The Los Angeles Times from Los Angeles, California (2024)

OCTOBER 30, 1936. PART 1T.T 94 FRIDAY MORNING. WINS HONOR DEATHS With Funeral Announcements K1RBY. Jesse Ray Kirby. beloved husband INTENTION" TO MARRY The following notices of intention to marry were issued yesterday.

Name, age and addiess given. ERWIN FORT. James 49. 736 Pine What's Doing TODAY WEATHER REPORT Official Glass House fo Be Feature of Show of Abigail E. Kirby; lather of Miss Helen A.

Kirby. Services at the Little Church of the F.owers. Foret Lawn. Saturdsy. I p.m.

1 Creese s. Eagle Rock, directors. LONG. Services (or Lena Mae Long 2 p.m. today at Pierce Brothers.


29 (Reported by Free permanent California exhibit, State Exposition Building, Exposition Park. Open daily L. H. Daiugerrieid, MeteorolOKist-1 At Baptists Elect Moderator Pastor Forde Chosen for Post at Meeting of Church Association Newest wrinkles in ultra-mod o'clock a.m. the barometer registered 29 83, at a p.m..

29.94. Thermometer lor Ihe corresponding hours showed 67 des. and 64 dfK. MacGREGOR. John MacGregor.

beloved ern housekeeping will be re husband of Mvfanwy MscGregor. Relative humidity. 5 a.m., 23 per cent; from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. except Wednesdays, 10 a.m.

to 12 noon, Memorial services will be held Satur ti 79 cent. Wind, a.m.. north, ve DIVORCES GRANTED BROWN. Dahlia from Lloyd W. CULMONE.

John from Mary. CULP. Claude from Josephine. CURLEY. Ora F.

from Jack. DAVIES. John A. from Clara B. DUNHAM.

Thelma H. from Arnold L. EVANS. James E. from Laura B.

PAGAN. Raymond from Gladys. FELIX. Amelia from Manuel. FLICKINGER.

Inslee M. from Reed A. GARDNER. Lois H. from J.

Stanley GOELDNER. Mane A. from Garth G. GOLDBERG. Florence from Morris.

GRANGER. Florence V. from Merrill L. HESKETH. Constance M.

fro mCharles W. JACKSON Kirtiey from Kathleen. LANDRETH. Alice R. from Ira A.

LANE. Beatrice A. from Ernest. LICHTEN THALER. Pauline M.

from J. T. LLOYD. William from Eilabelle. LUKAWECKA.

Helen from James. MATLOCK. Lottie M. from Frank 8. NAFCIOER.

May M. from Raymond E. PAULSEN. Emma P. from Henry J.

PITTS Ruth M. from Francis L. PUTHUFF. Barbara E. from Duvall J.

RANDALL. Cora B. from John W. REZK, Erma from George. poke rtenry from Rhea.

day at 2 m. from the ehspel Of B. vealed through a three-room glass house to be erected as a locity 7 miles; 5 southeast, velocity 7 Dsyton. 417 North Maple Drive. and Sundays, '2 to 5 p.m.

jniies. Temperatures, nisnesi. rt io-rnt. S3 dee. Rainfall lor season.

.65 of an avenue. Beach; Pearle. 48, a2j Esther street. Long Beach. FAWCETT ASHLEY.

Harold 27. 11932 Hesby street. North Hollywood; Dorothy 26, 11932 Hesby street. North Hollywood. f*ckL'SHIMA IKEDA.

Matsuyuiki. 24. P. O. Box 617.

Gridley; Suzue, 21, 3191 West Fourth street. GARRETT POLLICK. Pierce 27. 1119 South Meadowbrook avenue: Renee 22. 2361 West Twenty-first street.

GIBSON DUFFY. Harry. 24. 224 West Fifty-ninth street: Laurene, 19, 1415 East Sixty-eighth street. GLOVER KIPP.

Carl M-. 25. 415'i Toledo street; Lucille. 21. 4928 York Boulevard.

HADI.EY BENNETT. William 32. 841 North Euclid avenue. Pasadena; Bar-' bara 16. 2350 Monterey Road.

San Marino. HALL HANNAH. Joseph 22. 829 North Citrus street: Harriet 22, Beverly Hills. MrrMAHAN.

At 1409 Arapahoe street. Mrs novel exhibit at the 1936 Food inch: normal to date. .86 of an inch; lait Michigan Alumni, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Theta Delta Chi, season to date. .16 of an Inch. and Household Show, November Mollie Eleanor McMahan.

beloved wife of Eddy E. McMahan of this city and mother of Merrilt McMahaa of Port WEATHER CONDITIONS. The vast A i i 1 IIISIIWI I VO A 8 to 15, in the Ambassador Audi pressure ridee now extends from the north Aneeles. Wash. ern ereat basin and the Rockies to the Chi Phi, Sigma Chi, Chancery Club, Harvard Medical Group luncheons.

University Club, torium, Managing Director S. M. Funeral services Saturday at 2:30 m. from the chapel of W. A.

Brown, White announced yesterday. noon. Employing the last word in equipment, all operations in the 1815 South Flower street. MORONEY. Bridget Moroney.

Services and interment. Chicago, HI. Sharp O'Connor. Rotary Club luncheon, Bilt- 8RO North Las Palmas avenue. more, noon.

SCHMIDT. Mary C. from Victor O. HANco*ck MAXON. Frank 47.

816 MOSULLY. Sadie Mosully. beloved wife of home, from vacuum cleaning to cooking and serving a full-course turkey dinner, will be performed Fillmore. San Francisco: Fannie Rezk and mother of Ellas Mosuiiy. 50 525 Bush street, tfan Francisco.

Civic Leaders Club meeting, Clifton Cafeteria, 618 South Olive Reoulem mass at St. Ann's Church, HARRISON CAMPBELL. Earl 27. 900 North Hoover. Saturday.

October Rev. Ernest 0. Forde, pastof of Sunnyside Baptist Church, was elected moderator of tha Los Angeles Baptist Association yesterday at the Roger Williams Baptist Church. Other new officers of the asso ciation, composed of ministers and laymen and representing sixty-one churches, are: Vice-Moderator Miles Andrews, of Highland Park Baptist Church for the benefit of visitors. 2300 East Nadeau street.

Huntington 31. at 10 o'clock. Sharp O'Connor, NAGEL. Elizabeth Nagel. Park; Thelma 24.

2300 East Na street, noon. Illustrated lecture, Central Li deau street. Huntington Park SETTERBERG. Fred from Stella M. SORBEN.

Dora L. from Donald W. STILWELL. Mary M. from Marcus E.

SYLER. Gladys G. G. from Ira C. TARDY.

Molly M. from Joseph E. TRAMANTINA. Ellen A. from Angelo O.

WILLIAMS. Eugenia C. from Arthur. WTTCHER. Lurie from Dewey.

WOOLDRIDOE. Edith S. from Sydney J. WRIGHT. William J.

from Sarah E. OFFICIAL DEATH LIST Utter-McKmley's Hollywood Mortu HILL STRACKE. Douglas 21. 1321 'a OBITUARY Lower Mississippi and the West Gulf Coast (Yellowstone Park, 30 40; Little Rock, 30 30.) while low pressure occupies the Alaskan coast (Juneau and Ketchikan, 29. 78,) the lakes and adjacent regions (Du-luth, 29.64.1 Southern California and Arizona and adjacent Mexican border (Yuma, 29.66.) and high pressure lies off the Oregon-California coast (Eureka.

30.02 Re-suits and attending phenomena: Moisture over the Alaskan coast and scattered show-era over New York. Eastern Tennessee and he Carolinas; heavy, Juneau, 1.12. Falling temperatures, over Alberta, Saskatchewan. Northern Montana and the Lower Koekies; generally warmer east of the Rockies; little change west of Rockies, with continued cool over plateau districts; warm over Arizona and Southern California; ranged from 89 deg. yesterday at Santa Ana to 22 deg.

last night at Swift Current. Continued fair, warm weather over Southern California, with cloudy or foggy on coast. LOCAL TEMPERATURES. Minimum and maximum temperatures from Southern Cali-lornia points, reported yesterday to the Lot Angeles office of the U. S.

Weather Bureau, were as follows: Stations Mat. Mln. ary in charge. 8814 Sunset Boulevard, South Burlington street; Dorothy P. 18.

2412-A Fourth street. Santa brary, 7:30 p.m. Joseph Burgess will speak on "Lassen Volcanic O'FERRALL. Services for John O'Ferrall HOWARD O'BRIEN. Lee 24.

1304 10:30 a.m. today at Pierce Brothers. OH9. Mrs. Alvina L.

Orr. National Park." Berkeley street. Santa Monica; Jac queline. 23. 1512 West Twenty-eighth Services Saturday at 2:30 p.m.

In the (Los Angeles) Ninety-nine B.P.O. Elks Club meeting. Elks Temple, Wee Kirk o' the Heatner. Name Mortuary. Forest Lawn Memorial Park street, Minneapolis, Minn, HUIZAR SMITH.

Angel 34. 132 North Gase street: Lillian, 24, 1017 Court street. Association, In charge. and Treasurer Rev. Judson Mac 12:15 noon.

Age 70 55 80 85 ANDERSON. John AVILA, Amllllo BALES. Delia Rev. Ernest 0. Forde named moderator by Baptist association.

PAPKHRD. At 1758 Orenshaw, Frank HUYCK GAY. Norman 27. 640 North Co-operators Luncheon Club intosh, a member of First Bap Kingsley Drive; Clon, 20, 2723 Sun Hensler Packard, beloved husband of BLUE. George set Boulevard.

Hilda Packard, father of Mrs. Donald BOOTH, Laura 74 JONES CLAMPIT. Clyde 27. 1326 R. McMillen.

(Phoenix. Tucson and tist Church at Glendale. J. Elweli of Temple Baptist Church Mrs. Lena Mae Long Funeral services for Mrs.

Lena Mae Long, 58 years of age, who died Tuesday at her home, 1627 Lafayette Road, will be conducted at 2 p.m. today from the Pierce Brothers mortuary, with burial in Forest Lawn Memorial Park. Mrs. Long, native of Illinois, had lived in California forty years. She leaves her husband, Harold A.

Long, Los Angeles broker. Carlton Drive. Glendale; Jewell 18. 1912 Monteclto Drive. Glendale.

Globe, papers please copy.) Sharp It O'Connor. JUNETTE NORD. Leon 31. 125 East Thirty-third street; Ethel E. 21.

1616 was elected secretary for tha Ranch Thieves PATRICK. The funeral services of Irwin Rockwood street. twenty-second year. KALOIAN ALICOFF. Reuben! 23, 935 South Sunol Drive; Roxie, 16, 2055 L.

Patrick will be held today at 9 a.m. from 8t. Cecilia's Church. Forty-second snd Normandie. Interment, Calvary.

W. A. Brown, funeral director. Resolutions adopted urged all East Thirty-seventh street. 83 51 77 47 86 55 85 58 77 56 73 56 65 47 82 48 83 53 81 63 89 52 86 49 81 66 KLEISS LANG.

John 35. 1109 South meeting, Hamilton Club, 623' South Grand avenue, Lions Club luncheon, Biltmore, noon. Altrurian Club (past Rotari-ans) meeting, Los Angeles Athletic Club, 12:10 noon. Sierra Club meeting, 648 South Broadway, 5:30 p.m. Squires Club luncheon, Biltmore, noon.

Los Angeles Museum exhibit, Exposition Park, 10 a.m. to 4:30 Steal 700 Turkeys PETERSON. The funeral services of Miss Emma C. Peterson will be held today Culver City Imperial San Pedro Avalon. Santa Catalina Island.

Mt. Wilson Porterville Riverside San Fernando Santa Ana Santa Barbara Long Beach Monterey street. Alhambra: Florence H. 21, 1270 Loraine Road. San Marino.

voters to vote for Proposition' No. 9 and against No. 3. Another resolution was in reeommenda: tion of the National Preaching, Mission to be conducted in Los Angeles November 12 to 15. in LANIER HAAG.

3. 21, 170 South Seven hundred turkeys valued at p.m. from the chapel of w. A. Brown.

1815 South Flower street. ROBINSON. Nina Davis Robinson of Glendale, beloved wife of William B. Robinson: loving mother of Nina Lee and William B. Robinson.

Jr. Cloverly street. Temple City; Rose at $1500 were stolen from the 20. 1122 Browning avenue. LEIBOWITZ GOLDBERG.

Samuel, 28 Frank H. Packard Funeral services for Frank 325 South Boyle avenue; Esther. 36, BROWN. Frederick 58 CHWAST. Izzy 48 COX.

Thelma 40 DAVIS. John 52 DEMAN. Max 67 DUNN. Rensselaer 83 ERNST. Olive 47 FRIEDBERG.

Milton 47 GARCIA. Adolph 61 GAYLOR. Walter 58 GILBERT. Lola 26 GOLDMAN. Jacob 64 GORR.

Thelma 28 HAMILTON. Emma 63 HARMON, James 2fl HINES. Sammle 88 JOHNSON. Henry 48 JUFFORD, Harriet 83 LAIRD. Gilbert 64 LA QUIE, Russell 31 IOWLER.

Brigid "5 MARSH. John 57 MARTIN, George McFALL. Thomas "8 McFARLIN. John MULLEN. Mary i OEHRLEIN.

Gertrude 34 OLQUIN. Augustln 54 PARCHER. George 75 PEREZ. Joe S3 PORTER. Janle 40 RINEY.

Mary 81 ROMANO. Joe 51 ROUSSIN. Henry 39 RUBIO. Ramon 40 Casson ranch in the Redman district Tuesday night, the thieves Strictly private services Saturday at Date Oct. 13 Oct.

14 Oct. 27 Oct. 26 Oct. 23 Oct. 25 Oct.

27 Oct. 26 Oct. 12 Oct, 26 Oct. 18 Oct, 26 Oct. 28 Oct.

26 Oct. 27 Oct. 27 Oct. 27 Oct. 23 Oct.

26 Oct. 24 Oct. 28 Oct. 25 Oct. 27 Oct.

26 Oct. 26 Oct. 27 Oct. 24 Oct. 17 Oct.

13 Oct, 25 Oct. 26 Oct. 25 Oct. 25 Oct. 24 Oct.

25 Oct. 24 Oct. 26 Oct. 26 Oct. 23 Oct.

26 Oct. 28 Oct, 28 Oct. 26 Oct. 23 Oct. 28 Oct.

27 Oct, 21 Oct. 26 6731 Leland Way. clusive. LUEBKERT BULLINOTON. Louis.

24. U.S.S. Saratoga: Bertha, 19. 1512 Hile Hensler Packard retired Arizona making five trips in an automobile or truck, according to a re avenue. Long Beach.

LOCAL FORECAST For Los Angeles and vicinity: Cloudy and Unsettled Friday, with probably showers; Saturday clearing; moderate temperature; gentle shifting wind. STATE FORECAST SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 29. Weather forecast: Cloudy and cool Friday: Saturday fair and somewhat warmer; moderate tn tL-ect.

wind. p.m. telephone company executive MacGILLIVARY CHAMBERLAIN. Lloyd. 29.

6355 De Longpre; Elsie, 23, 2193 Exemption Voted Exemption from civil service' and son of a pioneer California Cambridge street. CEMETERIES MCMANN HOWARD. Frank, 76. 188 West family, will be conducted Mon First street; Katie, 67, 1400 Bond until January 1 of seventy- day from the chapel of Sharp street. Northern California: Fair Friday and 11 a m.

In Rosemary Chapel. Mortuary. Forest Lawn Memorial Park Association. in charge. ROMMEL.

Diana Rommel. October 29. Pierce Brothers, directors. ROSS. Joseph Ross.

Services today. 8 a at Mallnow Simons. 818 Venice Boulevard. RYAN. Claude A.

Ryan. Services Saturday at 10 a.m. In the Little Church of the Flowers. Mortuary. Forest Lawn Memorial Park Association, in charge.

SCHORER. Mrs. Sophia Schorer. Services today at 12 noon in tha Little Church of the Flowers. Mortuary.

Forest Lawn Memorial Park Association, in charge. eight skilled employed on MUSITELLE CARSON. Frank, 23. 1231 South Orange street. Glendale; Ber- port made at the Sheriff's Lancaster station yesterday by Mrs.

J. J. Casson. Mrs. Casson fired numerous shots at the suspects, she told Deputy but the several men kept right on loading her poultry into their vehicle.

O'Connor. He died at his home; 1756 Crenshaw Boulevard. Saturday, but cloudy on coast and unsettled over extreme north portion Saturday; cooler in the interior; fresh northwest wind various construction jobs by the city, pending establishment of Wednesday. He was 54 years of LVGLEWOOD PARK CEMETERY LARGEST IN CALIFORNIA Mausoleum Crematory Columbariam Telephone PLeasant S144. "BEAUTIFUL "HOLLYWOOD" The cemetery without a salesman.

nice 25. 728 East Acacia avenue, Glendale. NAZAROFF SAMARIN. Pete 22, Route 2. Box 306.

Kernan; Nellie. 18, 505 South Mathews street. NELSON MEYER. Jasper 21. P.

O. civil service lists, was voted by; the City Council yesterday. off the coast. Sierra Nevada: Partly cloudy Friday and Saturday; locally unsettled and cooler, moderate southwest to west wind. Sacramento and San Joaquin valleys: Fair Friday and Saturday; cooler Friday; northwest; wind.

Kanta. Clara and Salinas valleys: Fair Fri SILVA. Leonore 73 age. Packard father, W. L.

Packard, was an early resident of Los Angeles. He leaves his widow' and one daughter. Box 286. El Monte: Ruth C. 18, 725 SOUSA.

Julius 75 TEPE. Caroline 67 Peck Road. El Monte. CEMETERY. MAUSOLEUM.

CREMATORY SCHULER FANER. Robert 21. 1720 SCHUBBERT. Charles Scbubbert of Glen Follow Vicks Plan for Better Control of Colds Tait avenue; Velma 20, 1720 Taft day and Saturday; overenst Friday morn avenue. TRUJILLO.

Bartolo ULLRICK. William 53 WAKEMAN. Caroline 99 WIKEL. Olive 64 WINFORD, Eli '2 SCHULTZ OSWALT. Gordon.

21. 201 dale. Services today at 11 a.m. in the Little Church of the Flowers. Mortuary, Forest Lawn Memorial Park Association.

in charge. West Covlna Boulevard, Covina Fred 0. Weeks 6000 SANTA MONICA BLVD. VALHALLA CEMETERY BURBANK. CAL.

Hollywood 1961. BURBANK 50. CREMATORIES Blanche. 16. 2080 South Myrtle.

Mon rovia. Funeral services for Fred C. DEATHS SCHWEIZER, Services for Karl F. Schweizer SHERSET BILLTNGSLEY. Paul E.

52, 746 South Coronado street; Pauline at Cresse's. Highland Park, saturoay at 3:30 P.m. With Funeral Announcements 48. 344 South Kingsley Drive. Weeks, 67 years of age, general agent in the freight traffic de Who shall separate us pom the love of SICKLES.

Earl Sickles. SHOP COLLINS. Walter 41. 1617 South Flower street; Loella 38, Christ? Slum tribulation, or distress, or National Mil. Home.

West Los An teles. L. A. CREMATORY Venice Boulevard at Catalina, Call or write for BOOKLET, "lime Changes All Things." FLORISTS 4 Kom, i'm, jj. ABRAMSKY.

Services for Edna M. Abram- STERLING SMITH. William 47. 2040 Sichel street; Minnie 31. 11558 sky 8 clock tonight at Fierce urotners partment of the Pacific Electric Railway, will be conducted at 3 p.m.

tomorrow in the Little Church of the Flowers, Forest Lawn Memorial Park. Link street. TAMIZATO WATANABE. Kengo. 35, 950 BARTHELEMY.

October 29. Dorothy L. When Colds VICKS VA-TRO-NOL Helps Prevent Many Colds If a Cold VICKS VAPORUB Helps End a Cold Quicker Stanford avenue; Shlgeko. 22. 913 BROADWAY FLORIST FUNERAL DESIGNS SI AND DP ing; mild temperature; northwest wind.

Southern California: Cloudy and unsettled Friday, with showers in cast portion rid over mountains; Saturday probably fair with somewhat higher temperature; jnierate south to west wind off the coast. ARIZONA FORECAST PHOENIX lAriz.) Oct 29. Forecast for Unsettled Friday and Saturday; piobably rain or snow Friday; Utile change In. temperature. COLORADO RIVER YUMA (Ariz.) Oct.

39. I Exclusive Dispatch from the U. 8. Geological Survey. Gauge height Colorado Hlver, 19.17 feet.

Discharge, Thursday, 4530 cubic feet per second. HOOVER DAM HOOVER DAM, Oct. 29. (Exclusive) Hydrographic conditions at Hoover Dam today, as reported by the United States Reclamation Service, follow: Elevation of water surface. 1022 feet bove sea level; storage in reservoir.

acre feet; Inflow. 6950 second feet; outflow. 7000 second feet; needle valves in operation. Upper Arizona. 5 and 6.

TEMPERATURES AND PRECIPITATION As of 5 a.m. All others as of p.m. Precipitations High. Low. tatlon.

ban Julian street. Barthelemy. Remains were forwarded last evening to Kansas City. by Cunningham O'Connor. TANNAR WAY.

Walter 22, 408 East Twentieth street, Long Beach; Helen 212 WEST FIFTH ST. MU. 4288. TU. 8161.

53, Full detail of the Plan in taeh Vicks Packate Mr. Weeks died Wednesday of heart disease during a business luncheon at a downtown hotel. 22. 408 East Twentieth street Long Beach. BOYCE.


lii i frra'fn ri i nw nil fl I I nf I ffl8 Pierce Brothers, directors. THURMAN MERRITT. Edw. 38, 1689 West Adams street; Marguerite Services Saturday at 3:30 pm. from the Wee Kirk o' the Heather.

Ruppe, funeral directors, in charge. SMITH. Services for Howard T. Smith, today, 2 p.m.. at Grace Chapel, Ingle-wood Park Cemetery.

Edwards Brothers, directors. SOLOMON. October 28. Victor Solomon. Remains at Bresee Brothers.

SPEHR. Stanley Spehr. Mortuary. Forest Lawn Memorial Park Association, in charge. STOCKWELL.

Daniel B. Stockweil of Alhambra. Mo Forest Lawn Memorial Park Association. in charge. THOMPSON.

Harry F. Thompsun, husband of Jane Arden Thompson. Services today at 4 pm. In tha Little Church of the Flowers. Mortuary.

Forest Law i Memorial Park Association, In charge. TIEDEMAN. Peter H. Tledeman. Services Saturday at 2 p.m.

in the Little Church of the Flowers. Forest Lawn Cemetery. Le Roy Basiey, direc BROWNE. Mary S. Browne.

Interment. Newark, H. J. i-ierce Brothers, directors. 1 CAFFRAY, Elizabeth.

A. Canray, loving MS. rUi -iiiu4-3n Mft. mother of win u. canray Services Saturday at 1 :30 p.m.

in the Wee Kirk o' the Heather. Mortuary. Forest Lawn Memorial Park Association, in charge. AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TO BUSINESS lr r. .1 CARR.

Josephine E. Carr. KmaZ 1 Abilene 74 5: jjjfn jt.i Services today at 10 a.m. irom tne El Sereno Community Church. 37.

168H west Twenty-fourth street. VAN HOUTEN COFFEY. Herman 25. 6302 Orange avenue. Long Beach; Mary 19.

3629 East Eighth street, Long Beach. VINCENT GRAY. Eldon 24. 1636 San Bernardino Road, Covina; Juanita 21. 1443 Sunset avenue, Covina, WEBB PRESCOTT.

Daniel 26. 3145 Octavia street, San Francisco: Pauline 28. 627 Eighth street, Huntington Beach. WELLES EALY. Leonard 25.

'947 North Genesee street: Agnes 22, 920 South Drive. YOUNG McGUlGAN. James 25. 929 Warm Springs. Boise.

Idaho; Betty L-. 21. 4046 Woking Way. BIRTHS Names, sex, place and date of birth ABBETT. Mr.

and Mrs. James Jr. Son. Queen of Angels Hospital. October 22.

ALDRIDGE. Mr. and Mrs. Leon S. Daughter.

Los Angeles Lying-in Hospital. October 11. tors. CARSON. Mrs.

Nellie May ULLRICK. The funeral services of William Furniture At Auction EVERY FRIDAY, 10 AJi. 1923 W. Adaroi S. BARAK.

Auet. PA. flU4. J. Ullrlck will be held Saturday at 2 .02 Amarillo 64 Atlanta 62 Bismarck 52 Boise 68 Boston 56 Buffalo 46 Calgary Charleston 2 Charlotte 52 Chicago 58 Cincinnati 62 p.m.

from the chapel of W. A. Brown, 1813 South Floaer street. DRIVE CAREFULLY SAVE A LIFE 1 With local traffic fatalities already at the highest poalc in years motorists are urged to use greater caution than ever to safeguard the lives of pedestrians against accidents. Make your car safe lor safe driving.

Drive carefully save a lifel mother of Mrs. Orle C. Hester ana Mrs. Jim Hudson. Services Monday at 2:30 P.m.

In th Wee Kirk o' the Heather. Mortuary. Forest Lawn Memorial Park Association. in charge. Glendale Directory T.

.02 VENTRISS. Services for Arthur Ventriss Saturday. lO.O a.m.. from Utter-Mc PRINTING LITHO F.NC.R A VINO H. GU-LILAN'D PRINTING CO.

jln K. Colorado. Pouc. 444. Kmley's Broe.dway Mortuary.

CASTEEL. Leeforrest H. Casteel. October WEEKS. Fred C.

Weeks, beloved husband of Bertha Weeks: father of Mrs. Alvis Cleveland 46 Assemblyman Forty-sixth District Hair Color Restorer ORAT HAIR use CO-LO. Sold drill; A department storea. Oil Mangold and Clarence Weeks; grand FOR all DEMOCRAT Adv. Distributor L.

A. License W. LUKE. 18 tts. etcp.

all adv. matter, Free estimate, .1411 S. AUred. YO. 4C4 father of Wlnfred Mangold: brother of 27.

beloved nusoand oi Margaret father of Harold. Eugene and Shirley Jean; son of Mrs. Frances Casteel of Plru, brother of Ray Royce Casteel of Inslewood. Cal. Graveside services at Evergreen Cemetery Saturday, 3 m.


TENNET Mrs. W. J. Cook of Oak and. BARROTT.

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Daugh Assemblyman Fifty-Fourth District Services will be held Saturday at 3 p.m. fr-m the Little Church of the Hemphill Diesel Schools AMERICA'S Orlrlnal Diesel Sehools.

Tlst. or weleome "121-C San Fernando Rd. Beverly Hills Directory Optometrist 0. W. TURNER.

Rm. 910. Trans-America REPL'RLICAy ter, tiueen of Angels Hospital. October 25. BLODGETT.

Mr. and Mrs. Atton W. Daughter. Benedict Ilnsnltal.

Ortoher 17. Flowers. Forest Lawn. Graham St Is btll, directors. CLEMENT.

Remains of John Clement were GKO. Al'TO TOPS A rPHOLSTERY TASTE'S AUTO TOPS iA6 V. ROPEO. OX. "4 N.

Canon 3407. may, formerly vrilii Brown Opt. Co. Hollywood Directory forwarded Thursday by Pierce urotners to Mitchell. S.

for interment. WHITE. At 238 South Westmoreland ave Photography Austin Studios BOOTH. Mr. and Mrs.

Wilbur F. Son. Good Assemblyman 62nd District Frederick M. Roberts A REP. It KATE nue.

Miss Jennie B. White. Funeral services Saturday at 11 a Samaritan Hospital. October 24 CLOSE. Mrs.

Hattie Nellts Close. Gas refrll. FIXE portraiture. Main ofe. Ioew'e Stale BUif.

StudioK in I'tah. Nev. CALIFORNIA FIREWOOD. All kinds. Fre delivery.

Reaa. nei.t.'l Sunnet. GL. 7fi4. isvu fltimbinr Co.

Ren. ilKHO Brighton Way. COOKE. Mr. and Mrs.

Rowland E. Son. OA. S7SH from the chapel of W. A.

Brown, 1815 Remains at the cnapei or w. n. Brown. 1815 South Flower street. Benedict HosdHhI.

Octnher South Flower street. COVELLE. Mr. and Mrs. Harold 8.

Daugh Household Necessities co*ckRELL. Mae Francis Coekrell. TAILOR. CI STOM. MEN-WOMEN EMU.

Fine tailoring for men women, N. BEVERLY DR. CR. fl41L Associations WESTERN GROWERS PROTKCTIVK ASSOCIATION 04 WILLIAMS. Accidentally, at Highlands.

Political Candidate ASSEMBLYMAN FORTY-SIXTH DISTRICT GUY LEWIS REPUBLICAN ter. Maternity Cotraiie. rvtnher 34 A O. Williams, beloved husband of Mrs CUMMING. Mr.

and Mrs. Wallace C. Son. Services will be held today at p.m. at he chapel of Hammond Mlspagel.

I.IOt rD BLEACH HT-FRO BETTER CHEAPER. ASK FOR HY-PRO AT YOUR MARKET. California Hospital. Octnhee 23. a i 1 1 at a Automobile Wax and Cleaner Dallas -2 Denver 62 Des Moines 56 Detroit 42 Dnder City 62 Duluth 40 Edmonton 50 Ei Paso 68 Eureka 52 Flagstaff 58 Fresno 82 Galveston 60 Grand Junction 60 Hatteras 0 Havre 52 Helena 54 Huron Independence 66 Indianapolis 46 Jacksonville 4 Juneau 48 54 Kamloops 46 Kansas City 68 Ketchikan 50 Knoxville 58 Lander 52 Little Rock 56 Lot Angeles 69 Memphis 66 Miami 86 "Miles City 5a Minneapolis 50 Alma Bernlce Williams and father of "ernice and Carol Ann Williams of 5947 Cimarron street, this city: mem COE.

Robert C. Coe. DE THOMAS. Mr. and Mrs.

Latalc. Son. Bells, Church Ranch ALSO Calif. louvenirs. Mrs.

A. 8, Forhej. RI 47.12 AUTOMOBILE Wax A cleaner. Kelwax pro- Queen of Angels Hospital. October 'JB REf RESENT ATI VE IN (ONt.KESS TWELFTH DISTRICT FREDERICK F.

HOUSFR ber of Rainbow Division, Veterans of rnarantr-ed, Ak new rar fixator EMANUEL. Mr. and Mrs. Morris S. Son.

TOILET BOWL CLEANSER SANI-FLUSH cleans A deodorliee. Removes taln Qniek. eeonomioal. Services today at 1 P.m. in in Little Church of the Flowers Mortuary.

Forest Lawn Memorial Park Association, in charge. Cafe French Cuisine 1 12 Foreign Wars. Funeral services today at 2 p.m. from the chapel of W. A.

Brown, 1815 South Flower street. Piano Studio Child Development MODERN Method of Pisno. Mildred South-all. 114 Morton are. Inf.

Ml. 245!" Barbers Shop 16 Barbers GLOBE B3rber Shop. Matiicurni(r. also hat Inc. nth Si Hill.

TC. 47BII, COFFFY. October 27, Cashua C. Coffey. RoTale Cafe-HS115 Pa.ilie -8 eousee Dinner Rle.

Hnntintion I'k. WATER SOFTENER MFL'O for laundry, kitchen A bath. H'giento Prods 1 .140 E. fl t. Remains at Cunningham uonnor.

i WILSON. Remains of Helen E. Wilson were COI.ASARDO. Frank (Blase) Colasardo. California Hospital.

October 22. FERGUSON. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C.

Daughter. Queen of Angels Hospital. October 27. FLINT. Mr.

and Mrs. James P. Daughter. Good Samaritan Hospital. October 19.

FOOTE. Mr. and Mrs. Carman J. Daughter, Good Samaritan Hospital.

October 23. HARVEY. Mr. and Mrs. James E.

Daughter. California Hospital. October 25. Cafe and Restaurant .48 .01 Beauty Studio "Youthful Beauty" Representative in Congress REPUBLICAN HTH DI'TKICT WILLIAM D. CAMPBELL forwarded Thursday by Pierce Brothers 1o El Centro.

for services and Services 11 a.m. saturoay at rierce Brothers. (Chicago papers please copy. I Kodak Film Finishing SAVE 'j. A-1 quality film fiiiiehinr.


FOOD." Fortune's Cafe, Cm-ktaiU. re. HEVERT.V CR. i it. k.

nv.rf hiithnr 1 I School, Resident and Day for Cirls HTLWARD'S School, 1st arade thru high 1. I is Dfir.iir Cafe Lunches and Dinners KAUN. Mr. and Mrs. Bernhard.

Daughter. Casa La Colondrina WHERE tradition, custom, muaie A Jnod of Mex. i nerpetuated. OLVERA ST. of Levy Desser: father or Hum Hitchco*ck.

Viola Richardson and Harold. Brother of Jack and Carl Desser. Mrs. A. Lifcrand.

A. Schoenfeld, Lena LODGE NOTICES imin. TiELinotlS ilinnera Crirfi-e Tavern. May. ft.

at the Hotel I'lSfi W. 71 Spiritual Messages and Advice nenenict Hospital October 19. KIRK. Mr. and Mrs.

Thomas B. Daughter Maternity Cottage. October 24. KREIDER. Mr.

and Mrs. Ivan V. Daughter Goldner. Kodak Finishing 1 -Day Service Fred's Smokrhop. ciirara.

laundry aer. W. It. MA. H5R4 Laundry, Cleaning, Dyeing Servica Traymnre Cleaners A Dyers.

Repair, relink remodel. Call del. W. 8. DR.

17fl. 44 48 32 38 40 40 24 52 44 40 38 40 SO 36 42 38 34 34 24 48 50 28 54 36 54 32 30 38 36 36 f.O 38 28 36 44 44 44 24 38 58 44 72 30 42 30 38 56 40 44 30 42 36 58 42 60 38 32 52 42 30 36 52 30 32 50 44 30 52 60 56 38 42 30 40 64 44 40 56 48 38 36 42 SO 24 34 24 64 Modcna 60 Services Sunday. 2 P.m.. at Groman Cafe New Home Palm Cafe Roita for aopt. Day and CALL Madam evening.

XV. Moorhead Certified Public Accountant Arnold ft Shapiro. Tax Councellors. Svs, tenn inlld, (iarfield Hide. Ml.

56 66 Los Angeles Lytng-ln Hospital. Octo w. st TH. OI17S. SUNSET BLVP.

We invito all our old ber 4. Steak Houses rnptomfra to nfw Inration. SCOTTISH RITE CATHEDRAL. 929 South Hop. street.

A DANCE AND CARD PARTY Mortuary. 830 West Washington. DOUGLAS. Miss Clara D. Douglas.

Remains at the chapel of W. A. Brown, 1815 South street. F.NELL Evelvn O. Enell.

LAWRENCE. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Son.

Good Samaritan Hospital. October 21. MARTIN. Mr. and Mrs.

John C. Daughter. Churches ROSE A. Sehnei.ler Leader XMtv Studio. Calif.

Do-Nut Shop Home Made FREDERICK'S. Omaha ft Kansas Citv eorn fed menl. I N. La N. Wilshira Lumber Building Materials will be tonisht.

All Scottish I RLSH flatly wholeli tc retail, open noon l'I7 St. Andrews PI. PL. OWH1. Mill Work neneaict Hospital, October 26, Services 10 a.m.

Saturday at Pierce Temple of Light Institution to minnile. Ifilli snncot. ihts MAURER. Mr. and Mrs.

Joseph D. Daugh Cigars Rite Mssons snd their families and Blue haise friends are invited to attend. Doors open at 7:30 o'clock. K. WOOD LUMBER CO.

Call voiir nearet yard. JE. 3111. Brothers. sn.VA.

The funeral services of Mrs. Leo Chiropractor 16 Years Practice ter. Maternity Cottage. October 24. MILLER.

Mr. and Mrs. John P. Daughter, Maternity Cottnge. October 20.

B-Y'S and smnko B's. That's the, isar. Klauher W'arenhoim Co. TR. 7771, of the Masters DR.

T. M. Sebree spee. un. wrv.

N. St. Amtrens PI. GR. T7S5.

nor Dagama Silva will be held today dr. M. JONES. tt33 Pari fir Blvd. .04 Mantes Auto Electric Service GENERATORS ft Startera Repaired Ej MOLD.

Mr. and Mrs. Burt B. Son. Cali- ion "rvtrp.

For J'pnt. JE. inrn a Hospital. Octoher 26 rT' ohamrod. 1 51 Grand.

StH'i. Church Temple of Divine Wisdom REV. ERASER, adviee daily. Cirele. Sun.

Mon. Thiir. p.m. W. 7.

FI. (InMli. OGDEN. Mr. and Mrs.

Warde B. Daughter. Civic Leaders FUNERAL DIRECTORS Market, Watch for Crand Openini WEINER'S New Market. "Charlie's Meat. An Electrical Appliance Service MeMnllen A Frel Ser.

All makea wah mc mai h. San Frnsndn. AL. 11HT INC. CA.

PACIFIC MOTORS. N. Firurrna. "Henry's Produr Ull FAIRFAX. Clever New Cift Shop HELPS yon make things toii like with nnunal iharni.

flfir: Snmet Bird. caiuornia Hospital. October 24. O'HAR A. Mr.

and Mrs. John C. Daughter. Maternity Cottage. October 24.

PALADINO. Mr. and Mrs. George. Daughter.

Maternity Cottage. October 23. PALM. Mr. and Mrs.

Edmund D. Daughter. Maternity Collage. October 16. SMITH Hollywood H.

LESLIE at Law. Automobiles Chevrolet Bird. Ally. Mayfair Cleaners (r Hand Ldry. "SATISFACTION Guaranteed." FT.

4011, Darning A Mending free. W. rlth. W. BULL, INGALL co*cktail Lounges VISIT THK TROPICS 41 N.

Rodeo Dr. OX. dMrt. Beverlv Hills PASHONE Mr. and Mrs.

James N. Daugh UNDERTAKING WITHIN FOREST LAWN Both undertaking and Interment In one plac-i. under one management, with one credit arrangement. CFMETERY MAUSOLEUM CREMATION Forest Lawn Memorial-Park Ass Inc. Telephone ALban? 1121, "Buiid- HERMAN J.

SIK.MK.ns. Presuldit CITY SFE J. V. BALDWIN SHOWROOM 1417 S. Flinieroi.


Needles Orleans New York Noiih Head North Platte Oklahoma City Omaha Pensaecla Philadelphia Phoenix Pittsburgh Pocatello Point Arguello Portland Pueblo Rapid City Redding Reno Roseburg Roswell Sacramento fit. Louis Rait Lake City San Antonio Ban Diego San Francisco Santa Fe Seattle Ppflkane Springfield. Mo. Swift Current Tnmpa Tatnosh Island TonnpaU Tucson Vlckabiir Walla Walla Washington Wichita Wlllistnn Wlmiemucca Winnipeg Yellowstone Parle TTimia 68 56 58 62 72 84 74 52 R6 48 56 70 60 60 60 7 6f, 68 58 80 64 62 60 68 72 62 48 62 54 54 78 46 58 80 54 64 62 60 58 68 36 52 88 Men's Clothing C. SOUIRE'S America's Finest Clothinr IMP S.

Hill. H'iOll Hollywood Blvd. mt Saf'tv Cnmmu.inn. DR. JOHN 11.

WEEKS Prpniiifnt. Art Cnmmi.ton. JAMKS I). M'FFEY ter. Queen of Angels Hospital.

October 25. QUARLtS. Mr. and Mrs. James B.

Daughter. Southwest General Hospital. Oc-! tober 27. ROSE. Mr.

and Mrs. Clifford A. Daughter. Southwest General Hospital. October 27.

Federal Theaters PRESENTING Drama, Vanda-'die Miniral Comedy Produetion. PHWNTOWX VISIT Jimmy Dixon's Showrooms Nov. E.7. TR.WI.'U Missing Persons Located ST. Howard Priehard.

process server. 7,4 yrs. ep. S4n Wilcoit VA. nfiM.

A. C. WEATHEKHEAl). IX-an Fine Art and arrhtt'tur, II.S.C. SKELTON.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Son. Los HOLLYWOOD HOLLYWOOD Playhouse 17115 N.

Tine. "The Warrior's Htlshand" HOLLYWOOIl CAMPBELL WM. SEE Gonlon Warren. Chev. Showrooms 14TH CONGRESSIONAL PTsT.

Nor. 7th. RftSO Hollywoo.1. C.K. 'USl.

A Well-known Anteles Institution. "TltE PUBLIC ADVISORY DEPARTMENT" PIERCE BROTHERS 730 West Washlntton. rRospect 4150. Money to Loan Turner LOANS. ANY AMOUNT TURN TO TURNER 1H41 N.

Vine ESI 5 1 1ST i BROADWAY MASON Theater. 1U7 8. Broadway. Vaudeville Frolic 1H Die Time AHs HOIH UtXIl) II I EKI.V 1111. I ininyiini.

1 SKIFF. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin J. Daughter.

Los Angeles Lying-in Hospital, October 15. SMITH. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Son.

California Hospital. October 25. VAN AKKN. Mr, and Mrs. Frederick.

Son. Queen of Angels Hospital. October 25. GO TO CHAS. SCHONLAW SHOWROOMS Compliments ED.

W. WEST Nov. 7th. Ttltil Sunet UL. II "ft.

l.A II UK A l)lTKICT 13TH FIC.l EROA FIGUEROA PLAYHOUSE 17 A SH. Iewih verijon "It Can't Happen Here." A. NUGENT SHOWROOMS. NOV. 7TH.

Money to Loan on Real Estate fl- INSURANCE MONEY. NO Brokerage! MO W. 6 ST. RM TR. 4o71.

WARD. Mr. and Mrs. Carl F. Son.

Los An- 11TH A HILL Concrete Mixed CONCRETE mixed to your apwinVKtlnn. Trnit Cntifrete to. ML. 71 S. La Brea.

WY. S1MI. VERMONT A SANTA HVKItAKA MAYAN Theater Oct. 27. Slnelalr Lewis.

Naval Architects VISIT Sl'ENCER KENNELLY'S Showroom i i in mil, "it can't H.inpen Here," Nov. 7th. 4(111 S. Vermont. AD.

11144. WllslllKF. BLVD. MAT. EVK.


ASHCROFT ys.14 Wilahire Soven Dwarfs." GO TO HERBERT C. SCHEKEH NOV. 7TH CUNNINGHAM O'CONNOR Tha hleh esteem In which this Institution has been held In Los Angeles lor 38 years Is due to a poller ot sensible prices and sympathetic personal service. 1031 SOUTH GRAND AVE. PR.

0297. EDWARDS BROTHERS COLONIAL MORTl' ART 1000 VENICE BLVO. rRospect 8381. Painting Contractors 44'1 W. A dama Blvd.

RE. Blnl. UTII WESTERN CO A RE NZ-WAR REN Dog and Cat Hospital. Washington Ffe. W.

Pico. SEE J. L. SCHLOSSER SHOWROOM 1121 1V At SHfl Wevern. FE.

VITAL RECORD EXP. advice, rnrr. diet. Symp. mMhwls.

Painting, Papering, Decorating lililK W.Wastt. RE. "'I7. r.xam. free BU.Kl)KKK OAKDENS Vllt Boulevard Chev.

Not. Tth. Whiilier Bird. AN. 1 7 1 Food Household Show Selection of the followlntr brands, exhibited at the Food and Household Show to be held at the Ambassador Auditorium, November 8 to 15, will Insure economy In the kltrhen.

Ask tor them at your trocars. Valenta, Brn. Decorating SpeclBllt Rates reas. Etima(e free. RO, 2WIS.

Electric Appliances Wiring geies Lying-in Hospital. October 10. WILSON. Mr. and Mrs.

Robert M. Daughter. California Hospital. October 25. WOOD.

Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Daughter. Benedict Hospital.

Octoher 18. YOUNG. Mr. snrt Mrs. Tim.

Daughter. Hollywood Hospital. October 24. DIVORCE SUITS FILED AI.MY. Dorrls E.

against Chester A. ANGKLINO. Constance M. against B. AHVICK.

Eitner L. against John, BELL. Pauline M. against James H. H1DASHA.

Concha against Chelan. HHANNFY. IsnbelSe F. against Charles M. BUENAVENTURA.

Dorothy E. aanlnst M. CALLAHAN. Estelle against Hugh. CLANK.

Joseph against Agnes. COLE Dorothy against Charles F. COOKPEY. Ruth against William. IJOOLEY.

Neva against George J. DOW. Bevlngtou B. against Marlon E. ENGLISH.

Coiena B. against Charles E. EVANS. VVlllliun M. against Edith M.

FISHER. Matlse W. against Frank D. Real Estate AT I CLIP REPAIRING, eniilraftini. Mad lamps REED BROTHERS CO'.

Myren Reed. John Tapler. Frank Oeleer 721 WESI WASHINGTON ST. PR. 6151.

SANTA MONICA Sen Halin( Chev. Co. Nov, 7lh, Beverly Elrrtrli' Store. tijl. n.iiv.

14 Eu. hd t. Santa "WE COVEIt TUB FIELD" Field, inifl La OR. Mom i a at 2:30 in. from the chnpei ot w.

a. Brown, 1815 South Flower street. FOORMAN. Isaac Foorman, beloved husband of fcthel Foorman; father of Sid-ney Foorman; brother of Carl David and Mose Foorman. Mrs.

R. J. Oruenberg and Mrs. Selhy Mnhr. Services private.

Mallnow Simons, directors. FRIEDBERG. Milton C. Frledherg. beloved brother of Mrs.

Louis M. Zederman and Herbert C. Frledberg. Services today, 11 a.m.. at the Home of Pence Mausoleum Chapel.

4370 Whit-tler Boulevard. Mallnow Si Simons, directors, FRINK. Charles E. Remains at the chnpei of W. A.

Brown. 1815 South Flower street, FROST. Abbie E. Frost, beloved mother of Lillian F. McDonald.

Services Saturday at 2:30 m. in St. Thomas' Episcopal Church, Hollywood. Mortuary. Forest Lawn Memorial Park Association.

In charge. GILL. Mrs. Sada E. Gill.

Remains at the chapel of W. A. Brown. 1815 South Flower street. GRIFFITHS.

Services for Ethel Griffiths Saturday. 1:30 P.m.. at Utter-Mcktin- ley's Broadway Mortuary. HARRINGTON. Blanche Harrington.

Mortuary, Forest Lawn Memorial Park Association. In charge. HARTM ANN. Robert Hartmann of Olcndal. Services today at 1:30 p.m.

In the Wee Kirk o' the Heather Mortuary. Forest Lawn Memorial Park Association. In charge. HINES. The funeral services of Mrs.

Sam- mle'Rnua Hlnes will he strictly private today from the Chanel of W.A.Brown, 1815 South Flower street. HORTON. October 29, Bessie K. Horton. Services 3:30 p.m.

Sunday at Fierce Brothers. HURLBERT. Vllroy B. Hurlbert, beloved father of Farl Hurlbert nf Los Angeles, Roy W. Hurlher of Spokane, Ernest Hurlbert of San Krsnrlsco, Mrs.

Laura Kenoyer of Oakdnle, Cal. Brrvires Saturday, 10:30 a.m., at the Wee Kirk o' the Heather. Forest Lawn. Edwards Brothers, directors, HYATT. Services for Ada S.

Hyatt will be hrld St Ihe parlors of Paul I). Robinson. 1001 West Washington Boulevard. Saturday, October 31. at 10 a.m.

JEFFERY. Edgar C. Jefferv. devoted husband nf Ethel JetTery; loving father of Dnrla Y. Bery.

Services Saturday. 3 at Utter--McKlnley'g Broadway Mortuary. JOHN. Mrs. Dorsey L.

John. 1 Remains at the rhnnel nf W. -A. Brown. 1813 South Flower street, JONES Services for Arthur Jones will be held today it 3 pm.

(t the chapel of Gmhnm ft Isbell. Interment, Ingle ood Cemetery. KEARRY Jny Wills Ke(rby. Services Saturday at 11 m. Ill tha Little 'Church of the Flowers, Mortuary, Forest Lawn Memorial Park Association, In charse.

KESftt.EIt. Services for Rum Kesiler today. 10 a at Glasband At Co, KINGSBURY. October 28. Ada Frances Kintshury.

wife of tricar L. and mother of Hit hard Leon Kingsbiity, swvic. et Brese Brothers' ehspel Friday at 1:30 m. Free intidt parking. Fdd( 1221 First Mexican Baptist Church TORKANIE Restaurant co*cktail Bar REV.

PAMf'EL M. ORTEC.ON. Sen Ed Thumpton on Nov. 7th. IHilit Cahrlllii Torraiiee M)i.

BAKERY PRODUCTS CAL-HAY BAKERIES EAST FlItST tiAtiK Barnev's Beanerv. French N447 Sta. Monica. onion soupi HI. lilisw.

ii.ii: uiii SEE WYNN CHEVKOLET ON NOV. 7TH. French Craft Hand LdryO Cleaner Restaurant Swedish Colorado wvrt. sirja. II ELK Al Mill GOLDEN GLOW BUNDLES CALLED FOR DEL1VEHED.

Ill KIIVNk 'THREE CROWN" Swedish Iddft Cnmo St. For rcfv RestauranL HO. Pln4, ml'r aiiagf nirnt. pit, l-iu. SEE SP1LSIIUHV CHEV, CO.

NOV. TTH. RITPK. IXC. Funeral Directors 1730 Soui Hope atreet.

PR. 0113. J. II. ItlKDKMAX CO.

NEW LOCATION MO VENICE BLVD. rRospect 4001. cRRirrr brothers Reverent Christian service. Moderate prices. BRAMBLE! I'UNERAL HOME ill Venice Boulevard.

I'Roipect S03U. inn (Hive tiurnaiiK Roller Skating Rink HUE All LANGENDOHF Halloween CAKE ft co*ckTAIL I.Ol'MiK BREAD Auto Ford Deakr OANlKiLFI. Catherine J. against Peter F. MEET the movie stars.

Shrine Roller HlnlQ St W. of Finteroa. PR. g7L'S Ton's Cafu. Choi' alak at pop.

prices. TTS H. T. DISTRICT JOE HI Hi's, Auih. Ford

St Repair HT.O fill tl-nt. HE. Srrv. Lato turd cars. 1.1SS J(W.

JE. IlLKACIItNii COMI'IU PUREX "THE MASTER BLEACHER" PC REX LTD. VERS. Ill II KEN Mr FlitFU I'KODltTS MOTHER COBB'S Chieken Tnrnovei-a. Romance Live It! IN the Spirit of Old Calif.

Cna La GoloiM drina. Olverit "Old Meylen," Ice Cream TOCR Good Humor salesmen In ycur HARDING, Thomas H. against Ev L. 1NGAI.US. Ernest C.

against Anna W. JOHNSTON. William K. avalnst Lucy A. KFYK8.

Olive L. against George E. l.ANOE, Rose IV against Rudolph F. LLOYD. Josephine against William MrBHIDE.

Lucille against George A. MefllNLEY. Violet against Michael L. MFNtiK Eula against Maurice. MONIES.

Mary against Rudolph. NASH. Martha against Edward P. nfunoorhood i very n.t fc Auto Hudson and Terr.iplane JelTer.on near Rrnadwav Frank Ihiwiif. Sr the mode's at HQ W.

TR, I IU ft" I'KOIU TH DKI.K IOCS i.o cii ani il.iily. Hiuh Humor PAUL D. ROBINSON 1001 WEST WASHINGTON. PR. 1001.

lie ream Santa SUN GOLD PRODUCTS School Welding SCHOOL OF PRACTICAL WELD1NO ALT, HIM NCHFS IIR. OF I OMI'TON A SLAI HON FULL course. Pi ronal Instruction. 5HHI COMITQN AVE. INTENTION TO MARRY The following not Ire of Intention to marry were Issued yostorday.

Nsnne, age and address given. ALLEN RICHARD. Louis. 51. 13 111 'i East Thirty-third street: Hattie, 53.

1364 East Twenty-first street. ASH WAY KTLBOUnNE, Paul 22. 110O North Michigan. Pasadena; Margaret. 31.

246 Ventura direct, Alta-dena. AUSTIN DAVENPORT. William UBS. Oklahoma: Lillian. 23.

1643 Gulf street. Wilmington. BAKE BUSTAM ANTE. Calvin 1027 Grant street. Santa Mnnlrn: Guadalupe.

25, 2620 Salle avenue, BEinSN MrKOWN. Arthur 29, 1513 Second street. Santa Monica: Mx-Ine 28. 33 Bouth Primrose avenue, Alhambra. BETTINOrn EVrrtFTTE.

Lawrence 25. Pnlomar Hotel; Margaret 28. 1909 West Adams, BRANCACTO CASSARA. Carl. 25.

Box 216. Cnenmon; Margaret, 22. 3011 'a North Broadway. BRAND KRAEMFH. Don 28.

15 North Granieny place; Gloria, 26. 1645 North Gramerry Place. COHUM Qt'tMP-Y. Van K. 31, 3)00 Fail Fifteenth strret.

Long Bench: Helen 21. 373J Lime avenue. Lmn Beach. CUMMINS FULTON. Glen.

24, Fourth avenue, Audrey 18, 4H-J Third avenue, DAVIS -LUNdKWITZ. ayton N. 39. Hcniird tire fclinabeth 35, Sun Anteln, T'K KDWAKD Hl.tNCir R. Marten C.

32. 4V7 f'oronsdo 1'erraee. Dolores 22. IM.l Airuwhrad avenue, 6an Bei surdmo. Individuals GENE NORMILE WINKS Cribari Sons, Inc.

OWEN Nina P. against Clifton M. BRESEE BROTHERS Hi SOUTH UCilLKOA. ML SIJS. Automobiles Plymouth North Broadway Sea Rorranl Motors, Ltd.

Showrooms. "17 N. TR. Ml'l Dining, Dancing, Entertainment PHILLIPS, William O. analnst Helen D.

PICKr NS. Fern against Wayne J. REAGAN Aunne G. against Robert B. HhHHAMFN.

Ruth A. against Albert A. Swedish Restaurant "THREE CROWN" Insurance WALTER 3, STIHiFSStL St Asso'c. K. t'onal Life Inmnant'e Co.

of VertiUMit. MeDON AI.D'S Party HntiM. Thurs. lOe. Frl.

W. A. BROWN 1813 BOOTH rLOWER STREET. Swedlh Re.taiirant St. imm como 1 1 comi'toll A llaiiiic IH''Q.

PR. SOU. Wahlniton Illv4. SFK EDWARD A Hl'E SHOWROOMS. nt W.

Ws.hlnslon Blvd. PA. I'154, ROWLAND. Mary R. against Lee Doe Cat Hosp.

Washington Trailers Key Service, Apt. Hotel Automobiles Pontiac EXAM, Free. Srmp, Methods. Ftp, Advice STAN AW AY. Lucille W.

nalnst Edgar HTEWART. Pauline K. against Alexander P. HT. PIEMKK.

Ethel R. gaint Arthur J. TAYt.i'K. Mvrlle O. against Frank D.

Blllle L. against Joseph H. MASTERBILT TRAILERS PEARL Key Servl-a, Lmkumlth. 604 Mel. rorr.

diet, inns w. mn, fl'-'ss Fletcher Te. Factory, 711 s. urea, nioo, ti.t IaM Anrrlea Belvedere Molor (II, whitue- nut ninL Druglcss Physician Laundry French Hand Laundry 40T' WI1.1I.AMS Dnvid asalnst Mnetril. W18FH Alice II.

(gainst Ralph, Transportation Service TO SAN FRANCISCO At ALL POINT1 DAILY, t. VA, 1 P. Warner Vlreinla Rd. Conxt'ta. Annnrt Dikki Uenl THE GILLETTE MORTUARV 930 WEST WASHINGTON 8T.

TR, 512S. DAVE 1717 SOUTH FLOWER STREET. Tit. 3328. CEMETERY LOTS WILL PAT CAtflf for cmererie properrv.

Parker, 1U N. Klnss Rd. YOrk 160 J. I'MQCE Valet Laundry Dr rleanlnr. Call A- 7nl TV )I'M'A.

ton. lir, ii a.m.-s a put, I rtiiSiVifl nivvn iivwi ZAMOUA. iUmoua E. (gainst Arthur, PRdprriNU Anrora wwnl fa lntereltf Fish Los Angeles jjrofilatile 1-M riee.e,t VE INI r.s itTSf rTo1' i i Tropical AQ'" A BATORS Pump tut, everr five net-oei! DIVORCES CHANTED RAnvrtV Wllllnm It. from Frances L.

UNION Oi fre.h air to vnnl MIS "'a. Moni' a. Employment Service Th Amerieati Advaneement Leaiue. IMH So. Central CE, Furriers KYRP1 IxiWNFV HP DEMANDS tor Ansnra wool etcee.i anrniy.

VERNON TMir ete a 1 il VE PRO If 4Bi INTf "RrTvl TNfi News Service HUCKSTONF Rosslc fmm Theodore. HOROCFZ Marth A. from Leo. HRADY Flltaheih A. from Robert Tropical Fish Aquatic Plants F1H FANCIERS Thermotn eau't cook, your flh.


Natlonwidi New Serv. TWO trsves. FO'rtPUT LAWN. li esrh. ChoiC SUNRISE 6LOTE.

Owner. TK. 7718. LUUlllElta, 0. M.

from Arabtli B. S14, L.A, lit ciciuialv uieudiie iteiei..

The Los Angeles Times from Los Angeles, California (2024)
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Author: Ray Christiansen

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Author information

Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

Phone: +337636892828

Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.