Test of Love - Chapter 6 - existentialisttrashh - 呪術廻戦 (2024)

Chapter Text

You rest in your seat, your eyes staring into the ceiling. The classroom was empty, your last student having just gone home. You were so sore. Earlier in the day, you jumped in on a mission as it seemed your student needed help. Using your curse technique for a long time drained you. The muscles in your body felt like cement as your head pounded. On the best of days, your technique was almost limitless, but on the worst of days, you could only use it for ten minutes before feeling faint. You were able to use Plasma manipulation, a subset of blood manipulation. You weren't a part of the Kamo family, which made your technique all the more interesting. The three families were intrigued by you when you were a student, wanting to understand how you were able to use Plasma manipulation. Eventually they gave up when there didn’t seem to be a deeper meaning. You just could.

You think you could fall asleep in your chair if you were given the chance. You weren't even supposed to be working today. It was a Saturday, but Inumaki had texted you for help and you couldn’t just say no. The two of you were a wreck after. By the time you finished, you were limping out while blood drippled past his lips.

At least you knew for certain you wouldn't be working tomorrow. There were no missions assigned out on Sundays, giving you the chance to finally use the rest of the day today and all day tomorrow to recuperate.

Your eyes flutter shut as you feel yourself slip, the temptation of sleep crawling up your spine. No one else was on campus, it wouldn't be that big of a deal to take a nap. There's no harm in resting your eyes for ten minutes before you head home, right?

Your head clears as you slip between the state of being awake and being asleep.

Your phone rings loudly, causing your eyes to fly open.


You fumble until your fingers wrap around your phone, pulling it up to see who’s calling. Chisaki. She was one of the friends you made when you took a couple years break from Jujutsu. She wasn’t a sorcerer, which made your relationship difficult at times. At the same time, you were able to act like a normal person around her. You win some, you lose some.

“Hello?” You answer, dragging your hand across your eye.

“You sleeping?” She must pick up on the heaviness in your voice.

“No, what’s up?” You put her on speaker as you lean against your desk, resting your cheek sideways.

Maybe you’d pass out like this.

“Good. We’re going out tonight. I haven’t seen you in forever.”

You almost groan but you’re able to stop yourself. You dreaded the idea of going out. All you wanted to do was get under your blankets and sleep for the next ten days. But, Chisaki never was one to take no for an answer.


“I want to see you for drinks!”


“No! I am getting ready now and I will be by your place to pick you up in two hours.”

You feel your shoulders crumple a bit at the order. It’s not that you didn’t want to see her. You were just so, so exhausted. You mumble a farewell before hanging up, soaking in the last few moments of silence before you have to make your way home.

Once at home, you stand in front of your closet for way too long before deciding on what to wear. You had a black piece on the far side, only having worn it a couple times whenever you had a night out with Chisaki. It was a bit short for your taste, but you figured if you were going on a girls night you may as well go all in. Makeup felt like too much of a drag, so you just do the bare minimum, while leaving your hair down. The dress fits like a glove, caressing your curves in a way that almost makes you flustered. You briefly think about taking a picture to send to the boys, but ultimately decide against it. This was a girls night, you were going to devote zero time to them.

Chisaki is already at the restaurant by the time you get there. You hadn’t eaten so you decided to go out for dinner, going out of your way to choose a place that had cheap and tasty drinks. She looks hot as ever as she waits in your booth, bold makeup painting her face while she wears a dress that was even tighter than yours.

She calls your name, excitedly waving from her seat causing a few patrons to stare. It made you laugh, she did not care about drawing attention at all.

“Looking good!” Chisaki comments, squeezing you in a hug before sitting across from you.

Her hair gleams under the light and you find yourself feeling a bit jealous. She was always stunning.

“So are you. Are we going out to dance after this?” You ask, sipping the water that was waiting for you.

“Not unless you want to. Figured I may as well count my blessings that you came out at all. I haven’t seen you in months!”

A pang of guilt shoots through your veins and you try not to wince. You honestly had no excuse for not hanging out. You were busy, sure, but you could have squeezed her in somewhere. Some kind of friend you were.

“So tell me what’s been up with you lately. Spare no details.” She stares at you, sipping her co*cktail.

That was just like her. She seemed unbothered at your lack of contact, and you find yourself wordlessly thanking her. She gave you too many chances. She was a great friend.

“Just work. I have some interesting students this year so they’re keeping me busy.”

“I bet huh? Private school right? Are they rich and snobbish?”

She didn’t know you were a Jujutsu sorcerer, so you told her you worked for a private school. You think back to your students and laugh to yourself. The only one there who could be considered rich and snobbish was Satoru.

“Not this year, thank god.”

A waiter comes back and you order a co*cktail, and the two of you order your food. You were feeling like beef tonight, so that's what you get.

The two of you make idle chatter as you sip and eat, the restaurant slowly filling up with other patrons. Even for a Saturday night it was busy, you were glad Chisaki snagged a seat for you.

She worked at a hair salon, so it was always interesting to hear about the customers that came through there. You briefly imagine Suguru going and you shake your head with a chuckle. There was no way he let just anyone touch his hair.

“So, any guys lately?” Chisaki asks, her words slurring together.

She arrived a little earlier than you so she was definitely drunk, but you were starting to feel it as well. You sip from your drink and giggle.

“Yeah, two of em.”

TWO?” Her volume causes the group next to you to turn their heads.


“What’re they like? Got any pictures?”

She definitely was going to want to see them.

“They’re opposites but also… Sort of really similar.” You say as you pull out your phone.

You didn’t have any pictures with Suguru, but you had a multitude with Satoru. He was always the one taking them. ‘For the memories’ he’d say. You scroll through your photos until you find a picture with him. It was one he took when you were on an outing with the students, both of your classes together for once. He said the outing was to scout for curses, but in reality he just wanted to try out the new ice cream shop. He didn’t fool anyone.

“One is really quiet and kind, the other one is… well” you think about how to describe Satoru.

“Noisy and bitchy?” She finishes.

You giggle and shake your head.

“No he’s… he’s kinda like you actually.”

“Huh? Should I be offended?” She asks with a laugh.

You chuckle and finish your drink. The tips of your fingers were beginning to tingle as your eyelids started to droop. Okay, you were definitely starting to feel it.

You turn the phone to her and she stares at Satoru, her eyes popping from her head. Satoru was definitely her type. You couldn’t blame her, he was your type too.

“What a stud. You bagged them both?”

You think for a moment. You were with both of them, but you weren't with them yet. It was casual and fun, but you weren't official.

“Yeah, but it’s not anything serious yet.”

“I see, I see. What’re they like in bed?” She asks.

You’re drinking from your next glass as she asks and you choke on the liquid. Her eyebrows are raised as she stares at you, expecting a full breakdown of their sexual prowess.

“We haven’t- Well… We’ve- I've only slept with one.”

Memories from the previous night flash through your brain. The way he looked, smelled, tasted. You couldn’t dwell on it for too long or else you might get too worked up.

“How was that?”

You try to decide on how to put the night into words. Incredible, fantastic, life changing. You didn’t want to reduce Suguru to a body, but his dick game was unmatched.

“f*cking unreal.” You say.

Chisaki laughs and shoves your shoulder across the table. This was nice. You were having fun, talking about men and work like a normal person. You always had fun with her.


Your head swirls as the alcohol fills your system. You were feeling really f*cking good. Your skin was tingly and your headache was gone, memories from the earlier fight already slipping from your brain.

“Why haven’t you f*cked the other one yet?”

You stare at the table in front of you, trying to focus but you’re seeing double. Why hadn’t you f*cked Satoru yet? You couldn’t come up with a reason. He was busy, sure, but so were you. He had been pining after you for years. If he really wanted to f*ck, you definitely would’ve by now, right?

“I don’t know.”

“Come on! There must be a reason. Why don’t you make the first move?”

“Satoru’s just always busy.”

“That’s an excuse if I’ve ever heard one!”

The more Chisaki talks, the angrier you get. She was right. There was no reason you and Satoru couldn’t have f*cked by now. He’s just been teasing you and leaving you dry.


“All I’m saying is maybe you have to tell him how you really feel. The guy probably doesn’t know you want his dick.”

He definitely knew. He practically held it over your head every chance he got. The man was the walking definition of sex, and you didn’t know if it pissed you off or made you horny.

You check the time on your phone. 11 pm. The guys would probably be up, right? Maybe you should go over and talk to him.

“Yeah. I agree.” You murmur and dig in your purse for your card.

“You heading out?” She asks.

“Yeah, I’m gonna- gonna go talk to him I think.”

Your legs wobble as you stand to your feet. Once you pay, you stumble outside. The streets are much more busier than they were several hours ago when you first arrived. There were loud voices coming from all directions, only disorienting you further. You reach an arm up to hail a taxi. While you’re waiting you sway back and forth, letting the Saturday night ambiance whisk you. You feel a pinch on the side of your foot so you lean down and yank your shoes off your feet.

A taxi comes up fairly quickly, and you slide inside and give the address to the driver. Your head is spinning as you drive there, words filling your brain. What were you going to say to him? Maybe it would be better if you wing it.

The taxi comes to a halt in front of the expensive apartment building. You dig around your purse until you find cash at the bottom, which you grab to pass to the driver. The cold pavement bites into your feet as you stammer to the front doors.

Because it was so late, the front desk was empty. There wasn’t anyone around which you were grateful for.

All you can focus on are your feet in front of you as you make your way to his place. The elevator makes you unsteady, you have to lean onto the side to not fall over. Maybe you had a little too much to drink. It didn’t bother you though, if anything it made you feel even more fired up. What was Satoru’s problem? Did he not want to f*ck you?

The elevator stops and you nearly fall over, but you’re able to steady yourself. You’re moving purely on memory as you take yourself to the boys apartment.

You knock on the front door, swaying back and forth.

The door opens and you look up.

“What’re you doing here?”

Suguru says your name, eyes filled with concern as he watches you.

He looked really good.

What were you here for again?

“S-Satoru.” You murmur, your tongue feels too heavy for your mouth.

Are you drunk?” Suguru asks, raising his hand to palm your cheek.

“Satoru.” You repeat, smooshing your cheek further into his hand.

He was so warm. You could probably fall asleep like this if he’d let you.

Suguru looks over his shoulder then faces you again, sliding the door open more to let you in. You walk forward, your eyes following his as Suguru makes his way to the kitchen. He’s standing in front of the sink, sleeves pushed up as he washes dishes.

Satoru is sitting at the bar, facing Suguru. He turns to look at you, a confused expression on his face. Satoru says your name, and you feel the anger start to seep up again.


You were here to fight with him.

You slide on your feet until you’re in front of him, and he’s looking you up and down.

“Are you drunk?” Satoru asks, squinting at you.

What’s wrong with you?” You respond, pointing a finger at his chest.

Suguru is in the kitchen, eyes flicking back and forth between you two. His fingers are soapy as he washes the dishes, face neutral.

Huh?” Satoru says, almost offended.

“I said what’s wrong with you?” You point into him harder.

“I heard you. What’re you talking about?”

“Do you not want to have sex with me?” Your voice is a bit louder than you mean for it to be.

The room goes silent, Suguru’s hands pausing as he stares at the scene in front of him. He knows he shouldn’t get involved.

What?” Satoru’s expression shows that he thinks you’re ridiculous.

That only makes you angrier.

“You must not want to have sex with me, is that right? You keep teasing me, making me all ready only to leave!” Your chest is full of emotions, your face set in conviction.

“That’s not- I’m busy.”

“Sure, sure. Maybe you’re just worried you're not gonna be as good as Suguru.”

Suguru’s eyes widen and he stares at his hands, instantly going back to work.

Not getting involved. He is not getting involved.

“You and Suguru had sex?” Satoru asks, and you think you pick up on something similar to hurt in his voice.

You don't care. All you can think about are the emotions simmering in your body.

“I was going to tell you today.” Suguru says.

Suguru shuts off the water after washing his hands, turning around to dry them. He’s digging in the cupboard, but your eyes are boring into Satoru’s, a silent battle going on between the two of you.

You hiccup and the motion almost causes you to fall over, so you fly a hand out to grip onto the counter.

“You’ve been flirting with me for forever! Do you not want to?” Your voice breaks at the end as you feel your heart break.

“You know I want to.” Satoru’s voice is split between pleading and disbelief.

Suguru comes up behind you with a glass of water. He nudges it toward you, but you push his hand away, only caring about the fight.

“Drink.” Suguru softy says.

“No!” You squirm away from him.

Suguru holds the back of your head and lifts the cup to your mouth. You try to fight back but once the liquid touches your lips you take several big gulps.

Satoru’s eyes are staring into you the whole time, filled with an emotion you can’t quite place. Suguru steps back once you finish the glass and goes towards the kitchen, leaning back.

“If you don't want to then just tell me.” You try to seem strong.

What if he really didn’t want to? You wanted him to want to.

Satoru sighs and gets to his feet, now towering over you. You refuse to back down, instead looking up towards him. He grabs your arm and bends down, his face right infront of yours. There’s rocks in your stomach and you feel like your heart has stopped beating.

“I want to. God knows I want to.” He says.

He stands back up and turns towards Suguru.

“I'm gonna bring her to our bed.”

Satoru holds your hand and drags you to his room. Is he wanting to go now? That didn’t sound too bad. You start to slip your sleeves off your shoulders, getting your dress partly off your body before he turns around.

“What’re you doing?” He says, stopped in his room.

It’s just the two of you now, the heat of his gaze causing your mind to reel.

“We’re gonna-“

No, we aren’t. Not right now.” Satoru replies, not even looking down at your chest.

He goes to his dresser and pulls out a shirt, one big enough it would cover everything and then some. He throws it over his shoulder as he starts to take off your clothes, large hands grazing over your skin.

Suguru walks in the room and watches from the door as Satoru tries to undress you.

“What do we do?” Satoru asks, unsure how to handle a drunk person.

“She’ll need Tylenol before she goes to sleep.” Suguru says and turns around to go back to the kitchen to retrieve the medication.

Satoru’s able to get your clothes off and is in the process of sliding his shirt over your head. You can’t stop staring at him, drawn in by his beauty. Was he always so perfect?

You were beginning to forget why you were even mad in the first place, head spinning as you admire him.

“Get in.” He murmurs, watching as you slide in bed.

You feel small under their sheets, but they’re so soft. Your eyelids feel heavy as you look up at Satoru, the lamp making his white hair appear gold. Suguru comes back with pills and sits on the edge of the bed, slipping them in your mouth.

He urges you to drink water from the glass in his hand and you’re more willing this second time around.

Your body’s heavy as you sink into the sheets, your eyes having a hard time staying open. The men are standing above you, watching as you make yourself comfortable. You couldn’t even remember why you were here. All you could focus on was the way the pillows felt beneath your head.

“We’ll talk more tomorrow morning.” Satoru says.

Suguru leans down to kiss your forehead before he’s slipping out of the room.

“What’s up with you?” Satoru says soft enough you almost miss it, eyes lingering on your face.

He presses a kiss to your cheek before stepping away, turning off the light.


Your body wakes up slowly, your head tossing back and forth over the soft pillow beneath you. It was hard to crack your eyes open, but you manage.


Where were you?

You knew exactly where you were, and it wasn’t in your bed. Why were you in Satoru and Suguru’s house? Your body flies up as your eyes dart across the room. The bed was empty besides you, there was no hint of either man in the room.

When you look down you notice that you’re wearing clothes at least, thank god, but they’re not your clothes. You pull the fabric to your nose where you sniff, Satoru’s cologne filling your nostrils.

“Why am I wearing…” you murmur to yourself.

“Morning sunshine.” You hear Satoru’s voice.

He waltzes in with a tray of food in his hands. Waffles, bacon, and fruit. Suguru must’ve cooked, Satoru sure as hell didn't. The sight of the food causes your stomach to rumble, loud enough you’re sure the whole house must’ve heard it. Satoru doesn’t even spare you a glance as he sets the tray down on the nightstand, sitting on the side of the bed.

“Take those, Suguru says you'll need them.” He’s pointing to a couple of pills on the tray. Tylenol by the looks of it.

You eye him carefully as you slip the medicine in your mouth, bringing the glass of water to your lips. You didn't realize how parched you were until the liquid passed your throat. The glass is empty by the time you’re finished.

“Suguru said it’s important to take them. I don’t really know how to handle drunk people or hangovers, but Suguru’s had his fair share.” Satoru’s rambling and you can tell. Usually people ramble when they’re nervous, but not Satoru. When he's nervous, which happens rarely, he gets quiet. And that made you more uneasy.

“Quite the show you put on last night.” Satoru says.

What happened last night?

“So, you wanna tell me what the hell that was?” Satoru crosses his leg over the other, a bloated silence falling over the room.

Your stomach flips under his gaze. What was he feeling? You felt like you were being scolded, that’s for sure.

“I-I’m not sure.”

Satoru barks out a laugh that jolts you. As he laughs, your eyes trail down his figure. He’s wearing a plain black shirt with boxers, the sight of his bare legs nearly scandalous.

“You aren't sure? Do you even remember what happened last night?”

You weigh your options in your head. You could tell him you remember, and just wing it. Or you could admit that you totally forgot everything. Which was worse?

Your fingers pick at the blanket as you wrack your brain for anything, only to come up empty handed. It couldn’t have been that bad, right?

“I don’t.” You settle on the truth, figuring it’s better than the alternative.

“Well, let me clue you in.” Satoru leans forward and grabs a grape, popping it into his mouth.

Your eyes follow him as he sticks his thumb in his mouth, sucking off fruit juice from his finger. The way his tongue darts out to clean his finger causes your chest to tighten.

“You came here after you went out drinking. I'm not sure where you were before coming here. Then you stormed in here and started yelling at me. In my own house.” Satoru turns towards you and you feel the need to back up slightly.

“Yelled at me because we haven’t had sex yet. Apparently you’ve had sex with Suguru already though, which is news to me.”

He isn’t mad. You know exactly what he looks like when he's mad, and this isn’t it. That doesn’t change the fact you feel like you’re being reprimanded.

You blew up at him because you haven’t had sex yet? It did bother you, but you didn't think you were that mad. You knew it was because you kept getting interrupted. And it would happen eventually, you knew it would.

“I don’t really care about that. I mean, I wish you would’ve told me, but it’s not a big deal. You know what is a big deal though?” Satoru leans in, his presence all consuming.

“The fact you thought we haven’t f*cked because I would be worried Suguru would be better.” He narrows his eyes at you, searching you for answers.

You really said that?

“Satoru, I-“

“I mean, I would be more offended if you took everything back. I may cry if you pretend you aren’t upset that we haven’t had sex yet”

Satoru raises a brow as he looks at you and suddenly you feel like he's twenty feet tall.

“You aren't going to take it back, are you?”


Satoru carefully gets up from the bed only to get on top once more, crawling over to you. His eyes are locked on you the entire time, leaving your skin buzzing.

Didn't think so.” Satoru stops in front of you and lifts his hand up.

His palm holds your cheek and you’re frozen in place, unable to do anything. Even if you could move, you aren't sure what you'd do. Satoru presses his lips against yours, and even though you were expecting it, you still inhale sharply. His lips mold to yours as easily as they always do, as if they were made for yours. Your eyes flutter closed as you taste the remnants of fruit on his lips.

He parts his mouth and swipes his tongue along your bottom lip, smirking at the whine you let out. Your heart is racing as his tongue slides into your mouth, tangling itself with yours. It’s getting heated fast, and you remember a small little fact in the back of your head.

“Satoru, what about Suguru?” You ask, pulling yourself away even though it feels painful.

“I told him to leave for two hours.”

He pushes his lips against yours again, more rough than the first time. Your fingers dig into the bed, not sure where to place them. Was this really happening?

Satoru spreads your legs and you have no choice but to lean back, at the mercy of him as he hovers over you. It’s overwhelming in the way he’s completely covering you. Your mind reels as your mouths move in tandem.

You were almost expecting his phone to ring, to rip him away from you. There was always something that kept you apart, like god couldn’t fathom the idea of you together.

Satoru pulls away and grins to himself.

“You’re kind of greedy, aren't you?” He questions.

“f*cking Suguru then coming here to ask for more? Naughty little girl.”

Satoru reaches up between your legs. He brushes against your thighs, before pushing your shirt up. The hair on the back of your neck stands up at the cool air that blows against your stomach. His thumb rubs your tender flesh before he kisses you again.

You’re panting by the time he kisses you once more, positive you’re leaking between your legs. He pulls away and stares into your eyes as his hand traverses your skin.

His hands find your underwear and he slides his fingers inside, wasting no time as he traces your slit. Satoru watches your reactions as he slides a finger inside, groaning as it sinks into your puss*.

Satoru pulls it out carefully before sliding it back in, lips parted as he watches you. You always knew he had long fingers, but knowing was much more different than feeling. It felt like he was reaching your throat.

Satoru has a slight grin on his face as he stretches you out, and all prior guilt you may have held was gone. Of course you didn’t expect him to be really mad at you, but you didn’t think you were going to get rewarded either. He eases a second finger in, curling them up until you let out a shaky moan. It felt weird to be open like this with him, the two of you constantly teased each other. You were half expecting him to make a smart remark at your expense given how pathetic you looked, and felt.

“How’s it feel?” His voice is low and dangerous as he hovers above you.

“S-so good.”

You clench the sheets beside you, looking down to watch where his hand was. You were getting so wet that your puss* made noises each time he slid his fingers in. His palm presses against your cl*t as he finger f*cks you, causing your breathing to stutter.

You’re trying to keep still underneath him but it's getting increasingly difficult as his hand speeds up, the heel of his hand bumping into your cl*t each time. His long fingers stroke your sensitive walls, and you know that you’ll never be able to repeat the sensation. You were sort of pissed at yourself for missing out on this for years. It felt like he was bringing you to the gates of heaven with his fingers. You wished you could feel this forever, the pleasure nearly overwhelming.

Your moans increase as his lips graze against your skin. He’s close to your face, eyes flicking back and forth between yours. He must be able to feel the rhythmic clenching because he lets out a dark chuckle. The heat of his gaze makes it hard to breathe.

You’re close.

So close.

“That’s it baby, let it all out.” His hushed words of encouragement are all you need to send you over the edge.

You throw your head back as you cum, you don’t think you could handle looking at him. His fingers slow as you float back down to earth, a dull tingling running over your skin.

When your eyes flicker back to Satoru, he's looking at you with hunger. For a moment it startles you.

He sits up and slides his hands down your sides until they settle on your underwear. They’re off in a blink of an eye, and he's spreading your legs.


“What, you didn’t think we were done, did you?” His voice is filled with disbelief as he looks at you.

Your teeth dig in your lip as you watch him lay on his stomach, face in front of your puss*. You’re a mess, you can tell. Cum is sliding from your core, making you wiggle your hips.

“Don’t worry, I'll clean you up.” His breath brushes against you making you shiver.

Satoru sticks his tongue out and drags it through you, savoring your taste. You’re still sensitive from your previous org*sm so you squirm backwards to try to have a little bit of reprieve. It almost hurts how sensitive you are. Satoru holds your legs open as you whine, his mouth attached to you.

You can hardly breathe. Satoru was always like that, though. Making it so you didn’t know which way was up and which way was down.

“I've been dreaming about this puss* for days, I missed the taste of you.”

He dips his tongue inside you, dragging it back out. His grip is nearly bruising as he pushes your legs open. You can’t say anything, only whimpers fall from your mouth. His tongue nudges against your cl*t and it feels like a punch in the gut, you let out a broken sob.

When Satoru pulls away there’s a string attaching his lips to your puss*, the sight p*rnographic. You force yourself to look away, somehow still finding it in yourself to be self conscious.

You hear a rustling of clothes in front of you and out of the corner of your eye you see Satoru sliding his shirt off, exposing his lean abs. The sight was mouthwatering, you could feel drool begin to seep past your lips.

Without his shirt you’re able to see the large bulge that’s poking from his groin. You think you catch a wet patch but it's hard to tell.

You close your legs as you stare at him.

“You’re ruthless.” You murmur.

“And you’re a brat.” He says.

“Am not!”

“Are to.”

“You just make me so-“

“Wanna put that mouth to the test, then?”

Satoru looks at you with a co*cky grin as he slips his thumbs beneath the band of his boxers, pulling them down. You inhale sharply as his co*ck springs out, standing straight. The tip is a pretty pink, precum leaking down the sides. There wasn’t a singular flaw. He’s slightly longer than Suguru, which mildly scares you, but he wasn’t as thick. Your hole clenches as he brings his hand down, stroking himself twice as he watches you.

You move to your hands and knees and crawl towards him, tunnel vision on his co*ck. You couldn’t possibly fit the whole thing down your throat, could you? Then again, you didn’t think you'd be able to take all of Suguru either, and you were able to.

You come to a halt once his co*ck is a mere two inches from your face. His precum is shining in the morning sun, a tantalizing sight. When you flick your eyes up to him, he's already looking at you. He raises a hand and pushes your hair back, gripping it. Your stomach twists as a pool of desire pours through you. You want to make him proud.

Your tongue lolls out, and you watch him as you glide it against his tip. He releases a hiss at the feeling, his stomach flexing. You were already craving more. You swipe your tongue again, the sound of his moans going straight to your puss*. When you pop the tip into your mouth, you gently suck. You allow your eyes to close as you fall into a rhythm, your head moving as you carefully take more of him.

He’s already halfway down your throat, and you still have inches to go. You struggle to breath as your throat spasms, the craving for oxygen desperately clawing at your insides. When you hear him moan once more, you think that you might not need to breathe again, as long as you get to hear him keep making those noises.

Your skin breaks out in goosebumps. You force yourself to take more until he's hitting the back of your throat. Gags fill the room as you start to choke on his co*ck.

“f*ck, that’s it.” Satoru moans.

He keeps his hips still as you gag on him, slowly bringing your head back. You slide your tongue along his sensitive veins, swallowing as he continues to leak down your throat. His groans make butterflies release in your stomach.

When you open your eyes again, the sight above you whisks you off your feet. Satoru’s lips are parted, a light pink dusting across his cheeks.

Handsome, handsome, handsome.

You tear your mouth off and watch as a string of saliva falls down your face. Satoru’s leaning down, grabbing your cheek as he presses his lips to yours. There’s a sense of urgency in the way he kisses you, his front teeth knocking against yours. He helps push you back until you’re laying down and he's hovering over you. When he pulls away, you're able to see him up close. Every little detail is on display in front of you. His unique blue eyes, flawless skin, and strands of white hair.

Satoru pulls your shirt up, throwing it off to the side. It’s getting harder to breathe. It was finally happening. He pushes your legs apart and glides in between.

Years, you had been waiting years for this.

“Let me get a condom.” He murmurs under his breath, leaning over you to search his nightstand.

“Wait, you have condoms?”

“Yeah, bought them after our last night.” Satoru responds, sitting back.

He’s holding the packet, opening it as he carefully looks at the condom.

He didn't really have to wear one. Plus, you didn’t want him to.

“Satoru, I’m on birth control.”

He stops in his tracks and looks up at you. You only have a quick moment to gather yourself before he's tossing the condom aside, lowering down until his bare chest presses against yours.

“Thank god, you're gonna let me feel you?”

You moan quietly in confirmation.

Satoru’s co*ck slides between your folds as he rocks his hips back and forth slowly. You can hear how sopping wet you are, but it only makes him glide easier. His tip bumps against your cl*t and you groan out, attempting to squeeze your legs together but your attempts are thwarted by Satoru’s hips.

He pushes himself up and looks down between the two of you, using one hand to guide his co*ck to your core. The head presses against you and you can feel the momentary tension before he slips inside. As soon as he dips inside, your puss* is pulling him in, aching for more.

Satoru moans as he watches himself carefully push in deeper and deeper, and you can’t take your eyes off the sight either. It's mesmerizing. He’s halfway in when you feel him bump your gspot, making your lips tremble.

You think you stop breathing but you don’t notice, not when all of your attention is on him. His co*ck carves a hole into your walls, making you see white. Satoru’s moaning above you, and it only makes you clench against him. He must feel it.

“f*ck, almost there. Think you can handle more?”

You can tell he's snickering without glancing at him. He must be teasing you. But you aren't sure if you can. Can you take more? It feels like he's already two feet deep inside of you.

More.” You groan out.

“You really are greedy.” Satoru murmurs.

He thrusts all the way in and you think your heart stops. It takes you several seconds before the ringing in your ears calm and you're able to bring yourself back down to earth.

He’s so f*cking deep.

Your puss* tightens around him. Your skin feels like it's buzzing with the need for more. You expect him to be grinning to himself with a quip sitting on the tip of his tongue, but when you look up, that’s not what you see at all. He’s staring down at where you’re connected, eyes unblinking as they glaze over. His tongue slowly drags over his bottom lip to wet it. Not only were you feeling ruined, but apparently so was he.

You two hadn’t even started yet.

“You’re so f-f*cking wet,” he says, pulling his hips back a couple inches before thrusting in again. “And warm,” he goes on, his co*ck sliding from you. “And tight.”

You moan beneath him and dig your nails into his arms, your head reeling from the feel of his co*ck. He isn’t even going fast, but you still can’t control your breathing. The schlick noises fill the room along with a mixture of your groans. Satoru’s breathing hard as he squints at where you’re connected, entranced by the way you keep sucking him in.

Made me wait years for this.” A forced laugh bubbles up from his mouth and you can feel he's building up speed.

“Then you have the nerve to come to my house and act like I’m the one who’s been stopping us?” He moans once before slamming into you.

“Give me a f*cking break.” He murmurs.

You yelp and grip onto him tighter. He’s pressing into your gspot each time he pushes himself in. Your cl*t is feeling neglected, twitching under the heat of his stare.

He sets a good pace, his moans starting to join yours. They were getting you off just as much as his co*ck was. It was a good thing Suguru wasn’t home, or else he’d be able to hear every little noise coming from the two of you.

“Satoru you’re so f*cking big.” You groan.

“I know, but you can take it. This is what you wanted, isn’t it?”

He thrusts himself in, moaning once he feels you squeeze around him. He knows he might be going too fast, but he doesn’t care. He needs this. He needs you.

You’re close to sobbing below him, feeling so good you think you may die. Your legs are twitching on either side of his hips, so you wrap them around him to steady yourself. This only achieves in pulling him in closer.

“sh*t.” He moans quietly, his eyes rolling to the back of his head.

You wrap your hands around his neck to tug him down closer to you, wanting to feel him utterly and completely. His sweaty chest presses against yours, your swollen nipples dragging along his tight muscles. His mouth is directly beside your ear, his hot breath fanning across your neck.

You’re moaning loud and digging your nails in once more. Your puss* is already getting sore from the way he's pounding into you, but you couldn’t care less.

He snakes a head between the two of your bodies and slides it to your cl*t. You’re shaking beneath him as he starts to rub slow methodical circles around you.

“Is this what you needed, baby?” He asks.

“Y-yes, f*ck, yes!”

It was too much. He was too much.

You moan as he pushes into you, the whole time he's stroking your cl*t. If this is what you get when you bitch to him, maybe you should do it far more often. Your skin prickles.

“Yeah? Just needed to get f*cked good, huh?”

You wished he would shut up. His words were bringing you closer to the edge, but you didn’t want to cum yet. You wanted more and you wanted it to last longer.

“Satoru you're gonna make me,” you groan as his finger speeds up.

“Cum? You gonna be a good girl for me for once and cum on my co*ck?”

You aren't sure how you haven’t drawn blood yet with the way your nails are embedded in his skin. It's hard to breathe with the pressure on your chest and the pleasure buzzing through your veins.

His co*ck thrusts inside you, working with the way his finger glides against you.

You were so f*cking close.

He groans beside you as your puss* begins to rhythmically twitch against him, betraying your wants as you inch towards your org*sm.

Look at me.” He commands, pulling up until his face is inches in front of yours. “Want you to look at me as you cum.”

Your eyes trail along his face, unsure of where to look. He looked good. You didn’t want to appreciate just one of his features. You wanted all of him.

His blue eyes demand your attention so you give in to stare at them.

He only has to swipe a couple more times before you cum, your mouth hanging open as you clench around his co*ck. You’re so tight he nearly has a hard time f*cking you through it, your puss* desperately clinging to him. He’s almost as loud as you as you cum, trying to stave off his own org*sm until you finish first.

Your vision clears up but you're immediately thrust back into the throws of passion. He’s not done yet. The whimpers falling from his lips threaten to turn you on again.

“Where do you want me to,” his voice is airy as he inches closer.


“Yeah? Gonna let me cum inside and fill up t-this puss*?” He’s delirious you think, but you aren’t faring much better.

“Yes, yes,” you moan. “Please, please.”

His hip thrusts become irregular until he lets out one last loud groan, shooting cum inside you. It's warm and sticky as it fills you up, threatening to leak from the sides of your puss* if he wasn’t plugging you up.

He pushes into you a couple more times before sitting up, the two of you watching as his co*ck slides from you. His cum drips from your puss*, the heat of it dragging on your skin.

When you look up you find that he's already staring at you. You think he may want to go again.

“You doing okay?” He questions.

That wasn’t what you were expecting.

“Yeah…” You’re better than okay. You feel weightless.

You finally f*cked the two of them. Even though you shouldn’t have come over and yelled at Satoru, you were slightly thanking yourself.

Satoru grabs a towel to slide between you, cleaning up his cum. You wince at the sensation, which he chuckles at before he tosses the soiled fabric away.

You sit up and immediately feel the way your puss* begins to ache. You hadn’t gotten used to the sizes of them yet. Your throat is parched as you watch Satoru lay down beside you, his skin glistening in the morning light.

“I'm gonna get water.” You murmur.

“Okay. I’ll be here. Promise.” He kisses the side of your mouth.

Your lips threaten to smile, so you get up and turn around before he can see it. You throw on his discarded shirt before opening the bedroom door, making your way out.

“Oh hey. Done already?”

Your feet stop instantly. You turn to the side and find Suguru sitting next to the bedroom door, flicking through a book.

He was here?

“I-I thought. Satoru said-“ you stutter as Suguru looks up, his feline eyes making your heart flutter. “Satoru said you wouldn't be home for two hours.”

“Satoru told me to leave for one hour.” He murmurs.

What a little sh*t.

Suguru’s eyes slide from your face down your figure. He appreciates the way his boyfriends shirt clings to your body, your bare legs out in the open for him.

“What’s taking so long-“ Satoru’s voice surrounds you. “Oh hey Suguru, didn’t know you’d be back so soon.” Satoru nearly sounds giddy.

Satoru’s wearing his boxers once more but he skipped putting on a shirt. If Suguru somehow hadn’t heard the two of you, which he most certainly did, then he would have been able to tell what you had done just based on your appearances.

How embarrassing.

You bring your hands up to your face to hide yourself. Suguru must have heard everything, or close to everything.

“Did you have fun?” Suguru asks.

He doesn’t seem mad, if anything he seems smug.

“I did. She’s amazing.” Satoru answers.

“I know.” Suguru responds, a co*cky grin spreading across his lips.

“I'm gonna go get water…” you try to excuse yourself, embarrassment creeping up all over you.

Your eyes fly across the room, looking for something to settle your gaze on. You see the couch which has two blankets thrown against them with two pillows on either side. Had they slept out here last night?

“Go lay down sweetheart. You must be exhausted.” Suguru stands and walks over to you, kissing the top of your head.

“I did all the-“ Satoru starts to say before Suguru shoots him a dirty look.

“I'm assuming you didn’t get around to eating your breakfast?” Suguru asks, tilting your head up.

You remember the tray of food that Satoru had brought in, you never got around to eating any of it.

His thumb swipes the corner of your eye where your tears were starting to dry. Tears you cried because his boyfriend was f*cking you.

“No.” You say.

“I’ll make some more then.” He replies.

Him and Satoru share a look before Suguru’s turning around to head to the kitchen. They were both stifling a grin, contentment settling over their bones at their decision to open their relationship. Satoru turns you around and brings you back to their bed, scooping you up and setting you down on the soft sheets.

“Wait here, okay?” He says to you.

You get comfortable under the blankets before grinning at him.

“I'm not going anywhere after what you did to me.”

Satoru chuckles and rolls his eyes before standing up.

“You liked it and you know it.”

“Never said I didn’t.” You watch as he makes his way to the bedroom door.

He closes it softly behind him, leaving you alone to recuperate.

Test of Love - Chapter 6 - existentialisttrashh - 呪術廻戦 (2024)
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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Author information

Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.