Hikone, Japan skyline: the 18 most iconic buildings and best views in Hikone (2024)

Gichuji Temple is a hidden gem nestled in a residential area and is part of a collection of sites worth exploring, including Omi Jingu Shrine, Hiyoshi Taisha Shrine, and Saikyoji Temple. The temple holds historical significance as it enshrines Minamoto no Yoshinaka and Tomoe Gozen. Visitors can pay their respects at the grave and recite the Lotus Sutra's Ego and Fumon Shina.

This random temple in the middle of a residential neighbourhood enshrines Minamoto no Yoshinaka, but more importantly, the legendary Tomoe Gozen. In short, Tomoe Gozen was a Heian period female samurai who is famous for her great strength, fighting alongside and leading the men, killing men with her bare hands. When her army was defeated, she married her childhood friend Minamoto no Yoshinaka. When he died, the story goes that she guarded his grave for the rest of her life, refusing to give her real name, and dying at 90 years old.Anyway, it's unlikely that her grave is really at this site, and records for women are bad in this period in history. That said, just outside of the temple is her ji*zo statue, in a small room filled with lanterns, offerings, candles, incense.If you visit, the site is managed by two women with extensive knowledge of all the kami enshrined here. There are documents in Japanese and English available. Anyway, the dedication is truly beautiful. I appreciate this place very much. My heart is happy. Thank you so much.By the way, you can get omamori and goshuin of hour preferred kami. Just fantastic for those who care about this. 😍

Samus Holder of Yabai Gravity Gun — Google review

I was surprised and delighted to find a small museum to Bashō inside the temple, which included his walking stick. It's 300 yen to enter and I was the only one there. There is a flyer with info in English but otherwise everything is in Japanese, so beware of that. For any Japanese history/literature buff, I'd highly recommend a visit.

Lauren C — Google review

2022'5/23(受付で)どうだい !少しは落ち着いたかい ?大河放映後はお客様が押し寄せましたが、一寸落ち着きました。そう思って来たんだよ(笑)拝観料300円、親切に見処を教えてくれるわ😃小さな境内だが源氏平家の戦い、源の兄弟の心のうちや恋、そして歌の世界、男や女の生き方迄が見える内容の詰まった寺です。寿永3年(1184)けつの穴の小さい(笑)源頼朝から派遣された源範頼、源義経軍との"宇治川の戦い"で討死した源義仲を弔う為に創られたお寺。創建は不詳も、あの宇治川の戦いで「お前は女だから逃げて生き延びろ」そう言われた女武将の巴御前が草菴を結び、日々供養した事から始まると伝わる。本人の墓の小さいこと、何と健気な女性かと思うのは私だけでは無いだろ!このお寺の荒廃、その後は省略するが、本堂(朝日堂)には聖観世音菩薩が祀られ、隣には義仲公像、そして前の庭には墓も建っている。この義仲公に熱い思いを寄せたのが俳人の松尾芭蕉、「義仲の寝覚めの山か月悲し」こんな歌を詠んだ芭蕉、遺言に従い弟子達が大阪から遺骨を運んだという。義仲の横に眠っている。未だいるぞ。一番奥に眠ってるわ!膳所藩の中老、菅沼曲萃、不正を働く家老を許せぬ!と槍で一突き(言ったかどうかは知らないが)その後に、自ら切腹、筋を通す男気に手を合わました🙏

??? — Google review

(Translated by Google) Yoshinaka Kiso was a samurai who was active in the Genpei War at the end of the Heian period. Although he made great achievements such as defeating the Taira clan's large army at the Battle of Karikara Pass, in the end he was killed in Awazu by Minamoto no Yosh*tsune and others who were ordered by Minamoto no Yoritomo. After that, Tomoe Gozen held a memorial service at this place, and you can still see Yoshinaka's grave today. It is a famous spot where you can feel the transience of impermanence.(Original)木曽義仲公は、平安時代末期の源平合戦にて活躍した武士です。俱利伽羅峠の戦いで平氏の大軍を破るなどの快挙を挙げましたが、最期は源頼朝の命を受けた源義経らによって、粟津(あわづ)の地で討ち死にしてしまいます。その後、巴御前がこの地にて供養し、現在も義仲公のお墓を見ることができます。諸行無常の儚さを感じることができる名スポットです。

TAKU NAN — Google review

(Translated by Google) Arrived via train from Hirakata. There is no built-in parking lot. It is located about 5 minutes walk from JR Zeze Station. Enter through the temple entrance and pay 300 yen (1 adult) at the counter on the right. At the counter, in addition to Otsu-e postcards, there were also postcards depicting Matsuo Basho's travels, and a wide variety of items related to Basho. The precincts are not very large and you can probably walk around them in about 10 minutes, but you can sit on the benches provided while facing the main tomb where Kiso Yoshinaka and Matsuo Basho are buried, admiring the view of the surrounding garden. I think it would be a good idea to reflect on the footsteps of these two great people and enjoy them. This day was the 29th, just before the New Year, but perhaps because the timing was good, there was only one family visiting other than me, so I was able to spend a relaxing time. I imagine that if there were a lot of people, you would have to look around in a hurry. Personally, I think it would be better to take a look inside the shrine grounds from outside before entering, and if it seems like there are a lot of people, it would be better to leave some time before entering. Please use this as a reference.(Original)枚方から電車で乗り継ぎ到着。備え付けの駐車場はありません。JR膳所駅から歩いて5分程度の場所にあります。お寺の門入り口から入って右手窓口で300円(大人1人)払い入場。窓口では大津絵の絵はがきの他に松尾芭蕉の旅を絵で表したこちらも絵はがき等々とりわけ芭蕉に関連した品がそれなり豊富に販売されておりました。境内は決して広くはなく10数分もあれば巡ることができるかと思いますが、木曽義仲、松尾芭蕉が眠る本墓を前にして周りの庭園の景色と一緒に愛でながら備え付けのベンチに座って偉大な2人の足跡に想いを馳せ堪能するのもいいと思います。この日は正月前の29日でしたが、タイミングがよかったのか参観者は私以外は家族連れ1組でしたのでのんびりと過ごせました。人が多いとあわただしく観てまわることになると想像します。入場前に境内の外から中を覗いてみて、人が多そうでしたら時間を開けて入場した方がよいかと個人的には思います。ご参考にください。

山口裕一 — Google review

(Translated by Google) About 5 minutes down the hill from JR Zeze Station.I had passed by before, but I wanted to go there.Admission fee: 300 yen. Being able to leave your luggage at the reception desk is a simple and helpful thing ❗You can see the inside in about 10 minutes, but it's also nice to sit on a chair in front of Yoshinaka's grave and take your time looking around.There was also the Tomoe Palace and the tombs of mistresses.Although it is not written, there are 3 types of handwritten Goshuincho 🎉(Original)JR膳所駅から、坂を下って5分程度。前を通ったことは有ったが、行きたかったところ。拝観料300円。受付で荷物を預かってくれるのが、素朴に助かる❗中は10分も有れば見れるが、義仲の墓前の椅子に座って、ゆっくり見廻すのもいい。巴御所や愛妾の墓も有った。書いては無いが、御朱印帳は手書きで3種類有り🎉

KISS ARMY — Google review

(Translated by Google) This temple is said to have been built by Tomoe Gozen to mourn for Yoshinaka Kiso, and later Basho also wanted to build his own grave here. It is amazing that it has survived until now even though it has declined many times.(Original)巴御前が木曽義仲を弔うため建立したというお寺さんで、のちに芭蕉もここに自分の墓を建てることを望んだという。幾度となく衰退するも今まで残っていることが素晴らしい。

Akihiro Ueda — Google review

(Translated by Google) This is my first visit since I was a student.I am a big fan of Minamoto no Yoshinaka, so I often visited Yoshinaka-ji Temple when I lived in Kyoto.This time, thanks to the kindness of the temple, we were able to recite the Lotus Sutra's Ego and Fumon Shina in front of the grave.Although Yoshinaka was a tragic military commander, I am convinced that he was a manly and admirable military commander.He is probably sleeping peacefully with his eldest son, Minamoto no Yosh*taka, at Asahido.I also visit it from time to time.Although the Tale of the Heike and the Genpei Rise and Susuki depict Lord Yoshinaka as a rustic and rough man, the reality is quite different.When Yoshinaka was two years old, his father, Yoshinaka, was killed by his compatriot Yoshihira, and his second son, Komaomaru (Yoshinaka's childhood name), was also ordered to be killed, but thanks to the efforts of the Hatakeyama and Saito clans, the Kiso Valley of Shinano Province was destroyed. He grows up to be a strong young man.Perhaps because he was called Kiso Jiro and grew up among the warm people of Kiso Valley, he had an easy-going and kind personality.In Kiso Town, Nagano Prefecture, there are many stories related to Lord Yoshinaka, who did not kill the enemy's children but raised them as his own, and when he was hunting down the Heike clan, he took care of the enemy's children who had taken care of him when he was young. He seems to have been a lovable and humane person, as he hugged the corpse of a military commander and wept.He lost his parents at a young age, and unlike Yoritomo and Yosh*tsune, he grew up in the mountains of Kiso, so he was unfamiliar with the rituals of the capital's aristocratic society, which may have contributed to the tragedy, but his children, including his son Yosh*taka, The children are raised well by making sure they are well-educated.Matsuo Basho, a haiku poet from the Edo period, loved Yoshinaka so much that when he died, he made a will to his disciples that his grave should be next to Yoshinaka, and as he had done, he is now resting at Yoshinaka-ji Temple.Ryunosuke Akutagawa, the grumpy literary giant, praised Yoshinaka's big heart and manly humanity.I love Yoshinaka as a person even more than Yosh*tsune, who did whatever it took to win, or Yoritomo, who forced even his younger brother to die, even though his life may have been a huge failure, as Ryunosuke Akutagawa described it.The torso of Lord Yoshinaka, who was killed at Omi Awazu, is buried at Yoshinaka-ji Temple. The head mound is located at Hokanzenji Temple in Higashiyama, where Yasaka Pagoda is located.Hokanzenji Temple is not open to the public, but it is possible to put your hands together on the head mound through the gap in the wooden wall on the left side of the five-storied pagoda.For your reference. .postscriptYesterday (June 4, 2020), on my way home from Yasuda Nenju store, I stopped by Hokanzenji Temple and was unexpectedly able to see it.I was deeply moved to see the head mound of Asahi Shogun Yoshinaka Kiso for the first time.My rosary was damaged during my last visit, and I had to go to the Yasuda rosary shop to have it repaired, and I was on my way home from there, so I think that maybe Yoshinaka had some kind of understanding with me.postscriptToday (July 18, 2020) on the way back from Yasuda Nenju store, I visited Kiso Yoshinaka's head mound at Hokanzenji Temple, and from Keihan Gion Shijo Station, I transferred to the JR Nara Line at Keihan Tof*ckuji Station, and then transferred to the Biwako Line at Kyoto. I got off at Zeze and visited Gichuji Temple.This course is believed to be the shortest way to visit both Yoshinaka Kōzuka (Hokanzenji Temple) and Yoshinaka Kōdōzuka.postscriptToday (August 6, 2020) I took a rapid train from Osaka to Zeze and visited Gichuji Temple.Lord Yoshinaka, Tomoe Gozen, and Basho Matsuo drank plenty of Shinshu's famous water, and we prayed for Bodhi by chanting the Lotus Sutra.Since I moved to Kansai, I would like to visit the shrine once a month from now on.postscriptToday (September 6, 2020) I visited the shrine for the first time in a month.I usually drink plenty of mineral water (natural water from the Southern Alps) that I bought from a nearby vending machine, but today I made the mistake of drinking strong carbonated lemon water.Sorry m(_ _;)mLord Yoshinaka's grave is an old Hokyoin pagoda that has been weathered moderately, and the earthen platform is covered with moss and native hollyhocks, giving it an indescribably warm atmosphere.His generous personality is remembered from his grave.postscriptOn October 1, 2020, under the autumn sky, I visited the tomb of Minamoto no Yoshinaka, the Asahi shogun (historically the Seito great shogun).This time as well, we had plenty of 2 liters of natural water from the Southern Alps.I think we had the most visitors so far.I want many people to realize how great Lord Yoshinaka was and how he survived as a human being in that brutal era.As a side note, you can purchase incense sticks called ``Meiko Gichuji'' at Gichuji.I think it's an incense based on agarwood, but when I bought it last time and gave it to a friend as a gift, he seemed to like it so much that he asked me to buy it.``Nago Gichuji'' is a restaurant that I can recommend with confidence.postscriptToday (December 1, 2020) I visited the shrine for the last time this year.I visited the graves of Lord Yoshinaka, Tomoe Gozen, and Basho, and read the sutras with all my heart.May the world be peaceful, and may next year be a good year. Let's join hands together.postscriptToday (January 5, 2020), I visited Yoshinaka-ji Temple for the first time this year and visited the graves of Lord Kiso Yoshinaka, Kaizan Tomoe Gozen, and Matsuo Basho.I cannot thank the people at the temple enough for their kindness.I would like to visit the shrine once a month this year as well.The usual monthly visitMay 2, 2020 (sunny, sometimes cloudy)June 3, 2020 (sunny)We were blessed with clear skies after the typhoon had passed, and we were able to have a nice visit.July 2, 2020 (cloudy and sometimes sunny)August 1, 2020 (sunny, sometimes cloudy)We enjoyed plenty of natural water from the Southern Alps.It’s hot, isn’t it?☀September 2, 2020 (cloudy)It was reasonably cloudy so it was easy to visit.October 6, 2020 (sunny)It was a pilgrimage with a cool breeze blowing.(Original)学生の時以来の参詣です。私は源義仲公の大ファンなので京都在住の折りはよく義仲寺に足を運んでいました。今回はお寺の御厚意により墓前で法華経の自我偈と普門品偈を唱えさせていただきました。義仲公は悲運な武将ではありましたが男気のある立派な武将であったと確信しています。朝日堂に長男の源義高公と仲良く眠っておられることでしょう。また、折を見て参詣します。『平家物語』や『源平盛衰記』等には義仲公を田舎者で粗野なイメージで語られていますが、実像はかなり違っています。義仲公は二歳の時に父親の義賢公を同族の義平に討たれ、次男だった駒王丸(義仲の幼名)にも殺害命令が下りますが、畠山氏や斎藤氏の尽力により信濃国木曽谷に落ち延び逞しい青年に成長します。木曽次郎と呼ばれて木曽谷の暖かい人々の中で成長したせいか、おおらかで優しい性格だったようです。長野県木曽町には義仲公に纏わる話がいくつも伝わっていますが、敵方の子供を殺さず我が子として養育し、平家追伐の際には幼い頃に世話になった敵方の武将の亡骸を抱き締めて号泣するなど愛すべき人間味溢れる方だったようです。幼くして親を亡くし、頼朝や義経と違い木曽山中で育ったので都の貴族社会の儀礼には疎く、それか悲劇を招く一因にはなりましたが、息子の義高はじめ子供たちには教養を身につけさせるなど立派 に養育しています。江戸時代の俳人、松尾芭蕉はこよなく義仲公を愛し、自らの死に際して墓は義仲公の隣にするよう門弟に遺言し、その通り、義仲寺に眠っています。あの気難しい文豪、芥川龍之介も義仲公の心の大きさ、男気溢れる人間性を絶賛しています。私は勝つためには手段を選ばなかった義経や、弟さえも死に追いやった頼朝よりも、芥川龍之介が評するように大失敗の人生だったかも知れませんが義仲公が人として大好きです。義仲寺には近江粟津で討たれた義仲公の胴体が葬られています。首塚は東山の八坂の塔のある法観禅寺にあります。法観禅寺は拝観不可ですが、五重塔に向かって左側の板塀の隙間から首塚に合掌することが可能です。ご参考まで。。追記昨日(令和4年6月4日)、安田念珠店の帰りに足を伸ばして法観禅寺に立ち寄ったところ思いがけず拝観できました。初めて目の当たりに朝日将軍木曽義仲公の首塚を拝し感激もひとしおです。前回のお参りの際に念珠が傷み、その修理に安田念珠店に用事が出来て、その帰り道だったので、なにかしら義仲公に思いが通じたのかも知れないと勝手に思っています。追記本日(令和4年7月18日)安田念珠店の帰りに法観禅寺の木曽義仲公首塚に参り、京阪祇園四条駅→京阪東福寺でJR奈良線に乗り換え京都で琵琶湖線に乗り換えて膳所で下車して義仲寺に参詣しましたこのコースが義仲公首塚(法観禅寺)と義仲公胴塚の両方を参詣する最短かと思われます。追記本日(令和4年8月6日)大阪から快速電車で膳所に直行し義仲寺に参詣しました。義仲公、巴御前、松尾芭蕉翁に信州の名水をたっぷり召し上がっていただき、法華経を唱えて菩提を弔いました。関西に転居したので、これからは月に一度は参詣したいですね。追記本日(令和4年9月6日)1か月ぶりに参詣しました。いつも近くの自販機で買ったミネラルウオーター(南アルプスの天然水)をタップリ召し上がっていただくのですが、今日は間違えて強炭酸レモン水を召し上がっていただきました。ごめんなさいm(_ _;)m義仲公の御墓は古い宝篋印塔で程よく風化しており土壇は苔むして葵が自生しなんとも言えない温かみのある風情です。御墓からもおおらかなお人柄が偲ばれます追記令和4年10月1日、秋空のもと朝日将軍(歴史的には征東大将軍)源義仲公の墳墓に参りました。今回も南アルプスの天然水2リットルをたっぷり召し上がっていただきました。今まででお参りの方が一番多かったように思います。義仲公が如何に偉大な方だったか、あの殺伐とした時代にあって人間らしく生き抜かれたかを多くの人々に認識してもらいたいです。余談ですが義仲寺で『名香義仲寺』というお線香を買い求めることができます。たぶん沈香を基調としたお線香だと思うのですが前回買い求めて友人にプレゼントしたところ、たいそう気に入ったみたいで購入を頼まれました。『名香義仲寺』は自信をもってお奨めできるイッピンです追記本日(令和4年12月1日)今年最後のお参りをしました義仲公、巴御前、芭蕉翁のお墓に参り、真心込めて読経させていただきました世の中が平穏になりますように、来年こそは良い年になりますように 合掌追記本日(令和5年1月5日)本年最初に義仲寺にお参りし、木曾義仲公、開山巴御前、松尾芭蕉翁の御墓に参りましたお寺の方々に親切にしていただき感謝に堪えません。本年も月に一度は参詣したいと思っています月参り常の如し令和5年5月2日(晴れ時々曇り)令和5年6月3日(晴れ)台風一過の晴天に恵まれ良いお参りができました令和5年7月2日(曇り時々晴れ)令和5年8月1日(晴れ時々雲り)南アルプスの天然水をたっぷりと召し上がっていただきました暑いですね~☀令和5年9月2日(曇り)ほどよく曇っていて御参りしやすかった令和5年10月6日(晴)涼やかな風が吹き渡る中の参詣でした

加山哲史 — Google review

(Translated by Google) ■Gichūji TempleAn independent temple of the Tendai sect located in Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture. The name of the mountain is Mt. Asahi. The principal image is the Bodhisattva Sho Kannon.●A small temple. The mountain was founded by Tomoe Gozen. The entire precincts of Gichu-ji Temple were designated as a national historic site in 1967 (Showa 42). Admission fee for adults is ¥300.In front of the temple gate, there are three stone pillars on the left, including ``The Tomb of Asahi Shogun Kiso Yoshinaka'' and ``Old Basho Graveyard.'' On the right is ``Tomoe ji*zo-do,'' and the ``Tomoe Mound'' stone monument is enshrined in the precincts. There is.The main hall, Asahido, enshrines Shokannon Bodhisattva, a transformed form of Amida Nyorai.In the middle of the precincts, ``Kiso Yoshinaka's grave'' and ``Matsuo Basho's grave'' are placed close together, facing west. Many haiku monuments can be seen.In the southern part of the precincts of Yoshinaka-ji Temple are Mumeian, Yoshinaka Hachiman-sha, and Okina-do. A seated statue of Basho is enshrined in the Old Man's Hall, and a ceiling painting of Ito Jakuchu's ``Flowers'' remains on the ceiling.There is a kindergarten on the other side of the south wall of the precinct. During the day on weekdays, the lively voices of kindergarteners can be heard inside the shrine grounds.(Original)■義仲寺(ぎちゅうじ)滋賀県大津市にある天台宗系単立の寺院。山号は朝日山。本尊は聖観音菩薩。●小さな御寺さん。開山は巴御前。義仲寺境内全域が1967年(昭和42年)に国の史跡に指定されている。大人拝観料¥300。寺門の前、左手に標石柱が3基、「朝日将軍木曽義仲公御墓」「芭蕉翁墓所」等が建つ、右手に「巴地蔵堂」があり、境内には「巴塚」石碑が祀られてある。本堂「朝日堂」には、阿弥陀如来が変化したお姿の聖観音菩薩 (しょうかんのんぼさつ) が祀られてある。境内中ほどには「木曽義仲の墓」と「松尾芭蕉の墓」が近くに並び、ほぼ西向きに配されている。多数の句碑が観える。義仲寺の境内南奥には「無名庵」「義仲八幡社」と「翁堂」がある。翁堂に芭蕉翁坐像が祀られあり、其の天井には伊藤若冲作の「花卉図」天井図が遺る。境内南塀の外向こうは幼稚園がある。平日の日中は園児の賑やかな声が境内にも聞こえて来る。

岸川克仁 — Google review

(Translated by Google) It's a small temple located in the middle of the city along the old Tokaido road, and it's not very touristy, but as a history buff, it was full of things to see.It's amazing that the graves and memorial mounds of historically famous people such as Kiso Yoshinaka, Tomoe Gozen, and Matsuo Basho (a big Yoshinaka fan) are all gathered here in one place, but inside the Okina-do Hall There was also a seated statue of Basho Old Man and a ceiling painting by Ito Wakaoki (digital reproduction), so we ended up spending almost an hour there.Please be sure to visit when you go to Otsu.(Original)旧東海道の街道沿いの街中にある、そんなに観光化されていない小さなお寺ですが、歴史好きの身としては見所満載でした。木曽義仲や巴御前、松尾芭蕉(大の義仲ファン)という、歴史的にとっても有名な人たちのお墓や供養塚がここ一ヶ所に集まっているだけでもすごいのに、翁堂の中には芭蕉翁座像や伊藤若沖の天井画(デジタル複製)などもあって、滞在時間が1時間近くになってしまいました。大津へ行かれた際には、ぜひ訪れてみてください。

Hitoshi Konaka — Google review

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