Symphony of Bones (Cassie Quinn, #3) (2024)


1,531 reviews

May 22, 2021

Paranormal series with an ongoing story arc. Book ends on a cliffhanger with loose threads.

As a crime fiction fan, I picked this book because of its title, hoping for skeletons or at least, some bones. However, I did want and got a light, easy-read mystery. I read this as a stand-alone, but it’s probably best to read previous books due to the continuing story arc and recurring characters. The GoodReads description is a bit misleading, but I can’t divulge exactly what or how without spoilers. If you’re interested in reading this book, I suggest reading Amazon’s blurb.

This book promises a lot as it opens with two powerful secondary characters, but it didn’t deliver enough to satisfy—especially with regards to the main storyline, which has hanging threads. The subplot about the ghost boy was interesting, well-written, and cleanly resolved.

The very personal, domestic subplot to do with psychic Cassie Quinn, her younger sister, and their parents was melodramatic with much angst and weeping. I do like Cassie and her sister, Lauren, but there were times when I muttered: “Cowgirl up, Cassie!” I cut her some slack, because there is a story arc, which seems to have Cassie discovering herself and growing into her psychic talent.

Cassie may have ghostly spectres, but IMHO, there isn’t a figurative skeleton about, let alone a clattering symphony. Other characters, perhaps.

NhaughtyV says Damn the Zon Save the Reviews

1,289 reviews198 followers

February 1, 2022

"Everyone is capable of's whether or not we're pushed to do it..."

Really enjoying this series! If you were a fan of the TV show Ghost Whisperer, then you'll luv Cassie Quinn!


179 reviews

March 1, 2024

Meh. Even the Ghost were Boring

This is a well edited book, no grammatical errors that effect the flow of the book. This book like it's Predecessors has a decent plot but It just doesn't have much personality. Nothing besides the plot to draw the reader in. Every once and a while their is a glimpse of "personality and human traits" in the characters but not much. There's no spark of lasting connection between Cassie and the other characters or Cassie and her readers. Nothing for the reader to route for or even find likeable.
I had never read anything by these authors until I started this series a few days ago. The authors are fortunate that myself and many other readers feel compelled to finish a book or even a few books in a series before we give up. Sometimes it takes a couple of books before an author settles into pace and style.
Sometimes the reader isn't " feeling " the book on a particular day. I try to never decide to abandon a series before the end of the third book for these reasons.
This book is very dry. There is little human traits of personality in Cassie. No humor to lift this reader through the bog of death. The authors rely to heavily on the ghostly elements to carry the book and they don't even give the ghost " personality " or flare. Even the ghost are boring.
Sadly I am giving up on this series. I do not recommend it.


2,550 reviews20 followers

November 27, 2022

Another tense thriller

This book is divided between the crime element and Cassie’s personal and family issue. The personal issues are Cassie’s focus until she inadvertently gets a vision related to a well publicized murder and becomes involved in the investigation.

On the personal front the book begins with Cassie and her sister traveling to their parents for a surprise visit. It’s emotional and fraught with disagreements and anger. Cassie is also looking for more information related to her childhood friend’s disappearance as well as information related to the little boy ghost who has been appearing to her for a while.

It’s an interesting story and we get more insight into Cassie’s background. Cassie appears to be making progress in coming to terms with her gifts and her ability to help. The story arc moves between moments of ease, moments of high emotion and moments of tense drama. The crime element was pretty obvious to me and the TSTL moment was frustrating in its idiocy.

The book ends on a shocker so I’m looking forward to the next book.

Danielle Zimmerman

482 reviews28 followers

July 5, 2021

SYMPHONY OF BONES is the best installment of the Cassie Quinn series yet! K.M. Rought has written a truly fascinating and memorable story that expertly marries the arc of the first three books with the path of the next arc. Entertaining yet dramatic, heartfelt yet creepy, this third installment takes everything you’ve loved from the first two books (a fascinating and fast-paced central mystery, discussions of trauma and mental health, family dynamics, a hint of flirtation, and a whole lot of mysterious past to unravel) and injects conspiracy, childhood nostalgia, and a new setting all for good measure. Once I started reading this (albeit embarrassingly later than I wanted to), I had a very hard time putting it down.

Though she isn’t a psychic (that I’m aware of) and doesn’t help police solve crimes, K.M. Rought put so much of herself in this book and it makes all the difference. I can’t wait to see where the series takes Cassie, her family and friends, and us, the readers, next.


1,587 reviews


December 11, 2021

When a politician's son goes missing
The media fueled investigation accelerates when he turns up dead
A ghost's unspoken message
Might be the only thing connecting the dots
And it’s up to Cassie to crack the code

To shine truth's light, Cassie must walk in darkness.

The third installment in the bestselling Cassie Quinn Mystery Series from USA Today bestselling author L.T. Ryan & K.M. Rought. A mystery thriller with a hint of paranormal that'll keep you guessing until the last page!

"Totally spellbinding!"

When a missing politician's son shows up dead, an all too quick arrest raises questions. The ghost of a young boy haunts Cassie and confirms there's more to the story. Deciphering the boy's message becomes a daunting task as she teams with both local and federal law enforcement.

Cassie battles personal demons and faces off against real ones. Past tragedy collides with present day as she clears old skeletons from her closet.

Didn't read.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

May 29, 2022

Finally Making Peace with This Character
I have struggled with the main character, Cassie Quinn, since book one. She bugged me, to be blunt about it. She seemed weak, stuck in victim status, and just not very engaging. But I liked the stories and kept listening to the audiobooks hoping to come to terms with Cassie.

This book finally allowed me to get enough understanding of Cassie to genuinely appreciate her personality. Now that her background is fleshing out, I'm getting a better idea of why she makes the decisions she does, and why she feels the way she does. Finally, I'm no longer struggling to like this character!

This particular addition to the series brings the reader to a clearer understanding of Cassie's history, including the dynamics of her broken family. The cases in this storyline are interesting, suspenseful, and heartbreaking. There's probably more going on in this book than in the other two as new light is shed in places long dark.

Now that I'm truly engaged with this series, I'm bummed that I have to wait for the next book. The authors have left us with a nice little cliffhanger just to drive us crazy. Ugh. Be prepared.


The Humble Jess

386 reviews25 followers

November 25, 2021

5 5 5 stars all around

Seriously hands down the best series ever. Until the ending. I refuse to read more because the Authors killed one of my favorites characters 😤 😭

The series has twists and turns and mystery, drama, action, romance, HUMOR all in one. It has everything you need to live for. Hands down THE BEST one yet. I'm not being dramatic either. I don't think there's another ghost whisperer series out there that's this AMAZING.
I have read all 3 books in 3 days. There are more books to follow but my fav detective was killed off so I am here to drop and move on
Sorry 🤣.
I HIGHLY RECOMMEND YOU read this series.

And to the authors, you suck🤣 but in all seriousness, wow. Kudos 👏 👏 👏 I will buy the 3 books and will definitely read again and again for years to come

dennis barron

1,475 reviews20 followers

August 26, 2021

Symphony of Bones. L.T. Ryan. K. M. Rought

Cassie Quinn is a psychic with a very unique ability. She sees dead people. She also has visions. Sometimes she sees when they are actually occurring. The FBI is well aware of her abilities as well as police homicide detectives. She is held in high regard. A high profile case she is currently helping the FBI with has now entered very dark and dangerous waters. She has also solved the abduction case of a childhood friend as well as numerous others. This was another very enjoyable and interesting read in this series. Enjoyed immensely!!


428 reviews

October 6, 2023

I find Cassie a true dichotomy. She is either extremely confident and a knowledgeable professional or she is a falling down crying melodramatic mess. I can't tell if this is on purpose to have the reader identify with her past issues (which really haven't been explained) or if it's just poor character development. On the flip side, the mysteries are well written and usually resolve satisfactorily. There does seem to be some writer affinity for cliffhangers since there is another in this book. I teeter between enjoying the book and wanting to toss it - almost always due to Cassie's overreactions. I might wait a little while for Book #4. Maybe she'll grow up some.


994 reviews5 followers

June 25, 2023

Families can be tough

Cassie hasn't been close with her family for many years, not since after she was nearly murdered. But her mom is ill and its time for a tough reunion. Especially as they don't know that she is psychic and sees ghosts. Or that she consults with the local police and the FBI. Cassie hopes to solve the kidnapping of her ten year old best friend. Will her family accept her and her abilities? And can she possibly find out what happened to her childhood best friend?

Cattie Whaley

251 reviews2 followers

August 2, 2021

A few questions answered

In this installment of Cassie Quinn, psychic detective, she's spending time with the family she has isolated for 10 years. In the midst of the tension that brings, a high profile case happens and Cassie is compelled to help solve the case. We learn more about her childhood which answers several questions! The ending did catch me off guard and has left it hanging. Guess it's on to the next one!

Thomas James

548 reviews12 followers

August 25, 2021

Masters of the Cliffhanger

This story rates 5 stars. It deserves it. Ryan and Rought do a masterful job of creating believable characters and a mystery with deep emotions. I am glad something like this never happened to me or anyone I personally know, but child kidnappings, abductions, and slavery abound so it is a plausible plot. I hope this story is as close as it gets to you, too.

Debbie Vetter

633 reviews5 followers

March 7, 2022

All in a day

The murder of a Senator's son, a little boy looking for help, a trip to visit her parents just a normal week for Cassie. Cassie learned why somethings she couldn't remember, what happened to her childhood best friend and the reason for the murder which brought a few people done with the possibility of more once the FBI was finished. Great job. Thank you.
On to the next!!


1,133 reviews7 followers

March 9, 2022

Good story

One of the first major story arcs in the series finds a resolution in Symphony of Bones. Cassie had forgotten large pieces of her childhood, including the details surrounding the disappearance of her best friend when she was ten years old. A reunion trip with her sister to visit her parents brings a lot of her memories to the surface. Meanwhile, she gets involves in a complicated case involving the death of a senator's son.


478 reviews6 followers

March 28, 2022

Cassie FINALLY reconciles with her family and she solves the mystery of her childhood friend, Sarah Lennox’s disappearance.

I’m struggling with Cassie’s character. On one hand she is bold and confident as she helps the police with cases. But she is timid and non-confrontational in her personal life. She is utterly unwilling to open herself up to friendships, family relationships, and romantic relationships. I find it deeply frustrating. I’m not sure if I will continue this series.


Kathleen Tyler

136 reviews

July 4, 2022

Lost and Found

Memories lost and found, childhood lost and found. Children lost and almost found. The loss of children is always a great sadness. To loose a childhood friend and the memory of them is tragic. To find that the memories were lost because of misunderstanding and parental love would in most cases make it difficult to reconcile but Cassie is an extraordinary ladies with an extraordinary amount of love herself.

Terri Voth(TV)

125 reviews


June 29, 2023

Answered questions!!

I loved this book. Cassie has a different outlook on life because she can see ghosts and she is psychic. Cassie begins to understand herself better as she reunites with her family and solves another case in her own unique style. The story keeps you involved and on the edge of your seat to see what happens next. Can't wait for the next book!!! Recommended to all readers.


747 reviews5 followers

October 5, 2023


Lawd, this was a good one! It makes me wonder what is the future for this series. Will Cassie’s abilities grow? Will she get better control, there’s so many questions.

Sometimes Cassie frustrated me because I like for characters to get to the juicy bits but she hesitates a lot because she’s scared of the reactions she may get. Also, confused about what may be Cassie’s possible love interest

    6th-sense cops ghost

Elaina Henley

13 reviews

January 13, 2024

Audiobooked this one while driving. It was fun. I didn't have any expectations and didn't over think it to blatantly call out plot holes or anything. I liked the ghost boy. He was a fun story line. I didn't care much about the murder that happened, but it was cool to watch it unfold. Can't say how reading this book is, but the audiobook was fun. I will say the family drama was a bit melodramatic, but I wasn't really caring enough to nitpick at it. The ghost boy kept me interested.

Jo Ann

116 reviews

May 15, 2021

A need to know

This a wonderful story so well written that while reading it I completely got lost in it . I highly recommend this to everyone and just wish I could find the right words to tell how powerful it is. I think everyone will like this as much as I did. Something for everyone

Lana Mccall

800 reviews9 followers

May 24, 2021

Very entertaining

Cassie Quinn comes to the realization that she needs to mend the shattered relationship with her sister and parents. It will be difficult time for them all but the love they will make it through. Cassie learns that her talent has always been there but due to tragedy it was hidden.

Larry E. Switzer

10 reviews1 follower

June 6, 2021

Outstanding story

The expression ""This book wad hard to put down " , is often used in reviews. For this book the authors truly made it a goal. From the storyline, the narrative and the character development the authors achieved their goal. I wait with great anticipation their next accomplishment.

John Kriegel

32 reviews

March 11, 2022


Just can't resist resorting to cliche and some plot development is hackneyed and stilted. Let me tilt back my head and lol. The character is unquestionably appealing if emotionally stunted. But the plot keeps moving and it keeps the reader entertained. Now I lie me down to sleep (Will they ever figure out the difference between lie and lay?)

Antigone Walsh

1,130 reviews5 followers

October 9, 2022

Family Matters

A medium seeks to reconnect with her parents. But she quickly becomes involved in the mystery of a murdered senator's son and the tragic disappearances of young children from her childhood.

Despite the implausible relationship between Cassie and the police this was an entertaining read. Her family drama was a drag but the other story lines were good to.

karen j kice

50 reviews5 followers

October 15, 2022

If you want a book series to keep you reading late into the night THIS IS IT!

The Cassie Quinn Mystery series makes me anxious to finish the book so I can get lost in the next in the series! Well written storytelling with characters that you grow to know better with each chapter.

gloria marquardt

611 reviews5 followers

January 13, 2023

A good series but be warned. One book won't be enough.

Sensation is now at peace. We can only hope David is too. Although that is doubtful. I always hate it when I get hooked into a series that does not have stand alone novels. This is one of those. I would continue reading these books but I am still unhappy at the premise.


1,112 reviews5 followers

February 6, 2023

3.5 Stars

While visiting her parents Cassie gets involved in the murder of a state senator's son and helps the FBI. Some revelations at her parents, house help Cassie remember important things about her friend Sarah. Det. This book answers questions Cassie has about her childhood, but overall the book is not as intense and suspenseful as the previous books.

    kindle-unlimited mystery z-2023-reading-list

Gale Albright

2,504 reviews18 followers

February 14, 2023

This story! It made me laugh, cry and at times become frustrated. Not due to the storyline but the absolute humanity that is written into each character. I want to sometimes jump in and shake a character or roll my eyes heavenward. I love this author and I appreciate the attention to detail that goes into each book. Just downloaded the next book.

    kindle-unlimited mystery paranormal

Joel Sebastian

39 reviews

June 25, 2023

Love Cassie Quimm

Cassie Quinn is not your average tough operative. Instead she has the ability to see things others can't and help s the police and FBI solve difficult cases. The entire series is well worth reading especially if you are looking for a different kind of hero. You can never go wrong with books written by L.T. Ryan!

Symphony of Bones (Cassie Quinn, #3) (2024)
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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Rating: 4.7 / 5 (57 voted)

Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.