The National Allotment Society on LinkedIn: MH-Levels-V8-14.05.2024.pdf (2024)

The National Allotment Society


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Join us in celebrating World Therapeutic Horticulture Day ~ a global celebration of the many health benefits of therapeutic horticulture and connecting with nature, as well as their positive impacts on the environment.The health and wellbeing benefits of gardening are well documented and include better physical health, improved mental health, an opportunity to connect with others, opportunity to learn new skills and to develop an increased connection to nature.We are pleased to share a paper that has been created providing clarity on how gardening can be used to support a range of mental health needs.#worldtherapeutichorticultureday #wthd #gardeningforhealth #5levelsmentalhealth #socialandtherapeutichorticulture #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek #NationalAllotmentSociety #AllotmentGardening



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    The National Society of Allotment and Leisure Gardeners is deeply honoured that His Majesty King Charles III will continue in his role as our Royal Patron.Mike Farrell, Chair for the NSALG, commented:“Following a review of Patronages, to mark the first anniversary of His Majesty’s Coronation, we are extremely grateful and delighted that His Majesty King Charles III has confirmed his continued support. His deep passion for gardening, commitment to environmental causes and steadfast dedication to preserving the UK's rich traditions make him an invaluable advocate for our mission.”We would like to extend our gratitude to His Majesty for his continuous support since he was the Prince of Wales.#RoyalPatronage #RoyalPatron #HMTheKing #KingCharles #RoyalFamily #NationalAllotmentSociety #AllotmentGardening

    • The National Allotment Society on LinkedIn: MH-Levels-V8-14.05.2024.pdf (6)


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  • The National Allotment Society


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    We are thrilled to introduce our two new National Allotment Society ambassadors!🌱Meet Zoe Claymore, an RHS multi-award-winning Garden Designer. Zoe's accolades include clinching the prestigious 2023 Gold Medal, along with the titles of 'Best Get Started Garden' and 'People’s Choice Award' at the 2023 RHS Hampton Court Flower Show. With a background in designing for cultivation, Zoe has already begun sharing invaluable design insights with our members and elevating the profile of NAS across media platforms. Follow her own allotment journey on Instagram at up, we have Sarah Owen-Hughes, an accomplished Horticulturalist and the Head Gardener at Rudding Park Hotel & Spa in Harrogate. Sarah oversees the flourishing gardens, including the highly productive one-acre Kitchen Garden. With a track record that spans from serving as a bio-strategist at a prominent agriculture facility to lecturing in horticulture and earning recognition with a Branch Commendation from the Chartered Institute of Horticulture in 2023 for her outstanding contributions to Horticulture Education, Sarah brings a wealth of expertise to our ambassadorship team.Join us in welcoming Zoe and Sarah as they inspire us and champion the allotment movement🌱 #NationalAllotmentSociety #Ambassadors #AllotmentGardening

    • The National Allotment Society on LinkedIn: MH-Levels-V8-14.05.2024.pdf (10)
    • The National Allotment Society on LinkedIn: MH-Levels-V8-14.05.2024.pdf (11)


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  • The National Allotment Society


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    🌍🌱 Happy Earth Day! 🌱The National Allotment Society are proud to celebrate this year's theme: Planet vs Plastics. 🌎Growing your own fruit and vegetables is not only good for your health but also for the planet. Here’s how:🌱 Reduce plastic packaging: Overflowing recycling bin anyone? By growing your own produce, you can significantly reduce the need for shop-bought fruits and veggies, which often come packaged in plastic. Home or allotment growing eliminates those plastic bags and containers, and supplies fresh, plastic-free produce from garden to plate.🌱 Cut down on food miles: When you grow your own food, you're cutting down on the distance it travels to reach your plate. This means fewer carbon emissions from transportation, helping to combat climate change and reduce our carbon footprint.🌱 Promote biodiversity: Allotment gardens provide a haven for wildlife, from bees and butterflies to birds and beneficial insects. By cultivating a diverse range of fruits, vegetables, and flowers, you're creating a thriving ecosystem that supports biodiversity and helps to protect our planet's delicate balance. 🐝 🌱 Educate and inspire: By growing your own food, you're not just nourishing your body, but also inspiring others to do the same. When you share your growing journey with friends, family, and the wider world, you show them how easy and rewarding it can be to grow your own food while reducing plastic consumption and saving the planet. This Earth Day, let's commit to making a positive difference for our planet. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or just getting started, pat yourself on the back. Every small step counts towards a greener, more sustainable future 🌱 🌎#EarthDay #PlanetVsPlastics #GrowYourOwn #SustainableLiving #AllotmentGardening #ReducePlasticWaste #SaveThePlanet

    • The National Allotment Society on LinkedIn: MH-Levels-V8-14.05.2024.pdf (14)


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The National Allotment Society on LinkedIn: MH-Levels-V8-14.05.2024.pdf (17)

The National Allotment Society on LinkedIn: MH-Levels-V8-14.05.2024.pdf (18)


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The National Allotment Society on LinkedIn: MH-Levels-V8-14.05.2024.pdf (2024)
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Author: Duncan Muller

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Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

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Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.