate (APR) of 12 percent, which is actually a rate of 1 percent per month. What is the EAR? a. b. c. d.

12 percent 12.68 percent 13.08 percent 13.76 percent

7. STRIPS Yields (LO3, CFA6)  A U.S. Treasury STRIPS maturing in 10 years has a current price of $502.57 for $1,000 of face value. What is the yield to maturity of this STRIPS? a. b. c. d.

7.0 percent 7.12 percent 8.0 percent 8.12 percent

8. STRIPS Yields (LO3, CFA6)  A U.S. Treasury STRIPS with a $1,000 face value maturing in five years has a yield to maturity of 7 percent. What is the current price of this STRIPS? a. b. c. d.

$930 $712.99 $708.92 $650

9. Bond Yields (LO2, CFA1)  An analyst finds that the semiannual interest rate that equates the present value of the bond’s cash flow to its current market price is 3.85 percent. Consider the following possible alternatives: I. The bond equivalent yield on this security is 7.70 percent. II. The effective annual yield on the bond is 7.85 percent. III. The bond’s yield-to-maturity is 7.70 percent. IV. The bond’s horizon return is 8.35 percent. Which of these alternatives are true? a. b. c. d.

I and II only II, III, and IV only I, II, and III only III only

10. Forward Rates (LO3, CFA8)  An analyst gathered the following spot rates:

326 Part 3 

  Interest Rates and Bond Valuation

Time (years)

Annual Spot Rate









The one-year forward rate two years from now is closest to a. b. c. d.

−4.91 percent 5.17 percent 10.05 percent 7.5 percent

11. Zeroes (LO2)  If an investor’s required return is 12 percent, the value of a 10-year maturity zero coupon bond with a maturity value of $1,000 is closest to a. b. c. d.

$312 $688 $1,000 $1,312

12. Fisher Hypothesis (LO4, CFA4)  The Fisher hypothesis essentially asserts which of the following? a. b. c. d.

Nominal interest rates follow inflation. Real interest rates follow inflation. Inflation follows real interest rates. Inflation follows nominal interest rates.

13. Term Structure Theory (LO3, CFA9)  Which one of the following statements about the term structure of interest rates is true? a. The expectations hypothesis indicates a flat yield curve if anticipated future short-term rates exceed current short-term rates. b. The expectations hypothesis contends that the long-term rate is equal to the anticipated short-term rate. c. The liquidity premium theory indicates that, all else being equal, longer maturities will have lower yields. d. The market segmentation theory contends that borrowers and lenders prefer particular segments of the yield curve. 14. Term Structure Theory (LO3, CFA9)  Which one of the following is not an explanation of the relationship between a bond’s interest rate and its term to maturity? a. b. c. d.

Default (credit) risk hypothesis Expectations hypothesis Liquidity preference hypothesis Segmentation hypothesis

15. Term Structure Theory (LO3, CFA3)  Which theory explains the shape of the yield curve by considering the relative demands for various maturities? a. b. c. d.

Relative strength theory Segmentation theory Unbiased expectations theory Liquidity premium theory

16. Term Structure Theory (LO3, CFA3)  The concepts of spot and forward rates are most closely associated with which one of the following explanations of the term structure of interest rates? a. b. c. d.

Expectations hypothesis Liquidity premium theory Preferred habitat hypothesis Segmented market theory

17. Forward Rates (LO3, CFA8)  The current one-year interest rate is 6 percent and the current two-year interest rate is 7 percent. What is the implied forward rate for next year’s one-year rate? a. b. c. d.

9 percent 8 percent 7 percent 6 percent

18. Forward Rates (LO3, CFA8)  The current one-year interest rate is 7 percent and the current two-year interest rate is 6 percent. What is the implied forward rate for next year’s one-year rate? a. b. c. d.

7 percent 6 percent 5 percent 4 percent Chapter 9 

  Interest Rates327

19. Forward Rates (LO3, CFA8)  The 6-month Treasury bill spot rate is 4 percent, and the 1-year Treasury bill spot rate is 5 percent. The implied 6-month forward rate 6 months from now is which of the following? a. b. c. d.

3.0 percent 4.5 percent 5.5 percent 5.9 percent

20. Forward Rates (LO3, CFA8)  An analyst gathers the following information: Years to Maturity

Spot Rate







Based on the data above, the one-year implied forward rate two years from now is closest to a. b. c. d.

6.25 percent 7.01 percent 7.26 percent 7.51 percent

Concept Questions 1. Interest Rate History (LO2, CFA6)  Based on the history of interest rates, what is the range of short-term rates that has occurred in the United States? The range of long-term rates? What is a typical value for each? 2. Discount Securities (LO1, CFA2)  What are pure discount securities? Give two examples. 3. Fed Funds versus the Discount Rate (LO1, CFA5)  Compare and contrast the Fed funds rate and the discount rate. Which do you think is more volatile? Which market do you think is more active? Why? 4. Commercial Paper (LO1, CFA2)  Compare and contrast commercial paper and Treasury bills. Which would typically offer a higher interest rate? Why? 5. LIBOR (LO1, CFA6)  What is LIBOR? Why is it important? 6. Bank Discount Rates (LO1, CFA2)  Why do you suppose rates on some money market instruments are quoted on a bank discount basis? (Hint: Why use a 360-day year?) 7. STRIPS (LO3)  What are the three different types of Treasury STRIPS that are publicly traded? 8. Nominal and Real Rates (LO4, CFA4)  When we observe interest rates in the financial press, do we see nominal or real rates? Which are more relevant to investors? 9. TIPS (LO4, CFA3)  Evaluate the following statement: “Treasury inflation protected securities (TIPS) pay a fixed coupon.” 10. Term Structure (LO4, CFA5)  Discuss how each of the following theories for the term structure of interest rates could account for a downward-sloping term structure of interest rates: a. Pure expectations b. Maturity preference c. Market segmentation

Questions and Problems Core Questions

1. STRIPS (LO3, CFA7)  What is the price of a Treasury STRIPS with a face value of $100 that matures in 10 years and has a yield to maturity of 3.5 percent? 2. STRIPS (LO3, CFA7)  A Treasury STRIPS matures in 7 years and has a yield to maturity of4.4percent. If the par value is $100,000, what is the price of the STRIPS? What is the quotedprice?

328 Part 3 

  Interest Rates and Bond Valuation

3. STRIPS (LO3, CFA7)  A Treasury STRIPS is quoted at 90.875 and has 5 years until maturity. What is the yield to maturity? 4. STRIPS (LO3, CFA2)  What is the yield to maturity on a Treasury STRIPS with 4 years to maturity and a quoted price of 70.485? 5. Fisher Effect (LO4, CFA4)  A stock had a return of 8.9 percent last year. If the inflation rate was 2.1 percent, what was the approximate real return? 6. Fisher Effect (LO4, CFA4)  Your investments increased in value by 11.6 percent last year, but your purchasing power increased by only 7.6 percent. What was the approximate inflation rate? 7. Treasury Bill Prices (LO1, CFA2)  What is the price of a U.S. Treasury bill with 56 days to maturity quoted at a discount yield of 1.15 percent? Assume a $1 million face value. 8. Treasury Bill Prices (LO1, CFA1)  In Problem 7, what is the bond equivalent yield? 9. Treasury Bill Prices (LO1, CFA2)  How much would you pay for a U.S. Treasury bill with 112 days to maturity quoted at a discount yield of 2.18 percent? Assume a $1 million face value.

Intermediate Questions

10. Treasury Bill Prices (LO1, CFA1)  In Problem 9, what is the bond equivalent yield? 11. Treasury Bills (LO1, CFA2)  A Treasury bill with 64 days to maturity is quoted at 99.012. What are the bank discount yield, the bond equivalent yield, and the effective annual return? 12. Treasury Bills (LO1, CFA2)  A Treasury bill purchased in December 2016has 55 days until maturity and a bank discount yield of 2.48 percent. What is the price of the bill as a percentage of face value? What is the bond equivalent yield? 13. Money Market Prices (LO1, CFA2)  The treasurer of a large corporation wants to invest $20 million in excess short-term cash in a particular money market investment. The prospectus quotes the instrument at a true yield of 3.15 percent; that is, the EAR for this investment is 3.15percent. However, the treasurer wants to know the money market yield on this instrument to make it comparable to the T-bills and CDs she has already bought. If the term of the instrument is 90 days, what are the bond equivalent and discount yields on this investment? Use the following information to answer Problems 14–18:

U.S. Treasury STRIPS, close of business November 15, 2015: Maturity




November ’16


November ’19


November ’17


November ’20


November ’18


November ’21


14. Treasury STRIPS (LO3, CFA1)  Calculate the quoted yield for each of the STRIPS given in the table above. Does the market expect interest rates to go up or down in the future? 15. Treasury STRIPS (LO3, CFA1)  What is the yield of the November ’17 STRIPS expressed as an EAR? 16. Forward Interest Rates (LO3, CFA3)  According to the pure expectations theory of interest rates, how much do you expect to pay for a one-year STRIPS on November 15, 2016? What is the corresponding implied forward rate? How does your answer compare to the current yield on a one-year STRIPS? What does this tell you about the relationship between implied forward rates, the shape of the zero coupon yield curve, and market expectations about future spot ­interest rates? 17. Forward Interest Rates (LO3, CFA8)  According to the pure expectations theory of interest rates, how much do you expect to pay for a five-year STRIPS on November 15, 2016? How much do you expect to pay for a two-year STRIPS on November 15, 2018? 18. Bond Price Changes (LO3, CFA7)  Suppose the (quoted) yield on each of the six STRIPS increases by 0.05 percent. Calculate the percentage change in price for the one-year, three-year, and six-year STRIPS. Which one has the largest price change? Now suppose that the quoted price on each STRIPS decreases by 0.500. Calculate the percentage change in (quoted) yield for the one-year, three-year, and six-year STRIPS. Which one has the largest yield change? What do your answers tell you about the relationship between prices, yields, and maturity for discount bonds? 19. TIPS (LO4, CFA3)  Suppose you purchase a $1,000 TIPS on January 1, 2016. The bond ­carries a fixed coupon of 1 percent. Over the first two years, semiannual inflation is 2 percent, 3percent, 1 percent, and 2 percent, respectively. For each six-month period, calculate the accrued principal and coupon payment.

Chapter 9 

  Interest Rates329

20. Inflation and Returns (LO3, CFA1)  You observe that the current interest rate on short-term U.S. Treasury bills is 1.64 percent. You also read in the newspaper that the GDP deflator, which is a common macroeconomic indicator used by market analysts to gauge the inflation rate, currently implies that inflation is 0.7 percent. Given this information, what is the approximate real rate of interest on short-term Treasury bills? Is it likely that your answer would change if you used some alternative measure for the inflation rate, such as the CPI? What does this tell you about the observability and accuracy of real interest rates compared to nominal interest rates? 21. Forward Interest Rates (LO3, CFA8)  Consider the following spot interest rates for maturities of one, two, three, and four years. ​r​ 1​= 4.3%   ​r​ 2​= 4.9%   ​r​ 3​= 5.6%   ​r​ 4​= 6.4%​ What are the following forward rates, where f1,k refers to a forward rate for the period beginning in one year and extending for k years? ​f​ 1,1​=   ;  ​f​ 1,2​=   ;  ​f​ 1,3​ =​ Hint: Use the equation (1 + r1)(1 + f1, k)k = (1 + rk+1)k+1 to solve for f1, k. 22. Forward Interest Rates (LO3, CFA9)  Based on the spot interest rates in the previous question, what are the following forward rates, where fk,1 refers to a forward rate beginning in k years and extending for 1 year? ​f​ 2,1​=   ;  ​f​ 3,1​ =​ Hint: Use the equation (1 + rk)k(1 + fk,1) = (1 + rk+1)k+1 to solve for fk,1. 23. Expected Inflation Rates (LO4, CFA4)  Based on the spot rates in Problem 21, and assuming a constant real interest rate of 2 percent, what are the expected inflation rates for the next four years?

Spreadsheet Problems

Hint: Use the Fisher hypothesis and the unbiased expectations theory. 24. Treasury Bills (LO1, CFA2)  A Treasury bill that settles on May 18, 2016, pays $100,000 on August 21, 2016. Assuming a discount rate of 0.44 percent, what are the price and bond equivalent yield? 25. Effective Annual Rate (LO2, CFA1)  You have a car loan with a nominal rate of 5.99 percent. With interest charged monthly, what is the effective annual rate (EAR) on this loan?

CFA Exam Review by Kaplan Schweser [CFA3, CFA8, CFA9] James Wallace, CFA, is a fixed-income fund manager at a large investment firm. Each year the firm recruits a group of new college graduates. Recently, Mr. Wallace was asked to teach the fixed-income portion of the firm’s training program. Mr. Wallace wants to start by teaching the various theories of the term structure of interest rates and the implications of each theory for the shape of the Treasury yield curve. To evaluate the trainees’ understanding of the subject, he creates a series of questions. The following interest rate scenario is used to derive examples on the different theories used to explain the shape of the term structure and for all computational problems in Mr. Wallace’s lecture. He assumes a rounded day count of 0.5 year for each semiannual period. To read the period column, let’s look at the 12 × 18 line. The “12” stands for 12 months from now and the “18” stands for 18 months from now. So, the 12 × 18 forward rate is a six-month rate that begins 12 months from now.

330 Part 3 

Period (months)

LIBOR Forward Rates

Implied Spot Rates

  Interest Rates and Bond Valuation

0 × 6



6 × 12



12 × 18



18 × 24



24 × 30



30 × 36



1. Mr. Wallace asks the trainees which of the following explains an upward-sloping yield curve according to the pure expectations theory. a. The market expects short-term rates to rise through the relevant future. b. There is greater demand for short-term securities than for long-term securities. c. There is a risk premium associated with more distant maturities. 2. Mr. Wallace asks the trainees which of the following explains an upward-sloping yield curve according to the market segmentation theory. a. The market expects short-term rates to rise through the relevant future. b. There is greater demand for short-term securities than for long-term securities. c. There is a risk premium associated with more distant maturities. 3. According to the expectations theory, which of the following is closest to the one-year implied forward rate one year from now? a. 6.58 percent b. 5.75 percent c. 6.25 percent 4. Mr. Wallace is particularly interested in the effects of a steepening yield curve. Which of the following is most accurate for a steepening curve? a. The price of short-term Treasuries increases relative to long-term Treasuries. b. The price of long-term Treasuries increases relative to short-term Treasuries. c. The price of short-term Treasury securities increases.

What’s on the Web? 1. Yield Curve  What is the shape of the Treasury yield curve today? Go to and find out. Is the yield curve upward sloping or downward sloping? According to the expectations theory, are interest rates in the future expected to be higher or lower than they are today? 2. STRIPS  Go to and search the site for STRIPS to find information on Treasury STRIPS. Answer the following questions: Which Treasury securities are eligible to be stripped? What are minimum par amounts for stripping? How do I buy STRIPS? Why do investors hold STRIPS? 3. STRIPS  Go to find the quotes for STRIPS that are offered for sale on the site. How many STRIPS are offered for sale? What aer the lowest and highest yields to maturity? Are there STRIPS with the same maturity that have different prices? How could this happen?

Chapter 9 

  Interest Rates331

PART 3 chapter

Bond Prices and Yields +

Learning Objectives


“More money has been lost reaching for yield than at the point of a gun.” –Raymond Devoe

Bonds can be an important part of portfolios. You will learn:

Interest rates go up and bond prices go down. But which bonds go down the most

1. How to calculate bond prices and yields.

important questions about interest rate risk. For anyone managing a bond portfolio, an

2. The importance of yield to maturity. 3. Interest rate risk and Malkiel’s theorems. 4. How to measure the impact of interest rate changes on bond prices.

and which go down the least? Interest rates go down and bond prices go up. But which bonds go up the most and which go up the least? For bond portfolio managers, these are understanding of interest rate risk rests on an understanding of the relationship between bond prices and yields.

In the preceding chapter on interest rates, we introduced the subject of bond yields. As we promised there, we now return to this subject and discuss bond prices and yields in some detail. We first describe how bond yields are determined and how they are interpreted. We then go on to examine what happens to bond prices as yields change. Finally, once we have a good understanding of the relation between bond prices and yields, we examine some of the fundamental tools of bond risk analysis used by fixed-income portfolio managers.

CFA™ Exam Topics in This Chapter: 1. Noncurrent (long-term) liabilities (L1, S9) 2. Fixed-income securities: Defining elements (L1, S15) 3. Fixed-income markets: Issuance, trading, and funding (L1, S15) 4. Introduction to fixed-income valuation (L1, S15) 5. Understanding fixed-income risk and return (L1, S16) 6. Fundamentals of credit analysis (L1, S16) 7. Fixed-income portfolio management: Part I (L3, S10)

Go to Connect for a guide that aligns your textbook with CFA readings.

10.1 Bond Basics A bond essentially is a security that offers the investor a series of fixed interest payments during its life, along with a fixed payment of principal when it matures. So long as the bond issuer does not default, the schedule of payments does not change. When originally issued, bonds normally have maturities ranging from 2 years to 30 years, but bonds with maturities of 50 or 100 years also exist. Bonds issued with maturities of less than 10 years are usually called notes. A very small number of bond issues have no stated maturity, and these are referred to as perpetuities or consols.


Check out the fixed-income section at

The most common type of bond is the so-called straight bond. By definition, a straight bond is an IOU that obligates the issuer to pay the bondholder a fixed sum of money at the bond’s maturity along with constant, periodic interest payments during the life of the bond. The fixed sum paid at maturity is referred to as bond principal, par value, stated value, or face value. The periodic interest payments are called coupons. Perhaps the best example of straight bonds is U.S. Treasury bonds issued by the federal government to finance the national debt. However, corporations and municipal governments also routinely issue debt in the form of straight bonds. In addition to a straight bond component, many bonds have special features. These features are sometimes designed to enhance a bond’s appeal to investors. For example, convertible bonds have a conversion feature that grants bondholders the right to convert their bonds into shares of common stock of the issuing corporation. As another example, “putable” bonds have a put feature that grants bondholders the right to sell their bonds back to the issuer at a prespecified price. These and other special features are attached to many bond issues, but we defer discussion of special bond features until a later chapter. For now, it is only important to know that when a bond is issued with one or more special features, strictly speaking, it is no longer a straight bond. However, bonds with attached special features will normally have a straight bond component, namely, the periodic coupon payments and fixed principal payment at maturity. For this reason, straight bonds are important as the basic unit of bond analysis. The prototypical example of a straight bond pays a series of constant semiannual coupons, along with a face value of $1,000 payable at maturity. This example is used in this chapter because it is common and realistic. For example, most corporate bonds are sold with a face value of $1,000 per bond, and most bonds (in the United States at least) pay constant semiannual coupons.


coupon rate A bond’s annual coupon divided by its par value. Also called coupon yield or nominal yield.

current yield A bond’s annual coupon divided by its market price.

A familiarity with bond yield measures is important for understanding the financial characteristics of bonds. As we briefly discussed in Chapter 3, two basic yield measures for a bond are its coupon rate and current yield. A bond’s coupon rate is defined as its annual coupon amount divided by its par value, or, in other words, its annual coupon expressed as a percentage of face value: Annual coupon ​ Coupon rate = _____________ ​        ​​ Par value


For example, suppose a $1,000 par value bond pays semiannual coupons of $40. The annual coupon is then $80, and stated as a percentage of par value, the bond’s coupon rate is $80/$1,000 = 8%. A coupon rate is often referred to as the coupon yield or the nominal yield. Notice that the word “nominal” here has nothing to do with inflation. A bond’s current yield is its annual coupon payment divided by its current market price: Annual coupon ​ Current yield = _____________ ​        ​​ Bond price


For example, suppose a $1,000 par value bond paying an $80 annual coupon has a price of $1,032.25. The current yield is $80/$1,032.25 = 7.75%. Similarly, a price of $969.75 implies

Chapter 10 

  Bond Prices and Yields333

a current yield of $80/$969.75 = 8.25%. Notice that whenever there is a change in the bond’s price, the coupon rate remains constant. However, a bond’s current yield is inversely related to its price, and it changes whenever the bond’s price changes.



What is a straight bond?


What is a bond’s coupon rate? Its current yield?

10.2 Straight Bond Prices and Yield to Maturity yield to maturity (YTM) The discount rate that equates a bond’s price with the present value of its future cash flows. Also called promised yield or just yield.

The single most important yield measure for a bond is its yield to maturity, commonly abbreviated as YTM. By definition, a bond’s yield to maturity is the discount rate that equates the bond’s price with the computed present value of its future cash flows. A bond’s yield to maturity is sometimes called its promised yield, but, more commonly, the yield to maturity of a bond is simply referred to as its yield. In general, if the term “yield” is being used with no qualification, it means yield to maturity.

ST RAIGHT B ON D P R I C E S For straight bonds, the following standard formula is used to calculate a bond’s price given its yield: C/2 1 FV ​Bond price = _______ ​    ​​  1 − ____________ ​        ​ ​  + ____________ ​        ​​ YTM/2 [ (1 + YTM/2​)​ 2M​] (1 + YTM/2​)​ 2M​

This formula can be simplified just a bit as follows: ​

C 1 FV Bond price = _____ ​     ​​ 1 − ____________ ​        ​ ​  + ____________ ​        ​​ YTM [ (1 + YTM/2​)​ 2M​] (1 + YTM/2​)​ 2M​


where: C = Annual coupon, the sum of two semiannual coupons FV = Face value M = Maturity in years YTM = Yield to maturity In this formula, the coupon used is the annual coupon, which is the sum of the two semiannual coupons. As discussed in our previous chapter for U.S. Treasury STRIPS, the yield on a bond is an annual percentage rate (APR), calculated as twice the true semiannual yield. As a result, the yield on a bond somewhat understates its effective annual rate (EAR). The straight bond pricing formula has two separate components. The first component is the present value of all the coupon payments. Since the coupons are fixed and paid on a regular basis, you may recognize that they form an ordinary annuity, and the first piece of the bond pricing formula is a standard calculation for the present value of an annuity. The other component represents the present value of the principal payment at maturity, and it is a standard calculation for the present value of a single lump sum. Calculating bond prices is mostly “plug and chug” with a calculator. In fact, a good financial calculator or spreadsheet should have this formula built into it. In any case, we will work through a few examples the long way just to illustrate the calculations. Suppose a bond has a $1,000 face value, 20 years to maturity, an 8 percent coupon rate, and a yield of 9 percent. What’s the price? Using the straight bond pricing formula, the price of this bond is calculated as follows: 1. Present value of semiannual coupons: 0.09 [

(1.045​)​​  40​]

$80 1   ​  ____ ​    ​ 1 − ________ ​  ​  = $736.06338​

334 Part 3 

  Interest Rates and Bond Valuation

2. Present value of $1,000 principal: $1,000 ________ ​     ​  = $171.92870​ (1.045​)​ 40​ The price of the bond is the sum of the present values of coupons and principal: ​Bond price = $736.06 + $171.93 = $907.99​ So, this bond sells for $907.99.

EXAMPLE 10.1  

Calculating Straight Bond Prices Suppose a bond has 20 years to maturity and a coupon rate of 8 percent. The bond’s yield to maturity is 7 percent. What’s the price? In this case, the coupon rate is 8 percent and the face value is $1,000, so the annual coupon is $80. The bond’s price is calculated as follows: 1.  Present value of semiannual coupons: 0.07 [

(1.035​)​  ​]

80 1 _____ ​​  $    ​​  1 − ________ ​    40 ​  ​  = $854.20289​

2.  Present value of $1,000 principal:

1,000 ________ ​​  $    ​  = $252.57247​ (1.035​)​ 40​

The bond’s price is the sum of coupon and principal present values: ​Bond price = $854.20 + $252.57 = $1,106.77​

This bond sells for $1,106.77.

Straight bond prices may be calculated using a built-in spreadsheet function. An example of how to use an Excel™ spreadsheet to calculate a bond price is shown in the nearby Spreadsheet Analysis box.










Calculating the Price of a Coupon Bond

2 3

A Treasury bond traded on March 30, 2016, matures in 20 years on March 30, 2036. Assuming an 4 percent coupon rate and a 3 percent yield to maturity, what is the 6 price of this bond? 7 Hint: Use the Excel function PRICE. 4 5




=PRICE(“3/30/2016”,“3/30/2036” ,0.04,0.03,100,2,3)

10 11

For a bond with $1,000 face value, multiply the price by 10 to get $1,149.58.

12 13

This function uses the following arguments:

14 15


16 17

The 100 indicates redemption value as a percent of face value. The 2 indicates semi-annual coupons. 19 The 3 specifies an actual day count with 365 days per year. 18 20 Source: Microsoft.

Chapter 10 

  Bond Prices and Yields335

P REMIUM AND D I SC OUN T B ON D S Bonds are commonly distinguished according to whether they are selling at par value or at a discount or premium relative to par value. These three relative price descriptions—premium, discount, and par bonds—are defined as follows: 1. Premium bonds.  Bonds with a price greater than par value are said to be selling at a premium. The yield to maturity of a premium bond is less than its coupon rate. 2. Discount bonds.  Bonds with a price less than par value are said to be selling at a discount. The yield to maturity of a discount bond is greater than its coupon rate. 3. Par bonds.  Bonds with a price equal to par value are said to be selling at par. The yield to maturity of a par bond is equal to its coupon rate. The important thing to notice is that whether a bond sells at a premium or discount depends on the relation between its coupon rate and its yield. If the coupon rate exceeds the yield, the bond will sell at a premium. If the coupon is less than the yield, the bond will sell at a discount.

EXAMPLE 10.2  

Premium and Discount Bonds Consider two bonds, both with eight years to maturity and a 7 percent coupon. One bond has a yield to maturity of 5 percent while the other has a yield to maturity of 9 percent. Which of these bonds is selling at a premium and which is selling at a discount? Verify your answer by calculating each bond’s price. For the bond with a 9 percent yield to maturity, the coupon rate of 7 percent is less than the yield, indicating a discount bond. The bond’s price is calculated as follows: 0.09 [

(1.045​)​  ​]

1 1,000 $70  ​​  1 − ________ ​​ _____ ​    16 ​  ​  + ________ ​  $    ​  = $887.66​ 16 (1.045​)​  ​

For the bond with a 5 percent yield to maturity, the coupon rate of 7 percent is greater than the yield, indicating a premium bond. The bond’s price is calculated as follows: 0.05 [

(1.025​)​  ​]

1 1,000 $70  ​​  1 − ________ ​​ _____ ​    16 ​  ​  + ________ ​  $    ​  = $1,130.55​ 16 (1.025​)​  ​

The relationship between bond prices and bond maturities for premium and discount bonds is graphically illustrated in Figure 10.1 for bonds with an 8 percent coupon rate. The vertical axis measures bond prices, and the horizontal axis measures bond maturities.


Premium, Par, and Discount Bond Prices 140 Bond prices (% of par)

130 Premium

120 110


100 90


80 70 30

336 Part 3 

  Interest Rates and Bond Valuation


15 10 20 Time to maturity (years)


Figure 10.1 also describes the paths of premium and discount bond prices as their maturities shorten with the passage of time, assuming no changes in yield to maturity. As shown, the time paths of premium and discount bond prices follow smooth curves. Over time, the price of a premium bond declines and the price of a discount bond rises. At maturity, the price of each bond converges to its par value. Figure 10.1 illustrates the general result that, for discount bonds, holding the coupon rate and yield to maturity constant, the longer the term to maturity of the bond, the greater is the discount from par value. For premium bonds, holding the coupon rate and yield to maturity constant, the longer the term to maturity of the bond, the greater is the premium over parvalue. Even though bond prices change (almost constantly) with interest rates, most bonds are actually issued at par. When a company issues a bond at par, the company is picking a coupon rate that matches the required return on the bond when the bond is issued. You know that the company could simply change the number of bonds it issues to generate a desired level of proceeds. Therefore, why would it matter whether bonds are issued at par? The answer relates to accounting rules that require companies to amortize premiums and discounts to par over the life of the bonds. So, pricing at par allows companies to avoid the unnecessary burden associated with accounting for these rules.

EXAMPLE 10.3  

Premium Bonds Consider two bonds, both with a 9 percent coupon rate and the same yield to maturity of 7 percent, but with different maturities of 5 and 10 years. Which has the higher price? Verify your answer by calculating the prices. First, because both bonds have a 9 percent coupon and a 7 percent yield, both bonds sell at a premium. Based on what we know, the one with the longer maturity will have a higher price. We can check these conclusions by calculating the prices as follows: 5-year maturity premium bond price: 0.07 [

(1.035​)​  ​]

90 1 $1,000  _____ ​​  $    ​​  1 − ________ ​    10 ​  ​  + ________ ​  = $1,083.17​ 10 ​   (1.035​)​  ​

10-year maturity premium bond price: 0.07 [

(1.035​)​  ​]

1 1,000 90 ____ ​ $    ​ 1 − ________ ​    20 ​  ​ + ________ ​  $    ​  = $1,142.12​ 20 (1.035​)​  ​

Notice that the longer maturity premium bond has a higher price, as we predicted.

EXAMPLE 10.4  

Discount Bonds Now consider two bonds, both with a 9 percent coupon rate and the same yield to maturity of 11 percent, but with different maturities of 5 and 10 years. Which has the higher price? Verify your answer by calculating the prices. These are both discount bonds. (Why?) The one with the shorter maturity will have a higher price. To check, the prices can be calculated as follows: 5-year maturity discount bond price: 0.11 [

(1.055​)​  ​]

90 1 1,000 ____ ​​  $  ​​ 1 − ________ ​    10 ​  ​  + ________ ​  $    ​  = $924.62​ 10 (1.055​)​  ​

10-year maturity discount bond price: 0.11 [

(1.055​)​  ​]

90 1 1,000 ____ ​​  $  ​​ 1 − ________ ​    20 ​  ​  + ________ ​  $    ​  = $880.50​ 20 (1.055​)​  ​

In this case, the shorter maturity discount bond has the higher price.

Chapter 10 

  Bond Prices and Yields337

RELAT IONSHIP S A MON G Y I E L D ME A SU R E S We have discussed three different bond rates or yields in this chapter: the coupon rate, the current yield, and the yield to maturity. We’ve seen the relationship between coupon rates and yields for discount and premium bonds. We can extend this to include current yields by simply noting that the current yield is between the coupon rate and the yield to maturity (unless the bond is selling at par, in which case all three are equal). Putting together our observations about yield measures, we have the following: Premium bonds (Price > Par): Coupon rate > Current yield > Yield to maturity Discount bonds (Price < Par): Coupon rate < Current yield < Yield to maturity Par value bonds (Price = Par): Coupon rate = Current yield = Yield to maturity Thus, when a premium bond and a discount bond both have the same yield to maturity, the premium bond has a higher current yield than the discount bond. However, as shown in Figure 10.1, the advantage of a high current yield for a premium bond is offset by the fact that the price of a premium bond must ultimately fall to its face value when the bond matures. Similarly, the disadvantage of a low current yield for a discount bond is offset by the fact that the price of a discount bond must ultimately rise to its face value at maturity. For these reasons, current yield is not a reliable guide to what an actual yield will be. If you wish to get current price and yield information for Treasury note and bond issues, try the Internet. The nearby Work the Web box displays a typical search query and the search results from a popular website.


clean price The price of a bond net of accrued interest; this is the price that is typically quoted. dirty price The price of a bond including accrued interest, also known as the full or invoice price. This is the price the buyer actually pays.


If you buy a bond between coupon payment dates, the price you pay will usually be more than the price you are quoted. The reason is that standard convention in the bond market is to quote prices net of “accrued interest,” meaning that accrued interest is deducted to arrive at the quoted price. This quoted price is called the clean price. The price you actually pay, however, includes the accrued interest. This price is the dirty price, also known as the full or invoice price. An example is the easiest way to understand these issues. Suppose you buy a bond with a 12 percent annual coupon, payable semiannually. You actually pay $1,080 for this bond, so $1,080 is the dirty, or invoice, price. Further, on the day you buy it, the next coupon is due in four months, so you are between coupon dates. Notice that the next coupon will be $60. The accrued interest on a bond is calculated by taking the fraction of the coupon period that has passed, in this case two months out of six, and multiplying this fraction by the next coupon, $60. So, the accrued interest in this example is 2/6 × $60 = $20. The bond’s quoted price (i.e., its clean price) would be $1,080 − $20 = $1,060.1 Keep in mind that clean prices and accrued interest are purely a quoting convention. The price that matters to you is the invoice price because that is what you will actually pay for the bond. The only thing that’s important about accrued interest on a bond is that it may impact the taxes you owe on the first coupon you receive. 10.2a

A straight bond’s price has two components. What are they?


What do you call a bond that sells for more than its face value?


What is the relationship between a bond’s price and its term to maturity when the bond’s coupon rate is equal to its yield to maturity?


Does current yield more strongly overstate yield to maturity for long-maturity or short-maturity premium bonds?

The way accrued interest is calculated actually depends on the type of bond being quoted, for example, Treasury or corporate. The difference has to do with exactly how the fractional coupon period is calculated. In our example just above, we implicitly treated the months as having exactly the same length (i.e., 30 days each, 360 days in a year), which is consistent with the way corporate bonds are quoted. In contrast, for Treasury bonds, actual day counts are used. If you look back at our Spreadsheet Analysis exhibit, you’ll see that we had to specify this treatment to value our Treasury bond. 1

338 Part 3 

  Interest Rates and Bond Valuation

+ WORK THE WEB Current information on Treasury bond prices and yields is available, among other places, at As a guest on the site, you can search for bonds. From the home page, select “Bond Store.” At this area of the site, you can search for municipal bonds, investment-grade corporate bonds, high-yield

corporate bonds, agency bonds, U.S. Treasury bonds, and other bonds. We wanted to look at some U.S. Treasury bonds that mature between 2018 and 2024 with a yield more than 2.1 percent. If you want to buy any of these bonds, you must be a client of the bank.

Source:, accessed November 2015.

Chapter 10 

  Bond Prices and Yields339

10.3 More on Yields In the previous section, we focused on finding a straight bond’s price given its yield. In this section, we reverse direction to find a bond’s yield given its price. We then discuss the relationship among the various yield measures we have seen. We finish the section with some additional yield calculations. Before we begin the process of calculating yields, you should be aware of an important assumption made when yield is calculated. This assumption is that an investor will be able to reinvest the coupon interest payments at a rate equal to the yield to maturity of the bond. Therefore, an investor will earn the bond’s yield to maturity only if the investor holds the bond to maturity and if all the coupon interest payments received are reinvested at a rate equal to the bond’s yield to maturity. The actual, or realized, rate earned on the bond can be lower or higher than the yield to maturity—it depends on how long the investor holds the bond and the rate at which the coupon payments are reinvested. Think about the difference like this: The yield to maturity is an expectation (or a forecast) of what the return would be from holding the bond if interest rates do not change, if the investor reinvests the coupons, and if the investor holds the bond to maturity. Because interest rates do change and because investors might not hold the bond to maturity, the actual return could be quite different. For example, suppose interest rates change but the investor reinvests the coupons and holds the bond to maturity. In this case, the actual return differs from the yield to maturity because the bondholder reinvests the coupons at different interest rates. Suppose interest rates change, the investor reinvests the coupons, but the bondholder sells the bond before maturity. In this case, the actual return differs from the yield to maturity because the bondholder reinvests the coupons at different interest rates and because the selling price of the bond might be different from the face value of the bond. We revisit this issue in more detail in a later section.

CALCULATING Y I E L D S To calculate a bond’s yield given its price, we use the same straight bond formula used previously. The only way to find the yield is by trial and error. Financial calculators and spreadsheets do it this way at very high speed. To illustrate, suppose we have a 6 percent bond with 10 years to maturity. Its price is 90, meaning 90 percent of face value. Assuming a $1,000 face value, the price is $900 and the coupon is $60 per year. What’s the yield? To find out, all we can do is try different yields until we come across the one that produces a price of $900. However, we can speed things up quite a bit by making an educated guess using what we know about bond prices and yields. We know the yield on this bond is greater than its 6 percent coupon rate because it is a discount bond. So let’s first try 8 percent in the straight bond pricing formula: 0.08 [

(1.04​)​ 20​]

$1,000 $60 ____ ​    ​ 1 − _______ ​  1   ​  ​+ _______ ​     ​  = $864.10​ (1.04​)​ 20​

The price with an 8 percent yield is $864.10, which is somewhat less than the $900 price, but not too far off. To finish, we need to ask whether the 8 percent we used was too high or too low. We know that the higher the yield, the lower is the price; thus, 8 percent is a little too high. So let’s try 7.5 percent: 0.075 [

(1.0375​)​ 20​]

$1,000  $60 1   ​  _____ ​    ​ 1 − _________ ​  ​+ _________ ​     ​  = $895.78​ (1.0375​)​ 20​

Now we’re very close. We’re still a little too high on the yield (since the price is a little low). If you try 7.4 percent, you’ll see that the resulting price is $902.29, so the yield is

340 Part 3 

  Interest Rates and Bond Valuation

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + SPREADSHEET + + + + + + + + + + + + + +ANALYSIS ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++ A









Calculating the Yield to Maturity of a Coupon Bond

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

A Treasury bond traded on March 30, 2016, matures in 8 years on March 30, 2024. Assuming an 4 percent coupon rate and a price of 110, what is this bond’s yield to maturity? Hint: Use the Excel function YIELD. 2.6070%


This function uses the following arguments: =YIELD(“Now”,“Maturity”,Coupon,Price,100,2,3)

Price is entered as a percent of face value. The 100 indicates redemption value as a percent of face value. The 2 indicates semi-annual coupons. 18 The 3 specifies an actual day count with 365 days per year. 19 Source: Microsoft.

EXAMPLE 10.5  

Calculating YTM Suppose a bond has eight years to maturity, a price of 110, and a coupon rate of 8 percent. What is its yield? This is a premium bond, so its yield is less than the 8 percent coupon. If we try 6 ­percent, we get (check this) $1,125.61. The yield is therefore a little bigger than 6 percent. If we try 6.5 percent, we get (check this) $1,092.43, so the answer is slightly less than 6.5 percent. Check that 6.4 percent is almost exact (the exact yield is 6.3843 percent).

between 7.4 and 7.5 percent (it’s actually 7.435 percent). You should be thinking that a financial calculator is a more efficient way to solve these problems! Yields to maturity may be calculated using a built-in spreadsheet function. An example of how to use an Excel™ spreadsheet to calculate a yield to maturity of a coupon bond is shown in the Spreadsheet Analysis box on page 343. callable bond A bond is callable if the issuer can buy it back before it matures. call price The price the issuer of a callable bond must pay to buy it back. make-whole call price The present value of the bond’s remaining cash flows.

YIELD TO CA L L The discussion in this chapter so far has assumed that a bond will have an actual maturity equal to its originally stated maturity. However, this is not always so because most bonds are callable bonds. When a bond issue is callable, the issuer can buy back outstanding bonds before the bonds mature. In exchange, bondholders receive a special call price, which is often equal to face value, although it may be slightly higher. When a call price is equal to face value, the bond is said to be callable at par. When a bond is called, the bondholder does not receive any more coupon payments. Therefore, some callable bonds are issued with a provision known as a make-whole call price. The make-whole call price is calculated as the present value of the bond’s remaining cash flows. The discount rate used to calculate the present value is often the yield of a

Chapter 10 

  Bond Prices and Yields341

call protection period The period during which a callable bond cannot be called. Also called a call deferment period. yield to call (YTC) Measure of return that assumes a bond will be redeemed at the earliest call date.

comparable maturity Treasury bond plus a prespecified premium. The first bonds issued to the investment public with a make-whole call provision were the Quaker State Corporation bonds issued in 1995. Since then, callable bond issues with make-whole call provisions have become common. Bonds are called at the convenience of the issuer, and a call usually occurs after a fall in market interest rates allows issuers to refinance outstanding debt with new bonds paying lower coupons. However, an issuer’s call privilege is often restricted so that outstanding bonds cannot be called until the end of a specified call protection period, also termed a call deferment period. As a typical example, a bond issued with a 20-year maturity may be sold to investors subject to the restriction that it is callable anytime after an initial five-year call protection period. If a bond is callable, its yield to maturity may no longer be a useful number. Instead, the yield to call, commonly abbreviated YTC, may be more meaningful. Yield to call is a yield measure that assumes a bond issue will be called at its earliest possible call date. We calculate a bond’s yield to call using the straight bond pricing formula we have been using with two changes. First, instead of time to maturity, we use time to the first possible call date. Second, instead of face value, we use the call price. The resulting formula is thus C 1 CP ​ Collable bond price = ____ ​     ​​  1 − ____________ ​        ​ ​  + ____________ ​        ​​ YTC [ (1 + YTC/2​)​ 2T​] (1 + YTC/2​)​ 2T​


where: C = Constant annual coupon CP = Call price of the bond T = Time in years until earliest possible call date YTC = Yield to call assuming semiannual coupons Calculating a yield to call requires the same trial-and-error procedure as calculating a yield to maturity. Most financial calculators either will handle the calculation directly or can be tricked into it by just changing the face value to the call price and the time to maturity to time to call. To give a trial-and-error example, suppose a 20-year bond has a coupon of 8 percent, has a price of 98, and is callable in 10 years. The call price is 105. What are its yield to maturity and yield to call? Based on our earlier discussion, we know the yield to maturity is slightly bigger than the coupon rate. (Why?) After some calculation, we find it to be 8.2 percent. To find the bond’s yield to call, we pretend it has a face value of 105 instead of 100 ($1,050 versus $1,000) and will mature in 10 years. With these two changes, the procedure is exactly the same. We can try 8.5 percent, for example: 0.085 [

(1.0425​)​ 20​]

$1,050 $80 1   ​  _____ ​    ​ 1 − _________ ​  ​ + _________ ​    ​  = $988.51​ (1.0425​)​ 20​

Because $988.51 is a little too high, the yield to call is slightly bigger than 8.5 percent. If we try 8.6, we find that the price is $981.83, so the yield to call is about 8.6 percent (it’s 8.6276percent). A natural question comes up in this context. Which is bigger, the yield to maturity or the yield to call? The answer depends on the call price. If the bond is callable at par (as many are), then, for a premium bond, the yield to maturity is greater. For a discount bond, the reverse is true. Many financial data sources will provide both the yield to maturity and the yield to call. What if, however, the data source gives you only a single yield value? Which one does it give you? Well, the answer is: It depends. Generally speaking, the lower of the two yields is reported. If so, this fact implies that the yield to maturity is typically reported for discount bonds, while the yield to call is given for premium bonds. 342 Part 3 

  Interest Rates and Bond Valuation

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + SPREADSHEET + + + + + + + + + + + + + +ANALYSIS ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++ A









Calculating Yield to Call

2 3

A bond traded on March 30, 2016, matures in 15 years on March 30, 2031, and may be called anytime after March 30, 2021, at a call price of 105. The bond pays a 6 4.5 percent coupon and currently trades at par. What are the yield to maturity 7 and yield to call for this bond? 4 5

8 9

Yield to maturity is based on the 2031 maturity and the current price of 100.


4.5000% =YIELD(“3/30/2016”,“3/30/2031”,0.045,100,100,2,3)

11 12 13

Yield to call is based on the 2021 call date and the call price of 105.

14 15



16 Source: Microsoft.

EXAMPLE 10.6  

Yield to Call An 8.5 percent coupon bond maturing in 15 years is callable at 105 in 5 years. If the price is 100, which is bigger, the yield to call or the yield to maturity? Since this is a par bond callable at a premium, the yield to call is bigger. We can verify this by calculating both yields. Check that the yield to maturity is 8.50 percent, whereas the yield to call is 9.308 percent.

Yields to call may be calculated using a built-in spreadsheet function. An example of how to use an Excel™ spreadsheet to calculate a yield to call is shown in the nearby Spreadsheet Analysis box.

US ING A FI N A N C I A L CA LC UL ATOR Calculating a bond price is relatively easy using the formulas you have seen. But you are probably thinking (and rightfully so) that you will never use the formulas to calculate a bond price if you have a financial calculator or spreadsheet available. This thinking is even more true for calculating yield because the “trial-and-error” process requires using formulas and is both long and frustrating. Our Spreadsheet Analysis boxes have illustrated how to use spreadsheets. When you take your next finance test, however, you will likely not have access to a spreadsheet. Or, if you plan to take a professional exam such as the one sponsored by the CFA™ Institute, you are only allowed to use a financial calculator. Moreover, these test providers limit which calculators you can use. One calculator approved for the CFA™ Exam is the Texas Instruments BAII Plus. Many of you will already have one of these calculators because it is often required for a finance course. You might have learned how to use your financial calculator in a prerequisite corporate finance class. If so, great! But, just in case you did not, or if you need a refresher, we will provide a few basic instructions on how to calculate a bond price and a bond yield. Figure10.2 shows a replica of the TI BAII Plus financial calculator. 

Chapter 10 

  Bond Prices and Yields343


Texas Instruments BAII Plus Financial Calculator





















1 |x











TAN yx















CE | C
























Let’s rework Example 10.1, where we calculated a bond price. In that example, we have a bond with 20 years to maturity, a coupon rate of 8 percent, and a yield to maturity of 7percent. We need to enter this information into the calculator and then ask it to compute the bond price. We have highlighted the row of time value buttons that we use for data entry and calculations. Fortunately, the button labels match closely to what we have already talked about. For example, N is the number of periods. In our example, N = 40 since we have 20 years of semiannual payments. To enter this number, we simply type in 40, then hit the N button. You should notice that when you do so, the “=” sign pops on the screen. This indicates the calculator has accepted your input. We then move on to the remaining values. We have a coupon rate of 8 percent, which means there is an annual coupon payment of $80 (assuming a $1,000 face value bond). Because the bond pays its coupon semiannually, we type in $40, then hit the PMT button. Again, the “=” sign should pop up. Let’s enter the yield to maturity next, which is the button labeled “I/Y”. The calculator already assumes that the yield is in percentage terms. So, we would enter 3.5 for the coupon (why not 7?). Finally, we input the face value (button labeled FV) of $1,000.  With these values input into the calculator, we then ask it to calculate the bond price. We do so by tapping the CPT button in the upper left corner, then tapping the PV key. This should provide a price of $1,106.78, which matches our calculation (with a 1 cent rounding error) in Example 10.1. Suppose we want to calculate the yield to maturity instead? The process is about the same. We enter the number of periods, the coupon payment, the current price of the bond, and the face value of the bond. Tap the CPT button, and solve for the yield to maturity by tapping the I/Y key.  344 Part 3 

  Interest Rates and Bond Valuation

CAUTION! When you input the bond price, you need to enter it as a negative number. In this way, you tell the calculator that the value is the price you are paying (i.e., a cash outflow). Because you are receiving the coupon payment and the face value as cash inflows, you enter them as positive numbers. If you do not keep track of the cash outflows and inflows correctly, your calculator will display the dreaded ERROR 5 message. You will think there is something wrong with your calculator. Sadly, however, it is simply pilot error. Finally, remember that we have entered semiannual data. So when we compute the yield, the calculator gives us a semiannual interest rate. To find the commonly reported annual yield to maturity, we need to multiply this semiannual interest rate by two.2



What does it mean for a bond to be callable?


What is the difference between yield to maturity and yield to call?


Yield to call is calculated just like yield to maturity except for two changes. What are the changes?

10.4 Interest Rate Risk and Malkiel’s Theorems interest rate risk The possibility that changes in interest rates will result in losses in a bond’s value.

realized yield The yield actually earned or “realized” on a bond.

Bond yields are essentially interest rates, and, like interest rates, they fluctuate through time. When interest rates change, bond prices change. This is called interest rate risk. The term “interest rate risk” refers to the possibility of losses on a bond from changes in interest rates.

P ROMISE D Y I E L D A N D R E A L I ZE D Y I E L D The terms yield to maturity and promised yield both seem to imply that the yield originally stated when a bond is purchased is what you will actually earn if you hold the bond until it matures. Actually, this is not generally correct. The return or yield you actually earn on a bond is called the realized yield, and an originally stated yield to maturity is almost never exactly equal to the realized yield. As we discussed in a previous section, the reason a realized yield will almost always differ from a promised yield is that interest rates fluctuate. This fact means that coupons are reinvested at different rates and, maybe more importantly, bond prices also rise or fall as a result. One consequence is that if a bond is sold before maturity, its price might be higher or lower than originally anticipated. As a result, the realized yield will be different from the promised yield.  In the earlier section, we concluded that the realized and promised yields would be equal if you reinvested coupons at the yield to maturity and if you held the bond to maturity. That is, a bond’s realized yield will equal its promised yield, for the most part, only if its yield doesn’t change at all over the life of the bond—an unlikely event. As we will find over the next few sections, we can make more precise conclusions on the ways a bond price changes.

INT ER E ST R ATE R I SK A N D MATU R I TY While changing interest rates systematically affect all bond prices, it is important to realize that the impact of changing interest rates is not the same for all bonds. Some bonds are more sensitive to interest rate changes than others. To illustrate, Figure 10.3 shows how two bonds with different maturities can have different price sensitivities to changes in bond yields. In Figure 10.3, bond prices are measured on the vertical axis and bond yields are measured on the horizontal axis. Both bonds have the same 8 percent coupon rate, but one bond has a 5-year maturity while the other bond has a 20-year maturity. Both bonds display the There is an alternative way to find the yield to maturity such that you do not need to make the final adjustment of multiplying by two. However, it requires you to change the payments per year (P/Y) in the calculator. We find that doing this leads to more errors, as students forget to change this assumption when moving from one problem to another. 2

Chapter 10 

  Bond Prices and Yields345


Bond Prices and Yields $3,000

Bond prices ($)

2,500 20-year maturity

2,000 1,500 1,000

5-year maturity

500 0




8 10 12 Bond yields (%)





inverse relationship between bond prices and bond yields. Since both bonds have the same 8 percent coupon rate and both sell for par, their yields are 8 percent. However, when bond yields are greater than 8 percent, the 20-year-maturity bond has a lower price than the 5-year-maturity bond. In contrast, when bond yields are less than 8 percent, the 20-year-maturity bond has a higher price than the 5-year-maturity bond. Essentially, falling yields cause both bond prices to rise, but the longer-maturity bond experiences a larger price increase than the shorter-maturity bond. Similarly, rising yields cause both bond prices to fall, but the price of the longer-maturity bond falls by more than the price of the shorter-maturity bond.

MALKIEL’ S THE OR E MS The effect illustrated in Figure 10.3, along with some other important relationships among bond prices, maturities, coupon rates, and yields, is succinctly described by Burton Malkiel’s five bond price theorems.3 These five theorems are 1. Bond prices and bond yields move in opposite directions. As a bond’s yield increases, its price decreases. Conversely, as a bond’s yield decreases, its price increases. 2. For a given change in a bond’s yield to maturity, the longer the term to maturity of the bond, the greater will be the magnitude of the change in the bond’s price. 3. For a given change in a bond’s yield to maturity, the size of the change in the bond’s price increases at a diminishing rate as the bond’s term to maturity lengthens. 4. For a given change in a bond’s yield to maturity, the resulting percentage change in the bond’s price is inversely related to the bond’s coupon rate. 5. For a given absolute change in a bond’s yield to maturity, the magnitude of the price increase caused by a decrease in yield is greater than the price decrease caused by an increase in yield. The first, second, and fourth of these theorems are the simplest and most important. The first one says that bond prices and yields move in opposite directions. The second one says that longer-term bonds are more sensitive to changes in yields than shorter-term bonds. The fourth one says that lower-coupon bonds are more sensitive to changes in yields than highercoupon bonds. Burton C. Malkiel, “Expectations, Bond Prices, and the Term Structure of Interest Rates,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, May 1962, pp. 197–218. 3

346 Part 3 

  Interest Rates and Bond Valuation

The other two theorems require more calculations. The third theorem says that a bond’s sensitivity to interest rate changes increases as its maturity grows, but at a diminishing rate. In other words, a 10-year bond is much more sensitive to changes in yield than a 1-year bond. However, a 30-year bond is only slightly more sensitive than a 20-year bond. Finally, the fifth theorem says essentially that the loss you would suffer from, say, a 1 percent increase in yields is less than the gain you would enjoy from a 1 percent decrease in yields. Table 10.1 illustrates the first three of these theorems by providing prices for 8 percent coupon bonds with maturities of 5, 10, and 20 years and yields to maturity of 7 percent and 9percent. Be sure to check these for practice. As the first theorem says, bond prices are lower when yields are higher (9 percent versus 7 percent). As the second theorem indicates, the differences in bond prices between yields of 7 percent and 9 percent are greater for bonds with a longer term to maturity. However, as the third theorem states, the effect increases at a diminishing rate as the maturity lengthens. To see this, notice that $136.10 is 67.7 percent larger than $81.14, while $198.79 is only 46.1 percent larger than $136.10. To illustrate the last two theorems, we present prices for 20-year-maturity bonds with coupon rates and yields to maturity of 6 percent, 8 percent, and 10 percent (again, calculate these for practice) in Table 10.2. To illustrate the fourth theorem, compare the loss on the 6percent and the 8 percent bonds as yields move from 8 percent to 10 percent. The 6 percent bond loses ($656.82 − $802.07)/$802.07 = −18.1%. The 8 percent bond loses ($828.41 − $1,000)/$1,000 = −17.2%, showing that the bond with the lower coupon is more sensitive to a change in yields. You can (and should) verify that the same is true for a yield increase. Finally, to illustrate the fifth theorem, take a look at the 8 percent coupon bond in Table10.2. As yields decrease by 2 percent from 8 percent to 6 percent, its price climbs by $231.15. As yields rise by 2 percent, the bond’s price falls by $171.59. As we have discussed, bond maturity is an important factor determining the sensitivity of a bond’s price to changes in interest rates. However, bond maturity is an incomplete measure of bond price sensitivity to yield changes. For example, we have seen that a bond’s coupon rate is also important. An improved measure of interest rate risk for bonds that accounts for both differences in maturity and differences in coupon rates is our next subject.


TABLE 10.1


True or false: A bond price’s sensitivity to interest rate changes increases at an increasing rate as maturity lengthens.


Which is more sensitive to an interest rate shift: a low-coupon bond or a highcoupon bond?

Bond Prices and Yields Time to Maturity Yields

TABLE 10.2

5 Years

10 Years

20 Years









Price difference

$   81.14

$       136.14

$       198.79

Twenty-Year Bond Prices and Yields Coupon Rates Yields

6 Years

8 Years

10 Years













Chapter 10 

  Bond Prices and Yields347

10.5 Duration duration A widely used measure of a bond’s sensitivity to changes in bond yields.

To account for differences in interest rate risk across bonds with different coupon rates and maturities, the concept of duration is widely applied. As we will explore in some detail, duration measures a bond’s sensitivity to interest rate changes. The idea behind duration was first presented by Frederick Macaulay in an early study of U.S. financial markets.4 Today, duration is a very widely used measure of a bond’s price sensitivity to changes in bondyields.

MACAUL AY DUR ATI ON There are several duration measures. The original version is called Macaulay duration. The usefulness of Macaulay duration stems from the fact that it satisfies the following approximate relationship between percentage changes in bond prices and changes in bond yields: Change in YTM ​ Percentage change in bond price ≈ −Duration × _____________    ​      ​​ (1 + YTM/2)


As a consequence, two bonds with the same duration, but not necessarily the same maturity, have approximately the same price sensitivity to a change in bond yields. This approximation is quite accurate for relatively small changes in yields, but it becomes less accurate when large changes are considered. To see how we use this result, suppose a bond has a Macaulay duration of six years and its yield decreases from 10 percent to 9.5 percent. The resulting percentage change in the price of the bond is calculated as follows: ​−6 × __________ ​ 0.095 − 0.10     ​  = 2.86%​ 1.05 Thus, the bond’s price rises by 2.86 percent in response to a yield decrease of 50 basis points.

EXAMPLE 10.7  

Macaulay Duration A bond has a Macaulay duration of 11 years and its yield increases from 8 percent to 8.5 percent. What will happen to the price of the bond? The resulting percentage change in the price of the bond can be calculated as follows: 0.085 − 0.08 ​−11 × _____________    ​   ​  = −5.29%​ 1.04

The bond’s price declines by approximately 5.29 percent in response to a 50-basis-point increase in yield.

MODIFIE D DU R ATI ON Some analysts prefer to use a variation of Macaulay duration called modified duration. The relationship between Macaulay duration and modified duration for bonds paying semiannual coupons is simply Macaulay duration ​ Modified duration = ________________    ​      ​​ (​​1 + YTM/2​)​


As a result, based on modified duration, the approximate relationship between percentage changes in bond prices and changes in bond yields is just ​ Percentage change in bond price ≈ −Modified duration × Change in YTM​


Frederick Macaulay, Some Theoretical Problems Suggested by the Movements of Interest Rates, Bond Yields, and Stock Prices in the United States since 1856 (New York: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1938). 4

348 Part 3 

  Interest Rates and Bond Valuation

In other words, to calculate the percentage change in the bond’s price, we just multiply the modified duration by the change in yields.

EXAMPLE 10.8  

Modified Duration A bond has a Macaulay duration of 8.5 years and a yield to maturity of 9 percent. What is its modified duration? The bond’s modified duration is calculated as follows: 8.5 ______ ​​    ​  = 8.134​ 1.045

Notice that we divided the yield by 2 to get the semiannual yield.

EXAMPLE 10.9  

Modified Duration A bond has a modified duration of seven years. Suppose its yield increases from 8 percent to 8.5 percent. What happens to its price? We can very easily determine the resulting percentage change in the price of the bond using its modified duration: ​−7 × (0.085 − 0.08) = −3.5%​

The bond’s price declines by about 3.5 percent.

CALC U L ATI N G MACAU L AY D U R ATI ON Macaulay duration is often described as a bond’s effective maturity. For this reason, duration values are conventionally stated in years. The first fundamental principle for calculating the duration of a bond concerns the duration of a zero coupon bond. Specifically, the duration of a zero coupon bond is equal to its maturity. Thus, on a pure discount instrument, such as the U.S. Treasury STRIPS, no calculation is necessary to come up with Macaulay duration. The second fundamental principle for calculating duration concerns the duration of a coupon bond with multiple cash flows. The duration of a coupon bond is a weighted average of individual maturities of all the bond’s separate cash flows. The weights attached to the maturity of each cash flow are proportionate to the present values of each cash flow. A sample duration calculation for a bond with three years until maturity is illustrated in Table 10.3. The bond sells at par value. It has an 8 percent coupon rate and an 8 percent yield to maturity.

TABLE 10.3

Calculating Bond Duration Years

Cash Flow

Discount Factor

Present Value

Years × Present Value ÷ Bond Price


$           40


$  38.4615

0.0192 years



























2.7259 years

Bond Price

Bond Duration

Chapter 10 

  Bond Prices and Yields349

As shown in Table 10.3, calculating a bond’s duration can be laborious—especially if the bond has a large number of separate cash flows. Fortunately, relatively simple formulas are available for many of the important cases. For example, if a bond is selling for par value, its duration can be calculated easily using the following formula: (​​1 + YTM/2​)​ 1 ​ Par value bond duration = __________ ​     ​​  1 − ____________ ​        ​ ​​ [ YTM (1 + YTM/2​)​ 2M​]


where: M = Bond maturity in years YTM = Yield to maturity assuming semiannual coupons For example, using YTM = 8% and M = 3 years, we obtain the same duration value (2.7259years) computed in Table 10.3.

EXAMPLE 10.10  

Duration for a Par Value Bond Suppose a par value bond has a 6 percent coupon and 10 years to maturity. What is its duration? Since the bond sells for par, its yield is equal to its coupon rate, 6 percent. Plugging this into the par value bond duration formula, we have 1 (​1 + 0.06/2)​ ​Par value bond duration = ___________    ​   ​​   1 − _____________ ​        ​ ​​ [ 0.06 (1 + 0.06/2​)​ 20​]

After a little work on a calculator, we find that the duration is 7.66 years.

The par value bond duration formula (equation (10.8)) is useful for calculating the duration of a bond that is actually selling at par value. Unfortunately, the general formula for bonds not necessarily selling at par value is somewhat more complicated. The general duration formula for a bond paying constant semiannual coupons is 1 + YTM/2 ___________________________ (1 + YTM/2) + M (CPR − YTM ) ​ Duration = __________ ​   ​     − ​         ​​ YTM YTM + CPR ​[​(1 + YTM/2​)​ 2M​− 1​]​


where: CPR = Constant annual coupon rate M = Bond maturity in years YTM = Yield to maturity assuming semiannual coupons Although somewhat tedious for manual calculations, this formula is used in many computer programs that calculate bond durations. Some popular personal computer spreadsheet packages and financial calculators have built-in functions to help you perform this calculation.


Duration for a Discount Bond A bond has a yield to maturity of 7 percent. It matures in 12 years. Its coupon rate is 6 percent. What is its modified duration? We first must calculate the Macaulay duration using the unpleasant-looking formula just above. We finish by converting the Macaulay duration to modified duration. Plugging into the duration formula, we have 1 + 0.07/2 ____________________________ (1 + 0.07/2) + 12 (0.06 − 0.07) ​ Duration = __________ ​   ​     −      ​     ​ 0.07 0.07 + 0.06​[​(1 + 0.07/2​)​ 24​− 1​]​

1.035 ______________________ 1.035 + 12 (−0.01) = ______ ​   ​  −        ​   ​​ 0.07 0.07 + ​0.06(1.035​​ 24​− 1)

After a little button pushing, we find that the duration is 8.56 years. Finally, converting to modified duration, we find that the modified duration is equal to 8.56/1.035 = 8.27 years.

350 Part 3 

  Interest Rates and Bond Valuation

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + SPREADSHEET + + + + + + + + + + + + + +ANALYSIS ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++ A









Calculating Macaulay and Modified Duration

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

A Treasury bond traded on March 30, 2016, matures in 12 years on March 30, 2028. Assuming a 6 percent coupon rate and a 7 percent yield to maturity, what are the Macaulay and Modified durations of this bond? Hint: Use the Excel functions DURATION and MDURATION 8.561

=DURATION(“3/30/2016”,“3/30/2028”0.06, 0.07,2,3)


=MDURATION(“3/30/2016”,“3/30/2028”0.06, 0.07,2,3)

The DURATION and MDURATION functions use the following arguments: =DURATION (“Now”,“Maturity”,“Coupon”,“Yield,2,3”) The 2 indicates semil-annual coupons. The 3 specifies an actual day count with 365 days per year.

Source: Microsoft.

Bond durations may be calculated using a built-in spreadsheet function. An example of how to use an Excel™ spreadsheet to calculate a Macaulay duration and modified duration is shown in the nearby Spreadsheet Analysis box.

P ROP E RTI E S OF D UR ATI ON Macaulay duration has a number of important properties. For straight bonds, the basic properties of Macaulay duration can be summarized as follows: 1. All else the same, the longer a bond’s maturity, the longer is its duration. 2. All else the same, a bond’s duration increases at a decreasing rate as maturity lengthens. 3. All else the same, the higher a bond’s coupon, the shorter is its duration. 4. All else the same, a higher yield to maturity implies a shorter duration. As we saw earlier, a zero coupon bond has a duration equal to its maturity. The duration on a bond with coupons is always less than its maturity. Because of the second principle, durations much longer than 10 or 15 years are rarely seen. An exception to some of these principles involves very-long-maturity bonds selling at a very steep discount. This exception rarely occurs in practice, so these principles are generally correct. A graphical illustration of the relationship between duration and maturity is presented in Figure 10.4, where duration is measured on the vertical axis and maturity is measured on the horizontal axis. In Figure 10.4, the yield to maturity for all bonds is 10 percent. Bonds with coupon rates of 0 percent, 5 percent, 10 percent, and 15 percent are presented. As the figure shows, the duration of a zero coupon bond rises step for step with maturity. For the coupon bonds, however, the duration initially moves closely with maturity, as our first duration principle suggests, but, consistent with the second principle, the lines begin to flatten out after four or five years. Also, consistent with our third principle, the lower coupon bonds have higher durations.

Chapter 10 

  Bond Prices and Yields351


Bond Duration and Maturity

Bond duration (years)


5% coupon 15% coupon


10% coupon

6 4 2 0


0% coupon



10 15 20 Bond maturity (years)


What does duration measure?


What is the duration of a zero coupon bond?


What happens to a bond’s duration as its maturity grows?



10.6 Bond Risk Measures Based on Duration In this section, we examine some risk measures that are either based on duration or closely related to it. These measures are commonly used by bond traders and other fixed-income professionals.

DOLLAR VAL U E OF A N 01 dollar value of an 01 Change in bond price resulting from a change in yield to maturity of one basis point.

A popular measure of interest rate risk among bond professionals is the dollar value ofan01 (say “dollar value of an oh-one”), which measures the change in bond price resulting from a one-basis-point change in yield to maturity, where one basis point is 1 percent of 1 percent, that is, 0.01 percent, or 0.0001. The dollar value of an 01 is also known as the value of a basis point. The dollar value of an 01 can be stated through the modified duration of a bond as follows: ​Dollar value of an 01 ≈ Modified duration × Bond price × 0.0001​


YIELD VAL UE OF A 3 2n d yield value of a 32nd Change in yield to maturity that would lead to a 1/32 change in bond price.

When bond prices are quoted in 1/32’s of a point, as is the historical convention, for example, with U.S. Treasury notes and bonds, the yield value of a 32nd is often used by bond professionals as an additional or alternative measure of interest rate risk. The yield value of a 32nd is the change in yield to maturity that would lead to a 1/32 change in bond price. A simple way to obtain the yield value of a 32nd is to multiply the dollar value of an 01 by 32 and then invert the result: 1 ​Yield value of a 32nd ≈ _______________________ ​        ​​ 32 × Dollar value of an 01

352 Part 3 

  Interest Rates and Bond Valuation


EXAMPLE 10.12  

Bond Risk Measures Based on Duration The bond in Example 10.11 has a modified duration of 8.27 years. What is its dollar value of an 01? What is its yield value of a 32nd? We must first calculate the price of this bond using the bond pricing formula provided earlier in this chapter (or with your financial calculator): 6 1 100 ​ Bond price = _____ ​     ​ ​ 1 − ____________ ​        ​ ​  + ____________ ​        ​ 0.07 [ (1 + ​0.035​​ 24​) ] (1 + 0.035​)​ 24​ = $91.971​

Then, plugging the modified duration of 8.27 years and the bond price as a percentage of par value, 91.971, into equation (10.10), we obtain the dollar value of an 01: ​Dollar value of an 01 ≈ 8.27 × 91.971 × 0.0001 = 0.07606​

Thus, a one-basis-point change in yield will change the bond price by about $0.076, or 7.6 cents per $100 of face value (in the opposite direction). For a $1,000 face value bond, this would be 76 cents. Next, we multiply by 32 and invert to obtain the yield value of a 32nd: 1 ​Yield value of a 32nd ≈ _____________ ​        ​ = 0.41086​ 32 × 0.07606

Now we see that a change in yield of 0.41 basis point, or 0.0041 percent, would lead to a change in bond price of about 1/32. As a check, we calculate a bond price obtained by changing the yield from 7 percent to 7.0041 percent: 6 1 100  ​ Bond price = _________ ​     ​ ​  1 − __________________ ​        ​ ​  + __________________ ​       ​ 0.070041 [ (1 + 0.03500205​)​ 24​] (1 + 0.03500205​)​ 24​

= $91.94​

The resulting price change is $0.0314 ≈ $91.97 − $91.94. Because 1/32 of a point corresponds to $0.03125, we see that our computed yield value of a 32nd is quite accurate.



What is the relationship between modified duration and the dollar value of an 01?


What is the relationship between the dollar value of an 01 and the yield value of a 32nd?

10.7 Dedicated Portfolios and Reinvestment Risk Duration has another property that makes it a vital tool in bond portfolio management. To explore this subject, we first need to introduce two important concepts: dedicated portfolios and reinvestment risk.

DEDICATE D P ORTFOL I OS dedicated portfolio A bond portfolio created to prepare for a future cash outlay.

A firm can invest in coupon bonds when it is preparing to meet a future liability or other cash outlay. A bond portfolio formed for such a specific purpose is called a dedicated portfolio. When the future liability payment of a dedicated portfolio is due on a known date, this date is commonly called the portfolio’s target date. Pension funds provide a good example of dedicated portfolio management. A pension fund normally knows years in advance the amount of benefit payments it must make to its beneficiaries. The fund can then purchase coupon bonds today to prepare for these future payments. Chapter 10 

  Bond Prices and Yields353

For a practical view of bond portfolio management, visit

Let’s work through an example. Suppose the Safety First pension fund estimates that it must pay benefits of about $100 million in five years. Safety First then decides to buy coupon bonds yielding 8 percent. These coupon bonds pay semiannual coupons, mature in five years, and are currently selling at par. If interest rates do not change over the next fiveyears, how much money does Safety First need to invest today in these coupon bonds to have $100million in five years? Fortunately, we can use equation (10.3)—and some ingenuity—to answer this question. Recall that equation (10.3) says that today’s bond price, P, is the present value of the coupons plus the present value of the promised face value. However, in the case of Safety First, we want to solve for a future value. So let’s make equation (10.3) into an equation for future value by multiplying by the amount (1 + YTM/2)2M: C 1 Face value ​ P = _____ ​     ​ ​ 1 − ____________ ​        ​ ​  + ____________ ​       ​ YTM [ (1 + YTM/2​)​ 2M​] (1 + YTM/2​)​ 2M​

C P (1 + YTM/2​)​ 2M​= _____ ​     ​    ​[(1 + YTM/2​)​ 2M​− 1]​+ Face value​​ YTM


Equation (10.12) shows us that the future value of all the payments made on a bond over its life is just the current value, P, multiplied by (1 + YTM/2)2M. In the case of Safety First, we know the future value is $100,000,000, so we have ​ Future value = $100,000,000 = P (1 + YTM/2​​)​ 2M​​


We can rearrange equation (10.13) to solve for the present value: ​Present value = P = $100,000,000/(1 + YTM/2​​)​ 2M​

The bonds being considered by Safety First have a yield to maturity of 8 percent and mature in five years, so ​ Present value = P = $100,000,000/(1 + 0.08/2​)​ 2×5​ = $100,000,000/(1 + ​0.04)​​ 10​ = $67,556,417​

Thus, Safety First needs to invest about $67.5 million today. Because the bonds in question sell for par, this $67.5 million is also the total face value of the bonds. With this face value, the coupon payment every six months is thus $67,556,417 × 0.08/2 = $2,702,257. When Safety First invests each of these coupons at 8 percent (i.e., the YTM), the total future value of the coupons is $32,443,583. Safety First will also receive the face value of the coupon bonds in five years, or $67,556,417. In five years, Safety First will have $32,443,583 + $67,556,417 = $100,000,000. Therefore, Safety First needs about $67.5 million to construct a dedicated bond portfolio to fund a future liability of $100 million. However, consider another important fact: We calculated this amount assuming that Safety First can invest each coupon amount at 8 percent over the next five years. If the assumption is true (i.e., interest rates do not change over the next five years), Safety First’s bond fund will grow to the amount needed.


reinvestment rate risk The uncertainty about the future or target date portfolio value that results from the need to reinvest bond coupons at yields not known in advance.

354 Part 3 

As we have seen, the bond investment strategy of the Safety First pension fund will be successful if all coupons received during the life of the investment can be reinvested at a constant 8 percent YTM. However, in reality, yields at which coupons can be reinvested are uncertain, and a target date surplus or shortfall is therefore likely to occur. The uncertainty about the future or target date portfolio value that results from the need to reinvest bond coupons at yields that cannot be predicted in advance is called reinvestment rate risk. Thus, the uncertain portfolio value on the target date represents reinvestment risk. In general, more distant target dates entail greater uncertainty and reinvestment risk. To examine the impact of reinvestment risk, we continue with the example of the Safety First pension fund’s dedicated bond portfolio. We will add one small wrinkle. We assume that Safety First buys 8 percent coupon bonds that are selling at par. However, we will not assume that interest rates stay constant at 8 percent.

  Interest Rates and Bond Valuation


Reinvestment Rate Risk Reinvestment YTM: Coupon Rate:

7.00% 8.00%

8.00% 8.00%

9.00% 8.00%

Payment Value, End of Year 5

Payment Value, End of Year 5


Payment Value, End of Year 5

1 2

$2,702,257 2,702,257

$    3,682,898 3,558,356

$     3,846,154 3,698,225

$     4,015,811 3,842,881


3 4

2,702,257 2,702,257

3,438,025 3,321,763

3,555,985 3,419,217

3,677,398 3,519,041


5 6

2,702,257 2,702,257

3,209,433 3,100,902

3,287,708 3,161,258

3,367,503 3,222,491


7 8

2,702,257 2,702,257

2,996,040 2,894,725

3,039,671 2,922,761

3,083,724 2,950,932


9 10

2,702,257 2,702,257

2,796,836     2,702,257

2,810,347        2,702,257

2,823,858        2,702,257

Future value of coupons


$    32,443,583

$    33,205,896

Face value received (at end of year 5)


$    67,556,417

$    67,556,417

Target date portfolio value




Year 1

Six-Month Period

Instead, consider two cases, one in which all bond coupons are reinvested at a 7 percent YTM and one in which all coupons are reinvested at a 9 percent YTM. The value of the portfolio on the target date will be the payment of the fixed $67.5 million principal plus thefuture value of the 10 semiannual coupons compounded at either 7 percent or 9 percent. Note that the coupon rate is 8 percent in both cases. As shown in Table 10.4, a value of $99.258 million is realized by a 7 percent reinvestment YTM, and a target date portfolio value of $100.762 million is realized through a 9 percent reinvestment YTM. The difference between these two amounts, about $1.5 million, represents reinvestment risk. As this example illustrates, a maturity matching strategy for a dedicated bond portfolio has reinvestment risk. Further, we changed interest rates by only 1 percent. Reinvestment risk can be much greater than what we have shown. Our example also understates a pension fund’s total reinvestment risk because it considers only a single target date. In reality, pension funds have a series of target dates, and a shortfall at one target date typically coincides with shortfalls at other target dates too. A simple solution for reinvestment risk is to purchase zero coupon bonds that pay a fixed principal at a maturity chosen to match a dedicated portfolio’s target date. Because there are no coupons to reinvest, there is no reinvestment risk. However, a zero coupon bond strategy has its drawbacks, too. As a practical matter, U.S. Treasury STRIPS are the only zero coupon bonds issued in sufficient quantity to even begin to satisfy the dedicated portfolio needs of pension funds, insurance companies, and other institutional investors. However, U.S. Treasury securities have lower yields than even the highest-quality corporate bonds. A yield difference of only 0.25 percent between Treasury securities and c­ orporate bonds can make a substantial difference in the initial cost of a dedicated bond portfolio. For example, suppose that Treasury STRIPS have a yield of 7.75 percent. Using semiannual compounding, the present value of these zero coupon bonds providing a principal ­payment of $100 million at a five-year maturity is calculated as follows: $100,000,000 ______________ ​ STRIPS price =    ​     ​ (1 + 0.0775/2​)​ 2×5​

$100,000,000 ____________ =    ​     ​ ​(1 + 0.03875)​ 10​

= $68,373,787​ Chapter 10 

  Bond Prices and Yields355

This cost of $68.374 million based on a 7.75 percent yield is significantly higher than the previously stated cost of $67.556 million based on an 8 percent yield. From the perspective of the Safety First pension fund, this represents a hefty premium to pay to eliminate reinvestment risk. Fortunately, as we discuss in the next section, other methods are available at lower cost.



What is a dedicated portfolio?


What is reinvestment rate risk?

10.8 Immunization immunization Constructing a portfolio to minimize the uncertainty surrounding its target date value.

price risk The risk that bond prices will decrease, which arises in dedicated portfolios when the target date value of a bond or bond portfolio is not known with certainty.

Constructing a dedicated portfolio to minimize the uncertainty in its target date value is called immunization. In this section, we show how duration can be used to immunize a bond portfolio against reinvestment risk.

P RICE RISK VE R SU S R E I N V E STME N T R ATE R I SK To understand how immunization is accomplished, suppose you own a bond with eight years to maturity. However, your target date is actually just six years from now. If interest rates rise, are you happy or unhappy? Your initial reaction is probably “unhappy” because you know that as interest rates rise, bond values fall. However, things are not so simple. Clearly, if interest rates rise, then, in six years, your bond will be worth less than it would have been at a lower rate. This is called price risk. However, it is also true that you will be able to reinvest the coupons you receive at a higher interest rate. As a result, your reinvested coupons will be worth more. In fact, the net effect of an interest rate increase might be to make you better off. As our simple example illustrates, for a dedicated portfolio, interest rate changes have two effects. Interest rate increases act to decrease bond prices (price risk) but increase the future value of reinvested coupons (reinvestment rate risk). In the other direction, interest rate decreases act to increase bond values but decrease the future value of reinvested coupons. The key observation is that these two effects—price risk and reinvestment rate risk— tend to offset each other. You might wonder if it is possible to engineer a portfolio in which these two effects offset each other more or less precisely. As we illustrate next, the answer is most definitely yes.

IMMUNI ZATION BY D U R ATI ON MATC HI N G The key to immunizing a dedicated portfolio is to match its duration to its target date. If this is done, then the impacts of price and reinvestment rate risk will almost exactly offset, and interest rate changes will have a minimal impact on the target date value of the portfolio. In fact, immunization is often simply referred to as duration matching. To see how a duration matching strategy can be applied to reduce target date uncertainty, suppose the Safety First pension fund initially purchases $67.5 million of par value bonds paying 8 percent coupons with a maturity of 6.2 years instead of 5 years. Why 6.2 years? From the par value duration formula, equation (10.8), a maturity of 6.2 years corresponds to a duration of 5 years. Thus, the duration of Safety First’s dedicated bond portfolio is now matched to its five-year portfolio target date. Suppose that immediately after the bonds are purchased, a one-time shock causes bond yields to either jump up to 10 percent or jump down to 6 percent. As a result, all coupons are reinvested at either a 10 percent yield or a 6 percent yield, depending on which way ratesjump. 356 Part 3 

  Interest Rates and Bond Valuation


Bond Price and Reinvestment Rate Risk

Portfolio value ($ millions)

130 120 110 100 6% yield

90 8% yield


10% yield

70 60



3 Time (years)




This example is illustrated in Figure 10.5, where the left vertical axis measures initial bond portfolio values and the right vertical axis measures bond portfolio values realized by holding the portfolio until the bonds mature in 6.2 years. The horizontal axis measures the passage of time from initial investment to bond maturity. The positively sloped lines plot bond portfolio values through time for bond yields that have jumped to either 10­percent or 6percent immediately after the initial investment of $67.5 million in par value 8 ­percent coupon bonds. This example assumes that after their initial jump, bond yields remain unchanged. As shown in Figure 10.5, the initial jump in yields causes the value of Safety First’s bond portfolio to jump in the opposite direction. If yields increase, bond prices fall, but coupons are reinvested at a higher interest rate, thereby leading to a higher portfolio value at maturity. In contrast, if yields decrease, bond prices rise, but a lower reinvestment rate reduces the value of the portfolio at maturity. However, what is remarkable is that regardless of whether yields rise or fall, there is almost no difference in Safety First’s portfolio value at the duration-matched five-year target date. Thus, the immunization strategy of matching the duration of Safety First’s dedicated portfolio to its portfolio target date has almost entirely eliminated reinvestment risk.


dynamic immunization Periodic rebalancing of a dedicated bond portfolio to maintain a duration that matches the target maturity date.

The example of the Safety First pension fund immunizing a dedicated bond portfolio by a duration matching strategy assumed that the bond portfolio was subject to a single yield shock. In reality, bond yields change constantly. Therefore, successful immunization requires that a dedicated portfolio be rebalanced frequently to maintain a portfolio duration equal to the portfolio’s target date. For example, by purchasing bonds with a maturity of 6.2 years, the Safety First pension fund had matched the duration of the dedicated portfolio to the fund’s 5-year target date. One year later, however, the target date is four years away, and bonds with a duration of four years are required to maintain a duration matching strategy. Assuming interest rates haven’t changed, the par value duration formula shows that a maturity of 4.7 years corresponds to a duration of 4 years. Thus, to maintain a duration-matched target date, the Safety First fund must sell its originally purchased bonds now with a maturity of 5.2 years and replace them with bonds having a maturity of 4.7 years. The strategy of periodically rebalancing a dedicated bond portfolio to maintain a portfolio duration matched to a specific target date is called dynamic immunization. The advantage of dynamic immunization is that reinvestment risk caused by continually changing bond yields is greatly reduced. The drawback of dynamic immunization is that each portfolio Chapter 10 

  Bond Prices and Yields357

rebalancing incurs management and transaction costs. Therefore, portfolios should not be rebalanced too frequently. In practice, rebalancing on an intermittent basis, say, each quarter, is a reasonable compromise between the costs of rebalancing and the benefits of dynamic immunization.



What are the two effects on the target date value of a dedicated portfolio of a shift in yields? Explain why they tend to offset.


How can a dedicated portfolio be immunized against shifts in yields?


Why is rebalancing necessary to maintain immunization?

10.9 Summary and Conclusions This chapter covers the basics of bonds, bond yields, duration, and immunization. Among other items, we covered the following topics—grouped by the chapter’s important concepts. 1. How to calculate bond prices and yields. A. The straight bond pricing formula has two separate components. The first component is the present value of all the coupon payments. Because the coupons are fixed and paid on a regular basis, you may recognize that they form an ordinary annuity, and the first piece of the bond pricing formula is a standard calculation for the present value of an annuity. The other component represents the present value of the principal payment at maturity, and it is a standard calculation for the present value of a single lump sum. B. Calculating bond prices is mostly “plug and chug” with a calculator. In fact, a good financial calculator or spreadsheet should have this formula built into it. However, it is important to be able to work bond calculations the “long way” so that you know how the formulas work. C. Bonds are generally distinguished according to whether they are selling at par value or at a discount or premium relative to par value. Bonds with a price greater than par value are said to be selling at a premium; bonds with a price less than par value are said to be selling at a discount. 2. The importance of yield to maturity. A. There are three different yield measures: coupon yield or rate, current yield, and yield to maturity. Each is calculated using a specific equation, and which is the biggest or smallest depends on whether the bond is selling at a discount or a premium. B. Important relationships among bond prices, maturities, coupon rates, and yields are described by Malkiel’s five bond price theorems. C. A stated yield to maturity is almost never equal to an actually realized yield because yields are subject to bond price risk and coupon reinvestment rate risk. 3. Interest rate risk and Malkiel’s theorems. A. Bond prices and bond yields move in opposite directions. As a bond’s yield increases, its price decreases. Conversely, as a bond’s yield decreases, its price increases. B. For a given change in a bond’s yield to maturity, the longer the term to maturity of the bond, the greater will be the magnitude of the change in the bond’s price. C. For a given change in a bond’s yield to maturity, the size of the change in the bond’s price increases at a diminishing rate as the bond’s term to maturity lengthens. D. For a given change in a bond’s yield to maturity, the absolute magnitude of the resulting change in the bond’s price is inversely related to the bond’s coupon rate. 358 Part 3 

  Interest Rates and Bond Valuation

E. For a given absolute change in a bond’s yield to maturity, the magnitude of the price increase caused by a decrease in yield is greater than the price decrease caused by an increase in yield. 4. How to measure the impact of interest rate changes on bond prices. A. Bond price risk is the risk that a bond sold before maturity must be sold at a price different from the price predicted by an originally stated yield to maturity. Coupon reinvestment risk is the risk that bond coupons must be reinvested at yields different from an originally stated yield to maturity. B. To account for differences in interest rate risk across bonds with different coupon rates and maturities, the concept of duration is widely applied. Duration is a direct measure of a bond’s price sensitivity to changes in bond yields. C. Bond portfolios are often created for the purpose of preparing for a future liability payment. Portfolios formed for such a specific purpose are called dedicated portfolios. When the future liability payment of a dedicated portfolio is due on a known date, that date is called the portfolio’s target date. D. Minimizing the uncertainty of the value of a dedicated portfolio’s future target date value is called immunization. A strategy of matching a bond portfolio’s duration to the target maturity date accomplishes this goal.

+ + + + + GETTING DOWN TO BUSINESS For the latest information on the real world of investments, visit us at

This chapter covered bond basics. How should you, as an investor or investment manager, put this information to work? Now that you’ve been exposed to basic facts about bonds, their prices, and their yields, you might try applying the various principles we have discussed. Do this by buying some bonds, perhaps in a simulated brokerage account, and then observing the behavior of their prices and yields. Buying Treasury bonds is the best place to start. With a simulated brokerage account (such as Stock-Trak), buy two Treasury bonds with the same maturity but different coupons. This will let you see the impact of coupon rates on price volatility. Similarly, buy two bonds with very different maturities but similar coupon rates. You’ll see firsthand how maturity determines the risk of a bond. While you’re at it, calculate the durations of the bonds you buy. As their yields fluctuate, check that the percentage change in price is very close to what your calculated duration suggests it should be. To learn more about bond prices and yields, visit some interesting websites such as Investing in Bonds ( and James Baker & Assoc. (

Key Terms callable bond 341 call price 341 call protection period 342 clean price 338 coupon rate 333 current yield 333 dedicated portfolio 353

dirty price 338 dollar value of an 01 352 duration 348 dynamic immunization 357 immunization 356 interest rate risk 345 make-whole call price 341 Chapter 10 

  Bond Prices and Yields359

price risk 356 realized yield 345 reinvestment rate risk 354

yield to call (YTC) 342 yield to maturity (YTM) 334 yield value of a 32nd 352

Chapter Review Problems and Self-Test 1. Straight Bond Prices (LO1, CFA5)  Suppose a bond has 10 years to maturity and a coupon rate of 6 percent. The bond’s yield to maturity is 8 percent. What’s the price? 2. Premium Bonds (LO1, CFA3)  Suppose we have two bonds, both with a 6 percent coupon rate and the same yield to maturity of 4 percent, but with different maturities of 5 and 15 years. Which has the higher price? Verify your answer by calculating the prices. 3. Macaulay Duration (LO4, CFA6)  A bond has a Macaulay duration of nine years, and its yield increases from 6 percent to 6.25 percent. What will happen to the price of the bond?

Answers to Self-Test Problems 1. Here, the coupon rate is 6 percent and the face value is $1,000, so the annual coupon is $60. The bond’s price is calculated as follows: Present value of semiannual coupons: 0.08 [

(1.04​)​ 20​]

$60 ____ ​    ​ 1 − _______ ​  1     ​ ​ = $407.70979​

Present value of $1,000 principal: $1,000 _______ ​       ​= $456.38695​

(1.04​​)​ 20​

The bond’s price is the sum of coupon and principal present values: Bond price = $407.71 + $456.39 = $864.10 2. Because both bonds have a 6 percent coupon and a 4 percent yield, both bonds sell at a premium, and the one with the longer maturity will have a higher price. We can verify these conclusions by calculating the prices as follows: 5-year-maturity premium bond price: 0.04 [

(1.02​​)​ 10​]

$1,000 $60 ____ ​    ​ 1 − _______ ​  1   ​  ​ + _______ ​     ​  = $1,089.83​

(1.02​​)​ 10​

15-year-maturity premium bond price: 0.04 [

(1.02​​)​ 30​]

$1,000 $60 ____ ​    ​ 1 − _______ ​  1   ​  ​ + _______ ​     ​  = $1,223.96​

(1.02​​)​ 30​

Notice that the longer-maturity premium bond has a higher price, just as we thought. 3. The resulting percentage change in the price of the bond can be calculated as follows: ​−9 × __________ ​ 0.625 − 0.06     ​  = −2.18%​ 1.03

The bond’s price declines by approximately 2.18 percent in response to a 25-basis-point increase in yields.

Test Your Investment Quotient

IQ 360 Part 3 

1. Yield to Maturity (LO2, CFA3)  The yield to maturity on a bond is a. Below the coupon rate when the bond sells at a discount and above the coupon rate when the bond sells at a premium. b. The interest rate that makes the present value of the payments equal to the bond price. c. Based on the assumption that all future payments received are reinvested at the coupon rate. d. Based on the assumption that all future payments received are reinvested at future market rates.   Interest Rates and Bond Valuation

2. Bond Yields (LO1, CFA5)  In which one of the following cases is the bond selling at a discount? a. b. c. d.

Coupon rate is greater than current yield, which is greater than yield to maturity. Coupon rate, current yield, and yield to maturity are all the same. Coupon rate is less than current yield, which is less than yield to maturity. Coupon rate is less than current yield, which is greater than yield to maturity.

3. Bond Yields (LO1, CFA3)  When are yield to maturity and current yield on a bond equal? a. b. c. d.

When market interest rates begin to level off. If the bond sells at a price in excess of its par value. When the expected holding period is greater than one year. If the coupon and market interest rate are equal.

4. Bond Yields (LO1, CFA5)  Which of the following states the correct relationship among yield measures for discount bonds? a. b. c. d.

Coupon rate < Current yield < Yield to maturity Current yield < Coupon rate < Yield to maturity Coupon rate < Yield to maturity < Current yield Yield to maturity < Coupon rate < Current yield

5. Bond Yields (LO1, CFA5)  Which of the following states the correct relationship among yield measures for premium bonds? a. b. c. d.

Coupon rate > Current yield > Yield to maturity Current yield > Coupon rate > Yield to maturity Coupon rate > Yield to maturity > Current yield Yield to maturity > Coupon rate > Current yield

6. Bond Prices (LO1, CFA3)  Consider a five-year bond with a 10 percent coupon that is presently trading at a yield to maturity of 8 percent. If market interest rates do not change, one year from now the price of this bond a. b. c. d.

Will be higher Will be lower Will be the same Cannot be determined

7. Bond Prices (LO1, CFA2)  Using semiannual compounding, what would be the price of a 15-year, zero coupon bond that has a par value of $1,000 and a required return of 8 percent? a. b. c. d.

$308 $315 $464 $555

8. Bond Prices (LO1, CFA2)  If an investor’s required return is 12 percent, the value of a 10-year-maturity zero coupon bond with a maturity value of $1,000 is closest to a. b. c. d.

$312 $688 $1,000 $1,312

9. Duration (LO4, CFA3)  Another term for bond duration is a. b. c. d.

Actual maturity Effective maturity Calculated maturity Near-term maturity

10. Duration (LO4, CFA6)  Which of the following is not a property of duration? a. b. c. d.

A longer maturity generally yields a longer duration. Duration generally increases at a decreasing rate as maturity lengthens. A bigger coupon generally yields a longer duration. A higher yield to maturity generally yields a shorter duration.

11. Duration (LO4, CFA4)  Which statement is true for the Macaulay duration of a zero couponbond? a. It is equal to the bond’s maturity in years. b. It is equal to one-half the bond’s maturity in years.

Chapter 10 

  Bond Prices and Yields361

c. It is equal to the bond’s maturity in years divided by its yield to maturity. d. It cannot be calculated because of the lack of coupons. 12. Duration (LO4, CFA6)  Which of the following states the correct relationship between Macaulay duration and modified duration? a. b. c. d.

Modified duration = Macaulay duration/(1 + YTM/2) Modified duration = Macaulay duration × (1 + YTM/2) Modified duration = Macaulay duration/YTM Modified duration = Macaulay duration × YTM

13. Duration (LO4, CFA6)  Which one of the following bonds has the shortest duration? a. b. c. d.

Zero coupon, 10-year maturity Zero coupon, 13-year maturity 8 percent coupon, 10-year maturity 8 percent coupon, 13-year maturity

14. Duration (LO4, CFA6)  Identify the bond that has the longest duration (no calculations necessary). a. b. c. d.

20-year maturity with an 8 percent coupon 20-year maturity with a 12 percent coupon 15-year maturity with a 0 percent coupon 10-year maturity with a 15 percent coupon

15. Duration (LO4, CFA3)  Which bond has the longest duration? a. b. c. d.

8-year maturity, 6 percent coupon 8-year maturity, 11 percent coupon 15-year maturity, 6 percent coupon 15-year maturity, 11 percent coupon

16. Duration (LO4, CFA3)  The duration of a bond normally increases with an increase in a. b. c. d.

Term to maturity Yield to maturity Coupon rate All of the above

17. Duration (LO4, CFA6)  When interest rates decline, what happens to the duration of a 30-year bond selling at a premium? a. b. c. d.

It increases. It decreases. It remains the same. It increases at first, then declines.

18. Duration (LO4, CFA6)  An 8 percent, 20-year corporate bond is priced to yield 9 percent. The Macaulay duration for this bond is 8.85 years. Given this information, how many years is the bond’s modified duration? a. b. c. d.

8.12 8.47 8.51 9.25

19. Using Duration (LO4, CFA2)  A 9-year bond has a yield to maturity of 10 percent and a modified duration of 6.54 years. If the market yield changes by 50 basis points, what is the change in the bond’s price? a. b. c. d.

3.27 percent 3.66 percent 6.54 percent 7.21 percent

20. Using Duration (LO4, CFA3)  A 6 percent coupon bond paying interest semiannually has a modified duration of 10 years, sells for $800, and is priced at a yield to maturity (YTM) of 8 percent. If the YTM increases to 9 percent, the predicted change in price, using the duration concept, is which of the following amounts? a. b. c. d.

362 Part 3 

$76.56 $76.92 $77.67 $80.00

  Interest Rates and Bond Valuation

21. Immunization (LO4, CFA7)  Which of the following strategies is most likely to yield the best interest rate risk immunization results for a bond portfolio? a. b. c. d.

Maturity matching Duration matching Buy and hold Investing in interest rate–sensitive stocks

22. Immunization (LO4, CFA7)  Consider two dedicated bond portfolios, both with the same 10-year target dates. One is managed using a buy-and-hold strategy with reinvested coupons. The other is managed using a dynamic immunization strategy. The buy-and-hold portfolio is most likely to outperform the immunized portfolio under what kind of interest rate environment? a. b. c. d.

Steadily rising interest rates. Steadily falling interest rates. Constant interest rates. Performance will be the same under any environment.

23. Bond Yields (LO1, CFA5)  A zero coupon bond paying $100 at maturity 10 years from now has a current price of $50. Its yield to maturity is closest to which of the following? a. b. c. d.

5 percent 6 percent 7 percent 8 percent

24. Bond Price (LO1, CFA5)  A newly issued 10-year option-free bond is valued at par on June 1, 2013. The bond has an annual coupon of 8.0 percent. On June 1, 2016, the bond has a yield to maturity of 7.1 percent. The first coupon is reinvested at 8.0 percent and the second coupon is reinvested at 7.0 percent. The price of the bond on June 1, 2016, is closest to a. b. c. d.

100.0 percent of par 102.5 percent of par 104.8 percent of par 105.4 percent of par

25. Interest Rate Risk (LO3, CFA6)  The interest rate risk of a noncallable bond is most likely to be positively related to the a. b. c. d.

Risk-free rate Bond’s coupon rate Bond’s time to maturity Bond’s yield to maturity

Concept Questions 1. Bond Prices (LO1, CFA3)  What are premium, discount, and par bonds? 2. Bond Features (LO1, CFA2)  In the United States, what is the normal face value for corporate and U.S. government bonds? How are coupons calculated? How often are coupons paid? 3. Coupon Rates and Current Yields (LO1, CFA3)  What are the coupon rate and current yield on a bond? What happens to these if a bond’s price rises? 4. Interest Rate Risk (LO3, CFA4)  What is interest rate risk? What are the roles of a bond’s coupon and maturity in determining its level of interest rate risk? 5. Bond Yields (LO1, CFA2)  For a premium bond, which is greater, the coupon rate or the yield to maturity? Why? For a discount bond? Why? 6. Bond Yields (LO2, CFA4)  What is the difference between a bond’s promised yield and its realized yield? Which is more relevant? When we calculate a bond’s yield to maturity, which of these are we calculating? 7. Interpreting Bond Yields (LO2, CFA3)  Is the yield to maturity (YTM) on a bond the same thing as the required return? Is YTM the same thing as the coupon rate? Suppose that today a 10percent coupon bond sells at par. Two years from now, the required return on the same bond is 8percent. What is the coupon rate on the bond now? The YTM?

Chapter 10 

  Bond Prices and Yields363

8. Interpreting Bond Yields (LO2, CFA3)  Suppose you buy a 9 percent coupon, 15-year bond today when it’s first issued. If interest rates suddenly rise to 15 percent, what happens to the value of your bond? Why? 9. Bond Prices versus Yields (LO1, CFA3)  (a) What is the relationship between the price of a bond and its YTM? (b) Explain why some bonds sell at a premium to par value, and other bonds sell at a discount. What do you know about the relationship between the coupon rate and the YTM for premium bonds? What about discount bonds? For bonds selling at par value? (c) What is the relationship between the current yield and YTM for premium bonds? For discount bonds? For bonds selling at par value? 10. Yield to Call (LO1, CFA5)  For callable bonds, the financial press generally reports either the yield to maturity or the yield to call. Often yield to call is reported for premium bonds, and yield to maturity is reported for discount bonds. What is the reasoning behind this convention?

Questions and Problems Core Questions

1. Bond Prices (LO1, CFA5)  Aloha Inc. has 7 percent coupon bonds on the market that have 12years left to maturity. If the YTM on these bonds is 9.1 percent, what is the current bond price? 2. Bond Yields (LO1, CFA2)  Rolling Company bonds have a coupon rate of 4 percent, 14 years to maturity, and a current price of $1,086. What is the YTM? The current yield? 3. Bond Prices (LO1, CFA3)  A bond has a coupon rate of 8.2 percent and 9 years until maturity. If the yield to maturity is 7.4 percent, what is the price of the bond? 4. Bond Prices (LO1, CFA3)  A bond with 25 years until maturity has a coupon rate of 7.2­percent and a yield to maturity of 6 percent. What is the price of the bond? 5. Yield to Maturity (LO1, CFA5)  A bond sells for $902.30 and has a coupon rate of 6 percent. If the bond has 12 years until maturity, what is the yield to maturity of the bond? 6. Yield to Maturity (LO1, CFA5)  A bond with a maturity of 12 years sells for $1,047. If the coupon rate is 8.2 percent, what is the yield to maturity of the bond? 7. Yield to Maturity (LO1, CFA5)  May Industries has a bond outstanding that sells for $928. The bond has a coupon rate of 7.5 percent and nine years until maturity. What is the yield to maturity of the bond? 8. Yield to Maturity (LO1, CFA5)  Atlantis Fisheries issues zero coupon bonds on the market at a price of $417 per bond. Each bond has a face value of $1,000 payable at maturity in 20 years. What is the yield to maturity for these bonds? 9. Yield to Call (LO1, CFA5)  Atlantis Fisheries’ zero coupon bonds referred to in Problem 8 are callable in 10 years at a call price of $500. Using semiannual compounding, what is the yield to call for these bonds?

Intermediate Questions

10. Yield to Call (LO1, CFA5)  If, instead, the Atlantis Fisheries zero coupon bonds referred to in Problems 8 and 9 are callable in 10 years at a call price of $550, what is their yield to call? 11. Coupon Rates (LO1, CFA2)  Ghost Rider Corporation has bonds on the market with 10 years to maturity, a YTM of 7.5 percent, and a current price of $938. What must the coupon rate be on the company’s bonds? 12. Bond Prices (LO1, CFA5)  Great Wall Pizzeria issued 10-year bonds one year ago at a coupon rate of 6.20 percent. If the YTM on these bonds is 7.4 percent, what is the current bond price? 13. Bond Yields (LO1, CFA3)  Soprano’s Spaghetti Factory issued 25-year bonds two years ago at acoupon rate of 7.5 percent. If these bonds currently sell for 108 percent of par value, what is the YTM? 14. Bond Price Movements (LO1, CFA3)  A zero coupon bond with a 6 percent YTM has 20years to maturity. Two years later, the price of the bond remains the same. What’s going onhere? 15. Realized Yield (LO2, CFA6)  For the bond referred to in Problem 14, what would be the realized yield if it were held to maturity? 16. Bond Price Movements (LO1, CFA5)  Bond P is a premium bond with an 8 percent coupon, a YTM of 6 percent, and 15 years to maturity. Bond D is a discount bond with an 8 percent coupon, a YTM of 10 percent, and also 15 years to maturity. If interest rates remain unchanged,

364 Part 3 

  Interest Rates and Bond Valuation

what do you expect the price of these bonds to be 1 year from now? In 5 years? In 10 years? In 14 years? In 15 years? What’s going on here? 17. Interest Rate Risk (LO3, CFA4)  Both bond A and bond B have 6 percent coupons and are priced at par value. Bond A has 5 years to maturity, while bond B has 15 years to maturity. If interest rates suddenly rise by 2 percent, what is the percentage change in price of bond A? Of bond B? If rates were to suddenly fall by 2 percent instead, what would the percentage change in price of bond A be now? Of bond B? Illustrate your answers by graphing bond prices versus YTM. What does this problem tell you about the interest rate risk of longer-term bonds? 18. Interest Rate Risk (LO3, CFA4)  Bond J is a 4 percent coupon bond. Bond K is an 8 percent coupon bond. Both bonds have 10 years to maturity and have a YTM of 7 percent. If interest rates suddenly rise by 2 percent, what is the percentage price change of these bonds? What if rates suddenly fall by 2 percent instead? What does this problem tell you about the interest rate risk of lower coupon bonds? 19. Finding the Bond Maturity (LO1, CFA2)  LKD Co. has 8 percent coupon bonds with a YTM of 6.8 percent. The current yield on these bonds is 7.4 percent. How many years do these bonds have left until they mature? 20. Finding the Bond Maturity (LO1, CFA2)  You’ve just found a 10 percent coupon bond on the market that sells for par value. What is the maturity on this bond? 21. Realized Yields (LO2, CFA6)  Suppose you buy a 6 percent coupon bond today for $1,080. The bond has 10 years to maturity. What rate of return do you expect to earn on your investment? Two years from now, the YTM on your bond has increased by 2 percent, and you decide to sell. What price will your bond sell for? What is the realized yield on your investment? Compare this yield to the YTM when you first bought the bond. Why are they different? Assume interest payments are reinvested at the original YTM. 22. Yield to Call (LO1, CFA3)  Fooling Company has a 10 percent callable bond outstanding on the market with 25 years to maturity, call protection for the next 10 years, and a call premium of $100. What is the yield to call (YTC) for this bond if the current price is 108 percent of par value? 23. Calculating Duration (LO4, CFA6)  What is the Macaulay duration of a 7 percent coupon bond with five years to maturity and a current price of $1,025.30? What is the modified duration? 24. Using Duration (LO4, CFA6)  In Problem 23, suppose the yield on the bond suddenly increases by 2 percent. Use duration to estimate the new price of the bond. Compare your answer to the new bond price calculated from the usual bond pricing formula. What do your results tell you about the accuracy of duration? 25. Dollar Value of an 01 (LO4, CFA2)  What is the dollar value of an 01 for the bond in Problem 23? 26. Yield Value of a 32nd (LO4, CFA2)  A Treasury bond with 8 years to maturity is currently quoted at 106:16. The bond has a coupon rate of 7.5 percent. What is the yield value of a 32nd for this bond? 27. Calculating Duration (LO4, CFA6)  A bond with a coupon rate of 8 percent sells at a yield to maturity of 9 percent. If the bond matures in 10 years, what is the Macaulay duration of the bond? What is the modified duration? 28. Calculating Duration (LO4, CFA6)  Assume the bond in Problem 27 has a yield to maturity of 7 percent. What is the Macaulay duration now? What does this tell you about the relationship between duration and yield to maturity? 29. Calculating Duration (LO4, CFA6)  You find a bond with 19 years until maturity that has a coupon rate of 8 percent and a yield to maturity of 7 percent. What is the Macaulay duration? The modified duration? 30. Using Duration (LO4, CFA3)  Suppose the yield to maturity on the bond in Problem 29 increases by 0.25 percent. What is the new price of the bond using duration? What is the new price of the bond using the bond pricing formula? What if the yield to maturity increases by 1percent? By 2 percent? By 5 percent? What does this tell you about using duration to estimate bond price changes for large interest rate changes? 31. Bootstrapping (LO1)  One method used to obtain an estimate of the term structure of interest rates is called bootstrapping. Suppose you have a one-year zero coupon bond with a rate of r1 and a two-year bond with an annual coupon payment of C. To bootstrap the two-year rate, you can set up the following equation for the price (P) of the coupon bond: ​C​  ​ ​C​  ​+ Par value ____________ ​P = ____ ​  1   ​  +    ​  2     ​ 1 + ​r​ 1​ (1 + ​r​ 2​)​ 2​

Chapter 10 

  Bond Prices and Yields365

Spreadsheet Problems

Because you can observe all of the variables except r2, the spot rate for two years, you can solve for this interest rate. Suppose there is a zero coupon bond with one year to maturity that sells for $949 and a two-year bond with a 7.5 percent coupon paid annually that sells for $1,020. What is the interest rate for two years? Suppose a bond with three years until maturity and an 8.5 percent annual coupon sells for $1,029. What is the interest rate for three years? 32. Bootstrapping (LO1)  You find that the one-, two-, three-, and four-year interest rates are 4.2 percent, 4.5 percent, 4.9 percent, and 5.1 percent. What is the yield to maturity of a fouryear bond with an annual coupon rate of 6.5 percent? Hint: Use the bootstrapping technique in Problem 31 to find the price of the bond. 33. Yield to Maturity (LO1, CFA3)  A Treasury bond that settles on August 10, 2016, matures on April 15, 2021. The coupon rate is 4.5 percent and the quoted price is 106:17. What is the bond’s yield to maturity? 34. Bond Yields (LO1, CFA3)  A bond that settles on June 7, 2016, matures on July 1, 2036, and may be called at any time after July 1, 2026, at a price of 105. The coupon rate on the bond is 6 percent and the price is 115.00. What are the yield to maturity and yield to call on this bond? 35. Duration (LO4, CFA6)  A Treasury bond that settles on October 18, 2016, matures on March 30, 2035. The coupon rate is 5.30 percent and the bond has a 4.45 percent yield to maturity. What are the Macaulay duration and modified duration?

CFA Exam Review by Kaplan Schweser [CFA3, CFA6, CFA7] Frank Myers, CFA, is a fixed-income portfolio manager for a large pension fund. A member of the Investment Committee, Fred Spice, is very interested in learning about the management of fixedincome portfolios. Mr. Spice has approached Mr. Myers with several questions. Mr. Myers has decided to illustrate fixed-income trading strategies using a fixed-rate bond and note. Both bonds have semiannual coupons. Unless otherwise stated, all interest rate changes are parallel. The characteristics of these securities are shown in the table below. Fixed-Rate Bond

Fixed-Rate Note




Yield to maturity



Periods to maturity



Modified duration



1. Mr. Spice asks Mr. Myers how a fixed-income manager would position his portfolio to capitalize on his expectations of increasing interest rates. Which of the following would be the most appropriate strategy? a. Lengthen the portfolio duration. b. Buy fixed-rate bonds. c. Shorten the portfolio duration. 2. Mr. Spice asks Mr. Myers to quantify the value changes from changes in interest rates. To illustrate, Mr. Myers computes the value change for the fixed-rate note. He assumes an increase in interest rates of 100 basis points. Which of the following is the best estimate of the change in value for the fixed-rate note? a. −$7.17 b. −$3.59 c. $3.59 3. For an increase of 100 basis points in the yield to maturity, by what amount would the fixed-rate bond’s price change? a. −$7.49 b. −$5.73 c. −$4.63 366 Part 3 

  Interest Rates and Bond Valuation

4. Mr. Spice wonders how a fixed-income manager could position his portfolio to capitalize on the expectation of an upward-shifting and twisting term structure. For the twist, interest rates on long-term bonds increase by more than those on shorter-term notes. a. Sell bonds and buy notes. b. Buy bonds and sell notes. c. Buy both bonds and notes.

What’s on the Web? 1. Bond Markets  Go to the Bond Center at What is the outlook for the bond market today? What are the major news items today that are expected to influence the bond market? 2. Government Bonds  Go to and look up the yields for U.S. government bonds using the “Rates + Bonds” link under the Markets tab. You should also find a listing for foreign government bonds. Are the yields on all government bonds the same? Why or why not?

Chapter 10 

  Bond Prices and Yields367

PART 4 chapter

Diversification and Risky Asset Allocation +

Learning Objectives


“It is the part of a wise man not to venture all his eggs in one basket.” –Miguel de Cervantes

To get the most out of this chapter, diversify your study time across:

Intuitively, we all know that diversification is important for managing investment risk.

1. How to calculate expected returns and variances for a security.

diversified portfolio? Insightful answers can be gleaned from the modern theory of

2 . How to calculate expected returns and variances for a portfolio.

Most of us have a strong sense that diversification is important. After all, Cervantes’

3. The importance of portfolio diversification.

has not always been well understood. Diversification is important because portfolios

4. The efficient frontier and the importance of asset allocation.

But how exactly does diversification work, and how can we be sure we have an efficiently diversification and asset allocation. In this chapter, we examine the role of diversification and asset allocation in investing. advice against “putting all your eggs in one basket” has become a bit of folk wisdom that seems to have stood the test of time quite well. Even so, the importance of diversification with many investments usually produce a more consistent and stable total return than portfolios with just one investment. When you own many stocks, even if some of them decline in price, others are likely to increase in price (or stay at the same price).

CFA™ Exam Topics in This Chapter: 1. Discounted cash flow applications (L1, S2) 2. Statistical concepts and market returns (L1, S2) 3. Probability concepts (L1, S2) 4. Portfolio management: An overview (L1, S12) 5. Portfolio risk and return—Part I (L1, S12) 6. Basics of portfolio planning and construction (L1, S12) 7. Asset allocation (L3, S8)

Go to Connect for a guide that aligns your textbook with CFA readings.

You might be thinking that a portfolio with only one investment could do very well if you pick the right solitary investment. Indeed, had you decided to hold only Dell stock during the 1990s or shares of Medifast (MED) or Apple (AAPL) in the 2000s, your portfolio would have been very profitable. However, which single investment do you make today that will be very profitable in the future? That’s the problem. If you pick the wrong one, you could get wiped out. Knowing which investment will perform the best in the future is impossible. Obviously, if we knew, then there would be no risk. Therefore, investment risk plays an important role in portfolio diversification. The role and impact of diversification on portfolio risk and return were first formally explained in the early 1950s by financial pioneer Harry Markowitz. These aspects of ­portfolio diversification were an important discovery—Professor Markowitz shared the 1986 Nobel Prize in Economics for his insights on the value of diversification. His pioneering work has become known as Modern Portfolio Theory, or MPT for short. Surprisingly, Professor Markowitz’s insights are not related to how investors care about risk or return. In fact, we can talk about the benefits of diversification without having to know how investors feel about risk. Realistically, however, it is investors who care about the benefits of diversification. Therefore, to help you understand Professor Markowitz’s insights, we make two assumptions. First, we assume that investors prefer more return to less return, and second, we assume that investors prefer less risk to more risk. In this chapter, we focus on variance and standard deviation as key measures of risk, although we expand on this in an upcoming chapter.

11.1 Expected Returns and Variances In Chapter 1, we discussed how to calculate average returns and variances using historical data. We begin this chapter with a discussion of how to analyze returns and variances when the information we have concerns future returns and their probabilities. We start here because the notion of diversification involves future returns and variances of future returns.

EXP E CTE D R E TU R N S See how traders attempt to profit from expected returns at

expected return Average return on a risky asset expected in the future.

We start with a straightforward case. Consider a period of time such as a year. We have two stocks, say, Starcents and Jpod. Starcents is expected to have a return of 25 percent in the coming year; Jpod is expected to have a return of 20 percent during the same period. In a situation such as this, if all investors agreed on these expected return values, why would anyone want to hold Jpod? After all, why invest in one stock when the expectation is that another will do better? Clearly, the answer must depend on the different risks of the two investments. The return on Starcents, although expected to be 25 percent, could turn out to be significantly higher or lower. Similarly, Jpod’s realized return could be significantly higher or lower than expected. For example, suppose the economy booms. In this case, we think Starcents will have a 70 percent return. But if the economy tanks and enters a recession, we think the return will be −20 percent. In this case, we say that there are two states of the economy, which means that there are two possible outcomes. This scenario is oversimplified, of course, but it allows us to illustrate some key ideas without a lot of computational complexity. Suppose we think boom and recession are equally likely to happen, that is, a 50–50 chance of each outcome. Table 11.1 illustrates the basic information we have described and some additional information about Jpod. Notice that Jpod earns 30 percent if there is a recession and 10 percent if there is a boom. Obviously, if you buy one of these stocks, say, Jpod, what you earn in any particular year depends on what the economy does during that year. Suppose these probabilities stay the same through time. If you hold Jpod for a number of years, you’ll earn 30 percent about half the time and 10 percent the other half. In this case, we say your expected return on Jpod, E(RJ), is 20 percent: ​E​(​R​ J​)​= .50 × 30% + .50 × 10% = 20%​​ In other words, you should expect to earn 20 percent from this stock, on average.

Chapter 11  

  Diversification and Risky Asset Allocation 369

TABLE 11.1

States of the Economy and Stock Returns State of Economy

TABLE 11.2

Security Returns if State Occurs

Probability of State of Economy










Jpod 30%

Calculating Expected Returns Starcents


(1) State of Economy

(2) Probability of State of Economy

(3) Return if State Occurs










(4) Product (2) × (3)

(5) Return if State Occurs

(6) Product (2) × (5)





E(RS) = 25%

E(RJ) = 20%

For Starcents, the probabilities are the same, but the possible returns are different. Here we lose 20 percent half the time and we gain 70 percent the other half. The expected return on Starcents, E(RS), is thus 25 percent: ​E​(​R​ S​)​= .50 × −20% + .50 × 70% = 25%​​ Table 11.2 illustrates these calculations. In Chapter 1, we defined a risk premium as the difference between the returns on a risky investment and a risk-free investment, and we calculated the historical risk premiums on some different investments. Using our projected returns, we can calculate the projected or expected risk premium as the difference between the expected return on a risky investment and the certain return on a risk-free investment. For example, suppose risk-free investments are currently offering an 8 percent return. We will say that the risk-free rate, which we label Rf , is 8 percent. Given this, what is the projected risk premium on Jpod? On Starcents? Because the expected return on Jpod, E(RJ), is 20 percent, the projected risk premium is: ​Risk premium = Expected return − Risk-free rate = E ​(​RJ ​)​− Rf = 20% − 8% = 12%​


Similarly, the risk premium on Starcents is 25% − 8% = 17%. In general, the expected return on a security or other asset is simply equal to the sum of the possible returns multiplied by their probabilities. So, if we have 100 possible returns, we would multiply each one by its probability and then add up the results. The sum would be the expected return. The risk premium would then be the difference between this expected return and the risk-free rate.


Unequal Probabilities Look again at Tables 11.1 and 11.2. Suppose you thought a boom would occur 20 percent of the time instead of 50 percent. What are the expected returns on Starcents and Jpod in this case? If the risk-free rate is 10 percent, what are the risk premiums? The first thing to notice is that a recession must occur 80 percent of the time (1 − .20 = .80) because there are only two possibilities. With this in mind, Jpod has a 30 percent return in 80 percent of the years and a 10 percent return in 20 percent (continued   )

370 Part 4 

  Portfolio Management

TABLE 11.3

Calculating Expected Returns Starcents


(1) State of Economy

(2) Probability of State of Economy

(3) Return if State Occurs










(4) Product (2) × (3)

(5) Return if State Occurs

(6) Product (2) × (5)





E(RS) = –2%

E(RJ) = 26%

of the years. To calculate the expected return, we just multiply the possibilities by the ­probabilities and add up the results: E ​(​RJ ​)​= .80 × 30% + .20 × 10% = 26%

If the returns are written as decimals: E (RJ ) = .80 × 0.30 + .20 × 0.10 = 0.26

Table 11.3 summarizes the calculations for both stocks. Notice that the expected return on Starcents is −2 percent. The risk premium for Jpod is 26% − 10% = 16% in this case. The risk premium for Starcents is negative: −2% − 10% = −12%. This is a little unusual, but, as we will see, it’s not impossible.

CALC U L ATI N G THE VA R I A N C E OF E XP E CTE D R E T U RN S There’s more on risk measures at and

To calculate the variances of the expected returns on our two stocks, we first determine the squared deviations from the expected return. We then multiply each possible squared deviation by its probability. Next we add these up, and the result is the variance. To illustrate, one of our stocks in Table 11.2, Jpod, has an expected return of 20 percent. In a given year, the return will actually be either 30 percent or 10 percent. The possible deviations are thus 30% − 20% = 10% or 10% − 20% = −10%. In this case, the variance is Variance = ​σ​ 2​= .50 × (10%​)​ 2​+ .50 × (−10%​)​ 2​ = .50 × ​(0.10)​​ 2​+ .50 × (−​0.10)​​ 2​= 0.01 Notice that we used decimals to calculate the variance. The standard deviation is the square root of the variance: ____

​Standarddeviation = σ = ​√ 0.01 ​ = 0.10 = 10%​ Table 11.4 contains the expected return and variance for both stocks. Notice that Starcents has a much larger variance. Starcents has the higher expected return, but Jpod has less risk. You could get a 70 percent return on your investment in Starcents, but you could also lose 20 percent. However, an investment in Jpod will always pay at least 10 percent. Which of these stocks should you buy? We can’t really say; it depends on your personal preferences regarding risk and return. We can be reasonably sure, however, that some investors would prefer one and some would prefer the other. You’ve probably noticed that the way we calculated expected returns and variances of expected returns here is somewhat different from the way we calculated returns and variances in Chapter 1 (and, probably, different from the way you learned it in your statistics course). The reason is that we

TABLE 11.4

Expected Returns and Variances Expected return, E(R) Variance of expected return, σ2 Standard deviation of expected return, σ

Chapter 11  



0.25, or 25%

0.20, or 20%



0.45, or 45%

0.10, or 10%

  Diversification and Risky Asset Allocation 371

were examining historical returns in Chapter 1, so we estimated the average return and the variance based on some actual events. Here, we have projected future returns and their associated probabilities. Therefore, we must calculate expected returns and variances of these expected returns.


More Unequal Probabilities Going back to Table 11.3 in Example 11.1, what are the variances on our two stocks once we have unequal probabilities? What are the standard deviations? Converting all returns to decimals, we can summarize the needed calculations as follows: (1) State of Economy

(2) Probability of State of Economy

(3) Return Deviation from Expected Return

(4) Squared Return Deviation



−.20 − (−.02) = −0.18




(5) Product (2) × (4)

Starcents 0.70 − (−0.02) = 0.72

0.02592 0.10368


​σ​  ​  = 0.12960​ 2 S

Jpod  Recession


0.30 − 0.26 = 0.04




0.10 − 0.26 = −0.16


0.00128 0.00512 ​σ​  ​  = 0.00640​ 2 J


Based on these calculations, the standard deviation for Starcents is ​σ​ S​ = √ ​  0.1296 ​  = _______ 36%.​The standard deviation for Jpod is much smaller, ​σ​ J​= √ ​  0.0064 ​​,  or 8%.


How do we calculate the expected return on a security?


In words, how do we calculate the variance of an expected return?

11.2 Portfolios portfolio Group of assets such as stocks and bonds held by an investor.

Thus far in this chapter, we have concentrated on individual assets considered separately. However, most investors actually hold a portfolio of assets. All we mean by this is that investors tend to own more than just a single stock, bond, or other asset. Given that this is true, portfolio return and portfolio risk are obviously relevant. Accordingly, we now discuss portfolio expected returns and variances.

P ORT FOL IO WE I G HTS portfolio weight Percentage of a portfolio’s total value invested in a particular asset.

There are many equivalent ways of describing a portfolio. The most convenient approach is to list the percentages of the total portfolio’s value that are invested in each portfolio asset. We call these percentages the portfolio weights. For example, if we have $50 in one asset and $150 in another, then our total portfolio is worth $200. The percentage of our portfolio in the first asset is $50/$200 = 0.25, or 25%. The percentage of our portfolio in the second asset is $150/$200 = 0.75, or 75%. Notice that the weights sum up to 1.00 (100%) because all of our money is invested somewhere.1 1

372 Part 4 

Some of it could be in cash, of course, but we would then just consider cash to be another of the portfolio assets.

  Portfolio Management

TABLE 11.5

Expected Portfolio Return (1) State of Economy

(2) Probability of State of Economy

(3) Portfolio Return If State Occurs

(4) Product (2) × (3)



.50 × −20% + .50 × 30% = 5%




.50 × 70% + .50 × 10% = 40%

20.0 E(RP) = 22.5%

PORTFOL I O E XP E CTE D R E TU R N S Let’s go back to Starcents and Jpod. You put half your money in each. The portfolio weights are obviously 0.50 and 0.50. What is the pattern of returns on this portfolio? The expected return? To answer these questions, suppose the economy actually enters a recession. In this case, half your money (the half in Starcents) loses 20 percent. The other half (the half in Jpod) gains 30 percent. Your portfolio return, RP, in a recession will thus be ​R​ P​= .50 × −20% + .50 × 30% = 5%​ Table 11.5 summarizes the remaining calculations. Notice that when a boom occurs, your portfolio would return 40 percent: ​R​ P​= .50 × 70% + .50 × 10% = 40%​ As indicated in Table 11.5, the expected return on your portfolio, E(RP), is 22.5 percent. We can save ourselves some work by calculating the expected return more directly. Given these portfolio weights, we could have reasoned that we expect half of our money to earn 25 percent (the half in Starcents) and half of our money to earn 20 percent (the half in Jpod). Our portfolio expected return is thus ​E​(​R​ P​)​= ​.50 × E​(​R​ S​)​+ .50 × E​(​R​ J​)​ = .50 × 25% + .50 × 20% = 22.5%​ This is the same portfolio return that we calculated in Table 11.5. This method of calculating the expected return on a portfolio works no matter how many assets are in the portfolio. Suppose we had n assets in our portfolio, where n is any number at all. If we let xi stand for the percentage of our money in asset i, then the expected return is ​E (​R​ P​) = ​x​ 1​ × E (​R​ 1​) + ​x​ 2​ × E (​R​ 2​) + . . . + ​x​ n​ × E (​R​ n​)​


Equation (11.2) says that the expected return on a portfolio is a straightforward combination of the expected returns on the assets in that portfolio. This result seems somewhat obvious, but, as we will examine next, the obvious approach is not always the right one.


More Unequal Probabilities Suppose we had the following projections on three stocks: State of Economy


Probability of State of Economy

Stock A

Stock B

Stock C










We want to calculate portfolio expected returns in two cases. First, what would be the expected return on a portfolio with equal amounts invested in each of the three stocks? Second, what would be the expected return if half of the portfolio were in A, with the remainder equally divided between B and C?

Chapter 11  

  Diversification and Risky Asset Allocation 373

From our earlier discussion, the expected returns on the individual stocks are: ​E (​R​ A​) = 9.0%  E (​R​ B​) = 9.5%  E (​R​ C​) = 10.0%​​

(Check these for practice.) If a portfolio has equal investments in each asset, the portfolio weights are all the same. Such a portfolio is said to be equally weighted. Since there are three stocks in this case, the weights are all equal to 1/3. The portfolio expected return is thus: ​E (​R​ P​) = 1/3 × 9.0% + 1/3 × 9.5% + 1/3 × 10.0% = 9.5%​​

In the second case, check that the portfolio expected return is 9.375%.

PORT FOL IO VA R I A N C E OF E XP E CTE D R E TU R N S From the preceding discussion, the expected return on a portfolio that contains equal investments in Starcents and Jpod is 22.5 percent. What is the standard deviation of return on this portfolio? Simple intuition might suggest that half of our money has a standard deviation of 45 percent and the other half has a standard deviation of 10 percent. So, the portfolio’s standard deviation might be calculated as follows: ​σ​ P​= .50 × 45% + .50 × 10% = 27.5%​ Unfortunately, this approach is completely incorrect! Let’s see what the standard deviation really is. Table 11.6 summarizes the relevant ­calculations. As we see, the portfolio’s standard deviation is much less than 27.5 percent—it’s only 17.5 percent. What is illustrated here is that the variance on a portfolio is not ­generally a simple combination of the variances of the assets in the portfolio. We can illustrate this point a little more dramatically by considering a slightly different set of portfolio weights. Suppose we put 2/11 (about 18 percent) in Starcents and the other 9/11 (about 82 percent) in Jpod. If a recession occurs, this portfolio will have a return of ​R​ P​= 2/11 × −20% + 9/11 × 30% = 20.91%​ If a boom occurs, this portfolio will have a return of ​R​ P​= 2/11 × 70% + 9/11 × 10% = 20.91%​ Notice that the return is the same no matter what happens. No further calculation is needed: This portfolio has a zero variance and no risk! This portfolio is a nice bit of financial alchemy. We take two quite risky assets and, by mixing them just right, we create a riskless portfolio. It seems very clear that combining assets into portfolios can substantially alter the risks faced by an investor. This observation is crucial. We will begin to explore its implications in the next section.2 Earlier, we had a risk-free rate of 8 percent. Now we have, in effect, a 20.91 percent risk-free rate. If this situation actually existed, there would be a very profitable opportunity! In reality, we expect that all riskless investments would have the same return. 2

TABLE 11.6

Calculating Portfolio Variance and Standard Deviation (1) State of Economy

(2) Probability of State of Economy

(3) Portfolio Returns If State Occurs

(4) Squared Deviation from Expected Return*

(5) Product (2) × (4)




(5 − 22.5)2 = 306.25





(40 − 22.5)2 = 306.25


Variance, ​σ​  ​  = 306.25 2 P

Standard deviation, ​σ​  P ​ = ​306.25 = 17.5% *Notice that we used percents for all returns. Verify that if we wrote returns as decimals, we would get a variance of 0.030625 and a standard deviation of 0.175.

374 Part 4 

  Portfolio Management


Portfolio Variance and Standard Deviations In Example 11.3, what are the standard deviations of the two portfolios? State of Economy


Probability of State of Economy

Stock A

Stock C













Stock B

To answer, we first have to calculate the portfolio returns in the two states. We will work with the second portfolio, which has 50 percent in stock A and 25 percent in each of stocks B and C. The relevant calculations are summarized as follows: The portfolio return when the economy booms is calculated as: ​R​ P​= .50 × 10% + .25 × 15% + .25 × 20% = 13.75%​

The return when the economy goes bust is calculated the same way. Check that it’s 5 percent, and also check that the expected return on the portfolio is 9.375 percent. Expressing returns in decimals, the variance is thus ​σ​ P2​  = .50 × (0.1375 − ​0.09375)​​ 2​+ .50 × (0.05 − ​0.09375)​​ 2​= 0.0019141​

The standard deviation is


​σ​ P​= √ ​  0.0019141 ​   = 0.04375, or 4.375%​

Check: Using equal weights, verify that the portfolio standard deviation is 5.5 percent. Note: If the standard deviation is 4.375 percent, the variance should be somewhere between 16 and 25 (the squares of 4 and 5, respectively). If we square 4.375, we get 19.141. To express a variance in percentage, we must move the decimal four places to the right. That is, we must multiply 0.0019141 by 10,000—which is the square of 100.



What is a portfolio weight?


How do we calculate the variance of an expected return?

11.3 Diversification and Portfolio Risk Our discussion to this point has focused on some hypothetical securities. We’ve seen that portfolio risks can, in principle, be quite different from the risks of the assets that make up the portfolio. We now look more closely at the risk of an individual asset versus the risk of a portfolio of many different assets. As we did in Chapter 1, we will examine some stock market history to get an idea of what happens with actual investments in U.S. capital markets.

T HE E FFE CT OF D I V E R SI FI CATI ON : A N OTHE R LE SSO N F RO M MAR KE T HI STORY In Chapter 1, we saw that the standard deviation of the annual return on a portfolio of ­large-company common stocks was about 20 percent per year. Does this mean that the standard deviation of the annual return on a typical stock in that group is about 20 percent? As you might suspect by now, the answer is no. This observation is extremely important. To examine the relationship between portfolio size and portfolio risk, Table 11.7 illustrates typical average annual standard deviations for equally weighted portfolios that contain different numbers of randomly selected NYSE securities.

Chapter 11  

  Diversification and Risky Asset Allocation 375

TABLE 11.7

Portfolio Standard Deviations (1) Number of Stocks in Portfolio 1

(2) Average Standard Deviation of Annual Portfolio Returns 49.24%

(3) Ratio of Portfolio Standard Deviation to Standard Deviation of a Single Stock 1.00














































Source: Table 1, Meir Statman, “How Many Stocks Make a Diversified Portfolio?” Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 22 (September 1987), pp. 353–64. Derived from E. J. Elton and M. J. Gruber, “Risk Reduction and Portfolio Size: An Analytic Solution,” Journal of Business 50 (October 1977), pp. 415–37. 1987, School of Business Administration, University of Washington."

In column 2 of Table 11.7, we see that the standard deviation for a “portfolio” of one security is just under 50 percent per year—49.24 percent, to be precise. What this means is that if you randomly select a single NYSE stock and put all your money into it, your standard deviation of return would typically have been about 50 percent per year. Obviously, such a strategy has significant risk! If you were to randomly select two NYSE securities and put half your money in each, your average annual standard deviation would have been about 37 percent. The important thing to notice in Table 11.7 is that the standard deviation declines as the number of securities is increased. By the time we have 100 randomly chosen stocks (and 1 p­ ercent invested in each), the portfolio’s volatility has declined by 60 percent, from 50 percent per year to 20 percent per year. With 500 securities, the standard deviation is 19.27 percent per year, similar to the 20 percent per year we saw in Chapter 1 for large-­company common stocks. The small difference exists because the portfolio securities, portfolio weights, and the time periods covered are not identical. An important foundation of the diversification effect is the random selection of stocks. When stocks are chosen at random, the resulting portfolio represents different sectors, market caps, and other features. Consider what would happen, however, if you formed a portfolio of 30 stocks, but all were technology companies. In this case, you might think you have a diversified portfolio, but because all these stocks have similar characteristics, you are actually close to “having all your eggs in one basket.” Similarly, during times of extreme market stress, such as the Crash of 2008, many seemingly unrelated asset categories tend to move together—down. Thus, diversification, although generally a good thing, doesn’t always work as we might hope. We discuss other elements of diversification in more detail in a later section. 376 Part 4 

  Portfolio Management

Portfolio Diversification Average annual standard deviation (%)



Diversifiable risk

23.9 19.2

Nondiversifiable risk



20 30 40 Number of stocks in portfolio



principle of diversification Spreading an investment across a number of assets will eliminate some, but not all, of the risk.

Figure 11.1 illustrates the point we’ve been discussing. What we have plotted is the standard deviation of the return versus the number of stocks in the portfolio. Notice in Figure 11.1 that the benefit in terms of risk reduction from adding securities drops off as we add more and more. By the time we have 10 securities, most of the diversification effect is already realized, and by the time we get to 30 or so, there is very little remaining benefit. The diversification benefit does depend on the time period over which returns and ­variances are calculated. For example, the data in Table 11.7 precede 1987. Scholars recently revisited diversification benefits by looking at stock returns and variances from 1986 to 1997 and found that 50 stocks were needed to build a highly diversified portfolio in this time period. The point is that investors should be thinking in terms of 30 to 50 individual stocks when they are building a diversified portfolio. Figure 11.1 illustrates two key points. First, some of the riskiness associated with ­individual assets can be eliminated by forming portfolios. The process of spreading an ­investment across assets (and thereby forming a portfolio) is called diversification. The principle of diversification tells us that spreading an investment across many assets will eliminate some of the risk. Not surprisingly, risks that can be eliminated by diversification are called “diversifiable” risks. The second point is equally important. There is a minimum level of risk that cannot be eliminated by simply diversifying. This minimum level is labeled “nondiversifiable risk” in Figure 11.1. Taken together, these two points are another important lesson from financial market history: Diversification reduces risk, but only up to a point. Put another way, some risk is diversifiable and some is not.

T HE FAL L ACY OF TI ME D I V E R SI FI CATI ON Has anyone ever told you, “You’re young. You should have a large amount of equity (or other risky assets) in your portfolio”? While this advice could be true, the argument frequently used to support this strategy is incorrect. In particular, the common argument goes something like this: Although stocks are more volatile in any given year, over time this volatility cancels itself out. Although this argument sounds logical, it is only partially correct. Investment professionals refer to this argument as the time diversification fallacy. How can such logical-sounding advice be so faulty? Well, let’s begin with what is true about this piece of advice. Recall from the very first chapter that the average yearly return of large-cap stocks over about the last 90individual years is 11.9 percent, and the standard deviation is 20.0 percent. For most investors, however, time horizons are much

Chapter 11  

  Diversification and Risky Asset Allocation 377

longer than a single year. So, let’s look at the average returns of longer investment horizon periods. Let’s use a five-year investment period to start. If you use the data in Table 1.1 from 1926 through 1930, the geometric average return for large-cap stocks was 8.26 percent. You can confirm this average using the method of how to calculate a geometric, or compounded, average return that we present in Chapter 1. After this calculation, we only have the average for one historical five-year period. Suppose we calculate all possible five-year geometric average returns using the data in Table 1.1? That is, we would calculate the geometric average return using data from 1927 to 1931, then 1928 to 1932, and so on. When we finish all this work, we have a series of five-year geometric average returns. If we want, we could compute the simple average and standard deviation of these fiveyear ­geometric, or compounded, averages. Then, we could repeat the whole process using a ­rolling 10-year period or using a rolling 15-year period (or whatever period we might want to use). We have made these calculations for nine different holding periods, ranging from one year to 40 years. Our calculations appear in Table 11.8. What do you notice about the averages and standard deviations? As the time periods get longer, the average geometric return generally falls. This pattern is consistent with our discussion of arithmetic and geometric averages in Chapter 1. What is more important for our discussion here, however, is the pattern of the standard deviation of the average returns. Notice that as the time period increases, the standard deviation of the geometric averages falls and actually approaches zero. The fact that it does is the true impact of time diversification. So, at this point, do you think time diversification is true or a fallacy? Well, the problem is that even though the standard deviation of the geometric return tends to zero as the time horizon grows, the standard deviation of your wealth does not. As investors, we care about wealth levels and the standard deviation of wealth levels over time. Let’s make the following calculation. Suppose someone invested a lump sum of $1,000 in 1926. Using the return data from Table 1.1, you can verify that this $1,000 has grown to $1,486.97 five years later. Next, we suppose someone invests $1,000 in 1927 and see what it grows to at the end of 1931. We make this calculation for all possible five-year investment periods and seven other longer periods. Our calculations appear in Table 11.9, where we provide wealth averages and standard deviations. What do you notice about the wealth averages and standard deviations in Table 11.9? Well, the average ending wealth amount is larger over longer time periods. This result makes sense—after all, we are investing for longer time periods. What is important for our discussion, however, is the standard deviation of wealth. Notice that this risk measure increases with the time horizon. Figure 11.2 presents a nice “picture” of the impact of having standard deviation (i.e., risk) increase with the investment time horizon. Figure 11.2 contains the results of simulating

TABLE 11.8

Average Geometric Returns by Investment Holding Period Investment Holding Period (in years) 1









Average return










Standard deviation of return










TABLE 11.9

Average Ending Wealth by Investment Holding Period Investment Holding Period (in years)

Average wealth Standard deviation of wealth

378 Part 4 




























  Portfolio Management


S&P 500 Random Walk Model—Risk and Return 1 in 6 chance of ending up way up here. French Riviera, here we come!

$180,000 +1 standard deviation

Ending value of $1,000 investment

$160,000 $140,000 $120,000

1 in 3 chance of ending up here. Rah! Rah! Yacht! Go compounding!


The median. 1 in 2 outcomes above here, 1 in 2 outcomes below here. Not bad—we’ll take it, and a cabin cruiser.

$80,000 $60,000 $40,000

1 in 3 chance of ending up here. Hmm. Maybe a fun ski boat.


1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39


-1 standard deviation


1 in 6 chance of ending up way down here. Looks like “Rowboat City.” If you’re looking for the downside of “risk,” here it is.


outcomes of a $1,000 investment in equity over a 40-year period. From Figure 11.1, you can see the two sides of risk. While investing in equity gives you a greater chance of having a portfolio with an extremely large value, investing in equity also increases the probability of ending with a really low value. By definition, a wide range of possible outcomes is risk. Now you know about the time diversification fallacy—time diversifies returns but not wealth. As investors, we (like most of you) are more concerned about how much money we have (i.e., our wealth), not necessarily what our exact percentage return was over the life of our investment accounts. So, should younger investors put more money in equity? The answer is probably still yes—but for logically sound reasons that differ from the reasoning underlying the fallacy of time diversification. If you are young and your portfolio suffers a steep decline in a particular year, what could you do? You could make up for this loss by changing your work habits (e.g., your type of job, hours, second job). People approaching retirement have little future earning power, so a major loss in their portfolio will have a much greater impact on their wealth. Thus, the portfolios of young people should contain relatively more equity (i.e., risk).



What happens to the standard deviation of return for a portfolio if we increase the number of securities in the portfolio?


What is the principle of diversification?


What is the time diversification fallacy?

Chapter 11  

  Diversification and Risky Asset Allocation 379

11.4 Correlation and Diversification We’ve seen that diversification is important. What we haven’t discussed is how to get the most out of diversification. For example, in our previous section, we investigated what happens if we simply spread our money evenly across randomly chosen stocks. We saw that significant risk reduction resulted from this strategy, but you might wonder whether even larger gains could be achieved by a more sophisticated approach. As we begin to examine that question here, the answer is yes.

WH Y DIVE R SIFI CATI ON WOR KS correlation The tendency of the returns on two assets to move together.

Measure portfolio diversification using Instant X-ray at (use the search feature)


Why diversification reduces portfolio risk as measured by the portfolio’s standard deviation is important and worth exploring in some detail. The key concept is correlation, which is the extent to which the returns on two assets move together. If the returns on two assets tend to move up and down together, we say they are positively correlated. If they tend to move in opposite directions, we say they are negatively correlated. If there is no particular relationship between the two assets, we say they are uncorrelated. The correlation coefficient, which we use to measure correlation, ranges from −1 to +1, and we will denote the correlation between the returns on two assets, say A and B, as Corr(RA, RB). The Greek letter ρ (rho) is often used to designate correlation as well. A correlation of +1 indicates that the two assets have a perfect positive correlation. For example, suppose that whatever return asset A realizes, either up or down, asset B does the same thing by exactly twice as much. In this case, they are perfectly correlated because the movement on one is completely predictable from the movement on the other. Notice, however, that perfect correlation does not necessarily mean they move by the same amount. A zero correlation means that the two assets are uncorrelated. If we know that one asset is up, then we have no idea what the other one is likely to do; there simply is no relation between them. Perfect negative correlation [Corr(RA, RB) = −1] indicates that they always move in opposite directions. Figure 11.3 illustrates the three benchmark cases of perfect positive, perfect negative, and zero correlation. Diversification works because security returns are generally not perfectly correlated. We will be more precise about the impact of correlation on portfolio risk in just a moment. For now, it is useful to simply think about combining two assets into a portfolio. If the two assets are highly positively correlated (the correlation is near +1), then they have a strong tendency to move up and down together. As a result, they offer limited diversification benefit. For example, two stocks from the same industry, say, General Motors and Ford, will tend to be


Perfect positive correlation Corr(RA, RB) = +1


1 2

A B Time Both the return on Security A and the return on Security B are higher than average at the same time. Both the return on Security A and the return on Security B are lower than average at the same time. -

380 Part 4 

  Portfolio Management




0 -

0 -

Zero correlation Corr(RA, RB) = 0 Returns


Returns +

Perfect negative correlation Corr(RA, RB) = -1

Time Security A has a higher-thanaverage return when Security B has a lower-than-average return, and vice versa.


Time The return on Security A is completely unrelated to the return on Security B.

TABLE 11.10

Annual Returns on Stocks A and B Year 2012

Stock A 10%

Stock B

Portfolio AB

























Average returns Standard deviations

relatively highly correlated because the companies are in essentially the same business, and a portfolio of two such stocks is not likely to be very diversified. In contrast, if the two assets are negatively correlated, then they tend to move in opposite directions; whenever one zigs, the other tends to zag. In such a case, the diversification benefit will be substantial because variation in the return on one asset tends to be offset by variation in the opposite direction from the other. In fact, if two assets have a perfect negative correlation [Corr(RA, RB) = −1], then it is possible to combine them such that all risk is eliminated. Looking back at our example involving Jpod and Starcents in which we were able to eliminate all of the risk, what we now see is that they must be perfectly negatively correlated. To illustrate the impact of diversification on portfolio risk further, suppose we observed the actual annual returns on two stocks, A and B, for the years 2012−2016. We summarize these returns in Table 11.10. In addition to actual returns on stocks A and B, we also calculated the returns on an equally weighted portfolio of A and B in Table 11.10. We label this portfolio as AB. In 2012, for example, stock A returned 10 percent and stock B returned 15 percent. Because portfolio AB is half invested in each, its return for the year was ​1/2 × 10% + 1/2 × 15% = 12.5%​ The returns for the other years are calculated similarly. At the bottom of Table 11.10, we calculated the average returns and standard deviations on the two stocks and the equally weighted portfolio. These averages and standard deviations are calculated just as they were in Chapter 1 (check a couple just to refresh your memory). The impact of diversification is apparent. The two stocks have standard deviations in the 13 percent to 14 percent per year range, but the portfolio’s volatility is only 2.2 percent. In fact, if we compare the portfolio to stock A, it has a higher return (11 percent vs. 9 percent) and much less risk. Figure 11.4 illustrates in more detail what is occurring with our example. Here we have three bar graphs showing the year-by-year returns on stocks A and B and portfolio AB. Examining the graphs, we see that in 2013, for example, stock A earned 30 percent while stock B lost 10 percent. The following year, stock B earned 25 percent, while A lost 10 percent. These ups and downs tend to cancel out in our portfolio, however, with the result that there is much less variation in return from year to year. In other words, the correlation between the returns on stocks A and B is relatively low. Calculating the correlation between stocks A and B is not difficult, but it would require us to digress a bit. Instead, we will explain the needed calculation in the next chapter, where we build on the principles developed here.

CALC UL ATI N G P ORTFOL I O R I SK We’ve seen that correlation is an important determinant of portfolio risk. To further pursue this issue, we need to know how to calculate portfolio variances directly. For a portfolio of two assets, A and B, the variance of the return on the portfolio, ​σ​ P2 ​, is given by equation (11.3): ​σ​ P2​ ​= ​X​ 2A ​ σ​ A2​ ​+ ​X​ 2B ​   σ​ B2​ ​ + 2​x​ A​x​ B​ σ​ A​ σ​ B​ Corr(​R​ A​, ​R​ B​)​

Chapter 11  


  Diversification and Risky Asset Allocation 381

Impact of Diversification



30 Annual return %

10 0

20 12 20 13 20 14 20 15 20 16



Portfolio AB Annual Returns


20 10 0 -10

20 12 20 13 20 14 20 15 20 16

Annual return %


Stock B Annual Returns 30


20 10 0 -10

20 12 20 13 20 14 20 15 20 16

Stock A Annual Returns

Annual return %




In this equation, xA and xB are the percentages invested in assets A and B. Notice that xA + xB = 1. (Why?) For a portfolio of three assets, the variance of the return on the portfolio, ​σ​ 2P ​, is given by equation (11.4): σ​ ​ 2P​  = ​X​ 2A ​ ​σ​ 2A ​ + ​X​ 2B ​ ​σ​ 2B ​ + ​X​ 2C ​X​ 2C ​+ 2​x​ A​x​ B​σ​ A​σ​ B​ Corr(​R​ A​, ​R​ B​) ​ ​       ​  ​  ​  ​ ​​ ​ ​ +2​x​ A​x​ C​ σ​ A​ σ​ C​ Corr(​R​ A​, ​R​ C​) + 2​x​ B​x​ C​σ​ B​ σ​ C​ Corr(​R​ B​, ​R​ C​)


Note that six terms appear in equation (11.4). There is a term involving the squared weight and the variance of the return for each of the three assets (A, B, and C) as well as a cross-term for each pair of assets. The cross-term involves pairs of weights, pairs of standard deviations of returns for each asset, and the correlation between the returns of the asset pair. If you had a portfolio of six assets, you would have an equation with 21 terms. (Can you write this equation?) If you had a portfolio of 50 assets, the equation for the variance of this portfolio would have 1,275 terms! Let’s return to equation (11.3). Equation (11.3) looks a little involved, but its use is straightforward. For example, s­ uppose stock A has a standard deviation of 40 percent per year and stock B has a standard deviation of 60 percent per year. The correlation between them is .15. If you put half your money in each, what is your portfolio standard deviation? To answer, we just plug the numbers into equation (11.3). Note that xA and xB are each equal to .50, while σA and σB are 0.40 and 0.60, respectively. Taking Corr(RA, RB) = .15, we have ​σ​ 2P ​= ​0.50​​ 2​× ​0.40​​ 2​+ ​0.50​​ 2​× ​0.60​​ 2​+ 2 × 0.50 × 0.50 × 0.40 × 0.60 × .15 = 0.25 × 0.16 + 0.25 × 0.36 + 0.018 = 0.148​ Thus, the portfolio variance is 0.148. As always, variances are not easy to interpret since they are based on squared returns, so we calculate the standard deviation by taking the square root: _____

​σ​ P​= ​√ 0.148 ​  = 0.3847 = 38.47%​ Once again, we see the impact of diversification. This portfolio has a standard deviation of 38.47 percent, which is less than either of the standard deviations on the two assets that are in the portfolio. 382 Part 4 

  Portfolio Management


Portfolio Variance and Standard Deviation In the example we just examined, stock A has a standard deviation of 40 percent per year and stock B has a standard deviation of 60 percent per year. Suppose now that the correlation between them is .35. Also suppose you put one-fourth of your money in stock A. What is your portfolio standard deviation? If you put 1/4 (or 0.25) in stock A, you must have 3/4 (or 0.75) in stock B, so xA = 0.25 and xB = 0.75. Making use of our portfolio variance equation (11.3), we have ​σ​ 2P​  = ​0.25​​ 2​× ​0.40​​ 2​+ ​0.75​​ 2​× ​0.60​​ 2​+ 2 × 0.25 × 0.75 × 0.40 × 0.60 × .35 = 0.0625 × 0.16 + 0.5625 × 0.36 + 0.0315 = 0.244​

Thus, the portfolio variance is 0.244. Taking the square root, we get ______

​σ​ P​= √ ​  0.244 ​  = 0.49396 ≈ 49%​

This portfolio has a standard deviation of 49 percent, which is between the individual standard deviations. This shows that a portfolio’s standard deviation isn’t necessarily less than the individual standard deviations.

The impact of correlation in determining the overall risk of a portfolio has significant implications. For example, consider an investment in international equity. Historically, this sector has had slightly lower returns than large-cap U.S. equity, but the international equity volatility has been much higher. If investors prefer more return to less return, and less risk to more risk, why would anyone allocate funds to international equity? The answer lies in the fact that the correlation of international equity to U.S. equity is not close to +1. Although international equity is quite risky by itself, adding international equity to an existing portfolio of U.S. investments can reduce risk. In fact, as we discuss in the next section, adding the international equity could actually make our portfolio have a better return-to-risk (or more efficient) profile. Another important point about international equity and correlations is that correlations are not constant over time. Investors expect to receive significant diversification benefits from international equity, but if correlations increase, much of the benefit will be lost. When does this happen? Well, in the Crash of 2008, correlations across markets increased significantly, as almost all asset classes declined in value (an exception was short-term government debt). As investors, we must be mindful of the differences between expected and actual outcomes—particularly during crashes and bear markets.

T H E IMP ORTA N C E OF A SSE T A L LOCATI ON , PA RT 1 asset allocation How an investor spreads ­portfolio dollars among broad asset classes.

Why are correlation and asset allocation important, practical, real-world considerations? Well, suppose that as a very conservative, risk-averse investor, you decide to invest all of your money in a bond mutual fund. Based on your analysis, you think this fund has an expected return of 6 percent with a standard deviation of 10 percent per year. A stock fund is available, however, with an expected return of 12 percent, but the standard deviation of 15 percent is too high for your taste. Also, the correlation between the returns on the two funds is about .10. Is the decision to invest 100 percent in the bond fund a wise one, even for a very riskaverse investor? The answer is no; in fact, it is a bad decision for any investor. To see why, Table 11.11 shows expected returns and standard deviations available from different combinations of the two mutual funds. In constructing the table, we begin with 100 percent in the stock fund and work our way down to 100 percent in the bond fund by reducing the percentage in the stock fund in increments of 0.05. These calculations are all done just like our examples above; you should check some (or all) of them for practice. Beginning on the first row in Table 11.11, we have 100 percent in the stock fund, so our expected return is 12 percent and our standard deviation is 15 percent. As we begin to move out of the stock fund and into the bond fund, we are not surprised to see both the expected Chapter 11  

  Diversification and Risky Asset Allocation 383

TABLE 11.11

Risk and Return with Stocks and Bonds Portfolio Weights

investment opportunity set Collection of ­possible ­risk-return combinations ­available from portfolios of individual assets. Review modern portfolio theory at

384 Part 4 



Expected Return

Standard Deviation (Risk)





















































































return and the standard deviation decline. However, what might be surprising to you is the fact that the standard deviation falls only so far and then begins to rise again. In other words, beyond a point, adding more of the lower-risk bond fund actually increases your risk! The best way to see what is going on is to plot the various combinations of expected returns and standard deviations calculated in Table 11.11, as we do in Figure 11.5. We ­simply placed the standard deviations from Table 11.11 on the horizontal axis and the ­corresponding expected returns on the vertical axis. Examining the plot in Figure 11.5, we see that the various combinations of risk and return available all fall on a smooth curve (in fact, for the geometrically inclined, it’s a hyperbola). This curve is called an investment opportunity set because it shows the possible combinations of risk and return available from portfolios of these two assets. One important thing to notice is that, as we have shown, there is a portfolio that has the smallest standard deviation (or variance—same thing) of all. It is labeled “minimum variance portfolio” in Figure 11.5. What are (approximately) its expected return and standard deviation? Now we see clearly why a 100 percent bonds strategy is a poor one. With a 10 ­percent standard deviation, the bond fund offers an expected return of 6 percent. However, Table 11.11 shows us that a combination of about 60 percent stocks and 40 percent bonds has almost the same standard deviation, but a return of about 9.6 percent. Comparing 9.6 percent to 6 percent, we see that this portfolio has a return that is fully 60 percent greater (6% × 1.6 = 9.6%) with the same risk. Our conclusion? Asset allocation matters. Going back to Figure 11.5, notice that any portfolio that plots below the minimum variance portfolio is a poor choice because, no matter which one you pick, there is another portfolio with the same risk and a much better return. In the jargon of finance, we say that these undesirable portfolios are dominated and/or inefficient. Either way, we mean that given their level of risk, the expected return is inadequate compared to some other portfolio of

  Portfolio Management


Risk and Return with Stocks and Bonds 13

Expected return (%)


Minimum variance portfolio

11 10

100% Stocks

9 8 7 6 5

efficient portfolio A portfolio that offers the highest return for its level of risk.


100% Bonds 7



10 11 12 13 Standard deviation (%)




equivalent risk. A portfolio that offers the highest return for its level of risk is said to be an efficient portfolio. In Figure 11.5, the minimum variance portfolio and all portfolios that plot above it are therefore efficient.

More Portfolio Variance and Standard Deviation Looking at Table 11.11, suppose you put 57.627 percent in the stock fund. What is your expected return? Your standard deviation? How does this compare with the bond fund? If you put 57.627 percent in stocks, you must have 42.373 percent in bonds, so xA = 0.57627 and xB = 0.42373. From Table 11.11, you can see that the standard deviation for stocks and bonds is 15 percent and 10 percent, respectively. Also, the correlation between stocks and bonds is .10. Making use of our portfolio variance equation (11.3), we have ​σ​ 2P​ = ​0.57627​​ 2​× ​0.15​​ 2​+ ​0.42373​​ 2​× ​0.10​​ 2​+ 2 × 0.57627 × 0.42373 × 0.15 × 0.10 × .10 = 0.332 × 0.0225 + 0.180 × 0.01 + 0.0007325 = 0.01​

Thus, the portfolio variance is 0.01, so the standard deviation is 0.1, or 10 percent. Check that the expected return is 9.46 percent. Compared to the bond fund, the standard ­ deviation is now identical, but the expected return is almost 350 basis points higher.

MOR E ON C OR R E L ATI ON A N D THE R I SK- R E TURN T RADE -OFF Given the expected returns and standard deviations on the two assets, the shape of the investment opportunity set in Figure 11.5 depends on the correlation. The lower the correlation, the more bowed to the left the investment opportunity set will be. To illustrate, Figure 11.6 shows the investment opportunity for correlations of −1, 0, and +1 for two stocks, A and B. Notice that stock A has an expected return of 12 percent and a standard deviation of 15 p­ ercent, while stock B has an expected return of 6 percent and a standard deviation of 10 percent. These are the same expected returns and standard deviations we used to build Figure 11.5, and the calculations are all done the same way; just the correlations are different. Notice also that we use the symbol ρ to stand for the correlation coefficient.

Chapter 11  

  Diversification and Risky Asset Allocation 385


Risk and Return with Two Assets

Expected return (%)

14 Stock A


= -1

10 =0


= +1

6 4

Stock B 0



6 8 10 Standard deviation (%)

Correlation coefficients Corr = -1

Corr = 0




Corr = +1

In Figure 11.6, when the correlation is +1, the investment opportunity set is a straight line connecting the two stocks, so, as expected, there is little or no diversification benefit. As the correlation declines to zero, the bend to the left becomes pronounced. For correlations between +1 and zero, there would simply be a less pronounced bend. Finally, as the correlation becomes negative, the bend becomes quite pronounced, and the investment opportunity set actually becomes two straight-line segments when the correlation hits −1. Notice that the minimum variance portfolio has a zero variance in this case. It is sometimes desirable to be able to calculate the percentage investments needed to create the minimum variance portfolio. For a two-asset portfolio, equation (11.5) shows the weight in asset A, ​x​ *A ​, that achieves the minimum variance. ​σ​ 2B ​− ​σ​ A​σ​ B​ Corr(​R​ A​, ​R​ B​) ​x​ A* ​​ = _______________________ ​           ​ ​σ​ 2A ​+ ​σ​ 2B ​− 2​σ​ A​σ​ B​ Corr(​R​ A​, ​R​ B​)


A question at the end of the chapter asks you to prove that equation (11.5) is correct.


Finding the Minimum Variance Portfolio Looking back at Table 11.11, what combination of the stock fund and the bond fund has the lowest possible standard deviation? What is the minimum possible standard deviation? Recalling that the standard deviations for the stock fund and bond fund were 0.15 and 0.10, respectively, and noting that the correlation was .1, we have ​0.10​​ 2​ − 0.15 × 0.10 × .10 ​x​ *A ​​ = _____________________________     ​        ​ ​0.15​​ 2​ + ​0.10​​ 2​ − 2 × 0.15 × 0.10 × .10 = 0.288136 ≈ 28.8%​

Thus, the minimum variance portfolio has 28.8 percent in stocks and the balance, 71.2 percent, in bonds. Plugging these into our formula for portfolio variance, we have ​σ​ 2P​  = ​0.288​​ 2​× ​0.15​​ 2​+ ​0.712​​ 2​× ​0.10​​ 2​+ 2 × 0.288 × 0.712 × 0.15 × 0.10 × .10 = 0.007551​

The standard deviation is the square root of 0.007551, about 8.7 percent. Notice that this is where the minimum occurs in Figure 11.5.

386 Part 4 

  Portfolio Management



Fundamentally, why does diversification work?


If two stocks have positive correlation, what does this mean?


What is an efficient portfolio?

11.5 The Markowitz Efficient Frontier In the previous section, we looked closely at the risk-return possibilities available when we consider combining two risky assets. Now we are left with an obvious question: What happens when we consider combining three or more risky assets? As we will see, at least on a conceptual level, the answer turns out to be a straightforward extension of our previous examples that use two risky assets.

T H E IMP ORTA N C E OF A SSE T A L LOCATI ON , PA RT 2 As you saw in equation (11.4), the formula to compute a portfolio variance with three assets is a bit cumbersome. Indeed, the amount of calculation increases greatly as the number of assets in the portfolio grows. The calculations are not difficult, but using a computer is highly recommended for portfolios consisting of more than three assets! We can, however, illustrate the importance of asset allocation using only three assets. How? Well, a mutual fund that holds a broadly diversified portfolio of securities counts as only one asset. So, with three mutual funds that hold diversified portfolios, we can construct a diversified portfolio with these three assets. Suppose we invest in three index funds—one that represents U.S. stocks, one that represents U.S. bonds, and one that represents foreign stocks. Then we can see how the allocation among these three diversified portfolios matters. (Our Getting Down to Business box at the end of the chapter presents a more detailed discussion of mutual funds and diversification.) Figure 11.7 shows the result of calculating the expected returns and portfolio standard deviations when there are three assets. To illustrate the importance of asset allocation, we calculated expected returns and standard deviations from portfolios composed of three key investment types: U.S. stocks, foreign (non-U.S.) stocks, and U.S. bonds. These asset classes are not highly correlated in general; therefore, we assume a zero correlation in all cases. When we assume that all correlations are zero, the return to this portfolio is still ​R​ P​= ​x​ F​ R​ F​+ ​x​ S​R​ S​+ ​x​ B​R​ B​​


But when all correlations are zero, the variance of the portfolio becomes ​σ​ 2P​ = ​x​ 2F​  ​σ​ 2F​  + ​x​ 2S​  ​σ​ 2S​ + ​x​ 2B ​ ​σ​ 2B ​


Suppose the expected returns and standard deviations are as follows: Expected Returns Foreign stocks, F

Standard Deviations



U.S. stocks, S



U.S. bonds, B



We can now compute risk-return combinations as we did in our two-asset case. We create tables similar to Table 11.11, and then we can plot the risk-return combinations.

Chapter 11  

  Diversification and Risky Asset Allocation 387


Markowitz Efficient Portfolio 20 Portfolio expected return (%)


Markowitz efficient portfolios

16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

Markowitz efficient frontier The set of portfolios with the maximum return for a given standard deviation.

Check out the online journal at

388 Part 4 



15 20 25 Portfolio standard deviation (%)



U.S. bonds and foreign stocks

U.S. stocks and foreign stocks

U.S. bonds and U.S. stocks

U.S. bonds and U.S. stocks and foreign stocks


In Figure 11.7, each point plotted is a possible risk-return combination. Comparing the result with our two-asset case in Figure 11.5, we see that now not only do some assets plot below the minimum variance portfolio on a smooth curve, but we have portfolios plotting inside as well. Only combinations that plot on the upper left-hand boundary are efficient; all the rest are inefficient. This upper left-hand boundary is called the Markowitz efficient frontier, and it represents the set of risky portfolios with the maximum return for a given standard deviation. Figure 11.7 makes it clear that asset allocation matters. For example, a portfolio of 100 percent U.S. stocks is highly inefficient. For the same standard deviation, there is a port­ folio with an expected return almost 400 basis points, or 4 percent, higher. Or, for the same expected return, there is a portfolio with about half as much risk! Our nearby Work the Web box shows you how an efficient frontier can be created online. The analysis in this section can be extended to any number of assets or asset classes. In principle, it is possible to compute efficient frontiers using thousands of assets. As a practical matter, however, this analysis is most widely used with a relatively small number of asset classes. For example, most investment banks maintain so-called model portfolios. These are simply recommended asset allocation strategies typically involving three to six asset categories. A primary reason that the Markowitz analysis is not usually extended to large collections of individual assets has to do with data requirements. The inputs into the analysis are (1) expected returns on all assets, (2) standard deviations on all assets, and (3) correlations between every pair of assets. Moreover, these inputs have to be measured with some precision, or we just end up with a garbage-in, garbage-out (GIGO) system. Suppose we just look at 2,000 NYSE stocks. We need 2,000 expected returns and­ standard deviations. We already have a problem because returns on individual stocks cannot be predicted with precision at all. To make matters worse, however, we need to know the correlation between every pair of stocks. With 2,000 stocks, there are

  Portfolio Management

+ WORK THE WEB Several websites allow you to perform a Markowitz-type analysis. One free site that provides this, and other, information is Once there, simply enter the stocks or funds you want to evaluate. We entered the ticker symbols for GE, Apple, and Home Depot. Once you have entered the data, the website provides some useful information. We are interested in the efficient frontier, which you will find at the bottom of the page labeled “Mean-variance optimal portfolio.” The output suggests the optimal portfolio allocation for the stocks we have selected, as well as for the S&P 500, bonds, and T-bills.

Source: Wolfram Companies, 2016.

2,000 × 1,999/2 = 1,999,000, or almost 2 million, unique pairs!3 Also, as with expected returns, correlations between individual stocks are very difficult to predict accurately. We will return to this issue in our next chapter, where we show that there may be an extremely elegant way around the problem.



What is the Markowitz efficient frontier?


Why is Markowitz portfolio analysis most commonly used to make asset ­allocation decisions?

3 With 2,000 stocks, there are 2,0002= 4,000,000 possible pairs. Of these, 2,000 involve pairing a stock with itself. Further, we recognize that the correlation between A and B is the same as the correlation between B and A, so we only need to actually calculate half of the remaining 3,998,000 correlations.

Chapter 11  

  Diversification and Risky Asset Allocation 389

11.6 Summary and Conclusions In this chapter, we covered the basics of diversification and portfolio risk and return. The most important thing to carry away from this chapter is an understanding of diversification and why it works. Once you understand this concept, then the importance of asset allocation becomes clear. Our diversification story is not complete, however, because we have not considered one important asset class: riskless assets. This will be the first task in our next chapter. However, in this chapter, we covered many aspects of diversification and risky assets. We recap some of these aspects, grouped below by the learning objectives of the chapter. 1. How to calculate expected returns and variances for a security. A. In Chapter 1, we discussed how to calculate average returns and variances using ­historical data. When we calculate expected returns and expected variances, we have to use calculations that account for the probabilities of future possible returns. B. In general, the expected return on a security is equal to the sum of the possible returns multiplied by their probabilities. So, if we have 100 possible returns, we would multiply each one by its probability and then add up the results. The sum is the expected return. C. To calculate the variances, we first determine the squared deviations from the expected return. We then multiply each possible squared deviation by its probability. Next we add these up, and the result is the variance. The standard deviation is the square root of the variance. 2. How to calculate expected returns and variances for a portfolio. A. A portfolio’s expected return is a simple weighted combination of the expected returns on the assets in the portfolio. This method of calculating the expected return on a portfolio works no matter how many assets are in the portfolio. B. The variance of a portfolio is generally not a simple combination of the variances of the assets in the portfolio. Review equations (11.3) and (11.4) to verify this fact. 3. The importance of portfolio diversification. A. Diversification is a very important consideration. The principle of diversification tells us that spreading an investment across many assets can reduce some, but not all, of the risk. Based on U.S. stock market history, for example, about 60 percent of the risk associated with owning individual stocks can be eliminated by naïve diversification. B. Diversification works because asset returns are not perfectly correlated. All else the same, the lower the correlation, the greater is the gain from diversification. C. It is even possible to combine some risky assets in such a way that the resulting ­portfolio has zero risk. This is a nice bit of financial alchemy. 4. The efficient frontier and the importance of asset allocation. A. When we consider the possible combinations of risk and return available from ­portfolios of assets, we find that some are inefficient (or dominated) portfolios. An inefficient portfolio is one that offers too little return for its risk. B. For any group of assets, there is a set that is efficient. That set is known as the Markowitz efficient frontier. The Markowitz efficient frontier simultaneously ­represents (1) the set of risky portfolios with the maximum return for a given ­standard deviation and (2) the set of risky portfolios with the minimum standard deviation for a given return.

390 Part 4 

  Portfolio Management


For the latest information on the real world of investments, visit us at

This chapter explained diversification, a very important consideration for real-world investors and money managers. The chapter also explored the famous Markowitz e ­ fficient portfolio concept, which shows how (and why) asset allocation affects portfolio risk and return. Building a diversified portfolio is not a trivial task. Of course, as we discussed many chapters ago, mutual funds provide one way for investors to build diversified portfolios, but there are some significant caveats concerning mutual funds as a diversification tool. First of all, investors sometimes assume a fund is diversified simply because it holds a relatively large number of stocks. However, with the exception of some index funds, most mutual funds will reflect a particular style of investing, either explicitly, as stated in the fund’s objective, or implicitly, as favored by the fund manager. For example, in the mid- to late-1990s, stocks as a whole did very well, but mutual funds that concentrated on smaller stocks generally did not do well at all. It is tempting to buy a number of mutual funds to ensure broad diversification, but even this may not work. Within a given fund family, the same manager may actually be responsible for multiple funds. In addition, managers within a large fund family frequently have similar views about the market and individual companies. Thinking just about stocks for the moment, what does an investor need to consider to build a well-diversified portfolio? At a minimum, such a portfolio probably needs to be diversified across industries, with no undue concentrations in particular sectors of the economy; it needs to be diversified by company size (small, midcap, and large); and it needs to be diversified across “growth” (i.e., high-P/E) and “value” (i.e., low-P/E) stocks. Perhaps the most controversial diversification issue concerns international diversification. The correlation between international stock exchanges is surprisingly low, ­suggesting large benefits from diversifying globally. Perhaps the most disconcerting fact about diversification is that it leads to the following paradox: A well-diversified portfolio will always be invested in something that does not do well! Put differently, such a portfolio will almost always have both winners and ­losers. In many ways, that’s the whole idea. Even so, it requires a lot of financial discipline to stay diversified when some portion of your portfolio seems to be doing poorly. The payoff is that, over the long run, a well-diversified portfolio should provide much steadier returns and be much less prone to abrupt changes in value.

Key Terms asset allocation  383 correlation 380 efficient portfolio  385 expected return  369 investment opportunity set  384

Markowitz efficient frontier  388 portfolio 372 portfolio weight  372 principle of diversification  377

Chapter Review Problems and Self-Test Use the following table of states of the economy and stock returns to answer the review problems:

State of Economy

Security Returns If State Occurs

Probability of State of Economy






Bust Boom

Bradley 30% 10


Chapter 11  

  Diversification and Risky Asset Allocation 391

1. Expected Returns (LO1, CFA1)  Calculate the expected returns for Roten and Bradley. 2. Standard Deviations (LO1, CFA2)  Calculate the standard deviations for Roten and Bradley. 3. Portfolio Expected Returns (LO2, CFA3)  Calculate the expected return on a portfolio of 50 percent Roten and 50 percent Bradley. 4. Portfolio Volatility (LO2, CFA5)  Calculate the variance and standard deviation of a portfolio of 50 percent Roten and 50 percent Bradley.

Answers to Self-Test Problems 1. We calculate the expected return as follows: Roten (1) State of Economy

(2) Probability of State of Economy

(3) Return if State Occurs







Bradley (4) Product (2) × (3)

(5) Return if State Occurs

(6) Product (2) × (5)



−0.04 0.24



E(R) = 20%

E(R) = 18%

2. We calculate the standard deviation as follows: (1) State of Economy

(2) Probability of State of Economy

(3) Return Deviation from Expected Return

(4) Squared Return Deviation

(5) Product (2) × (4)












σ2 = 0.06












σ2 = 0.0096

Taking square roots, the standard deviations are 24.495 percent for Roten and 9.798 percent for Bradley. 3. We calculate the expected return on a portfolio of 50 percent Roten and 50 percent Bradley as follows: (1) State of Economy

(2) Probability of State of Economy

(3) Portfolio Return if State Occurs







(4) Product (2) × (3) 0.04 0.15 E(RP) = 19%

4. We calculate the variance and standard deviation of a portfolio of 50 percent Roten and 50 ­percent Bradley as follows: (1) State of Economy

392 Part 4 

(2) Probability of State of Economy

(3) Portfolio Return if State Occurs

(4) Squared Deviation from Expected Return









  Portfolio Management

(5) Product (2) × (4) 0.00324 0.00216 σ = 0.00540 2 P

σP = 7.3485%

Test Your Investment Quotient


1. Diversification (LO3, CFA7)  Starcents has an expected return of 25 percent and Jpod has an expected return of 20 percent. What is the likely investment decision for a risk-averse investor? a. b. c. d.

Invest all funds in Starcents. Invest all funds in Jpod. Do not invest any funds in Starcents and Jpod. Invest funds partly in Starcents and partly in Jpod.

2. Return Standard Deviation (LO1, CFA2)  Starcents experiences returns of 5 percent or 45 percent, each with an equal probability. What is the return standard deviation for Starcents? a. b. c. d.

30 percent 25 percent 20 percent 10 percent

3. Return Standard Deviation (LO1, CFA2)  Jpod experiences returns of 0 percent, 25 ­percent, or 50 percent, each with a one-third probability. What is the approximate return standard ­deviation for Jpod? a. b. c. d.

30 percent 25 percent 20 percent 10 percent

4. Expected Return (LO1, CFA1)  An analyst estimates that a stock has the following return probabilities and returns depending on the state of the economy: State of Economy












What is the expected return of the stock? a. 7.8 percent b. 11.4 percent c. 11.7 percent d. 13.0 percent 5. Risk Aversion (LO3, CFA4)  Which of the following statements best reflects the importance of the asset allocation decision to the investment process? The asset allocation decision a. b. c. d.

Helps the investor decide on realistic investment goals. Identifies the specific securities to include in a portfolio. Determines most of the portfolio’s returns and volatility over time. Creates a standard by which to establish the appropriate investment time horizon.

6. Efficient Frontier (LO4, CFA5)  The Markowitz efficient frontier is best described as the set of portfolios that has a. b. c. d.

The minimum risk for every level of return. Proportionally equal units of risk and return. The maximum excess rate of return for every given level of risk. The highest return for each level of beta used on the capital asset pricing model.

7. Diversification (LO3, CFA3)  An investor is considering adding another investment to a ­portfolio. To achieve the maximum diversification benefits, the investor should add an ­investment that has a correlation coefficient with the existing portfolio closest to a. b. c. d.

−1.0 −.5 0 +1.0

Chapter 11  

  Diversification and Risky Asset Allocation 393

8. Risk Premium (LO2, CFA1)  Starcents has an expected return of 25 percent, Jpod has an expected return of 20 percent, and the risk-free rate is 5 percent. You invest half your funds in Starcents and the other half in Jpod. What is the risk premium for your portfolio? a. b. c. d.

20 percent 17.5 percent 15 percent 12.5 percent

9. Return Standard Deviation (LO2, CFA5)  Both Starcents and Jpod have the same return standard deviation of 20 percent, and Starcents and Jpod returns have zero correlation. You invest half your funds in Starcents and the other half in Jpod. What is the return standard ­deviation for your portfolio? a. b. c. d.

20 percent 14.14 percent 10 percent 0 percent

10. Return Standard Deviation (LO2, CFA5)  Both Starcents and Jpod have the same return standard deviation of 20 percent, and Starcents and Jpod returns have a correlation of +1. You invest half your funds in Starcents and the other half in Jpod. What is the return standard ­deviation for your portfolio? a. b. c. d.

20 percent 14.14 percent 10 percent 0 percent

11. Return Standard Deviation (LO2, CFA5)  Both Starcents and Jpod have the same return standard deviation of 20 percent, and Starcents and Jpod returns have a correlation of −1. You invest half your funds in Starcents and the other half in Jpod. What is the return standard ­deviation for your portfolio? a. b. c. d.

20 percent 14.14 percent 10 percent 0 percent

12. Minimum Variance Portfolio (LO2, CFA4)  Both Starcents and Jpod have the same return standard deviation of 20 percent, and Starcents and Jpod returns have zero correlation. What is the minimum attainable standard deviation for a portfolio of Starcents and Jpod? a. b. c. d.

20 percent 14.14 percent 10 percent 0 percent

13. Minimum Variance Portfolio (LO2, CFA4)  Both Starcents and Jpod have the same return standard deviation of 20 percent, and Starcents and Jpod returns have a correlation of −1. What is the minimum attainable return variance for a portfolio of Starcents and Jpod? a. b. c. d.

20 percent 14.14 percent 10 percent 0 percent

14. Minimum Variance Portfolio (LO2, CFA4)  Stocks A, B, and C each has the same expected return and standard deviation. The following shows the correlations between returns on these stocks: Stock A

Stock B

Stock A


Stock C

Stock B



Stock C




Given these correlations, which of the following portfolios constructed from these stocks would have the lowest risk? a. One equally invested in stocks A and B. b. One equally invested in stocks A and C. c. One equally invested in stocks B and C. d. One totally invested in stock C. 394 Part 4 

  Portfolio Management

15. Markowitz Efficient Frontier (LO4, CFA5)  Which of the following portfolios cannot lie on the efficient frontier as described by Markowitz?


Expected Return

Standard Deviation

a. b.















Concept Questions 1. Diversification and Market History (LO3, CFA7)  Based on market history, what is the ­average annual standard deviation of return for a single, randomly chosen stock? What is the average annual standard deviation for an equally weighted portfolio of many stocks? 2. Interpreting Correlations (LO2, CFA3)  If the returns on two stocks are highly correlated, what does this mean? If they have no correlation? If they are negatively correlated? 3. Efficient Portfolios (LO4, CFA5)  What is an efficient portfolio? 4. Expected Returns (LO2, CFA3)  True or false: If two stocks have the same expected return of 12 percent, then any portfolio of the two stocks will also have an expected return of 12 percent. 5. Portfolio Volatility (LO2, CFA5)  True or false: If two stocks have the same standard ­ deviation of 45 percent, then any portfolio of the two stocks will also have a standard deviation of 45 percent. 6. Time Diversification (LO3, CFA7)  Why should younger investors be willing to hold a larger amount of equity in their portfolios? 7. Asset Allocation (LO4, CFA7)  Assume you are a very risk-averse investor. Why might you still be willing to add an investment with high volatility to your portfolio? 8. Minimum Variance Portfolio (LO2, CFA4)  Why is the minimum variance portfolio ­important in regard to the Markowitz efficient frontier? 9. Markowitz Efficient Frontier (LO4, CFA5)  True or false: It is impossible for a single asset to lie on the Markowitz efficient frontier. 10. Portfolio Variance (LO2, CFA5)  Suppose two assets have zero correlation and the same ­standard deviation. What is true about the minimum variance portfolio?

Questions and Problems Core Questions

1. Expected Returns (LO1, CFA1)  Use the following information on states of the economy and stock returns to calculate the expected return for Dingaling Telephone: State of Economy

Probability of State of Economy

Security Return if State Occurs










2. Standard Deviations (LO1, CFA2)  Using the information in Question 1, calculate the ­standard deviation of returns. 3. Expected Returns and Deviations (LO1, CFA2)  Repeat Questions 1 and 2 assuming that all three states are equally likely.

Chapter 11  

  Diversification and Risky Asset Allocation 395

Use the following information on states of the economy and stock returns to answer Questions 4–7:

State of Economy

Security Returns if State Occurs

Probability of State of Economy











4. Expected Returns (LO1, CFA1)  Calculate the expected returns for Roll and Ross by ­filling in the following table (verify your answer by expressing returns as percentages as well as decimals): (1) State of Economy



(2) Probability of State of Economy

(3) Return if State Occurs

(4) Product (2) × (3)

(5) Return if State Occurs

(6) Product (2) × (5)



5. Standard Deviations (LO1, CFA2)  Calculate the standard deviations for Roll and Ross by filling in the following table (verify your answer using returns expressed in percentages as well as decimals): (1) State of Economy

(2) Probability of State of Economy

(3) Return Deviation from Expected Return

(4) Squared Return Deviation

(5) Product (2) × (4)







6. Portfolio Expected Returns (LO2, CFA3)  Calculate the expected return on a portfolio of 55 percent Roll and 45 percent Ross by filling in the following table: (1) State of Economy

(2) Probability of State of Economy

(3) Portfolio Return if State Occurs

(4) Product (2) × (3)



7. Portfolio Volatility (LO2, CFA5)  Calculate the volatility of a portfolio of 35 percent Roll and 65 percent Ross by filling in the following table: (1) State of Economy

396 Part 4 

  Portfolio Management

(2) Probability of State of Economy

(3) Portfolio Return if State Occurs

(4) Squared Deviation from Expected Return

(5) Product (2) × (4)



​σ​ 2P ​ = ​ ​σ​  P ​ ​ =​

8. Calculating Returns and Standard Deviations (LO1, CFA2)  Based on the following ­information, calculate the expected return and standard deviation for the two stocks. Rate of Return if State Occurs

State of Economy

Probability of State of Economy

Stock A

Stock B













9. Returns and Standard Deviations (LO2, CFA5)  Consider the following information: State of Economy

Probability of State of Economy

Stock A

Stock B

Stock C





















Rate of Return if State Occurs

a. Your portfolio is invested 25 percent each in A and C and 50 percent in B. What is the expected return of the portfolio? b. What is the variance of this portfolio? The standard deviation? 10. Portfolio Returns and Volatilities (LO2, CFA5)  Fill in the missing information in the ­following table. Assume that portfolio AB is 40 percent invested in stock A. Year

Stock A


Portfolio AB















Average return

Standard deviation

Intermediate Questions

Stock B

11. Portfolio Returns and Volatilities (LO2, CFA5)  Given the following information, calculate the expected return and standard deviation for a portfolio that has 35 percent invested in stock A, 45 percent in stock B, and the balance in stock C. State of Economy


Probability of State of Economy

Stock A

Stock B 18%







Stock C 20% −10

12. Portfolio Variance (LO2, CFA5)  Use the following information to calculate the expected return and standard deviation of a portfolio that is 50 percent invested in 3 Doors, Inc., and 50 percent invested in Down Co.:

3 Doors, Inc.

Down Co.

Expected return, E(R)



Standard deviation, σ





Chapter 11  

  Diversification and Risky Asset Allocation 397

13. More Portfolio Variance (LO4, CFA3)  In Problem 12, what is the standard deviation if the correlation is +1? 0? −1? As the correlation declines from +1 to −1 here, what do you see ­happening to portfolio volatility? Why? 14. Minimum Variance Portfolio (LO4, CFA4)  In Problem 12, what are the expected return and standard deviation on the minimum variance portfolio? 15. Asset Allocation (LO4, CFA4)  Fill in the missing information assuming a correlation of .30. Portfolio Weights Stocks


Expected Return

Standard Deviation











16. Minimum Variance Portfolio (LO4, CFA4)  Consider two stocks, stock D, with an expected return of 13 percent and a standard deviation of 31 percent, and stock I, an international ­company, with an expected return of 16 percent and a standard deviation of 42 percent. The ­correlation between the two stocks is −.10. What is the weight of each stock in the minimum variance portfolio? 17. Minimum Variance Portfolio (LO2, CFA4)  What are the expected return and standard ­deviation of the minimum variance portfolio in Problem 16? 18. Minimum Variance Portfolio (LO4, CFA4)  Asset K has an expected return of 10 ­percent and a standard deviation of 28 percent. Asset L has an expected return of 7 percent and a ­standard deviation of 18 percent. The correlation between the assets is .40. What are the expected return and standard deviation of the minimum variance portfolio? 19. Minimum Variance Portfolio (LO4, CFA4)  The stock of Bruin, Inc., has an expected return of 14 percent and a standard deviation of 42 percent. The stock of Wildcat Co. has an expected return of 12 percent and a standard deviation of 57 percent. The correlation between the two stocks is .25. Is it possible for there to be a minimum variance portfolio since the ­highest-return stock has the lowest standard deviation? If so, calculate the expected return and standard ­deviation of the minimum variance portfolio. 20. Portfolio Variance (LO2, CFA3)  You have a three-stock portfolio. Stock A has an expected return of 12 percent and a standard deviation of 41 percent, stock B has an expected return of 16 percent and a standard deviation of 58 percent, and stock C has an expected return of 13 percent and a standard deviation of 48 percent. The correlation between stocks A and B is .30, between stocks A and C is .20, and between stocks B and C is .05. Your portfolio consists of 45 percent stock A, 25 percent stock B, and 30 percent stock C. Calculate the expected return and standard deviation of your portfolio. The formula for calculating the variance of a three-stock portfolio is σ​ ​ 2P ​ = ​x​ 2A ​σ​ 2A ​+ ​x​ 2B ​σ​ 2B ​+ ​x​ 2C ​σ​ 2C ​+ 2​x​ A​x​ B​σ​ A​σ​ B​ Corr(​R​ A​, ​R​ B​) ​​ ​      ​  ​  ​  ​ ​​ ​ ​ +2​x​ A​x​ C​σ​ A​σ​ C​ Corr(​R​ A​, ​R​ C​) + 2​x​ B​ x​ C​σ​ B​σ​ C​ Corr(​R​ B​,​R​ C​) 21. Minimum Variance Portfolio (LO4, CFA4)  You are going to invest in asset J and asset S. Asset J has an expected return of 13 percent and a standard deviation of 54 percent. Asset S has an expected return of 10 percent and a standard deviation of 19 percent. The correlation between the two assets is .50. What are the standard deviation and expected return of the minimum ­variance portfolio? What is going on here? 22. Portfolio Variance (LO2, CFA3)  Suppose two assets have perfect positive correlation. Show that the standard deviation on a portfolio of the two assets is simply: ​σ​ P​= ​x​ A​× ​σ​ A​+ ​x​ B​× ​σ​ B​ (Hint: Look at the expression for the variance of a two-asset portfolio. If the correlation is +1, the expression is a perfect square.)

398 Part 4 

  Portfolio Management

23. Portfolio Variance (LO2, CFA5)  Suppose two assets have perfect negative correlation. Show that the standard deviation on a portfolio of the two assets is simply: ​σ​ P​= ±​(​x​ A​ × ​σ​ A​ − ​x​ B​ × ​σ​ B​)​

(Hint: See previous problem.) 24. Portfolio Variance (LO2, CFA5)  Using the result in Problem 23, show that whenever two assets have perfect negative correlation, it is possible to find a portfolio with a zero standard deviation. What are the portfolio weights? (Hint: Let x be the percentage in the first asset and (1 − x) be the percentage in the second. Set the standard deviation to zero and solve for x.) 25. Portfolio Variance (LO2, CFA4)  Derive our expression in the chapter for the portfolio weight in the minimum variance portfolio. (Danger! Calculus required!) (Hint: Let x be the percentage in the first asset and (1 − x) the percentage in the second. Take the derivative with respect to xand set it to zero. Solve for x.)

CFA Exam Review by Kaplan Schweser [CFA3, CFA5, CFA7] Andy Green, CFA, and Sue Hutchinson, CFA, are considering adding alternative investments to the portfolio they manage for a private client. After much discussion, they have decided to add a hedge fund to the portfolio. In their research, Mr. Green focuses on hedge funds that have the highest returns, while Ms. Hutchinson focuses on finding hedge funds that can reduce portfolio risk while maintaining the same level of return. After completing their research, Mr. Green proposes two funds: the New Horizon Emerging Market Fund (NH), which takes long-term positions in emerging markets, and the Hi Rise Real Estate Fund (HR), which holds a highly leveraged real estate portfolio. Ms. Hutchinson proposes two hedge funds: the Quality Commodity Fund (QC), which takes conservative positions in commodities, and the Beta Naught Fund (BN), which manages an equity long/short portfolio that targets a market risk of zero. The table below details the statistics for the existing portfolio, as well as for the four potential funds. The standard deviation of the market’s return is 18 percent.






Average return






Standard deviation















Correlation with existing portfolio

Mr. Green and Ms. Hutchinson have agreed to select the fund that will provide a portfolio with the highest return-to-risk ratio (i.e., average return relative to standard deviation). They have decided to invest 10 percent of the portfolio in the selected fund. As an alternative to one fund, Mr. Green and Ms. Hutchinson have discussed investing 5 percent in the Beta Naught Fund (BN) and 5 percent in one of the other three funds. This new 50/50 hedge fund would then serve as the 10 percent allocation in the portfolio. 1. Mr. Green and Ms. Hutchinson divided up their research into return enhancement and ­diversification benefits. Based upon the stated goals of their research, which of the two approaches is more likely to lead to an appropriate choice? a. Green’s research. b. Hutchinson’s research. c. Neither is appropriate. 2. Which of the following is closest to the expected return of the client’s portfolio if 10 percent of the portfolio is invested in the New Horizon (NH) Emerging Market Fund? a. 11 percent b. 10.2 percent c. 11.8 percent

Chapter 11  

  Diversification and Risky Asset Allocation 399

3. Which of the following is closest to the expected standard deviation of the client’s portfolio if 10 percent of the portfolio is invested in the Quality Commodity (QC) Fund? a. 9.6 percent b. 14.1 percent c. 16.0 percent 4. Which of the following is closest to the expected return of a portfolio that consists of 90 percent of the original portfolio, 5 percent of the Hi Rise (HR) Real Estate Fund, and 5 percent of the Beta Naught (BN) Fund? a. 9.0 percent b. 10.4 percent c. 9.7 percent 5. When combined with Beta Naught in a 50/50 portfolio, which of the other three funds will ­produce a portfolio that has the lowest standard deviation? a. New Horizon only. b. Quality Commodity only. c. Either Hi Rise or Quality Commodity.

400 Part 4 

  Portfolio Management


Return, Risk, and the Security Market Line +

Learning Objectives



“To win, you have to risk loss.” –Franz Klammer

Studying some topics will yield an expected reward. For example, make sure you know:

An important insight of modern financial theory is that some investment risks yield

1. The difference between expected and unexpected returns.

diversification do yield an expected reward. Thus, financial markets are somewhat fussy

2. The difference between systematic risk and unsystematic risk.

Chapter 1 presented some important lessons from capital market history. The most noteworthy, perhaps, is that there is a reward, on average, for bearing risk. We called this reward a risk premium. The second lesson is that this risk premium is positively correlated with an investment’s risk. In this chapter, we return to an examination of the reward for bearing risk. Specifically, we have two tasks to accomplish. First, we have to define risk more precisely and then discuss how to measure it. Second, once we have a better understanding of just what we mean by “risk,” we will go on to quantify the relation between risk and return in financial markets. When we examine the risks associated with individual assets, we find two types of risk: systematic and unsystematic. This distinction is crucial because, as we will see, systematic risk affects almost all assets in the economy, at least to some degree, whereas unsystematic risk affects at most only a small number of assets. This observation allows us to say a great deal about the risks and returns on individual assets. In particular, it is the basis for a famous relationship between risk and return called the security market line, or SML. To develop the SML, we introduce the equally famous beta coefficient, one of the

3. The security market line and the capital asset pricing model. 4. The importance of beta.

an expected reward, while other risks do not. Essentially, risks that can be eliminated by diversification do not yield an expected reward, and risks that cannot be eliminated by regarding which risks are rewarded and which risks are not.

CFA™ Exam Topics in This Chapter: 1. Cost of capital (L1, S11) 2. Portfolio risk and return—Part II (L1, S12) 3 . Introduction to industry and company analysis (L1, S14) 4. Return concepts (L2, S10)

Go to Connect for a guide that aligns your textbook with CFA readings.

centerpieces of modern finance. Beta and the SML are key concepts because they supply us with at least part of the answer to the question of how to go about determining the expected return on a risky investment.

12.1 Announcements, Surprises, and Expected Returns In our previous chapter, we discussed how to construct portfolios and evaluate their returns. We now begin to describe more carefully the risks and returns associated with individual securities. Thus far, we have measured volatility by looking at the difference between the actual return on an asset or portfolio, R, and the expected return, E(R). We now look at why those deviations exist.

EXP ECTE D AN D UN E XP E CTE D R E TUR N S To begin, consider the return on the stock of a hypothetical company called Flyers. What will determine this stock’s return in, say, the coming year? The return on any stock traded in a financial market is composed of two parts. First, the normal, or expected, return from the stock is the part of the return that investors predict or expect. This return depends on the information investors have about the stock, and it is based on the market’s understanding today of the important factors that will influence the stock in the coming year. The second part of the return on the stock is the uncertain, or risky, part. This is the portion that comes from unexpected information revealed during the year. A list of all possible sources of such information would be endless, but here are a few basic examples: News about Flyers’s product research. Government figures released on gross domestic product. The latest news about exchange rates. The news that Flyers’s sales figures are higher than expected. A sudden, unexpected drop in interest rates. Based on this discussion, one way to express the return on Flyers stock in the coming year would be: ​Total return − Expected return = Unexpected return​


or ​R − E​(R)​= U​ where R stands for the actual total return in the year, E(R) stands for the expected part of the return, and U stands for the unexpected part of the return. What this says is that the actual return, R, differs from the expected return, E(R), because of surprises that occur during the year. In any given year, the unexpected return will be positive or negative, but, through time, the average value of U will be zero. This simply means that, on average, the actual return equals the expected return.

ANNOUN C E ME N TS A N D N E WS Visit the earnings calendar in the free services section at

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We need to be careful when we talk about the effect of news items on stock returns. For example, suppose Flyers’s business is such that the company prospers when gross domestic product (GDP) grows at a relatively high rate and suffers when GDP is relatively stagnant. In this case, in deciding what return to expect this year from owning stock in Flyers, investors either implicitly or explicitly must think about what GDP is likely to be for the coming year. When the government actually announces GDP figures for the year, what will happen to the value of Flyers stock? Obviously, the answer depends on what figure is released. More to the point, however, the impact depends on how much of that figure actually represents new information.

  Portfolio Management

At the beginning of the year, market participants will have some idea or forecast of what the yearly GDP figure will be. To the extent that shareholders have predicted GDP, that prediction will already be factored into the expected part of the return on the stock, E(R). On the other hand, if the announced GDP is a surprise, then the effect will be part of U, the unanticipated portion of the return. As an example, suppose shareholders in the market had forecast that the GDP increase this year would be 0.5 percent. If the actual announcement this year is exactly 0.5 ­percent, the same as the forecast, then the shareholders don’t really learn anything, and the announcement isn’t news. There should be no impact on the stock price as a result. This is like receiving redundant confirmation about something that you suspected all along; it reveals nothing new. To give a more concrete example, Nabisco once announced it was taking a massive $300million charge against earnings for the second quarter in a sweeping restructuring plan. The company also announced plans to cut its workforce sharply by 7.8 percent, eliminate some package sizes and small brands, and relocate some of its operations. This all seems like bad news, but the stock price didn’t even budge. Why? Because it was already fully expected that Nabisco would take such actions, and the stock price already reflected the bad news. A common way of saying that an announcement isn’t news is to say that the market has already discounted the announcement. The use of the word “discount” here is different from the use of the term in computing present values, but the spirit is the same. When we discount a dollar to be received in the future, we say it is worth less to us today because of the time value of money. When an announcement or a news item is discounted into a stock price, we say that its impact is already a part of the stock price because the market already knew about it. Going back to Flyers, suppose the government announces that the actual GDP increase during the year has been 1.5 percent. Now shareholders have learned something, namely, that the increase is 1 percentage point higher than they had forecast. This difference between the actual result and the forecast, 1 percentage point in this example, is sometimes called the innovation or the surprise. This distinction explains why what seems to be bad news can actually be good news. For example, Gymboree, a retailer of children’s apparel, had a 3 percent decline in samestore sales for a particular month, yet its stock price shot up 13 percent on the news. In the retail business, same-store sales, which are sales by existing stores in operation at least a year, are a crucial barometer, so why was this decline good news? The reason was that analysts had been expecting significantly sharper declines, so the situation was not as bad as previously thought. A key fact to keep in mind about news and price changes is that news about the future is what matters. For example, America Online (AOL) once announced third-quarter earnings that exceeded Wall Street’s expectations. That seems like good news, but America Online’s stock price promptly dropped 10 percent. The reason was that America Online also announced a new discount subscriber plan, which analysts took as an indication that future revenues would be growing more slowly. Similarly, shortly thereafter, Microsoft reported a 50 percent jump in profits, exceeding projections. That seems like really good news, but Microsoft’s stock price proceeded to decline sharply. Why? Because Microsoft warned that its phenomenal growth could not be sustained indefinitely, so its 50 percent increase in current earnings was not such a good predictor of future earnings growth. To summarize, an announcement can be broken into two parts, the anticipated, or expected, part plus the surprise, or innovation: ​Announcement = Expected part + Surprise​ See recent earnings surprises at


The expected part of any announcement is the part of the information that the market uses to form the expectation, E(R), of the return on the stock. The surprise is the news that influences the unanticipated return on the stock, U. Our discussion of market efficiency in a previous chapter bears on this discussion. We are assuming that relevant information known today is already reflected in the expectedreturn. Chapter 12 

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This assumption is identical to saying that the current price reflects relevant publicly available information. We are thus implicitly assuming that markets are at least reasonably efficient in the semistrong-form sense. Henceforth, when we speak of news, we will mean the surprise part of an announcement and not the portion that the market had expected and therefore already discounted.


In the News Suppose Intel were to announce that earnings for the quarter just ending were up by 40 percent relative to a year ago. Do you expect that the stock price would rise or fall on the announcement? The answer is that you can’t really tell. Suppose the market was expecting a 60 ­percent increase. In this case, the 40 percent increase would be a negative surprise, and we would expect the stock price to fall. On the other hand, if the market was expecting only a 20 percent increase, there would be a positive surprise, and we would expect the stock to rise on the news.



What are the two basic parts of a return on common stock?


Under what conditions will an announcement have no effect on common stock prices?

12.2 Risk: Systematic and Unsystematic It is important to distinguish between expected and unexpected returns because the unanticipated part of the return, that portion resulting from surprises, is the significant risk of any investment. After all, if we always receive exactly what we expect, then the investment is perfectly predictable and, by definition, risk-free. In other words, the risk of owning an asset comes from surprises—unanticipated events. There are important differences, though, among various sources of risk. Look back at our previous list of news stories. Some of these stories are directed specifically at Flyers, and some are more general. Which of the news items are of specific importance to Flyers? Announcements about interest rates or GDP are clearly important for nearly all companies, whereas the news about Flyers’s product research or its sales is of specific interest to Flyers investors only. We distinguish between these two types of events, because, as we will see, they have very different implications.

SYST EMATIC A N D UN SYSTE MATI C R I SK systematic risk Risk that influences a large number of assets. Also called market risk. unsystematic risk Risk that influences a single company or a small group of companies. Also called unique or asset-specific risk.

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The first type of surprise, the one that affects most assets, we label systematic risk. A systematic risk is one that influences a large number of assets, each to a greater or lesser extent. Because systematic risks have marketwide effects, they are sometimes called market risks. The second type of surprise we call unsystematic risk. An unsystematic risk is one that affects a single asset, or possibly a small group of assets. Because these risks are unique to individual companies or assets, they are sometimes called unique or asset-specific risks. We use these terms interchangeably. As we have seen, uncertainties about general economic conditions (such as GDP, interest rates, or inflation) are examples of systematic risks. These conditions affect nearly all companies to some degree. An unanticipated increase, or surprise, in inflation, for example, affects wages and the costs of supplies that companies buy. This surprise affects the value

  Portfolio Management

of the assets that companies own, and it affects the prices at which companies sell their products. Forces such as uncertainties about general economic conditions are the essence of systematic risk because all companies are susceptible to these forces. In contrast, the announcement of an oil strike by a particular company will primarily affect that company and, perhaps, a few others (such as primary competitors and suppliers). It is unlikely to have much of an effect on the world oil market, however, or on the affairs of companies not in the oil business, so this is an unsystematic event.


The distinction between a systematic risk and an unsystematic risk is never really as exact as we would like it to be. Even the most narrow and peculiar bit of news about a company ripples through the economy. This ripple effect happens because every enterprise, no matter how tiny, is a part of the economy. It’s like the proverb about a kingdom that was lost because one horse lost a horseshoe nail. However, not all ripple effects are equal—some risks have a much broader effect than others. The distinction between the two types of risk allows us to break down the surprise portion, U, of the return on the Flyers stock into two parts. Earlier, we had the actual return broken down into its expected and surprise components: R – E(R) = U. We now recognize that the total surprise component for Flyers, U, has a systematic and an unsystematic component, so ​R − E ​(R )​= U = Systematic portion + Unsystematic portion​


Because it is traditional, we will use the Greek letter epsilon, ε, to stand for the unsystematic portion. Because systematic risks are often called “market” risks, we use the letter m to stand for the systematic part of the surprise. With these symbols, we can rewrite the formula for the total return: ​ R − E ​(R )​= U = m + ε​


The important thing about the way we have broken down the total surprise, U, is that the unsystematic portion, ε, is unique to Flyers. For this reason, it is unrelated to the unsystematic portion of return on most other assets. To see why this is important, we need to return to the subject of portfolio risk.


Systematic versus Unsystematic Events Suppose Intel were to unexpectedly announce that its latest computer chip contains a significant flaw in its floating point unit that left it unable to handle numbers bigger than a couple of gigatrillion (meaning that, among other things, the chip cannot calculate Intel’s quarterly profits). Is this a systematic or unsystematic event? Obviously, this event is for the most part unsystematic. However, it would also benefit Intel’s competitors to some degree and, at least potentially, harm some users of Intel products such as personal computer makers. Thus, as with most unsystematic events, there is some spillover, but the effect is mostly confined to a relatively small number of companies.



What are the two basic types of risk?


What is the distinction between the two types of risk?

Chapter 12 

  Return, Risk, and the Security Market Line405

12.3 Diversification, Systematic Risk, and Unsystematic Risk In the previous chapter, we introduced the principle of diversification. What we saw was that some of the risk associated with individual assets can be diversified away and some cannot. We are left with an obvious question: Why is this so? It turns out that the answer hinges on the distinction between systematic and unsystematic risk.

DIVERSIFICATI ON A N D U N SYSTE MATI C R I SK By definition, an unsystematic risk is one that is particular to a single asset or, at most, a small group of assets. For example, if the asset under consideration is stock in a single company, such things as successful new products and innovative cost savings will tend to increase the value of the stock. Unanticipated lawsuits, industrial accidents, strikes, and similar events will tend to decrease future cash flows and thereby reduce share value. Here is the important observation: If we hold only a single stock, then the value of our investment will fluctuate because of company-specific events. If we hold a large portfolio, on the other hand, some of the stocks in the portfolio will go up in value because of positive company-specific events and some will go down in value because of negative events. The net effect on the overall value of the portfolio will be relatively small, however, because these effects will tend to cancel each other out. Now we see why some of the variability associated with individual assets is eliminated by diversification. When we combine assets into portfolios, the unique, or unsystematic, events—both positive and negative—tend to “wash out” once we have more than just a few assets. This is an important point that bears repeating: Unsystematic risk is essentially eliminated by diversification, so a portfolio with many assets has almost no unsystematic risk.

In fact, the terms diversifiable risk and unsystematic risk are often used interchangeably.

DIVERSIFICATI ON A N D SYSTE MATI C R I SK We’ve seen that unsystematic risk can be eliminated by diversification. What about systematic risk? Can it also be eliminated by diversification? The answer is no because, by definition, a systematic risk affects almost all assets. As a result, no matter how many assets we put into a portfolio, systematic risk doesn’t go away. Thus, for obvious reasons, the terms systematic risk and nondiversifiable risk are used interchangeably. Because we have introduced so many different terms, it is useful to summarize our discussion before moving on. What we have seen is that the total risk of an investment can be written as ​Total risk = Systematic risk + Unsystematic risk​


Systematic risk is also called nondiversifiable risk or market risk. Unsystematic risk is also called diversifiable risk, unique risk, or asset-specific risk. Most important, for a well-diversified portfolio, unsystematic risk is negligible. For such a portfolio, essentially all risk is systematic.


406 Part 4 


Why is some risk diversifiable? Why is some risk not diversifiable?


Why can’t systematic risk be diversified away?

  Portfolio Management

12.4 Systematic Risk and Beta We now begin to address another question: What determines the size of the risk premium on a risky asset? Put another way, why do some assets have a larger risk premium than other assets? The answer, as we discuss next, is also based on the distinction between systematic and unsystematic risk.


systematic risk principle The reward for bearing risk depends only on the systematic risk of an investment.

Thus far, we’ve seen that the total risk associated with an asset can be decomposed into two components: systematic and unsystematic risk. We have also seen that unsystematic risk can be essentially eliminated by diversification. The systematic risk present in an asset, on the other hand, cannot be eliminated by diversification. Based on our study of capital market history in Chapter 1, we know that there is a reward, on average, for bearing risk. However, we now need to be more precise about what we mean by risk. The systematic risk principle states that the reward for bearing risk depends only on the systematic risk of an investment. The underlying rationale for this principle is straightforward: Because unsystematic risk can be eliminated at virtually no cost (by diversifying), there is no reward for bearing it. In other words, the market does not reward risks that are borne unnecessarily. The systematic risk principle has a remarkable and very important implication: The expected return on an asset depends only on its systematic risk.

This principle has an obvious corollary: No matter how much total risk an asset has, only the systematic portion is relevant in determining the expected return (and the risk premium) on that asset. This observation is consistent with our previous discussion on portfolio diversification. For example, recall that we noted that purchasing a security with high volatility could actually reduce total portfolio risk. How is this possible? Well, in the current context, if this high volatility is primarily a result of unsystematic risk, then much of the volatility is diversified away. In other words, this stock, although highly volatile, had low systematic, or market, risk.

MEASU R IN G SYSTE MATI C R I SK Find betas at and

beta coefficient (β) Measure of the relative systematic risk of an asset. Assets with betas larger (smaller) than 1 have more (less) systematic risk than average.

Because systematic risk is the crucial determinant of an asset’s expected return, we need some way of measuring the level of systematic risk for different investments. The specific measure we will use is called the beta coefficient, designated by the Greek letter β. A beta coefficient, or just beta for short, tells us how much systematic risk a particular asset has relative to an average asset. By definition, an average asset has a beta of 1.0. An asset with a beta of 0.50, therefore, has half as much systematic risk as an average asset. Likewise, an asset with a beta of 2.0 has twice as much systematic risk. Table 12.1 presents the estimated beta coefficients for the stocks of some well-known companies. These estimates come from two sources: Yahoo! Finance and Morningstar. The range of betas in Table 12.1 is typical for stocks of large U.S. corporations. You should realize, however, that betas outside this range occur. The important thing to remember is that the expected return, and thus the risk premium, on an asset depends only on its systematic risk. Because assets with larger betas have greater systematic risks, they will have greater expected returns. Thus, from Table 12.1, an investor who buys stock in ExxonMobil, with a beta of 0.88, should expect to earn less and lose less, on average, than an investor who buys stock in Tesla, with a beta of about 1.40. One cautionary note is in order: Not all betas are created equal. For example, in Table 12.1, Yahoo! Finance reports a beta for Tesla of 1.40. At the same time, however, Morningstar puts Tesla’s beta at 0.54, substantially lower. The difference results from the different assumptions used to calculate beta coefficients. We will have more to say on this subject when we explain how betas are calculated in a later section, but for now we point out that it is due to a couple of possible issues. Chapter 12 

  Return, Risk, and the Security Market Line407

+WORK THE WEB Suppose you want to find the beta for a company like Southwest Airlines, Inc. One way is to go to the web. We went to finance., looked up Southwest Airlines (LUV), and followed the “Key Statistics” link. This is part of what we found:

Source: Yahoo! Finance.

The reported beta for Southwest Airlines is 0.99, which means that Southwest Airlines has about 0.99 times the systematic risk of a typical stock. Thus, it is about average.

First, betas are calculated relative to a chosen index or benchmark, such as the S&P 500. Second, betas are calculated over a defined time period. Thus, the differences in the beta coefficients in Table 12.1 likely stem from differences in the benchmark index and/or differences in the defined time period. Our nearby Work the Web box shows one way to find betas online.

TABLE 12.1

Beta Coefficients Company

Beta, β Yahoo!


























Southwest Airlines






Source: and Accessed November 2, 2015.

408 Part 4 

  Portfolio Management


Total Risk versus Beta Consider the following information on two securities. Which has greater total risk? Which has greater systematic risk? Greater unsystematic risk? Which asset will have a higher risk premium? Standard Deviation


Security A



Security B



From our discussion in this section, security A has greater total risk, but it has substantially less systematic risk. Because total risk is the sum of systematic and unsystematic risk, security A must have greater unsystematic risk. Finally, from the systematic risk principle, security B will have a higher risk premium and a greater expected return, despite the fact that it has less total risk.

P ORTFOL I O B E TA S Earlier, we saw that the riskiness of a portfolio has no simple relation to the risks of the assets in the portfolio. By contrast, a portfolio beta can be calculated just like a portfolio expected return. For example, looking again at Table 12.1, suppose you put half of your money in Starbucks and half in Yahoo!. Using Morningstar betas, what would the beta of this combination be? Because Starbucks has a beta of 0.76 and Yahoo! has a beta of 2.02, the portfolio’s beta, βp , would be ​ ​ p​ = 0.50 × ​β​ Starbucks​ + 0.50 × ​β​ Yahoo!​ β ​     ​ ​    ​  =​  0.50 × 0.76 + 0.50 × 2.02   ​ ​ ​ = 1.39

In general, if we had a large number of assets in a portfolio, we would multiply each asset’s beta by its portfolio weight and then add the results to get the portfolio’s beta.1


Portfolio Betas Suppose we have the following information: Security

Amount Invested

Expected Return 8%


Stock A


Stock B



0.80 0.95

Stock C




Stock D




What is the expected return on this portfolio? What is the beta of this portfolio? Does this portfolio have more or less systematic risk than an average asset? To answer, we first have to calculate the portfolio weights. Notice that the total amount invested is $10,000. Of this, $1,000/$10,000 = 10% is invested in stock A. Similarly, 20 (continued )

When combining individual asset betas into a portfolio beta, each beta must be calculated relative to the same index. For example, you could not calculate a weighted-average portfolio beta from a bond beta calculated relative to the Barclay’s Aggregate Bond Index and a stock beta calculated relative to the S&P 500 Index. 1

Chapter 12 

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percent is invested in stock B, 30 percent is invested in stock C, and 40 percent is invested in stock D. The expected return, E (RP ), is thus E (Rp) = 0.10 × (RA ) + 0.20 × E (RB ) + 0.30 × E (RC ) + 0.40 × E (RD ) ​​ ​        ​   =​  0.10 × 8% + 0.20 × 12% + 0.30 × 15% + 0.40 × 18%​ ​​ ​ ​       ​  = 14.9%

Similarly, the portfolio beta, βP , is βp = 0.10 × βA + 0.20 × βB + 0.30 × βC + 0.40 × βD ​​ ​        ​   =​  0.10  × 0.80 + 0.20 × 0.95 + 0.30 × 1.10 + 0.40 ​ × 1.40​​​ ​​       ​   = 1.16

This portfolio thus has an expected return of 14.9 percent and a beta of 1.16. Because the beta is larger than 1, this portfolio has greater systematic risk than an average asset.



What is the systematic risk principle?


What does a beta coefficient measure?


How do you calculate a portfolio beta?


True or false: The expected return on a risky asset depends on that asset’s total risk. Explain.

12.5 The Security Market Line We’re now in a position to see how risk is rewarded in the marketplace. To begin, suppose that asset A has an expected return of E(RA) = 16% and a beta of βA = 1.6. Further suppose that the risk-free rate is Rf = 4%. Notice that a risk-free asset, by definition, has no systematic risk (or unsystematic risk), so a risk-free asset has a beta of zero.

BETA AND THE R I SK P R E MI UM For more information on risk management, visit

Consider a portfolio made up of asset A and a risk-free asset. We can calculate some different possible portfolio expected returns and betas by varying the percentages invested in these two assets. For example, if 25 percent of the portfolio is invested in asset A, then the expected return is E​(​R​ p​)​ = 0.25 × E​(​R​ A​)​ + ​(1 − 0.25)​ × ​R​ f​ ​     ​ ​    ​  =​  0.25 × 16% + 0.75 × 4%   ​ ​ ​

= 7%

Similarly, the beta on the portfolio, βp, would be ​ ​ p​ = 0.25 × ​β​ A​ + ​(1 − 0.25)​ × 0 β ​     ​ ​   ​  =​  0.25 × 1.6   ​ ​ ​ = 0.40

Notice that, because the weights have to add up to 1, the percentage invested in the risk-free asset is equal to 1 minus the percentage invested in asset A. One thing that you might wonder about is whether the percentage invested in asset A can exceed 100 percent. The answer is yes. This can happen if the investor borrows at the risk-free rate and invests the proceeds in stocks. For example, suppose an investor has $100 and borrows an additional $50 at 4 percent, the risk-free rate. The total investment in asset 410 Part 4 

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A would be $150, or 150 percent of the investor’s wealth. This process would be similar to buying on margin, discussed in an earlier chapter. The expected return in this case would be E​(​R​ p​)​ = 1.50 × E​(​R​ A​)​ + ​(1 − 1.50)​ × ​R​ f​ ​     ​ ​    ​  =​  1.50 × 16% − 0.50 × 4%   ​ ​ ​

= 22%

The beta on the portfolio would be ​ ​ p​ = 1.50 × ​β​ A​ + ​(1 − 1.50)​ × 0 β ​ ​ ​       ​  =​  1.50 × 1.6   ​ ​ ​ = 2.4

We can calculate some other possibilities, as follows: Percentage of Portfolio in Asset A

Portfolio Expected Return

Portfolio Beta






















In Figure 12.1A, we plot these portfolio expected returns against portfolio betas. Notice that all the combinations fall on a straight line.

T H E R E WA R D -TO- R I SK R ATI O What is the slope of the straight line in Figure 12.1A? As always, the slope of a straight line is equal to the rise over the run. In this case, as we move out of the risk-free asset into asset A, the expected return goes from 4 percent to 16 percent, a rise of 12 percent. At the same time, the beta increases from zero to 1.6, a run of 1.6. The slope of the line is thus 12%/1.6 = 7.5%. Notice that the slope of our line is just the risk premium on asset A, E(RA) – Rf , divided by asset A’s beta, βA: E​(​R​ A)​ ​ − ​R​ f​ Slope = _________ ​      ​  ​β​ A​ ​    ​  ​  ​  16% − 4%   ​ ​ = _________ ​      ​  1.6 ​ = 7.50% What this tells us is that asset A offers a reward-to-risk ratio of 7.5 percent.2 In other words, asset A has a risk premium of 7.50 percent per “unit” of systematic risk.

T HE BASIC A RG U ME N T Now suppose we consider a second asset, asset B. This asset has a beta of 1.2 and an expected return of 12 percent. Which investment is better, asset A or asset B? You might think that we really cannot say—some investors might prefer A and some investors might prefer B. Actually, however, we can say: A is better because, as we will demonstrate, B offers inadequate compensation for its level of systematic risk, at least relative to A. This ratio is sometimes called the Treynor index, after one of its originators. We discuss the Treynor index and other risk-adjusted portfolio performance measures in another chapter. 2

Chapter 12 

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Betas and Portfolio Returns A. Portfolio expected returns and betas for asset A Portfolio expected return [E (Rp)]


E (RA) = 16%

E (RA) - Rf = 7.5% βA

Rf = 4% Portfolio beta (βp)

1.6 = βA B. Portfolio expected returns and betas for asset B Portfolio expected return [E(Rp)]

= E(RB ) = 12%

E(RB) - Rf = 6.67% βB

Rf = 4% Portfolio beta (βp)

1.2 = βB

C. Portfolio expected returns and betas for both assets Portfolio expected return [E(Rp)] Asset A = 7.50% E(RA) = 16%

Asset B

= 6.67%

E(RB ) = 12% Rf = 4% 1.2 = βB

1.6 = βA

Portfolio beta (βp)

To begin, we calculate different combinations of expected returns and betas for portfolios of asset B and a risk-free asset, just as we did for asset A. For example, if we put 25 percent in asset B and the remaining 75 percent in the risk-free asset, the portfolio’s expected return will be E​(​R​ p​)​ = 0.25 × E​(​R​ B​)​ + ​(1 − 0.25)​ × ​R​ f​ ​     ​ ​    ​  =​  0.25 × 12% + 0.75 × 4%   ​ ​ ​

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= 6%

Similarly, the beta on the portfolio, βp, would be  ​β​ p​ = 0.25 × ​β​ B​ + ​(1 − 0.25)​ × 0 ​        ​ ​ ​  =​  0.25 × 1.2   ​ ​ ​ = 0.30

Some other possibilities are as follows: Percentage of Portfolio in Asset B

Portfolio Expected Return

Portfolio Beta






















When we plot these combinations of portfolio expected returns and portfolio betas in Figure 12.1B, we get a straight line, just as we did for asset A. The key thing to notice is that when we compare the results for assets A and B, as in Figure 12.1C, the line describing the combinations of expected returns and betas for asset A is higher than the one for asset B. What this result tells us is that for any given level of systematic risk (as measured by beta), some combination of asset A and the risk-free asset always offers a larger return. Therefore, we can state that asset A is a better investment than asset B. Another way of seeing that asset A offers a superior return for its level of risk is to note that the slope of our line for asset B is E​(​R​ B)​ ​ − ​R​ f​ Slope = _________ ​      ​  ​β​ B​ ​ ​       ​  ​  12% − 4%   ​​ ​ = _________ ​      ​  1.2 ​ = 6.67% Thus, asset B has a reward-to-risk ratio of 6.67 percent, which is less than the 7.5 percent offered by asset A.

T H E FUNDA ME N TA L R E SU LT The situation we described for assets A and B could not persist in a well-organized, active market because investors would be attracted to asset A and away from asset B. As a result, asset A’s price would rise and asset B’s price would fall. Because prices and expected returns move in opposite directions, A’s expected return would decline and B’s would rise. This buying and selling would continue until the two assets plot on exactly the same line, which means they would offer the same reward for bearing risk. In other words, in an active, competitive market, we must have the situation that E (RA) − Rf _________ E (RB ) − Rf ​​ _________  ​    = ​   ​   ​  βA βB


This is the fundamental relation between risk and return. Our basic argument can be extended to more than just two assets. In fact, no matter how many assets we had, we would always reach the same conclusion: ​ he reward-to-risk ratio must be the same for all assets in a competitive T financial market.​

Chapter 12 

  Return, Risk, and the Security Market Line413

This result is really not too surprising. What it says is that, for example, if one asset has twice as much systematic risk as another asset, its risk premium should simply be twice as large.


Using Reward-to-Risk Ratios Suppose we see that the reward-to-risk ratio for all assets equals 7.2. If the risk-free rate is 4 percent, what is the required return for an arbitrary assetiwith (1) beta equal 1? (2) beta equal 0? To answer question (1), write down the reward-to-risk equation and set it equal to 7.2. Because we know the risk-free rate and the beta of the asset, we can easily solve for the expected return of the asset: E (R  ) − (R  ) βi ​​   ​  ​  ​​​ E (Ri ) − 4.0 __________ ​   ​     = 7.2 1 i f ​ __________  ​     = 7.2

Therefore, E (Ri ) = 11.2 percent. Question (2) is a bit trickier. We cannot use the approach of (1) directly because we would have to divide by zero. But let’s think. Beta is the measure of risk in the reward-to-risk equation. If the portfolio has zero risk, its expected return should not reflect a premium for carrying risk. Therefore, the answer is 4 percent, the rate of return on the risk-free asset.

Because all assets in the market must have the same reward-to-risk ratio, they all must plot on the same line. This argument is illustrated in Figure 12.2, where the subscript i on the return Ri and beta βi indexes assets A, B, C, and D. As shown, assets A and B plot directly on the line and thus have the same reward-to-risk ratio. If an asset is plotted above the line, such as C in Figure 12.2, its reward-to-risk ratio is too high because its expected return is too high. An expected return has two inputs: the expected price and the price today. The expected return is calculated as E(R) = [E(P) – Ptoday]/Ptoday, or [E(P)/Ptoday] – 1. To lower the expected return for asset C, its price today must increase until the reward-to-risk ratio for asset C plots exactly on the line. Similarly, if an asset is plotted below the line, such as D in Figure 12.2, its reward-to-risk ratio is too low because its expected return is too low. To increase the expected return for asset D, its price today must fall until the reward-to-risk ratio for asset D also plots exactly on the line. The arguments we have presented apply to active, competitive, well-functioning markets. Active financial markets, such as the NYSE, best meet these criteria. Other markets, such as


Expected Returns and Systematic Risk Asset expected return [E(Ri)] E(RC) E(RD) E(RB) E(RA) Rf



E(Ri) - Rf βi

B A Asset beta (βi)

βB βC βA βD The fundamental relationship between beta and expected return is that all assets must have the same reward-to-risk ratio, [E(Ri) – Rf]/βi. This means that they would all plot on the same straight line. Assets A and B are examples of this behavior. Asset C’s expected return is too high; asset D’s is too low.

414 Part 4 

  Portfolio Management

real asset markets, may or may not. For this reason, these concepts are most useful in examining active financial markets.


Buy Low, Sell High A security is said to be overvalued relative to another security if its price today is too high given its expected return and risk. Suppose you observe the following: Security


Expected Return

Melan Co. 1.3


Choly Co.



Baby Co.



The risk-free rate is currently 6 percent. Is one of the securities overvalued relative to the others? To answer, we compute the reward-to-risk ratios. For Melan, this ratio is (14% – 6%)/ 1.3 = 6.15%; for Choly, this ratio is 5 percent; and for Baby, it is 5.5 percent. What we conclude is that Choly offers an insufficient expected return for its level of risk, at least relative to Melan and Baby. Because its expected return is too low, its price is too high. In other words, Choly is overvalued relative to Melan and Baby, and we would expect to see its price fall relative to Melan and Baby. Notice that we could also say Melan and Baby are undervalued relative to Choly. What can you say about the relative pricing of Melan and Baby?


security market line (SML) Graphical representation of the linear relationship between systematic risk and expected return in financial markets.

The line that results when we plot expected returns and beta coefficients is obviously of some importance, so it’s time we gave it a name. This line, which we use to describe the relationship between systematic risk and expected return in financial markets, is usually called the security market line (SML), and it is one of the most important concepts in modern finance. MARKET PORTFOLIOS  We will find it very useful to know the equation of the SML. Although there are many different ways we could write it, we will discuss the most frequently seen version. Suppose we consider a portfolio made up of all of the assets in the market. Such a portfolio is called a market portfolio, and we will express the expected return on this market portfolio as E(RM). Because all the assets in the market must plot on the SML, so must a market portfolio made up of those assets. To determine where it plots on the SML, we need to know the beta of the market portfolio, βM . Because this portfolio is representative of all of the assets in the market, it must have average systematic risk. In other words, it has a beta of 1. We could therefore express the slope of the SML as E​(​R​ M​)​ − ​R​ f​ E​(​R​ M​)​ − ​R​ f​ ​SML slope = _________ ​        ​= _________ ​      ​  = E​(​R​ M​)​ − ​R​ f​ 1 ​β​ M​

market risk premium The risk premium on a market portfolio, i.e., a portfolio made of all assets in the market.

The term E(RM) – Rf is often called the market risk premium because it is the risk premium on a market portfolio. THE CAPITAL ASSET PRICING MODEL  To finish up, if we let E(Ri ) and βi stand for the expected return and beta, respectively, on any asset in the market, then we know that the asset must plot on the SML. As a result, we know that its reward-to-risk ratio is the same as that of the overall market: E​(​R​ i​)​ − ​R​ f​ ________ ​      ​  = E​(​R​ M​)​ − ​R​ f​ ​β​ i​ Chapter 12 

  Return, Risk, and the Security Market Line415


Security Market Line (SML) Asset expected return [E(Ri)]

= E(RM) - Rf

E(RM) Rf

Asset beta (βi)

βM = 1.0

The slope of the security market line is equal to the market risk premium, i.e., the reward for bearing an average amount of systematic risk. The equation describing the SML can be written as E(Ri) = Rf + [E(RM) - Rf] × βi which is the capital asset pricing model (CAPM).

If we rearrange this, then we can write the equation for the SML as ​E (Ri ) = (Rf ) + E (RM ) − (Rf ) × ​βi​ ​​  



Risk and Return Suppose the risk-free rate is 4 percent, the market risk premium is 8.6 percent, and a particular stock has a beta of 1.3. Based on the CAPM, what is the expected return on this stock? What would the expected return be if the beta were to double? With a beta of 1.3, the risk premium for the stock is 1.3 × 8.6%, or 11.18 percent. The risk-free rate is 4 percent, so the expected return is 15.18 percent. If the beta were to double to 2.6, the risk premium would double to 22.36 percent, so the expected return would be 26.36 percent.

capital asset pricing model (CAPM) A theory of risk and return for securities in a competitive capital market.

There’s a CAPM calculator (if you really need it!) at

Equation (12.7) is the famous capital asset pricing model (CAPM).3 What the CAPM shows is that the expected return for an asset depends on three things: 1. The pure time value of money. As measured by the risk-free rate, Rf , this is the reward for merely waiting for your money, without taking any risk. 2. The reward for bearing systematic risk. As measured by the market risk premium, E(RM) – Rf , this component is the reward the market offers for bearing an average amount of systematic risk. 3. The amount of systematic risk. As measured by βi, this is the amount of systematic risk present in a particular asset relative to that in an average asset. By the way, the CAPM works for portfolios of assets just as it does for individual assets. In an earlier section, we saw how to calculate a portfolio’s beta in the CAPM equation. Figure 12.3 summarizes our discussion of the SML and the CAPM. As before, we plot expected return against beta. Now we recognize that, based on the CAPM, the slope of the SML is equal to the market risk premium, E(RM) – Rf . Our discussion of the CAPM is actually closely related to the more recent development, arbitrage pricing theory (APT). The theory underlying the CAPM is more complex than we have indicated here, and it has implications beyond the scope of this discussion. As we present it here, the CAPM has essentially identical implications to those of the APT, so we don’t distinguish between them. 3

416 Part 4 

  Portfolio Management

TABLE 12.2

Risk and Return Summary 1. Total risk. The total risk of an investment is measured by the variance or, more commonly, the standard deviation of its return. 2. Total return. The total return on an investment has two components: the expected return and the unexpected return. The unexpected return comes about because of unanticipated events. The risk from investing stems from the possibility of an unanticipated event. 3. Systematic and unsystematic risks. Systematic risks (also called market risks) are unanticipated events that affect almost all assets to some degree because the effects are economywide. Unsystematic risks are unanticipated events that affect single assets or small groups of assets. Unsystematic risks are also called unique or asset-specific risks. 4. The effect of diversification. Some, but not all, of the risk associated with a risky investment can be eliminated by diversification. The reason is that unsystematic risks, which are unique to individual assets, tend to wash out in a large portfolio, but systematic risks, which affect all of the assets in a portfolio to some extent, do not. 5. The systematic risk principle and beta. Because unsystematic risk can be freely eliminated by diversification, the systematic risk principle states that the reward for bearing risk depends only on the level of systematic risk. The level of systematic risk in a particular asset, relative to the average, is given by the beta of that asset. 6. The reward-to-risk ratio and the security market line. The reward-to-risk ratio for asset i is the ratio of its risk premium, E(Ri ) – Rf , to its beta, βi : E(R ) − R β

i f  ​​ ________     ​ 

In a well-functioning market, this ratio is the same for every asset. As a result, when asset expected returns are plotted against asset betas, all assets plot on the same straight line, called the security market line (SML). 7. The capital asset pricing model. From the SML, the expected return on asset i can be written: ​E​(​R​ i​)​= ​R​ f​+ ​[E​(​R​ M​)​ − ​R​ f​]​× ​β​ i​ This is the capital asset pricing model (CAPM). The expected return on a risky asset thus has three components: The first is the pure time value of money (Rf ); the second is the market risk premium, E(RM ) – Rf ; and the third is the beta for the asset ( βi ).

This concludes our presentation of concepts related to the risk-return trade-off. Table 12.2 summarizes the various concepts in the order in which we discussed them.



What is the fundamental relationship between risk and return in active markets?


What is the security market line (SML)? Why must all assets plot directly on it in a well-functioning market?


What is the capital asset pricing model (CAPM)? What does it tell us about the required return on a risky investment?

12.6 More on Beta In our last several sections, we discussed the basic economic principles of risk and return. We found that the expected return on a security depends on its systematic risk, which is measured using the security’s beta coefficient, β. In this section, we examine beta in more detail. We first illustrate more closely what it is that beta measures. We then show how betas can be estimated for individual securities, and we discuss why different sources report different betas for the same security.

Chapter 12 

  Return, Risk, and the Security Market Line417

A CLOS E R LOOK AT B E TA Going back to the beginning of the chapter, we discussed how the actual return on a security, R, could be written as follows: ​R − E ​(R)​= m + ε​


Recall that in equation (12.8), m stands for the systematic or marketwide portion of the unexpected return. Based on our discussion of the CAPM, we can now be a little more precise about this component. Specifically, the systematic portion of an unexpected return depends on two things. First, it depends on the size of the systematic effect. We will measure this as RM – E(RM), which is simply the difference between the actual return on the overall market and the expected return. Second, as we have discussed, some securities have greater systematic risk than others, and we measure this risk using beta. Putting it together, we have ​m = [RM − E (RM )] × β​


In other words, the marketwide, or systematic, portion of the return on a security depends on both the size of the marketwide surprise, RM – E(RM), and the sensitivity of the security to such surprises, β. Now, if we combine equations (12.8) and (12.9), we have R − E (R ) = m + ε ​ ​​   ​  ​  ​ ​​ ​ = [RM − E (RM )] × β + ε


Equation (12.10) gives us some additional insight into beta by telling us why some securities have higher betas than others. A high-beta security is simply one that is relatively sensitive to overall market movements, whereas a low-beta security is one that is relatively insensitive. In other words, the systematic risk of a security is just a reflection of its sensitivity to overall market movements. A hypothetical example is useful for illustrating the main point of equation (12.10). Suppose a particular security has a beta of 1.2, the risk-free rate is 5 percent, and the expected return on the market is 12 percent. From the CAPM, we know that the expected return on the security is E​(R)​ = ​R​ f​ + ​[E​(​R​ M)​ ​ − ​R​ f​]​ × β ​ ​     ​  =​  ​0.05 + ​   (​0.12 − 0.05​)​ × 1.2​ ​ ​ ​    ​

= 0.134

Thus, the expected return on this security is 13.4 percent. However, we know that in any year the actual return on this security will be more or less than 13.4 percent because of unanticipated systematic and unsystematic events. Columns 1 and 2 of Table 12.3 list the actual returns on our security, R, for a five-year period along with the actual returns for the market as a whole, RM, for the same period. Given these actual returns and the expected returns on the security (13.4 percent) and the market as a whole (12 percent), we can calculate the unexpected returns on the security, R – E(R),

Decomposing Total Returns

TABLE 12.3 Actual Returns R (1)

Year 1










418 Part 4 

Unexpected Returns R − E(R) (3)

RM (2) 15%

RM − E(RM ) (4)

Systematic Portion

Unsystematic Portion (ε)

[RM − E(RM )] × β (5)

[R − E(R)] − [RM − E(RM )] × β (6)






















  Portfolio Management




Unexpected Returns and Beta

Unexpected return on the security (%)


30 20

Year 3

Year 1


Year 4

0 10 Year 5

20 30 40 20

Year 2 15







Unexpected return on the market (%) Total unexpected return

Systematic portion

along with the unexpected return on the market as a whole, RM – E(RM). The results are shown in columns 3 and 4 of Table 12.3. Next we decompose the unexpected returns on the security—that is, we break them down into their systematic and unsystematic components in columns 5 and 6. From equation (12.9), we calculate the systematic portion of the unexpected return by taking the security’s beta, 1.2, and multiplying it by the market’s unexpected return: ​Systematic portion = m = ​[​R​ M​ − E​(​R​ M​)​]​× β​ Finally, we calculate the unsystematic portion by subtracting the systematic portion from the total unexpected return: ​Unsystematic portion = ε = ​[R − E​(R)​]​− ​[​R​ M​ − E​(​R​ M​)​]​× β​ Notice that the unsystematic portion is essentially whatever is left over after we account for the systematic portion. For this reason, it is sometimes called the “residual” portion of the unexpected return. Figure 12.4 illustrates the main points of this discussion by plotting the unexpected returns on the security in Table 12.3 against the unexpected return on the market as a whole. These are the individual points in the graph, each labeled with its year. We also plot the systematic portions of the unexpected returns in Table 12.3 and connect them with a straight line. Notice that the slope of the straight line is equal to 1.2, the beta of the security. As indicated, the distance from the straight line to an individual point is the unsystematic portion of the return, ε, for a particular year.

WH E R E DO B E TA S C OME FROM? As our discussion to this point shows, beta is a useful concept. It allows us to estimate the expected return on a security, it tells how sensitive a security’s return is to unexpected market events, and it lets us separate out the systematic and unsystematic portions of a security’s return. In our example just above, we were given that the beta was 1.2, so the required calculations were all pretty straightforward. Suppose, however, that we didn’t have the beta ahead of time. In this case, we would have to estimate it. A security’s beta is a measure of how sensitive the security’s return is to overall market movements. That sensitivity depends on two things: (1) how closely correlated the security’s return is with the overall market’s return and (2) how volatile the security is relative to the market. Specifically, going back to our previous chapter, let Corr(Ri , RM) stand for the

Chapter 12 

  Return, Risk, and the Security Market Line419

Calculating Beta

TABLE 12.4 Returns

Return Deviations


Security (1)

Market (2)












Security (3)

Squared Deviations

Market (4)

Security (5)































0.22 0.60

Market (6)



Average Returns



0.50/5 = 0.10 = 10%

0.1424/4 = 0.0356

​√0.0356    ​  = 0.1887 = 18.87%​


0.60/5 = 0.12 = 12%

0.0904/4 = 0.0226

​√0.0226    ​  = 0.1503 = 15.03%​

Product of Deviations (7) 0.0000

Standard Deviations



Covariance = Cov(Ri , RM ) = 0.0816/4 = 0.0204 Correlation = Corr(Ri , RM ) = 0.0204/(0.1887 × 0.1503) = 0.72 Beta = β = 0.72 × (0.1887/0.1503) = 0.9039 ≈ 0.9

correlation between the return on a particular security i and the overall market. As before, let σi and σM be the standard deviations on the security and the market, respectively. Given these numbers, the beta for the security, βi , is simply ​​β​ i​= Corr(Ri , RM ) × ​σ​ i​  / ​σ​ M​​

covariance A measure of the tendency of two things to move or vary together.

420 Part 4 


In other words, the beta is equal to the correlation multiplied by the ratio of the standard deviations. From previous chapters, we know how to calculate the standard deviations in equation (12.11). However, we have not yet discussed how to calculate correlations. A simple and straightforward way to proceed is to construct a worksheet like Table 12.4. The first six columns of Table 12.4 are familiar from Chapter 1. The first two contain five years of returns on a particular security and the overall market. We add these up and divide by 5 to get the average returns of 10 percent and 12 percent for the security and the market, respectively, as shown in the table. In the third and fourth columns, we calculate the return deviations by taking each individual return and subtracting out the average return. In columns 5 and 6 we square these return deviations. To calculate the variances, we total these squared deviations and divide by 5 – 1 = 4. We calculate the standard deviations by taking the square root of the variances, and we find that the standard deviations for the security and the market are 18.87 percent and 15.03 percent, respectively. Now we come to the part that’s new. In the last column of Table 12.4, we have calculated the product of the return deviations by simply multiplying columns 3 and 4. When we total these products and divide by 5 – 1 = 4, the result is called the covariance. Covariance, as the name suggests, is a measure of the tendency of two things to vary together. If the covariance is positive, then the tendency is to move in the same direction, and vice versa for a negative covariance. A zero covariance means there is no particular relation. For our security in Table 12.4, the covariance is +0.0204, so the security tends to move in the same direction as the market. A problem with covariances is that, like variances, the actual numbers are hard to interpret (the sign, of course, is not). For example, our covariance is 0.0204, but just from this number, we can’t really say if the security has a strong tendency to move with the market or only a weak one. To fix this problem, we divide the covariance by the product

  Portfolio Management

SPREADSHEET ANALYSIS A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28








Using a Spreadsheet to Calculate Beta To illustrate how to calculate betas, correlations, and covariances using a spreadsheet, we have entered the information from Table 12.4 into the spreadsheet below. Here, we use Excel functions to do all the calculations.

Year 1 2 3 4 5 Average: Std. Dev.: Correlation:

Returns Security Market 10% 8% –8% –12% –4% 16% 40% 26% 12% 22% 10% 18.87% 0.72


Note: The Excel Format is set to percent, but the numbers are entered as decimals.

12% (Using the =AVERAGE function) 15.03% (Using the =STDEV function) =CORREL(D10:D14,E10:E14)


Excel also has a covariance function, =COVAR, but we do not use it because it divides by n instead of n-1. Verify that you get a beta of about 0.72 if you use the COVAR function divided by the variance of the market returns (use the Excel function, =VAR). Question 1: How would you correct the covariance calculation? Question 2: What happens when you use =SLOPE, an Excel function?

of the two standard deviations. The result is the correlation coefficient, introduced in the previous chapter. From Table 12.4, the correlation between our security and the overall market is 0.72. Recalling that correlations range from –1 to +1, this 0.72 tells us that the security has a fairly strong tendency to move with the overall market, but that tendency is not perfect. Now, we have reached our goal of calculating the beta coefficient. As shown in the last row of Table 12.4, from equation (12.11), we have ​ ​ i​ = Corr​(​R​ i​ ,​R​ M​)​ × ​σ​ i​ / ​σ​ M​ β ​     ​ ​   ​  =​  0.72 × ​   (0.1887/0.1503 ​ )​​ ​ = 0.90

We find that this security has a beta of 0.9, so it has slightly less than average systematic risk. As our nearby Spreadsheet Analysis box shows, these calculations can be done easily with a spreadsheet.

ANOTHE R WAY TO CA LC UL ATE B E TA At the bottom of the previous Spreadsheet Analysisbox, you will notice Question 2, which suggests using the built-in slope function in Excel. If you use this function, be sure to select the market returns as the “x data” and the security returns as the “y data.” When you do, you will find that the result is the security’s beta of 0.90. To understand why the slope function gives us the beta, consider Figure 12.5A, which is a simple scatter plot of the market and security returns. Notice that we plotted the market returns on the x axis and the security returns on the y axis. Looking at the plot, we see that the security has a positive relationship with the market. To capture the nature of this relationship, consider Figure 12.5B, which adds a simple trend line to the data. We refer to this as the characteristic line. Notice that the line almost crosses at the origin.

Chapter 12 

  Return, Risk, and the Security Market Line421


Graphical Representation of Calculating Beta A. Scatter plot 50

Stock returns (%)

40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -20





Market returns (%) B. Characteristic line 50

Stock returns (%)

40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -20










Market returns (%)

Recall that beta measures relative movement. For example, a security with a beta of 1 is expected to move, on average, with the market. In this case, what would the characteristic line look like? It would be a line with a 45-degree angle, or a slope of 1. This slope indicates that as the market goes up 1 percent, we would expect the stock to do the same. In mathematical terms, the measure of rise over run is slope. So, if we define the market as the x data and the stock as the y data, the slope is effectively the beta of the security. Applying this method to Figure 12.5B, what do you think the beta is? Notice that when the market has a return of 10 percent, the security is expected to have a return slightly less than 10 percent. The characteristic line thus suggests that the beta for this security is less than 1 because the stock return is less than a corresponding market return. Because comovements in returns seem to be rather close, however, our answer of 0.90 seems appropriate. You might recall from your statistics class an alternative method for estimating a “line of best fit.” Hopefully you remember this as a simple linear regression. In this case, we are going to “regress” the returns of the security (y data) on the returns of the market (x data). Fortunately, Excel also has a built-in regression function. If you look at the next Spreadsheet Analysis box, you can see a portion of the output from this process. You will notice that the output provides an estimate of the intercept, as well as a coefficient (or slope) on the x data (i.e., the market returns). You should see that the estimated value is 0.90, which is consistent with our earlier calculations. 422 Part 4 

  Portfolio Management

SPREADSHEET ANALYSIS A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20






Using a Regression in Excel to Calculate Beta

Regression Statistics 0.7192 Multiple R 0.5173 R Square 0.3563 Adjusted R Square 15.1375 Standard Error 5 Observations ANOVA df Regression Residual Total

Intercept Market Returns

1 3 4

SS 736.5663 687.4336 1424

Coefficients Standard Error 9.0736 –0.8319 0.5035 0.9027

MS F 736.5664 3.214418126 229.1445428

t Stat –0.0917 1.7929

Significance F 1.1709

P-value 0.9327 0.1709

You might wonder why this approach is necessary if we can simply go to the Internet and look up the data. Well, the ability to calculate your own beta is important for several reasons. For example, as we showed earlier in this chapter, Internet sites will report different betas for a stock. Being able to understand which estimate is the best can be helpful. In addition, what if you are trying to evaluate a fund manager or an investment that is not publicly traded? Well, in this case you will have to “build a beta” yourself.

WH Y DO B E TA S D I FFE R ? Based on what we’ve studied so far, you can see that beta is a pretty important topic. You might wonder, then, are all published betas created equal? Read on for a partial answer to this question. We did some checking on betas and found some interesting results. Morningstar(www. is one of the best-known online sources for information on publicly traded companies. However, the explosion of online investing has engendered a corresponding increase in the amount of investment information available online. We decided to compare the betas presented by Morningstar to those reported by some online sources: Yahoo! Finance (, Google (, and CNN Money (money.cnn. com). What we found leads to an important note of caution. Consider Amazon, the big online retailer. The beta reported for it on Yahoo! Finance was about 1.33. This estimate was smaller than Morningstar’s beta for Amazon of 1.49. Amazon wasn’t the only stock that showed such different betas. In fact, for most of the technology companies we looked at, Yahoo! Finance reported betas that were lower than the other sources. For example, the online beta for Microsoft was approximately 0.86, while Morningstar reported a beta of 1.07. There are a few lessons to be learned from these examples. The important thing to remember is that betas are estimated from actual data. Different sources estimate differently, possibly using different data. We discuss some of the key differences next. First, there are two issues concerning data. Betas can be calculated using daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annual returns. In principle, it does not matter which is chosen, but with real data, different estimates will result. Second, betas can be estimated over relatively short periods such as a few weeks or over long periods of 5 to 10 years (or even more). The trade-off here is not hard to understand. Betas obtained from high-frequency returns, such as daily returns, are less stable than those obtained from less frequent returns, such as

Chapter 12 

  Return, Risk, and the Security Market Line423

monthly returns. This argues for using monthly or longer returns. On the other hand, any time we estimate something, we would like to have a large number of recent observations. This argues for using weekly or daily returns. There is no ideal balance; the most common choices are three to five years of monthly data or a single year of weekly data. The betas we get from a year of weekly data are more current in the sense that they reflect only the previous year, but they tend to be less stable than those obtained from longer periods. Another issue has to do with choice of a market index. All along, we have discussed the return on the “overall market,” but we have not been very precise about how to measure this. By far the most common choice is to use the S&P 500 stock market index to measure the overall market, but this is not the only alternative. Different sources use different indexes to capture the overall market, and different indexes will lead to different beta estimates. You might wonder whether some index is the “correct” one. The answer is yes, but a problem comes up. In principle, in the CAPM, when we speak of the overall market, what we really mean is the market for every risky asset of every type. In other words, what we would need is an index that included all the stocks, bonds, real estate, precious metals, and everything else in the entire world (not just the United States). Obviously, no such index exists, so instead we must choose some smaller index to proxy for this much larger one. A few sources calculate betas the way we described in Table 12.4, but then they go on to adjust them for statistical reasons. One common adjustment is for “reversion to the mean,” which you may remember from your statistics class. Under such an adjustment, betas above 1 are adjusted downward and betas below 1 are adjusted upward. A more detailed discussion of the possible adjustments goes beyond our discussion, but such proprietary adjustments are another reason why betas differ across sources. The bottom-line lesson is that we are interested in knowing what the beta of the stock will be in the future, but betas have to be estimated using historical data. Anytime we use the past to predict the future, there is the danger of a poor estimate. The moral of the story is that, as with any financial tool, beta is not a black box that should be believed without question.

12.7 Extending CAPM The previous two sections introduced you to the famous capital asset pricing model, or CAPM for short. For investors, the CAPM has a stunning implication: What you earn, through time, on your portfolio depends only on the level of systematic risk you bear. The corollary is equally striking: As a diversified investor, you do not need to be concerned with the total risk or volatility of any individual asset in your portfolio—it is simply irrelevant. Of course, we should note that the CAPM is a theory, and, as with any theory, whether it is correct is a question for the data. So does the CAPM work or not? Put more directly, does expected return depend on beta, and beta alone, or do other factors come into play? There are few more hotly debated questions in all of finance. In this section, we first present a short history of attempts to test the CAPM. Then we discuss one of the most important extensions of the CAPM, the so-called Fama-French threefactor model.

A (VERY ) B R IE F HI STORY OF TE STI N G CA P M The CAPM was introduced in the mid-1960s (but, perhaps surprisingly, tests of this model began to appear only in the early 1970s). When researchers test the CAPM, they essentially look to see whether average returns are linearly related to beta. That is, they want to know if asset returns and beta line up as shown in Figure 12.3. The earliest tests of the CAPM suggested that return and risk (as measured by beta) showed a reasonable relationship. However, the relationship was not so strong that financial researchers were content to move on and test other theories. To summarize years of testing, the relationship between returns and beta appeared to vary depending on the time period that was studied. Over some periods, the relationship was strong. In others, it was apparent but not strong. In still others, it was seemingly nonexistent, or even negative.

424 Part 4 

  Portfolio Management

Over the years, researchers refined their techniques to measure betas. In addition, the question was raised whether researchers could calculate betas at all. The basic argument was that betas could not be calculated relative to the overall market portfolio because we cannot observe the true market portfolio. Nonetheless, despite this insightful critique, researchers continue to test CAPM and debate the findings of CAPM research to this day. Despite the debate between CAPM critics and CAPM champions, some important ideas have emerged. Few researchers question these general principles: ∙ Investing has two dimensions: risk and return. ∙ It is inappropriate to look at the risk of an individual security. What is appropriate is how the individual security contributes to the risk of a diversified portfolio. ∙ Risk can be decomposed into systematic risk and unsystematic risk. ∙ Investors will be compensated only for taking systematic risk.

T H E FAMA- FR E N C H THR E E - FACTOR MOD E L You can download lots of data behind the Fama-French model at faculty/ken.french/

TABLE 12.5

To illustrate some aspects of the debate surrounding CAPM, we now briefly explore the Fama-French three-factor model, which gets its name from its creators, Professors Eugene Fama and Kenneth French. Table 12.5 illustrates an important finding from years of research into stock market returns. As shown, two groups of stocks have tended to do noticeably better than the market as a whole: (1) stocks with a small-market capitalization (small-cap stocks) and (2) stocks that have a higher-than-average ratio of book (or accounting) value to market value of equity (so-called value stocks). Table 12.5 is formed as follows. First, for each year of historical data, each of a large number of stocks is ranked on the basis of its market cap, or size. The smallest 20 percent of the stocks are placed into the market cap quintile number 1, the next smallest 20 percent are placed into market cap quintile number 2, and so on. Then, the same stocks are ranked on the basis of their book/market (B/M) ratio. The smallest 20 percent are placed into B/M quintile number 1, the next smallest 20 percent are placed into B/M quintile number 2, and so on. Let’s look at the cell with an average annual return of 9.53 percent. This number is calculated as follows. After the sorting described above, we put stocks into portfolios according to both of their quintile scores, for a total of 25 (= 5 × 5) portfolios. So, for example, the stocks with both the smallest cap and the lowest B/M end up in the quintile 1–1 portfolio. As shown in Table 12.5, over the time period 1927 to 2014, the average annual return for stocks in the quintile 1–1 portfolio is 9.53 percent. Three things should jump out at you in Table 12.5. Notice that the cell 1–5, which contains stocks with the smallest cap and highest B/M, has had the highest returns. Looking down each column, you can see that in three columns, the highest return belongs to the smallest cap quintile (we see this pattern in columns 3, 4, and 5). Looking across each row, you can see that in every row, the highest return belongs to the highest B/M quintile.

Average Annual Percentage Returns from 25 Portfolios Formed on Size (Cap) and Book to Market, 1927–2014 (Lowest B/M) 1




(Highest B/M) 5

1 (smallest cap)
























5 (largest cap)






Source: Author calculations using data from the website of Ken French.

Chapter 12 

  Return, Risk, and the Security Market Line425

Based on further analysis of these data, Professors Fama and French concluded that differences in beta were not sufficient to explain the differences in returns in Table 12.5. Consequently, they argue that two additional factors beyond beta must be considered to understand differences in expected returns on stocks, namely, market cap and B/M. Thus, their model of stock returns has a total of three factors. At this point, you probably understand two of the factors—beta and market cap. But what does the B/M (or book-to-market) ratio represent? When a stock has a low B/M ratio, the market is paying a higher price per share relative to the firm’s book value per share. Companies with low B/M ratios, therefore, are typically referred to as growth companies. Firms with high B/M ratios would generally be considered value companies. Using this description of the B/M ratio, it is clear from the data in Table 12.5 that value companies, all else equal, generally outperform growth companies. This result stands in stark contrast to what most investors think. But the data in Table 12.5 are quite clear.

12.8 Summary and Conclusions This chapter covers the essentials of risk and return. Along the way, we introduced a number of definitions and concepts. The most important of these is the security market line, or SML. The SML is important because it tells us the reward offered in financial markets for bearing risk. Because we covered quite a bit of ground, it’s useful to summarize the basic economic logic underlying the SML as follows. 1. The difference between expected and unexpected returns. A. The return on any stock traded in a financial market is composed of two parts. The expected return from the stock is the part of the return that investors predict or expect. This return depends on the information investors have about the stock, and it is based on the market’s understanding today of the important factors that will influence the stock in the coming year. B. The second part of the return on the stock is the uncertain, or risky, part. This is the portion that comes from unexpected information revealed during the year. 2. The difference between systematic risk and unsystematic risk. A. Based on capital market history, there is a reward for bearing risk. This reward is the risk premium on an asset. B. The total risk associated with an asset has two parts: systematic risk and unsystematic risk. Unsystematic risk can be freely eliminated by diversification (this is the principle of diversification), so only systematic risk is rewarded. As a result, the risk premium on an asset is determined by its systematic risk. This is the systematic risk principle. 3. The security market line and the capital asset pricing model. A. An asset’s systematic risk, relative to the average, can be measured by its beta coefficient, βi . The risk premium on an asset is then given by the market risk premium multiplied by the asset’s beta coefficient, [E(RM) – Rf ] × βi . B. The expected return on an asset, E(Ri ), is equal to the risk-free rate, Rf , plus the asset’s risk premium: E(Ri ) = Rf + [E(RM) – Rf ] × βi . This is the equation of the SML, and it is often called the capital asset pricing model (CAPM). 4. The importance of beta. A. Systematic risk is the crucial determinant of an asset’s expected return. Therefore, we need some way of measuring the level of systematic risk for different investments. B. The specific measure we use is called the beta coefficient, designated by the Greek letter β. A beta coefficient, or just beta for short, tells us how much systematic risk a particular asset has relative to an average asset.

426 Part 4 

  Portfolio Management

C. By definition, an average asset has a beta of 1.0 relative to itself. An asset with a beta of 0.50, therefore, has half as much systematic risk as an average asset. D. Toward the end of the chapter, we showed how betas are calculated and we discussed some of the main reasons different sources report different beta coefficients. We closed the chapter by presenting a discussion of the Fama-French three-factor model, an important extension to the basic CAPM.


For the latest information on the real world of investments, visit us at

An immediate implication of the CAPM is that you, as an investor, need to be aware of the level of systematic risk you are carrying. Look up the betas of the stocks you hold in your simulated brokerage account and compute your portfolio’s systematic risk. Is it bigger or smaller than 1.0? More important, is the portfolio’s beta consistent with your desired level of portfolio risk? Betas are particularly useful for understanding mutual fund risk and return. Since most mutual funds are at least somewhat diversified (the exceptions being sector funds and other specialized funds), they have relatively little unsystematic risk, and their betas can be measured with some precision. Look at the funds you own and learn their betas ( is a good source). Are the risk levels what you intended? As you study mutual fund risk, you will find some other measures exist, most of which are closely related to the measures discussed in this chapter. Take a few minutes to understand these as well. Does expected return depend on beta, and beta alone, or do other factors come into play? There is no more hotly debated question in all of finance, and the research that exists to date is inconclusive. (Some researchers would dispute this!) At a minimum, beta appears to be a useful measure of market-related volatility, that is, risk. Whether beta is a useful measure of expected return (much less a comprehensive one) awaits more research. Lots more research.

Key Terms beta coefficient (β) 407 capital asset pricing model (CAPM)  416 covariance 420 market risk premium  415

security market line (SML)  415 systematic risk  404 systematic risk principle  407 unsystematic risk  404

Chapter Review Problems and Self-Test 1. Risk and Return (LO3, CFA2)  Suppose you observe the following situation: Beta

Expected Return








If the risk-free rate is 7 percent, are these two stocks correctly priced relative to each other? What must the risk-free rate be if they are correctly priced? 2. CAPM (LO3, CFA1)  Suppose the risk-free rate is 8 percent. The expected return on the market is 16 percent. If a particular stock has a beta of 0.7, what is its expected return based on the CAPM? If another stock has an expected return of 24 percent, what must its beta be?

Chapter 12 

  Return, Risk, and the Security Market Line427

Answers to Self-Test Problems 1. If we compute the reward-to-risk ratios, we get (22% – 7%)/1.8 = 8.33% for Sanders versus 8.4% for Janicek. Relative to Sanders, Janicek’s expected return is too high, so its price is too low. If they are correctly priced, then they must offer the same reward-to-risk ratio. The risk-free rate would have to be such that: 22% − ​R​ f​  20.44% − ​R​ f​ ________ ​      ​  = __________ ​      ​  1.8 1.6 With a little algebra, we find that the risk-free rate must be 8 percent: 22% − ​R​ f​ = ​(20.44% − ​R​ f​)(​ 1.8 / 1.6)​ ​ 22% − 20.44% × 1.125         ​  =​  ​R​ f​ − ​   R​ f​ × 1.125​ ​ ​R​ f​ = 8% 2. Because the expected return on the market is 16 percent, the market risk premium is 16%–8%=8% (the risk-free rate is also 8 percent). The first stock has a beta of 0.7, so its expected return is 8%+8% × 0.7 = 13.6%. For the second stock, notice that the risk premium is 24% – 8% = 16%. Because this is twice as large as the market risk premium, the beta must be exactly equal to 2. We can verify this using the CAPM: E​(​R​ i)​ ​ = ​R​ f​ + ​[E​(​R​ M)​ ​ − ​R​ f]​ ​ × ​β​ i​ ​         ​  =​  8% + ​(16% − 8%   )​ × ​β​ i​ 24% ​β​ i​ = 16%/8% = 2.0

Test Your Investment Quotient


1. Portfolio Return (LO3, CFA1)  According to the CAPM, what is the rate of return of a portfolio with a beta of 1? a. b. c. d.

Between RM and Rf The risk-free rate, Rf Beta × (RM – Rf ) The return on the market, RM

2. Stock Return (LO1, CFA4)  The return on a stock is said to have which two of the following basic parts? a. b. c. d.

An expected return and an unexpected return. A measurable return and an unmeasurable return. A predicted return and a forecast return. A total return and a partial return.

3. News Components (LO1, CFA4)  A news announcement about a stock is said to have which two of the following parts? a. b. c. d.

An expected part and a surprise. Public information and private information. Financial information and product information. A good part and a bad part.

4. News Effects (LO1, CFA4)  A company announces that its earnings have increased 50 percent over the previous year, which matches analysts’ expectations. What is the likely effect on the stock price? a. b. c. d.

The stock price will increase. The stock price will decrease. The stock price will rise and then fall after an overreaction. The stock price will not be affected.

5. News Effects (LO1, CFA4)  A company announces that its earnings have decreased 25 percent from the previous year, but analysts expected a small increase. What is the likely effect on the stock price? a. The stock price will increase. b. The stock price will decrease.

428 Part 4 

  Portfolio Management

c. The stock price will rise and then fall after an overreaction. d. The stock price will not be affected. 6. News Effects (LO1, CFA4)  A company announces that its earnings have increased 25 percent from the previous year, but analysts actually expected a 50 percent increase. What is the likely effect on the stock price? a. b. c. d.

The stock price will increase. The stock price will decrease. The stock price will rise and then fall after an overreaction. The stock price will not be affected.

7. News Effects (LO1, CFA4)  A company announces that its earnings have decreased 50 percent from the previous year, but analysts only expected a 25 percent decrease. What is the likely effect on the stock price? a. b. c. d.

The stock price will increase. The stock price will decrease. The stock price will rise and then fall after an overreaction. The stock price will not be affected.

8. Security Risk (LO2, CFA2)  The systematic risk of a security is also called its a. b. c. d.

Perceived risk. Unique or asset-specific risk. Market risk. Fundamental risk.

9. Security Risk (LO2, CFA2)  Which type of risk is essentially eliminated by diversification? a. b. c. d.

Perceived risk Market risk Systematic risk Unsystematic risk

10. Security Risk (LO2, CFA2)  The systematic risk principle states that a. b. c. d.

Systematic risk doesn’t matter to investors. Systematic risk can be essentially eliminated by diversification. The reward for bearing risk is independent of the systematic risk of an investment. The reward for bearing risk depends only on the systematic risk of an investment.

11. Security Risk (LO2, CFA2)  The systematic risk principle has an important implication, which is a. b. c. d.

Systematic risk is preferred to unsystematic risk. Systematic risk is the only risk that can be reduced by diversification. The expected return on an asset is independent of its systematic risk. The expected return on an asset depends only on its systematic risk.

12. CAPM (LO3, CFA1)  A financial market’s security market line (SML) describes a. b. c. d.

The relationship between systematic risk and expected returns. The relationship between unsystematic risk and expected returns. The relationship between systematic risk and unexpected returns. The relationship between unsystematic risk and unexpected returns.

13. Risk Aversion (LO3, CFA2)  Which of the following is not an implication of risk aversion for the investment process? a. b. c. d.

The security market line is upward sloping. The promised yield on AAA-rated bonds is higher than on A-rated bonds. Investors expect a positive relationship between expected return and risk. Investors prefer portfolios that lie on the efficient frontier to other portfolios with equal rates of return.

14. Unsystematic Risk (LO2, CFA2)  In the context of capital market theory, unsystematic risk a. b. c. d.

Is described as unique risk. Refers to nondiversifiable risk. Remains in the market portfolio. Refers to the variability in all risk assets caused by macroeconomic factors and other aggregate market-related variables.

Chapter 12 

  Return, Risk, and the Security Market Line429

15. Security Market Line (LO3, CFA1)  Which of the following statements about the security market line (SML) is false? a. b. c. d.

Properly valued assets plot exactly on the SML. The SML leads all investors to invest in the same portfolio of risky assets. The SML provides a benchmark for evaluating expected investment performance. The SML is a graphic representation of the relationship between expected return and beta.

Concept Questions 1. Diversifiable Risk (LO2, CFA2)  In broad terms, why is some risk diversifiable? Why are some risks nondiversifiable? Does it follow that an investor can control the level of unsystematic risk in a portfolio but not the level of systematic risk? 2. Announcements and Prices (LO1, CFA4)  Suppose the government announces that, based on a just-completed survey, the growth rate in the economy is likely to be 2 percent in the coming year, compared to 5 percent for the year just completed. Will security prices increase, decrease, or stay the same following this announcement? Does it make any difference whether the 2 percent figure was anticipated by the market? Explain. 3. Announcements and Risk (LO2, CFA4)  Classify the following events as mostly systematic or mostly unsystematic. Is the distinction clear in every case? a. Short-term interest rates increase unexpectedly. b. The interest rate a company pays on its short-term debt borrowing is increased by its bank. c. Oil prices unexpectedly decline. d. An oil tanker ruptures, creating a large oil spill. e. A manufacturer loses a multi-million-dollar product liability suit. f. A Supreme Court decision substantially broadens producer liability for injuries suffered by product users. 4. Announcements and Risk (LO2, CFA4)  Indicate whether the following events might cause stocks in general to change price, and whether they might cause Big Widget Corp.’s stock to change price. a. The government announces that inflation unexpectedly jumped by 2 percent last month. b. Big Widget’s quarterly earnings report, just issued, generally fell in line with analysts’ expectations. c. The government reports that economic growth last year was at 3 percent, which generally agreed with most economists’ forecasts. d. The directors of Big Widget die in a plane crash. e. Congress approves changes to the tax code that will increase the top marginal corporate tax rate. The legislation had been debated for the previous six months. 5. Diversification and Risk (LO2)  True or false: The most important characteristic in determining the expected return of a well-diversified portfolio is the variances of the individual assets in the portfolio. Explain. 6. Announcements (LO1, CFA4)  As indicated by examples in this chapter, earnings announcements by companies are closely followed by, and frequently result in, share price revisions. Two issues should come to mind. First, earnings announcements concern past periods. If the market values stocks based on expectations of the future, why are numbers summarizing past performance relevant? Second, these announcements concern accounting earnings. Such earnings may have little to do with cash flow, so, again, why are they relevant? 7. Beta (LO4, CFA2)  Is it possible that a risky asset could have a beta of zero? Explain. Based on the CAPM, what is the expected return on such an asset? Is it possible that a risky asset could have a negative beta? What does the CAPM predict about the expected return on such an asset? Can you give an explanation for your answer? 8. Relative Valuation (LO3, CFA2)  Suppose you identify a situation in which one security is overvalued relative to another. How would you go about exploiting this opportunity? Does it matter if the two securities are both overvalued relative to some third security? Are your profits certain in this case? 9. Reward-to-Risk Ratio (LO3, CFA2)  Explain what it means for all assets to have the same reward-to-risk ratio. How can you increase your return if this holds true? Why would we expect that all assets have the same reward-to-risk ratio in liquid, well-functioning markets? 430 Part 4 

  Portfolio Management

10. Systematic versus Firm-Specific Risk (LO2, CFA2)  Dudley Trudy, CFA, recently met with one of his clients. Trudy typically invests in a master list of 30 securities drawn from several industries. After the meeting concluded, the client made the following statement: “I trust your stock-picking ability and believe that you should invest my funds in your five best ideas. Why invest in 30 companies when you obviously have stronger opinions on a few of them?” Trudy plans to respond to his client within the context of modern portfolio theory. a. Contrast the concepts of systematic and firm-specific risk and give one example of each. b. Critique the client’s suggestion. Discuss the impact of the systematic risk and firm-specific risk on portfolio risk as the number of securities in a portfolio is increased.

Questions and Problems Core Questions

Intermediate Questions

1. Stock Betas (LO3, CFA2)  A stock has an expected return of 13.2 percent, the risk-free rate is 3.5 percent, and the market risk premium is 7.5 percent. What must the beta of this stock be? 2. Market Returns (LO3, CFA1)  A stock has an expected return of 8.0 percent, its beta is 0.60, and the risk-free rate is 3 percent. What must the expected return on the market be? 3. Risk-Free Rates (LO3, CFA1)  A stock has an expected return of 12 percent and a beta of 1.4, and the expected return on the market is 10 percent. What must the risk-free rate be? 4. Market Risk Premium (LO3, CFA1)  A stock has a beta of 0.8 and an expected return of 11 percent. If the risk-free rate is 4.5 percent, what is the market risk premium? 5. Portfolio Betas (LO4, CFA2)  You own a stock portfolio invested 10 percent in stock Q, 25 percent in stock R, 50 percent in stock S, and 15 percent in stock T. The betas for these four stocks are 1.4, 0.6, 1.5, and 0.9, respectively. What is the portfolio beta? 6. Portfolio Betas (LO4, CFA1)  You own 400 shares of stock A at a price of $60 per share, 500 shares of stock B at $85 per share, and 900 shares of stock C at $25 per share. The betas for the stocks are 0.8, 1.2, and 0.7, respectively. What is the beta of your portfolio? 7. Stock Betas (LO4, CFA1)  You own a portfolio equally invested in a risk-free asset and two stocks. If one of the stocks has a beta of 1.20 and the total portfolio is exactly as risky as the market, what must the beta be for the other stock in your portfolio? 8. Expected Returns (LO3, CFA2)  A stock has a beta of 0.85, the expected return on the market is 11 percent, and the risk-free rate is 3 percent. What must the expected return on this stock be? 9. CAPM and Stock Price (LO3, CFA4)  A share of stock sells for $35 today. The beta of the stock is 1.2 and the expected return on the market is 12 percent. The stock is expected to pay a dividend of $0.80 in one year. If the risk-free rate is 5.5 percent, what should the share price be in one year? 10. Portfolio Weights (LO4, CFA2)  A stock has a beta of 0.9 and an expected return of 9 percent. A risk-free asset currently earns 4 percent. a. What is the expected return on a portfolio that is equally invested in the two assets? b. If a portfolio of the two assets has a beta of 0.5, what are the portfolio weights? c. If a portfolio of the two assets has an expected return of 8 percent, what is its beta? d. If a portfolio of the two assets has a beta of 1.80, what are the portfolio weights? How do you interpret the weights for the two assets in this case? Explain. 11. Portfolio Risk and Return (LO3, CFA1)  Asset W has an expected return of 12.0 percent and a beta of 1.1. If the risk-free rate is 4 percent, complete the following table for portfolios of asset W and a risk-free asset. Illustrate the relationship between portfolio expected return and portfolio beta by plotting the expected returns against the betas. What is the slope of the line that results? Percentage of Portfolio in Asset W

Portfolio Expected Return

Portfolio Beta

0% 25 50 75 100 125 150

Chapter 12 

  Return, Risk, and the Security Market Line431

12. Relative Valuation (LO3, CFA2)  Stock Y has a beta of 1.05 and an expected return of 13 percent. Stock Z has a beta of 0.70 and an expected return of 9 percent. If the risk-free rate is 5 percent and the market risk premium is 7 percent, are these stocks correctly priced? 13. Relative Valuation (LO3, CFA2)  In Problem 12, what would the risk-free rate have to be for the two stocks to be correctly priced relative to each other? 14. CAPM (LO3, CFA1)  Using the CAPM, show that the ratio of the risk premiums on two assets is equal to the ratio of their betas. 15. Relative Valuation (LO3, CFA2)  Suppose you observe the following situation: Security


Expected Return

Peat Co.



Re-Peat Co.



Assume these securities are correctly priced. Based on the CAPM, what is the expected return on the market? What is the risk-free rate? 16. Calculating Beta (LO3, CFA2)  Show that another way to calculate beta is to take the covariance between the security and the market and divide by the variance of the market’s return. 17. Calculating Beta (LO4, CFA2)  Fill in the following table, supplying all the missing information. Use this information to calculate the security’s beta. Returns Year


















Return Deviations

Squared Deviations

Security Market



Product of Deviations

18. Analyzing a Portfolio (LO4, CFA2)  You have $100,000 to invest in a portfolio containing stock X, stock Y, and a risk-free asset. You must invest all of your money. Your goal is to create a portfolio that has an expected return of 13 percent and that has only 70 percent of the risk of the overall market. If X has an expected return of 31 percent and a beta of 1.8, Y has an expected return of 20 percent and a beta of 1.3, and the risk-free rate is 7 percent, how much money will you invest in stock Y? How do you interpret your answer? 19. Systematic versus Unsystematic Risk (LO2, CFA4)  Consider the following information on Stocks I and II:

State of Economy

Probability of State of Economy

Rate of Return if State Occurs Stock I

Stock II









Irrational exuberance




The market risk premium is 8 percent and the risk-free rate is 5 percent. Which stock has the most systematic risk? Which one has the most unsystematic risk? Which stock is “riskier”? Explain. 20. Systematic and Unsystematic Risk (LO2, CFA4)  The beta for a certain stock is 1.15, the risk-free rate is 5 percent, and the expected return on the market is 13 percent. Complete the following table to decompose the stock’s return into the systematic return and the unsystematic return.

432 Part 4 

  Portfolio Management

Actual Returns

Spreadsheet Problems



















Unexpected Returns R – E(R)

RM – E(RM )

Systematic Portion [RM – E(RM )] × β

Unsystematic Portion (ε) [R – E(R)] – [RM – E(RM )] × β

21. CAPM (LO3, CFA2)  Landon Stevens is evaluating the expected performance of two common stocks, Furhman Labs, Inc., and Garten Testing, Inc. The risk-free rate is 4 percent, the expected return on the market is 11.5 percent, and the betas of the two stocks are 1.2 and 0.9, respectively. Stevens’s own forecasts of the returns on the two stocks are 13.75 percent for Furhman Labs and 10.50 percent for Garten. Calculate the required return for each stock. Is each stock undervalued, fairly valued, or overvalued? 22. Calculating Beta (CFA1)  You are given the following information concerning a stock and the market: Returns Year





















Calculate the average return and standard deviation for the market and the stock. Next, calculate the correlation between the stock and the market, as well as the stock’s beta. Use a spreadsheet to calculate your answers.

CFA Exam Review by Kaplan Schweser [CFA1, CFA2] Janet Bellows, a portfolio manager, is attempting to explain asset valuation to a junior colleague, Bill Clay. Ms. Bellows’s explanation focuses on the capital asset pricing model (CAPM). Of particular interest is her discussion of the security market line (SML) and its use in security selection. After a short review of the CAPM and SML, Ms. Bellows decides to test Mr. Clay’s knowledge of valuation using the CAPM. Ms. Bellows provides the following information for Mr. Clay:

∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙

The risk-free rate is 7 percent. The market risk premium during the previous year was 5.5 percent. The standard deviation of market returns is 35 percent. This year, the market risk premium is estimated to be 7 percent. Stock A has a beta of 1.30 and is expected to generate a 15.5 percent return. The correlation of stock B with the market is .88. The standard deviation of stock B’s returns is 58 percent.

Then Ms. Bellows provides Mr. Clay with the following information about Ohio Manufacturing, Texas Energy, and Montana Mining:

Chapter 12 

  Return, Risk, and the Security Market Line433





Required return



Expected return



S&P 500 expected return

Montana 1.50 15.0%


1. Based on the stock and market data provided above, which of the following data regarding stock A is most accurate?

Required Return











2. The beta of stock B is closest to: a. 0.51 b. 1.07 c. 1.46 3. Which of the following represents the best investment advice? a. Avoid Texas because its expected return is lower than its required return. b. Buy Montana and Texas because their required returns are lower than their expected returns. c. Buy Montana because it is expected to return more than Texas, Ohio, and the market. 4. If the market risk premium decreases by 1 percent while the risk-free rate remains the same, the security market line: a. Becomes steeper. b. Becomes flatter. c. Parallel shifts downward.

What’s on the Web? 1. Expected Return  You want to find the expected return for Home Depot using CAPM. First you need the risk-free rate. Go to and find the current interest rate for three-month Treasury bills. Use the average large-company stock risk premium from Chapter 1 as the market risk premium. Next, go to, enter the ticker symbol HD for Home Depot, and find the beta for Home Depot. What is the expected return for Home Depot using CAPM? What assumptions have you made to arrive at this number? 2. Portfolio Beta  You have decided to invest in an equally weighted portfolio consisting of American Express, Procter & Gamble, Johnson & Johnson, and United Technologies and need to find the beta of your portfolio. Go to and find the beta for each of the companies. What is the beta for your portfolio? 3. Beta  Which stocks have the highest and lowest betas? Go to and find the stock screener. Enter 0 as the maximum beta and enter search. How many stocks currently have a beta less than 0? Which stock has the lowest beta? Go back to the stock screener and enter 3 as the minimum value. How many stocks have a beta greater than 3? What about 4? Which stock has the highest beta? 4. Security Market Line  Go to and enter the ticker symbol GE for General Electric. Find the beta for this company and the target stock price in one year. Using the current share price and the target stock price, compute the expected return for this stock. Don’t forget to include the expected dividend payments over the next year. Now go to and find the current interest rate for three-month Treasury bills. Using this information, calculate the expected return of the market using the reward-to-risk ratio. Does this number make sense? Why or why not?

434 Part 4 

  Portfolio Management


Performance Evaluation and Risk Management +

Learning Objectives To get a high evaluation of your investments’ performance, make sure you know:

1. How to calculate the best-known portfolio evaluation measures.



“It is not the return on my investment that I am concerned about; it is the return of my investment!” –Will Rogers

“The stock market will fluctuate!” –J. P. Morgan

Humorist Will Rogers expressed concern about “the return of [his] investment.” Famed financier J. P. Morgan, when asked by a reporter what he thought the stock market would do, replied with his well-known quote. Both Will Rogers and J. P. Morgan understood a

2. The strengths and weaknesses of these portfolio evaluation measures.

basic fact of investing—investors holding risky assets ask worrisome questions like: How

3. How to calculate a Sharpe-optimal portfolio.

This chapter examines methods to deal with two related problems faced by investors in

4. How to calculate and interpret Value-at-Risk.

well are my investments doing? How much money am I making (or losing)? and What are my chances of incurring a significant loss?

risky assets. These are (1) evaluating risk-adjusted investment performance and (2) assessing and managing the risks involved with specific investment strategies. Both subjects have come up previously in our text, but we have deferred a detailed discussion of them until now.

CFA™ Exam Topics in This Chapter: 1. Introduction to the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS) (L1, S1) 2. Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS) (L1, S1) 3. Statistical concepts and market returns (L1, S2) 4. Correlation and regression (L2, S3) 5. Analysis of active portfolio management (L2, S18) 6. Risk management (L3, S14) 7. Evaluating portfolio performance (L3, S17) 8. Overview of the Global Investment Performance Standards (L3, S18)

Go to Connect for a guide that aligns your textbook with CFA readings.

We first consider the problem of performance evaluation. Specifically, suppose we have investment returns data for several portfolios covering a recent period, and we wish to evaluate how well these portfolios have performed relative to other portfolios or some investment benchmark. The need for this form of scrutiny arises in a number of situations, including ∙ An investor planning to choose a mutual fund wants to first compare the investment performance of several dozen candidate funds. ∙ A pension fund administrator wants to select a money manager and thus needs to compare the investment performance of a group of money managers. ∙ An employer wants to compare the performance of several investment companies before selecting one for inclusion in her company-sponsored 401(k) retirement plan. In the first section of this chapter, we examine several useful evaluation measures of portfolio performance and discuss how they might be applied to these and similar situations. In the second part of the chapter, we discuss the important problem of risk management from the perspective of an investor or money manager concerned with the possibility of a large loss. Specifically, we examine methods to assess the probabilities and magnitudes of losses we might expect to experience during a set future time period. These risk assessment techniques are commonly employed in a number of situations, including ∙ A New York Stock Exchange direct market maker (DMM) wants to know how much of a loss is possible with a 5 percent probability during the coming day’s trading from the DMM firm’s inventory. ∙ The foreign currency manager of a commercial bank wants to know how much of a loss is possible with a 2 percent probability on the bank’s foreign currency portfolio during the coming week. ∙ A futures exchange clearinghouse wants to know how much margin funds should be deposited by exchange members to cover extreme losses that might occur with a “once in a century” probability. Methods used to assess risk in these and similar scenarios fall into the category commonly referred to as “Value-at-Risk.” Value-at-Risk techniques are widely applied by commercial banks, securities firms, and other financial institutions to assess and understand the risk exposure of portfolios under their management.

13.1 Performance Evaluation performance evaluation The assessment of how well a money manager achieves a ­balance between high returns and acceptable risks.

raw return States the total percentage return on an investment with no adjustment for risk or ­comparison to any benchmark.

436 Part 4 

Investors have a natural (and very rational) interest in how well particular investments have done. This is true whether the investor manages his or her own portfolio or has money managed by a professional. Concern with investment performance motivates the topic of ­performance evaluation. In general terms, performance evaluation focuses on assessing how well a money manager achieves high returns balanced with acceptable risks. Going back to our discussion of efficient markets in an earlier chapter, we raised the question of risk-adjusted performance and whether anyone can consistently earn an “abnormal” return, thereby “beating the market.” The standard example is an evaluation of investment performance achieved by the manager of a mutual fund. Such a performance evaluation is more than an academic exercise because its purpose is to help investors decide whether they would entrust investment funds with the fund manager. Our goal here is to introduce you to the primary tools used to make this assessment.

P ERFORMANC E E VA L UATI ON ME A SU R E S A variety of measures are used to evaluate investment performance. Here, we examine some of the best-known and most popular measures: the Sharpe ratio, the Treynor ratio, Jensen’s alpha, the information ratio, and R-squared. But before we do so, let us first briefly discuss a naive measure of performance evaluation—the raw return on a portfolio.

  Portfolio Management

Visit Professor Sharpe at

Sharpe ratio Measures investment performance as the ratio of portfolio risk premium over portfolio return standard deviation.

The raw return on an investment portfolio, here denoted by Rp, is simply the total percentage return on the portfolio with no adjustment for risk or comparison to any benchmark. Calculating percentage returns was discussed in Chapter 1. The fact that a raw portfolio return does not reflect any consideration of risk suggests that its usefulness is limited when making investment decisions. After all, risk is important to almost every investor.

T H E SHAR P E R ATI O A basic measure of investment performance that includes an adjustment for risk is the Sharpe ratio, originally proposed by Nobel laureate William F. Sharpe. The Sharpe ratio is computed as a portfolio’s risk premium divided by the standard deviation of the portfolio’s return: ​R​ P​ − ​R​ f​ ​ Sharpe ratio = ​​ ______ ​​   ​σ​  ​    p


In this case, the portfolio risk premium is the raw portfolio return less a risk-free return, that is, Rp – Rf , which we know is the basic reward for bearing risk. In Chapter 1, we also referred to the risk premium as the excess return. Do not confuse the term excess return with the termabnormal return.Abnormal return is a measure of returns earned compared to other investments having similar risk. In this chapter, we explain how analysts attempt to convert excess return (or the risk premium) into measures of (risk-adjusted) abnormal return. Abnormal returns allow for a better comparison between investment choices. The return standard deviation, σp, is a measure of risk, which we have discussed in previous chapters. More precisely, return standard deviation is a measure of the total risk (as opposed to systematic risk) for a security or a portfolio. Thus, the Sharpe ratio is a reward-to-risk ratio that focuses on total risk. Because total risk is used to make the adjustment, the Sharpe ratio is probably most appropriate for evaluating relatively diversified portfolios.


Look Sharpe Over a recent three-year period, the average annual return on a portfolio was 20 percent and the annual return standard deviation for the portfolio was 25 percent. During the same period, the average return on 90-day Treasury bills was 5 percent. What is the Sharpe ratio for this portfolio during this three-year period? Referring to equation (13.1), we calculate: ​Sharpe ratio = _________ ​ 0.20 − 0.05      ​   = 0.6​ 0.25

This indicates that the Sharpe ratio of portfolio excess return to total risk is 0.6.

Recall that standard deviation measures the movement away from an investment’s average, or mean, return. As you might suspect, investors might not really be concerned with positive deviations from the mean. After all, who would fret over a higher-than-expected return on an investment? Investors are, however, greatly concerned with lower-than-expected returns. That is, investors are troubled by negative deviations from the mean. Using the Sharpe ratio to measure performance could unduly penalize an investment manager that has generated positive abnormal returns. Positive abnormal returns generate volatility, but it is “good” volatility. Thus, many investors have turned to the Sortino ratio as another measure of performance. The purpose of the Sortino ratio is to penalize the investment manager for having undesirable volatility caused by negative abnormal returns, i.e., downside risk. You calculate the Sortino ratio the same way you calculate the Sharpe ratio—with one important exception. In the Sortino ratio, you calculate the standard deviation using only returns that lie below the mean.

Chapter 13 

  Performance Evaluation and Risk Management437

T H E T REYNOR R ATI O Treynor ratio Measures investment performance as the ratio of portfolio risk premium over portfolio beta.

Another standard measure of investment performance that includes an adjustment for systematic risk is the Treynor ratio (or index), originally suggested by Jack L. Treynor. The Treynor ratio is computed as a portfolio’s risk premium divided by the portfolio’s beta coefficient: ​R​  ​ − ​R​ ​ ​  P   f  ​ ​Treynor ratio​  =​  ______ ​​   ​β​ p​


As with the Sharpe ratio, the Treynor ratio is a reward-to-risk ratio. The key difference is that the Treynor ratio looks at systematic risk only, not total risk.


The Treynor Ratio Over a three-year period, the average return on a portfolio was 20 percent and the beta for the portfolio was 1.25. During the same period, the average return on 90-day Treasury bills was 5 percent. What is the Treynor ratio for this portfolio during this period? Referring to the Treynor ratio equation, we calculate ​Treynor ratio = __________ ​ 0.20 − 0.05        ​= 0.12​ 1.25

This reveals that the Treynor ratio of portfolio excess return to portfolio beta is 0.12.

You may recall that we saw the Treynor ratio in a previous chapter. There we said that in an active, competitive market, a strong argument can be made that all assets (and portfolios of those assets) should have the same Treynor ratio, that is, the same reward-to-risk ratio, where “risk” refers to systematic risk. To the extent that they don’t, then there is evidence that at least some portfolios have earned positive abnormal returns. Both the Sharpe and Treynor ratios are relative measures. A relative measure means that no absolute number represents a “good” or “bad” performance. Rather, to evaluate the performance, the ratios must be compared to those of other managers—or to a benchmark index. So, it is possible for a manager to have negative Sharpe and Treynor ratios and still be considered “good.” This odd result occurs if the benchmark also experiences a negative return for the period under review. In relative terms, the negative ratios of the manager still outperform the benchmark.

JENSEN ’ S AL P HA Jensen’s alpha Measures investment performance as the raw portfolio return less the return predicted by the capital asset ­pricing model.

Another common measure of investment performance that draws on capital asset pricing theory for its formulation is Jensen’s alpha, proposed by Professor Michael C. Jensen. Jensen’s alpha is computed as the raw portfolio return less the expected portfolio return predicted by the capital asset pricing model (CAPM). Recall from a previous chapter that, according to the CAPM, a portfolio expected return, E(Rp), can be written as ​ ​E​(​R​ P​)​  =​  ​R​ f​  + ​[E​(​R​ M)​ ​ − ​R​ f​]​ × ​β​ p​​


To compute Jensen’s alpha, we compare the actual return, Rp, to the predicted return. The difference is the alpha, denoted αp: Jensen’s alpha = ​α​ P​ = ​R​ p​ − E​(​R​ p​)​ ​ ​ ​     ​  ​  ​ ​​ ​ = ​R​ p​ − ​{​R​ f​ + ​[E​(​R​ M​)​ − ​R​ f​]​ × ​β​ p​}​


Jensen’s alpha is easy to understand. It is simply the return above or below the security market line, and, in this sense, it can be interpreted as a measure of the amount by which the portfolio “beat the market.” Alpha is therefore a measure of abnormal return. This interpretation is illustrated in Figure 13.1, which shows a portfolio with a positive (A), zero (B), and negative (C) alpha, respectively. As shown, a positive alpha is a good thing because the portfolio has a relatively high return given its level of systematic risk. 438 Part 4 

  Portfolio Management


Jensen’s Alpha Portfolio expected return [E(Rp)]








Portfolio beta (βP)

Portfolio A plots above the security market line (SML) and has a positive alpha. Portfolio B has a zero alpha. Portfolio C plots below the SML and has a negative alpha.


Jensen’s Alpha Over a three-year period, the average annual return on a portfolio was 20 percent and the beta for the portfolio was 1.25. During the same period, the average annual return on 90-day Treasury bills was 5 percent and the average return on the market portfolio was 15 percent. What is Jensen’s alpha for this portfolio during this period? Referring to the Jensen’s alpha equation above, we calculate ​0.20 − ​[0.05 + ​(0.15 − 0.05)​1.25]​= 0.025​

This shows that the portfolio had an alpha measure of portfolio abnormal return of 2.5percent.

ANOTHE R ME THOD TO CA LC U L ATE A L P HA In an earlier chapter where we examine beta, we discussed the characteristic line, which graphs the relationship between the return of an investment (on the y axis) and the return of the market or benchmark (on the x axis). Recall that the slope of this line represents the investment’s beta. Beta gives us the predicted movement in the return of the stock for a given movement in the market or benchmark. With only a slight modification, we can extend this approach to calculate an investment’s alpha. Consider the following equation, which simply rearranges equation (13.3): ​ ​E​(​R​ p​)​ − ​R​ f​  =​  [​ E​(​R​ m)​ ​ − ​R​ f]​ ​ × ​β​ p​​


If you compare this equation to the equation for the characteristic line, the only difference is that a risk-free rate appears. In fact, we could define the returns of the portfolio and the market as excess returns—meaning we subtract the risk-free rate from the returns of the portfolio. Doing so provides the following equation, which is similar to that of the characteristic line: ​ ​E(​ ​R​ p,RP)​ ​  =​  E​(​R​ m,RP)​ ​ × ​β​ p​​


As an example, consider the outcome when we evaluate an S&P 500 Index fund. We expect that the returns on the fund (excluding any expenses) will match the returns of the market. In this case, the resulting graph of the returns of the fund versus the market would look something like Figure 13.2. The slope of this line is 1. This slope makes sense because the fund is exactly tracking the market (i.e., its beta is 1). Further, the alpha would be zero

Chapter 13 

  Performance Evaluation and Risk Management439

Index Fund Excess Returns versus Market Excess Returns


Index fund excess returns (%)







Market excess returns (%)

Security Returns versus Market Returns

FIGURE 13.3 18

Security excess returns (%)

16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0




8 10 12 Market excess returns (%)




because the fund is earning no positive (or negative) abnormal return. Instead, it is simply returning exactly what the market does (and at the same level of risk). What would happen, though, if an actively managed fund took on the same amount of risk as the market (i.e., a beta of 1), but the fund earned exactly 2 percent more than the market every period? Well, if we graphed this hypothetical situation, it would look something like Figure 13.3. Notice that the slope (i.e., beta) is still 1, but the x intercept is now 2. This is actually the fund’s alpha, which we could verify using equation (13.4). Suppose that we have a fund whose returns are not consistently higher (or lower) than the market by a fixed amount. How could we estimate this fund’s alpha? Well, similar to our previous beta calculation, we can apply a simple linear regression. In this case, we would regress the excess return of the investment on the excess return of the market. The intercept of this estimated equation is the fund’s alpha. As an example of this approach, consider the nearby Spreadsheet Analysisbox. 440 Part 4 

  Portfolio Management

SPREADSHEET ANALYSIS A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31






Using a Spreadsheet to Calculate Alpha To illustrate how to calculate alpha, we have replicated the returns of a security and the market over a five-year period. In addition, we have listed the risk-free rate. From these, we have calculated the excess return for the security and the market, which is simply the return over and above the risk-free rate. Returns Year 1 2 3 4 5

Security 10% -8% -4% 40% 12%

Market 8% -12% 16% 26% 22%

Risk-free 3% 2% 4% 1% 3%

Excess Returns Security Market 7% 5% -10% -14% -8% 12% 39% 25% 9% 19%

We then choose the regression function under the data analysis tab. We enter cells E11:E15 as the y-data and cells F11:F15 as the x-data. The resulting output is: SUMMARY OUTPUT Regression Statistics 0.741036 Multiple R 0.549135 R Square 0.398846 Adjusted R Square 0.152192 Standard Error 5 Observations

Intercept X Variable 1

Coefficients Standard Error 0.08296698 -0.016692 0.964804 0.504734054

t Stat -0.20118 1.91151

p-value 0.853423 0.1519

In the spreadsheet example, the intercept estimate is −0.0167. This estimate is given in the same units as the original data. So, the alpha is estimated to be −1.67 percent per year. We can verify this number using equation (13.4). The average return of the security over the five-year period was 10 percent, while the average market return was 12 percent and the average risk-free rate was 2.6 percent. The beta of this security is 0.96, which is the coefficient estimate on the x variable. With these numbers: ​Alpha​ = 10 − ​[​2.6 + ​(​12.0 − 2.6​)​(​0.96​)​]​  =  − 1.62%​​ You will notice that the regression method and equation (13.4) produce similar, but not exact, alphas and betas. Part of the difference stems from using an average risk-free rate [as in equation (13.4)] versus using each year’s risk-free rate (as in the regression technique). For example, if you use a risk-free rate of 2.6 percent for each year and run a new regression, the beta is 0.90. Inserting this beta into the equation just above results in an alpha of −1.06 percent, which is about equal to the alpha estimate from this new regression, −1.08 percent. Although equation (13.4) is easy to use, the regression approach has some potential advantages over equation (13.4). For example, the output of the regression will include a significance level for the alpha estimate. Having a significance level allows us to decide whether the alpha is statistically significantly different from zero. Using the t-statistic and p-value from our Spreadsheet Analysis box, we conclude that we are only 15 percent confident (1 minus the p-value) that this estimated alpha value is different from zero. The information ratio we discuss just below provides a similar analysis. Another advantage of the regression approach is that you can pick the most relevant benchmark for the comparison. Data providers such as Morningstar and Value Line will report an alpha for most mutual funds, but they decide which index to use for comparison.

Chapter 13 

  Performance Evaluation and Risk Management441

For example, consider evaluating a value-oriented mutual fund. Most sources will quote alphas relative to the S&P 500 Index. To be more specific, however, you might want to evaluate the fund versus a subset of the S&P 500, such as the S&P 500 Value Index. Knowing how to calculate your own alpha is helpful in this case.

INFORMATION R ATI O information ratio Alpha divided by tracking error. tracking error A measure of how volatile a portfolio is relative to its benchmark.


Consider a mutual fund that reports a positive alpha. How do we know whether this alpha is statistically significantly different from zero or simply represents a result of random chance? We have discussed evaluating the significance level of the alpha estimate that comes from the regression. An alternative is to calculate the fund’s information ratio. The information ratio is calculated as a fund’s alpha divided by its tracking error. The tracking error measures the volatility of the fund’s returns relative to its benchmark. As an example, consider the fund we evaluated in the Spreadsheet Analysisbox in the previous section. In the first year, the fund earned an excess return (return above the risk-free rate) of 7 percent and the market had an excess return of 5 percent. The difference between these two values is 2 percent. Over the five years, the differences between the excess returns are 2 percent, 4 percent, −20 percent, 14 percent, and −10 percent, respectively. The tracking error is the standard deviation of these return differences, which in this case is 13.2 percent (check this number for practice). So, this fund’s information ratio is −1.67 percent divided by 13.2 percent, which is −0.13. Because the standard deviation is always positive, the information ratio will always have the same sign as the alpha. The information ratio allows us to compare investments that have the same alpha, or to compare investments with different alphas and tracking errors. For example, if two funds both have alphas of 1.5 percent, we would prefer the one with the higher information ratio because less risk (or volatility) is associated with this fund. For this fund, it would be more likely that the ability to generate a positive alpha is repeatable, and not simply a result of random volatility.

Information Ratio A fund has an alpha of 0.8 percent and a tracking error of 5.9 percent. What is the fund’s information ratio? ​Information ratio = 0.8 / 5.9 = 0.14​


R-squared A portfolio’s or security’s squared correlation to the ­market or benchmark.

442 Part 4 

Elsewhere, we discussed the importance of an investment’s correlation to other securities. Recall that correlation measures how returns for a particular security move relative to returns for another security. Correlation also plays a key role in performance measurement. Suppose a particular fund has had a large alpha over the past three years. All else equal, we might say that this fund is a good choice. However, what if the fund is a sector-based fund that invests only in gold? Well, it is possible that the large alpha is simply due to a run-up in gold prices over the period and is not reflective of good management or future potential. To evaluate this type of risk, we can calculate R-squared, which is simply the squared correlation of the fund to the market. For example, if this fund’s correlation with the market was 0.6, then the R-squared value is 0.62 = 0.36. R-squared represents the percentage of the fund’s movement that can be explained by movements in the market. Because correlation ranges only from −1 to +1, R-squared values will range from 0 to 100 percent. An R-squared of 100 indicates that all movements in the security are driven by the market, indicating a correlation of −1 or +1. A high R-squared value (say greater than 0.80) might suggest that the performance measures (such as alpha) are more representative of potential longer-term performance. The same is true for interpreting a security’s beta.

  Portfolio Management


R-Squared A portfolio has a correlation to the market of 0.9. What is the R-squared? What percentage of the portfolio’s return is driven by the market? What percentage comes from asset-specific risk? ​R-squared = 0.92 = 0.81​

This value implies that 81 percent of the portfolio’s return is driven by the market. Thus, 19­percent (i.e., 100 − 81 percent) is driven by risk specific to the portfolio’s individual holdings.



What is the Sharpe ratio of portfolio performance?


What is the Treynor ratio of portfolio performance?


What is Jensen’s alpha?


Why can Jensen’s alpha be interpreted as measuring by how much an investment portfolio beat the market?


What is the information ratio?


What is R-squared?

13.2 Comparing Performance Measures Table 13.1 presents investment performance data for three risky portfolios, A, B, and C, along with return data for the market portfolio and a risk-free portfolio, denoted by M and F, respectively. Based on the performance data in Table 13.1, Table 13.2 provides computed performance measures for portfolios A, B, and C and market portfolio M. The market portfolio is a benchmark of investment performance. Often the familiar S&P 500 Index is the adopted proxy for the market portfolio. As shown in Table 13.2, the Sharpe ratio ranks the three risky portfolios in the ascending order of performance: A, B, and C. By contrast, the Treynor ratio ranks these three risky

TABLE 13.1

TABLE 13.2

Investment Performance Data Portfolio











0.75 1.4











Portfolio Performance Measurement Portfolio

Sharpe Ratio

Treynor Ratio

Jensen’s Alpha




2% 2.5











Chapter 13 

  Performance Evaluation and Risk Management443

portfolios in reverse order of performance: C, B, and A. Jensen’s alpha yields another portfolio ranking altogether, with the ascending order of performance: C, A, and B. The example above illustrates that the three performance measures can yield substantially different performance rankings. The fact that each of the three performance measures can produce such different results leaves us with the burning question: “Which performance measure should we use to evaluate portfolio performance?” Well, the simple answer is: “It depends.” If you wish to select a performance measure to evaluate an entire portfolio held by an investor, then the Sharpe ratio is appropriate. But if you wish to choose a performance measure to individually evaluate securities or portfolios for possible inclusion in a broader (or “master”) portfolio, then either the Treynor ratio or Jensen’s alpha is appropriate. In broader terms, all three measures have strengths and weaknesses. Jensen’s alpha is, as we have seen, easy to interpret. Comparing Jensen’s alpha and the Treynor ratio, we see that they are really very similar. The only difference is that the Treynor ratio standardizes everything, including any excess return, relative to beta. If you were to take Jensen’s alpha and divide it by beta, then you would have a Jensen-Treynor alpha, which measures excess return relative to beta. The result would be similar to the information ratio. A common weakness of the Jensen and Treynor measures is that both require a beta estimate. As we discussed in our last chapter, betas from different sources can differ substantially, and, as a result, what appears to be a positive alpha might just be due to a mismeasured beta. The Sharpe ratio has the advantage that no beta is necessary, and standard deviations can be calculated unambiguously. The drawback is that total risk is frequently not what really matters. However, for a relatively well-diversified portfolio, most of the risk is systematic, so there’s not much difference between total risk and systematic risk. For this reason, when we evaluate mutual funds, the Sharpe ratio is probably the most frequently used. Furthermore, if a mutual fund is not very diversified, then its standard deviation would be larger, resulting in a smaller Sharpe ratio. Thus, the Sharpe ratio, in effect, penalizes a portfolio for being undiversified. To see how these performance measures are used in practice, have a look at our nearby Work the Web box, which shows some actual numbers for a mutual fund.


Picking Portfolios Suppose you are restricted to investing all of your money in only a single portfolio from among the choices A, B, and C presented in Table 13.1. Which portfolio should you choose? Because you can select only a single portfolio, the Sharpe-ratio measure of portfolio performance should be used. Referring to Table 13.2, we see that portfolio C has the highest Sharpe ratio of excess return per unit of total risk. Therefore, portfolio C should be chosen.


Picking Portfolios Again Suppose you are considering whether portfolios A, B, and C presented in Table 13.1 should be included in a master portfolio. Should you select one, two, or all three portfolios for inclusion in your master portfolio? Since you are selecting portfolios for inclusion in a master portfolio, either the Treynor ratio or Jensen’s alpha should be used. Suppose you decide to consider any portfolio that outperforms the market portfolio, M, based on either the Treynor ratio or Jensen’s alpha. Referring to Table 13.2, we see that all three portfolios have Treynor ratios and Jensen’s alphas greater than the market portfolio. Therefore, you should decide to include all three portfolios in your master portfolio.

444 Part 4 

  Portfolio Management

+ WORK THE WEB The various performance measures we have discussed are frequently used to evaluate mutual funds, or, more accurately, mutual fund managers. For example, the information below concerns the Fidelity Low-Priced Stock Fund, which is a small-cap value fund. We obtained the numbers from www.morningstar. com by entering the fund’s ticker symbol (FLPSX) and following the “Ratings and Risk” link. By the way, you will see the abbreviation “MPT” in this context quite a bit. MPT is an acronym for “modern portfolio theory,” which is the general label for things related to Markowitz-type portfolio analysis and the CAPM. For this fund, the beta is 0.97, so the degree of market risk is about average. The fund’s alpha is –0.48 percent, which could indicate lagging past performance. The fund’s standard deviation is 9.32 percent. The Sharpe ratio for the fund is 1.58, and the Sortino ratio is 3.22. Of course, we cannot judge these values in isolation. The fund’s R-squared is 88.71, which means that about 89 percent of its returns are driven by the market’s return. This example illustrates the importance of being able to understand how to compute all these measures.

For some specifics on the actual standards, check out


Source: Morningstar 2015.

GLOBAL IN V E STME N T P E R FOR MA N C E STA N DARD S As the previous example illustrates, comparing investments is sometimes difficult because the various performance metrics can provide different rankings. In the previous example, this difference was caused purely by the nature of the returns. However, even if the various metrics provided a similar ranking, we could still make an incorrect choice in selecting an investment manager. How is this possible? Well, remember the adage “garbage in, garbage out.” Sadly, this principle applies to the performance measurement process. In particular, our metrics are often based on returns (and other inputs) that are self-reported by the firms we are evaluating. This is particularly true for managers who do not offer a publicly traded portfolio. To provide a measure of consistency in reported performance, the CFA™ Institute developed the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS). These standards provide investment firms with guidance for calculating and reporting their performance results to prospective (and current) clients. By standardizing the process, GIPS provide investors with the ability to make comparisons across managers. Firms are not required by law to comply with GIPS. Rather, compliance with these standards is voluntary. Firms that do comply, however, are recognized by the CFA Institute, which might give these firms more credibility among potential investors.


Explain the difference between systematic risk measured by beta and total risk measured by standard deviation. When are they essentially the same?


Alter the returns data in Table 13.1 so that portfolios A, B, and C all have a raw return of 15 percent. Which among these three portfolios then have a Treynor ratio or Jensen’s alpha greater than that of the market portfolio, M?


What is the purpose of the CFA Institute’s Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS)?

Chapter 13 

  Performance Evaluation and Risk Management445

SHARPE-OP TIMA L P ORTFOL I OS In this section, we show how to obtain a funds allocation with the highest possible Sharpe ratio. Such a portfolio is said to be “Sharpe optimal.” The method is closely related to the procedure of obtaining a Markowitz efficient frontier discussed in a previous chapter. This fact is no surprise because both methods are used to achieve an optimal balance of risk and return for investment portfolios. To illustrate the connection, have a look at Figure 13.4. This figure shows the investment opportunity set of risk-return possibilities for a portfolio of two assets, a stock fund and a bond fund. Now the question is: “Of all of these possible portfolios, which one is Sharpe optimal?” To find out, consider the portfolio labeled A in the figure. Notice that we have drawn a straight line from the risk-free rate running through this point. What is the slope of this straight line? As always, the slope of a straight line is the “rise over the run.” In this case, the return rises from the risk-free rate, Rf , to the expected return on portfolio A, so the rise is E(RA) – Rf. At the same time, risk moves from zero for a risk-free asset up to the standard deviation on portfolio A, so the run is σA – 0 = σA. Thus, the slope is [E(RA) – Rf ]/σA, which is just the Sharpe ratio for portfolio A. So, the slope of a straight line drawn from the risk-free rate to a portfolio in Figure 13.4 tells us the Sharpe ratio for that portfolio. This is always the case, even if there are many assets, not just two. The problem of finding the Sharpe-optimal portfolio thus boils down to finding the line with the steepest slope. Looking again at Figure 13.4, we quickly figure out that the line with the steepest slope is always going to be the one that just touches (i.e., is tangent to) the investment opportunity set. We have labeled this portfolio T (for tangent). We now have an interesting and important result. The Markowitz efficient frontier tells us which portfolios are efficient, but it does not tell us which of the efficient portfolios is the best. What Figure 13.4 shows is that, of those efficient portfolios, one is the very best, at least in the sense of being Sharpe optimal. To illustrate how to find the Sharpe optimal portfolio, consider stock and bond funds with returns of 12 percent and 6 percent, respectively. The standard deviations are 15 percent and 10 percent, respectively, and the correlation is .10. From our discussion in Chapter 11, we know that the expected return on a portfolio of two assets is given by ​E​(​R​ p​)​  =  ​x​ S​ E​(​R​ S​)​ + ​x​ B​ E​(​R​ B​)​ where xS and xB are the percentages invested in the stock and bond funds, respectively. Also from Chapter 11, the variance on a portfolio of these two assets is ​σ​ 2P ​  =  ​x​ 2S​  ​σ​ 2S​  + ​x​ 2B ​ ​σ​ 2B ​ + 2 ​x​ S​ ​x​ B​ ​σ​ S​ ​σ​ B​ Corr(​R​ S​ ,​R​ B​)​


The Sharpe-Optimal Portfolio 14 Sharpe-optimal portfolio

Expected return (%)

12 10

100% Stocks


8 6

100% Bonds


4 Risk-free rate

2 0










Standard deviation (%) Portfolio T has the highest Sharpe ratio of any possible combination of these two assets, so it is Sharpe optimal.

446 Part 4 

  Portfolio Management

Putting it all together, the Sharpe ratio for our two-asset portfolio looks like this: E​(​R​ p​)​ − ​R​ f​ ​x​ S​ E​(​R​ S​)​ + ​x​ B​ E​(​R​ B​)​ − ​R​ f​ _________ ______________________________ ​ ​  ​  =​  ______________________________   ​           ​​ ​σ​ p ​ 2 2 ​  ​x​ S​  ​σ​ S​  + ​x​ 2B ​       ​σ​ 2B ​ + 2 ​x​ S​ ​x​ B​ ​σ​ S​ ​σ​ B​ Corr(​R​ S​ , ​R​ B​ ) ​ √


Our task is to find the values of xS and xB that make this ratio as large as possible. This looks like a tough job, but, as our nearby Spreadsheet Analysis box shows, it can be done relatively easily. As shown there, assuming a risk-free interest rate of 4 percent, the highest possible Sharpe ratio is 0.553 based on a 70–30 mix between stocks and bonds. Once the formulas are entered for the portfolio return, standard deviation, and Sharpe ratio, we can solve for the portfolio weights that give us the highest possible Sharpe ratio. We do not have to worry about the weight in bonds because the weight in bonds is simply equal to 1 minus the weight in stocks. You can use the Solver tool for this task. You can see in the Spreadsheet Analysisbox that we ask Solver to change the portfolio weight in stocks so that the maximum Sharpe ratio is obtained. Note that we also required









1 2

Optimal Sharpe Ratio with Two Risky Assets--Stocks and Bonds

3 Expected Returns: 4 Stocks = 0.12 5 Portfolio Return, E(Rp) = Bonds = 0.06 6 7 Portfolio Standard Deviation, SD(Rp) = Risk-Free Rate = 0.04 8 9 Standard Deviations: Sharpe Ratio = 10 Stocks = 0.15 11 Bonds = 0.10 12 Portfolio Weights to Maximize Sharpe Ratio: 13 Correlation between Stocks = 14 Stocks and Bonds = Bonds = 0.10 15 (= 1 - H14) 16 17 18 Formulas for Portfolio Return, Portfolio Standard Deviation, and Sharpe Ratio: 19 E(Rp) = H14*C5+H15*C6 20 21 SD(Rp) = SQRT(H14*H14*C11*C11+H15*H15*C12*C12+2*H14*H15*C15*C11*C12) 22 23 24 Sharpe Ratio = (E(Rp) - RF) / SD(Rp) = (H6-C8)/H8 25 26 Using SOLVER R to compute portfolio weights that maximize the Sharpe Ratio: 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46

0.102 0.112 0.553

0.7000 0.3000

Source: Microsoft.

Chapter 13 

  Performance Evaluation and Risk Management447

that the weights in stocks and bonds both be equal to or greater than zero. If any of the returns, standard deviations, or correlations are changed, the Solver tool must be rerun. Build this spreadsheet yourself and see if you get the same answer we did. Then, change the correlation between stocks and bonds to .20. Does the Sharpe ratio increase or decrease? What happens to the weights? For those of you who are “old school,” Example 13.8 shows the formula that can be used to calculate the Sharpe optimal weights.


Sharpe-Optimal Portfolio Calculations Suppose you have the following expected return and risk information for stocks and bonds that will be used to form a Sharpe-optimal portfolio. ​E​(​R​ S​)​= 0.12  ​σ​ S​= 0.15 E​(​R​ B​)​= 0.06  ​σ​ B​= 0.10 ​Corr(R​ S​ , ​R​ B​ ) = .10  ​R​ F​= 0.04​

In the case of just two risky assets (stocks and bonds), the formulas for the portfolio weights for the optimal Sharpe portfolio are σ​ ​ 2B ​  × ​[E​(​R​ S​)​ − ​R​ F​]​ − Corr(​R​ S​ , ​R​ B​ ) × ​σ​ S​ × ​σ​ B​ × ​[E​(​R​ B​)​ − ​R​ F​]​

​x​ S​= _______________________________________________________________________ ​  2                   ​ 2 ​σ​ B ​  × ​[E​(​R​ S​)​ − ​R​ F​]​ + ​σ​ S​ × ​[E​(​R​ B​)​ − ​R​ F​]​ − ​[E​(​R​ S​)​ + E​(​R​ B​)​ − 2 × ​R​ F​]​ × Corr(​R​ S​ , ​R​ B​ ) × ​σ​ S​ × ​σ​ B​

and ​x​ B​= 1 − ​x​ S​

Calculate the Sharpe-optimal portfolio weights and the expected return and standard deviation for the Sharpe-optimal portfolio. Inserting the expected return and risk information into these formulas yields these optimal Sharpe portfolio weights for stocks and bonds: ​0.10​​  ​ × ​ 0.12 − 0.04 ​ − .10 × 0.15 × 0.10 × ​ 0.06 − 0.04 ​ ​x​ S​=  ​ ______________________________________________________________________                  ​​ ​ 2 2 [ ] [ ] 2





​0.10​​  ​ × ​ 0.12 − 0.04 ​ + ​0.15​​  ​ × ​ 0.06 − 0.04 ​ − ​[0.12 + 0.06 − 2 × 0.04]​ × .10 × 0.15 × 0.10

   = 0.70

and ​x​ B​= 1 − ​x​ S​= 1 − 0.70 = 0.30​

With these results, we now have all the information needed to calculate the expected return and standard deviation for the Sharpe-optimal portfolio: ​ E​(​R​ P​)​= ​x​ S​ E​(​R​ S​)​ + ​x​ B​ E​(​R​ B​)​

= 0.70 × 0.12 + 0.30 × 0.06

= 0.102, or 10.2%​


​ ​σ​ P​= ​√ ​x​ 2S​  ​σ​ 2S​ + ​x​ 2B ​       ​σ​ 2B ​+ 2 ​x​ S​ ​x​ B​ ​σ​ S​ ​σ​ B​ Corr(​R​ S​ , ​R​ B​ ) ​



= ​  ​0         .70​​ 2​ × ​0.15​​ 2​ + ​0.30​​ 2​ × ​0.10​​ 2​ + 2 × 0.70 × 0.30 × 0.15 × 0.10 × .10 ​

= 0.112, or 11.2%​


What is a Sharpe-optimal portfolio?


Among the many Markowitz efficient portfolios, which one is Sharpe optimal?

13.3 Investment Risk Management In the first part of this chapter, we discussed performance evaluation within a framework of optimizing the trade-off between risk and return for an investment portfolio. In the remainder 448 Part 4 

  Portfolio Management

investment risk management Concerns a money manager’s control over investment risks, usually with respect to potential short-run losses. Value-at-Risk (VaR) Assesses risk by stating the probability of a loss a portfolio might experience within a fixed time horizon with a specified probability. normal distribution A symmetric, bell-shaped frequency distribution that is ­completely defined by its average and standard deviation. Learn all about VaR at

of this chapter, we examine investment risk management within the framework of a money manager’s concern over potential losses for an investment portfolio within a specific time horizon. We focus on what is known as the Value-at-Risk approach.

VALUE -AT-R I SK An important goal of this chapter is to learn how to assess portfolio risk using ­Value-at-Risk. In essence, the Value-at-Risk (usually abbreviated VaR) method involves evaluating the probability of a significant loss. The basic approach we describe here is widely used by many different financial institutions. The VaR measure of investment risk is closely related to something we discussed way back in Chapter 1. There we said that if the returns on an investment follow a normal ­distribution, then we can state the probability that a portfolio’s return will be within a certain range. Since a normal distribution is completely specified by its mean and standard deviation, these are all that we need to state this probability. For example, suppose you own an S&P 500 Index fund. What is the probability of a return of −8 percent or worse in a particular year? As we saw in Chapter 1, since 1926, the return on the S&P 500 Index has averaged about 12 percent per year with a standard deviation of about 20 percent per year. A return of −8 percent is approximately one standard deviation below the average (0.12 − 0.20 = −0.08). We know from Chapter 1 (and basic statistics) that the odds of being within one standard deviation are about 2/3, or 0.67. Being within one standard deviation of the mean of 0.12 means being between0.12 plus 0.20 and 0.12 minus 0.20, i.e., between −0.08 and +0.32. If the odds of being within this range are 2/3, then the odds of being outside this range are about 1/3. Finally, if we are outside this range, then half of the time we’ll be above this range and half of the time we’ll be below. Half of 1/3 is 1/6, so we’ll experience a return of −0.08 or worse 1/6, or about 17 percent, of the time. Putting it together, if you own an S&P 500 Index fund, this risk assessment can be stated: ​Prob(​R​ p​≤ − 0.08) = 17%​ Your VaR statistic is thus a return of –0.08 or worse with a probability of 17 percent. By the way, here is an important note: When we say a loss of –0.08 or worse, we mean that, one year from now, your portfolio value is down by 8 percent or more.


VaR Risk Statistic You agree with J. P. Morgan that the stock market will fluctuate and have become concerned with how these fluctuations might affect your stock portfolio. Having read about the VaR method for measuring investment risk, you decide to apply it to your portfolio. Suppose you believe that there is a 5 percent chance of a return of −18 percent or worse in the coming week. Mathematically, this risk assessment can be stated as ​Prob(​R​ p​≤ − 18%) = 5%​

Taken together, this −18 percent or worse expected loss and 5 percent probability form a VaR “statistic” for your stock portfolio.



What is the probability of realizing a portfolio return one or more standard deviations below the expected mean return?


What is the probability of realizing a portfolio return two or more standard deviations below the expected mean return?


Your portfolio has a mean return of 15 percent and a return standard deviation of 25 percent. What portfolio return is two standard deviations below the mean?

Chapter 13 

  Performance Evaluation and Risk Management449

13.4 More on Computing Value-at-Risk Learn about the risk management profession at

In this section we extend our discussion of computing VaR. Our goal is mainly to examine how to evaluate horizons that are shorter or longer than one year. The easiest way to do this is to take our earlier example concerning the S&P 500 and extend it a bit. Once again, suppose you own an S&P 500 Index fund. What is the probability of a loss of 30 percent or more over the next two years? To answer, we need to know the average twoyear return and the average two-year return standard deviation. Getting the average two-year return is easy enough; we just have to double the one-year average. So, the two-year average return is 2 × 0.12 = 0.24, or 24 percent. The two-year standard deviation is a little trickier. The two-year variance is just double the one-year variance. In our case, the one-year variance is 0.202 = 0.04, and the two-year variance is thus 0.08. As always, to get the two-year standard deviation, we take the square root of this, which is 0.28, or 28 percent. The main thing to notice is that the two-year standard deviation is not just double the one-year number. In fact, if you look at it, the two-year number is equal to the one-year number multiplied by the square root of 2, or 1.414. Now we can answer our question. A two-year loss of 30 percent is roughly equal to the two-year average return of 24 percent less two standard deviations: 0.24 − 2 × 0.28 = −0.32. From Chapter 1, we know that the odds of being within two standard deviations are ­95­percent, so the odds of being outside this range are 5 percent. The odds of being on the bad side (the loss side) are half that, namely, 2.5 percent. In general, if we let T stand for the number of years, then the expected return on a portfolio over T years, E(Rp,T), can be written as ​ E​(​R​ p,T​)​= E​(​R​ p​)​ × T​

Similarly, the standard deviation can be written as


​ ​σ​ p,T​= ​σ​ p​ × ​  T ​​   √



If the time period is less than a year, the T is just a fraction of a year. When you do a VaR analysis, you have to pick the time horizon and loss level ­probability. You can pick any probability you want, of course, but the most common are 1, 2.5, and 5percent. We know that 2.5 percent, which is half of 5 percent, corresponds to two standard deviations (actually 1.96 to be more precise) below the expected return. To get the 1 percent and 5 percent numbers, you would need to find an ordinary ztable to tell you the number of standard deviations. We’ll save you the trouble. The 1 percent level is 2.326 standard deviations below the average and the 5 percent level is 1.645 “sigmas” below. Wrapping up our discussion, the VaR statistics for these three levels can be summarized as follows: __

​Prob​[​R​ p,T​ ≤ E​(​R​ p​)​ × T − 2.326 × ​σ​ p​ ​  T ​]  ​= 1% √


Prob​[​R​ p,T​ ≤ E​(​R​ p​)​ × T − 1.96 × ​σ​ p​ ​  T ​ ]​= 2.5% √


Prob​[​R​ p,T​ ≤ E​(​R​ p​)​ × T − 1.645 × ​σ​ p​ ​  T ​]  ​= 5%​ √


Notice that if T, the number of years, is equal to 1, the 1 percent level corresponds to once in a century. Similarly, 5 percent is once every 20 years and 2.5 percent is once every 40years. Examples 13.10 through 13.13 show you how to use VaR statistics.


VaR Risk Statistic The Ned Kelley Hedge Fund focuses on investing in bank and transportation companies in Australia with above-average risk. The average annual return is 15 percent with an annual return standard deviation of 50 percent. What loss level can we expect over a two-year investment horizon with a probability of .17? (continued )

450 Part 4 

  Portfolio Management

We assume a two-year expected return of 30 percent. The one-year variance is 0.502 = 0.25, so the two-year variance is 0.50. Taking the square root, we get a two-year standard deviation of 0.7071, or 70.71 percent. A loss probability of .17 corresponds to one standard deviation below the mean, so the answer to our question is 0.30 − 0.7071 = −0.4071, a substantial loss. We can write this succinctly as ​Prob(​R​ p​≤ −40.71%) = 17%​

Notice that there is a 17 percent chance of a 40.71 percent loss or worse over the next two years.


VaR Risk Statistic Going back to the Ned Kelley Hedge Fund in our previous example, what loss level might we expect over six months with a probability of .17? The six-month expected return ___ is half of 15 percent, or 7.5 percent. The six-month standard deviation is ​0.5 × ​  1 / 2 ​ = 0.3536​. So the answer to our question is 0.075 − 0.3536 = −0.2786. Again, we can write this succinctly as √

​Prob(​R​ p​≤ −27.86%) = 17%​

Thus, there is a 17 percent chance of a 27.86 percent loss or worse over the next six months.


A One-in-Twenty Loss For the Ned Kelley Hedge Fund specified in our previous examples, what is the expected loss for the coming year with a probability of 5 percent? In this case, with an annual return mean of 15 percent and an annual return standard deviation of 50 percent, set T = 1 for a one-year time horizon and calculate this VaR statistic: _

​ Prob​[​R​ p,1​ ≤ E​(​R​ p​)​ × 1 − 1.645 ​σ​ p​ × ​  1 ​ ]​ = Prob​(​R​ p,1​ ≤ 15 % − 1.645 × 50%)​ √

= Prob​(​R​ p,1​ ≤ − 67.25%)​= 5%​

Thus, we can expect a loss of 67.25 percent or worse over the next year with a 5 percent probability.


A One-in-a-Hundred Loss For the Ned Kelley Hedge Fund specified in our previous examples, what is the expected loss for the coming month with a 1 percent probability? Setting T = 1/12 for a one-month time horizon, we calculate this VaR statistic: ____

​Prob[​R​ p,T​≤ E (​R​ p​ ) × 1 / 12 − 2.326 ​σ​ p​× ​  1 / 12 ​]  √

​= Prob​(​R​ p,T​ ≤ 1.25% − 2.326 × 50% × 0.2887​)​ ​= Prob​(​R​ p,T​ ≤ −32.32%​)​ = 1%​​

Thus, we can expect a loss of 32.32 percent or more with a 1 percent probability over the next month.

As an application of Value-at-Risk, consider the problem of determining VaR statistics for a Sharpe-optimal stock and bond portfolio. As with any VaR problem for a portfolio, remember that the key to the problem is to first determine the expected return and standard deviation for the portfolio. From our discussion in Chapter 11 and earlier in this chapter, we

Chapter 13 

  Performance Evaluation and Risk Management451

know that the expected return and standard deviation of a stock and bond portfolio are specified by these two equations: ​ ​E​(​R​ P​)​= ​x​ S​  E​(​R​ S​)​ + ​x​ B​ E​(​R​ B​)​


​σ​ P​= ​√     ​x​ 2S​  ​σ​ 2S​  + ​x​ 2B ​ ​σ​ 2B ​ + 2 ​x​ S​ ​x​ B​ ​σ​ S​ ​σ​ B​ Corr(​R​ S​ , ​R​ B​) ​​

Thus, the problem of calculating VaR statistics for a Sharpe-optimal portfolio is the same for any portfolio once the appropriate portfolio weights are determined.



Your portfolio allocates 40 percent of funds to ABC stock and 60 percent to XYZ stock. ABC has a return mean and standard deviation of 15 percent and 20 percent, respectively. XYZ stock has a return mean and standard deviation of 25 percent and 30 percent, respectively. What is the portfolio return standard deviation if the return correlation between ABC and XYZ stocks is zero?


Based on your answer to the previous question, what is the smallest expected loss for your portfolio in the coming year with a probability of 1 percent? What is the smallest expected loss for your portfolio in the coming month with a probability of 5 percent?

13.5 Summary and Conclusions In this chapter, we covered the related topics of performance measurement and risk management. 1. How to calculate the best-known portfolio evaluation measures. A. Our goal with performance measurement is essentially to rank investments based on their risk-adjusted, or abnormal, returns. We introduced and discussed the most frequently used tools to do this: the Sharpe ratio, the Treynor ratio, Jensen’s alpha, the information ratio, and R-squared. B. As we saw, each has a somewhat different interpretation. Also, which one is the most suitable depends on the specific question to be answered. 2. The strengths and weaknesses of these portfolio evaluation measures. A. Sharpe ratio. Strength: No beta estimate is necessary, and standard deviations can be calculated unambiguously. Weakness: Total risk is frequently not what really matters. However, for a relatively well-diversified portfolio, most of the risk is systematic, so there’s not much difference between total risk and systematic risk. B. Treynor ratio. Strength: The Treynor ratio standardizes everything, including any excess return, relative to beta. Weakness: The Treynor measure requires a beta estimate. C. Jensen’s alpha. Strength: Jensen’s alpha is easy to interpret. Weakness: The Jensen measure requires a beta estimate. Betas from different sources can differ substantially, and, as a result, what appears to be a positive alpha might just be due to a mismeasured beta. D. The information ratio and R-squared help to determine the accuracy of the other metrics, particularly alpha. 3. How to calculate a Sharpe-optimal portfolio. A. The slope of a straight line drawn from the risk-free rate to a portfolio on a return– standard deviation graph tells us the Sharpe ratio for that portfolio. This is always the case, even with many assets, not just two. The portfolio with the highest slope is called Sharpe optimal. 452 Part 4 

  Portfolio Management

B. The problem of finding the Sharpe-optimal portfolio boils down to finding the portfolio with the steepest slope. The line with the steepest slope is always going to be the one that just touches (i.e., is tangent to) the investment opportunity set. That portfolio is sometimes labeled portfolio T (for tangent). C. The Markowitz efficient frontier tells us which portfolios are efficient. The Markowitz efficient frontier does not tell us which one of the efficient portfolios is the best. Given a risk-free rate, the Sharpe-optimal portfolio is the best portfolio, at least as measured by the Sharpe ratio. 4. How to calculate and interpret Value-at-Risk. A. We introduce the popular and widely used method to assess portfolio risk called “Value-at-Risk,” or VaR. Here the goal is usually to assess the probability of a large loss within a fixed time frame. B. Investors use this tool both to better understand the risks of their existing portfolios and to assess the risks of potential investments. The VaR measure is closely related to something we discussed way back in Chapter 1. C. If the returns on an investment follow a normal distribution, then we can state the probability that a portfolio’s return will be within a certain range. Because a normal distribution is completely specified by its mean and standard deviation, these two statistics are all that we need to state the probability of a loss of a certain size.

+ + + + + GETTING DOWN TO BUSINESS For the latest information on the real world of investments, visit us at

This chapter covered the essentials of performance evaluation and investment risk management. With thousands of mutual funds and investment companies competing for performance while trying to control risk, these topics are especially important. If you wish to learn more about these subjects, a good place to start is the Internet. Some useful and informative websites on investment performance analysis are Professor William F. Sharpe (, the website of the Nobel laureate who created the Sharpe ratio; and FinPlan (, a financial planning website with a useful section on investment performance analysis. You can also consult, which is the website of the Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP), an independent organization of financial risk management practitioners and researchers. Because financial institutions generally prefer that their risk profiles be kept private, a large part of the world of financial risk management is hidden from public view. Nevertheless, the field of risk management is large and growing. If you want to know more about this fascinating subject, some interesting websites that provide a wealth of information are Gloria-Mundi (, a site that tells you all about Valueat-Risk, and the Society of Risk Management Consultants (

Key Terms information ratio  442 investment risk management  449 Jensen’s alpha  438 normal distribution  449 performance evaluation  436 raw return  436

Chapter 13 

R-squared 442 Sharpe ratio  437 tracking error  442 Treynor ratio  438 Value-at-Risk (VaR)  449

  Performance Evaluation and Risk Management453

Chapter Review Problems and Self-Test 1. Performance Measures (LO1, CFA7)  Compute Sharpe ratios, Treynor ratios, and Jensen’s alphas for portfolios A, B, and C based on the following returns data, where M and F stand for the market portfolio and risk-free rate, respectively: Portfolio























2. Value-at-Risk (VaR) (LO4, CFA6)  A portfolio manager believes her $100 million stock portfolio will have a 10 percent return standard deviation during the coming week and that her portfolio’s returns are normally distributed. What is the probability of her losing $10 million or more? What is the dollar loss expected with a 5 percent probability? What is the dollar loss expected with a 1 percent probability?

Answers to Self-Test Problems 1. Using equations (13.1), (13.2), and (13.4) yields these performance measurement values: Portfolio

Sharpe Ratio

Treynor Ratio

Jensen’s Alpha














2. Because a mean is not given, but the time horizon is only one week, we can simply assume a mean of zero. Thus, the probability of a $10 million or greater loss is the probability of a loss of one or more return standard deviations. For a normal distribution, a realization 1.645 or more standard deviations below the mean occurs with about a 5 percent probability, yielding a ­potential loss of at least 1.645 × $10 million = $16.45 million. For a normal distribution, a ­realization 2.326 or more standard deviations below the mean occurs with about a 1 percent probability, yielding a potential loss of at least 2.326 × $10 million = $23.26 million.

Test Your Investment Quotient


454 Part 4 

1. Beta and Standard Deviation (LO2, CFA3)  Beta and standard deviation differ as risk ­measures in that beta measures a. Only unsystematic risk, whereas standard deviation measures total risk. b. Only systematic risk, whereas standard deviation measures total risk. c. Both systematic and unsystematic risk, whereas standard deviation measures only ­unsystematic risk. d. Both systematic and unsystematic risk, whereas standard deviation measures only systematic risk.

  Portfolio Management

Answer Questions 2 through 8 based on the following information: Risk and Return Data Portfolio

Average Return

Standard Deviation


















S&P 500




A pension fund administrator wants to evaluate the performance of four portfolio managers. Each manager invests only in U.S. common stocks. During the most recent five-year period, the average annual total return on the S&P 500 was 14 percent and the average annual rate on Treasury bills was 8 percent. The table above shows risk and return measures for each portfolio. 2. Treynor Ratio (LO1, CFA7)  The Treynor portfolio performance measure for portfolio P is a. b. c. d.

8.18 7.62 6.00 5.33

3. Sharpe Ratio (LO1, CFA7)  The Sharpe portfolio performance measure for portfolio Q is a. b. c. d.

0.45 0.89 0.30 0.57

4. Jensen’s Alpha (LO1, CFA7)  The Jensen’s alpha portfolio performance measure for portfolio R is a. b. c. d.

2.4 percent 3.4 percent 0 percent –1 percent

5. Treynor Ratio (LO1, CFA7)  Which portfolio has the highest Treynor ratio? a. b. c. d.


6. Sharpe Ratio (LO1, CFA7)  Which portfolio has the highest Sharpe ratio? a. b. c. d.


7. Jensen’s Alpha (LO1, CFA7)  Which portfolio has the highest Jensen’s alpha? a. b. c. d.


8. Sharpe Ratio (LO1, CFA7)  Assuming uncorrelated returns, the Sharpe ratio for a master portfolio with equal allocations to portfolio S and portfolio Q is a. b. c. d.

0.71 1.4 0.95 1.05

Chapter 13 

  Performance Evaluation and Risk Management455

9. Normal Distribution (LO4, CFA3)  Given a data series that is normally distributed with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 10, about 95 percent of the numbers in the series will fall within a. b. c. d.

60 to 140 70 to 130 80 to 120 90 to 110

10. Normal Distribution (LO4, CFA3)  Given a data series that is normally distributed with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 10, about 99 percent of the numbers in the series will fall within a. b. c. d.

60 to 140 80 to 120 70 to 130 90 to 110

11. Normal Distribution (LO4, CFA3)  A normal distribution is completely specified by its a. b. c. d.

Mean and correlation. Variance and correlation. Variance and standard deviation. Mean and standard deviation.

12. Standard Normal Distribution (LO4, CFA5)  A normal random variable is transformed into a standard normal random variable by a. b. c. d.

Subtracting its mean and dividing by its standard deviation. Adding its mean and dividing by its standard deviation. Subtracting its mean and dividing by its variance. Adding its mean and multiplying by its standard deviation.

13. Standard Normal Distribution (LO4, CFA5)  The probability that a standard normal random variable is either less than −1 or greater than +1 is a. b. c. d.

2 percent 5 percent 10 percent 31.74 percent

14. Standard Normal Distribution (LO4, CFA5)  The probability that a standard normal random variable is either less than −1.96 or greater than +1.96 is approximately a. b. c. d.

2 percent 5 percent 10 percent 31.74 percent

15. Value-at-Risk (VaR) (LO4, CFA5)  The Value-at-Risk statistic for an investment portfolio states a. b. c. d.

The probability of an investment loss. The value of the risky portion of an investment portfolio. The smallest investment loss expected with a specified probability. The largest investment loss expected with a specified probability.

Concept Questions 1. Performance Evaluation Ratios (LO2, CFA7)  Explain the difference between the Sharpe ratio and the Treynor ratio. 2. Performance Evaluation Measures (LO2, CFA7)  What is a common weakness of Jensen’s alpha and the Treynor ratio? 3. Jensen’s Alpha (LO2, CFA7)  Explain the relationship between Jensen’s alpha and the ­security market line (SML) of the capital asset pricing model (CAPM). 4. Sharpe Ratio (LO2, CFA7)  What are one advantage and one disadvantage of the Sharpe ratio? 5. Comparing Alphas (LO2, CFA7)  Suppose that two investments have the same alpha. What things might you consider to help you determine which investment to choose? 456 Part 4 

  Portfolio Management

6. Optimal Sharpe Ratio (LO3, CFA7)  What is meant by a Sharpe-optimal portfolio? 7. Sortino Ratio (LO1, CFA7)  What is the difference between the Sharpe ratio and the Sortino ratio? 8. Value-at-Risk (VaR) Statistic (LO4, CFA6)  Explain the meaning of a Value-at-Risk statistic in terms of a smallest expected loss and the probability of such a loss. 9. Value-at-Risk (VaR) Statistic (LO4, CFA6)  The largest expected loss for a portfolio is −20percent with a probability of 95 percent. Relate this statement to the Value-at-Risk statistic. 10. Performance Measures (LO2, CFA7)  Most sources report alphas and other metrics relative to a standard benchmark, such as the S&P 500. When might this method be an inappropriate comparison?

Questions and Problems Core Questions

1. Standard Deviation (LO4, CFA6)  You find a particular stock has an annual standard ­deviation of 54 percent. What is the standard deviation for a two-month period? 2. Standard Deviation (LO4, CFA6)  You find the monthly standard deviation of a stock is 8.60percent. What is the annual standard deviation of the stock? 3. Performance Evaluation (LO1, CFA7)  You are given the following information concerning three portfolios, the market portfolio, and the risk-free asset: Rp






















What are the Sharpe ratio, Treynor ratio, and Jensen’s alpha for each portfolio? 4. Information Ratio (LO1, CFA7)  Assume that the tracking error of portfolio X in Problem 3 is 9.2 percent. What is the information ratio for portfolio X? 5. R-Squared (LO1, CFA7)  In Problem 3, assume that the correlation of returns on portfolio Y to returns on the market is .75. What is the percentage of portfolio Y’s return that is driven by the market? 6. Information Ratio (LO1, CFA7)  The Layton Growth Fund has an alpha of 2.1 percent. You have determined that Layton’s information ratio is 0.5. What must Layton’s tracking error be relative to its benchmark? 7. Value-at-Risk (VaR) Statistic (LO4, CFA6)  DW Co. stock has an annual return mean and standard deviation of 12 percent and 30 percent, respectively. What is the smallest expected loss in the coming year with a probability of 5 percent? 8. Value-at-Risk (VaR) Statistic (LO4, CFA6)  Woodpecker, Inc., stock has an annual return mean and standard deviation of 18 percent and 44 percent, respectively. What is the smallest expected loss in the coming month with a probability of 2.5 percent? 9. Value-at-Risk (VaR) Statistic (LO4, CFA6)  Your portfolio allocates equal funds to the DW Co. and Woodpecker, Inc., stocks referred to in Problems 7 and 8. The return correlation between DW Co. and Woodpecker, Inc., is zero. What is the smallest expected loss for your portfolio in the coming month with a probability of 2.5 percent?

Intermediate Questions

10. Sharpe Ratio (LO1, CFA7)  What is the formula for the Sharpe ratio for a stock and bond portfolio with a zero correlation between stock and bond returns? 11. Sharpe Ratio (LO1, CFA7)  What is the formula for the Sharpe ratio for an equally weighted portfolio of stocks and bonds? 12. Sharpe Ratio (LO1, CFA7)  What is the formula for the Sharpe ratio for a portfolio of stocks and bonds with equal expected returns, i.e., E(RS) = E(RB), and a zero return correlation? 13. Value-at-Risk (VaR) Statistic (LO4, CFA6)  A stock has an annual return of 11 percent and a standard deviation of 54 percent. What is the smallest expected loss over the next year with a probability of 1 percent? Does this number make sense?

Chapter 13 

  Performance Evaluation and Risk Management457

14. Value-at-Risk (VaR) Statistic (LO4, CFA6)  For the stock in Problem 13, what is the smallest expected gain over the next year with a probability of 1 percent? Does this number make sense? What does this tell you about stock return distributions? 15. Value-at-Risk (VaR) Statistic (LO4, CFA6)  Tyler Trucks stock has an annual return mean and standard deviation of 10 percent and 26 percent, respectively. Michael Moped Manufacturing stock has an annual return mean and standard deviation of 18 percent and 62percent, respectively. Your portfolio allocates equal funds to Tyler Trucks stock and Michael Moped Manufacturing stock. The return correlation between Tyler Trucks and Michael Moped Manufacturing is .5. What is the smallest expected loss for your portfolio in the coming month with a probability of 5 percent? 16. Value-at-Risk (VaR) Statistic (LO4, CFA6)  Using the same return means and standard deviations as in Problem 15 for Tyler Trucks and Michael Moped Manufacturing stocks, but assuming a return correlation of −.5, what is the smallest expected loss for your portfolio in the coming month with a probability of 5 percent? 17. Value-at-Risk (VaR) Statistic (LO4, CFA6)  Your portfolio allocates equal amounts to three stocks. All three stocks have the same mean annual return of 14 percent. Annual return standard deviations for these three stocks are 30 percent, 40 percent, and 50 percent. The return correlations among all three stocks are zero. What is the smallest expected loss for your portfolio in the coming year with a probability of 1 percent? 18. Optimal Sharpe Portfolio Value-at-Risk (LO3, CFA6)  You are constructing a portfolio of two assets, asset A and asset B. The expected returns of the assets are 12 percent and 15 percent, respectively. The standard deviations of the assets are 29 percent and 48 percent, respectively. The correlation between the two assets is .25 and the risk-free rate is 5 percent. What is the optimal Sharpe ratio in a portfolio of the two assets? What is the smallest expected loss for this portfolio over the coming year with a probability of 2.5 percent? Answer Problems 19 and 20 based on the following information. You have been given the following return information for a mutual fund, the market index, andthe risk-free rate. You also know that the return correlation between the fund and the marketis.97. Year
























19. Performance Metrics (LO1, CFA7)  What are the Sharpe and Treynor ratios for the fund?

Spreadsheet Problems

20. Jensen’s Alpha (LO1, CFA7)  Calculate Jensen’s alpha for the fund, as well as its information ratio. 21. Optimal Sharpe Ratio (LO3)  You are constructing a portfolio of two assets. Asset A has an expected return of 12 percent and a standard deviation of 24 percent. Asset B has an expected return of 18 percent and a standard deviation of 54 percent. The correlation between the two assets is .20 and the risk-free rate is 4 percent. What is the weight of each asset in the portfolio of the two assets that has the largest possible Sharpe ratio? 22. Performance Metrics (LO1, CFA4)  You have been given the following return information for two mutual funds (Papa and Mama), the market index, and the risk-free rate. Year

Papa Fund

Mama Fund




























Calculate the Sharpe ratio, Treynor ratio, Jensen’s alpha, information ratio, and R-squared for both funds and determine which is the best choice for your portfolio.

458 Part 4 

  Portfolio Management

CFA Exam Review by Kaplan Schweser [CFA3, CFA7] Kelli Blakely is a portfolio manager for the Miranda Fund, a core large-cap equity fund. The market proxy and benchmark for performance measurement is the S&P 500. Although the Miranda portfolio generally mirrors the S&P sector weightings, Ms. Blakely is allowed a significant amount of flexibility. Ms. Blakely was able to produce exceptional returns last year (as outlined in the table below). Much of this performance is attributable to her pessimistic outlook, which caused her to change her asset class exposure to 50 percent stocks and 50 percent cash. The S&P’s allocation was 97 percent stocks and 3 percent cash. The risk-free rate of cash returns was 2 percent. Miranda

S&P 500




Standard deviation





1. What are the Sharpe ratios for the Miranda Fund and the S&P 500? Miranda

S&P 500










2. What is the Treynor measure for the Miranda Fund and the S&P 500? Miranda

S&P 500










3. What is the Jensen alpha for the Miranda Fund? a. 0.2216 b. 0.3515 c. 0.0745

What’s on the Web? 1. Morningstar Ratings  Go to and find out how to interpret the “Bear Market Decile Rank.” While you are at the website, also learn more about the best-fit index numbers. What do the best-fit index numbers mean? 2. Morningstar Risk  Go to and find out how Morningstar calculates the “Morningstar Rating” category. What percentage of funds are rated as Below Average by Morningstar? What percentage are rated Average? 3. Modified VaR  Go to and learn about modified VaR proposed at the website. Why would you want to use a modified VaR? 4. VaR Data  You can calculate your own VaR statistics by downloading recent security price data off the web. Go to and enter the ticker symbol ^ GSPC (don’t forget the caret when entering ticker symbols for stock indexes). Now click on the link for “Historical Prices.” There you will see that you can get daily, weekly, or monthly price data for any period desired by setting the beginning and ending dates as indicated under “Historical Prices.” You can also download the price data into a spreadsheet. Go to the bottom of the page and click on the link “Download to Spreadsheet.” With the downloaded price data, you will need to ­calculate returns and then return averages and standard deviations. Using these, calculate the VaR ­statistics for your data as discussed and illustrated in this chapter.

Chapter 13 

  Performance Evaluation and Risk Management459

PART 5 chapter

Futures Contracts +

Learning Objectives You will derive many future benefits if you have a good understanding of:

1. The basics of futures markets and how to obtain price quotes for futures contracts. 2. The risks involved in futures market speculation. 3. How cash prices and futures prices are linked. 4. How futures contracts can be used to transfer price risk.


“There are two times in a man’s life when he should not speculate: when he can’t afford it and when he can.” –Mark Twain

“When you bet on a sure thing—hedge!” –Robert Half

Futures contracts can be used for speculation or for risk management. For would-be speculators, Mark Twain’s advice is well worth considering. In addition to their risk dimension, trading in futures contracts adds a time dimension to commodity markets. A futures contract separates the date of the agreement—when a delivery price is specified—from the date when delivery and payment actually occur. Both buyers and sellers can manage risk effectively when these dates are separated. This fundamental feature of futures contracts is one of the reasons that futures contracts have withstood the test of time. This chapter covers modern-day futures contracts. The first sections discuss the basics of futures contracts and how their prices are quoted in the financial press. From there, we move into a general discussion of how futures contracts are used for speculation and risk management. We also present the theoretical relationship between current cash prices and futures prices.

CFA™ Exam Topics in This Chapter:   1. Derivative markets and instruments (L1, S17) 2. Basics of derivatives pricing and valuation (L1, S17) 3. Introduction to alternative investments (L1, S18) 4. Futures markets and contracts (L2, S16) 5. Risk management applications of forward and futures strategies (L3, S15)

Go to Connect for a guide that aligns your textbook with CFA readings.

14.1 Futures Contracts Basics forward contract Agreement between a buyer and a seller, who both ­commit to a transaction at a future date at a price set by ­negotiation today. futures contract Contract between a seller and a buyer specifying a ­commodity or financial instrument to be delivered and price paid at contract maturity. Futures ­contracts are managed through an organized futures exchange. futures price Price negotiated by buyer and seller at which the ­underlying commodity or financial ­instrument will be delivered and paid for to fulfill the ­obligations of a futures contract.

By definition, a forward contract is a formal agreement between a buyer and a seller who both commit to a commodity transaction at a future date at a price set by negotiation today. The genius of forward contracting is that it allows a producer to sell a product to a willing buyer before it is actually produced. By setting a price today, both buyer and seller remove price uncertainty as a source of risk. With less risk, buyers and sellers mutually benefit and commerce is stimulated. This principle has been understood and practiced for centuries. Futures contracts represent a step beyond forward contracts. Futures contracts and ­forward contracts accomplish the same economic task, which is to specify a price today for future delivery. This specified price is called the futures price, or settle price. However, while a forward contract can be struck between any two parties, futures contracts are ­managed through organized futures exchanges. Sponsorship through a futures exchange is a major distinction between a futures contract and a forward contract. As we discuss later, because futures contracts are listed on exchanges, they come with many standardized features, such as the size of the contract and the delivery date. This ­standardization comes with trade-offs relative to forward contracts. For example, on the negative side, the fixed size of the futures contract means that buyers and sellers might not be able to match a particular position exactly. On the positive side, the standardization of futures contracts facilitates the trading of contracts after they are created—thereby increasing liquidity. Further, because the exchange ensures that both sides of the trade can cover any potential losses they might incur, futures contracts have little counterparty risk. For most investors, the advantages of futures contracts well outweigh the disadvantages.


Visit these futures exchange websites: and

The Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) was the first organized futures exchange in the United States. The CBOT was established in 1848 and grew with the westward expansion of American ranching and agriculture. The CBOT became the largest, most active futures exchange in the world. Other early American futures exchanges include the MidAmerica Commodity Exchange (founded in 1868), New York Cotton Exchange (1870), New York Mercantile Exchange (1872), Chicago Mercantile Exchange (1874), Minneapolis Grain Exchange (1881), New York Coffee Exchange (1882), and Kansas City Board of Trade (1882). For more than 100 years, American futures exchanges devoted their activities exclusively to commodity futures. However, a revolution began in the 1970s with the introduction of financial futures. Unlike commodity futures, which call for delivery of a physical commodity, financial futures require delivery of a financial instrument. The first financial futures were foreign currency contracts introduced in 1972 at the International Monetary Market (IMM), a division of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME). Next came interest rate futures, introduced at the Chicago Board of Trade in 1975. An interest rate futures contract specifies delivery of a fixed-income security. For example, an interest rate futures contract might specify a U.S. Treasury bill, note, or bond as the underlying instrument. Two of the most actively traded futures contracts are based on interest rates: eurodollars (traded at the CME) and Treasury notes (traded at the CBOT). Stock index futures were introduced in 1982 at the Kansas City Board of Trade (KBT), the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, and the New York Futures Exchange (NYFE). A stock index futures contract specifies a particular stock market index as its underlying instrument. Financial futures have been so successful that they now constitute the bulk of all futures trading. This success is largely attributed to the fact that financial futures have become an indispensable tool for financial risk management by corporations and portfolio managers. As we will see, futures contracts can be used to reduce risk through hedging strategies or to increase risk through speculative strategies. In this chapter, we discuss futures contracts generally, but, because this text deals with financial markets, we will ultimately focus on financial futures.

Chapter 14 

  Futures Contracts461

During 2007, several important commodity exchanges merged. For example, in January 2007, the IntercontinentalExchange (ICE), which listed mainly energy contracts, purchased the New York Board of Trade (NYBOT) for about $1 billion. The NYBOT listed “soft” commodities such as coffee, sugar, cocoa, and cotton. The NYBOT was once the New York Cotton Exchange (NYCE). Through previous mergers the NYBOT had acquired the Coffee, Sugar, and Cocoa Exchange (CSCE) as well as the New York Futures Exchange (NYFE). On July 9, 2007, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange finalized its merger with its long-time rival, the Chicago Board of Trade. In this whopper of a deal, the CME bought the CBOT for about $8 billion. The book value of the new company, The CME Group, Inc., was about $26 billion. Then, in 2008, the newly formed CME Group acquired the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX), giving it greater exposure to metals and petroleum-based futures. The CME Group remains a major player in the futures markets.

FUT URE S C ON TR ACT FE ATUR E S Futures contracts are a type of derivative security because the value of the contract is derived from the value of an underlying instrument. For example, the value of a futures contract to buy or sell gold is derived from the market price of gold. However, because a futures contract represents a zero-sum game between a buyer and a seller, the net value of a futures ­contractis always zero. That is, any gain realized by the buyer is exactly equal to a loss realized by the seller, and vice versa. Futures are contracts and, in practice, exchange-traded futures contracts are standardized to facilitate convenience in trading and price reporting. Standardized futures contracts have a set contract size specified according to the particular underlying instrument. For example, a standard gold futures contract specifies a contract size of 100 troy ounces. This means thata single gold futures contract obligates the seller to deliver 100 troy ounces of gold to the buyer at contract maturity. In turn, the contract also obligates the buyer to accept the gold delivery and pay the negotiated futures price for the delivered gold. To properly understand a futures contract, we must know the specific terms of the contract. In general, futures contracts must stipulate at least the following five contract terms: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

The identity of the underlying commodity or financial instrument. The futures contract size. The futures maturity date, also called the expiration date. The delivery or settlement procedure. The futures price.

First, a futures contract requires that the underlying commodity or financial instrument be clearly identified. This is stating the obvious, but it is important that the obvious is clearly understood in financial transactions. Second, the size of the contract must be specified. As stated earlier, the standard contract size for gold futures is 100 troy ounces. For U.S. Treasury note and bond futures, the standard contract size is $100,000 in par value notes or bonds, respectively. The third contract term that must be stated is the maturity date. Contract maturity is the date on which the seller is obligated to make delivery and the buyer is obligated to make payment. Fourth, the delivery process must be specified. For commodity futures, delivery normally entails sending a warehouse receipt for the appropriate quantity of the underlying commodity. After delivery, the buyer pays warehouse storage costs until the commodity is sold or otherwise disposed. Finally, the futures price must be mutually agreed on by the buyer and seller. The futures price (or contract settlement price) is quite important because it is the price that the buyer will pay and the seller will receive for delivery at expiration of the contract. For financial futures, delivery is often accomplished by a transfer of registered ownership. For example, ownership of U.S. Treasury bills, notes, and bonds is registered at the Federal Reserve in computerized book-entry form. Futures delivery is accomplished by a notification to the Fed to make a change of registered ownership. 462 Part 5 

  Futures and Options

+ WORK THE WEB One problem with futures quotes from newspapers is that the prices are from the previous trading day. If you need quotes from today, one of the best places to find intraday quotes is the website of the futures exchange. We wanted to find current prices for the Standard & Poor’s (S&P) futures, so we went to the Data section, surfed around a bit, and found

Source: CME Group.

The website reports information on many different futures contracts on the S&P 500. We pulled information on the E-mini S&P Contract. This futures contract trades in a standard size of $50 times the level of the index, as opposed to $250 for the standard S&P 500 futures contract. You can see the next three contracts that are set to expire in late 2015 and early 2016. You will notice that you can get quoted prices for Globex Futures (which we report here) and Globex Options (which we cover in the next chapter). The Globex platform is a global electronic trading system. That is, traders have the choice of submitting orders through the traditional pit-trading system or through a computer-driven electronic trading system.

Other financial futures feature cash settlement, which means that the buyer and seller simply settle up in cash with no actual delivery. We discuss cash settlement in more detail when we discuss stock index futures. The important thing to remember for now is that delivery procedures are selected for convenience and low cost. Specific delivery procedures are set by the futures exchange and may change slightly from time to time.

FUT UR E S P R I C E S For futures markets information for many more contracts, visit

The largest volume of futures trading in the United States takes place in Chicago. However, futures trading is also quite active at futures exchanges in New York, Kansas City, and Minneapolis. Current futures prices for contracts traded at the major futures exchanges are reported each day in The Wall Street Journal. Our nearby Work the Web box shows how to get prices online, and Figure 14.1 provides a snapshot of some of the most actively traded futures contracts from the various exchanges. In our snapshot of futures prices, the information is divided into sections according to categories of the underlying commodities or financial instruments. For example, the section “Metal & Petroleum Futures” reports price information for commodities such as copper, gold, and petroleum products. The section “Agriculture Futures” lists futures price information for wheat, oats, soybeans, live cattle, (live) lean hogs, coffee, sugar, and cocoa, among others. Separate sections report financial futures, which include “Interest Rate,” “Currency,” and “Index” categories. Chapter 14 

  Futures Contracts463


Futures Prices (November 9, 2015) Futures Contracts

Metal & Petroleum Futures Contract Open High hi lo Low


Open Chg Interest

Copper-High (CMX)-25,000 lbs.; $ per lb. 2.2380 2.2395 2.2305 2.2300 -0.0115 Nov 2.2350 2.2510 2.2260 2.2300 -0.0120 Dec Gold (CMX)-100 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. 1088.60 1088.60 0.30 1088.60 1087.90 Nov 1089.10 1094.90 0.40 1087.40 1088.10 Dec 1089.90 1095.50 0.40 1088.60 1089.10 Feb’16 1091.00 1095.60 0.40 1089.50 1089.90 April 1091.70 1096.60 0.40 1090.00 1090.60 June 1098.10 1100.00 0.50 1093.20 1093.60 Dec Palladium (NYM)-50 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. 671.70 Nov 671.70 671.70 596.75 -16.00 617.70 Dec 621.20 595.00 596.95 -16.00 March’16 614.95 620.00 596.00 597.45 -16.10 Platinum (NYM)-50 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. 990.20 Nov 990.20 986.70 914.40 -25.20 942.00 Jan’16 943.20 910.30 914.40 -25.60 Silver (CMX)-5.000 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. 15.035 Nov 15.045 15.005 14.418 -0.278 14.730 Dec 14.760 14.395 14.413 -0.278 Crude Oil, Light Sweet (NYM)-1000 bbls.; $ per bbl. 44.52 -0.42 Dec 45.12 43.64 43.87 45.62 -0.35 Jan’16 46.29 44.88 45.12 46.09 -0.28 Feb 47.16 45.80 46.05 47.19 -0.25 March 47.87 46.58 46.84 48.66 -0.22 June 49.45 48.14 48.42 50.65 -0.11 Dec 51.45 50.25 50.54 NY Harbor ULSD (NYM)-42,000 gal.; $ per gal. 1.4958 Dec 1.5220 1.4745 1.4774 -0.122 1.5121 Jan’16 1.5392 1.4960 1.4985 -0.112 Gasoline-NY RBOB (NYM)-42,000 gal.; $ per gal. 1.3768 .0010 Dec 1.4048 1.3662 1.3705 1.3557 .0018 Jan’16 1.3852 1.3495 1.3549 Natural Gas (NYM)-10,000 MMBtu.; $ per MMBtu. 2.373 -.071 Dec 2.387 2.274 2.300 2.535 -.083 Jan’16 2.544 2.423 2.449 2.558 -.077 Feb 2.571 2.453 2.480 2.559 -.069 March 2.561 2.449 2.479 2.509 -.056 April 2.509 2.414 2.446 2.529 -.054 May 2.529 2.450 2.478

2,109 90,935 211 247,319 102,730 28,444 18,947 14,070 1 23,681 3,781 1 63,763 5 95,144 400,803 302,907 109,090 150,438 112,896 150,413 80,808 84,315 92,987 92,590 253,091 262,791 66,305 109,844 89,244 36,545

Agriculture Futures

Corn (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. 375.50 Dec 372.75 366.50 366.75 384.25 March’16 381.25 375.75 376.00 Oats (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. 226.25 Dec 223.50 221.25 224.00 225.75 March’16 224.75 222.25 224.75 Soybeans (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. 877.25 872.00 Nov 871.25 873.50 872.00 867.50 March’16 865.75 866.25 Soybean Meal (CBT)-100 tons.; per ton. 297.20 295.70 294.60 295.00 Dec 296.30 294.90 294.00 294.50 Jan’16 Soybean Oil (CBT)-60,000 lbs.; cents per lb. 28.03 28.28 27.73 27.77 Dec 28.31 28.56 28.02 28.05 Jan’16 Rough Rice (CBT)-2000 cwf.; $ per cwb. 1200.00 1200.00 1200.00 1179.50 Nov 1240.00 1240.00 1190.00 1205.50 Jan’16 Wheat (CBT)-5000 bu.; cents per bu. 521.25 520.50 501.25 501.75 Dec 524.25 523.50 505.00 505.50 March’16 Wheat (KC)-5000 bu.; cents per bu. 490.25 488.75 472.75 474.00 Dec 505.50 503.75 488.75 489.75 March’16 Wheat (MPLS)-5000 bu.; cents per bu. Dec 517.25 518.50 501.50 504.25 March’16 524.00 527.50 514.00 515.50 Cattle-Feeder (CME)-50,000 lbs.; cents per lb. 177.125 177.125 181.375 181.375 Nov 167.525 167.525 171.975 171.975 Jan’16 Cattle-Live (CME)-40,000 lbs.; cents per lb. 134.250 134.275 131.925 131.925 Dec 136.550 136.650 134.150 134.150 Feb’16 Hogs-Lean (CME)-40,000 lbs.; cents per lb. 55.050 55.025 53.100 53.725 Dec 58.250 58.175 55.725 56.475 Feb’16 Lumber (CME)-110,000 bd.ft. $ per 1,000 bd. ft. 253.00 247.10 247.10 252.00 Nov 247.70 246.30 244.60 245.30 Jan’16 Milk (CME)-200,000 lbs.; cents per lb. 15.67 15.61 15.50 15.51 Nov 15.60 15.60 15.32 15.42 Dec Cocoa (ICE-US)-10 metrictons, $ per ton. 3,235 3,228 3,187 3,209 Dec 3,244 3,223 3,194 3,216 March’16 Coffee (ICE-US)-37,500 lbs; cents per lb. Dec 118.05 119.70 116.95 117.75 March’16 121.25 123.10 120.55 121.35 Sugar-World (ICE-US)-112,000 lbs; cents per lb. 14.38 14.33 13.93 13.99 March 14.05 14.05 13.93 13.69 May Sugar-Domestic (ICE-US)-112,000 lbs; cents per lb. 25.45 25.45 25.45 25.45 Jan March 25.43 25.45 25.43 25.43

-6.25 -5.75

550,478 386,290

.25 …

6,977 4,291

2.25 -1.00

4,324 287,119

-.70 -.30

121,379 82,448

-.27 -.27

127,149 98,968

-39.00 -38.50

19 9,282

-21.50 -20.00

157,627 127,443

-16.25 -16.00

90,413 57,974

-14.50 -12.00

24,293 21,402

-4.500 -4.500

4,787 16,304

-3.000 -3.000

105,543 69,463

-1.275 -1.825

71,865 65,171

4.10 -1.40

214 3,053

-.12 -.12

4,656 4,496

-.28 -.30

35,057 89,545


73,267 64,098

-.47 -.44

437,990 145,866


2,306 2,049


Open Interest

61.90 62.12

.24 .38

80,755 82,220

139.25 139.40

.90 2.05

355 9,475

Treasury Bonds (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100% Dec 152-160 152-180 151-120 152-030 March’16 151-020 151-040 150-030 150-250

-7.0 -7.0

490,949 4,597

Treasury Notes (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100% Dec 126-040 126-045 125-225 126-010 March’16 125-145 125-150 125-010 125-115

-0.5 -2.0

2,549,860 71,355

5 Yr. Treasury Notes (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100% 118-235 118-237 118-160 118-225 Dec 118-052 118-057 117-302 118-045 March’16

0.0 –0.7

2,333,151 90,032

2 Yr. Treasury Notes (CBT)-$200,000; pts 32nds of 100% 109-020 109-030 109-005 109-025 Dec 108-240 108-257 108-235 108-250 March’16

0.7 0.7

1,114,756 30,450

30 Day Federal Funds (CBT)-$5,000,000;100-daily avg. Nov 99.875 99.878 99.875 99.875 Jan’16 99.705 99.710 99.700 99.705

.003 …

198,276 201,643

10 Yr. Del. Int. Rate Swaps (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100% 101.750 102.031 101.563 102.031 Dec


Cotton (ICE-US)-50,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Dec 61.87 62.07 61.61 March’16 62.08 62.29 61.71 Orange Juice (ICE-US)-15,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Nov 140.80 140.80 138.40 Jan’16 137.85 145.00 137.85

Interest Rate Futures



1 Month Libor (CME)-$1300,000; pts of 100% Nov 99.7975 99.7975 99.7975 Dec 99.6600 99.6600 99.6600

99.7975 -0.025 99.6625 0.075

2,616 2,217

Eurodollar (CME)-$1000,000; pts of 100% Nov 99.6275 99.6300 99.6250 Dec 99.5550 99.5600 99.5500 March’16 99.3800 99.3850 99.3650 Dec 98.8450 98.8700 98.8150

99.6275 -.0050 99.5550 99.3850 .0100 98.8650 .0250

129,797 1,324,998 1,321,930 1,339,440

Currency Futures

Japanese Yen (CME)-¥12,500,000; $ per 100¥ Dec .8111 .8134 .8093 March’16 .8135 .8156 .8116

.8127 .8151

.0010 .0013

226,280 4,986

Canadian Dollar (CME)-CAD 1000,000; $ per CAD .7516 .7547 .7511 Dec .7511 .7545 .7509 March’16

.7528 .7527

.0011 .0011

126,337 2,601

British Pound (CME)-£ 62,500; $ per £ 1.5050 1.5124 Dec 1.5059 1.5127 March’16

1.5038 1.5059

1.5109 1.5114

.0073 .0076

164,637 1,511

Swiss Franc (CME)-CHF 125,500; $ per CHF Dec .9952 1.0012 .9948 March’16 1.0006 1.0054 1.0001

.9977 1.0025

.0028 .0034

58,359 509

Australian Dollar (CME)-AUD 100,000; $ per AUD .7019 .7056 .7016 Dec .6986 .7024 .6986 March’16 .6970 .6970 .6970 June .7870 .7870 .7870 Sept … .7089 .7089 Dec

.7033 .7002 .6975 .6949 .6930

.0007 .0007 .0007 .0006 .0006

150,013 729 38 1 6

Mexican Peso (CME)-MXN 500,000; $ per MXN .05925 .05951 .05896 Dec .05891 .05911 .05858 March’16

.05937 .00012 .05897 .00012

101,451 54,709

Euro (CME)-€125,000; $ per € 1.0735 1.0795 Dec 1.0759 1.0819 March’16

1.0762 1.0789

.0012 .0014

408,320 8,155

17675 17599

-168 -169

97,200 2,309

2072.90 -20.80 2059.20 -21.00

95,387 2,617

2073.00 -20.75 2066.00 -20.75

2,773,738 92,057

1447.70 -12.40


Mini DJ Industrial Average (CBT)-$ 5 × index 17826 17871 17610 Dec 17765 17787 17545 March’16 S&P 500 Index (CME)-$250 × Index 2091.50 2097.00 2063.00 Dec … … 2048.20 June’16 Mini S&P 500 (CME)-$50 × Index 2092.00 2097.75 2062.00 Dec 2085.00 2090.50 2055.50 March’16 Mini S&P Midcap 400 (CME)-$100 × Index Dec 1460.00 1463.50 1437.30 Mini Nasdaq 100 (CME)-$20 × Index 4701.3 4712.8 4622.0 Dec 4698.8 4708.5 4617.8 March’16 Mini Russell 2000 (ICE-US)-$100 × Index Dec 1198.10 1201.20 1176.90 March’16 1183.60 1183.60 1175.00

-50.3 -51.5

342,185 3,893

1180.40 -18.40 1175.40 -18.30

371,383 3,234

Mini Russell 1000 (ICE-US)-$100 × Index 1159.20 1159.20 1145.10 Dec

1151.40 -10.70


-.18 -.19

80,171 3,636

US Dollar lndex (ICE-US)-$1,000 × Index Dec 99.38 99.43 March’16 99.59 99.65

Source: The Wall Street Journal, November 10, 2015. Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

  Futures and Options

1.0723 1.0749

Index Futures

Source: SIX Financial Information

464 Part 5 

Contract hi lo Low



98.91 99.14

4652.8 4647.0

99.08 99.27

Each section states the contract name, futures exchange, and contract size, along with price information for various contract maturities. For example, under “Metal & Petroleum Futures” we find the Copper contract traded at the Commodities Exchange (CMX), i.e., the COMEX (which is a division of the New York Mercantile Exchange). The standard contract size for copper is 25,000 pounds per contract. The futures price is quoted in cents per pound.


Futures Quotes In Figure 14.1, locate the gold and wheat contracts. Where are they traded? What are the contract sizes for the gold and wheat contracts and how are their futures prices specified? The gold contract trades on the CMX, the COMEX Division of the New York Mercantile Exchange. One gold contract calls for delivery of 100 troy ounces. The gold futures price is quoted in dollars per troy ounce. Wheat contracts are traded on the Chicago Board of Trade (CBT), the Kansas City Board of Trade (KC), and the Minneapolis Grain Exchange (MPLS). One wheat contract calls for delivery of 5,000 bushels of wheat, and wheat futures prices are quoted in cents per bushel. Why do you think there are different wheat prices at these exchanges? Isn’t wheat wheat?

For futures prices and price charts, visit these websites: and

The reporting format for each futures contract is similar. For example, the first column of a price listing gives the contract delivery/maturity month. For each maturity month, the next six columns report futures prices observed during the previous day at the opening of trading (“Open”), the highest intraday price (“High”), an area to signal a life of contract high or low, the lowest intraday price (“Low”), the price at close of trading (“Settle,” often referred to as the “Last” price), and the change in the settle price from the previous day (“Chg”). The last column reports open interest for each contract maturity, which is the number of contracts outstanding at the end of that day’s trading. By now, we see that four of the contract terms for futures contracts are stated in the futures prices listing. These are 1. 2. 3. 4.

The identity of the underlying commodity or financial instrument. The futures contract size. The futures maturity date. The futures price.

Exact contract terms for the delivery process are available from the appropriate futures exchange on request.


Futures Prices In Figure 14.1, locate the soybean contract with the greatest open interest. Explain the information provided. The soybean (or just “bean”) contract with the greatest open interest is specified by the contract maturity with the greatest number of contracts outstanding, so the March 2016 contract is the one we seek. One contract calls for delivery of 5,000 bushels of beans (a bushel, of course, is four pecks and weighs about 60 pounds). The closing price for delivery at maturity is quoted in cents per bushel. Because there are 5,000 bushels in a single contract, the total contract value is the quoted price per bushel of 866.25 cents times 5,000, or $43,312.50, for the March contract.

To get an idea of the magnitude of financial futures trading, take a look at the second entry under “Interest Rate Futures” in Figure 14.1, the CBT Treasury note contract. One contract calls for the delivery of $100,000 in par value notes. The total open interest in these contractsoften exceeds a million contracts. In fact, as we see from the quote, the December contract has open interest of over 2.5 million contracts. Thus, the total face value represented by the outstanding December contracts is over $250 billion.

Chapter 14 

  Futures Contracts465

Who does all this trading? The orders originate from money managers around the world and are sent to the various exchanges’ trading floors and electronic systems for execution. On the floor, the orders are executed by professional traders who are quite vocal in trying to get the best prices. In the next section, we will discuss how and why futures contracts are used for speculation and hedging.



What is a forward contract?


What is a futures contract, and why is it different from a forward contract?


What is a futures price?

14.2 Why Futures? The major economic purpose of futures contracts is to allow hedgers to transfer risk to ­speculators. Therefore, a viable futures market cannot exist without participation by both hedgers and speculators. We begin to help you understand the use of futures markets by describing how speculators use futures markets. We then turn to a discussion about how hedgers use futures contracts.

SP ECULATING WI TH FU TUR E S To learn more about futures, visit

long position A market position where the holder benefits from price increases and loses from price decreases. short position A market position where the holder benefits from price decreases and loses from price increases. speculator A person or firm that takes the risk of loss for the chance for profit.

466 Part 5 

Suppose you are thinking about speculating on commodity prices because you believe that you can accurately forecast future prices. The most convenient way to speculate is to use futures contracts. If you believe that gold prices will increase, then you can speculate on this belief by buying gold futures. Alternatively, if you think gold prices will decrease, you can speculate by selling gold futures. Buying a futures contract is often referred to as “going long,” or establishing a long ­position. Selling a futures contract is often called “going short,” or establishing a short position. A spec­ulator accepts price risk in an attempt to profit on the direction of prices. Speculators can go long or short in futures contracts. A speculator who is long benefits from price increases and loses from price decreases. The opposite is true for a speculator who is short. To illustrate the basics of speculating, suppose you believe the price of gold will go up. In particular, suppose the current price for delivery in three months is $1,100 per ounce (this $1,100 is called the “futures” price, or settle price). You think that gold will be selling for much more than $1,100 three months from now, so you go long 100 gold contracts that expire in three months. When you do, you are obligated to take delivery of gold and pay the agreed-upon price, $1,100 per ounce. Each gold contract represents 100 troy ounces, so 100 contracts represents 10,000 troy ounces of gold with a total contract value of 10,000 × $1,100 = $11,000,000. In futures jargon, you have an $11 million long gold position. Suppose your belief turns out to be correct, and three months later, the market price of gold is $1,120 per ounce. Your three-month futures contracts have just expired. So, to fulfill the terms of your long futures position, you accept delivery of 10,000 troy ounces of gold, pay $1,100 per ounce, and immediately sell the gold at the market price of $1,120 per ounce. Your profit is $20 per ounce, or 10,000 × $20 = $200,000. Of course, you will pay some brokerage commissions and taxes out of this profit. Suppose your belief turns out to be incorrect and gold prices fall. You will lose money in this case because you are obligated to buy the 10,000 troy ounces at the agreed-upon price of $1,100 per ounce. If gold prices fell to, say, $1,075 per ounce, you would lose $25 per ounce, or 10,000 × $25 = $250,000. In addition, you will pay some brokerage commissions. As this gold example shows, futures speculation can lead to substantial gains and losses. An important point is that your gains from futures speculation depend on accurate forecasts of the direction of future prices. You must ask yourself: Is it easy to forecast price changes?

  Futures and Options

Consider another example of commodity speculation. Suppose you analyze weather patterns and you are convinced that the coming winter months will be colder than usual. You believe that this will cause heating oil prices to rise. (Heating oil is labeled as NY Harbor ULSD in Figure 14.1.) You can speculate on this belief by going long heating oil futures. The standard contract size for heating oil is 42,000 gallons. Suppose you go long 10 contracts at a futures price of $1.50 per gallon. Your long position has a total contract value of 10 × 42,000 × $1.50 = $630,000. If the price of heating oil at contract maturity is, say, $1.30 per gallon, your loss before commissions would be 20 cents per gallon, or 10 × 42,000 × $0.20 = $84,000. Of course, if heating oil prices rose by 20 cents per gallon, you would gain $84,000 (less applicable commissions) instead. Once again, futures speculation can lead to substantial gains and losses. The important point from this example is that your gains from futures speculation depend on you making more accurate weather forecasts than other traders. So ask yourself: How easy is it to outforecast other traders?


What Would Juan Valdez Do? After an extensive analysis of political currents in Central and South America, you conclude that future coffee prices will be lower than currently indicated by futures prices. Would you go long or short? Analyze the impact of a swing in coffee prices of 20 cents per pound in either direction if you have a 10-contract position, where each contract calls for delivery of 37,500 pounds of coffee. You would go short because you expect prices to decline. Because you are short 10 contracts, you must deliver 10 × 37,500 = 375,000 pounds of coffee to fulfill your contract. If coffee prices fall to 20 cents below your originally contracted futures price, then you make 20 cents per pound, or $0.20 × 375,000 = $75,000. Of course, if you are wrong and the political situation destabilizes, the resulting $0.20 increase in coffee prices would generate a $75,000 loss in your short futures position.

HEDGING WI TH FU TUR E S PRICE RISK  Many businesses face price risk when their activities require them to hold a working inventory. By a working inventory, we mean that firms purchase and store goods for later resale at market prices. Price risk is the risk that the firm will not be able to sell its goods at a price sufficiently higher than the acquisition cost. For example, suppose you own a regional heating oil distributorship and must keep a large pre–heating season inventory of heating oil of, say, 2.1 million gallons. In futures market jargon, this heating oil inventory represents a long position in the underlying commodity. If heating oil prices go up, the value of the heating oil you have in inventory goes up, but if heating oil prices fall, the value of the heating oil you have to sell goes down. Your risk is not trivial because even a 15-cent-per-gallon fluctuation in the price of heating oil will cause your inventory to change in value by $315,000. Because you are in the business of distributing heating oil, and not in the business of speculating on heating oil prices, you decide to remove this price risk from your business operations. Investors face similar risks. For example, consider a U.S. investor who buys stock in Australia. The investor now has the risk of the investment itself and the risk of the currency exchange rate between Australia and the United States. For example, if the investment goes up in value, but the Australian dollar depreciates sufficiently relative to the U.S. dollar, then the net result could be a loss for the investor. To shed the “price” (or currency) risk, the investor could use currency futures to “lock in” an Australian/U.S. dollar exchange rate. In this case, the investor would hedge by selling (i.e., take a short position) in Australian dollar futures contracts.

Chapter 14 

  Futures Contracts467

Whether the investor chooses to shift this risk depends on many factors. For example, when we discussed diversification, we saw that the lower the correlation, the higher the diversification benefit from combining securities. So, to the extent that an investor desires diversification, the investor might choose to pass on hedging currency. Further, the investor might not know the planned holding period of the investment, making it difficult to place a precise hedge.

hedger Trader who seeks to transfer price risk by taking a futures position opposite to an existing position in the underlying asset. underlying asset The commodity or financial instrument on which the futures contract is based. short hedge Adding a short futures ­position to a long position in the ­underlying asset.

full hedge A futures position that is equal, but opposite, the position in the underlying asset.

468 Part 5 

THE MECHANICS OF SHIFTING PRICE RISK  An important function of futures markets is that they allow firms that have price risk to shift it to others who want price risk. A person or company that wants to shift price risk to others is called a hedger. Hedgers transfer price risk by taking a futures market position that is the opposite of their existing position in the underlying asset. You can think about this using a portfolio approach. Hedgers look to add a futures market position to their position in the underlying asset that will provide cash to the hedgers when their position in the underlying asset declines in value. However, the cost of adding a futures position is that the futures position draws down cash when the position in the underlying asset generates value. In the case of your heating oil enterprise, the heating oil you have in inventory represents a long position in the underlying asset. Therefore, the value of this heating oil inventory can be protected by taking a short position in heating oil futures contracts. Hedgers often say they are “selling” futures contracts when they are initiating a short position. Because you are using this short position for hedging purposes, you have created a short hedge. With a short hedge in place, changes in the value of your long position in the underlying asset are offset by an approximately equal, but opposite, change in value of your short futures position. AN EXAMPLE OF A SHORT HEDGE  One of the first questions a hedger has to answer is how many futures contracts are needed to shift risk. This question has many answers, and most can be found in a course devoted to futures contracts and other derivatives. However, a reasonable hedging strategy is known as a full hedge. When a hedger has an equal, but opposite, futures position to the position in the underlying asset, the hedger is said to have a full hedge. Heating oil futures contracts are traded on the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYM), and the standard contract size for heating oil futures is 42,000 gallons per contract. Because you wish to full hedge 2.1 million gallons, you need to sell 2,100,000/42,000 = 50 heating oil contracts. Suppose the average acquisition price of your 2.1 million gallons of heating oil is $1.40 per gallon and that today’s futures price for delivery during your heating season is $1.50. In the past, market conditions in your distribution area were such that you could sell your heating oil to your customers at a price 20 cents higher than the prevailing futures price. To help finance your inventory purchases, you borrowed money. During the heating season, you have to make an interest payment of $200,000. Given these numbers, you can forecast your pretax profit per gallon of heating oil. Revenues are 2,100,000 × $1.70 = $3,570,000. The cost of the heating oil is 2,100,000 × $1.40 = $2,940,000. Subtracting this cost and the debt payment of $200,000 from revenue results in a pretax profit of $430,000, or $430,000/2,100,000 = $0.205 per gallon. However, if heating oil prices decrease by $0.20, your pretax profit per gallon of heating oil will only be $0.005. You view this risk as unacceptable and decide to hedge by selling 50 heating oil futures contracts at a price of $1.50 per gallon. Table 14.1 summarizes three possible outcomes: heating oil prices remain steady, they increase by $0.20, and they decrease by $0.20. As you can see in Table 14.1, your pretax profit will be $0.205 per gallon in all three cases. To see why, suppose heating oil prices fall by $0.20. In this case, revenues are 2,100,000 × $1.50 = $3,150,000. The cost of the heating oil is 2,100,000 × $1.40 = $2,940,000. Subtracting this cost and the debt payment of $200,000 from revenues results in an unhedged pretax profit of $10,000, or $10,000/2,100,000 = $0.005 per gallon. However, if you had a short hedge in place, your pretax futures profit is $420,000 because ($1.50 – $1.30) × 42,000 × 50 = $420,000. Adding $420,000 to the unhedged pretax profit of $10,000 results in a hedged pretax profit of $430,000, which is $430,000/2,100,000 = $0.205 per gallon. In fact, your pretax profit will remain steady for a wide range of prices. We illustrate this result in Figure 14.2. In Figure 14.2, the blue line represents your pretax profit per gallon of

  Futures and Options

Hedging Heating Oil Inventory during the Heating Season

TABLE 14.1

Base Case: No Change in Heating Oil Price

Heating oil inventory (gal)

Heating Oil Price Decrease

Heating Oil Price Increase




Selling price, per gallon




Average purchase price, per gallon




Futures price





$ 3,570,000



  Cost of inventory sold




  Interest expense

$ 200,000

$ 200,000

$      200,000

  Pretax profit

$   430,000



$     850,000

Pretax profit, per gallon




Without a Hedge




With Short Hedge (short futures at $2.90)  Revenue

$  3,570,000

$ 3,150,000


  Cost of inventory sold




  Interest expense

$ 200,000

$ 200,000

$  200,000

  Futures gain (loss)


$   420,000

($ 420,000)

  Pretax profit

$   430,000

$    430,000

$       430,000

Hedge effect (constant pretax profit)



$      0.205

$       0.205

Futures gain (loss), per gallon



$ 0.20




Heating Oil Selling Prices, Pretax Profits, and Futures Profits Heating oil futures prices $1.40



$1.70 $0.20







$0.005 $1.50


$1.70 $1.80 Heating oil selling prices

Short hedge effect

Futures gain (loss), $/gal

Pretax profit, $/gal

$1.30 $0.405

-$0.20 $1.90

Pretax profits

Futures gain (loss)

Chapter 14 

  Futures Contracts469

long hedge Adding a long futures ­position to a short position in the underlying asset.

heating oil for a wide range of possible heating oil selling prices. The red line represents your futures market gains or losses. Note that heating oil futures prices and futures contract gains (losses) appear across the top and on the right side of the graph. If futures prices remain unchanged at $1.50, you have no futures gain or loss. If futures prices fall to $1.30, your futures gain is $0.20. In Figure 14.2, the purple line remains steady at a value of $0.205. This means that for a wide range of heating oil selling prices, your pretax profit remains unchanged if you employ the short hedge. Your business activities may also include distributing other petroleum products like gasoline and natural gas. Futures contracts are also available for gasoline and natural gas, and therefore they may be used for hedging purposes. In fact, your business activities might dictate you use another common hedge, known as a long hedge. Firms that use a long hedge do not currently own the underlying asset but plan to acquire it in the future. In this case, it is as if the firm is “short” the underlying asset because if the price increases between now and the time at which the firm actually purchases the underlying asset, the firm will pay more than it thought. Note that the firm does not go into the market and establish a short position in the underlying asset. That would be speculating. Rather, its planned business activities create situations where the firm is exposed to price increases in the underlying asset. This exposure is what gives rise to the saying that the firm is effectively “short the underlying.” FINAL THOUGHTS ABOUT HEDGING In real hedging applications, many factors ­influence the exact profit recognized. But this example provides you with an overview of how hedging works. The important thing to remember is this: If you want to shed risk, do not take risk. That is, if you are long the underlying asset, do not buy futures too! There is an easy way to remember which position to take in the futures market. In the heating oil example above, pretax profits per gallon change penny by penny with heating oil price changes. That is, the slope of the blue line in Figure 14.2 is one. To eliminate price risk, the hedger needs to add a futures position to the underlying position that results in a slope of zero. What number do we have to add to one to get zero? Obviously, the answer is negative one, which is the slope of the red line in Figure 14.2. Figure 14.2 is sometimes called “the X” or “the cross” in that it shows how the risk of the futures position offsets the risk of the underlying position. If you can remember Figure 14.2, you will remember which futures position to take when you want to hedge. Hedging greatly reduces and, in some cases, eliminates the possibility of a loss from a decline in the price of the underlying asset. However, by hedging with futures, the firm also eliminates the possibility of a gain from a price increase in the underlying asset. This is an important point. If the price of the underlying asset rises, you will incur a loss on your futures position. However, forgone opportunities for increases in the value of the underlying asset represent the bulk of hedging costs. Failure to shift price risk through hedging means that the firm is actually holding price risk. Some people think that holding price risk that could be shifted is the same as taking price risk. The owners of the firm must decide whether they are price risk shifters or price risk holders.


Short Hedging Suppose you have an inventory of 1.8 million pounds of soybean oil. Describe how you would hedge this position. Because you are long in the underlying commodity, soybean oil, you need to go short in futures (i.e., sell). A single bean oil contract calls for delivery of 60,000 pounds of bean oil. To hedge your position, you need to sell 1.8 million/60,000 = 30 futures contracts.

470 Part 5 

  Futures and Options


More Hedging You need to buy 360,000 pounds of orange juice concentrate in three months. How can you hedge the price risk associated with this planned purchase? One orange juice contract calls for delivery of 15,000 pounds of orange juice concentrate. In this example, if the price of concentrate increases between now and when you actually purchase the orange juice concentrate, you will pay more than you thought. So, effectively, you have a “short” position in the underlying asset because you do not ­currently own it (but you do plan to buy it later). To offset the risk of higher orange juice concentrate prices when you actually buy, you need to establish a long futures position today (this hedge is known as a long hedge). You should buy 360,000/15,000 = 24 contracts.


Even More Hedging Suppose your company will receive payment of £15 million in three months, at which time your company will convert the British pounds to U.S. dollars. What is the standard futures contract size for British pounds? Describe how you could use futures contracts to lock in an exchange rate from British pounds to U.S. dollars for your planned receipt of £15 million, including how many contracts are required. Your company will be receiving £15 million, so you are effectively long British pounds. So, if the British pound per U.S. dollar exchange rate falls, the British pounds you will receive will decline in terms of their value in U.S. dollars. To hedge these British pounds, you can use a short hedge. That is, you short (or sell) British pound futures contracts today. As with any short position, your short position in British pound futures obligates you to deliver the underlying asset. In this case, when the futures contract expires, you are obligated to deliver British pounds and receive U.S. dollars at today’s futures price for British pounds in terms of U.S. dollars. One British pound contract calls for delivery of £62,500. You will there­ fore sell £15 million/£62,500 = 240 contracts.



Explain what is meant by a long position in futures and what is meant by a short position in futures.


Suppose a hedger employs a futures hedge that is two-thirds the size of the underlying position. Why do you think this is called a “partial” hedge?


You have a short position in the underlying asset. How would you modify Figure 14.2 in this case?


Suppose a firm has a long position in the underlying asset. What happens if this firm buys futures contracts instead of selling futures contracts? Create an example like the one shown in Table 14.1 to help explain the consequences. (By the way, this activity is jokingly referred to as a “Texas hedge.”)

14.3 Futures Trading Accounts A futures exchange, like a stock exchange, allows only exchange members to trade on the exchange. Exchange members may be firms or individuals trading for their own accounts, or they may be brokerage firms handling trades for customers. Some firms conduct both trading and brokerage operations on the exchange. In this section, we discuss the mechanics of a futures trading account as it pertains to a customer with a trading account at a brokerage firm.

Chapter 14 

  Futures Contracts471

For a list of online futures brokers, visit the Commodities & Futures section of Investor Links at

futures margin Deposit of funds in a futures trading account dedicated to covering potential losses from an outstanding futures position. initial margin The minimum margin that must be supplied on a securities purchase. marking-to-market In futures trading accounts, the process whereby gains and losses on outstanding futures positions are recognized on a daily basis. maintenance margin The minimum margin that must be present at all times in a ­margin account.

margin call Notification to increase the margin level in a trading account.

reverse trade A trade that closes out a previously established futures position by taking the opposite position.

472 Part 5 

The biggest customer trading accounts are those of corporations that use futures to manage their business risks and money managers who hedge or speculate with clients’ funds. Many individual investors also have futures trading accounts of their own, although speculation by individual investors is not recommended without a full understanding of all risks involved. Whether a futures trading account is large or small, the mechanics of account trading are essentially the same. There are several essential things to know about futures trading accounts. The first thing is that margin is required. In this way, futures accounts resemble the stock margin accounts we discussed in a previous chapter; however, the specifics are quite different. Futures ­margin is a deposit of funds in a futures trading account dedicated to covering potential losses from an outstanding futures position. An initial margin is required when a futures position is first established. The amount varies according to contract type and size, but margin requirements for futures contracts usually range between 5 percent and 15 percent of total contract value. Initial margin is the same for both long and short futures positions. The second thing to know about a futures trading account is that contract values in outstanding futures positions are marked to market on a daily basis. Marking-to-market is a process whereby gains and losses on outstanding futures positions are recognized at the end of each trading day. For example, suppose one morning you call your broker and instruct her to go long five U.S. Treasury bond contracts for your account. A few minutes later, she calls back to confirm order execution at a futures price of 110. Because the Treasury bond contract size is $100,000 par value, contract value is 110% × $100,000 = $110,000 per contract. Thus, the total position value for your order is $550,000, for which your broker requires $35,000 initial margin. In addition, your broker requires that at least $27,500 in maintenance margin be present at all times. The necessary margin funds are immediately wired from a bank account to your futures account. Now, at the end of trading that day, Treasury bond futures close at a price of 108. Overnight, all accounts are marked to market. Your Treasury bond futures position is marked to $108,000 per contract, or $540,000 total position value, representing a loss of $10,000. This loss is deducted from your initial margin to leave only $25,000 of margin funds in your account. Because the maintenance margin level on your account is $27,500, your broker will issue a margin call on your account. Essentially, your broker will notify you that you must immediately restore your margin level to the initial margin level of $35,000, or else she will close out your Treasury bond futures position at whatever trading price is available at the exchange. This example illustrates what happens when a futures trading account is marked to market and the resulting margin funds fall below the maintenance margin level. The alternative, and more pleasant, experience occurs when a futures price moves in your favor, and the markingto-market process adds funds to your account. In this case, marking-to-market gains can be withdrawn from your account so long as remaining margin funds are not less than the initial margin level. The third thing to know about a futures trading account is that a futures position can be closed out at any time; you do not have to hold a contract until maturity. A futures position is closed out by simply instructing your broker to close out your position. To close out a position, your broker will enter a reverse trade for your account. A reverse trade works like this: Suppose you are currently short five Treasury bond contracts, and you instruct your broker to close out the position. Your broker responds by going long five Treasury bond contracts for your account. In this case, going long five contracts is a reverse trade because it cancels exactly your previous five-contract short position. At the end of the day in which you make your reverse trade, your account will be marked to market at the futures price realized by the reverse trade. From then on, your position is closed out, and no more gains or losses will be realized. This example illustrates that closing out a futures position is no more difficult than initially entering into a position. There are two basic reasons to close out a futures position before contract maturity. The first is to capture a current gain or loss, without realizing

  Futures and Options

further price risk. The second is to avoid the delivery requirement that comes from holding a futures contract until it matures. In fact, over 98 percent of all futures contracts are closed out before contract maturity, which indicates that less than 2 percent of all futures contracts result in delivery of the underlying commodity or financial instrument. Before closing this section, let’s briefly list the three essential things to know about a futures trading account as discussed above: 1. Margin is required. 2. Futures accounts are marked to market daily. 3. A futures position can be closed out any time by a reverse trade. Understanding the items in this list is important to anyone planning to use a futures ­trading account.



What are the three essential things you should know about a futures trading account?


What is meant by initial margin for a futures position? What is meant by ­maintenance margin for a futures position?


Explain the process of marking-to-market a futures trading account. What is a margin call, and when is one issued?


How is a futures position closed out by a reverse trade? What proportion of all futures positions are closed out by reverse trades rather than by delivery at contract maturity?

14.4 Cash Prices versus Futures Prices We now turn to the relationship between today’s price of some commodity or financial instrument and its futures price. We begin by examining current cash prices.

CASH P R IC E S cash price Price of a commodity or ­financial instrument quoted for current delivery. Also called the spot price. cash market Market in which commodities or financial instruments are traded for immediate delivery. Also called the spot market.

The cash price of a commodity or financial instrument is the price quoted for current ­delivery. The cash price is also called the spot price, as in “on the spot.” In futures ­jargon, terms like “spot gold” or “cash wheat” are used to refer to commodities being sold for ­current delivery in what is called the cash market or the spot market. Figure 14.3 reproduces some common “Cash Prices” for the same day as the “Futures Prices” seen in Figure 14.1. The data are divided into sections according to commodity categories. For example, the section “Grains and Feeds” lists spot price information for wheat, corn, soybeans, and similar crops. Other commodity sections include “Food,” “Fats and Oils,” “Energy,” and “Metals.” Each section gives commodity names along with cash market prices for the day of trading and one year earlier.

CASH-FU TUR E S A R B I TR AG E Intuitively, you might think that the cash price of a commodity is closely related to its futures price. If you do, then your intuition is quite correct. In fact, your intuition is backed up by strong economic argument and more than a century of experience observing the simultaneous operation of cash and futures markets.

Chapter 14 

  Futures Contracts473


Commodity Cash Prices

Cash Prices

Monday, November 09, 2015

These prices reflect buying and selling of a variety of actual or "physical" commodities in the marketplace-separate from the futures price on an exchange, which reflects what the commodity might be worth in future months. Monday


Propane, tet, Mont Belvieu, Texas, gal.-G Butane, normal, Mont Belvieu, Texas, gal.-G Natural Gas, Henry Hub-I Natural Gas, Transco Zone 3, $ per Mmbtu-I Natural Gas, Transco Zone 6 NY, $ per MMBtu-I Natural Gas, Panhandle East, $ per MMBtu-I Natural Gas, Opal, $ per MMBtu-I Natural Gas, Marcellus NE PA, $ per MMBtu-I Natural Gas, Haynesville N. LA, $ per MMBtu-I Coal, Central Appalachia, 12,500 Btu, 1.2 SO2-R,W Coal, Powder River Basin, 8,800 Btu, 0.8 SO2-R,W

Precious metals Gold, per troy oz

Engelhard industrial bullion Engelhard fabricated products Handy & Harman base price Handy & Harman fabric price LBMA Gold Price AM LBMA Gold Price PM Krugerrand, wholesale-E Maple Leaf, troy oz.-E American Eagle, troy oz.-E Mexican peso, troy oz.-E Austria crown, troy oz.-E Austria phil, troy oz.-E

0.4442 0.6304 2.130 2.050 1.770 1.940 2.150 0.920 2.060 49.000 10.900

1093.50 1175.51 1089.60 1209.46 1107.70 1088.90 1132.66 1143.56 1143.56 1321.13 1070.54 1143.56

Silver, troy oz.

14.6500 17.5800 14.5150 18.1440 £9.7887 14.7800 13081

Engelhard industrial bullion Engelhard fabricated products Handy & Harman base price Handy & Harman fabric price LBMA spot price (U.S.$ equivalent) Coins, wholesale $1,000 face val-A

Monday Rice, Long Grain Milled, No. 2 AR-U,W Other metals LBMA Platinum Price PM 939.0 Sorghum, (Milo) No. 2 Gulf cwt-U Platinum, Engelhard industrial bullion 920.0 Soybean Meal, Cent. Ill., rail, ton 48%-U Platinum, Engelhard fabricated products 1020.0 Soybeans, No. 1 yellow Illinois, bu-BP,U Palladium, Engelhard industrial bullion 606.0 Wheat, Spring 14%-pro Mnpls; $/bu.-U Palladium, Engelhard fabricated products 706.0 Wheat, No. 2 soft red, St.Louis, bushel-BP,U Wheat - Hard - KC (USDA) $ per bu-U Aluminum, LME, $ per metric ton. 1491.5 Wheat, No. 1 soft white, del Portland, Ore-U Antimony, Ryan's Notes spot, $ per lb.-D 2.8500 Copper, high grade: Comex spot price $ per lb. 2.2300 Foods Lead, Ryan's Notes N. Am solder, cents/lb.-D 103.150 Beef, carcass equiv. index value, Iron Ore, 62% Fe CFR China-S 47.7 choice 1-3,600-900 lbs.-U Shredded Scrap, US Midwest-S,W 167 select 1-3,600-900 lbs.-U St. Steel scrap, US, $ per gross ton-D 1560 Broilers, dressed 'A'; per lb.-U Steel, HRC USA, FOB Midwest Mill-S 387 Broilers - National comp weighted avg-U,W Tin, Ryan's Notes N. Am solder, cents/lb.-D 901.478 Butter, AA Chicago, lb Zinc, Ryan's Notes N. Am, cents/lb-D 82.367 Cheddar cheese, barrels, Chicago lb. Cheddar cheese, blocks, Chicago lb. Milk, Nonfat dry, Chicago lb. Fibers and textiles Cocoa, Ivory Coast, $ per metric ton-W Burlap, 10-oz, 40-inch NY yard-N,W 0.4700 Coffee, Brazilian, Comp. Cotton, 1 1/16 strand lw-md Mmphs, per lb-U 0.6165 Coffee, Colombian, NY lb. Cotlook 'A' Index-T 68.65 Eggs, large white, Chicago dozen-U Hides, hvy native steers plece fob-u 68.000 Flour, hard winter Kansas City cwt Wool, 64s, staple, Terr. delivery lb.-U,W 3.35 Hams, 17-20 lbs, Mid-US lb fob-U Hogs, Iowa-South Minnesota avg. cwt-U Pork bellies, 12-14 lbs Mid-US lb-U Grains and feeds Pork loins, 13-19 lbs, Mid-US lb-U Barley, top-quality Mnpls; $ per bu.-U n.a. Steers, Tex.-Okla. ch avg cwt-U Bran, wheat middlings, Kn. City; $ per ton-U 106 Steers, feeder, Oklahoma City, avg cwt-U,W Corn, No. 2 yellow. Cent. Ill. bu-BP,U 3.6150 Corn gluten feed, Midwest, ton-U,W 100.63 Fats and oils Corn gluten meal, Midwest, ton-U,W 491.02 Corn oil, crude wet/dry mill-U Cottonseed meal, ton-U,W 298 Grease, choice white, Chicago lb.-U Hominy feed, Cent. Ill. ton-U,W 100 Lard, Chicago lb.-U Meat-bonemeal, 50% pro Mnpls ton-U,W 283 Soybean oil, crude; Central Illinois lb.-U Oats, No. 2 milling, Mnpls; $ per bu.-U 2.5650 Tallow, bleachable; Chicago lb.-U Rice, 5% Broken White, Thailand-L,W 355.00 Tallow, edible, Chicago lb.-U

Monday 23.25 7.5763 314.00 8.5950 6.3925 4.4350 4.3400 5.3188

199.75 190.21 1.1223 0.7362 2.8850 162.25 171.00 81 3557 1.2304 1.3837 1.8750 13.65 0.72 59.32 1.3275 0.9431 134.00 204.88

36.5000 0.1925 n.a. 0.2640 0.1950 0.2100

KEY TO SOURCE AND OTHER CODES: A=ask; B=bid; BP=country elevator bids to producers; C=corrected; D=Ryan’s Notes; E=Manfra,Tordella & Brooks; G=ICE; I=Natural Gas Intelligence;; M=midday; R=SNL Energy; W=weekly; N=nominal; S=The Steel Index; T=Cotlook Limited; U=USDA; Z=not quoted.

Source: WSJ Market data Group Source: The Wall Street Journal, November 9, 2015. Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

cash-futures arbitrage Strategy for earning riskfree profits from an unusual ­difference between cash and futures prices. basis The difference between the cash price and the futures price for a commodity, i.e., Basis = Cash price − Futures price.

As a routine matter, cash and futures prices are closely watched by market professionals. To understand why, suppose you notice that spot gold is trading for $1,050 per ounce while the two-month futures price is $1,100 per ounce. Do you see a profit opportunity? You should because buying spot gold today at $1,050 per ounce while simultaneously selling gold futures at $1,100 per ounce locks in a $50 per ounce profit. True, gold has ­storage costs (you have to put it somewhere) and a spot gold purchase ties up capital that could be earning interest. These costs, however, are small relative to the $50 per ounce gross profit, which is $50/$1,050 = 4.76% per two months, or about 32 percent per year (with compounding). Furthermore, this profit is risk-free! Alas, in reality, such easy profit ­opportunities are the stuff of dreams. Earning risk-free profits from an unusual difference between cash and futures prices is called cash-futures arbitrage. In a competitive market, cash-futures arbitrage has very slim profit margins. In fact, the profit margins are almost imperceptible when they exist at all. Comparing cash prices for commodities in Figure 14.3 with their corresponding futures prices reported in Figure 14.1, you will find that cash prices and futures prices are seldom equal. In futures jargon, the difference between a cash price and a futures price is called the basis.1

The official Commodity Trading Manual of the CME Group defines basis as the difference between the cash and the futures price, i.e., Basis = Cash price – Futures price. We will be consistent with the CME Group definition. For nonagricultural futures, however, the basis is nearly always defined as the futures price minus the cash price. 1

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  Futures and Options

carrying-charge market The case where the futures price is greater than the cash price; i.e., the basis is negative. inverted market The case where the futures price is less than the cash price; i.e., the basis is positive.

For commodities with storage costs, the cash price is usually less than the futures price. This is referred to as a carrying-charge market, or contango. Sometimes, however, the cash price is greater than the futures price, and this is referred to as an inverted market, or backwardation. We can summarize this discussion of carrying-charge markets, inverted markets, and basis as follows: Carrying charge market: Basis = Cash price − Futures price < 0 Inverted market: Basis = Cash price − Futures price > 0(14.1)

A variety of factors can lead to an economically justifiable difference between a commodity’s cash price and its futures price, including availability of storage facilities, transportation costs, and seasonal price fluctuations. The primary determinants of the cash-futures basis, however, are storage costs and interest costs. Storage cost is the cost of holding the commodity in a storage facility, and interest cost refers to interest income forgone on funds used to buy and hold the commodity. If a futures price rises far enough above a cash price to more than cover storage costs and interest expense, commodity traders will undertake cash-futures arbitrage by buying in the cash market and selling in the futures market. This drives down the futures price and drives up the cash price until the basis is restored to an economically justifiable level. Similarly, if a futures price falls far enough relative to a cash price, traders will u­ ndertake cash-futures arbitrage by short selling in the cash market and buying in the futures m ­ arket. This drives down the cash price and drives up the futures price until an economically ­justifiable basis is restored. In both cases, arbitrage ensures that the basis is kept at an ­economically appropriate level. As we discussed in another chapter, many investors use exchange-traded funds (ETFs) or notes (ETNs) to gain exposure to areas that have traditionally been off limits to smaller investors. In particular, commodity-based investments have become quite popular. Some of the largest such funds are SLV (silver), GLD (gold), USO (oil), UNG (natural gas), and UUP (the U.S. dollar). These funds allow for diversification—but they come with unusual risks. As the nearby Investment Updates box discusses, these risks are associated with two ­curiously named price structures: contango and backwardation.


For more information on singlestock futures trading, visit

We can be slightly more precise in illustrating the relationship between spot and futures prices for financial futures. Consider the example of futures contracts for shares of stock in a single company. One place such futures contracts are traded in the United States is OneChicago, a joint venture of the major Chicago exchanges. Single-stock futures contracts have a standard contract size of 100 shares of the underlying stock, but futures prices are quoted on a per-share basis. Suppose we are examining a particular single-stock futures contract that calls for delivery of 100 shares of stock in one year. The current (i.e., cash or spot) stock price is $50 per share, and the stock does not pay dividends. Also, 12-month T-bills are yielding 2 percent. What should the futures price be? To answer, notice that you can buy 100 shares of stock for $50 per share, or $5,000 total. You can eliminate all of the risk associated with this purchase by selling one futures contract. The net effect of this transaction is that you have created a risk-free asset. Because the risk-free rate is 2 percent, your investment must have a future value of $5,000 × 1.02 = $5,100. In other words, the futures price should be $51 per share. Suppose the futures price is, in fact, $50 per share. What would you do? To make money, you would short 100 shares of stock at $50 per share and invest the $5,000 proceeds at 2 percent.2 Simultaneously, you would buy one futures contract. At the end of the year, you would have $5,100. You would use $5,000 to buy the stock to fulfill your obligation on the futures contract and then return the stock to close out the short position. You pocket $100. This trading is just another example of cash-futures arbitrage.

For the sake of simplicity, we ignore the fact that individual investors do not earn interest on the proceeds from a short sale, and we assume the stock does not pay dividends.


Chapter 14 

  Futures Contracts475

INVESTMENT UPDATES C O N TA N G O A N D I T S E F F E C T O N YO U R C O M M O D I T Y E T F/ E T N As exchange traded funds (ETFs) have grown, so have investments and interest in a couple of related investment types: commodity based ETFs and exchange traded notes (ETNs). While they share some similarities with standard ETFs, many commodity based ETFs and ETNs are subject to a phenomenon called contango, which arises when frontmonth futures contracts are cheaper than second-month futures contracts. Put more simply, contango occurs when the price of a commodity for future delivery is higher than the spot price. An opposite phenomenon, backwardation, can also occur. This affects all ETFs and ETNs that are futures based or track commodity indexes (or both), which typically invest in the front month futures contracts of the tracked commodities. Contango generates what is known as a negative roll yield. This negative roll yield can negatively affect the returns of the ETF and cause tracking errors. The wider the spread, or “contango effect,” the higher the risk that said negative roll yield will also negatively affect the net

asset value of the full ETF. According to Kevin Grewal at Smartstops, “When markets are in contango, which some argue is a normal price relationship which reflects the costs of carrying the commodity, the relative ETF will underperform its underlying commodity.” Many commonly traded ETFs have been influenced by contango, including the US Oil Fund (NYSE:USO), the United States Natural Gas Fund (NYSE:UNG), and the iPath S&P GSCI Crude Oil Total Return Index ETN (NYSE:OIL). For (NYSE:USO) and (NYSE:UNG), their investment goals are to follow the percentage change in the price of their respective commodities’ front month contract, so their performance doesn’t always follow the performance of their respective underlying indexes. Many experts recommend utilizing an exit strategy to help mitigate risk when investing in these funds.

Source:­ influenced-by-contango-ung-uso-oil/, June 8, 2010.

More generally, if we let F be the futures price, S be the spot price, and r be the risk-free rate, then our example illustrates that

spot-futures parity The relationship between spot prices and futures prices that holds in the absence of ­arbitrage opportunities.

F = S  (1 + r)


In other words, the futures price is simply the future value of the spot price, calculated at the risk-free rate. This is the famous spot-futures parity condition. This condition must hold in the absence of cash-futures arbitrage opportunities. More generally, if r is the risk-free rate per period and the futures contract matures in T periods, then the spot-futures parity condition is ​ FT = S ​​( 1 + r)​ T​​


Notice that T could be a fraction of one period. For example, if we have the risk-free rate per year, but the futures contract matures in six months, T would be 1/2.


Parity Check A non-dividend-paying stock has a current price of $12 per share. The risk-free rate is 4 percent per year. If a futures contract on the stock matures in three months, what should the futures price be? From our spot-futures parity condition, we have FT = S (1 + r)T = $12(1.04)1/4 = $12.12

The futures price should be $12.12. Notice that r and T are expressed in years for this example. Therefore, we set r = 0.04 and T = 1/4.

MORE ON SP OT- FU TUR E S PA R I TY In our spot-futures parity example just above, we assumed that the underlying financial instrument (the stock) had no cash flows (no dividends). If there are dividends (for a stock 476 Part 5 

  Futures and Options

future) or coupon payments (for a bond future), then we need to modify our spot-futures parity condition. For a stock, we let D stand for the dividend and we assume that the dividend is paid in one period, at or near the end of the futures contract’s life. In this case, the spot-futures parity condition becomes ​ F = S ​(1 + r)​− D​


Notice that we have simply subtracted the amount of the dividend from the future value of the stock price. The reason is that if you buy the futures contract, you will not receive the dividend, but the dividend payment will reduce the stock price. An alternative, and very useful, way of writing the dividend-adjusted spot-futures parity result in equation (14.4) is to define d as the dividend yield on the stock. Recall that the dividend yield is just the upcoming dividend divided by the current price. In our current notation, this is just d = D/S. With this in mind, we can write the dividend-adjusted parity result as F = ​S  ​(​1 + r​)​ − D ​(​S /S ​)​ ​ = ​S  ​(​1 + r​)​ − S ​(​D /S ​)​ ​​ ​       ​  ​   ​​ ​ ​ ​ = ​S  ​(​1 + r ​)​ − Sd​ ​ = ​S  ​(​1 + r − d  ​)​


Finally, as above, if there is something other than a single period involved, we would write ​ ​F​ T​= S ​​(1 + r − d)​ T​​


where T is the number of periods (or fraction of a period) and r is the interest rate per period. For example, suppose there is a futures contract on a stock with a current price of $80. The futures contract matures in six months. The risk-free rate is 4 percent per year and the stock has an annual dividend yield of 3 percent. What should the futures price be? Plugging in the values to our dividend-adjusted parity equation, we have ​ ​ T​ = S(1 + r − d​)​ T​ F ​     ​    ​  =​​  $80(1 + 0.04 − ​   ​ 0.03)​​ 1/2​ ​ = $80.40 Notice that we set T equal to 1/2 because the contract matures in six months.



What is the spot price for a commodity?


With regard to futures contracts, what is the basis?


What is an inverted market?


What is the spot-futures parity condition?

14.5 Stock Index Futures There are a number of futures contracts on stock market indexes. Because these contracts are particularly important, we devote this entire section to them. We first describe the contracts and then discuss some trading and hedging strategies involving their use.

BASIC S OF STOC K I N D E X FU TUR E S Locate the section labeled “Index Futures” in Figure 14.1. Here we see various stock index futures contracts. The second contract listed, on the S&P 500 Index, is the most important. With this contract, actual delivery would be difficult or impossible because the seller of the contract would have to buy all 500 stocks in exactly the right proportions to deliver. Clearly,

Chapter 14 

  Futures Contracts477

For information on stock index futures, visit the website at CME Group,


this portfolio formation is not practical. While index funds are available, they will generally not match the actual index weights precisely. For these reasons, stock index futures contracts feature cash settlement. To understand how stock index futures work, suppose you bought one S&P 500 contract at a futures price of 2,040. The contract size is $250 times the level of the index. What this means is that, at maturity, the buyer of the contract will pay the seller $250 times the difference between the futures price of 2,040 and the level of the S&P 500 Index at contract maturity. For example, suppose that at maturity the S&P had actually fallen to 2,010. In this case, the buyer of the contract must pay $250 × (2,040 − 2,010) = $7,500 to the seller of the ­contract. In effect, the buyer of the contract has agreed to purchase 250 “units” of the index at a price of $2,040 per unit. If the index is below 2,040, the buyer will lose money. If the index is above that, then the seller will lose money.

Index Futures Suppose you are convinced that the Dow stocks are going to skyrocket in value. Consequently, you buy 20 Mini-DJIA futures contracts maturing in six months at a price of 17,900. Suppose that the Dow Jones Industrial Average is at 18,220 when the contracts mature. How much will you make or lose? The futures price is 17,900, and because this is the Mini-DJIA, the contract size is $5 times the level of the index. If this were the standard DJIA futures contract, the size would be $10 times the index level. At maturity, if the index is at 18,220, you make $5 × (18,220 − 17,900) = $1,600 per contract. With 20 contracts, your total profit is $32,000.

INDEX AR B ITR AG E index arbitrage Strategy of monitoring the futures price on a stock index and the level of the underlying index to exploit deviations from parity.

The spot-futures parity relation we developed above is the basis for a common trading strategy known as index arbitrage. Index arbitrage refers to monitoring the futures price on a stock index along with the level of the underlying index. The trader looks for violations of parity and trades as appropriate. For example, suppose the S&P 500 futures price for delivery in one year is 2,170. The current level is 2,100. The dividend yield on the S&P is projected to be 3 percent per year and the risk-free rate is 5 percent. Is there a trading opportunity here? From our dividend-adjusted parity equation (14.6), the futures price should be ​ ​ T​ = S(1 + r − d​ )​ T​ F ​     ​    ​  =​​  2,100(1 + 0.05 − ​   ​ 0.03)​​ 1​ ​ = 2,142

program trading Computer-assisted ­monitoring of relative prices of ­financial assets; it sometimes includes computer submission of buy and sell orders to exploit ­perceived arbitrage opportunities.

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Thus, based on our parity calculation, the futures price is too high. We want to buy low, sell high, so we buy the index and simultaneously sell the futures contract. Index arbitrage is often implemented as a program trading strategy. While this term covers a lot of ground, it generally refers to the monitoring of relative prices by computer to more quickly spot opportunities. In some cases, it includes submitting the needed buy and sell orders using a computer to speed up the process. Whether a computer is used in program trading is not really the issue; instead, a ­program trading strategy is any coordinated, systematic procedure for exploiting (or trying to exploit) violations of parity or other arbitrage opportunities. Such a procedure is a trading “­program” in the sense that whenever certain conditions exist, certain trades are made. Thus, the p­ rocess is sufficiently mechanical that it can be automated, at least in principle. Technically, the NYSE defines program trading as the simultaneous purchase or sale of at least 15 different stocks with a total value of $1 million or more. Program trading can account for over half the total trading volume on the NYSE, but not all program trading involves stock index arbitrage.

  Futures and Options

For information on program trading, visit For information on stock index arbitrage, visit

Another phenomenon was often associated with index arbitrage and, more generally, futures and options trading. S&P 500 futures contracts have four expiration months per year, and they expire on the third Friday of those months. On these same four Fridays, options on the S&P Index and various individual stock options also expire. These Fridays are dubbed the “triple witching hour” because all three types of contracts expire, sometimes leading to unusual price behavior. In particular, on “triple witching hour” Fridays, all positions must be liquidated, or “unwound.” To the extent that large-scale index arbitrage and other program trading have taken place, enormous buying or selling sometimes occurs late in the day on such Fridays, as positions are closed out. Large price swings and, more generally, increased volatility are often seen. To curtail this problem, the exchanges have adopted rules regarding the size of a position that can be carried to expiration.


cross-hedge Hedging a particular spot ­position with futures contracts on a related, but not ­identical, commodity or financial instrument.

We earlier discussed hedging using futures contracts in the context of a business protecting the value of its inventory. We now discuss some hedging strategies available to portfolio managers based on financial futures. Essentially, an investment portfolio is an inventory of securities, and financial futures can be used to reduce the risk of holding a securities portfolio. We consider the specific problem of an equity portfolio manager wishing to protect the value of a stock portfolio from the risk of an adverse movement of the overall stock market. Here, the portfolio manager wishes to establish a short hedge position to reduce risk and must determine the number of futures contracts required to properly hedge a portfolio. In this hedging example, you are responsible for managing a broadly diversified stock portfolio with a current value of $185 million. Analysis of market conditions leads you to believe that the stock market is unusually susceptible to a price decline during the next few months. Of course, nothing is certain regarding stock market fluctuations, but you are still sufficiently concerned to believe that action is required. A fundamental problem exists for you, however, in that no futures contract exactly matches your particular portfolio. As a result, you decide to protect your stock portfolio from a fall in value caused by a falling stock market using stock index futures. This is an example of a cross-hedge, where a futures contract on a related, but not identical, commodity or financial instrument is used to hedge a particular spot position. Thus, to hedge your portfolio, you wish to establish a short hedge using stock index futures. To do this, you need to know how many index futures contracts are required to form an effective hedge. Four basic inputs are needed to calculate the number of stock index futures contracts required to hedge a stock portfolio: 1. 2. 3. 4.

The current value of your stock portfolio. The beta of your stock portfolio. The contract value of the index futures contract used for hedging. The beta of the futures contract.

Based on previous chapters, you are familiar with the concept of beta as a measure of market risk for a stock portfolio. Essentially, beta measures portfolio risk relative to the overall stock market. We will assume that you have maintained a beta of 1.25 for your $185 million stock portfolio. You believe that the market (and your portfolio) will fall in value over the next three months and you decide to eliminate market risk from your portfolio. Because you hold a stock portfolio, you know that you will need to establish a short hedge using futures ­contracts. You decide to use futures contracts on the S&P 500 Index because this is the index you used to calculate the beta for your portfolio. From The Wall Street Journal, you find that the S&P 500 futures price for contracts that mature in three months is currently 2,080. Because the contract size for the S&P 500 futures is 250 times the index level, the current value of a single S&P 500 Index futures contract is $250 × 2,080 = $520,000.

Chapter 14 

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You now have all the information you need to calculate the number of S&P 500 Index futures contracts needed to hedge your $185 million stock portfolio. The number of stock index futures contracts needed to hedge the portfolio fully is ​VP​  ​​ ​βP​  ​ ​​Number of contracts​  =​  ___ ​   ​ ​  ×​  __ ​   ​​  ​​​ ​VF​ ​ β​ F​ ​


where: VP = Value of the stock portfolio VF = Value of one stock index futures contract βP = Current beta of the stock portfolio βF = Current beta of the futures contract For your particular hedging problem, βP = 1.25, VP = $185 million, and VF = $520,000. We are not given the beta of the futures contract, but because we are using S&P 500 futures, the beta should be close to that of the S&P 500, which is 1. The only time βF would be different from 1 is if the futures contract being used is different from the index being used to calculate the beta of the underlying portfolio. For example, if we calculate the beta of the underlying portfolio using the S&P 500, but we use Dow futures contracts to hedge, then we would also have to calculate the beta of the Dow futures contracts relative to the S&P 500 Index. Given the information in our example, the following calculation results: $185,000,000 ____ ____________ ​Numberofcontracts​  =​     ​    ​   ×​  ​ 1.25    ​  = 444.7​​ 1 $520,000 Thus, you can establish an effective short hedge by going short 445 S&P 500 Index futures contracts. This short hedge will protect your stock portfolio against the risk of a general fall in the stock market during the remaining three-month life of the futures contract.


Hedging with Stock Index Futures How many stock index futures contracts are required to completely hedge a $250 million stock portfolio, assuming a portfolio beta of 0.75 and an S&P 500 Index futures level of 2,100? Using equation (14.7): 250,000,000 _____ 0.75    ​      ​   ​​Number of contracts​  =​  _____________ ​  ×​  ​   ​ ​  = 357.1​​ 525,000 1

Therefore, you need to short 357 stock index futures contracts to hedge this $250 million portfolio. In this example, note that the value of one futures contract is given by $250 × 2,100 = $525,000.

HEDGIN G INTE R E ST R ATE R I SK WI TH FU TUR E S Having discussed hedging a stock portfolio, we now turn to hedging a bond portfolio. As we will see, the bond portfolio hedging problem is similar to the stock portfolio hedging problem. Once again, we will be cross-hedging, but this time using futures contracts on U.S. Treasury notes. Here, our goal is to protect the bond portfolio against changing interest rates. In this example, you are responsible for managing a bond portfolio with a current value of $100 million. Recently, rising interest rates have caused your portfolio to fall in value slightly, and you are concerned that interest rates may continue to trend upward for the next several months. You decide to establish a short hedge based on 10-year Treasury note futures. The formula for the number of U.S. Treasury note futures contracts needed to hedge a bond portfolio is similar to equation (14.7): ​D​  ​ × ​V​ P​ ​  P  ​  ​​Number of contracts =​  _______ ​  ​​​ ​D​ F​ × ​V​ F​

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where:  DP = Duration of the bond portfolio VP = Value of the bond portfolio DF = Duration of the futures contract VF = Value of a single futures contract We already know the value of the bond portfolio, which is $100 million. Also, suppose that the duration of the portfolio is given as eight years. Next, we must calculate the duration of the futures contract and the value of the futures contract. As a useful rule of thumb, the duration of an interest rate futures contract is equal to the duration of the underlying instrument plus the time remaining until contract maturity: ​ ​D​ F​= ​D​ U​+ ​M​ F​​


where:  DF = Duration of the futures contract DU = Duration of the underlying instrument MF = Time remaining until contract maturity For simplicity, let us suppose that the duration of the underlying U.S. Treasury note is 6½ years and the futures contract has a maturity of ½ year, yielding a futures contract ­duration of 7 years. The value of a single futures contract is the current futures price times the futures contract size. The standard contract size for U.S. Treasury note futures contracts is $100,000 par value. Now suppose that the futures price is 110, or 110 percent of par value. This yields a futures contract value of $100,000 × 110 = $110,000. You now have all inputs required to calculate the number of futures contracts needed to hedge your bond portfolio. The number of U.S. Treasury note futures contracts needed to hedge the bond portfolio is calculated as follows: 8 × $100,000,000 ​​Numberofcontracts​  =​  _______________ ​  = 1,038.96​​ ​         ​ 7 × $110,000 Thus, you can establish an effective short hedge by going short 1,039 futures contracts for 10-year U.S. Treasury notes. This short hedge will protect your bond portfolio against the risk of a general rise in interest rates during the life of the futures contracts.


Hedging with U.S. Treasury Note Futures How many futures contracts are required to hedge a $250 million bond portfolio with a portfolio duration of 5 years using 10-year U.S. Treasury note futures with a duration of 7.5 years and a futures price of 105? Using the formula for the number of contracts, we have 5 × $250,000,000 N    ​      ​ ​​ umber of contracts​  =​  _________________ ​  =​  1,587​​ 7.5 × $105,000

You therefore need to sell 1,587 contracts to hedge this $250 million portfolio.

cheapest-to-deliver option Seller’s option to deliver the cheapest instrument when a futures contract allows several instruments for delivery. For example, U.S. Treasury note futures allow delivery of any Treasury note with a maturity between 6½ and 10 years.

FUT UR E S C ON TR ACT D E L I V E RY OP TI ON S Many futures contracts have a delivery option, whereby the seller can choose among s­ everal different “grades” of the underlying commodity or instrument when fulfilling delivery requirements. Naturally, we expect the seller to deliver the cheapest among available options. In futures jargon, this is called the cheapest-to-deliver option. The cheapest-to-deliver option is an example of a broader feature of many futures contracts, known as a “quality” option. Of course, futures buyers know about the delivery option, and therefore the futures prices reflect the value of the cheapest-to-deliver instrument. Chapter 14 

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As a specific example of a cheapest-to-deliver option, the 10-year Treasury note c­ ontract allows delivery of any Treasury note with a maturity between 6½ and 10 years. This ­complicates the bond portfolio hedging problem. For the portfolio manager trying to hedge a bond portfolio with U.S. Treasury note futures, the cheapest-to-deliver feature means that a note can be hedged only based on an assumption about which note will actually be d­ elivered. Furthermore, through time the cheapest-to-deliver note may vary, and, consequently, the hedge will have to be monitored regularly to make sure that it correctly reflects the note issue that is most likely to be delivered. Fortunately, because this is a common problem, many commercial advisory services provide this information to portfolio managers and other investors.



What is a cross-hedge?


What are the basic inputs required to calculate the number of stock index futures contracts needed to hedge an equity portfolio?


What are the basic inputs required to calculate the number of U.S. Treasury note futures contracts needed to hedge a bond portfolio?


What is the cheapest-to-deliver option?

14.6 Summary and Conclusions The topic of this chapter is futures markets. In this chapter, we surveyed the basics of futures markets and contracts—which we summarize by the chapter’s important concepts. 1. The basics of futures markets and how to obtain price quotes for futures contracts. A. A futures contract is an agreement between a buyer and a seller for a future ­transaction at a price set today. Futures contracts are managed through organized futures exchanges. The existence of a futures exchange virtually eliminates default risk. Four major terms for standardized futures contracts are (1) the identity of the underlying commodity or financial instrument, (2) the futures contract size, (3) the futures maturity date, and (4) the future price at which the contract will be fulfilled. B. Most commodity futures contracts call for delivery of a physical commodity. Financial futures require delivery of a financial instrument or, in many cases, cash. Futures contracts are a type of derivative security because the value of the contract is derived from the value of an underlying instrument. C. Quotes for futures prices are available through the financial press. These days, ­however, delayed intraday quotes for futures prices are available at the websites of many futures exchanges. 2. The risks involved in futures market speculation. A. Speculators accept price risk in an attempt to profit on the direction of prices. Speculators can go long or short futures contracts. Speculators buy futures contracts if they think prices are going to go higher. Buying futures is often referred to as “going long,” or establishing a long position. Speculators sell futures contracts if they think prices are going lower. Selling futures is often called “going short,” or establishing a short position.

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B. Futures speculation can lead to substantial gains and losses. An important point is that your gains from futures speculation depend on accurate forecasts of the direction of future prices. You must ask yourself: Is it easy to forecast price changes? C. You can sustain losses in futures markets far in excess of your original margin deposit. As futures market prices move against your position, you could be asked to deposit more money into your futures trading account. 3. How cash prices and futures prices are linked. A. The cash price of a commodity or financial instrument is the price quoted for current delivery. The cash price is also called the spot price. B. The futures price is simply the future value of the spot price, calculated at the ­risk-free rate. This statement is the famous spot-futures parity condition. This ­condition must hold in the absence of cash-futures arbitrage opportunities. 4. How futures contracts can be used to transfer price risk. A. Hedging is the major economic reason for the existence of futures markets. However, a viable futures market requires participation by both hedgers and speculators. B. Hedgers transfer price risk to speculators, and speculators absorb price risk. Therefore, hedging and speculating are complementary activities. C. Hedgers transfer price risk by taking a futures position opposite to their position in the spot market. For example, if the hedger has an inventory of some commodity, the hedger is said to be long in the spot market. Therefore, the hedger will offset price risk in the spot market by taking a short position in the futures market.


For the latest information on the real world of investments, visit us at

This chapter covered the essentials of what many consider to be a complex subject, futures contracts. We hope you realize that futures contracts per se are not complicated at all; in fact, they are, for the most part, quite simple. This doesn’t mean that they’re for everybody, of course. Because of the tremendous leverage possible, very large gains and losses can (and do) occur with great speed. To experience some of the gains and losses from outright speculation, you should buy and sell a variety of contracts in a simulated brokerage account such as Stock-Trak. Be sure to go both long and short and pick a few of each major type of contract. The Internet offers a rich source for more information on trading futures. Probably the best place to begin is by visiting the websites of the major futures exchanges: the CME Group (, the IntercontinentalExchange (, and the Kansas City Board of Trade ( You might also visit the websites of some major international futures exchanges. Commodity HQ ( maintains a list of the top commodity exchanges in the world. Bear in mind that the list changes frequently due to mergers. For information on futures markets regulation, the federal agency charged with regulating U.S. futures markets is the Commodities Futures Trading Commission ­ ( The professional organization charged with self-regulation is the National Futures Association ( General information on futures markets and trading can be found at the Futures Industry Association ( Useful websites on trading futures abound. For a large list of links to anything and everything related to futures, visit the commodities and futures section of Investor Links (

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  Futures Contracts483

Key Terms basis 474 carrying-charge market  475 cash-futures arbitrage  474 cash market  473 cash price  473 cheapest-to-deliver option  481 cross-hedge 479 forward contract  461 full hedge  468 futures contract  461 futures margin  472 futures price  461 hedger 468 index arbitrage  478

initial margin  472 inverted market  475 long hedge  470 long position  466 maintenance margin  472 margin call  472 marking-to-market 472 program trading  478 reverse trade  472 short hedge  468 short position  466 speculator 466 spot-futures parity  476 underlying asset  468

Chapter Review Problems and Self-Test 1. Futures Gains and Losses (LO1, CFA2)  Suppose you purchase 10 orange juice contracts today at the settle price of $1 per pound. How much do these 10 contracts cost you? If the settle price is lower tomorrow by 2 cents per pound, how much do you make or lose? The contract size is 15,000 pounds. 2. Spot-Futures Parity (LO3, CFA1)  There is a futures contract on a stock, which is currently selling at $200 per share. The contract matures in two months; the risk-free rate is 5 percent annually. The stock does not pay a dividend. What does the parity relationship imply the futures price should be?

Answers to Self-Test Problems 1. If you go long (purchase) 10 contracts, you pay nothing today (you will be required to post ­margin, but a futures contract is an agreement to exchange cash for goods later, not today). If the settle price drops by 2 cents per pound, you lose $0.02 × 15,000 pounds (the contract size) = $300 per contract. With 10 contracts, you lose $3,000. 2. The spot-futures parity condition is ​F​ T​= S(1 + r − d)T where S is the spot price, r is the risk-free rate, d is the dividend yield, F is the futures price, and T is the time to expiration measured in years. Plugging in the numbers, with zero for the dividend yield and 1/6 for the number of years (2 months out of 12), we have ​F1/6 ​  ​= $200(1 + 0.05)​​ 1/6​= $201.63​

Test Your Investment Quotient 1. Futures versus Forward Contracts (LO1, CFA2)  Which of the following statements is true regarding the distinction between futures contracts and forward contracts? a. b. c. d. 484 Part 5 

  Futures and Options

Futures contracts are exchange-traded, whereas forward contracts are OTC-traded. All else equal, forward prices are higher than futures prices. Forward contracts are created from baskets of futures contracts. Futures contracts are cash-settled at maturity, whereas forward contracts result in delivery.

2. Futures versus Forward Contracts (LO1, CFA2)  In which of the following ways do futures contracts differ from forward contracts?   I. Futures contracts are standardized.   II. For futures, performance of each party is guaranteed by a clearinghouse. III. Futures contracts require a daily settling of any gains or losses. a. b. c. d.

I and II only I and III only II and III only I, II, and III

3. Futures Contracts (LO1, CFA2)  The open interest on a futures contract at any given time is the total number of outstanding a. b. c. d.

Contracts. Unhedged positions. Clearinghouse positions. Long and short positions.

4. Futures Margin (LO2, CFA2)  Initial margin for a futures contract is usually a. b. c. d.

Regulated by the Federal Reserve. Less than 2 percent of contract value. In the range between 2 percent and 5 percent of contract value. In the range between 5 percent and 15 percent of contract value.

5. Futures Margin (LO2, CFA2)  In futures trading, the minimum level to which an equity ­position may fall before requiring additional margin is most accurately termed the a. b. c. d.

Initial margin. Variation margin. Cash flow margin. Maintenance margin.

6. Futures Margin (LO2, CFA2)  A silver futures contract requires the seller to deliver 5,000 troy ounces of silver. An investor sells one July silver futures contract at a price of $28 per ounce, posting an $8,400 initial margin. If the required maintenance margin is $6,900, the price per ounce at which the investor would first receive a maintenance margin call is closest to a. b. c. d.

$26.62. $27.70. $28.30. $29.38.

7. Futures Margin (LO2, CFA2)  Which of the following statements is false about futures account margin? a. b. c. d.

Initial margin is higher than maintenance margin. A margin call results when account margin falls below maintenance margin. Marking-to-market of account margin occurs at least daily. A margin call results when account margin falls below initial margin.

8. Futures Contracts (LO1, CFA2)  Which of the following contract terms changes daily during the life of a futures contract? a. b. c. d.

Futures price Futures contract size Futures maturity date Underlying commodity

9. Futures Delivery (LO1, CFA2)  On the maturity date, stock index futures contracts require delivery of a. Common stock. b. Common stock plus accrued dividends. c. Treasury bills. d. Cash. 10. Spot-Futures Parity (LO3, CFA1)  A Treasury bond futures contract has a quoted price of 100. The underlying bond has a coupon rate of 7 percent and the current market interest rate is 7 percent. Spot-futures parity then implies a cash bond price of a. 93. b. 100.

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c. 107. d. 114. 11. Spot-Futures Parity (LO3, CFA1)  A stock index futures contract maturing in one year has a currently traded price of $1,000. The cash index has a dividend yield of 2 percent and the interest rate is 5 percent. Spot-futures parity then implies a cash index level of a. b. c. d.

$933.33. $970.87. $1,071. $1,029.

12. Spot-Futures Parity (LO3, CFA1)  A stock index futures contract matures in one year. The cash index currently has a level of $1,000 with a dividend yield of 2 percent. If the interest rate is 5 percent, then spot-futures parity implies a futures price of a. b. c. d.

$943.40. $970.87. $1,060. $1,030.

13. Futures Hedging (LO3, CFA2)  You manage a $100 million stock portfolio with a beta of 0.8. Given a contract size of $100,000 for a stock index futures contract, how many contracts are needed to hedge your portfolio? Assume the beta of the futures contract is 1. a. b. c. d.

8 80 800 8,000

14. Futures Hedging (LO4, CFA2)  You manage a $100 million bond portfolio with a duration of 9 years. You wish to hedge this portfolio against interest rate risk using T-bond futures with a contract size of $100,000 and a duration of 12 years. How many contracts are required? a. b. c. d.

750 1,000 133 1,333

15. Futures Hedging (LO4, CFA2)  Which of the following is not an input needed to calculate the number of stock index futures contracts required to hedge a stock portfolio? a. b. c. d.

The value of the stock portfolio. The beta of the stock portfolio. The contract value of the index futures contract. The initial margin required for each futures contract.

Concept Questions 1. Understanding Futures Quotations (LO1, CFA2)  Using Figure 14.1, answer the following questions: a. How many exchanges trade wheat futures contracts? b. If you have a position in 10 gold futures, what quantity of gold underlies your position? c. If you are short 20 oat futures contracts and you opt to make delivery, what quantity of oats must you supply? d. Which maturity of the gasoline contract has the largest open interest? Which one has the smallest open interest? 2. Hedging with Futures (LO4, CFA2)  Kellogg’s uses large quantities of corn in its breakfast cereal operations. Suppose the near-term weather forecast for the corn-producing states is droughtlike conditions, so corn prices are expected to rise. To hedge its costs, Kellogg’s decides to use the Chicago Board of Trade corn futures contracts. Should the company be a short hedger or a long hedger in corn futures? 3. Hedging with Futures (LO4, CFA2)  Suppose one of Fidelity’s mutual funds closely mimics the S&P 500 Index. The fund has done very well during the year, and, in November, the fund manager wants to lock in the gains he has made using stock index futures. Should he take a long or short position in S&P 500 Index futures? 486 Part 5 

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4. Hedging with Futures (LO4, CFA2)  A mutual fund that predominantly holds long-term Treasury bonds plans on liquidating the portfolio in three months. However, the fund manager is concerned that interest rates may rise from current levels and wants to hedge the price risk of the portfolio. Should she buy or sell Treasury bond futures contracts? 5. Hedging with Futures (LO4, CFA2)  An American electronics firm imports its completed circuit boards from Japan. The company signed a contract today to pay for the boards in Japanese yen upon delivery in four months; the price per board in yen was fixed in the contract. Should the importer buy or sell Japanese yen futures contracts? 6. Hedging with Futures (LO4, CFA2)  Jed Clampett just dug another oil well, and, as usual, it’s a gusher. Jed estimates that in two months, he’ll have 2 million barrels of crude oil to bring to market. However, Jed would like to lock in the value of this oil at today’s prices because the oil market has been skyrocketing recently. Should Jed buy or sell crude oil futures contracts? 7. Hedging with Futures (LO4, CFA2)  The town of South Park is planning a bond issue in six months and Kenny, the town treasurer, is worried that interest rates may rise, thereby ­reducing the value of the bond issue. Should Kenny buy or sell Treasury bond futures contracts to hedge the impending bond issue? 8. Futures Markets (LO1, CFA2)  Is it true that a futures contract represents a zero-sum game, meaning that the only way for a buyer to win is for a seller to lose, and vice versa? 9. Program Trading (LO1)  Program traders closely monitor relative futures and cash market prices, but program trades are not actually made on a fully mechanical basis. What are some of the complications that might make program trading using, for example, the S&P 500 contract more difficult than the spot-futures parity formula indicates? 10. Short Selling (LO1, CFA2)  What are the similarities and differences in taking the short side of a futures contract and short selling a stock? How do the cash flows differ?

Questions and Problems Core Questions

1. Understanding Futures Quotations (LO1, LO2, CFA2)  Using Figure 14.1, answer the ­following questions: a. What was the settle price for March 2016 coffee futures on this date? What is the total dollar value of this contract at the close of trading for the day? b. What was the settle price for December 2015 gasoline futures on this date? If you held 10 contracts, what is the total dollar value of your futures position? c. Suppose you held an open position of 25 March 2016 Mini Dow Jones Industrial Average futures on this day. What is the change in the total dollar value of your position for this day’s trading? If you held a long position, would this represent a profit or a loss to you? d. Suppose you are short 10 January 2016 soybean oil futures contracts. Would you have made a profit or a loss on this day? 2. Futures Profits and Losses (LO2, CFA2)  You are long 20 November 2015 soybean futures contracts. Calculate your dollar profit or loss from this trading day using Figure 14.1. 3. Futures Profits and Losses (LO2, CFA2)  You are short 15 March 2016 corn futures ­contracts. Calculate your dollar profit or loss from this trading day using Figure 14.1. 4. Futures Profits and Losses (LO2, CFA2)  You are short 30 March 2016 five-year Treasury note futures contracts. Calculate your profit or loss from this trading day using Figure 14.1. 5. Open Interest (LO1, CFA2)  Referring to Figure 14.1, what is the total open interest on the December 2015 Japanese yen contract? Does it represent long positions, short positions, or both? Based on the settle price on the contract, what is the dollar value of the open interest? 6. Spot-Futures Parity (LO3, CFA1)  A non-dividend-paying stock is currently priced at $16.40. The risk-free rate is 3 percent and a futures contract on the stock matures in six months. What price should the futures be? 7. Spot-Futures Parity (LO3, CFA1)  A non-dividend-paying stock has a futures contract with a price of $94.90 and a maturity of two months. If the risk-free rate is 4.5 percent, what is the price of the stock? 8. Spot-Futures Parity (LO3, CFA1)  A non-dividend-paying stock has a current share price of $42.60 and a futures price of $42.95. If the maturity of the futures contract is four months, what is the risk-free rate?

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9. Spot-Futures Parity (LO3, CFA1)  A stock has a current share price of $49.24 and a dividend yield of 1.5 percent. If the risk-free rate is 5.4 percent, what is the futures price if the maturity is four months?

Intermediate Questions

10. Spot-Futures Parity (LO3, CFA1)  A stock futures contract is priced at $27.18. The stock has a dividend yield of 1.25 percent and the risk-free rate is 2.5 percent. If the futures contract matures in six months, what is the current stock price? 11. Margin Call (LO2, CFA2)  Suppose the initial margin on heating oil futures is $8,400, the maintenance margin is $7,200 per contract, and you establish a long position of 10 contracts today, where each contract represents 42,000 gallons. Tomorrow, the contract settles down $0.04 from the previous day’s price. Are you subject to a margin call? What is the maximum price decline on the contract that you can sustain without getting a margin call? 12. Marking-to-Market (LO2, CFA2)  You are long 10 gold futures contracts, established at an initial settle price of $1,500 per ounce, where each contract represents 100 troy ounces. Your initial margin to establish the position is $12,000 per contract and the maintenance margin is $11,200 per contract. Over the subsequent four trading days, gold settles at $1,495, $1,490, $1,505, and $1,515, respectively. Compute the balance in your margin account at the end of each of the four trading days, and compute your total profit or loss at the end of the trading period. Assume that a margin call requires you to fund your account back to the initial margin requirement. 13. Marking-to-Market (LO2, CFA2)  You are short 15 gasoline futures contracts, established at an initial settle price of $2.085 per gallon, where each contract represents 42,000 gallons. Your initial margin to establish the position is $7,425 per contract and the maintenance margin is $6,500 per contract. Over the subsequent four trading days, gasoline settles at $2.071, $2.099, $2.118, and $2.146, respectively. Compute the balance in your margin account at the end of each of the four trading days, and compute your total profit or loss at the end of the trading period. Assume that a margin call requires you to fund your account back to the initial margin requirement. 14. Futures Profits (LO2, CFA2)  You went long 20 June 2016 crude oil futures contracts at a price of $42.18. Looking back at Figure 14.1, if you closed your position at the settle price on this day, what was your profit? 15. Futures Profits (LO2, CFA2)  You shorted 15 March 2016 British pound futures contracts at the high price for the day. Looking back at Figure 14.1, if you closed your position at the settle price on this day, what was your profit? 16. Index Arbitrage (LO3, CFA1)  Suppose the CAC-40 Index (a widely followed index of French stock prices) is currently at 4,920, the expected dividend yield on the index is 2 percent per year, and the risk-free rate in France is 6 percent annually. If CAC-40 futures contracts that expire in six months are currently trading at 4,952, what program trading strategy would you recommend? 17. Cross-Hedging (LO4, CFA2)  You have been assigned to implement a three-month hedge for a stock mutual fund portfolio that primarily invests in medium-sized companies. The mutual fund has a beta of 1.15 measured relative to the S&P Midcap 400, and the net asset value of the fund is $175 million. Should you be long or short in the Midcap 400 futures contracts? Assuming the Midcap 400 Index is at 1,450 and its futures contract size is 500 times the index, determine the appropriate number of contracts to use in designing your cross-hedge strategy. 18. Spot-Futures Parity (LO3, CFA3)  Suppose the 6-month S&P 500 futures price is 2,281.55, while the cash price is 2,270.42. What is the implied difference between the risk-free interest rate and the dividend yield on the S&P 500? 19. Spot-Futures Parity (LO3, CFA3)  Suppose the 6-month S&P 500 futures price is 2,399.25, while the cash price is 2,370.48. What is the implied dividend yield on the S&P 500 if the riskfree interest rate is 5 percent? 20. Hedging Interest Rate Risk (LO4, CFA2)  Suppose you want to hedge a $500 million bond portfolio with a duration of 5.1 years using 10-year Treasury note futures with a duration of 6.7 years, a futures price of 102, and 3 months to expiration. The multiplier on Treasury note futures is $100,000. How many contracts do you buy or sell? 21. Hedging Interest Rate Risk (LO4, CFA2)  Suppose you want to hedge a $400 million bond portfolio with a duration of 8.4 years using 10-year Treasury note futures with a duration of

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  Futures and Options

6.2 years, a futures price of 102, and 85 days to expiration. The multiplier on Treasury note futures is $100,000. How many contracts do you buy or sell? 22. Futures Arbitrage (LO3, CFA4)  A non-dividend-paying stock is currently priced at $48.15 per share. A futures contract maturing in five months has a price of $48.56 and the ­risk-free rate is 4 percent. Describe how you could make an arbitrage profit from this situation. How much could you make on a per-share basis? 23. Futures Arbitrage (LO3, CFA4)  A stock is currently priced at $53.87 and the futures on the stock that expire in six months have a price of $55.94. The risk-free rate is 5 percent and the stock is not expected to pay a dividend. Is there an arbitrage opportunity here? How would you exploit it? What is the arbitrage opportunity per share of stock?

CFA Exam Review by Kaplan Schweser [CFA2, CFA4, CFA5] Jackson Inc. is a multinational company based in West Point, Mississippi, that makes freight cars. One-third of Jackson’s sales occur in the Netherlands. To manufacture the cars, the firm must import approximately half of the raw materials from Canada. Two months from now, Jackson plans to sell freight cars to a Dutch firm for €15 million. To ­protect the company from any adverse moves in exchange rates, Jackson enters into a €15 million futures ­contract due in 60 days. Jackson also enters into a 60-day futures contract to lock in C$8.5 million, which will be used to purchase steel from a supplier. The current euro to U.S. dollar exchange rate is €0.79/$ while the Canadian dollar to U.S. dollar exchange rate is C$1.30/$. The 60-day euro to U.S. dollar rate is €0.80/$, while the Canadian dollar to U.S. dollar rate is C$1.33/$. At the end of the two months, the actual euro to U.S. dollar exchange rate is €0.90/$ and the actual Canadian dollar to U.S. dollar rate is C$1.20/$. To help understand the relationships, Jackson’s chief risk officer, Dr. Charles Miles, has put together the following table on hedging currency positions: Currency Exposure



Receiving foreign currency


Buy forward contracts

Paying foreign currency


Sell forward contracts

1. When hedging its exchange rate risk on the freight car sale, Jackson used a futures contract to: a. Sell €15 million in exchange for $18.75 million. b. Buy €15 million in exchange for $18.75 million. c. Sell €15 million in exchange for $16.67 million. 2. To hedge the foreign exchange risk relative to the Canadian dollar, Jackson should: a. Buy a futures contract to exchange $7,083,333 for C$8.5 million. b. Buy a futures contract to exchange $6,390,977 for C$8.5 million. c. Sell a futures contract to exchange $6,390,977 for C$8.5 million. 3. In regard to the table that Dr. Miles constructed, which of the following is true? a. The receiving foreign currency position is correct; the action is incorrect. b. The receiving foreign currency position is incorrect; the action is also incorrect. c. The paying foreign currency position is correct; the action is also correct.

What’s on the Web? 1. One Chicago  Go to How many single-stock futures and ­narrow-based indexes are traded at One Chicago? What is the contract size of a single-stock future? What is the minimum tick size, contract month, and contract expiration? What is the margin requirement? 2. Spot-Futures Parity  Go to and find the futures quotes for eBay. Now go to and find the current stock price for eBay. What is the implied risk-free

Chapter 14 

  Futures Contracts489

rate using these prices? Does each different maturity give you the same interest rate? Why or why not? 3. Contract Specifications  You want to find the contract specifications for futures contracts. Go to the CME Group at and find the contract specifications for corn, rough rice, butter, and lean hogs. What are the contract sizes for each of these contracts? 4. The Juice  Go to the IntercontinentalExchange website at What contracts are traded on the IntercontinentalExchange? What does “FCOJ” stand for? What are the trading months for FCOJ futures contracts? What are the position limits for FCOJ futures contracts? What is the last trading day of the expiration month for FCOJ futures? What are the trading months and last trading day for FCOJ options contracts? What is the FCOJ Differential contract? 5. Hedging with Futures  You are working for a company that processes beef and will take delivery of 720,000 pounds of cattle in August. You would like to lock in your costs today because you are concerned about an increase in cattle prices. Go to the CME Group at and find the contract size for live cattle. How many futures contracts will you need to hedge your exposure? Will you go long or short on these contracts? Now find the most recent price quote for live cattle futures on the CME Group website. What price are you effectively locking in if you traded at the last price? Suppose cattle prices increase 5 percent before the expiration. What is your profit or loss on the futures position? What if the price decreases by 5 percent? Explain how your futures position has eliminated your exposure to price risk in the live cattle market.

Stock-Trak Exercises

To access the Stock-Trak exercises for this chapter, please visit the library resource site in Connect and choose the corresponding chapter.

490 Part 5 

  Futures and Options


Stock Options +

Learning Objectives Give yourself some in-the-money academic and professional options by understanding:

1. The basics of option contracts and how to obtain price quotes. 2. The difference between option payoffs and option profits. 3. The workings of some basic option trading strategies. 4. The logic behind the put-call parity condition.



“I have no objection to the granting of options. Companies should use whatever form of compensation best motivates employees—whether this be cash bonuses, trips to Hawaii, restricted stock grants or stock options.” –Warren Buffett

Options have fascinated investors for centuries. The option concept is simple. Instead of buying stock shares today, you buy an option to buy the stock at a later date at a price specified in the option contract. You are not obligated to exercise the option, but if doing so benefits you, of course you will. Moreover, the most you can lose is the original price of the option, which is normally only a fraction of the stock price. Sounds good, doesn’t it? Options on common stocks have traded in financial markets for about as long as common stocks have been traded. However, it was not until 1973, when the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) was established, that options trading became a large and important part of the financial landscape. Since then, the success of options trading has been phenomenal. Much of the success of options trading is attributable to the tremendous flexibility that options offer investors in designing investment strategies. For example, options can be used to reduce risk through hedging strategies or to increase risk through speculative strategies. As a result, when properly understood and applied, options are appealing both to conservative investors and to aggressive speculators. In this chapter, we discuss options generally, but our primary focus is on options on individual common stocks. However, we also discuss options on stock market indexes, which are options on portfolios of common stocks. We begin by reviewing some of the ideas we touched on in an earlier chapter, where we very briefly discussed options.

CFA™ Exam Topics in This Chapter: 1. Derivative markets and instruments (L1, S17) 2. Basics of derivatives pricing and valuation (L1, S17) 3. Option markets and contracts (L2, S17) 4. Interest rate derivative instruments (L2, S17) 5. Risk management applications of option strategies (L3, S15)

Go to Connect for a guide that aligns your textbook with CFA readings.

15.1 Options on Common Stocks OPT ION BASIC S derivative security Security whose value is derived from the value of another security. Options are a type of derivative security. call option Grants the holder the right, but not the obligation, to buy the underlying asset at a given strike price. put option Grants the holder the right, but not the obligation, to sell the underlying asset at a given strike price. strike price Price specified in an option contract that the holder pays to buy shares (in the case of call options) or receives to sell shares (in the case of put options) if the option is ­exercised. Also called the ­exercise price.

American option An option that can be exercised any time before expiration. European option An option that can be exercised only at expiration.

Visit these options exchanges:,

492 Part 5 

As we have discussed, options on common stock are a type of derivative security because the value of a stock option is “derived” from the value of the underlying common stock. For example, the value of an option to buy or sell IBM stock is derived from the value of IBM stock. However, the relationship between the value of a particular stock option and the value of the underlying stock depends on the specific type of option. Recall that there are two basic option types: call options and put options. Call options are options to buy and put options are options to sell. Thus, a call option on IBM stock is an option to buy IBM shares and a put option on IBM stock is an option to sell IBM shares. More specifically, a call option on common stock grants the holder the right, but not the obligation, to buy the underlying stock at a given strike price before the option expiration date. Similarly, a put option on common stock grants the holder the right, but not the obligation, to sell the underlying stock at a given strike price before the option expiration date. The strike price, also called the exercise price, is the price at which stock shares are bought or sold to fulfill the obligations of the option contract. Options are contracts, and, in practice, option contracts are standardized to facilitate convenience in trading and price reporting. Standardized stock options have a contract size of 100 shares of common stock per option contract. This means that a single call option contract involves an option to buy 100 shares of stock. Likewise, a single put option contract involves an option to sell 100 shares of stock. Because options are contracts, an understanding of stock options requires that we know the specific contract terms. In general, options on common stock must stipulate at least the following six contract terms: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

The identity of the underlying stock. The strike price, also called the striking or exercise price. The option contract size. The option expiration date, also called the option maturity. The option exercise style. The delivery or settlement procedure.

First, a stock option contract requires that the specific stock issue be clearly identified. While this may seem to be stating the obvious, in financial transactions it is important that the “obvious” is in fact clearly and unambiguously understood by all concerned parties. Second, the strike price, also called the exercise price, must be stipulated. The strike price is quite important because the strike price is the price that an option holder will pay (in the case of a call option) or receive (in the case of a put option) if the option is exercised. Third, the size of the contract must be specified. As stated earlier, the standard contract size for stock options is 100 stock shares per option. The fourth contract term that must be stated is the option expiration date. An option cannot be exercised after its expiration date. If an option is unexercised and its expiration date has passed, the option becomes worthless. Fifth, the option’s exercise style determines when the option can be exercised. There are two basic exercise styles: American and European. American options can be exercised any time before option expiration, but European options can be exercised only at expiration. Options on individual stocks are normally American style and stock index options are usually European style. Finally, in the event that a stock option is exercised, the settlement process must be stipulated. For stock options, standard settlement requires delivery of the underlying stock shares several business days after a notice of exercise is made by the option holder. Like a stock exchange, or, for that matter, any securities exchange, an options exchange is a marketplace where buy and sell orders from customers are matched up with each other.

  Futures and Options

Stock options are traded in financial markets in a manner similar to the way that common stocks are traded. For example, there are organized options exchanges, and there are overthe-counter (OTC) options markets. The largest volume of stock options trading in the United States takes place at the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE).

OPT ION P R I C E Q U OTE S Stock option prices are available on the websites of the exchanges on which the options trade. For example, Figure 15.1 reproduces part of a page from the Chicago Board Options Exchange ( website. The quote is for options traded on Intel Corporation. For the Intel options listed in Figure 15.1, options are separated by expiration date. We have provided only a small sample of the large number of Intel options that are available. Historically, standardized option contracts were offered only by month. These so-called monthly options expire on the third Friday of the expiration month. For our Intel options quoted in Figure 15.1, the November 20th expiration would represent the standard monthly contract. More recently, weekly options have become widely available. By convention, weekly stock options are created on a Thursday and expire the following Friday (or the Friday of the designated expiration week). The exception is that there are no weekly options listed the week when a monthly option will expire. There is no need to list weekly options in this case because the existing monthly options have only one week to expiration at that time. The notable difference between a monthly and a weekly option is their time to expiration. That is, their other features are the same. Weekly options are only available in the short term, generally within the current month. For investors who want an option position six months out, say, the available contract is a standard monthly option contract. Thus, the only expiration date available is the third Friday of the designated month. Back to Figure 15.1. These first three contract terms—the identity of the underlying stock, the strike price, and the expiration date—will not change during the life of the option. Because the price of a stock option depends in part on the price of the underlying stock, however, the price of an option changes as the stock price changes. Current option prices for both calls and puts are reported inFigure 15.1in the columns labeled “Last.” The quote also provides bid and ask prices, which would be relevant depending on whether you are buying or selling the options. The option prices are stated on a pershare basis, but the actual price of an option contract is 100 times the per-share price. This is because each option contract represents an option on 100 shares of stock. The final two columns in each quote provide the volume of each contract traded on this particular day, as well as the total open interest outstanding in each contract.


Listed Options Quotations

Source: Accessed November 11, 2015.

Chapter 15 

  Stock Options493

+WORK THE WEB Here is a stock quote and an option chain for Starbucks Corp. (SBUX) from Yahoo! Finance (

Source: Yahoo! Finance.

Let’s take a look at one of the option symbols to see what it means. Look at the symbol SBUX151204C00065000 at the end of the list of call options. The first four characters, “SBUX,” represent the ticker symbol for Starbucks Corp. The next six digits tells us the expiration year (15), the expiration month (12), and the expiration day (04), respectively. So these options expire on December 4, 2015. The next character, “C,” tells us whether this option is a call (C) or a put (P). The next five digits (00065) tell us the strike price, in dollars, or $65. The final three digits (000) tell us the strike price, in dollar decimals, or $0.00. The strike price, therefore, is $65.00. Of course, one can easily find the strike price by looking in the first column (labeled “Strike”).

option chain A list of available option contracts and their prices for a particular security arrayed by strike price and maturity.

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The third column (“Last”) reports the option price for the last trade. The next two columns (“Bid” and “Ask”) contain representative bid and ask price quotes from dealers. The sixth column (“Change”) states the change in price from the previous day’s last trade, where a zero indicates either no change in price or no trade that day. The eighth column (“Volume”) reports trading volume as the number of contracts traded that day, and the ninth column (“Open Interest”) states open interest as the total number of contracts outstanding. The final column provides an estimate of implied volatility, which is a topic for the next chapter.

Aside from the exchanges, option prices are widely available online. One easy-to-use source is Yahoo! Finance ( The nearby Work the Web box contains an option chain for Starbucks Corp. (SBUX) stock options. The top box reports the time and price for the last trade in Starbucks stock, along with the change in price from the previous day and the trading volume so far for the current day. The bottom boxes contain the Starbucks option chain, one for call options and one for put options.

  Futures and Options



What is a call option? What is a put option?


What are the six basic contract terms that an option contract must specify?


What is an option chain?

15.2 The Options Clearing Corporation Visit the OCC at

Options Clearing Corporation (OCC) Private agency that guarantees that the terms of an option contract will be fulfilled if the option is exercised; issues and clears all option contracts trading on U.S. exchanges.

Visit the OIC at

Suppose that you order a new car through a local dealer and pay a $2,000 deposit. Further suppose that, two weeks later, you receive a letter informing you that your dealer had entered bankruptcy. No doubt, you would be quite upset at the prospect of losing your $2,000 deposit. Now consider a similar situation where you pay $2,000 for several call options through a broker. On the day before expiration, you tell your broker to exercise the options because they would produce, say, a $5,000 payoff. Then, a few days later, your broker tells you that the call writer entered bankruptcy proceedings and that your $2,000 call premium and $5,000 payoff were lost. No doubt, this default would upset you. However, this situation cannot occur if your option trade was made on a registered options exchange. In effect, the exchange eliminates counterparty risk. Option traders who transact on options exchanges have an important ally. The Options Clearing Corporation (OCC), founded in 1973, is the clearing agency for these options exchanges: the BATS Options Market, the Chicago Board Options Exchange, the International Securities Exchange, NYSE Arca, and the Nasdaq Options Market, among others. Once an option trade is made on an options exchange, the Options Clearing Corporation steps in and becomes a party to both sides of the trade. In other words, the option buyer effectively purchases the option from the OCC and the seller effectively sells the option to the OCC. In this way, each investor is free from the worry that the other party will default. Each option investor simply looks to the OCC. Most options investors are unaware of the OCC because only member firms of an options exchange deal directly with it. However, in fact, all option contracts traded on U.S. options exchanges are originally issued, guaranteed, and cleared by the OCC. Brokerage firms merely act as intermediaries between investors and the OCC. The OCC is an agency consisting of brokerage firms that are called “clearing members.” The OCC’s clearing members represent more than 100 of the largest U.S. broker-dealers, futures commission merchants, and non-U.S. securities firms. To guarantee the performance of all trades, the OCC has capital contributed by clearing members. If existing capital were to prove insufficient, the OCC could draw additional funds from its members. This structure ensures the integrity of the options markets. The OCC began life as the clearinghouse for listed equity options. Today, however, the OCC clears many products. The OCC is regulated by both the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). Under the watchful eye of the SEC, the OCC clears trades for put and call options on common stocks, stock indexes, foreign currencies, and single-stock futures. With CFTC oversight, the OCC clears and settles trades in futures contracts and options on futures contracts. The OCC also sponsors the Options Industry Council (OIC). Founded in 1992, the OIC was created to educate investors about the benefits and risks of exchange-traded equity options. Today, each year the OIC conducts hundreds of seminars and webcasts, and it distributes thousands of interactive CDs and brochures. In addition, the OIC has an extensive website and there is even an options education tab.

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  Stock Options495



Who makes up the OCC? Who regulates the OCC?

15.2b How does the OCC protect option traders? 15.2c

What is the OIC and what does it do?

15.3 Why Options? To learn more about options, visit the Education tab at

As a stock market investor, a basic question you might ask is: “Why buy stock options instead of shares of stock directly?” Good question! To answer it properly, we need to compare the possible outcomes from two investment strategies. The first investment strategy entails simply buying stock. The second strategy involves buying a call option that allows the holder to buy stock any time before option expiration. For example, suppose you buy 100 shares of 3M (MMM) stock at a price of $190 per share, representing an investment of $19,000. Afterwards, three things could happen: the stock price could go up, go down, or remain the same. If the stock price goes up, you make money; if it goes down, you lose money. Of course, if the stock price remains the same, you break even. Now, consider the alternative strategy of buying a call option with a strike price of $190 expiring in three months at a per-share price of $5. This corresponds to a contract price of $500 because the standard option contract size is 100 shares. The first thing to notice about this strategy is that you have invested $500, and therefore the most that you can lose is only $500. To compare the two investment strategies just described, let’s examine three possible cases for MMM’s stock price at the close of trading on the third Friday of the option’s expiration month. In Case 1, the stock price goes up to $200. In Case 2, the stock price goes down to $180. In Case 3, the stock price remains the same at $190. Case 1: If the stock price goes up to $200 and you originally bought 100 shares at $190 per share, then your profit is 100 × ($200 − $190) = $1,000. As a percentage of your original investment amount of $19,000, this represents a return on investment of $1,000/$19,000 = 5.26%. Alternatively, if you originally bought the call option, you can exercise the option and buy 100 shares at the strike price of $190 and sell the stock at the $200 market price. After accounting for the original cost of the option contract, your profit is 100 × ($200 − $190) − $500 = $500. As a percentage of your original investment of $500, this represents a return on investment of $500/$500 = 100%. Case 2: If the stock price goes down to $180, and you originally bought 100 shares at $190 per share, then your loss is 100 × ($180 − $190) = −$1,000. As a percentage of your original investment, this represents a return of −$1,000/$19,000 = −5.26%. If instead you originally bought the call option, exercising the option would not pay, and it would expire worthless. You would then realize a total loss of your $500 investment, and your return is −100 percent. Case 3: If the stock price remains the same at $190, and you bought 100 shares, you break even, and your return is zero percent. However, if you bought the call option, exercising the option would not pay, and it would expire worthless. Once again, you would lose your entire $500 investment. As these three cases illustrate, the outcomes of the two investment strategies differ significantly, depending on subsequent stock price changes. Whether one strategy is preferred over another is a matter for each individual investor to decide. What is important is the fact that options offer an alternative means of formulating investment strategies.

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  Futures and Options


Stock Returns Suppose you bought 100 shares of stock at $50 per share. If the stock price goes up to $60 per share, what is the percentage return on your investment? If, instead, the stock price falls to $40 per share, what is the percentage return on your investment? If the stock goes to $60 per share, you make $10/$50 = 20%. If it falls to $40, you lose $10/$50 = 20%.


Call Option Returns In Example 15.1, suppose that you bought one call option contract for $200. The strike price is $50. If the stock price is $60 just before the option expires, should you exercise the option? If you exercise the option, what is the percentage return on your investment? If you don’t exercise the option, what is the percentage return on your investment? If the stock price is $60, you should definitely exercise. If you do, you will make $10 per share, or $1,000, from exercising. Once we deduct the $200 original cost of the option, your net profit is $800. Your percentage return is $800/$200 = 400%. If you don’t exercise, you lose your entire $200 investment, so your loss is 100 percent.


More Call Option Returns In Example 15.2, if the stock price is $40 just before the option expires, should you exercise the option? If you exercise the option, what is the percentage return on your investment? If you don’t exercise the option, what is the percentage return on your investment? If the stock price is $40, you shouldn’t exercise because, by exercising, you will be paying $50 per share. If you did exercise, you would lose $10 per share, or $1,000, plus the $200 cost of the option, or $1,200 total. This would amount to a $1,200/$200 = 600% loss! If you don’t exercise, you lose the $200 you invested, for a loss of 100 percent.

Of course, we can also calculate percentage gains and losses from a put option purchase. Here we make money if the stock price declines. So, suppose you buy a put option with a strike price of $20 for $0.50. If you exercise your put when the stock price is $18, what is your percentage gain? You make $2 per share since you are selling at $20 when the stock is worth $18. Your put contract cost $50, so your net profit is $200 − $50 = $150. As a percentage of your original $50 investment, you made $150/$50 = 300%.



If you buy 100 shares of stock at $10 and sell out at $12, what is your percentage return?


If you buy one call contract with a strike of $10 for $100 and exercise it when the stock is selling for $12, what is your percentage return?

15.4 Stock Index Options Following the tremendous success of stock options trading on the Chicago Board Options Exchange, the exchange looked for other new financial products to offer to investors and portfolio managers. In 1982, the CBOE created stock index options, which, at the time, represented a new type of option contract.

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INDEX OP TION S: FE ATU R E S A N D SE T TL E ME N T Learn more about trading index options at

stock index option An option on a stock market index. The most popular stock index options are options on the S&P 100 Index, S&P 500 Index, and Dow Jones Industrial Average.

cash-settled option An option contract settled by a cash payment from the option writer to the option holder when the option is exercised.

A stock index option is an option on a stock market index. The first stock index options were contracts on the Standard & Poor’s index of 100 large companies representative of American industry. This index is often simply called the “S&P 100.” S&P 100 Index options trade under the ticker symbol OEX, and S&P 100 Index options are referred to as “OEX options.” The second stock index options introduced by the CBOE were contracts on the Standard & Poor’s index of 500 companies, the “S&P 500.” S&P 500 Index options trade under the ticker symbol SPX and are referred to as “SPX options.” In 1997, the CBOE introduced options on the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), which trade under the ticker symbol DJX. Besides the different underlying indexes, the major difference between SPX, DJX, and OEX contracts is that OEX options are American style, whereas SPX and DJX options are European style. The CBOE also lists the “XEO option,” which is based on the S&P 100 Index. The XEO option has European-style exercise. American-style options can be exercised any time before expiration, whereas European-style options can be exercised only on the last day before option expiration. Before stock index options could be introduced, one very important detail that had to be worked out was what to do when an index option is exercised. Exchange officials saw that settlement by delivery was obviously impractical because of the number of stocks comprising an index. Instead, a cash settlement procedure was adopted for index options. For this reason, all stock index options are cash-settled options. With cash settlement, when a stock index option is exercised, the option writer pays a cash amount to the option buyer based on the difference between the exercise date index level and the option’s strike price. For example, suppose you had purchased an OEX call option with a strike price of $1,520, and the S&P 100 Index was $1,540 on the day of exercise. The difference between the index level and the strike price is $1,540 − $1,520 = $20. Because the contract size for OEX options is 100 times the S&P 100 Index, the option writer must pay 100 × $20 = $2,000 to the option holder exercising the option. In the example above, the contract size for OEX options was stated to be 100 times the S&P 100 Index. In fact, the contract size for almost all standardized stock index options is 100 times the underlying index. Thus, the actual price of a stock index option is 100 times the price stated on an index level basis. There are only a few exceptions to this rule. For example, the CBOE offers so-called Reduced Value (or “mini”) index options with a contract size that is one-tenth the size of standard index options. Reduced Value index options are appealing to some individual investors, but they represent only a minuscule share of all index options trading.

INDEX OP TION P R I C E Q UOTE S As with individual stock options, quotes for index options are readily available online. As you might expect, the process of finding and interpreting the information is similar. In fact, as you can see by comparing Figure 15.2 to Figure 15.1, there really isn’t any difference between the two. The quotes are formatted in the same way and provide the same information.


Index Options Suppose you bought 10 November 2090 SPX call contracts at a quoted price of $5. How much did you pay in total? At option expiration, suppose the S&P 500 is at 2100. What would you receive? What is your profit, if any? The price per SPX contract is 100 times the quoted price. Because you bought 10 contracts, you paid a total of $5 × 100 × 10 = $5,000. If, at expiration, the S&P 500 is at 2100, you would receive $100 × (2100 − 2090) = $1,000 per contract, or $10,000 in all. This $10,000 would be paid to you in cash because index options feature cash settlement. Your profit is $5,000.

498 Part 5 

  Futures and Options


S&P 500 Index Options Quote

Source: Accessed November 11, 2015.



In addition to the underlying asset, what is the major difference between an ordinary stock option and a stock index option?


In addition to the underlying index, what is the major difference between the OEX and SPX option contracts?

15.5 Option Intrinsic Value and “Moneyness” intrinsic value The payoff that an option holder receives assuming the underlying stock price remains unchanged from its current value.

To understand option payoffs and profits, we need to know some important concepts related to option value. The first important concept is called intrinsic value. The intrinsic value of an option is what the option would be worth if it were expiring immediately. Equivalently, the intrinsic value of an option is the payoff to an option holder if the underlying stock price does not change from its current value. Computing the intrinsic value of an option is easy—all you need to know is whether the option is a call or a put, the strike price of the option, and the price of the underlying stock. The intrinsic value calculation, however, depends on whether the option is a call or a put. You can calculate the intrinsic value of an option at any time, whether the option is dead or alive. For ease, we begin with examples where the option is just about to expire, and then show formulas that can be used at any time to calculate intrinsic value.

INT RINSIC VA L UE FOR CA L L OP TI ON S The first step to calculate the intrinsic value of a call option is to compare the underlying stock price to the strike price. Suppose a call option contract specifies a strike price of $50 and the underlying stock price is $45. Also, suppose this option was just minutes away from expiring. With the stock price at $45 and a strike price of $50, this call option would have no value. Why would you pay anything to buy the stock at $50 when you can buy it for $45? In this situation, the value of this call option is zero. Alternatively, suppose the underlying stock price is $55. If the call option with a strike of $50 was just minutes from expiration, it would be worth just about $5. Why? This option grants the holder the right to buy the stock for $50 when everyone else would have to pay the going market price of $55. Let’s look at call options that are not just about to expire. If the underlying stock price is less than the strike price, the intrinsic value for a call option is set to zero. If, however, the underlying stock price, S, is greater than the strike price, K, the intrinsic value for a call

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  Stock Options499

option is the value S − K. equation (15.1) shows how to calculate the intrinsic value of a call option. ​Call option intrinsic value​ = MAX​(​S − K, 0​)​

call option intrinsic value The maximum of ( a) the stock price minus the strike price or (b) zero.


In equation (15.1), MAX stands for maximum and the comma stands for the word “or.” You read equation (15.1) as follows: The call option intrinsic value is the maximum of the stock price minus the strike price or zero. We assume that call option investors are rational and will prefer to exercise only call options that have a positive intrinsic value. For call options, rational exercise implies that the call option holder is able to purchase the stock for less than its current market price.

INT RINSIC VA L UE FOR P UT OP TI ON S The first step to calculate the intrinsic value of a put option is also to compare the underlying stock price to the strike price. Suppose a put option contract specifies a strike price of $50, and the underlying stock price is $55. Also, suppose this option was just minutes away from expiring. With the stock price at $55 and a strike price of $50, this put option would have no value. Why would you pay anything to be able to sell the stock at $50 when you can sell shares for $55? In this situation, the value of this put option is zero. Alternatively, suppose the underlying stock price is $45. If the put option with a strike price of $50 was just minutes from expiration, it would be worth just about $5. Why? This put option grants the holder the right to sell the stock for $50 when everyone else would have to sell at the going market price of $45. Let’s look at put options that are not just about to expire. If the underlying stock price is greater than the strike price, the intrinsic value for a put option is set to zero. If, however, the underlying stock price is less than the strike price, the intrinsic value for a put option is the value K − S. equation (15.2) shows how to calculate the intrinsic value of a put option. ​Put option intrinsic value​ = MAX​(​K − S, 0​)​

put option intrinsic value The maximum of (a) the strike price minus the stock price or (b) zero.


In equation (15.2), MAX stands for maximum and the comma stands for the word “or.” You read equation (15.2) as follows: The put option intrinsic value is the maximum of the strike price minus the stock price or zero. We assume that put option investors are rational and will prefer to exercise only put options that have a positive intrinsic value. For put options, rational exercise implies that the put option holder is able to sell the stock for more than its current market price.


option time value The difference between the price of an option and its intrinsic value.

500 Part 5 

Now that you know how to calculate the intrinsic value of an option, you can think of intrinsic value as the amount of money an investor receives if exercising the option is rational. Note, however, that being rational and being smart are not the same thing. For example, in most cases the investor would be better off to sell the option rather than exercise it because the price of the option will be greater than intrinsic value. The difference between the price of the option and the intrinsic value of the option is known as option time value. At expiration, the time value of an option is zero. Before expiration, the time value for options with American-style exercise is at least zero, but most always positive. Because options with American-style exercise can be exercised at any time, arbitrageurs will ensure that the price of these options remains at least as high as their intrinsic value. For options with European-style exercise, however, deep in-the-money put option prices that are less than intrinsic value are possible. A full discussion of why investors exercise options is a topic generally covered in a derivatives course. Calculating option prices, including time value, is the topic of a whole other chapter in this textbook.

  Futures and Options

T H R E E L E SSON S A B OUT I N TR I N SI C VA L UE There are three important lessons about intrinsic value. First, investors can calculate intrinsic value whether the option is “dead” (at expiration) or “alive” (before expiration). Second, at expiration, the value of an option equals its intrinsic value because no time value is left at expiration. Third, before expiration, the value of an option equals its intrinsic value plus its time value. in-the-money option Any option with a positive intrinsic value. at-the-money option Any option with a strike price exactly equal to the underlying price. out-of-the-money option An option that would not yield a positive payoff if the stock price remained unchanged until expiration.


SHOW ME THE MON E Y Option investors have developed shortcuts in the way they talk about the intrinsic value of options. Three important terms in this lingo are in-the-money options, at-the-money options, and out-of-the-money options. Essentially, in-the-money options are those call options or put options with a positive intrinsic value. For an at-the-money call or put option, the strike price is exactly equal to the underlying stock price. For an out-of-the-money call option, the stock price is less than the strike price. For an out of-the-money put option, the strike price is less than the stock price. Exercising an out-of-the-money option does not result in a positive payoff. Once you get the hang of all this “moneyness” and intrinsic value language, you will see that it is not difficult. Examples 15.5 through 15.10 give you some practice. Also, the chart immediately below summarizes the relationship between the stock price and the strike price for in-the-money, out-of-the-money, and at-the-money call and put options.

In the Money

Out of the Money

At the Money

Call option







(cost today is)

Long stock Long put


K − ST

Short call


−(ST − K)






Portfolio B

(cost today is)

Long T-bill

K/(1 + rf)T




In this discounted amount, rfis the risk-free interest rate for one year and Trepresents the time to maturity. In this case, the time to maturity is one year, so T= 1. If the time to maturity is, say, six months, then T= ½. In other words, in the discounted amount K/(1 + rf)T, the risk-free rate, rf, is entered as an annual rate and the time to maturity, T, is entered in years (or a fraction of a year). 1

Chapter 15 

  Stock Options515


Option Alchemy Miss Molly, your eccentric (and very wealthy) aunt, wants you to explain something to her. Recently, at the Stable Club, she heard something fantastic. Her friend Rita said that there is a very interesting way to combine shares, puts, calls, and T-bills. Rita claims that having a share of stock and a put is the same as having a call and a T-bill. Miss Molly cannot believe it. Using the following information for Blue Northern Enterprises, show her that Rita is correct. Stock price


Put price


Call price


Strike price for both options


Options expire in

  1 year

One-year interest rate


For $115, an investor can buy one share of stock and one put.2 An investor can also take this $115, buy one call for $15, and invest $100. What happens in one year? We know the investment will grow to $105 in one year ($100 × 1.05 = $105). We know the options will be worth their intrinsic value in one year. However, we do not know what the stock price per share will be in one year. Therefore, we have listed some possible values below. Gains and Losses from Investing $115 in Two Ways First Way: Stock and Put Stock Price in One Year

Value of Put Option (K = $105)

Combined Value

Gain or Loss (from $115)


$ 0


























Combined Value

Gain or Loss (from $115)

Second Way: Call and T-Bill Stock Price in One Year

Value of Call Option (K = $105)

Value of T-Bill




































(continued) This example uses prices per share. You know that exchange-traded option contracts are on 100 shares. An investor would have to buy 100 shares for $11,000 and one put for 100 × $5 = $500. This total outlay is $11,500 (or $115 per share). 2

516 Part 5 

  Futures and Options

What happens? We see that in both ways, you will have the same gain or loss for each stock price. That is, in one year, the combined value of a stock and a put is the same as the combined value of a call and a T-bill. Therefore, the value today of a share of stock and a put is the same as today’s value of a call and a T-bill (with a price equal to the strike price). It looks like Rita is correct.

put-call parity The no-arbitrage relationship between put and call prices for European-style options with the same strike price and expiration date.

price of the fourth. Also, note that we have three assets on one side of equation (15.7) and one on the other. By reading the signs of the terms in equation (15.7), we know what position to take in the three assets that have the same payoff as the fourth asset. Rearranging equation (15.7) just a bit yields the put-call parity relationship, which is generally written as ​C − P = S − K / (1 + ​r​ f​ ​)​ T​​​


Put-call parity is the most basic relationship between two European option prices. Put-call parity states that the difference between a call option price and a put option price for options with the same strike price and expiration date is equal to the difference between the underlying stock price and the discounted strike price.

PUT-CAL L PA R I TY WI TH D I V I D E N D S The put-call parity argument stated above assumes that the underlying stock paid no dividends before option expiration. But what happens if the stock does pay a dividend before option expiration? To begin, we will rewrite the put-call parity relationship as ​S = C − P + K / (1 + ​r​ f​ ​)​ T​​​


Equation (15.9) says that holding a long stock position has the same payoff at option expiration as the portfolio consisting of a long call, a short put, and a long T-bill. However, will these payoffs be identical if the stock pays a dividend? The answer is no. The holder of the stock will receive a dividend at some time before option expiration. To get the same payoff, the holder of the portfolio needs an extra amount today. Because the dividend occurs at a later date, this extra amount is the present value of the dividend. If the stock does pay a dividend before option expiration, then we adjust the put-call parity equation to ​C − P = S − Div − K / (1 + ​r​ f​ ​)​ T​​​


In equation (15.10), “Div” represents the present value of any dividend paid before option expiration.


Implied Put Option Prices A current stock price is $50 and a call option with a strike price of $55 maturing in two months has a price of $8. The stock will pay a $1 dividend in one month. If the interest rate is 6 percent, what is the price implied by put-call parity for a put option with a $50 strike price that matures in two months? Rearranging the put-call parity equation yields the following price for a put option: P = C − S + Div + K / (1 + ​r​ f​ ​)​ T​ ​​     ​  ​  ​ ​​ $13.46 = $8 − $50 + $1 / (​1.06)​ 1/12​ + $55 / ​(1.06)​ 2/12​

WH AT CAN WE D O WI TH P U T- CA L L PA R I TY ? Put-call parity allows us to calculate the price of a call option before it expires. However, to calculate the call option price using put-call parity, you have to know the price of a put option with the same strike. No problem, you say. Put-call parity allows us to calculate the price of a put option. However, to calculate the put option price using put-call parity, you have to know the price of a call option with the same strike price. Uh-oh.

Chapter 15 

  Stock Options517

Do we abandon the notion of put-call parity? No. If you use an option pricing model to calculate a call option price, you can use put-call parity to calculate a put price. Option pricing models are the topic of the next chapter. As you can see in the following examples, put-call parity is also useful for arbitrageurs to align call and put option prices.


Identifying an Arbitrage Opportunity with Put-Call Parity Suppose you observe the following market prices: S = $40 ​​  ​  =​  $3​   ​​​  C P = $2

The strike price for the call and the put is $40. The riskless interest rate is 6 percent per year and the options expire in three months. The stock does not pay dividends. Is there an arbitrage opportunity? To answer this question, use put-call parity (PCP) to calculate the “PCP-implied put price.” Then compare this calculated price to the market price of puts. This difference, if any, is the potential arbitrage profit. PCP-implied put price = C − S + K / (1 + ​r​ f​ ​)​ T​ ​​     ​  ​  ​ ​​ $2.42 = $3 − $40 + $40 / (​1.06)​ 3/12​ Potential arbitrage profit = PCP-implied put price − Market price of puts       ​  ​    ​ ​​ $0.42 = $2.42 − $2.00


Taking Advantage of an Arbitrage Opportunity In Example 15.14, we calculated a $0.42 potential arbitrage profit. How would an arbitrageur take advantage of this opportunity? How much profit will the arbitrageur make? In Example 15.14, buying a call, selling stock, and investing the discounted strike together have a value of $2.42. If an arbitrageur has these three positions, this portfolio is called a long “synthetic put.” However, the arbitrageur can buy actual puts for $2.00. Arbitrageurs make money when they buy low and sell high. Therefore, the arbitrageur will buy a put for $2.00 and sell a synthetic put. That is, the investor will sell a call, buy stock, and borrow the difference. The arbitrageur can spend $2.00 to purchase an actual put and receive $2.42 for the sale of a synthetic put. This results in a potential profit of $0.42. However, traders incur costs of trading. The realized pretax profit will be the potential profit minus trading costs. This approach is quite often used by arbitrageurs. A recent example is provided in the nearby Investment Updates box.


15.10a Your friend Kristen claims that forming a portfolio today of long call, short put, and short stock has a value at option expiration equal to −K. Does it? (Hint: Create a table similar to Table 15.1.) 15.10b If a dividend payment occurs before option expiration, investors lower today’s stock price to an “effective stock price.” Why does this adjustment reduce call values and increase put values? 15.10c Exchange-traded options on individual stocks have American-style exercise. Therefore, put-call parity does not hold exactly for these options. Using option chain data from or from the online version of The Wall Street Journal (, compare the differences between selected call and put option prices with the differences between stock prices and discounted strike prices. You can find a short-term, riskless T-bill rate at www. How closely does put-call parity appear to hold for these equity options with American-style exercise?

518 Part 5 

  Futures and Options

INVESTMENT UPDATES V X X G E T S I T S L A R G E S T T R A D E E V E R , B U T W H AT D O E S I T M E A N ? The VXX volatility exchange-traded note saw its largest option trade ever March 3, 2011, but that may or may not have been something to celebrateWhile the VXX has been very popular with investors, structural issues have caused wild fluctuations in performance, hampering returns. The VXX invests in the two nearest-month VIX futures, and alternates between these every other day. A steep increase in the value of these futures from one month to the other–a phenomenon known as contango–contributes to these wild returns. According to OptionMONSTER, “the iPath S&P 500 VIX Short-Term Futures Fund saw 40,000 contracts trade in each of the calls and the puts at the January 31 strike in the same second. The puts went for $8.04 and the calls for $7.46. The open interest at each strike was fewer than

600 . . . OptionMONSTER’s systems saw 4 million shares of the VXX trade right after for $31.10.” As such, this appeared to be a conversion play, with the stock traded against the synthetic position in the options. In spite of the large volume in this trade, this transaction was essentially an arbitrage, only capturing a small profit for large institutional investors with costs low enough to engage in this type of activity. On the day of this trade, the VXX closed at $30.88, down more than 5 percent on the day as the stock market rallied.

Source: Chris McKhann, gets_its_largest_trade_ever_but_why_54630.html, March 4, 2011.

15.11 Summary and Conclusions In 1973, organized stock options trading began when the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) was established. Since then, options trading has grown enormously. In this chapter, we examined a number of concepts and issues surrounding stock options—which we have grouped by the chapter’s important concepts. 1. The basics of option contracts and how to obtain price quotes. A. Options are contracts. Standardized stock options represent a contract size of 100 shares of common stock per option contract. We saw how standardized option prices are quoted online. B. Options on common stock are derivative securities because the value of a stock option is derived from the value of the underlying common stock. The two basic types of options are call options and put options. Holders of call options have the right, but not the obligation, to buy the underlying asset at the strike, or exercise, price. Holders of put options have the right, but not the obligation, to sell the underlying asset at the strike, or exercise, price. C. A stock index option is an option on a stock market index such as the S&P 500. All stock index options use a cash settlement procedure when they are exercised. With a cash settlement procedure, when a stock index option is exercised, the option writer pays a cash amount to the option buyer. D. The Options Clearing Corporation (OCC) is the clearing agency for major options exchanges in the United States. It guarantees that the terms of an option contract are fulfilled if the option is exercised. 2. The difference between option payoffs and option profits. A. The initial cash flow of an option is the price of the option, also called the option premium. To the option buyer, the option price (or premium) is a cash outflow. To the option writer, the option price (or premium) is a cash inflow. The terminal cash flow of an option is the option’s payoff realized from the exercise privilege.

Chapter 15 

  Stock Options519

B. At expiration, the value of the option is its intrinsic value. For call options, this value is the maximum of zero or the stock price minus the strike price. For put options, this value is the maximum of zero or the strike price minus the stock price. C. The profit from an option strategy is the difference between the option’s terminal cash flow (the option payoff) and the option’s initial cash flow (the option price, or premium). An option profit diagram simply adjusts option payoffs for the original price of the option. This means that the option premium is subtracted from the payoffs from buying options and added to payoffs from writing options. Note that these profits are pretax. 3. The workings of some basic option trading strategies. A. There are many option trading strategies. In one strategy type, traders add an option position to their stock position. Examples of this strategy include protective puts and covered calls. B. A spread is another type of option trading strategy. A spread strategy involves taking a position on two or more options of the same type at the same time. By same type, we mean call options only or put options only. A “butterfly” is a well-known example of a spread. C. A combination is the third type of option trading strategy. In a combination, the trader takes a position in a mixture of call and put options. A straddle is the bestknown combination. D. Option prices have boundaries enforced by arbitrage. A call option cannot sell for more than the underlying asset, and a put option cannot sell for more than the strike price on the option. 4. The logic behind the put-call parity condition. A. Put-call parity is perhaps the most fundamental relationship between two option prices. Put-call parity states that the difference between a call price and a put price for European-style options with the same strike price and expiration date is equal to the difference between the stock price and the discounted strike price. B. The logic behind put-call parity is based on the fundamental principle of finance stating that two securities with the same riskless payoff on the same future date must have the same price.

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520 Part 5 

This chapter added to your understanding of put and call options by covering the rights, obligations, and potential gains and losses involved in trading options. How should you put this information to work? You need to buy and sell options to experience the gains and losses that options can provide. So, with a simulated brokerage account (such as Stock-Trak), you should first execute each of the basic option transactions: buy a call, sell a call, buy a put, and sell a put. For help getting started, you can find an enormous amount of information about options on the Internet. A useful place to start is the Chicago Board Options Exchange (www. Excellent websites devoted to options education are the Options Industry Council ( and the Options Clearing Corporation ( You might also look at the options section of TradingMarkets ( or Investor Links ( For information on option trading strategies, try entering the strategy name into an Internet search engine. For example, enter the search phrases “covered calls” or “protective puts” for online information about those strategies. For more general information, try the search phrase “options trading strategies” to find sites like Commodity World (www. If you’re having trouble understanding options ticker symbols, don’t feel alone because almost everyone has trouble at first. For help on the net, try the search phrases “option symbols” or “options symbols” to find sites like Of course, the options exchanges listed above also provide complete information on the option ticker symbols they use.

  Futures and Options

Key Terms American option  492 at-the-money option  501 call option  492 call option intrinsic value  500 call writer  503 cash-settled option  498 combination 511 covered call  510 derivative security  492 European option  492 in-the-money option  501 intrinsic value  499 option chain  494

Options Clearing Corporation (OCC) 495 option time value  500 option writing  502 out-of-the-money option  501 protective put  506 put-call parity  517 put option  492 put option intrinsic value  500 put writer  503 spread 510 stock index option  498 strike price 492

Chapter Review Problems and Self-Test 1. Call Option Payoffs (LO2, CFA2)  You purchase 25 call option contracts on Blue Ox stock. The strike price is $22 and the premium is $1. If the stock is selling for $24 per share at expiration, what are your call options worth? What is your net profit? What if the stock were selling for $23? $22? 2. Stock versus Options (LO1, CFA1)  Stock in Bunyan Brewery is currently priced at $20 per share. A call option with a $20 strike price and 60 days to maturity is quoted at $2. Compare the percentage gains and losses from a $2,000 investment in the stock versus the option in 60 days for stock prices of $26, $20, and $18. 3. Put-Call Parity (LO4, CFA1)  A call option sells for $8. It has a strike price of $80 and six months until expiration. If the underlying stock sells for $60 per share, what is the price of a put option with an $80 strike price and six months until expiration? The risk-free interest rate is 6 percent per year.

Answers to Self-Test Problems 1. Blue Ox stock is selling for $24. You own 25 contracts, each of which gives you the right to buy 100 shares at $22. Your options are thus worth $2 per share on 2,500 shares, or $5,000. The option premium was $1, so you paid $100 per contract, or $2,500 total. Your net profit is $2,500. If the stock is selling for $23, your options are worth $2,500, so your net profit is exactly zero. If the stock is selling for $22, your options are worthless, and you lose the entire $2,500 you paid. 2. Bunyan stock costs $20 per share, so if you invest $2,000, you’ll get 100 shares. The option premium is $2, so an option contract costs $200. If you invest $2,000, you’ll get $2,000/$200 = 10 contracts. If the stock is selling for $26 in 60 days, your profit on the stock is $6 per share, or $600 total. The percentage gain is $600/$2,000 = 30%. In this case, your options are worth $6 per share, or $600 per contract. You have 10 contracts, so your options are worth $6,000 in all. Since you paid $2,000 for the 10 contracts, your profit is $4,000. Your percentage gain is a whopping $4,000/$2,000 = 200%. If the stock is selling for $20, your profit is $0 on the stock, so your percentage return is 0 percent. Your options are worthless (why?), so the percentage loss is −100 percent. If the stock is selling for $18, verify that your percentage loss on the stock is −10 percent and your loss on the options is again −100 percent. 3. Using the put-call parity formula, we have ​C − P = S − K / ​(1 + r)​​ T​ Rearranging to solve for P, the put price, and plugging in the other numbers gets us P = C − S + K / ​(1 + r)​ T​ ​​    ​  =​  $8 − $60 + 80    ​ )​ 1/2​​​ ​​     / (​ 1.06 ​ = $25.70

Chapter 15 

  Stock Options521

Test Your Investment Quotient


1. Option Contracts (LO1, CFA1)  Which of the following is not specified by a stock option contract? a. b. c. d.

The underlying stock’s price. The size of the contract. Exercise style—European or American. Contract settlement procedure—cash or delivery.

2. Option Payoffs (LO2, CFA2)  All of the following statements about the value of a call option at expiration are true, except that the: a. Short position in the same call option can result in a loss if the stock price exceeds the exercise price. b. Value of the long position equals zero or the stock price minus the exercise price, whichever is higher. c. Value of the long position equals zero or the exercise price minus the stock price, whichever is higher. d. Short position in the same call option has a zero value for all stock prices equal to or less than the exercise price. 3. Option Strategies (LO3, CFA2)  Which of the following stock option strategies has the greatest potential for large losses? a. b. c. d.

Writing a covered call. Writing a covered put. Writing a naked call. Writing a naked put.

4. Option Strategies (LO3, CFA5)  Which statement does not describe an at-the-money protective put position (comprised of owning the stock and the put)? a. b. c. d.

Protects against loss at any stock price below the strike price of the put. Has limited profit potential when the stock price rises. Returns any increase in the stock’s value, dollar for dollar, less the cost of the put. Provides a pattern of returns similar to a stop-loss order at the current stock price.

5. Put-Call Parity (LO4, CFA1)  Which of the following is not included in the put-call parity condition? a. b. c. d.

Price of the underlying stock. Strike price of the underlying call and put option contracts. Expiration dates of the underlying call and put option contracts. Volatility of the underlying stock.

6. Put-Call Parity (LO4, CFA1)  According to the put-call parity condition, a risk-free portfolio can be created by buying 100 shares of stock and a. b. c. d.

Writing one call option contract and buying one put option contract. Buying one call option contract and writing one put option contract. Buying one call option contract and buying one put option contract. Writing one call option contract and writing one put option contract.

7. Option Strategies (LO3, CFA5)  Investor A uses options for defensive and income reasons. Investor B uses options as an aggressive investment strategy. What is an appropriate use of options for investors A and B, respectively? a. b. c. d.

Writing covered calls/buying puts on stock not owned Buying out-of-the-money calls/buying puts on stock owned Writing naked calls/buying in-the-money calls Selling puts on stock owned/buying puts on stock not owned

8. Option Strategies (LO3, CFA3)  Which one of the following option combinations best describes a straddle? Buy both a call and a put on the same stock with a. b. c. d. 522 Part 5 

  Futures and Options

Different exercise prices and the same expiration date. The same exercise price and different expiration dates. The same exercise price and the same expiration date. Different exercise prices and different expiration dates.

9. Option Strategies (LO3, CFA3)  Which of the following strategies is the riskiest options transaction if the underlying stock price is expected to increase substantially? a. b. c. d.

Writing a naked call option. Writing a naked put option. Buying a call option. Buying a put option.

10. Option Gains and Losses (LO2, CFA3)  You create a “strap” by buying two calls and oneput on ABC stock, all with a strike price of $45. The calls cost $5 each and the put costs $4. If you close your position when ABC stock is priced at $55, what is your per-share gain orloss? a. b. c. d.

$4 loss $6 gain $10 gain $20 gain

11. Option Gains and Losses (LO2, CFA3)  A put on XYZ stock with a strike price of $40 is priced at $2.00 per share, while a call with a strike price of $40 is priced at $3.50. What is the maximum per-share loss to the writer of the uncovered put and the maximum per-share gain to the writer of the uncovered call?

Maximum Loss to Put Writer

Maximum Gain to Call Writer



$ 3.50






$ 3.50




12. Option Pricing (LO2, CFA3)  If a stock is selling for $25, the exercise price of a put option on that stock is $20, and the time to expiration of the option is 90 days, what are the minimum and maximum prices for the put today? a. b. c. d.

$0 and $5 $0 and $20 $5 and $20 $5 and $25

13. Option Strategies (LO3, CFA5)  Which of the following strategies is most suitable for an investor wishing to eliminate “downside” risk from a long position in stock? a. b. c. d.

A long straddle position. A short straddle position. Writing a covered call option. Buying a protective put option.

14. Covered Calls (LO3, CFA1)  The current price of an asset is $75. A three-month, at-themoney American call option on the asset has a current value of $5. At what value of the asset will a covered call writer break even at expiration? a. b. c. d.

$70 $75 $80 $85

15. Option Strategies (LO3, CFA2)  The current price of an asset is $100. An out-of-the-money American put option with an exercise price of $90 is purchased along with the asset. If the break-even point for this hedge is at an asset price of $114 at expiration, then the value of the American put at the time of purchase must have been a. b. c. d.

$0 $4 $10 $14 Chapter 15 

  Stock Options523

Concept Questions 1. Basic Properties of Options (LO1, CFA1)  What is a call option? A put option? Under what circ*mstances might you want to buy each? Which one has greater potential profit? Why? 2. Calls versus Puts (LO1, CFA1)  Complete the following sentence for each of these investors: a. A buyer of call options. b. A buyer of put options. c. A seller (writer) of call options. d. A seller (writer) of put options. The (buyer/seller) of a (put/call) option (pays/receives) money for the (right/obligation) to (buy/sell) a specified asset at a fixed price for a fixed length of time. 3. Option Break-Even (LO2, CFA2)  In general, if you buy a call option, what stock price is needed for you to break even on the transaction ignoring taxes and commissions? If you buy a put option? 4. Protective Puts (LO3, CFA5)  Buying a put option on a stock you own is sometimes called “stock price insurance.” Why? 5. Defining Intrinsic Value (LO2, CFA1)  What is the intrinsic value of a call option? How do we interpret this value? 6. Defining Intrinsic Value (LO2, CFA1)  What is the intrinsic value of a put option? How do we interpret this value? 7. Arbitrage and Options (LO2, CFA3)  You notice that shares of stock in the Patel Corporation are going for $50 per share. Call options with an exercise price of $35 per share are selling for $10. What’s wrong here? Describe how you could take advantage of this mispricing if the option expires today. Use the following options quotations to answer Questions 8 through 11: Calls


Option & N.Y. Close

Strike Price



































8. Interpreting Options Quotes (LO1, CFA2)  How many option contracts on Milson stock were traded with an expiration date of July? How many underlying shares of stock do these option contracts represent? 9. Interpreting Options Quotes (LO1, LO2, CFA1)  Are the call options in the money? What is the intrinsic value of a Milson Corp. call option? 10. Interpreting Options Quotes (LO1, LO2, CFA1)  Are the put options in the money? What is the intrinsic value of a Milson Corp. put option? 11. Interpreting Options Quotes (LO1, LO2, CFA3)  Two of the options are clearly mispriced. Which ones? At a minimum, what should the mispriced options sell for? Explain how you could profit from the mispricing in each case. 12. Option Strategies (LO3, CFA5)  Recall the option strategies of a protective put and covered call discussed in the text. Suppose you have sold short some shares of stock. Discuss analogous option strategies and how you would implement them. (Hint: They’re called protective calls and covered puts.) 13. Put-Call Parity (LO4, CFA1)  A put and a call option have the same maturity and strike price. If both are at the money, which is worth more? Prove your answer and then provide an intuitive explanation. 14. Put-Call Parity (LO4, CFA1)  A put and a call option have the same maturity and strike price. If they also have the same price, which one is in the money? 524 Part 5 

  Futures and Options

15. Put-Call Parity (LO4, CFA2)  One thing the put-call parity equation tells us is that given any three of a stock, a call, a put, and a T-bill, the fourth can be synthesized or replicated using the other three. For example, how can we replicate a share of stock using a put, a call, and a T-bill?

Questions and Problems Core Questions

1. Call Option Payoffs (LO2, CFA2)  Suppose you purchase eight call contracts on Macron Technology stock. The strike price is $60 and the premium is $3. If, at expiration, the stock is selling for $64 per share, what are your call options worth? What is your net profit? 2. Put Option Payoffs (LO2, CFA2)  Suppose you purchase five put contracts on Testaburger Co. The strike price is $45 and the premium is $3. If, at expiration, the stock is selling for $39 per share, what are your put options worth? What is your net profit? 3. Stock versus Options (LO2, CFA1)  Stock in Cheezy-Poofs Manufacturing is currently priced at $50 per share. A call option with a $50 strike and 90 days to maturity is quoted at $1.95. Compare the percentage gains and losses from a $97,500 investment in the stock versus the option in 90 days for stock prices of $40, $50, and $60. Use the following options quotations to answer Problems 4 through 7:


Strike Price

Calls Expiration


Puts Last
































4. Option Quotes (LO1)  Suppose you buy 50 April 100 call option contracts. How much will you pay, ignoring commissions? 5. Calculating Option Payoffs (LO2, CFA2)  In Problem 4, suppose that Hendreeks stock is selling for $105.70 per share on the expiration date. How much is your options investment worth? What if the stock price is $101.60 on the expiration date? 6. Calculating Option Payoffs (LO2, CFA2)  Suppose you buy 30 March 100 put option contracts. What is your maximum gain? On the expiration date, Hendreeks is selling for $84.60 per share. How much is your options investment worth? What is your net gain? 7. Calculating Option Payoffs (LO2, CFA2)  Suppose you write 30 of the July 100 put contracts. What is your net gain or loss if Hendreeks is selling for $90 at expiration? For $110? What is the break-even price, that is, the terminal stock price that results in a zero profit? 8. Put-Call Parity (LO4, CFA1)  A call option is currently selling for $3. It has a strike price of $65 and six months to maturity. What is the price of a put option with a $65 strike price and six months to maturity? The current stock price is $66 and the risk-free interest rate is 5 percent. 9. Put-Call Parity (LO4, CFA1)  A call option currently sells for $8. It has a strike price of $80 and five months to maturity. A put with the same strike and expiration date sells for $6. If the risk-free interest rate is 4 percent, what is the current stock price? 10. Put-Call Parity (LO4, CFA1)  A put option with a strike price of $50 sells for $3.20. The option expires in two months and the current stock price is $51. If the risk-free interest rate is 5 percent, what is the price of a call option with the same strike price?

Intermediate Questions

11. Put-Call Parity (LO4, CFA1)  A call option is currently selling for $3.90. It has a strike price of $45 and five months to maturity. The current stock price is $47 and the risk-free rate is 4 percent. The stock will pay a dividend of $1.45 in two months. What is the price of a put option with the same exercise price? 12. Put-Call Parity (LO4, CFA1)  A call option is currently selling for $4.60. It has a strike price of $60 and three months to maturity. A put option with the same strike price sells for $7.20. The risk-free rate is 6 percent and the stock will pay a dividend of $2.10 in three months. What is the current stock price?

Chapter 15 

  Stock Options525

13. Put-Call Parity (LO4, CFA1) A put option is currently selling for $8.30. It has a strike price of $80 and seven months to maturity. The current stock price is $83. The risk-free rate is 5 percent and the stock will pay a $1.40 dividend in two months. What is the price of a call option with the same strike price? 14. Call Option Writing (LO2, CFA3) Suppose you write 10 call option contracts with a $50 strike. The premium is $2.75. Evaluate your potential gains and losses at option expiration for stock prices of $40, $50, and $60. 15. Put Option Writing (LO2, CFA3) Suppose you write 15 put option contracts with a $45 strike. The premium is $2.40. Evaluate your potential gains and losses at option expiration for stock prices of $35, $45, and $55. 16. Index Options (LO2, CFA1) Suppose you buy one SPX call option contract with a strike of 2200. At maturity, the S&P 500 Index is at 2218. What is your net gain or loss if the premium you paid was $14? 17. Option Strategies (LO3, CFA5) You write a put with a strike price of $60 on stock that you have shorted at $60 (this is a “covered put”). What are the expiration date profits to this position for stock prices of $50, $55, $60, $65, and $70 if the put premium is $1.80? 18. Option Strategies (LO3, CFA5) You buy a call with a strike price of $70 on stock that you have shorted at $70 (this is a “protective call”). What are the expiration date profits to this position for stock prices of $60, $65, $70, $75, and $80 if the call premium is $3.40? 19. Option Strategies (LO3, CFA5) You simultaneously write a covered put and buy a protective call, both with strike prices of $80, on stock that you have shorted at $80. What are the expiration date payoffs to this position for stock prices of $70, $75, $80, $85, and $90? 20. Option Strategies (LO3, CFA5) You simultaneously write a put and buy a call, both with strike prices of $80, naked, i.e., without any position in the underlying stock. What are the expiration date payoffs to this position for stock prices of $70, $75, $80, $85, and $90? 21. Option Strategies (LO3, CFA5) You buy a straddle, which means you purchase a put and a call with the same strike price. The put price is $2.80 and the call price is $4.20. Assume the strike price is $75. What are the expiration date profits to this position for stock prices of $65, $70, $75, $80, and $85? What are the expiration date profits for these same stock prices? What are the break-even stock prices? 22. Index Option Positions (LO3, CFA3) Suppose you buy one SPX call option with a strike of 2125 and write one SPX call option with a strike of 2150. What are the payoffs at maturity to this position for S&P 500 Index levels of 2050, 2100, 2150, 2200, and 2250? 23. Index Option Positions (LO3, CFA3) Suppose you buy one SPX put option with a strike of 2100 and write one SPX put option with a strike of 2125. What are the payoffs at maturity to this position for S&P 500 Index levels of 2000, 2050, 2100, 2150, and 2200? 24. Index Option Positions (LO3, CFA3) Suppose you buy one SPX call option with a strike of 2100 and write one SPX put option with a strike of 2100. What are the payoffs at maturity to this position for S&P 500 Index levels of 2000, 2050, 2100, 2150, and 2200? 25. Index Option Positions (LO3, CFA3) Suppose you buy one each SPX call option with strikes of 2000 and 2200 and write two SPX call options with a strike of 2100. What are the payoffs at maturity to this position for S&P 500 Index levels of 1900, 1950, 2000, 2050, 2100, 2150, and 2200? 26. Strangles (CFA5) A strangle is created by buying a put and buying a call on the same stock with a higher strike price and the same expiration. A put with a strike price of $100 sells for $6.75 and a call with a strike price of $110 sells for $8.60. Draw a graph showing the payoff and profit for a straddle using these options. 27. Bull Spread with Calls (CFA5) You create a bull spread using calls by buying a call and simultaneously selling a call on the same stock with the same expiration at a higher strike price. A call option with a strike price of $20 sells for $4.55 and a call with a strike price of $25 sells for $1.24. Draw a graph showing the payoff and profit for a bull spread using these options. 28. Bull Spread with Puts (CFA5) You can also create a bull spread using put options. To do so, you buy a put and simultaneously sell a put at a higher strike price on the same stock with the same expiration. A put with a strike price of $20 is available for $0.45 and a put with a strike price of $25 is available for $1.64. Draw a graph showing the payoff and profit for a bull spread using these options.

526 Part 5 

  Futures and Options

29. Butterfly Spread with Calls (CFA5) You create a butterfly spread using calls by buying a call at K1, buying a call at K3, and selling two calls at K2. All of the calls are on the same stock and have the same expiration date. Additionally, butterfly spreads assume that K2 = ½(K1 + K3). Calls on a stock with strike prices of $35, $40, and $45 are available for $7.00, $3.59, and $1.31, respectively. Draw a graph showing the payoff and profit for a butterfly spread using these options. 30. Butterfly Spread with Puts (CFA5) You can also create a butterfly spread using puts by buying a put at K1, buying a put at K3, and selling two puts at K2. All of the puts are on the same stock and have the same expiration date, and the assumption that K2 = ½(K1 + K3) still holds. Puts on a stock with strike prices of $35, $40, and $45 are available for $0.90, $2.35, and $5.10, ­respectively. Draw a graph showing the payoff and profit for a butterfly spread using these options.

CFA Exam Review by Kaplan Schweser [CFA1, CFA2] Rachel Barlow is a recent finance graduate from Columbia University. She has accepted a position at a large investment bank but must first complete an intensive training program. Currently she is spending three months at her firm’s Derivatives Trading Desk. To prepare for her assignment, Ms. Barlow decides to review her notes on option relationships, concentrating particularly on put-call parity. The data she will be using in her review are provided below. She also decides to assume continuous compounding. Option 1

Option 2

Stock price



Strike price



Interest rate



Dividend yield



Time to maturity (years)



Standard deviation of stock





Call option price

1. She would like to compute the value of the corresponding put option for Option 1. Which of the following is closest to Ms. Barlow’s answer? a. $3.79 b. $3.94 c. $4.41 2. Ms. Barlow notices that the stock in the table above does not pay dividends. If the stock begins to pay a dividend, how will the price of the call option be affected? a. It will decrease. b. It will increase. c. It will not change. 3. She would like to compute the value of the corresponding put option for Option 2. Which of the following is closest to Ms. Barlow’s answer? a. $0.98 b. $1.41 c. $4.84

What’s on the Web? 1. Option Prices You want to find the option prices for Intel (INTC). Go to and find the option price quotes for Intel. What are the option premium and strike price for the highest and lowest strike price options that are nearest to expiring? What are the option premium and strike price for the highest and lowest strike price options expiring next month?

Chapter 15 

  Stock Options527

2. Option Symbol Construction What is the option symbol for a call option on Cisco Systems (CSCO) with a strike price of $25 that expires in July? Go to www.cboe.comand find the links for the option ticker symbol construction. Find the basic ticker symbol for Cisco Systems options and the codes for the expiration month and strike price. Use these codes to construct the call option ticker symbol. Now construct the ticker symbol for a put option with the same strike price and expiration. 3. Option Expiration Go to www.cboe.comand find the expiration calendar for options traded on the CBOE. What day do equity options expire in the current month? What day do they expire next month? 4. LEAPS Go to and find the link for “LEAPS.” What are LEAPS? What are the two types of LEAPS? What are the benefits of equity LEAPS? What are the benefits of index LEAPS? 5. FLEX Options Go to and find the link for “FLEX Options.” What is a FLEX option? When do FLEX options expire? What is the minimum size of a FLEX option?

Stock-Trak Exercises

To access the Stock-Trak Exercise for this chapter, please visit the library resource site in Connect and choose the corresponding chapter.

528 Part 5 

  Futures and Options


Option Valuation +

Learning Objectives Make sure the price is right by making sure that you have a good understanding of:



“I have compared the results of observation with those of theory . . . to show that the market, unwittingly, obeys a law which governs it, the law of probability.” –Louis Bachelier

Just what is an option worth? Actually, this is one of the more difficult questions in finance. Option valuation is an esoteric area of finance because it often involves complex

1. How to price options using the one-period and two-period binomial models.

mathematics. Fortunately, just like most options professionals, you can learn quite a bit

2. How to price options using the Black-Scholes model.


3. How to hedge a stock portfolio using options.

The previous chapter introduced the basics of stock options. From an economic standpoint, perhaps the most important subject was the expiration date payoffs of stock options. Bear in mind that when investors buy options today, they are buying risky future payoffs. Likewise, when investors write options today, they become obligated to make risky future payments. In a competitive financial marketplace, option prices observed each day are collectively agreed on by buyers and writers assessing the likelihood of all possible future payoffs and payments. Option prices are set accordingly. In this chapter, we spend a lot of time showing you how to calculate stock option prices. We begin with a simple way to calculate stock option prices and then discuss the binomial option pricing model. The discussion ends with the Black-Scholes option pricing model, which is widely regarded by finance professionals as the premier model of stock option valuation.

4. The workings of employee stock options.

about option valuation with only modest mathematical tools. But no matter how far you might wish to delve into this topic, you must begin with the Black-Scholes option pricing model. This model is the core from which most other option pricing models trace their

CFA™ Exam Topics in This Chapter: 1. Basics of derivatives pricing and valuation (L1, S17) 2. Option markets and contracts (L2, S17) 3. Risk management applications of option strategies (L3, S15)

Go to Connect for a guide that aligns your textbook with CFA readings.

16.1 A Simple Model to Value Options before Expiration Calculating the value of an option before it expires can be complex. However, we can illustrate many of the key insights to this problem using a simple example. Suppose we are looking at a call option with one year to maturity and a $110 exercise price. The current stock price is $108 and the one-year risk-free rate, r, is 10 percent. We know that an option is worth its intrinsic value at expiration. To calculate the intrinsic value, we need the strike price and the stock price at option expiration. We know the strike price today and at option expiration. We know the stock price today, but we do not know what the stock price will be in one year. A method frequently used to forge on and calculate option prices today is to assume that today we “know” the range of possible values for the underlying asset at option expiration. We start with an uncomplicated example. Assume we know (somehow) that the stock price will be either $130 or $115 in one year. Keep in mind, though, that the stock price in one year is still uncertain. We do know that the stock price is going to be either $130 or $115 (but no other values). We do not know the odds associated with these two prices. In other words, we know the possible values of the stock, but not the probabilities associated with these two values.1 Because the strike price is $110, we know the call option value at expiration will be either $130 – $110 = $20 or $115 – $110 = $5. Once again, we do not know which one. We do know one very important thing: The call option is certain to finish in the money. What about puts with a strike price of $110? In both cases, the put will finish out of the money. That is, the value of this put at expiration is zero regardless of the stock price. What is this put worth today? Think about it by answering this question: How much are you willing to pay today for a riskless asset that will have a zero value in one year? You are right, zero. If you know the price of a put with the same strike, you can use put-call parity to price a call option before it expires. An expiration day stock price of either $130 or $115 means that a put option with a $110 strike has a value of zero today and at expiration. Therefore, in this case, we can use put-call parity to calculate the value of a call with a strike of $110: C − P = ​S​ 0​ − K /​(1 + r)​ T​ ​      ​  =​  $108 + $110/​(1.10 ​  )​ C − 0 C = $108 − $100 = $8 Many other pairs of stock prices also result in a zero value for the put. Therefore, the fact that we selected these two particular stock prices is not what allows us to calculate the call option price. What allowed us to calculate the call option price were these two facts: (1) the chosen pair of stock prices guarantees that the call option will finish in the money and (2) thechosen pair of stock prices also guarantees that a put option with the same strike will finish out of the money.2 We conclude that pricing a call option when we are certain that the call option will finish somewhere in the money is easy. We simply use a put option value of zero and the put-call parity equation to obtain the value of the call option before it expires.

If we knew these probabilities, we could calculate the expected value of the stock price at expiration. You might be wondering what would happen if the stock price were less than the present value of the exercise price. In this event, the call price would be negative. But this cannot happen in this example because we are certain that the stock price will be at least K in one year because we know the call option will finish in the money. If the current price of the stock is less than K/(1 + r)T, then the return on the stock is certain to be greater than the risk-free rate—which creates an arbitrage opportunity. For example, if the stock is currently selling for $80, then the minimum return will be (115 – 80)/80 = 43.75%. Because we can borrow at 10 percent, we can earn a certain minimum return of 33.75 percent per dollar borrowed. This, of course, is an arbitrage opportunity. 1 2

530 Part 5 

  Topics in Investments

16.2 The One-Period Binomial Option Pricing Model In the previous section, we made good use of the fact that the call option would always expire in the money. Suppose we want to allow the call option to expire in the money or out of the money.3 How do we proceed in this case? Well, we need a different option pricing model. We will start our tour of option pricing models by looking at the one-period binomial option pricing model (BOPM).

T H E ONE -P E R I OD B I N OMI A L OP TI ON P R I C I N G MODE L—THE A SSU MP TI ON S Suppose the stock price today is Sand the stock pays no dividends. We will assume that the stock price in one period is either S × u or S × d, where u (for “up” factor) is bigger than 1 and d (for “down” factor) is less than 1.4 For example, suppose the stock price today is $100 and u and d are 1.10 and 0.95, respectively. With these numbers, the stock price in one period will be either $100 × 1.10 = $110 or $100 × 0.95 = $95.

T H E ONE -P E R I OD B I N OMI A L OP TI ON P R I C I N G MODE L—THE SE TUP Suppose we start with the values given in Table 16.1. To begin to calculate the call price today, suppose an investor ∙ Buys one share of stock and ∙ Sells one call option. A key question to ask is: What is the value of this portfolio today and in one period when the option expires? To answer this question, we first write down all the prices that we know today and all the prices we know at expiration. We show these prices on two “trees” in Figure 16.1. In the world of option pricing models, a collection of stock or option prices is known as a tree. As shown in Figure 16.1, we know the stock price today ($100), but we do not know the call price today (we are trying to calculate this). In one period when the option expires, we know that the stock price will either increase to $110 (which is S × u = $100 × 1.10) or decrease to $95 (which is S × d = $100 × 0.95). At expiration, we know that the call option is worth its intrinsic value. If the stock price increases to $110, the intrinsic value of the call option, Cu, is MAX[110 – 100, 0], or $10. Similarly, if the stock price decreases to $95, the call option intrinsic value, Cd, is MAX[95 – 100, 0], or $0. What is the value of the portfolio of one share of stock and short one call option? If the stock price increases to $110, the call finishes in the money—with an intrinsic value equal to $10. Because the investor sold the call option, the investor owes the intrinsic value. Therefore, the

TABLE 16.1

Inputs for the One-Period BOPM ​𝘚​


$100    Current stock price



1.10      Up factor



0.95     Down factor



3%    Risk-free interest rate



$100    Strike price



1 period  Periods to option expiration

We limit our discussion here to call options. Of course, we can make parallel statements for put options. Note that we are assuming that d is less than 1.0, but d does not necessarily have to be less than 1.0, as was the case in Section 16.1. 3 4

Chapter 16 

  Option Valuation531


Stock Price Tree and Option Price Tree

S = 100

S × u = The stock price in one period if the stock price increases: 100 × 1.10 = 110

S × d = The stock price in one period if the stock price decreases: 100 × 0.95 = 95


Cu = Value of the call in one period if the stock price increases: = MAX[S × u - K, 0] = MAX[110 - 100, 0] = 10 Cd = Value of the call in one period if the stock price decreases: = MAX[S × d - K, 0] = MAX[95 - 100, 0] = 0


Option expiration

portfolio value is $110 – $10, or $100. If the stock price decreases to $95, the call finishes out of the money, so it has an intrinsic value equal to $0. Therefore, the portfolio value is $95 + $0 = $95.

T H E ONE -P E R I OD B I N OMI A L OP TI ON P R I C I N G MODEL—THE FOR MU L A Is there a way to form a portfolio of stock and options that is worth the same amount regardless of the price of the stock in one period? It turns out that there is, and this way is a truly brilliant insight. Instead of buying one share, suppose the investor buys a “fractional” share of stock (which we will represent by the Greek letter delta, Δ). What happens in this case? In Figure 16.2, we know all values at expiration except Δ. The key to the solution hinges on the fact that the investor can choose the size of the fractional share, Δ. That is, the investor can choose a value for Δ where the portfolio has the same value at expiration for both stock prices. In other words, the investor can choose Δ so that ΔS × u – Cu = ΔS × d – Cd.


Introducing a Fractional Share, Δ, into the Portfolio Tree ∆S × u - Cu

∆S - C

∆S × d - Cd Portfolio value today

532 Part 5 

  Topics in Investments

Portfolio value at expiration

For simplicity, we will drop the multiplication sign when we calculate Δ as follows: ΔSu − ΔSd = ​C​ u​ − ​C​ d​ Δ​(Su − Sd)​ = ​C​ u​ − ​C​ d​ ​      ​  ​  ​ ​C​ u​ − ​C​ d​ ______ Δ = ​     ​ Su − Sd Using the numbers in our example: ​C​  ​ − ​C​ d​ _______ ​Δ​  =​  ______ ​  u    ​ =​  ​  10 − 0   ​  = ​___ ​ 10 ​  =​  __ ​ 2 ​ 3 Su − Sd 110 − 95 15 Have we succeeded in making the portfolio riskless? Yes: (​ ΔS × u)​ − ​C​ u​ = (​ ΔS × d)​– ​C​ d​

​ ​ 2 / 3)(​ 100)(​    ​ )​–0​ (     1.10)​ ​ −​  10​  =​  (​ 2 / 3)(​ 100)(​ 0.95 73.33 − 10 = 63.33

We now have what we need to calculate the call price today, C. We choose Δ so that the portfolio has the same value for both possible stock prices. That is, the portfolio of long Δ shares and short one call option is riskless (for the right value of Δ). Therefore, a riskless portfolio today should be worth (ΔS – C)(1 + r) in one period. So, ​​(ΔS − C)​(1 + r)​= ΔS × u − Cu​


The only unknown value in equation (16.1) is C. Rearranging the values in equation (16.1) results in ΔS (1 + r − u) + ​C​ u​ ​C​  =​  ______________ ​   ​​ ​    1 + r   


We can calculate the call price today using equation (16.2): ΔS​(1 + r − u)​ + ​C​ u​ C = ​ ______________      ​  1 + r (​ 2 / 3)(​ 100)​(1 + 0.03 − 1.10)​ + 10 ​ = _________________________ ​          ​ ​ ​           ​  ​    1.03 ​ ​ ​ ( )( ) ________________ ​ =    ​ ​ 200 / 3 ​ − 0.07   ​ + 10 ​  1.03 5.33 ____ ​ = ​     ​ = ​ ​  $5.18​ 1.03 Equation (16.2) is one way to write the formula for the one-period binomial option pricing model. Now that we know the price of the call, we can use put-call parity to calculate the price of a put with a strike of $100: P + S = ​C + K / ​(​1 + ​r​ f​)​

=​  5.18 + 100  / 1.03​ ​     ​ P + 100    ​      ​ P = 5.18 + 100 / 1.03 − 100 ​ = $2.27


Using the One-Period Binomial Option Pricing Model A stock is currently selling for $25 per share. In one period, it will be worth either $20 or $30. The riskless interest rate is 5 percent per period. There are no dividends. What is today’s price of a call option with a strike price of $27? To answer this question, we can use the one-period binomial option pricing model: ΔS​(1 + r − u)​ + ​C​ u​ ​C​  =​  ______________ ​    ​  1 + r   


Chapter 16 

  Option Valuation533

To calculate Δ:

​C​ u​ − ​C​ d​ ______ 3 − 0 3 ​Δ​  =​  ______ ​     ​  =​  ​ 30 − 20    ​  = ​___ ​ 10  ​  Su − Sd

We also have to calculate u, which is $30/$25 = 1.20. We can now calculate the price of the call option: ΔS​(1 + r − u)​ + ​C​ u​ C = ______________ ​    ​  1 + r   

(​3/10)​($25)​(1 + 0.05 − 1.20)​ + $3 ​ = _____________________________      ​      ​ 1.05 ​​ ​          ​    ​  ​  ​   ​​ ​ ​ ​ ($75/10)​(− 0.15)​ + $3 __________________ ​ =    ​      ​ 1.05 1.875 ​ = ______ ​ $1.05    ​   = $1.79

WH AT IS DE LTA ? Delta, Δ, is an important proportion. We will use delta later in the chapter when we are talking about hedging the risk of adverse stock price movements using options. An easy way to think about delta is to recall that delta is a proportion of shares to calls that is needed to form a risk-free portfolio, that is, a portfolio of shares and calls that does not change in value when the stock price changes. Remember, the investor can choose many values for delta. However, there is only one delta that helps the investor form a risk-free portfolio. Therefore, a delta of 2/3 means that we need two shares and three calls to form a risk-free portfolio. The portfolio is risk-free because losses (gains) in the call options are offset by gains (losses) in the stock. So you can think of delta as the fractional share amount needed to offset, or hedge, changes in the price of one call. In our detailed example, we calculated a delta of 2/3, or 0.67. This means that the number of shares to hedge one call is 0.67. Similarly, the number of calls to hedge one share is 1/Δ, or 3/2. That is, we need 3 call options to hedge 2 shares.



Suppose the stock price today is $95, not $100 as shown in Figure 16.1. Nothing else changes in the detailed example that follows Figure 16.1. Does delta still equal 0.67? What is the call price?


You calculate a delta of 0.8. How many shares and calls are needed to form a risk-free portfolio? What positions (i.e., long or short) does the investor have in shares and calls?

16.3 The Two-Period Binomial Option Pricing Model In the previous section, we could price an option one period before it expires. Suppose there are two periods to expiration. What do we do in this case? It turns out that we repeat much of the process we used in the previous section. In this section, we calculate the price of a European call option. However, we can use this method to calculate the price of a European put option, too. Using a slight modification to allow for early exercise, this technique can also be used to calculate prices for American calls and puts. In fact, this basic technique is so powerful that, with the right modifications, it can be used to price an exotic array of options. 534 Part 5 

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TABLE 16.2

Inputs for the Two-Period BOPM S0



Stock price today




Up factor (u > 1) per period




Down factor (d < 1) per period




Risk-free interest rate per period




Strike price




Periods to option expiration

The best way to learn this technique is to work a detailed example. Suppose we have the set of inputs given in Table 16.2. We need to point out one more important assumption. That is, in our detailed example, we assume that u, d, and rf do not change in the two periods until option expiration. With this additional assumption and the inputs in Table 16.2, we will show that the call option is worth $6.29 today.

ST EP 1 : B UI L D A P R I C E TR E E FOR STOC K P R I C E S T H ROUGH TI ME The upper part of Figure 16.3 shows the stock prices through time. Because there are more than two dates, we denote the stock price today as S0. Starting at S0 = $50, S1 (the stock price at time 1) is ​S​ 0​ × u = $50 × 1.20 = $60 if the stock price increases       ​​ ​  ​  ​​​ S​ ​ 0​ × d = $50 × 0.85 = $42.50 if the stock price decreases Next, if the stock price in one period is $60, then the price in two periods will be either $60 × 1.20 = $72 or $60 × 0.85 = $51. Similarly, if the price in one period is $42.50, then the price in two periods will be either $42.50 × 1.20 = $51 or $42.50 × 0.85 = $36.13. Thus, there are three stock prices in two periods, corresponding to a sequence of (1) two up moves, (2) two down moves, or (3) one up move and one down move. Notice that it doesn’t matter if we go up, then down or down, then up. We end up at $51 either way. In symbols, the three possible S2 stock prices are 1. S2 = Suu = S0 × u × u = S0 × u2 (two up moves). 2. S2 = Sdd = S0 × d × d = S0 × d2 (two down moves). 3. S2 = Sud = S0 × u × d = S0 × u × d (one up move and one down move).

ST EP 2 : U SE THE I N TR I N SI C VA L U E FOR MU L A TO CALC U L ATE THE P OSSI B L E OP TI ON P R I C E S AT E XP IR ATI ON As we calculated, the three possible stock prices at expiration are $72, $51, and $36.13. We plug each of these stock prices into the intrinsic value formula. Because the strike price is K = $55, the possible values for the call option at expiration are MAX​[​S​ T​ − K, 0]​ = MAX​[$72 − $55, 0]​ = $17

     ​MAX​      [​S​ T​ − K, 0]​  =​  MAX​[$51 − $55, 0]​ = $0​ ​ ​ MAX​[​S​ T​ − K, 0]​ = MAX​[$36.13 − $55, 0]​ = $0

Notice that in two of the possible cases, the call has zero value at expiration.

Chapter 16 

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Stock Price Tree, Call Price Tree, and Delta Values—Two-Period Binomial Option Pricing Model Stock Price Tree S2 = $72.00 = Suu = S × u × u S1 = $60.00 S2 = $51.00 = Sud = S × u × d or S × d × u

S0 = $50.00

S1 = $42.50 S2 = $36.13 = Sdd = S × d × d



Call Price Tree Cuu = $17 = MAX[ST - K, 0] = MAX[72 - 55, 0] Cu = $10.34 C = $6.29

Cud = $0 = MAX[ST - K, 0] = MAX[51 - 55, 0] Cd = $0 Cdd = $0 = MAX[ST - K, 0] = MAX[36.13 - 55, 0]

Delta Values

∆uu = 1 ∆u = 0.8095 ∆ud = 0

∆ = 0.5909

∆d = 0 ∆dd = 0

ST EP 3: CALC U L ATE THE FR ACTI ON A L SHA R E NEEDED TO FOR M E AC H R I SK- FR E E P ORTFOL I O AT T H E NE XT-TO- L A ST DATE To form the risk-free portfolio, we need to calculate the possible values for Δ in the next-tolast period. Recall that the portfolio is risk-free when the investor sells one call and buys a fraction, Δ, of one share. 536 Part 5 

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Let us begin by looking at the point where the stock price is $60. You can see that the two possible stock prices from that point are $72 and $51. In addition, because the strike price is $55, two call option values, $17 and $0, are possible. You can see that it is as if we have an option with one period to expiration. Therefore, we can use the notation from the one-period binomial option pricing model to calculate Δ: ​C​  ​ − ​C​ d​ ______ ​Δ =​  ______ ​  =​  ​  17 − 0  ​   ​  u   =​  ___ ​ 17 ​ = 0.8095​ Su − Sd 72 − 51 21 Likewise, from the point where the stock price is $42.50, the two possible stock prices are $51 and $36.13. Note, however, that because the strike price is $55, the option is worth $0 regardless of the stock price in one period. In this case, the Δ is ​C​  ​ − ​C​ d​ _________ ​Δ =​  ______ ​  =​  ​  0 − 0  ​   = 0​ ​  u   =​  _____ ​  0   ​  Su − Sd 51 − 36.13 14.87

ST EP 4: CA LC UL ATE A L L P OSSI B L E OP TI ON P RI C E S AT THE NE XT-TO- L A ST DATE We can now use these values for Δ to calculate the call prices when the stock price is $60 or when it is $42.50. When the stock price is $60, we use Δ = 0.8095, Cu = $17, r = 8%, and u = 1.20 to calculate the call price: ΔS​(1 + r − u)​ + ​C​ u​ ___________________________ ​(0.8095 × 60)​(1 + 0.08 − 1.20)​ + 17   ​  ​C =​  ______________ ​      ​   =​      ​       ​ = $10.34​ 1 + r 1.08 When the stock price is $42.50, we use Δ = 0, Cu = $0, r = 8%, and u = 1.20 to calculate the call price: ΔS​(1 + r − u)​ + ​C​ u​ ________________________ ​(0 × 42.50)​(1 + 0.08 − 1.20)​ + 0   ​  ​ ​C =​  ______________ ​      ​   =​  ​          ​ = $0 1 + r 1.08 The intuition for a call with zero value is simple. Ask yourself: What price am I willing to pay today for a call option that will always have a value of zero in one period? Or think of it like this: This call option gives you the right to buy shares for $55 next period. However, the stock price will always be lower than $55 next period. How much are you willing to pay today for this call option? We are sure that you said zero (aren’t we?).

S T EP 5: R E P E AT THI S P ROC E SS BY WOR KI N G BAC K TO TODAY From the point where the stock price is $50, there are two possible stock prices, $60 and $42.50. If the stock price is $60, we know the call option is worth $10.34. When the stock price is $42.50, we know that the call option is worth $0. In this case, Δ is ​C​  ​ − ​C​ d​ _________ ​Δ =​  ______ ​  u    ​ =​  ​  10.34 − 0   ​  =​  _____ ​ 10.34   ​ =​  0.5909​ Su − Sd 60 − 42.50 17.50 Using Δ = 0.5909, Cu = $10.34, r = 8%, and u = 1.20, we calculate the call price as ΔS​(1 + r − u)​ + ​C​ u​ ______________________________ ​(0.5909 × 50)​(1 + 0.08 − 1.20)​ + 10.34   ​  ​C =​  ______________ ​      ​   =​       ​       ​ = $6.29​ 1 + r 1.08 Using put-call parity, the price of the put with a $55 strike is ​P = C − S +​  ____ ​  K   ​ = 6.29 − 50​  +​  ____ ​  55  ​ =​  $7.22​​ 1 + r 1.08 We summarize these calculations in Figure 16.3. Note that, over time, as S increases, so do Δ and C.

Chapter 16 

  Option Valuation537



Look at Table 16.2. Suppose that K = $45 and all other inputs remain the same. What is the price of a call option? What is the price of a put option?


Look at Table 16.2. Suppose that u = 1.30 and all other inputs remain the same. What is the price of a call option? What is the price of a put option?

16.4 The Binomial Option Pricing Model with Many Periods When we have more than two periods, nothing really changes. We still work backwards one period at a time. Figure 16.4 shows a binomial tree with five periods to option expiration. Now there are six option values at expiration. To calculate today’s option price, you would have to calculate 14 intermediate option prices, which would be fairly tedious and explains why computers come in handy to calculate option prices. Looking at Figure 16.4, note the various paths that the stock can follow after the stock has increased or decreased in price. There are five ways that the stock could wind up at the black dot. For example, from the diamond marked U the stock could follow the blue or red path to the black dot at the end of the tree. The collection of possible stock price paths is also called the “lattice.” As another example, from the diamond marked D, the stock could follow the orange or turquoise path to the yellow dot at the end of the tree. The stock price today can wind up at the yellow dot following 10 paths. In Figure 16.4, we show the number of ways that the stock


A Five-Period Stock Price Tree 1






Stock price today




538 Part 5 

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An 18-Period Stock Price Tree 1 18 153 816 . . .

Stock price today

43,758 48,620 43,758 . . .

The range of possible stock prices at option expiration widens as the values for U and D grow farther apart. However, the number of ways to get to the end do not depend on U and D.

816 153 18 1



can follow to the end points of the tree. As you can see, the stock can follow only one path to reach the highest and lowest possible prices. Also, you will notice that the way the numbers increase from 1 to 10 and then decrease back to 1 is symmetric. Let’s get crazy. Figure 16.5 shows a lattice with 18 periods to expiration. We have superimposed a two-period binomial option pricing lattice over it. In this way, you can see that two periods can be subdivided into many periods. There are many possible stock paths in Figure 16.5. In fact, there are 218 (or 262,144) of them! Yikes! We have written down the possible ways that the stock price can wander to its ending prices at the option expiration date. As before, there is only one way to get to the highest possible stock price. However, there are 18 paths to the next highest stock price. You can see a symmetry to the way the paths increase in number from 1 to 48,620 and then decrease back to 1. If you wanted to calculate today’s option price, you don’t have to worry about the number of paths. However, you do have to worry about the number of intersections at which the stock price can increase or decrease. With 18 periods to expiration, you would need to calculate 19 expiration day stock prices and 170 intermediate option prices (that should seem like a lot to you). What happens when the number of periods gets really big? The answer is that we could always use a computer to handle the calculations, but we can use a more elegant method. As it happens, when the number of periods gets huge, the price calculated using our binomial approach converges to the price from the famous Black-Scholes option pricing model, which we study in the next section.

Chapter 16 

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Why is it that nothing really changes when there are more than two periods to expiration?


Why don’t you have to worry about the number of paths the stock price can take before expiration? What do you have to worry about?

16.5 The Black-Scholes Option Pricing Model Option pricing theory made a great leap forward in the early 1970s with the development of the Black-Scholes option pricing model by Fischer Black and Myron Scholes. Recognizing the important theoretical contributions by Robert Merton, many finance professionals knowledgeable in the history of option pricing theory refer to an extended version of the Black-Scholes model as the Black-Scholes-Merton option pricing model. In 1997, Myron Scholes and Robert Merton were awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics for their pioneering work in option pricing theory. Unfortunately, Fischer Black had died two years earlier and so did not share the Nobel Prize, which cannot be awarded posthumously. Our focus is on the basic Black-Scholes model. The Black-Scholes option pricing model states the value of a European option on a non-dividend-paying stock as a function of these five input factors:

expiry A shortened way of saying “time to maturity.”

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

The current price of the underlying stock. The strike price specified in the option contract. The risk-free interest rate over the life of the option contract. The time remaining until the option contract expires, sometimes called expiry. The price volatility of the underlying stock (i.e., the distribution of possible stock prices at expiration).

In the model, the five inputs are defined as follows:

The CBOE has a free options calculator that will do most of the calculations in this chapter at

S = Current stock price K = Option strike price r = Risk-free interest rate T = Time remaining until option expiration σ = Sigma, representing stock price volatility In terms of these five inputs, the Black-Scholes formula for the price of a European call option on a single share of common stock is ​C = SN (d1) − K​e​ −rT​ N (d2)​


The Black-Scholes formula for the price of a European put option on a share of common stock is ​P = K​e​ −rT​ N(−d2) − SN (−d1)​

In these call and put option formulas, the numbers d1 and d2 are calculated as __ ln​(S/K)​ + ​(r + ​ σ​ 2​ /2)​T ________________ __    ​d​ 1​ =​     ​  ​   and​  ​d​ 2​ = ​d​ 1​  −​  σ​√ T ​  σ​√ T ​ 

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For many links to option-related topics, see

In the formulas above, call and put option prices are algebraically represented by C and P, respectively. In addition to the five input factors S,K,r,T, and σ, the following three mathematical functions are used in the call and put option pricing formulas: 1. ex, or exp(x), denoting the natural exponent of the value of x. 2. ln(x), denoting the natural logarithm of the value of x. 3. N(x), denoting the standard normal probability of the value of x.


Computing Black-Scholes Option Prices Calculate call and put option prices, given the following inputs to the Black-Scholes option pricing formula: Stock price ​𝘚​ =​ $50​ Strike price ​𝘒​ =​ $45​ Time to maturity ​𝘛​ =​ 3 months​ Stock volatility ​σ​ =​ 25%​ Interest rate ​𝘳​ =​ 6%​ Referring to equations (16.3) and (16.4), first we compute values for d1 and d2: 0.25​​ 2​ /2)0.25 ln​(50/45)​ + (0.06 + ​ _____ ​ ​d​ 1​= _______________________________      ​      0.25​√ 0.25 ​  0.10536 + 0.09125 × 0.25 _____________________         = ​    ​ 0.125 = 1.02538 _____ ​d​ 2​= ​d​ 1​ − 0.25​√ 0.25 ​  = 0.90038​

The following standard normal probabilities are provided: ​N(d1) = N(1.02538) = 0.84741  N (−d1) = 1 − N(d1)  = 0.15259 N(d2) = N(0.90038) = 0.81604 N(−d2) = 1 − N(d2) = 0.18396​

We can now calculate the price of the call option as C = $50 × 0.84741 − $45 × ​e​ −0.06×0.25​ × 0.81604 ​       ​   =​  $50 × 0.84741 −    ​       $45 × 0.98511 × 0.81604​ ​​ ​   = $6.195

and the price of the put option as P = $45 × ​e​ −0.06 × 0.25​ × 0.18396 − $50 × 0.15259 ​       ​       ​  =​  $45 ×0.98511 × 0.18396 −    $50 × 0.15259​ ​ ​  = $0.525

Exact standard normal probabilities provided in this example are obtained from Excel using the function NORMSDIST(x). A detailed example of how to use an Excel spreadsheet to calculate Black-Scholes option prices is shown in a Spreadsheet Analysis box later in this chapter.


Using a Web-Based Option Calculator The purpose of Example 16.2 was to show you that the Black-Scholes formula is not hard to use—even if at first it looks imposing. If you are in a hurry to price an option or if you simply want to verify the price of an option that you have calculated, a number of option calculators are available on the web. Let’s check our previous answers by using the option calculator we found at (continued )

Chapter 16 

  Option Valuation541


As you can see, our answer for the call value in Example 16.2 checks out.



Consider the following inputs to the Black-Scholes option pricing model. S = $65 r = 5% K = $60 σ = 25% T = 0.25 year

These input values yield a call option price of $6.78 and a put option price of $1.03.

Verify these prices from your own calculations.

16.6 Varying the Option Price Input Values An important goal of this chapter is to provide an understanding of how option prices change as a result of varying each of the five input values. Table 16.3 summarizes the sign effects of the five inputs on call and put option prices. A plus sign indicates a positive effect and a minus sign indicates a negative effect on the price of the option. For example, if the stock price increases, the call option price increases and the put option price decreases.

TABLE 16.3

Five Inputs Affecting Option Prices Sign of Input Effect Input

542 Part 5 



Underlying stock price (S)


Strike price of the option contract (K)


Time remaining until option expiration (T)



Volatility of the underlying stock price (σ)



Risk-free interest rate (r)


  Topics in Investments

Input Values:  K = $100  T = ¼ year   r = 5%  σ = 25%

Put and Call Option Prices 25 20 Option price ($)



Put price

Call price


5 0 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 102 104 106 108 110 112 114 116 118 120 Stock price ($)

The two most important inputs determining stock option prices are the stock price and the strike price. However, the other input factors are also important determinants of option value. We next discuss each input factor separately.

VARYING THE UN D E R LY I N G STOC K P R I C E Certainly, the price of the underlying stock is one of the most important determinants of the price of a stock option. As the stock price increases, the call option price increases and the put option price decreases. This is not surprising because a call option grants the right to buy stock shares and a put option grants the right to sell stock shares at a fixed strike price. Consequently, a higher stock price at option expiration increases the payoff of a call option. Likewise, a lower stock price at option expiration increases the payoff of a put option. For a given set of input values, the relationship between call and put option prices and an underlying stock price is illustrated in Figure 16.6. In Figure 16.6, stock prices are measured on the horizontal axis and option prices are measured on the vertical axis. Notice that the curves describing the relationships between call and put option prices and the underlying stock price have a convex (bowed) shape. Convexity is a fundamental characteristic of the relationship between option prices and stock prices.

VARYING THE OP TI ON ’ S STR I KE P R I C E As the strike price increases, the call price decreases and the put price increases. This is reasonable because a higher strike price means that we must pay a higher price when we exercise a call option to buy the underlying stock, thereby reducing the call option’s value. Similarly, a higher strike price means that we will receive a higher price when we exercise a put option to sell the underlying stock, thereby increasing the put option’s value. Of course, this logic works in reverse also; as the strike price decreases, the call price increases and the put price decreases.

VARYING THE TI ME R E MA I N I N G U N TI L OP TI ON E XPI RAT I O N Time remaining until option expiration is an important determinant of option value. Astime remaining until option expiration lengthens, both call and put option prices normally increase. This is expected because a longer time remaining until option expiration allows more time for the stock price to move away from a strike price and increase the option’s payoff, thereby making the option more valuable. The relationship between call and put option prices and time remaining until option expiration is illustrated in Figure 16.7, where time remaining until option expiration is measured on the horizontal axis and option prices are measured on the vertical axis.

Chapter 16 

  Option Valuation543

Input Values: S = $100 K = $100 r = 5% σ = 25%

Option Prices and Time to Expiration 35 30 Call price Option price ($)


25 20 15 Put price

10 5 0




9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 48 51 54 57 60 Time to expiration (months)

Option Prices and Sigma 25 20 Option price ($)

Input Values: S = $100 K = $100  T = ¼ year   r = 5%


Call price


Put price


0 0

5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 Sigma (%)

VARYING THE VOL ATI L I TY OF THE STOC K P R I C E Stock price volatility (sigma, σ) plays an important role in determining option value. As stock price volatility increases, both call and put option prices increase. This is as expected because the more volatile the stock price, the greater is the likelihood that the stock price will move farther away from a strike price and increase the option’s payoff, thereby making the option more valuable. Remember, option payoffs are asymmetric. That is, the downside is limited to a value of zero. So, any increase in volatility can only make the range of possible payoffs bigger (and better). The relationship between call and put option prices and stock price volatility is graphed in Figure 16.8, where volatility is measured on the horizontal axis and option prices are measured on the vertical axis.

VARYING THE I N TE R E ST R ATE Although seemingly not as important as the other inputs, the interest rate still noticeably affects option values. As the interest rate increases, the call price increases and the put price decreases. This is explained by the time value of money. A higher interest rate implies a greater discount, which lowers the present value of the strike price that we pay when we 544 Part 5 

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Option Prices and Interest Rates 9

Input Values: S = $100 K = $100  T = ¼ year  σ = 25%

8 Call price

Option price ($)

7 6 5 4

Put price

3 2 1 0 0









9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Interest rate (%)

exercise a call option or receive when we exercise a put option. Figure 16.9 graphs the relationship between call and put option prices and interest rates, where the interest rate is measured on the horizontal axis and option prices are measured on the vertical axis.

16.7 Measuring the Impact of Stock Price Changes on Option Prices

delta Measure of the dollar impact of a change in the underlying stock price on the value of a stock option. Delta is positive for a call option and negative for a put option.

Investment professionals using options in their investment strategies have standard methods to state the impact of changes in input values on option prices. The two inputs that most affect stock option prices over a short period, say a few days, are the stock price and the stock price volatility. The approximate impact of a stock price change on an option price is stated by the option’s delta. You have seen delta earlier in this chapter. In the binomial model, we introduced the concept of delta, Δ. The difference between deltas in the binomial model and the Black-Scholes model is simple. Delta in the binomial model is calculated over discrete time periods, which can be very short. In the Black-Scholes model, time periods are infinitesimally short. In the Black-Scholes model, therefore, we measure delta as an instantaneous change in the option price when the stock price changes. In the Black-Scholes option pricing model, expressions for call and put option deltas are stated as follows, where the mathematical function and N(x) were previously defined: Call option delta = ​N​(​ ​d​ 1​)​ > 0​ ​    ​ ​  ​  ​ ​ Put option delta = ​− N​(​−​d​ 1​)​  Currentyield > Yieldtomaturity ​ 5. Discountbonds: ​ ​      ​  ​  ​ Couponrate < Currentyield < Yieldtomaturity ​ ​ 6. Parvaluebonds: ​      ​  ​  ​ Couponrate = Currentyield = Yieldtomaturity ​ 7. Callablebondprice ​ ​      ​ C   ​​ 1 − ​ __________ CP   ​  1​   __________ = ​ ____     ​ ​ + ​     (​ 1 + YTC / 2)​ 2T​] (​ 1 + YTC / 2)​ 2T​ YTC [ ​ Inthisformula:   C = Constantannualcoupon  CP = Callpriceofthebond   T = Timeinyearsuntilearliestpossiblecalldate YTC = Yieldtocallassumingsemiannualcoupons

(​ 9.5)​

8. Percentagechangeinbondprice ≈ ChangeinYTM _____________ –Duration × ​​        ​​ (1 + YTM / 2​)​  Macaulayduration _________________ 9. Modifiedduration =    ​      ​   (1 + YTM / 2​)​ 10. Percentagechangeinbondprice ≈ ​ ​      ​  ​ = −Modifiedduration × ChangeinYTM

6. Billprice ​​ _____________________________________ ​  Facevalue =     ​        ​  1 + Bondequivalentyield × Daystomaturity / 365


11. Parvaluebondduration ​ (​ 1 + YTM / 2)​ ​     ​  ​ 1 ___________ ___________ = ​   ​​       ​ ​ [1 − ​  ​(   YTM 1 + YTM / 2)​ 2M​]

7. ​1 + EAR = ​​(1 + ____ ​  APR     ​​​  ​  ) m ​

(​ 9.7)​

Facevalue  8. ​STRIPSprice = ___________ ​      ​ ​(1 + YTM / 2)​ 2M​


4. Currentprice ​​  ​ Daystomaturity = Facevalue × ​(1 − _______________    ​   ​  × Discountyield)​ 360 5. Bondequivalentyield 365 × Discountyield    ​​ ​ =  ​ ______________________________          ​  360 − Daystomaturity × Discountyield


2M Facevalue  9. ​​YTM = 2 × ​[​​ ​ ___________  ​ ​​​  ​− 1]​ (    STRIPSprice ) 1   ​  ​ ___

​(9.3)​ ​​

(​ 9.4)​



10. ​Realinterestrate = Nominalinterestrate − Inflationrate ​(1 + ​r2​  ​)​​  2​ 11. ​f1,1 ​  ​= ______ ​   ​    − 1​ 1 + ​r1​  ​


12. ​NI = RI + IP + RP


13. NI = RI + IP + RP + LP + DP​


  Inthisequation:   NI = Nominalinterestrate     RI = Realinterestrate     IP = Inflationpremium     RP = Interestrateriskpremium     LP = Liquiditypremium     DP = Defaultpremium

Annualcoupon ______________ 1. ​Couponrate =    ​   ​    Parvalue Annualcoupon 2. ​Currentyield = ______________    ​      ​   Bondprice 3. Bondprice ​ ​      ​  C   ​   FV   ​​  ​ 1  ___________ = ​ ____ ​[1 − ​ ___________     ​ ​ + ​     (​ 1 + YTM / 2)​ 2M​] (​ 1 + YTM / 2)​ 2M​ YTM

700 Appendix C


​(10.5)​ (​ 10.6)​

​  ​(10.7)​ ​  ​(10.8)​

​ Inthisformula:   M = Bondmaturityinyears YTM = Yieldtomaturityassumingsemiannualcoupons ​ 12. Duration (1 + YTM / 2​)​+ M​(​CPR − YTM​)​ ​      ​  / 2 ___________________________ ​( ​  1 + YTM  __________ = ​   ​     −     ​       ​  ​ 10.9)​ YTM YTM + CPR​[​ ​(1 + YTM / 2)​ 2M​− 1​]​ ​ Inthisformula:   CPR = Constantannualcouponrate    M = Bondmaturityinyears   YTM = Yieldtomaturityassumingsemiannualcoupons 13. Dollarvalueofan01 ≈ Modifiedduration ​ ​     ​  ​  ​  ​ ​ ​ ​ × Bondprice × 0.0001 ​(10.10)​ 1 ​ ____________________      ​  14. ​​Yieldvalueofa32nd​  ≈​     32 × Dollarvalueofan01

Chapter 10

​  ​(10.4)​


C   ​​ 1 − ___________ Facevalue  1  ​      ​ ​ + ___________ ​      ​​  15. ​​P​  =  ​ ____ YTM [ ​(1 + YTM / 2)​ 2M​] ​(1 + YTM / 2)​ 2M​ P ​​(1 + YTM / 2)​ 2M​ = ____ ​  C   ​  ​[​(1 + YTM / 2)​ 2M​− 1]​ ​ ​     ​  ​  ​  ​  YTM ​ ​ ​ + Facevalue

 ​​ ​(10.12)​

16. ​Futurevalue = $100,000,000 = P ​(​ 1 + YTM / 2)​ 2M​ 

(​ 10.13)​

Chapter 11


1. Riskpremium = Expectedreturn − Risk-freerate(11.1) Riskpremium = E( RJ) − Rf


​ ​ 2. PortfolioreturnforN-assetportfolio:       ​​ ​  ​  ​  ​ ​​​  (​ 11.2)​ ​E( ​RP​  ​) = ​x1​  ​× E( ​R1​ ​) + ​x2​  ​× E( ​R2​ ​) + . . . +​xn​ ​× E( ​Rn​ ​)​

​ ​ 3. Portfoliovariancefortwo-assetportfolio: ​      ​  ​  ​ ​σP​ 2​  = ​xA​ 2​  ​σA​ 2​ + ​xB​ 2​  ​σB​ 2​  + 2 ​xA​  ​ ​xB​  ​ ​σA​  ​ ​σB​  ​ Corr( ​RA​  ​ , ​RB​  ​ )

​  ​(11.3)​

4. ​Portfoliovarianceforthree-assetportfolio:

2. ​F ​ =​  S​(1 + r)​

​  ​(14.2)​

3. ​S ​ pot-futuresparity: ​FT​  ​=​  S ​​(1 + r)​ T​ 

​  ​(14.3)​

4. ​F = S(1 + r) − D(14.4)​

​σP​ 2​  = ​xA​ 2​  ​σA​ 2​ + ​xB​ 2​  ​σB​ 2​  + ​xC​ 2 ​ ​σC​ 2 ​+ 2 ​xA​  ​ ​xB​  ​ ​σA​  ​ ​σB​  ​ Corr( ​RA​  ​ , ​RB​  ​ )

5. F = ​S​(​1 + r​)​− D​(​S / S​)​ ​ = ​S​(​1 + r​)​− S​(​D / S​)​ ​​ ​       ​  ​    ​ ​​​ 5. TheweightinAssetAintheminimumvarianceportfolio: ​ ​ = ​S​(​1 + r​)​− Sd​ 2 ​σB​  ​  − ​σA​  ​ ​σB​  ​ Corr( ​RA​  ​ , ​RB​  ​ )       ​​ ​  ​ ​​  ​ = ​S​(​1 + r − d​)​ (14.5)​ _______________________ ​xA​ *​ =     ​       ​  ​(11.5)​ ​ ​σA​ 2​ + ​σB​ 2​  − 2 ​σA​  ​ ​σB​  ​ Corr( ​RA​  ​ , ​RB​  ​ ) ​ 6. Spot-futuresparity(withdividendyield): ​​ (​ 14.6)​      ​ ​  ​  ​​ ​FT​  ​= S​(1 + r − d)​ ​​ T​ ​ ​ 6. Portfolioreturnforthree-assetportfolio:       ​ ​  ​  ​  ​ ​  (​ 11.6)​ 7. ​Numberofindexfuturescontracts,N,neededtohedgefully: ​RP​  ​= ​xF​  ​ ​RF​  ​+ ​xS​  ​ ​RS​ ​+ ​xB​  ​ ​RB​  ​ V β 7. Portfoliovarianceforthree-asset portfoliowhenall N = ___ ​  P  ​ × __ ​  P ​   (14.7)​ V β F F correlationsarezero:   + 2 ​xA​  ​ ​xC​  ​ ​σA​  ​ ​σC​  ​ Corr( ​RA​  ​ , ​RC​  ​ ) + 2 ​xB​  ​ ​xC​  ​ ​σB​  ​ ​σC​  ​ Corr( ​RB​  ​ , ​RC​  ​ ) ​(11.4)​​​​

​σ​ 2P ​= ​xF​ 2​  ​σ​ 2F ​+ ​xS​ 2​  ​σ​ 2S​ + ​xB​ 2​  ​σ​ 2B ​ ​ 

(​ 11.7)​

Chapter 12 1. Totalreturn − Expectedreturn = Unexpectedreturn ​ ​       ​  ​  ​  ​  ​  ​  ​  ​   ​​ ​(12.1)​​ R − E​(R)​ = U ​ 2. ​Announcement​ = Expectedpart + Surprise ​(​12.2​)​

8. ​NumberofU.S.Treasurynotefuturescontracts,N,neededto hedge a bondportfolio: ​D​  ​× ​VP​  ​ (​ 14.8)​ N = _______ ​  P  ​  ​DF​  ​× ​VF​  ​ 9. ​Durationofaninterestratefuturescontract(ruleofthumb): ​(14.9)​

​DF​  ​= ​DU​  ​+ ​MF​  ​

3. ​​R − E​(R)​= Systematicportion + Unsystematicportion


4. ​R − E​(R)​= U = m + ε

(​ 12.4)​​

Chapter 15

5. ​Totalrisk​= Systematicrisk + Unsystematicrisk


E(RA) − ​Rf​ ​ E(RB) − ​Rf​ ​ 6. ​​__________ ​  =​  __________ ​  ​ ​   ​   ​   ​   ​βA​  ​ ​βB​  ​

1. ​​Calloptionintrinsicvalue = MAX​(​S − K, 0​)​​

(​ 15.1)​


2. ​​Putoptionintrinsicvalue = MAX​(​K − S, 0​)​​


3. ​Americancalloptionprice ≥ MAX[S − K, 0]

(​ 15.3)​

4. ​Americanputoptionprice ≥ MAX[K − S, 0]


5. ​Europeancalloptionprice ≥ MAX[S − K / (​ 1 + r)​ T​, 0]

(​ 15.5)​

6. ​Europeanputoptionprice ≥ MAX[K / ​(1 + r)​  ​− S, 0]


E​(R​M  ​) −  ​Rf​ ​ E​(R​M  ​) −  ​Rf​ ​ 7. ​​SMLslope =​  ________ ​  =​  ________ ​  =​  E​(​RM​  ​)​− ​Rf​ ​​​ ​   ​   ​   ​   1 ​βM​  ​ 8. ​​E​(R​i ​) = ​Rf​ ​+ [E( ​RM​  ​) − ​Rf​ ​] × ​βi​ ​ (12.7)​​ 9. ​R − E​(R)​= m + ε


10. ​m = [​RM​  ​− E​(R​M  ​)] × β


11. ​R − E​(R)​= m + ε = [​RM​  ​− E​(R​M  ​)] × β + ε


12. ​βi​ ​= Corr( ​Ri​ ​ , ​RM​  ​ ) × ​σ​ i​ / ​σ​ M​ 


7. ​S + P − C = K / ​(1 + ​rf​ ​)​  ​ 

(​ 15.7)​


8. ​T ​ heput-callparityrelationship:​  ​C ​ − P = S − K / ​(1 + ​rf​ ​)​  ​  T S = C − P + K  / (  1 ​ + r ​   ​   ​ )​​    ​ ​​ ​  f T

​(15.8)​ ​(15.9)​​​

9. ​Theput-callparityrelationship(withdividends):

Chapter 13 ​(13.1)​​​

​RP​  ​− ​Rf​ ​ ​   ​   2. ​​Treynorratio​  =​  _______ ​  ​βp​ ​


​ f​ ​​ + [E(​RM​  ​) − ​Rf​ ​] × ​βp​ ​  3. ​​E​(R​P  ​) =​  R

(​ 13.3)​

Jensen’salpha = ​α​ P​ ​= ​Rp​ ​− E( ​Rp​ ​)​ ​ ​      ​  ​  ​  ​  ​  ​ ​ ​ = ​Rp​ ​− {​Rf​ ​+ [E​(R​M  ​) − ​Rf​ ​] ×  ​βp​ ​}

4. ​​

​​ ​(13.4)​

5. ​​E​(R​p ​) − ​Rf​ ​= [E​(R​m  ​) − ​Rf​ ​] × ​βp​ ​ (13.5)​​ 6. ​​E​(R​p,RP   ​) = E​(R​m,RP   ​) × ​βp​ ​ (13.6)​​ E( ​Rp​ ​) − ​Rf​ ​ ​xS​  ​ E​(R​S ​) + ​xB​  ​ E​(R​B  ​) − ​Rf​ ​ _____________________________   =​  ___________________________________ ​           ​​ 7. ​​​ __________ ​σ​ p ​ ​ ​   ​√ ​x   ​S 2​  ​σ​ 2S​ +  ​xB​ 2​  ​σ​ 2B ​+ 2 ​xS​  ​ ​xB   ​  ​ ​σ​ S​ ​σ​ B​ Corr( ​RS​ ​ , ​RB​  ​ ) ​

(​ 13.7)​

8. ​​E​(R​p,T   ​) = E​(R​p ​) × T(13.8)​​ __

9. ​​σ​ p,T​= ​σ​ p​× ​√ T ​   10. ​Value-at-Risk:

(​ 15.10)​

C − P = S − Div − K / ​(1 + ​rf​ ​)​​  T​ 

​RP​  ​− ​Rf​ ​ 1. ​​Sharperatio =​  _______ ​  ​σ​   ​   ​ ​   p



1. ​Delta,one-periodbinomialmodel: ​Cu​ ​− ​Cd​ ​ Δ = ​ _______    ​   ​ Su − Sd 2. ​​(ΔS − C​)​(1 + r​)​= ΔS × u − ​Cu​ ​  ​  (​ 16.1)​​ 3. ​Callvalue,one-periodbinomialmodel: ΔS​(​1 + r − u​)​+ ​Cu​ ​ C = _________________ ​      ​    1+r


4. ​Black-Scholescalloptionpricingmodel:  C = SN​(​ ​d1​ ​)​− K ​e​ −rT​ N​(​ ​d2​ ​)​

(​ 16.3)​

5. ​Black-Scholesputoptionpricingmodel: P = K ​e​ −rT​ N​(​− ​d2​ ​)​− SN​(​− ​d1​ ​)​


Where,intheBlack-Scholesformula, ​d1​ ​ and ​d2​ ​ are​ __


7. ​​d2​ ​= ​d1​ ​− σ ​√ T ​ 

​Prob[ ​Rp,T ​  ​≤ E​(R​p ​) ×​ ​T − 1.96 × ​σ​ p​ √ ​  T ​]  = 2.5%​​ ​Prob[ ​Rp,T ​  ​≤ E​(R​p ​) ×​ ​T − 1.645 × ​σ​ p​ ​√ T ​]  = 5%​​

Chapter 16

ln​(S / K)​+ ​(r__+ ​σ​ 2​ / 2)​ T​ 6. ​​d1​ ​= __________________    ​      ​  ​ σ ​√ T ​ 


​Prob[ ​Rp,T ​  ​≤ E​(R​p ​) ×​ ​T − 2.326 × ​σ​ p​ √ ​  T ​]  = 1%​ ​(13.10)​

Chapter 14 1. ​Carrying-chargemarket: Basis = Cashprice− Futuresprice < 0 Invertedmarket: Basis = Cashprice− Futuresprice > 0 ​ (14.1)


8. ​​Calloptiondelta = N( ​d1​ ​) > 0​​ 9. ​​Putoptiondelta = − N( − ​d1​ ​) < 0​​ 10. ​Ausefuloptionhedgingequation: Changeinvalueofstockportfolio + Changeinvalue ofoptions = 0


Appendix C 701

11. Δ ​ S × Sharesheld + Optiondelta × ΔS × Numberofoptions = 0

(​ 16.6)​

12. ​Numberofstockoptionsneededtohedgesharesheld: −Sharesheld ​   Numberofoptions = _____________ ​    ​(16.7)​ Optiondelta 13. ​Numberofoptioncontractsneededtohedgeanequityportfolio: Portfoliobeta × Portfoliovalue  ​  (​ 16.8)​ = ____________________________     ​      Optiondelta × Optioncontractvalue 14. ​Black-Scholes-Mertoncalloptionformula: C = S ​e​ −yT​ N( ​d1​ ​) − K ​e​ −rT​ N( ​d2​ ​)


Where,intheBlack-Scholes-Mertoncalloptionformula,  ​d1​ ​ and ​d2​ ​ are:​ ln​(S / K)​+ (​ r − y + ​σ​ 2​ / 2)​T __ ​​ 15. ​d1​ ​= ______________________    ​     σ ​√ T ​  __ 16. ​d2​ ​= ​d1​ ​− σ ​√ T ​ 

​(​17.1​)​ ​(17.2)​

Shareholderequity _________________ 7. ​​Bookvaluepershare(BVPS)​  =​     ​   ​​​ Sharesoutstanding Netincome  ​ _______________ ​     8. ​​Earningspershare(EPS)​  =​     Sharesoutstanding ​​ Operatingcashflow __________________ 9. ​​Cashflowpershare(CFPS)​  =​     ​     ​​​ Sharesoutstanding

702 Appendix C


​​ ​(17.3)​

1. ​Conversionratio = Numberofstocksharesacquiredbyconversion​ Bondparvalue 2. ​​Conversionprice = ​ ______________       ​​​ Conversionratio

2. ​Netincome = Dividends + Retainedearnings

Per-share calculations:

​D0​ ​× (​ 1 + ​g1​  )​ ​ 1 + ​g​  ​ 13. P ​ 0​ ​  = ____________ ​     ​​  1 − ​​(​ ______1 ​  ​​​  ​  ​ ​ ​ k − ​g1​  ​ [ 1+k) ] ​​ ​     ​  ​  ​  ​ T ​D0​ ​× (​ 1 + ​g2​  )​ ​ 1 + ​g1​  ​ ______ ____________ ​ ​+​  ( ​ ​ ​​ ​   ​ ​​​  ​ ​    ​   ​   1+k) [ k − ​g2​  ​ ]

Convertible bond-to-stock conversion formulas:

1. ​Assets​= Liabilities + Equity

Grossprofit 3. ​​Grossmargin​  =​  ____________ ​​  ​   ​   Netsales Operatingincome 4. ​​Operatingmargin​  =​  ________________ ​​ ​         ​ Netsales 5. ​​Returnonassets(ROA)​  =​  __________ ​  Netincome   ​​​ Totalassets Netincome  ​ ​        6. ​​Returnonequity(ROE)​  =​  _______________ Shareholderequity ​​

Stockprice 10 ​​Price-book(P/B)​  =​  ​ __________ ​​   ​   BVPS Stockprice 11. ​​Price-earnings(P/E)​  =​  ​ __________ ​​   ​   EPS Stockprice 12. ​​Price-cashflow(P/CF)​  =​  ​ __________ ​​   ​   CFPS

Chapter 18

Chapter 17

Profitability ratios:

Price ratios:

3. ​Conversionvalue = Pricepershareofstock × Conversionratio​ Facevalue  ​​ 4. ​STRIPSprice = ____________ ​       [​ 1 + (​ YTM / 2)]​ ​ 2N​ 5. ​STRIPSyield = 2 ​[​​(__________ ​  Facevalue  ​    ​​​  ​− 1]​​ Price ) 1   ​  ​ ___ 2N

Annualcoupon 1  ______________ ​   ​     × ​[1 − ​ ___________     ​  ​ 6. Bondprice =    YTM ​(1 + YTM  / 2)​ 2M​ ]​ ​​ ​      ​  ​   ​​ Facevalue  ​ + ​ ___________     ​ ​ ​(1 + YTM / 2)​ 2M​ 7. ​Equivalenttaxableyield​ = Tax-exemptyield / ​(​1 − Marginaltaxrate​)​ 8. ​After-taxyield ​= Taxableyield × ​(​1 − Marginaltaxrate​)​ 9. ​Criticalmarginaltaxrate​= 1 − ​(​Tax-exemptyield / Taxableyield​)​

Chapter 19 1. ​Moneymultiplier = 1 / Reserverequirement​

Name Index Page numbers followed by an n indicate notes.



Angel, James, 157 Arms, Richard, 274

Gates, Bill, 228–229 Goodman, George J. W., 142 Graham, Benjamin, 75, 254 Grewal, Kevin, 476 Gross, Bill, 125 Gruber, M. J., 376n

B Bacanovic, Peter, 229 Bachelier, Louis, 529 Barber, Brad, 260 Black, Fischer, 540 Blume, Marshall, 27n Boehmer, Ekkehart, 62 Bohr, Niels, 177 Bollinger, John, 280 Briloff, Abraham, 565 Buffett, Warren, 44, 177, 230, 257, 491, 572

H Half, Robert, 460 Haliburton, Thomas Chandler, 295 Herzfeld, Thomas, 116 Hollyer, John, 618 Hoover, Herbert, 640 Howard, Dwight, 222



Cedarbaum, Miriam, 229 Cervanes, Miguel de, 368 Chang, Kenneth, 220 Cramer, Jim, 266

Jensen, Michael C., 438 Jones, Charles, 62 Jones, Kathy, 77




Kahneman, Daniel, 262, 265 Keillor, Garrison, 118n Kenny, Thomas, 298n Keynes, John Maynard, 268 Klammer, Franz, 401 Koba, Mark, 112n Koppett, Leonard, 283

Einstein, Albert, 568 Elliott, Ralph Nelson, 272 Elton, E. J., 376n


Devoe, Raymond, 332 Dimson, Elroy, 16 Dow, Charles, 271

F Fama, Eugene, 425–426 Feather, William, 142 Fisher, Irving, 315 Ford, Henry, 2 Franklin, Benjamin, 295, 599 French, Kenneth, 425–426 French, Kenneth R., 9n, 10n, 18n

Leeson, Nicholas, 258 Levisohn, Ben, 310n Lynch, Peter, 110

M Macaulay, Frederick, 348 Madoff, Bernard, 49 Malkiel, Burton C., 346 Manning, Peyton, 283


Markowitz, Harry, 369 Marsh, Paul, 16 Massa, Annie, 157n McKhann, Chris, 519n Merton, Robert, 540 Milligan, Spike, 1 Moeller, Philip, 618n Morgan, J. P., 435, 449 Newton, Cam, 283

O Odean, Terrance, 260

P Patrick, Danica, 152 Patton, George S., 100 Pisani, Bob, 242 Porter, Michael, 655–656

R Reagan, Ronald, 651 Richardson, Tim, 261 Rogers, Will, 41, 435, 663 Rooney, Ben, 77n, 156

Schweser, Kaplan, 73, 175, 217, 292, 330, 366, 399, 433, 459, 489, 527, 562, 597, 638, 661, 691 Sharpe, William F., 437, 453 Siegel, Jeremy J., 9n Silverblatt, Rob, 116n Smith, Adam, 142 Statman, Meir, 376n Staunton, Michael, 16 Stewart, Martha, 229 Stovall, Robert H., 283 Szramiak, John, 283

T Thoreau, Henry David, 663 Treynor, Jack L., 438 Tversky, Amos, 262, 265 Twain, Mark, 2, 460

W Waksal, Sam, 229 Welch, Ivo, 16 Woodard, Jared, 551n

Y Yan, Alexandra, 677n



Santayana, George, 2, 239n Scholes, Myron, 540 Schonberger, Jennifer, 128

Zhang, Xiaoyan, 62 Zucchi, Kristina, 150n Zuckerberg, Mark, 80

704 Name Index

Equations Index A Accounting, 568 Actual return, 418 Aftertax yield, 624 Alpha, 439–440 American call option price, 514 American put option price, 514 Announcements, 403 Annual percentage rates (APRs), 307–308 Arms, 274 Assets = liabilities + equity, 568 Average annual returns, 15 Average returns, 24

B Betas calculation of, 421–423 differences in, 423–424 overview, 191, 195, 417–419 portfolio, 409–410 risk premium and, 410–411 source of, 419–421 systematic risk measurement, 407–409 systematic risk principle, 407 Black-Scholes call option pricing model, 540–541 Black-Scholes-Merton call option pricing model, 555 Black-Scholes put option pricing model, 540–541 Blume’s formula, 27–28 Bond risk measures based on duration, 353 Bonds conversion price for, 605 conversion ratio for, 605 conversion value for, 605 duration of discount, 350 duration of par value, 350 equivalent yields, 305–306 price of, 334–335 price of callable, 342 price of discount, 336–338 price of municipal, 622 price of premium, 336–337 price of straight, 334–335 price of Treasury, 616 risk measures based on duration, 353 Book value per share, 580, 586

C Callable bond price, 342 Call options delta (Δ) calculation for, 545–546 in-the-money, 501

intrinsic value of, 499–501 lower bound for prices of, 513–514 out-of-the-money, 501 put-call parity, 515–519 upper bound for prices of, 512 Call price, 533 Capital asset pricing model (CAPM), 415–416 Capital gains yield, 4–5 Carrying charge market, 474 Change in value of options held, 547 Clean surplus relationship (CSR), 192 Closing arms ratio, 274–275 Constant perpetual growth model, 179–181, 195–196 Conversion price for bonds, 605 Conversion ratio for bonds, 605 Conversion value for bonds, 605 Coupon rate, 333 Critical marginal tax rate, 625 Critical price (P*), 54, 60 Current price, 302 Current yield, 333

D DDM (dividend discount model), 178–179, 190–193 Delta, one period binomial model, 533 Discount bond price, 336–338 Discounts, 307–308 Dividend-adjusted parity, 477 Dividend discount model (DDM), 178–179, 190–193 Dividend payout ratio, 582 Dividend yield, 4–5 Dollar value of an 01, 352 Dollar-weighted average returns, 29 DuPont formula for ROE, 184–185 Duration of an interest rate futures contract,481 Duration of discount bond, 350 Duration of par value bond, 350

E EAR (effective annual rate), 6, 92, 307–308 Earnings per share, 580, 586 Economic Value Added (EVA), 191 Effective annual rates (EARs), 6, 92, 307–308 Enterprise value (EV) ratios, 200–201 Equity betas to asset betas conversion, 195–196 Equity beta to asset beta conversion, 195–196 Equity value, 195 Equivalent taxable yield, 624 Erratic dividend growth, 182–183 European call option price, 514 European put option price, 514 EVA (Economic Value Added), 191


EV to EBITDA ratio, 200–201 Expected price, 200 Expected return, 371–374, 410, 438, 450

F Forward rate, 319 Free cash flow (FCF), 194–196 Full capacity sales, 577–578 Future value, 354

G Geometric average returns, 25–27, 181–182 Gross margin, 571

Number of index futures contracts needed to hedge fully, 480 Number of stock index option contracts needed to hedge an equity portfolio, 550 Number of stock options needed to hedge shares held, 548 Number of Treasury note futures contracts needed to hedge fully, 480–481

O One-period binomial option pricing model, 533–534 Operating margin, 571 Overvalued securities, 415


Jensen’s alpha, 438–439 key, 699–702

Par value bond duration, 350 P/B (price-book) ratio, 198, 581, 586 P/CF (price-cash flow) ratio, 198 P/E (price/earnings) ratio, 197, 581, 586 Percentage return, 4–6 Performance and price ratios, 571 Portfolio betas, 409–410 Portfolio return, 387 Portfolio risk, 381–382 Portfolio value at option expiration, 515 Portfolio variance, 374–375, 383, 385–387 Premium bond price, 336–337 Prepayment probability, 673 Present value, 354 Price-book (P/B) ratio, 198, 581, 586 Price-cash flow (P/CF) ratio, 198 Price/earnings (P/E) ratio, 197, 581, 586 Price ratio analysis, 199–200 Price-sales (P/S) ratio, 198 Price-weighted indexes, 163, 166–167 P/S (price-sales) ratio, 198 Put and call option delta (Δ), 545–546 Put-call parity, 517 Put option intrinsic value, 500, 502



Macaulay duration, 348–350 Maintenance margins, 52–53 Margin, 51 Margin calls, 60 Market excess returns, 439–440 Market sentiment index (MSI), 271 Minimum variance portfolio, 386 Modified duration, 348–349 Money market prices, 303 Money multiplier, 651 Mortgage amortization, 667–669 Mortgage payments, 664–665 MSI (market sentiment index), 271 Municipal bond price, 622

Real interest rates, 315 Reindexing, 167 Residual income model (RIM), 192–193 Return on assets (ROA), 571, 580, 586 Return on equity (ROE), 184–186, 571, 580,586 Reward-to-risk ratio, 411, 413–414 Risk premium, 370 R-squared, 442–443

H Hedging equation, 547 Hedging equity portfolio with stock index option contracts, 550 Hedging stock shares with stock options, 548 Hedging with stock index futures, 480 Hedging with Treasury note futures, 481 H-model, 190

I Index divisor, 166–167 Information ratio, 442 Initial margins, 52 Interest rate risk, 352 Internal rate of return (IRR), 29 Inverted market, 474


N Net asset value (NAV) of money market mutual funds, 111–112 of mutual funds, 103–104, 106 Net income = dividends + retained earnings,570 Nominal interest rates, 321, 323 Nonconstant growth in the first stage, 188–189

706 Equations Index

S Security Market Line, 415–416 Sharpe-optimal portfolios, 446–448 Sharpe ratio, 437 Short sales, 59 Single monthly mortality (SMM)., 673 Spot-futures parity, 476–477 Standard deviation, 19–20, 450 Standard deviation of portfolio variance, 374–375, 383 Stock index options to hedge equity portfolio,550 Straight bond prices, 334–335 STRIPS price, 612–613 STRIPS yield, 613

“Supernormal” growth, 189–190 Sustainable growth rate, 183–184 Systematic risk, 405, 418

T Taxes and money market fund yields, 112 Time value of money, 297 Total return, 402 Total risk, 406, 409 Treasury bill prices, 303 Treasury bond prices, 616 Treynor ratio, 438 Turnover, 108 Two-stage dividend growth model, 186–188, 586

V Valuation of free cash flow, 196 Value-at-risk statistic, 449–452 Variance, 18–20 Variance of expected returns, 371–375, 382, 387 Volatilities, 24

Y Yields of U.S. Treasury STRIPS, 314–315 Yield to call (YTC), 341–343 Yield to maturity (YTM), 341 Yield value value of a 32nd, 352

U Unequal probabilities, 370–374 Unsystematic risk, 405

Equations Index 707

Subject Index Page numbers followed by an n indicate notes.

A AARP, 671 AAXCX (Adaptive Allocation Fund), 116 ABC Bank (China), 150 Abnormal returns, 221, 227, 437 ABS (asset-backed securities), 677 Accounts, investment annualizing returns on margin purchases, 54–55 cash, 50 hypothecation, 55 margin, 50–54 retirement, 56–57 street name registration, 55–56 Accrued interest on bonds, 338 Adaptive Allocation Fund (AAXCX), 116 Adjustable rate corporate bonds, 610–611 Advance/decline line, as technical indicator, 273 Advanced Medical Optics, Inc., 225–227 Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), 40, 606 Advisory-based relationships, 48 AEP (American Electric Power), 153, 181, 184 AEPGX (American Funds EuroPacific Growth Fund), 107 AG Mortgage Investment Trust, 85 AIA Investments (Hong Kong), 150 AIG, Inc., 507 Alcoa, Inc., 58, 82 Alibaba Group (China), 150 Altisource Residential, 85, 289, 423 AMD (Advanced Micro Devices), 40 American Association of Individual Investors, 179, 210 American Electric Power (AEP), 153, 181, 184 American Express, 51, 153, 187, 434 American Football Conference, 282–283 American Funds EuroPacific Growth Fund (AEPGX), 107 American Funds mutual funds, 104 American options, 492, 500, 512–514, 555n American Standard Company, 40 America Online (AOL), 403 Amex Internet Index, 243–244 Amortization of fixed-rate mortgages, 665–667 protected amortization class bonds, 682–683 Anchoring, 257 Annualizing returns, 5–7, 54–55 Annual percentage rate (APR), 306–308, 334 Answers to investment quotient questions, 693–696 Answers to selected questions and problems, 697–698


AOL (America Online), 403 A&P (Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company), 554 Apollo private equity funds, 145 Apollo Residential Mortgage, 85 Apple, Inc., 5, 369, 389 APR (annual percentage rate), 305–308, 334 APT (arbitrage pricing theory), 416n Arbitrage cash-futures, 473–475 index, 478–479 limits to, 268 market efficiency from, 221–222 put-call parity to identify, 518 for stock options, 512–514 Arbitrage hedge funds, 132 Arbitrage pricing theory (APT), 416n Arca (NYSE electronic trading engine), 152 Arithmetic average dividend growth rate, 181–182 Arithmetic average returns, 24–28 Arlington Asset Investment, 85 Armour Residential REIT, 85 Asian crash, 243 Ask price, 148 Asset allocation. See also Diversification asset allocation mutual funds, 117–118 investor constraints impact on, 64–65 Markowitz efficient frontier and, 387–389 process of, 45–46 in risk-return determination, 383–385 Asset-backed securities (ABS), 677 Asset turnover in DuPont formula for ROE, 185–186 AT&T, Inc., 58, 82, 502 At-the-money options, 501 Automated trading programs, 156 Availability bias, 265 Average life of mortgages in pools, 673–674 Average returns arithmetic v. geometric, 24–28 dollar-weighted, 28–30 by holding period, 378 overview, 14–17 by size and book to market ratio, 425

B Back-end load funds, 107 Backtesting, 270 Backwardation, 475, 476

Balanced mutual funds, 117 Balance sheet overview, 567–569 pro forma, 574–576 for Starbucks Corporation, 580 Balda AG, 161 Bank of America, 82 Bank certificates of deposit (CDs), 77 Bank discount rate quotes for money market, 302–303 Bank discount yields, 304–305 Banker’s acceptance, 301, 323, 323 Barclays, Ltd., 129 Barclays Aggregate Bond Index, 409n Barclays Capital, 309 Barclays Inflation-Protected Securities, 618 Barings Bank, 258 Barrick Gold, 82 Base-year values in stock market indexes, 167–168 Basis, between cash and futures price, 474 Basis points, in interest rates, 302 BATS Global Markets, 160 BBA (British Bankers Association), 300 Bear call spread strategy, for options, 510 Bear market of 2008, 12–14 Bear Stearns, 244, 507 “Beat the market,” 221 Bed Beth & Beyond, 40 Behavioral finance, 254–294 arbitrage limits, 268 herding, 266–267 heuristics, 266 introduction to, 255 overcoming bias, 267 overconfidence, 259–262 prospect theory, 255–259 randomness and chance events, 262–265 Royal Dutch/Shell price ratio, 269–270 sentiment-based risk, 268–270 technical analysis charting, 276–281 Dow theory, 271–272 Elliott wave theory, 272 Fibonacci numbers, 281–282 relative strength charts, 275–276 system and resistance levels, 272–273 technical indicators, 273–275, 282 use of, 270–271 3Com/Palm mispricing, 268–269 Bellwether rate, 299 Berkshire Hathaway, 44 Best efforts underwriting, 146–147 Betas calculation of, 421–423 differences in, 423–424 overview, 191, 195, 417–419 portfolio, 409–410 risk premium and, 410–411 source of, 419–421 systematic risk, 407–409 Bias availability, 265 overcoming, 267 recency, 265

self-attribution, 265 status quo, 257 wishful thinking, 265 Bid-ask spread, 616 Bid price, 148 Binomial option pricing model with many periods, 538–540 BlackRock, Inc., 157 Black-Scholes-Merton option pricing model, 540, 555 Black-Scholes option pricing model calculations using, 541–542 deltas in, 545 employee stock option price, 554–555 for hedging, 547–548 overview, 540–541, 367, 434 Blue Chip Growth Fund, 121 Blue chip stocks, 121n Blue Chip Winery Fund, 116 B/M (book to market) ratio, 425–426 Bollinger bands, 280 Bond Market Association, 672 Bond refunding, 602 Bonds, 599–639 bank discount yields v. yields of, 304–306 bullet, 600 convertible, 82 corporate adjustable rate, 610–611 bond-to-stock conversion provisions, 605–607 call provisions, 602–605 convertible bond price analysis, 607–608 coupon payment provisions, 609–610 long-term returns on, 7–9, 12–13, 15, 17, 21 maturity and principal payment provisions, 608–609 overview, 600–601 price quotes on, 78–80 protective covenants, 610 put provisions, 605 seniority provisions, 602 sinking fund provisions, 609 credit ratings for alternative to, 627–628 importance of, 627 junk bonds, 628–630 overview, 625–627 European markets for, 77 geometric v. arithmetic average returns on, 26 GNMA, 671 government bond and note prices, 615–616 federal agency securities, 619–621 inflation-protected securities, 617–618 long-term returns on, 7–8, 12, 21 overview, 611–612 STRIPS, 612–613 U.S. Treasury auctions, 619 zero coupon bond prices, 613–615 interest rates and yields of, 308–312 money market equivalent yields, APRs, and EARs, 306–308 municipal, 621–625 price quotes on, 78–80 protected amortization class, 682–683 risk-return trade-off of, 30 in stock and bond funds, 117–118

Subject Index 709

Bonds—Cont. in taxable and municipal bond funds, 115–117 tax-exempt municipal, 310–312 total return index of, 9 year-to-year total returns on, 11 Bonds, prices and yields of, 332–367 coupon rate and current yield, 333–334 dedicated portfolios, 353–354 duration concept in bond risk measures based on, 352–353 Macaulay duration, 348–351 modified duration, 348–349 properties of, 351–352 immunization to minimize uncertainty in, 356–358 interest rate risk, 345–346 Malkiel’s theorems, 346–347 reinvestment risk, 354–356 straight bonds overview, 333 premium and discount, 336–337 price quotes for, 338–339 prices of, 334–335 yield measures for, 338 yields calculating, 340–341 to call, 341–343 financial calculator for, 343–345 promised and realized, 345 Book to market (B/M) ratio, 425–426 Boston Stock Exchange, 151 Break-even effect, 257 British Bankers Association (BBA), 300 Brokerage accounts, 47–48 Broker-customer relations, 49–50 Brokers and dealers, 148–151 Bubbles and crashes Asian Crash, 243 Dot-Com Crash, 243–244 1929, 239–240 October 1987, 241–242 October 2008, 244–245 Bull call spread strategy, for options, 510 Bullet bonds, 600 Bureau of Fiscal Services, U.S. Treasury, 323 Business cycles, 643–645 Business Insider, 267 Butterfly spread strategy, for options, 510 Buttonwood Tree Agreement, 142

C CAC-40 Index (France), 488 CAG (ConAgra Foods), 99 Call, yield to, 341–343 Callable bonds, 341, 600 Call money interest rate, 300 Call money rate, for margin accounts, 50–51 Call options American and European exercise styles of, 492 corporate risk management and, 508–509 covered call strategy for, 509–510 delta (Δ) calculation for, 545–546 description of, 88 examples of, 497 hedging with, 548

710 Subject Index

in-the-money, 501 intrinsic value of, 499–501 long straddle strategy for, 511 lower bound for prices of, 513–514 out-of-the-money, 501 put-call parity, 515–519 spread strategy for, 510–511 upper bound for prices of, 512 Call price, 341 Call protection price, 342 Call provisions for corporate bonds, 602–605 Call writer, 503 Cal-Maine Foods, 262 Candlestick charts, 276 Capital appreciation, as stock fund objective, 113–114 Capital asset pricing model (CAPM) Fama–French three-factor model and, 425–426 in Jensen’s alpha measure, 438 overview, 417 required return determined from, 196n security market line and, 415–416 stock discount rate estimated by, 190 testing of, 424–425 Capital gains and losses, 2–3 Capital intensity ratio, 573 Carrying-charge market, 475 Cash accounts, 50 Cash flow, 565–598 bonds as predictable, 600 financial statements, forecasting with examples of, 576–578 percentage of sale approach, 573 profitability and price ratios in, 579 pro forma balance sheet, 574–576 pro forma income statement, 573–574 from financial statements balance sheet, 567–569 cash flow statement, 567, 570–571 income statement, 569–570 overview, 566–567 performance and price ratios from, 571–573 of GNMA fully modified mortgage pools, 674–677 in price-cash flow (P/CF) ratio, 198 Starbucks Corporation case study balance sheet, 580 income statement, 581 market valuation of, 587 overview, 579–580 pro forma balance sheet, 582–585 pro forma income statement, 581–582 ratio analysis for valuing, 585–586 two-stage dividend growth model on, 586–587 Cash flow per share (CFPS), 572 Cash flow yield, 684 Cash prices, futures prices v., 473–477 Cash-settle options, 498 Caterpillar, Inc., 153, 218 CBOE (Chicago Board Options Exchange), 491, 493, 497, 520, 528, 549–550, 552, 557, 564 CBOT (Chicago Board of Trade), 461–462, 465, 486 CDs (certificates of deposit), 301 CDSC (contingent deferred sales charges), 107 CDSs (credit default swaps), 507–508, 681 CEFFX (Congressional Effect Fund), 116 Cemex ADR, 82 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 225–226

Cerberus private equity funds, 145 Certificates of deposit (CDs), 301 CFA Institute, 210, 445 CFA Institute Standards of Practice, 661 CFPS (cash flow per share), 572 CFTC (Commodities Futures Trading Commission), 156, 483, 495 Chance events, overreacting to, 262–265 Charles Schwab, Inc., 43, 77, 104, 130 Charting, in technical analysis, 276–281 Cheapest-to-deliver option, 481–482 ChevronTexaco, 277 Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT), 461–462, 465, 486 Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE), 491, 493, 497, 520, 528, 549–550, 552, 557, 564 Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME), 461–462 Chicago Stock Exchange, 151 Chrysler Motor Company, 145 “Churning” accounts, 49 Circuit breakers, on stock exchanges, 156, 242 Cisco Systems, 5, 174, 291, 528 Citigroup, Inc., 130, 508 “Clawback” provision, of private equity funds, 143 Clean price of bonds, 338 Clean surplus relationship (CSR), 192, 204 Closed-end funds, 102–103, 124–125 Clustering illusion, 264 CME (Chicago Mercantile Exchange), 461–462 CME Group, Inc., 87, 462, 474n, 483, 490 CMOs (collateralized mortgage obligations). See Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) CMX (Commodities Exchange), 464 CNBC-TV, 84 CNET Networks, 276–277, 323 CNN Money, 156, 423 Coca-Cola Company, 53, 100, 116, 154, 185, 275, 555, 609 Coffee, Sugar, and Cocoa Exchange (CSCE), 462 COGS (cost of goods sold), 569 Coincident economic indicators, 645 Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) interest-only and principal-only mortgage strips, 678–680 overview, 677–678 protected amortization class bonds, 682–683 sequential, 680–681 yields for, 684 Columbia University, 527 Combination strategy for options, 511 Commercial paper, 300 Commodities Exchange (CMX), 464 Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), 156, 483, 495 Commodity futures contracts, 86 Commodity HQ, 483, 520 Common stock, 177–219 description of, 80–81 dividend discount model constant perpetual growth, 179–181 historical growth rates, 181–183 overview, 178–179 return on equity analysis, 184–186 sustainable growth rates, 183–184 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, analysis of free cash flow model on, 204–206 growth estimates for, 203 overview, 201 price ratio analysis of, 206–208

residual income model on, 204 summary quote for, 202–203 free cash flow model, 194–196 price ratio analysis, 197–201 residual income model, 191–193 security analysis, 178 two-stage dividend discount model, 186–191 Company size-based funds, 114 Company-sponsored retirement plans, 56 ConAgra Foods (CAG), 99 Conditional prepayment rates (CPRs), 673 Congressional Effect Fund (CEFFX), 116 Constant perpetual dividend growth in dividend discount model, 179–181 free cash flow model v., 195–196 residual income model v., 192–193 Consumer Price Index (CPI), 7–9, 13, 648–649 Contango, 476 Contingent deferred sales charges (CDSC), 107 Convertible bonds, 82, 605–608 Convertible mutual funds, 118 Core Consumer Price Index, 648–649 Corporate bonds. See Bonds Corporate money market instruments, 77 Corporate risk management, 508–509 Correlation asset allocation importance, 383–385 calculating portfolio risk by, 381–383 global economy and stock returns, 645–646 overview, 380–381 in performance measurement, 442–443 risk-return tradeoff and, 385–387 Cost of goods sold (COGS), 569 Coupon payments corporate bond provisions for, 600, 609–610 for fixed-income securities, 78 rates for bonds, 333–334 Covariance, 420–421 Covered call strategy, 509–510 Covering the position, 57 CPI (Consumer Price Index), 7–9, 648–649 CPRs (conditional prepayment rates), 673 Crashes Asian Crash, 243 Dot-Com Crash, 243–244 1929, 239–240 October 1987, 241–242 October 2008, 244–245, 298, 376, 383, 646 Credit default swaps (CDSs), 507–508, 681 Credit ratings for bonds alternative to, 627–628 importance of, 627 junk bonds, 628–630 overview, 625–627 Credit risk of ABS and MBS, 677 Credit spreads, 627–629 Credit tranching, 677 Cross-hedge, 479–480 CSCE (Coffee, Sugar, and Cocoa Exchange), 462 CSR (clean surplus relationship), 192, 204 Cumulative preferred stock, 81 Curing the short, 57 Current yield of fixed-income securities, 78 for bonds, 333–334 Cyclical economic sectors, 645

Subject Index


D Daily S&P 500 Bear 3X Shares (SPXS), 126 Daily S&P 500 Bull 3X Shares (SPXL), 126 Dartmouth College, 9n, 10n, 18n Data snooping, 231 Day-of-the-week effect in stock price behavior, 235 Days to Cover measure, 61 Dealers and brokers, 148–151 Debentures, 601-602. See also Bonds Debt, 599-603. See also Bonds Dedicated portfolios, 353–354 Deep-discount brokers, 48 Default premium (DP), 323 Default risk, 323, 621, 624 Defensive economic sectors, 645 Deflation, 618 Dell Inc., 40, 369 Delta (Δ) proportion, 534, 536, 545–547 Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation (DTCC), 692 Depreciation, in free cash flow model, 194–195 Derivative securities, 85–88, 492. See also Stock options Designated market makers (DMMs), in NYSE, 151–152, 154 Deutsche Bank, 129 Deutsche Borse, 151, 646 DIA (DIJA) ETF, 125 DIJA (Dow Jones Industrial Average). See Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) Direxion Bull funds, 128, 130 Dirty price of bonds, 338 Disclosures, 50 Discount brokers, 48 Discount rates for bank quotes for money market, 302–303 for bank yields v. bond equivalent yields, 304–306 for dividend discount models, 190 Federal Reserve control of, 299–300, 650 for pure discount securities, 301–302 Discount straight bonds, 336–338 Display book, of NYSE, 152 Disposition effect, 257 Distressed securities hedge funds, 132 Diversifiable risk, 406 Diversification, 368–400 correlation and asset allocation importance, 383–385 calculating portfolio risk by, 381–383 overview, 380–381 risk-return tradeoff and, 385–387 expected returns and variances, 369–372 Markowitz efficient frontier, 388–389 in mutual funds, 101–102 mutual funds for, 391 portfolio risk and, 375–379 in portfolios, 260, 372–375 risk and return and, 406, 417 Dividend discount model constant perpetual growth, 179–181 historical growth rates, 181–183 overview, 178–179 return on equity analysis, 184–186 sustainable growth rates, 183–184 two-stage, 186–191 Dividends arithmetic and geometric average growth rate of, 181–183 automatic reinvestment of, 128 of common stock, 81

712 Subject Index

as net income minus retained earnings, 570 payout ratio for, 183–184 put-call parity with, 517–518 as return on investment, 3 DMMs (designated market makers), 151–152, 154 Dodd-Frank Act, 131 Dollar returns, 2–4 Dollar value, to measure interest rate risk, 352 Dollar-weighted average returns, 28–30 Dot-Com crash, 243–244 Dow Jones Company, 271 Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) as barometer of market activity, 160–162 declines in, 22–23 ETFs representing, 125 “flash crash” impact on, 156 in Great Depression, 240 January 2008 through January 2013, 244–245 October 1986 to October 1990, 241 October 2008, 245 options on, 498 Dow theory, 271–272 DP (default premium), 323 D&P (Duff & Phelps, Inc.), 625–626, 631 Dreyfus mutual funds, 104 DTCC (Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation), 692 DTE Energy Co. (Detroit ED), 181, 184 Dual-class share system, 80–81 Duckwall-ALCO Stores, Inc., 193 Duff & Phelps, Inc. (D&P), 625–626, 631 DuPont. See E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, analysis of Duration concept for bonds bond risk measures based on, 352–353 for callable corporate bonds, 604 immunization by matching of, 356–357 Macaulay duration, 348–351, 675–677 modified duration, 348–349 properties of, 351–352 Dutch auction underwriting, 147–148 Dynamic immunization, 357–358

E EAFE Index (EFA), 126 Earnings. See also Cash flow announcement of, 239 earnings yield (E/P), 197 retained, 570 eBay, Inc., 408, 489 ECB (European Central Bank), 650 ECNs (electronic communication networks), 153 Economic activity. See Global economic activity Economic indicators, 645 Economic value added (EVA), 192 EDGAR (Electronic Data Gathering and Retrieval) archive, SEC, 566, 588 Edward Jones, Inc., 47 Effective annual rates (EARs), 305–308, 334 Effective duration model, 677 Efficient markets hypothesis (EMH), 221, 238–239. See also Market efficiency Efficient portfolios, 385 EFN (external financing needed), 576 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, analysis of free cash flow model on, 204–206 growth estimates for, 203 overview, 201

price ratio analysis of, 206–208 ratio calculations for, 598 residual income model on, 204 summary quote for, 202–203 Electronic communication networks (ECNs), 153, 159 Electronic Data Gathering and Retrieval (EDGAR) archive, SEC, 566, 588 Elliott wave theory, 272 Emerging markets funds, 114 Emerson Electric Co., 506–507, 509–510 EMH (efficient markets hypothesis), 221, 238–239. See also Market efficiency E-Minis futures contracts, 156, 463 Employee stock options (ESOs), 553–555 Ending wealth, average, 378 Endowment effect, 257, 259 Enel S.p.A. (Italy), 150 Enterprise value (EV) ratios, 200–201 Equities common stock, 80–81 preferred stock, 81–82 price quotes for, 82–85 return on (ROE), 571 as total assets minus total liabilities, 567–568 Equity income, as stock fund objective, 114 Equity multiplier, in DuPont formula for ROE, 185–186 Equivalent taxable yield, 624–625 ESOs (employee stock options), 553–555 ETFs (exchange traded funds). See Exchange traded funds (ETFs) ETNs (exchange-traded notes), 128–130, 475–476 eTrade, 158 E*TRADE, 47 Eurodollars, 300, 461 Euro LIBOR, 300 Euronext N.V., 142, 151, 153 European bond markets, 77 European Central Bank (ECB), 650 European options, 492, 500, 512–514, 534, 540, 555n European Union, 151 EV (enterprise value) ratios, 200–201 EVA (economic value added), 192 Exchangeable bonds, 607 Exchange members, of NYSE, 151 Exchange rates, global investments and, 646–647 Exchange traded funds (ETFs) for commodity-based investments, 475–476 creating, 126 index funds and, 126 leveraged, 126–128, 130 mutual funds v., 127–128 overview, 125–126 popularity of, 105 TIPS as investments for, 618 Exchange-traded notes (ETNs), 128–130, 475–476 Expectations theory of term structure of interest rates, 317–321 Expected returns beta and, 418–419 overview, 402 portfolio, 373–375 security market line and, 415–417 variances from, 369–372 Expense ratio, of mutual funds, 107 Expenses, for mutual funds, 108–110 Expiration, 530, 543–544 Expiry (time remaining before option expiration), 540

Exponential moving average charts, 278 External financing needed (EFN), 576, 578 ExxonMobil, 74, 407–408, 503

F, 80–81, 148, 150 False consensus, 265 Fama–French three-factor model, 425–426 “Fannie Mae” (Federal National Mortgage Association), 301, 310, 620, 671–672 Farmers Home Administration (FmHA), 671 FASB (Financial Accounting Standards Board) 123, on employee stock options, 554 FCF (free cash flow) model, 194–196, 204–206 Federal agency securities, 619–621 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), 48, 113 Federal Farm Credit Bank, 620 Federal funds rate, 299, 650 Federal Home Loan Bank, 620 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC), 301, 310, 620, 671 Federal Housing Administration (FHA), 671 Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), 620 Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA), 301, 310, 620, 671–672 Federal Reserve discount rates of, 299–300 on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in 2008, 620 historical interest rates published by, 639 interest rates and, 298, 323 monetary policy and, 650–651 overview, 51 FHA (Federal Housing Administration), 671 FHFA (Federal Housing Finance Agency), 620 FHLMC (Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation), 301, 310, 620, 671 Fibonacci numbers, 281–282 Fidelity Independence Fund, 113 Fidelity Investments, 104–105, 112, 121, 123, 126–127, 130, 486 Fidelity Low-Priced Stock Fund, 108–109, 445 Fidelity Magellan Fund, 110, 224 Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) 123, on employee stock options, 554 Financial futures contracts, 86 Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), 78–79, 161 Financial leverage, margin as, 53 Financial markets, 230–231. See also Behavioral finance Financial planning, 47 Financial Stability Oversight Council, 112 Financial statements. See also Behavioral finance balance sheet, 567–569 cash flow statement, 570–571 forecasting with examples of, 576–578 percentage of sale approach, 573 profitability and price ratios in, 579 pro forma balance sheet, 574–576 pro forma income statement, 573–574 income statement, 569–570 overview, 566–567 performance and price ratios from, 571–573 Financing cash flow, 570 FinPlan financial planning website, 453, 572 Firm commitment underwriting, 146 Firm-specific risk, 268 Fiscal policy, 651–652

Subject Index 713

Fisher hypothesis, 315–316, 319–320 Fitch Investors Service, 625, 631 Five Oaks Investment, 84–85 Fixed-income securities, 78, 308–312 Fixed-price call provisions for corporate bonds, 602–603 Fixed-rate mortgages amortization of, 665–667 overview, 664–665 prepayment and refinancing of, 667–671 “Flash crash,” trading program causing, 156 Flexible portfolio mutual funds, 117–118 Flight to quality, 298 Floating-rate bonds, 610 Floor brokers, on NYSE, 152 Floor value of convertible bonds, 607 FmHA (Farmers Home Administration), 671 FNMA (Federal National Mortgage Association), 301, 310, 620, 671–672 Forbes magazine, 267 Ford Motor Company, 380, 639, 655 Forecasting average returns, 28 examples of, 576–578 percentage of sale approach, 573 profitability and price ratios in, 579 pro forma balance sheet, 574–576 pro forma income statement, 573–574 Forward contracts, 461. See also Futures contracts Forward rate, expectations and, 317–319 401k retirement plans, 56 Fourth market for stocks, 160 Frame dependence, 256–257 Fraud, investment, 49 “Freddie Mac” (Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation), 301, 310, 620, 671–672 Free cash flow (FCF) model, 194–196, 204–206 Freeport-McMoRan, 82 Frequency distributions, variability in returns as, 17–18 Front-end loads, in mutual funds, 106 Full faith and credit bonds, 623 Full hedge, 468 Full price of bonds, 338 Full-service brokers, 47–48 Fully modified mortgage pools, of GNMA, 671, 674–677 Fundamental indexing, 168 Fundamental security analysis, 178 Funds of funds, 133 Future margins, 472 Futures contracts, 460–490 cash prices v., 473–477 E-Minis, 156 features of, 462–463 gains and losses on, 87 hedging with, 467–471 history of trading in, 461–462 options v., 89 overview, 85–86 prices of, 86–87, 463–466 speculating with, 466–467 stock index, 477–482 trading accounts in, 471–473 Futures Industry Association, 483

G Gambler’s fallacy, 265 Gap, Inc., 554 GARP (Global Association of Risk Professionals), 453

714 Subject Index

GDP (gross domestic product), 402–403, 642–645 GEF (general equity mutual fund), 232 Gender, overtrading and, 260 General cash offer, in primary market, 145 General Dynamics, 174 General Electric Capital Corporation, 300 General Electric Company, 51, 82, 156–157, 389, 434 General equity mutual fund (GEF), 232 General Motors Company, 100, 150, 197–198, 260–261, 380 General mutual funds, 117 General obligation bonds (GOs), 621 Geometric average dividend growth rate, 181–182 Geometric average returns, 24–28, 378 Georgetown University, 157 GICS (Global Industry Classification System), 655 “Ginnie Mae” (Government National Mortgage Association). See Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA) GIPS (Global Investment Performance Standards), 445 Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP), 453 Global economic activity, 640–662 fiscal policy, 651–652 industry analysis, 652–656 jobs and price monitoring, 647–649 macroeconomic activity, 642–647 monetary policy, 649–651 top-down analysis of, 641–642 Global Financial Data, 9n, 11n, 12n, 21n Global Industry Classification System (GICS), 655 Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS), 445, 453 GNMA bond, 671 Gold, total return index of, 9 Goldman Sachs, 129, 145, 150, 174 “Good-till-canceled” orders, 157, 5, 81, 147, 423 GOs (general obligation bonds), 621 Government bonds. See Bonds Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA) bond quotes of, 620 fully modified mortgage pools of, 674–677 home mortgages repackaged by, 310 mortgage-backed securities of, 671–672 overview, 117 Government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs), 620 Greenshoe offerings, 150 Gross domestic product (GDP), 402–403, 642–645, 81 Growth, as stock fund objective, 114 Growth stocks, 22–23, 197 GSEs (government-sponsored enterprises), 620 Gulf & Western, Inc., 250 Gymboree, Inc., 403

H Harbor Bond Fund, 141 Harley-Davidson, Inc., 2–3, 408 Harrah’s Entertainment, 145 Head and shoulders charts, 276–277 “Heat map,” of Standard & Poor’s 500 Index industrial sectors, 653–654 Hedging with futures, 467–471 hedge funds, 130–133 interest rate risk, 480–481 portfolios with stock index options, 549–551 stock market risk, 479–480 stock with stock options, 547–549

Herding, in behavioral finance, 266–267 Herzfeld Caribbean Basin Fund (NASDAQCM: CUBA), 116 Heuristics for behavioral finance, 266 Hewlett-Packard (HP), 268 High frequency traders, 154, 156 High-yield bonds, 628–630 High-yield mutual funds, 117 Historical growth rates, in dividend discount model, 181–183 H-model, 190 Home Depot, Inc., 279, 389, 434 Hong Kong Stock Exchange, 150 Hoovers Online, 210 Horizon, as investment constraint, 42–43, 64 “Hot-hand” fallacy, 264–265 “House” margin requirement, 52 House money effect, 258–259 HP (Hewlett-Packard), 268 Hybrid bonds, 623 Hybrid trading system, of NYSE, 152 Hypothecation, 55

I IBM, Inc., 40, 74, 80, 100, 121n, 153, 289, 408, 492 ICBC Bank (China), 150 ICE (Intercontinental Exchange), 142, 152, 462, 490 Illusion of knowledge, 260–261 ImClone, Inc., 229 IMM (International Monetary Market), 461 Immunization to minimize uncertainty in bond prices and yields, 356–358 Implied put option prices, 517 Implied standard deviation (implied volatility) in, 551–553 Implied volatility, 551–553 Income operating, 569 as stock fund objective, 114 Income mutual funds, 118 Income statement overview, 567, 569–570 pro forma, 573–574 for Starbucks Corporation, 581 Indentures, 601-611. See also Bonds Index arbitrage, 478–479 Index divisor, 166–167 Index funds, 115, 126 Index options, 497–499, 549–551 Index staleness, 167–168 Individual retirement accounts (IRAs), 56–57 Industry analysis, 652–656 Inflation average annual, 15 geometric v. arithmetic average returns on, 26 market price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio plus, 648 returns, standard deviations, and frequency distributions of, 21 Treasury bill interest rates and, 316–318 in 2008, 14 year-to-year, 12 Inflation-protected securities, 617–618 Information ratio, to measure performance, 442 Informed traders and insider trading, 228–229 Initial margins, 51–52, 472 Initial public offerings (IPOs) dot-com bubble and, 243 largest, 150 for Palm, Inc., 268 in primary market for stock, 145–146

“tombstone” announcements of, 148–149 underwriting, 146–148 Inside quotes, on NASDAQ, 160 Insider trading, 228–229 Instinet ECNs, 160 Insured municipal bonds, 624 Insured mutual funds, 117 Intel Corporation, 5, 199–200, 225, 404–405, 527 Intercontinental Exchange (ICE), 142, 152, 462, 490 Interest, 295–331 accrued, 338 on bonds, 600 call money rate, 50 fixed-income security rates and yields, 308–312 history of rates of, 296–298 money market prices and bank discount rate quotes of, 302–303 bank discount yields v. bond equivalent yields, 304–305 bond equivalent yields, APRs, and EARs, 305–308 overview, 301–302 treasury bill quotes, 303–304 money market rates of, 298–301 nominal rates of modern determinants of, 321–323 real rates v., 315–317 in sequential collateralized mortgage obligations, 680–681 short, 61 term structure of rates of description of, 312–315 traditional theories of, 317–320 varying rate of, 544–545 Interest-bearing securities, 76–80 Interest-only mortgage strips, 678–680 Interest rate risk, 321, 345–346 Interest rate risk premium, 321–322 Intermediate-term mutual funds, 117 Intermediate U.S. Treasury securities, 309 Internal rate of return (IRR), 29 Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 56, 105 International Monetary Market (IMM), 461 International mutual funds, 114 In-the-money bonds, 606 In-the-money options, 501 Intrinsic bond value, 607 Intrinsic value, 535 Intrinsic value of options, 499–502 Inverse floating-rate bonds, 611 Inverted market, 475 Investment banking firms, 146 Investment bond value, 607 Investment cash flow, 570 Investment companies. See Mutual funds and other investment companies Investment opportunity set, 384–385 Investment process, 41–74 accounts in annualizing returns on margin purchases, 54–55 cash, 50 hypothecation, 55 margin, 50–54 retirement, 56–57 street name registration, 55–56 investment policy statement (IPS), 42–47 investment professionals, 47–50 portfolio formation, 63–67 position types, 57–63 rotational investing, 652–654 Investment quotient questions, answers to, 693–696

Subject Index 715

Investment risk management, 448–452, 483, 520 Investor profiles, 43, 65 Invoice price of bonds, 338 iPath S&P 500 VIX Short-Term Futures Fund, 519 iPath S&P GSCI Crude Oil Total Return ETN (OIL), 129 iPath S&P GSCI Crude Oil Ttl Ret Idx ETN, 476 IPOs (initial public offerings). See Initial public offerings (IPOs) IRAs (individual retirement accounts), 56–57 IRR (internal rate of return), 29 IRS (Internal Revenue Service ), 56, 105 iShares S&P 500 Index (IVV), 125–126 iShares TIPS Bond ETF, 618 Italy Index (EWI), 126, 557

J January effect in stock price behavior, 235–238 Javelin Mortgage Investments, 85 JCPenney, 98 Jensen’s alpha, to measure performance, 438–442, 444 Job growth, monitoring, 647–649 Johnson & Johnson, Inc., 219, 434 JPMorgan Alerian MLP ETN (AMJ), 128–129 JPMorganChase, 156–157

K Kansas City Board of Trade, 461, 465, 483 Kellogg’s, Inc., 486 Kiplinger’s Personal Finance, 267

L Labor force participation rate, 647–648 Labor market indicators, 647–648 Lagging economic indicators, 645 Large-company stocks average annual returns on, 15 frequency distribution of returns on, 18 geometric v. arithmetic average returns on, 26 mutual funds based on, 114 normal distribution of returns and standard deviations of, 21 return on investment in, 7–8 returns, standard deviations, and frequency distributions of, 21 risk premiums and returns on, 17 risk-return trade-off of, 30 year-to-year returns on, 10, 13 Law of small numbers, 265 LBOs (leveraged buyouts), by private equity firms, 145 Leading economic indicators, 645 Legal insider trading, 229 Lehman Brothers, 244, 507, 681 Leveraged buyouts (LBOs), by private equity firms, 145 Leveraged exchange-traded funds, 126–128, 130 LIBOR (London Interbank Offered Rate), 300 License holders, on NYSE, 151, 81 Lipper, Inc., 122 Liquidity default risk and, 323 as investment constraint, 43, 64 liquidity premium (LP), 323 Load funds, 106, 110

716 Subject Index

Lockheed Martin, 94 London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR), 300 Long hedge, 470 Long position, futures contracts as, 466 Long positions, in securities, 57 Long-term corporate bonds, 7, 17, 21 Long-term mutual funds objectives of, 118–120 stock and bond funds, 117–118 stock funds, 113–115 taxable and municipal bond funds, 115–117 Long-term U.S. Treasury securities, 309 Loss aversion, 257–258 Low-load funds, 106

M Macaulay duration, 348–351, 675–677 MACD (moving average convergence divergence) charts, 280 Macroeconomic activity, 642–647 Macro hedge funds, 132 Mad Money (television show), 266 Maintenance margin, 52, 472 Make-whole call price, 341 Make-whole call provisions for corporate bonds, 603–604 Malkiel’s theorems, 346–347 Management of investments, 45 mutual fund fees for, 107 of mutual funds, 101 Margin accounts, 50–54 Margin calls, 52, 60, 472 Market capitalization, gross domestic product v., 643 Market diaries, as technical indicator, 274 Market efficiency in financial markets, 230–231 forms of, 222–223 information availability and, 403–404 overview of, 221–222 professional money manager performance and, 232–234 reasons for, 223–224 stock price predictions and, 224–225 Market makers, in NYSE, 151–152 Market neutral hedge funds, 132 Marketocracy Masters 100 Fund (MOFQX), 116 Market orders, 154–155 Market portfolios, 415 Market risk premium, 415 Market segmentation theory of term structure of interest rates, 320–321 Market sentiment, 271 Market timing, 45, 64 Market timing hedge funds, 132 Market valuation of Starbucks Corporation, 587 Market Watch, 210 Marking-to-market, 472 Markowitz efficient frontier, 388–389, 445–446 Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, Inc. (MSO), 229 Master Limited Partnerships, 128–129 Material nonpublic information, 228, 566 Maturity. See also Yields of corporate bonds, 608–609 STRIPS yield to, 613 yield to, 334, 351–352 Maturity preference theory of term structure of interest rates, 320–321 MBS (mortgage-backed securities). See Mortgage-backed securities(MBS)

McDonald’s, Inc., 100, 116 McDonnell Douglas, 174 Mean-variance optimal portfolio, 389 Medifast, Inc., 369 Mental accounting, 258–259 Merrill Lynch, 47, 74, 104, 309 Mezzanine-level financing, from venture capital, 144 Microsoft Corporation, 5, 100, 161, 228, 262, 279–281, 403, 408, 423 MidAmerica Commodity Exchange, 461 Midcap stocks, 114 Middle market private equity funds, 144–145 Minimum initial investment, 101 Minneapolis Grain Exchange, 461, 465 MMDS (money market deposit accounts), 113 MMMFs (money market mutual funds), 111–113 Modern portfolio theory (MPT), 369, 445 Modified duration, 348–349 Momentum effect, 267 Monetary policy, 649–651 Monetta Young Investor Fund (MYIFX), 116 Money flow, 281 Money illusion, 259 Money market bank discount rate quotes of, 302–303 bank discount yields v. bond equivalent yields, 304–305 bond equivalent yields, APRs, and EARs, 305–308 interest rates, 298–301 overview, 301–302 treasury bill quotes, 303–304 Money market deposit accounts (MMDSs), 113 Money market instruments, 76–77 Money market mutual funds (MMMFs), 111–113 Money multiplier, 651 “Moneyness” of options, 499–502 Money, 323 Monster Beverage Corporation, 91–92 Monthly stock options, 493 Moody’s Investors Service, 625–628, 631, 639 Moral obligation bonds, 623 Morgan Stanley, 82 Morgan Stanley Smith Barney, 130 Morningstar fund screener, 120, 121n, 141, 205, 208, 407, 409, 423, 445, 459, 639 Mortgage-backed securities (MBS), 663–692 cash flow analysis of GNMA fully modified mortgage pools, 674–677 collateralized mortgage obligations interest-only and principal-only mortgage strips, 678–680 overview, 677–678 protected amortization class bonds, 682–683 sequential, 680–681 yields for, 684 credit ratings of, 627 fixed-rate mortgages amortization of, 665–667 overview, 664–665 prepayment and refinancing of, 667–671 Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA), 671–672 history of, 664 Public Securities Association mortgage prepayment model, 672–674 Mortgage mutual funds, 117 Mortgage passthroughs, 664 Mortgage securitization, 664 Motley Fool, The, 128n, 130n, 210 Moving average charts, 278 Moving average convergence divergence (MACD) charts, 280 MPT (modern portfolio theory), 369, 445 Municipal bond funds, 115–117

Municipal bonds, 611, 621–625 Municipal money market instruments, 77 Mutual funds and other investment companies, 56, 100–141 advantages and disadvantages of, 101–102 closed-end funds, 124–125 costs and fees of, 106–111 diversification in, 391 exchange-traded funds, 125–130 hedge funds, 130–133 long-term objectives of, 118–120 stock and bond funds, 117–118 stock funds, 113–115 taxable and municipal bond funds, 115–117 loss aversion effect and, 258 money market, 111–113 municipal bonds in, 611 net asset value of, 103–104 open-end v. closed-end, 102–103 operations of, 104–106 performance of, 121–123, 445 Myopic loss aversion, 259

N Nabisco, Inc., 403 Naissance Capital, 116 NASCAR’s Sprint Cup Series, 116 NASDAQ on CNBC-TV, 84 ETFs representing, 125 NASDAQ 100 Volatility Index (VXN), 552 operations of, 158–160 short interest for companies on, 61 trading volume on, 142, 153 uptick rule of, 62 National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations system. See NASDAQ National Football Conference, 282–283 National Futures Association, 483 National Stock Exchange, 151 NAV (net asset value). See Net asset value (NAV) Negative pledge clause in bond indentures, 602 Net asset value (NAV) of money market mutual funds, 111–112 of mutual funds, 103–104, 106 Net income, 569–570 Net profit margin, 184–186 Net sales, on income statement, 569 New York Board of Trade (NYBOT), 462 New York Coffee Exchange, 461 New York Cotton Exchange, 461–462 New York Futures Exchange (NYFE), 462 New York Mercantile Exchange, 461–462, 468 New York Mortgage, 85 New York Society of Security Analysts, 178, 210 New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) Buttonwood Tree Agreement to establish, 142 circuit breakers in, 242 on CNBC-TV, 84 designated market makers, 151–152 Fannie Mae stock on, 672 Freddie Mac stock on, 671 history of, 151 hybrid market of, 152 IPOs on, 150

Subject Index 717

New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)—Cont. maintenance margin required by, 52 most active stocks, 82 operation of, 153–158 overview, 7 stocks listed on, 153 uptick rule of, 61–62 New York Stock Exchange Composite, 163 Nike, Inc., 89–91, 94, 276 Nikkei Index (Japan), 243 Nikkei 225 Index (Japan), 176 1929 crash, 239–240 Nippon Tel (Japan), 150 Nobel Prize, 437 Nobel Prize in Economics, 369, 540 Noise trader risk, 268 No-load funds, 106, 110 Nominal gross domestic product (GDP), 642 Nominal rates of interest, 315–317, 321–323 Noncallable corporate bonds, 602–603 Noncash items, in net income, 570 Nondiversifiable risk, 406 Nordstrom, Inc., 83, 158 Normal distribution, 20–22, 449 NTT DoCoMo (Japan), 150 NYBOT (New York Board of Trade), 462 NYFE (New York Futures Exchange), 462 NYSE (New York Stock Exchange). See New York Stock Exchange(NYSE)

O OCC (Options Clearing Corporation), 495–496, 520 October 1987 crash, 241–242 October 2008 crash, 244–245, 298, 376, 383, 646 OIC (Options Industry Council), 495, 520 OneChicago, 475, 489 One-period binomial option pricing model, 531–534 Online brokers, 48 Open-end v. closed-end mutual funds, 102–103 Open-high-low-close charts (OHLC), 276 Open market operations, 650–651 Operating cash flow, 570 Operating income, 569 Option chain, 494 Option contracts, 88–93. See also Stock options OptionMONSTER’s systems, 519 Option premiums, 89, 557, 563–564 Options Clearing Corporation (OCC), 495–496, 520 Options Industry Council (OIC), 495, 520 Option time value, 500 Option valuation, 529–564 binomial option pricing model with many periods, 538–540 Black-Scholes option pricing model, 540–542 employee stock options, 553–555 before expiration, 530 hedging portfolios with stock index options, 549–551 hedging stock with stock options, 547–549 implied standard deviation (implied volatility) in, 551–553 one-period binomial option pricing model, 531–534 option price input values, 542–545 stock price impact on, 545–547 two-period binomial option pricing model, 534–538 Option writing, 502–503

718 Subject Index

Orchid Island Capital, 85 Order flow, in NYSE operations, 153 OTC Markets Group, 161 Out-of-the-money options, 501 Overconfidence, in behavioral finance, 259–262 Over-the-Counter Bulletin Board (OTCBB), 161 Overvalued securities, 415

P PAC (protected amortization class) bonds, 682–683 PAC collar, 682 PAC support bonds, 682 Palm, Inc., 268–269 Par bonds, 336–338 Parnassus Fund, 115 Payoffs for stock options, 502–506 Payout ratio, 183–184 PepsiCo, 187, 275 Percentage of float, 61 Percentage returns, 4–5, 22–24 Percentage of sale approach to forecasting, 573 Performance, 435–459 comparing measures of, 443–448 information ratio to measure, 442 investment risk management, 448–452 Jensen’s alpha to measure, 438–442 overview, 436–437 ratios to measure, 571–573 R-squared to measure, 442–443 Sharpe ratio to measure, 437 Treynor ratio to measure, 438 Petroleo Brasileiro ADR, 82 Pfizer, Inc., 597 Philadelphia Stock Exchange, 151 PIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Greece, and Spain), budget deficits of, 651–652 PIMCO High Income Fund, 125 PIMCO Total Return fund, 104 Plain vanilla bonds, 600 PM Publishing, 557 Ponzi schemes, 49 Porter’s five forces analysis, 655–656 Portfolios. See also Diversification; Performance betas for, 409–410 dedicated, 353–354 diversification in, 372–375 diversified, 260 fees and value of, 110–111 formation of, 63–67 hedgers using, 468 hedging with stock index options, 549–551 market, 415 Markowitz efficient, 388–389 minimum variance, 386 portfolio risk, 375–379, 381–383 Positions, 57–63 Preferred habitat theory of term structure of interest rates, 320 Preferred stock, 81–82 Premium straight bonds, 336–338 Prepayment of mortgages fixed-rate, 667–671 Public Securities Association (PSA) model of, 672–674 risks of, 677 Prepayment risk, 671

Price bounds for stock options, 512–514 implied put option, 517 sinking fund call, 609 for stock options, 493–495 strike, 492, 501–503, 543 Price-book (P/B) ratio, 198–200 Price-cash flow (P/CF) ratio, 198–200 Price channel charts, 276–277 Price/earnings (P/E) ratio, 197, 239 Price ratio analysis description of, 197–201 of E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, 206–208 overview, 571–573 of Royal Dutch/Shell, 269–270 Price risk, 356, 467–468 Prices cash v. futures, 473–477 of government bonds and notes, 615–616 monitoring, 647–649 of U.S. Treasury STRIPS, 612–613 of zero coupon bonds, 613–615 Price-sales (P/S) ratio, 198–200 Price-weighted indexes, 163, 166–167 Primary assets, 85 Primary market for stocks, 145–148 Prime rate, 298–299 Principal, mortgage, 665 Principal-only mortgage strips, 678–680 Principal payment provisions, for corporate bonds, 608–609 Principle of diversification, 377. See also Diversification Private activity bonds, 625 Private equity funds, 143–145 Private placement of bonds, 602 Probability of loss, 449–452 Procter & Gamble, Inc., 219, 434 Professionals, investment, 47–50 Profits, stock option, 502–506 Pro forma balance sheet for forecasting, 574–576 for Starbucks Corporation, 582–585 Pro forma financial statements, 573 Pro forma income statement for forecasting, 573–574 for Starbucks Corporation, 581–582 Program trading, 241, 478 Promised yields on bonds, 345 Prospect theory, 255–259 Prospectus, 105, 147–148, 601 Protected amortization class (PAC) bonds, 682–683 Protection for investors, 48–49 Protective covenants, for corporate bonds, 610 Protective put strategy, 506–508 Prudent investment guidelines, 627 PSA benchmark, mortgage prepayment rates and, 672 Public sales of securities, 145 Public Securities Association (PSA), mortgage prepayment model, 672–674 Pure discount securities, 301–302, 312–315 Put-call parity, 515–519 Put options, 88, 91–92, 492 delta (Δ) calculation for, 545–546 hedging with, 548–549 in-the-money, 502 intrinsic value of, 500, 502 long straddle strategy for, 511

lower bound for prices of, 513–514 out-of-the-money, 502 protective put strategy for, 506–508 put-call parity, 515–519 upper bound for prices of, 512–513 Put provisions for corporate bonds, 605 Put writer, 503

Q QQQ (NASDAQ 100 Index) ETF, 125 Questions and problems, answers to selected, 697–698 Qwest, Inc., 6

R Randomness, misperceiving, 262–265 Random walks, stock prices and, 224–225, 379 Ratio analysis for Starbucks Corporation, 585–586 Raw return on portfolios, 436–437 Raymond James, Inc., 50 Real estate investment trusts (REITs), 65 Real gross domestic product (GDP), 642, 644, 649 Real interest rates, nominal rates v., 315–317 Realized yields on bonds, 345 Recency bias, 265 Redemption fees, in mutual funds, 108 Red herring preliminary prospectus, for IPOs, 148 Refinancing of mortgages, 667–671 Regional stock exchanges, 160 Regret aversion, 259 Regulation FD (Fair Disclosure), of SEC, 566 Reindexing, 167 Reinvestment risk, 354–356 REITs (real estate investment trusts), 65 Relative strength charts, 275–276 Representativeness heuristic, 262 Repricing ESOs, 553 Reserve Primary Fund, 111–112 Residual income model, 191–193, 204 Resistance levels, system levels and, 272–273 Resolution Trust Funding Corporation, 619 Resources, as investment constraint, 42, 64 Retained earnings, 183, 570 Retention ratio, 183 Retirement plans, 56–57, 101, 618. See also Mutual funds Return. See Risk and return Return on assets (ROA), 571 Return on equity (ROE) analysis of, 184–186 calculation and reporting of, 571 global economy correlation with, 645–646 Reuters, Ltd., 597 Revenue bonds, 623 Reversal patterns, 276 Reverse mortgages, 669–671 Reverse trade, 472 Reward-to-risk ratio explanation of, 411–415 security market line and, 417 Sharpe ratio as, 437 Rights offer, in primary market, 145 Risk. See also Diversification beta and, 410–411 call options in management of corporate, 508–509

Subject Index 719

Risk—Cont. credit, 677 default, 323, 621, 624 duration for measuring bond, 352–353 exchange rate, 646–647 interest rate, 321, 345–346 investment risk management, 448–452 market risk premium, 415 portfolio, 375–379 prepayment, 671, 677 price, 356, 467–468 protective put strategy and corporate, 508 ratio of reward to, 411–415 reinvestment, 354–356 risk-averse investors, 42 risk-free rate of return, 15 risk premium, 15–17, 190–191 sentiment-based, 268–270 stock options to manage, 506–509 systematic, 404–405, 407–409, 417 tolerance for, 43, 63–64 total, beta v., 409, 417 unsystematic, 404–405, 417 Risk and return, 1–40, 401–434 announcements and news, impact of, 402–404 annualizing returns, 5–7 average arithmetic v. geometric, 24–28 dollar-weighted, 28–30 overview, 14–17 betas and calculation of, 421–423 differences in, 423–424 overview, 417–419 portfolio, 409–410 source of, 419–421 systematic risk measurement, 407–409 systematic risk principle, 407 CAPM (capital asset pricing model) and, 424–426 diversification and, 406 diversification and tradeoff in, 384–387 dollar returns, 2–4 expected and unexpected returns, 402 historical record of bear market of 2008, 12–14 long range, 8–9 overview, 7–8 variability in, 9–12 as investment objective, 42 percentage returns, 4–5 security market line beta and risk premium, 410–411 overview, 415–417 reward-to-risk ratio, 411–415 systematic and unsystematic risk, 404–405 trade-off in, 30–32 variability in frequency distributions and, 17–18 historical standard deviation and, 18–20 normal distribution in, 20–22 by percentages, 22–24 Rite Aid, Inc., 82 ROA (return on assets), 571 Rockwell International, 174 ROE (return on equity). See Return on equity (ROE) Rotational investing, 652–654 Roth IRAs, 56–57

720 Subject Index

Royal Dutch/Shell, 269–270 R-squared, to measure performance, 442–443, 445 Russell 1000 Index, 115

S Sales charges in mutual funds, 106 Scatterplots for beta calculation, 422 Schwab 1000 Fund, 115 SDBK (Super Display Book) system, of NYSE, 152 Seasoned equity offering (SEO), 145 Seasoned mortgages, 673 Secondary market for stocks, 148 Sector mutual funds, 114–115 Securities, 75–99 classification of, 76 derivatives, 85–88 equities common stock, 80–81 preferred stock, 81–82 price quotes for, 82–85 interest-bearing, 76–80 option contracts, 88–93 Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) automated trading programs and, 156 circuit breaker revision by, 242 Electronic Data Gathering and Retrieval (EDGAR) archive of, 566, 588 on hedge funds, 131 on insider trading, 228–229 IPO registration with, 147–148 Options Clearing Corporation regulated by, 495 Trust Indenture Act of 1939 and, 601 12b-1 rule of, 107 uptick rule and, 62 Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association, 672 Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC), 49 Security analysis of common stock, 178 Security market line (SML) beta and risk premium, 410–411 overview, 415–417 reward-to-risk ratio and, 411–415, 417 Security selection, 46, 64 Self-attribution bias, 265 Semistrong-form efficient market, 223, 404 Senior debentures, 602 Seniority provisions, for corporate bonds, 602 Sentiment-based risk, 268–270 SEO (seasoned equity offering), 145 Separate Trading of Registered Interest and Principal of Securities (STRIPS), 312–315, 322–323, 612–613 Sequential collateralized mortgage obligations, 680–681 Serial bonds, 609 Shanghai Stock Exchange, 150 Sharpe-optimal portfolios, 446–448, 451 Sharpe ratio, to measure performance, 437, 444–445 Short hedges, 468–470 Short interest, 61 Short positions, 57, 466 Short-sale order, 157 Short sales, 57–62 Short selling hedge funds, 132 Short-term mutual funds, 117 Simple moving average charts, 278 Single monthly mortality (SMM), probability of prepayment as, 673 Sinking fund call price, 609 Sinking fund provisions, for corporate bonds, 609

SIPC (Securities Investor Protection Corporation), 49 Small-company stocks average annual returns on, 15 geometric v. arithmetic average returns on, 26 as growth stocks, 22–23 mutual funds based on, 114 return on investment in, 7–8 returns, standard deviations, and frequency distributions of, 21 risk premiums and returns on, 17 risk-return trade-off, 30 year-to-year returns on, 10, 13 Small numbers, law of, 265 Smartstops, 476 SML (security market line). See Security market line (SML) SMM (single monthly mortality), probability of prepayment as, 673 Snakebite effect, 261–262 Social conscience funds, 115 Society of Risk Management Consultants, 453 Sony, Inc., 116 Sortino ratio, to measure performance, 437, 445 Southwest Airlines, Inc., 408 SPDR (Standard & Poor’s Depositary Receipt) ETF, 125 Specialists, on NYSE, 151–152 Special-purpose vehicles (SPVs), 677 Speculators, 466–467 Spot-futures parity, 475–477 Spreads bid-ask, 148, 616 on collateralized mortgage obligations, 684 credit, 627–629 in margin accounts, 50–51 in options strategy, 510–511 SPVs (special-purpose vehicles), 677 SPXL (Daily S&P 500 Bull 3X Shares), 126 SPXS (Daily S&P 500 Bear 3X Shares), 126 Standard deviation implied (implied volatility), 551–553 to measure volatility, 17–20 Standard & Poor’s 100 Volatility Index (VXO), 552 Standard & Poor’s 500 Index betas calculated relative to, 409n ETFs representing, 125 hedging stock portfolios with options on, 549–550 industrial sectors identified by, 652–654 mean-variance optimal portfolio of, 389 money supply (M2) and, 649–650 monthly returns for 2008, 14 mutual funds based on, 114–115 option on, 498–499 stocks on, 1, 7, 12 to track stock performance, 162 Vanguard 500 Index Fund tracking of, 232 Standard & Poor’s Corporation (S&P), as rating agency, 625–628, 631 Standard & Poor’s Depositary Receipt (SPDR) ETF, 125 Standard & Poor’s futures, 463 Starbucks Corporation balance sheet, 580 beta coefficient for, 408 income statement, 581 market valuation of, 587 option chain for, 494 overview, 579–580 price ratio analysis for, 197–198 pro forma balance sheet, 582–585 pro forma income statement, 581–582 ratio analysis for valuing, 585–586 SEC EDGAR archive of financial documents of, 588

stock options for employees of, 234 two-stage dividend growth model on, 586–587 Status quo bias, 257 Stock. See also Common stock beta to measure riskiness of, 191, 195 blue chip, 121n bonds v., 600 common, 80–81 geometric v. arithmetic average returns on, 26 global economy correlation with returns on, 645–646 growth, 22–23, 197 large and small-company, 7–8 in long-term mutual funds, 113–115 options v., 91 preferred, 81–82 ticker symbols for, 5 total return index of, 9 value, 197 world capitalization in, 16 year-to-year total returns on, 10, 13 Stock analyst reports, 50 Stock and bond funds, 117–118 StockCar Stocks Index Fund (SCARX), 116 Stock index options, 549–551 Stock market, 142–176 base-year values in indexes of, 167–168 dealers and brokers in, 148–151 Dow Jones Industrial Average, 160–162 indexes of, 162–166 NASDAQ, 158–160 New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) designated market makers, 151–152 history of, 151 hybrid market of, 152 operation of, 153–158 stocks listed on, 153 price-weighted indexes, 166–167 primary market, 145–148 private equity, 143–145 public sales of securities, 145 secondary market, 148 third market, 160 Stock options, 491–528 arbitrage and pricing bounds for, 512–514 employee, 553–555 hedging stock with, 547–549 intrinsic value of, 499–502 to manage risk, 506–509 Options Clearing Corporation, 495–496 overview, 492–493 payoffs and profits, 502–506 price quotes for, 493–495 put-call parity, 515–519 reasons for, 496–497 stock index options, 497–499 trading strategies for, 509–512 Stock price behavior, 220–253 amazing January effect, 235–238 bubbles and crashes Asian Crash, 243 Dot-Com Crash, 243–244 1929, 239–240 October 1987, 241–242 October 2008, 244–245 day-of-the-week effect, 235 earnings announcement puzzle, 239 informed traders and insider trading, 228–229

Subject Index 721

Stock price behavior—Cont. market efficiency in financial markets, 230–231 forms of, 222–223 overview of, 221–222 professional money manager performance and, 232–234 reasons for, 223–224 stock price predictions and, 224–225 price-earnings puzzle, 239 turn-of-the-month effect, 238 turn-of-the-year effect, 238 Stop-buy orders, 155 Stop-limit orders, 155 Stop-loss orders, 155–156 Stop orders, 155, 157 Stop-out bid, for Treasury auctions, 619 Stop-sell orders, 155 Straight bonds overview, 333 premium and discount, 336–337 price quotes for, 338–339 prices of, 334–335 yield measures for, 338 Straight bond value, 607 Strategic asset allocation, 65 Street name registration, 55–56 Strike-dependent price-based hedge, 551 Strike price, 89, 492, 501–503, 543 STRIPS (Separate Trading of Registered Interest and Principal of Securities), 312–315, 322–323, 612–613 Strips, mortgage, 678–680 Strong-form efficient market, 223 Subordinated debentures, 602 Subordinate tranches, 677 Sunk cost fallacy, 259 Super Bowl indicators, 282–283 Super Display Book system (SDBK), of NYSE, 152 SuperDOT system (designated order turnaround), of NYSE, 152 “Supernormal” growth, 189–190 Supplemental liquidity provider (SLP), 152 Survivorship bias, 234 Sustainable growth rates, in dividend discount model, 183–184 Synchrony Financial, 82 Syndicate, for underwriting IPOs, 146 “Synthetic put,” 518 System and resistance levels, 272–273 Systematic risk, 404–405, 407–409, 417

T Tactical asset allocation, 65 Target date mutual funds, 118 Target Stores, Inc., 116 TARP legislation, 62 Taxable bond funds, 115–117 Taxable municipal bonds, 625 Taxes of investment companies, 105 as investment constraint, 43–44, 64 on money market funds, 111–112 on mutual fund earnings, 102 on TIPS income, 618 Tax-exempt municipal bonds, 310–312, 621 Tax-managed funds, 115 Tax Reform Act of 1986, 625 TDAmeritrade, 74

722 Subject Index

Technical analysis charting, 276–281 Dow theory, 271–272 Elliott wave theory, 272 Fibonacci numbers, 281–282 relative strength charts, 275–276 system and resistance levels, 272–273 technical indicators, 273–275, 282 use of, 270–271 Templeton Global Income Fund, 124–125 Tender offer bonds, 622 10K report, of SEC, 566 Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), 309, 619–620 10 Q report, of SEC, 566 Term bonds, 608 Term structure of interest rates description of, 312–315 modern theory of, 321–322 traditional theories of, 317–320 Tesla Motors, Inc., 61, 407–408 Texas Instruments, 343–344 Third market, for stocks, 160 3Com/Palm, mispricing of, 268–269 3M Company, 40, 79, 496, 598 Ticker symbols for stocks, 5, 83–84 Time diversification fallacy, 377–378 Time value, option, 500 Time value of money, 30, 297 Timothy Plan Aggressive Growth Fund (TAAGX), 116 TIPS (Inflation-indexed Treasury securities), 316–318, 617–618 “Tombstones” for IPOs, 148–149 Top-down analysis of economic activity, 641–642 Total assets to sales ratio, 573 Total dollar returns, 3 Total market capitalization, 7 Total percent returns, 4 Total risk, beta v., 409, 417 TPG private equity funds, 145 Tracking benchmark indexes, in bond markets, 309, 311 Tracking error, to measure volatility, 442 Trade-off in risk and return, 30–32 Trade Reporting and Compliance Engine (TRACE), 78 Trading accounts, 47 Trading costs, of mutual funds, 107–108, 520 Trading programs, 156 Treasury bills description of, 300–301 geometric v. arithmetic average returns on, 26 interest rates of, 303–305, 434 long-term returns on, 7, 11, 13, 15, 17 as low-risk investment, 298 mean-variance optimal portfolio of, 389 money market and, 77, 303–304 returns, standard deviations, and frequency distributions of, 21 risk-return trade-off of, 30 Treasury notes, 461, 614–615 Treasury STRIPS, 312–315, 322–323, 612–613 Treasury yield curve, 308–310 Treynor ratio, 438, 444 Triple Crown indicators, 282 Trust Indenture Act of 1939, 601–602 Turn-of-the-month effect in stock price behavior, 238 Turn-of-the-year effect in stock price behavior, 238 Turnover, as trading cost measure, 107–108

TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority), 309, 619–620 12b-1 fees, in mutual funds, 107, 82, 85 Two-period binomial option pricing model, 534–538 Two-stage dividend discount model, 186–191 Two-stage dividend growth model, 586–587 TXU energy, Inc., 145

U Underlying assets, 468, 470 Undervalued securities, 415 Underwriter spread, 146 Underwriting stock issues, 146 Unemployment rate, 647–648 Unique circ*mstances, as investment constraint, 44, 64 United States Natural Gas Fund, 476 United Technologies, 434 University of Washington, 376n Unlimited tax bonds, 623 Unsecured debt, 601 Unsystematic and systematic risk, 404–405, 417 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), 671 U.S. Department of the Treasury. See Bonds; Treasury bills; Treasury notes; Treasury STRIPS U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 229 U.S. government. See Bonds; Treasury bills; Treasury notes; Treasury STRIPS US News, 618n US Oil Fund, 476 U.S. Treasury auctions, 619

V VA (Veterans Administration), 671 Vale ADR, 82 Value-at-risk (VaR) method, 436, 449–452 Value Line, Inc., 121n Value of stock options, 499–502 Value stocks, 197 Value-weighted index, 163 Vanguard 500 Index Fund, 107, 115, 232–234 Vanguard Group, 104, 112, 126–127 Vanguard Inflation-Protected Securities, 618 Vanguard REIT ETF (VNQ), 126 Vanguard Small Cap ETF (VB), 126 Variability in returns frequency distributions and, 17–18 historical record of, 9–12 historical standard deviation and, 18–20 normal distribution in, 20–22 by percentages, 22–24 Variance from expected returns, 369–372 to measure volatility, 17–20 VaR (value-at-risk) method, 436, 449–452 Venture capital private equity funds, 144 Verizon, Inc., 53 Veterans Administration (VA), 671 Vice Fund (VICEX), 116 Visa, Inc., 150 VIX-linked products, 551 Volatility hedging with products based on, 551 implied, 551–553

measurement of, 17 options and, 519 Sortino ratio to measure, 437 tracking error to measure, 442 varying stock price, 544 VXX volatility exchange-traded note, 519

W WACC (weighted average cost of capital), 196n, 205 Wall Street Journal, The Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) convertible subordinated note issue announced in, 606 dividend-paying companies listed in, 83 Dow Jones Company publisher of, 271 earnings per share reported by, 197, 209 futures prices in, 463–464 informed trader use of, 228 IPO “tombstones” in, 148–149 “Money Rates” report of, 298–299 mutual fund classifications of, 118–120 mutual fund performance tracked by, 121–122 preferred stock quotes in, 82 price-earnings ratio of stocks in, 96 real estate stocks in, 84n stock price information in, 160 technical indicators in, 273 tracking stocks with, 94 Treasury bill interest rates in, 303–304 Treasury STRIPS reported in, 312–313 on yield curves, 310n Walmart Stores, Inc., 54, 82, 408, 501 Walt Disney Company, 47, 116, 200, 609, 655 Wave Principle, The (Elliott), 272 Weak-form efficient market, 223, 225 Wealth management, 47 Web Center for Futures and Options, 557 Weekly stock options, 493 Weighted average cost of capital (WACC), 196n, 205 Weights, portfolio, 372 Weight Watchers International, 82 Weisenberger, Inc., 121n Western Asset Mortgage, 85 Wishful thinking bias, 265 Women’s Leadership Fund, 116 World Bank, 619 World Federation of Exchanges Database, 16n World funds, 117 World stock market capitalization, 16

X Xerox Corp., 58

Y Yahoo!, 75, 83, 89, 407 Yahoo! Finance, 185, 202, 204, 407–408, 423, 434, 459, 489, 494, 527, 552, 629 “Yankee bonds,” 310 Year-to-year total returns on stocks, bonds, and bills, 10–11 Yields on bonds calculating, 340–341 to call, 341–343 current, 333–334

Subject Index 723

Yields—Cont. financial calculator for, 343–345 measuring, 338 promised and realized, 345 cash flow, 684 for collateralized mortgage obligations, 684 shapes of curves of, 310 Treasury, 308–310 of U.S. Treasury STRIPS, 314, 613

724 Subject Index

Yield to call (YTC), 342 Yield value of a 32nd, to measure interest rate risk, 352

Z, 210 Zero coupon bonds, 349, 351, 612–615, 81, 81

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