Hasil Irak Vs Vietnam dan Klasem*n Akhir Grup F (2024)

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Kompas.com - 12/06/2024, 04:55 WIB

Hasil Irak Vs Vietnam dan Klasem*n Akhir Grup F (1)

Firzie A. Idris


Hasil Irak Vs Vietnam dan Klasem*n Akhir Grup F (2)

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Skuad Irak saat menyanyikan lagu kebangsaan dalam pertandingan Kualifikasi Piala Dunia 2024 antara Indonesia vs Irak, Kamis (6/6/2024) di Stadion Gelora Bung Karno Jakarta. (KOMPAS.com/Adil Nursalam)

KOMPAS.com - Timnas Irak menorehkan kemenangan 3-1 atas Vietnam pada laga Grup F putaran kedua Kualifikasi Piala Dunia 2026 Zona Asia pada Rabu (12/6/2024) dini hari WIB.

Hasil Irak vs Vietnam di Stadion Internasional Basra tersebut ditentukan oleh sepasang gol jarak jauh Hussein Ali (12')dan Ali Jasim (71') plus sontekan Aymen Hussein di injury time babak kedua.

Vietnam hanya bisa membalas satu gol lewat tembakan voli Pham Tuan Hai (84').

Hasil ini memastikan Irak menutup putaran kedua Kualifikasi Piala Dunia 2026 Zona Asia dengan nilai sempurna, enam kemenangan dari enam laga.

Baca juga: [RANGKUMAN] Timnas Indonesia Vs Filipina, Hasil Laga, Komentar STY, dan Thom Haye

Ali Jasim dkk menjadi salah satu dari tiga tim Asia lain yang tampil sempurna di putaran kedua selain Jepang di Grup B dan Australia di Grup I.

Artikel Kompas.id

Hasil Irak Vs Vietnam dan Klasem*n Akhir Grup F (5)

`; document.querySelector('.kompasidRec').innerHTML = htmlString; } else { document.querySelector(".kompasidRec").remove(); } } else { document.querySelector(".kompasidRec").remove(); } }});xhr.open("GET", endpoint);xhr.send();

Kekalahan yang dialami Vietnam melengkapi penderitaan mereka setelah Nguyen Hoang Duc dkk dipastikan angkat koper seiring kemenangan 2-0 Timnas Indonesia atas Filipina beberapa jam sebelum mereka bertanding.

Hasil pasukan Shin Tae-yong itu memastikan peluang tipis Vietnam untuk lolos ke putaran ketiga Kualifikasi Piala Dunia sirna.

Baca juga: BERITA FOTO: Timnas Indonesia Bekuk Filipina, Terbang Tinggi ke Putaran Ketiga

Irak akhirnya menyelesaikan Grup F dengan 18 poin hasil enam kemenangan dari enam laga. Indonesia berada di peringkat kedua dengan 10 poin dari enam laga.

Kedua tim teratas berhak melaju ke putaran ketiga Kualifikasi Piala Dunia dan juga Piala Asia 2027.

Berikut adalah klasem*n akhir Grup F putaran ketiga Kualifikasi Piala Dunia 2026 Zona Asia.

PosisiNegaraMainMenangSeriKalahCetak GolKebobolanAgregatPoin

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`); var wSpecStop = createElementFromHTML(`

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if(domain=='www.kompas.com'){ var url=window.location.href.split("/"); domain=url[2]+'/'+url[3] } let user_subs_type = "Gues"; let subs_type = ""; let is_lgn = 0; let engine = algsrc; if(getCookie('kmps_usrid')){is_lgn=1}; let time_load = loadtime; resolve(); /*** * JXRECSDK NOTES 3 of 5 - * pass all the info about the items to the rec helper * each one is an object: ALL MANDATORY * div * id * pos */ jxRecHelper.items(widgetItemArr); /*** * JXRECSDK NOTES 4 of 5 - * Call the ready() of the helper object when the recommendation * results have been populated to the widget * (This will register the action=ready event) */ if (resultObj.engine['type'] == 'api-1') { jxRecHelper.ready(resultObj.options.algo + ":" + resultObj.options.version); } else { jxRecHelper.ready(resultObj.engine['type']); } } else { jxRecHelper.error(204); console.error("Error: no recommendation items"); return; } } catch (err) { jxRecHelper.error(901); console.log(err.stack); let domain = window.location.hostname; if(domain=='www.kompas.com'){ var url=window.location.href.split("/"); domain=url[2]+'/'+url[3] } let user_subs_type = "Gues"; let subs_type = "" let is_lgn = 0; let engine = algsrc; if(getCookie('kmps_usrid')){is_lgn=1}; let endDate = new Date(); let time_load = (endDate.getTime() - startDate.getTime()); } }); } const _jxRecSdkURL = 'https://scripts.jixie.media/jxrecsdk.1.0.min.js'; var startDate = new Date(); class OneWidget { constructor() { //this is also the one we will pass to the JX rec helper object when //we instantiate it: //In this implementation most of these come from the options obj //on the publisher page. this._options = { accountid: '9262bf2590d558736cac4fff7978fcb1', pageurl: 'https://bola.kompas.com/read/2024/06/12/04551218/hasil-irak-vs-vietnam-dan-klasem*n-akhir-grup-f', widget_id: '1000183-6xWeiWZFIM', type: 'pages', container: 'rekomendasi-konten-pilihan-untukmu-aiml', keywords: content_tags, title: title, customid: "8", count: 14, }; this._containerId = this._options.container; this._container = document.getElementById(this._containerId); 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let recResults = null; promJXSDK .then(function() { /*** * JXRECSDK NOTES 1 of 5 - INSTANTIATION OF A JX REC HELPER OBJECT * Call this AFTER JX REC SDK is loaded but BEFORE you call your REC * backend. * * param: MANDATORY options object * options object must at a minimal have * accountid: get from jixie * widgetid: get from jixie * container: DIV ID of the destination div to house the widget * (for jixie widget this is just the options object passed from the page) * * (This will also register the action=load event) */ recHelperObj = jxRecMgr.createJxRecHelper(thisObj._options); let basicInfo = thisObj._options; basicInfo.engine = thisObj._engine if (basicInfo.engine.type == 'api-1') { var options = { count: basicInfo['count'], adpositions: "", keywords: basicInfo['keywords'], title: basicInfo['title'], date_published: "2024-06-12", pagecategory: "BOLA", algo: "mixed" }; if(getCookie('kmps_usrid')){ var kg = { pagetype:basicInfo.engine.page_status, uid:getCookie('kmps_usrid'), ukid:getCookie('kmp_uid') } if(basicInfo.engine.page_status=='read'){ kg['excludeitemids'] = basicInfo.engine.excludeitemids; kg['multiFormat'] = true; } options['additional'] = { kg:kg }; } return recHelperObj.getJxRecommendations(options); } else { return fetchRecommendationsP(basicInfo, recHelperObj.getJxUserInfo()); } }) .then(function(resp) { if (thisObj._engine.type == 'api-3') { recResults = new Object recResults.items = resp.docs.result; } else { recResults = resp; } recResults.engine = thisObj._engine; if (!resp || !recResults.items || recResults.items.length == 0) { /*** * JXRECSDK NOTES 2 of 5 - * Call the error() function on the recHelper when either an error * has occured in the fetching or there are no recommended items * * (This will register the action=error event) */ recHelperObj.error(204); throw "no recommendation results"; } }) .then(function() { // everything is ready (recommendation results, css): document.getElementById("rekomendasi-konten-pilihan-untukmu-aiml").classList.remove("-loading"); document.querySelector('.wSpec-list').remove(); createDisplay(rand, thisObj._container, recResults, recHelperObj) .then(function() { toggleDropdown(); //observe lozad lozad('.lozad', { load: function(el) { el.src = el.dataset.src; el.onload = function() { el.classList.add('fade') } } }).observe() }) }) .catch(function(error) { console.log(`Unable to create recommendations widget ${error.stack} ${error.message}`); }); } } var limit_gtm_ready = 1; function check_gtm_ready() { if ('ga' in window) { // create a new instance of our widget based on the options const newW = new OneWidget(); newW.kickOff(); } else { const timeout_gtm_ready = setTimeout(check_gtm_ready, 500) limit_gtm_ready += 1; if (limit_gtm_ready > 10) { clearTimeout(timeout_gtm_ready); const newW = new OneWidget(); newW.kickOff(); } } } check_gtm_ready() document.querySelector('.wSpec-secret').addEventListener('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); let wSl = document.querySelectorAll('.wSpec-source'); if (wSl.length > 0) { for (let i = 0; i < wSl.length; i++) { wSl[i].classList.toggle('show') } } }) function trackEventGa(category, action, label) { if ("ga" in window) { ga(function() { tracker = ga.getAll()[0]; 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Hasil Irak Vs Vietnam dan Klasem*n Akhir Grup F (2024)
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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Author information

Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.